12th Biology Objective + Short Questions








Multiple Choice Questions


1)   The protection of an internal environment    from the harms of fluctuations is the      definition of which of the followings?                                                                                                                                                                12415025

      a) Osmoregulation              b) Excretion

      c) Thermoregulation           d) Homeostasis

2)   The category of the plants that has   adaptations of small and thick leaves to limit water loss are called.               12415026

      a) Hydrophytes                   b) Xerophytes

      c) Mesophytes                                d) Hygrophytes

3)   The environment where the animals produce large volumes of diluted urine.                                                                                                        12415027

      a) Hypotonic aquatic           b) Isotonic aquatic

      c) Hypertonic aquatic          d) Terrestrial

4)   Which of the following is excretophore?                                                                              (Board 2015) 12415028

      a) Stem                                           b) Roots

      c) Leaves                                       d) flowers

5)   The excretory product that requires minimum water for its elimination compare to others.                                                12415029

      a) Urea                                                       b) Uric acid                 

c) Creatinine                            d) Ammonia

6)   The groups of animals whose excretory system is structurally associated with nutritive tract.                                                        12415030

      a) Vertebrates                     b) Earthworm

      c) Planaria                          d) Insects

7)   The excretory structures that deliver urine from kidney to urinary bladder.     12415031

      a) Urethera             b) Pelvis

      c) Ureter                             d) Collecting tubule

8) The metabolic wastes that are ingested into the body and must be removed.       12415032

      a) Pesticides                       b) Drugs

      c) Food additives    d) All of these

9) Which of the following is not endotherm?

      a) Bird                                            b) Amphibian  12415033

      c) Flying insects     d) Mammals

10) Name the type of adaptations from the followings that is responsible for shivering thermogenesis.                        12415034

      a) Structural                       b) Physiological

      c) Behavioral                      d) None of these






1)   The regulation of the amount of water in the body is called:                                      12415035

      a) Osmoregulation    

b) Thermoregulation

      c) Hydroregulation

d) Aqua regulation

2)   The control system in a living animal for the maintenance of homeostatic balance consists of three components viz. receptors, control centre and:                        12415036

      a) Stimulus             b) Respondent

      c) Effector                          d) Stimulator

3) A more concentrated extracellular environment than cell is called:                                                12415037

      a) Hypotonic                      b) Hypertonic

      c) Isotonic                          d) Peritonic

4) Plants growing under moderate conditions of the environment are known as:   12415038

      a) Hydrophytes       b) Xerophytes

      c) Mesophytes                    d) Hygrophytes

5)   The fishes which are isotonic to the surrounding sea water are, the:   12415039

      a) Cartilaginous fishes                    b) Bony fishes

      c) Hagfishes                                               d) Lungfishes

6)   Most cartilaginous fishes possess salt excreting organs known as the:   12415040

      a) Foetal glands                

      b) Caecal glands

      c) Rectal glands     

      d) Sebaceous glands

7)   The fishes which drink large amount of sea water and excrete concentrated urine are the:                                                                                     12415041

      a) Cartilaginous fishes                   

      b) Bony fishes       

      c) Lung fishes                                           

      d) Jawless fishes

8)   Some desert mammals do survive without drinking water such as:                             12415042

      a) Musk rat                         b) Kangaroo rat

      c) Camel                                        d) Goat

9)   Water may be produced as a waste product during:                                                   12415043

      a) Photosynthesis                b) Respiration

      c) Photosynthesis and respiration                

d) None of the above

10) The ability of an organism to regulate its fluid contents is called:                               12415044

      a) Homeostasis       b) Osmoregulation

      c) Excretion                       d) thermoregulation

11) Fresh water protozoa, amoeba and paramecium pump out excess water by structures:                                                                   12415045

      a) Cell membranes 

b) Contractile vacuoles

      c) Exosmosis                     

d) Active potassium pumps

12) The animals which keep their body fluid isotonic to the external environment are called.                                                                                      12415046

      a) Osmoconformers

      b) Osmoregulators 

      c) Endotherms                               

      d) Thermoregulators

13) Some fishes have relatively low salts in body fluids but make it concentrate equal to sea water by retaining ___ in adequate concentration.                                                                   12415047

      a) Salts                                           b) Ammonia

      c) Urea                                           d) Uric acid

14) Bony fishes which live in sea water have adapted to drink large amount of sea’s water and excrete:                                              12415048

      a) concentrated urine                      b) diluted urine

      c) uric acid crystals             d) none

15) Many freshwater animals including fishes remove excess water by producing large volumes of:                                                                12415049

      a) Very dilute urine

b) Very concentrate urine

      c) Both a & b                     

      d) none of these

16) Terrestrial animals can tolerate dehydration and it differs in various animals. This characteristic is known as:                                                                                                        12415050

      a) anhydration                    b) anhydrobiosis

      c) osmoregulation   d) homeostasis

17) In fresh water fishes water enter into the body of fishes:                                                                   12415051

      a) Actively                        

      b) Passively

      c) Through gills     

d) Through swim bladder

18) In marine fishes salts are excreted:  


      a) Actively             b) Passively

      c) Both a & b                      d) None

19) Contractile vacoules are found in:

      a) Plants                                         (Board 2016) 12415053

      b) Fresh water protozoa

      c) Terrestrial animals                     

      d) Marine plants





i) Plants



1)   The plant which deposit strange chemicals in their branches and trunks, especially in old xylem.                          12415054

      a) Cactus                            b) Ebony

      c) Oak                                            d) Maple

2)   The plants which secrete waste compounds into soil, using them as chemical weapon against other competing plants.                                                                                          12415055

      a) Bryophytes                     b) Angiosperms

      c) Xerophytes                     d) Conifers

3)   Some trees such as ebony, deposit strange chemicals in old xylem of their:    12415056

      a) Branches                                    b) Trunks

      c) Branches and trunks        d) Roots

4)   Plants in their autotrophic mode of life produce as the excretory products. 12415057

      a) H2O                                b) Oxygen

      c) CO2                                                                                        d) All of the above



ii) Animals


1)   The chemical which give protection against urea to some fishes:                   12415058

      a) Creatine                                                  b) Xanthine

      c) Trimethylamine oxide                 d) Uric acid

2) The protein which maintain osmotic balance of blood.                                                12415059

      a) Albumen            b) Prothrombin

      c) Fibrinogen                      d) Haemoglobin

3)  The organ which reabsorbs most of the salts and water from nitrogenous wastes in insects:                                                                        12415060

      a) Malpighian tubules   

      b) Small intestine

      c) Colon                                     

      d) Rectum

4)   Deamination is the process of removal of amino group from an amino acid and leading to the formation of:          12415061

      a) Ammonia                       b) Urea

      c) Uric acid            d) Creatine

5) The excretory product that requires minimum water for its elimination as compared to others is                                          12415062

      a) Urea                                           b) Uric acid

      c) Creatinine                      d) Ammonia

6)  Lower quantities of nitrogen are excreted in the animals in the form of:                      12415063

      a) Creatinine                      b) Creatine

      c) Trimethylamine oxide    

      d) All of the above

7)   A large amount of nitrogenous wastes like hypoxanthine, xanthine, uric acid, allantoin, urea and ammonia is produced by the metabolism of:                                             12415064

      a) Purines                           b) Pyrimidines

      c) Purines and pyrimidines                         

d) None of the above

8)   Metablism of purine and pyrimidines does not produce:                                                        12415065

      a) Hypoxanthine     b) Creatine

      c) Urea                               d) Ammonia

9)   The most toxic nitrogenous waste in animals is the:                                                              12415066

      a) Urea                                           b) Ammonia

      c) Uric acid            d) Citrulline

10) Ammonia may be the chief nitrogenous waste only in those animals which live in;                                                                                             12415067

      a) Fresh water                    

      b) Marine water  

      c) Fresh and marine water  

      d) Desert

11) The excretion of one gram of ammonia nitrogen needs:         (Board 2016)     12415068

      a) 50 ml of water                b) 500 ml of water

      c) One ml of water  d) No water

12) Among vertebrates, uric acid is the chief nitrogenous waste in birds and:   12415069

      a) Fishes                             b) Amphibians      

      c) Reptiles                          d) Mammals

13) The elimination of one gram of urea nitrogen needs:                                                 12415070

      a) One ml of water   b) 50 ml of water

      c) 500 ml of water     d) 1000 ml of water

14) One ml of water is required to eliminate one gram of nitrogen in the form of:


      a) Ammonia                                   b) Urea    

      c) Uric acid                        d) purine

15) The animals which excrete urea as the nitrogenous waste are called as:         12415072

      a) Ammonotelic                 b) Ureotelic

      c) Uricotelic                                   d) Citrutelic

16)  Hydra is a:                                                             12415073

      a) Protozoan                                   b) Sponge

      c) Cnidarian                                   d) Flatworm

17) The tubular excretory system ending in flame cells is characteristic of;          12415074

      a) Cnidarians                                  b) Flatworms

      c) Annelids                        d) Poriferans

18) The excretory organs of earthworm are segmentally arranged.                                               12415075

      a) Protonephridia            b) Metanephridia

      c) Malpighian tubules   d) Nephrons

19) Each segment of earthworm has ____ metanephridia:                                                                       12415076

      a) one                                                         b) two

      c) three                                           d) four

20)  The excretory organs of insects are the:                                                                                                             12415077

      a) Nephridia                       b) Malpighian tubules

      c) Nephron             d) Kidneys     

21) The malpighian tubules remove nitrogenous wastes from the:            12415078

      a) Lymph                           b) Haemolymph

      c) Pseudocoel                     d) Haemoglobin

22) The animals whose excretory system is structurally associated with the digestive tract are the:                                                      12415079

      a) Vertebrates                     b) Annelids

      c) Coelenterates      d) Insects

23)  The ancestors of vertebrates are the:


      a) Invertebrates  b) Invertebrate chordates

      c) Chordates              d) Echinodermates

24) If an animal is found in Hypotonic aquatic medium the nitrogenous waste excreted is:                                                      12415081

      a) Urea                               b) Ammonia      

      c) Uric acid                         d) None of above

25) Which of the following nitrogenous waste is produced in the body of Hydra12415082

      a) Amino acid                    b) Ammonia

      c) Urea                                           d) Uric acid

26) Which of the following processes is responsible for lower water content of Hydra than surrounding media:       12415083

      a) Osmosis                         b) Diffusion

      c) Osmoregulation  d) All of above

27) Which of the following has flame cells into the body:                                                                       12415084

      a) Hydra                             b) Planarian

      c) Earthworm                     d) Grasshopper

28) Nitrogenous wastes are formed due to the breakdown of the:                                                 12415085

      a) Carbohydrates    b) Fats

      c) Proteins                   d) None of above

29) Flame cells are so called because:  12415086

      a) They produce light                              

      b) They have flagella which beat like                       candle flame

      c) They have glowing capacity

      d) None of above

30) The wastes in planaria are excreted to exterior through:                                                        12415087

      a) Pharynx                            b) Anus

      c) Excretory pore       d) Nephridiopore

31) Each nephridium in earthworm opens to the exterior by                                                        12415088

      a) Nephridiostome   b) Nephridiopore

      c) Excretory pore       d) Both a & b

32)  The nephridium of earthworm opens into the coelom by:                                                                  12415089

      a) Nephridiopore       b) Coelomic duct

      c) Nephridiostome     d) None of above

33) Which of the following openings have cilia?                                                                                    12415090

      a) Nephrostome         b) Nephridiopore

      c) Excretory pore       d) Both a & b

34) Nephridia of earthworm extract their waste materials from:                                       12415091

      a) Blood                                         b) Body fluid

      c) Coelomic fluid                d) Gut

35) The distal blind end of Malpighian tubules in grasshopper bathes freely in:


      a) Digestive tract        b) Haemocoel

      c) Pseudocoel                  d) None of above

36) The nitrogenous wastes formed in the body of earthworm are:                                   12415093

      a) Ammonia                                   b) Urea

      c) Uric acid                        d) Both a &b

37)  Chief nitrogenous waste produced by the grasshopper is:                                                      12415094

      a) Ammonia                                   b) Urea

      c) Uric acid                                     d) Both a & b

38)  Malpighian tubules of grasshopper open into:                                                                                        12415095

      a) Fore gut                                      b) Mid gut

      c) Hind gut                         d) Coelom





iii) Liver


1)  The prime form of the metabolic waste of amino acids is:                                                                  12415096

      a) ammonia            b) urea

      c) uric acid             d) urine

2)   Urea is the nitrogenous waste produced from the metabolism of:                               12415097

      a) Nucleic acids      b) Inorganic acids

      c) Amino acids       d) Uric acid

3)   Bilirubin is the end product of the breakdown of:                                                                 12415098

      a) Myoglobin                     b) Haemoglobin

      c) Prothrombin       d) Insulin

4)   Of all the excretory products, the principal one is the:                                               12415099

      a) Urea                                           b) Ammonia

      c) Uric acid            d) Amino acid

5)   One molecule of urea is formed in the liver from two molecules of ammonia and one of:                                                                                      12415100

      a) Amino acid               b) Uric acid           

c) Carbon dioxide           d) Carbon monoxide

6)   In the human liver, ammonia and citrulline chemically combine together to form:                                                                                    12415101

      a) Ornithine        b) Creatine               

      c) Pyrimidine               d) Arginosuccinate

7)   Arginase splits the arginine to form urea and:                                                                                         12415102

      a) Citrulline            b) Ornithine

      c) Creatinine                      d) Histidine

8)  Liver helps to synthesize:                             12415103

      a) Lipids                      b) Cholesterol

      c) Lipoproteins       d) All of the above

9)  Detoxification of food additive, pesticides and drugs is an important function of human:                                                                                       12415104

      a) Kidney                           b) Spleen                     

c) Liver                        d) Pancreas

10) Nitrogenous wastes e.g. ammonia, urea & uric acid are synthesized in:                      12415105

      a) Digestive system b) Blood

      c) Liver                                          d) Kidney

11) Which organ is the central station of metabolism?                           (Board 2014)        12415106

      a) Liver                              b) Kidney

      c) Spleen                            d) Skin

12) Number of ammonia molecules required to produce one molecule of urea:

                                                                                                (Board 2014)           12415107

      a)   1                                              b)         2

      c)   3                                              d)         4




iv) Human  kidney


1)   Mammalian kidney including human is adapted to conserve water by over _______ % reabsorption of glumerular filtrate:                                                                                           12415108

      a) 90                                                          b) 99

      c) 99.5                                                       d) 99.9

2)   The capillaries network present at Henle’s loop is called                                           12415109

      a) Afferent                                     b) Efferent

      c) Peritubular                                 d) Vasa recta

3)  Glumerulus takes blood from:                      12415110

      a) Afferent arteriole           

      b) Efferent arteriole

      c) Afferent tubules

d) Peritubular capillaries

4)   Re-absorption of water from collecting tubules back to kidney is under the control of hormone:                                        12415111

      a) Aldosterone              b) Thyroid hormone

      c) ADH                        d) Insuline

5)   The basic functional unit of vertebrate kidney is the:                                                             12415112

      a) Neuron                           b) Enteron

      c) Nephron             d) Nephridium

6)   The central cavity of the kidney is known as the                                                                                     12415113

      a) Hilus                              b) Glomerulus

      c) Pelvis                             d) Urethra

7)   A duct from each human kidney which opens into the urinary bladder is called:           

      a) Urethra                           b) Ureter    12415114

      c) Vagina                           d) Catheter

8)   The cup-shaped inner end of each nephron of the human kidney is called:


      a) Glomerulus                    b) Malpighian capsule

      c) Bowman's capsule  d) Renal capsule.

9)   The human kidney is internally differentiated into the:                                              12415116

      a) Epidermis and cortex     

      b) Epidermis and medulla

      c) Cortex and medulla        

      d) Cortex and pith

10)Bowman's capsule of the nephron of man surrounds the glomerulus which is a cluster of:                                                                          12415117

      a) Arteries                       b) Veins

      c) Capillaries                   d) All of the above

11) All the collecting tubules of human kidney finally discharge into the:   12415118

      a) Hilus                           b) Ureter

      c) Pelvis                          d) Urinary bladder

12) The nitrogenous wastes are extracted from the human blood by means of:


      a) Nephrons                                   b) Glomerulus

      c) Nephridia                                   d) Neurons

13)  The glomerular filtrate contains numerous useful substances which are reabsorbed in the:                                                12415120

      a) Proximal tubule              b) Loop of Henle

      c) Distal tubule                   d) Collecting duct

14)  The increased water supply to the human body results in decreased secretion of the hormone:                                                                  12415121

      a) Pituitary                                     b) Oxytocin

      c) Antidiuretic                                d) Insulin

15) With each cardiac beat kidneys receive_________ % of blood:         12415122

      a) 1                                                b) 2

      c) 20                                                          d) 30

16) The absorption of sodium in the ascending limb of the loop of Henle is controlled by a hormone known as:12415123

      a) Antidiuretic                                b) Aldosterone

      c) Progesterone                  d) Testosterone

17) Lithotripsy is the non-surgical technique used to break up and remove stones that form in the:                                                      12415124

      a) Kidney                        b) Ureter

      c) Gall bladder                d) All of the above

18) The human abdominal cavity is lined by a thin epithelium called:                                          12415125

      a) Ectoderm                                   b) Endoderm

      c) Peritoneum                                 d) Epidermis


19) The incidence of kidney stones of calcium phosphate is:                                            12415126

      a) 10%                                                       b) 15%

      c) 25%                                           d) 70%

20) On which side of the body kidneys are present in man:                                                         12415127

      a) dorsal side                      b) ventral side

      c) lateral side                      d) none of these

21) The depression present in the central part of kidney is called:                                               12415128

      a) Cavity                            b) Groove

      c) Hilus                              d) None of these

22) Which of the following parts in man has sphincter muscles at the base:                      12415129

      a) Kidney                           b) Ureter

      c) Bladder                          d) All of these


23) Which of the following mechanism of nephron         prevents loss of usefull substances?                                                             12415130

      a) Filtration            b) Reabsorption

      c) Secretion            d) All of above

24) Incidence of uric acid stone is:

                                                                        (Board 2013)        12415131

      a) 5%                                             b) 10%

      c) 15%                                           d) 70%

25) The incidence of calcium oxlate type stones of kidney is:  (Board 2014,15,16)  12415132

        a)   50%                             b)         60%

      c)   15%                             d)         70%

26) Urine leaves the kidney through a duct called:                                                          (Board 2016)  12415133

        a)   Urethra                         b)         Pelvis

      c)   Ureter                           d)         Nephron




1)   The maintenance of the internal temperature of the body within a tolerable range is designated as                                     12415134

      a) Osmoregulation       b) Thermostat

      c) Thermometer          d) Thermoregulation

2)   Animals who are capable of varying degrees of endothermic heat production but generally do not  regulate their temperature are called.                                12415135

      a) Endotherms                                b) Ecotherms

      c) Heterotherms                  d) Poikilotherms

3)   Sebum excreted from sebaceous glands on our skin protect from                               12415136

      a) Overheating                                b) Overcooling

      c) Microorganism               d) Sunlight

4)   The chemicals produced by blood cells and pathogens during disease infection are                                                                                               12415137

      a) Pyrexia                               b) Pyrogens    

      c) Hypoxanthine        d) Ornithine  

5)   The animals use saliva and urine for evaporative cooling                                          12415138

      a) Dogs                              b) Bats

      c) Lizards                           d) Man



6) Which of the following is not endothermic?                                                               12415139

      a) Bird                                           

      b) Amphibian    

      c) Flying insect      

      d) Mammal

7)  Bats and humming birds are included in:      

a) Ectotherms               b) Endotherms   12415140

      c) Heterotherms      d) Poikilotherms

8)   Mechanism involved in heat production through hormones is:                                               12415141

      a) Shivering thermogenesis            

      b) Non-shivering thermogenesis

      c) Thermogenesis                          

      d) Humoral thermogenesis

9)   In mammals, the organ of thermoregulation is the:                                                                                     12415142

      a) Ear                                             b) Muscle

      c) Skin                                           d) Mouth cavity

10) On a cool day human temperature may be several degrees lower in the arms and legs than in the:                                                  12415143

      a) Head                                          b) Face

      c) Trunk                                         d) Neck



11) Most land mammals respond to cold by rising their.                                                             12415144

      a) Head                                          b) Tail

      c) Fur                                                         d) Legs

12) A very thick layer of insulating fat lying just beneath the skin & called blubber in:

      a) Whales                                                                            12415145

      b) Seals      

      c) Whales and seals  

      d) None of the above

13) Evaporative cooling is accomplished in bats by using saliva and:                               12415146

      a) Feces                                          b) Bile

      c) Urine                                          d) Tears

14) In human beings, the homeostatic thermostat is present in a part of the brain called as:                                                                             12415147

      a) Cerebrum                        b) Hypothalamus         

      c) Thalamus                        d) Cerebellum

15) In bacterial and viral infections, there occurs an increase in the, number of:


      a) Erythrocytes                   b) Leucocytes

      c) Platelets                                      d) Antibodies

16) Pyrexia which is an increase in the normal human body temperature helps in stimulating the protective mechanisms against the:                                                             12415149

      a) Viruses                                       b) Bacteria

      c) Pathogens                                   d) Parasites

17) The fever causing substances in man are called as:                                                                           12415150

      a) Pathogens                                   b) Poisons

      c) Pyrogens                        d) Pyrexia

18)  Flushing of skin occurs due to:       12415151

      a) Vasodilation             b) Vasoconstriction

      c) Vasopressin                                 d) None of these




Short questions



Q.1.     Define homeostasis.                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2007,13) 12415152

Q.2.     What is osmoregulation?                                                                                                                                       (Board 2009)  12415153

Q.3.     Define the term excretion.                                                                                                                         (Board  2006)   12415154

Q.4.     Explain thermoregulation.                                                                                                                        (Board  2009)    12415155

Q.5.     What do hypotonic, hypertonic and isotonic environment mean for a cell?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Board 2007,10)                12415156

Q.6.     What are osmoconformers.                                                                                                           (Board 2006,07,08)         12415157

Q.7.     What are hydrophytes? What are their important adaptations?           (Board 2014)   12415158

Q.8.     Describe xerophytes and their adaptations.                                                                 (Board 2006,15)          12415159

Q.9.     What are mesophytes?                                                                                                                                                                                          12415160

Q.10. How do cartilaginous fishes maintain lower internal salt concentration than sea water?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12415161

Q.11.  What is the name of the chemical which is retained by some marine cartilaginous fishes for protection against urea?                                                                                                                                                                           12415162

Q.12.   What role has osmoregulation played in the distribution of plants and animals?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12415163

Q.13.   Name the structures of fresh water protozoan which are meant for osmoregulation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     12415164

Q.14.   How do many fresh water animals including Fishes remove excess water from the body?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12415165

Q.15.   What are osmoconformers, as animals? Quote examples.                                                            12415166

Q.16.   What are osmoregulators?      or

Differentiate between osmocoformer & osmoregulators.                                                        (Board 2014,16)      12415167

Q.17.   Define anhydrobiosis.                                                                                                                              (Board 2009, 14)      12415168




Q.1.     Why are leaves said to be excretophores?                                                                   12415169

Q.2.     In which animals is ammonia excreted as the chief nitrogenous waste?                                                                                                                            12415170

Q.3.     Which groups of animals excrete nitrogenous waste in the form of uric acid?                                                                                                      12415171

Q.4.     What is protonephridium?    12415172

Q.5.     What are the excretory organs of insects known as?   (Board 2010)    12415173

Q.6.     What are flame cells? Why are these called so?                                            (Board 2014)        12415174

Q.7.     What is haemolymph?            12415175

Q.8.     How does human liver support the excretory role of kidney?                         12415176

Q.9.     What are juxtamedullary nephrons?                                                                                                          12415177

Q.10.   Differentiate between Bowman's capsule and glomerulus in the kidney of man.                                                                                                   12415178

Q.11.   Explain peritubular capillaries in the kidney.                                                                         12415179

Q.12.   Explain vasa recta in a mammalian kidney.                                                                                  12415180

Q.13.   In which part of the nephron is water extracted back into the kidney, from the glomerular filtrate?                               12415181

Q.14.   Name the hormone which promotes uptake of sodium from the glomerular filtrate.                                                                                                           12415182

Q.15.   What is the function of the antidiuretic hormone secreted by the posterior pituitary? OR How ADH function?                                                                    (Board 2013)           12415183

Q.16.   What will be the effect of decreased water supply to the human body?          12415184

Q.17.   Explain the two metabolic diseases viz. hypercalcemia and hyperoxaluria.                                                                                              (Board 2006)       12415185

Q.18.   Define lithotripsy.                                                                                                       (Board 2006,2009,13,16)    12415186

Q.19.   Explain Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy.                                                                           12415187

Q.20.   What is a renal failure?           12415188

Q.21.   Explain dialysis in its clinical application.                                                                               12415189

Q.22.   Name the types of dialysis.      12415190

Q.23.   Describe hemodialysis.

                                                                                (Board 2015)                    12415191

Q.24.   Describe peritoneal dialysis.     12415192

Q.25.   What is uremia?    (Board 2013)     12415193

Q.26. Differentiate between afferent arteriole and effent arteriole.

                                                                            (Board 2016)  12415194




Q.1.     What are Homeotherms and Poikilotherms type of animals?                        

                                                                                                (Board 2013)            12415195

Q.2.     Differentiate between ectotherm and endotherm.                                                         (Board 2013)     12415196

Q3. Define Heterotherms.      

                                                                        (Board 2015)  12415197

Q.4.     Explain the process of panting with example.                                                 (Board 2013)        12415198

Q.5.     What is shivering thermogenesis?                                                                                                              12415199

Q.6.     What is vasodilation?              12415200

Q.7.     What is vasoconstriction?       12415201

Q.8.     What is blubber and in which animals is it found?                                                      12415202

Q.9.     Define feedback mechanism. 12415203

Q.10.   What is homeostatic thermostat in the human body which maintains normal temperature?                                                                    12415204

Q.11.   What are fever-causing chemicals known as? (Board 2007,08)                            12415205

Q.12.   Suggest another name for fever or high temperature.                                                 12415206

Q.13.   Is fever useful in any respect?12415207

Q.14.   Which kind of blood cells of man increase in number during bacterial or viral infections?                                                          12415208

Q.15.   How does human body cope with cold environment?                                                  12415209

Q.16.   How is evaporative-cooling brought about in terrestrial mammals so as to reduce increasing body temperature?


Q.17.   In mammals, skin is adapted to be an organ of thermoregulation. How?


Q.18.   How the temperature of different parts of the human body does differ on a cool day?                                                                                         12415210

Q.19.   What are the structural adaptation of animals for regulation of heat? (Board 2013)                                                                                                             12415211

Q.20.   What is the narrow range of mammalian body temperature? 12415212

Q.21.   How does transfer of heat between an animal and its environment takes place, principally?                                                                    12415213

Q.22.   What are the kinds of the animals, based on the source of their heat production?                                                                                                12415214

Q.23.   Differentiate b/w shievering and non-shievering thermogenesis. (Board 2014,15)


Q.24.   Sketch the metabolic pathway of urea.                                                                        (Board 2014)     12415216

Q.25.   What are pyrogens?                (Board 2013)


Q.26.   What are heat shock proteins?                                                                                                            (Board 2016) 12415218








Support And Movements





Multiple Choice Questions



1)   Which of these is a direct source of energy for muscle contraction?   12416028

      a) ATP                                           b) Creatine phosphate

      c) Lactic acid                      d) Both a and b

2)   When muscle contracts                               12416029

      a) Sarcomere increases in size        

      b) Myosin slides past Actin

      c) Lactic acid is produced              

      d) Both a and b

3)   Which of the following changes occur when skeletal muscle contracts.            12416030

      a) The A band shorten        

b) The I band shorten

      c) The Z-line slide father apart       

      d) The Actin filament contract

4)   Thin filament in myofibrils consist of          

      a) Actin, tropomyosin, troponin         12416031

b) Z-line

      c) Myosin                          

      d) Sarcomere 

5)   The contraction of striated muscle is initiated by the release of energy in the presence of                                                              12416032

      a) Acetylcholine    

      b) Calcium ion                  

      c) Chloride ion      

      d) Iron

6)   In the mammalian skeleton there is a distinct synovial joint between the:12416033

      a) Bones of the cranium     

      b) Humerus and ulna

      c) Sacrum of illium                        

      d) Sternum and floating ribs

7)   Which of the following is a bone of axial skeleton?                                                                          12416034

      a) Rib                                             b) Shoulder girdle

      c) Pelvis                  d) Femur

8) Vertebral column includes    :                       12416035

      a) Sacrum                          

      b) The coccyx

      c) Cervical, thoracic & lumbar vertebrae

      d) All of the above

9)   In mammal the number of cervical vertebrae are:                                                                  12416036

      a) No definite number

      b) Seven

      c) Eleven   

      d) Varies with the size of neck

10) Brain is protected by:                                              12416037

      a) Cranium             b) Skull

      c) Orbits                             d) All of the above

11) Which of the following is plantigrade?        

a) Rabbit          b) Monkey        12416038

      c) Horse                              d) carnivore           

12) Brachioradialis uplift is caused by: 12416039

      a) Radius                            b) Ulna

      c) Both a & b                      d) Humerus

13) Muscle fatigue is caused by             12416040

      a) CO2                   

      b) Accumulation of lactic acid

      c) Fumaric acid     

      d) Ethyl alcohol

14) Cardiac muscles are:                                               12416041

      a) Voluntary                      

b) Involuntary

      c) Both a & b                     

d) None of the above

15) Moulting occurs in arthropod at the:

      a) Immature stage                                                  12416042

b) Mature stage

      c) Both stages        

      d) Do not undergo molting



2) Concept and need Movements in Plants


1)   The membrane of vacuole is called:  


      a) Protoplast                      b) Tonoplast

      c) Plasma membrane d) Plasmodesmata

2)   In herbaceous plants support is provided by:                                                                                          12416044

      a) Collenchyma                 

b) Sclerenchyma

      c) Hydrostatic pressure 

      d) Vascular bundles

3)   Sclerenchyma cells includes the types


     a) Fibers (Trachcids) b) Sclerides     

    c) Vessels (Trachea)  a) All of the above

4)   Secondary growth occurs due to cell division of                                                                   12416046

      a) Vascular cambium             b) Cork cambium

      c) Endodermis                                   d) Both a & b

5)   Autonomic movements are:             12416047

a) Tactic movements                

b) Turgor movements

      c) Growth movements                                

      d) All of the above

6)   Movement of chloroplast due to cyclosis is the best example of                                             12416048

      a) Phototactic movement                

      b) Chemotactic movement

      c) Photonasty                                 d) Phototropism

7)   The collenchymas cells have protoplast and usually lack:  (Board 2015)                        12416049

      a) Primary wall                   b) Secondary wall

      c) Middle wall                                d) Vacuole

8)   In the pulvinus of mimosa, the rapid loss of turgor is caused by                                             12416050

      a) Na+                                                         b) K+

      c) Ca++                                                        d) Mg++

9)   Growth movements are of the following types                                                                                        12416051

      a) Epinasty                         b) Hyponasty

      c) Nutation                         d) All of the above

10) Paratonic movements includes         12416052

      a) Tropic movement           

      b) Nastic movement

      c) Both a & b                          

      d) None of the above

11) The movement in which the principal stimulus is photoperiod                                   12416053

      a) Phototopism                   b) Photonasty

      c) Phototactic                                 d) Thermonasty

12) Action of Venus fly trap is an example of.                                                                                              12416054

      a) Haptonastic                 b) Nyctinasty  

      c) Thermonasty        d) Tactic movement

13) In the adult plants, the supporting cells are the:                                                                                       12416055

      a) Collenchymatous cells                

      b) Parenchymatous cells

      c) Sclerenchymatous cells  

      d) Aerenchymatous cells

14) The living cells of the epidermis, cortex and pith of the plant stem take in water by:                                                                                             12416056

      a) Imbibition                       b) Plasmolysis       

      c) Osmosis                         d) Diffusion     

15) The collenchymatous cells are highly lignified         and are found in the:   12416057

      a) Epidermis                        b) Cortex

      c) Pith                                  d) Xylem

16) The membrane that bounds the vacuole within a cell is called:                                               12416058

      a) Cell membrane               b) Protoplast

      c) Tonoplast                        d) Ectoplast 

17) The cell walls of sclerenchymatous cells are usually impregnated with:                     12416059

      a) Silica                               b) Pectin            

      c) Lignin                              d) Subrin          

18) The sclerenchyma cells found in seed coats and nut shells are the:                 12416060

      a) Fibres                              b) Vessels             

      c) Tracheids             d) Sclerides       

19) Secondary growth occurs due to cell division in:                                                                  12416061

      a) Vascular cambium          b) Cork cambium

      c) Both a & b           d) None of the above

20) During secondary growth in plants vascular cambium gives rise to the:  

      a) Secondary xylem                                                12416062

b) Secondary phloem

      c) Secondary xylem and phloem            

      d) Primary xylem and phloem

21) In the older trees, the active conducting portion of the wood is called:            12416063

      a) Sapwood                         b) Heartwood

      c) Cedar wood        d) Cork

22) The movements of locomotion of plants which are caused due to external stimuli are known as:                                                               12416064

      a) Tropic                              b) Paratonic

      c) Tactic                              d) Nastic

23) Sleep movements are the drooping and folding of leaves of some plants at night, due to turgor changes in the cells of the:                                                                                                            12416065

      a) Petioles                                       b) Meristems       

      c) Pulvinus              d) Lamina

24) The growth movements of plant organs which are induced by external stimuli are called:                                                                                     12416066

      a) Nastic                              b) Paratonic     

      c) Tropic                              d) Turgor

25) The growth movements of plant organs that are induced by the external stimuli which act upon them from all directions are called:                                                                          12416067

      a) Tropic                              b) Nastic 

      c) Autonomic          d) Turgor

26) The growth of the tip of a young stem slowly in a zigzag manner due to the alternate changing in growth rate on opposite sides of the apex is known as:                                                                                                                                                   12416068

a) Mutation                                b) Nutation    

      c) Circumnutation   d) Guttation

27) The growth movement of a plant organ which occurs in response to the stimulus of  contact with a solid object is termed as:                                                                                                  12416069

      a) Geotropsim          b) Thigmotropism

      c) Chemotropism     d) Heliotropism

28) The movements of sperms of liverworts, mosses and ferns towards the archegonium is called:                                        (Board 2015,16)        12416070

      a) Chemotropic         b) Chemotactic

      c) Sleep movement  d) Nutation          

29) The folded leaflets of Mimosa regain their turgidity after about:                    12416071

      a) Two minutes                   b) Five minutes

      c) Ten minutes       d) Fifteen minutes

30) The stem shows positive phototropism but negative:                                                             12416072

      a) Thigomotropism             b) Chemotropism

      c) Hydrotropism      d) Geotropism

31) The movement of plant organs in response to the stimulus of water is called:                                                                               12416073

      a) Aquatropism       b) Haptotropism

      c) Geotropism        d) Hydrotropism

32) The shoot is negatively geotropic as well as negatively:                                                                    12416074

      a) Hydrotropic        b) Phototropic

      c) Chemotropic                   d) Thigmotropic

33) The fluctuations of light and temperature induce nastic movements in many leaves and:                                                                                       12416075

      a) Stem                                b) Roots          

      c) Flowers                            d) Branches

34) The movements of the leaves of venus fly trap to capture the insect prey are:  12416076

      a) Photonastic                                 b) Chemonastic 

      c) Haptonastic                                d) Thermonastic

35) The movement of plant organ in response to the variations in the intensity of light is called:                                                                                 12416077

      a) Nyctinasty           b) Photonasty

      c) Thermonasty      d) Hyponasty

36) Photonasty and thermonasty are the kinds of:                                                                                                     12416078

      a) Epinasty                          b) Hyponasty

      c) Nyctinasty           d) Chemonasty

37) The hyponastic movements of plant organs are considered to be due to the growth hormone called:                      12416079

      a) Auxins                            

      b) Gibberellins

      c) Auxins and gibberellins

      d) None of the above

38) Action of venus fly trap is:                                                                                                              (Board 2014)      12416080

      a) Nyctinasty                                  b) Photonasty

      c) Haptonasty                                 d) Thermonasty

39) The inactive non conducting wood is called:                                                (Board 2014)           12416081

        a)  Heart wood                               b)         Sap wood

      c)  Cork                                          d)         Bark 

40) Which of the following cells have angular thickening in their primary walls:

