12th Chemistry Objective + Short Questions



Periodic Classification of Elements

And Periodicity


Multiple Choice Questions

      Encircle the right answer:

1.   Keeping in view the size of atoms, which   order is correct one:    (Board 2013, 15)

      (a) Mg > Sr             (b) Ba > Mg 

      (c) Lu > Ce             (d) Cl > I

2.   Mark the correct statement:                     (Board 2014, 15,16)         12201059

      (a)  Na+ is smaller than Na atom     

      (b)  Na+1 is larger than Na atom

      (c)  Cl-1 is smaller than Cl atom      

      (d)  Cl-1 and Cl are equal in size

3.   Mark the correct statement:         12201060

       (a) All lanthanides are present in the                                               same group

      (b)  All halogens are present in the same                              period

      (c)  All the alkali metals are present in the                same group

      (d)  All the noble gases are present in the                              same period

4.   Which statement is incorrect?       12201061

      (a)  All the metals are good conductor of                              electricity        

      (b)  All the metals are good conductor of                              heat

      (c)  All the metals form positive ions

      (d)  All the metals form acidic oxides

5.   Which statement is correct?          12201062

      (a)  Hydrogen resembles in properties                                  with IA, IVA and VIIA elements

      (b)  Hydrogen resembles with IIIA,                                      IVA and VA elements

      (c)  Hydrogen resembles in properties                                  with IA, IVA, and VIA elements

      (d)  Hydrogen resembles in properties                                  with IIA, IIIA and VIIA elements

6.   Mark the correct statement:         12201063

      (a)  The ionization energy of calcium is                                lower than that of barium

      (b)  The ionization energy of calcium is                                lower than that of magnesium

      (c)  The ionization energy of calcium is                                higher than that of beryllium

      (d)  The ionization energy of calcium is                                lower than that of strontium

7.   Mark the correct statement:         12201064

      (a)  Electron affinity is a measure of                                    energy required to remove the electron

      (b)  Ionization energy is a measure of                                   energy released by adding an electron

      (c)  Electron affinity is a measure of                                                energy released by adding an electron

      (d) Electron affinity is a measure of energy released by removing an electron

8.   Mark the correct statement:(Board 2006)

      (a)  Metallic character increases down the                group                                                                     12201065

      (b)  Metallic character increases along a                               period

      (c)  Metallic character remains same                                                along a period

      (d)  Metallic character remains the same                               down the group

9.   Mark the correct statement:         12201066

      (a)  Melting points of halogens decrease                               down the group

      (b)  Melting points of halogens increase                               down the group

      (c)  Melting points of halogens remain the                same throughout the group

      (d)  Melting points of halogens first                                     increase then decrease down the                                          group

10. Mark the correct statement:         12201067

      (a)  Covalent character of metal halides                                increases from left to right in a period

      (b)  Boiling points of group IV hydrides                               decrease down the group

      (c)  Ionic character of hydrides increases                              from left to right in a     period

      (d)  The basicity of group IIA oxides                                                decreases on descending the group

11. Lanthanides are present in:           12201068

      (a) 4th period                     (b) 5th period

      (c) 6th period                     (d) 7th period

12. 5th period contains total number of          elements: (Board 2014)                                        12201069

      (a) 10                                             (b) 32

      (c) 18                                             (d) 14

13. Which of the following is smaller in           size?                                                                                  12201070

      (a)  H                                             (b) Li+

      (c)  He                                            (d) Be+2

14. A metal having half filled p-orbital in its   configuration belongs to:                     12201071

      (a) IIA                                            (b) IIB

      (c) VA                                            (d) VIA

15. Lanthanide contraction occurs in the        elements for which electron filling       occurs in:                                                                           12201072

      (a) 3d                                             (b) 5d  

      (c) 4f                                              (d) 5f

16. Which one of the following is         isoelectronic with Ca+2:                                   12201073

      (a)  Sr+2                              (b) Na

      (c)  Ar                                            (d) Mg+2

17. Elements of group IB are called: 12201074  

      (a) Representative elements

      (b) Transition elements        (c) Rare earths 

      (d)  Coinage metals

18. Which one of the following is a non-          metal?                                                                               12201075

      (a) Bi                                  (b) Sb  

      (c) Al                                 (d) Br

19. Which is the pair of metalloids? 12201076

      (a) Na and K                       (b) F and Cl

      (c) As and Sb                      (d) Cu and Au

20. The elements placed on the extreme          right of the periodic table are: 12201077

      (a) Transition elements       (b)        Non-metals

      (c) Metalloids                                             (d) Metals

21. When we move from left to right along a period:                                                                               12201078

      (a)  reducing power of elements      increases

      (b)  Basic nature of oxides decreases

      (c)  Acidic nature of oxides decreases

      (d)  Atomic size increases

22. Which of the following has the highest      first ionization energy?                       12201079

      (a)  B                                              (b) C

      (c)  O                                             (d) N

23. Alkali metals are strong reducing agents because:                                                          12201080

      (a) These are metals

      (b) Their atomic radii are large

      (c) They are monovalent    

      (d) Their ionization energies are very low

24. Which of the following is not an ionic        hydride?                                                                            12201081

      (a) CsH                              (b) LiH

      (c) HCl                               (d) NaH

25. When hydrogen loses its electron to          form H+ ion, then it resembles:    12201082

      (a)  transition metals          (b) Halogens

      (c) Alkali metals                 (d) Noble gases

26. The hydration energy of Mg+2 is larger     than that of:                                                                 12201083

      (a)  Al+3                              (b) Na+

      (c)  Be+2                             (d) Si+4

27. Alkaline earth metals are:             12201084

      (a) Acidic in nature                        

      (b) Amphoteric in nature

      (c) Strong oxidizing agents             

      (d)  Strong reducing agents

28. The law of triads applies to the    following sets of elements:                  12201085

      (a)  B, N, C                                    (b) Be, Mg, Ca

      (c) Ar, K, Ca                                 (d) Se, Te, As

29. Point out the incorrect statement for        the periodic classification of elements:

       (a) The properties of the elements are the                      periodic function of their atomic                              numbers                                                          12201086

      (b)  Non-Metallic elements are lesser in                          no. than metallic elements

      (c)  The first ionization energies of                                             elements along a period do not vary             regularly with increase in atomic no.

      (d)  For transition elements the d sub-shells are filled with electrons monoatomically with increase in atomic no.

30. The law of triad is applicable to: 12201087

      (a)  C, N, O                       

      (b) H, O, N

      (c)  Na, K, Rb                   

      (d) Cl, Br, I

31. Mendeleev’s periodic table is upset by     fact that:                                                                            12201088

      (a)  Noble gases do not form compounds

      (b)  Many elements have several isotopes

      (c)  Atomic weights of elements are not                          always in whole no.

      (d) None of the above

32. The modern periodic table reveals that    the elements are:                                                         12201089

      (a)  Arranged in the order of increasing                         atomic weight

      (b)  Taken in group of eight

      (c)  Arranged in the order of increasing             no. of protons in the nucleus

      (d)  Arranged in the order of increasing no.  of neutrons in the nucleus

33. As we go from left to right in a period,     the atomic volume:                                          12201090

      (a)  First decreases then increases          

      (b)  First increases then decreases

      (c)  Increases regularly                

      (d)  Remains constant

34. Lower atomic volume generally leads      to         higher:                                                             12201091

      (a) Density                                                (b) Brittleness

      (c) Melting & Boiling Point        

      (d)  All of the above

35. Lithium is very similar to Mg although    these are placed in different groups. It           is due to fact that:                                    12201092

      (a)  Both have the same size        

      (b)  The ratio of their charge to size is                             same

      (c)  Both are found together in nature

      (d)  Both have same configuration

36. While moving from Li to F in II period,   there is a regular decrease in:            12201093 (a)        Ionization potential                     

      (b)  Electronegativity

      (c) Atomic mass                (d) Atomic size

37. The property ‘not shown’ by all   transition elements is that:                 12201094

       (a) These elements show variable valency

      (b)  These act as catalyst

      (c)  These are paramagnetic       

      (d)  All impart color to flame

38. Electronic configuration of four   elements A, B, C, D are as follows,    which will be the most metallic?  12201095

      (a)  A = 2, 8, 4                   (b) B = 2, 8, 6

      (c)  C = 2, 8, 8, 1   (d) D= 2, 8, 8, 7

39. Which of the following pair of elements   have the same no. of electrons in outer          most shell?                                                      12201096

      (a)  Sb and Bi                    (b) Na and Ca

      (c)  Pb and Sb                   (d) Na and O

40. The hydration energy is minimum for:     (a)        Cs+1                             (b) K+1                                   12201097

      (c) Na+1                             (d) Li+1

41. Which of the following ions will form       most water soluble hydroxide?           12201098

      (a)  Ni+2                             (b) K+1

      (c)  Zn+2                             (d) Al+3

42. Which of the following sets of elements    is arranged in increasing order of      electron affinity?                                             12201099

      (a)  F, Cl, Br                     (b) Br, Cl, F

      (c)  Br, F, Cl                     (d) Cl, Br, F

43. Ionization energy of N is higher than       that of oxygen because of:                  12201100

      (a)  Greater attraction of electrons by the                                   nucleus

      (b)  The half filled p-orbitals of N possess                       extra stability

      (c)  Greater penetration effect

      (d)  The size of the N atom being             smaller

44. The values of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th         ionization potentials of an element are          7.1, 14.3, 24.5, 46.8 & 162.2eV       respectively. The element is: 12201101

      (a)  Na                                                       (b) Ca

      (c)  Al                                                        (d) Si

45. Electronegativity of Be is same as that    of:                                                                                                  12201102

      (a)  B                                                         (b) Mg               

      (c)  Al                                                        (d) Na

46. From Li+ to Cs+ ion, the degree of           hydration:                                                                    12201103

      (a)  Decreases                                (b) Increases

      (c) Remains same             (d) None of these

47. Which of the following has least   density?                                                                                   12201104

      (a)  Mg                                                       (b) K

      (c)  Na                                                       (d) Li

48. The element which exists in liquid state   at room temp. is:                                                         12201105

      (a)  Hg                                                       (b) Br

      (c)  Ga                                                       (d) All of these

49. Size of cation is smaller than that of        atom, because:                                                            12201106

      (a)  The whole of outer shell of electron is                      removed

      (b)  Effective nuclear charge increases

      (c)  Gain of electrons

      (d)  Both (a) & (b)

50. Percentage covalent character in HF is:                                                                                                       12201107

      (a)  50%                             (b) 33%

      (c)  56%                             (d) 58%

51. The most electropositive element among Fe, Na, Cs, Pb is:                                12201108

      (a)  Fe                                            (b) Na

      (c) Cs                                            (d) Pb

52. Which pair of elements is chemically       most similar:                                                               12201109

      (a)  Na, Al                         (b) Cu, Au

      (c)  Ar, F                           (d) Se, Zr

53. The electronic configuration of an           element ‘M’ is ls2, 2s2, 2p6, 3s2. The   formula of its oxide will be:           12201110

      (a)  M2O                            (b) MO

      (c)  M2O3                           (d) MO2

54. Ionization energy is lowest for:    12201111

      (a)  Inert Gases    

      (b) Alkali Metals

      (c)  Halogens                    

      (d)  Alkaline Earth Metals

55. Which of the following has the highest     melting point?                                                             12201112

      (a)  NaCl                           (b) NaBr

      (c)  NaI                                          (d) NaF

56. Excluding H & He, the smallest   element in the periodic table is: 12201113

      (a)  Lithium                      

      (b) Fluorine

      (c)  Caesium                     

      (d) Iodine

57. Out of Na, Mg, Na+1 & Mg+2, the             highest ionization energy is of:           12201114

      (a)  Na                                           (b) Na+ 

      (c)  Mg                                           (d) Mg+2

58. The second electron affinity of oxygen     is:                                                                                                  12201115

      (a)  - 141 kJ mole-1 (b) + 780 kJ mole-1

      (c) - 337 kJ mole-1  (d) + 29 kJ mole-1

59. Which of the following is most      electropositive?                                                           12201116

      (a)  Na                                           (b) Mg

      (c)  Cs                                            (d) Li

60. Aluminium is diagonally related to:

      (a)  Li                                             (b) Be                          12201117

      (c)  Na                                           (d) B

61. The element with atomic no. 106 belongs to:                                                                  12201118

      (a)  s – block                      (b) p – block

      (c) d – block                      (d) f – block

62. The correct order of 1st Ionization           potential of C, N, O & F is:               12201119

      (a)  F > N > O > C            (b)        C > N > O > F

      (c)  O > F > C > N            (d)        N > C > F > O

63. In case of inner transition elements the    last electrons are received by:            12201120

      (a)  s – orbitals                   (b) f – orbitals

      (c)  p – orbitals                  (d) d – orbitals

64. In Mendeleev’s periodic table Zn, Cd,     Hg were placed with:              12201121

      (a)  Alkali metals  

      (b)  Alkaline earth metals

      (c)  Transition metals                  

      (d)  Coinage metals

65. Basic character of oxides increases         down the group due to:                       12201122

      (a)  Increase in electropositive character

      (b)  Increase in atomic size

      (c)  Increase in electron affinity

      (d)  Increase in both size & electropositive                     character

66. Atomic radius increases from top to         bottom within a group due to:             12201123

      (a)  Addition of an extra shell of electrons

      (b)  Increase in atomic number

      (c)  Increase in shielding effect

      (d)  All of the above

67. The second electron affinity is      endothermic due to:                                        12201124

      (a)  Repulsion of incoming                                                                      electron by negatively charged ion

      (b)  Attraction of Electron by Nucleus

      (c)  Decrease in size of atom

      (d)  Increase in electronegativity of atom

68. Mark the correct statement:          12201125

      (a)  Cl-1 is larger than Cl

      (b)  Na+ is larger than Na atom

      (c)  I- is smaller than I atom       

      (d)  I- and I are equal in size

69. Which one of the following elements        can have only negative oxidation states:

      (a) Br                                                        (b) F                12201126

      (c)  I                                                           (d) Cl

70. Which statement is incorrect?      12201127

      (a)  All metals are good conductor of heat                      & electricity

      (b)  All metals have high electron affinity

      (c)  Metallic character increases down the                     group

      (d)  All metals have low electronegativity

71. Which of the following oxides is   amphoteric in nature? (Board 2010) 12201128        

      (a)  ZnO                                         (b) MgO 

      (c)  SO3                                                       (d) P2O5

72. Which of the following statements is        incorrect about electronegativity?12201129

      (a)  Electronegativity is related to                                                ionization energy

      (b)  Electronegativity is related to electron                      affinity

      (c)  Electronegativity is the power of an                          atom to attract electron

      (d)  Electronegativity is the power of an                          atom to repel electron

73. Which of the following statements is        not correct:                                                                  12201130

      (a)  Atomic radius increases with the                                          increase in atomic no. along the                               period

      (b)  Ionization potential decreases down                                     the group

      (c)  Shielding effect increases down the                          group

      (d)  Electron affinity decreases down the                                    group

74. The difference in the physical and chemical characteristics of the elements of the A & B sub groups in the periodic table is the least in:                                            12201131

      (a)  Group I                       (b) Group III

      (c)  Group IV                    (d) Group VII

75. The strongest acid among the following   is:                                                                                                  12201132

      (a)  HI                                            (b) HBr

      (c)  HCl                             (d) HF

76. Among the ionic halides, which has         highest melting & boiling points: 12201133       (a)        Fluorides            (b) Chlorides

      (c)  Bromides                    (d) Iodides

77. The sixth period of periodic table             consists of 32 elements which are:


      (a)  Two s–block, six p–block and twenty                        four d–block elements

      (b)  Eight normal, ten d-block and 14f                            block elements

      (c)  Eight normal, ten transition and ten                                    inner transition elements

      (d) Eight normal & twenty four d – block                      elements

78. Which of the following is covalent           oxide   (Board 2007)                                          12201135

      (a)  BeO                             (b) MgO

      (c)  SrO                             (d) CaO

79. How many semi metals are present in      first period? (Board  2007)                                12201136

      (a)  Zero                            (b) 3

      (c)  2                                              (d) 6

80. Hydrogen can be placed in group IV A    because both: (Board 2008)                   12201137

      (a)  Act as strong oxidizing agents          

      (b)  Act as strong reducing agents

      (c)  Possess the property of catenation    (d)        Form neutral oxides

81. Most of the elements are: (Board 2010)


      (a)  Crystalloids     (b) Metals

      (c)  Metalloids                   (d) Non-metals

82. The number of elements in fourth             Period in modern Periodic table is:

(Board 2011) 12201139

      (a)  32                                            (b) 18    

      (c)  10                                            (d) 8

83. The decrease in atomic sizes is much       prominent across rows containing     elements of:                                                    12201140

      (a)  s-Block                        (b) p-Block     

      (c)  d-Block                       (d) f-Block

84. Potassium oxide is: (Board  2010)     12201141

      (a)  Acidic                          (b) Amphoteric

      (c)  Basic                           (d) Neutral

85. Elements of group IA are called: 12201142

      (a)  Alkali metals

      (b) Metalloids

      (c)  Alkaline earth metals

      (d) Coinage metals

86. Smaller the size of an ion:  (Board 2014)


      (a)  Lesser is the degree of hydration

      (b) Lesser is the polarizing power

      (c)  Greater is the electron affinity

      (d) Greater is the degree of hydration

87. Which of the following form         amphoteric oxide:                     (Board 2016)

      (a)  Na                                                       (b) Mg             12201144

      (c)  O                                                         (d) Zn













Q.1 To which block of the periodic table the rare earths belong?                                            12201145

Q.2 How does hydrogen resemble with elements of group IVA?          (Board 2009) 12201146

Q.3 What are metalloids? (Board 2011)                                                                                                                            12201147

Q.4 What are long periods?                 12201148

Q.5 What improvements were made in the modern periodic table?                            12201149

Q.6 What were the advantages of Mendeleev’s periodic table?                       12201150

Q.7 Why the melting points of halides decrease from left to right in a period?


Q.8 How does the nature of oxide (in the case of manganese oxides) change with the increase of oxidation number of the central atoms?                                                                     12201152

Q.9 What is the periodic trend of hydration energy?                                                   12201153

Q.10    The oxidation states vary in a period but remain almost constant in a group. Give reason.    (Board 2016)      12201154

Q.11    Why d and f-block elements are called transition elements?                           12201155

Q.12    The melting and boiling points of the elements increase from left to the right upto the middle of s and p-block elements and decreases onward. Why?                    12201156

Q.13    Why alkali metals give ionic hydrides?                                   (Board 2015)                 12201157

Q.14    Ionic character of halides decreases from left to the right in a period. Why?


Q.15    Why the order of hydration energy of the ions is Al+3 > Mg+2 > Na+12201159

Q.16    Why the electrical conductivities of the elements are related with the free electrons?                                                                               12201160

Q.17 Define the following:                             12201161

(i)         Coinage metals

(ii)  Rare earth elements

Q.18    Which are the longest and shortest periods of the periodic table?                12201162

Q.19    Why atomic radii decreases from left to right in a period?(Board  2009)          12201163

Q.20    Size of cation is smaller from its parent atom. Why?                                                             12201164

Q.21    Na+, Mg+2, Al+3 are Isoelectronic in nature. Do these ions have same ionic radii?                                                                                                 12201165

Q.22    2nd Ionization energy is greater than 1st Ionization energy, why?   12201166


Q.23    What are polymeric halides? 


Q.24    What are amphoteric oxides? Explain with an example.                               12201168

Q.25    Why the second values of electron affinity has positive sign? (Board 2008) 12201169

Q.26    What are bridge elements?     12201170

Q.27    How are elements classified into blocks?                                                                                           12201171

Q.28    Lanthanide contraction control the atomic size of elements of 6th &7th period? Explain.                                                                                         12201172

Q.29    Why transition elements show variable oxidation states?(Board 2015) 12201173

Q.30    What is shielding effect or screening effect?                                                              12201174

Q.31    Explain what do you mean by periodicity in properties?                               12201175

Q.32    What are inner transition elements?                                                                                      12201176

Q.33    Why the ionic radii of negative ions are larger than size of their parent atom?

                                                                            (Board 2008, 2010) 12201177

Q.34    Why metallic character increases from top to bottom in a group of metals?

  (Board 2006, 2014, 2015)   12201178

Q.35    Why diamond is non-conductor and graphite is fairly a good conductor of electricity?                                          (Board 2013)                          12201179  

Q.36    The hydration energy of Al+3 is three times greater than that of Ca+2. Why?                                                                           (Board 2006)          12201180

Q.37    Give the reason, why the radius of fluorine atom is smaller than that of fluoride ion.                                              (Board 2007)           12201181

Q.38    The hydration energies of IIA group elements are higher than those of IA group elements. Justify.            (Board 2007)          12201182

Q.39    Why the ionization energy decreases down the group and increases along a period?                      (Board 2008, 2014) 12201183

Q.40    Why heat of hydration of alkaline earth metals decreases down the group?


Q.41    What are hydrides? What is the trend of boiling points of hydrides down the group VI-A?                                 (Board  2010)           12201185

Q.42    Why melting and boiling points of elements belonging to group VA and VIIA are lower?                                               (Board  2011)  12201186

Q.43    Define electron affinity. Discuss its trend in periodic table. (Board  2013)  12201187

Q.44    How does ZnO behave as an amphoteric oxide?         (Board  2013, 2014)  12201188

Q.45    Why is the oxidation state of noble gases usually zero?          (Board  2013, 2014)  12201189

Q.46    Define modern periodic law.             

                                                                        (Board  2014)  12201190

Q.47    Why do metals conduct electricity?                                                                            (Board  2014)  12201191

Q.48    Although both sodium and phosphorus are present in the same period of the periodic table yet their oxides are different in nature, Na2O is basic while P2O5 is acidic in character. Give reason.   


Q.49    Zn, Cd, Hg were placed with alkaline earth metals in Mendeleev’s table. How this confusion is removed in the modern periodic table? (Board 2015) 12201193

Q.50    What is Lanthanide contraction?                                                                               (Board 2016) 12201194

Q.51    Name various classes of hydrides.                                                                              (Board 2016) 12201195

Q.52    How does hydrogen resemble with Alkali metals? Write any four points.                                                                                         (Board 2016) 12201196




s-Block Elements





Multiple Choice Questions


Encircle the correct answer.

1.   Which one of the following does not          belong to alkaline earth metals? 12202078

      (a) Be                                      (b) Ra

      (c) Ba                                      (d) Rn

2.   The oxides of beryllium are:         12202079

      (a) Acidic                                (b) Basic     (Board 2014)

      (c) Amphoteric            (d) None of these

3.   Which ion will have the maximum value   of heat of hydration?               12202080

      (a) Na+1                                   (b) Cs+1

      (c) Ba+2                                   (d) Mg+2

4.   Which one of the following is not an          alkali metal?    (Board 2009, 2013)            12202081

      (a) Francium               (b) Caesium

      (c) Rubidium              (d) Radium

5.   Which one of the following sulphates is         not soluble in water? (Board 2013) 12202082

      (a) Na2SO4                  (b) K2SO4

      (c) ZnSO4                                (d) BaSO4

6.   The element caesium bears           resemblance with:                                           12202083

      (a) Ca                                      (b) Cr

      (c) Both of the above              

      (d) None of the above

7.   Chile saltpetre has the chemical    formula:       (Board 2009, 10, 14, 15) 12202084

      (a) NaNO3                               (b) KNO3

      (c)  Na2B4O7                                            (d)Na2CO3.H2O

8.   The ore CaSO4.2H2O has the general        name:                          (Board 2016)                 12202085

      (a)  Gypsum                       (b) Dolomite

      (c)  Calcite                         (d) Epsom salt

9.   Down’s cell is used to prepare:     12202086

      (a)  Na2CO3                                                 (b) NaHCO3

      (c)  Sodium metal               (d) NaOH

10. Which of the following is deposited at       the cathode during the electrolysis of brine in Nelson’s Cell?                   12202087

      (a)  H2                                            (b) Na

      (c)  Cl2                                           (d) O2

11. Which is the most abundant alkali            metal in earth’s crust?                        12202088

      (a)  Cs                                            (b) Li

      (c)  K                                             (d) Na

12. Which of the following is the ore of           potassium?                                                      12202089

      (a)  Dolomite                      (b) Cryolite

      (c)  Bauxite             (d) Carnalite

13. Which is true about alkali metals? 12202090

      (a)  They are hydrolyzing agents    

      (b)  They are oxidizing and reducing agents

      (c)  They are reducing agents         

      (d)  They are oxidizing agents

14. The elements of group IA react violently with water and make the solution: 12202091

      (a)  Neutral                         (b) Amphoteric

      (c)  Acidic                         (d) Basic

15. Which of the following, when heated         strongly, gives brown fumes?     12202092

      (a)  KNO3                           (b) NaNO3

      (c)  CsNO3                         (d) LiNO3

16. Which of the following salts is fairly         soluble in water?                                                         12202093

      (a)  LiF                                           (b) BeF2

      (c)  MgF2                            (d) BaF2

17. In order to prevent rapid hardening of     cement, the clinker is ground into a     fine powder with:                                      12202094

      (a)  Limestone                    (b) Gypsum

      (c)  Lime                            (d) Clay

18. Rectified spirit is converted to absolute     alcohol by the dehydrating agent:

      (a)  Lime                            (b) Soda lime   12202095

      (c)  H2SO4                          (d) Al2O3

19. In Down’s cell if moisture is present         then, most likely products are: 12202096

      (a)  Na, Cl2                          (b) NaOH, H2, Cl2

      (c)  Na, HCl                         (d)  H2O2

20. In Nelson’s cell the solution coming out    of cathode compartment contains 16%           NaCl, the %age of NaOH in the          solution is:                                                                   12202097

      (a)  11%                             (b) 84%

      (c)  50%                             (d) 2%

21. In the reaction Be + 2NaOH ¾¾®          Na2BeO2+?                                                                  12202098

      (a)  H2­O                             (b) H2

      (c)  O2                                            (d) OH-1

22. Excess of NaOH with Zn forms:  12202099

      (a)  Zn(OH)2                       (b) ZnH2

      (c)  Na2ZnO2                      (d) ZnO

23. Which is the most important         byproduct        in the manufacturing of           NaOH?                                                                                                       12202100

      (a)  Na2CO3             (b) Cl2

      (c)  KOH                            (d) K2CO3

24. Dead burnt gypsum is:                              12202101

      (a)  Anhydrous Na2SO4

      (b)  CaSO4. 2H2O

      (c)  CaSO4 .½H2O                                      

      (d)  Gypsum which is strongly heated

25. Slaked lime is used in the   manufacturing of:                                           12202102

      (a)  fire bricks                    (b) Medicine

      (c)  Pigments                      (d) Cement

26. The least soluble alkaline earth metal       hydroxide is:                                                               12202103

      (a)  Sr(OH)2                        (b) Ba(OH)2

      (c)  Mg(OH)2                      (d) Be(OH)

27. When glue or some oil is added to dicalcium sulphate monohydrate as    retarder, the product is:                12202104

      (a)  Hard finish plaster

      (b)  Portland cement

      (c)  Plaster walls                            

      (d)  Cement plasters

28. In the reaction __________ + H2O ¾¾® NaOH + O2 the reactant is:                      12202105

      (a)  Na2O2                             (b) Na2O

      (c)  Na                                            (d) NO2

29. Which of the following oxides is used        by        mountaineers?                                    12202106

      (a)  Na2O2                          (b) K2O

      (c)  KO2                             (d) Li2O

30. A substance when heated gives CO2          but       is insoluble in water. If CO2 is passed into this substance       containing water         forms:             12202107

      (a)  Ca(OH)2                      

      (b) CaO

      (c)  CaH2                           

      (d) Ca(HCO3)2

31. Elements of group I A give color in           Bunsen flame due to:                           12202108

      (a)  Low melting point       

      (b)  Low ionization potential

      (c)  Single electron in valence shell

      (d)  Softness

32. Compounds of alkaline earth metals are less soluble in water than the corresponding alkali metals, because of:


      (a)  High lattice energy                   

      (b)  High ionization energies

      (c)  Their high electronegativity     

      (d)  Their increased covalent character

33. Mark the incorrect statement about          Lithium:                                                                            12202110

      (a)  Lithium metal is not affected by air

      (b)  When burnt in oxygen, lithium forms                 superoxide (LiO2)

      (c)  Lithium combines with N2 directly to                 form lithium nitride

      (d)  Lithium forms hydrides

34. The alkali metal that can react directly     with carbon to form ionic carbide is: 


      (a)  Na                                            (b) K   

      (c)  Li                                             (d) Cs

35. Sodium when dropped in water catches    fire because:                                                                12202112

      (a)  It is a metal

      (b)  It has high electron affinity

      (c)  It is highly electropositive in nature

      (d)  H2 gas is evolved in the reaction            which catches fire due to exothermic      reaction

36. The compound which possess highest        lattice energy is:                                                          12202113

      (a)  LiF                                           (b) NaCl

      (c)  KBr                              (d) CsI

37. The compound that undergoes      hydrolysis in hot water is:                   12202114

      (a)  LiCl                             (b) NaCl

      (c)  KCl                              (d) RbCl

38. Which of the following bicarbonates         does not exist as solid?                                    12202115

      (a)  LiHCO3                                              

            (b) NaHCO3

      (c)  KHCO3            

      (d) CsHCO3

39. Metallic luster exhibited by Na is explained by:                                                              12202116

