12th Chemistry Subjective



Periodic Classification of Elements

And Periodicity


Q.1      What is Periodic Table? Give its purpose also.                                                       12201001

Q.2      Give brief history of development of periodic table.                                               12201002

Q.3      State Mendeleev’s Law. Give its merits and demerits.                                                    12201003

Q.4      State Modern Periodic Law. Give improvements made by Moseley in Periodic Table.

OR                                                12201004

            How modern periodic law has removed the discrepancies present in Mendeleev’s Law?

Q.5      Give essential features of the periodic table.                                                            12201005

Q.6      Briefly explain Groups and Periods.                                                                         12201006

Q.7      Briefly write down about Lanthanides and Actinides.                                            12201007

1.      Q.8                      Briefly write about                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12201008

      (a)  Group IA,   (b) II-A,   (c)  VII-A    (d)  VIII-A

Q.9      Briefly write about the classification of elements into blocks.                                12201009

Q.10    Discuss metals, non-metals and metalloids of periodic table.                                 12201010

Q.11    Discuss and justify the position of hydrogen in periodic table.                              12201011

Q.12    Give briefly some trends of properties in periodic Table.                                                  12201012

2.      Q.13 Why Elements show gradual change in properties?                                                                                                                  12201013

Q.14    Explain following in detail.                                                                                        

            1.      What is the difference between Atomic and Ionic Radius? Discuss their trends in the periodic table.                                                                                                                 12201014

      2.   Ionization Energy                          12201015     3.      Electron Affinity                     12201016

      4.   Metallic Character                        12201017     5.      Non-metallic Character          12201018

      6.   Melting and Boiling points           12201019     7.      Oxidation state                        12201020

      8.   Conductance                                  12201021     9.      Halides                                     12201022

      10. Hydrides                                         12201023     11.    Oxides                                      12201024

      12. Hydration Energy                         12201025



Q.1      Fill in the blanks.                                         


Mendeleev, in his periodic table, arranged the elements according to their atomic ______.                                                                                                            12201026


Vertical columns in modern periodic table are called __________ and horizontal rows are called __________.                                                                                     12201027


Members of group VIIA are called __________ and “alkali metals” is the family name of __________ group members.                                                          12201028


Metals form __________ oxides and non-metals form __________ oxides.  12201029


Hydrogen can be placed above the groups _______ of the periodic table.       12201030


Shielding effect is actually the __________ due to electrons in between the nucleus and the outermost shell.                                                                                   12201031


Noble gases have the __________ values of ionization energy due to their complete outermost shells.                                                                                               12201032


When a second electron is added to a uninegative ion, the incoming electron is __________ by the already present negative charge.                                      12201033


Due to having partly filled d orbitals __________ metals usually show variable valency.                                                                                                             12201034


Melting and boiling points of halogens ______________ down the group.       12201035

Q.2      Indicate True or False.                                            


In Mendeleev’s table, elements Be, Mg, Zn and Cd are placed in the same group.                                                                                                                    12201036


The second and third periods contain eighteen elements each.                       12201037


Alkaline earth metals are present in Group IIA.                                            12201038


Metals are present in the top right corner of the Periodic table.                     12201039


Metalloids are present in the lower half of Groups IVA, VA and VIA.        12201040


Hydrogen forms uni-negative ion like halogens.                                            12201041


Oxidation state of an element is related to the number of period it belongs. 12201042


Diamond is a good conductor of electricity.                                                    12201043


Melting points of halogens decrease down the group.                                   12201044


Zinc oxide is an example of amphoteric oxides.                                             12201045

Q.3      Multiple choice questions. Encircle the correct answer .                                      12201046

Q.4      What are the improvements made in the Mendeleev’s  Periodic Table                     12201047

Q.5      How the classification of elements in different blocks helps in understanding their chemistry?                                                                                                                     12201048

Q.6      How do you justify the position of hydrogen at the top of various groups?    12201049

Q.7      Why the ionic radii increases than its parent ion in the case of negative ion?             12201050

Q.8      Why ionization energy decreases from top to bottom in a group and increases along a period?                                                                                                                    12201051

Q.9      Why the second value of electron affinity of an element is usually shown with a Positive sign?

3.                  Q.10       Why metallic character increases down the group of metals?                                        12201053

Q.11    Explain the variation in melting points along the short periods.                      12201054

4.                  Q.12       Why the oxidation state of noble gases is usually zero?                                                    12201055

5.                  Q.13       Why diamond is a non-conductor and graphite is a conductor?                         12201056

6.                    Q.14       Give brief reason for the following:                                                                                                            12201057

a)         d and f-block elements are called transition elements.

b)         Lanthanide contraction controls the atomic sizes of elements of 6th and 7th periods.

c)         The melting and boiling points of the elements increase from left to the right upto the middle of s and p block elements and decrease onward.

d)         The oxidation states vary in a period but remain almost  constant in a group.

e)         The hydration energies of the ions are in the following order:

                        Al+3 > Mg2+ > Na+

f)         Ionic character of halides decreases from left to the right in a period.

g)         Alkali metals give ionic hydrides.

h)         Although both sodium and phosphorus are present in the same period of the periodic table yet their oxides are different in nature, Na2O is basic while P2O5 is acidic in character.


    UNIT 2

    s-Block Elements


Q.1      (a)        What are s-block elements?                                                                            12202001

      (b) What are alkali metals? Why are they called so?                                         12202002

            (c)        Give the names, electronic configurations and occurrence of alkali

                        metals.                                                                                                               12202003

Q.2      (a)        What are alkaline earth metals? Why are they called so?                          12202004

(b)       Give the names, electronic configurations and occurrence of alkaline earth metals.                                                                                                       12202005

Q.3      (a)        What is meant by peculiar behaviour of elements?                                      12202006

(b)       Discuss the peculiar behaviour of lithium with respect to the other members of alkali metals.                                                                                                                       12202007

      (c)  What is the cause of this peculiar behaviour?                                              12202008

Q.4      Discuss the peculiar behaviour of beryllium with respect to the other members of alkaline earth metals. What is the cause of this behaviour?                                             12202009

Q.5      Discuss the trends in the chemical properties of alkali metals.                              12202010

Q.6      Discuss trends in chemical properties of alkaline earth metals.                          12202011

Q.7      (a)        Discuss the trends in chemical properties of compounds like oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, nitrates and sulphates of group I-A and II-A elements.  12202012

      (b) Define:-                                                                                                             12202013

      (i)   Washing soda                        (ii)        Soda ash

      (iii)             Lime water                            (iv)       Milk of magnesia

Q.8      (a)        Compare the physical and chemical properties of alkali metals with those of alkaline – earth metals.                                                                                                           12202014

      (b) What happens when:-                                                                                      12202015

      (i)   Lithium carbonate is heated.

      (ii)  Lithium hydroxide is heated to red hot.

      (iii)             Beryllium is treated with sodium hydroxide.

      (iv) Lithium hydride is treated with water.

Q.9      (a)        Describe with diagram the manufacture of sodium by Down’s Cell.     12202016

      (b) Point out the three advantages of this process.


Q.10    (a)        Discuss the commercial preparation of sodium hydroxide by Nelson’s Cell or Diaphragm Cell.                                                                                                       12202018

(b) What are the two major problems in the working of the Nelson’s cell? How are they removed?                                                                                                               12202019

1.      Q.11                                                (a)            What is gypsum?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12202020

      (b) Discuss the role of gypsum in agriculture and industry.                             12202021

      (c)  What is plaster of Paris? How it sets?                                                          12202022

      (d) What is special plaster? What are its different types?                                12202023

      (e)  How is Portland cement made?                                                                     12202024


Q.12    (a)        Define lime.                                                                                                     12202025

      (b) What do you mean by slaking of lime?                                                        12202026

      (c)  What are the applications of lime in agriculture and industry?              12202027



Q.1      Fill in the blanks:     

1.   Alkali metals are __________ reactive than alkaline-earth metals.                                 12202028

2.   Alkali metals decompose water vigorously, producing __________ and hydrogen. 12202029

3.         When heated in a current of dry hydrogen, alkaline earth metals form white crystalline __________ of the type MH2.                                                                                       12202030

4.         The beryllium hydroxide, like the hydroxide of aluminium is amphoteric, while the hydroxides of the other members of the group IIA are __________.                               12202031

5.         The elements of the group IA are termed as alkali metals, because their __________ are alkaline.                                                                                                               12202032

6.   Spodumene is an ore of__________ metal.                                                                        12202033

7.   Alkali metal nitrates on heating give the corresponding __________ and oxygen.


8.   Na2CO3.H2O is the chemical formula of a mineral of sodium which is known as __. 12202035

9.         Metallic bicarbonates are decomposed on heating into their carbonates, alongwith ________ and __________.                                                                                       12202036

10.       Metal nitrates other than the alkali metals on heating decompose into the corresponding metal __________ alongwith the evolution of nitrogen peroxide and oxygen.          12202037

Q.2      Indicate True/False:                                                                                                 

1.   Group IA elements are called alkali metals because their chlorides are alkaline in        nature.            


2.   Alkali metals are very good conductor of electricity.                                                       12202039

3.   The hydroxides of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals are soluble in water.             12202040

4.   Plaster of Paris is hemihydrate.                                                                            12202041

5.         Alkali metals have low melting and boiling points as compared to those of alkaline earth metals.                                                                                                                          12202042

6.         Lithium carbonate is decomposed to its oxide, but the carbonates of the other alkali metals are stable towards heat.                                                                                       12202043

7.   All alkali metal sulphates are insoluble in water.                                                 12202044

8.         Lithium combines with nitrogen to form lithium nitride but other alkali metals do not react with nitrogen.                                                                                                                       12202045

9.   Trona is an ore of lithium.                                                                                                12202046

10. Alkaline earth metals are stronger reducing agents than alkali metals.                12202047

Q.3      Multiple Choice Questions. Encircle the correct answer.                                       12202048

Q.4(a)  Give the names, electronic configurations and occurrence of s-block elements.   12202049

 (b)      Discuss the peculiar behaviour of lithium with respect to the other members of alkali metals.                                                                                                                           12202050

Q.5      Discuss the trends in chemical properties of compounds like oxides, hydroxides, carbonates, nitrates and sulphates of IA and IIA group elements.                     12202051

Q.6      Compare the chemical behaviour of lithium with magnesium.                               12202052

Q.7      (a)        Mention the properties of the beryllium in which it does not resemble with its own family.                                                                                                                           12202053

(b) Why the aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline in nature?                             12202054

Q.8      (a)        Describe with diagram the manufacture of sodium by Down’s cell.          12202055

      (b) Point out the three advantages of this process.                                             12202056

Q.9      (a)        Compare the physical and chemical properties of alkali metals with those of alkaline-earth metals.                                                                                                   12202057

      (b) What happens when?                                                                                      12202058

      (i)   Lithium carbonate is heated.                                                                          12202059

      (ii)  Lithium hydroxide is heated to red hot                                                         12202060

      (iii)             Beryllium is treated with sodium hydroxide.                                                12202061

      (iv) Lithium hydride is treated with water.                                                         12202062       

Q.10    Give formulas of the following minerals:

            (a) Dolomite                                       12202063            

(b) Asbestos                                             12202064            

(c) Halite                                       12202065

            (d) Natron                                          12202066

(e) Beryl                                       12202067            

(f) Sylvite                                      12202068

            (g) Phosphorite                                  12202069

(h) Chile saltpeter                                    12202070

Q.11    Answer the following questions briefly:

(a)        Why alkali and alkaline earth metals are among the reactive elements of the periodic table?                                                                                                                                     12202071

(b)       Why lime water turns milky with CO2 but becomes clear with excess CO2?     12202072

(c)        How is gypsum converted into plaster of paris?                                                    12202073

(d)       Why is 2% gypsum added in the cement?                                                             12202074

(e)        Why is lime added to an acidic soil?                                                                       12202075

(f)        How are lime and sand used to make glass?                                                          12202076

(g)        How is lime mortar prepared?                                                                                12202077


Group III-A And

Group IV-A Elements


Q.1      (a)        Give the names and the electronic configuration of Group IIIA elements of the periodic table.                                                                                                             12203001

            (b)        Discuss some important physical properties of Boron family or Group IIIA elements.                                                                                                                          12203002

Q.2      How IIIA group elements exist in nature? Name their important minerals and write their formulae.                                                                                                    12203003

Q.3      Discuss the peculiar behaviour of Boron with respect to the other members of the Group IIIA elements.                                                                                                   12203004

Q.4 (a) What is Borax? How it occurs in nature?                                                          12203005

            (b)        Describe the commercial preparation of Borax.                                                 12203006

(c)        Write down some important physical properties of Borax.                    12203007

            (d)        Give the reactions of Borax with:                                                                       12203008

                        (i) An Acid              (ii) NH4Cl  (iii) Water

            (e)        What happens when Borax is heated?                                                       12203009

            (f)         What is Borax Bead Test?                                                                                 12203010

            (g)        Outline the principle uses of the Borax.                                                              12203011

            (h)        How does Borax serve as water softening agent?                                               12203012

Q.5      (a)        Give the names and the formulas of acids of boron.                                       12203013

(b)        Which one of the boric acids is stable? How metaboric acid (HBO2) and tetra-boric acid (H2B4O7) and pyroboric acid (H6B4O9) behave in water solution?


