12th English Prepositions




Exercise 1


1.      Mecca is sacred _____ the Muslims. 2635001

(a)  on                                            (b)        at

(c)  to                                             (d)        for

2.      I apologized _____him for my mistake.

(a)  on                                            (b)        at                                 12635002

(c)  for                                           (d)        to

3.      Neither boast _____your wealth nor scoff at others.                                                                                                      12635003

(a)  at                                             (b)        for      

(c)  of                                             (d)        off

4.      Neither try to boast of your knowledge nor scoff _____the poor.                                      12635004

(a)  at                                             (b)        on       

(c)  over                             (d)        off

5.      The river abounds _____fish.                   12635005

(a)  in                                             (b)        to        

(c)  about                           (d)        on

6.      I absolved him _____his promise. 12635006

(a)  off                                           (b)        from   

(c)  under                           (d)        on

7.      It is easy to accustom oneself _____bad habits.                                                                             12635007

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  by                                            (d)        with

8.      He would rather die of hunger than live _____begging.                                                                  12635008

(a)  of                                             (b)        from   

(c)  on                                            (d)        with

9.      Brave men always adhere _____their beliefs.

(a)  with                             (b)        along                12635009

(c)  to                                             (d)        from

10.     They are so careless _____others.

(a)  for                                           (b)        about               12635010

(c)  on                                            (d)        with


Exercise 2


 1.      My ideas are different _____yours. 12635011

(a)  to                                 (b)        about                           

(c)  from                (d)        at


 2.      I am fed up _____this kind of work. 12635012

(a)  for                               (b)        about                            

(c)  on                                (d)        with

 3.      It is useless to argue _____ a fool.  12635013

(a)  for                               (b)        with    

(c)  on                                (d)        after

 4.      He attributes his grand success in the examination _____ hard work.     12635014

      (a)  for                               (b)        about

(c)  on                                (d)        to

 5.      The labourers are clamouring _____higher wages.                                                                                       12635015

(a)  for                               (b)        over    

(c)  on                                (d)        after

 6.      It is difficult to collaborate _____a fool.      

(a)  with                 (b)        in                                             12635016

(c)  on                                (d)        after

 7.      The boy was bent upon going to the cinema but he was short  _____ money.  12635017

(a)  in                                 (b)        over                            

(c)  on                                (d)        of

 8.      They were bent _____ going to the party but they were short of time.                    12635018

(a)  in                                 (b)        over    

(c)  upon                (d)        of

 9.      Being disappointed in love, she was disappointed _____life.                                 12635019

(a)  from                (b)        over    

(c)  on                                (d)        with

10.     His disappointment _____business caused his disappointment with life.                     12635020

(a)  in                                 (b)        over                                        

(c)  on                                (d)        of

Exercise 3


 1.      He is suitable _____this job.                      12635021

(a)  in                                 (b)        for      

(c)  on                                (d)        with

 2.      He is deficient _____moral courage.

(a)  since                (b)        on                                            12635022

(c)  in                                 (d)        for

 3.      Yesterday, a car collided _____a motor-cycle.                                                                                     12635023

(a)  on                                (b)        for                                          

                  (c)        with                 (d)        to

 4.      The boy was charged _____theft.  12635024

                  (a)        on                                (b)        for      

            (c)        of                                 (d)        with

 5.      Concentrate _____your work.                    12635025

(a)  on                                (b)        for      

(c)  by                                (d)        with    

 6.      He was not aware _____his fault.     12635026

(a)  of                                 (b)        for      

(c)  by                                (d)        with

 7.      The robbers deprived him _____all his money.                                                                              12635027

(a)  on                                (b)        of                                            

(c)  by                                (d)        with

 8.      He was thankful _____me for timely help.       

(a)  on                                (b)        to                                             12635028

(c)  by                                (d)        with

 9.      I again remind you _____your promise.    

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635029

(c)  by                                (d)        with

10.     Law does not discriminate _____the rich and the poor.                                                             12635030

(a)  of                                 (b)        between          

(c)  in                                 (d)        with


Exercise 4


 1.      We travelled _____road.               12635031

(a)  by                                (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        with

 2.      Why do you insist _____buying this car?     

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635032

(c)  in                                 (d)        on

 3.      I warn you _____the dangers in this adventure.                                                                        12635033

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        on

 4.      The food is adequate _____us.                         12635034      

(a)  for                               (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        on

 5.      He is very eager _____rising in life. 12635035

(a)  for                               (b)        to                

(c)  in                                 (d)        on

 6.      He is afraid _____his enemy for nothing.  

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635036

(c)  in                                 (d)        on

 7.      He deals _____cloth.                                             12635037

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 8.      I called _____his house at 5 o’clock.