      (a)  Diffusion of sodium     

      (b)  Oscillation of loose electrons

      (c)  Excitation of free protons

      (d)  Existence of body centered cubic                                   lattice

40. In the manufacture of sodium, NaCl is      fused with CaCl2                   to:                                                                                       12202117

      (a)  Decrease the ionization of NaCl

      (b)  Increase the ionization of NaCl

      (c)  Decrease the melting point of NaCl       (d)        Increase the melting point of NaCl

41. Compound used as antichlor in     bleaching is:                                                               12202118

      (a)  Na2S2O3                                              (b) Na2SO3

      (c)  NaCl                            (d) Na2SO4

42. Which of the following is highly soluble    in water?                                                         (a)        KCl                        (b) LiCl

      (c)  CsCl                             (d) CsI

43. The gas absorbed by caustic soda is:                                                                                                                           12202120

      (a)  NH3                             (b) CO

      (c)  CO2                              (d) N2O

44. When HCl gas is passed through a            saturated solution of NaCl, the            solubility          of NaCl:                                           12202121

      (a)  Does not change

      (b) Decreases

      (c)  Increases                     

      (d)  NaCl is decomposed

45. NaNO3 decomposes above 800°C to give:                                                                                      12202122

      (a)  N2                                            (b) O2     

      (c)  NO2                             (d) Na2O

46. Most thermally stable compound is:                                                                                                                            12202123

      (a)  Li2CO3                         (b) MgCO3

      (c)  K2CO3                          (d) NaHCO3

47. Which of the following will be least           soluble in water:                                                         12202124

      (a)  NaCl                            (b) MgCl2

      (c)  Na2SO4             (d) CaSO4

48. The most soluble alkaline earth metal       hydroxide is:                                                               12202125

      (a)  Be(OH)2                       (b) Mg (OH)2

      (c)  Ba (OH)2                      (d) Sr (OH)2

49. Which of the following metals dissolve      in NaOH with evolution of H2?  12202126

      (a)  Mg                               (b) Ba

      (c)  Ca                                (d) Be

50. BeF2 is soluble in water, whereas the         fluorides of other alkaline earth metals           are insoluble, because of:                        12202127

      (a)  Ionic nature of BeF2                 

      (b)  Covalent nature of BeF2

      (c)  Greater hydration energy of Be+2

            (d)  None of the above

51. Mg reacts with powdered KCl and:                                                                                                                            12202128

      (a)  Forms MgO                             

      (b)  Forms MgCl2

      (c)  Liberates oxygen                     

      (d)  Burns with intense light

52. Bleaching action of Bleaching Powder      is due to the formation of:                   12202129

      (a)  O2                                (b) Cl2

      (c)  Cl-                               (d) OCl-

53. Calcium does not combine directly           with:                                                                                  12202130

      (a)  C                                  (b) N2     

      (c)  O2                                (d) H2

54. When Gypsum is heated under      controlled conditions, it gives: 12202131

      (a)  CaO + SO3               (b) CaSO3

      (c)  CaSO4                         (d)        CaSO4. H2O

55. Carbides of alkaline earth metals react     with water to form acetylene except:                                                                                                                                                           12202132

      (a)  CaC2                                                        (b) SrC2                       

      (c)  MgC2                           (d) BeC2

56. The cation which gives a yellow precipitate with K2CrO4 in acetic acid is:                                                                                          12202133

      (a)  NH                           (b) Na+

      (c)  Ba+2                             (d) Be+2

57. Which cannot be used to generate H2?


      (a)  Al + NaOH               (b)  Zn + NaOH

      (c)  Mg + NaOH             (d)  LiH + H2O

58. Anhydrate, a drying agent is:        12202135

      (a)  Mg (ClO4)2                   (b) Sr (ClO4)2

      (c)  Ca (ClO4)2                               (d) Ba (ClO4)2

59. A basic refractory material is:      12202136

      (a)  SiO2                                         (b) CaO

      (c)  MgO                                        (d) Al2O3

60. Ca+2 is important in:                                  12202137

      (a)  Bones and teeth as Ca3(PO4)2

      (b)  Enamel on teeth as fluoroapatite

      (c)  Blood clotting and contraction of                                   muscles

      (d)  All of the above

61. Milk of magnesia is a suspension in           water, used for treatment of acidity in            stomach. It is:       (Board 2010)       12202138

      (a)  MgSO4                          (b) MgCO3

      (c)  Mg(OH) 2                     (d) MgCl2

62. Which of the following substances is         used to decrease the acidity of the soil?


      (a)  Magnesium sulphate                

      (b)  Calcium hydroxide

      (c)  Sodium chloride                      

      (d)  Ammonium nitrate

63. When excess of CO2 gas is passed through lime water, first white ppt.     are formed, which soon disappear, due             to formation of:                                                           12202140

      (a)  CaCl2                          

      (b) Ca(OH)2

      (c)  Ca(HCO3)2      

      (d) CaC2O4

64. Which one of the following elements is      likely to have an electronegativity       similar to that of Al?         12202141

      (a)  Ba                                            (b) Be

      (c)  Ca                                            (d) Mg

65. Sodium does not show +2 oxidation           state because of its:                                         12202142

      (a)  High electron affinity               

      (b)  High second ionization potential

      (c)  High ionic radius                     

      (d)  High electronegativity

66. Asbestos is the mineral ore of:      12202143

       (a) Mg                                           (b) Al

      (c)  Na                                            (d) Li

67. When NaCl is dissolved in water, sodium ion becomes:                           12202144

      (a)  Oxidized                      (b) hydrolyzed

      (c)  Hydrated                      (d) Reduced

68. Which compound is used for uric acid       treatment in human beings?    12202145

       (a) Li2CO                        (b) Na2CO3

      (c)  LiNO3                          (d) NaNO3

69. Lithium chloride is soluble in some organic solvents while sodium chloride is not, because:                                                   12202146

      (a)  Lattice energy of NaCl is less than         that of LiCl-

      (b)  Li+ has higher value of hydration                                   energy than that of Na+1

      (c)  LiCl is more covalent in nature than                               that of NaCl

      (d)  Li+ has lower value of hydration                                    energy than Na+

70. Which of the following is used in   desiccators?                                                                12202147

      (a)  MgCl2                             (b) CaCl2

      (c)  NaCl                            (d) Na2CO3

71. In Potassium Superoxide (KO2)    oxidation state of oxygen is: (Board   2007)


      (a)  -1                                             (b) -2   

      (c)                               (d) -4

72. Dolomite is an ore of: (Board 2008)


      (a)  Sr                                             (b) Mg 

      (c)  Ba                                            (d) K

73. Which element is not present         abundantly in the earth’s crust? 12202150

                                                       (Board 2008)

      (a)  Si                                             (b) Al

      (c)  Na                                            (d) O

74. Point out the element which form superoxide? (Board 2016)             12202151

      (a)  Li                                             (b) Na

      (c)  K                                             (d) C

75. One of the following is applied on wall      as white wash: (Board 2011)       12202152

      (a)  Lime water                   (b) Milk of lime

      (c) Milk of magnesia           (d) Limestone

Short Questions


Q.1 Why alkali metals do not occur free in nature?                                                                             12202153

Q.2 LiF is insoluble but BeF2 is soluble in water. Why?                                                                       12202154

Q.3 Beryllium is hard as iron but it is lightest of all the group IIA elements?


Q.4 Why are alkali metals strong reducing agents?                 (Board 2009)       12202156

Q.5 What is the trend of basicity of oxides down the group?                               12202157

Q.6 What is hard finish plaster? 12202158

Q.7 What happens when CO2 gas is passed through lime water?(Board 2008)12202159

Q.8 What are the solubilities of sulphates of alkali and alkaline earth metals?                                                                                                                        12202160

Q.9 What is the function of calcium in a plants growth?                                                                      12202161

Q.10    How KO2 can be used by mountaineers?                     (Board 2013)                   12202162

Q.11    Which element of group IA reacts with nitrogen and carbon?                                12202163

Q.12    Why Be does not react with water and reacts with alkali?                                  12202164

Q.13    What is the effect of temperature on hydroxides and carbonates of group IIA?                                                                                                   12202165

Q.14    What are two major problems during the working of Nelson’s cell? 12202166

Q.15    Why does lithium differ from its own family members?                                          12202167

Q.16    What are the solubilities of Alkali and Alkaline earth metal carbonates in water?                                                                       12202168

Q.17    Why lime water turns milky with CO2 but becomes clear with excess of CO2?   (Board 2007, 09, 13)              12202169

Q.18    Why 2% gypsum is added to the cement? What is clinker?

(Board 2006, 08, 13, 16)12202170

Q.19    In alkaline earth metal group Ca, Sr, Ba impart colors to flame whereas Be and Mg do not. Explain.                                       12202171

Q.20    Point out the three advantages of Down’s cell process for preparation of sodium.                                                                                    12202172

Q.21    Why sodium does not exist in +2 oxidation state?                                                       12202173

Q.22    Why is sodium metal stored in Kerosene Oil?                                                             12202174

Q.23    Why the aqueous solution of Na2CO3 is alkaline in nature?                                                                                      (Board 2007, 08, 10, 15) 12202175

Q.24    What is cement plaster and hard finish plaster?                                                                                 12202176

Q.25    Give two similar behaviours of lithium and magnesium.                                 12202177

Q.26    Beryllium forms amphoteric oxides. Explain.                                     (Board 2010)       12202178

Q.27    What is the difference between superoxide and peroxide?                              12202179

Q.28 Which one is spectator ion is Nelson cell reaction?                                                                                 12202180

Q.29    How the Cl2 gas of Nelson cell can be contaminated with O2? How this problem can be solved?                                           12202181

Q.30    How lime and sand are used to make glass?                            (Board 2015)       12202182

Q.31    Give the trend of solubility of group IIA hydroxides in the periodic table with a reason.                                      (Board 2011)       12202183

Q.32    What is meant by dead burnt gypsum?                                                                                         12202184

Q.33    How LiNO3 and NaNO3 differ on application of heat? Write chemical equation. OR  Prove decomposition of lithium nitrate give different products than nitrates of other alkali metals.

(Board 2010, 2015,2016)                 12202185

Q.34    How is lime mortar prepared?

(Board 2010, 2014)    12202186

Q.35    Solution of Na2O in water is alkaline. Justify the statement. (Board 2011)


Q.36    Reaction of alkali metal oxide with water is an acid-base reaction not oxidation-reduction reaction. Explain.                                                                           (Board 2013)  12202188

Q.37    Why alkali and alkaline earth metals are among the reactive elements of the periodic table?                                           12202189

Q.38    What is Plaster of Paris?  

(Board 2013)  12202190


      How gypsum is converted into Plaster of Paris?

Q.39    Why is lime added to acidic soil?                                                                                 (Board 2014)  12202191

Q.40    What is the action of litmus with aqueous solution of Na2CO3?  (Board 2014)


Q.41    Give formulas of (i) Natron

(ii) Halite)                   (Board 2016)  12202193

Q.42    Justify that BeO is an amphoteric oxide.                                                                                                   12202194

Q.43    What is the effect of heat on hydroxides of alkali metals?                   12202195

Q.44    Why is CaCl2 added in molten NaCl in Down’s Cell?             12202196










Group III-A And Group I


V-A Elements









Multiple Choice Questions


Encircle the correct answer.

1.   Which of the following does not belong     to IIIA group?                                                12203102

      (a)  B                                              (b) Ge

      (c)  Al                                            (d) In

2.   Which of the following is most abundant   in the earth crust?                   12203103

      (a)  Al                                            (b) Be

      (c)  Ba                                            (d) Bi

3.   Which is most acidic?                               12203104

      (a)  Na2O                            (b) MgO

      (c)  Al2O3                           (d) CaO

4.   Boron differs from the other members     of group IIIA because:                         12203105

      (a) It is a non–metal            

      (b) It is not covalent in its compounds

      (c) It forms B+3 ion

      (d) It has maximum covalency of six

5.   The Oxide of Boron is:                                  12203106

      (a)  Acidic                          (b) Basic

      (c)  Amphoteric      (d) Ionic

6.   An aqueous solution of Borax is: 12203107

      (a)  corrosive                      (b) acidic

      (c) alkaline             (d) neutral

7.   The compound formed in Borax bead                               test is:                                                                                12203108

      (a)  metal metaborate                     

      (b)  metal boride

      (c)  metallic boron                          (d)        boron oxide

8.   The formula of pyroboric acid is:   12203109

      (a)  H3BO3                          (b)HBO2

      (c)  H2B4O7                         (d) H6B4O9

9.   Aluminum is corroded in coastal places    near the sea, because protective oxide film:                                                                                  12203110

      (a)  reacts with sea water

      (b)  is removed by sea water

      (c)  is attacked by salt present in sea water

      (d)  reacts with sand particles

10. Conc.–HNO3 is stored in the container      of:                                                                                                  12203111

      (a)  Cu                                            (b) Al

      (c)  Fe                                            (d) Zn

11. Borax can be prepared by reacting           boric acid with:                                                           12203112

      (a)  caustic soda      (b) caustic potash

      (c)  soda ash                       (d) lunar caustic

12. The melting point of Sn and Pb is less as compared to group III elements because:                                                                            12203113

      (a) they are large in size                 

      (b) they are metalloids

      (c)  they do not use four valence electrons

      (d) they are all metals

13. When Al is added to KOH solution:


      (a) O2 is evolved                            

      (b) H2 is evolved

      (c) H2O is produced

      (d) No reaction occurs

14. Which of the following is a typical non–    metal?                                                                               12203115

      (a)  Pb                                            (b) Sn

      (c)  Ge                                            (d) C

15. Which of the following is not         characteristic property of carbon:


      (a)  multiple bond formation            

      (b)  catenation

      (c) highest electronegative element of                                  group

      (d) availability of d orbital for bonding

16. Poisonous gas present in fumes of automobiles is:                                                12203117

      (a)  CH4                              (b) C2H2

      (c)  CO                                           (d) CO2

17. Silicon carbide in used as:             12203118

      (a)  Dehydrating agent                    (b)        Abrassive        

      (c)  Catalyst                        (d)        Solvent

18. The structure of quartz, mica and asbestos have the common basic unit of:                                                                                                  12203119

      (a) SiO2                  (b) (SiO3)2–             

      (c) (SiO4)2–  (d) (SiO4)4–

19. Quartz is made of silicon and oxygen linked in a network arrangement that is similar to:                                                       12203120

      (a)  diamond                  (b) graphite

      (c)  silicon carbide  (d) sodium chloride

20. Which of the following is anhydride of      silicic acid?                                                                  12203121

      (a)  Si2O                             (b)        SiO

      (c)  SiO2                             (d)        SiO3

21. A chemical garden of crystals forms when a coloured compound like FeSO4, CuSO4 etc. are taken in a solution of: 

      (a)  CaSiO3             (b) MgSiO3   12203122

      (c)  Na2SiO3                       (d) Na2SiO4

22. Litharge or Massicot is the Oxide of         lead, it is formed in different forms. It            gives red colour in which crystalline   form?                                                                                      12203123

      (a)  Rhombic                      (b) Triclinic     

      (c)  Tetragonal                    (d) Cubic

23. Semiconductor is a substance that            shows   resistance to the passage of     current,           when it is heated, its resistance:                                                                   12203124

      (a)  increases                                  (b) decreases

      (c)  remains same  

      (d)  first increases then decreases

24. Lead chromate when heated with alkalies they give:                                                          12203125

      (a) Brown colour                (b) Yellow colour

      (c) Red colour                                (d) Green colour

25. Methyl silicon polymers are prepared       when di–chloro, di–methyl silicon is    allowed to react with:                          12203126

      (a) conc H2SO4                   (b) CH3Cl

      (c) H2O                                          (d) CH3OH

26. The Electropositive character increases           from B to Al and then decreases from        Al        to Tl down the group because of: 


      (a)  Decrease in Ionization energy of the                                   element

      (b) Increase in size of the element

      (c)  Ineffective shielding of nuclear       charge             by d-electrons in case of Ga, In,      Tl due       to which the valence electrons are         tightly held and are not easily lost

      (d) Decrease in Electronegativity

27. Which is Amphoteric?(Board 2009)


      (a)  Cr2O3             (b) Mn2O3     

      (c)  Al2O3              (d) Fe2O3

28. Inert pair effect is observed when:      


      (a) Element shows inertness in chemical                                  combination

      (b) When a bond pair of electrons is                             present in the element

      (c) Two s-electrons remain paired and do                    not participate in bonding

      (d) Non-metallic character decreases

29. B differ from IIIA group elements        because of:                                                                 12203130

      (a) Absence of inert pair effect

      (b) It’s high charge and small size

      (c) Absence of d-orbital

      (d) All of the above

30. In electrolysis of alumina, cryolite is    added:                                                                               12203131

      (a)  To decrease the M.P of Al2O3         

      (b) To increase electrical conductivity

      (c)  To minimize the anodic effect

      (d) To remove impurity from alumina

31. Which is more acidic in water? 12203132

      (a)  AlCl3                           (b) BeCl2

      (c)  FeCl3                          (d)None of these

32. B+3 is unknown because of:        12203133

      (a)  High 1st, 2ndand 3rd 1.E        

      (b) DH lattice is less than sum of three I.E

      (c)  Heat of hydration is less than sum of                                  three I.E

      (d) All of the above

33. Al metal is purified by:                     12203134

      (a)  Halls Process            

      (b) Baeyer’s Process

      (c)  Hoopers Process

      (d) None of the above

34. Borax bead test is not performed for: 

      (a)  Cu                                           (b) Ni                          12203135

      (c)  Zn                                           (d) Co

35. The formula of cryolite is:                     12203136

      (a)  NaAlF6                       (b) NaAl3F6

      (c)  Na3AlF6                      (d) Na3Al3F6

36. The peculiar character of carbon from            other family members is due to: 12203137

      (a)  Its very small size     

      (b) Non metallic character

      (c)  Catenation

      (d) All of the above

37. Super cooled liquid is called as: 12203138

      (a)  Vitreous liquid          

      (b) Fused quartz

      (c)  Silica Glass                

      (d) All of the above

38. Which is not correct?                              12203139

      (a)  On heating, conductivity of metal                           decreases

      (b) On heating, conductivity of semi-                           conductor decreases

      (c)  Mobility of electrons increases when                      semi-conductor absorbs the light

      (d) On heating, conductivity of semi-                           conductor increases

39. Which is not semi conductor?   12203140

      (a)  SiC                              (b) NaCN      

      (c)  CdS                             (d) PbS

40. The viscosity of silicones increases by   ________ when temperature is        dropped:                                                                    12203141

      (a) 100 times                    

      (b) 4 times

      (c)  50 times                     

      (d) No change

41. Chemical composition of colemanite is:                                                                               (Board  2006)                                 12203142

      (a)  Ca2 B6 O11.5H2O

      (b) Ca B4O3 4H2O

      (c)  Na2B4O7.4H2O   

      (d) Ca NaB5O9.8H2O

42. The solubility of Borax at 100°C is:                                                                                                                  12203143

      (a) 100 gram in 100 gram of H2O         

      (b) 99 gram in 100 gram of H2O

      (c)  4 gram in 100 gram of H2O

      (d) 99.3 gram in 100 gram of H2O

43. Which of the following does not form   boric acid?                                                                 12203144

      (a)  Borax + HCl             

      (b) Borax + H2SO4

      (c)  Borax + H2O

      (d) Borax + Copper Oxide

44. Which of the following is soluble in      water?                                                                              12203145

      (a)  Dioxoboric Acid

      (b) Trioxoboric Acid

      (c)  Boric Anhydride

      (d) Sodium Dioxoborate

45. Which of the following statements is    correct?                                                                            12203146

      (a)  Aluminium is used for making ships

      (b) Aluminium is less conductor of                               electricity than iron

      (c)  Aluminium is used to remove air                            bubbles from molten metals in their                       extraction methods

      (d) Aluminium is an excellent oxidizing                                   agent

46. All crystalline forms of silica have        regular tetrahedral arrangement of           four oxygen atoms around each Si-         atom, but        differ in shapes due to:


      (a)  Different Si – O bond lengths         

      (b) Breakage of some Si - O bonds

      (c)  Formation of Si – Si bonds

      (d) Different rotation of Si – O bond

47. Which of the following pigments is       used    for yellow marking of roads?


      (a)  Pb3O4                         (b)       2PbCO3.Pb(OH)2

      (c)  PbCrO4                      (d)       Na2CrO4.PbCrO4

48. Ordinary glass is:                                                12203149

      (a)  Magnesium Silicate              

      (b) Calcium and Sodium Silicate

      (c)  Calcium Silicate

      (d) Sodium Silicate

49. Which one of the following gases will turn lime water milky?                                   12203150

      (a)  Cl2                                           (b) NO2

      (c)  CO                                          (d) CO2

50. What is the formula of red lead? 12203151

      (a)  Pb3O4                                  (b) Pb2O3

      (c)  PbS                             (d) PbCO3.Pb(OH)2

51. Tincal is a mineral of                                       12203152

                                                                                (Board 2006, 2014, 2016)

      (a)  Al                                            (b) B

      (c)  Si                                             (d) C

52. In borax bead test, when borax is         heated with cobalt oxide it forms bead       of:                                                                                           12203153

      (a)  Black colour                          

      (b) Blue colour

      (c)  Red colour

      (d) Green colour

53. Which metal is used in the thermite     process because of its activity?                                                                    (Board  2009, 2013,2016)      12203154

      (a)  Iron                             (b) Copper    

      (c)  Aluminium     (d) Zinc

54. Boric acid cannot be used: (Board  2010)


      (a)  As antiseptic in medicine     

      (b) For washing eyes

      (c)  In soda bottles           

      (d) For enamels and glazes

55. Basic lead chromate is formed when    lead chromate is boiled with:           12203156

      (a)  dilute alkali hydroxide

      (b) dilute acid                              (c)        strong acid                

      (d) strong alkali hydroxide

56. Orthoboric acid when heated to red     hot gives:                    (Board  2011)                      12203157

      (a)  boric anhydride        

      (b) Pyroboric acid

      (c)  metaboric acid                      

      (d) tetraboric acid

57. Following is used in making fire proof             clothes:                       (Board  2011)                      12203158

      (a)  Water glass                (b) Borax glass

      (c)  Kaolin                                     (d) Asbestos

58. Kaolin is a mineral of:   (Board 2014)


      (a) Carbon                                               (b) Magnesium

      (c) Silicon                                     (d) Aluminium

59. Aluminium oxide is:  (Board 2015)


      (a)  acidic oxide                  (b)        basic oxide      

(c)        amphoteric oxide  (d)    none of these

60. Which element forms an ion with charge +3:                                                                    12203161

      (a)  Beryllium                     (b)        Aluminium

      (c)  Carbon             (d)        Silicon

61. Which electronic configuration corresponds to an element of Group-IIIA of the periodic table:                    12203162

      (a)  1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p1                    

      (b)  1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p6,4s2              

(c)        1s2,2s2,2p6                               

(d)        1s2,2s2,2p6,3s2,3p3

62. Which element among the following  belongs to Group IVA of the periodic table:                                         (Board 2013)   12203163

      (a)  Barium             (b)        Iodine

      (c)  Lead                            (d)        Oxygen

63. Which of the following elements is not present abundantly in earth’s crust?


      (a)  Silicon             (b)        Aluminium

      (c)  Sodium                        (d)        Oxygen

64. The chief ore of aluminium is:

(Board 2014, 2015)  12203165

      (a)  Na3AlF6                       (b)        Al2O3.2H2O

      (c)  Al2O3                           (d)        Al2O3.H2O

65. White crystalline substance having 37% solubility in water at 107oC is:


      (a)  Na2B4O7                       (b)        HBO2

      (c)  H6B4O9            (d)        H3BO3

66. China wares are made from a mixture of Kaolin, boneash and:                           12203167

      (a)  Litharge                       (b)        Asbestos

      (c)  Feldspar                       (d)        Talc

67. Which of the following is used in the manufacture of flint glass:               12203168

      (a)  Boric acid                    (b)        Litharge

      (c)  Feldspar                       (d)        Lead suboxide






Q.1      Why the atomic size in group-III varies down the group?                                               12203169

Q.2      Why Boron differs from its own family members?                                                                       12203170

Q.3      Why aqueous solution of borax is alkaline in nature?      (Board 2015)   12203171

Q.4 Why orthoboric acid (H3BO3) is called mono basic acid?

(Board  2011)      12203172

Q.5 Why Nitric acid is transported in Al containers?                                                              12203173

Q.6 Tin and Lead are metals but their M.P and B.P is less than C, Si &Ge. Why?     


Q.7 What is s-inert pair effect? 12203175

Q.8 Why CO2 is gas and SiO2 is solid although they are oxides of the same group?  (Board  2006, 2013, 2014)      12203176

Q.9      What are acids of boron? Which one is most stable?        (Board 2014)                   12203177

Q.10    Why are silicones considered better lubricants than petroleum?

(Board 2008)  12203178

Q.11    What is Borax Bead Test?

                                                (Board  2008, 2013)                           12203179

Q.12    How does borax act as water softening agent?                                                                  12203180

Q.13    What is the effect of Heat on H3BO3?                     (Board 2009, 2014)            12203181

Q.14    What is Anodizing of “Al”? 12203182


Q.15    How are silicone polymers prepared?                                                                                (Board  2009)                12203183

Q.16    How boric acid is titrated with alkali?                                                                                            12203184

Q.17    What are semi conductors?

                                                                        (Board  2010)    12203185

Q.18    Why Ge, Se and Si are semi conductors?                                                               12203186

Q.19    What is chrome yellow?                   12203187

Q.20    What is formula of white lead? Give its uses and properties also.           12203188

Q.21    How semi conductor is used in transistors?                                                                                   12203189

Q.22    How aqueous solution of Borax turns red litmus into blue colour?        12203190

Q.23    What is the effect of temperature on semi conductor?                                                     12203191

Q.24    How is the clay hardened?   12203192

Q.25    How does the structure of SiO2 differ from CO2.?                                                            12203193

Q.26    How are ordinary petroleum compared with silicone oils as lubricant?


Q.27    What is the effect of temperature on the solubility of borax?                              12203195

Q.28    What is thermite process?    12203196

Q.29    What happens when white lead is heated in air at about 340°C?(Board 2008) 12203197

Q.30    Why does Aluminium not react with HNO3?                                (Board  2006)      12203198

Q.31    How is the glassy mass produced from borax?                  (Board  2008)                      12203199

Q.32    What are silicates?(Board  2009)12203200

Q.33    Why is CO2 non-polar in nature? OR Explain structure of CO2.                       12203201

                                                            (Board  2009, 2015)          

Q.34    How carbon behaves differently from other members of its own group?

                                                                        (Board 2010)       12203202

Q.35    How weathering phenomena convert Potassium feldspar into clay?

(Board 2010, 2014)                            12203203

Q.36    Give uses of lead sub oxide.

                                                                        (Board 2011)       12203204

Q.37    How Al finds its uses in metallurgy and photoflash bulbs?          (Board 2011)12203205

Q.38    Give the names and the formulas of three ores of aluminium (Board 2006, 13)


Q.39    Write the reactions of boric acid with:                                                (Board 2014, 2015)    12203207

Q.40    Give reactions of Al with (a) NaOH (b) H2SO4                                                                              12203208

Q.41    What is chemical garden? 

(Board 2014)  12203209

Q.42    Give two similarities between Carbon and silicon. (Board 2015)  12203210

Q.43    How borax can be prepared from colemanite? Give equation.   

(Board 2016)  12203211

Q.44    Give any two uses of sodium silicate.                                                   (Board 2016)  12203212

Q.45    Give reaction when borax is heated with CoO.                                                                                         12201213

Q.46    Write a structural formula showing silicon dioxide a covalent – network  solid. What is its formula unit?                  12203214

Q.47    Borate glazes are better than silicate glazes. Explain.             12203215

Q.48    What is chrome yellow? Give its uses.                                                                                     12203216





Group Va and Via Elements








Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the correct answer.                          