(c)        What is boric acid? Describe its preparation on commercial scale.        12203015

            (d)        Give properties and uses of Boric Acid.                                                             12203016

Q.6      (a)        Give the names alongwith the formulas of three important ores of aluminium.


            (b)        How and under what conditions does aluminium react with the following?


            (i)  Oxygen      12203019 (ii) Hydrogen              12203020 (iii) Halogens               12203021

            (iv) Acids         12203022 (v) Alkalies                  12203023 (vi) Salt Solution          12203024

      (c)  Describe the important uses of aluminium.

Q.7      (a)        Give the names, electronic configurations and some important physical properties of Group IVA elements of the Periodic Table.                          12203025

            (b)        What are the common chemical properties of Group IVA elements of the Periodic Table?                                                                                           12203026

            (c)        What is inert pair effect?                                                                                   12203027

Q.8      Discuss the peculiar behaviour of carbon with respect to the other members of Group IVA of the periodic table.                                                                                          12203028

Q.9      Write down names and chemical formulas of some important minerals of carbon and silicon.                                                                                                                                    12203029

Q.10    (a)        Name the important oxides of carbon.                                                   12203030

(b)        Write down some important features of structure of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.                                                                                                                 12203031

Q.11    (a)        What is silica? Name some important types of silica and write down their properties.                                                                                                                          12203032

(b)        What is difference between structure of carbon dioxide and silicon dioxide?

      (c)  What is vitreous silica or silica glass? How is it produced?                    12203033

Q.12    (a)        Discuss the preparation, properties and important uses of following silicates.


      (1)  Sodium Silicate           12203035             (2)        Aluminium Silicate      12203036

      (3)  Talc or soapstone        12203037             (4)        Asbestos                      12203038

      (b)  (i)         How is stoneware Glazed?                                                                     12203039

            (ii)        How is Clay Hardened?                                                                        12203040

Q.13    (a)        What are silicones?                                                                                                    12203041

(b)        Discuss that chemistry of silicon resembles in many respects to that of carbon.                                                                                                                         12203042

      (c)  How are silicones prepared?                                                                  12203043

      (d)  Give a brief summary of the principle properties of silicones.               12203044

      (e)  Outline the uses of silicones.                                                                               12203045

Q.14    (a)        What are semiconductors? Why are they named so?                             12203046

      (b)  What is the effect of temperature on semiconductors?                           12203047

      (c)  Write some important uses of semiconductors.                                                  12203048

Q.15    What are lead pigments? Give their preparations, properties and uses.             12203049


Q. 1     Fill in the blanks:

1.   __________ acid has the chemical formula HBO2.                                                      12203050

2.         Aluminium normally occurs as __________ minerals found in the rocks of outer portion of the earth.                                                                                                                      12203051

3.   Aluminium gives________ gas with hot concentrated H2SO4.                                      12203052

4.         Boron forms __________ bond in its compounds.                                                             12203053

5.         The chemical formula of white lead is __________.                                                          12203054

6.         __________ is the only element with less than four electrons in the outer most shell that is not a metal.                                                                                                                    12203055

7.   In the Group IIIA of the Periodic table, __________ is a semi-metal.                12203056

8.         Borax that occurs as a natural deposit, is called __________.                                 12203057

9.         Cryolite is an important mineral of aluminium and its formula is __________.        12203058

10.       A __________ is a substance that has different resistances to the passage of an electric current under different circumstances.                                                                 12203059

Q.2 Indicate True/False:                                            

1.         Boron always uses all the three of its valence electrons for bonding purposes.         12203060

2.   Diaspore is an ore of carbon.                                                                                                  12203061

3.         Emerald is an ore of aluminium that has the chemical formula Al2O3.2SiO2.2H2O.   12203062

4.   An aqueous solution of borax is feebly acidic in nature.                                               12203063

5.         In case of borax bead test of cupric oxide, the beads are coloured blue in the reducing flame.                                                                                                                                   12203064

6.   Boric acid can be titrated with sodium hydroxide.                                                        12203065

7.   Carbon and silicon are the only non-metals in Group IVA.                                           12203066

8.   PbO is commonly known as litharge.                                                                                      12203067

9.   Basic lead carbonate is a reddish brown pigment.                                                        12203068

10. Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is also called bauxite.                                                           12203069

Q.3 Multiple Choice Questions. Encircle the correct answer.                                         12203070

Q.4 What is the action of an aqueous solution of borax on litmus?                                 12203071

Q.5 Give equations to represent the following reactions.                                                12203072

      (a)  Borax is heated with CoO                                                                                    12203073

(b)              Al2O3 is heated with NaOH solution                                                       12203074

Q.6         Why is aluminium not found as a free element? Explain the chemistry of borax bead test.                                                                                                                          12203075

Q.7 How does orthoboric acid react with:                                                                          12203076

      (a)  Sodium hydroxide         (b)       Ethyl alcohol  

Q.8 How will you convert boric acid into borax and vice versa?                                         12203077

Q.9      Why are liquid silicones preferred over ordinary organic lubricants?               12203078

Q.10    Explain:                                                                                                                        

      (a) CO2 is non-polar in nature.                                                                             12203079

      (b)  CO2 is acidic in character.                                                                               12203080

Q.11    Why is CO2 a gas at room temperature while SiO2 is a solid?                         12203081

Q.12    Give the names and the formulas of different acids of boron.                         12203082

Q.13    What is the importance of oxides of lead in paints?                                        12203083

Q.14       Give the names, electronic configurations and occurrence of Group-IIIA elements of the Periodic Table.                                                                                                            12203084

Q.15       Discuss the peculiar behaviour of boron with respect to the other members of
Group-IIIA elements.                                                                                                  12203085

Q.16    (a)        What is Borax?                                                                                                  12203086

      (b)  Describe its commercial preparation.                                                     12203087

      (c)  Outline the principal uses of borax.                                                       12203088

      (d)  How does borax serve as a water softening agent?                                 12203089

Q.17    (a)        What is boric acid?                                                                                            12203090

      (b)  How is boric acid prepared in laboratory?                                                        12203091

      (c)  Give properties and uses of boric acid.                                                              12203092

Q.18    (a)        Give the names alongwith the formulas of three important ores of aluminium.                                                                                                                       12203093

      (b)  How and under what conditions does aluminium react with the following:    

            (i)  Oxygen, (ii) Hydrogen, (iii) Halogens, (iv) Acids, (v) Alkalies.                   12203094

Q.19    Give the names, electronic configurations and occurrence of Group-IVA elements of the Periodic Table.                                                                                                               12203095

Q.20    Discuss the peculiar behaviour of carbon with respect to the other members of Group
      IV-A of the Periodic Table.                                                                                            12203096

Q.21    (a)        What are silicones?                                                                                            12203097

(b)        Give a brief summary of the principal properties of silicones.               12203098

      (c)  Outline the uses of silicones.                                                                               12203099

      (d)  What are silicates?                                                                                             12203100

      (e)  Describe the important uses of silicates.                                                             12203101


Group VA And VIA Elements



Q.1 (a) Discuss the trend in physical properties of VA elements.                                                12204001

(b) Describe the occurrence of nitrogen and its compounds.                                           12204002

Q.2: Describe oxides of nitrogen with their preparation and reactions.                                                 12204003

Q.3      Write a detailed note on oxyacids of nitrogen.                                                      12204004

Q.4:  (a) Explain the Birkeland and Eyde’s process for the manufacture of nitric acid.  12204005

(b) Discuss reactions and uses of nitric acid.                                                                             12204006

Q5. Write a note on occurrence of Phosphorus and its compounds. Discuss allotropes of phosphorus.                                                                                                                         12204007

Q. 6:    Discuss the trends in physical properties of group VIA elements.                       12204008

Q. 7:    Describe the chemistry of the industrial preparation of sulphuric acid by the contact process.                                                                                                                               12204009

Q8.      Give chemical properties and uses of sulphuric acid.                                           12204010


Q.1      Fill in the blanks:                                                                                                     

1.            The elements __________ of group VA are called metalloids.                                  12204011

2.            During Birkeland and Eyde’s process _______ is prepared from atmospheric oxygen and nitrogen.                                                                                                                         12204012

3.            The tendency to form long chain of atoms is called __________.                             12204013

4.            All the elements of group VIA show the property of __________.                           12204014

5.            Selenium shows two allotropic forms which are called __________ forms.             12204015

6.            Specific gravity of H2SO4 at 18°C is __________.                                                    12204016

7.            H2 is produced by reacting H2SO4 with metals, like __________.                             12204017

8.            The elements of group VA exhibit maximum oxidation state of __________.          12204018

9.            The outermost shell of group __________ elements contain six electrons.                           12204019

10.          Oxygen shows __________ behaviour due. to the presence of unpaired electrons.   12204020

11.          Conc. phosphoric acid acts as a __________.                                                            12204021

12.          Nitrogen is a gas while other elements of the same group are __________.              12204022

13.          Noble metals like gold and platinum are dissolved in __________.                          12204023

14.          Sulphur is different from oxygen because it shows __________ oxidation states.    12204024

15.          HNO3 is used in the manufacture of __________ fertilizers.                                     12204025

Q.2      Indicate True/False:                                     

1.         The metallic character in group VA and VIA elements increases down the group.     12204026

2.         The elements of group VA exhibit maximum oxidation state of +5.                            12204027

3.         Ionization energy of phosphorus is greater than that of nitrogen.                                 12204028

4.         The electronegativity of oxygen is greater than all other elements of groups VA and VIA.                                                                                                                                        12204029

5.         V2O5 is used as catalyst for the oxidation of SO2 to SO3.                                             12204030

6.         The oxides of nitrogen are basic in nature.                                                                    12204031

7.         Aqua regia is prepared by mixing 3 parts of Conc. HNO3 with one part of conc. HCl. 12204032

8.         TNT is prepared by the reaction of nitric acid with toluene.                                         12204033

9.         P2O3 when reacts with cold water gives phosphorus acid and with hot water it gives phosphoric acid.                                                                                                               12204034

10.       Sulphur occurs in many organic compounds of animal and vegetable origins.            12204035

Q.3 Multiple Choice Questions. Encircle the correct answer                                             12204036

Q.4      Short questions:                                                                                            

(i)   How does nitrogen differ from other elements of its group?                                          12204037

(ii)  Why does aqua regia dissolve gold and platinum?                                                         12204038

(iii)       Why the elements of group VIA other than oxygen show more than two oxidation states?                                                                                                                        12204039

(iv) Write down a comparison of the properties of oxygen and sulphur.                        12204040

(v)        Write down the equation for the reaction between conc. H2SO4 and copper and explain what type of reaction is it.                                                                                   12204041

Q. 5.    (a)     Explain the Birkeland and Eyde’s process for the manufacture of nitric acid.


(b)       Which metals evolve hydrogen upon reaction with nitric acid? Illustrate alongwith chemical equations.                                                                                                              12204043

(c)  What is meant by fuming nitric acid?                                                                 12204044

Q.6      (a)        Sulphuric acid is said to act as an acid, an oxidizing agent and a dehydrating agent, describe two reactions in each case to illustrate the truth of this            statement.                                                                                                       12204045

      (b) Give the advantages of contact process for the manufacture of sulphuric acid.