                                                                        (Board 2016)           12416082

        a)  Collenchyma                 b)         Sclerenchyma

      c)  Fibers                                        d)         Vessels  

3)  Skeleton and Types


1)   The most complex exoskeleton is present in group.                                                                           12416083

      a) Corals                                        b) Mollusks

      c) Arthropods                                 d) Echinoderms

2)   Bone forming cells are called                      12416084

      a) Stem cell                                     b) Osteoblast

      c) Osteocyte                                   d) Osteoclast

3)   Bone dissolving cell are called        12416085

      a) Stem cell                                     b) Osteoblast

      c) Osteocyte                                   d) Osteoclast

4) Fibro cartilage is present in                12416086

      a) External pinnae of ear     b) Epiglottis

      c) At moveable joints                      d) Both a & b

5)   In animals, the exoskeleton is secreted by the:                                                                                                    12416087

      a) Ectoderm                                    b) Mesoderm

      c) Endoderm                        d) Gastroderm

6)   The outermost layer of the exoskeleton is called:                                                                                    12416088

      a) Epicuticle          

b) Procuticle

      c) Endocuticle        

d) Exocuticle

7) The bulk of the exoskeleton of arthropods is made up of                                                                     12416089

      a) Cuticle                             b) Suberin

      c) Chitin                                         d) Lignin

8)   The exoskeleton of mollusks is in the form of a shell which is chemically composed of:                                                               12416090

      a) Sodium phosphate

      b) Calcium carbonate         

      c) Silica                              

d) Sand grains

9)   The most abundant salt found in the bones is the:                                                                 12416091

      a) Calcium carbonate

      b) Calcium phosphate

      c) Calcium chloride            

d) Calcium sulphate

10) The living cells of the cartilage are called:                                                                                        12416092

      a) Chondroblasts                

b) Chondrocytes

      c) Osteoblasts        

d) Osteocytes


4) Human skeleton


1) Cranium consists on bones                            12416093

      a) 6                                                b) 8

      c) 10                                                          d) 12

2) The number of facial bones in man. 12416094

      a) 8                                                b) 10

      c) 12                                                          d) 14

3)   Human vertebral column consists of vertebrae.                                                                                 12416095

      a) 22                                                          b) 33

      c) 30                                                          d) 32

4)   Vertebrae present in neck are called


      a) Thoracic                         b) Cervical

      c) Lumbar                                      d) Pelvic

5)   Cranium is the bony box of the skull of man which lodges the;                                  12416097

      a) Spinal cord           

b) Brain        

      c) Pituitary                   

d) Medulla oblongata

6)   The five vertebrae of the lower region of the back of man are known as the:  12416098

      a) Cervical vertebrae          

b) Sacral vertebrae

      c) Lumbar vertebrae           

d) caudal vertebrae

7) The pectoral girdle of man consists of:


      a) Scapula and coracoid                 

      b) Suprascapula und clavicle

      c) Scapula, suprascapula and clavicle          

d) Clavicle and coracoid

8)   Phalanges is the name of the bones of the:                                                                                                                             12416100

      a) Fingers                b) Toes            

      c) Ankle                   d) Fingers and toes

9) The bones of the human wrist are known as:                                                                                            12416101

      a) Tarsals                 b) Carpals        

      c) Metacarpals         d) Metatarsals

10) Each of the hip bone of the pelvic girdle of man is formed by the fusion of three embryonic bones which are named as:                                                                                                              12416102

      a) Femur,tibia and fibula    

      b) IIeum, ischium and humerus

      c) Ileum, ischium and pubis            

      d) Tibia, fibula and pubis

11) Which one is not a bone of axial skeleton?                                       (Board 2014)        12416103

      a) Ribs                                            b) Sternum

c)Pelvic                                                d) Cranium

12) Which of the following bones is of axial skeleton?                                        (Board 2016)        12416104

      a) Humerus                                    b) Femur

c)  Tibia                                                d) Rib


5) Joints


1)   Joints  which are classified on the basis of structure.                                                                         12416105

      a) Fibrous joints                 b) Cartilaginous

      c) Synovial joints                 d) All of the above

2)   The joints which allow free movement and contain cavity filled with fluid are called:                                                                                                         12416106

      a) Fibrous joints     b) Cartilaginous joints

      c) Synovial joints  d) Pivot joints

3)   Hinge joint allows the movement of bone in two directions and is examplified by the:                                                                                          12416107

      a) Shoulder joint                  b) Knee joint   

      c) Hip joint                          d) Neck joint

4) Ball and socket joint which allows the movement of bone in several directions is

      a) Shoulder joint                                                     12416108

      b) Hip joint  

      c) Shoulder and hip joints

      d) None of the above



6) Deformities of skeleton____ Repair of broken Bones


1)   A disease caused by low calcium in the blood is called:                                                        12416109

      a) Tetany                                        b) Cramp

      c) Tetanus                                      d) Paralysis

2)   Estrogen replacement therapy (ERT) offers the best protection against.            12416110

      a) Arthritis                                     

      b) Cleft palate

      c) Microcephaly                

      d) Osteoporotic bone fractures

3)   A disease which mostly occurs in aged women is:                                                                 12416111

      a) Osteoarthritis      b) Osteoporosis       

      c) Osteomalacia                   d) Osteocalcia

4) Rickets is a disease of children causing bowed legs and deformed:                  12416112

      a) Head                                            b) Pelvis

      c) Chest                               d) Arms

5) The first phase of the repair of a simple fracture is the:                                                            12416113

      a) Callus formation   

      b) Haemtoma formation

      c) Bony callus formation                

      d) Remodelling

6)   Which one of the following is not a joint disease?                                         (Board 2014)        12416114

      a) Arthritis                          b) Sciatica

      c) Disc slip                         d) Spondylosis

7)   A condition in which palatine process of maxilla and palatine fail to fuse is: 

(Board 2015)                                  12416115

a)      Microcephaly               b)         Cleft palate

c)   Fused palate                       d)         Osteoarthritis



7) Muscles _ Arrangements of skeletal muscles


1)   The muscles of the wall of heart are called:                                                                                      12416116

      a) Smooth muscles b) Cardiac muscles

      c) Striated muscles   d) Sphincter muscles

2)   Skeletal muscle is also called:        12416117

      a) Striped muscle  

b) Striated muscle

      c) Striped or striated muscle                       

      d) None of the above

3)   The unit of structure of myofibril lies between two successive Z-lines and is known as the:                                                          12416118

      a) Sarcolemma       b) Sarcoplasm 

      c) Sarcomere           d) Myolemma

4)   The diameter of myosin myofilaments is about:                                                                                      12416119

      a) 14 nm                              b) 16 nm

      c) 7 nm                                d) 8 nm

5)   A large number of myofilaments together constitute                                                                         12416120

      a) Muscle fibre        b) Muscle        

      c) Myofibril             d) Muscle cell

6)   A muscle fibre contracts on receiving the nerve impulse which is carried from the sarcolemma to every myofibril by the:

a) Sarcoplasmic reticulum                      12416121

b) T-tubules

      c) Calcium ions                  

      d) Myofilaments

7)   The hypothesis of "Sliding filament model of muscle contraction was suggested by:                                                         12416122

      a) H. Huxley and A.F. Huxley        

      b) Bradfrod                         

      c ) Julian Huxley               

      d) Haeckel

8)   The direct source of energy for muscle contraction is:                                                                       12416123

      a) ATP                     b) Creatine phosphate

      c) Lactic acid          d) Protein

9)   When muscle contracts:                              12416124

      a) Sarcomere increases in size                    

b) Myosin slide pass actin

      c) Lactic acid is produced

      d) Both a and b     

10) Which of the following changes occur when skeletal muscle contracts?  12416125

      a) The A-hands shorten                                 

      b) The I-bands shorten                      

      c) The Z-Iines slide further apart                

d) The actin filaments contract       

11) The thin filament in myofibril consists of:                                                                                                                              12416126

      a) Actin, tropomyosin, troponin      

      b) Z-line

      c) Myosin

      d) Sarcomere

12) The contraction of striated muscle is initiated by the release of energy in the presence of:                                                             12416127

      a) Acetylcholine                 b) Calcium ion        

      c) Chloride ion                    d) Iron              

13) The total number of skeletal muscles in the human body is:                                       12416128

      a) 600                                              b) 625

      c) 650                                              d) 675

14) The bones are held together at the joints through the:                                                             12416129

      a) Tendons                          b) Ligaments

      c) Fibrins                                         d) Filaments

15) The extension (straightening) at the elbow joint of man is brought about by a big and powerful muscle termed as:


      a) Biceps brachii     b) Brachialis

      c) Brachioradialis    d) Triceps brachii

16) The flexion (bending) at the elbow joint of man is produced by the muscles called:

      a) Biceps brachii, brachialis and                                          brachioradialis                                            12416131

      b) Brachialis and biceps brachii

      c) Brachioradialis and biceps hrachii

      d) Triceps brachii and the brachialis

17) The brachialis muscle on the contraction lifts (bends) the:                                                     12416132

      a) Radius                             b) Humerus

      c) Ulna                                d) Fibula



8) Locomotion in Protoctista and invertebrates


1)   The movements of Euglena are carried on by the:                                                                                   12416133

      a) Cilium                                         b) FIagellum

      c) Pseudopodium                 d) Tentacle

2)   The locomotary organs of the protozoans are:                                                                                                     12416134

      a) Pseudopodia                  

      b) Flagella

      c) Cilia      

      d) Pseudopodia, flagella and cilia

3)   The amoeboid movements of the cell body of amoeba brought about by means of:                                                                                               12416135

      a) Flagella                           b) Cilia

      c) Pseudopodia     d) Muscle contraction     

4)   Setae and muscles both are involved in the locomotion of:                                                    12416136

      a) Jelly fish              b) Earthworm

      c) Cockroach          d) Snail

5)   Tube feet are locomotary organs of: 

      a) Jelly fish              b) Snail            12416137

      c) Cuttle fish            d) Star fish


9) Locomotion and skeleton in vertebrates


1)   Which of the following is plantigrade?                                                                                                               12416138

      a) Rabbits                                       b) Monkeys     

      c) Horses                                        d) Carnivores

2)   The skeletal muscles are attached with the bones through the:                                                           12416139

      a) Ligaments                       b) Tendons

      c) Sarcolemma        d) Myofibrils

3)   The mammals which walk only on the tips of their toes are called:                12416140

      a) Plantigrade          b) Unguligrade

      c) Digitigrade         d) Brachigrade

4)   A common digitigrade animal is the:


a) Monkey                                 b) Goat  

      c) Horse                               d) Dog

5)   The supracoracoid muscles provide power for the:                (Board 2015)                          12416142

a)   Upward stroke                               

b)   Downward stroke

c)   Recovery stroke

d)   Neutral stroke



Short questions


1.                                                      What provides support in plants and animals?                                                                                                     12416143

2.                                                      What is Turgor pressure?                         12416144

3.                                                      What is Bundle cap?                                             12416145

4.                                                      What is tonoplast? (Board 2007) 12416146

5.                                                      Differentiate between fibers or

sclereides.                                           (Board 2014)      12416147

6.   What are vessels or tracheae?       12416148

7.   Define secondary growth.             12416149

8.   Which meristems are involved in secondary growth?                                                       12416150

9.   What does growth ring indicates?                                                                                                                               12416151

10. What is function of heart wood?                                                                                                                                 12416152

11. What is Sapwood and heartwood?                                                                                                                             12416153

12. What is Callus or Wood tissue?    or


How calles is formed?       12416155

13.       What is difference between animal and plant movements?                                         12416156

14. What are main types of movements in plants?                                                                                    12416157

15. What are Autonomic movements? Also give their main types.                                          12416158

16.       Define Tactic Movements.       12416159

17.       What is Phototactic Movement?                                                                       (Board 2007, 15)     12416160

18.       What is chemotactic Movement?                                                                                (Board 2015)        12416161

19.       What is turgor Movement?     12416162

20.       What are growths Movements?


21.       Differentiate between Epinasty and Hyponasty.                                  (Board 2009,14)    12416164

22.       Define Nutation.                                              12416165

23.       What are Tropic Movements?


24.       Define Phototropism.                                                                                                                    (Board 2008) 12416167

25.       Define Thigmotropism.                                                                                                                (Board 2008)     12416168

26.       Define Chemotropism.            12416169

27.       Define Hydrotropism.             12416170

28. Define Geotropism or Gravitropism.                                                                                                (Board 2013)      12416171

29. What are Nastic Movements?       12416172

30.       Define Photonasty. (Board 2016) 12416173

31.       Define Thermonasty.                         

                                                                        (Board 2016)            12416174

32.       Define Haptonastic movement? Give example.                                   (Board 2014)      12416175

33.       What are sleep movements?   12416176

34.       What is Nyctinasty?                            12416177






35.       What is skeleton?                                12416178

36.       What are different types of skeleton?                                                                                     12416179

37.       What is cartilage?                               12416180

38.       What are chondrocytes?                     12416181

39.   What is fibro cartilage?

                                                                        (Board 2016)   12416182

40. What is the hyaline cartilage?

                                                                        (Board 2016) 12416183


Support and Movements

41. What is hydroskeleton or hydrostatic skeleton?                                                                                                         12416184

42.       Define Exoskeleton.                                                                                                                                                          (Board 2015)            12416185

43.       What is the composition of exoskeleton?                                                                                                                           12416186

44. What is Moulting or Ecdysis?                                                                                                                                                                         12416187

45.       What is Endoskeleton?                                                                                                                                                                                         12416188

46.       What is the composition of Endoskeleton?                                                                                                                        12416189

47.       What do know about compact bone?                                                                                                                                12416190

48.       What are characteristics of spongy bone?                                                                                                                         12416191

49. Name the cells associated with bone.                                                                                                               (Board 2014)        12416192

50. What is Axial Skeleton?                                                                                                                                                                                              12416193

51. Name the bones of cranium.                                                                                                                                                                                        12416194

52. Give composition of exoskeleton in mollusces and arthropods.                              (Board 2015) 12416195

53.       Name the bones of facial region.                                                                                                               (Board 2016)        12416196

54.       What is Vertebral Column?                                                                                                                                                                      12416197

55.       What is Sacrum?                                                                                                                                                                                                               12416198

56.       What is Coccyx?                                                                                                                                                                                                               12416199

57.       Why lower two pairs of ribs are called "floating ribs"?                                                                            12416200

58. What is appendicular skeleton?                                                                                                                                                                      12416201

59.       What does pectoral girdle comprise?                                                                                                                                12416202

60.       Name different bones of fore limb.                                                                                                                                                12416203

61.       What are important features of pelvic girdle?                                                                                                      12416204

62.       Name different parts of hind Limb.                                                                                                                                   12416205

63. What is sciatica?                                                                                                                                                         (Board 2009,16)                 12416206

64.       What is spondylosis?                                                                                                                                                                                             12416207

65.       What is cleft palate?                                                                                                                                                                                                          (Board 2014)           12416208

66.       What is Arthritis?                                                                                                                                                                                                 12416209

67.       What is Osteoporosis?                                                                                                                                                                              12416210

68.       What is Osteomalcia?                                                                                                                                                                               12416211

69. What is Rickets?    Give its treatment.                                                                                                           (Board 2014)          12416212

70.       What is Disc -Slip?                                                                                                                                                (Board 2008, 10)   12416213

71. How many steps are involved in repairing of broken bones?                                                              12416214

72.       What is closed reduction?       12416215

73. What is Open reduction? Give its treatment.                                                                                            (Board 2014)               12416216

74. What is hematoma formation?                                                                                                                                    (Board 2016)           12416217



74. What are joints?                                                   12416218

75.       In how many categories joints are classified? Name them.                                          12416215

76. What different classes of joints on the basis of structure?                                                12416219

77.       What are Hinge Joints?                      12416220

78.       What are Ball & Socket Joints?                                                                                                                                        12416221

79. What is Synovial joint?

                                        (Board 2014)        12416222



80.       What are muscles?                              12416223

81.       What are smooth muscles?     12416224

82.       What are cardiac muscles?     12416225

83.       Why heart muscles are known as cardiac muscles?                                                                12416226

84.       What are cross bridges?                     12416227

85.       What do you understand from "Rigor Mortis"?                                                                    12416228

86.       Define sarcomere.                               12416229

87.       What are skeletal muscles?     12416230

88.       What are tendons?                              12416231

89.       What is Muscle fibre?             12416232

90.       What is sarcolemma and Sar-coplasm?                                                                                        12416233

91.       What are Myofibrils?             12416234

92.       What are Dark and light bands in sarcomere?                                                                             12416235

93. What are H-zone and M-line in A band of sarcomere?                                                                 12416236

94.       What is T -system?                             12416237

95.       What are triads?                                             12416238

96.       What is sliding filament model?


97.       What is a motor unit?             12416240

98.       What are the sources of energy for muscle contraction?                      (Board 2014)              12416241

99.       What is other source of energy for muscle contraction in addition to glucose?          


100.     What is muscle fatigue?          (Board 2007)                                                                                                                                 12416243

101.     What is Tetany?          (Board 2007)  12416244

102.     What is cramp?                                               12416245

103.     What are different parts of skeletal muscle?                                                                                 12416246

104.     What are ligaments and tendons?                                                                               (Board 2007, 09) 12416247

105.     What is antagonistic arrangement?                                                                                                          12416248

106. What are Brachialis & brachioradialus?                                                                                                           12416249

107.     Name different types of muscles in vertebrates.                                                                            12416250


108.     What are organs of locomotion in Euglena, Paramecium and Amoeba?


109.     What is Effective stroke?        12416252

110.     What is Recovery stroke?       12416253

111.     What is the type of locomotion in Jellyfish and Earthworm?                          12416254

112.     What is mode of locomotion in Cockroach?                                                                            12416255

113.     How locomotion occurs in Snail and mussels?                                                                              12416256

114.     What are tube feet?                            12416257

115.     What is Swim bladder?                       12416258

116.     How wriggling occurs in Amphibians?                                                                                   12416259

117.     What is Bipedal locomotion? 12416260

118.     What is passive flight?  What is Aerofoils?                             (Board 2007,14) 12416261

119.     What is active flight?                                                                                                  (Board 2007,09,13)         12416262

120.     What is Plantigrade?              12416263

121.     What are digitigrades?                                                                                                                             (Board 2009) 12416264

122.     What is Unguligrade?                                                                                                             (Board 2009)      12416265







Multiple Choice Questions



1) The neuron set of Hydra lacks:                      12417045

      a) neurons                         

      b) dendrites

      c) connections       

      d) direction of impulse flow

2) A nerve is a:                                                             12417046

      a) Collection of neurons

      b) Concentration of dendrites and axons

      c) Bundles of axons or dendrites of  neurons

      d) bundle of axons or dendrites, bounded     by connective tissue



3) Thyroid gland produces:                               12417047

      a) T3, T4 and calcitonin                 

      b) Calcitonin

      c) Tri-iodothyroxine                                   

      d) Tetraiodothyroxine

4)   What is the  number of cranial and spinal nerves in man                                                                   12417048

      a) 12 and  31            b)  24 and  62

      c) both a and b         d) none of the above

5) One of the following which is not related       to others is:                                                       12417049

      a) Cretinism                        b) Myxoedema

      c) Exophthalmic goiter

d) Diabetes mellitus 


1) Introduction___Biological Clock


1) Biorhythms are called circadian which means about one day, so they are also called:                                                                                  12417050

      a) diurnal pace                    b) diurnal cadence       

      c) diurnal rhythms              d) diurnal tempo

2) If the biorhythms are less than or about 365 days, these rhythms in activity are called:                                                                                12417051

      a) circannual                                   b) nutation 

      c) circumnutation                d) both a & c

3) In living things the behavioural activities occur at regular intervals  which are called:                                                                                 12417052

      a) biorhythms                        b) biological rhythms

      c) musical rhythms  d) both a & b               

4)   A major cause of Chlorosis is the shortage of:                                                                      12417053

      a) Iron                                                        b) oxygen

      c) nitrogen                          d) hydrogen




5)   The commercial compound ethephon breaks down to release ethene in plants and is applied to rubber plant to stimulate the flow of:                                                            12417054

      a) latex                                           b) rubber

c) phloem sap                           d) xylem sap

6)   The condition known as chlorosis usually arises from short supplies of:                     12417055

      a) manure                                       b) oxygen

c) mineral nutrients       d) water

7)   The plants are said to be etiolated, if they fail to form chlorophyll in the absence of:

      a) Water                                         b) Salt               12417056

      c) Light                                          d) Iron

8)   In plants, chlorosis is the condition of getting yellow due to shortage of: 12417057

a) Sodium                                            b) Sulphur

      c) Phosphorus                                d) Minerals

9)   Galls are growths on plants that are induced by:                                                                   12417058

a) Ticks                                    b) Protozoans

      c) Parasites                         d) Fungi


2)Plant Hormones


1)   Abscisic acid can be sprayed on tree crops to regulate:                                                          12417059

a) leaf drop                               b) shoot drop

c) cone drop                             d) fruit drop

2)   Abscisic acid inhibits stem growth notably during physiological stress, e.g.:   12417060

      a) drought                                       b) water-logging

c) both a & b                             d) none

3)   Abscisic acid promotes closing of stomata under conditions                          12417061

      a) water stress                     b) light stress

c) wind stress                d) temperature stress

4)   Auxins are:                                                            12417062

      a) Indole Acetic Acid (1AA)          

      b) cytokinins

      c) gibberellins                                

      d) abscisic acid

5)   Auxins promote growth of roots from:                                                                                                               12417063

      a) Cuttings                                      b) calluses    

      c) both a & b                                  d) layering

6)   Cytokinins delay the aging of fresh leaf crops, such as cabbage and lettuce as well as keeping flowers:                                         12417064

a) attached                                b) fresh

c) delayed                                            d) open

7)   Cytokinins promote stem growth by cell division in:                                                             12417065

a) apical meristem         b) cambium

c) both a & b                             d) none

8)   Ethene induces flowering in:

                                                                                                (Board 2014) 12417066

a)  apple                                               b) pines

c)  pineapple                            d)  tomato

9)   Ripening of tomatoes and citrus fruit is stimulated by:                                                                      12417067

a)  methane                               b)  ethane

c)  propane                               d)  ethene

10) What is used in the brewing industry to stimulate α-amylase production in barley and this promotes malting:        12417068

a) GA                                                   b)  GA5

c) GA2                                      d) GA3

11) Gibberellins are produced commercially from:                                                                                       12417069

a) viral cultures           

b) bacterial cultures

c)  algal cultures                      

d)  fungal cultures

12) The only naturally occurring auxin is the:

      a) Indole acetic acid                                    12417070

      b) Naphthalene acetic acid

      c) 2, 4 – D                         

      d) None of the above

13) Flowering is induced in pineapple by a growth hormone called:                                12417071

      a) Gibberellins                   b) Abscisic acid

      c) Cytokinins                      d) Ethene



3) Coordination in animals____Receptors

1)   Each type of the principal type of sensation that we can experience e.g., pain, touch, sight, sound and so forth is called a modality of:                                             12417072

      a) regulation                                   b) susceptibility

      c) coordination                   d) sensation

2) Mechanoreceptors detect stimuli of: 


      a) touch and pressure b) hearing

c) equilibrium                d) all of the above

3)   Meissner's corpuscles lie in papillae which extend into the ridges of the.


      a) fingertips                                    b) shoulder

c) elbows                                              d) thigh

4)   Pain receptors are nearly 27 times more       abundant than:                                                  12417075

      a) heat receptors         b) wind receptors

c) cold receptors               d) rheo-receptors

5)   The cold receptors are nearly 10 times more abundant than:                                      12417076

      a) heat receptors    

      b) temperature receptors

c) both a & b                

d) light receptors

6)   The elements of nervous system which help in co-ordination are:                              12417077

      a) Receptors                                   b) Neurons

c) Effectors                   d) all of the above

7) The principal effectors are:                            12417078

      a) glands                                        b) muscles

c) both a & b                             d) nerves

8) The receptor may be:                                    12417079

a) A cell                                                b) Neuron ending

c) A receptor organ       d) All of above

9) Thermoreceptors respond to:      12417080       

      a) Cold                                           b) Warmth

c) Light                                                 d) Both a & b

10  Touch receptors are much more numerous in the finger tips than in the skin of the:                                                                      12417081

a) Back                                                 b) Neck           

c) Legs                                     d) Arm


11) The components of nervous coordination are:                                                                                                     12417082

      a) Receptors and neurons               

      b) Receptors and effectors

      c) Neurons and effectors                

      d) Receptors, neurons and effectors

12) The receptor may be:                                              12417083

      a) A cell                       b) Neuron ending

      c) Receptor organ     d) All of the above



13) The sensation of pain is produced by

                                                                                (Board 2015)                    12417084

      a) Mechanoreceptors   b) Nociceptor     

      c) Photorecptors          d) Chemoreceptors

14) Of the touch receptors in our skin, those which receive deep pressure stimuli are called:                                                                                       12417085

      a) Meissner's corpuscles     

b) Pacinian corpuscles  

      c) Nociceptors        

d) Mechanoreceptors

4) Neuron_Synapse

1)   The main transmitter for synapses that lie

      outside the central nervous system is:           12417086

      a) adrenaline                                  b) acetylcholine

      c) serotonin                                    d) dopamine

2) Active membrane potential is:                       12417087

      a) 0.05 volts                                   b) 50  mv

      c) Both a & b                                  d) 0.07 volts

3)   Associative Neurons are the neurons which occur exclusively in  the:    12417088

      a) spinal cord                                 

b) brain

      c) notochord                                  

d) both a & b

4)   In addition to neurons, there are also other   cells, in the nervous system of higher     animals and humans, called:                  12417089

a) neuroglia                              b) ganglia

c) uroglia                                              d) somatoglia

5)   In myelinated neurons the impulse jumps from node to node (node of Ranvier). This is called:                                                      12417090

a) myelinated impulse

b) Jumping impulse

c) saltatory impulse  

d) none of these

6)   In the sensory neurons, the single, elongated dendrite is called a:                   12417091

a) dendron                                b) dendroot

c) dendrof                                            d) dendria

7)   In the unstimulated state, a neuron has a membrane potential of approximately:

a) -40mV                                              b) -70mV   12417092

c) -50mV                                              d) -90mV

8)   Which is not neurotransmitter?        12417093

a) nor-epinephrine        b) serotonin

c) dopamine                             d) L-dopa


9)   Motor neurons form somatic nervous system, which controls:                                   12417094

      a) voluntary movements

      b) involuntary movements

c) reflex actions                        d) both b & c

10) A vital role in the nutrition of neurons and their protection by myelin sheath is played by:                                                                        12417095

a) neuroglia                              b) mesoglea     

c) ganglia                                              d) endroglia

11) Neurophysiologists believe that the increased permeability in neuron is due to the opening of specific pores in the membrane, termed:                                     12417096

a) potassium gates         b) sodium gates

c) calcium gates                        d) oxygen gates

12) Resting membrane potential  in mv is:         

a) 0.03                                      b) -0.07            12417097

c) 0.05                                      d) -70.00

13) Sensory Neurons are the neurons which carry nerve impulses from receptors to:


a) brain                                                 b) spinal cord  

c) notochord                             d) both a & b

14) Which ions are tenfold higher in concentration outside than inside the membrane surface:                                    12417099

a) Sodium                                             b) Potassium

c) Calcium                                d) Nitrogen

15) The message is transmitted across synapse in the form of chemical messenger, called:

a) Glial transmitters                                          12417100

b) Chemotransmitters               

c) Neurotransmitters                

d) Synotransmitters


16) The processes conducting Impulses away from cell body are termed:             12417101

a) Dendrites                              b) Protrusions

c) Axons                                              d) Both a & c

17) There is no cytoplasmic connection between the two neurons and microscopic gaps are left between them which are called:                                                                                            12417102

      a) Synapsis                         b) Aperture

      c) Synapses                                    d) Fissure

18) The chief morphological and physiological unit of the nervous system is the:                                                                                                                                    12417103

      a) Nephron                         b) Neuron

      c) Reflex                                        d) Synapse

19) The changes in the external and internal environment are detected by the:      12417104

      a) Sense organs       b) Receptors

      c) Effectors              d) Teloreceptors

20) The processes of the cell bodies of neurons which conduct impulses away from the cell bodies and termed as the:


      a) Dendrons                                   b) Dendrites    

      c) Axons                              d) Axoplasms

21) The groups of ribosomes present in the cell body of the neuron, which are associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum are called;                                               12417106

      a) Meissner's corpuscles                 

      b) Pacinian corpuscles  

      c) Nissl's granules

d) Lysosome granules

22) The processes which serve to conduct impulses towards the cell body of the neuron are called:                                                     12417107

      a) Dendrons                                    b) Axons

      c) Dendrites                         d) Fibers

23) The sensory neurons conduct impulses from the receptors to the:                               12417108

      a) Brain                                              

      b) Spinal cord 

      c) Central nervous system

      d) Glands

24) The motor neurons convey impulses from the central nervous system to the:  12417109

      a) Muscles                                     

      b) Glands

      c) Muscles or glands          

      d) Receptors

25) The associative neurons of man are found in the:                                                                                    12417110

      a) Brain                  

      b) Brain and the spinal cord

      c) Spinal cord

      d) Effectors

26) The principal effectors are:              12417111

      a) Muscles              

      b) Glands

      c) Muscles or glands 

      d) None of the above

27) The reflexes may be:                                               12417112

      a) Monosynaptic                 

      b) Polysynaptic

      c) Monosynaptic or polysynaptic    

      d) None of the above

28) A nerve impulse is a wave of electrochemical changes traveling along the length of the neuron involving chemical reactions and movement of ions across the:                                                                          12417113

      a) Synapse                           b) Cell wall

      c) Cell membrane               d) Axon

29) The most important of the many kinds of ions present in the nerve cell and the surrounding fluid are the:                          12417114

      a) Calcium ions                  

b) Sodium ions 

      c) Potassium ions               

      d) Sodium and potassium ions

30) The value of resting membrane potential of the neuron is:                                                     12417115

      a) 0.05 volts                        b) 0.06 volts

      c) -0.07 volts        d) 0.08 volts

31) The value of active membrane potential of the neurons is:                                                     12417116

      a) 50 millivolts       

      b) 6.0 millivolts

      c) 70 millivolts   

      d) 80 millivolts

32) The normal speed of the nerve impulse in the human body, per second is:      12417117

      a) 80 meters          b) 90 meters

      c) 100 meters           d) 110 metres

33) The microscopic gap between the axon endings of one neuron and the dendrites of the other in a row is called.

                                                            (Board 2016)      12417118

      a) Synapsis                          b) Pairing

      c) Synapse                           d) Impulse

34) The most common neurotransmitter is the ester called:                                                                     12417119

      a) Dopamine            b) Adrenaline

      c) Acetylcholine                 d) Serotonin

35) The net difference in charge between the inner and outer surface of a non-conducting neuron is called the:       12417120

      a) resting membrane potential                    

      b) active membrane potential

      c) inactive membrane potential

      d) both a & c

36) Electrical potential is a measure of the capacity to do:                                                                       12417121

      a) potential work                

b) electrical work

      c) mechanical work

d) kinetic work

37) Maximum speed of nerve impulse transmission is:                (Board 2014)      12417122

      a) 100 m/s                                      b) 110 m/s

      c)  120 m/s                                     d) 130 m/s

38) Nissl's granules are group of: 

                                                                                                (Board 2016)      12417123

      a) Mesosomes                                 b) Lysosomes

      c)  Ribosomes                                 d) Chromosomes



5) Evolution of neRvous system

1)      Diffused nervous system is found in: 


      a) Poriferans                                   b) Platyhelminthes

      c) Cnidarians                                  d) Annelids

2) Hydra shows:                                                                       12417125

      a) diffused nervous system 

      b) centralized nervous system

c) both a & b                             d) none

3) Planaria have:                                                                      12417126

a) diffused nervous system       

b) centralized nervous system

c) peripheral nervous system    

d) none of these

4)   The nervous system of Planarian is better developed as compared , with that of:


a) man                                                  b) octopus

c) starfish                                             d) hydra



5)   The nervous system of the Hydra consists of a network of:                                          12417128

      a) Neurons                           b) Axons

      c) Dendrons                         d) Dendrites

6)   The receptor cells of Planaria are sensitive to:                                                                     12417129

      a) Light and pressure

      b) Light and touch

      c) Light, pressure, touch and chemicals

d) Touch and chemicals

7)   In Planaria, in addition to a superficial nerve net Just below the epidermis, there is a deeper plexus embedded in the: 12417130

      a) Endoderm            b) Mesogloea

      c) Parenchyma       d) Coelom

8)   A bilobed mass composed of two ganglia is also known as the brain in:                     12417131

      a) Hydra                              b) Planaria

      c) Earthworm                      d) Cockroach


6) Human CNS

1)   Beneath the cranium, the brain and spinal     cord are protected by  triple layer of:                       


      a) meninges                         b) skin      

      c) muscles                           d) fluid

2)   Between the layers of meninges, the fluid that bathes the neurons of brain and spinal cord is:                                                        12417133

      a) cerebral fluid      b) cerebrospinal fluid

      c) spinal fluid                     d) arachnoid fluid

3)   The largest part of the brain is:        12417134

      a) cerebellum                                  b) medulla

      c) thalamus                         d) cerebrum

4)   The part of skull that protects the brain is:


      a) cranium            b) chorion

      c) foramen magnum            d) choroids

5) Fibres from the eyes (retina) terminate in the:                                                                                           12417136

      a) visual cortex of brain      

      b) visual pons of brain       

      c) visual medulla of brain   

      d) visual cochlea of brain

6)   Forebrain is further divided into:   12417137

      a) thalamus             b) limbic system

      c) cerebrum                        d) all of the above

7)   How many pairs of spinal nerves arise from or lead to spinal cord?                12417138

      a) 31                                               b) 13

      c) 25                                               d) 12

8)   The concentrations of cell bodies of neurons  are:                                                                 12417139

      a) ganglia                            b) dendrites

      c) axons                             d) nodules

9) In human mid brain is:          (Board 2015)        12417140

      a) reduced                        b) enlarged

      c) swollen                         d) broken

10) An important role in the formation of long term memory is played by:           12417141

      a) thalamus                         b) pons

      c) hippocampus                  d) limbic system

11) Human nervous system, is a type of:

      a) diffused nervous system              12417142

      b) centralized nervous system

      c) both a & b                                  

      d) all of the above

12) In humans, there are 12 pairs of nerves, which arise from the brain, or lead to the brain these nerves are called:                   12417143

      a) cerebral nerves                b) cranial nerves.

      c) spinal nerves                   d) both a & b

13) Cluster of neurons produce sensation of pleasure, punishment or sexual arousal when stimulated, in the:                           12417144

      a) pons                                                       b) thalamus

      c) hippocampus                  d) amygdala

14) Several automatic functions, such as breathing, heart rate, blood , pressure and swallowing are controlled by:        12417145

      a) medulla                                      b) cerebrum

      c) thalamus                         d) pons

15) Medulla oblongata narrows down into an oval shaped hollow cylinder, the spinal cord, running through the:         12417146

      a) neural tube                                 b) vertebral column

      c) digestive tract                 d) vascular channel

16) Autonomic nervous system is formed of:                                                                                                            12417147

      a) sensory neurons  b) Motor neurons

      c) associative neurons         d) both a & b

17) Brain and spinal cord lead to the:     12417148

      a) receptors                        b) skeleton

      c) heart                                           d) effectors

18) Nicotine affects post synaptic membrane in:                                                                                           12417149

      a) CNS                                           b) PNS

      c) DNS                                           d) both a & b

19) Nicotine may induce:                                              12417150

      a) vomiting                         b) diarrhoea

      c) tetanus                                        d) both a & b

20) Nociceptors produce the sensation of:


      a) touch                                          b) pain            

      c) warmth                                       d) pressure

21) Peripheral nervous system comprises sensory neurons and motor neurons, which may form:                                             12417152

      a) ganglia                                        b) nerves

      c) both a & b                                  d) neuroglia

22) Thalamus carries sensory information to the:                                                                                          12417153

      a) limbic system                 b) cerebrum     

      c) amygdala                                    d) both a & b

23) The brain can be divided into:         12417154

      a) forebrain                                    b) mid brain

      c) hind brain                                   d) all a, b, c

24) The cerebellum is important in
coordinating:                                                                      12417155

      a) heart beat

      b) movements of the body

      c) respiratory activities

d) voluntary actions

25) The chief structural and functional units of the nervous system are:                           12417156

      a) nerves                            b) neuroglia

      c) neurons                          d) both a & c   

26) The limbic system consists of:         12417157

      a) hypothalamus                

b) amygdala

      c) hippocampus                 

d) all a, b, c

27) The limbic system is located in an arc between the:                                                              12417158

      a) thalamus & hypothalamus                      

      b) thalamus & cerebrum

      c) cerebrum & cerebellum  

      d) pons & amygdale

28) The outer region of cerebrum is the: 


      a) adrenal cortex     b) cerebral cortex

      c) visual cortex       d) cranial cortex

29) The two cerebral hemispheres communicate with each other by means of a large band of axons, called:          12417160

      a) corpus callosum b) corpus luteum

      c) corpus restiformia           d) none

30) The vertebral column protects the:12417161

      a) notochord                                   b) spinal cord

      c) brain                                           d) liver

31) The mammalian forebrain is differentiated into the thalamus, limbic system and the:                                                           12417162

      a) Crebellum           b) Hippocampus  

c) Cerebellum      d) Hypothalamus

32) The limbic system of forebrain of man consists of hypothalamus, hippocampus and:                                                                                12417163

      a) Thalamus            b) Cerebrum       

      c) Amygdala           d) Meninges

33) In human beings, memory is due to:


      a) Amygdala            b) Hypothalamus

      c) Thalamus            d) Hippocampus

34) The human cerebrum is involved in: 


      a) Intelligence         b) Reasoning

      c)  Judgment            d) all of the above

35) The hind-brain of man consists of the:         

       a) Pons and the cerebellum                         12417166

      b) Cerebellum and the medulla oblongata

      c) Pons, cerebellum and the medulla oblongata

      d) Pons and the medulla oblongata

36) The cerebellum, a part of the hind-brain is best developed in:                                                12417167

      a) Amphibians         b) Reptiles

      c) Birds                               d) Mammals

37) The spinal cord of man is made up of:                                                                                                                12417168

a) Grey matter  b) White matter

      c)  Both the grey matter and the white                      matter                          d) None of the above