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635038

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 9.      He was badly taken _____when he bought a second hand car.                                                       12635039

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

10.     His knowledge of English gives him an advantage _____his friends.                     12635040  

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        over


Exercise 5


 1.      I congratulate you _____your success.

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635041      

(c)  on                                (d)        at

 2.      As I was listening _____his story, I fell asleep.                                                                                  12635042

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 3.      While in Lahore, I came _____many old friends.                                                                                12635043

(a)  of                                 (b)        across 

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 4.      I am tired _____this job.                            12635044

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 5.      I wish I could rely _____you.              12635045

(a)  of                                 (b)        on       

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 6.      Refrain _____telling a lie.                    12635046

(a)  from                (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 7.      He was honourably acquitted _____the charge.                                                                       12635047

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 8.      I am sick  _____your idle talk.                         12635048

(a)  of                                 (b)        to               

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 9.      He was left to repent _____his misdeeds. 

(a)  at                                 (b)        on                                            12635049

(c)  in                                 (d)        of

10.     Never deviate _____the right path. 12635050

(a)  of                                 (b)        to

 (c) in                                 (d)        from


Exercise 6


 1.      She has great affection _____her grandchildren.                                                                                     12635051

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  for                               (d)        at

 2.      He has great confidence _____his assistance.

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635052

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 3.      He has no desire _____fame.                            12635053

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  for                               (d)        at

 4.      The child is fond _____sweets.                  12635054

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 5.      Trust _____God and do the right. 12635055

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 6.      He has no liking _____cards.               12635056

(a)  of                                 (b)        to        

(c)  in                                 (d)        for

 7.      He is prepared ____anything to happen.   

(a)  of                                 (b)        for                                           12635057

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 8.      A drowning man catches _____a straw.      

(a)  of                                 (b)        to                                             12635058

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

 9.      He deals fairly _____his customers.

(a)  with                 (b)        to                                             12635059

(c)  in                                 (d)        at

10.     He is confident _____his success. 12635060

(a)  of                                 (b)        to

(c)  in                                 (d)        at


Exercise 7


 1.      He is partial _____his friends.             12635061

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 2.      I have no prejudice _____foreigners. 12635062

(a)  of                                             (b)        to               

(c)  against                         (d)        at

 3.      He is ambitious _____fame.                12635063

(a)  of                                             (b)        for       

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      I have great respect _____him.       12635064

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  for                                           (d)        at

 5.      He is addicted _____smoking.             12635065

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 6.      He does not care _____me.                        12635066

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 7.      He is content _____his life.                       12635067

(a)  with                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 8.      I am ignorant _____their success.  12635068

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 9.      Take care _____your property.       12635069

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     It is wicked to encroach _____the rights of others.                                                                               12635070

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  on                                            (d)        at

Exercise 8


 1.      I am obliged _____him for his timely help.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635071

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 2.      I am proud _____my country.            12635072

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      He longs _____a car.                                             12635073

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  for                                            (d)        at

 4.      Early rising is good _____health.  12635074

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 5.      I feel sorry _____the poor.                         12635075

(a)  for                                           (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 6.      I did not apply _____leave.                12635076

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  for                                           (d)        at

 7.      The scheme was approved _____the officer.                                                                                       12635077

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        by

 8.      Please attend _____me for a moment.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635078

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 9.      He fell victim _____the disease.    12635079

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     The tea is very hot; I must put some milk _____it.                                                                    12635080

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


Exercise 9


 1.      We must abide _____the rules of country.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635081

(c)  by                                            (d)        at

 2.      He is known _____his medical researches.

(a)  for                                           (b)        to                                 12635082

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      On account of his age he is disqualified _____competing.                                                 12635083 

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  for                                           (d)        at

 4.      I am not concerned _____his affairs. 12635084

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  with                             (d)        at