1.      Which of the following elements is most metallic?                                                          12204060

      (a)       As                  (b)     P

      (c)       Bi                   (d)     Sb

2.      Which one of the following is acidic oxide?                                                        12204061

      (a)       N2O3                             (b)     N2O5

      (c)       N2O4                             (d)     N2O    

3.      Nitric oxide is prepared by the action of dilute HNO3 on:                                              12204062

      (a)       Fe                   (b)     Cu

      (c)       Zn                  (d)     Sn

4.   Laughing gas is prepared by heating:


      (a)       NaNO3           (b)     Ca(NO3)2

      (c)       NH4NO3                  (d)     NH4NO2

5.      Ring test is used to confirm the presence of:                                                       12204064

      (a)       Nitrogen

      (b)      Nitrogen dioxide

      (c)       Nitride

      (d)      Nitrate ion

6.      Which allotropic form of phosphorus is very reactive & poisonous?      12204065

      (a)       Red                (b)     Black

      (c)       Violet             (d)     White

7.      Aqua Regia is a mixture of conc. HNO3 and conc. HCl, its reactivity is due to the evolution of a gas:         12204066

      (a)       NO                 (b)     NO2

      (c)       Cl2                                   (d)     N2O

8.   CH3OH +? ¾¾® CH3Cl + H3PO3:


      (a)       PCl5                               (b)     POCl3    

      (c)       P4 + Cl2                     (d)     PCl3

9.      Phosphorus has the oxidation number +3 in:                                                      12204068

(a)           Metaphosphoric acid

(b)           Orthophosphoric acid

(c)           Phosphorus acid

(d)           Pyrophosphoric acid

10.    PCl5 is kept in a well stoppered bottle because:                                                  12204069

(a)           It is highly volatile

(b)           It is decomposed by light

(c)           It reacts with air of atmosphere to                      give POCl3

(d)           It reacts with moisture of air

11.    Yellow colour of Nitric acid is due to the presence of:                                                    12204070

      (a)    NO                 (b)     NO2

(     (c)    N2O                (d)     N2O5

12.    Oxygen is more electronegative than sulphur, yet H2S is acidic and H2O is neutral because:                                                        12204071

      (a)    H2O is associated due to H-  bonding

      (b)    H-S bond is weaker than H-O           bond

      (c)    H2S is gas while H2O is liquid

      (d)    Molecular weight of H2S is more      than H2O

13.    In contact process impurities of Arsenic are removed by:                      12204072

      (a)       Fe(OH)3                   (b)     Al(OH)3

      (c)       Cr(OH)3                   (d)     Fe23

14. The volatility of H2SO4 is low due to:

      (a)       Strong bonds                                               12204073

      (b)    High molecular mass

      (c)    Covalent bonds

      (d)    Hydrogen bonding

15.    Conc. H2SO4 dehydrate the oxalic acid into:                                                       12204074

      (a)       CO2 + H2O    

      (b)      CO + H2O

      (c)       C + H2O        

      (d)      CO + CO2 + H2O

16.    If current is allowed to pass through pure conc. H2SO4. It behaves as:

         (a)    Good conductor                               12204075

      (b)    Non conductor

      (c)    Weak conductor

      (d)    Ionize into H+ &

17.    Concentrated HNO3 acts as oxidizing agent when treated with red phosphorus gives:                                   12204076

      (a)       P­2O3                              (b)     P2O5         

      (c)       HPO3                           (d)     H3PO4

18.    Which one of the following is wrong statement about H2SO4?                12204077

      (a)    Sulphonating agent

      (b)    Highly viscous

      (c)    Reducing agent

      (d)    Oxidizing agent

     19.    Which element does not belong to group VI A?                                                     12204078

      (a)    S                    (b)     As

      (c)    Te                  (d)     Po

20.    Which element of group VIA shows the only two covalency?                 12204079

      (a)    S                    (b)     O

      (c)    Se                   (d)     Te

21.    Anamolous behaviour of Nitrogen is due to:                                                       12204080

      (a)    Ease of formation of triple bond

      (b)    Its small size and high E.N.

      (c)    Absence of d-orbitals

      (d)    All of the above

22. N2 molecule is less reactive due to:                                                                                    12204081

      (a)    High E.N.

      (b)    Stable electronic configuration

      (c)    High dissociation energy

      (d)    Small atomic radius

      23.   Which oxide changes to colorless solid?                                                     12204082

      (a)    N2O                (b)     N2O4

      (c)    N2O5                             (d)     NO

24. Which statement is false?              12204083

      (a)    NH3 is a lewis acid              

      (b)    NH2 is triangular planar

      (c)    NH3 acts as a reducing agent

       (d)   NH3 (liquid) is used as a solvent

25. Moist ammonia gas is dried over:                                                                                     12204084

      (a)    P2O5                             

            (b)    Anhydrous CaCl2

      (c)    CaO              

      (d) Conc. H2SO4

26.    Nitrous oxide is prepared in the laboratory:                                                      12204085

      (a)    By combination of N2 and O2

      (b)    Reduction of NO

      (c)    Reduction of Nitric Acid

      (d)    Thermal decomposition of                NH4NO3

27. Aqueous solution of NH3 consists of:                                                                                 12204086

      (a)    H+                                     (b)    

      (c)    NH4+                             (d)     NH4+ +

28.    In NO3-1 the number of Bond pairs and lone pairs of electrons on nitrogen are:                                             12204087

      (a)    2, 2                 (b)     3, 1

      (c)    1, 3                 (d)     3, 0

29. FeSO4 forms brown ring with: 12204088

      (a)       NO2                               (b)     N2O3

      (c)       NO                 (d)     N2O4

30. The formula of laughing gas is:                             (Board 2010, 2013, 2015)                      12204089

      (a)    N2O                (b)     NO2

      (c)    N2O3                             (d)     N2O4

31. NO2 is used as:                                                      12204090

      (a)    Rocket Fuel

      (b)    Catalyst in the manufacture of                      H2SO4 in lead chamber process

      (c)    Starting material in the         manufacturing of HNO3

      (d)    All of the above

32. NO2 is treated with KI then:         12204091

      (a)    I-1 is oxidized

      (b)    I-1 is reduced

      (c)    I2 is not liberated

      (d)    Potassium nitrite is not formed

33. HNO2 acts as:                                                       12204092

      (a)    Oxidizing agent

      (b)    Reducing agent

      (c)    Oxidizing and reducing agent

      (d)    Dehydrating agent

34.    Zinc and v.dil. HNO3 reacts to form:


      (a)    NO                

      (b)    NO2               

      (c)    NH4NO3                 

            (d)    N2O

35. Gold dissolves in aqua regia to give:                                                                                 12204094

      (a)    Aurm Chloric Acid

      (b)    Auric Chloride

      (c)    Aurous Chloride

      (d)    Mixture of all of the above

36.    Molecular formula of white phosphorous is:                                                      12204095

      (a)    P4                                      (b)     P

      (c)    P3                                      (d)     P2

37. Which phosphorous is most stable?                                                                                  12204096

      (a)    White             (b)     Black

      (c)    Red                (d)     All are equal

38.    What is general electronic configuration of VI, A group elements?                                                    12204097

      (a)    ns2 np4                       (b)     ns2 np3

      (c)    ns2 np2                       (d)     ns2 np5

39. AgNO3 gives yellow ppt with:        12204098

      (a)    Ca3(PO4)2              (b)     Na3 PO4

      (c)    Mg3(PO4)2             (d)     None of these

40.    The catalyst used in contact process is:               (Board 2009)       12204099

      (a)    P2O5                              (b)     V2O5

      (c)    SO3                                 (d)     Ag2O

41. Which is Tribasic Acid?                12204100

      (a)       H3PO4                         (b)     H3PO3

      (c)       Both (a & b)   (d)     None of these

      42.   Which of the following shows phosphorescence?                                        12204101

      (a)    Yellow P        (b)     Black P

      (c)    White P          (d)     Red P

43.    What are possible products for hydrolysis of PCl3?                                            12204102

      (a)       PH3 + HClO      (b)   H3PO4 + HCl

      (c)       H3PO3 + HClO (d)    H3PO3 + HCl

44.    Phosphorus when reacted with SOCl2 gives:                                                      12204103

      (a)    PCl5                               (b)     H3PO3

      (c)    PCl3                               (d)     H3PO4

45.    Which of the following cannot expand its outer shell of electrons beyond the octet?                                                            12204104

      (a)       O                    (b)     S

      (c)       Se                   (d)     Te

      46.   Which compound will give carbon with concentrated H2SO4?                  12204105

      (a)    Starch            

      (b)    Ethyl Alcohol

      (c)    Oxalic Acid   

      (d)    Formic Acid

      47.   Which of the following is called oil of vitriol?                                                         12204106

      (a)    H2S                (b)     H2SO3

      (c)    H2SO4                         (d)     HNO3

      48.   Which of the following chlorides gives white precipitate with H2SO4? 12204107

      (a)    NaCl              (b)     MgCl2

      (c)    BaCl2              (d)     ZnCl2

49.    When P2O5 is treated with Nitric Acid, the acid is converted to: 12204108

      (a)    NO2                               (b)     NO

      (c)    N2O3                             (d)     N2O5

      50.   When P2O3 is reacted with hot water the products formed are:                 12204109

      (a)    H3PO3                         (b)     H3PO4

      (c)    H3PO3 + PH3   (d)     H3PO4 + PH3

51.    The brown gas formed when metal reduces HNO3 is:                                                     12204110

            (Board 2006, 2013, 2014)    OR                 

         Which of the following is a reddish brown gas:

      (a)    N2O                (b)     N2O5   

      (c)    NO2                               (d)     NO

52. Oxidation of NO in air produces: (Board 2007,16)                                                 12204111

      (a)    N2O                (b)     N2O3

      (c)    N2O4                             (d)     N2O5

53.    The percentage of nitrogen by volume in air is:  (Board 2007) 12204112

      (a)    98                  (b)     88

      (c)    78                  (d)     68

54.   Which of the following is not the property of phosphorous?(Board 2008)


      (a)    It means light bearing          

      (b)    It does not exist free in nature

      (c)    Rich source of phosphorous in          bone ash

      (d)    It does not exist in allotropic            forms

55.    SO3 is not absorbed in water directly to form H2SO4 because: (Board 2008) 12204114

      (a)    The reaction does not go to   completion      

      (b)    The reaction is quite slow

      (c)    The reaction is highly exothermic

      (d)    SO3 is insoluble in water

56.    The most poisonous form of phosphorus is:                                                        12204115

      (a)    White             (b)     Red

      (c)    Black             (d)     Amorphous

57.    At 18oC the specific gravity of H2SO4 is:  (Board 2010)                                                                      12204116

      (a)    1.891             (b)     1.834

      (c)    2.101             (d)     1.740

58.    Among the elements of VA group which has highest ionization energy:

                                       (Board 2016)   12204117

      (a)    Nitrogen         (b)     Phosphorous

      (c)    Antimony       (d)     Bismuth

59.    Among group VA elements, the most electronegative element is:           12204118

(a) Sb                              (b)        N        

(c) P                                            (d)        As

60.    Out of all the elements of group VIA, the highest melting and boiling point is shown by the element:      12204119

(a) Te                              (b)        Se                   

(c) S                                            (d)        Pb

61.    Which of the following species has the maximum number of unpaired electrons?                                                            12204120

(a) O2                              (b)        O2+      

(c) O2                             (d)       

62.    When sugar is treated with Conc.H2SO4, it becomes black due to:                                                            (Board 2013) 12204121

(a) Decolourization          (b)        Dehydration

(c) Hydrolysis                  (d)        Hydration

63.    Which of the following has three allotropic forms:                                            12204122

(a) Oxygen                                  (b)        Sulphur

(c) Selenium                                (d)        Telurium

64.    Decomposition of NO2 to NO and O2 takes place at:                                           12204123

(a) 630oC                                     (b)        625 oC

(c) 620 oC                        (d)        615 oC

65.    The composition of aqua regia (by volume) is:                                                               12204124

(a) 1 HNO3, 3HCl            (b)        2 HNO3, 2HCl

(c) 2HNO3, 1 HCl (d)        3HNO3, 1 HCl










Short Questions

Q.1      Why in group-V nitrogen can form maximum number of oxides?                  12204125

Q.2      How N2O resemble O2?                       12204126

Q.3      What products are obtained when NO2 is allowed to dissolve in the presence & absence of O2?                                                                     12204127

Q.4      In the formation of NO why electric arc is used?                                                                                12204128

Q.5      Why can HNO3 acid give fumes in air?                                                                                                           12204129

Q.6      Why HNO3 acid acts as an oxidizing agent?                                                                12204130

Q.7      Why only HNO3 is preferred to be used in explosive?                                                 12204131

Q.8      Why is white phosphorous more reactive than red phosphorous?       12204132

Q.9      Why phosphorous acid H3PO3 acts as a dibasic acid?                                                             12204133

Q.10    What are the natural sources of phosphorous?                                                                       12204134

Q.11    Why pure conc. H2SO4 is a non-conductor?                                                                            12204135

Q.12    Write some uses of H2SO4.

(Board 2014)          12204136

Q.13    The outer most p-Sub shell of group V-A elements are very stable. Why?


Q.14    How Nitrogen differ from other family members with reference to oxidation state?                                                               12204138

Q.15    Justify N2O is supporter of combustion.                      (Board 2014)                               12204139

Q.16    How HNO2 acts as an oxidizing agent?                                                                                               12204140

Q.17    How HNO2 acts as a reducing agent?              (Board 2015)                 12204141

Q.18    What is aqua regia? How it dissolves noble metals like gold?

(Board 2013, 14) 12204142

Q.19    How PCl5 and NH3 differ in structure?                                                                       12204143

Q.20    P2O5 is dehydrating agent. Justify.

                                                 (Board 2014)                                          12204144

Q.21    How oxygen differs from other family members?                                                       12204145

Q.22    What are optimum conditions for manufacture of H2SO4 by contact Process?


Q.23    Why SO3 gas is not dissolved directly in H2O for the preparation of H2SO4?                                                                                      12204147

Q.24    H2SO4 is known as king of chemicals. Why?   (Board 2014)                              12204148

Q.25    NO2 is strong oxidizing agent. Justify with two examples.

(Board 2008) 12204149

Q.26    What types of oxides are formed by elements of group VA?                                       12204150

Q.27    What is the effect of temperature on phosphoric acid?           (Board 2009)      12204151

Q.28       How does sulphur occur in nature?                                                                                     12204152

Q.29    What are practical uses of HNO3?

 (Board 2014, 15)                                            12204153

Q.30    Why the outer most p-sub-shells of group VA are extra stable?                                  12204154

Q.31    Give the reactions of dilute nitric acid with:                                      (Board 2006)       12204155

(a) Mg                         (b) Cu

Q.32    Sulphuric acid can be prepared by any concentration by contact process. Discuss.                               (Board 2007)                       12204156

Q.33    Describe ring test for the confirmation of nitrate ions in solution.

                                                            (Board 2008, 2010)            12204157

Q.34    Why the elements of group VIA other than oxygen show more than two oxidation sates?      (Board 2016)                                12204158

Q.35    How red phosphorous is prepared from white phosphorous?                         12204159

Q.36    Nitric acid acts as oxidizing agent while nitrous acid can act both as an oxidizing and a reducing agent.                        12204160

Q.37    Oxygen is a gas while sulphur is a solid. Explain.                                                                   12204161

Q.38    Give the advantages of contact process for the manufacturing of sulphuric acid. (H2SO4).                                                                             12204162

Q.39    What is the effect of heat on NO2?                                                                                                       (Board 2009)       12204163

Q.40    Justify that Conc.H2SO4 acts as dehydrating agent by writing two equations.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            (Board 2010, 2013, 2016)                 12204164

Q.41    Name three allotropic forms of phosphorous.                                                              (Board 2011)                 12204165

Q.42    Justify with one example each that HNO3 is an acid, an oxidizing agent and nitrating agent.             (Board 2008)                                                                                                                                                                                                    12204166

Q.43    State three reactions of Zinc with HNO3 considering its concentration and temperature.                                                                                     (Board 2009)                                                                                     12204167

Q.44    Give two methods for preparation of PCl3.     (Board 2013)                                                                         12204168

Q.45    Give the name of four elements which do not react with nitric acid. (Board 2013) 12204169

Q.46    Give the structure of HNO2 and HNO3.    (Board 2010, 2013)

Q.47    What happens when NO2 is dissolved in water?    (Board 2014)                                                  12204170













The Halogens And The Noble Gases






Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   Which of the following hydrogen halides is the weakest acid in solution?

      (a) HF                                            (b) HBr 12205056

      (c) HI                                             (d) HCl (Board 2013)

2.   Chlorine heptaoxide Cl2O7 reacts with      water to form: (Board 2008)     12205057

      (a) hypochlorous acid                     (b) chloric acid

      (c) perchloric acid             

      (d) chlorine and oxygen

3.   Hydrogen bonding is the strongest in        the molecules of:                      (Board 2009)  12205058

      (a) HF                                            (b) HCl

      (c) HBr                               (d) HI

4.   Which halogen will react with Au spontaneously to produce Au+312205059

      (a) Br2                                            (b) F2                               (Board 2014)

      (c) I2                                               (d) Cl2

5.   The anhydride of HClO4 is:                                                                                              (Board 2008, 2009, 2013)       12205060

      (a) ClO                               (b) ClO2    

      (c) ClO3                              (d) Cl2O7

6.   Bleaching powder may be produced by     passing chlorine over:                         12205061

      (a) calcium carbonate         

      (b) hydrated calcium sulphate

      (c) anhydrous calcium sulphate

      (d) calcium hydroxide

7.   Which is the strongest acid?                    12205062

      (a) HClO                            (b) HClO2                 (Board 2014, 15)                                                 (c) HClO3                     (d) HClO4

8.   Which halogen occurs naturally in a         positive oxidation state? (Board 2016)12205063

      (a) Fluorine             (b) Chlorine

      (c) Bromine                        (d) Iodine

9.   An element that has high ionization          energy and tends to be chemically       inactive would most likely to be: 12205064  

      (a) an alkali metal              

      (b) a transition element

      (c) a noble gas                   

      (d) a halogen

10. Which of the following represents the       correct electronic configuration of the            outermost energy level of an element of         zero (VIII) group in the ground state?  

      (a) s2p2                                                  (b) s2p4                                                  12205065

      (c) s2p5                                           (d) s2p6

11. Which is the radioactive halogen?           

      (a) Br                                             (b) At                           12205066

      (c) Cl                                              (d) F

12. Which of the following halogens is            solid at room temperature?                 12205067

      (a) I2                                               (b) Br2

      (c) F2                                                        (d) Cl2

13. Photographic plates are coated with a       film of:                                                                               12205068

      (a) AgNO3                          (b) AgI

      (c) AgCl                             (d) AgBr

14. Fluorine is largely used in:                        12205069

      (a) rocket fuels                

      (b) making Teflon

      (c) Making Freon               

      (d) All of the above

15. What is the formula of Teflon?     12205070

      (a) CCl3.F2                                      (b) (C2F4)n

      (c) O(CF2.CCl)n                  (d) C.Cl3.F

16. One of the halogens which forms the         maximum number of compounds with            Xe is:                                                                                 12205071

      (a) F                                                           (b) Cl  

      (c) Br                                                         (d) I

17. Halogens react with H2S and:       12205072

      (a) form sulphur halides      (b) are reduced

      (c) are oxidized                   (d) none of these

18. Iodine stains can be removed by:


      (a) CaSO4                                                   (b) NaCl

      (c) Na2S                                                     (d) Na2S2O3

19. The most stable oxyacid of chlorine is: OR which one is perchloric acid?             12205074

      (a) HClO4                                                   (b) HClO3                

      (c) HClO                                                    (d) HClO2

20. The acid employed for etching of glass      is:                                                                                                   12205075

      (a) Aqua regia                                            (b) HF

      (c) HClO4                                                   (d) H2SO4

21. Which of the following has the highest      pH value?                                                                          12205076

      (a) HF                                                                    (b) HCl

      (c) HBr                                                       (d) HI

22. Bleaching powder is a salt of:         12205077

      (a) HClO                                                    (b) HClO2

      (c) HClO3                                                   (d) HClO4

23. The decomposition of potassium chlorate is a disproportionation reaction which gives:                                 12205078

      (a) KClO4 + KCl + O2                    

      (b) KClO2 + KCl                

      (c) KCl + Cl2                     

      (d) KClO + KCl

24. A gas with boiling point -61oC usually      collected from the radioactive decay of           radium isotopes is:                                           12205079

      (a) Ne                                 (b) Ar

      (c) Kr                                 (d) Rn

25. Which of the following is used as a            non-stick coating for cooking PANS?  


      (a) PVC     

      (b) Teflon

      (c) Dichlorodifluoromethane

      (d) Ethylene dibromide

26. Sodium or potassium iodide is added to    the iodized salt to avoid:                      12205081

      (a) Hyper acidity                (b) Hypertension

      (c) Beri-beri                                   (d) Goiter

27. Krypton traces present in air,       colourless, odourless, and fairly          expensive gas give line emission       spectrum         with spectral lines of: 12205082

      (a) Yellow colour              

      (b) Red colour

      (c) Blue colour

      (d) Green and orange colour

28. Helium gas is used in:                                12205083

      (a) Traffic signals              

      (b) Electric bulbs

      (c) Flash lamps for photography                 

      (d) Bactericidal lamps

29. Fluorine does not form salts like   NaClO3, NaIO3 because:                     12205084

      (a) F is small sized atom    

      (b) F has maximum electronegativity

      (c) F has high electron affinity        

      (d) F has valence shell octet

30. Which of the halogens does not form        pentahalide of phosphorus?    12205085

      (a) F                                               (b) Cl

      (c) Br                                             (d) I

31. Chlorine acts as bleaching agent only       in the   presence of:                                         12205086

      (a) Pure O2                         (b) Dry Air

      (c) Moisture                       (d) Sunlight

32. Which of the following acids is      thermally         stable?                                                 12205087

      (a) HClO3                           (b) HClO

      (c) HClO4                           (d) HClO2

33. Which of the following halogens will         not form oxyacid?                                           12205088

      (a) Cl                                              (b) F

      (c) Br                                             (d) I

34. All halogens act as oxidizing agents           when:                                                                                12205089

      (a) They combine with non-metals

      (b) They combine with noble gases

      (c) They combine with metals        

      (d) Both (a) and (c)

35. Which of the following is found     naturally in free form?                       12205090

      (a) F2                                             (b)        Cl2

      (c) Br2                               (d)        None of the above

36. Which of the following has only -1           oxidation state?                                                           12205091

      (a) F                                               (b) Br

      (c) Cl                                              (d) I

37. The deficiency of iodine in diet causes a disease in human beings called:  12205092

      (a) Beri-Beri                                               (Board  2010)   

      (b) Night blindness

      (c) Goiter                           (d) Rickets

38. In the preparation of Cl2 from HCl,          MnO2 acts as:                                                              12205093

      (a) Reducing agent

      (b) Dehydrating agent

      (c) Oxidizing agent

      (d) Catalytic agent

39. Iodine is most soluble in solution of:         

      (a) KMnO4             (b) KI               12205094

      (c) H2O                              (d) KOH

40. Which of the following is used in   radiotherapy for cancer treatment?


      (a) Rn                                            (b) Xe   (Board  2006)

      (c) Kr                                            (d) Ar

41. Among noble gases, xenon has more common compounds due to its:

      (a) Zero electron affinity                             12205096

      (b) Structure

      (c) High ionization energy

      (d) Low ionization energy

42. Which noble gas is used in bactericidal     lamps?                                                                               12205097

      (a) He                                                         (b) Kr

      (c) Ne                                                         (d) Xe

43. Which of the following cannot be bleached by the bleaching powder?    


      (a) Cotton                           (b) Paper pulp 

      (c) Linen                            (d) Silk

44. Xe fluorides can be reduced to Xe by        treating them with:                                         12205099

      (a) Carbon                                      (b) Hydrogen

      (c) Carbon monoxide          (d) Nitrogen

45. Which of the following inert gases is         used in fluorescent tubes and in radio tubes?                                                                                12205100

      (a) He                                             (b) Ne

      (c) Ar                                             (d) Rn

46. For bleaching powder which is      incorrect?                                                                    12205101

      (a) Reacts with dilute acid to release Cl2       (b) Light yellow coloured powder

      (c) Highly soluble in water

      (d) Oxidizing agent

47. Silver bromide is used in:  (Board 2010)


      (a) Paints                            (b) Photography 

      (c) Ceramics                       (d) Gasoline

48. The strongest acid is  (Board  2011)  


      (a) HF                                            (b) HBr

      (c) HCl                               (d) HI

49. The element which causes burn to skin      that heals slowly.     (Board 2011) 12205104

      (a) F2                                  (b) Br2

      (c) Cl2                                 (d) I2

50. Which of the following noble gas is used for arc welding and cutting:

                                                                (Board 2016) 12205105

      (a) Helium                          (b) Argon

      (c) Xenon                           (d) Radon




Q.1 Why fluorine has low dissociation energy?                                                                                          12205106

Q.2 Why HF is a liquid and other are gases?                                                                                             12205107

Q.3.     Why iodine has metallic luster?

                        (Board  2010, 2014, 2015)  12205108

Q.4 How does bleaching powder act as an oxidizing agent?                                                     12205109

Q.5 Halogens are strong oxidizing agents. Why?                                                                     12205110

Q.6 Why fluorine and chlorine act as decolorizing agents?   (Board  2008)        12205111

Q.7 How do you justify that Cl2O7 is the anhydride of perchloric acid?                       12205112

Q.8 How does radon differs from its own family members?                                        12205113

Q.9 Give uses of Helium? (Board 2016)


Q.10    How the solubilities of noble gases are affected in water? (Board 2015) 12205115

Q.11    What is the effect of high voltage on noble gases?                                                                         12205116

Q.12    How is xenon obtained?                      12205117

Q.13    What are the commercial uses of iodine?                                                                                      12205118

Q.14    How do you justify the decreasing bond dissociation energy of halogen acids?


Q.15    What are the reasons due to which fluorine shows peculiar behaviour from other members of the group?                   12205120

Q.16    Why HClO4 is a strong acid than HBrO4 and HIO4?                                                   12205121

Q.17    How will you justify that the reaction of chlorine with NaOH in the cold state is disproportionation reaction? 


Q.18    Compare the acidic strengths of halogen acids.                                                                       12205123

Q.19    What is the order of oxidizing power of halogens?                                                      12205124

            F2 + 2Cl-1 ¾¾® Cl2 + 2F-1

Q.20    Why hydrogen fluoride is a liquid and other are gases?                                                          12205125

Q.21    What are the commercial uses of bromine?                                                                                  12205126

Q.22    What factors affect the oxidizing power of halogens?                                                 12205127

Q.23    What is the trend of thermodynamic properties of halogen acids?                                                                                    12205128

Q.24    What are freons and Teflon? Write structural formula of Teflon. Give uses.

(Board 2009, 2010, 2015, 2016) 12205129

Q.25    Give important uses of radon.


Q.26    The acidic strength of the oxyacids of halogens increases with the increase in the number of oxygen atoms why? 12205131

(Board 2006, 2014)

Q.27    Why is HF a weaker acid than HCl?              (Board  2008, 09, 10, 14, 15) 12205132

Q.28    How are the halogen acids ionized in water? Also give the chemical equation.

                                                (Board 2008, 11)                12205133

Q.29    How is the activity of bleaching powder measured?                (Board 2009) 12205134

Q.30    F2 is gas while I2 is solid at room temperature. Why?              (Board  2009) 12205135

Q.31    The elements of VIIIA group are called noble gases. Comment.

(Board  2011)   12205136

Q.32    Give the names and formulae of oxyacids of chlorine.            (Board  2014) 12205137

Q.33    Write the reaction of NaOH with Cl2 in cold state.     (Board  2014) 12205138

Q.34    Write any two uses of krypton.  

      (Board  2016) 12205139

Q.35    The viscosity of water is more than HF. Justify.                                                                           12205140

Q.36    F – F bond in fluorine is weaker than Cl – Cl bond in chlorine. Why?                                                                                                                   12205141

Q.37    Why halogens are colored?