38) A nerve is a:                                                                       12417169

      a) Concentration of cell bodies of neurons

      b) Collection of naked neurons

      c)  Bundle of Dendrons

      d) bundle of axons or dendrites, bounded     by connective tissue

39) The peripheral nervous system consists of the nerves arising from the:                      12417170

      a)  Brain                                         

      b)  Receptors

      c)  Brain and the spinal cord           

d)  Spinal cord

40) The number of human cerebral nerves is:


      a) Twelve                            b)Twenty-four  

      c)  Thirty-one          d) Sixty-two   

41) A few of the cerebral nerves are:      12417172

      a) Sensory               b) Motor

      c)  Mixed                 d) Automatic

42) All the spinal nerves are:                             12417173

      a) Sensory               b) Motor  

      c) Mixed                  d) None of the above

43) The number of human spinal nerves is:                                                                                                              12417174

      a) 12 pairs               b)  25 pairs

      c)   31 pairs             d)  32 pairs

44) The maximum speed of nerve impulse as recorded in the human beings is:     12417175

a) 100 metres/second    

b) 10 metres/second

c) 120 metres/second               
d)130 metres/second




7)  Nervous disorders


1) Nervous disease characterized by the involuntary tremors is the:                     12417176

a) Epilepsy                    b) Parkinson's disease

c)  Raynaud's disease  d) Alzheimer's disease

2) A convulsive disorder of nerves associated with rapid electric discharges in the gray matter of the brain is called:                  12417177

      a) Parkinson's disease        

b) Alzheimer's disease

c)   Epilepsy                

d)  Cushing's disease

3) Alzheimer's disease is characterized by the decline in the function of:                          12417178

      a) brain                                           b) liver

c) kidney                                              d) stomach

4) Effective drugs for Parkinson's disease are available such as:                                                  12417179

a) L-dopa                                            

b) dopamine

c) serotonin                             

d) epinephrine


5) The most important test in the study of epilepsy is:                                                                 12417180

a) Electrocardiography

b) Electroradiography

c) Electroencephalography       

d) PCR

6) One of the convulsive disorders of nerves is:                                                                                            12417181

a) Addison's                             b) Epilepsy

c) Parkinson's                           d) Alzheimer's

7) Excess MSH is secreted in:               12417182

a) Addison's disease

b) Parkinson's disease

c) Graves disease             

d) Alzheimer's disease

8) A nervous disorder, characterized by involuntary tremors, diminishing motor power and rigidity:                                       12417183

a) Parkinson's disease    

b) paralysis agitans

c) Addison's disease        d) both a & b

9) The onset of epilepsy is usually before age:                                                                                        12417184

a) 10                                                    

b) 20               

c) 30                                                    

d) 40



8) Chemical Coordination

i) Pituitary Gland

1) Which hormone in females stimulates follicle development and secretion of oestrogens from the ovaries:                12417185

a) STH                                      b) FSH

c) ACTH                                              d) ADH

2) Which hormone in males stimulates development of the germinal epithelium of the testis and sperm production:12417186

a) STH                          b) FSH

c) ACTH                                  d) ADH

3)   Gonadotrophic hormones are:                      12417187

a) luteinizing hormone

b) prolactin

c) follicle stimulating hormone

d) all of the above

4)   In adult man the pituitary gland or hypophysis cerebri is an ovoid structure about:                                                                                    12417188

a) 0.2 gm                                  b) 0.5 g

c) 0.7 gm                                  d) 0.9 gm

5)   Interstitial cells produce gonadal hormones called:                                                              12417189

a) Testosterone

b) 17 (β-hydroxytestosterone)

c) progesterone            

d) both a & b

6)   It is believed that oxytocin and vasopressin or antidiuretic hormone (ADH) are produced in:                    12417190

a) thalamus                               b) hypothalamus

c) hippocampus                        d) amygdala

7) Milk ejection from mammary glands is caused by:                                                                              12417191

a) vasopressin                           b) Oxytocin

c) parathormone                       d) insulin

8) Prolactin is continuously produced from the pituitary and is inhibited  by prolactin inhibiting factor (PIH) from the:       12417192

a) hypothalamus                       b) thalamus

c) amygdala                              d) limbic system

9)   Prolactin stimulates:                                                12417193

a) urination                               b) milk production

c) excretion                              d) digestion

10) Vasopressin or anti-diuretic hormone and oxytocin are:                                                                     12417194

a) steroids                                             b) polypeptides

c) sugars                                               d) both a & b

11) The glands that lack ducts and whose secretions are called hormones are known as the:                                                                                        12417195

a) Exocrine glands        

b) Endocrine glands

c)  Mesocrine glands 

d) Exocrine glands

12) The pituitary gland is also called:     12417196

a) Actinohypophysis    

b) Adenohypophysis

c)  Hypophysis cerebri

d) Zygapophysis

13) The over-secretion of the somatotrophin (growth hormone) during early life leads to:                                                                                           12417197

a) Dwarfism                  b) Cretinism    

c)  Gigantism                 d) Diabetes

14) Dwarfism in human beings is caused due to under secretion of:                      12417198

a) Thyrotrophin             b) Corticotrophin

c)  Somatotrophin                     d)  Prolactin    


15) The disease diabetes insipidus is caused due to the under secretion of a pituitary hormone called:                                                  12417199

a) Insulin                                   b) Glucagons

c) Vasopressin                          d) Oxytocin

ii) Thyroid

1)   Deficiency of thyroxine in adults, perhaps due to iodine shortage in diet, produces a swelling of the neck or:         12417200

a) tumour                                             b) goitre

c) lump                                                 d) bulge

2)   Excess thyroxine produces a condition called:                                                                                  12417201

a) Addison's disease                 

b) Parkinson's disease

c) Grave's disease                    

d) Alzheimer's disease

3)   Which hormone is produced in excess during early life and leads to gigantism in the abnormal development of hands, feet, jaw, etc:                                                                                  12417202

      a) gonadotrophin                b) ovutrophin

c) spermatotrophin        d) somatotrophin

4)   In infants, the deficiency of thyroxine causes a dwarfed condition called.                                                                                                                                                                 12417203

a) gigantism                              b) dwarfism

c) cretinism                              d) myxoedema

5) In man the parathyroids are found embedded in the posterior part of the lateral lobes of the:                                   12417204

a) thyroid                                             b) pancreas

c) pituitary                                d) testis

6) Under-activity of parathormone causes a drop in blood Ca2+ which ' in turn leads to muscular:                                                                    12417205

a) spasm                                 b) fatigue

c) tetany                                 d) all of the above

7) In amphibians the thyroid hormones accelerate the rate of:                                          12417206

a)  Development            b) Growth

c) Cell division              d) Metamorphosis

8) The insufficient secretion of thyroxin in infants causes the defect called as:12417207

a)  Cretinism                  b)  Myxoedema  

c)  Rickets                                 d)  Diabetes

9) Deficiency of thyroxin in the adults causes a disease known is:                                               12417208

a)  Cretinism                  b) Myxoedema 

c)   Rickets                     d)  Diabetes

10) The hormone calcitonin is secreted by a ductless gland known as:                             12417209

aThyroid                                 b) Parathyroid

c)  Hypothalamus          d) Pancreas

11) The deficiency of iodine in the diet, causes swelling of the:                           12417210

a) Face                                                  b) Leg

c)  Neck                                     d) Hands

12) The under-secretion of parathormone causes a drop in blood calcium level which in turn leads to muscular: 12417211

a) Weakness                             b) Rigidity

c)  Tetany                                  d) Thickness

13) Parathyroid gland secretes the hormone:


      a)Thyroxin                          b) Iodothyroxine  

c) Parathyroxine           d) Parathormone

14) In mammals thyroid gland consists of two lobes situated below the:   12417213

a) pharynx                                b) larynx

c) trachea                                             d) oesophagus

15) Parathyroids produce a hormone called:                                                                                                             12417214

      a) serotonin                                    b) nor-epinephrine       

c) calcitonin                             d) Parathormone

16) Release of thyrotrophin releasing factor from the hypothalamus is controlled by the levels of:                                                       12417215

      a) thyroxine                                    b) thyronine

c) spmatotrophin                       d) gonadotrophin

7) Thyroid gland produces:                               12417216

a) thyroxine (or tetraiodo-thryonine: T4)

b) tri-iodothyronine or T3

c) calcitonin hormone

d) all of the above

iii) Islets of Langerhans

1) Failure to produce insulin leads to a condition called:                                                 12417217

a) diabetes insipidus    

b) diabetes mellitus

c) glucogenesis            

d) myxedema

2) Glucagon causes an increase in levels of blood:                                                                                        12417218

a) glucose                                             b) sucrose

c) lactose                                              d) urea

3) Insulin inhibits the hydrolysis of glycogen      in the:                                                                                 12417219

a) liver                             b) muscles

c) both a & b                    d) None of the above

4) The islets of Langerhans contain large numbers of β cells associated with:


a) insulin production

b) glucagon production

c) steroid production

d) epinephrine production

5) α-cells present in islets' of Langerhans secrete:                                                                                   12417221

a) glucagon                               b) insulin

c) gastrin                                              d) secretin

6) The islets of Langerhans which secrete the hormones insulin and glucagons comprise a part of                                                                   12417222

      a) Liver                                           b) Spleen

c) Kidney                      d) Pancreas

7) The amount of sugar in the blood is increased by the hormone:            12417223

a) Insulin                                  b) Glucagon

c) Adrenaline                            d) Cortisone

8) Pancreas is:                                                                          12417224

a) Exocrine gland                    

b) Endocrine gland

c) Both exocrine as well as endocrine glad

d) Ectocrine gland

9) Lack of insulin in the blood leads to a condition called:                                                           12417225

a) Diabetes insipidus    

b)  Diabetes mellitus 

c) Hypoglycemia                     

d) Grave's disease



iv) Adrenals


1) A mineralocorticoid hormone which conserves the level of Na+ ions in the body by preventing their loss from the kidney tubules is:                                                    12417226

a) androgens                             b) testosterone

c) progesterone             d) aldosterone

2) Development of the secondary male characters is caused by:                           12417227

a) aldosterone                           b) androgens

c) oestrogen                              d) vasopressin

3)   Antidiuretic hormone is also called:


a) oxytocin                               b) ACTH

c) vasopressin                           d) prolactin

4)   Corticostercne is:                                                    12417229

a) Glucocorticoid                     

b) mineralocorticoid

c) peptidocorticoid       

d) both a & b

5)   Cortisol brings about an increase in blood glucose level mainly by its production from protein and by antagonizing the action of:                                                                                  12417230

a) insulin                                             

b) glucagons

c) oestrogen                             

d) progesterone

6)   Too much cortical hormone is produced in:                                                                                                                           12417231

a) Addison's disease     

b) Cushing's disease

c) Parkinson's disease

d) Grave's disease

7)   The adrenal cortex secretes:            12417232

a) Aldosterone 

b) Androgenic hormones

c) Progesterone           

d) Both a & b

8) The adrenal medulla produces the hormones:                                                                         12417233

a) adrenaline                            b) nor-adrenaline

c) epinephrine                          d) both a & b

9)   Cortisone is a hormone of the type:


a) Protein                                             b) Amino acid 

c) Polypeptide                           d) Steroid

10) The hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla are known as:                        12417235

a) Cortisone and adrenaline      

b) Adrenaline and nor-adrenaline

c)  Cortisone and nor-adrenaline

d) Insulin and glucagons

11) Adrenaline and nor adrenaline promote the release of glucose from the liver:


a) Sucrose                                  b) Cellulose

c)  Glycogen                  d) Pepsinogen


12) Aldosterone conserves the level of sodium ions in the body by preventing their loss from the:                               12417237

a) Liver                                      b) Kidney tubules

c)  Pancreas                              d) Lungs

13) Cortisol brings about an increase in blood glucose level mainly by its production from:                                                                                        12417238

a) Fats                                      b) Protein        

c) Glycogen                               d) Oil

14) The adrenal cortex is destroyed in:


a) Parkinson's disease

b) Alzheimer's disease

c)  Addison’s disease

d) Cushing's disease  

v) Guts


1) The hormone produced by mucosa of the pyloric region of the stomach is:  12417240

a) secretin                                             b) gastrin

c) serotonin                              d) epinephrine

2) Gastrin stimulates the secretion of: 12417241

a) hepatic juice             b) intestinal juice

c) gastric juice                          d) pancreatic juice

3) The hormone produced from the duodenum when acid food touches its lining is:                                                                                                     12417242

a) gastrin                                              b) serotonin

c) secretin                                             d) calcitonin

4) Secretin is a hormone secreted by the:

a) Stomach of man                                            12417243

b) Duodenum of man 

      c) Jejunum of man  

      d) Colon of man



vi) Gonads


1) LH works with FSH to stimulate oestrogen secretion and rupture of mature follicles to release:                                                                   12417244

      a) egg                                             b) ovum

c) both a & b                 d) sperms

2) Oestrogens are secreted by ripening:


      a) ovaries                           b) corpus luteum

c) follicles                                d) testes

3) Oestrogens bring about the development of the secondary sexual characters in the:                                                                                                            12417246

      a) female                            b) male   

c) both a & b                 d) none

4)   Which one is not steroid:                             12417247

a) Oestrogens               b) testosterone

c) cortisone                  d) glucagon


5) The ruptured follicle in response to LH from the pituitary, produces:               12417248

a) oestrogen                  b) testosterone

c) adrenaline                d) progesterone

6) The testes consist of many coiled:      12417249

a) seminiferous tubules            

b) malpighian tubules

c) renal tubules d) all of the above

7) Corpus luteum secretes the hormone:


a) Testosterone      b) Parathormone

c) Oxytocin            d) Progesterone

8) The, oestrogens aid in healing and repair of uterine wall after                             12417251

a)  Childbirth                b) Surgical operation

c)  Menstruation           d) Infection




9) Behaviour


1) The scientists who study animal behavior, are known as;                                                                    12417252

a) Psychologists            b) Ethnologists

c) Ethologists                 d) Biologists

2) Learning by trial and error was demonstrated and studied by:              12417253

a) Thorpe                                

b) Pavlov and Carpenter

c) Thorndike and Skinner

d) Alien and Thorpe

3)   A beautiful example of insight learning came from the work of Kohler on:12417254

      a) Monkeys                         b) Baboons

c) Chimpanzees             d) Racoons

4)   The highest form of learning is:       12417255

a) Conditioned reflex

b) Imprinting

c)  Insight learning   

d) Latent learning

5)   Pavlov performed experiments with dogs in order to investigate conditioned reflex type of:                                                                      12417256

a) Hereditary behaviour

b) Inborn behaviour

c) Instinctive behaviour            

d) Learning behaviour

6)   The simplest form of learning is:   12417257

a) Conditioned reflex   b) Latent learning

c) Habituation                            d) Imprinting

7) A directed movement either towards (positive taxis) or away from (negative taxis) a stimulus is:                                         12417258

a) kineses                                             b) turgor

c) taxis                                                 d) nutation

8)   Behaviour is divided into:                           12417259

a) innate behavior                    

b) learned behaviour

c) none                                                

d) both a & b

9) Who was the first to propose an objective definition of instincts in terms of animal behaviour:                                                                    12417260

a) Darwin                                             b) Lamarck

c) Wallace                                d) Lyell

10) The simplest form of learning is:      12417261

a) Habituation                           b) latent learning

c) Imprinting                            d) insight learning


11) Imprinting is best known in birds such                                                                                                               12417262

a) Geese                                               b) ducks

c) Chickens                              d) all a, b, c

12) Innate behaviour is a collection of responses that are predetermined by the:


      a) heritage                                      b) birthright 

c) inheritance                            d) legacy

13) A behaviour in which an organism changes the speed of random movements which help them to survive in the environment is:                                                       12417264

a) taxis                                     b) turgor

c) Kineses                                            d) tropism

14) Learning behaviour depends on the:


a) environmental influence   b) heredity

c) birthright                                              d) ecology

15) Learning depends on the:                            12417266

a) experiments              b) experiences

c) know-how                            d) understanding

16) Pavlov conditioned the dogs to secrete saliva on ringing of the:                                 12417267

a) bell                                                   b) drum

c) whistle                                              d) horn

17) Who defined latent learning as the association of indifferent stimuli or situations without patent (clear or observable) reward:                                          12417268

a) Thorpe                                             b) Thorndike

c) Lorenz                                              d) Allen

18) Thorpe defined learning as that process which manifests itself by adaptive changes in individual behaviour as a result of:                                                                          12417269

a) experiment                           b) experience

c) happenings                           d) both a & b

19) Operant conditioning or conditioned reflex type II has been demonstrated and studied by:                                                                        12417270

a) Thorndike & B.F.Skinner

b) Thorpe & Lorenz                 

      c) Carpenter & Allen

      d) Lorenz & Carpenter

20) Kohler performed many experiments on chimpanzee, and showed that they have higher form of learning called:      12417271

a) habituation                           b) latent learning

c) imprinting                            d) insight learning


Short questions


1.                                          Define coordination?                                      12417272

2.                                          Why Chlorosis arises?                                                                                                                                    (Board- 2006)   12417273

3.                                          In higher animals how coordination is brought about?                                                                                   12417274

4.                                          How plants respond to the stimuli?    


5.                                          Which type of plants are said to etiolated?                                                                                                      12417276

6.                                          What is chlorosis? (Board- 2006)  12417277

7.                                          What are Calluses? (Board- 2009) 12417278

8.                                          What are galls?           (Board- 2009)    12417279

9.                                          Differentiate between biorhythms or diurnal rhythms.           (Board 2014)       12417280

10.                                      What is Circannual?                                      

                                                (Board 2016) 12417281

11.                                      What are plant hormones?                 12417282

12.                                      Name different plant hormones?


13.                                      Give two functions of gibberellins?


14.                                      Give two commerical applications of gibberellins.                                          (Board 2014)  12417285

15.                                      What is use of GA3?                                        12417286

16.                                      Give two functions of Cytokinins?                                                                                                                                                      12417287

17.                                      What is commercial application of cytokinin?                                    (Board 2016)      12417288

18.                                      Give two functions of Abscisic acid?                                                                                                                                       12417289

19.                                      What is commercial application of abscisic acid?                                                                                           12417290

20.                                      What is commercial application of ethene?                                                                                                     12417291

21.                                      Write the functions of photoreceptors and nociceptors.                                  (Board 2014)                         12417292


22.                                      What are photoreceptors?                                                                                                                                          (Board 2014)12417293

23.                                      What is Neuroglia?                                         12417294

24.                                      What are cranial nerves?                    12417295

25.                                      What is the effect of nicotine on coordination?                                                                                               12417296

26.                                      How neuron fibres and cell bodies can be excited?                                                                                         12417297

27.                                      What is nervous coordination?  12417298

28.                                      What are elements of nervous system?                                                                                                                                               12417299

29.                                      What are Receptors?                          12417300

30.                                      What are chemoreceptors?                 12417301

31.                                      What are Mechanoreceptors? 12417302

32.                                      What are thermo-receptors? (Board 2014)                                                                                                                                               12417303

33.                                      What are nociceptors?

                                    (Board 2014) 12417304

34.                                      What is modality of sensation?  12417305

35.                                      What are Meissner's corpuscles?


36.                                      What are Pacinian corpuscles?           12417307

37.                                      What is Dendron or are dendrites?                                                                             (Board 2009, 10)                    12417308

38.                                      How axon differ from dendron? OR Compare axon with dendrites.               12417309

                                                            (Board 2014)

39.                                      What are Axons? (Board 2009, 10) 12417310

40.                                      What are Nissl's granules? (Board 2013)


41.                                      What is Cell body or soma?                12417312

42.                                      Name different types of neurons. 


43.                                      What are Sensory Neurons?   12417314

44.                                      What are Motor neurons?                  12417315

45.                                      What are Associative Neurons?          12417316

46.                                      What are Effectors?    (Board 2007,14, 16)


47.                                      What is reflex arc?      (Board 2007,14)


48.                                      Define nerve impulse. (Board 2007)


49.                                      Define electrical potential and membrane potential?                                      12417320

50.                                      What is resting membrane potential?                                                                                                                                     12417321

51.                                      What is active membrane potential?                                                                                                                                       12417322

52.                                      What is saltatory impulse?                  12417323

53.                                      What is synapse?                                                        12417324

54.                                      How does nerve impulse pass from one neuron to other through the synapse?


55.                                      What are neurotransmitters? Give their various types.                                                                      12417326

56.                                      What is Acetylcholine?                                   12417327

57.                                      What are different designs of nervous system in the animal kingdom.            12417328

58.                                      What are the main parts of nervous system of man?                                                                          12417329

59.                                      Name the two parts of central nervous system.                                                                                                           12417330

60.                                      What is Cranium?                                           12417331

61.                                      What are Meninges?                                       12417332

62.                                      What is Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)?                                                                                                                                        12417333

63.                                      Name different parts of brain.            12417334

64.                                      Name various parts of forebrain.


65.                                      What is the function of Thalamus?


66.                                      How does limbic system work?  12417337

67.                                      What are various parts of limbic system?                                                                                                       12417338

68.                                      What is role of Hypothalamus? 

                                                (Board 2016) 12417339

69.                                      What is the role of Amygdala? 12417340

70.                                      What is the function of Hippocampus?                                                                                                                                               12417341

71.                                      What are cerebral hemispheres? 


72.                                      What is corpus callosum?                   12417343

73.                                      What is cerebral cortex?                     12417344

74.                                      What is reticular formation?  12417345

75.                                      Name different parts of Hindbrain?                                                                                                                                       12417346

76.                                      What is function of Medulla?  12417347

77.                                      What is the role of Pons?                    12417348

78.                                      What is the role of cerebellum?          12417349

79.                                      What is spinal cord?                                       12417350

80.                                      What is grey matter?                          12417351

81.                                      What is white matter?                         12417352

82.                                      What is the composition of peripheral nervous system (PNS)?                                                            12417353

83.                                      What are Ganglia?                                         12417354

84.                                      What are Nerves?                                           12417355

85.                                      What is chemical coordination?   


86.                                      What are spinal nerves?                        12417357

87.                                      What is Somatic nervous system?


88.                                      What is Autonomic nervous system?                                                                                                                                      12417359

89.                                      Name different parts of autonomic nervous system.                                                                           12417360

90.                                      What is the role of Sympathetic nervous system?                                                                               12417361

91.                                      What is Parasympathetic nervous system?                                                                                                     12417362

92.                                      Draw and label sensory neutron                                                                                                                                              12417363





93.                                      Name a few nervous disorders.           12417364

94.                                      What is Parkinson's disease?  12417365

95.                                      What is Epilepsy? (Board 2009) 12417366

96.                                      What is Alzheimer's disease?  12417367


97.                                      What are hormones?                           12417368

98.                                      Give two characteristics of Hormones.                                                                                                                                    12417369

99.                                      What is Hypothalamus?                                  12417370

100.                                  What is Pituitary Gland?        12417371

101.                                  Why pituitary gland is called Master gland?                                                               12417372

102.                                  Name different hormones released by anterior lobe of pituitary gland.          12417373

103.                                  Name the hormones released by median lobe of pituitary gland.                    12417374

104.                                  Name the hormones released by posterior lobe of pituitary gland.      12417375

105.                                  Give one function of thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine?                                                                       12417376

106.                                  What is the effect of over-secretion of thyroxine?                                                                                           12417377

107.                                  What is cretinism?                              12417378

108.                                  What is myxoedema?              12417379

109.                                  What is calcitonin?                             12417380

110.                                  What is action of glucagon?    12417381

111.                                  Name the hormones released by adrenal gland.                                                                                  12417382

112.                                  What is the function of aldosterone?                                                                           12417383

113.                                  What is the function of Cortisol?                                                                                                                                            12417384

114.                                  What is the function of Corticosterone?                                                                      12417385


115.                                  What is Cushing's disease?     12417386

116.                                  What are Androgens?             12417387

117.                                  What is gastrin? (Board 2010)  12417388

118.                                  What is Secretin? (Board 2010)


119.                                  Where oestrogens and progesterone are produced?                                                                            12417390

120.                                  What are seminiferous tubules and interstitial cells?                                                                          12417391

121.                                  Define feedback mechanism. 





122.                                  What is behaviour?                             12417393

123.                                  What ethologists think about animal's response?                                                        12417394

124.                                  Define learning behaviour?  12417395

125.                                  Who has demonstrated and studied operant conditioning or conditioned reflex type II?                                                                                                        12417396

126.                                  What is Innate Behaviour?                                                                                                                 (Board 2007)  12417397

127.                                  What are Kineses?                              12417398

128.                                  What are Taxes?                                             12417399

129.                                  What are instincts?                             12417400

130.                                  Define Learning.                                             12417401

131.                                  What is innate releasing mechanism (IRM)?                                                  12417402

132.                                  What is Imprinting?                                                                                                                            (Board 2008, 10) 12417403

133.                                  Define Habituation.                             12417404

134.                                  Define Conditioning or conditioned reflex type I.                                                                                           12417405

135.                                  Define Operant conditioning or conditioned reflex type II.                             12417406

136.                                  What is Latent learning?        12417407

137.                                  What is insight learning?                                                                                                                   (Board 2006)     12417408

138.                                  Name only types of innate behavior.

                        (Board 2016)     12417409




UNIT 18         




Multiple Choice Questions




i)    Reproduction is very important to the survival of:                                                                 12418021

a) Species                                             b) Individual

c) Population                            d) Both a and c

ii) In plants photoperiod and temperature affect                                                                                      12418022

a) Flowering                

b) Buds and seed dormancy

c) Fruit and seed production     

d) All a ,b , c

iii) Developing seeds are rich source of: 


a) Auxins                                             b) Cytokinins

c) Gibberellins              d) all a, b , c

iv) Common methods of asexual reproduction are:                                                         12418024

a) Tissue culturing                   

b) Identical twins

c) Cloning

d) All a, b, c

v) Photoperiod affects flowering when shoot meristem starts producing                           12418025

a) Floral buds                           b) Leaves

c) Lateral buds                         d) Both b and c






2) Start Reproduction in plants


1) The mechanism that produces new generations and maintains a species is:


a) fertilization                           b) conception

c) reproduction             d) ovulation

2) The union of meiotically produced specialized sex cells from each parents produce:                                                                       12418027

a) Fertilized egg                        b) unfertilized egg

c) zygote                                              d) both a & c

3) If the two generations of plant are vegetatively dissimilar it is called:


a) homomorphic                       b) isomorphic  

c) heteromorphic                      d) eumorphic

4) If the two generations are vegetatively similar such alternation of generation is referred to as:                                                         12418029

a) homomorphic                      

b) isomorphic  

c) heteromorphic

d) eumorphic

5) In plants, if there is alternation of generation between a diploid sporophyte and a haploid gametophyte meiosis occurs during:                                                                   12418030

a) gamete formation     

b) spore formation       

c) both a & b

d) none of the above

6)  Plants have diplohaplontic life cycle in:       

a) Asexual reproduction                        12418031

b) Sexual reproduction

c) Both a & b

d) None of these

7)  Organisms produced from a single cell by sub-culturing (cloning) are called: 12418032

a) Identical twins                      b) Clones

c) Similar                                             d) None of these





3) Parthenocarpy---Seed dormancy---Fruit set and Ripening


1)         Developing seeds are a rich source of:


      a) auxins                                        b) gibberellins

      c) cytokinins                                   d) All of the above

2)  Fruit ripening is often accompanied by a burst of respiratory activity called the:


a) climax                                              b) climactric    

c) trimetric                                d) dimetric

3)  In some cases fruit development proceeds without fertilization and thus no seed formation. Such development is called:


a) Parthenogenesis        b) Partheno fruit

c) Parthenocarpy                       d) Partheno seed

4)  Germinating pollen grain is rich source of::                                                   (Board 2015)        12418036

      a) Gibberellins                   

b) Auxin

c) Cytokinin

d) Ethene

5)  Fruit ripening is often accompanied by a burst of respiratory activity called the:

      a) Fertilization                                                                    12418037

b) Photoperiod             

c) Climacteric

d) Reproduction

6)  Parthenocarpy is sometimes artificially induced in tomatoes and pepers etc by adding:                         (Board 2016)         12418037-a

      a) Abscisic acid                                                     

b) Cytokinins 

c) Auxins

d) Gibbere lins



4) Photoperiodism Vernalisation


1) Cocklebur (Xanthium), chrysanthemum, soya bean, tobacco strawberry are examples of:                                                                12418038

a) Short day plants

b) Long day plants

c) Day neutral plants

d) Short night plants

2) Cucumber, tomato, garden pea, maize, cotton are examples of:                                    12418039

a) short day plants

b) long day plants        

c) day-neutral plants

d) short night plants

3)  Effect of photoperiodism was first studied in 1920 by:                                   (Board 2016)      12418040

a) Darwin & Francis

b) Garner & Allard                               

c) Linnaeus & Lamarck

d) Watson & Crick

4) Henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), snapdragon, cabbage, spring wheat, spring barley are examples of:                                                              12418041

a) short day plants        

b) long day plants        

c) day-neutral plants

d) long night plants


5)  In nature P 730 to P 660 conversion occurs in the:                                                                 12418042

a) day                                                   b) dark

c) evening                                            d) dawn

6) In nature, the P660 to P730 conversion takes place in:                                                            12418043

a) day light                               b) dark

c) evening                                            d) dawn

7)  Long-day plants will flower in short days if the interrupted period is:                          12418044

a) long night                             b) short night

      c) long day                                     d) short day

8)  P 660 absorbs red light at a wavelength of 660 nm and is converted to active:             12418045

a) P 430                                                b) P 530          

c) P 630                                                d) P 730

9)  P730 absorbs far red light at 730 nm and is converted to:                                                                   12418046

a) P 480                                                b) P 530          

c) P 660                                                d) P 760

10) Phytochromes exist in two forms:    12418047

a) P 660 and P 530                   

b) P 630 and P 730

c) P 660 and P 730                                           

d) P 460 and P 730


11) Short-day plants are really:              12418048

a) short-night plants                 

b) long-night plants

c) mid-night plants                  

d) day neutral plants

12) The biological clock once stimulated causes production of florigen hormone in leaves, which travel through phloem to the floral buds, initiating:                        12418049

a) fruiting                                             b) leaf formation

c) leaf shedding                        d) flowering

13) The P730-P660 interconversion might be the plant time –regulator for:                      12418050

      a) flowering                                    b) leafing         

c) budding                                d) shooting

14) The response to light intensity and quality leads to the discovery of blue light sensitive protein pigments,              12418051

a) phytoproteins            b) phytochromes 

c) photochromes                       d) photoproteins

15) The variations in day length are called photoperiod and the phenomenon is called:                                                                                   12418052

a) photoperiodism                    

b) photosynthesis                     

c) photo-variations

d) photo-fluctuation

16) Which light was effective in preventing flowering in cocklebur?                               12418053

a) red light                                b) blue light     

c) yellow light               d) far red light

17) The temperature more effective for vernalisation:                              (Board 2015)        12418054

      a)  4oC                                            b) 8oC

c) 12oC                         d) 16oC

18) The duration of low temperature (Chilling) treatment varies from:     12418055

      a) 4 days to 2 months         

b) 4 days to 3 months

c) 2 days to 3 months

d) 5 days to 5 months

19)  Biennial and perennial plants are stimulated to flower by exposure to low temperature. This is called:                                                      12418056

      a) photoperiodism               b) fIorigenation

      c) chilling                                       d) vernalisation



5) Reproduction in Animals

1) The union of meiotically produced specialized sex cells from each parents produce:                                                                       12418057

      a) fertilized egg                  

b) unfertilized egg                    

c) zygote

d) both a & c

2)   Asexual reproduction requires only a single parental organism which gives rise to offspring by:                                                    12418058

      a) mitotic cell division

      b) meiotic cell division

      c) both a & b

      d) all of the above

3) A type of asexual reproduction in which parent organism simply divides into two daughter organisms is:                            12418059

      a) budding                         

b) multiple fission        

c) binary fission

d) nuclear fission

4) External fertilization occurs in an environment which is:                                             12418060

      a) aquatic                                       b) terrestrial     

c) both a & b                             d) none

5)  Fertilization is the process which leads to union of:                                                                            12418061

      a) individuals                                  b) eggs

c) sperms                                              d) gametes

6) In some cases e.g., in aphids, parthenogenesis may be:                        12418062

      a) haploid                                       b) diploid        

c) triploid                                             d) tetraploid

7)  Mammals are:                                                                     12418063

      a) oviparous                                   b) ovoviviparous

c) both a & b                             d) viviparous

8)  Reptiles and birds are:                                              12418064

      a) oviparous                                   b) viviparous

c) ovoviviparous                       d) euviviparous

9) In honey bee males sperm are produced by:                                        (Board 2015)    12418065

a) Meosis                                              b) Mitosis

c) Apomixis                             d) Parthenocarpy

10) Some mammals like Duckbill platypus are:                                                                                      12418066

      a) oviparous                                   b) viviparous

c) ovaviviparous                       d) euviviparous

11) Some platyhelminthes, like Planaria, reproduce asexually through the division of their bodies in                                       12418067

      a) two halves                                  b) three segment

      c) four segments                 d) five parts

12) The animals in which development of embryo is accomplished inside the female body and give birth to young one are called:                                                                          12418068

      a) ovoviviparous                 b) viviparous

c) oviparous                             d) euviviparous

13) The animals which lay shelled eggs to protect the developing embryo from harsh terrestrial condition are                          12418069

a) Ovoviviparous                      b) viviparous

c) oviparous                             d) euviviparous

14) The process which leads to union of gametes is:                                                                   12418070

a) Germination                        b) Pollination   

c) Reproduction                      d) Fertilization

15) Whcih of the following is the type of asexual reproduction?

                                                              (Board 2016) 12418070-a

a) fertilization             b) vernalization

c) Apomixis                            d) Photoperiodism


6) Reproduction in Man


1)   A structure established between the uterine and foetal tissues for the exchange of oxygen, carbon dioxide, waste, nutrients and other materials is:       12418071

a) bridge                                               b) placenta      

c) canal                                                d) channel

2)   During delivery in humans, the average loss of blood is about:              (Board 2014)  12418072

a) 150 cm3                                            b) 250 cm3       

c) 350 cm3                                d) 450 cm3

3) Between the seminiferous tubules are interstitial cells which secrete:   12418073

a) oestrogen                             b) testosterone

c) progesterone             d) oxytocin

4)   Corpus luteum starts secreting a hormone called:                                                                                    12418074

a) oestrogen                              b) testosterone

c) progesterone             d) oxytocin

5)   Decrease of FSH and increase of oestrogen, causes the pituitary gland to secrete:                                                                         12418075

a) luteotropic hormone

b) luteinizing hormone

c) vasopressin             

d) oxytocin

6)   Luteinizing hormone induces:                     12418076

a) flowering                              b) ovulation     

c) vernalisation             d) menopause

7) Each testis consists of a highly complex duct system called:                                        12418077

a) seminiferous tubules

b) interstitial tubules 

c) malpighian tubules

d) renal tubules

8)   External genitalia of human male consist of a pair of testes which lie outside the body, in the sac like:                              12418078

a) pouch                                               b) marsupium  

c) scrotum                                            d) bag

9) Fluid secreted by sertoli cells provides liquid medium, protection and nourishment to:                          (Board 2015)  12418079

a) Oocyte                                            b) Sperms

c) Polar body                     d) Spermatids

10) From beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy the human embryo is referred to as the:                                                                            12418080

a) foetus                                               b) kid

c) kitten                                                d) cub

11) Germ cells in the ovary produce many:                                                                                                              12418081

a) spermatogonia                      b) zoospores    

c) zygospores                           d) oogonia

12) If fertilization does not occur the corpus luteum starts:                                                                      12418082

a) progesterone            

b) menstrual cycle        

c) degenerating

d) regenerating


13) In human females the periodic reproductive cycle is completed in approximately:                                                12418083

      a) 20 days                                       b) 22 days       

c) 25 days                                             d) 28 days

14) In human only one ovum is usually discharged from the ovary at one time. This phenomenon is                                        12418084

a) ovulation                              b) menstruation

c) oestrous                                d) apomixis

15) In seminiferous tubules repeated division of the cells of the germinal epithelium produce:                                                                        12418085

      a) oogonia                                      b) zoogonia     

c) ovogonia                              d) spermatogonia

16) Male reproductive organ is used to transfer the sperms into the female:

a) digestive tract                                                           12418086

b) reproductive tract

c) respiratory tract                   

d) excretory tract

17) Human male reproductive system consists of:                                                                       12418087

      a) external genetilia

      b) male reproductive organ

c) both a & b

d) all of the above

18) Menstruation usually lasts for:         12418088

a) 3 -7 days                               b) 2 -5 days     

c) 1 -3 days                               d) 5 -7 days

19) Most of the major organs of foetus are formed by the:                                                                       12418089

a) 10th week of pregnancy       

b) 14th week of pregnancy

c) 12th week of pregnancy

d) 18th week of pregnancy

20) Once the placenta is established it starts secreting the progesterone hormone which maintains the:                                    12418090

a) development            

b) pregnancy   

c) lactation                              

d) ovulation

21) Oogonia divide mitotically to form:


a) primary oocytes

b) secondary oocytes

c) primary spermatozoids

d) secondary spermatozoids

22) Testosterone controls the development of male secondary sexual characteristics during:                                                                                       12418091

a) childhood                             b) puberty       

c) development             d) adult age

23) The ACTH released from foetal pituitary stimulates the foetal adrenal gland to release:                                                                            12418092

      a) steroids                                       b) vasopressin  

c) corticosteroids                      d) oxytocin

24) The discharge of blood and cell debris is known as:                                                                          12418093

a) menstruation             b) bleeding      

c) menupause                           d) abortion

25)  The end or complete stop of the menstrual cycle is called:                            12418094

a) femopause                            b) genopasue   

c) menopause                           d) repopause

26) The events of the menstrual cycle involves the ovaries and the uterus and these are regulated by pituitary:      12418095

a) gonadosteroids                     

b) gonadoproteins        

c) gonadomorphs

d) gonadotrophins

27) The follicle cells, after release of the egg, are modified to form a special structure called:                                                                                     12418096

a) corpus luteum                       b) fallopian tube

c) corpus callosum        d) corpus atresia

28) The follicles are broken down by a degenerative process known as:   12418097

a) follicle broker                       b) follicle atresia

c) follicle luteum                      d) follicle asteria

29)  The oviduct is generally called:      12418098

a) fallopian tube                 b) uterine tube

c) both a & b                  d) all of the above

30) The pituitary gland, on the onset of puberty, releases follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) which stimulates the development of several:                              12418099

a) primary oocytes       

b) primary follicles      

c) primary spermatozoids

d) primary ova

31) The primary oocyte divides meiotically into the:                                                                               12418100

a) haploid secondary oocyte     

b) first polar body        

c) both a & b

d) all of the above

32) During menstrual cycle, the reduction of progesterone level stimulates the pituitary gland to produce:                                           12418101

a) insulin                                             b) glucagons    

c) vasopressin                           d) oxytocin

33) The release of ovum from the follicle is called:                                                                                       12418102

a) ovulation                              b) menstruation

c) follicle atresia                       d) menopause


34) The spermatids differentiate into mature:     


a) eggs                                      b) zooids

c) sperms                                              d) seeds

35) The total gestation period (pregnancy) of humans is usually about:                            12418104

a) 100 days                               b) 135 days     

c) 180 days                               d) 280 days

36) Uterus opens into the vagina through:         

a) oviduct                                                                                 12418105

b) cervix          

c) ovary                                               

d) pubis



37) After birth the uterus contracts and separates the placenta from the wall of the uterus within:                                            12418106

a) 10-35 minutes                       b)10-25 minutes

c) 10-45 minutes                       d)15-45 minutes


38) Non-motile female gametes or eggs are called:                                                                                       12418107

      a) Sperm                                         b) Oogonia      

c) Spermatozoid                       d) Ova

39) In human how many ova are usually discharged from the ovary at one time:


      a) One                                                        b) Two

c) Six                                                    d) Three

40) The yellowish glandular structure, corpus luteum, starts secreting a hormone called:


a) Sterone                                             b) Progesterone

c) Oestrogen                             d) Testerone

41) The ACTH released from foetal pituitary stimulates the foetal adrenal glands to release:                                                               12418110

a) Corticosteroids                     b) Gastrin

c) Pepsin                                              d) Mucous

42) Towards the end of pregnancy, the reduction in progasterone level, stimulates pituitary gland to produce:       

                                                            (Board 2016)         12418110-a

a) Oxytocin                              b) Oestrogen

c)  Androgen                            d) Prolactin


7) Test Tube Babies and STD


1) Genital Herpes is caused by a herpes simplex type 2 virus, most frequently transmitted by sexual contact causing infection of the:                                                                        12418111

      a) ovaries                                       b) brain

c) genitalia                                d) liver

2) Gonorrhoa is caused by a gram positive bacteria:                                                                                12418112

      a) Neisseria gonorrhoeae

      b) E. coli

c) Salmonella typhi

d) Escherichia gonorrhoeae

3) Syphilis is caused by a spirochete: 12418113

a) Staphylococcus aureus

b) Rhizobium

c) E. coli

d) Treponema pallidum

4) The disease which is caused by herpes type 2 viruses is:                                                         12418114

a) AIDS                                               

b) Gonorrhoea

c) Syphilis                               

d) Genital herpes.