 5.      Brass consists _____copper and zinc.

(a)  for                                            (b)        in                                 12635085

(c)  of                                             (d)        at

 6.      He has no good cause _____complaint.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635086

(c)  for                                           (d)        at

 7.      The patient is now free _____danger.       

(a)  of                                             (b)        from                12635087

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 8.      Lahore is famous _____its colleges. 12635088

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 9.      He is in the habit of sneering _____everything.                                                     12635089

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     The whole land was suffering _____a financial crisis.                                                                   12635090

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  from                            (d)        at

Exercise 10


 1.      Ghalib’s poetry is remarkable _____its perfection.                                                                        12635091

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 2.      Let us not confuse liberty _____licence.

(a)  with                             (b)        to                                 12635092

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      He is prominent _____his class.     12635093

(a)  of                                             (b)        from   

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      Many delegates abstained _____voting.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635094

(c)  in                                             (d)        from

 5.      He is afraid _____snakes and lizards.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635095

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 6.      Beware _____pickpockets.                        12635096

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 7.      The washerman has come _____clothes.  

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635097

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 8.      The teacher compared the two poets _____each other.                                                       12635098

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  in                                             (d)        to

 9.      He wants to convince you _____his innocence.                                                                             12635099

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     He is very particular _____his clothes.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635100

(c)  about                           (d)        at


Exercise 11


 1.      Why do you not send _____a doctor, if you are ill?                                                                                          12635101

(a)  for                                           (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 2.      Do not shout _____me; I’m not deaf.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635102

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


 3.      I will always stand _____you, no matter what happens.                                                                 12635103

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  by                                            (d)        at

 4.      Vitamins are vital _____health.     12635104

(a)  of                                             (b)        to          

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 5.      He is tired of working hard _____long hours.

(a)  for                                            (b)        to                                 12635105

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 6.      Why are you laughing _____the poor?

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635106

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 7.      Your work is superior _____your brother’s.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635107

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 8.      Put your coat _____and go out for a walk.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635108

(c)  in                                             (d)        on

 9.      The players were all covered _____dust.  

(a)  with                             (b)        to                                 12635109

(c)  from                            (d)        at

10.     I get _____very well with him.                   12635110     

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  on                                            (d)        at


Exercise 12


 1.      Fire broke _____in the cinema hall.

(a)  of                                             (b)        out                       12635111

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 2.      This ship is bound _____Jeddah. 12635112

(a)  for                                           (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      Mirza Ghalib was born _____Delhi.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635113

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      His poems are known _____all students of literature.                                                                           12635114

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 5.      He was true _____his promise.        12635115

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


 6.      The captain froze _____death.                12635116

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 7.      This cheque is _____the Habib Bank.      

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635117

(c)  on                                            (d)        at

 8.      He parted _____his friends with tears in his eyes.                                                                                            12635118

(a)  from                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 9.      I know four poems _____heart.       12635119   

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        by

10.     He was punished _____his misdeeds.       

(a)  for                                           (b)        to                                 12635120

(c)  in                                             (d)        with


Exercise 13


 1.      He cannot pull on _____his wife.  

(a)  with                             (b)        to                                 12635121

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 2.      He stood _____the middle of the room.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635122

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      He is blind _____reason.                           12635123

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      Do not find fault _____other persons.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635124

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 5.      Asim takes _____his father.                      12635125       

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  after                             (d)        at

 6.      My mother stays _____home.                   12635126

(a)  of                                             (b)        to

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 7.      Cats like to sit _____the roof.                   12635127    

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        on

 8.      He does not care _____me.                                12635128       

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 9.      He will arrive _____an hour’s time.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635129

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     He was destined _____become a poet.      