Q.38    Why most of noble gas compounds involve only fluorine and oxygen? 12205143







Transition Elements


Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   The electronic configuration of Cu

      (At No. 29) is:                                                        12206054

      (a)  [Ar] 3d9 4s2                  (b) [Ar] 3d9 4s1

      (c)  [Ar] 3d10 4s1                 (d) [Ar] 3d10 4s2

2.   Group VII – B of transition elements        contains:                                                                            12206055

      (a) Cu, Ag, Au                    (b) Mn, Tc, Re

      (c) V, Nb, Ta                      (d) Fe, Ru, Os

3.   Lanthanides and Actinides are also           called:                                                                              12206056

      (a) inner transition elements

      (b) outer transition elements

      (c) typical transition elements

      (d) non typical transition elements

4.   Fe+3 is strongly paramagnetic and has:    

      (a) 2 unpaired electrons                   12206057

      (b) 3 unpaired electrons

      (c) 4 unpaired electrons

      (d) 5 unpaired electrons

5.   Coordination number of iron in    K4[Fe(CN)6] is:                                               12206058

      (a)  + 3                               (b) + 4

      (c)  - 4                                (d) 6

6.   Which one is not a typical transition         metal?                                                                         12206059

      (a)  Ag                                (b) Au

      (c)  Y                                 (d) Ru

7.   The number of unpaired electrons in        Mn+2 is:                                                                            12206060

      (a)  3                                  (b) 5

      (c)  6                                  (d) 7

8. The strength of binding energy of    transition elements depends upon:  

                                                                                (Board 2013, 2014) 12206061 

      (a)  no. of unpaired electrons

      (b)  number of valence electrons

      (c)  number of lone pairs of electrons

      (d)  number of bond pairs

9.   Mild steel contains carbon percentage:                                                     (Board 2016)     12206062

      (a)  0.1 – 0.2%                              (b) 0.3 – 0.7%

      (c)  0.7 – 1.5%                              (d) 1.6 – 2.0%

10. The formula of limonite (ore of iron) is:


      (a)  FeO                   (b) Fe3O4                                            

      (c)  Fe2O3                (d) Fe2O3. 3H2O         

11. The percentage of carbon in different       types of iron products is in the order:  


      (a)  wrought iron > steel > cast iron 

      (b)  cast iron > wrought iron > steel

      (c)  steel > cast iron > wrought iron

      (d)  cast iron > steel > wrought iron

12. The colour of transition metal       complexes is due to:   (Board 2014)         12206065

      (a)  paramagnetic nature     

      (b)  variable oxidation states

      (c)  d – d transition of electrons      

      (d)  high conductivity

13. Which is formula of tetra-ammine            chloro-nitro platinum (IV) sulphate?                                                                                                                    12206066

      (a)  [Pt(NH3)4 (NO2)Cl]SO4

      (b)  [Pt(NO2)Cl(NH3)4] SO4

      (c)  [Pt(Cl(NO2) (NH3)4] SO4          

      (d)  [Pt(NH3)4 (NO2)] SO4

14. In steel presence of some Mn provides:                                                                                                                            12206067

      (a)  rust proofing               

      (b)  hardness & tensile strength

      (c)  lustrous surface

      (d)  malleability

15. The equation

      2CrO42- + 2H+            Cr2O72- + H2O

      is at equilibrium, what       will happen if OH- ions are added to it:                      12206068

      (a)  equilibrium shifts to left

      (b)  equilibrium shifts to right

      (c)  no change in equilibrium

      (d)  none of the above

16. Chromyl chloride test is performed for     the identification of:                                        12206069

        (a)  K+ ions             (b) Na+ ions

      (c)  Cl ions                     (d) Cr+3 ions

17. The oxidation state of Mn in K2MnO4       is:                                                                                                  12206070

      (a)  + 5                                           (b) + 6 

      (c)  + 7                                           (d) + 2

18. d-block elements which show anam-         olous configuration in first series are:   


      (a)  Cr & Cu                       (b) Cr & Ni

      (c)  Cu & Co                       (d) Fe & Ni

19. The state of hybridization of Cu in            [Cu(NH3)4]+2 is:                                                           12206072

      (a)  sp3                                            (b) dsp2

      (c)  dsp3                              (d) sp3d2

20. Transition elements form complexes         because they have:                                          12206073

      (a)  small sizes                   

      (b)  strong binding energy

      (c)  vacant d-orbitals          

      (d)  large nuclear charge

21. The most durable metal plating on iron    to protect against corrosion is:            12206074

      (a)  nickel plating              

      (b)  copper plating

      (c)  tin plating                    

      (d)  zinc plating

22. Bessemer converter is used for the            manufacture of:                                                          12206075

      (a)  steel                             (b) wrought iron

      (c)  cast iron                       (d) pig iron

23. Acidified KMnO4 acts as:             12206076

      (a)  oxidizing agent  (b) reducing agent

      (c)  catalyst               (d) medium

24. Stadeler’s process is used to prepare:                                                                               (Board 2013)        12206077

      (a)  K2MnO4                       (b) K2CrO4             

      (c)  KMnO4                        (d) K2Cr2O7

25. What is the formula of chromyl    chloride?                                                                                 12206078

      (a)  CrOCl                          (b) CrO2Cl2

      (c)  CrOCl2             (d) CrO2Cl

26. A complex of the polydentate ligands        with same metal ion which has one or more rings in its structure are called:

      (a)  Leachates                                                         12206079

      (b) Polymers

      (c)  Chelates                                  

      (d)  Interstitial compounds

27. If the complex ion is negatively     charged           then the name of the metal      ends in:                                                                              12206080

      (a)  -O                                            (b) -ate

      (c)  -yl                                            (d) -ic

28. The complex [Ti(H2O)6]+3 absorbs yellow light, while most of the blue and red lights are transmitted, therefore the solution of complex looks in ____colour:                                                                     12206081

      (a)  red                                           (b) green                                  

      (c)  violet                           (d) yellow

29. The maximum oxidation state is shown     by which of the following transition    elements?                                                                          12206082

      (a)  chromium                    (b) iron

      (c)  cobalt                           (d) manganese

30. Which of the following group elements     are called non-typical transition          elements?                                                                          12206083

      (a)  group II B and IV B                 

      (b)  group II B and III B

      (c)  group III B and V B                 

      (d)  group I B and II B

31. The geometry of the complex        [Co(NH3)6]+3 is:                                                           12206084

      (a)  tetrahedral                   

      (b)  square Planar

      (c)  trigonal Bipyramidal                

      (d)  octahedral

32. The formula of haematite ore of iron        is:                                                                                                  12206085

      (a)  Fe2O3                           (b) Fe3O4

      (c)  Fe2O3 .3H2O     (d) FeS

33. Which of the following is not a slag?                     (a)        MnSiO3                        (b) FeSiO3        12206086

      (c)  Ca3(PO4)2                     (d) P2O5

34. The manufacturing of steel by open          hearth process completes in:   12206087

      (a)  8 hours                         (b) 6 hours

      (c)  10 hours                       (d) 12 hours

35. The open hearth furnace will have            acidic lining of SiO2 when the impurities present in cast iron       contains:                                                                       12206088

      (a)  P and S             (b) Mn and S

      (c)  P and Si                        (d) Mn and Si

36. The open hearth furnace is lined with       dolomite (CaO, MgO), basic lining      when    impurities in cast iron contains:   


      (a)  P and Si                        (b) P and S

      (c)  S and Mn                     (d) Mn and Si

37. Chromates and dichromates are the         salts of:                                                                              12206090

      (a)  H3CrO4 and H2Cr2O7    

      (b)  H2CrO4 and H2Cr2O7

      (c)  H3Cr2O7 and H2CrO4                

      (d)  HCrO4 and H2CrO4

38. The Cr2O and CrO4-2 ions in an            aqueous solution exist in equilibrium, when acid is added to such solution, the           equilibrium will shift:                          12206091

(a)        left side            

      (b)  right side

      (c)  equilibrium remains uneffected

      (d)  both forward and reverse side

39. The oxidation state of Ag in the     complex [Ag(NH3)2]Cl is:                    12206092

      (a)  +2                                            (b) +3

      (c)  +1                                            (d) 0

40. K2Cr2O7 is used as:                                               12206093

      (a)  disinfectant            (b) germicide

      (c)  preservative           (d) leather tanning

41. Which of the following is a typical             transition element? (Board 2016)          12206094

      (a)  Si                                 (b) Y

      (c)  Ra                                (d) Co

42. Group IIB of transition elements contains:                                                                                 12206095

      (a)  Zn, Cd, Hg                   (b) Fe, Ru, Os

      (c)  Cr, Mo, W                    (d) Mn, Te, Re

43. Wrought iron contains:                            12206096

      (a)  0.12% to 2.5% C         

      (b)  0.15% to 1.5% C

      (c)  0.12% to 0.25% C        

      (d)  1.5% to 2.5% C

44. The chemical formula of pyrolusite is:                                                                                                                        12206097

      (a)  MnO2                           (b) K2MnO4

      (c)  K2Cr2O7                       (d) K2CrO4

45. The geometrical shape of the complex       ion [Mn Cl4]-2 is:                                                         12206098

      (a) Tetrahedral                   

      (b) Octahedral

      (c) Trigonal Bipyramidal    

      (d)  Square Planar

46. In the manufacture of steel by open          hearth furnace, the temperature is kept          at:                                                                                                  12206099

      (a)  100°C                          (b) 1600°C

      (c)  2000°C             (d) 2500°C

47. Rusting of metal takes place in:    12206100

      (a)  air                                            (b) moist air

      (c)  CO2                              (d) O2

48. Which of the following metals is found      most abundant in earth crust?                12206101

      (a)  Fe                                            (b) Al  

      (c)  Mn                                           (d) Cr

49. KMnO4 when reacts with sulphuric          acid, produces:                                                12206102

      (a)  HMnO2                       

      (b) MnO2

      (c)  5 Oxygen -atoms                     

      (d)  3 Oxygen -atoms

50. Which of the following compounds           generally forms purple crystals? 


      (a)  K2CrO4                         (b) K2Cr2O7

      (c)  K2MnO4                       (d) KMnO4

51. Which of the following ions contains         five unpaired electrons?                                  12206104

      (a)  Cr+3                              (b) Ni+2

      (c)  Mn+3                             (d) Fe+3

52. Which one of the following is not slag?                                                                                                           12206105

      (a)  Na2SiO3                        (b) CaSiO3

      (c)  MnSiO3                        (d) FeSiO3

53. When iron atoms are substituted by          Cr, Mn and Ni atoms, then it is called:


      (a)  alloy Steel                    (b) bronze       

      (c)  german Silver   (d) brass

54. Which one of the following ions is colourless?                                                                  12206107

      (a)  Sc+3                              (b) Ti+3

      (c)  V+3                               (d) Cr+3

55. Which one of the following elements does not show variable oxidation state?

      (a)  Sc                                                        (b) Cu  12206108

      (c)  V                                                         (d) Zn

56. Which of the following pairs is strongly    paramagnetic?                                                 12206109

      (a)  Mn+2, Fe+2                     (b) Mn+3, Fe+2

      (c)  Mn+2, Fe+3                     (d) Mn+3, Fe+3

57. Zn+2 salts are colourless due to:    12206110

      (a)  no of unpaired d-electrons

      (b)  all d-electrons are unpaired

      (c)  all d-orbitals are empty

      (d)  two d-orbitals are hybridized

58. Large pieces of magnesium are bolted to ships to prevent corrosion of the iron propeller shaft. Mg acts as:                   12206111

      (a)  sacrificial cathode        

      (b)  sacrificial anode

      (c)  magnesium hydride     
(d)  none of the above

59. Water pipes are protected from rust         by:                                                                                                12206112

      (a)  tin plating                    

      (b)  galvanizing with Zn

      (c)  both (a) and (b)            

      (d)  none of the above

60. In acidic medium which one of the            following acts as oxidizing agent?

      (a)  K2CO3              (b) KI                           12206113

      (c)  H2S                              (d) K2Cr2O7

61. The name of [Ni(CO)4] is:             12206114

      (a)  Nickel (II) Tetracarbonyl

      (b)  Tetracarbonyl Nickel (0)

      (c) Nickel (0) tetracarbonyl

      (d)  Tetra carbonyl nickel (IV)

62. Pure iron rod having no impurity when    dipped in water then the iron is:   

      (a)  oxidized                       (b) corroded  12206115

      (c)  not corroded     (d) magnetized

63. Aluminum is added to the steel when        manufactured at the end. It is added   to:                                                                                                  12206116

      (a)  protect it from rusting  

      (b)  remove slag

      (c) form alloy steel            

      (d)  to remove bubbles of gases such as                                Nitrogen

64. The formula of natural chromite is:


      (a)  Cr2(SO4)3                      (b) FeO. Cr2O3

      (c)  Cr2O3                           (d) CrO2Cl2

65. The element which extracts carbon           from cast iron in Bessemer converter is:                                                                                                   12206118

      (a)  Mn                                            (b) Si     (Board 2006)

      (c)  Fe                                 (d)  MnO

66. Which of the following is a non-typical     transition element? (Board 2007, 15) 12206119

      (a)  Cr                                            (b)  Mn

      (c)  Zn                                            (d)  Fe

67. The first transition series starts with:                                                                                           (Board 2007) 12206120

      (a)  Sc                                            (b) Y

      (c)  La                                            (d) Ac

68. Group VI-B of transition elements            contains:                                             (Board 2008, 09) 12206121

      (a)  Zn, Cd, Hg                   (b)  Mn, Te, Re

      (c)  Cr, Mo, W                    (d)  Fe, Ru, Os

69. Oxidation number of Fe in            K4[Fe(CN)6]    is:                    (Board  2009) 12206122

      (a)  +4                                (b)  +2

      (c)  +6                                (d)  -4

70. Coordination number of Pt in [PtCl(NO2)(NH3)4] is:

                                    (Board  2010, 15) 12206123

      (a)  2                                  (b)  4

      (c)  1                                  (d)  6

71. f-block elements are also called: 12206124

      (a)  non-typical transition elements

      (b)  outer transition elements (Board  2011)

      (c)  inner transition elements          

      (d)  normal transition elements

72. Following property of transition metal      does not vary with a regular pattern:  


      (a) binding energy                         

      (b)  melting point

      (c)  covalent radius

      (d)  cationic radius

73. The total number of transition elements is:                                                                       12206126

      (a) 10                                             (b) 14

      (c) 40                                             (d)        58

74. The coordination number of Cu in [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 is: (Board 2014)   12206127

      (a) Zero                              (b) Two

      (c) Four                              (d)        Six

75. Fe+3 and Mn+2 are strongly paramagnetic as they both have _____ unpaired electrons.                               12206128

      (a) Six                                            (b) Four

      (c) Five                              (d)        Three

76. CrO2Cl2 is a:                                                            12206129

      (a) Colorless gas                 (b) Deep red liquid

      (c) Colorless solid              (d)        a brown liquid












Q.1          Tin plated Iron gets rusted more rapidly when the protective coating is damaged than unplated Iron. Why?

                                                                (Board  2009, 13, 14) 12206130

Q.2 How galvanizing helps to protect Iron from rusting?                    (Board 2009) 12206131

Q.3          What are typical and non-typical transition elements?               (Board 2008, 14) 12206132

Q.4          What is paramagnetism? What are its units?                                (Board  2009, 2014)            12206133

Q.5          What is d – d transition? / Why transition metal compounds are coloured?


Q.6          What are interstitial compounds?


Q.7          What are substitutional alloys?


Q.8          How formula of a complex ion is written when its name is given?            12206137

Q.9          What is corrosion?                                              12206138

Q.10    What is the % age of C in steel?


Q.11    Define sacrificial corrosion.

(Board 2016)      12206140

Q.12    Give chemistry of chromyl chloride test.                     (Board  2010, 2013, 2016)            12206141

Q.13    Give two methods of preparing KMnO4.                                                                                       12206142

Q.14    What are chelates?

(Board 2007, 2010, 14)    12206143


Q.15    What is coordination sphere? Explain with an example.

      (Board 2006)       12206144

Q.16    What is meant by coordination number?                                            (Board  2009)    12206145

Q.17    What is the trend of binding energies in transition elements?             12206146

Q.18    Why transition metals show catalytic properties?                                                       12206147

Q.19    What is the trend of ionization energy in the transition elements?      12206148

Q.20    Why Cu and Cr shows abnormal electronic distribution?                                           12206149

Q.21    What are various forms of commercial iron? (Board 2015)     12206150

Q.22    What type of open hearth furnaces are used for manufacturing of steel? 12206151

Q.23    Why little amount of Aluminium is added at the end of melting process in Bessemer’s Converter?

                                                (Board 2008, 09, 10)        12206152

Q.24    How corrosion of metals can be prevented?                                                                            12206153

Q.25    What are the uses of potassium chromate?                                                                             12206154

Q.26    What are physical properties of potassium permanganate?                            12206155

Q.27    How chromate ions are converted into dichromate ions?                                            12206156

Q.28    What are inner transition elements?                                                                                      12206157

Q.29    Why Sc+3, Zn+2 and Ti+4 ions form colorless compounds?                                            12206158

Q.30    Which element of the 3d-series has maximum number of oxidation states and why?                                                                                            12206159

Q.31    How many un-paired electrons are present in Cr(24) and Ag(47)? Mention also their electronic configurations.

                                                (Board  2010)      12206160

Q.32    Write formulas of chromate and dichromate ions. In which color they usually exist?             (Board  2011)        12206161

Q.33    Complete and balance the following chemical equation:         (Board  2016)      12206162

KMnO4 + FeSO4 + H2SO4 ® ?

Q.34    Why transition elements are called so?                                                                                                                 12206163

Q.35    The melting and boiling points of Zn, Cd and Hg are low. Why?                    12206164

Q.36    A transition metal exhibits highest oxidation state in oxides and fluorides. Give reason.                                                              12206165

Q.37    Define the terms ligands, coordination sphere and coordination number.                                                                        12206166

Q.38    What are commercial forms of Iron?                                                                                      12206167





Fundamental Principles of

Organic Chemistry



Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   The state of hybridization of carbon     atom in methane is:                           12207043

      (a)  sp2                                           (b) sp3 (Board 2007, 09, 13)

      (c)  sp                                             (d) dsp2

2.   In t-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon is          bonded to:                                                            12207044

      (a)  two hydrogen atoms   

      (b)  three hydrogen atoms

      (c)  one hydrogen atom                

      (d) no hydrogen atom

3.   Which set of hybrid orbitals has planar           triangular shape?(Board 2006, 13) 12207045

      (a)  sp3                                           (b) sp

      (c)  sp2                                           (d) dsp2

4.   The chemist who synthesized urea        from    ammonium cyanate was:12207046

      (a)  Berzellius                    (b) Kolbe

      (c)  Wholer                                    (d) Lavoisier

5.   Linear shape is associated with which set of hybrid orbitals?(Board  2009)  12207047

      (a)  sp                                             (b) sp2

      (c)  sp3                                           (d) dsp2

6.   A double bond consists of:                     12207048

      (a)  two sigma bonds        

      (b)  one sigma and one pi bond

      (c)  one sigma and two pi-bonds  

      (d) two pi-bonds

7.   Ethers show the phenomenon of: 

      (a)  position isomerism                              12207049

      (b)  functional group isomerism

      (c)  metamerism     (d)       cis-trans isomerism

8.   Select from the following which one is alcohol?                                                                      12207050

      (a)  CH3 – CH2 – OH       

      (b)  CH3 – O – CH3

      (c)  CH3 COOH               

      (d) CH3 – CH2 – Br

9.   Petroleum is a mixture of:          12207051

      (a)  alkanes and alkenes                

      (b)  more than 10% heterocyclic                                       compounds

      (c)  alkanes                                    (d)       alkynes

10. A heterocyclic compound with molecular formula C4H5N is called:


      (a)  pyridine                       (b) piperidine

      (c)  pyrrole                         (d) pyrrolidine

11. The hydrocarbon having octane           number 100 is:                                                           12207053

      (a)  Neo-octane                 

      (b) n-hexane

      (c)  neopentane                 

      (d) iso-octane

12. Tetraethyl lead is an organometallic    compound which is used:       12207054

      (a)  As anti knock  agent

      (b)  To help in combustion

      (c)  As catalyst                 

      (d) To increase octane number of                                     petroleum

13. The chain isomers shown by pentane   are:                             (Board 2011)                       12207055

      (a)  2                                  (b) 5

      (c)  4                                  (d) 3

14. Which isomerism can be possible for
      2-chloro 3-methyl butane?                    

      (a) functional group isomerism    

      (b)  chain isomerism

      (c)  position isomerism     

      (d) metamerism    

15. When petroleum is heated, the first      batch of vapours obtained is rich in:


      (a)  petroleum ether          

      (b) lubricating oil

      (c)  kerosene oil                

      (d) diesel oil

16. n-butyl alcohol and diethyl ether are:


      (a)  geometric isomers      

      (b)  position isomers

      (c)  functional group isomers

      (d) metamers

17. Which of the following statements is    correct for the structure?       12207059

      (a)  it is a cis – isomer      

      (b)  it is a trans isomer

      (c)  it has position isomers

      (d) it has only one structural isomer

18. The name of the functional group in    the                       12207060

      (a)  ether                                        (b) ester

      (c)  carboxylic acid           (d) alcohol

19. The compounds containing – SH          functional group are called:               12207061

      (a)  alcohols                                   (b) thio alcohols

      (c)  ethers                                       (d) nitriles

20. Which of the following is not     heterocyclic?                                                              12207062

      (a)  aniline                                      (b) pyridine

      (c)  pyrrole                                     (d) furan

21. Which of the following fractions is       gasoline or petrol?                                        12207063

      (a)  C1 – C4                                    (b) C5 – C8

      (c)  C8 – C12                                   (d) C12 – C15

22. Which of the following is different from          the other three?                                             12207064

      (a)  peat                                         (b) anthracite

      (c)  ligroin                                      (d) lignite       

23. Most of the hydrocarbons from            petroleum are obtained by:              12207065

      (a)  polymerization           

      (b)  fractional crystallization

      (c)  vapourization 

      (d) fractional distillation

24. Which of the following compounds will           exhibit cis-trans (geometrical)         isomerism?                                                     12207066

      (a)  butanol                                              

      (b) 2-butyne         

      (c)  2-butanol                                

      (d) 2-butene

25. The compound having molecular          formula C6H14 has chain isomers:


      (a)  6                                                          (b) 4

      (c)  5                                                          (d) 3

26. The hardest coal is:                                              12207068

      (a)  lignite                                      (b) bituminous

      (c)  anthracite                                (d) peat

27. Reforming is a process used to produce:                                                                                 12207069

      (a)  branched chain hydrocarbons   

      (b)  unsaturated hydrocarbons

      (c)  CO2 and H2O             

      (d) aromatic hydrocarbons

28. Which of the following is an organic    compound?                                                                12207070

      (a)  HCN                                       (b) CO2

      (c)  NaHCO3                                 (d) CCl4

29. The self linking property of carbon is called:                                                                               12207071

      (a)  linkage                                     (b) catenation

      (c)  communication            (d) cultivation

30. Which of the following is an example of           alkanal?                                                                            12207072

      (a)  acetaldehyde               (b) alcohol

      (c)  acetone                                    (d) phenol

31. Carbocyclic compounds containing a   benzene ring are categorized as:  12207073

      (a)  alicyclic                                   (b) aromatic

      (c)  aliphatic                                   (d) acyclic

32. The group is called:                    12207074 (a)        alkyl group                 

      (b) aryl group

      (c)  acyl group                              

      (d) allyl group

33. In most of organic compounds, carbon            behaves as:                                                           12207075

      (a)  monovalent                

      (b) divalent

      (c)  trivalent                                  

      (d) tetravalent

34. The type of isomerism shown by amino           acids will be:                                                          12207076

      (a)  position                                   (b) Chain

      (c)  metamerism                (d) tautomerism

35. The general formula (RCO)2O represents:                                                                   12207077

      (a)  an ether                      

      (b)  an acid anhydride

      (c)  an ester                       

      (d) a-ketone

36. Homologues differ from each other by                                                                                                       12207078

      (a)  CH group                                (b) CH3 group

      (c)  CH2 group                   (d) CH4 group

37. Neo – Pentane is:                                                 12207079

      (a)  aromatic                                  (b) aliphatic

      (c)  alicyclic                                   (d) heterocyclic

38. Steam cracking will produce:    12207080

      (a)  cyclic compounds      

      (b)  aromatic compounds

      (c)  lower unsaturated hydrocarbons

      (d) branched compounds

39. Fossil fuel is the term denoting:   12207081

      (a)  petroleum                    (b) coal

      (c)  natural gas                   (d) all of these

40. When coal is heated in the absence of   air, it is converted to:                                   12207082

      (a)  coke                             (b) coal tar

      (c)  coal gas                       (d) all of these

41. Which of the following is used as a jet fuel?                                                                                        12207083

      (a)  ligroin                          (b) kerosene

      (c)  gasoline                       (d) asphalt

42. Gasoline of higher octane number is    produced by:             (Board 2014)     12207084

      (a)  thermal cracking        

      (b)  catalytic cracking

      (c)  steam cracking                       

      (d) reforming

43. The IUPAC name of  is:                                                                                                     12207085

      (a)  methyl ethanoate       

      (b)  ethyl ethanoate

      (c)  butyl ester                              

      (d) ethyl acetate

44. Esters are derivatives of:                      12207086

      (a)  alkane                          (b) alkanoic acid

      (c)  alcohols                       (d) aldehyde

45. The presence of tetraethyl lead in petrol          increases:                                                                      12207087

      (a)  knocking                     (b) burning

      (c)  viscosity                      (d) density

46. The general formula of alkyne is:


      (a)  Cn H2n-2                      (b) Cn H2n+2

      (c)  CnH2n                         (d) CnH2n+1

47. Which of the following functional         groups is always terminal?               12207089

      (a)  aldehyde - CHO        

      (b)  alcohol - OH

      (c)  ketone > C = O

      (d) halogens - X

48. Which of the following contains highest           percentage of carbon?                      12207090

      (a)  peat                                         (b) coke

      (c)  coal tar                                     (d) anthracite

49. A knocking sound is produced in engine          when the fuel:                                    12207091

      (a)  burns slowly               

      (b)  burns quickly

      (c)  contain lubricating oil

      (d) contain water

50. Carbon shows maximum capacity of    catenation because:                           12207092

      (a)  Carbon shows variable valency                      (b)        C - C bond strength is very low

      (c)  In carbon there is one extra empty d -                       or f orbital

      (d) C - C bond strength is very high

51. The boiling point range of petroleum   ether is:                      (Board 2007)   12207093

      (a)  5-20oC                                     (b) 10-30oC

      (c)  20-60oC                                   (d) 30-90oC

52. Which of the following is not     heterocyclic compound? (Board  2008)


      (a)  thiophene                                (b) furan

      (c)  anthracene                   (d) pyrrole

53. The state of hybridization of carbon in            ethane is:  (Board. 2008)                    12207095

      (a)  sp3                                           (b) sp2

      (c)  sp                                             (d) dsp2

54. The state of hybridization of carbon     atom in ethene is:   (Board  2010)     12207096

      (a)  sp3                                           (b) sp2

      (c)  sp                                             (d) dsp2

55. Geometric isomerism is shown by:


      (a)  methane                       (b) ethane (Board  2010)

      (c)  propane                       (d) 2-butene

56. The isomerism shown by alkanes is:

                                                  (Board 2011) 12207098

      (a)  skeletal                        (b) position

      (c) geometric                     (d) metamerism

57. Carbon atom in which of the following            is sp2-hybridized? (Board  2011)      12207099

      (a)  CH3CN                       (b) CHºCH

      (c)  HCOOH                     (d) CH2Cl2

58. Vital force theory was rejected by:

                                                            (Board  2014)  12207100

      (a)  G.N. Lewis

      (b) Friedrick Wohler

      (c)  Scientists of 20th Century

      (d) Greek philosophers

59. _____ SH functional group is called:


      (a)  Cyano                                      (b) Mercapto

      (c)  Nitro                                        (d) Carboxyl

60. A heterocyclic compound with molecular formula C4H4S is called:


      (a)  Pyridine                                   (b) Furan

      (c)  Pyrrole                                     (d) Thiophene



Short Questions

Q.1      What is the significance of cracking of petroleum?                                                                      12207102

Q.2      What are various types of coal?


Q.3      Differentiate between thermal and catalytic cracking.       (Board. 2007) 12207104

Q.4      How the phenomenon of isomerism makes the organic compounds greater in number?                                                                                             12207105

Q.5      What is knocking of engine?

(Board 2015) 12207106

Q.6      What are nitriles?                             12207107

Q.7      What is structural isomerism?


Q.8      Why peat or lignite is not a good coal for fuel purpose?                                     12207109

Q.9      What is geometrical or Cis-trans isomerism?                                (Board  2008)    12207110

Q.10    What type of compounds will show cis-trans isomerism?                                                12207111

Q.11    Why organic compounds show slow reaction?                                                                                          12207112

Q.12    What is the composition of natural gas?                                                                                                    12207113

Q.13    How many derivatives of carboxylic acid are found?                                                                   12207114

Q.14    How many types of cyclic compounds are present?                                  12207115

Q.15    Name only the important features of an organic compound.                               12207116

Q.16    How coal is considered as the source of organic compounds?                 12207117

Q.17    Why is cracking performed?12207118

Q.18    Why catalytic cracking is better than thermal cracking?            (Board 2009) 12207119

Q.19    How tetraethyl lead reduce knocking?                                                                               12207120

Q.20    Why the boiling point of iso octane is less than n-octane?                                                12207121

Q.21    What is the disadvantage of addition of tetraethyl lead in petrol?12207122

Q.22    What is the difference between amine and imine functional group?  12207123

Q.23    What are thio alcohols or mercapto?                                                                                 12207124


Q.24    Name five oxygen containing functional groups.                           (Board 2008, 14)               12207125

Q.25    Why carbon shows different types of hybridization in organic compounds?


Q.26    What is the source of energy in carbon used to excite the electron from 2s to 2p-orbital?                                                                         12207127

Q.27    What is the difference between sigma and Pi bond?                                                         12207128

Q.28    What is isomerism, name its types?



Q.29    What is metamerism?                                                                                                                                                                             12207130

Q.30    What is fractional distillation of petroleum?                                                                     12207131




Q.31    What is the functional group of acetamide? Give an example.                                              12207132

Q.32    What are homocyclic and heterocyclic compounds? Give example.

(Board 2008, 14, 15) 12207133


Q.33    Write the structural formulas of the isomers of C5H12.    (Board  2008)                         12207134

Q.34    Define isomerism and write names of four types of structural isomerism.

 (Board .2009)    12207135

Q.35    What are non-benzenoid or alicyclic or homocyclic compounds?

(Board. 2009,10, 11, 14)  12207136


Q.36.   How do you define octane number? How can it be improved?

(Board 2009, 2016) 12207137

Q.37    Explain tautomerism with the help of an example.           (Board 2009, 10, 13)    12207138


Q.38    Give names and formulas of any two heterocyclic aromatic compounds.

                                                                         (Board 2010) 12207139

Q.39    How vital force theory was discarded?       OR      (Board  2010, 15) 12207140

Name the organic compound first of all prepared in the laboratory and how?

Q.40    Give shapes and angles of following compounds using hybridization approach. 

                                                            (Board 2011)  12207141

Q.41    Define reforming of petroleum.

                                                            (Board 2013)  12207142

Q.42    What is Carbonization?

                                                            (Board 2015)  12207143

Q.43    What are aromatic compounds? Explain with example. (Board 2016)    12207144

Q.44    What are alicyclic compounds? Give two examples.  (Board 2016)          12207145

Q.45    Write the functional group of aldehyde and Ketone, give one example of each.                                                     (Board 2016)  12207146

Q.46    What do you mean by homologous series?                                                             12207147

Q.47    What is Petroleum? Give its origins.                                                                                        12207148

Q.48    What is coal? Give its importance.