Q.7      (a)        Describe the chemistry of the industrial preparation of sulphuric acid from sulphur by the contact process.                                                                                    12204047

      (b) Why is SO3 dissolved in H2SO4 and not in water?                                       12204048

(c)  Explain the action of sulphuric acid on metals alongwith chemical equations.          12204049

Q.8      Describe the preparation of NO2 gas. Also give its reactions.                                 12204050

Q.9      How PCl3 and PCl5 can be used for the preparation of other chemical compounds?


Q.10    Answer the following questions:

(i)   Describe “Ring test” for the confirmation of the presence of nitrate ions in solution.       

(ii)  NO2 is a strong oxidizing agent. Prove the truth of this statement giving examples.


(iii)       Write down the chemical equations and names of the products formed as a result of the reaction of HNO3 with arsenic and antimony.                                                            12204054

(iv) Give the methods of preparation of PCl3.                                                                      12204055

(v)  P2O5 is a powerful dehydrating agent. Prove giving example.                                             12204056

Q.11    Complete and balance the following chemical equations.                                       12204057

      1.   P + NO2 ¾¾®                                 2.         NO + Cl2 ¾¾®

      3.   H2S + NO ¾¾®                               4.         Pb(NO3)2 ¾¾®

      5.   NO2 + H2O ¾¾®                             6.         NO2 + H2SO4 ¾¾®

      7.   HNO2 + HI ¾¾®                             8.         HNO2+NH3 ¾¾®

      9.   HNO2 + CO(NH2)2  ¾¾®               10.       KNO3+H2SO4 ¾¾®

Q.12    Describe the methods of preparation of phosphorus pentoxide and explain its             reactions.                                                                                                                        12204058

Q.13    Discuss the trends in physical properties of group VIA elements.                          12204059



The Halogens And The Noble Gases


Q1.      Discuss the general characteristics and occurrence of group VIIA elements.    12205001

Q2.         How fluorine differs from the other members of its own group?         12205002

Q3.         Write a note on oxidizing properties of halogens.                                   12205003           

Q4.         Discuss different compounds of halogens and their properties in detail.           12205004

Q5:         What is Bleaching powder? How is it prepared commercially? Give its uses. 12205005

Q6:         Discuss the various commercial uses of halogens and their compounds.         12205006

Q7.      (a) What are noble gases? Explain their inertness on the basis of their electronic configuration.                                                                                                             12205007

(b)       Discuss general properties of noble gases.                                                              12205008

Q8.         What type of compounds are formed by Xenon? Discuss their chemical reactions.


Q9:         a: Write a note on oxyfluorides and oxides of xenon.                             12205010

      b: Write a note on applications of noble gases.   12205011                                             


Q.1         Fill in the Blanks.                                         

(i)   The halogen with the highest electronegativity is _________.                                         12205012

(ii)  HI is __________ agent.                                                                                                   12205013

(iii)          The only halogen acid which is not a strong acid is _________.                            12205014

(iv) Tincture of __________ is common antiseptic.         12205015

(v)           The halogen with the lowest melting and boiling points is ______.                        12205016

(vi) Bleaching powder is prepared from __________ and                       .                              12205017

(vii)         __________ is the halogen which causes burns on the skin which heal slowly.     12205018

 (viii)       __________ is used for making unshrinkable wool.                                                12205019

(ix)          A mixture of __________ and __________ is used for breathing by the sea divers. 12205020

 (x) Noble gas used to fill fluorescent tubes is __________.                                                   12205021

Q.2         Indicate True or False.                                                                                                     

(i)   HF is used for etching glass.                                                                                              12205022

(ii)  HI is weaker reducing agent as compared to HF.      12205023

(iii)          Bleaching powder is completely soluble in water.                                                  12205024

(iv) The formula of perchloric acid is HClO2.                                                                         12205025

(v)  On warming aqueous KOCl disproportionate as follows:                                                12205026

               3KOCl ¾¾®                  2KCl + KClO3

(vi) a - Particles emitted by radioactive elements are ions of radon.                                      12205027

(vii)         Radon is the only one of the noble gases that is radioactive.                                   12205028

(viii)        The molecules of the noble gases are all monoatomic.                                            12205029

(ix) Argon is used to fill electric bulbs.                                                                                    12205030

(x)           The noble gas which is present in the largest amount in atmosphere is krypton.    12205031

Q.3         Multiple Choice Questions. Encircle the correct answer.                                    12205032

Q.4         Short Questions.                            

      (i)      What is “Iodized Salt?                                                                                             12205033

      (ii)     What are Freons and Teflon.                          12205034

               (iii)       Arrange the following ions in order of increasing size:                               12205035

               F-, Cl-, I-, Br-

      (iv)    Why iodine has metallic luster?                                                                               12205036

      (v)     Which halogen sublimes to violet vapours?   12205037

      (vi)    Which halogen is used as an antiseptic?         12205038

               (vii)      Which halogen is used in water treatment to kill bacteria?                         12205039

               (viii)     Name the gas which is used for earthquake prediction.                               12205040

      (ix)    Name the gas which is used in bactericidal lamps.                                                  12205041

Q.5         What is bleaching powder? How it is prepared commercially? Give its uses.     12205042

Q.6         (a)        Discuss the oxides of chlorine.                                                                   12205043

               (b)       What are disproportionation reactions? Explain your answer with an example.

Q.7         Discuss the system of nomenclature used for oxyacids of halogens. Supply your answer with examples.                                                                                                                 12205045

Q.8         (a)        How the halogen acids are ionized in water?                                           12205046

Q.9         In the following sets, arrange the substances in order of the property indicated. Give reasons.                                                                          12205048

(a)  Increasing acidic character                                                                                            12205049

               HClO, HClO2, HClO3, HClO4

(b) Increasing oxidizing power                                                                                             12205050

               F2 > Cl2 > Br2 > I2

Q.10       What happens when bleaching powder reacts with the following reagents; Dil. H2SO4, excess of Conc. H2SO4, NH3, HI and CO212205051

      2CaOCl2 + Conc. H2SO4(excess) ¾¾® CaSO4 + H2O + Cl2­

      2CaOCl2 + dil H2SO4 ¾¾® CaSO4 + CaCl2 + 2HClO¯

      3CaOCl2+2NH3 ¾¾® 3CaCl2 + 3H2O + N2

      CaOCl2+ CO2 ¾¾® CaCO3 + Cl2                               OR

      2CaOCl2 + H2O + CO2 ¾¾® CaCO3 + CaCl2 + 2HOCl

Q.11       Discuss the various commercial uses of halogens and their compounds.          12205052

Q.12       What are noble gases? Explain their inertness on the basis of their electronic configuration.                                                                          12205053

Q.13       Write notes on the followings:                                                                                           

      (i)     Oxyfluorides of xenon.                                                                                           12205054

      (ii)    Applications of noble gases                                                                                    12205055



Transition Elements


Q1.                                                   What are transition elements? Discuss general characteristics of transition elements.


Q2.         What are coordination compounds? Discuss their components with suitable            examples.                                                                                                                  12206002

Q3.         Describe the rules for naming the coordination complexes and give examples.  12206003

Q4.         (a) What are the important ores and commercial forms of Iron?         12206004

(b) How can Wrought iron be manufactured from cast iron?                                       12206005           

Q5.         (a) What is steel? How is it classified?                                                     12206006

(b)          Give methods for the manufacture of steel?                                            12206007

Q6.         Define corrosion. Explain acid and electrochemical theory of corrosion in detail.


Q7.         Describe how corrosion of metals can be prevented?                             12206009


Q.1         Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                  

1.            The property of paramagnetism is due to the presence of_____ electrons.             12206010

2.            MnO41- ion has __________ colour and Cr2O72- has __________ colour.             12206011

3.            When potassium chromate is treated with an acid __________ is produced.          12206012

4.            The d-block elements are located between _________ and __________ elements.  12206013

5.            Oxidation number of Fe in K4[Fe(CN)6] is _____ while in K3[Fe(CN)6] it is___.   12206014

6.   The presence of __________ in a metal promotes corrosion.                                          12206015

7.   If Cu is in contact with Aluminium __________ gets corroded.                                      12206016

8.   Complexes having sp3d2 hybridization have __________ shapes.                                   12206017

9.            In naming the complexes, all the ligands are named in __________.                      12206018

10.          In an aqueous solution CrO42- and Cr2O72- exist in the form of __________.        12206019

Q.2         Indicate True or False.

1.            A substance which is attracted into a magnetic field is said to be diamagnetic.      12206020

2.   Compounds of the transition elements are mostly coloured.                                            12206021

3.   Fe3+ ions are blue when hydrated.                                                                                     12206022

4.   An extreme case of paramagnetism is called diamagnetism.                                           12206023

5.   Tin plating is used to protect iron sheets from corrosion.                                                 12206024

6.   In Galvanizing, Zinc prevents corrosion of iron. 12206025

7.            Tin plated iron gets rusted more rapidly when the protective coating damaged than unplated iron.                                                                        12206026

8.   The name of anionic ligands in a complex end in suffix ‘O’.                                           12206027

9.   Pig iron contains greater percentage of carbon than steel.                                               12206028

10.          Complex compounds having dsp2 hybridization have tetrahedral geometry.          12206029 

Q.3         Multiple Choice Questions. Encircle the correct answer                                     12206030

Q.4         How does the electronic configuration of valence shell affect the following properties of the transition elements?                                                                                                        12206031

      (a)    Binding energy                                                 (b)   Paramagnetism

      (c)    Melting points                                                  (d)   Oxidation states

Q.5         Explain the following terms, giving examples.                                                     12206032

      (a)    Ligands     12206033                                            (b)   Coordination sphere             12206034

      (c)    Substitutional alloy  12206035                            (d)   Central metal atom               12206036

Q.6         Describe the rules for naming the coordination complexes and give examples. 12206037

Q.7         What is the difference between wrought iron and steel? Explain the Bessemer process for the manufacture of steel.                                                                                                       12206038

Q.8         Explain the following giving reasons:                                                                   12206039

      (a)    Why damaged tin plated cause should be avoided?                                            12206040

      (b)    Under what conditions aluminium corrodes?                                                      12206041

      (c)    How does the process of galvanizing protect iron from rusting?                       12206042

Q.9         How chromate ions are converted into dichromate ions?                                  12206043

Q.10       Describe the preparation of KMnO4 & K2CrO4.                                                 12206044

Q.11       Give systematic names to following complexes.                                                   12206045

      (a)    [Fe(CO)5]           12206046                             (b)         [Co(NH3)6]Cl3                                12206047

      (c)    [Fe(H2O)6]+2        12206048                                     (d)         Na3[CoF6]                                             12206049 

      (e)    K2[Cu(CN)4]     12206050                              (f)          K2[PtCl6]                                12206051

      (g)    [Pt(OH)2(NH3)4]SO4 12206052           (h)      [Cr(OH)3(H2O)3]                12206053


Fundamental Principles of

Organic Chemistry


Q1a.  What is organic chemistry? Explain the importance of Wohler’s work in the development of organic chemistry.                                                                                               12207001

b.   Discuss some characteristic features of organic compounds.                         12207002           

c.   What are the sources of organic compounds?                                                  12207003

d.   What is the importance of organic chemistry?                                                 12207004

Q2.         Write a short note on cracking of hydrocarbons.                                               12207005

Q3.         Explain reforming of petroleum with the help of suitable example.     12207006

Q4.         How organic compounds are classified? Give suitable example of each type. 12207007

Q5. What is meant by functional group? Name typical functional groups containing oxygen.