Short questions

Start Fruit set and ripening

Q.1:What is reproduction?                             12418115

Q.2: How many types of reproduction are there?                                                                                                 12418116

Q.3:What is asexual reproduction? 12418117

Q.4: What are different methods of asexual reproduction?                                        12418118

Q.5: What is Sexual reproduction? 12418119

Q.6: Which method of reproduction is primitive, asexual or sexual?              12418120

Q.7:What is Diplohaplontic life cycle?


Q.8: Differentiate between isomorphic and heteromorphic?                                                               12418122

Q.9: What is seed dormancy?

                                                                        (Board 2015)        12418123

Q.10: What is fruit set?                                               12418124

Q.11: Define climacteric.                                12418125

Q.12: What is parthenocarpy?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2006, 07, 10)                                                                                            12418126

Q.13: What is the function of germinating pollen grain?                                                                          12418127

Q.14 : What is diploid parthenogenesis?                                                                                                                           12418128


Photoperiodism and Vernalisation

Q.1: Define photoperiodism.               12418129

Q.2 : Why Garner and Allard are famous for?                                                                                                     12418130

Q.3:What is Photomorphogenesis?  12418131

Q.4: What are phytochromes?      12418132

Q.5: Differntiate between P 660 and P730.                                                                                                                                           (Board 2007)                                                                                                     12418133

Q.6: What is florigen?                                     12418134

Q.7: Define vernalisation.  (Board 2006)


Q.8: What is the duration of low temperature for vernalisation?                    12418136

Q.9: What hormone induces vernalisation?                                                                                                          12418137

Q.10: What is the importance of Photoperiodism and vernalisation? 12418138

Q. 11: What is importance of vernalisation in agriculture?                                                                12418139


Reproduction in Animals

Q.1: Define reproduction.                               12418140

Q.2: What common methods of asexual reproduction in animals?                             12418141

Q.3: Define Parthenogenesis.              12418142

.Q.4: What is haploid parthenogenesis?                                                                                              (Board 2015.16) 12418143

Q.5:  What is Tissue Culturing technique?                                                                                                           12418144

Q.6:  What is Cloning? (Board 2006, 10)12418145

Q.7: Give some advantages of cloning.

                                                            (Board 2015)                   12418146

Q.8: Give some disadvantages of cloning.                                                                                                                         12418147

Q.9:  What are identical twins? OR


How identical twins are produced?

                                                 (Board 2010, 15)            12418149

Q.10: Give examples of some animals in which external fertilization occurs.  12418150

Q.11: What are Oviparous?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Board 2007-08) 12418151

Q.12:  What are viviparous?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Board 2007-08)                                                                                               12418152

Q.13:  How identical and fraternal twins are produced?                                       (Board 2014)                                           12418153

Q.14: What are fraternal twins or triplets?

                                                            (Board 2010)     12418154

Q. 15: What do you mean by Hermaphrodite?                                                                       12418155

Q. 16: What is fertilization?                            12418156

Q.17:  What is ovoviviparous condition?                                                                                                                   12418157

Q.18: Define apomixis. (Board 2016) 12418157



Reproduction in Man

Q.1: What is external genitalia in human male?                                                                                                   12418158

Q.2:  What are seminiferous tubules?


Q.3: What are spermatocytes and spermatids?                                                                                   12418160

Q.4: What are sertoli cells?                             12418161

Q.5: What are epididymis and vas deferens?                                                                                      12418162

Q.6:  What is Testosterone?                            12418163

Q.  7: What are various parts of the female reproductive system?                                          12418164

Q.8: What are oogonia?                                              12418165

Q.9: What is ovulation?                                              12418166

Q.10: What is Placenta?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2008)                                                                                       12418167

Q. 11: What are pituitary gonadotrophins?                                                                                                                         12418168

Q.12:  What is FSH?                                                   12418169

Q.13: What is follicle atresia?             12418170

Q.14: What is the role of oestrogen in menstrual cycle?                                                                      12418171

Q.15:  What is the role of luteinizing hormone (LH)?                                                             12418172

Q.16:  What is corpus luteum?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Board 2007)      12418173

Q.17: What is the role of progesterone?                                                                                                                12418174

Q.18:  What is menstruation?             12418175

Q 19:  What is menopause?                             12418176

Q.20:  What is gestation period?                                                                                                         (Board 2010)      12418177

Q.21:  Name the hormones secreted by placenta.                                                                                      12418178

Q.22: What is foetus?                                      12418179

Q.23: What is the role of corticosteroids in birth?                                                                                                12418180

Q.24: What is the role of oxytocin in labour?                                                                                      12418181

Q.25:  What is after birth?                             

                                                                        (Board 2016) 12418182

Q.26:  What is the average loss of blood during delivery?                                                                   12418183

Q.  27: What is menstrual cycle?         12418184

Q.28:  Explain oestrous cycle.

(Board 14,16)                                                                             12418185

Q.29:  Differentiate between oogenesis and spermatogenesis.                                                          (Board 14,16) 12418185-a



Test Tube Babies ______ STD             (Board 2010)

Q.1: What are test tube babies?                      12418186

Q.2:  What is Gonorrhoa?                 

                                                                        (Board 2014)        12418187

Q.3: What is Syphilis?                                     12418188

Q.4: What is Genital Herpes?             12418189








Multiple Choice Questions



1)   Growth is influenced by:                 12419018

a) Hormones               

b) Water

      c) Vitamins                        

d) All a, b, c

2)   Neurula is the stage in which embryo has:

      a) Blastocoel                                                          12419019

b) Neural tube

      c) The germ layers 

d) Archenteron


3)   The mesodermal cells do not invaginate but migrate medially and caudally from both sides and create  midline thickening called:                                                                                       12419020

      a) Henson’s node                b) Primitive streak

      c) Epiblast                                      d) Hypoblast

4) The negative physiological changes in our body are called                                                      12419021

      a) Degeneration                  b) Abnormalities

      c) Aging                                         d) Regeneration


1) Growth and Development Meristems, conditions for growth


1)   A plant has a growth pattern called:

a) Open growth                                                 12419022

b) Closed growth

c) Round growth

d) Wide growth

2)  During cell division the number of cells increases by:                                                            12419023

a) Amitosis                               b) Mitosis

c) Meiosis                                             d) None

3) During elongation the cell volume increases up to 150 fold due to uptake of:


a) Light                                                 b) Oxygen

c) Water                                               d) Carbon dioxide        

4) For maximum growth, the optimum temperature is 25-30°C and it is least at:


      a) 1-3°C                                         b) 5-10oC        

d) 4-8oC                                               d) 6-12°C

5)  Generally, light influences growth by:          


      a) Intensity                         b) Quality        

c) Duration                               d) All a, b, c

6)  Growth may be:                                                       12419027

a) Primary                                            b) Secondary

c) Tertiary                                            d) Both a & b

7)  The permanent and irreversible increase in size that occurs as an organism matures is:                                                                                           12419028

a) Development

b) Growth

c) Progression

d) Expansion

8) Growth of multicellular plant is divided into:                                                                                     12419029

a) Cell division & Elongation

b) Maturation & Differentiation

c) Both a & b

d) Elongation & maturation

9)  In higher plants growth is limited to certain regions known as:                                   12419030

a) Growing sites

b) Growing places

c) Growing points

d) Growing locations

10)  Lateral Meristems are present in: 12419031

a) Monocots                             b) dicots

c) Gymnosperms                      d) Both b& c

11) Meristems are young tissues or group of cells that retain the potential to:        12419032

a) Penetrate                              b) Regenerate

c) Divide                                              d) Survive

12) Plant hormones also influence growth e.g., Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) causes:

a) Maturation of cells                                        12419033

b) Elongation of cells

c) Differentiation of cells                     

d) All of the above

13)  Primary tissue is added by the:        12419034

a) Lateral meristem      

b) Underground meristem

c) Apical meristem

d) Vertical meristem

14) Secondary tissue is added by the intercalary or vascular cambium leading to increase in:                                                              12419035

a) Length                                      b) Thickness

c) Both a & b             d) All of the above

15) The light that favours elongation of cells is:                                                                                            12419036

a) Blue                                     b) Red

c) Yellow                                             d) Green

16) The light that enhances cell division but retards cell enlargement is:

(Board 2014)        12419037

a) Blue                                     b) Red

c) Yellow                                             d) Green

17) Vascular and cork cambium are the examples of:                                                                  12419038

a) Intercalary meristems

b) Apical meristems

c) Lateral meristems

d) Vertical meristems

18) Which one of these supply energy to growing plants:                                                12419039

a) Salts                                     b) Nutrients

c) Balance diet              d) All of these

19)  The apical meristems are found at the tips of:                                                                                        12419040

a) Roots                                                b) Shoot

c) Leaves                                              d) Both a & b

20)  The growing points are called:        12419041

a) Meristems                       b) Meriroots

c) Merishoots              d) None of above

21)  The meristematic cells are located at the:


a) Stem                                                 b) Root 

c) Leave                                               d) Both a & b

22)  Temperature influences the rate of growth with a range from:                            12419043

      a) 0 -53°C                                       b) 35° -53°C

c) 0 -35°C                                             d) 36° -53°C

23) Of all environmental factors controlling growth and development of plants, the most important ones are:                    12419044       

      a) Temperature                   b) Light

c) Wind                                                d) Both a & b




2) Growth Correlation


1)  In addition to auxin, which hormone also play important role in apical dominance:

      a) abscisic acid                                                       12419045

      b) gibberellins       

      c) 2,4-D                                        

      d) cytokinins

2)  One of the most important correlative effect in plants is:                                                        12419046

      a) Apical dominance                      

      b) Lateral dominance

      c) Compensatory effect

      d) Over-dominance

3)  The removal of apex releases the lateral buds from apical dominance. It is called:

                                                                        (Board 2015)          12419047

      a) Inhibitory effect                                     

      b) Promotery effect            

      c) Compensatory effect

      d) Delaying effect

4)  Thimann and Skoog in 1934 showed that apical dominance was caused by auxin diffusing from the apical bud which inhibited the growth of lateral shoots is called:                                                                                       12419048

      a) Inhibitory effect

      b) Promotery effect

      c) Compensatory effect

      d) Delaying effect



3) Growth and development in animals __Chick development


1)  At each end of neural tube, a small opening is present which is called:           


      a) Anterior neuropore

      b) Posterior neuropore

      c) Both a & b

      d) None of the above

2)  At the cephalic end of primitive streak, closely packed cells form a local thickening known as: (Board 2013)      12419050

      a) Hensen's node                    

      b) Primitive ridges

      c) Splanchic mesoderm      

      d) Primitive gut

3)  Blastula is characterized by the presence of a:                                                                                         12419051

      a) Segmentation cavity

      b) Blastocoele

      c) Both a & b

      d) None of the above

4)  The discoidal cap of cells above the blastocoele is:                                                                12419052

      a) Epiderm                                     b) Endoderm

      c) Hypoblast                                   d) Blastoderm

5)  With the formation of neural tube, there is formation of central nervous system and the cavity enclosed is                                      12419053

      a) blastocoele                                 b) gastrocoele

      c) morocoele                                  d) neurocoel

6)  The whole process of formation of nervous system is called:                          12419054

      a) nervolation                                 b) spinolation

      c) Both a & b                                  d) neurulation

7)  In 24 hours embryos, the folding of neural plate is clearly visible. The embryo is now termed as:                                                   12419055

      a) Blastula                          b) Gastrula

      c) neurula                                       d) morula

8) Immediately after fertilization, the egg undergoes a series of mitotic, divisions, called:                                                                               12419056

      a) blastulation                                 b) Cleavage     

      c) Splitting                          d) Separation

9)  Notochord is one of the few prominent structural features in chick embryo of about:                                                                                 12419057

      a) 18 hours                         b) 20 hours      

      c) 22 hours                         d) 24 hours

10)  Neural plate was seen as a flat, thickened area of ectoderm in chicks of:                    12419058

      a) 18 hours                         b) 20 hours

      c) 22 hours                         d) 24 hours

11) A longitudinal folding has occurred, establishing the neural groove in the mid dorsal line, on either side of neural folds, in chick embryo of:                                       12419059

      a) 31-32 hours                                b) 25-26 hours

      c) 21-22 hours                                d) 35-36 hours

12) In incubating eggs artificially, the incubators are usually regulated at temperature between:                                  12419060

      a) 20-22°C                         b) 27-29°C

      c) 30-32°C                         d) 36-38°C

13) In the chick the mesodermal cells migrate medially and caudally from both sides and create a mid line thickening called:                                                                    (Board 2016)                  12419061

      a) Primitive streak  

      b) Primitive groove

      c) Ultra-streak

      d) Blastoderm

14)  The anterior end of the neural groove is widest and forms the future brain and rest of portion is future:                                         12419062

      a) Notochord                                  b) Spinal cord

      c) Vertebral column            d) Cranium

15)  The anterior end of the primitive streak is occupied by an aggregation:         12419063

      a) Primitive node

      b) Notochordal cells

      c) Both a & b

      d) None of these

16) The cavity between the yolk and the endoderm which has been called gastrocoele is now termed as:                                 12419064

      a) Primitive streak   b) Primitive gut

      c) Neurocoele                                 d) Blastocoele

17)  The cavity formed between somatic and splanchnic mesoderm is:                             12419065

      a) Blastocoele                                 b) Gastrocoele

      c) Coelom                                      d) Neurocoele

18)  The central part of the blastoderm where the cells are separated from the yolk is called area:                                                        12419066

      a) Opaca                                         b) Pellucida

      c) Detached                                    d) Translucent

19) The discoidal cap of cells above the blastocoele is called:                                          12419067

      a) Ectoderm                                    b) Mesoderm

      c) Endoderm                                   d) blastoderm

20)  The epiblast is mainly presumptive:


      a) Ectoderm                                    b) Mesoderm

      c) Endoderm                                  d) Both a & b

21)  The lateral plate mesoderm is splitted into two sheet like layers viz Somatic mesoderm and:                                            12419069

      a) Sexual mesoderm

      b) Fanatic mesoderm

      c) Splanchnic mesoderm

      d) Dermatologic mesoderm

22) The marginal area of the blastoderm of chick in which the cells remain undetached from the yolk and closely adherent to it, is called the zone of:


      a) Connection                                 b) Elongation

      c) Intersection                                 d) Junction

23) The morula stage is short lived and soon changes into:                                                                      12419071

      a) Blastula                          b) Gastrula

      c) Neurula                                      d) Globula

24) The peripheral part of the blastoderm where the cells lie unseparated from the yolk is termed as area:                                12419072

      a) Pellucida                                   

      b) Opaca

      c) Ploidy                                       

      d) Translucent

25) The primitive streak represents the dorsal and both lateral lips of:                              12419073

      a) neuropore                                   b) gastropore

      c) blastopore                                   d) dermapore



4) Mechanism of development, Role of Cytoplasm and Nucleus, Concept of differentiation, Embryonic induction


1)  Acetabularia is multicellular:                       12419074

      a) Fungus                                       b) Alga

      c) Yeast                                          d) Protozoan

2)  Clear cytoplasm produces:                           12419075

      a) Larval epidermis b) Muscle cells

      c) Gut                                                         d) Neural tube

3)  An ordered sequence of irreversible steps, with each step setting, up the necessary conditions for the next step is:      12419076

      a) Embryology                    b) Growth

      c) Development                  d) None

4)  Grey equatorial cytoplasm produces:


      a) Notochord                          b) Neural tube

      c) Both a & b                   d) All of the above

5)  Grey vegetal cytoplasm gives rise to:


      a) Gut                                 b) Muscle cells (Board 2013)

      c) Notochord          d) Neural tube

6) In order to understand the concept of differentiation, Spemann performed a series of experiments on embryo of:


      a) Fishes                             b) Amphibian

      c) Reptiles              d) Birds

7)  It is known that different cytoplasmic components contain different morpho-genetic determinants that are responsible for cell:                                                                              12419080

      a) Division             b) Elongation

      c) Maturation                      d) Differentiation

8)  On the basis of structure and shape of the cap, two species of Acetabularia have been identified:                                                   12419081

      a) Acetabularia mediterranea & A.


      b) A. typhi & A. mediterranea

      c) A. crenulata & A. sisso

      d) A. crenulata & A. arabica

9) The capacity of some cells to evoke a specific developmental response in others is called:                                                                          12419082

      a) Embryonic induction

      b) Embryonic orientation   

      c) Embryonic introduction 

      d) Embryonic stimulation

10) Which one of these produces larval epidermis?                                                                                 12419083

      a) Clear cytoplasm             

      b) Yellow cytoplasm

      c) Gray vegetal cytoplasm  

      d) Gray equatorial cytoplasm

11)  Yellow cytoplasm gives rise to:       12419084

      a) Muscle cells                    b) Gut  (Board 2013)      

      c) Notochord                                  d) Neural tube

12) Work on embryonic induction was reported in 1924 by:                                            12419085

      a) Hans Spemann               

      b) Hilde Mangold

      c) Maradona

      d) Both a & b





5) Aging


1)  The negative physiological changes in our body are said to be:                                               12419086

      a) Maturation                                  b) Childhood

      c) Aging                                         d) Displacement

2)  The process of aging can be slowed down by:                                                                                          12419087

      a) Better nutrition                          

      b) Improved living conditions

      c) Exercise

      d) both a and b

3)  An inevitable process is:                              12419088

      a) Regeneration

      b) Abnormal development

      c) Aging

      d) None of these

4)  Study of aging is called                                12419089

      a)  Geology                                    b)  Gerontology

      c)  Dermatology                 d)  Teratology

5)  Degeneration and disappearance of the elastic tissues in the tunica media of the blood vessels results in                              12419090

      a)  Thrombosis                  

      b)  Coronary thrombosis

      c)  Sclerosis                                   
d)  Arteriosclerosis

6) Regeneration

1)  If lobster loses its pincer claw a new claw:                                                                                       12419091

      a) Regenerates                                b) Never develops

      c) Is ready                                      d) None of these

2)  In plants, regeneration is the basis of plant:                                                                                      12419092

      a) Proliferation                   b) Promulgation

      c) Propagation                    d) Dissemination

3)  In sponges due to simple organization sponges possess great power of:           12419093

      a) Digestion                                    b) Excretion

      c) Reproduction                  d) Regeneration

4)  The regeneration of which organ has been studied mostly in salamanders of various ages:                                                                                    12419094

      a) Limb                                          b) Skin

      c) Tongue                                       d) Brain

5)  The ability to regain or recover the lost or injured part of the body is called:    12419095

      a) Reformation                   b) Replacement

      c) Displacement                  d) Regeneration

6) The development and formation of the missing organ in adult animal is: 12419096

      a) Reformation                   b) Replacement

      c) Displacement                  d) Regeneration

7)  In chordates the healing of fracture and repair of a skin wound are some other examples of:                                                          12419097

      a) Reformation                   b) Regeneration

      c) Dengenration                  d) Renaissance

8)  Spontaneous mutation may result in:

      a) Loss of cells                                                       12419098

      b) Degeneration of tissues

      c) Both a & b

      d) None of these

9) The unspecialized cells present in flatworms and planaria are:                                                                                                      (Board 2015)                   12419099

      a) Neoblast                         b) Osteoblast

      c) Osteoclast                                  d) Chondrocyte






7) Abnormal Development


1)  Anything which interferes with the normal process of development is the factor causing:                                                               12419100

      a) Aging                                         b) Regeneration           

      c) Normalities                                 d) Abnormalities

2) Environmental factors causing or contributing to abnormal development are grouped together as:                                       12419101

      a) teratogens                                   b) metagens

      c) mutagens                                    d) Photogens

3)  Ionizing radiations (e.g. X rays) are well known for their:                                                      12419102

      a) Dramatic action

      b)Teratogenic action

      c) Dermatologic action

      d) Damaging action

4) The Syndrome which is an example of trisomy of the sex, chromosome is: 

      a) Turner's syndrome                                              12419103

      b) Down's syndrome

      c) Klinefelter's syndrome                           

      d) Tay-Sach's syndrome





5)  The branch of biology, which deals with the abnormal development and causes for such developments is:                                      12419104

      a) Teratology                      b) Geology

      c) Ethology                         d) Theology

6) The condition in which one of the sex chromosomes is missing:                                  12419105

      a) Klinefelter's syndrome

      b) Turner's syndrome

      c) Down's syndrome

      d) Tay-Sach's syndrome

7) Which one of these is correct about microcephaly individuals:                        12419106

      a) Small skull                     

      b) Club footed

      c) Five fingers                   

      d) Upper lip folded

8)  In Microcephaly, the Individuals are born with small:                                                                        12419107

      a) Skull                                           b) Eyes

      c) Legs                                           d) Hands

9) The condition where individuals have their upper lip folded or the individual has harelip is:                                                                                                                                                                                                   12419108

      a) Club foot                                                                                                                                            b) Cleft palate          

        c) Folded lips                                                                                                                             d) None of above


Short questions


Growth and development in plants

Q.1:Differentiate between growth and development.              (Board 2006, 07, 10, 14,16) 12419109

Q.2: What is meristem?                                                                                                                                      12419110

Q.3: What is Apical Meristem?                                                                                                         

                                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2015,16) 12419111

Q.4: What are Intercalary Meristems?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Board 2015)               12419112

Q.5: What are Lateral Meristems?                                                                                        

                                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2016)  12419113

Q.6: Define differentiation.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               (Board 2007)                                                                                       12419114

Q.7: What is Open growth?                                                                                                                               12419115

Q 8: What are growing points?                                                                                                           12419116

Q.9: What is secondary growth?                                                                                12419117

Q.10: Name the factors by which rate of growth is influenced?  (Board 2016)  12419118



Growth Correlation

Q.1: What is correlation?                                                                                                                                   12419119

Q.2: What is the ro1e of cytokinins in apical dominance?                                                                                                        12419120

Q.3: What was the work of Thimann and Skoog?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12419121

Q.4: Differentiate between inhibitory and compensatory effects?                                                                                12419122



Chick Development

Q.1: What is embryology?                                                                                                                                 12419123

Q.2: What is discoidal cleavage?                                                                                          

                                                                                                                                                                                       (Board 2016) 12419124

Q.4: What is the temperature for incubation for chick eggs?                                                                            12419125

Q.5: Define Cleavage.                                                                                                                                       12419126

Q.6: What is Morula?                                                                                                                                         12419127

Q.7: What is Blastula?                                                                                                                                       12419128

Q.8: What is blastoderm?                                                                                                                                  12419129

Q.9: What is zone of junction in developing chick embryo?                                                                            12419130

Q.10: Define Gastrulation.                                                                                                                                12419131

Q.11: Which two layers are formed from blastoderm during gastrulation?               12419132

Q.12: What is an area pellucida?                                                                                12419133

Q.13: What is an area opaca?                                                                                                             12419134

Q.14: What is Primitive streak?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Board 2008)                           12419135

Q.15: What is primitive node?                                                                                                            12419136

Q.16: What is Hensen’s node?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Board 2007)                                                                                                   12419137

Q.17: What is Germ wall?                                                                                                                                 12419138

Q.18: What is gastrocoele?                                                                                                                                12419139

Q.19: How many layers, the lateral plate mesoderm is splitted into?                                                               12419140

Q.20: What is coelom?                                                                                                                                       12419141

Q.21: What is Neurulation?                                                                                                                               12419142

Q.22: How neural plate is formed?                                                                            12419143

Q.23: What is Neurula?                                                                                                                                     12419144

Q.25: How neural tube is formed in chick embryo?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  12419145

Q.26: What are neuropores?                                                                                                               12419146

Q.27: What is neurocoele?                                                                                                                                12419147

Q.28: Differentiate between neurula and neurocoele.                                                                                                                (Board 2015)            12419148


Embryonic induction, role of cytoplasm and nucleus

Q.1: Define embryonic induction.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Board 2006, 07) 12419149

Q.2: What was work of Dietrish?                                                                               12419150

Q.3: What is Acetabularia?                                                                                                                               12419151

Q.4: Define primary organizers and primary induction.                                                                                                           12419152



Aging, Regeneration, Abnormal development

Q.1: What is an aging, gerontology and present goal of gerontology?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Board 2010)  12419153

Q.2: Give sumptoms of aging                                                                                                             12419154                 


What are the important sign of old age in human?                                                (Board 2014)                                                               12419155

Q.3: Define regeneration.                                                                                      (Board 2013)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12419156

Q.4: What are neoblasts?                                                                                                                                   12419157

Q.5: Due to what factors normal process of development is disturbed?                                                           12419158

Q.6:Define abnormal development. 12419159

Q.7: Define Teratology. (Board 2013)                                                                             12419160

Q.8: How normal process of development is disturbed?                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12419161

Q.9: What are Teratogens?                                                                                                    

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2013)          12419162

Q.10: What is Microcephaly?                                                                                                             12419163

Q.11: What is Cleft palate?                                                                                     (Board 2014)           









Multiple Choice Questions



1)   mRNA is synthesized by                             12420018

      a) DNA polymerase

      b) RNA polymerase

      c) RNA ligase        

      d) None of above

2)   Which of the following are nonsencse          codons?                                                                             12420019

      a) AUG                                          b) UAA

      c) CUA                                          d) All of above


3) Enzymes are responsible for assembly of                                                                                                                         12420020

      a) Nucleic acid           b) Proteins

      c) Carbohydrates       d) All of the above

4)   In bacteria the newly synthesized mRNA     is released in                                                                12420021

      a) Nucleous                        b) Cytoplasm

      c) Mitochondria                  d) Both b and c



1) Start___ Types of chromosomes


1)   The number of chromosomes in mosquito    is:                                                                                                   12420022

      a) 3                                                            b) 6

      c) 9                                                            d) 12

2)   The number of chromosomes in honeybee    is:                                             (Board 2014)                                 12420023

      a) 8                                                            b) 16

      c) 32                                                          d) 64

3) The number of chromosomes in corn is:        


      a) 5                                                            b) 10               

      c) 15                                                          d) 20

4)   The number of chromosomes in       sugarcane is:                                                                12420025

      a) 80                                                          b) 40

      c) 20                                                          d) 10

5)   The number of chromosomes in frog is:                   a) 52                                                    b) 26          12420026

      c) 13                                                          d) 7

6)   The number of chromosomes in a mouse      is.:                                                                                                  12420027

      a) 10                                                          b) 20

      c) 40                                                          d) 80

7)   The number of nucleotides in the DNA of    a typical human chromosome is about:  


      a) 10 million                                   b)  40 million

      c) 80 million                                   d) 140 million


8)   Chromosomes are composed of:   12420029

      a) RNA & protein   b) DNA & sugars

      c) DNA & fats        d) DNA & protein

9)   Chromosomes were first observed in            1882 by:                                                                            12420030

      a) Walther Fleming             b) T. H. Morgan

      c) Walter Sutton                 d) John Brown

10) Human cells have 46 chromosomes consisting of:                                                                12420031

      a) 20 pairs                                      b) 21 pairs

      c) 22 pairs                                      d) 23 pairs

11) A fungus that has only one pair of    chromosomes is:                                                           12420032

      a) Aspergillus                                 b) Penicillium

      c) Saccharomyces               d) Rhizopus

12) The number of chromosomes in some          ferns is more than:                                                        12420033

      a) 200 pairs                        b) 300 pairs

      c) 400 pairs                        d) 500 pairs

13) The chromosomes acquire different shapes at the time of:                                       12420034

      a) Anaphase                                   b) Metaphase

      c) Prophase                        d) Telophase

14) The Chromosomes are called telocentric,     acrocentric, sub-metacentric and            metacentric depending upon the location            of:                                                                                                        12420035

      a) blastomere                                  b) micromere

      c) centromere                                 d) kinetomere

15) The particular array of chromosomes that     an individual possesses is called its:


      a) kinetochore                                b) kinetomere  

      c) Karyotype                                  d) Karyon



16) Typically a chromosome is made of:


      a) Chromatids                   

      b) Centromeres

      c) secondary constriction

      d) all of the above


2) Composition and Chromosomal theory


1) Most chromosomes are about:                       12420038

      a) 20% DNA & 80% protein

      b) 40% DNA & 60% protein

      c) 30% DNA & 70% protein          

      d) 50% DNA & 50% protein

2)   The gene causing the white eye trait in         Drosophila resides only on the:  12420039           

      a) autosome 3                                 b) autosome 7

      c) Y chromosome               d) X chromosome

3)   A central role for chromosomes in   heredity  was first suggested in 1900, by:

      a) Karl Correns       (Board 2016)       12420040

      b) Gregor Mendel

      c) Walter Sutton

      d) Walther Fleming

4)   A trait determined by a gene on the X          chromosome is said to be:                                 12420041

      a) Autosomal         

      b) Pseudoautosomal

      c) sex linked

      d) both a & b

5)   Chromosomal theory of inheritance was       formulated by:                                                              12420042

      a) Walther Fleming

      b) T. H. Morgan

      c) Walter Sutton

      d) John Brown

6)   Chromosomes segregate during:     

      a) Amitosis                                                             12420043

      b) Mitosis

      c) Meiosis                                     

      d) None of these

7)   The portion of chromatin other than heterochromatin is called:                                 12420044

      a) Homochromatin  b) Euchromatin

      c) Achromatin                                d) All of the above

8)   Every 200 nucleotides, the DNA duplex is   coiled around a core of eight histone      proteins forming a complex known as a:

      a) Histosome                                                                      12420045

      b) Nucleosome

      c) Peroxisome       

      d) Glyoxysome

9)   Highly condensed portions of the     chromatin are called:                                        12420046

      a) Homochromatin              b) Euchromatin

      c) Heterochromatin             d) Achromatin

10) Histones are positively charged due to an     abundance of the basic amino acids:

      a) Arginine                         b) Lysine          12420047

      c) Both a & b                                  d) Alanine

11) If a eukaryotic DNA is examined with an     electron microscope, it resembles a string           of:                                                                                                  12420048

      a) Blobs                                         b) Beads          

      c) Globules                        d) Vesicles

12) If the strand of DNA from a single   chromosome were laid out in a straight line, its length would be about:          12420049

      a) 2cm                                                        b) 15cm

      c) 5 cm                                                       d) 20 cm

13) In 1910 Thomas Hunt Morgan, studying the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, detected a    mutant:                                                                              12420050

      a) white eyed male fly                                

      b) white eyed female fly

      c) red eyed male fly

      d) red eyed female fly

14) The amount of information one        chromosome contains would fill about:


      a) 80 printed books of 100 pages each

      b) 200 printed books of 1000

            pages each

      c) 280 printed books of 1000 pages each     

      d) 380 printed books of 10000 pages each

3) DNA as hereditary material


1)   The first evidence of hereditary nature of     DNA was provided by:                         12420052

      a) Frederick Mischer                      

      b) Walther Fleming

      c) Frederick Griffith           

      d) Walter Sutton

2)   Adenine and guanine are called:        


      a) Purines                        b) Pyrimidines

      c) Both a & b                   d) None of above

3)   P32 and S35 labeled viruses were used in       his experiments by:                                           12420054

      a) Watson & Crick 

      b) Hershey & Chase

      c) Wilkins & Franklin

      d) Correns & Bridge

4)   In 1944, Oswald Avery along with Colin      Macleod and Maclyn  McCarty repeated            experiments of:                                           12420055

      a) Lamarck                         b) Griffith

      c) Darwin                                       d) Spemann

5)   In 1952 by Alfred Hershey and Martha        Chase experimented with bacteriophages:

      a) T 1                                                         b) T 2               12420056

      c) T 3                                                         d) T 4

6)   Transformation is the transfer of genetic      material from one cell to another and can           alter the genetic make up of the:   12420057

      a) donor cell                                   b) recipient cell

      c) both a & b                                  d) none of these




4) Chemical nature of DNA



1)   Who showed that the amount of adenine in   DNA always equals the amount of         thymine, and the amount of guanine      always equals the amount of Cytosine:                                                                                                                     12420058

      a) Erwin Chargaff          b) James Watson

      c) Martha Chase            d) Walter Sutton

2) DNA was discovered in 1869 by:      12420059

      a) Erwin Chargaff              

      b) Alfred Hershey

      c) Walter Fleming     

      d) Friedrich Miescher

3)   Who found that DNA contains three main    components?                                                                12420060

      a) Levine                                        b) Chargaff

      c) P .A. Levene                  d) Lorenz

4)   The DNA molecule had a shape of a helix    with a diameter of 2 nm and a complete helical turn every:                                                   12420061

      a) 0.4 nm                                        b) 1.4 nm

      c) 2.4 nm                                        d) 3.4 nm

5)   The DNA molecule is a simple:       12420062

      a) double helix                              

      b) triple helix

      c) double curl                                

      d) double twirl

6)   Levene concluded that DNA and RNA         molecules are made of repeating units    called:                                                                                12420063

      a) nucleosides                                b) nucleosomes

      c) nucleic acids                   d) nucleotides

7)   Miescher extracted a white substance from   the        nuclei of human cells and fish sperm.     He        called this                                                       12420064

      a) nuclein                                       b) nucleic acids

      c) nucleoid                                     d) nucleotide

8)   In 1953 Watson and Crick proposed             structure of the:                                                12420065

      a) RNA molecule               b) A TP molecule

      c) DNA molecule               d) NAD molecule

9)   In the double helix of DNA adenine forms   two hydrogen bonds with:                     12420066

      a) Thymine                        b) Guanine

      c) Cytosine                         d) Uracil

10) In the double Helix of DNA guanine forms three hydrogen bonds with:         12420067

      a) thymine                                      b) guanine

      c) cytosine                                     d) uracil

11) X-ray diffraction analysis of DNA was performed by:                                   (Board 2015)       12420068

      a) Erwin Chargaff               b) Watson & Crick

      c) Rosalind Franklin           d) Charles Darwin

12) The linkage is called a phosphodiester         bond because the phosphate group is      linked to the two sugars by means of a pair of:                                                                         12420069

      a) peptide bonds                

      b) glucosidic bonds

      c) ester bonds        

      d) hydrogen bonds

13) Thymine, cytosine and uracil are called:


      a) Purines                                       b) Pyrimidines

      c) Urinates                                     d) None of these          




5) DNA Replication ____ Replication Process

1)   A relatively small enzyme that plays a         supporting role in DNA replication is:   

      a) DNA polymerase I                                              12420071

      b) DNA polymerase II

      c) DNA polymerase III

      d) DNA polymerase IV

2)   A role in DNA repair is played by: 

      a) DNA polymerase I                                              12420072

      b) DNA polymerase II

      c) DNA polymerase III

      d) DNA polymerase IV

3)   Nucleotides are only added to the 3' end of   a DNA strand by:                                                         12420073

      a) DNA polymerase I         

      b) DNA polymerase II

      c) DNA polymerase III

      d) DNA polymerase IV

4)   Each Okazaki fragment is synthesized by:    a) DNA polymerase I                                        12420074

      b) DNA polymerase II

      c) DNA polymerase III

      d) DNA polymerase IV

5)   Enzyme, primase, constructs an RNA          primer, a sequence of about 10 RNA      nucleotides            complementary to the    parent DNA:                                                                12420075

      a) Pattern                                        b) Sequence

      c) Thread                                       d) Template

6)   Leading strand is built up simply by adding nucleotides continuously to its    growing:                                                                             12420076

      a) 5' end                                b) 3' end       

      c) both a & b                          d) None of the above

7)   Okazaki fragments are about 100 -200         nucleotides long in:                                           12420077

      a) Prokaryotes                    b) Eukaryotes

      c) both a & b                      d) All of the above

8)   Okazaki fragments are about 1000 -2000      nucleotides long in:                                           12420078

      a) Prokaryotes                               

      b) Eukaryotes

      c) both a & b                                  

      d) All of the above

9)   Origin site of replication is one in: 


      a) Prokaryotes                        b) Eukaryotes

      c) both a & b                         d) None of the above

10) There are several origin sites of replication in:                                                                                  12420080

      a) Prokaryotes                        

      b) Eukaryotes

      c) both a & b                           

      d) None of the above

11) Polymerase III progressively threads the       DNA through the enzyme complex        moving it at a rapid rate of some:         12420081

      a) 4000 nucleotides / second

      b) 2000 nucleotides / second

      c) 500 nucleotides / second

      d) 1000 nucleotides / second

12) The direction of replication is always:         


      a) 3'à5'                             b) 5'à 3'         

      c) both a & b                      d) None of the above

13) The DNA replication begins at one or          more unique sites, called the origin of    replication and proceeds:                              12420083

      a) unidirectionally  

      b) bidirectionally

      c) multidirectionally

      d) none of the above

14) The lagging strand of DNA is synthesized    discontinuously series of short:  12420084

      a) Hanuka segments

      b) Okazaki segments

      c) Rock segments  

      d) Goldberg segments

15) The Meselson - Stahl experiment     confirmed the prediction of the Watson- Crick model that DNA replication is:

`     a) semi-conservative                                               12420085

      b) conservative

      c) dispersive

      d) semi-dispersive

16) The non-sense codons are usually present     at the end of the gene and hence they are            also called:                                                             12420086

      a) start codons                                b) stop codons

      c) terminal codons              d) late codons



17) The true E.coli replicating enzymes is          DNA polymerase:                                                         12420087

      a) I                                                             b) II

      c) III                                                           d) IV

18) There are three DNA polymerases   namely I, II and III in:                                       12420088

      a) Virus                                         

      b) yeast

      c) fungi                                         

      d) bacteria

19) The repaired fragments of the lagging          strand are attached by enzyme:  12420089

      a) DNA polymerase

      b) RNA ligase

      c) DNA ligase        

      d) DNA topoisomerase



6) What is gene, Central Dogma, Types of RNA


1)   A sequence of three nucleotides in   mRNA is called:                                                           12420090

      a) Code                             b) Codon

      c) Anticodon                      d) None of the above

2)   Beadle and Tatum concluded that genes       produce their effects by specifying the   structure of:                                                            12420091

      a) amino acids                                b) vitamins

      c) fermenters                                  d) enzymes

3)   Beadle and Tatum exposed Neurospora       spores to:                                                                           12420092

      a) X-rays                                        b) gamma rays

      c) α rays                                         d) β rays

4)   Each enzyme in the arginine biosynthetic     pathway was studied by:                                   12420093

      a) Watson & Crick 

      b) Beadle & Tatum

      c) Hershey & Chase

      d) Darwin & Francis

5)   DNA changes are called mutations and        the        organisms that have undergone such      changes are called:                                          12420094

      a) wild types                                   b) changer

      c) mutants                                      d) transmutants


6)   Each tRNA has a sequence of three bases,    called anticodon, which is         complementary to codon of:            12420095

      a) rRNA                                         b) tRNA

      c) mRNA                                       d) cRNA

7)   Human cells contain about 45 different        kinds of:                                                                             12420096

      a) tRNA                                         b) rRNA

      c) mRNA                                       d) cRNA

8)   In 1953, Frederick Sanger, described the      complete sequence of amino acids of:


      a) myoglobin                                  b) keratin        

      c) globulin                                      d) insulin 

9)   In alkaptonuria the patients produced           urine that contained:                                         12420098

      a) homogentisic acid           b) abscisic acid

      c) stearic acid                                 d) adenylic acid

10) Vernon Ingram in 1956 discovered the         molecular basis of sickle cell anaemia, a            protein defect inherited as a:                     12420099

      a) Mendelian disorder                    

      b) Mongolism

      c) Down’s syndrome          

      d) Non-disjunction



7) Transcription ______ Genetic Code


1)   Copying of mRNA from DNA is called:     

      a) Translation                                                                     12420100

      b) Transcription

      c) Transduction     

      d) Transformation

2)   In bacteria the newly synthesized mRNA     is directly released into:                 12420101       

      a) Protoplasm                                 b) cytoplasm

      c) nucleoplasm                   d) none

3)   In Eukaryotes the binding sites of    promoter are at:                                                12420102

      a) -20 & -70                                   b) -20 & -50

      c) -25 & -70                                   d) -35 & -80

4)   In prokaryote within promoter there are       two binding sites TTGACA also called -35        sequence and TATAAT also called:


      a) -10 sequence                  b) -20 sequence

      c) -30 sequence                  d) -35 sequence

5)   Once the transcription has started the           sigma factor is released and core enzyme           moves over the:                                           12420104

      a) template strand  

      b) anti-sense strand

      c) coding strand     

      d) both a & b

6)   Only one of the two strands of DNA are       transcribed. This strand is called:           12420105

      a) template strand     b) anti-sense strand

      c) sense strand                       d) both a & b

7)   RNA polymerase I synthesizes:       12420106

      a) rRNA                             b) mRNA

      c) tRNA                             d) protein

8)   RNA polymerase II, synthesizes:     12420107

      a) rRNA                             b) mRNA

      c) tRNA                             d) protein

9)   RNA polymerase III synthesizes:     12420108

      a) rRNA                             b) mRNA

      c) tRNA                             d) protein

10) The factor responsible for correct     recognition of binding site and initiation            of transcription process is:                  12420109

      a) alpha factor                    b) sigma factor

      c) beta factor                      d) pi factor


11) Transcription starts at the RNA        polymerase binding site called promoter             on the DNA:                                                           12420110

      a) template strand              

      b) anti-sense strand            

      c) both a & b                      d) coding strand

12) The binding of RNA polymerase to the        promoter is the first step in gene:           12420111

      a) translation

      b) transcription

      c) transduction      

      d) transformation

13) The cap of mRNA is in the form of:


      a) ATP                                                       b) CTP

      c) UTP                                                       d) GTP

14) The caps and tails save the mRNA from       variety of:                                                                          12420113

      a) Nucleases                                   b) Phosphatases

      c) both a & b                                  d) Reductases

15) The ribose of 7 -methyl guanosine and the    first nucleotide of mRNA are linked by 5'           to 5':                                                                                   12420114

      a) bi-phosphate bridge       

      b) tri-sulphate bridge                     

      c) tri-nitrate bridge

      d) tri-phosphate bridge

16) The RNA polymerase enzymes synthesize   RNA from:                                           12420115

      a) 5' -3' direction                            

      b) 3' -5' direction

      c) 1' -3' direction                            

      d) 5' -2' direction

17) In transcription, the simplest stop signal       is a series of:                                                                12420116

      a) GC base pairs                 b) AT base pairs

      c) AC base pairs                 d) GT base pairs

18) The strand opposite to template strand is      called:                                                                                12420117

      a) coding strand                  b) sense strand

      c) anti-sense strand d) both a & b

19) The tail of mRNA is in the form of Poly A linked to 3' end of the:                             12420118

      a) rRNA                                         b) mRNA

      c) tRNA                                         d) cRNA

20) There is only one type of RNA        polymerase in:                                                              12420119

      a) Prokaryotes                    b) Eukaryotes

      c) Both a & b                       d) None of the above

21) Transcription is initiated when the   enzyme RNA polymerase binds to a       particular binding site called a:      12420120

      a) demoter                                      b) starter

      c) promoter                        d) sigma factor

22) Transcription is the process in which an       RNA copy of the DNA sequence           encoding          the gene is produced with the   help of:                                                                                    12420121

      a) RNA polymerase

      b) DNA polymerase

      c) RNA ligase        

      d) RNA isomerase

23) Every gene starts with codon AUG, which   normally encodes the amino acid:         

                                                                                                (Board 2013)           12420122

      a) Arginine                         b) Citrulline 

      c) Methionine                                 d) lysine

24) Genetic code is a combination of 3 nucleotides in DNA, which specify a     particular:                                                                          12420123

      a) amino acid                                 b) fatty acid     

      c) vitamin                                       d) steroid

25) All the 64 codons were tested:         12420124

      a) Marshall Nirenberg                    

      b) Philip Leader

      c) Har Gobind Khorana

      d) all of the above

26) The code for specifying amino acids does    consist of 3-bases. This is called the:


      a) doublet code          b) triplet code

      c) quadruplet code     d) none of the above

27) Which one of the following is initiation codon:                                 (Board 2015,16) 12420126

      a) AUG                                          b) GUA

      c) UGA                                          d) GAC

28) Three codons UAA, UAG and UGA do       not code for any amino acid and hence   are        known as:                                                              12420127

      a) non-sense codon b) stop codon

      c) sense codon                                d) both a & b

29) UGA codon is normally a stop codon but     in mitochondria it reads as:                   12420128

      a) valine                                         b) tryptophan

      c) glutamic acid                  d) phenylalanine





8) Translation _____Mutation


1)   Amino acids are activated when they           react     with ATP in the presence of      activating         enzyme:                                          12420129

      a) aminoacyl rRNA synthetase

      b) aminoacyl tRNA synthetase

      c) aminoacyl mRNA synthetase

      d) aminoacyl DNA synthetase

2)   Successive amino acid bearing tRNAs         will bind at:                                                                  12420130

      a) A site                                         

      b) P site

      c) E site                                         

      d) D site

3)   During translation the empty tRNAs will      exit the ribosome at:                                         12420131

      a) A site                                         

      b) D site

      c) E site                                         

      d) P site

4)   In prokaryotes, translation begins when        the        initial portion of mRNA molecule          binds to:                                                                             12420132

      a) tRNA                                        

      b) rRNA    

      c) amino acid                                

      d) peptide chain

5)   In Sickle cell anaemia a point mutation leads to the change of amino acid glutamic acid into:                                                                               12420133

      a) arginine                                      b) lysine

      c) valine                                         d) alanine

6)   In sickle cell disease, a single thymine is replaced with an adenine in the DNA that codes for:                                                                              12420134

      a) valine                                         b) histidine

      c) glycine                                       d) glutamic acid


7)   Point mutations are mutational changes which affect the message itself, producing alterations in the sequence of:                              12420135

      a) DNA                                          b) RNA

      c) amino acids                                d) ATP

8)   Proteins called elongation factors assist in    binding tRNA to the exposed mRNA     codon at the:                                                          12420136

      a) P site                                          b) E site

      c) A site                                          d) D site

9)   Proteins called initiation factors position      the tRNA on the ribosomal surface at the:

      a) P site                              b) E site                        12420137

      c) A site                              d) D site

10) Sickle cell anaemia and phenylketonuria      are very well known examples of:         

      a) point mutation                                                    12420138

      b) chromosomal aberration

      c) site mutation

      d) dot mutation

11) Some chromosomal aberrations involve:     

      a) presence of an extra chromosome            b) loss of a chromosome                                   12420139

      c) both a & b                                             

      d) none of the above

12) Synthesis of proteins is called:    12420140

      a) Translation                      b) Transcription

      c) Transduction            d) Transformation

13) The activating enzyme, aminoacyl tRNA     synthetase, catalyzes the attachment of   amino acid to specific:                    12420141

      a) rRNA                                         b) tRNA

      c) mRNA                                       d) cRNA

14) The sequence of nucleotides that      determines the amino acid sequence of a            protein is called a:                                                  12420142

      a) allele                                          b) gene

      c) coding gene                                d) codon

15) The transfer of information from RNA to     proteins is called:                                                          12420143

      a) Transcription          

      b) Transduction

      c) Translation                     

      d) Transformation

16) Mutations can broadly be classified as: (1)   chromosomal aberration and (2):           12420144

      a) direct mutation               b) dot mutation

      c) point mutation                d) site mutation

17) In phenylketonuria, phenylalanine is not      degraded because of defective enzyme   phenylalanine:                                                        12420145

      a) catalase                                      b) oxidase

      c) reductase                        d) hydroxylase


Short questions


Chromosomes_-- chromosomal theory

Q.1:Who first observed the chromosomes?                                                                                                           12420146

Q.2: What is euchromatin?

                                                                        (Board 2016)12420147

Q.3 : How long DNA would stretch, if the DNA in all of the cells of an adult human

were lined up end to end?                                12420148

Q.4: What are chromosomes?             12420149

Q.5: What is the number of chromosomes in Pencillium and ferns?                                       12420150

Q.6: What a typical chromosome is made up of?                                                                                                  12420151

Q.7: What is Karyotype? (Board 2014) 


Q.8: What are different types of Chromosomes depending upon location of centromere?                                                                        12420153

Q.9:What different shapes of chromosomes?                                                                                                            12420154

Q.10: What is the composition of chromosomes?                                                                    12420155

Q.11: How many nucleotides are contained in a typical human chromosome?               12420156

Q.12:  How much information is contained in one chromosome?                                                        12420157

Q.13:  What is the length of a strand of DNA from a single chromosome?   12420158

Q.14:  What is nucleosomes?              12420159

Q.15:  Why histones are positively charged?                                                                                       12420160

Q.16: What are supercoils of DNA?12420161

Q.17:  What are heterochromatin?     12420162

Q.18: Define the chromosome theory of inheritance.                                       (Board 2010) 12420163

Q.19:  What is a sex linked trait?        12420164

Q.20:  What is the structure of a typical nucleotide?                                                                           12420165

Q.21:  Compare the euchromatin with heterochromation.      (Board 2014,16) 12420166


DNA and DNA Replication

Q.21: What is transformation?                                                                                                                 (Board 2010,16) 12420167

Q.22: What is nuclein?                                    12420168

Q.23: What is semi conservative replication?                                      (Board 2008)12420169

Q.24: How DNA polymerase III can initiate synthesis of DNA?                                  12420170

Q.25: What are Okazaki fragments?

                                                                                                (Board 2016)          12420171

Q.26: What is the length of Okazaki fragments?                                                                                12420172

Q.27: Who repeated the experiments of Griffith?                                                                                     12420173

Q.28: Why Hershey and Chase are famous for?                                                                                                   12420174

Q.29: What are the main components of DNA?                                                                                                    12420175

Q.30: What is phosphodiester bond or linkage?                                  (Board 2014)                 12420176

Q.31:What is the work of Chargaff?


Q.32: What is X-ray diffraction?        12420178

Q.33: Who prepared the X-ray diffraction of DNA?                                                                                 12420179

Q.34: What does X-ray diffraction of DNA suggest?                                                                                 12420180

Q.35: Who proposed the double helical structure of DNA?                                                    12420181

Q.36: Define replication.                                 12420182

Q.37: What is Semi-conservative replication of DNA? (Board 2015)     12420183

Q.38: Define Conservative Replication of DNA.                                                                                                    12420184

Q.39: What is Dispersive Replication of DNA?                                                                                                     12420185

Q.40:What was work of Meselson -Stahl?                                                                                                                         12420186

Q.41: What is the role of DNA polymerase I?                                                                                                       12420187

Q.42:What is the role of DNA polymerase II?                                                                                           12420188

Q.43: What is the role of DNA polymerase III?                                                                                                    12420189

Q.44:What is the direction of replication on growing DNA strand?                            12420190

Q.45: What is the role of DNA ligase?



RNA, Genetic code , Transcription


Q.46: What is "one gene one polypeptide" hypothesis?                                                                            12420192

Q.47: What is transcription?  ( Board 2014)


Q.48: Which codons are called stop codons and nonsense codon and why?  (Board 2007)   


Q.49: What is initiation codon?                      12420195

Q.50: What is primer?                                    12420196

Q.51:What are the three major classes of RNA?                                                         (Baord 2015,16)  12420197

Q.52: What is the function of RNA polymerase in transcription?(Board 2014)


Q.53: What is triplet code?                                                                                                                       (Board-2007) 12420199

Q.54: What is anticodon? (B-2006)   12420200

Q.55: What is Alkaptonuria?              12420201

Q.56: Why Beadle and Tatum are famous for?                                                                                                     12420202

Q.57: Why Sanger was famous for?


Q.58: Why Vernon Ingram is famous for?                                                                                                                        12420204

Q.59: What is Promotor? (Board-2010)


Q.60: What is codon?  (Board -2006) 12420206

Q.61: What are template and coding strands of DNA?                       (Board-2007)    12420207

Q.62: What is the role of RNA polymerase?                                                                           12420208

Q. 63:What is core enzyme?                           12420209

Q. 64: How many binding sites are found in promoter of prokaryote and eukaryote?                                                                                                      12420210

Q.67: What is the stop signal for transcription?                                                                     12420211

Q.68: Why a cap and a tail is added to mRNA?                                                                                        12420212

Q.  69: What is genetic code?(Board 2014)


Q.70:What are Chromosomal aberrations?                                                                (Board -2010)    12420214

Q.  71: What is Phenylketonuria?       12420215

Q.  72: What is translation?    (Board 2014)


Q.73: What are Point mutations?                                                                                                       (Board 2010, 14)  12420217

Q.74: Give examples of point mutations.                                                                                             (Board-2010)      12420218

Q.75: What is Sickle cell anaemia?                                                                                         (Board 2010,16)      12420219

Q.76: Sketch a phosphodiester bond.

                                                            (Board 2015,16) 12420220

Q.77: Define central dogma.

                                                            (Board 2015)     12420221








Multiple Choice Questions


(1) Introduction



1)   The most critical phase of the mitosis           is:                                                                                                   12421007

      a) prophase                         b) metaphase

      c) anaphase                                    d) telophase

2)   During interphase of the cell cycle the          chromosomes are not visible even with:

      a) compound microscope                             12421008

      b) light microscope

      c) electron microscope       

      d) phase-contrast microscope

3)   Following the G1 is the S-phase during which          the DNA is synthesized and chromosomes         number is:                                                                              12421009

      a) four folded                                 b) doubled

      c) tripled                                        d) five fold

4)   Full cell cycle in yeast cells has length of:

                                                            (Board 2015,16)    12421010

      a) 15 minutes                                  b) 30 minutes

      c) 60 minutes                                  d) 90 minutes

5)   G1 (Gap 1) is the period of:              12421011

      a) rest                                             b) metabolic activity

      c) synthesis                        d)movement

6)   G1 is time between the end of mitosis and     initiation of DNA synthesis, also called              as:                                                                                                  12421012

      a) Pre-DNA synthesis phase           

      b) DNA synthesis phase     

      c) Post-DNA synthesis phase         

      d) Pre-RNA synthesis phase

7)   In case of human cell, cell cycle is about:


      a) 21 hours                         b) 22 hours   

      c) 23 hours                                     d) 24 hours

8)   In human cell mitosis takes 30 minutes,       G1, 9 hours, the S-phase 10 hours, and   G2:                                                                                    12421014

      a) 2 hours                                     b) 3 hours

      c) 4 hours                                     d) 4.5 hours

9)   Interphase can further be divided into:


      a) G1-phase, S-phase and G2-phase 

      b) G1-phase, G2-phase and G3-phase

      c) S1-phase, S2-phase and S3-phase 

      d) S1-phase, G-phase and S2-phase

10) The cell cycle is comprised of two phases    or periods:                                                                          12421016

      a) interphase & mitotic phase         

      b) nterphase & intraphase

      c) mitosis & meiosis

      d) amitosis & mitosis

          11) The interphase of meiosis lack:  12421017

      a) G1 stage                                      b) G2 stage

      c) G3 stage                                      d) G4 stage

12) The period of life cycle of cell (cell cycle)    between two consecutive divisions is     termed as:                                                                          12421018

      a) interphase                                   b) resting phase

      c) mitotic phase                  d) both a & b

13) The series of changes which involve            period of growths replication of DNA,   followed by cell division may be named   as:                                                                                                        12421019

      a) DNA cycle                                 b) nuclear cycle

      c) cell cycle                                    d) chemical cycle

14) The period of life cycle of cell (cell cycle)    between two consecutive divisions is     termed as                                                                           12421020

      a) Interphase                                   b) Anaphase

      c) Telophase                                   d) Prophase I

(2) Mitosis ____ cancer


1)      A network of very fine threads called chromatin can be visualized in cell during:

                                                                        (Board 2014) 12421021

      a) Interphase                            b) Prophase  

      c) Metaphase                           d) Anaphase  

2)   Astral microtubules radiate outward from:


      a) Lysosomes                                 b) Centrioles  

      c) Golgi complex          d) Glyoxysomes

3)   Phragmoplast is formed by vesicles originated from: (Board 2015,16)    12421023

      a) Lysosomes                                 b) centrioles

      c) golgi complex                 d) glyoxysomes

4)   The type of cell division, which ensures       the same number of chromosomes in the daughter cells as that in the parent cells is:                                                                                                        12421024

      a) amitosis                    b) meiosis 

      c) mitosis                                  d) None of these

5)   Mitosis may be divided into two phases:     

      a) karyokinesis & cytokinesis          12421025            b) karyokinesis & diakinesis

      c) diakinesis & cytokinesis

      d) exokinesis & endokinesis

6)   Some organisms both plants and animals      undergo asexual reproduction which      involves:                                                                            12421026

      a) amitosis                          b) mitosis        

      c) meiosis                                       d) None of these

7)   The microtubule is composed of traces of     RNA and protein called:(Board 2015)         12421027

      a) Myosin                                       b) Troponin

      c) Actin                                          d) Tubulin

8)   The specialized microtubule structure          including aster and spindle is called:     

      a) amitotic apparatus                                               12421028

      b) mitotic apparatus

      c) meiotic apparatus           

      d) golgi apparatus

9)   Three sets of microtubules (fibres)   originate from each pair of:                   12421029

      a) Glyoxisomes                  b) Lysosomes

      c) Peroxisomes                   d) Centrioles

10)  Cytoplasm becomes more viscous during:                                                                      (Board 2015)                   12421030

      a) Prophase           

      b) Metaphase

      c) Anaphase          

      d) Telophase

11) Regeneration, healing of wounds and           replacement of older cells all are the      mitotic.                                                                  12421031

      a) Apparatus                                   b) Injuries       

      c) Gifts                                           d) None of these

12) An unwanted clone of cells formed by         uncontrolled growth of cells is:  12421032

      a) Tumor                                        b) growth

      c) lump                                           d) swelling

13) The spread of tumor cells and          establishment of secondary areas of       growth is called:           (Board 2014)                  12421033

      a) epistasis                          b) necrosis

      c) metastasis                                   d) apoptosis

14) The presence of invading cells in     otherwise normal tissue is an indication of:                                                                                                              12421034

      a) malignancy                         b) melanoma  

      c) sarcoma                  d) growth

          15) Karyokinesis involves the division of:


      a) cytoplasm                                    b) nucleus   

      c) whole cell                            d) mitochondria

16) Mitotic apparatus disorganize, nuclear         membrane and nucleoli reorganize,        forming  two nuclei at two poles of the             cell in:                                                                                      12421036

      a) prophase                         b) metaphase

      c) anaphase                                    d) telophase

17) The hereditary material is equally    distributed in the daughter cell in: 12421037

      a) meiosis                                       b) mitosis

      c) amitosis                          d) None of these

18) The division of the whole cell is called:      


      a) karyokinesis              b) diakinesis  

      c) kryptokinesis            d) cytokinesis

19) Cancer is caused mainly by mutations in:    

      a) sex cells                                                             12421039

      b) somatic cells

      c) both a & b

      d) none of these

20) The tumors which are of small size and        localized are:                                                                12421040

      a) benign                                        b) malignant    

      c) gentle                                         d) nasty

21) The kinetochore fibres of spindle attach to    the kinetochore region of chromosome, and align them at the equator of the         spindle forming:                                                           12421041

      a) equatorial plate               b) metaphase plate

      c) central plate             d) both a & b

22) The kinetochore microtubules attach to        chromosomes at:                                                          12421042

      a) kinetochores                   b) kineties

      c) chores                                        d) centromeres

23) The microtubles of mitotic apparatus are composed of protein tubulin and traces of:                                                                     (Board 2016)    12421042-a

      a) RNA                                          b) DNA

      c) Fats                                                        d) Glycerol



(3) Meiosis ____ Significance

1)   Crossing over and random assortment of      chromosomes are significant happenings            of:                                                                                                  12421043

      a) mitosis                                        b) amitosis      

      c) meiosis                                       d) All of these

2)   During Anaphase the separation of homologous chromosomes is:                12421044

      a) random                                       b) hit and miss

      c) arbitrary                                     d) haphazard

3)   The condensation of chromosomes reaches to its maximum during: 12421045

      a) leptotene                                    b) pachytene

      c) zygotene                                     d) diakinesis

4) Each bivalent has:                                                     12421046

      a) two chromatids               b) four chromatids

      c) both a & b                                   d) none

5)   Each metaphase chromosome is a    duplicated structure which consists of two          sister chromatids, attached at a point          called:                                                                                      12421047

      a) centromere                    

      b) primary constriction

      c) both a & b                                  

      d) secondary constriction

6)   Each paired complex structure of     homologous chromosomes is called as:

      a)  bivalent             b) tetrad       12421048

      c) none                                           d) both a & b

7)   In anaphase I, in contrast to anaphase of       mitosis, sister chromatids are not:          12421049

      a) joined                                         b) separated

      c) curled                                         d) rotated

8)   The paired chromosomes repel each other    and begin to separate in:                        12421050

      a) leptotene                                    b) zygotene

      c) pachytene                                   d) diplotene

9)   The chromosomes become visible,   shorten and thick in:                                         12421051

      a) leptotene                                    b) zygotene

      c) pachytene                                   d) diplotene

10) First essential phenomenon of meiosis         i.e., pairing of homologous chromosomes           called  synapsis starts in:                          12421052

      a) leptotene                                   

      b) zygotene

      c) pachytene                                  

      d) diplotene

          11) Meiosis II is just like the:                                  12421053

      a) amitosis                                      b) regeneration

      c) mitosis                                        d) replacement

12) Meiosis is the special type of cell division in            which the number of chromosomes in    daughter cells reduces                                          12421054

      a) half                                                        b) one third

      c) one fourth                                   d) one fifth

13) Chromosome number is kept constant          generation after generation in:   12421055

      a) amitosis                          b) meiosis

      c) mitosis                                        d) none

14) Non-sister chromatids of homologous          chromosomes exchange their segments due to chiasmata formation, during the   process called:                                                              12421056

      a) linkage                                       b) crossing over

      c) recombination                 d) epistasis

15) Nuclear membrane disorganizes at the         beginning of:                                                                12421057

      a) prophase I                                   b) metaphase I

      c) anaphase I                                  d) telophase I

16) The stage that may lasts for days, weeks or   even years is:                                                                12421058

      a) leptotene                                    b) zygotene

      c) pachytene                                   d) diplotene

17) Leptotene and zygotene can last only for:


      a) few seconds                    b) few minutes

      c) few hours                                   d) few days

18) Shape of the plant cell does not change        greatly compared with an animal cell     because it is surrounded by a rigid:  


      a) cell membrane                b) capsule

      c) sheath                                         d) cell wall

19) The pairing of homologous chromosomes    is completed in:                                                12421061

      a) leptotene                                    b) zygotene

      c) pachytene                                   d) diplotene

          20)  Meiosis takes place in:                         12421062

      a) Haploid cells                  b) Diploid cells

      c) Both a & b                                  d) None of these

21) The first essential phenomenon of    meiosis is the:                                                               12421063

      a) Size of chromosome                               

      b) Chromosome appearance

      c) Chromosome separation

      d) Pairing of chromosomes.

22) Which one of these lasts for many days,       weeks or even years.                                         12421064

      a) Pachytene                                   b) Leptotene

      c) Diplotene                                   d) Zygotene

          23) The interphase of meiosis lack:  12421065

      a) G1 stage                          b) G2 stage

      c) G3 stage                          d) G4 stage

24) Synapsis occurs during: (Board 2014)


      a) Pachytene                                   b) Leptotene

      c) Zygotene                        d) Diplotene

25) In which stage of prophase I-crossing           over occurs.                  (Board 2016)        12421066

      a) Leptotene                                   b) Zygotene

      c) Pachytene                                   d) Diplotene



(4) Non-Disjunction _____ Necrosis , Apoptosis


1)   Autosomal non-disjunction may occur in      other than:                                                                    12421067

      a) 9th chromosome                                     

      b) 11th chromosome

      c) 19th chromosome          

      d) 21st chromosome

2)   Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism) occurs in    man, during which 21st chromosome fails           to segregate, resulting gamete with:

      a) 20 chromosomes                                     12421068

      b) 21 chromosomes

      c) 22 chromosomes

      d) 24 chromosomes

3)   The individuals have additional sex chromosome in:                                                12421069

      a) Klinefelter's Syndrome   

      b) Turner's syndrome

      c) Down's syndrome          

      d) Sach's syndrome

4)   In non-disjunction chromosomes fail to        segregate during:                                                          12421070

      a) prophase & metaphase

      b) anaphase & metaphase

      c) anaphase & telophase

      d) prophase & telophase

5)   The affected individuals have one    missing X chromosome with only 45     chromosomes in:                                                    12421071

      a) Klinefelter's Syndrome

      b) Turner'syndrome           

      c) Down's syndrome          

      d) Sach's syndrome

6)   Internal programme of events and    sequence of morphological changes by   which  cell commit suicide is collectively             called as:                                                                                  12421072

      a) suicidal attack     b) necrosis

      c) apoptosis                        d) autophagocytosis


7)   Non-disjunction appears to occur in the        ova and related to the age of:                 12421073

      a) child                               b) father

      c) mother                            d) both b & c

8)   The cell death due to tissue damage is          called:                                                                                12421074

      a) apoptosis           

      b) necrosis

      c) autophagocytosis           

      d) both a & b

9)   The chances of teenage mother having         downs syndrome child is:                                  12421075

      a) one in one hundred

      b) one in one thousand

      c) one in many thousands

      d) one in ten thousands

10) Cells in an organism depend upon various    extracellular and intercellular.   12421076

      a) Spaces                                        b) Areas

      c) Signals                                        d) Distances

11) During development most of the neurons     in the human body.                                           12421077

      a) Die                                                         b) Store food

      c) become large                  d) Become small

12)  Klinefelter's syndrome usually occurs in     


      a) Female                          b) Male             

      c) None of these                 d) Both a & b



Short questions


Q.1: What is cell cycle?           (Make sketch)                                                                         (Board-2010)      12421079

Q.2: How much time is required for cell cycle in case of human?                                     12421080       

Q.3: What do you know about chromatin?                                                                                                           12421081

Q.4: Name the different stages of interphase.                                                                          12421082

Q. 5: What is G1-phase?                                              12421083

Q.6: What is Go Phase?                                               12421084

Q.7: What is S-Phase of cell cycle?      12421085

Q.8: What happens in G2-phase (pre-mitotic phase)?                                                             12421086


Mitosis ___ cancer

Q.1: Define mitosis.                                                     12421087

Q.2: What are the two conventional phases of Mitosis?                      OR                                          12421088

      Differentiate between karyokinesis and cytokinesis.                                 (Board 2014)       12421089

Q.3: What is Mitotic apparatus?        

                                                            (Board 2016)   12421090

Q.4: Name the microtubules which originate from centrioles.                        12421091

Q.5:  What events occur in Prophase of mitosis?                                            (MB-2007)                    12421092

Q.6: What is kinetochore?(Board-2008)


Q.7: What happens in Telophase of mitosis?                                                                                       12421094

Q.8: What is Phragmoplast?                                                                                                               (Board 2010)        12421095

Q.9: In higher plants instead of visible centriole what is present?                               12421096

Q.10:  What is Tumor? (MB-2006)       12421097

Q.11:  Define cancer.                                                  12421098

Q.12: What are two basic types of tumors?                                                                                                           12421099

Q.13: What is benign tumors?            12421100

Q.14: What is malignant tumor?

        (Board 2006)               12421101

Q.15: What are the main causes of cancer?                                                                                                          12421102

Q.16:  How can you distinguish cancer cells from normal cells?                                             12421103

Q.17:What is metastasis?

                                                                        (Board 2016) 2421104



Meiosis and its Significance

Q.1:  Define meiosis.                                                   12421105

Q.2: When in plants and animals the meiosis takes place?                                                      12421106

Q.3: Define crossing over?                              12421107

Q.4: What are the two significant happenings of of meiosis?                          12421108

Q.5: How prophase of meiosis differs from that of mitosis?                                                                12421109

Q.6:  What are homologous chromosomes?                                                                                                          12421110

Q.7:  Name the substages of prophase I of       meiosis.                                                                             12421111

Q.8:  What is synapsis?                                               12421112

Q.9:  What is bivalent or tetrad?        12421113

Q.10: What is the duration of Pachytene, leptotene and zygotene?                                         12421114

Q.11: What is chiasmata?                               12421115

Q.12: What happens in Diakinesis? 12421116

Q.13:What events occur in metaphase I of meiosis?                                                                                  12421117

Q.14: How meiosis maintains chromosome number constant generation after generation?                                                                      12421118

Q.15: How does anaphase I of meiosis differs from that of mitosis?                            12421119

Q.16: What changes occurs in dividing cell during deplotene?           (Board 2014)       12421120


Non-Disjunction, Necrosis, Apoptosis

Q.1: Define non-disjunction. (Board 2014)


Q.2: What is autosomal non-disjunction?                                                                                                                         12421122

Q.3: Does Downs syndrome is related to the age of mother?                                                   12421123

Q.4: What are apparent symptoms or effects of Downs’s syndrome?            