Q.49    From where does the energy come to excite the carbon atom?                            12207150

Q.50    Trans-isomer is more stable than Cis-isomers. Justify.                                                    12207151




Aliphatic Hydrocarbons




Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   Preparation of vegetable ghee involves

      (a)  halogenation                                                    12208132

      (b) hydrogenation

      (c) hydroxylation                                     

      (d) dehydrogenation

2.   Formula of chloroform is:                      12208133

      (a)  CH3Cl                         (b) CCl4

      (c)  CH2Cl2                        (d) CHCl3

3.   The presence of a double bond in a       compound is a sign of:          (Board 2016)                                                                                                                     12208134

      (a)  saturation                    (b) unsaturation

      (c)  substitution     (d) none of these

4.   Vinyl acetylene combines with HCl to form:              (Board 2008)                           12208135

      (a)  polyacetylene             

      (b) benzene

      (c)  chloroprene    

      (d) divinyl acetylene

5.   The addition of unsymmetrical reagent           to unsymmetrical alkenes is in        accordance with the: (Board 2007) 12208136

      (a)  Hund’s rule                                        

      (b)  Markownikoff’s rule

      (c)  Pauli Exclusion Principle                   

      (d) Auf bau principle

6.   Synthetic rubber is made by      polymerization of:(Board 2009,14,16) 12208137

      (a)  chloroform                 

      (b)  acetylene

      (c)  divinyl acetylene        

      (d) chloroprene

7.   b, - Dichloro ethyl sulphide is            commonly known as:

                                                (Board 2006, 13, 15)   12208138

      (a)  Mustard gas           (b) Laughing gas   (c)        Phosgene gas               (d) Bio-gas

8.   When CH4 reacts with Cl2 in the           presence of diffused light the products       obtained are:                                                 12208139

      (a)  chloroform only                                 

      (b)  carbon tetrachloride               

      (c)  chloromethane and dichloromethane  (d)       mixture of a, b, and c

9.   Which one of the following gases is used          for artificial ripening of fruits?

                                                                (Board 2008, 15)                12208140

      (a)  ethene                          (b) ethyne

      (c)  methane                       (d) propane

10. When calcium carbide is treated with water we get:                                                             12208141

      (a)  ethyl formate   (b) acetaldehyde

      (c)  ethylene                       (d) ethyne

11. The most reactive hydrocarbon is:

                                    (Board  2009, 2015)                    12208142

      (a)  ethene                          (b) acetylene

      (c)  benzene                       (d) methane

12. Electrolysis of aqueous solution of        potassium acetate gives:                   12208143

      (a)  C3H8                           (b) C2H2

      (c)  C2H4                            (d) C2H6

13. Baeyer’s reagent is used to identify:

      (a)  ethene              (b) ethyne                               12208144

      (c) ethane              (d) ethane and ethyne

14. When acetylene is reacted with acetic acid, the product is:                                      12208145

      (a)  acrylic acid     (b) Acrylo nitrile

      (c)  vinyl acetate    (d) ethyl acetate

15. Which of the following is used for the manufacture of polyvinyl chloride?

      (a)  ethylene                       (b) propylene 12208146

      (c)  ethyne                         (d) ethane

16. 2, 3-dibromo butane gives 2-butyne      when it is treated with:                                 12208147

      (a)  Zn

      (b) H2SO4

      (c)  aqueous KOH            

      (d) alcohol + KOH

17. 2-Butyne is converted to trans 2-Butene when treated with:                         12208148

      (a)  H2 in the presence of Ni at 100°C

      (b)  Lindlar’s catalyst

      (c)  Na in liquid  NH3 at - 33°C               

      (d) H2 in the presence of Pt

18. The reaction C2H4 + H2  C2H6 is            known as:                                                             12208149

      (a)  Wurtz reaction                                    

      (b)  Sabatier – Sendern’s reaction

      (c)  Clemensen reaction                            

      (d) Kolbe’s reaction

19. The reaction between ethyl bromide    and sodium in dry ether to form     butane is         called:                                     12208150

      (a)  Friedel Craft’s reaction          

      (b)  Kolbe’s reaction                     

      (c)  Wurtz reaction                                    

      (d) Williamson’s reaction

20. The presence of double bond in alkenes           can be identified by:                                     12208151

      (a)  Br2 water                    

      (b)  KMnO4 + H2O

      (c)  Ozonolysis                                         

      (d) all of the above

21. When ethene is heated to 400°C under             100 atmospheric pressure in presence of    0.1% O2, the product is:                              12208152

      (a)  CO2 + H2O       

      (b) ethylene oxide

      (c)  ethyl alcohol               

      (d) polyethylene

22. Which of the following is vicinal           dihalide?                                                                          12208153

      (a)  CH3 ¾ ¾ CH2 ¾            

      (b)  CH3¾¾¾CH3

      (c)  CH3 ¾  ¾  ¾           

      (d) ¾CH2 ¾

23. Ammonical solution of silver nitrate    reacts with:                                                                12208154

      (a)  2-pentyne                    (b) ethene

      (c)  2-butyne                      (d) ethyne

24. Which of the following has acidic         hydrogen?                                                                  12208155

      (a)  CH4                 (b)        CH2 = CH2

      (c)  CH º CH         (d)       CH2 = CH – CH = CH2

25. Ethyne when passed into the solution of cuprous chloride and NH4Cl, it gives:


      (a) Methyl nitrile               (b) Acrylonitrile

      (c) vinyl Acetylene           (d) Benzene

26. The most likely product of addition of H-Cl to 2-methyl-2-butene is:          12208157

      (a)  3-Chloro-2-methyl butane                 

      (b)  2-Chloro 2-methyl butane

      (c)  1-Chloro-2-methyl butane                 

      (d) 2-Chloro pentane

27. An aldehyde is reduced to alkane with             hydrazine in the presence of:           12208158

      (a)  KOH                                       (b) NaOH

      (c)  CaO and NaOH          (d) Ca(OH)2

28. The ease of dehydration of alcohol to   produce alkene is:                             12208159

      (a)  Primary > Secondary > Tertiary

      (b)  Tertiary > Primary > Secondary

      (c)  Secondary>Tertiary > Primary

      (d) Tertiary > Secondary > Primary

29. A trivial name of methane is:

                                                            (Board  2009)  12208160

      (a)  coal gas                       (b) natural gas

      (c) marsh gas                     (d) mustard gas

30. Alkenes are also called:                          12208161

      (a)  paraffins            (b) olefins

      (c)  carbenes          (d) carbonyl compounds

31. The formula of neopentyl alcohol is:                                                                                                                      12208162

      (a)  CH3 - - CH2 - OH       

      (b)  CH3 ¾  ¾ CH2 ¾ OH

      (c)  CH3 - CH2 - CH2 -- OH

      (d) CH3 -  -  - OH

32. Hydrogenolysis of alkyl halides yield:


      (a)  alcohols                       (b) alkenes

      (c)  alkanes                                    (d) alkynes

33. The colour of disilver acetylide is:                                                                                                                                       12208164

      (a)  white                           (b) red

      (c)  green                           (d) brown

34. Treatment of an unknown compound with ammonical solution of cuprous           chloride yields red precipitation. The           unknown compound probably is:                                                                                                                                 12208165

      (a)  paraffin                       (b) an olefin

      (c)  benzene                       (d) acetylene

35. A carbocation is an organic ion having            a:                                                                                                   12208166

      (a) positive charge            

      (b) negative charge

      (c)  both positive and negative charge     

      (d) none of the above

36. The chemical formula of glyoxal is       :                                                                                                                             12208167






37. When alkyne other than ethyne reacts             with     water in the presence of       HgSO4            and 10% H2SO4 it forms:    12208168

      (a)  sec. alcohols                (b)        p. alcohol

      (c)  ketones                                    (d)       carboxylic acid

38. The product of reaction

CH º CH +     NH3?                       12208169

      (a)  CH3 - CH2 - NH2                  

      (b)  NH2 - CH = CH - NH2

      (c)  CH3 - CN                  

      (d) CH3 - CH2 - CN

39. Which of the following is liquid at room          temperature?                                                 12208170

      (a)  ethyne                         (b) propyne

      (c)  butyne                         (d) pentyne

40. Hydrolysis of R-MgX gives:       12208171

      (a)  alkene                         (b) alkanes

      (c)  alkyne                          (d) alcohol

41. Lindlar’s catalyst is:                                           12208172

      (a)  Ba/PbSO4                   

      (b)  Pd/PbSO4Quinone

      (c)  Quinoline Pd/BaSO4                          

      (d) Pb/BaSO4Quinone

42. CH3 - CH2 - Br + KOH ?      What is the Product?                        12208173

      (a)  CH3 - CH2 - OH                   

      (b)  CH2 = CH2

      (c)  CH º CH                    


43. Symmetrical alkanes are prepared by:

      (a)  Kolbe’s reaction                                              12208174

      (b)  Wurtz reaction

      (c)  Clemensen reaction    

      (d) both ‘a’ and ‘b’

44. n- Propyl bromide on treatment with   ethanolic potassium hydroxide        produces:                                                             12208175

      (a)  propane                       (b) propanol   

      (c)  propyne                       (d) propene

45. The IUPAC name of the compound

      CH2 = CH ¾¾CH3           12208176

      (a)  2 - Vinyl propene                  

      (b)  1,1-Dimethyl – 2 - propene

      (c)  3 - Methyl - 1 - Butene       

      (d) 1-Isopropyl ethylene

46. Vic - dihalide on treatment with zinc   dust gives:                                                                  12208177

      (a)  alkane                         

      (b) alkene

      (c)  alkyne                         

      (d) All of these

47. The reaction conditions leading to the best yield (C2 H5 Cl) are       :           12208178

      (a)  C2H6 (excess) + Cl2            

      (b)  C2H6 + Cl2

      (c)  C2H6 + Cl2 (limited)

      (d) C2H6 + Cl2

48. The number of sigma and Pi bonds in 1-butene 3-yne are:             12208179

      (a)  8-sigma and 2 Pi       

      (b)  7–sigma and 3 Pi

      (c)  5-sigma and 5 Pi       

      (d) 6–sigma and 2 Pi

49. The most reactive halogen in the           halogenation of alkane under sunlight       is:                                                                                                  12208180

      (a)  Cl2                               (b) Br2              

      (c)  I2                                             (d) none of these

50. Addition of O2 in ethene in the Presence          of Ag gives:                                        12208181

      (a)  ethylene oxide             (b) ethane

      (c)  ethanol                                     (d) acetic acid

51. Which of the following when reacted   with ozone produces methanal? 12208182     

      (a)  methane                       (b) ethene

      (c)  ethane                          (d) ethyne

52. Ozonolysis of ethene causes breaking of           C-C bond, the product is:(Board 2006)


      (a)  formaldehyde            

      (b)  Acetaldehyde                         

      (c)  ethylene glycol           

      (d) ethylene chlorohydrin

53. The general formula of alkane is:                                                         (Board 2007)                     12208184

      (a)  CnH2n                         (b) CnH2n-2

      (c)  CnH2n+1                       (d) CnH2n+2

54. Sabatier-Sendern’s reaction can be      used    to prepare:   (Board 2010)     12208185

      (a)  alkyne             

      (b) alkenes

      (c)  alkanes                       

      (d) alkenes and alkynes

55. b- dichloroethyl sulphide is prepared by treating sulphur monochloride with:                                 (Board 2010)  12208186

      (a)  ethane                          (b) ethene

      (c)  ethyne                         (d) methane

56. The dehydration of tertiary alcohols is carried out with:                                                       12208187

      (a)  20% H2SO4                 (b) 35% H2SO4

      (c)  30% H2SO4                 (d) 25% H2SO4

57. Polymerization of acetylene forms:


      (a)  Propane                                   (b) Butane

      (c)  Benzene                                  (d) Acetaldehyde

58. Which of the following gases is powerful vesicant?                                         12208189

      (a)  Marsh gas                                (b) Mustard gas

      (c)  Ozonide                                  (d) Butane












Short Questions


Q.1      How alkenes can be converted to alcohols?           (Board 2014)                                         12208190

Q.2      What is hydrogenolysis?      12208191

Q.3      How alkenes are distinguished from alkanes?                                                                                           12208192

Q.4      What is meant by Epoxidation?


Q.5      What is Markownikov’s rule? Give an example.              (Board 2007, 16)             12208194

Q.6      What is meant by decarboxylation of carboxylic acids?   (Board 2010)      12208195

Q.7      What products are formed by catalytic oxidation of CH4?                                  12208196

Q.8 What is Raney nickel and where is it used?                            (Board 2009, 10, 14)        12208197

Q.9      How neoprene is produced by the polymerization of acetylene?                         12208198

Q.10    How will you distinguish between ethene and ethyne?                 (Board 2008) 12208199

Q.11    What is the order of reactivity of alcohols for dehydration and why? 12208200

Q.12    Why Pi bond is more reactive than – sigma bond?                                                                       12208201

Q.13    Why are Alkenes called olefins?


Q.14    What are the industrial uses of methane?             (Board 2014, 15)                     12208203

Q.15    What product is obtained by the dehydration of alcohols?                                  12208204

Q.16    How free radical mechanism explain the halogenation of methane?


Q.17    Why Tertiary-alcohols are easy to dehydrate than secondary or primary alcohols?                                                                                    12208206

Q.18    What are vicinal dihalides? 12208207

Q.19    What is Baeyer’s Test?

                                                (Board . 2008, 2014)    12208208

Q.20    How ozonolysis of alkene is used to identify the position of a double bond?


Q.21    How tetrahalides are converted into alkynes?                                                                         12208210


Q.22    What is the general mechanism of addition reactions of hydrogen halides?


Q.23    What is oxyacetylene flame? 12208212

Q.24    How propyne is converted into 2,2-dibromo propane?                                                    12208213

According to Markownikov’s rule

Q.25.   How propyne is converted into acetone?                                                                                  12208214

Q.26    How will you synthesize ethane from methane?                                                                12208215

Q.27    What is halohydrin?                         12208216

Q.28    What is Lindlar’s Catalyst? 12208217

Q.29    Why alkanes are called paraffins?


Q.30    Why alkenes are more reactive than alkanes? OR  Alkanes are less reactive than Alkenes. Comment.  

(Board 2006, 08, 2014) 12208219

Q.31  How a trans-alkene is obtained by the partial hydrogenation of alkynes?

Board (2006, 10, 15)      12208220

Q.32    Why are some hydrocarbons called saturated and others unsaturated? What type of reactions are characteristic of them?                           (Board . 2007, 10)        12208221

Q.33    Why alkenes are more reactive than alkanes?                                                                         12208222

Q.34    How is mustard gas prepared? Give its use.                                                                                                    12208223




Q.35    Give the reaction of ozone with ethene. Also give its mechanism. (Board 2008)  12208219

Q.36    How oxalic acid is prepared from ethyne?                                                 (Board 2009)   12208220

Oxalic acid

Q.37    How will you convert 2-butyne into Cis-2-butene?                       (Board 2010, 15)          12208221

Q. 38            What is heat of combustion?  (Board 2014)                                                                                             12208222

Q.39  Alkynes show acidic nature prove it with the help of examples: (Board 2007, 2009)                   


Q.40  How will you bring about the following conversions?                                            (Board 2008)               12208224

      (i)      Ethyne to vinyl alcohol                        12208225 (ii) Ethyne to Ethyl Chloride          12208226

      (iii)    Ethyl Chloride to n-butane     12208227 (iv) Ethyne to acrylonitrile             12208228

Q.41    Differentiate between Clemenson’s reduction and Wolfkishner’s reduction.    12201145

Q.42  Convert ethyne into acetaldehyde.                                                     (Board 2016)                                            12208223




Aromatic Hydrocarbons




Multiple Choice Questions


Encircle the right answer:   

1.   A cyclic regular hexagonal structure for benzene was first proposed by:     12209063

      (a) Michael Faraday          (b) Hoffmann              (c) Kekule                                           (d) Dewar

2.   In benzene the C – C bond length is:


      (a) 1.54                                     (b) 1.39

      (c) 1.34                                     (d) 1.20

3.   The general formula for benzene is:


      (a)  Cn H2n+2                                  (b) CnH2n

      (c)  CnH2n-2                                    (d) none of these

4.   Benzene can be prepared by      polymerization of:                                         12209066

      (a)  ethane                                      (b) ethene

      (c)  acetylene                                 (d) propene

5.   The p-electrons of benzene are not      readily available for weak electrophiles     because it has:                                                      12209067

      (a)  sp2 hybridization        

      (b)  planar hexagonal structure     

      (c)  delocalization of electrons

      (d) conjugation

6.   Which one is the formula of benzal      chloride?                                                                          12209068

      (a)  C6 H5 CH Cl2               (b) C6 H5 Cl

      (c)  C6 H5 CCl3                  (d) C6 H5 COCl

7.   Which one is not a Friedel Crafts         catalyst?                                                                           12209069

      (a)  AlCl3                                       (b) PCl3

      (c)  FeCl3                                       (d) All of these

8.   The reaction of benzene with ozone      finally gives:                                                              12209070

      (a) glyoxal                                     (b) glycol

      (c) glycerol                                    (d) benzoic acid

9.   Which one is not an ortho and para     directing group?                                                       12209071

      (a)  -NH2                           (b) -OH

      (c)  -OCH3                        (d) -CHO

10. Which one is not a meta directing                     group?                                                                              12209072

      (a)  -C º N                         (b) -Cl

      (c)  -COOH                      (d) -NR3

11. Benzene cannot undergo:

                                                            (Board 2006, 13) 12209073

      (a) substitution reactions

      (b) addition reactions

      (c)  oxidation reactions

      (d) elimination reactions

12. Which one is the most reactive compound?                                                                12209074

      (a)  butane                         (b) butene

      (c)  butyne                         (d) benzene

13. Electrophile in aromatic sulphonation is:                                                                                                  12209075

      (a)  H2SO4                         (b) SO3

      (c)                          (d) SO

14. The conversion of n-hexane into           benzene by heating in the presence of Pt    is called:                                                                          12209076

      (a)  polymerization           

      (b)  hydrogenation            

      (c)  aromatization             

      (d) condensation

15. In benzene each carbon is:                     12209077

      (a)  sp hybridized             

      (b)  sp2 hybridized

      (c)  sp3 hybridized

      (d) dsp2 hybridized

16. Which one of the following compounds            has fused benzene rings?                  12209078

      (a)  bi-phenyl                    

      (b) benzophenone

      (c)  anthracene

      (d) di-phenyl methane

17. What is the special name of a compound having formula C6 H5 –NH2?


      (a) pyridine                       (b) aniline

      (c) hydrazine                     (d) imine

18. The reaction of bromobenzene with     ethyl bromide in the presence of Na in       dry ether will give:                                         12209080

      (a) toluene                         (b) benzene

      (c)  xylene                          (d) ethyl benzene

19. Nitration of Nitrobenzene at 95°C will             give:                                                                                  12209081

      (a)  1,2 dinitrobenzene     

      (b)  1,3 dinitrobenzene

      (c)  1,4 dinitrobenzene     

      (d) 1,2,6 trinitrobenzene

20. The introduction of R - -group in    benzene in the presence of AlCl3 is called:                                                                               12209082

      (a) Friedel Craft’s acylation

      (b)  Cannizzaro’s reaction

      (c)  Wurtz fittig reaction   

      (d) Hoffmann’s reaction

21. The resonance energy of benzene is:

      (a)  150.5 calories / mole                           12209083

      (b)  150.5 k calories / mole

      (c)  150.5 g/mole  

      (d) 150.5 kJ/mole

22. Iodobenzene + A ¾¾® Toluene, In this reaction A is:                                             12209084

      (a)  CH3 - I                        (b)        CH3 - CH2 - Cl

      (c)  CHCl3                         (d)       CHI3

23. With which of the following reagents   benzene and methyl benzene behave          differently?                                                          12209085

      (a)  Warming with aqueous alkaline                                             KMnO4

      (b)  Warming with bromine in the                                                 presence          of an iron catalyst

      (c)  Warming with mixture of concentrated                         nitric acid and sulphuric acid

      (d) Heating with fuming H2SO4

24. What is the reason for the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid to        concentrated nitric acid for the       reaction          C6H6 + HNO3 ¾® C6H5 - NO2 + H2O,    the reason is that:12209086

      (a)  it acts as inert solvent

      (b)  it removes proton from HNO3

      (c)  it donates proton to the nitric acid

      (d) it removes water preventing                                                   equilibrium

25. Which of the following is most easily   sulphonated?                                                             12209087

      (a)  Para-xylene               

      (b)  Meta–xylene  

      (c)  Ortho–xylene             

      (d) All of the above

26. Which of the following is not an            electrophile?                                                               12209088

      (a)  BF3                              (b) AlCl3

      (c)  ZnCl2                           (d) NH3

27. Which of the following is a polycyclic   aromatic compound?                                    12209099

      (a)  xylene                                      (b) styrene

      (c)  naphthalene                 (d) benzene

28. Benzene is a polymer of:                         12209100

      (a)  ethene                                      (b) ethane

      (c)  propene                                   (d) ethyne

29. In which case the C - C bond length is             same between all atoms in molecule?


      (a)  Propyne                                   (b) 1-Butene

      (c)  2-Butene                                (d) Benzene

30. Aromatization of n-hexane gives:        


      (a)  cyclohexane               

      (b) cyclohexene

      (c)  benzene                                  

      (d) toluene

31. During nitration of benzene, the active            nitrating agent is:

                        (Board 2006, 09, 10, 14, 16)     12209103

      (a)  HNO3                                     (b) NO2+

      (c)  NO3-                                       (d) NO2-

32. Aromaticity of benzene is due to:

      (a)  presence of sigma bond  12209104

      (b)  delocalization

      (c)  ring structure  

      (d) three double bonds

33. Resonance structure of a molecule        should have:                                                               12209105

      (a) the same number of paired electrons

      (b) identical arrangement of atoms

      (c) nearly the same energy content

      (d)  all of the above

34. The compound that is nitrated with     difficulty is:                                                                12209106

      (a) toluene                         (b) nitrobenzene

      (c) benzene                        (d) phenol

35. Aromatic compounds burn with sooty flame because:                                                           12209107

      (a)  They have high percentage of                                                 hydrogen

      (b)  They have high percentage of carbon

      (c)  They have a ring structure

      (d) They resist reaction with air

36. Which of the following groups is an      ortho and para directing in disubstitution of benzene?         12209108

      (a)  -COOH                                  (b) - N+R3       

      (c)  NH2                                         (d) - NO2

37. Which of the following reactions           confirms the presence of unsaturation in   the benzene molecule?                                     12209109

      (a)  Bromination in the presence of Fe and                       Br2

      (b)  Bromination in sunlight

      (c)  Catalytic oxidation

      (d) Oxidation by acidified KMnO4

38. Which of the following compounds       reacts slower than benzene in          electrophilic substitution?                   12209110

      (a)  C6H5 - OH                  (b) C6H5 - CH3

      (c)  C6H5 - NO2                (d) C6H5 - NH2

39. A nucleophile must have overall:


      (a)  an unpaired electron   

      (b)  a lone pair of electrons

      (c)  negative charge          

      (d) all of the above

40. If B forms glyoxal when it is treated     with ozone, then B is:                                    12209112

      (a)  ethene                                      (b) ethyne

      (c)  benzene                                   (d) cyclohexane

41. Benzene is prepared from cyclohexane            by the process called: (Board. 2008)  


      (a)  hydrogenation            

      (b) dehydration

      (c)  dehydrogenation        

      (d) none of these

42. Compound showing maximum repulsion with H2O is:

                                                            (Board. 2010,13) 12209114

      (a)  C6H6                                          (b) C2H5OH

      (c)  CH3-CH2-CH2-OH (d) CH3-O-CH3

43. Molecule of benzene contains:

                                                            (Board. 2011) 12209115

      (a)  three double bonds     

      (b)  two double bonds

      (c)  one double bond

      (d) delocalized p-electron charge

44. Ortho and para derivatives are obtained         by        halogenation of   (Board - 2011)  

      (a)  nitrobenzene                (b) toluene 12209116

      (c)  benzaldehyde              (d) benzene

45. Which compound is the most reactive one?                                         (Board 2015)   12209117

      (a)  Benzene                                  (b) Ethene

      (c) Ethane                                     (d) Ethyne

46. Amongst the following, the compound that can be most readily sulphonated is:                                              (Board 2013) 12209118

(a)   Toluene                                   (b) Benzene

(c) Nitrobenzene                     (d) Chlorobenzene

47. Which of the following acids can be used as a catalyst in Friedel-crafts reactions?                                                                  12209119

      (a)  AlCl3                                       (b) HNO3

(b)   BeCl2                                      (d) NaCl

48. Aromatic hydrocarbons are the derivatives of:           (Board 2014) 12209120

      (a)  Normal series of paraffins

(b) alkene

      (c)  benzene                      

(d) cyclohexane

49. Oxidation of ethyl benzene in presence of KMnO4 gives:                                          12209121

      (a)  Phenol                        

      (b) Benzyl alcohol

      (c)  Benzoic acid

      (d) Maleic anhydride

50. Benzene is more stable than the 1, 3, 5 cyclohexatriene by:                           12209122

      (a)  145.9 kJ/mole

      (b) 150.5 kJ/mole

      (c)  178.5 kJ/mole

      (d) 119.8 kJ/mole


a.      Short Questions

Q.1      What are ortho and para directing groups?                                                                                                    12209123

Q.2      What are meta-directing groups?                                                                                                                                  12209124

Q.3      How oxidation of benzene is done?                                                                                                                               12209125

Q.4      What is meant by Sulphonation of Benzene?                                                                                                  12209126

Q.5      What is meant by the term Nitration of Benzene?                                                                                          12209127

Q.6      Prove that Benzene has a ring structure.                                                   (Board. 2009, 13)              12209128

Q.7      Give mechanism of Friedel Crafts  Alkylation.                 (Board. 2007, 14)                          12209129

Ans     It is the introduction of an alkyl group in the benzene ring in the presence of an alkyl halide

Q.8      What is the role of FeCl3 + AlCl3 in electrophilic substitution reactions of benzene?


Q.9      What is resonance energy?                                                                                                  (Board 2013, 15)                         12209131

Q.10    What is meant by the term ‘aromatic’?                                                                                                                       12209132

Q.11    What is Wurtz Fittig reaction?                                                                                                                                                             12209133

Q.12    What types of orbitals give stability to benzene ring?                                                                        12209134

Q.13    Why oleum or fuming sulphuric acid is used in sulphonation of benzene?                    12209135

Q.14    Which reactions indicate that benzene is unsaturated molecule?                                         12209135

Q.15    Why -COOH, -CHO or -NO2 groups if already present on benzene ring, they deactivate the ring and meta products are obtained?                                                                                                    12209136

Q.16    How benzene is converted to benzoic acid?                                                                                                                 12209137

Q.17    How X-Ray studies confirm Kekule’s structure? / What informations are obtained by X-ray analysis of benzene?                                                                                           (Board 2008, 13)                                        12209138

Q.18    How disubstituted benzenes are named with different substituents when they are not present in priority order?                                                                                                                                                                                              12209139

Q.19    What is sigma complex and how does it get stability?                                                                        12209140

Q.20    Give mechanism of Sulphonation of benzene.                   (Board. 2009, 10, 15)               12209141

Q.21    Chlorination of nitrobenzene in the presence of FeCl3 yields meta-chloronitrobenzene as the main product. Why?                                                                                                                (Board 2006)                                12209142

Q.22    Give two reactions which show that benzene is a saturated compound.

                                                                                                (Board 2007, 10)              12209143

Q.23    Give equations for the preparation of following from benzene.  (Board 2008, 16)   12209144

            (i) Maleic anhydride                        (ii)                               Glyoxal

Q.24    Give four examples of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.                       (Board 2009)   12209145


Q.25    How will you prepare m-chloronitro benzene?                                                     (Board 2009)       12209146


Q.26    Write the general mechanism of electrophilic substitution in benzene.   (Board 2010) 


Q.27    Benzene has three p-bonds. Prove this by two points.                  (Board 2010)               12209148

Q.28    Write down Resonance structures of benzene.                              (Board 2013, 14)                12209149

Q.29.   How will you prepare maleic acid from benzene?                         (Board 2010)                     12209150

Q.30.   What is aromatization?                                                                                                                          (Board 2015)   12209151


Q.31    Give two possible straight chain structures proposed for benzene.        12209152

Q.32    Why the open chain structures of benzene were rejected?                                   12209153

Q.33    Aromatic compounds burn with sooty flame, Justify.                                                      12209154

Q.34What is aromatization? Give examples.                                                                                       12209155

Q.35    What are non-benzenoid aromatic compounds?                                                                     12209156

Q.36    How you will prove that benzene is a stable molecule?                                                     12209157

Q.37 Why benzene is given a Cyclic structure?                                                                               12209158





   Alkyl Halides





Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   When ethyl iodide reacts with sodium       methoxide it gives:                                          12210045

      (a)  Methyl ethyl ether       

      (b)  Ethyl iodide

      (c)  Diethyl ether                                        (d)        Ethanol

2.   An alkyl halide can be converted into       alcohol by:                                                                 12210046

      (a)  addition                   (b) substitution

      (c)  elimination         (d) dehydrogenation

3.   For the reaction C2H5OH+X               C2H5X, the order of     reactivity is:                                                                              12210047

      (a)  HI>HBr>HCl      (b)      HI>HCl>HBr

      (c)  HCl>HBr>HI     (d)      HBr>HI>HCl

4.   Predict the missing reagent in the following reaction:                                          12210048     CH3OH+?C2H6+CH3OMgBr.