Functional Groups:                                                                                                                               12207008

Q.6. What is orbital hybridization? Explain sp3, sp2 and sp modes of hybridization of carbon.



Q.1         Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                  

1.            Organic compounds having same molecular formula but different _________ are called isomers.                                                                         12207010

2.            The state of hybridization of carbon atom in _________ is sp2.                              12207011

3.            Alkenes show _________ due to restricted rotation around a carbon-carbon double bond.                                                                                   12207012

4.            Heating an organic compound in the absence of oxygen and in the presence of _________ as a catalyst is called cracking.                                                                                                     12207013

5.            A group of atoms which confers characteristic properties to an organic compound is called _________.                                                                        12207014

6.            2-Butene is _________ of l-butene.                                                                         12207015

7.            Carbonyl functional group is present in both _________ and ketones.                   12207016

8.            A heterocyclic compound contains an atom other than _________ in its ring.       12207017

9.            The quality of gasoline can be checked by finding out its _________.                   12207018

10.          A carboxylic acid contains _________ as a functional group.                                12207019

Q.2         Indicate True/False:

1.   There are three possible isomers for pentane.         12207020

2.   Alkynes do not show the phenomenon of cis-trans isomerism.                                        12207021

3.            Organic compounds can not be synthesized from inorganic compounds.               12207022

4.   All close chain compounds are aromatic in nature.                                                          12207023

5.            The functional group present in amides is called an amino group.                          12207024

6.            Government of Pakistan is trying to use coal for power generation.                       12207025

7.            Crude petroleum is subjected to fractional distillation in order to separate it into different fractions.                                                                        12207026

8.            A bond between carbon and hydrogen serves as a functional group for alkanes.     12207027

9.            o-Nitrotoluene and p-nitrotoluene are the examples of functional group isomerism. 12207028

10.          Almost all the chemical reactions taking place in our body are inorganic in nature. 12207029

Q.3         Multiple Choice Questions. Encircle the correct answer.                                    12207030

Q.4.        How are organic compounds classified? Give suitable example of each type. 12207031

Q.5.        What are homocyclic and heterocyclic compounds? Give one example of each.   

(Board 2007) 12207032

Q.6         Write the structural formulas of the two possible isomers of C4H10.                12207033

Q.7      Why is ethene an important industrial chemical?                                                 12207034

Q.8      What is meant by a functional group? Name typical functional groups containing oxygen.                                                                                                                                     12207035

Q.9      What is an organic compound? Explain the importance of Wohler’s work in the development of organic chemistry.                                                                                                     12207036

Q.10    Write a short note on cracking of hydrocarbons.                                                  12207037

Q.11    Explain reforming of petroleum with the help of suitable example.                    12207038

Q.12    Describe important sources of organic compounds.                                              12207039

Q.13    What is orbital hybridization? Explain sp3, sp2 and sp modes of hybridization of carbon.                                                                                                                                                                              12207040

Q.14    Explain the type of bonds and shapes of the following molecules using hybridization approach.                                                                                                                                  12207041

        CH3-CH3, CH2 = CH2, CH º CH, HCHO, CH3Cl

Q.15    Why there is no free rotation around a double bond and a free rotation around a single bond? Discuss cis-trans isomerism.            (Board 2013)                                                            12207042



Aliphatic Hydrocarbons

       Q.1:     What are hydrocarbons? Give their classification.                                          12208001

Q.2:     (a)    According to which system, hydrocarbons are named?                              12208002

      (b) What are the rules for naming alkanes, alkenes and alkynes according to IUPAC            system?                                                                                                                       12208003

1.      Q. 3: Define Alkanes. Give general methods of preparation of alkanes.                                12208004

Q. 4:    Write a note on physical characteristics and reactivity of Alkanes.                    12208005

Q.5:     Why alkanes are called paraffins? Why is sigma bond inert?                             12208006

2.      Q.6: (a) Discuss chemical reactions of Alkanes in detail.                                                                                                                                     12208007

      (b) Give uses of methane.                                                                                   12208008

Q.7: Why are alkenes called olefins? Give general methods of preparation of alkenes. 12208009

Q. 8:    (a)    Discuss physical properties of alkenes.                                                          12208010

      (b) Discuss reactivity of a p bond.                                                                     12208011

                                                                                                                                                                                                             i.      Q.9: Discuss reactions of Alkenes in detail.                                                                                                                           12208012

Q. 10:  Give uses of ethene.                                                                                                   12208013

Q.11: (a)      What are Alkynes?                                                                                          12208014

      (b) Give general methods of preparation of Alkynes.                                     12208015

Q.12:   Discuss physical characteristics of Alkynes and their reactivity.                         12208016

Q.13:   Write a note on addition, oxidation and polymerization reactions of Alkynes.  12208017

Q.14:   Write a note on acidic nature of Alkynes.                                                              12208018

Q.15:   Give uses of ethyne.                                                                                                  12208019

Q.16:   Give comparison of reactivity of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes.                          12208020


Q.1         Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                  

1.                  Ozone reacts with ethene to form ___________.                                                    12208021

2.                  Lindlar’s catalyst is used for ___________ of alkynes.                                          12208022

3.                  Divinyl acetylene is a ___________ acetylene.                                                      12208023

4.                  Vicinal dihalides have two halogens on ___________ carbon atoms.                    12208024

5.                  Ethyne is acidic in character because of ___________ hybridization.                   12208025

6.                  Halohydrins are formed due to addition of ___________ in ethene.                      12208026

7.                  Ethylene glycol is produced when ___________reacts with cold alkaline KMnO4 solution.                                                                                                                 12208027

8.                  Mustard gas is a high boiling ___________.                                                           12208028

9.                  Ethyne has ___________ like odour.                                                                      12208029

10.              Ethyne is obtained by the reaction of ___________ with calcium carbide.            12208030


Q.2         Indicate True/False:

1.      Addition of HX to unsymmetrical alkanes takes place according to Markownikov’s rule.


2.      Methane reacts with bromine water and its colour is discharged.                              12208032

3.      Mustard gas is a blistering agent.                                                                               12208033

4.      Methane is also called marsh gas.                                                                              12208034

5.      Ethyne is a saturated compound.                                                                                12208035

6.      Baeyer’s reagent is used to locate a double bond in an alkene.                                 12208036

7.      Alkanes usually undergo substitution reactions.                                                        12208037

8.      Benzene is a polymer of ethene.                                                                                 12208038

9.      Acrylonitrile can be obtained from ethyne.                                                                12208039

10.  Ethyne is more reactive towards electrophilic reagents than ethene.                         12208040

Q.3.     Multiple choice questions. Encircle the correct answer.                                            12208041

Q.4.     Write the structural formula for each of the following compounds.             

      (i)   2-Methylpropane.                    12208042 (ii)        Neopentane.                            12208043

            (iii)       3-Ethylpentane                        12208044 (iv)       4-Ethyl 3,4 dimethyl heptane  12208045

            (v)        2,2,3,4 Tetramethyl pentane   12208046 (vi)       4-iso-propylheptane.               12208047

      (vii)            2,2-Dimethylbutane.               12208048 (viii)     2,2-Dimethylpropane              12208049

Q. 5.    Write down the names of the following compounds according to IUPAC system.


Q. 6.    What are the rules for naming alkanes? Explain with suitable examples.      12208051

Q. 7.             (a)           Write down the structural formulas for all the isomeric hexanes and name them according to IUPAC system.                                                                             12208052

 (b) The following names are incorrect. Give the correct IUPAC names.                       12208053

Q. 8.             (a)           Explain why alkanes are less reactive than alkenes? What is the effect of branching on the melting points of alkanes?                                                   12208054

3.      (b) Three different alkenes yield 2-Methylbutane when they are hydrogenated in the presence of a metal catalyst. Give their structures and write equations for the reactions involved.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12208055

Q. 9.    (a)    Outline the methods available for the preparation of alkanes.                   12208056

                     (b)           How will you bring about the following conversions?                                   12208057

      (i)   Methane to Ethane                           12208058 (ii)       Ethane to Methane                12208059

            (iii)    Acetic acid to Ethane               12208060 (iv)       Methane to Nitromethane  12208061

Q. 10.  (a)     What is meant by Octane Number? Why does a high octane fuel has less tendency to knock in an automobile engine?                                                        12208062

      (b) Explain free radical mechanism for the reaction of Chlorine with methane in the                         presence of sunlight.                                                                                     12208063

Q. 11.  (a)     Write structural formulas for each of the following compounds.              

            (i)         iso – Butylene                         12208064 (ii)2,3,4,4 – Tetramethyl – 2 – pentene 12208065

            (iii)       2, 5 – Heptadiene                    12208066 (iv)       4,5 – Dimethyl – 2 – hexene      12208067

      (v)  Vinylacetylene                        12208068 (vi)       1,3 – Pentadiene                     12208069

      (vii)            1 - Butyne                               12208070 (viii)3 – n propyl – 1, 4 – Pentadiene 12208071

      (ix) Vinylbromide                          12208072 (x)        But - 1 en - 3 - yne               12208073

      (xi) 4 – Methyl – 2 – pentyne        12208074 (xii)      iso-Pentane                              12208075

            (b)    Name the following Compounds by IUPAC system.                                    12208076

            (i)      CH3–CH=CH(CH2)2CH3                                                                                                             

           (ii)     (CH3)2 C = CH2                                                                                    




(iv) CH2 = CH – CH = CH2                                                                           

 (v) CH2 = C – CH2– CH2– CH3                                



 (vi)      CH º C – CH3                                                                                   

 (vii)     CH3 – C º C – CH3                                                                                       

 (viii)    CH2 = CH – C º C – CH = CH2                                                                    

 (ix)      CH º C – CH = CH – C º C – H                                                                   

 (x) CH2 = CH – C º C – H                                                                            

Q.12.   (a)     Describe different methods for the preparation of alkanes. How would you establish that ethylene contains a double bond?                                          12208077

(b)       Give structural formulas of the alkenes expected to form by the dehydrohalogenation of the following compounds by a strong base.                                                  12208078

      (i)   Chloropentane                                                                                                           12208079

      (ii)  2 – Chloro – 3 – methyl butane                                                                    12208080

      (iii)          1 – Chloro – 2, 2 – dimethyl propane                                                             12208081

(i)   Dehydrohalogenation of chloropentane.                                                                       12208082

Q.13    (a)     Write down chemical equations for the preparation of propene from the following compounds.                                                                                           12208083

      (i)   CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – OH        12208084 (ii)        CH3 – C º C – H                    12208085

      (iii)          iso – Propyl chloride                12208086

(b)       Write skeleton formula showing only the arrangement of carbon atoms for all possible alkenes of the molecular formula C5H10.                                                                            12208087

Q.14    (a)     How may ethene be converted into ethylalcohol?                             12208088

(b) Starting from ethene, outline the reactions for the preparation of following compounds.          