                                                            (Board 2016)       12421124

Q.5: What is sex chromosomal non-disjunction?                                                                                12421125

Q.6: What is Down’s Syndrome (Mongolism)?                       (Board -2008)      12421126

Q.7: How many chromosomes do occur in male affected by Klinefelter's syndrome?                                                                                                                   12421127

Q.8: What are the symptoms of Turner's syndrome?                                                                         12421128

Q.9: What is Necrosis? (Board-2006)    12421129

Q.10: What is apoptosis?                                                                                                                    (Borad -2006-07)  12421130

Q.11: What changes occur in a cell during opoptosis?                                    (Borad 2016)  12421130-a













Multiple Choice Questions



1.   When a single gene has multiple      phenotypic effects, the phenomenon is   called:                                                                                12422022

      a) Codominance                 b) Epistasis

      c) Pleiotropy                                   d) Sex -linkage

2.   What happens when both alleles of a gene    pair independently express in a heterozygote?                                                         12422023

      a) Dominance                                

      b) Incomplete dominance

      c) Over dominance

      d) Codominance

3.   A heterozygote offspring quantitatively        exceeds the phenotypic expression of     both the homozygote parents due to:       

      a) Dominance                                                                     12422024

      b) Incomplete dominance

      c) Over dominance

      d) Codominance

4.   How many gene pairs contribute to the         wheat grain colour?                                          12422025

      a) One                                            b) Two

      c) Three                              d) Four

5.   Who for the first time found white eye         mutant in Drosophila?                          12422026

      a) Morgan                           b) Bridges

      c) Correns                          d) De Varies

6.   Which of the following traits is        transmitted directly from an affected      father to only his           sons?                     12422027

      a) Autosomal               b) X -linked

      c) Y -linked                 d) X and Y linked

7.   Which phenomenon reduces the chances of genetic recombination and variations among       offspring?                                                              12422028

      a) Linkage

      b) Crossing over

      c) Independent assortment

      d) Dominance

8.   Which of the following traits is not sex -      linked recessive?                                                          12422029

      a) Haemophilia

      b) Colour blindness

      c) Hypophosphatemic ricket           

      d) tfm syndrom

9.   Which of these traits zigzags from maternal grand father through a carrier daughter to a         grandson?                                      12422030

      a) Autosomal                         b) X -linked

      c) Y -linked                           d) X and Y linked

10. When a haemophilic carrier woman marries a           normal man, who among her offspring may be   affected.                              12422031

      a) All her children  

      b) All her daughters

      c) Half of her daughter 

      d) Half of her sons

11. What is the risk of a colour blind child in     a family when mother colour blind but   father is normal?                                                     12422032

      a) 100%                                         b) 75%

      c) 50%                                           d) 25%

12. What is the risk of a colour blind child in     a family when father colour blind but     mother is          normal?                                          12422033

      a) Zero %                                       b) 25%

      c) 50%                                           d) 100%

1) Alleles, genes, gene pool


1)   The basic unit of biological information is:                                                                                                         12422034

      a) nucleus                                       b) gene              

      c) zygote                                        d) gamete

2)   Genes are located at specific loci on:


      a) chromatids                                  b) chromosomes

      c) centromeres                    d) homologues

3)   Hereditary characteristics pass from parents to offspring through genes in     their:                                                                                  12422036

      a) nuclei                                         b) DNA   

      c) gametes                          d) body

4)   Each allele of a gene pair occupies the         same gene locus on its respective: 12422037

      a) homologue                                  b) chromatid

      c) chromosome                   d) all of the above

5)   The total genetic information encoded in      the total genes in a breeding population existing at a given time                   12422038

      a) gene pool                                    b) gene pond

      c) gene puddle                    d) gene tran


6)   Partners of a gene pair are called:    12422039

      a) multiple alleles               b) co-ordinator

      c) alleles                                         d) polygeries

7)   The form of appearance of a trait is called:                                                                                      12422040

      a) Genotype                                    b) Phenotype

      c) morphology                    d) allelomorph

8)   The position of a gene on the chromosome   is called its:                              12422041

      a) locus                                          b) point

      c) location                                      d) place

9)   The form of appearance of a trait is:


      a) Genotype                              b) Phenotype

      c) Both a & b                       d) Neither a nor b


2) Mendel and Mendel’s Laws

1)   A true -breeding variety upon self -  fertilization always produced offspring   identical to:                                                            12422043

      a) Each other                         

      b) Parents  

      c) Next generation     

      d)Previous generation

2)   The two coexisting alleles for each trait in    an individual segregate from each other,             so that each gamete receives only one of            the        two alleles:                                                       12422044

      a) Law of segregation        

      b) Law of independent assortment

      c) Law of co dominance

      d) Hardy-Weinberg Principle

3)   All the genes / alleles found in a breeding     population at a given time are collectively          called the:                          (Board 2014)      12422045

      a) Gene pond                                  b) Gene puddle

      c) Gene tank                                   d) Gene pool

4)   An individual with a heterozygous   genotype is a:                                                   12422046

      a) Homozygote                   b) Heterozygote

      c) Both a & b                                  d) None of these

5)   An individual with a homozygous    genotype is a:                                                   12422047

      a) Homozygote                   b) Heterozygote

      c) Both a & b                                  d) None of these

6)   Mendel called the offspring of first parents as:                                                                                12422048

      a) F1                                               b) first filial generation 

      c) both a & b                       d) first generation

7)   Mendel called the trait that appeared in F1    as:                                                                                                  12422049

      a) dominant                                    b) recessive

      c) over-dominant                d) excessive

8)   Mendel called the trait, which was hidden    F1, as:                                                                                 12422050

      a) dominant                                    b) recessive

      c) over-dominant                d) excessive

9)   Mendel presented his findings to Brunn       Society for the study of Natural Science in:                                                                                                  12422051

      a) 1665.                                          b) 1765   

      c) 1865                                           d) 1965

10) Mendel proposed that each contrasting form of a trait, e,g roundness or wrinkledness of  seed was determined by particulate hereditary factors, which are called:  12422052

      a) menten                                       b) elementen

      c) both a &b                                   d) none

11) The homologous pairs of chromosomes in    pea is:                                                                                12422053

      a) seven                                          b) nine

      c) five                                                        d) eight

12) The chance of an event to occur is called:


      a) likelihood                                   b) possibility

      c) probability                       d) prospect


13) Test cross is a mating in which an    individual showing a dominant phenotype          is crossed with an individual showing its: a) co-dominant phenotype                     12422055

      b) over-dominant phenotype

      c) recessive phenotype

      d) all of the above

14) Mendel called the trait that appeared in        F1        as:                                                                                      12422056

      a) Dominant                                   b) Recessive

      c) Both a & b                                  d) Neither a nor b

15) When two contrasting pairs of traits are followed in the same cross, then alleles assort independently in:                           12422057

      a) Egg                                                         b) Sperm

      c) Zygote                                        d) Gametes

16) The homologous pairs of chromosomes        present in pea are:                                                         12422058

      a) 8                                                             b) 6

      c) 7                                                             d) 9

17) Different alleles of a gene that. are both       expressed heterozygous condition are    called:                                                                                12422059

      a) dominant

      b) codominant       

      c) incomplete dominant      

      d) recessive



18) A physiological effect of an allele over its    partner allele on the same gene locus is:

      a) codominance                                                      12422060

      b) over dominance             

      c) dominance         

      d) complete dominance

19) The relationship between alleles of the         same gene occupying the same locus is:

      a) codominance                                                      12422061

      b) over dominance             

      c) dominance

      d) complete dominance

20) If a man of M blood group marries a woman            of N blood group, all their children will have      blood group:                                                                  12422062

      a) MM                                            b) NN

      c) MN                                                         d) None of these

21) Landsteiner and Levine discovered MN blood          types in man on the basis of specific antigens     present on:                                                                              12422063

      a) RBC                                           b) plasma

      c) WBC                                          d) platelets

22) When the phenotype of the heterozygote is   intermediate between phenotypes of the two homozygotes, it is called:                  12422064

      a) incomplete dominance    

      b) partial dominance

      c) co-dominance    

      d) Both a &b


3) Multiple Alleles , Erythroblastosis

1)   The individuals called universal       recipients have:                                                12422065

      a) A blood group                b) B blood group

      c) O blood group                d) AB blood group

2)   In 1901, ABO blood group system was discovered by:                      (Board 2014)         12422066

      a) Karl Land Steiner           b) Bernstein

      c) Correns                                      d) T. H. Morgan

3)   ABO locus is on chromosome 9, while H     locus is on chromosome:                                   12422067

      a) 20                                                          b) 19

      c) 18                                                          d) 17

4)   ABO system has four different        phenotypes which are distinct from each            other on the basis of specific antigens on the surface of:                                                              12422068

      a) Mitochondria                  b) golgi bodies

      c) RBC                                           d) centrioles


5)  All the altered alternate forms of a gene,       whose number is more than two, are      called:                                                                                12422069

      a) Polygenes                                                                      

      b) manifold alleles             

      c) Multiple alleles  

      d) allelomorphs

6)   An O recipient can only be given     transfusion from a donor:                                  12422070

      a) A                                                            b) B

      c) AB                                                         d) O

7)   B phenotype contains anti-A antibodies in    the serum and agglutinate any RBC with            antigen:                                                                  12422071

      a)  AB                                                        b) O

      c) A                                                            d) B

8)   In 1925 Bernstein explained the genetic       basis of:                                                                             12422072

      a) ABO system                   b) Rh system

      c) MN system                                 d) MNS system

9)  Bilirubin damages brain cells and turn           skin and whites of the eye yellow. This condition is:                                                           12422073

      a) Hepatitis             b) Leukemia

      c) Jaundice             d) Botulism

10) Individuals called universal donors are:       

      a)  A                                               b) B                              12422074

      c) O                                                d) AB

11) O blood has neither A nor B antigen, but      it does have:                                                                 12422075

      a) anti -A antibodies                                  

      b) anti-B antibodies

      c) anti -O antibodies

      d) both a & b

12)The anaemic foetus starts to release many     immature erythroblasts into his blood     stream in:                                                                           12422076

      a) Anaemic foetalis

      b) Leukaemia

      c) Erythroblastosis foetalis

      d) Elephantalis

13) Maternal -foetal (Erythroblastosis    foetalis) incompatibility results when an             Rh- woman,  married to an Rh+ man            conceives a child who is:                                   12422077

      a) RhO                                           b) Rh+

      c) Rh                                                          d)  both b & c

14) Mendel called the offspring of first parents as:                                                                                12422078

      a) F1                                              

      b)  first filial generation

      c)  both a & b

      d) first generation

15) Persons having genotype DD or Dd have      Rh- factor on their RBC and are:           12422079

      a) Rh–                                                   b) Rh+

      c) Rh+                                           d) None of above

16)  Persons with genotype dd do not have         Rh -factor and are:                                            12422080

      a) Rh                                              b) Rh+

      c) Botha a and b     d) none of the above

17) Phenotype AB has neither anti-A nor           anti-B antibodies in the:                        12422081

      a) blood                                          b) serum

      c) plasma                                        d) all of the above

18) Rh -blood group system is defined on the     basis of Rh –factor present on the surface           of:                                                                                                  12422082

      a) RBC                                           b) WBC

      c) platelets                          d) all a, b, c

19) Rh -blood group system is named Rh           after:                                                    (Board 2016)        12422083

      a) Rhesus donkey                                                   

      b) Rhesus monkey

      c) Rhesus skunk     

      d) Rhesus man

20) Rh -antigen was first discovered in it by:


      a) Morgan                                      b) Mendel  

      c) Landsteiner                                 d) Correns

21) The blood serum containing antibodies is     called:                                                                                12422085

      a) antigen                                      

      b) antiserum

      c) immunoglobin               

      d) None of these

22) The blood serum of A phenotype contains:                                                                                       12422086

      a) anti-A antibodies 

      b) anti-B antibodies

      c) anti-AB antibodies

      d) none of the above

23) The breakdown product of RBC is called:                                                                                                          12422087

      a) haemorubin                                b) erythrorubin

      c) biligen                                        d) bilirubin

24) The serum of O blood type contains:

      a) anti-A antibodies                                                12422088

      b) anti-B antibodies

      c) both a & b          

      d) none

25) All such altered alternate forms of a gene,    whose number is more than two, are      called:                                                                                12422089

      a) Magnitude allele

      b) Multiple allele               

      c)Jumping gene     

      d) Mutant Allele

26) Secretors have dominant secretor gene “se” on chromosome: (Board 2014)  12422090

      a) 9                                                b) 19

      c) 21                                                          d) 24








4) Epistasis, pleiotropy

1)   A gene with multiple phenotypic effects is   called:                                                                                12422091

      a) multiple allele           b) pleiotropic

      c) polygenic                                   d) Bombay allele

2)   The interaction between different genes       occupying different loci is:                    12422092

      a) Pleiotropy                                   b) Epistasis

      c) Bombay phenotype d) linkage

3)   Genes that affect growth rate in humans       also influence:                                                              12422093

      a) weight                                        b) height

      c) both a & b                                   d) intelligence

4)   In cats the dominant allele W not only         makes fur pure white but also causes:                                                                                                                                  12422094

      a) black spots                                 b) brown colour

      c) tallness                                       d) deafness

5)  In cats, melanocyte failure causes both          phenotypes, i.e.,:                                                          12422095

      a) white fur and deafness

      b) white fur and black spots

      c) black fur and white spots

      d) black fur and deafness

6)   The expression of ABO, blood type antigens by IA or IB gene depends upon the presence of   another gene:      12422096

      a) L                                                            b) M

      c) G                                                            d) H

7)   When a single gene affects two or more       traits, the phenomenon is  called:           12422097

      a) dominance                                  b) over-dominance

      c) epistasis                          d) pleiotropy

8)   White eye gene in Drosophila also affects    the shape of:                                                                 12422098

      a) eye                                                                    

      b) wings,

      c) sperm storing organs

      d) heart muscles




5) Polygenes

1)   A continuously varying trait is encoded        by        alleles of two or more different gene      pairs found at different loci all        influencing the  same trait in an: 12422099

      a) Stabilizer way                 b) preservative way

      c) additive way                   d) all a, b, c

2)   The amount of wheat grain colour is            influenced by environmental factors:    

      a) light                                            b) water  12422100

      c) nutrients                         d) all a, b, c

3)   Human height is a more complex: 12422101

      a) epistatic trait                   b) multiple trait

      c) pleiotropic trait               d) polygenic trait

4)   Human skin colour is also a quantitative       trait which is controlled by:                                          

      a) 3 -6 gene pairs      (Board 2015)      12422102

      b) 1 -3 gene pairs   

      c) 2 -6 gene pairs

      d) 3'- 9 gene pairs


5)   Intelligence is also a case of polygenic         inheritance which is strongly influenced by:                                                                                                 12422103

      a) genes                                          b) environment

      c) experience                                  d) nature

6)   The genetics of wheat grain colour was        studied by:                                                                         12422104

      a) Mendel                                       b) Nilsson -Ehle

      c) Morgan                                       d) Correns

7)   Tallness in humans is recessive to:12422105

      a) fatness                                        b) whiterless

      c) shortness                                    d) intelligence

8) The quantitative traits are called polygenic     traits, and their genes are:                                  12422106

      a) multigenes                                 

      b) polygenes

      c) both a & b                                  

      d) allelomorphs



6) LiNkage and Crossing Over

1)   A chromosome carries its linked genes en    bloc in the form of a:                                        12422107

      a) recombinant group         

      b) linkage group

      c) both a & b          

      d) none of the above

2)   All the genes present on a homologous         pair of chromosome are linked to each   other in the form of                                     12422108

      a) Linkage group   

      b) homo-group

      c) hetero-group      

      d) recombinant group

3)   The proportion of recombinant types            between two gene pairs as compared to the         sum of all combinations is:                 12422109            a) Cross over                                       

      b) recombination frequency

      c) non rcombination frequency                                d) both a & b

4)   Crossing over is an exchange of segments    between non-sisters chromatids of         homologous chromosomes during:


      a) mitosis                                       b) meiosis

      c) amitosis                                      d) both a & b

5)   Exchange of chromosome segments logically means exchange of DNA, i.e.


      a) genes                                          b) alleles 

      c) both a & b                                  d) none

6)   Genes can be mapped on a chromosome       on the basis of their recombination:       


      a) styles                                          b) fashions  

      c) frequencies                                d) ratios

7)  Genes for colour blindness, haemophilia,      gout and hypophosphatemic rickets form            one linkage group on human:                  12422113

      a) autosome 9                                 b) autosome 19

      c) Y –chromosomes            d) X -chromosome

8)   Genes for sickle -cell anaemia and   albinism make a linkage group on human           chromosome:                                                         12422114

      a) 11                                                           b) 13

      c) 15                                                          d) 17

9)   Linked genes can be separated by: 


      a) recombination                 b) transduction

      c) transformation                d) crossing over

10) Linked genes do not obey Mendel's law of   independent assortment, because these   cannot assort independently during:


      a) mitosis                                        b) meiosis

      c) amitosis                          d) both a & c

11)  The number of linkage groups in man is:

      a) 46                                                           b) 21                12422117

      c) 22                                                           d) 23

12) The farther apart two genes lie, greater are   chances of their separation through:


      a) crossing over                  b) linkage 

      c) pleiotropy                                   d) epistasis

13) The homologous chromosomes pair up        length wise:                                                                  12422119

      a) point to point                  b) locus to locus

      c) both a & b                                   d) none

14) The phenomenon of staying together of        all         the genes of a chromosome is called:


      a) crossing over                  b) epistasis

      c) pleiotropy                                   d) linkage

15) The recombination frequency is directly       proportional to the distance between the:

      a) linked gene loci                                      12422121

      b) cross over gene loci       

      c) both a & b          

      d) none of the above








7) Sex Determination


1)   A  clear picture of the genetic basis of sex    determination emerged after the discovery         of:                                                              12422122

      a) Autosomes        

      b) X chromosomes

      c) sex chromosomes

      d) Y chromosomes

2)   All chromosomes other than sex-     chromosomes are called:                                   12422123

      a) Sexosomes                                

      b) Autasomes

      c) Heterosomes                 

      d) Homosomes

3)   Morgan raised cultures of Drosophila          flies to study different traits, such as      colour  of         the:                                                            12422124

      a) skin                                                        b) hair 

      c) wings                                          d) eye

4)   Morgan's discovery of sex-linked     inheritance was a great contribution to the          understanding  of:                                                   12422125

      a) genes                                          b) chromosome

      c) both a & b                                   d) sex-linkage

5)   Normal fruit flies, the wild type, have          eyes:                                                                                  12422126

      a) bright red                                    b) purple red

      c) white                                          d) blue

6)   The number of chromosomes in fruit fly,      Drosophila melanogaster is:                  12422127

      a) 2                                                             b) 4

      c) 8                                                             d) 16

7)   The search for mechanism of inheritance      of sex started after discovery of: 12422128

      a) Morgan's work         b) Bridge's work

      c) Mendel's work          d) Mathew's work

8)   X and Y chromosomes are called sex-          chromosomes because these have genes For determination of:                                  12422129

      a) sex                    

      b) sex organs

      c) reproductive system

      d) sex hormones

9)   XO -XX type of sex determination is           found in:                                                                            12422130

      a) grass hopper                   b) Protenor bug

      c) both a & b                                   d) Butterflies

10) XO Turner's syndrome in humans    produced through non-disjunction is      sterile:                                                                                                           12422131

      a) male                               b) female

      c) both a & b                       d) none of the above

11) ZZ -ZW type of sex -          determination   pattern is common in                                        12422132

      a) Grass hoppers                 b) Fruit fly

      c) moths                                         d) Protenur bug

12) XX -XY type or ZZ -ZW type of sex -         determination pattern was discovered by J.         Seiler in 1914 in:                                                      12422133

      a) birds                                           b) butterflies    

      c) moths                                         d) all a, b, c

13) The type of sex determination found in        Drosophila, man and many other           organisms is:                                                          12422134

      a) XX-XY                                      b) XY-XX       

      c) XO -XX                          d) WZ –ZZ






8) Sex-LINKAGE in Drosophila


1)   An unusual white-eye male Drosophila        fly        mutant was observed by:                       12422135

      a) T. H. Morgan                             

      b) Calvin Bridges

      c) Correns                                     

      d) Mendel


2)   Drosophila males are: (Board 2014)   12422136

      a) homozygous                   b) heterozygous

      c) semizygous                                 d) hemizygous

3)   In Drosophila XO is a sterile:                      12422137

      a) female                                        b) male

      c) none                                           d) both a & b


4)   Morgan raised cultures of Drosophila          flies to study different traits, such as      colour  of         the:                                                            12422138

      a) skin                                                        b) hair             

      c) wings                                          d) eye

5)   Morgan's discovery of sex-linked     inheritance was a great contribution to the          understanding  of:                                                   12422139

      a) genes                                          b) chromosome

      c) both a & b                                   d) sex-linkage

6)  Normal fruit flies, the wild type, have           eyes:                                                                                                              12422140

      a) bright red                                    b) purple red

      c) white                               d) blue

7)   Some genes like bobbed gene in      Drosophila are present on:                    12422141

      a) X                                                            b) Y

      c) X and Y                          d) none

8)   The gene for eye colour in Drosophila is      located on:                                                                         12422142

      a) autosome 2                                 b) autosome 4

      c) Y chromosome         d) X chromosome

9)   The inheritance of eye colour in       Drosophila, some how seemed to be      related to the:                                                         12422143

      a) sex                                                         b) feather        

      c) intelligence                                 d) eye shape

10) The X -and -Y linked genes are also             called:                                                                                12422144

      a) pseudo genes

      b) autosomal genes

      c) jumping genes

      d) pseudoautosomal genes

11) T.H. Morgan provided experimental            evidence in support of chromosomal      theory of heredity through discovery of           sex linkage in fruit fly:                          12422145

      a) Drosophila                                 b) Anolis

      c) Macaca,                         d) Anopheles

12) Allele for whiteness in Drosophila is:


      a) Dominant                                   b) Codominant

      c) Recessive                                   d) All of the above

13) Who for the first time found white mutant    in Drosophila?                                                 12422147

      a) Morgan                                       b) Bridges

      c) Correns                                      d) De Varies

14) XO Turner's syndrome in humans    produced through non-disjunction is      sterile:                                                                                                           12422148

      a) male                                                       b) female

      c) both a & c                                   d) none of these

15) XXY individual produced through non         disjunctional gametes in humans is a      sterile male called:                                      12422149

      a) Klinefelter's syndrome   

      b) Turner's syndrome

      c) Down's syndrome

      d) Sach's syndrome



9) Sex -Linkage in Man

A) Haemophilia

1)   80% haemophiliacs, suffer trom          hemophilia A due to abnormality of          factor                                                                                                            12422150

      a) VIII                                                        b) IX                

      c) X                                                            d) XI

2)   About 20% haemophilia suffer from            hemophilia B due to disturbance in factor:

      a) VIII                                                        b) IX    1242215 

      c) X                                                            d) XI

3)   Chances for a man to be affected by haemophilia A & B than a woman are: 


      a) None                               b) Double  

      c) Triple                              d) four times

4)   Chances for a son or daughter in human       birth are:                                                                            12422153

      a) 3: 1 between son and daughter    

      b) 1:3 between son and daughter

      c) Equal

      d) unequal

5)   Humans have many X -linked traits of         which haemophilia and colour blindness            are:                                                                                                12422154

      a) dominant                         b) recessive     

      c) codominant                    d) over dominant

6)   Less than 1 % people suffer from     haemophilia C due to reduction in factor:          

      a) IX                                                           b) X                  12422155

      c) XI                                                           d) XII

7)   A sex-limited trait is limited to only one       sex due to:                                                                          12422156

      a) Taxonomic differences   

      b) Ecological differences

      c) Physiological differences

      d) Anatomical differences

8)   A woman can be bald only when she is:

      a) Homozygous dominant                           12422157

      b) Heterozygous

      c) homozygous recessive   

      d) none of these

9)   A Y -linked trait 'SRY' gene on Y    chromosome determines:                                  12422158

      a) Femaleness                                b) Baldness

      c) Deafness                        d) maleness

10) Hypophosphatemic rickets is an X - linked:                                                                                     12422159

      a) dominant trait

      b) recessive trait

      c) codominanttrait 

      d) over dominant trait

11) Pattern ,baldness is a:                                              12422160

      a) sex limited trait  

      b) sex linked trait

      c) both a & c

      d) sex influenced trait

12) Haemophilia C:      (Board 2015)                    12422161

      a) Affects both sexes equally

      b) Affects men more than women

      c) Affects women more than men                            d) Is non-allelic receivers sex-linked

13) SRY gene on Y chromosome of man           determines:                                                                   12422162

      a) Maleness                        b) Femaleness

      c) Both a & b                                  d) Sterility

14) SRY is the male determining gene which     is located at the tip of short arm of:       

      a) X-chromosome                                                   12422163

      b) Y-chromosome

      c) autosome 9        

      d) autosome 19

15) The gene that triggers development process towards maleness is:

                                                            (Board 2016)     12422163-a

      a) tfm                                             b) SRY

      c) MODY                           d) BOB



B) Colour blindness


1)   A dichromat can perceive two primary         colours but is unable to perceive the one            whose opsins are missing due to:       12422164

      a) Metamorphosis               b) Transmutation

      c) Alteration                                   d) Mutation

2)   A monochromat can perceive:         12422165

      a) three colors                                b) yellow color

      c) only one color                d) two colors

3)   Blue cone monochromacy is also called:                  a) red -green colour blindness       12422166

      b) red -blue colour blindness

      c) green -blue colour blindness

      d) yellow -blue colour blindness

4)   An X -linked recessive trait in which both    red and green cone cells are absent is:    

      a) blue cone monochromacy    12422167

      b) red cone monochromacy

      c) green cone monochromacy         

      d) Red green monochromacy

5)   Green colour blindness is called:     12422168

      a) Deuteranopia                  b) Protanopia

      c) Tritanopia                                  d) Tetranopia

6)   Each type of cone cell has specific light       absorbing protein called:                                   12422169

      a) photins                                       b) opsins

      c) neurins                                       d) butins

7)   The genes for red and green opsins are         on:                                                                                                                                  12422170

      a) X chromosome               b) Y chromosome

      c) autosome 1                                 d) autosome 5

8)   The gene for blue opsin is present on           autosome:                                                                          12422171

      a) 11                                                           b) 3

      c) 5                                                             d) 7

9)   The true colour blindness is:            12422172

      a) Monochromacy

      b) Dichromacy

      c) Trichromacy      

      d) Tetrachromacy

10) Normal trichromatic colour vision is            based on three different kinds of cone    cells in the:                                                             12422173

      a) brain                                           b) retina          

      c) liver                                            d) skin

11) Red colour blindness is:                              12422174

      a) protanopia                                  b) deuteranopia

      c) tritanopia                                    d) tetranopia




12) Tritanopia is:                                                                      12422175

      a) green blindness

      b) blue blindness

      c) red blindness

      d) yellow blindness


10) Diabetes mellitus


1)   About 50% of cases of MODY are caused    by mutations in: (Board 2013)                  12422176

      a) kinase gene                   

      b) galactokinase gen

      c) Isomerase gene  

      d) glucokinase gene

2)   90% of all diabetic patients are:       12422177

      a) Diabetes mellitus type I

      b) Diabetes mellitus type II

      c) Diabetes mellitus type III

      d) Diabetes mellitus type IV

3)   Diabetes mellitus type II is:             12422178

      a) insulin dependent

      b) non-insulin dependent

      c) both a & b         

      d) none of the above

4)   Diabetics are unable to metabolise blood:


      a) Urea                                                       b) Protei   

      c) Sugar                                          d) fat

5)   Glucokinase enzyme usually converts          glucose to glucose -6 - phosphate in:     


      a) liver                                            b) pancreas  22(175)

      c) stomach                          d) buccal cavity

6)   T -cells of immune system attack pancreas   and destroy insulin producing:


      a) a -cells                                        b) β -cells

      c) α-cells                                        d) γ –cells

7)   The insulin gene is located on short arm of   chromosome:                                                               12422182

      a) 1                                                b) 11

      c) 2                                                             d) 22

8)   Type I diabetes arises due to deficiency of    pancreatic hormone:                                         12422183

      a) glucagon

      b) somatotrophin

      c) insulin   

      d) vasopressin

9)   Type I diabetes is also called Juvenile          diabetes because it usually occurs in early          age before:                                                                         12422184

      a) 20                                                           b) 30

      c) 40                                                           d) 60

10) Diabetes mellitus type II accounts for of       all diabetic patients:                                          12422185

      a) 10%                                                       b) 99%

      c) 80%                                           d) 90%


Short questions


1) Alleles, genes, gene pool

Q.1: What is the difference between phenotype and genotype?(Board 2014) 12422186

Q.2: Define population?                                              12422187

Q.3: What is the product rule?                       12422188

Q.4: Differentiate between Gene and genome.                                                                        12422189

Q.5: What are genes and alleles?       

                                                            (Board 2016)       12422190

Q.6: What is a gene pool?  (Board 2014)



2) Mendel and Mendel’s Laws

Q.1: How and why did Mendelian factors behave like chromosomes?                        12422192

Q.2: Differentiate between monohybrid and dihybrid.                                    (Board 2014)          12422193

Q.3: Differentiate between homozygous and heterozygous.    (Board 2014,16)   12422194

Q.4: Differentiate between dominant and recessive trait.                                                                    12422195

Q.5:Was pea a lucky choice for Mendel? What would have happened if he had studied an eighth character?                  12422196

Q.6: What is a test cross? Why did Mendel devise this cross? OR (Board 2013, 14)    12422197

What is a test cross? What its significance?


Q.7: What would happen if alleles of a pair do not segregate at meiosis? How would it affect the purity of gamete?                   12422199

Q.8: If the alleles do not assort independently, which type of combination is missing in the pregeny?                  12422200

Q.9: Why each gamete had equal chance of getting one or the other allele of a pair?


Q.10: Does the dominant allele modify the determinative nature of Its recessive partner? What sort of relationship do they have?                                                                                                        12422202

Q.11: Which type of traits can assort independently?                                                             12422203

Q.12: Which types of genes do not obey law of independent assortment?       12422204

Q.13: Why Mendel is famous for?      12422205

Q.14: Define Mendel's law of segregation (law of purity of gametes).                         12422206

Q.15: What is Punnett square?                       12422207

Q.16:Define Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment or simultaneous inheritance of two traits.                                                                                   12422208

Q.17: Name different types of dominance relations among alleles?                                         12422209

Q.18: Differentiate between Incomplete dominance and codominance.                      12422210

Q.19: What is over dominance?                      12422211


3) Multiple Alleles , Erythroblastosis

Q.1: What are multiple alleles? Give one example.                                         (Board 2015)  12422212

Q.2: Differentiate between Allele and multiple allele.              (Board 2014)                   12422213

Q. 3: Why does the blood group phenotype of a person remain constant through out life?                                                                                               12422214

Q.4: What is a universal blood donor?


Q.5: How can ABO -incompatibility protects the baby against Rh - incompatibility?                                                         12422216

Q.6: Who discovered ABO blood group?                                                                                                                          12422217

Q.7: Why Bernstein is famous for?     12422218

Q.8: What antigen is produced by allele lA, IB and i?                                                                                 12422219

Q.9: Why blood group phenotype never changes?                                                                                    12422220

Q.10: Name the anti-bodies found in the blood serum of phenotype i, A, B, AB and O.                                                                                                                                                      12422221

Q.11: What is antiserum?                               12422222

Q.12: Why phenotype O is called universal donor?                                                                                  12422223

Q.13: Why AB blood group individuals are called universal recipients?                                 12422224

Q.14: What is Rh Blood group system?                                                                                                                            12422225

Q.15: What is Erythroblastosis foetalis (Maternal -foetal Rh incompatibility)?


Q.16: Why erythroblastosis foetalis is called so?                                                                                       12422227

Q.17: What is Bombay phenotype?    

                                                            (Board 2016)       12422228



4) Epistasis, pleiotropy

Q.1: What is epistasis?(Board -2010) 12422229

Q.2: Differentiate between Dominance and epistasis.                                                                                12422230

Q.3: Define pleiotropy.            (Board 2010, 14)


Q.4: What does happen when a cat gets W allele?                                                                                                12422232





5) Polygenes

Q.1: What are polygenetic traits?       12422233


Q.2: Differentiate Continuous and discontinuous variations.                          12422234

Q.3: What is multifactorial inheritance?                                                                                                                           12422235

Q.4: What are two aspects of phenotypic expression of traits?                                                12422236

Q.5: What environmental factors affect the grain colour in wheat?                                        12422237

Q.6: What do you know about the tallness and shortness in humans?                        12422238



6) LiNkage and Crossing Over

Q.1: What is gene linkage?                             12422239

Q.2: Define crossing over. What is its importance?                             (Board 2013)                   12422240

Q.3: What is Cross over or recombinant frequency?                          (Board -2010)    12422241

Q.4: How can linked genes be separated from each other?                                                                 12422242

Q.5: What is Linkage group?              12422243

Q.6: How can you calculate the recombination frequency between two linked genes?                        (Board 2015)      12422244

Q.7: Differentiate between linkage and linkage group.                       (Board 2015)     12422245


7) Sex Determination

Q.1: Name the organism that lack sex chromosomes?                                                            12422246

Q.2: How many pairs of sex and autosome chromosomes are present in humans?     


Q.3: Which animals show XX-XY type or ZZ -ZW type of sex determination?12422248

Q.4: Compare XXY individuals in humans and Drosophila.                                                               12422249

Q.5: Differentiate between monoecious and dioecious plants.                                     12422250

Q.6: Why Correns is famous for?       12422251

Q.7: Why T.H. Morgan is famous for?


Q.8: Why a single recessive allele on X chromosome can express itself in males?                                                                                                                                                                  12422253

Q.9: Differentiate between Wild type and mutant.                                                                                    12422254

Q.10: What do you know about chromosome number of Grasshopper?



8) Sex Linkage in Drosophila

Q.1: How sexual dimorphism is exhibited in Drosophila?                                                                   12422256

Q.2: Differentiate between homogametic and heterogametic individuals.                   12422257


Q.3: What is a nullo gamete?              12422258

Q.4: What is X:A ratio for females and males?                                                                                                     12422259

Q.5: What are Sex-linked and X-linked traits?                                                                                                     12422260

Q.6: What is the Pattern of sex-linked inheritance?                                                                            12422261

Q.7: What are X -and Y-linked genes?



9) Sex -Linkage in Man

Q.1: What are X -linked dominant and recessive traits?                                                                     12422264

Q.2: Differentiate between Autosome and sex chromosome.                                                               12422265

Q.3: What is the pattern of X -linked dominant inheritance?                                     12422266

Q.4: What is the pattern of Y -Linked inheritance?                                                                            12422267

Q.5: What are sex limited traits? OR


Explain sex-limited traits?      (Board 2013, 15)


Q.6: What are sex-influenced traits?


Q.7: A man is 45 years old and bald. His wife also has pattern baldness. What is the risk that their son will lose his hair?


Q.8: What are Y-linked genes?                       12422272

Q.9: Differentiate between Sex limited and sex influenced trait.                                                         12422273

Q.10: What is SRY?                                                    12422274

Q.11: Explain testicular feminization syndrome.                                                        (Board 2015)12422275

A) Haemophilia

Q.1: What is haemophilia?                             12422276

Q.2: What are different types of haemophilia?                                                                                   12422277

Q.3: What is the percentage of different type’s of haemophilia?                                             12422278

Q.4: Which type of haemophilia affect men more than women?                                                         12422279

Q.5: When a woman can suffer from haemophilia A or B?                                         12422280

Q.6: What is the pattern of inheritance of haemophilia?                                                                           12422281



B) Colour blindness

Q.1: Which one is true colour blindness: monochromacy or dichromacy?      12422282

Q.2: What are opsins?                                    12422283

Q.94: What is a dichromat? What are different types of dichromatic blindness?                                                                                                                                                                  12422284

Q.3: Differentiate between protanopia, deuteranopia and tritanopia.             12422285

Q.4: What are protanomalous and deuteranomalous?                                                12422286

Q.5: What is Monochromacy?                        12422287

Q.6: What is Blue cone monochromacy?                                                                                                                          12422288

Q.7: Why red-green colour blindness is more common in men than women? 



10) Diabetes mellitus

Q.1: What is MODY? (Board 2014, 15,16)


Q.2: Can a child have more intelligence (IQ score) than his parents.                          12422291

Q.3: What is Locus?                                                   12422292

Q.4: What are Alleles?                                    12422293

Q.5: What is Type I diabetes or IDDM or insulin dependent diabetes mellitus?


Q.6: What is Type II diabetes or NIDDM or non insulin dependent, diabetes mellitus?                                                                                                                     12422295

Q.7: What is Diabetes mellitus?                      12422296

Q.8: What are the effects of diabetes?










Multiple Choice Questions


1.   Which of these is a true statement?


(a)    Both plasmid and viruses can serve as vectors.

(b)    Plasmids can carry recombinant DNA but viruses cannot.

(c)    Vectors carry only the foreign gene into the host cell.

(d)    Both a and d are correct.

2.   Which of these is a benefit to having            insulin produced by biotechnology?

a)      It just as effective.                                          12423018

b)      It can be mass produced

c)      It is non allergic

d)      It is less expensive

e)      All of these are correct.

3.   Restriction fragment length polymo-           rphism (RFLPs)                                                12423019

a)       Are achieved by using restriction enzymes

b)      Identify individuals genetically

c)       Are the basis for DNA finger prints

d)       Can be subjected to gel electrophoresis

e)       All of these are correct

4. Which of these would you not expect to be     a biotechnology product?                                  12423020

      (a) Vaccine            (b) Modified enzyme

      (c) DNA probes      (d) Protein hormones

      (e) Steroid hormone

5.   What is the benefit of using a retrovirus       as         a vector in gene therapy?                      12423021

a)       It is not able to enter cells.

b)      It incorporates the foreign gene into the host chromosome

c)       It eliminates a lot of unnecessary steps

d)      It prevents infection by other viruses

e)       Both b and d are correct.