       (a)  CH3 MgCl                    (b) C2H5MgBr

       (c)  CH3Cl                          (d) C2H5 Cl

5.    In SN1 reaction, the first step is the
       formation of:                                                 

       (a)  carbanion                                 (b) Free radical

       (c)  carbocation                  (d) None of these

6.  Which of the following is a poor leaving

      (a)  –HSO4                                     (b) –I

      (c)  –NH2                                       (d) –Br

7.   Grignard’s reagent when reacts with        CO2 it forms:                                                   12210051

      (a)  alcohol                             (b) alkene

      (c) aldehyde                           (d) carboxylic acid

8.   Which of the following compounds           undergo an elimination reaction when            treated with hot ethanolic potassium           hydroxide?                                                                  12210052

      (a)  Br-CH2-Br                   

      (b)  Br3C – CBr3

      (c)  (CH3)2 C = CBr2                      


9.   SN2 reactions can be carried out with:     

      (a)  primary alkyl halide                              12210053

      (b)  secondary alkyl halide

      (c)  tertiary alkyl halide

      (d)  all of the above

10. b-elimination is bimolecular elimin-          ation when it involves:(Board 2009)  12210054

      (a)  first order kinetics

      (b)  second order kinetics

      (c)  third order kinetics      

      (d)  zero order kinetics

11. When 2-propanone is reacted with CH3MgI, the product is:                                 12210055

      (a)  sec-propyl alcohol       

      (b)  propyl chloride

      (c)  iso-butyl alcohol

      (d)  ter-butyl alcohol

12. Which of the following carbonium ion      is most stable?                                                 12210056

      (a)  primary carbonium ion

      (b)  sec- carbonium ion

      (c)  ter-carbonium ion        

      (d)  all of the above

13. In bimolecular reaction, the reaction        completes in:                                                               12210057

      (a)  one step                       (b) two steps

      (c)  three steps                    (d) none of these

14. The order of reactivity of alkyl halide       with magnesium is in the order of:

      (a)  R-Cl>R-Br>R-I                                    12210058

      (b)  R-Br>R-I>RCl

      (c)  R-I>R-Br>R-Cl

      (d)  R-I>R-Cl>R-Br

15. In the following reaction what is Z:

      ethyl chloride  alkene      12210059

      (a)  Alcoholic KOH

      (b)  Aqueous KOH

      (c)  Alkaline KMnO4

            (d)  Bromine

16. Write the missing reagent in the    following reaction.                                          12210060

      4C2H5Br+? (C2H5)4 Pb + 4NaBr

      (a)  Na2Pb                          (b) Na4Pb

      (c)  NaPb4                          (d) Na2Pb2

17. Which compound is formed when CH3-OH reacts with CH3MgBr? 12210061

      (a)  ethane                          (b) methane

      (c)  alcohol                         (d) acetone

18. CH3-CH2-CH2-CH2-Cl on reaction with    alcoholic KOH gives:                          12210062

      (a)  2-Butanol                     (b) 2-Butene

      (c)  1-Butene                      (d) 1-Butanol

19. Dehydrohalogenation of ethyl chloride     gives:                                                                                 12210063

      (a)  Ethene                         (b)        Ethyne

      (c)  Ethoxy Ethane 

      (d)  Mixture of ethene and Ethoxy ethane

20. Which of the following do not form           Grignard’s reagent?                                       12210064

      (a)  CH3I                            (b) CH3Br

      (c)  CH3F                            (d) CH3Cl

21. Which of the following carbocations is      least stable?                                                                 12210065

      (a)  methyl                         (b) pri-alkyl

      (c)  sec.alkyl                      (d) ter.alkyl

22. When Ethyl Bromide reacts with sodium methoxide it gives:                  12210066

      (a)  ethanol                        

      (b) diethyl ether

      (c)  ethyl iodide

      (d) ethyl methyl ether

23. Structural Formula of iso-propylidene      bromide is:                                                                  12210067

      (a)  CH3 ¾  ¾ CH3                                                          

            (b)  CH3 ¾  = CH2

      (c)  CH3 ¾  ¾ CH2Br

      (d)  CH3 ¾  ¾ CH3

24. Which of the following is a tertiary           Alkyl halide?                                                   12210068

      (a)  CH3 ¾  ¾ Br                   

      (b)  CH3 ¾  ¾  ¾ CH3

      (c)  CH3 ¾  ¾ Br     

      (d)     CH3 ¾ ¾ CH2 ¾ Br

25. Which is not true for Alkyl halides?                                                                                                                            12210069

      (a)  alkyl halides are used to prepare                                                ethers

      (b)  alkyl halides give carbocations with                               Lewis acid

      (c)  alkyl halides act as substrate in SN2                                reactions

      (d)  alkyl halides act as nucleophile in SN2                reactions

26. Reduction of alkyl halides with

      Zn + HCl gives:                                                     12210070

      (a)  alcohol             (b) alkene

      (c)  alkane                          (d) ketone

27. Hydrolysis of Ter. butyl bromide follows SN1 mechanism. The rate is:

      (a)  greater with OH-                                                                                             12210071

            (b)greater with H2O

      (c)  greater with RCl          

      (d)  equal with OH- and H2O

28. Which reaction does not give
¾ CH2Cl?                                                           12210072

      (a)  CH2 = CH2 + HCl         

`     (b)  CH3CH2OH+HCl

      (c)  CH3CH2OH + Cl

      (d)  CH2= CHCl+H2

29. Which is the weakest bond?                      12210073

      (a)  C ¾ F                          (b) C ¾ Cl      

      (c)  C ¾ Br             (d) C ¾ I

30. Which is a good leaving group?    12210074

      (a)  I-                                              (b) Br-

      (c)  HSO                          (d) NH

31. What will be the mechanism of the            reaction?                                                                           12210075

      C2H5I + 2NH3 ® C2H5NH2 + NH4I

      (a)  SN1     

      (b) SN2

      (c)  nucleophilic addition   

      (d)  none of the above

32. Secondary alkyl halide give reactions by   following mechanism:                         12210076

      (a)  SN1

      (b) SN2

      (c)  SN1 and SN2                            

      (d)  depend upon nucleophile

33. During SN2 mechanism carbon atom         change its hybridization from: 12210077

      (a)  sp ® sp2                       (b) sp2 ® sp3

      (c)  sp3 ® sp2                     (d) sp3 ® sp

34. Which is not a good leaving group?


      (a)  HSO                          (b) Cl-

      (c)  OH-                             (d) Br-

35. The order of reaction in SN1 reaction        is:                                                                                                  12210079

      (a)  zero                             (b) first 

      (c)  second                         (d) third

36. In elimination reactions of alkyl halide, the site more susceptible for the nucleophilic attack is:                     12210080

      (a)  a-carbon                      (b) b-carbon

      (c)  a-hydrogen      (d) b-Hydrogen

37. Which one may not act as electrophile?

      (a)  NH                           (b) BF3                          12210081

      (c)  NH3                             (d) H+

38. The reactant which can convert    C2H5-Cl to C2H6 is:                                         12210082

      (a)  KOH aqueous                         

      (b)  KOH alcoholic

      (c)  Nascent Hydrogen

      (d)  KMnO4 aqueous

39. Highest bond energy is of the bond:


      (a)  C - F                            (b) C - Cl

      (c)  C - Br                          (d) C - I

40. Which one is not a nucleophile?

                                                (Board. 2006, 08)            12210084

      (a)  NH3                             (b) H2S

      (c)  H2O                             (d) BF3

41. Which one is a good attacking       nucleophile as well as a good leaving   group?                                                                               12210085

      (a)  OH-                                                           (b) CN-

      (c)  Cl-                                           (d) I-

42. Secondary alcohol is formed when            Grignard reagent reacts with: 12210086

      (a)  methanal                      (b) ethanal

      (c)  ethanol                         (d) propanone

43. The antiknock agents used in gasoline      can be prepared when alkyl halide is   treated with:                                                         12210087

      (a)  Na-metal                    

      (b)  Zn-Cu couple             

      (c)  Na-lead alloy  

      (d)  Cu-lead alloy

44. When ethyl magnesium bromide is            treated with a carbonyl compound then          2-ethyl – 2 – pentanol is formed. The       carbonyl compound is:                         12210088

      (a)  2-pentanone                 (b) 2-butanone

      (c)  3-butanone                               (d) 3-pentanone

45. Grignard’s reagent (R-Mg-X)       undergoes:                                                                  12210089

      (a)  nucleophilic substitution reactions         (b)        nucleophilic addition reactions

      (c)  nucleophilic and substitution     reactions

      (d)  Neither (a) nor (b)

46. The reaction of ethyl bromide with           aqueous solution of KOH gives:  12210090

      (a)  Ethane                                     (b) Ethene

      (c)  Ethanol                         (d) Methanol

47. When an alkyl iodide is allowed to            stand, it darkens because, it:   12210091

      (a)  dehydrates                               (b) oxidizes

      (c)  polymerizes                 (d) liberates I2

48. The reaction of cyanogen chloride with     Grignand’s reagent will yield: 12210092

      (a)  amine                                       (b) alcohol

      (c)  alkyl Nitrile                  (d) alkyl halide

49. Reaction of ethylene oxide with R-MgX    gives:                                                                                 12210093

      (a)  pri. alcohol                   (b) sec. alcohol

      (c)  tertiary alcohol (d) alkane

50. Grignard’s reagent gives alkanes with:


      (a)  water                                        (b) ethyl amine

      (c)  ethanol                                     (d) all of these

51. In which mechanism, the first step            involved is same:   (Board 2007, 16) 12210095

      (a)  E1 and E2                                         (b) SN2 and E2

      (c)  E1 and SN1              (d) SN1 and E2

52. SN2-reactions are  (Board  2007)     12210096

      (a)  uni-molecular   (b)       bi-molecular

      (c)  trimolecular     (d)       tetramolecular

53. The common name of 2-methyl-2- chloropropane is:  (Board 2008)            12210097

      (a)  iso-butyl chloride

      (b)  sec. Butyl chloride

      (c)  tertiary butyl chloride  

      (d)  n-butyl chloride

54. In primary alkyl halides the halogen         atom is attached to a carbon atom       which   is further attached to how many carbon atoms?             (Board 2009, 16) 12210098

      (a)  two                              (b) three

      (c)  one                                          (d) four

55. Ethyl magnesium bromide reacts with      water to form:  (Board 2010)    12210099

      (a)  Ethane                         (b) Methane

      (c)  Propane                       (d) n-Butane

56. Primary alcohol is obtained by treating    Grignard’s reagent with: (Board 2010)

      (a)  HCHO                                                                         12210100

      (b) CH3CHO         

      (c)  CH3COCH3           

            (d) CO2

57. SN1-reactions are easily given by:

                                                                (Board 2011)       12210101

      (a)  primary alkyl halides   

      (b)  secondary alkyl halides

      (c)  secondary alcohols      

      (d)  primary alcohols

58. Reaction of following with Grignard’s      reagent can give primary alcohol:

                                    (Board 2011, 14)                                 12210102

      (a)  epoxide            (b) peroxide

      (c)  super oxide      (d) hydrogen oxide

59. The reactivity order of alkyl halides for a particular alkyl group is:   12210103

(a)  Fluoride < Chloride > Bromide > Iodide

(b)  Chloride > Bromide > Fluoride > Iodide 

(c)  Iodide > Bromide > Chloride > Fluoride

(d)  Bromide > Iodide > Chloride > Fluoride

60. When CO2 is made to react with ethyl magnesium iodide, followed by acid hydrolysis, the product formed is:                                                                               (Board 2013, 15) 12210104

(a)  Propane                 (b)        Propanoic acid

(c)  Propanal                (d)        Propanol

61. Grignard reagent is reactive due to:                                                                     (Board 2014, 15) 12210105

(a)  The presence of halogen atom

(b)  The presence of Mg atom

(c)  The polarity of C – Mg bond          

(d)  None of the above

62. SN2 reactions can be best carried out with:                                                             12210106

(a)  Primary alkyl halides                     

(b)  Secondary alkyl halides

(c)  Tertiary alkyl halides                     

(d)  All of the above

63. Elimination bimolecular reactions involve:                                   (Board 2014)   12210107

(a)  First order kinetics             

(b)  Second order kinetics

(c)  Third order kinetics

(d)  Zero order kinetics

64. Alkyl halides are considered to be very reactive compounds towards nucleophiles, because:       12210108

(a)  They have an electrophilic carbon

(b)  They have an electrophilic carbon and a good leaving group

(c) They have an electrophilic carbon and a bad leaving group

(d)  They have a nucleophilic carbon and a good leaving group

65. The rate of E1 reaction depends upon:


(a)  The concentration of substrate

(b)  The concentration of nucleophile

(c)  The concentration of substrate as well as nucleophile

(d)  None of the above














Short Answers


Q.1 Why alkyl iodide is more reactive than the other alkyl halides?    12210110

Q.2 Alkyl halides are polar compounds. Why?                                                                                                      12210111

Q.3 Why tertiary alkyl halides give SN1 mechanism reaction?                                     12210112


Q.4 In Grignard’s reagent why dry ether solvent is used during its preparation?       12210113

Q.5 Give the general E2 reaction mechanism of b-Elimination reactions.                                12210114

Q.6 How Iso-propylchloride is converted into 2, 3 dimethyl butane?                                                   12210115

Q.7 Why alkyl group of Grignard’s reagent behaves as a nucleophile?           12210116

Q.8 When HX reacts with propene, it always give 2-haloalkane not 1-haloalkane why?                                                                                                    12210117

Q.9 What is the general formula for Alkyl Halides?                                                                12210118

Q.10    What are polyhalides?                        12210119

Q.11    Alkyl Iodides are more reactive than other halides. Why?                              12210120

Q.12    What is meant by a substrate?

(Board 2015) 12210121

Q.13    What is leaving group?

(Board 2015)           12210122

Q.14    Name some strong and weak nucleophiles.                                                                              12210123

Q.15    Name some good leaving groups and poor leaving groups.                             12210124

Q.16    Differentiate between Unimolecular and Bimolecular reactions.                                 12210125

Q.17    What is Beta elimination?       12210126

Q.18    What is the role of stability of carbonium ion for determining SN1 and SN2 mechanism?       (Board 2006)                              12210127

Q.19    Why alkyl halides are more reactive than alkanes?                                        12210128

Q.20    Why dry ether is necessary for preparation of Grignard Reagent?    12210129

Q.21    How will you convert ethyl bromide                to propane?                                                     12210130



Q.22    How ethyl bromide is converted to propane?                                                                         12210131

Q.23    How are alkyl halides reduced to alkanes?                                                                                                            12210132

Q.24    What is the role of steric hindrance to decide about SN1 and SN2 mechanism? 12210133

Q.25    What is meant by Wurtz reaction?     (Board 2014)                                                                                                 12210134

Q.26    How alkyl iodides can be prepared?                                                                                                          12210135

Q.27    How are alkyl halides prepared from carboxylic acids?                                              12210136

Q.28    Grignard’s Reagent is considered as the most reactive compound than most of the organic compounds. Why?

                                                            (Board 2006)     12210137



Q.29    Explain the mechanism of SN2-reactions.                                            (Board-2007, 08)   12210138

Q.30    Explain the order of reactivity of alkyl halides on the basis of bond energy.

                                                (Board 2007)                 12210139

Q.31    Write two methods for the preparation of alkyl halides. (Board 2008, 10)                                       12210140

Q.32    How primary alcohols are produced when ethene epoxide is reacted with Grignard’s                  reagent?                                                                                                                                                                                        (Board 2009)     12210141

Q.33    Write the structural formulas of:

            (i) isobutylene  12210142 (ii) Vinyl bromide                                            (Board - 2009)   12210143

Q.34    Write IUPAC names of CBr4 and CHCl3.                                          (Board 2009, 2010)            12210144

Q.35    What are SN reactions? Differentiate between SN1 and SN2 reactions.  (Board 2006, 2011)


Q.36    During SN1 reaction, what is the significance of first step?      (Board 2014)       12210146

Q.37    What is the nature of C-Mg bond in R-Mg-X? (Board 2014)                   12210147

Q.38    Give reaction of Grignard’s reagent with CO2 followed by hydrolysis in acid medium.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Board 2016)                   12210148

Q.39    Differentiate between electrophile and nucleophile.                                                                                  12210149





Alcohols, Phenols & Ethers



Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:                  

1.   Alcohols are:                                                                    12211078

      (a)  neutral                       (b) strongly basic

      (c)  basic                          (d) amphoteric

2.   The characteristic group of secondary      alcohol is:                                                                          12211079

      (a)  -CH2-OH                     

      (b)  –C–OH

      (c)  -C(OH)2                                             


3.   Lucas reagent used to distinguish the        pri, sec & ter alcohol consists of: 12211080

      (a)  HBr & MgCl2              

      (b)  HBr & ZnCl2

      (c)  HCl & ZnCl2               

      (d)  HCl & MgCl2

4.   Equimolar quantities of ethanol and         methanol are heated with conc. H2SO4.           The product formed is:                           12211081

      (a)  CH3-O-CH3                 

      (b)  C2H5¾O¾CH3

      (c)  C2H5-O-C2-H5             

      (d)  All of the above

5.   Absolute alcohol is prepared from            rectified spirit by:                                             12211082

      (a)  steam distillation         

      (b)  reaction with lime

      (c)  simple distillation

      (d)  fractional distillation

6.   Fermentation of glucose to ethyl   alcohol can be carried out by: 12211083

      (a)  zymase                         (b) invertase

      (c)  lactase                          (d) diastase

7.   Acidic nature of Phenol is due to:


      (a)  phenolic group (b) benzene ring

      (c)  hydrogen bonding        

      (d) resonance stability

8.   Diethyl ether on heating with Conc. HI     gives:                                                                                 12211085

      (a) Ethanol                         (b) Iodoform

      (c) Methyl Iodide   

      (d)  Ethyl Iodide+C2H5OH

9.   Which of the following is un-         symmetrical ether?                                         12211086

      (a)  CH3-O-C3H7                

      (b) CH3-O-CH3

      (c)  C2H5-O-C2H5  

      (d) All of the above

10. The reaction of ether with HI is    preferred than HBr because:  12211087

      (a) HI is a stronger acid than HBr

      (b) HI gives a higher concentration of                                  oxonium ion

      (c) I- is a better nucleophile in SN2                           reaction than the Br- ion

      (d) All of the above

11. Diethyl ether is partially soluble in:


      (a)  Dil HCl             (b) Conc. H2SO4

      (c)  Water                           (d) Conc. KOH

12. Acidity of phenols is increased by the        presence of groups like:                                 12211089

      (a)  -NO2                                (b) halogens

      (c)  -CN                              (d) All of these

13. Phenol can be distinguished from benzene by:                                                                 12211090

      (a)  nitration                                   (b) sulphonation

      (c)  hydrogenation       (d)reaction with Br2

14. Which one of the following is not a use      of         phenol?                                                                  12211091

      (a)  disinfection                 

      (b) bakelite formation

      (c)  formation of Picric acid           

      (d)  as a preservative for food

15. When Alcohol reacts with sodium metal, which gas is liberated:             12211092

      (a)  CO                                                       (b) CO2

      (c)  H2                                                        (d) Steam

16. Alcoholic fermentation is brought about by:                                                                                 12211093

      (a)  CaCl2                                       (b) CO2

      (c)  yeast                                        (d) NaOH

17. Ethyl alcohol can be denatured by:


      (a)  pyridine                                   (b) methanol

      (c)  acetone             (d) all of these

18. The first product of oxidation of   Primary alcohol is:                                          12211095

      (a)  Aldehyde                                 (b) Ester

      (c) Carboxylic acid (d) Ketone

19. Sodium metal reacts readily with:


      (a)  CH3‑NH2                     

      (b)  CH3‑CH2‑OH

      (c)  C2H5 ‑ OC2H5              

      (d)  CH3–CHO

20. An aldehyde on treatment with methyl     magnesium bromide gives:                 12211097

      (a)  secondary alcohol        

      (b)  tertiary alcohol

      (c)  primary alcohol                        

      (d)  none of the above

21. Which of the following can convert           acetic acid into ethanol?                      12211098

      (a)  Na+alcohol                  (b) LiAlH4

      (c)  H2+Pt                                       (d) Sn+HCl

22. Which of the following is elimination        reaction?                                                                           12211099

      (a)  nitration of benzene                             

      (b)  hydrogenation of Ether

      (c)  dehydration of alcohol 

      (d)  chlorination of CH4

23. Which of the following is more soluble      in water?                     (Board 2010)                 12211100

      (a)  CH3OH             (b) C2H5OH

      (c)  C4H9OH                       (d) C6H13OH

24. Which of the following has not      attraction at all with water?    12211101

      (a)  Methanol                     (b) Ether

      (c)  Phenol                         (d) Benzene

25. Which is least soluble in water? 12211102

      (a)  Methanol                    

      (b) Ether

      (c)  Phenol                        

      (d) Ethanol

26. Phenol reacts with Acetyl Chloride in       the presence of a base to form the       product:                                                                           12211103

      (a)  Acid                             (b)Alcohol

      (c)  Ester                            (d)Aldehyde

27. Which of the following has maximum       hydrogen bonding?(Board 2007, 14) 12211104

      (a)  CH3OH             (b) C2H5OH

      (c)  C6H5OH                       (d) CH3OCH3

28. Which is the other name of phenol?

      (a)  Methanol                                                                     12211105

      (b) Carbinol

      (c)  Xylol                          

      (d)  Carbolic Acid

29. Ethanol produced by fermentation has     minimum concentration:(Board 2009) 12211106

      (a)  10%                             (b) 16% 

      (c)  14%                             (d) 20 %

30. Which of the following enzymes is not       involved in alcoholic fermentation?

      (a)  Diastase                       (b) Urease                    12211107

      (c)  Zymase             (d) Invertase

31. Which of the following gives acidic           solution in water?                                           12211108

      (a)  Methanol                     (b) Ethanol

      (c)  Phenol                         (d) Acetone

32. According to Lewis concept ethers behave as:                                                                              12211109

      (a)  Acid                            

      (b) Base

      (c)  Acid as well as a base

      (d)  None of the above

33. Methanol is not used: (Board 2008, 14)12211110

      (a)  As a solvent                

      (b)  As an antifreezing agent

      (c)  For denaturing of alcohol

      (d)  As a substitute for petrol

34. Which statement is correct for phenol?

      (a)  It turns blue litmus to red                     12211111

      (b)  It gives CO2 with NaHCO3

      (c)  Its Phenoxide ion is stable in H2O

      (d)  none of the above

35. Which reagent can distinguish      between phenol and benzyl alcohol?


      (a)  Bromine Water (b) KMnO4 (aq)

      (c)  Acetyl Chloride (d) Dil H2SO4

36. Which of the following is a weakest           acid?                                                                                  12211113

      (a)  Water                           (b) Alcohol

      (c)  Ether                            (d) Phenol

37. Sequence of use of enzymes in alcohol       fermentation is:                                                           12211114

      (a)  Zymase – Maltase – Diastase

      (b)  Maltase – Diastase - Zymase

      (c)  Diastase – Maltase – Zymase   

      (d)  Diastase – Zymase - Maltase

38. The formula of starch is:              12211115

      (a)  C12H22O11                     (b) (C6H10O5)n   

      (c)  (C6H9O4)n                     (d) C6H12O6

39. Oxidation of iso-propyl alcohol yields:                                                                                                            12211116

      (a)  Propane                                               (b) Propanal

      (c)  Propanoic acid                         (d) Propanone

40. Rectified spirit contains alcohol about:

                                                            (Board 2007)     12211117

      (a)  80%                             (b) 85%

      (c)  90%                             (d) 95%

41. Ka value 1.3 ´ 10-10 is for:             12211118

      (a)  Acetic Acid      (b) Phenol

      (c)  Alcohol            (d) 1.3% Acetic Acid

42. Primary, secondary and tertiary   alcohols can be distinguished by:12211119

      (a)  Tollen’s Test               

      (b)  Fehling Solution Test

      (c)  Lucas Test                                (d)        Iodoform Test

43. Methanol and ethanol are miscible in        water due to:                                                               12211120

      (a)  Presence of alkyl group

      (b)  Their acidic nature

      (c)  Dissociation in water   

      (d)  Hydrogen bonding

44. Which enzyme is not involved in the fermentation of starch:        (Board 2015) 12211121

      (a)  Invertase                      (b) Maltase

      (c)  Diastase                       (d) Zymase

45. Which intermediate is formed in the         acid catalysed dehydration of n-propyl           alcohol?                                                                            12211122

      (a)  CH3 - CH2 - +CH2       

      (b)  CH3 - CH2 - -CH2                   

      (c)  CH3 - +CH - CH3                    

      (d)  CH3 - -CH - CH3

46. In t·-butyl alcohol, the tertiary carbon      is bonded to:                                                               12211123

      (a) One hydrogen atom

      (b) No hydrogen atom

      (c) Three hydrogen atoms

      (d) Two hydrogen atoms

47. Picric Acid is obtained by nitration of:                                                                                                            12211124

      (a)  Phenol                                     (b) Benzene

      (c)  Aniline                                     (d) Nitrobenzene

48. Phenol on hydrogenation in the     presence of Ni gives:                                       12211125

      (a)  Cyclohexanol               (b) Cyclohexane

      (c)  Benzene                                   (d) none of these

49. Phenol reacts with Br2 in CCl4 at low        temperature to give:                                       12211126

      (a)  Ortho and Para Bromophenol

      (b)  p-Bromophenol

      (c)  m-Bromophenol         

      (d)  2,4,6 - Tri-Bromophenol

50. When C2H5O-Na++ C2H5I react together, the name of reaction is: 12211127

      (a)  Hoffmann’s reaction    

      (b)  Williamson’s reaction

      (c)  Kolbe’s reaction          

      (d)  Wurtz reaction

51. Which compound will not give      iodoform         test on treatment with I2/NaOH?                    (Board 2008)      12211128

      (a)  Acetaldeyde                 (b) Acetone

      (c)  Butanone                                 (d) 3-Pentanone

52. Which compound is called universal         solvent?                       (Board 2009)                 12211129

      (a)  H2O                             (b) CH3OH

      (c)  C2H5OH                       (d) CH3 – O – CH3

53. Which liquid is called wood spirit?

                                                            (Board  2011)      12211130

      (a)  CH3 – OH                    

      (b) C2H5 – OH

      (c)  CH3COOH

      (d) CH3 – O – CH3

54. Addition of alcohol in carboxyl     compounds gives acetal, the geometry of         acetal:             (Board 2011)           12211131

      (a)  Linear                                      (b) Trigonal

      (c)  Tetrahedral                  (d) Planar

55. Methanol can be prepared by       hydrogenation of:        (Board 2011)       12211132

      (a)  CH3CN                         (b) CH3Br        

      (c)  HCHO                                     (d) CH3CHO

56. Select from the following the one   which   is alcohol:        (Board 2015) 12211133

      (a)  CH3CH2OH                  (b)        CH3OCH3

      (d)  CH3COOH                   (d)        CH3CH2Br

57. Which compound shows hydrogen            bonding? (Board 2015)                                  12211134

      (a)  C2H6                                        (b)        C2H5Cl

      (c)  CH3OCH3                                (d)        C2H5OH

58. Tertiary butyl alcohol reacts with oxidizing agent in the presence of H2SO4 forming?                                                                                                12211135

      (a)  2-butanone                               (b)        2-butene

      (c)  2-methyl propene         (d)        butanal





Q.1    Why ethanol is denatured? 12211136

Q.2 Alcohol is an organic compound, but it is miscible with water. Why? 12211137

Q.3 Tertiary alcohol is more reactive than sec. or primary alcohol when C-O bond breaks. Why?                                               12211138

Q.4 Water has higher boiling point than alcohol. Why?                                                                      12211139

Q.5 How methanol & ethanol are distinguished? (Board  2004, 08, 09, 10)12211140

Q.6 In Lucas test why ter. alcohol reacts rapidly than pri and sec. alcohol?    12211141

Q.7 Both alcohol & phenol contain OH group but phenol is acidic and alcohol is neutral why?          (Board 2014)                              12211142

Q.8 Ethers are less reactive than Alcohols. Why?                                                                    12211143


Q.9 Draw the five resonating structures of Phenoxide ion.                                                                        12211144


Q.10    HI reacts with ether to form alkyl iodide while other halogen atoms do not. Why?                                                                                              12211145

Q.11    What is Lucas Test and Lucas Reagent?         OR How primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols are identified?

(Board 2015)12211146

Q.12    What is fermentation?

(Board 2008)     12211147

Q.13    Differentiate between methylated spirit, rectified spirit and absolute alcohol?

                                                            (Board  2008)    12211148

Q.14    What is Williamson’s synthesis?

                                                (Board. 2007, 10)            12211149


Q.15    What are primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols?                                                              12211150

Q.16    What products are formed by reaction of ethanol with concentrated H2SO4?   12211151

Q.17    Melting and boiling points of alcohols are higher than respective alkanes. Why?                                                             12211152

Q.18    C2H5Cl is a gas while C2H5OH is a liquid. Why?                                                                           12211153

Q.19    Ethanol has higher B.P than dimethyl ether. Why?                                        12211154

Q.20    Absolute alcohol cannot be prepared by fermentation process. Why?

(Board 2009, 15)  12211155

Q.21    How will you distinguish between ether and an alcohol?                                             12211156

Q.22    Alcohols are more soluble in water than ethers. Why?                                                            12211157

Q.23    How will you distinguish between carboxylic acid and phenol?                      12211158

Q.24    Carboxylic Acids are more acidic than phenol. Why?                                                 12211159

Q.25    Ethers are less reactive than alcohols. Why?                                                               12211160

Q.26    How do you distinguish phenol and ethyl alcohol?                                                                  12211161

Q.27    Why phenol is acidic but alcohols are not?                                                                                    12211161

Q.28    What is meant by denaturing of ethanol?                                                                                12211162

Q.29    What products are formed when primary and secondary alcohols are dehydrogenated?                                                             12211163

Q.30    What is meant by esterification reaction?                                                                                     12211164

Q.31    How alcohols are classified?                                                   (Board 2006)                                                                                       12211165

Q.32    The solubility of higher alcohols in water is less as compared to lower alcohols. Why?                (Board 2006)       12211166

Q.33    Why phenol is acidic while alcohol is not? (Board 2008, 15)                                          12211167

Q.34    Give four uses of phenol.