      (i)   (1,2–Dibromoethane) Ethylene dibromide                                     12208089

      (ii)  Ethyne                                                                                                            12208090

      (iii)          Ethane                                                                                                   12208091

      (iv) Ethylene glycol                                                                                              12208092

(c)  How will you bring about the following conversions?                         12208093            

      (i)   1 – Butene to 1–Butyne                                                                     12208094

      (ii)  1 – Propanol to                                            12208095

Q.15    Show by means of chemical equations how the following cycle of changes may be affected.                                                                                                                    12208096


Ethane ¾¾¾® Ethene ¾¾¾® Ethyne

Q.16    Write down structural formulas for the products that are formed when
1 – butene will react with the following reagents.                                                     12208097

      (i)   H2, Pt.                   12208098                            (ii)           Br2 in CCl4                      12208099

      (iii)             Cold dil KMnO4/OH-                    12208100   (iv)       HBr                             12208101

      (v)  O2 in the presence of Ag                            12208102    (vi)       HOCl                          12208103

      (vii)            Dil H2SO4                                                     12208104                    

Q.17    In the following reactions, identify each lettered product.                             12208105

(i)         Ethyl alcohol A B  C                                    12208106

(ii)  Propene  D  E  F                                                   12208107

Q.18.   After an Ozonolysis experiment, the only product obtained was acetaldehyde, CH3CHO. Can you guess the structural formula of this compound?                    12208108

Q.19.   (a)        The addition of Sulphuric acid to an alkene obeys Markownikov’s Rule,predict the structures of the alcohols obtained by the addition of the acid to the following compounds.                                                                                                               12208109

      (i)   Propene                             (ii)     1 – Butene    (iii)       2- Butene                   

(b)       Predict the most likely product of the addition of HCl to 2 – Methyl – 2 – butene. Explain the formation of this product.                                                    12208110

Q.20.   Why are some hydrocarbons called saturated and other unsaturated? What type of reactions are characteristics of them?                                                                      12208111

Q. 21.  (a)     Describe methods for the preparation of Ethyne.                                        12208112

            (b)    How does ethyne reacts with                                                                          12208113

                     (i)      Hydrogen                                                                                                 12208114

                     (ii)     Halogen acid                                                                                            12208115

                     (iii)    Alkaline KMnO4                                                                                     12208116

                     (iv)    10% H2SO4 in the presence of HgSO4                                                                   12208117

            (v)     Ammonical cuprous chloride                                                                          12208118

            (c)     Mention some important uses of methane, ethene and ethyne.                   12208119

Q.22.   Describe how you could distinguish ethane, ethene and ethyne from one another by means of chemical reactions.                                                                                 12208120

Q.23.   (a)     How will you synthesize the following compounds starting from ethyne? 12208121

(b)        Write a note on the acidity of ethyne.                                                                    12208122

Q.24.            (a)           Compare the reactivity of ethane, ethene and ethyne.                   12208123

      (b)          Compare the physical properties of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes. 12208124

4.      Q.25. How does propyne react with the following reagents?                                                                                                         12208125

(a)  AgNO3/NH4OH                     12208126             (b)      Cu2Cl2/NH4OH         12208127

(c)  H2O/H2SO4, HgSO4                   12208128

Q.26.   A compound has a molecular formula C4H6 when it is treated with excess hydrogen in the presence of Ni-catalyst, a new compound C4H10 is formed. When C4H6 is treated with ammonical silver nitrate solution a white precipitate is formed. What is the structural formula of the given compound?                                                    12208129

5.      Q.27.                                               (a)            Identify A and B                                                                                                                                                                                                               12208130           

      CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – OH  A  B

 (b)   Give the general mechanism of electrophilic addition reactions of alkenes.   12208131








Q1:      What are aromatic hydrocarbons? Discuss their classification in detail.           12209001

                                                                                                                                                                                                              i.      Q2: Discuss Nomenclature of Aromatic hydrocarbons.                                                           12209002

Q3:         (a)        When and how Benzene was discovered? Discuss why straight chain                                  structures of Benzene were ruled out.                                                     12209003

        (b)    Discuss structure of Benzene proposed by Kekule.                                12209004

      (c)     What were the objections to Kekule’s formula of structure of benzene?


Q4:         (a)        Describe the structure of benzene on the basis of:                                 12209006

i)                   Atomic orbital treatment                                                               12209007

ii)                 The resonance method                                                                  12209008

      (b)    Discuss the stability of Benzene by Resonance method.                        12209009

Q5:         Discuss different methods of preparation of benzene in detail.                                    12209010

Q6.         (a)        Discuss general pattern of reactivity of Benzene towards electrophiles.


        (b)    Write a note on halogenations, sulphonation and Nitration of Benzene with                         their mechanism.                                                                                       12209012

6.                        Q7.      (a)  What are Friedel-crafts reactions? Explain Friedel-crafts alkylation and acylation reactions with examples. Also give their mechanism.                                                    12209013

7.                                    (b)  Discuss the reactions of benzene in which benzene ring is involved.         12209014

8.        Q8: (a)  What is meant by “orientation is Electrophilic substitution reactions?  12209015

9.      (b)  What are ortho, para and meta-directing groups?                                                                                                                                    12209016

10.  Q9: How will you compare the reactivities of Alkanes, Alkenes and Benzene?  122090017


Q. 1.       Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                              

1.            The term aromatic was derived from Greek word ________ meaning ________. 12209018

2.            Aromatic hydrocarbons include benzene and all those compounds which are ________ related to benzene.                                                                                                       12209019

3.            _____ is recognized as the simplest member of the class of Aromatic Hydrocarbons. 09(001)

4.            Benzene has ________ structure.                                                                            12209020

5.            The removal of hydrogen atom from benzene molecules gives a radical. The radicals of aromatic hydrocarbons are called ________.                                                 12209021

6.            Benzene was discovered by Michael Faraday in __________.                               12209022

7.            The unhybridized 2pz orbitals in benzene partially overlap to form a ____________ of electron cloud.                                                                                                           12209023

8.            The introduction of halogen group in benzene ring is called ________.                 12209024

9.            The molecular formula of C6H6 indicates that it is highly __________ compound. 12209025

10.          On oxidation in the presence of V2O5 benzene gives ________.                            12209026

Q. 2.       Indicate True/False:                                                                                                          

1.            Benzene is more reactive than alkene and less reactive than alkane.                      12209027

2.            Benzene has a pentagonal structure.                                                                        12209028

3.            The C-C bond length in benzene molecule is 1.397 .                                          12209029

4.            The site of hybridization of carbon in benzene molecule is sp3.                             12209030

5.            There are six sigma bonds in benzene molecule.                                                     12209031

6.           Halogenonium ion produced in electrophilic substitution reactions is a powerful electrophile.                                                                                                  12209032

7.            In electrophilic substitution reactions, addition products are favourable.               12209033

8.            Sulphonation is carried out when benzene is heated with conc. HNO3.                 12209034

9.            In ozonolysis benzene directly gives glyoxal.                                                          12209035

10.          Benzene has five resonance contributing structures.                                               12209036

Q3.         Multiple – Choice questions:                                                                                 12209037

Q. 4.    What are aromatic hydrocarbons? How are they classified?                              12209038

11.  Q. 5.                 What happens when                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

      (a)     Benzene is heated with Conc. H2SO4 at 250°C                                       12209039

               (b)       Chlorine is passed through benzene in sunlight.                                    12209040

               (c)        A mixture of benzene vapours and air are passed over heated vanadium pentoxide.                                                                                                         12209041

               (d)       Benzene is burnt in free supply of air.                                                     12209042

12.  Q. 6.    What is meant by the terms:                                                                                                                                                                                    12209043

      (i)      Aromatic                                         (ii)        Oxidation

      (iii)    Sulphonation                                  (iv)       Nitration

      (v)     Halogenation

Q. 7.       (a)  Draw the structural formulas for the following compounds                       12209044

(i)   m-chlorobenzoic acid                  

(ii)  p-Hydroxybenzoic acid

(iii)          o-Bromonitrobenzene                     

(iv) o-Ethyl toluene

(v)  p-Nitroaniline                        

(vi) 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene

(vii)      m–Nitrophenol

(viii)        p-Dibenzylbenzene

(ix) 2-Amino-5-bromo-3-nitrobenzene sulphonic acid

(b)       Give names and the possible isomeric structures of the following:                     12209045

      (i)      Xylenes                          (ii)     Trimethyl benzene               (iii)       Bromonitrotoluene

Q. 8.       Write IUPAC names of the following molecules.                                                12209046

Q. 9.           Give general mechanism of the electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions.   12209047

Q.10.      (a)        Describe the structure of benzene on the basis of following:                 12209048

                           (i)   Atomic orbital treatment

                           (ii)  Resonance method.

               (b)       Prove that benzene has a cyclic structure.                                               12209049

Q. 11.         Predict the major products of bromination of the following compounds.     12209050

      (a)     Toluene                                           (b)       Nitrobenzene

      (c)     Bromobenzene                                (d)       Benzoic Acid

      (e)     Benzaldehyde                                 (f)        Phenol

Q.12           How will you prepare the following compounds from benzene in two steps.                  12209057            

      (a)     m-chloronitrobenzene.       (b)       p-chloronitrobenzene.

Q.13           Complete the following reactions. Also mention the conditions needed to carry out these reactions.  12209058

Q.14.          Detail out three reactions in which benzene behaves as if it is saturated hydrocarbon and three reactions in which it behaves as if it is unsaturated.                                                12209059

Q.15.          What are Friedel Crafts reactions? Give mechanism with example of the following reactions;                                                                                                                                                        12209060

               (i)         Friedel Crafts alkylation reactions                                                           12209061

               (ii)        Friedel Crafts acylation reactions                                                            12209062



   Alkyl Halides

Q1.      (a)     What are alkyl halides? How are they classified?                                        12210001

      (b) Discuss nomenclature of Alkyl halides.                                                      12210002

1.      Q2: Discuss different methods of preparation of Alkyl halides.                                                                                                            12210003

2.      Q3:                                                 (a)            What factors affect the reactivity of alkyl halides?                                                                                  12210004

(b) Discuss Nucleophlilic Substitution reactions of alkyl halides.                  12210005

Q4:      What are b-Elimination reactions? Discuss with the help of examples.


Q5.      Discuss some reactions of Alkyl halides which have synthetic importance. 12210007

Q6:      What are Grignard Reagents? How are they prepared? Discuss their reactivity.


Q7:      Give synthetic applications of Grignard’s reagents.                                             12210009


Q. 1.    Fill in the blanks:

                        (i)         In tertiary alkyl halides the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to __________ carbon atoms directly.                                         12210010

                        (ii)        The best method for the preparation of alkyl halides is the reaction of __________ with inorganic reagents.                                                                               12210011

                        (iii)       An alkyl group with a partial positive charge on the carbon atom is called __________ centre.                                                                                        12210012

                        (iv)       The mechanism is called __________ if it involves one molecule in the rate determining step.                                                                                          12210013

                        (v)        Molecularity of a reaction is defined as the number of molecules taking part in the __________.                                                                                                   12210014

                        (vi)       The molecularity of E2 reactions is always two and the reactions show __________ order kinetics.                                                                                                            12210015

                        (vii)      Wurtz synthesis is useful for the preparation of __________ alkanes.    12210016

            (viii)     Grignard reagents are prepared by the reaction of magnesium metal with alkyl halides in the presence of __________.                                                                        12210017

Q. 2.                Indicate True or False.

 (i)      In secondary alkyl halides, the halogen atom is attached to a carbon which is further attached to two carbon atoms directly.                                                                            12210018

 (ii)     Alcohols react with thionyl chloride in ether as solvent to give alkyl halides.     12210019

 (iii)    Order of reactivity of alkyl halides for a particular alkyl group is Iodide>Bromide>Chloride>Fluoride.                                                                                   12210020

(iv)     In SN2 reactions the attacking nucleophile always attacks from the side in which the leaving group is attached.                                                                                                       12210021

 (v)     Methyl magnesium iodide on hydrolysis yields ethyl alcohol.                               12210022

 (vi)    Primary, secondary and tertiary amines react with Grignard reagents in the same way.