6.   Gel electrophoresis                                     12423022

a)       Cannot be used as nucleotides

b)      Measure the size of plasmids

c)       Tell whether viruses are infectious

d)      Measure the change and size of proteins and DNA fragments.

e)       All of these are correct

7.   Which of these are incorrectly watched?                                                                                                                        12423023

a)       Protoplast __ plant cell engineering

b)      RFLPS  __ DNA finger printing

c)       DNA polymerase __ PCR

d)      DNA ligase __ mapping human chromosome




1)   The single stranded but complementary       ends of the two DNA molecules are       called:                                                                      12423024

      a) Sticky ends                                 b) Cohessive ends

      c) Adhesive ends                d) Gummy ends

2)   The DNA of bacterial viruses for example    lambda phage can also be used as a:


      a) Vector                            b) Transformer

      c) Carrier                            d) Mover

3)   The means by which recombinant DNA is    introduced into a host cell is called:


      a) Plasmid                                      b) Carrier

      c) Vector                                        d) Transporter

4)   EcoR1 cuts double-stranded DNA when it    has this sequence of bases (sticky ends) at          the:                                                                                                12423027

      a) Cleavage site                  b) Flanking site

      c) Breaking site                  d) Joining site

5)   Commonly used restriction enzyme is:


      a) EcoR4                                        b) EcoR3

      c) EcoR2                                        d) EcoR1

6)   Chromosomes are cut using special enzymes known as:                                           12423029

      a) Restriction exonucleases

      b) Restriction endonucleases

      c) Ligases                          

      d) Polymerases

7) One common type of vector is a:        12423030

      a) Chromosome                  b) Lysosome

      c) Plasmid                                      d) Mitochondria

8)   pBR 322 has antibiotic resistance genes for:                                                                                                                 12423031

      a) Tetracycline                   b) Ampicillin

      c) Both a & b                                  d) None

9)   In 1970, Hamilton O. Smith, at Johns           Hopkins University, isolated the first:   

      a) DNA polymerase                                    12423032

      b) DNA ligase

      c) Diastase

      d) Restriction enzyme

10) Plasmids were discovered by           investigators     studying the sex life of the         intestinal          bacterium called:                    12423033

      a) Pseudomonas    

      b) Hyphomicrobium

      c) Eschrichia coli

      d) Mycoplasma

11) Natural extra chromosomal circular DNA           molecules in bacteria are:                                  12423034

      a) Vectors                                      b) Plasmids     

      c) Plasminogen                   d) Plasmasol

12) The DNA synthesized from mRNA ,      using  reverse transcriptase is called:    

      a)  Recombinant DNA                                12423035

      b) Complementary DNA

      c)  Chimaeric DNA

      d) Hybrid DNA

13) A large number of molecules or cells or organisms that are identical to an original           specimen are said:                                            12423036

      a) Duplicate                                   b) Clone

      c) Replica                                       d) Genetic copy

14  One of the plasmids discovered earlier   pSC 101 has antibiotic resistance gene   for:                                                                                          12423037

      a) Tetracycline                                                      

      b) Streptomycin

      c) Neomycin

      d) Ampicillin

15) The gene of choice can also be synthesized  in the laboratory from        messenger RNA,           using reverse       transcriptase. This DNA      molecule is       called:                                                                                12423038

      a) Complementary DNA    

      b) c DNA

      c) rDNA                                        

      d) Both a & b

16) The gene of interest is joined with the          sticky ends produced after cutting the     plasmid with the help of another special        enzyme known as:                                                        12423039

      a) DNA ligase

      b) RNA ligase

      c) DNA polymerase

      d) DNA isomerase

17. The two different pieces of DNA joined       together, is called as:  (Board 2015) 12423040

      a)   Dimeric DNA   b)         Chimaeric DNA

      c)   Trimeric DNA  d)         Tetrameric DNA


a.      (2) Genomic Library

1)   A full set of genes of an individual is           called:                                                                                12423041

      a) Genotype                                   b) Genomic library

      c) Genome                                     d) Allelomorph

2)   A collection of bacterial or bacteriophage     clones, each clone containing a particular           segment of DNA from the source cell is:                                                                                                                            12423042

      a) Genome                                     b) Genomic library

      c) Cloning                          d) Recombinant DNA

3)   A probe is a single stranded nucleotide         sequence that will hybridize (pair) into a            certain piece of:                                           12423043

      a) DNA                                          b) RNA

      c) Amino acid                                d) Fatty acid

4)   Location of probe is possible because the     probe is either radioactive or:           12423044

      a)  Transmitter                                b)  Radiater

      c)  Fluorescent                                d)  Reflector


5)   Genomic library is a collection of bacterial or bacteriophage:

                                                                                                (Board 2014)12423045

      a)   Genotype                                 b)         Genome

      c)   Gene pool                                d)         Clones




(3) The Polymerase Chain Reaction

1)   The process used to create millions of          copies of a single gene or any specific    piece of DNA quickly in a test tube is:

      a) VCR                                           b) PCR             12423046

      c) TCR                                                       d) GCR

2)   DNA polymerase used in PCR is     extracted from the bacterium:                12423047

      a) Thermus terrestris         

      b) Thermus indicus

      c) Thermus aquaticus

      d) Thermus botani

3)   PCR is used to diagnose:                             12423048

      a) Viral infections              

      b) Genetic disorders

      c) Cancer                                      

      d) All of the above

4)   PCR takes its name from:                            12423049

      a) RNA polymerase

      b) DNA polymerase

      c) DNA ligase

      d) Endonuclease

5)   Commonly enzyme, Thermus aquaticus,      is also known as:                                                          12423050

      a) Taq polymerase             

      b) DNA polymerase

      c) RNA polymerase

      d) Taq ligase

6)   The polymerase chain reaction (PCR)          was developed in 1983 by:                    12423051

      a) Kary B. Mullis               

      b) Gottlieb Haberlandt

      c) Theodore M. Klein                    

      d) J. Craig Venter

7)   Thermus aquaticus is an:

                                                                        (Board 2016)      12423051

      a) Fungus                           b) Protozon

      c)  Alga                              d)  Bacterium


c.       (4) Analyzing DNA  or DNA Finger Printing

1)   DNA finger prints can also be used as:

      a) Crime evidence                                                  12423052

      b) Forensic evidence

      c) Litigation evidence                    

      d) Offence evidence

2)   Very useful method in DNA finger printing is:                                                                                12423053

      a) PCR                                                          b) Cloning                

      c) Genetic engineering  d) Transmutation

3)   The DNA from a single sperm is enough      to identify a suspected:                         12423054

      a) Child                                          b) Women

      c) Zygote                                        d) Rapist






(5) Gene Sequencing

1)   In DNA or gene sequencing, scientists         create many copies of a single-stranded DNA fragment that will be used to       synthesize a new:                                                         12423055

      a) RNA strand                                           

      b) ATP

      c) NAD                                         

      d) DNA strand

2)   DNA threads are chemically cut into            pieces of different sizes in:                    12423056

      a) Maxam-Gilbert method              

      b) Sanger's method

      c) Smith's method                          

      d) Sanford's method

3)   In order to separate DNA pieces of different sizes on gel, the method used is:

      a) Maxam-Gilbert method                           12423057

      b) Sanger's method

      c) Smith's method              

      d) Dideoxy method



4)   Dideoxy ribonucleoside triphosphates are     used to terminate into DNA synthesis at different sites in:                                                    12423058

      a) Maxam-Gilbert method  

      b) Sanger's method

      c) Smith's method  

      d) Sanford's method


1)   It is estimated that human genome could      take an encyclopaedia of 200 volumes,   each with:                                                              12423059

      a) 10 pages                         b) 100 pages

      c) 1000 pages                                 d) 10000 pages

2) The entire human genome was published in:                                                                                                         12423060

      a) 1901                                          b) 1902  

      c) 2001                                          d) 2002

3) There are three billion base pairs in the:

      a) Bacterial genome                                    12423061

      b) Yeast genome

      c) Human genome 

      d) Monkey genome

4) A company which has now sequenced the      entire genome was founded by: 12423062

      a) Kary B. Mullis

      b) Gottlieb Haberlandt

      c) Theodore M. Klein        

      d) J. Craig Venter

5)   Persons with what disease have a unique      site where a restriction enzyme cuts the DNA during RFLP formation?      12423063

      a)  Phenylketonuria            

      b) Huntington disease        

      c)  Alzheimer’s disease      

      d) Parkinson’s disease

6)   The base pairs in Human genome are:                                                                                  (Board 2014)        12423064

        a)   Two billions                

      b)   Three billions

      c)   Four billions                

      d)   Five billions                            









Transgenic bacteria

1) Today bacteria, plants and animals are genetically engineered to produce:      

      a) Genetic products                                     12423065

      b) Engineered products

      c) Biotechnology products 

      d) Technical products

2)   The products produced by genetically          engineered organisms are called:           12423066

      a) Genetic products            

      b) Engineered products

      c) Biotechnology products 

      d) Technical products                  

3)   Genetic engineering may enhance the          ability of bacteria to extract:                  12423067

      a) Copper                                      

      b) Uranium

      c) Gold                                          

      d) All of the above

4)   Industry has found that bacteria can be         used as biofilters to prevent airborne      chemical pollutants from being released         into the:                                                                                    12423068

      a) Atmosphere                                            b) Air

      c) Soil                                                                     d) Water

5)   Naturally engineered bacteria do an even     better job of cleaning up beaches after:


      a) Milk spills                                  b) Oil spills  

      c) Urine spills                                 d) Alcohol spills

6)   Phenylalanine is an organic chemical           needed to make aspartame the dipeptide sweetener better known as:                  12423070

      a) Nutra sweetener 

      b) Dipeptide sweet

      c) Nutra toxin

      d) Nutrasweet

7)   Some mining companies are testing genetically engineered organisms that    have  improved:                                          12423071

      a) Rate of reproduction      

      b) Rate of mutation

      c) Bio-fowling capabilities

      d) Bioleaching capabilities

8)   Recombinant DNA technology is used to     produce bacteria that reproduce in large vats called:                                                             12423072

      a) Bioreactors                                

      b) Biovats

      c) Biovessels                                 

      d) Biotanks


(8) Transgenic Plants

1)   A team of Japanese scientists are working    on introducing the C4 photosynthetic     cycle  into:                                                                         12423073

      a) Rice                                                       b) Wheat   

      c) Corn                                           d) Oat

2)   Antibody used for the treatment of genital    herpes is obtained from:(Board 2015)12423074

      a) Corn                                           b) Soya-bean

      c) Rice                                                       d) Wheat

3) Cloning is a form of:                                     12423075

      a) Sexual reproduction

      b) Budding                        

      c) Duplication       

      d) Asexual reproduction

4)   Foreign genes transferred to cotton, corn      and potato strains have made these plants           resistant to pests because their cells now       produce an insect:                                                         12423076

      a) Anti-toxin                                  b) Toxin

      c) Poison                                        d) Venom

5)   One type of antibody made by corn can deliver radioisotopes to:            12423077

      a) Malign cells                               

      b) Tumour cells

      c) Lump cells                                

      d) Protruding cells





6)   Organisms that have had a foreign gene inserted into them are called:                 12423078

      a) Hermaphrodites 

      b) Polygynous

      c) Transgenic organisms

      d) Transmutated organisms

7)   Plants are being engineered to produce in           their seeds:                                                                   12423079

      a) Human hormones

      b) Clotting factors

      c) Antibodies                      

      d) All of the above

8)   Soybeans have been made resistant to a common:                                                                                  12423080

      a) Herbicide                                   b) Fungicide

      c) Pesticide                         d) Insecticide

9)   A weed called mouse-eared cress has     been engineered to produce  in cell        granules a         biodegradable:              12423081

      a) Plastic                           

      b) Polyhydroxy-butyrate

      c) Both a & b         

      d) Vinyl

10) Human hormones, clotting factors and   antibodies have been produced by:

      a) Transgenic algae                                     12423082

      b) Transgenic plants

      c) Transgenic fungi            

      d) Transgenic protozoa


e.       (9) Transgenic Animals

1) Antithrombin III, for preventing blood           clots during surgery, is currently being   produced by a herd of:                    12423083

      a) Cats                                                       

      b) Cows

      c) Dogs                                         

      d) Goats


2)   The cells which cling to an egg after            ovulation occurs are called:                   12423084

      a) Heap                                         

      b) Plethora

      c) Conglomeration 

      d) Cumulus



3)   Cystic fibrosis patients lack a gene that        codes for trans-membrane carrier of the:                                                                                                                                                        12423085

      a) Chloride ion                   b) Sodium ion

      c) Potassium ion                 d) Calcium ion

4)   Urine is a preferable vehicle for a    biotechnology product than:                  12423086

      a) Milk                                                       b) Blood

      c) Plasma                                       d) Tissue fluid

5)   In 1997, scientists at the Roslin Institute       in         Scotland announced that they had          produced a cloned sheep called:           12423087

      a) Polly                                          b) Dolly

      c) Jolly                                                       d) Molly




1)   During coronary artery angioplasty, a           balloon catheter is sometimes used to     open  up a closed:               (Board 2013)        12423088

      a) Vein                                                       b) Lacteal

      c) Intestine                                     d) Artery

2)   The insertion of genetic material into           human cells for the treatment of a          disorder  is:                                                            12423089

      a) Genetic drift                  

      b) Gene psychoanalysis      

      c) Gene therapy     

      d) Gene rehabiliation

3)   Genes that code for therapeutic, and diagnostic proteins are incorporated into            the animal's DNA, and the proteins      appear in the animal's:                 12423090       

      a) Urine                                          b) Blood

      c) Sweat                                         d) Milk

4)   Children in the severe combined            immunodeficiency syndrome (SCID) are            treated by:                                (Board 2014)       12423091

      a) Chemotherapy   

      b) Ex-Vivo gene therapy

      c) In-vivo gene therapy

      d) Antibiotics

5)   Patients are directly given normal genes in         one way or the other in:                        12423092

      a) Chemotherapy               

      b) Ex-Vivo gene therapy

      c) In-vivo gene therapy                  

      d) Antibiotics

6)   Patients of cystic fibrosis often die due to           numerous infections of the:                   12423093

      a) Reproductive tract                     

      b) Excretory duct

      c) Digestive tract   

      d) Respiratory tract

7) The children with SCID lack an enzyme:

      a) Adenosine deaminase                             12423094

      b) ADA

      c) Both a & b

      d) Arginine deaminase

8)   The familial hypercholesterolemia is a   condition that develops when liver cells lack a receptor for removing cholesterol        from the:                                                                                  12423095

      a) Milk                                                       b) Blood

      c) Urine                                          d) Plasma

9)   To treat haemophilia, patients could get        regular doses of cells that contain normal:

      a) Bleeding-factor genes                             12423096            b) Clotting-factor genes

      c) Releasing-factor genes   

      d) Factor IX genes

10) To cure Parkinson's disease dopamine-        producing cells could be grafted directly            into the:                                                                              12423097

      a) Brain                                          b) Bone marrow

      c) Blood                                         d) Liver





1)   A callus is an undifferentiated group of:


      a) Cells                             

      b) Tissues  

      c) Organs                                      

      d) Systems

2)   Cell suspension cultures of Cinchona           ledgeriana produce:                                          12423099

      a) Quinine                                     

      b) Digitoxin

      c) Polludrin                       

      d) Anti-toxin

3)   Cell suspension cultures of Digitalis            lanata produce: (Board 2013)                    12423100

      a) Quinine                                      b) Digitoxin

      c) Polludrin                        d) Anti-toxin

4)   Clonal  plants are those all of which have     the same:                                                                            12423101

      a) Habits                                        b) Habitats

      c) Traits                                          d) Shapes

5)   German botanist Gottlieb Haberlandt said    in 1902 that plant cells are:                    12423102

      a) Totipotent                                 

      b) Potent

      c) Totipersausive               

      d) Totistrong

6)   In 1958 Cornell botanist F .C. Steward         grew a complete carrot plant from a tiny            piece of:                                         (Board 2014)        12423103

      a) Xylem                             b) Phloem        

      c) Cortex                                  d) Endodermis

7)   An other advantage of meristem culture is          that meristem is:                                                           12423104

      a) Virus free                                   b) Bacteria free

      c) Fungi free                                   d) Pathogen free

8)   It is possible to produce millions of        somatic embryos at once in large tanks   called:                                                                          12423105

      a) Biofilters                        b) Biomembrane

      c) Bioreactors                                 d) Biovat

9)   One favourite method to accomplish      micro-propagation is by:                                   12423106

      a) Meriroot culture b) Organ culture

      c) Tissue culture          d) Meristem culture

10) Plant cells that have had the cell wall removed are called:                                         12423107

      a) Protoplasts                                 b) Cytotoplast

      c) Protoplastus                    d) Protoplastos

11) Since a whole plant will grow from a protoplast, it is necessary only to place the foreign gene into a:                  12423108

a) Dead protoplast     

b) Sleeping protoplast

c) Living protoplast   

d) Weakened protoplast

12) If each cell has the full genetic potential of the organism then it is called:       12423109

      a) Genopotent                                 b) Potent

      c) Somaclonal                                 d) Totipotent

13) The growth of a tissue in an artificial liquid culture medium is:                      12423110

a) Hankie culture       

b) Bandanna culture

c) Callus culture                    

d) Tissue culture

14) Enzymes are used to digest the cell walls of a small piece of tissue, from a leaf, and the result is naked cells without walls, called:                                                                    12423111

a) Protoplasm            

b) Protoplasts

c) Cytoplast                           

d) Tonoplast



1)   In 1987, John C Sanford and Theodore        M.        Klein of Cornell University developed   another method of introducing DNA into         a plant tissue culture                                         12423112

      a) Callus                                         b) Corn

      c) stump                                         d) Root

2)   People with insulin dependent diabetes        mellitus received the insulin they needed            for survival from:                                                      12423113

      a) Plants                                        

      b) Fungi

      c) Dead animals                 

      d) Protists


3)   Adult transgenic tobacco plants glowed        when sprayed with the substrate   12423114

      a) Luciferon                       b) Luciferin

      c) Luciferol            d) Luciferase

4)   An enzyme that can be used to treat a           human lysosome storage disease is:      

      a) β galactosidase                                                   12423115

      b) α galactosidase

      c) Glucosidase

      d) Invertase

5) Corn and wheat protoplasts produce:


      a) Fertile plants       b) Infertile plants

      c) Both a & b                      d) None of the above

6)   Foreign DNA is inserted into the plasmid     of the bacterium, Agrobacterium, which normally infects the:                                   12423117

      a) Animal cells                   b) Plant cells.

      c) Both a & b                                  d) Fungal cell

7)   The crossing of different varieties of            plants   or even species is:                                 12423118

      a) Combination                  b) Mixing

      c) Hybridization                 d) Mongrel

8)   Sanford and Klein constructed a device,       called the particle gun that bombards a   callus with:                                                             12423119

      a) RNA                                          b) DNA

      c) NAD                                          d) ATP

9)   Aspartane is a:                                (Board 2013)   12423120

      a)   Dipetide                                   b)         Tripeptide

      c)   Pentapetide                  d)         Polypeptide     

(13) Agriculture Plants with Improved Traits


1) Arabidopsis is:                                                                     12423121

      a) Heat-resistant        

      b) Water-absorbent

      c) Totipotent

      d) Salt -tolerant

2)   Today crop production is limited by effects of salinization about:                 12423122

      a) 70 %                                          b) 65%

      c) 50%                                                       d) 28%

3)   Cotton, corn, potato and soybean plants       have been engineered to be resistant to   either:                                                                                12423123

      a) Insect predation or germicides

      b) Insect predation or fungicides

      c) Insect predation or herbicides     

      d) Insect predation or pesticides

4)   In 1999, transgenic crops were planted         world wide on more than:                                  12423124

      a) 10 million areas             

      b) 20 million areas

      c) 70 million areas             

      d) 700 million areas










Short questions


Q.1 How and why transgenic animals that secrete a product are often cloned? 12423125

Q.2. Explain two primary goals of human genome project .What are possible benefits of the projects?                           (Board 2016)12423126

Q.3. Explain and give example of ex-vivo and in-vivo gene therapies in humans?


Q.4:  What is complementary DNA?


Q.5:  What are Palindromic sequences?                                                                                  (Board 2013,15,16) 12423129

Q.6:  What are Sticky ends?               12423130

Q.7:  What is vector?                                      124231331

Q.8:  What are plasmids?                               12423132

Q.9:  What is the use of DNA ligase?


Q.10: What is recombinant DNA or chimaeric DNA?                        (Board 2015)           12423134

Q.11: What is clone?  (Board -2010) 12423135

Q.12: What is a genome and genomic library?                                    (Board 2013,16) 12423136

Q.13: What is the use of genetically engineered bacteria?                                                       12423137

Q.14: What are the restriction enzymes?                                                                                                                          12423138

Q.15: Why transgenic animals are cloned?                                                                                                           12423139

Q.16: Which enzyme is Taq polymerase?                                                                                                                         12423140

Q.17: How transgenic animals are developed?                                                                        12423141

Q.18: From which animal, antithrombin III is produced?                                                                  12423142

Q.19: How many methods are used for gene therapy? Name them.                            12423143

Q.20: How transgenic animals that secrete a product are often craned?                                 12423144

Q.21: What is Dolly?                                       12423145

Q.22: When recombinant DNA technology is used and when PCR?                                       12423146

Q.23: How genes can be isolated from chromosomes?            (Board 2016)     12423147

Q.22: What is a probe?           Give its uses. 

                                                                        (Board 2014)        12423148

Q.23: What is the polymerase chain reaction or PCR?                                                                       12423149

Q.24: Where from PCR took its name? Why is called chain reaction?            12423150

Q.25: What is DNA Finger printing?


Q.26: What is the use of finger print?                                                                                     (Board 2013)              12423152

Q.27: What is gel electrophoresis?      12423153

Q.28: What is gene sequencing?         

                                                            (Board-2010)     12423154

Q.29: What are various methods of gene or DNA sequencing?                                                           12423155

Q.30: What is Sanger's method?         12423156

Q.31: What is Maxam-Gilbert method?                                                                                                                            12423157

Q.32: What is the use of dideoxy method?                                                                                                                        12423158

Q.33: Name different organisms and organelles whose genomes have been sequenced?                                                                           12423159

Q.34: What is the purpose of primary goal of Human Genome Project?                                12423160

Q.35: What are biotechnology products?                                                                                                                          12423161

Q.36: What are transgenic organisms?          


Q.37: What are bioreactors? (Board 2014)


Q.38: Name some biotechnology products produced by bacteria.                                           12423164

Q.39: What are Biofilters?                              12423165

Q.40: What are protoplasts?               12423166

Q.41: Give two advantages of transgenic plants.                                                                                                   12423167

Q.42: Give two advantages of transgenic animals.                                                                                    12423168

Q.43: Define gene therapy.(Board 2014) 12423169

Q.44: What is Ex-vivo gene therapy?                                                                                      (Board -2010)      12423170

Q.45: What is the method of ex-vivo gene therapy?                                        (Board -2010)   12423171

Q.46: What is in-vivo gene therapy?                                                                                       (Board -2010)      12423172

Q.47: What is cell suspension culture, technique?                                                                               12423173

Q.48: Define hybridization. What was its use?                                                                                          12423174

Q.49: What is luciferase and luciferin?


Q.50: What is Agrobacterium?                       12423176

Q.51: What is particle gun?                            12423177

Q.52: Name some plants which have been made resistant to insect predation and herbicides.                                                                  12423178

Q.53: What is Arabidopsis?                             12423179

Q.54: Why a team of Japanese scientists are working on introducing the C4 photosynthetic cycle into rice?      12423180

Q.55:What is familial hypercholester-olemia?                                                                                    12423181

Q.56: What is Cystic fibrosis?             12423182

Q.57: How gene therapy has been used for the treatment of cancer?                                      12423183

Q.58: How gene therapy has been used for the treatment of coronary artery angioplasty?                                                                      12423184

Q.59: What is tissue culture?              12423185

Q.60: Plant cells are said to be totipotent. What do you mean by this?                                   12423186

Q.61: What is Micro-propagation?     12423187

Q.62: What is Meristem culture?        12423188

Q.63: What are clonal plants?            12423189

Q.64: What are somaclonal variations?                                                                                                                            12423190

Q.65: What is Anther culture technique?                                                                                                                         12423191

Q.66: What are transgenic plants?

                                                                        (Board 2015)        12423192

Q.67: What is totipotent?(Board 2014)     12423193

Q.68: Differentiate between pSC 101 and pBR 322.                                                    (Board 2014)        12423194









Multiple Choice Questions


1.   The gill pouches of mammals and birds        embryos are                                                                 12424013

      a) support for "ontogeny recapitulates          phylogeny"

      b) homologous structures

      c) used by the embryos to breath

      d) evidence for the degeneration of

          unused body parts

2.   Darwin's theory, as presented in The            Origin of Species, mainly concerned     

      a) how new species arise                             12424014

      b) the origin of life

      c) how adaptations evolve  

      d) how extinctions occur

      (e) the genetics of evolution

3.   The smallest biological unit that can            evolve over time is                                           12424015

      a) a particular cell              

      b) an individual organism

      d) a species                       

      c) a population

      e) an ecosystem

4.   A gene pool consists of                               12424016

      a) all the alleles exposed to natural               selection

b) the total of all alleles present in a population

      c) the entire genome of a reproducing                       individual

      d) the frequencies of the alleles for a gene    locus within a population

      (e) all the gametes in a population

5.   In a population with two alleles for a particular locus, B and b, the allele frequency of B is 0.7. What would be the frequency of heterozygote if the population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?                                                               12424017

      a) 0.7                                                         b) 0.42

      c) 0.49                                            d) 0.09

      (e) 0.21

6.   In a population that is in Hardy-     Weinberg         equilibrium 16% of the individuals show           the recessive trait.           What is the frequency   of dominant      allele in the population?                                    12424018

      a) 0.84                                                       b) 0.36   

      c) 0.6                                                          d) 0.4

      (e) 0.48

7.   Selection acts directly on                             12424019

      a) phenotype                                 

      b) genotype

      c) the entire genome          

      d) each allele

      (e) the entire gene pool



1)   Enough protective ozone had built up to       make lift on land possible about million years ago:                                                               12424020

      a) 420                                                        b) 380

      c) 250                                                        d) 140

2).  According to one of the speculations life      may have begun deep in the oceans, in   underwater hot springs called   hydrothermal:                                                                   12424021

      a) Apertures                                   b) Gaps

      c) Vents                                          d) Outlets

3).  Alfred Wallace developed a theory of          natural selection essentially identical to:


      a) Linnaeus's                                  b) Darwin's 

      c) Lamarck's                                  d) Francis's

4).  All vertebrate embryos go through a stage    in which they have gill pouches on the   sides of their:                                             12424023

      a) Heads                                         b) Thorax

      c) Abdomen                                   d) Throats

5).  Among the birds Darwin collected 13          types of:                                                                         12424024

      a) Finches                                      b) Robins

      c) Ferrets                                        d) Pterodactyls

6).  Among the scientists who believed in           divine creation was:                                          12424025

      a) Charles Darwin             

      b) Alfred Wallace

      c) Carolus Linnaeus

      c) J. B. Lamarck

7).  An example of natural selection in action     is the evolution of antibiotic resistance in:


      a) Man                                                       b) Fungi  

      c) Bacteria                                      c) Viruses

8).  An important turning point for         evolutionary theory was the birth of:

      a) Population ecology                                             12424027

      b) Population genetics

      c) Demography

      d) Biometry

9).  Archaebacteria tolerate temperatures up       to:                                                                           (Board 2014,15,16) 12424028

      a) 10 °C                                          b) 40 °C          

      c) 67°C                                          d) 120°C

10). Darwin believed in unity in life, with all       organisms related through descent from some common ancestor that lived in the remote:                                                                        12424029

      a) Past                                                         b) Present

      c) Future                                         d) All of the above

11). Darwin proposed a mechanism for   evolution, which he termed:                  12424030

      a) Artificial selection                     

      b) Natural selection

      c) Both a & b         

      d) None

12). Darwin wrote a long essay on the origin       of species and natural selection in:

                                                                        (Board 2014)        12424031

      a) 1858                                          b) 1809   

      c) 1811                                          d) 1844

13). Who was in charge of invertebrate   collection at the National History           Museum           in Paris?                             12424032

      a) Linnaeus                        b) Lamarck    

      c) Wallance                        d) Lyell

14). Who was famous for his essay published      on the Principle of population"? 12424033

      a) Mendel                                       b) Malthus

      c) Cuvier                                        d) Lyell

15). Acquired characteristic of an individual       cannot be:                                            (Board 2014)        12424034

      a) Inherited                        b) Lost

      c) Flourished                                  d) Mutated

16). In the eighteenth century organisms were  classified by:                                           12424035

      a) Charles Darwin              b) Alfred Wallace

      c) Carolus Linnaeus    d) J. B. Lamarck

17). Evolutionary change is based mainly on       the        interactions between populations of       organisms         and their:                                              12424036

      a) Enemies                                     b) Habitats

      c) Mates                                         d) Environments

18). The word evolution cannot be separated       from the name of:                                                         12424037

      a) Charles Darwin       b) Alfred Wallace

      c) Carolus Linnaeus   d) J. B. Lamarck

19). The idea of endosymbiont hypothesis           was first proposed by:                                       12424036

      a) Lamarck                          b) Schwartz

      c) Wallace                                       d) Lynn Margulis

20). The first photosynthetic organisms   probably used hydrogen sulphide as a    source of hydrogen for reducing carbon   dioxide to:                                                                        12424039

      a) Proteins                                       b) Fats

      c) Sugars                                       d) All of the above

21). Some amoeboflagellates ingested     cyanobacteria and led to the development           of:                                                                                                                  12424040

      a) Mitochondria                  b) Golgi apparatus

      c) Chloroplasts                   d) Vacuoles

22). Natural selection Occurs through an interaction between the environment and           the variability inherent in any:  12424041

      a) Individual                                   b) Species

      c) Population                                  d) Community

23). Natural selection can amplify or      diminish only those variations that are: 


      a) Non-heritable        b) Heritable

      c) Both a & b                          d) None of the above

24). The parts of the body used extensively to     cope with the environment become larger           and stronger, while those that are not used         deteriorate was argued by                                  12424043

      a) Charles Darwin               b) Alfred Wallace

      c) Carolus Linnaeus            d) J. B. Lamarck

25). Jean Baptiste Lamarck published his theory of evolution in:                                      12424044

      a) 1757                                          b) 1809

      c) 1859                                          d) 1945

26).  Flagella may have arisen through the         ingestion of prokaryotes similar to spiral-           shaped bacteria called:                  12424045

      a) Spirochetes                                b) Vibrio

      c) Clostridium                                d) Salmonella

27). Evolutionists believed in the theory of:

      a) Artificial selection                                              12424046

      b) Natural selection

      c) Lamarckism

      d) Catastrophism

28). Eukaryotes are thought to have first appeared about billion years ago'           12424047

      a) 1.2                                                         b) 1.3

      c) 1.4                                                         d) 1.5

29). According to Darwin the history of life        is like a:                                                                          12424048

      a) Dream                                        b) Play

      c) Hierarchy                                   d) Tree



Evidences of evolution

30). Emigration and immigration of members    of a population cause disturbance in the:

                                                                        (Board2007)  12424049

      a) Genetic drift                   b) Genotype

      c) Gene pool                                  d) Gene tarn

31). Prokaryotes are the ancestors of all life        as evident from:                                                12424050

      a) Biochemistry                  b) Cell biology

      c) Molecular biology           d) All of the above

32). The processes that have transformed life    on earth from its earliest forms to the vast          diversity that is                               12424051

      a) Evolution                                   b) Emigration

      c) Immigration                   d) Inheritance

33). Evolutionary relationships among    species  are reflected in their:                12424052

      a) DNA and proteins                      

      b) Genes and gene products

      c) Both a & b

      d) None

34).  In man the vestigial organs are:      12424053

      a) Ear muscles       

      b) Nictitating membrane

      c) Coccyx                                     

      d) All of the above

35). It was the geographical distribution of          species that first suggested the idea of    evolution to:                                               12424054

      a) Charles Darwin 

      b) Alfred Wallace

      c) Carolus Linnaeus

      d) J. B. Lamarck

36). Similarity in characteristics resulting            from common known as:                                   12424055

      a) Analogy                                     b) Homology

      c) Topology                                   d) Apology

37). The succession of fossil forms a strong        evidence in favour of:                                       12424056

      a) Evolution                                   b) mutation

      c) genetic drift                                d) demography

38). The ultimate source of all changes is:


      a) Evolution                        b) Mutation 

      c) Genetic drift                   d) Migration

39). Vermiform appendix in carnivores and         man is:                                                                           12424058

      a) Developed organ           

      b) Vestigial organ

      c) Rudimentary organ        

      d) Imperfect organ

40) Armadillos, the armoured mammals live      only in the:       (Board 2013)                                12424059

      a) Africa                                        b) America

      c) Europe                                       d) Asia

41). The gill pouches develop into the     Eustachian tubules that connect the        middle ear with the:                        12424060

      a) Throat                                        b) Neck

      c) Nose                                          d) Larynx

42). A respiratory protein found in all     aerobic species is:                     (Board 2013)        12424061

      a) Cytochrome a                

      b) Cytochrome b

      c) Cytochrome c                

      d) Cytochrome d

43) Biogeography was the geographical distribution of:                                                             12424062

      a) Species                                       b) Phyla

      c) Classes                                       d) Genera

44). The flower parts of a flowering plant are:                                                                                                       12424063

      a) Analogous                                                                     

      b) Homologous   

      c) Heterozygous

      d) Homozygous






45). Endangered species of plants have been       recorded to more than:                          12424064

      a) 200                                b) 300

      c) 400                                d) 500

46). Gene pool consists of all alleles at all           gene loci in all individuals of the: 12424065

      a) Family                            b) Clan

      c) Population                      d) Community

47). The change in frequency of alleles at a         locus that occurs by chance is:   12424066

      a) Gene pool                      b) Mutation

      c) Genetic waft                   d) Genetic drift

48). In certain areas, such as Ecuador, forest       coverage has been reduced by:  12424067

      a) 50%                               b) 67%

      c) 78%                               d) 95%

49). The most common form that does not          alter allele frequency, but lessens the     proportion of heterozygote individuals is:

      a) Inbreeding                                                                      12424068

      b) Crossbreeding

      c) Random breeding

      d) Breeding

50). A group of inter-breeding individuals           belonging to a particular species and      sharing a common geographic area is:         

                                                            (Board 2016)  12424069

      a) Population          b) Community  

      c) Clan                   d) Family

51). The total aggregate of genes in a      population at anyone time is called the   population's gene:                                       12424070

      a) Puddle                                        b) Lake

      c) Pool                                                       d) Pond

52). The most threatened areas on the earth,        have been reduced to 44% of their         original extent are:                          12424071

      a) Tropical rain forests                               

      b) Temperate rain forests

      c) Carboniferous forests     

      d) Deciduous rain forests

53). If all members of a population are    homozygous for the same allele, that      allele is said to be:                                      12424072

      a) Multiple allele                b) Jumping gene

      c) Fixed in the gene d) Perfect gene

54). Hardy-Weinberg theorem, describes the       frequencies of genotypes of non-           evolving:                                                                12424073

      a) Family                                        b) Species 

      c) Population                                  d) Community

55). A general formula, called the Hard-Weinberg equation is used for calculating the frequencies of alleles and genotypes in popu1ations at:                                                   12424074

      a) Equilibrium                                b) Balance       

      c) Stability                          d) Poise

56). A localized group of individuals      belonging to the same species is called:


      a) Community                                b) Population   

      c) Clan                                           d) Both b & c

57). A group of individuals that have the potential to interbreed in nature is called:

      a) Population                                                           12424076

      b) Community          

      c) Species  

      d) Clan

58). A species which is in imminent danger         of extinction throughout its range is       called:                                                                    12424077

      a) Scarce species                                                   

      b) Threatened species        

      c) Rare species

      d) Endangered species

59). A species is likely to become           endangered  in the near future is:           12424078

      a) Scarce species   

      b) Threatened species

      c) Rare species

      d) Endangered species

60. For a diploid species each locus is    represented ______in the genome of an individual.                                                              12424079

      a) Thrice                                        b) Twice 

      c) Four time                                    d) one time

61. In Pakistan among the animals declared extinct is:                                        (Board 2015)           12424080

     a)   White headed duck      

      b)   Marbled teal

      c)   Crocodile                                

      d)   Houbara bustard




Short questions


1.                                                                    Which idea is known as endosymbiont hypothesis?                                       (Board 2007) 12424081

2.                                                                  Briefly explain the hypothesis which describes the evolution of eukaryotic cells from prokaryote cells?                                            12424082

3.                                                                    What was the second idea of Lamarck called?                                                                                                                                                                  12424083

4.                                                                    What is the important turning point for evolutionary theory?

        (Board -2007) 12424084

5.                                                                    How natural selection occurs?                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2007)       12424085

6.                                                                    What puzzled the Darwin during his expedition?                                                                                                     12424086

7.                                                                    What was the source of hydrogen for reducing CO2 in first photosynthetic organisms?                                                                                                             12424087

8.                                                                    What was the statement or theorem of Hardy-Weinberg?                                                                                            12424088

9.                                                                    Which mating is called a non-random mating?                                                                                                                     12424089

10.                                                                 On what evidences Darwin's theory of evolution was mainly based?                 12424090

11.                                                                Who was Darwin's predecessor who developed a comprehensive model that attempted to explain how life evolves?        


12.                                                                What is Spirochete?                          12424092

13.                                                                Define Biogeography.                        12424093

14.                                                                What are Fossils?      (Board 2014)        12424094

15.                                                                Define Embryology.                              12424095

16.                                                                What is Molecular Biology?  12424096

17.                                                                What does evolution refer?   12424097

18.                                                                What is the Concept of special creation?                               (Board 2013)                                                        12424098

19.                                                                What is the Concept of Evolution?                                                                                                    (Borad 2007)  12424099

20.                                                                What did Lamarck said about the use and disuse of organs?                                                            12424100

21.                                                                What Darwin said about Finches of Galapagos?                                                                                                           12424101

22.                                                                What was Darwin's idea of Origin of Species?                                                                                                                              12424102

23.                                                                 What was the contribution of Wallace in the development of theory of natural selection?                                                                                    12424103

24.                                                                 Define the theory of natural selection.                                                          (Board -2007)                                                      12424104        

25.                                                                 What is Neo-Darwinism?                                                                                                                 (Board -2006,15)                                 12424105

26.                                                                 What does indicate that prokaryotes are ancestors of all life?                                                                                  12424106

27.                                                                What are Homologous structures?                                                                                                                                                    12424107

28.                                                                What are vestigial organs?                                                                                                                            (Board 2010, 14,16)           12424108

29.                                                                Name some vestigial structures in man.                                             (Board -2010)                                                12424109

30.                                                                Differentiate between homologous and analogous organs.(Board 2013,14,15)  12424110

31.                                                                Differentiate between natural selection and artificial selection.