 (Board 2008)              12211168

Q.35    How will you distinguish between phenol and ethyl alcohol by chemical reactions?   

                                                                                                                                                                                          (Board 2008)                 12211169

Q.36    What is esterification? Give the reaction conditions for this reaction. (Board 2009)


Q.37    Distinguish between following with the help of chemical reactions. (Board 2010)


            (i)         1-Propanol and 2-Propanol

(ii)               An alcohol and phenol

Q.38    Picric acid is a phenol, which behaves like an acid. Justify.

   (Board 2011) 12211172

Q.39.   How does phenol react with alkali?

  (Board  2014)   12211173

Q.40.   How does picric acid synthesis takes place?                              (Board  2014) 12211174   

Q.40    Write down necessary conditions for fermentation.                                                    12201175

Q.41    The solubility of alcohols decreases with increasing molecular mass. Why?              


Q.42    Write down the uses of methanol  and ethanol.                                                                             12201177

Q.43    Ethanol has higher boiling point than ether. Why?                                                     12201178







Aldehydes And Ketones




Multiple Choice Questions


Encircle the right answer:

1. 1. The organic compounds containing

2. C = O group are called: 12212086

(a) Alcohols

(b) Carboxylic compounds

(c) Carbonyl compounds

(d) Carbocyclic compounds

2. The compounds which contain an alcohol group as well as an aldehydic group are called: 12212087

(a) Alkanols (b) Aldols

(c) Aldehydes (d) Sterols

3. Ketones are prepared by oxidation of:

(Board 2009) 12212088

(a) Primary alcohols

(b) Secondary alcohols

(c) Tertiary alcohols

(d) Alkyl halide

4. On oxidation, ketones produce: 12212089

(a) Alcohols (b) Aldehydes

(c) Aldols (d) Carboxylic Acids

5. The IUPAC names of aldehydes are derived from: 12212090

(a) alkanes (b) Alkenes

(c) Alkynes (d) Alcohols

6. Dry distillation of calcium acetate gives: 12212091

(a) Methanal (b) Ethanal

(c) Acetone (d)None of these

7. Formaldehyde gives metaformaldehyde on: 12212092

(a) Oxidation (b) Condensation

(c) Cyclization (d) Polymerization

8. Formula for Hydroxyl amine is: 12212093

(a) H2N ¾ NH2 (b) ¾NH¾NH2

(c) ¾NH¾OH (d) NH2 ¾ OH

9. On reduction aldehydes give: 12212094

(a) Primary alcohols

(b) Secondary alcohols

(c) Tertiary alcohols

(d) Carboxylic acids

10. Formaldehyde reacts with Grignard’s reagent to produce: 12212095

(a) Primary alcohol

(b) Secondary alcohol

(c) Tertiary alcohol

(d) None of the above

11. Which one has highest boiling point?



      (a)  Methanal                 (b) Ethanal 

      (c)  Propanal                  (d) 2-hexanone

12. Which one does not react with hydroxyl amine?                                                        12212097

      (a)  Methanal                     (b) Ethanal

      (c)  Ethanol                        (d) Acetone

13. Which is more favourable for aldol      condensation?                                                                   12212098

      (a)  Methanal                     (b) Ethanal

      (c)  Benzaldehyde (d) Ethanol

14. Which one of the following reagents     gives same product with propanal and       propanol?                                                                         12212099

      (a)  Conc H2SO4              

      (b)  Tollen’s reagent                     

      (c)  2, 4, Dinitrophenyl Hydrazine           

      (d) K2Cr2O7 / H2SO4

15. Dry distillation of calcium formate gives:

      (a)  Methanal                      (b) Ethanal      12212100

      (c)  Acetone                       (d)None of these

16. Which one does not gives iodoform      test?                                                                                                           12212101

      (a)  Ethanol                       

      (b) Ethanal

      (c)  Acetone                      

      (d) Methanol

17. Which one reacts with both of   aldehydes       and ketones?  (Board 2006, 14, 15)


      (a)  Grignard’s Reagent

      (b)  Tollen’s reagent

      (c)  Benedict’s solution    

      (d) Fehling solution.

18. The carbonyl carbon is:(Board 2009, 11)

      (a)  sp hybridized                                                  12212103

      (b)  sp2 hybridized

      (c)  sp3 hybridized

      (d) sp3d hybridized

19. 2,4, Dinitrophenyl hydrazine gives         precipitate with aldehydes and ketones        of         colour:                                                                   12212104

      (a)  White                                      (b) Black

      (c)  Yellow                                     (d) Blue

20. Which one gives sodium Nitroprusside            test?                                                                                           12212105

      (a)  Aldehyde                  (b) Alcohol       

      (c)  Ketone                           (d) Carboxylic acid

21. Ketones give reaction with:                   12212106

      (a)  Tollen’s reagent

      (b)  Fehling solution

      (c)  Benedict solution

      (d) Sod. Nitroprusside

22. Formaldehyde gives condensation          reaction with phenol in the presence of        H2SO4, to yield:                                                      12212107

      (a)  Polyester                     (b) Nylon 6-6

      (c)  Urotropine                   (d) Bakelite

23. Which one does not show Cannizzaro’s           reaction?                                                                                     12212108

      (a)  Formaldehyde      

      (b) Benzaldehyde

      (c)  Trimethylacetaldehyde

      (d) Acetaldehyde

24. Aldehydes react with Fehling solution to give:                                                                              12212109

      (a)  Pink ppt                                   (b)        Black ppt

      (c)  Brick red ppt               (d)       Silver mirror

25. Paraldehyde is a polymer of:     12212110

      (a)  HCHO

      (b) CH3CHO

      (c) ¾OH and HCHO      

      (d) CH3¾CO¾CH3



26. The group - C- is called:                       12212111

      (a)  Aldehydic group        

      (b)  Carboxylic group

      (c)  Carbonyl group          

      (d) Acyl group


27. The General formula for aldehydes is:


       O                                O

       ||                                               ||

      (a)  R - C - H                   (b) R - C -



      (c)  R - C - OH        (d) R - CH2 - OH

28. The General formula for ketones is:


                  O                                        O

       ||                                          ||

      (a)  R - C - OR     (b)       R - C - R

       O                                       O

       ||                                        ||

      (c)  R - C - Cl          (d)    R - C - OH

29. Which one of the following is aromatic            aldehyde?                                                                         12212114

      (a) Acetaldehyde             

      (b) Formaldehyde

      (c) Butyraldehyde            

      (d) Benzaldehyde

30. Which product is likely to be formed, when mixture of air and vapours of            methyl alcohol are passed over          platinised asbestos at 300°C?              12212115

      (a)  Formaldehyde                        

      (b)  Acetaldehyde

      (c)  Formic acid                

      (d) Acetic acid

31. Aldehydes react with hydroxylamine in           acidic solution to give:(Board 2015) 12212116

      (a) An oxime                                 (b) Aldol

      (c) Polymer                                   (d) Acetic acid

32. Which one of the following is a Grignard’s reagent?                                     12212117

      (a)                                     (b) CH3MgCl

      (c)  CH3MgCH3                (d) CH3MgCl2

33. The condensation product of propanal            in presence of dil NaOH will be: 12212118

      (a)  3-hydroxy butanal                  

      (b) 4-hydroxy-4-methyl-2- pentanal

      (c)  crotonaldehyde                      

      (d) 3-hydroxy-2-methyl pentanal

34. When 2 moles of Benzaldehyde are      treated with one mole of NaOH, the           products will be:                                                      12212119

      (a)  Benzophenone and water       

      (b)  Benzoic acid and Benzene

      (c)  Benzyl alcohol and sod. Benzoate     

      (d) Benzene and sod. Benzoate

35. The general formula for haloform is:  


      (a)  CHX3                         (b) CH2X2

      (c)  CH3X                          (d) CX4

36. In the presence of H2SO4 Paraldehyde is         formed by polymerization of:          12212121

      (a)  Formaldehyde            

      (b)  Crotonaldehyde

      (c)  Benzaldehyde            

      (d) Acetaldehyde

37. The compound containing   group is called:                                                          12212122

      (a)  Azide                          (b) Oxime

      (c)  Epoxide                       (d) Amide

38. Aldehydes and Ketones can be differentiated from each other by   using:                                                                                12212123

      (a)  2,4 dinitrophenyl hydrazine   

      (b)  Hydroxyl amine                     

      (c)  Hydrazine                  

      (d) Fehling solution test

39. The reduction of ketones results in:

      (a)  Primary Alcohol                                             12212124

      (b)  Secondary Alcohol

      (c)  Tertiary Alcohol                    

      (d) Formaldehyde

40. Which of the following reagents is        composed of ammonical silver nitrate?     


      (a)  Benedict’s Solution               

      (b)  Fehling Solution                    

      (c)  Tollen’s Reagent        

      (d) Molish Reagent

41. Aliphatic aldehydes form brick red ppts with Fehling Solution, due to formation of:                                                             12212126

      (a)  CuO                            (b) Cu2O        

      (c)  AgO2                           (d) Hg2O

42. Benedict’s solution is alkaline solution             containing:                                                           12212127

      (a)  cupric tartarate complex

      (b)  AgNO3

      (c)  2,4, dinitrophenyl hydrazine  

      (d) Cupric Citrate Complex

43. In the manufacturing of plastic such as            bakelite, which of the following       substance is used?                                           12212128

      (a)  Formic Acid               

      (b) Formaldehyde

      (c)  Acetic Acid                            

      (d) Acetaldehyde

44. The mixture containing 40%     formaldehyde, 8% methyl alcohol and       52% H2O is known by the name:     


      (a)  Bakelite                      

      (b)  Metaformaldehyde

      (c)  Formalin                     

      (d) Crotonaldehyde

45. Formamint contains:                              12212130

      (a)  Formaldehyde and Lactose    

      (b)  Formaldehyde and Menthol

      (c)  Formaldehyde and Fructose  

      (d)  Formaldehyde and Ascorbic acid

46. Chloral hydrate can be prepared by     using:                                                                          12212131

      (a)  Methanol                                

      (b) Ethanal

      (c)  Propanal                                 

      (d) Butanol

47. Aldehydes having no aplha-hydrogen atom undergoes:                                                        12212132

      (a)  Aldol Condensation   

      (b)  Cannizzaro’s Reaction

      (c)  Haloform Reaction                

      (d) Reaction with Hydrazine

48. Which test is used to identify ketones   from other compounds?                               12212133

      (a)  Tollen’s Test              

      (b)  Fehling Solution test

      (c)  Benedict Solution       test

      (d) Sod. Nitroprusside Test

49. Tollen’s reagent is:  (Board 2006) 12212134

      (a) Alkaline solution containing               potassium        tartarate

       (b)Alkaline solution containing   potassium citrate

      (c) Ammonical silver nitrate

      (d) Ammonical Cu2Cl2

50. Acetone reacts with HCN to form         cyanohydrins. It is an example of:

                                                            (Board 2010)  12212135

      (a)  Electrophilic addition            

      (b)  Electrophilic substitution

      (c) Nucleophilic addition

      (d) Nucleophilic substitution

51. Catalyst used for the laboratory           preparation of formaldehyde is:

                                                                        (Board 2010)  12212136

      (a)  Cd-asbestos                 (b) Pb-asbestos

      (c)  Pt-asbestos                  (d) Cu-asbestos

52. Formalin is:                                 12212137                                                                                    

      (a) 10% solution of formaldehyde in water

      (b) 20% solution of formaldehyde in water

      (c) 40% solution of formaldehyde in water

      (d) 60% solution of formaldehyde in water

53. Which of the following compounds will not give iodoform test on treatment with I2/NaOH:                     12212138

      (a) acetaldehyde

      (b) acetone

      (c) butanone

      (d) 3-pentanone

54. Which of the following compounds will react with Tollen’s reagent? (Board 2015)


      (a) CH3- H

      (b) CH3- CH3

      (c) CH3- OH

      (d) CH3- CH2-CH3

55. Cannizzaro’s reaction is given by: (Board 2016)                                                                      12212140

      (a) Acetaldehyde

      (b) Formaldehyde

      (c) Propanal

      (d) Propanone





Q. 1.    What is formalin?                                       12212141

Q. 2.    Give the balanced chemical equation with reaction conditions for the formation of formaldehyde from methanol.                                                                                                                                                                                                               12212142

Q. 3.    How formaldehyde is prepared on industrial scale, by using methanol?               12212143

Q. 4.    Give equation when acetaldehyde is prepared by dry distillation of calcium salts of formic and acetic acid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         12212144

Q. 5.    How acetaldehyde is prepared industrially by using ethylene?                                                                    12212145        

Q. 6.    What is aldol condensation?               

                                                                                (Board 2014)                            12212146

Q. 7.    How a base or acid catalyse the nucleophilic addition reactions of carbonyl groups?                                                                                                          12212147


Q. 8.    What is Cannizzaro’s reaction? (B. 2009, B. 2010, 2014)                                                                  12212148

Q. 9.    How haloform can be prepared?                                                                                                                                                                               12212149


Q. 10.  Iodoform test is used to distinguish between which organic compounds?

(Board. 2009) 12212150



Q. 11.  How metaformaldehyde can be prepared by using formaldehyde?  (Board 2009, 14)  12212151

Q. 12.  How paraldehyde can be prepared by using acetaldehyde?           (Board 2014)                             12212152       

Q. 13.Give the chemical equation of the reaction of acetaldehyde with 2,4- DNPH. 12212153

Q.14.   Give the chemical equation of oxidation of propionaldehyde in the presence of acidified K2Cr2O7.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           12212154

Q.16    How Fehling solution test is performed to distinguish Aldehydes from ketones?                            

        (Board 2008, 2016) 12212156

Q. 17.  How brick red precipitates of Cu2O are formed during the Benedict solution test of

            aldehydes?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     12212157

Q. 18.  Give the chemical equation for the formation of an acetal by using ethanol and aldehydes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (Board 2011)                             12212158


Q. 19.  Give any four uses of formaldehyde.                                            (Board 2014)             12212159

Q. 20.  Give any four uses of acetaldehyde.


Q. 21.  Why the aldehydes with no a-hydrogen give cannizzaro’s reaction?


Q. 22.  Why HCN is not directly used in aldehydes and ketones?                                                                 12212162

Q.3      What type of polarity is present in carbonyl group?                                                        12212163

Q.24    How will you convert acetic acid to acetaldehyde?                                                           12212164


Q.25    Why sodium bi-sulphite react only with methyl ketones?                                    12212165

Q.26    Name two mild oxidizing agents which distinguish aldehydes and ketones.     



Q. 27.  Why NaHSO3 is not added in 3-Pentanone?                                                                                           12212167

Q. 28.  Only methyl ketones are able to give haloform reaction but other ketones do not. Why?                                                                                  12212168

Q. 29.  What are the products of reaction of aldehydes and Ketones with hydroxyl amine? 


Q. 30.  Why ketones are less reactive than aldehydes?                                                                                                             12212170

Q. 31.  What happens when the following compounds are heated (i) calcium acetate

(ii) sodium formate and soda lime?                         (Board 2008, 2015)                                                                    12212171        

Q. 32.  What is a haloform reaction? Give one example. (Board. 2009, 10)                     12212172

Q. 33.  Give the mechanism of HCN addition in acetone.                         (Board 2009)          12212173              


Q. 34.  Compare oxidation of CH3CHO andby oxidizing agent K2Cr2O7 (acidified).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12212174

Q. 35.  How would acetone be changed to propane and t-butyl alcohol? (Board 2010)         12212175                    

Q.36.   Name those weak oxidizing agents which can oxidize aldehyde but not the ketone.

 (Board 2014) 12212176

Q.37.   How iodoform is prepared from acetaldehyde and ethyl alcohol? (Board 2014) 12212177

Q38.    What is the difference between aldehyde and ketone?                                         (Board 2015) 12212178

Q39.    Write the reaction of phenylhydrazine with acetaldehyde and acetone.

(Board 2016)   12212179


UNIT  13


Carboxylic Acids





Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   The IUPAC name of H - -OH is :


      (a)  Ethanoic Acid                                                 

      (b)  Methanol

      (c)  Ethanol

      (d)  Methanoic Acid

2.   The aliphatic monocarboxylic acids are    commonly called:                                                           12213069

      (a)  Carbohydrates              (b) Lipids

      (c)  Fatty acids                                (d) Acetates

3.   Organic compounds containing – CN        group are called:                                                                            12213070

      (a)  Cyanides                                  (b) Nitrites

      (c)  Nitrates                         (d) Nitriles

4.   Which of the following alcohols are           readily oxidized to give carboxylic      acids on reacting with K2Cr2O7?


      (a)  Primary                        (b) Secondary

      (c)  Tertiary                                    (d) Dioles

5.   Alkyl nitriles can be prepared by treating alkyl halides with alcoholic:

      (a)  Calcium cyanide                                               12213072

      (b)  Phosphorus cyanide

      (c)  Potassium cyanide                               

      (d)  Calcium carbide

6.   Carboxylic acids are dehydrated on          heating strongly in the presence of:


      (a)  Al2O3                                       (b) P2O5

      (c)  Conc. H2SO4                (d) Fe2 O3

7.   Vinegar is dilute solution of Acetic            Acid:                                                                                 12213074

      (a)  1 – 5%                      (b) 4 – 10%

      (c)  10 – 15%                   (d) 10 – 20%

8.   Acidic amino acids contain acidic groups:                                                                                    12213075

      (a)  One                             

      (b) Two

      (c)  Three                          

      (d) Four

9.   NH2 - CH2 COOH is formula of:  


      (a)  Histidine                      (b) Glycine

      (c)  Lysine                          (d) Alanine

10. Zwitter ion is a:                                                     12213077

      (a)  Polar ion

      (b)  Non polar ion

      (c)  Dipolar ion

      (d)  Tripolar ion

11. Amino acids can be prepared by: 

(Board 2010)12213078

      (a) Kolb’s synthesis      

      (b) Wurtz Synthesis

      (c) Strecker’s synthesis                              

      (d) Williamson’s synthesis

12. All alpha amino acids exist largely in        form:                                                                                                    12213079        

      (a) Covalent form              

      (b) Ionic form

      (c) Coordinate form

      (d) none of the above

13. Which of the following is not formed         when acetic acid reacts with PCl5?


      (a)  C2 H5 Cl                       (b) HCl

      (c)  POCl3                           (d) CH3COCl

14. Acetic Acid is obtained when:       12213081

      (a)  Methanol is oxidised

      (b)  Methanol is reduced

      (c)  Ethanol is oxidised

      (d)  Methanol is fermented

15. Acetic Acid usually exists as:           12213082

      (a)  Monomer                     (b) Dimer

      (c)  Trimer                          (d) Polymer

16. The acid present in the sting of bees          and ants is:                                                                                        12213083

      (a)  Acetic Acid      (b) HCl

      (c)  Formic Acid     (d) HNO2

17. Which one is not a carboxylic Acid?


      (a)  Acetic Acid      (b)        Formic Acid

      (c)  Carbolic Acid   (d)  Phthalic Acid

18. Which of the following is a cyclic carboxylic acid?                                              12213085

      (a)  Carbolic Acid               (b) Picric Acid 

      (c)  Malonic Acid               (d)Phthalic Acid

19. Which one is an unsaturated         carboxylic acid?                             (Board 2010)            12213086

      (a) Propanoic acid              (b) Oxalic Acid

      (c) Succinic Acid                (d) Maleic Acid

20. Which one is a fatty Acid? 12213087

      (a)  Oxalic Acid                  (b)Phthalic Acid

      (c)  Succinic Acid               (d) Butyric Acid

21. Acetic Acid exists as dimer in benzene      due to:                                                                         12213088

      (a)  Presence of hydrogen at a-carbon        

      (b)  Condensation reaction

      (c)  Presence of carboxylic group   

      (d)  Hydrogen bonding

22. Two moles of acetic acid are heated          with P2O5. The product formed is:


      (a)  Butanoic Acid                         

      (b)  Acetic Anhydride

      (c)  Ethanol

      (d)  Ethanal

23. Acetic Acid reacts with LiAlH4 to give:                                                                                                           12213090

      (a)  C2H6                                                     (b) C3H7OH

      (c)  C6H5 - CH2 - OH                     (d) C2H5OH

24. In the formation of ester from       carboxylic acids, the -OH group is      replaced by:                                                          12213091

      (a)  -R                                                        (b) -COOR     

      (c)  -OR                                         (d) -COR

25. When aqueous solution of potassium         salt of acetic acid is electrolysed the gas          produced is:                                                          12213092

      (a)  Methane                                   (b) Ethane

      (c)  Ethene                                     (d) Ethyne

26. A Carboxylic Acid is treated with lime      water, the product is distilled in dry    state, it forms acetone, the carboxylic acid is:                                                                         12213093

      (a)  HCOOH                                  

      (b) CH3COOH

      (c)  Propionic acid             

      (d) Succinic acid

27. The reaction of acetic acid with sodium     metal gives:                                                                 12213094

      (a)  CO                                                       (b) CO2

      (c)  HCHO                                     (d) H2

28. Hydrolysis of nitriles with alkaline            solution gives                                                              12213095

      (a)  Esters                                       (b) Cyanides

      (c)  Carboxylic acids           (d) Amides

29. A mixture of an aldehyde and       carboxylic acid can be distinguished   by:                                                                                                 12213096

      (a)  Na2SO3                                     (b) NaHSO3

      (c)  Na2SO4                                     (d) H2SO4

30. The strecker synthesis is employed for      the preparation of amino acids when hydrogen  cyanide and ammonia is            treated with the substrate:                  12213097

      (a)  Alcohol            (b) Carboxylic Acid

      (c)  Ketone                         (d)        Aldehyde

31. Which of the following amino acids is       basic?                                                                                                           12213098

      (a)  Glutamic Acid                         (b) Glycine

      (c)  Alanine                                     (d) Lysine

32. Acetaldehyde and acetic acid can be         distinguished with:                                          12213099

      (a)  NaHCO3                         (b) NaOH

      (c)  AgNO3+NH4OH     (d) Help of litmus

33. The solvent that can dissolve all the          carboxylic acids is:                                          12213100

      (a)  Conc. H2SO4                (b) dil-NaOH

      (c)  dil-HCl                                    (d) Water

34. Acetamide is prepared by:                        12213101

      (a)  Heating Ammonium Acetate    

      (b)  Heating Methyl Cyanide

      (c)  Heating Ethyl Acetate  

      (d)  The hydrolysis of Methyl Cyanide

35. Which of the following carboxylic acids    has higher melting point?                    12213102

      (a)  Formic Acid                 (b) Acetic Acid

      (c)  Propionic Acid (d) Butyric Acid

36. Amino Acids are identified in paper          chromatography by:                           12213103

      (a)  Fehling Solution Test               

      (b)  Tollen’s Test

      (c)  Iodoform Test 

      (d)  Ninhydrin

37. Which of the following reactions   involves displacement of OH group of the carboxylic acids?                                12213104

      (a)  RCOOH + Na ¾¾®  

      (b)  RCOOH + NaOH ¾¾®

      (c)  RCOOH + NaHCO3 ¾¾®

      (d)  RCOOH + PCl5 ¾¾®

38. An acid X is reacted with a mixture of sodium nitrite and hydrochloric acid the product is  lactic acid, the X is:


      (a) Glycerine                      (b) Lysine

      (c) Alanine             (d) Valine

39. 2-Hydroxy propanoic acid is called: 

                                                (Board 2008)       12213106

      (a)  Oxalic acid                   (b) Lactic acid

      (c)  Citric acid                                (d) Aspartic acid

40. Which reagent is used to reduce a carboxylic group to an alcohol?

                                                (Board. 2008, 09, 15)                 12213107

      (a)  H2/Ni                                       (b) H2/Pt                      

      (c)  H2/Pd                                       (d) LiAlH4

41. Acetic acid was first isolated from:

                                                                        (Board. 2009)        12213108

      (a)  Butter                           (b) Vinegar

      (c)  Milk                             (d) Red ant

42. The molecular mass of protein is:                                                                                                  (Board 2010)      12213109

      (a)  less than 10, 000          

      (b)  Greater than 10, 000

      (c)  Equal to 10, 000

      (d)  Equal to 9, 000

43. Which compound is polyprotic acid?

                                                                                (Board 2011)     12213110

      (a)  CH3COOH       (b)        C6H4(OH)COOH

      (c)  (COOH)2                      (d)        C6H5OH

44. Acetic acid is manufactured by:


      (a)  Distillation                   (b)        Fermentation

      (c)  Ozonolysis                               (d)        Esterification

45. A carboxlic acid contains:                         12213112

      (a)  a hydroxyl group                     

      (b) a carboxyl group

      (c)  a hydroxyl and carboxyl group

      (d) a carboxyl and an aldehydic group

46. Which acid is used in the manufacture of synthetic fibre:                           12213113

      (a)  Formic acid                  (b)        Oxalic acid

      (c)  Carbonic acid               (d)        Acetic acid

47. Which of the following derivatives cannot be prepared directly from acetic acid:                                                      12213114

      (a)  Acetamide                               (b)        Acetyl chloride

      (c)  Acetic anhydride          (d)        Ethyl acetate

48. The solution of which acid is used for seasoning of food?                          12213115

      (a)  Formic acid                 (b)        Acetic acid

      (c)  Benzoic acid               (d)        Butanoic acid

49. Organic compounds x and y react together to form organic compound z. What type of compounds can x,y and z be?                                                                                              12213116

      (a)  (x) alcohol, (y) ester, (z) acid         

      (b) (x) acid, (y) ester, (z) alcohol

      (c)  (x) ester, (y) alcohol, (z) acid         

      (d) (x) alcohol, (y) acid, (z) ester

50. An aqueous solution of an organic compound reacts with sodium carbonate to produce CO2 gas. Which of the following could be the organic compound:                                                            12213117

      (a)  CH2=CH-CH3  

      (b) CH3-CHO

      (c)  CH3COOC2H5             

      (d) CH3-CH2-COOH

51. Which of the following is not a fatty          acid?                                                                                  12213118

      (a)  Propanoic acid (b)        Acetic acid

      (c)  Phthalic acid                (d)        Butanoic acid

52. Acetamide is prepared by:  12213117

      (a)  Heating ammonium acetate

      (b)  Acetic acid

      (c)  Heating ethyl acetate   

      (d)  Butanoic acid

53. Banana flavor is given by the ester:                                                                                  (Board 2016) 12213119

      (a)  Octyl acetate

      (b)  Amyl butyrate

      (c)  Amyl acetate

      (d)  Ethyl butyrate

54. The carbon atom of a carboxyl group is hybridized: (Board 2016)                           12213120

      (a)  sp                                             (b)        sp2

      (c)  sp3                                                               (d)        dsp2







Q. 1.    How carboxylic acids are converted into a-amino acids?                         (Board 2016)                          12213121

Q. 2.    Why are the carboxylic acids called as fatty acids?                                                                                                              12213122

Q. 3.    How alkenes are converted into carboxylic acids by using alkaline KMnO4? 12213123

Q. 4.    What are acid anhydrides and how are they prepared?             (Board 2010)                                                   12213124

Q. 5.    What is Zwitter ion?                                                    (Board 2006)                                                                                                                               12213125

Q. 6.    How carboxylic acids are reduced?                                                                                                                                                                              12213126

Q. 7.    What are neutral amino acids?                                               (Board 2015, 2016)                                                                                                    12213127

Q. 8.    Give some uses of acetic acid.                                                                                                                                          (Board 2010)       12213128

Q. 9.    What are essential and non-essential amino acids?                                                       (Board  2009)                 12213129

Q. 10.  How the hydrolysis of nitriles give carboxylic acids?                                                   (Board 2009)                   12213130

Q. 11.  Why acetic acid is called glacial acetic acid? What are its major uses?                                               12213131

Q. 12.  How carboxylic acid will act as an acid?                                                                                                                                                                    12213132

Q. 13.  What are various esters found in the fruits?                                                                                                                                            12213133

Q. 14.  What are aromatic carboxylic acids?                                                                                                                                                                          12213134

Q. 15.  What is a peptide bond? Write down formula of a dipeptide. (Board 2007, 15)      12213135

Q.16    Why do the carboxylic acids have higher boiling points than alcohols and alkanes?