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635130

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


Exercise 14


 1.      He is opposed _____your ideas.    12635131

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 2.      He is proficient _____English.                   12635132   

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      We rejoice _____his success.                      12635133 

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      The crop failed _____want of water.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635134

 (c) in                                             (d)        for

 5.      The brave never yield _____their enemies.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635135

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 6.      They tried to impose _____me.      12635136

(a)  on                                            (b)        to

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

                                                                                                                                                                                                            7.      I want to invest some money _____business.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635137

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 8.      Do not give _____your efforts.        12635138

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        up

 9.      The talks between Palestine and Israel broke _____.                                                                      12635139

(a)  of                                             (b)        down  

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     You can easily cope _____your problems.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635140

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


Exercise 15


 1.      You can count _____my friendship.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635141

(c)  in                                             (d)        on

 2.      We should not meddle _____the affairs of others.                                                                               12635142

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      What is the time _____your watch? 12635143

(a)  by                                            (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      Do not look _____upon the poor.   12635144

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        down

 5.      Prior _____his marriage, he was a dry person.                                                                                     12635145

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        by

 6.      His house is adjacent _____mine.   12635146

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  by                                            (d)        at

 7.      No one can wrestle _____fate.         12635147          

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  with                             (d)        at

 8.      Change _____the better is desirable.                

(a)  for                                           (b)        to                                 12635148

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 9.      Please report ____the boss immediately.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635149

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     He replied _____the negative.                    12635150    

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


Exercise 16


 1.      He was leaning _____the tree.                      12635151

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        against

 2.      He is very active _____politics.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635152

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 3.      Our principal is very kind _____us all.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635153

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

 4.      It was foolish _____them to pay so much.


(a)  by                                            (b)        to        

(c)  in                                             (d)        of

 5.      Everybody was moved _____tears on the tragic death.                                                                   12635155

(a)  of                                             (b)        to        

(c)  into                                          (d)        at


 6.      It is never good to fly into a rage_____trifles.                                                        12635156

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                

(c)  over                             (d)        with

 7.      I have no taste _____detective novels.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635157

(c)  in                                             (d)        for

 8.      Our teacher is _____this committee.

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                     12635158

(c)  on                                            (d)        at

 9.      You must account to the manager _____the money you have taken.                                             12635159       

(a)  of                                             (b)        for      

(c)  in                                             (d)        at

10.     You must account _____the manager for the money you have taken.                                12635160     

(a)  to                                             (b)        for      

(c)  in                                             (d)        at


Exercise 17


 1.      The principal was informed _____the situation by the vice principal.                            12635161

(a)  of                                             (b)        for      

(c)  in                                             (d)        by

 2.      Let’s ponder _____this issue.                     12635162

(a)  of                                             (b)        over    

(c)  in                                             (d)        by

 3.      Differences between the Hindus and the Muslims cannot die _____ with the passage of time.                                                                                      12635163

(a)  of                                             (b)        for      

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

 4.      Differences _____ the Hindus and the Muslims cannot die out with the passage of time.                                                                                 12635164

(a)  between                       (b)        for      

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

 5.      He alighted from he airplane _____Karachi airport.                                                                                         12635165

(a)  between                       (b)        at

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

 6.      He alighted _____the airplane at Karachi airport.                                                                                                          12635166

(a)  between                       (b)        from

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

 7.      What has happened _____your friend?

(a)  of                                             (b)        from          12635167

(c)  to                                             (d)        by

 8.      Consult _____a good doctor about your  illness.                                                                                  12635168

(a)  with                             (b)        of

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

 9.      She was accused _____theft.                            12635169    

(a)  of                                             (b)        from    

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

10.     You should compete _____him for the first position.                                                                           12635170

(a)  of                                             (b)        from    

(c)  out                                           (d)        with


Exercise 18


 1.      They should speak _____me.                     12635171

(a)  of                                             (b)        from    

(c)  to                                             (d)        by

 2.      They were applying _____the new posts.

(a)  of                                             (b)        from                 12635172

(c)  for                                           (d)        by

 3.      I have often found him negligent _____his duties.                                                                         12635173

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        by

 4.      The shop is _____fire.                                           12635174

(a)  of                                             (b)        from

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 5.      He begged pardon _____his rude behaviour.   