 (vii)   The reactions of secondary alkyl halides may follow both SN1 and SN2 mechanisms. 12210024

 (viii)  SN1 mechanism is a one stage process involving a simultaneous bond breakage and bond formation.                                                                                                                   12210025

 (ix)    In b-elimination reactions the two atoms or groups attached to two adjacent carbon atoms are lost under the influence of an electrophile.                                                  12210026

 (x)     The reactivity order of alkyl halides is determined by the strength of carbon-halogen bond.                                                                                                                                        12210027

Q3.      Multiple-choice questions.

Q.4     Define alkyl halides. Which is the best method of preparation of alkyl halides?          12210028

Q. 5.   Write down a method for the preparation of ethyl magnesium bromide in the laboratory.                                                                                                       

Q. 6.   Give IUPAC names of the following compounds.                                                     

Q. 7.    Draw all the possible structures that have the molecular formula C6H13Cl. Classify each as primary, secondary or tertiary chloride. Give their names according to IUPAC system.                                                                                            12210031

Q.8     Using ethyl bromide as a starting material how would you prepare following compounds. Give also the reagent and conditions necessary for these reactions. 12210032

      (a)  n-Butane                    12210033             (b)       Ethyl Alcohol                         12210034

      (c)  Ethyl cyanide             12210035             (d)       Ethane                                    12210036

      (e)  Ethene                        12210037                 (f)        Propanoic acid                       12210038

      (g)  Propane                      12210039             (h)       Ethyl amine                           12210040

Q. 9.   Write a detailed note on the mechanism of nucleophilic substitution reactions.    

Q.10.  What do you know by the term “b-elimination reaction.” Explain briefly the two possible mechanisms of b-elimination reactions.                                                           12210042

Q.11.  What products are formed when following compounds are reacted with ethyl bromide followed by hydrolysis in the presence of.                                                             

            (i)         HCHO                                    (ii)        CH3 – CHO

            (iii)       CO2                                         (iv)       (CH3)2 CO

            (v)                           (vi)       Cl.CN

Q.12.  How will you carry out the following conversions?                                


Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers

Q1:      Define alcohol. Give the classification of alcohols.                                                    12211001

Q.2      Explain the nomenclature of alcohols.                                                                    12211002

Q. 3.    What is wood spirit? How CH3OH is prepared on commercial scale?


Q.4      (a)     Give the preparation of ethyl alcohol by fermentation process.                 12211004

        (b) What is meant by denaturation of alcohol?                                                           12211005

      (c)  Discuss the physical properties of alcohols.                                                            12211006

Q.5      Give the following chemical reactions of alcohols.                                               

      (i)   In which C - O bond is broken                                                                   12211007

      (ii)  In which O - H bond is broken                                                                   12211008

            (a)     With Oxidizing agents

            (b)    With Dehydrating agents

            (c)     With Halogenating agents

2.       Q.6      Give the difference between  

      (i)   Primary,Secondaryand TertiaryAlcohols                                                  12211009

        (ii)  CH3 OH and C2H5OH                                                                                              12211010

Q. 7.    Write down uses of methanol and ethanol.                                                                        12211011

Q. 8.    What is phenol? Explain with examples the nomenclature of phenols.              12211012

Q.9  Give various methods of preparation of phenol and write its physical properties. 12211013

Q. 10.  Phenol is acidic while an alcohol is not. Explain on the basis of their structures. 12211014

Q.11.   (a)     What are the different chemical reactions of phenol. Explain with examples.

            (b)    Give uses of Phenol.                                                                                         12211016

Q.12    Define ether. Give the classification and nomenclature of ethers.                       12211017

Q.13    Give three methods of ether preparation. Write physical and chemical properties of diethylether.                                                                                                            12211018


Q.1      Fill in the blanks.                                                                                                     

            (i)         Primary, Secondary and Tertiary alcohols can be identified by ______test. 12211019

            (ii)        Oxidation of __________ alcohols give ketones.                                          12211020

            (iii)       Alcohols on heating with __________ give alkenes at high temperature.     12211021

            (iv)       Alcohols have __________ boiling points than ethers due to stronger hydrogen     bonding.                                                                                                            12211022

            (v)        Williamsons synthesis is used to prepare __________.                                 12211023

            (vi)       __________is also called wood spirit.                                                           12211024

            (vii)      Carbolic acid is the other name of __________.                                            12211025

            (viii)     Primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols can be prepared by reacting Grignard’s    reagent with______.                                                                                        12211026

            (ix)       Alcohols and __________ react to produce ester.                                          12211027

            (x)        __________ is used as anti-freezing agent in automobile radiator.               12211028

            (xi)       The conversion of starch into alcohol with the help of micro-organisms is called    __________.                                                                                                            12211029

            (xii)      Ketones on reduction give __________ alcohols.                                          12211030

Q. 2.    Write True or False.

            (i)         Methylated spirit contains 95% methyl alcohol and 5% ethyl alcohol.         12211031

            (ii)        Ethyl alcohol is a very good anti-freezing agent.                                           12211032

            (iii)       Methanol is also called wood spirit.                                                               12211033

            (iv)       Only 14% ethyl alcohol can be prepared by fermentation.                            12211034

            (v)        Ethers do not show hydrogen bonding.                                                          12211035

            (vi)       Alcohols are more acidic than phenols.                                                          12211036

            (vii)      Phenol is more soluble in water than lower alcohols.                                    12211037

            (viii)     Alcohols are more basic than ethers.                                                              12211038

            (ix)       Ethers have higher boiling points than alcohols and phenols.                        12211039

            (x)        Methanol and Ethanol can be identified by iodoform test.                            12211040

Note:         Methyl alcohol and ethylene glycol are very good anti-freezing agents. Ethyl alcohol is also an anti-freezing agent but not very good anti-freezing agent.

Q.3      Multiple Choice Questions:                                                                                     


Q.4      What are alcohols? How are they classified? How will you distinguish between primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols?                                                                 12211041

Q.5      How is methyl alcohol obtained on large scale? How it may be distinguished from ethyl alcohol?                                                                                                                        12211042

Q.6      What is fermentation? What compounds may be obtained on industrial scale by fermentation?                                                                                                            12211043

Q.7      Explain the following terms:                                                                                    12211044

            Absolute alcohol, methylated spirit, rectified spirit, denaturing of alcohol.

Q.8      How does ethyl alcohol reacts with:

(i)         Conc. H2SO4                  12211045                 (ii)        Na                   12211046

(iii)       PCl5                                     12211047                 (iv)       CH3COOH     12211048

(v)        SOCl2                                  12211049

Q.9      How will you obtain primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols by reacting Grignard reagent with suitable carbonyl compounds?                                                        12211050

Q.10    How will you distinguish between:                                     

            1.         An alcohol and a phenol                                                                               12211051

            2.         An Alcohol and an ether                                                                              12211052

            3.         Methanol and ethanol                                                                                   12211053

            4.         A tertiary alcohol and a primary alcohol                                                   12211054

            5.         1-Propanol and 2-Propanol                                                                          12211055

Q.11    Give reasons for the following:                                           

            (i)         Ethyl Alcohol is a liquid while ethyl chloride is a gas.                              12211056

            (ii)        Ethanol has higher boiling point than diethyl ether.                                 12211057

            (iii)       Absolute alcohol can not be prepared by fermentation process.             12211058

            (iv)       Ethanol give different products with Conc. H2SO4 under different
conditions.                                                                                                      12211059

            (v)        Water has higher boiling point than ethanol.                                            12211060

Q.12    How will you convert:                                              

            (i)         Methanol into Ethanol.                                                                                12211061

            (ii)        Ethanol into methanol                                                                                  12211062

                        CH3¾ CH2OH ¾¾® CH3¾ OH                                                

            (iii)       Ethanol into isopropyl alcohol                                                                     12211063

                        CH3¾ CH2OH ¾¾® CH3¾¾CH3

 (iv)      Formaldehyde into ethyl alcohol

            HCHO ¾® CH3¾ CH2OH                                                                                    12211064

(v)        Acetone into Ethyl alcohol                                                                                       12211065

Q.13    Explain the following using ethyl alcohol as an example.            

            (i)         Oxidation                   12211066                 (ii)   Dehydration                               12211067

            (iii)       Esterification             12211068             (iv)   Ether formation                        12211069

Q14.    Compare the reactions of phenol with those of ethanol. Discuss the difference if any:


Q.15    Arrange the following compounds in order of their increasing acidic strength and give reasons.                                                                                                                        12211071


Q.16    Write down two methods for preparing phenol. What is the action of following on phenol?                                                                                                              12211072

            HNO3, NaOH, Zn, Bromine Water.

Q.17    Give uses of phenols. How bakelite is prepared from it?                                      12211073

Q.18    (a)        Write IUPAC names of the following compounds:                                   12211074

            (b)       Write down structural formula for the following compounds:                12211075

Q.19    (a)        Name the following compounds:                                                                 12211076

            (b)       Write down structural formulas for the following compounds:              12211077



Aldehydes And Ketones




Q1:      Give one laboratory and one industrial method for the preparation of formaldehyde.                    

Q4:      Explain with mechanism the addition of sodium bisulphite to acetone.             12212004

Q8:      (a)        Give general mechanism of acid-catalysed addition reactions.                12212008

      (b) Discuss acid-catalysed addition reactions of carbonyl compounds in detail.