            (Board 2015)12424111

32.                                                                What is population?                              12424112

33.                                                                Define Species.                                                              12424113

34.                                                                What is Gene pool?   (GB-2006)            12424114

35.                                                                 Define the Hardy-Weinberg theorem.                                  (Board -2007, 08, 13, 15,16)                                                 12424115

36.                                                              What is Hardy-Weinberg equation used for?                                     (Board 2013)                                                        12424116

37.                                                                What factors affect the gene frequency?                                                                                                       12424117

38.                                                                Differentiate between endangered and threatened species.                                                                           12424118

39.                                                                What are hydrothermal vents?                                                                                                                     (Board -2006)      12424119

40.                                                                Which animals are declared extinct in Pakistan?                              (Board -2006,14,16)                                                12424120

41.                                                                Which animals are near to extinction in Pakistan?                                                                                                       12424121

42.                                                                What is Genetic drift?            

                (Board-2013, 16)                12424122

43.                                        How are evolutionary relationships reflected in DNA and proteins?             12424123

44.                                        Give the name of four factors effecting gene frequency. (Board 2013)   12424124







Multiple Choice Questions


1.   Community is a group of:                            12425012

      a) Human beings living in a country            b) Ecosystems of different areas

      c) Populations of different organisms           living in the same area

      d) Biomes of the world

2. A community and its interaction with its         environment is called as:                                   12425013

      a) Biosphere                                   b) Habitat

      c) Population                       d) Ecosystem

3. All living organisms of the planet earth          collectively constitute:                          12425014

      a)  Atmosphere        b) Lithosphere

      c)   Hydrosphere     d) Biosphere

4. A specific locality with particular set of          tolerable environmental conditions, where          organisms live is known as:              12425015

      a)  Habitat                           b) Biome

      c)   Ecosphere                     d) Ecosystem

5. The term ecology was coined in 1866 by        Ernst Haeckel who was a zoologist of:


      a)  England                   b) America   

      c)  France                     d) Germany

6. The study of relationship of an organism to     its environment is known as:                 12425017

      a)  Biology                          b) Ecology

      c)   Zoology                         d) Mycology

7. Population consists of:                                              12425018

      a)  Organisms of different species                b) Organisms of the same species

      c)  Organisms of the same habits    

      d)  Organisms of different habits

8. The proper functioning of an ecosystem         depends on:                                                                  12425019

      a)  Its producers and consumers

      b)  Its abiotic and biotic components

      c)   Its abiotic components  

      d)  Its biotic components

9. The term niche was first proposed in 1917      by Joseph Grinnell, an American:          12425020

      a)   Embryologist    b) Ecologist

      c)   Ornithologist     d) Physiologist

10.. The study of the relationship of different      populations of a community to the         environment is called:                                 12425021

      a)  Autecology         b) Phycology   

      c)  Synecology                    d) Microbiology

11. The biotic components of the ecosystem       are the:                                                                               12425022

      a)  Producers    

      b) Consumers        

      c) Producers, consumers and the     


      d) Decomposers

12. The examples of decomposers of the            ecosystem are the:                                                        12425023

      a)  Fungi                             

      b)  Viruses

      c)  Bacteria  

      d)  Fungi and the bacteria   

13. The whole of the world's land is called as:


      a)   Biosphere                      b) Ecosphere

      c)   Lithosphere       d) Hygrosphere

14. The living organisms which can prepare       their own food are the:                          12425025

      a)  Predators                        b) Parasites      

      c)  Producers                       d) Preys

15. The living organisms which cannot prepare their own food but obtain it        ready-made from others are the:  12425026

      a)  Primary and secondary consumers          b) Secondary and tertiary consumers

      c)  Only primary consumers

      d) Consumers

16. A change in the community structure of        an ecosystem over a period of time is     called:                                                                                12425027

      a)  Derosere                         b) Climax 

      c)  Biome                            d) Succession

17. Primary plant succession which starts in a     pond ecosystem is termed as: (Board 2013)                                                                                                                 12425028

      a)   Derosere                        b) Xorosere     

      c)  Hydrosere                      d) Ecosphere

18. The transfer of food energy from the            green plants to different trophic levels in            an ecosystem is called:                                12425029

      a) Food way                        b) Food web

      c)  Food link                       d) Food chain

19. The combination of many food chains in      an ecosystem is known as:                    12425030

      a)  Food net                         b) Food path

      c)  Food web                       d) Food link

20. In an ecosystem, the second trophic level      is constituted by the:                                         12425031

      a)  Producers                     

      b)  Tertiary consumers   

      c)  Primary consumers

      d) Secondary consumers

21.The plants which can withstand prolonged     periods of drought are called:                12425032

      a)  Hydrophytes       b) Hygrophytes

      c)   Mesophytes     d) Xerophytes

22. The succulent plants such as the cacti can     store water in their:                                           12425033

      a)  Sclarenchyma tissue

      b)  Parenchyma tissue  

      c)   Collenchyma tissue      

      d) Vascular tissue

23. The first stage of Xerosere primary plant      succession is the:                                                          12425034

      a)  Herbaceous stage          

      b)  Moss stage        

      c)  Foliage lichen stage       

      d)  Crustose lichen stage

24. Which one of the following is a foliage         lichen?                                                                               12425035

      a)  Tortula                                     b) Dermatocarpon

      c)  Polytrichum                   d) Rhizocarpon

25. An animal which captures and readily          kills living animals for its food is known            as a:                                                                                   12425036

      a)   Parasite                         b) Predator 

      c)  Scavenger            d) Consumer

26. An association between organisms of           different species in which one partner    gets benefit, and the other is harmed is   called as:                                                                                  12425037

      a)  Parasitism              b) Symbiosis

      c)  Mutualism             d) Commensalism

27. An association between organisms of           different species in which one partner    gets benefit while the other is neither        harmed nor benefited is known as:12425038

      a)  Predation                        b) Mutualism

      c)  Parasitism                       d) Commensalism

28. A symbiotic association between a fungus    and the roots of higher plants is known as:                                                                                                  12425039

      a)  Lichen

      b) Phycorrhiza

      c) Mycorrhiza

      d) Commensalism

29.  Virtually barren land is the final result of:


      a)  Moderate grazing           b) Overgrazing

      c)  Undergrazing    d) No grazing

30.  Moderate grazing is very helpful to maintain:                                                                                   12425041

      a)   Desert ecosystem                     

      b)   Grassland ecosystem

      c)   Forest ecosystem

      d)   Coniferous ecosystem

31.  The bacteria living in the root nodules of the legume plants serve to fix atmospheric:                                                      12425042

      a) Hydrogen                        b) Oxygen

      c) Nitrogen                          d) Carbon dioxide

32.  Lichen is a symbiotic association between a fungus and:                                                                   12425043

      a)  Roots of higher plants

      b) An alga  

      c) An angiosperm

      d) Diatom

33.  Micronutrients are the elements required by the organisms in very small quantity such as:                                                                       12425044

      a)  Sulphur and phosphorus

      b)  Carbon and calcium

      c)  Nitrogen and hydrogen

      d)  Iron and molybdenum

34.  For the synthesis of proteins and nucleic acids, plants and animals need:        12425045

      a)  Calcium                          b) Hydrogen

      c)  Nitrogen                         d) Potassium

35.  Similar group of individuals who can interbreed and produce organisms of their own kind forms                                                 12425046

      a)  Population                      b) Community

      c)  Species                           d) Succession

36.  Soil erosion, fire and water percolation down through the soil cause loss from its:                                                                                   12425047

      a) Sulphates                         b) Carbonates

      c)  Nitrates                           d) Phosphates

37.  The net primary production of an ecosystem is its total:                                            12425048

      a)  Photosynthate   b) Photosynthesis          

      c)  Biomass            d) Amount of energy

38.  In the soil, ammonia is converted to nitrites by a bacterium called:      12425049

      a)   Nitrobacter        b) Nitrosomonas

      c)   Azobacter                      d) Clostridium

39.  Nitrosomonas and Nitrobacter are:

      a)   Nitrifying bacteria                                 12425050

      b)   Nitrogen-fixing bacteria

      c)   Ammonifying bacteria

      d)   Anaerobic bacteria

40.  The oxidation of ammonia or ammonium ions by certain soil bacteria is called:

      a)  Ammonification                                     12425051

      b)  Nitrification      

      c)  Assimilation

      d)  None of the above

41 When living and non-living components      interact to produce a stable system in     which exchange of material with flow of            energy takes place, it forms a /an             

      a) Environment                               12425052

      b) Ecosystem

      c) Stable Community         

      d) Ecological Succession

42. Biome is a: (Board 2014)                               12425053

      a) simple community         

      b) Complex community      

      c) Regional community      

      d) Climax 

43. The living organisms, which cannot prepare their own food but obtain ready- made food from others, are:            12425054

      a) Primary and Secondary Consumers          b) Secondary and Tertiary Consumers

      c) Only Primary Consumers

      d) Consumers

44 The organisms which initiate an ecological succession are called                   12425055

      a)  Beginners                     b) Pioneers      

      c)  Predators                        d) Successors

45  Mutualism is a type of:                              12425056

      a)  Commensalism  b) Symbiosis 

      c)  Parasitism                      d) Predation

46. A short food chain of two or three links       support a community:                                       12425057

      a)  Efficiently                    

      b) More Efficiently            

      c)  Inefficiently 

      d) Less Efficiently

47. Succession start on a dry soil is called:

                                                            (Board 2013)        12425058

a)       Hydrosere                    b)         Xerosere

c)   Derosere                d)         Dsertification  

48. One of the following is an example of predator-prey relationship.  (Board 2015)

a)   Fungus and alga                                         12425059

b)   Flower and insect

c)   Fox and rabbit

d)   Root nodule bacteria

49. The bacteria in the root nodules fix nitrogen and convert it into:  (Board 2015)


      a)   Nitrate                          b)         Nittite

     c)   Amino acid      d)         Ammonia

50. Lichens are the example of:   (Board 2016)


      a)   Commensalism b)         Mutualism

     c)   Predation                      d)         Parasitism

51. In Xerosere Polytrichum and toxtula represent                                (Board 2016) 12425060

      a)   Herbaceous     

     b)   Moss stage

     c)   Foliage lichen stage                 

     d)   Crustose lichen stage


Short questions

Q.1.            What is the term ecology derived from?                                                                                                           12425061

Q.2.          Define ecology.                                    12425062

Q.3.          Who used the term ecology for the first time and when?                                                        12425063

Q.4.          Define environment.                               12425064

Q.5.          What is a population?             12425065

Q.6.          What is meant by a community in the ecosystem?                                                                  12425066

Q.7.          Define the term ecosystem.      

                                                                                (Board 2016)                          12425067

Q.8.          What is a biome? Quote examples.                                                                                         (Board 2014)   12425068

Q.9.          What constitutes planetary ecosystem?                                                                                                       12425069

Q.10.      Name the three main ecological components of the abiotic world.      12425070

Q.11.      Define biosphere (ecosphere). What are its limits?      (Board 2014, 15,16) 12425071

Q.12.      Define habitat.                                        12425072

Q.13.      Define ecological niche according to Charles Eton.                                                                 12425073

Q.14.   Explain the ecological Niche?

              (Board 2013)                12425074

Q.15.   Who proposed the term niche in ecology and when?   (Board -2007)      12425075

Q.16.   What does ornithology mean?


Q.17.   Differentiate between autecology and synecology.       (Board 2013,14,16)  12425077

Q.18.   Name the biotic (living) and the abiotic (non­living) components of the ecosystem.                                                                        12425078

Q.19.   Define producers.(Board 2014)    12425079

Q.20.   Differentiate between consumers and decomposers.               (Board 2014)  12425080

Q.21.   Describe food chain.

                                                                                (Board 06, 10,13,15)  12425081

Q.22.   What is food web in an ecosystem?                                                     (Board  2006,10,13)          12425082

Q.23.   What is phytoplankton?                      12425083

Q.24.   Name the various possible trophic levels (food links) in an ecosystem. 12425084

Q.25.   Suggest alternative names for primary, secondary and tertiary consumer animals.                                                                                  12425085

Q.26.   How does food web help maintain stability of the ecosystem?                             12425086

Q.27.   What is succession in ecology?

                                                                                (Board 2014,16)     12425087

Q.28.   What does pioneer community mean in plant succession?                                      12425088

Q.29.   What is climax community? 12425089

Q.30.   Differentiate between primary succession and secondary succession in ecology.                                                                                                                    12425090

Q.31.   Which succession occurs more rapidly, primary or secondary and why?                                                                                                                         12425091

Q.32.   Explain hydrosere, lithosere and xerosere in ecology.                                                 12425092

Q.34.   Where do succulent plants such as cacti store water?                                                     12425093

Q.35.   Write down the stages of xerosere kind of primary succession.            12425094

Q.36.   Name two foliose lichens.           12425095

Q.37.   What is a predator?                            12425096

Q.38.   Define parasitism.                               12425097

Q.39.   Differentiate between ectoparasites and endoparasites.                                                              12425098

Q.40.   What is symbiosis?                                  12425099

Q.41.   Explain mutualism.                             12425100

Q.42.   Describe mycorrhiza and lichen.                                                                                 (Board 2008)      12425101

Q.43.   How do root nodules of leguminous plants provide an example of symbiosis?                                                                                                                  12425102

Q.44.   Give definition of Commensalism and its example.                 (Board 2013,15)       12425103

Q.45.   Define grazing.  (Board 2008,10)                                                                                                                                                                           12425104

Q.46.   What is the effect of moderate grazing on the ecosystem?(Board-2010)


Q.47.   What is the effect of overgrazing and trampling by hoofed animals, on the ecosystem?                            (Board 2010)       12425106

Q.48.   What is the volume of nitrogen gas in the atmosphere?                                                          12425107

Q.49.   What is ammonification?        12425108

Q.50.   What is nitrification and how is it brought about?                                                                  12425109

Q.51.   What are the sources of soil nitrates?                                                                                                             12425110

Q.52.   Describe   biogenic   elements   (nutrient elements).                                                                     12425111

Q.53.What are the biochemical (biogeochemical) cycles? (LB-2006-07) 12425112

Q.54.   Define nitrogen cycle.                 12425113

Q.55.   Write down the three main steps in nitrogen cycle.                              (Board 2015)        12425114

Q.56.   Explain assimilation in nitrogen cycle.                                                                                            12425115

Q.57.   How does leakage of nitrogen (loss of nitrates) from the soil take place during the nitrogen cycle?                                              12425116

Q.58.   Explain denitrification.        12425117

Q.59.   Give definition of nitrogen-fixation.                                                                                                            12425118

Q.60.   What is the source of energy for the ecosystems?                                                                          12425119

Q.61    Differentiate between gross and net primary productions in an ecosystem.


Q.62.   What is biomass?                                        12425121

Q.63.   What percentage of sun energy is received by the plants (producers)? 12425122

Q.64.   What happens to the remaining 99% of the solar energy, after 1% is trapped by the producers?                            12425123

A.65.   A short food chain of two to three links supports a community more efficiently than a long chain of five links. Why?                                                                                                           12425124

Q.66.   How do decomposers obtain energy?                                                                                      12425125

Q.67.   Compare population with community.                                   (Board 2014) 12425126

Q.68.   What is predation? Give its significance.                                            (Board 2014,16) 12425127













Multiple Choice Questions

1. The soil or terrestrial ecosystems have            some adaptations for animals and plants.

      a) Supporting tissues                                   12426012

      b) Retention of food           

      c) Temperature                               d) Nutrients

2. Most plants fit only into a few ecosystems      which type of plants seem in ecosystem of grass land)                                                         12426013

      a) Trees                                          b) Shrubs

      c) Perennial herbs               d) Annual weeds

3. In which type of ecosystem the smallest         friction of nutrients present in soil:


      a) Savanna                         b) Tundra 

      c) Grassland                                   d) Desert

4. What biome will be with richest soil with       nutrients and can be converted into        agriculture                                                                          12426015

      a) Deciduous forest

      b) Tropical rain forest

      c) Grass land                     

      d) Coniferous forest

5. Which of the biomes has been increased in     area by human activities:          

                                                                        (Board 2016) 12426016

       a) Savanna                                     b) Grassland    

      c) Desert                                         d) Coniferous

6 Coniferous forests located at high altitude       are called:                                       (Board-2006,13) 12426017

      a) alpine                                         b) boreal

      c) arctic                                          d) both a & b

7. Coniferous forests located at high latitude       are called:                                (Board 2013,15)  12426018

      a) alpine                                         b) boreal          

      c) arctic                                          d) both a & b

8. Felis bengalensis is commonly known as:      


      a) bear cat                                       b) tiger cat

      c) leopard cat                                  d) pussy cat

9.. Fresh water ecosystem covers less than:


      a) 7%                                                         b) 5%              

      c) 3%,                                                        d) 1%

10. Grassland ecosystems are found in:


      a) Gilgit                               b) North kallat

      c) Waziristan                                  d) All of the above

11. Grasslands present in temperate climates      are also called:                                                             12426022

      a) Prairies                                       b) pampas

      c) plain                                           d) lowland

12. The perennial plants are bushes or cacti        with large shallow root systems in:


      a) grassland                                    b) deserts

      c) tundra                                         d) taiga

13. Overall patterns of weather that prevail         from year to year even century-to-century          in a particular region is called:     12426024

      a) Environment             b) Climate  

      c) atmosphere                      d) All of the above

14.. Root in plants and skeleton in animals         support them on land against the force of:


      a) Attraction                                   b) gravity

      c) adhesion                                  d) cohesion

15. Solenorotos tibitanus is commonly known    as:                                                                                      12426026

      a) leopard cat                                 b) white dog

      c) black bear                                   d) blue whale

16. Some dominant trees of temperate    deciduous forests are:                                       12426027

      a) Taxus baccata         b) Pinus wallichiana c) Berberis lyceum    d) All of the above

17. Stipa, Sporobolus, Oryzopsis are called:


      a) tall grasses                                  b) short grasses

      c) mid high grasses d) super grasses


18   Which one is Tall grass:                             12426029

      a) Andropogon                    b) Panicum

      c) both a & b                                   d) Stipa

19. Annual rain fall in deserts is less than:


      a) 25 to 50 cm                     b) 10 to 20 cm

      c) 15 -25 cm                        d) 20 to 40 cm

20. In grassland ecosystem, annual rainfall is      about 250 to:                                                                12426031

      a) 350 mm                          b) 450 mm

      c) 650 mm                          d) 750 mm

21. Water is stored for use during the period of   drought in fleshy stems of:                    12426032

      a) Cacti                                           b) Euphorbia   

      c) Both a & b                                  d) None of these

22.. The water is shallow, and plants find           abundant light, anchorage and adequate nutrients from the bottom sediments in:         


      a) profundal zone                b) limnetic zone

      c) littoral zone                    d) None of these          

23. In Pakistan temperate moist conditions         are        present in:                                                              12426034

      a) Neelam valley                 b) Shogran

      c) Waziristan                                  d) both a & b

24. In Pakistan the desert ecosystems are            found in western Punjab (Mianwalli and            Bukhar) where it is known as:  12426035

      a) Thar                                           b) Thal   (Board 2014)

      c) Sahara                                        d) Gobi

25. In tropical and subtropical grassland, rain     reaches about:                                                              12426036

      a) 1500 mm                                    b) 2000 mm

      c) 2500 mm                                    d) 3000 mm

26. A willow 10 centimetres (4 inches) high       may have a trunk 7 centimetres (3 inches)          in diameter and be 50 years old in:


      a) taiga                                           b) tundra

      c) desert                                         d) savanna

27. Layering is the characteristic of:      12426038

      a) grassland                                    b) tundra

      c) desert                                         d) taiga

28. Light is insufficient to support          photosynthesis in:                                                         12426039

      a) littoral zone                   

      b) limnetic zone

      c) profundal zone          

      d) None of these    

29. Littoral invertebrate animals include:


      a) small crustaceans            b) insect larvae

      c) snail flatworms. d) all of the above

30. In Sindh the desert ecosystem is called:


      a) Thar                                           b) Thal            

      c) Sahara                                        d) Ghobi

31. In sub humid tropical grassland rate of         primary production is more than:


      a) 2000 g/m2                                   b) 3000 g/m2

      c) 4000 g/m2                                   d) 6000 g/m2

32. The rate of primary production is about        700 -1500 g/m2 annually in                   12426043

      a) desert

      b) tundra

      c) tropical grassland

      d) temperate grassland

33.Root in plants and skeleton in animals           support them on land against the force of:


      a) attraction                                    b) gravity 

      c) adhesion                         d) cohesion

34. Which one is not a desert:    (Board 2014)                                                                                                                           12426045

      a) Thal                                                       b) Thar

      c) Sahara                                        d) Taiga

35. Littoral vertebrates include:   12426045 (a)

      a) frogs                                   b) aquatic snakes

      c) turtles                                 d) all of the above

36. Macaca mulatta is commonly known as:


      a) Rhesus monkey   b) chimpanzee

      c) apes                                            d) gorilla

37. Moderate temperature ranges from 4°C -      30°C in:                                                                             12426047

      a) temperate deciduous forests

      b) tropical rain forests

      c) coniferous alpine forests

      d) coniferous boreal forests

38. Northern coniferous forests are also called:                                                                  (Board 2014)        12426048

      a) Tundra                                       b) Taiga 

      c) Savanna                         d) Prairies

39. Open water area up to the light         penetration is:                                                               12426049

      a) littoral zone                   

      b) profundal zone   

      c) limnetic zone                 

      d) benthic zone

40. Pinus wallichiana: Pinus roxburgii, Abies    pindrow, Picea smithiana, Cederous      deodara are plants of:                     12426050

      a) coniferous alpine and boreal forests.        b) temperate deciduous forests

      c) tropical rain forests

      d) grassland ecosystem

41. Temperatures may be below freezing            point, up to 10°C in:                                         12426051

      a) coniferous alpine and boreal forests         b) tropical rain forests

      c) grassland ecosystem

      d) desert

42. The average rainfall is between 750 -1500    mm in:                                                                               12426052

      a) temperate deciduous forests

      b) coniferous alpine and boreal forests

      c) tropical rain forests

      d) grassland ecosystem

43. The productivity can be indicated by:

                                                                        (Board 2015)        12426053

      a) Consumption of CO2

      b) Evolution of CO2

      c) Consumption of CO2

      d) Evolution of N2  

44. Tundra ecosystem is located on        Mountains:                                                                   12426054

      a) Kara-Koram                   b) Hindukush

      c) Salman                                       d) both a & b

45. While human activities are reducing the        extent of many biomes, they are causing             the spread of deserts, a process called:


      a) acidification                    b) desertification

      c) corrosion                         d) eutrophication

46. In southern punjab, deserts are present In:


      a) Fort Abbas                                  b) Bahawal Nagar

      c) Khan pur                                    d) All of these


47. The ecosystem present on land or soil is       called:                                                                                12426057

      a) terrestrial                       

      b) lithospheric ecosystem   

      c) aquatic

      d) both a & b

48. The soil of grass land is basically     impermeable with excessive:                 12426058

      a)   Water logging                           b)         hardness

      c)   salinity                                     d)         porosity

49. The grasslands in tropic climates have          woody trees and are called:                   12426059

      a) Prairies                                       b) Pampas       

      c) Savanna                         d) Steppes

50. The grasslands which do not have woody     plants are known as: (Board 2006)           12426060

      a) Prairies                                       b) Pampas

      c) Savanna                         d) Steppes

51. Which of the biome has been increased in     area by human activities?                                  12426061

      a)Savanna                                      b)Grassland

      c)Desert                                         d)Coniferous

52. The major factor that determines the quantity and type of life in aquatic         ecosystems are:                                                        12426062

      a) energy                                 

      b) nutrient  

      c) both a & b                                  

      d) minerals

53. The more common deserts, however, are      characterized by:                                                          12426063

      a) widely spaced vegetation

      b) large area of bare grounds          

      c) both a & b

      d) none

54. Which biome will be with richest soil,          with nutrients and can be converted into agriculture?                 (Board -2006)               12426064

      a)Deciduous forest                                      b)Tropical rain forest   


      d)Coniferous forest

55. Phytoplanktons are drifting:            

      a)  Plants                            (Board 2016) 12426064-a

      b) Animals

      c)  Protozoa                       

      d)  Crustaceans

Short questions

Q.1 What are Planktons?(Board 2007)                                                                                                                                   12426065

Q.2 How many sub-divisions forest ecosystem is divided into?                        12426066

Q.3 Which animals are present in temperate deciduous forest?                      12426067

Q.5 Differentiate between weather and climate.                                              (Board 2016)       12426068

Q.6 What is Taiga?                                          12426069

Q.7 Differentiate between alpine and boreal forests:               (Board 2015)          12426070

Q.8 Differentiate between prairies and savanna.         (Board 2015)                                                        12426071

Q.9 What is annual rain fall in grasslands?                                                                             12426072

Q.10    What is meant by desertification?                                                                                                                         12426073

Q.11    What is Tundra?                                             12426074

Q.12    What is Timberline?                           12426075

Q.13    Briefly discuss the Plant life in Tundra.                                                                                        12426076

Q.14    Briefly describe the animal life in Tundra.                                                                                    12426077

Q.15    Plants of coniferous alpine and boreal forests:                                                            12426078

Q.16    Write the name of some major ecosystem on land in Pakistan.

                                                                                                 (Board 2014)        12426079

Q.17    How many biomes are found in the world?                                                                                   12426080

Q.18    Write the name of grasslands in Pakistan.                                                                                          12426081

Q.19    How many zones are presents in lake ecosystem?                                                                       12426082

Q.20    What is Limnetic zone? Mention its life.                                                          (Board 2014,16)  12426083

Q.21.   Can you differentiate between altitude and latitude?                                          12426084

Q.22.   How many regions open water area is divided into?                                                                       12426085

Q.23.   What is hydrospheric or aquatic ecosystem?                                                                                  12426086

Q.24.   What types of organisms are present in profundal zone of lake?        12426087

Q.25.   What is the location of coniferous alpine and boreal forests?                              12426088

Q.26.   What is layering in ecosystem?

                                                            (Board 2007)       12426089

Q.27.   What are the four major requirements for life? Which two are limiting in terrestrial ecosystem?      12426090

Q.28.   What are characteristics of littoral Zone (near-shore)?                                                                      12426091

Q.29.   What is the location temperate deciduous forests in Pakistan and rest of the world?                                                                    12426092

Q.30.   What is the range of Rainfall and temperature in temperate deciduous forest?                                                                                           12426093

Q.31.   Name the plants of temperate deciduous forest.                                                                      12426094

Q.32.   What do you know about the animal life of coniferous alpine and boreal forests?                                                                                    12426095

Q.33.   Name some predators of grassland.                                                                                                          12426096

Q.34.   What is the Productivity of grassland ecosystem?       (MB-2006)            12426097

Q.35.   What is the location of deserts in Pakistan?                                                    (Board 2015)           12426098

Q.36.   Define productivity of an ecosystem.                           (Board 2014)                          12426099

Q.37.   List adaptations in plants and animals for terrestrial ecosystem.

                                                                (Board 2010)                          12426100

Q.38.   What is the average rainfall in temperate decidous forest?     (Board 2015)


Q.39.   Give characteristics of profundal zone.                                                           (Board 2015)       12426102

Q.40.   Name two factors which influence the life.                             (Board 2016)       12426102

Q.41.   Name four common features to aquatic ecosystem.     (Board 2016)       12426102









Multiple Choice Questions


1. Ozone molecule is made up by binding of       three atoms of:                                                             12427018

      a) nitrogen                          b) oxygen

      c) hydrogen                                    d) carbon

2. Stone cancer is result of:                                          12427019

      a) Soil pollution                                         

      b) Water pollution

      c) Air pollution

      d) Stone pollution

3. Polluted air contains certain gases; like.


      a) carbon monoxide

      b) hydrocarbons     

      c) oxides of nitrogen & sulphur

      d) all of the above

4. Examples of renewable resources are 


      a) forests                                        b) wild life       

      b) coal                                                        d) both a & b

5. A form of air pollution in which airborne        acids produced by electric utility plants and other sources fall to Earth in distant    regions is:                                                                                 12427022

      a) Acid Rain                                   b) Basic rain

      c) heavy rain                                  d) drizzling

6 . Agro-chemicals are commonly called as:


      a) pesticides                                   b) fertilizers 

      c) both a & b                                   d) toxins

7.   Air consists of nitrogen (79%), oxygen (20%),         carbon dioxide (0.03%) and traces of     inert  gases called:                                                      12427024

      a) fine gases                                   b) aromatic gases         

      c) noble gases                                 d) gracious gases

8.   Air is being polluted rapidly due to: 


      a) industrialization b) automobiles

      c) sewage                                       d) both a & b

9. Anything in the air that may be harmful to      living -organisms is:                                         12427026

      a) air pollution                    b) water pollution        

      c) land pollution                 d) noise pollution

10 As CFCs rise to the atmosphere,        ultraviolet rays release:                         12427027

      a) fluorine                                      b) chlorine       

      c) carbon                                        d) hydrogen

11. The fossil fuels are:                                     12427028

      a) Coal                                           b) oil

      c) gas                                                          d) all of the above

12. The earth surface covered with water is:      

      a) 35%                                           b) 55% 12427029

      c) 75%                                           d) 95%

13 Water used for Domestic industries   purpose is about:                                                          12427030

      a) 10%                                                       b) 20%

      c) 30%                                                       d) 40%

14. Water used for irrigation purposes is             about:                                                                                12427031

      a) 9%                                                        b) 90%

      c) 70%                                                       d) 50%

15. The total water of planet earth in Ocean is     about:                                                                                12427032

      a) 47%                                                       b) 77%

      c) 97%                                           d) 11%

16. A layer of atmosphere extending from 10 -   50 kilometers above earth is:                 12427033

      a) air                                                           b) cloud

      c) Ozone                                        d) meteor

17.  As the human population increases, there     is an increased demand for:                   12427034

      a) space                                          b) clothing

      c) food                                           d) water

18. Bioconversion is the digestion of wastes       by bacteria which produce:                    12427035

       a) methane                                     b) ethane,

      c) butane                                        d) propane

19.. Rain that falls on high areas such as             mountains possesses large m amount of            gravitational:                                                          12427036

      a) heat energy                                 b) kinetic energy

      c) electrical energy d)potential energy

20. Soil is continuously depleting its mineral      nutrients, due to vigorous: (LB-2007)


      a) crop production  

      b) tree production

      c) population explosion

      d) deforestation

21. The study of human populations and            things that affect them is called:

                                                                         (Board 2015) 12427038

      a) Calligraphy                                 b) Demography

      c) Chromatography d) Homography

22. Each nuclear power station only can last       for about:                                                                           12427039

      a) 10 years                          b) 20 years      

      c) 30 years                          d) 40 years

23. A natural process in which surface soil is      removed by the action of water or wind is:                                                                                                               12427040

      a) corrosion                                    b) attrition

      c) erosion                                       d) weathering

24.The natural process of excessive       enrichment of water with nutrients by    which large amount of living organisms   grows in .the water is:                                       12427041

      a) oligotrophication b) trophication

      c) eutrophication.                d) atrophication

25. Clearance of vast areas of forest for lumber, planting subsistence crops or grazing cattle is     called as:                                                                            12427042

      a) deforestation                   b) aforestation

      c) forestation                                  d) reforestation

26. The total area of the world under      cultivation is:                                                               12427043

      a) 1%                                                         b) 11%

      c) 21%                                           d) 33%

27. Exhaustible resources include fossil fuels     like:                                                                                   12427044

      a) coal                                                        b) oil

      c) natural gas                                  d) all of the above

28. In oceans, especially in tropical regions,       temperature of surface water is about:

      a) 10°C                                           b) 15°C            12427045

      c) 25°C                                           d) 30 °C

29. In oceans, temperature at the depth of few    hundred meters is only:                         12427046

      a) 5°C                                                         b) 15°C

      c) 25 °c                                           d) 35 °C

30. Industries have always been the largest         consumers of:                                                               12427047

      a) kinetic energy                 b) electrical energy      

      c) potential energy              d) heat energy

31. A direct or indirect source for food, shelter, clothing, fuel etc for humans is:             12427048

      a) environment                               b) land             

      c) sun                                                         d) water

32. A treasure of all types of resources essential            to maintain life on earth is:                                12427049

      a) environment                               b) land                        

      c) sun                                                         d) water

33. Modern man is called:                                             12427050

      a) Homo erectus

      b) Homo habilis     

      c) Homo sapiens    

      d) Homo neanderthalensis

34.  Nuclear energy is obtained from nuclear fuels          by:                                                                                    12427051

      a) binary fission                  b) atomic fission          

      c) transverse fission            d) nuclear fission

35. Only 30% of the earth is dry land the            remainder being covered with:              12427052

      a) water                                          b) air               

      c) trees                                                       d) grass

36. The causes of green house effect are: 12427053

      a) Over urbanization           b) deforestation

      c) industrialization              d) all of the above

37. The decline in thickness of the ozone layer is            caused by increasing level of                 12427054

      a) chlorofluorocarbon          b) nitrogen                   

      c) chlorine                                      d) carbon dioxide

38. The steady internal state of homeostasis is    known as:                                                                          12427055

      a) disease                                       b) normal health

      c) malady                                       d) woe

39. To achieve better living condition, it is          essential to:                                                                       12427056     

      a) increase food production

      b) decrease expenditure

      c) control the population growth

      d) use environmental resources

40. The destruction of forests leave the soil barren          and this is called:                                              12427057

      a) a-forestation                               b) forestation               

      c) deforestation                               d) all of the above

41. The natural heat energy trapped underground is         called:                                                                                12427058

      a) hydro-electric energy     

      b) thermal energy   

      c) geo energy

      d) geothermal energy

42. In year 2000, the population of Pakistan was around:                                                                              12427059

      a) 150-160 million              b) 100-110 million

      c) 120 -130 million             d) 210 -220 million

43. At the time of independence in 1947, the      population of Pakistan was:                               12427060

      a) 10 million                                   b) 20 million    

      c) 25.7 million                                d) 32.5 million

44.Vast quantities of algae feed and reproduce on the     nutrients causing the water to turn green with algal:      12427061

      a) blossom                                      b) thrive          

      c) growth                                        d) bloom

45. The largest consumers of electrical energy    have always been:                                                        12427062

      a) Homes                                        b) offices

      c) Agriculture                                 d) Industries

46. The chemical waste from industry is called: 


      a) sewage                                       b) bilge water  

      c) effluent                                      d) seepage

47. Agro-chemicals are used in:                        12427064

      a) industry                                      b) house          

      c) office                                         d) agriculture

48.  The escape of hot substance from the inside of         the earth is allowed by:                                     12427065

      a) Volcanoes                                 

      b) hot springs                     

      c) geysers                                      

      d) all of the above

49. While establishment of new forest where no forests existed previously is called:        12427066

      a) aforestation                                 b) forestation

      c) deforestation                               d) none

50. All non-cultivated plants and non-domesticated animals refer to:                               12427067

      a) natural life                                  b) Wild life      

      c) untamed life                               d) tame life


51. The balance in the nutrient cycle can be upset           when:                                                                                 12427068

      a) not enough food is produced       

      b) too much is consumed

c) decayed nutrients are not returned to the ground  

d) all of the above

52. The total water of planet earth present in the form of frozen ice caps is about:            12427069

      a) 1%                                                         b) 2%

      c) 4%                                                         d) 8%

53.  Main use of water is:                                              12427070

      a) Domestic industries use 10%      

      b) irrigation utilization 90%

      c). both a and b

      d) none of above

54. Our daily energy requirements met from fossil          fuels are:                                                                12427071

      a) 35%                                                       b) 55%

      c) 75%                                                       d) 95%

55. A pesticide is a chemical, which destroys     agricultural:                                                                        12427072

      a) pests                                           b) competitors

      c) crops                                          d) both a & b

56. Which of the continent has the highest rate of          human population                                                   12427073

      a) Australia                                     b) Africa

      c) Asia                                                        d) North America

57. If the population is above the carrying capacity         what must happen                                 12427074

      a) It must immediately cure.

      b) It can remain stable indefinitely

      c) It can continue to increase                      

      d) It must eventually decline

58. What is our principal source of energy:

                                                                                (Board 2006)                           12427075

      a) Nuclear energy              

      b) Geothermal energy

      c) Solar energy                               d) Tidal energy

59. Batteries store which type of energy. 12427076

      a) Electrical                        b) Mechanical

      c) Chemical                        d) Nuclear

60. The upper layer of earth crust is: (Board 2006)

      a) Sand                               b) Clay                 12427077       

      c) Soil                                             d) Rock



61. In human mental illness diease is due to:

                                                                                (Board 2014)      12427078

a)      Alzheimer                    b)         Kwashiorkor

c)   Diphtheria              d)         Heamophilia





62. Alzheimer disease is a. (Board 2016)      12427078

a)      Physical illness

b)   Mental illness

      c)   Renal illness                

      d)   Pulmonary illness

63. Environment buffer is a: (Board 2016) 12427078-a

a)   Desert                                b)         Gsosoland

c)   Community            d)         Forest


Short questions

Q.1)          Why coal, oil and gas are called fossil fuels?                                                                           12427079

Q.2)           What are the main sources of water pollution?                                                                                               12427080

Q.3)           Differentiate between health and disease.                                                                                           12427081

Q.4)           What is ozone layer?                           12427082

Q.5)           What do you mean by non-renewable resources?                                           12427083

Q.6)           What is difference between deforestation and Aforestation?                                                                                      (Board 2006,10,14)          12427084

Q.7)           Define biodiversity?                            12427085

Q.8)           What is water pollution?         12427086

Q.9)           Define Green House effect.

                                                                                (Board 2007,8)      12427087

Q.10)       What is acid rain?

                                                                        (Board 2006) 12427088

Q.11)       What is algal bloom?              12427089

Q.12.  What is eutrophication?          

                                                                        (Board 2015)        12427090

Q.13.  What is wild life?                                              12427091

Q.14.  What is the importance of wild life?


Q.15.  What are inexhaustible resources of energy?                                                                                  12427093

Q.16. What are exhaustible sources of energy?                                                                                         12427094

Q.17.  What are causes of tides?         12427095

Q.18.  What is geothermal energy?     12427096

Q.19.  Give four ways to conserve energy.                                                                                                                         12427097


Q.20.  What is reforestation?              12427098

Q.21.  What are environmental buffers?                                                                                                                           12427099

Q.22.  Define pollution.                                               12427100

Q.23.  What are the effects of ozone depletion?                                   (MB-2007)                     12427101

Q.24. What are causes of green house effect?                                                                                            12427102

Q.25.   Give two effects of acid rains?


Q.26.  What is a pesticide?                              12427104

Q.27.  What is nutrient cycle?             12427105

Q.28. What are the main types of pollution?                                                                                       12427106

Q.29.Why are trees (forest) called environmental buffers?                               12427107

Q.30.Give the sources and harmful effects of chlorofolorocarbons.(Board 2015)   12427108

Q.31.Differentiate between renewable and non-renewable resources. (Board 2015)                                                                                                                       12427109

Q.32. Define population pressure. Give one example of its effect on ecosystem.          12427110

(Board 2014)

Q.33. Define demography.         (Board 2014)                                                                                                                     12427111

Q.34. What are renewable resources?

(Board 2014)                                       12427112

Q.35. Write names of disease caused due to nutritional deficiency. Board 2016)  12427112

Q.36.Define soil. Give its basic constituent.

                                                             (Board 2016)  12427112





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