(a)  of                                             (b)        from                 12635175

(c)  for                                           (d)        by

 6.      He is fluent _____English.                                 12635176

(a)  of                                             (b)        from

(c)  out                                           (d)        in

 7.      He is used _____drinking.                                  12635177

(a)  to                                             (b)        with

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 8.      He yearns _____a home of his own.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635178

(c)  out                                           (d)        for

 9.      It turned _____that the rumour was false.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635179

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

10.     Have I got that idea across _____you?

(a)  of                                             (b)        to                                 12635180

(c)  out                                           (d)        with


Exercise 19


1.      The director drew _____a new plan.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635181

(c)  out                                           (d)        up

2.      You should not back out_____ your promise.                                                                                12635182

(a)  from                            (b)        with                

(c)  of                                             (d)        on

3.      He burst _____laughter when he saw the picture.                                                                                 12635183

(a)  into                                          (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

4.      You must cut _____your expenses. 12635184

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        down

5.      The rainy season has set _____      .           12635185  

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        in

6.      Why are you making fun _____this poor boy?                                                                               12635186

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

7.      Hard work is the key _____success. 12635187

(a)  to                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

8.      He is vain _____his wealth.                       12635188

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  to                                             (d)        on

9.      I assure you _____my assistance.   12635189

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

10.   They rowed the boat _____the river.12635190

(a)  of                                             (b)        with

(c)  out                                           (d)        in


Exercise 20


 1.      Jimmy has no ear _____music.                  12635191

(a)  of                                             (b)        with

(c)  out                                           (d)        for

 2.      Now, don’t you play false _____me. 2635192

(a)  of                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 3.      I am desirous _____achieving fame. 

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635193

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 4.      He was run _____by a motorist.       12635194

(a)  over                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 5.      He availed himself _____the opportunity.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635195

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 6.      I sat _____the fire to beat the cold.  12635196

(a)  of                                             (b)        by

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 7.      He insisted _____my leaving the room.

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                 12635197

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 8.      The Quaid is held _____high esteem.

(a)  of                                             (b)        in                                 12635198

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 9.      He is bent _____doing mischief.    12635199

(a)  of                                             (b)        with                

(c)  upon                            (d)        at

10.     He succeeded _____winning the prize.

(a)  in                                             (b)        with                 12635200

(c)  out                                           (d)        on


Exercise 21


 1.      I have faith _____his ability to work.

(a)  in                                             (b)        with                 12635201

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 2.      He is very different _____his brother.

(a)  in                                             (b)        with                 12635202

(c)  from                            (d)        on

 3.      Her parents consented _____her marriage.

(a)  in                                             (b)        with                 12635203

(c)  out                                           (d)        to

 4.      My wife is clever _____cooking.    12635204

(a)  in                                             (b)        with

(c)  out                                           (d)        at

 5.      The thief broke _____the house.     12635205

(a)  in                                             (b)        into                 

(c)  out                                           (d)        on


 6.      The battle resulted _____a victory for the Allies.                                                                                 12635206

(a)  in                                             (b)        with    

(c)  out                                           (d)        on

 7.      The teacher has impressed _____us the value of discipline.                                                           12635207

(a)  in                                             (b)        upon   

(c)  out                                           (d)        at

 8.      A knife is to cut _____                                                        12635208

(a)  to                                             (b)        upon   

(c)  with                             (d)        on

 9.      I enquired _____his health.                                    12635209

(a)  in                                             (b)        upon   

(c)  out                                           (d)        after

10.     Keep _____the grass.                                             12635210

(a)  in                                             (b)        off      

(c)  out                                           (d)        on


Exercise 22


 1.      I shall take_____ your case with the principal.                                                                               12635211

(a)  in                                             (b)        upon   

(c)  up                                            (d)        on

 2.      I am surprised _____the news.                         12635212   

(a)  in                                             (b)        upon   

(c)  out                                           (d)        at

 3.      It is expected _____us to do our duty.

(a)  in                                             (b)        upon                12635213

(c)  of                                             (d)        on

 4.      The cat differs _____the dog.                    12635214   

(a)  in                                             (b)        from

(c)  of                                             (d)        on

 5.      I am not _____a hurry.                                                         12635215       

(a)  in                                             (b)        from   

(c)  of                                             (d)        on

 6.      A dog is barking _____a stranger.  12635216

(a)  in                                             (b)        from               

(c)  of                                             (d)        at

 7.      He will accede _____my request for loan.  

(a)  in                                             (b)        with                 12635217

(c)  to                                             (d)        on

 8.      He agreed _____my proposal.             12635218

(a)  in                                             (b)        from   

(c)  of                                             (d)        to

 9.      The gun went _____accidentally.  12635219

(a)  off                                           (b)        from

(c)  of                                             (d)        on

10.     Heroin is fatal _____human life.    12635220

(a)  to                                             (b)        from                                       

(c)  of                                             (d)        on






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