      (b) What is the product of reaction of carbonyl compounds with alcohols? 12212011

Q10.    (a)        Discuss oxidation reactions of carbonyl compounds.                                12212012

      (b) How can we identify different carbonyl compounds by chemical tests? 12212013

      (c)  Give uses of  formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.                                          12212014


Q. 1.         Fill in the Blanks.

1.   Aldehydes are the first oxidation product of ________.                                      12212015

2.   Ketones are the first oxidation product of ________       .                                   12212016

3.   Aldehydes and ketones undergo ________ addition reactions.                           12212017

4.   Formaldehyde reacts with ________ to give primary alcohol.                            12212018

5.   Acetaldehyde reacts with ________ to give 2-butanol.                                       12212019

6.   Aldehydes are strong ________ agents.                                                               12212020

7.   The oxidation of an ________ always gives a carboxylic acid.                           12212021

8.   The reduction of a ________ always gives a secondary alcohol.                         12212022

9.   Formaldehyde gives ________ test with Tollen’s reagent.                                  12212023

10. Acetaldehyde gives a ________ precipitate with Fehling’s solution.                  12212024

Q. 2.       Indicate True/False:

1.   Formaldehyde is used in the silvering of mirrors.                                                            12212025

2.   Ketones combine with alcohols in the presence of HCl gas to form acetals.       12212026

3.   Acetaldehyde undergoes cannizzaro’s reaction.                                                   12212027

4.   Formaldehyde is used to prepare urotropin.                                                         12212028

5.   Aldol condensation reaction is given by only those aldehydes and ketones which         contain α-hydrogen atom.                                                                                             12212029

6.   Cannizzaro’s reaction is given by only those aldehydes containing no
         a-hydrogen atom.                                                                                                    12212030

7.   Propanal and propanone behave differently with Tollen’s reagent.                     12212031

8.   Acetone reacts with sodium bisulphite to give a yellow crystalline product.      12212032

9.   Acetone on reduction gives a primary alcohol.                                                    12212033

10. 40% aqueous solution of formaldehyde is called formalin.                                             12212034

Q. 3.       Multiple-choice questions.                                                                                     12212035

Q. 4.       Give one laboratory and one industrial method for the preparation of formaldehyde.

Q. 5.       How does formaldehyde react with the following reagents?

      (i)      CH3MgI                              12212037             (ii)        HCN                           12212038

      (iii)    NaHSO3                              12212039             (iv)       conc. NaOH               12212040

      (v)     NaBH4/H2O                        12212041             (vi)       Tollen’s reagent         12212042

      (vii)   Fehling’s reagent                12212043

Q. 6.       Give one laboratory and one industrial method for the preparation of acetaldehyde.

Q. 7.       How does acetaldehyde react with the following reagents?

      (i)      C2H5MgI                 12212045                 (ii)        HCN                           12212046

      (iii)    NaHSO3                        12212047             (iv)       dilute NaOH              12212048

      (v)     I2/NaOH                  12212049             (vi)       NaBH4/H2O               12212050

      (vii)   NH2OH                    12212051                 (viii)     K2Cr2O7/H2SO4           12212052

Q. 8.       Describe briefly the mechanism of nucleophilic addition to a carbonyl compound.

Q. 9.       Explain with mechanism the addition of ethylmagnesium bromide with acetaldehyde. What is the importance of this reaction?                  12212054

Q. 10.     Explain with mechanism the addition of sodium bisulphite to acetone. What is the utility of this reaction?                                                        12212055

Q. 11.     Describe with mechanism aldol condensation reaction. Why formaldehyde does not give this reaction?                                                        12212056

Q. 12.     What types of aldehydes give Cannizzaro’s reaction? Give its mechanism.

Q. 13.     Explain the mechanism of the reaction between phenylhydrazine and acetone. 12212058

Q. 14.     Using ethyne as a starting material how would you get acetaldehyde, acetone and ethyl alcohol?                                                     12212059

 (iii)         Ethyl alcohol from acetylene:                                                                   12212060

Q. 15.     Give the mechanism of addition of HCN to acetone.                              12212061

Q. 16.     How would you bring about the following conversions?

      (i)      Acetone into t-Butyl alcohol            12212062 (ii)        Propanal into 1-propanol        12212063

      (iii)    Propanone into 2-propanol   12212064 (iv)       Methanal into ethanal             12212065

      (v)     Ethanal into propanone        12212066 (vi)       Ethanal into 2-propanol          12212067

      (vii)   Ethyne into ethanal              12212068 (viii)     Ethene into ethanal                 12212069

      (ix)    Ethanal into ethanol             12212070 (x)        Ethanal into 2-Butanone         12212071

      (xi)    Methanol into ethanal                      12212072 (xii)      Ethanol into ethanoic acid      12212073

Q. 17.     How will you distinguish between.

      (i)      Methanal and ethanal                                                                    12212074

        (ii)     Ethanal and propanone                                                                 12212075

      (iii)    Ethanal and propanal                                                                    12212076

        (iv)    Acetone and ethyl alcohol                                                             12212077

      (v)     Butanone and 3-pentanone                                                                       12212078

      (vi)    Acetaldehyde and Benzaldehyde                                                  12212079

      (vii)   2-Pentanone and 3-pentanone                                                      12212080

Q. 18.     Discuss oxidation of (a) aldehydes (b) ketones with:

         (i)   K2Cr2O7/H2SO4                               12212081                         (ii)   Tollen’s reagent    12212082

      (iii)  Fehling’s solution                     12212083

Q. 19.     Discuss reduction of (a) aldehydes (b) ketones with                               12212084

      (i)      NaBH4/H2O                              (ii)   H2/Pd

Q. 20.     Give three uses for each of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde.                12212085




Carboxylic Acids





Q1.                                                   (a)                          What are Carboxylic acids?                                                                                              12213001                  

                                                         (b)                          Discuss Nomenclature of Carboxylic acids.                                                                                                   12213002

Q2.      Give different methods of preparation of Carboxylic acids.                    12213003

Q3:         (a)        Give physical properties of Carboxylic acids.                             12213004           

      (b)    Discuss different reactions of Carboxylic acids in detail.                       12213005

Q4.         Discuss methods of preparation of acetic acid.                                       12213006           

Q5:         Describe physical properties and uses of acetic acid.                             12213007

Q6:         Write a detailed note on the structure and classification of “Amino Acids”.  12213008

Q7:         (a)        Discuss chemical properties of amino acids.                                12213009

      (b)    What is the test for the identification of an “Amino acid”?                   12213010

      (c)     What is the difference between peptides and proteins?                         12213011


Q. 1.       Fill in the Blanks.                                                                                                  

1.   Formula of malonic acid is _______.                                                                   12213012

2.   Methyl nitrile upon acidic hydrolysis produces ______.                                      12213013

3.            Melting points of carboxylic acids containing even number of carbon atoms are ____than the next lower and higher members containing odd number of carbon atoms.         12213014

4.   Acetic acid on heating with _______ produces acetic anhydride.                        12213015

5.   Acid chloride and acid anhydride are called _______ of acid.                             12213016

6.   Pure acetic acid is called _______.                                                                       12213017

7.   Formula of alanine is ________.                                                                          12213018

8.   Proline is a _________amino acid.                                                                       12213019

9.            A peptide having a molecular mass more than 10000 is called _______.   12213020

Q. 2.       Indicate True/False:

1.   Acetic acid exists as dimer in benzene.                                                                                 12213021

2.   First three aliphatic acids have fruity smell.              12213022

3.   Carboxylic acids on reduction with LiAlH4 produce alkenes.                              12213023

4.   Acetic acid on dehydration produces CO and H212213024

5.            Sodium formate on heating with soda lime produces NaHCO3 and hydrogen. 12213025

6.   Amino acids exist as Zwitter ion.                                                                         12213026

7.   Histidine is an acidic amino acid.                                                                         12213027

8.   A peptide having molecular mass upto 10000 is called protein.                          12213028

9.   Phthalic acid is a monocarboxylic acid.                                                                12213029

10. Formula of Glycine is CH2COOH.                                                                       12213030

Q. 3.       Multiple Choice Questions.                                                                        12213031

Q.4.        Write down the structural formula of the followings:                12213032

      (i)      Valeric acid             12213033             (ii)        Propionic acid           12213034

      (iii)    Oxalic acid              12213035             (iv)       Benzoic acid               12213036

      (v)     Acetic anhydride    12213037             (vi)       Acetyl chloride          12213038

Q.5.        Write down the names of the following compounds by IUPAC system. 12213039

Q.6.        (a)        How is acetic acid manufactured? What is glacial acetic acid? 12213040

      (b)    How would you convert acetic acid into: 12213041

      (i)      Methane                  12213042             (ii)        acetyl chloride           12213043

      (iii)    Acetamide               12213044             (iv)       Acetic anhydride       12213045

Q. 7.       (a)        What are fatty acids?                                                                     12213046

               (b)       What is vinegar? Describe how is vinegar prepared from ethanol. 12213047

Q. 8.       How would you convert the following:                                                     12213048

      (i)     Acetic acid into acetamide                                                                                          12213049

      (ii)    Acetic acid into acetone                                                                                              12213050

Q.9.        Write down the mechanism of the following reactions:                          12213051

      (i)     between acetic acid and ethanol                  12213052

      (ii)   between acetic acid and ammonia                                                             12213053

      (iii)   between acetic acid and thionyl chloride 12213054

Q. 11.     What happens when following compounds are heated:                         12213055

      (i)      calcium acetate       12213056 (ii)   sodium formate and soda lime    12213057

      (iii)    ammonium acetate 12213058

Q.11.      What are amino acids? Explain their different types with one example in each case.


Q. 12.     Write a short note on acidic and basic character of an amino acid.      12213060

Q. 13.     What is peptide bond? Write down the formula of a dipeptide?           12213061

Q. 14.     What are zwitter ions?                                                                                12213062

Q. 15.     What are amino acids, proteins and peptides? How are they related? 12213063

Q.16.      Study the facts given in (a), (b) and (c) below and then answer questions which follow:                                                                               12213064

(a)          A is an organic compound made up of C, H, and O. It has a vapor density 15. (Hint Molecular mass = 2 ´ vapour density].                                                                                               12213065

(b)          On reduction A gives a compound ‘X' which has the following properties: 12213066

               (i)         X is a colourless liquid miscible with water.

               (ii)        X is neutral to litmus

               (iii)       When X is warmed with a few drops of conc. H2SO4 followed by a little salicylic acid a characteristic smell is produced.

(c)          When X is subjected to strong oxidation, it gives compound B, which has the following properties.                                                                                                    12213067

               i)          B is a pungent smelling mobile liquid.

               ii)         It is miscible with water, alcohol or ether.

               iii)        It is corrosive and produces blisters on contact with skin.

               iv)        B can be obtained by passing the vapours of A with air over platinum black    catalyst.

               v)         B liberates H2 with sodium.

               vi)        It gives CO2 with NaHCO3.

               1)         What is the molecular weight of A?

               2)         Identify A, X and B.

               3)         Give five appropriate reactions to confirm the identities of A, X or B.

               4)         State one large-scale use of either A, X or B.









Q.1(a) What are macromolecules?                                                                                      12214001

      (b) Define polymer. Discuss the general structure of polymers.                                12214002

      (c)  What is meant by degree of polymerization?                                                         12214003

      (d)  Discuss the different types of polymers on the basis of type of monomers.       12214004

Q2.      (a) Classify polymers on the basis of their thermal properties.                            12214005

(b) Discuss the types of polymerization process on the basis of the way of polymer formation.                                                                                                                12214006

Q.3.  Write a note on different types of synthetic polymers.                                            12214007

Q4.(a) What are biopolymers?                                                                                            12214008

       (b) What are carbohydrates? Give their classification.                                              12214009

Q.5(a) Define proteins. Discuss their classification in detail.                                                12214010

      (b) Discuss the structures of different types of proteins.                                     12214011

      (c) What is meant by denaturation of proteins?                                                   12214012

      (d) Give importance of proteins.                                                                                      12214013

Q.6.(a) What are lipids? Describe different sources of lipids.                                               12214014

       (b)  Discuss general structure and composition of fats and oils.                         12214015

       (c)  Discuss classification of lipids.                                                                                 12214016

       (d)  Discuss physical and chemical properties of lipids in detail.                                   12214017

Q7:      In what way fats and oils are different?                                                                             12214018

            Q.9. Discuss some basic terms related to lipids.                                                                    12214019

            Q.8.(a) What are steroids? Discuss different compounds belonging to steroids.       12214020

                   (b) Discuss the importance of lipids.                                                                               12214021

            Q.9  What are enzymes? Discuss their properties and classification in detail?                     12214022

            Q.10(a) Describe the factors affecting enzyme activity.                                                        12214023

                    (b) Discuss the importance of enzymes.                                                             12214024

            Q.11. Write a note on nucleic acids.                                                                           12214025


Q.1. Fill in the blanks.

1.         Macromolecules are built up from small units called _________.                                   12214026

2.         Nylon is polyamide and terylene is a _____________.                                          12214027

3.         Nylon is prepared by the reaction of ___________ and hexamethylenediamine.           12214028

4.         Based on their thermal properties, plastics are divided into _______ main classes.      12214029

5.         Polyvinyl chloride is a __________ plastic.                                                             12214030

6.         Glucose is stored as _____ in the liver.                                                                   12214031

7.         Glucose and fructose are water _________ carbohydrates.                                             12214032

8.         Protein after digestion changes to ___________.                                                   12214033

9.         Purines and pyrimidines are ___________ of nucleic acids.                                             12214034

10.       Addition of a plasticizer ____________ the flexibility of the polymer.                12214035

Q.2. Indicate True or False.

1.         Nylon 6,6 and terylene are condensation polymers.                                                          12214036

2.         The disposal of plastics does not cause any pollution problem.                           12214037

3.         Fructose is a polysaccharide carbohydrate.                                                                       12214038

4.         Human beings get no food nutrient from cellulose.                                                           12214039

5.         The most abundant and the most important steroid in the human body is Vitamin-D.  12214040

6.         Enzymes are the compounds containing C,H and O only.                                               12214041

7.         The degree of unsaturation of fats is measured by their iodine number.                       12214042

8.         Activity of an enzyme varies with temperature and pH.                                      12214043

9.         Nucleic acids are biological catalysts.                                                                     12214044

10.       The nucleic acids are responsible for protein synthesis in the human body.                  12214045

Q.3. Multiple choice questions. Encircle the correct answer.

Q.4. Explain the following terms:                                                                                          12214046

(a)       Addition polymer                                                                                                      12214047

(b)       Condensation polymer                                                                                              12214048

(c)        Thermoplastic                                                                                                                        12214049

(d)       Thermosetting plastic.                                                                                                          12214050

Q.5. Write notes on:

(a)  Polyester resins   12214051 (b) Polyamide resins 12214052   (c)  Epoxy resins                  12214053

Q.6. What is the repeating unit in each of the following polymers?                          12214054

(a)  Polystyrene:

(b)  Nylon 6,6:

(c)   Teflon:

(d)   Orlon:

Q.7. What are carbohydrates and how are they classified?                                        12214055

Q.8. Point out one difference between the compounds in each of the following pairs:         12214056

            (a)  Glucose and Fructose.                                                                                        12214057

            (b)  Sucrose and Maltose.                                                                                         12214058

            (c)  Cellulose and starch.                                                                                          12214059

Q.9. What are lipids? In what way fats and oils are different?                                              12214060

Q.10. Define saponification number and iodine number. Discuss the term rancidity.  12214061

Q.11.   What is the difference between a glycosidic linkage and a peptide linkage?            12214062

Q.12.  What is the chemical nature of enzymes? Discuss the classification of enzymes. 12214063

Q.13.  What are nucleic acids? Write down the role of DNA and RNA in life.                   



            UNIT 15

        Common Chemical  Industries    

        In Pakistan



Q1.         What are fertilizers? Discuss their importance.                                      12215001

Q2a.    Define micronutrients and macronutrients. In which quantity are they required by the plants?                                             12215002                  

b.         What are the essential qualities of a good fertilizer?                                            12215003           

c.         How fertilizers are classified?                                                                      12215004           

Q3.         What are nitrogenous fertilizers? Discuss different nitrogenous fertilizers and their          importance for plants.                                                                                12215005

Q4a.       What is the importance of phosphatic fertilizers for plants?                12215006

b.            Discuss different types of phosphatic fertilizers and their importance. 12215007

Q5a.       Why is potassium required by the plants?                                               12215008

b.            Write a note on potassium nitrate as a fertilizer.                                    12215009           

c.            What is the scope of fertilizer industry in Pakistan?                              12215010

6a. What is Portland cement? Who introduced it?            12215011

b.   Define cement. Discuss essential constituents and composition of cement.     12215012

c.   What type of processes are employed for cement manufacture? Write a note on wet        process for the manufacturing of cement.                               12215013                                             

Q.7.(a) What is meant by the term “setting of cement”? Discuss the reactions taking place

      during this process.                                                                                             12215014

       (b)  Discuss the scope of cement industry in Pakistan.                                   12215015           

Q.8(a) Briefly describe the historical background of paper industry.                 12215016

       (b) Define paper. Discuss different raw materials used in the manufacture of paper. 


Q.9(a) What are the principle methods of chemical pulping?                              12215018

       (b) Write a note on neutral sulphite semi-chemical process for the manufacture of paper

      with the help of flow sheet diagram.                                                                  12215019


Q. 1.       Fill in the blanks with suitable words.       

1.   Fertilizers enhance the natural ________ of the soil.                                           12215020

2.   Micro-nutrients are required in quantity ranging from ________ per acre.         12215021

3.   Ammonia contains ________ nitrogen.                                                                12215022

4.   Manure is an ________ material used to fertilize land.      12215023

5.   Cement was first introduced by an English Mason ________.                            12215024

6.   Phosphorus is required to stimulate __________ of plant. 12215025

7.            In Pakistan, bleaching of pulp is carried out with _________.                    12215026

8.   Cement is generally manufactured using ________ process.                               12215027

9.            The use of cement in the construction of building is based on its property of ________ when its paste with water is allowed to stand for sometime. 12215028

10. Lignin is an _______ polymer and causes paper to become brittle.                     12215029

Q. 2.       Indicate True/False:

1.            Potassium fertilizers are especially used for tobacco and corn.                   12215030

2.            Ammonia is used in gaseous state while all other fertilizers are used in solid form. 12215030

3.            In wet process for the manufacture of cement, grinding of raw material is done in the presence of water.                                                                           12215031

4.            The total production of cement in Pakistan is 56,30,100 metric tons /annum.      12215032

5.            In neutral sulphite semi-chemical process, sodium sulphite is used buffered with sodium carbonate.                                                                                     12215032

6.            Lignin is an inorganic binder.                                                                       12215033

7.            Paper consumption in Pakistan is around 5 kg per person per year.            12215034

8.            Urea contains 90% nitrogen.                                                                        12215035

9.            The temperature of the digester in paper industry should be around 160 - 180°C.             12215036

10.          Potassium fertilizers increase the capability of plants to resist diseases.     12215037

Q. 3.       Multiple Choice Questions.                                                                                  

Q. 4.       What are phosphatic fertilizers? How are they prepared? Mention the role of phosphorus in the growth of plants.                                                                                                         12215038

Q. 5.(a)  What are fertilizers? Why are they needed?                                                       12215039

        (b)  Discuss the classification of fertilizers and their uses.                            12215040

        (c)  How is urea manufactured in Pakistan? Describe in detail the process used.

Q. 6.(a)  What are the prospects of fertilizer industry in Pakistan?                    12215042

        (b) What are essential nutrient elements and why these are needed for plant growth?  

        (c)  Write down the essential qualities of a good fertilizer?                          12215044

Q.7.(a)   Describe the composition of a good portland cement.                            12215045

       (b)   Discuss the wet process for the manufacturing of cement with the help of flow sheet diagram.                                                                                     12215046

       (c)   What do you understand by the term “setting of cement”. Also discuss the reactions taking place in first 24 hours?                                                                                                         12215047

Q.8.        What are the essential non-woody raw materials used in the production of pulp and paper in Pakistan?                                                                                                     12215048

Q.9.(a)   What are the principal methods of chemical pulping used for the production of paper?

       (b)   Describe the neutral sulphite semi-chemical process for the manufacturing of pulp and paper.                                                                                     12215050

Q.10.(a)What are the common bleaching agents used in paper industry in Pakistan? Briefly describe the bleaching process.                                                                                                                    12215051

         (b) What are the prospects of paper industry in Pakistan?                         12215052



Environmental Chemistry



Q.1.(a) Define environmental chemistry.                                                                                12216001

       (b) What are the different components of environment?                                                        12216002


      Name the components of environment.                

      Give composition of these components. 

Q.2.(a) What are environmental pollutants? What is their effect on environment?     12216003

        (b) Write a detailed note on sources of air pollution.                                                12216004

Q.3.  What is acid rain? How does it form? What are its harmful effects on our environment?


Q.4.  Define smog. Discuss its types and properties.                                                         12216006

Q.5(a) Write a note on ozone layer and atmosphere.                                                        12216007

       (b) What is the role of chlorofluorocarbons in destroying ozone layer?                  12216008

Q.6. What is water pollution? Discuss its different sources in detail.                              12216009

Q.7(a) What factors affect the quality of water?                                                               12216010

       (b) Discuss different methods of purification of water in detail.                               12216011

Q.8(a) What is solid waste management?                                                                           12216012

      (b) Discuss different types of solid wastes and the methods to get rid of them.        12216013

Q9.         (a) Explain the process of incineration of industrial waste.                              12216014

      (b) How can the waste materials be recycled?                                                             12216015


Q. 1.       Fill in the Blanks.

1.   Only ________ of the total earth’s water resources are available as fresh          water. 12216016

2.            ________ is a smaller unit of biosphere which consists of community of organisms and their interaction with environment.                                                                                  12216017

3.            Carbon monoxide is highly poisonous gas and causes suffocation if inhaled, it binds blood ____ more strongly than oxygen thus excluding oxygen from normal respiration.


4.            The elevated concentration of ________ is harmful for fish as it clogs the gills thus causing suffocation.                                                                                                              12216019

5.            The ozone layer in the ________ surrounds the globe and filters most of the harmful UV rays in the sunlight before they could reach the earth.                                      12216020

6.            The presence of ________ in the livestock waste can contaminate surface and ground water causing various infectious diseases.                                                                                     12216021

7.            The substances which can directly kill the unwanted organisms are called_____. 12216022

8.            ________ is frequently used to disinfect water.                                                      12216023

9.            Incineration is not a clean process because it produces air pollution and toxic_____.      


10.          A process in which some of the used or waste materials are not discarded after their initial use but are processed so that it can be used again is called ________. 12216025

Q. 2.       Indicate True/False:

1.            Half of the mass of the atmosphere is concentrated in lower 10 km.                      12216026

2.            The oceans cover approximately 71 percent of the earth.                                       12216027

3.            The volcanoes produce 55% of SO2.                                                                       12216028

4.            The reducing smog is due to the presence of nitric oxide.                          12216029

5.            Ozone is produced in the polar regions by the photochemical reactions of oxygen. 12216030

6.            The temperature in the troposphere decreases with the increasing altitude from 15 to –56°C.             12216031

7.            Incineration is a waste treatment process in which solid waste is dumped in landfill.                   12216032

8.            Acid rain is due to the presence of oxides of sulphur and nitrogen which get mixed with the rain water.                                                           12216033

9.            The heavy metals have a safe limit where they are not toxic.                                 12216034

10.          The reprocessing of the plastics is to convert back to their components by chemical or thermal process so that these can be used again.                                                       12216035

Q. 3.       Multiple-choice questions. Encircle the correct answer:

Q. 4.       Discuss in detail the components of the environment.                                        12216036

Q. 5.       Describe the natural and human sources of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides and sulphur oxides.                                                                                                          12216037

Q. 6.       What is acid rain and how does it affect our environment?                              12216038

Q. 7.       What is smog? Explain the pollutants which are the main cause of photochemical smog.                                                                                                                          12216039

Q. 8.       Why is ozone layer depleting (decreasing)? What will happen when the concentration of ozone will be decreased?                                                                                      12216040

Q. 9.       How is oil spillage affecting the marine life            12216041

Q. 10.     How detergents are threat to aquatic animal life?                      12216042

Q. 11.     Explain how pesticides are dangerous to human beings.                                   12216043

Q. 12.     Discuss industrial waste effluents.              12216044

Q. 13.     How the water is purified i.e., made potable? Discuss in detail.                        12216045

Q. 14.     What are leachates?    (Board 2                       12216046

Q. 15.     Explain the process of incineration of industrial waste.                                     12216047



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