Q.17    What is Ninhydrin test?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12213137

Q. 18.  How do you justify that amino acids are amphoteric in nature?            (Board 2009)           12213138

Q. 19.  Write the formula of glycine and alanine.                                                          (Board 2016)                                                   12213139

Q. 20.  How amino acid is prepared by strecker method?                     (Board 2016)                                                   12213140

Q. 21.  How are amino acids converted to esters?                                                                                                                                                                 12213141

Q. 22.  How acetic acid is prepared in the laboratory?                                                                                                                                       12213142

Q. 23.  How will you convert acetic acid to acetamide?                                  (Board  2008, 15)                             12213143

Q. 24.  Write down the structural formulas of Benzoic acid and acetic anhydride.

                                                                                                                                (Board 2008) 12213144

Q. 25.  How ethanol is converted into acetic acid?                                                                              (Board  2008)        12213145

Q. 26.  How will you convert acetic acid to methane?                                     (Board 2008, 10)     12213146

Q. 27.  What is the difference between peptides and proteins?                                   (Board  2009)          12213147

Q. 28.  What are fatty acids? How can acid chlorides are made from them? (Board 2010)   12213148

Q. 29.  Differentiate between acidic and basic amino acids.                                                  (Board  2011)         12213149

Q. 30.     How will you convert CH3 – CH3 ¾¾® CH3 – CH2 – COOH? (Board 2006)               12213150

Q. 31.     Write IUPAC names and standard formulas of first four members of Saturated aliphatic carboxylic acids.                                                                     (Board 2010)                                                              12213151


Q.32    Why lower carboxylic acids are very soluble in water?                                   12212152

Q.33    Why the molecular masses of carboxylic acids become double in non-polar solvents?                                                      12212153

Q.34    Why the melting points of carboxylic acids having even number of carbon atoms are greater than those having odd number of carbon atoms?                  


Q.35    How would you convert acetic acid to acetone?                                                                      12212155










Multiple Choice Questions

Encircle the right answer:

1.   Which of these polymers is an addition            polymer?                          (Board 2007, 10, 11,14, 15) 12214065

      (a)  Nylon 6, 6                   (b) Polystyrene

      (c)  Terylene                      (d) Epoxy resin

2.   Which of these polymers is a synthetic             polymer?                                                                                                  12214066

      (a)  Animal fat                   (b) Starch

      (c)  Cellulose                     (d) Polyester

3.      Which of the following is polyester?    

      (a)  Nylon 6, 6                                                                   12214067

      (b)  Polyvinyl Chloride

      (c)  Polyethylene   (d)       Terylene

4.   Which of the following macromolecules           contains Carbon, Hydrogen and     Nitrogen?                                                                                                 12214068

      (a)  Nylon 6,6                                (b) Terylene    

      (c)  Starch                                      (d) Bakelite

5.   Which one of the following enzymes     brings about the hydrolysis of fats?

(Board 2013, 2016)12214069

      (a)  Urease                                     (b)Maltase      

      (c)  Zymase                                    (d) Lipase

6.   The reaction between fat and NaOH is            called:             (Board 2014, 15, 16)                                12214070

      (a)  Esterification        (b) Hydrogenolysis

      (c)  Fermentation        (d) Saponification

7.   Which one of the following is a monomer of Teflon?                                            12214071

      (a) CH2 = CH2 – Cl 

      (b) Cl – CH = CH – Cl

      (c)  CH2 = C                                       

      (d) F2C = CF2

8.   Vegetable oils are:   (Board 2008)     12214072

      (a)  Unsaturated fatty acids          

      (b)  Glycerides of unsaturated fatty acids

      (c)  Glycerides of saturated fatty acids    (d)       Essential oils obtained from   plants

9.   Which of the following is a         thermosetting plastic?                                              12214073

      (a)  PVC                                        (b) Polystyrene

      (c)  Polyethene                              (d) Bakelite

10. Starch is a polymer of:                           12214074

      (a)  µ - D – Glucose          (b)        b - D – Glucose

      (c)  Fructose                                  (d)       Sucrose

11. Sucrose is a:                                                                     12214075

      (a)  Monosaccharide          (b) Disaccharide

      (c)  Pentoses                                  (d) Polysaccharide

12. The degree of unsaturation of fat is      measured by:                                                             12214076

      (a)  Iodine number            

      (b)  Oxidation number

      (c)  Reduction number                              

      (d) Saponification number

13. The characteristic functional group in             fats is:                                                                               12214077

      (a)  A ketonic group                     

      (b)  An alcoholic group

      (c)  An ester group            

      (d) A peptide group

14. Proteins on hydrolysis produce: 12214078

      (a)  Amino Acids               (b) Fatty Acids

      (c)  Glucose                                   (d) Vitamins

15. Cholesterol is precursor of:       12214079

      (a)  Vitamin D                              

      (b)  Sex Hormones

      (c)  Adrenal Hormones                             

      (d) All of the above

16. Hydrolysis of sucrose is called:  12214080

      (a)  Hydration                            (b) Inversion

      (c)  Esterification           (d) Saponification

17. The substance that retard the activity of          enzyme is called:                                                  12214081

      (a)  Co-enzyme                  (b) Epo-enzyme

      (c)  Activator                                 (d) Inhibitor

18. Non-protein part of enzyme is called:                                                                                                                     12214082

      (a)  Epoenzyme                 (b) Coenzyme

      (c)  Substrate                                 (d) Activator

19. The optimum temperature for the        activity of enzymes is:                       12214083

      (a)  10 - 20°C                                 (b) 20 - 35°C

      (c)  35 - 55°C                                 (d) 55 - 70°C


20. Which one is water insoluble?   12214084

      (a)  Vitamin A                    (b) Vitamin B

      (c)  Vitamin C                    (d) None of these

21. Which one is water soluble?                         12214085

      (a)  Vitamin D                               (b) Vitamin E

      (c)  Vitamin A                               (d) Vitamin C

22. The addition of H2 to oil in the presence           of catalyst is:                                                        12214086

      (a)  Hydrogenation                     (b) Esterification

      (c)  Fermentation            (d)Saponification

23. Cholesterol belongs to class:      12214087

      (a)  Fats                                         (b) Lipids

      (c)  Carbohydrates             (d) Vitamins

24. Which of the following is an ester?                                                                                                                                                                                 12214088

      (a)  Soap                                        (b) Starch

      (c)  Dacron                                     (d) Cholesterol

25. Which one is not a polymer?       12214089

      (a)  Glycogen                                 (b) Starch

      (c)  Teflon                                      (d) Petroleum

26. Which of the following polymers          contains Hydrogen bonding?              12214090

      (a)  Nylon 6,6                    (b) PVC

      (c)  Polyethene                  (d) Polystyrene

27. Which one is a condensation polymer?

      (a)  Polyethylene                                                   12214091

      (b) P.V.C.

      (c)  Polystyrene                

      (d) Nylon 6,6

28. The molecular formula of a       Trisaccharide may be:                                  12214092

      (a)  C3 H3 O3                                  (b) C3 H6 O3

      (c)  C18 H36 O18                 (d) C18O16H32

29. Which is not a lipid?                                         12214093

      (a)  Cholesterol                  (b) Oil

      (c)  Glycogen                                 (d) Vitamin D

30. The length of the polymer chain is        specified by:                                                               12214094

      (a)  Iodine number                                    

      (b)  Degree of polymerization

      (c)  Acid number                                      

      (d) Saponification number

31. Sucrose belong to the class of    carbohydrates called as:                  12214095

      (a)  Polysaccharides                       (b)        Enzymes

      (c)  Oligosaccharides                    

      (d) Monosaccharides

32. Vinyl acetate reacts with butyl maleate            to form:                                                                            12214096

      (a)  Homopolymer             (b) Copolymer

      (c)  Terpolymer                  (d)None of these

33. The animal starch is:                              12214097

      (a)  Glucose                                   (b) Glycogen

      (c)  Fructose                                  (d) Sucrose

34. The enzyme which is not present in      human body is:                                                          12214098

      (a)  Cellulase                                  (b) Lipase

      (c)  Pepsin                                      (d) Ptylin

35. The fibre which is made from acrylonitrile as monomer is:(Board 2014)


      (a)  PVC                                        (b) Rayon fibre  

      (c)  Acrylic fibre                (d) Polyester fibre

36. Plastics are a pollution problem            because many plastics:                                  12214100

      (a)  are made from petroleum                   

      (b)  are very inflammable

      (c)  burn to produce toxic fumes     

      (d) decompose to produce toxic products

37. A polymeric substance that is formed in          the liquid state and then hardened to a      rigid solid is called a:                            12214101

      (a)  Fibre                                        (b) Plastic

      (c)  Varnish                                    (d) Polyamide

38. Which one of the following elements is             not present in all proteins?             12214102

      (a)  Carbon                                     (b) Hydrogen

      (c)  Nitrogen                                  (d) Sulphur

39. Which one of the following is a water   soluble vitamin?                                                                           12214103

      (a)  Niacin                                      (b) Riboflavin

      (c)  Trypsin                                    (d) Ascorbic Acid

40. Which one of the following statements             about glucose and sucrose is incorrect? 

                                                                                (Board             2008)   12214104

      (a)  Both are soluble in water                   

      (b)  Both are naturally occurring

      (c)  Both are carbohydrates                      

      (d) Both are disaccharides

41. Which of the following is called             Polyamide resin?                                                         12214105

      (a)  Nylon 6,6                                (b) Polyester   

      (c)  Polystyrene                 (d) PVA

42. Potato, rice, maize and wheat are the   major sources of:                                                      12214106

      (a)  Fructose                                  (b) Starch

      (c)  Sucrose                                    (d) Glucose

43. Which of the following is insoluble in water?                                                                                12214107

      (a)  Glucose                                   (b) Fructose

      (c)  Starch                                      (d) Sucrose

44. A Protein which is obtained by heating            bones, which is used in bakery goods.        The protein is:                                                  12214108

      (a)  Insulin                         (b) Gelatin

      (c)  Caesein                        (d) Lecithin

45. Which of the following serves as excellent insulators for the animal body:                                                                               12214109

      (a)  Fats                                         (b) Starch       

      (c)  Enzymes                                  (d) Vitamins

46. Which of the following act in vivo as    well as in vitro?                                                                            12214110

      (a)  Enzymes                                  (b) Lipids

      (c)  Carbohydrates             (d) Vitamins

47. The extent of unsaturation in a fat or oil          is expressed in terms of:                   12214111

      (a)  Acid Number                         

      (b)  Iodine Number

      (c)  Saponification Number                      

      (d) Rancidity of fats or oils

48. Which statement is incorrect?   12214112

      (a)  Proteins have nitrogen while                                      carbohydrates do not

      (b)  Enzymes are proteins

      (c)  A complete proteins has all essential                         amino acids

      (d) Proteins, like fats and carbohydrates                          are sources of energy

49. The fibre having the monomer

      CH2 = CH - CN (acrylo nitrile) is         known as:                                                         (Board  2009)          12214113

      (a)  Acrylic Fibre               (b) PVC

      (c)  Saran Fibre                  (d) Rayon Fibre

50. Which of the following is the property of         thermoplastic?                                                                      12214114

      (a)  That contains chlorine as necessary                           element

      (b)  That is formed by condensation                                 polymerization

      (c)  That becomes soft, mold and remolded easily by heating

      (d) That cannot be remolded and softened                       easily by heating

51. Terylene Polymer is formed from:       


      (a)  Hydrogen Cyanide and Acetylene     

      (b)  Vinyl Chloride and Vinyl Acetate

      (c)  Terephthalic Acid and Ethylene                                             Glycol

      (d) Adipic Acid and Hexamethylene                                            diamine

52. Which of the following enzymes            catalyze the addition of H2O or NH3 to      double bond?                                                       12214116

      (a)  Hydrolases                  (b) Isomerases

      (c)  Ligases                                    (d) Lyases

53. Epoxy resins are fundamentally:          

      (Board 2007)                          12214117

      (a)  Polyamides                  (b) Polyethers
(c)  Polyesters                                (d) Polyvinyls

54. Which of the following is used to          prepare synthetic fibre?

                                    (Board 2008)           12214118

      (a)  Carbonic acid              (b) Formic acid

      (c)  Acetic acid                  (d) Butyric acid

55. Enzyme used for the treatment of         blood   cancer in children is: (Board 2010)


      (a)  Cellulase                     

      (b) Urease

      (c)  L-asparaginase                                   

      (d) Lactic dehydrogenase

56. Which one of the following nitrogenous

      bases is not present in RNA?     12214120

(a)   Cytosine                      (b)        Adenine

(c)  Thiamine               (d)       Uracil

57. In which of these processes are small

      organic molecules made into

      macromolecules:                                                  12214121

(a)   The cracking of petroleum fractions.

(b)   The fractional distillation of crude oil.

(c)   The polymerization of ethene.

(d)   The hydrolysis of proteins.





3. Q. 1. What is iodine number? (Board 2016)

4. (Board 2008, 09, 11, 14) 12214122

5. Q. 2. Define saponification and saponification number? (Board 2008, 09, 14, 16) 12214123

6. Q. 3. What do you mean by Rancidity of fat? (Board 2014, 15, 16) 12214124

7. Q. 4. What are derived Proteins?

8. (Board 2010) 12214125

9. Q. 5. What is the basic skeleton of steroids? 12214126

Q. 6. Differentiate between µ - D Glucose and b - D – Glucose. 12214127

10. Q. 7. What do you mean by denaturing of proteins? 12214128

Q. 8. Differentiate between glycosidic linkage and peptide linkage. 12214129

Q. 9. What is the difference between Epoenzyme and coenzyme? 12214130

Q. 10. What is optimum temperature and optimum pH for enzymatic activity? 12214131

Q. 11. Differentiate between Homopoly-mer and Copolymer. 12214132

11. Q. 12. What are thermoplastic and thermosetting plastics? (Board 2006,14) 12214133

Q.13 How proteins are classified? 12214134

Q.14 How will you classify polymer on the basis of varieties of monomers? 12214135


Q.15 What are epoxy resins? 12214136

Q. 16. What is meant by Terpolymer?


Q. 17. What is the acid number of the fats? 12214138

Q. 18. What are nucleotides? 12214139

Q. 19. What factors affect enzyme activity? (Board 2009) 12214140

Q. 20. What is cholesterol? 12214141

Q. 21. What is lactose? To which class does it belong? 12214142

Q. 22. How do you classify the oils and fats on the basis of phase? (Board 2011, 15)


Q. 23. What are oligosaccharides? 12214144

Q. 24. What is starch? 12214145


Q. 27.  How polystyrene is prepared? Give its two uses.                                                                                             12214148

Q. 28.  Write a short note on Nylon –6, 6.                                                                                                       (Board 2009)         12214149


Q. 29.  What are acrylic resins? Give their two uses.                                (Board 2009)       12214150

Q. 30.  Define enzyme. Name their two properties.                                   (Board 2011)            12214151

Q. 31.  What are carbohydrates? Why are they called so?                       (Board 2014)            12214152

Q. 32.  Give the difference between DNA and RNA.                                 (Board 2014)            12214153

Q.33    How the degree of polymerization helps to determine the molar mass of the polymer?                                                                                   12214154

Q.34    How will you differentiate between amylose and amylopectin?   12214155

Q.3      What is meant by denatination of proteins?                                                                            12214156

Q.4      Differentiate between addition and condensation polymerization. (Board 2016)                                                                                                                             12214157











Q.5      Differentiate between fats and oils.                                                                                                                                                                             12214158





Common Chemical Industries In Pakistan






Multiple Choice Questions


Encircle the right answer:

1.   Which three elements are needed for        the healthy growth of plants?(Board 2010)   


      (a)  N, S, P                          (b) N, Ca, P

      (c)  N, P, K                         (d) N, K, C

2.   Which woody raw material is used for      the manufacture of paper pulp?  

                                                                                                (Board 2013,16)   12215054

      (a)  Cotton                          (b) Bagasse  

      (c)  Poplar                          (d) Bamboo

3.   The nitrogen present in some fertilizers    help plants to:             (Board 2010)    12215055

      (a)  fight against diseases

      (b) undergo photosynthesis

      (c)  produce protein

      (d) produce fruits

4.   Phosphorus helps the growth of: 


      (a)  root                              (b) leaves   (Board 2014)

      (b)  stem                             (d) seed

5.   Micronutrients are required in     quantity           ranging from:             12215057

      (a)  4g-40g                         (b) 6g-200g

      (c)  6kg-200kg                    (d) 4kg-40kg

6.   During the manufacturing process of        cement the temperature of      decomposition  zone goes up to:   12215058

      (a)  600oC                          (b) 800oC

      (c)  1000oC             (d) 12000oC

7.   The word paper is derived from name of which reedy plant?      (Board 2015)  12215059

      (a)  lime                             (b) sunflower

      (c)  papyrus             (d) water hyacinth

8.   Which is not a calcarious material?         

                                                (Board  2009, 11,14,15)           12215060

      (a)  shale                            (b) lime stone  

      (c)  marble                         (d) marine shell

9.   How many zones are there through which the       charge passes in a Rotary kiln?                

                                                                                (Board 2014)                          12215061

      (a)  4                                              (b) 3

      (c)  2                                              (d) 5

10. Ammonium nitrate fertilizer is not            used for which crop?   (Board  2016)  12215062

      (a)  cotton                          (b) wheat

      (c)  sugar cane                    (d) paddy rice

11. Which of following compounds is a           nitrogenous fertilizer?                                   12215063

      (a)  NH2CONH2     (b) Cu(NO3)2

      (c)  Pb(NO3)2                      (d) Nitrobenzene

12. Which one of the following is a      macronutrient for plants?                         12215064

      (a)  boron                           (b) zinc

      (c)  calcium             (d) nitrogen

13. The nutrients which are required in          very small amount for the growth       of

      plants are called:                                                                   12215065

      (a)  macronutrients             (b) micronutrients

      (c)  essential nutrients         (d) none of these

14. Potassium present in fertilizers helps        the growth of:                                                     12215066

      (a)  seed, food and cereals  

      (b) stem

      (c)  root                                                     

      (d) leaves

15. The most widely used nitrogen      fertilizer in Pakistan is:                                     12215067

      (a)  Ammonia        

      (b)  Ammonium nitrate

      (c)  Ammonium sulphate

      (d)  urea

16. Which one of the following sets of raw      materials is most suitable for   manufacture of urea?                   12215068

      (a)  CH4, N2 and CO2                     

      (b) H2, N2 and CO  

      (c)  H2, CO2 and H2O         

      (d) H2O, N2 and H2

17. Ammonia is prepared industrially by:

      (a)  Contact process                                     12215069

      (b)  Ostwald’s process

      (c)  Birkeland Eyde’s process         

      (d)  Haber’s process

18. The percentage of nitrogen in urea is: 

      (a)  36%                             (b) 46%            12215070

      (c)  56%                             (d) 26%

19. The percentage of nitrogen in ammonia    is:                                                                                      12215071

      (a)  46%                             (b)62%     

      (c)  82%                             (d) 33%

20. Prilling is a process in which:          12215072

      (a) Concentration of urea is decreased                     (b)        Water is removed from urea

      (c) Molten urea is converted to solid                                               granules

      (d) Some ingredients are added to urea

21.   Which one of the following substances      cannot be used as phosphate   fertilizer?                                                                    12215073

      (a)  Ca(H2PO4)2                  (b) (NH4)2 HPO4

      (c)  P4O10                                        (d) Ca3(PO4)2

22. Cement was introduced by mason:      

      (a)  D.H. Whove                                                     12215074

      (b) Humphy Davy

      (c)  Joseph Aspdin             

      (d) Friedrick Miescher

23. The diameter of rotary kiln in the manufacture of cement is:                       12215075

      (a)  1 to 2 feet                     (b) 2 to 4 feet

      (c)  4 to 8 feet                     (d) 8 to 15 feet

24. The length of rotary Kiln in          manufacture  of cement is:                      12215076

      (a)  100 - 300 ft                 (b) 200 ft

      (c)  300 - 500 ft                 (d) 400 - 600 ft

25. The percentage of gypsum in cement is:     


      (a)  ­2 %                              (b) 10 %

      (c)  3­ %                              (d) 5 %

26. Setting process of cement is based upon:                                                                                                                    12215078

      (a)  Hydrolysis                                                      

      (b) Hydration                

      (c)  Dehydration    

      (d) Hydrolysis and hydration

27. Which one of the following is woody         raw material used for making pulp and          paper?                                                                               12215079

      (a)  Eucalyptus                               (b) Wheat straw      

      (c)  Bagasse                                    (d) Cotton linter

28. Which substance is used as filler in            paper  making?                                                                                 12215080

      (a)  Glucose                       (b) Fructose

      (c)  Starch                          (d) Cellulose

29. In Pakistan, the total consumption of        paper per person per year is:  12215081

      (a)  2kg                              (b) 5kg

      (c)  7kg                              (d) 10kg

30. Dried paper would contain final    moisture  upto:                                                                   12215082

      (a)  2 to 3%             (b) 3 to 5%

      (c)  6 to 8%             (d) 4 to 6%

31. The pH of the pulp during digestion in      digestor is:                                                                          12215083

      (a)  5 to 7                            (b) 7 to 9

      (c)  4 to 6                            (d) 8 to 10

32. In the screening of the pulp, stones and      oversized pieces are removed from the pulp by:                                                                                         12215084

      (a)  magnetic separator

      (b)  centricleaners                          

      (c)  80-mesh sieve                         

      (d)  rotary drum

33. One of the following fertilizers providing     nitrogen and phosphorous to plants is: 

      (a)  Potassium nitrate                                              12215085

      (b)  Diammonium phosphate

      (c)  Calcium superphosphate          

      (d)  Urea

34. The percentage of Silica in cement is:

      (a)  62 %                                                                            12215086

      (b)  22 %        

      (c)  7.5 %                          

      (d)  50 %

35. The main function of burning in rotary    kiln is:                                                                                   12215087

      (a)  To reduce the impurities

      (b)  Combination of different oxides like                              CaO, SiO2, Fe2O3 and Al2O3

      (c)  To dry the moisture of slurry

      (d)  To decompose limestone to unslaked                 lime

36. Which of the following substances has      greater percentage in cement?                  12215088

      (a)  MgO                                        (b) Al2O3

      (c)  CaO                                         (d) SiO2

37. The substance which is used to bleach       the  pulp is:                                                                    12215089

      (a)  NaOH                                      (b) Na2SO3

      (c)  NaCl                                        (d) NaClO

38. Which of the following is the non- woody raw material used for paper?


      (a)  Eucalyptus                   (b) Poplar    (Board  2010)

      (c)  Fur                                           (d) Cotton

39. Which of the following fertilizers contains 46% N?                                                                              12215091

      (a)  NH3                            

      (b) (NH2)2CO

      (c)  NH4NO3                     

      (d) KNO3

40. Which of the following is not         argillaceous material?                                 12215092

      (a)  Marine shell                 (b) Clay

      (c)  Shale                                        (d) Slate

41. Nitrogenous fertilizer easily taken up by   plants is:                          (Board  2011)                                         12215093

      (a)  Urea                             (b) NH4NO3

      (c)  NH3 gas                        (d) NH3 (liquid)

42. The percentage of alumina in Portland cement is:                                                                                       12215094

      (a)  22%                             (b) 3.5%

      (c)  2.5%                            (d) 7.5%

43. Percentage of nitrogen is diammonium phosphate is:                                                                              12215095

      (a)  48%                             (b) 34%

      (c)  13%                             (d) 15%





Q. 1.    What are macro-nutrients of plants and how much they are required?

(Board  2007)                          12215096

Q. 2.    What are micro-nutrients of plants?                                                                    (Board 2015)            12215097

Q. 3.    Why Prilled urea is better than fine powder?                                                                                                                   12215098

Q. 4.    Why ammonium nitrate is not useful fertilizer for paddy rice?                        12215099

Q. 5.    What raw materials are used for urea?                                                                                                                                        12215100

Q. 6.    Which crops require more potassium fertilizer?                                                                             12215101

Q. 7.    Which raw materials are used for cement? OR Name the essential constituents of cement.    (Board 2014)        12215102

Q. 8.    Is cement mixture or compound?


Q. 9.    Why cement is called “Portland Cement”?                                                                                                       12215104

Q. 10.  Which process is mostly used for manufacture of cement in Pakistan? 12215105

Q. 11.  Write the name of different zones and their temperatures in rotary kiln.            

(Board 2013)                           12215106

difference between cement and clinker?                                                             (Board 2014)                                                                   12215107

Q. 13.  Write steps involved for manufacturing of cement.                                        12215108

Q. 14.  What processes are used for pulp making in Pakistan and which one is more advantageous.?                                                                                         12215109

Q. 15.  Write down the names of three woody and three non-woody raw materials for pulp making?                       (Board 2009,15, 16) 12215110

Q. 16.  Which bleaching agents are used to bleach the pulp in Pakistan?                          12215111

Q. 17.  What is role of additives in paper making?                                                                                                              12215112

Q. 18.  Name the additives which are commonly used for pulp making?             12215113

Q. 19.  What is the role of head box in paper making Fourdrinier machine?  


Q. 20.  What is calendering in paper making?                                                                                                                                 12215115

Q. 21.  How is clinker mixed with gypsum?


Q. 22.  What is the importance of phosphorous for plants?                                     12215117

Q. 23.  What is meant by prilling of urea?

                                                            (Board 2016)                     12215118

Q. 24.  What is meant by setting of cement?                                                                    (Board2008)            12215119

Q. 25.  What is lignin?                                                                12215120

Q. 26.  Name two phosphatic fertilizers. What they provide to plants or soil?

                                                                        (Board 2006)     12215121

Q. 27.  What is the composition of lime and silica in good cement?    (Board 2008)           12215122

Q. 28.  Write equations for preparation of


(a) Ammonium carbamate from ammonia

(b) Urea from Ammonium carbamate                                                                                                            (Board . 2008,2014)

Q. 29.  How will you prepare diammonium phosphate from NH3? Also indicate the percentage of N2 and P2O5 present in this fertilizer.                                        (Board  2010,2013)  12215124

Q. 30.  Classify elements essential for plant growth.                                       (Board 2011,13)       12215125

Q. 31.  Enlist steps involved in the synthesis of Urea.             (Board. 2011)          12215126

Q. 32.  Why wet cleaning is done in paper manufacture?                                          (Board 2014)           12215127

Q. 33.  Distinguish between fertilizer and non-fertilizer compounds. (Board 2014,15)


Q. 34.  What is the role of decomposition and burning zones in the manufacturing of cement?                                       (Board 2014, 2016)  12215129

Q.35    What is the important of potassium                fertilizer?                                                              12215130

Q.36    What reactions take place during setting of cement from one to seven days. 


Q.37    How stock preparation is done in paper manufacture?                                                           12215132

Q.38    How paper industry can be more progressive in Pakistan?                                         12215133

Q.39    Describe reactions taking place during setting of cement in first 24 hours.                                                                                                                       12215134







Environmental Chemistry



Multiple Choice Questions


Encircle the right answer:

1.   The pH range of the acid rain is: 12216048

      (a)  7-6.5                            (b) 6.5-6   (Board  2009, 10)

      (c)  less than 5.6    (d) Less than 5

2.   Peroxy Acetyl Nitrate (PAN) is an        irritant of human beings and it affects:

                                                                                (Board  2008, 09, 16) 12216049

      (a)  eyes                                         (b) ears           

      (c)  stomach                                   (d) nose

3.   To avoid the formation of toxic    compounds with chlorine which         substance is used for   disinfecting       water:                                                                   (Board 2016)                                          12216050

      (a)  KMnO4                                   (b) O3

      (c)  O2                                                        (d) chloramines

4.   A single chloride free radical can          destroy how many ozone molecules? 

                                                                                (Board  2010)                                        12216051

      (a)  100                                          (b) 10000

      (c)  100000                                    (d) 10

5.   Fungicides are the pesticides which      :                                                                                   (Board  2011)                        12216052

      (a)  control the growth of fungus             

      (b)  kill insects                  

      (c)  kill plants                                           

      (d) kill herbs

6.   Ecosystem is a smaller unit of:                                                                                                  (Board  2011,2014)   12216053

      (a)  lithosphere                               (b) hydrosphere

      (c)  atmosphere                  (d) biosphere

7.   The main pollutant of leather tanneries    in the waste water is due to the salt of:

                                    (Board 2007,2013)                    12216054

      (a)  lead                                         (b) chromium (VI)     

      (c)  copper                                     (d) chromium (III)

8.   In purification of potable water the      coagulant used is           (Board 2013)   12216055

      (a)  nickel sulphate

      (b) copper sulphate

      (c)  barium sulphate                                  

      (d) alum

9.   The temperature in the incineration of     industrial and hazardous waste process          has a range:           (Board 2008)     12216056

      (a)  900 –1000°C              

      (b) 250–500°C

      (c)  950–1300°C                           

      (d) 500–900°C

10. The 99.5% mass of the lithosphere is       made of _________ elements:            12216057

      (a)  5                                              (b) 6

      (c)  8                                              (d) 11

11. Agriculture uses water out of fresh       water:                                                                               12216058

      (a)  23%                             (b) 69%

      (c)  8%                                           (d) 97%

12. The component of environment which     consists of rigid rocky crust of the     earth    is called:                                                     12216059

      (a)  atmosphere      (b) hydrosphere

      (c)  biosphere                     (d) lithosphere

13. Which of the following is not the             essential function of gases present in the atmosphere, to maintain life:12216060

      (a)  O2 is required for respiration 

      (b)  CO2 is essential for photosynthesis                            of plants

      (c)  These gases allow all the                                                                    radiations to fall on earth

      (d) N2 is used by nitrogen fixing bacteria

14. Which of the following air pollutants is   secondary pollutant?                                    12216061

      (a)  SO2 and SO3                          

      (b)  NO2 and O3

      (c)  CO + hydrocarbon     

      (d) Radioactive materials

15. Carbon monoxide is mainly evolved     from:                                                                                12216062

      (a)  plants                                       (b) aerosols

      (c)  burning fuel                (d) tanneries

16. Which of the following is not the           property of carbon monoxide?        12216063

      (a)  it is colorless, odourless gas              

      (b)  soluble in water

      (c)  not highly poisonous                          

      (d) lighter than air

17. Which of the following is not a component of acid rain?                         12216064

      (a)  HCl                                         (b) HNO3

      (c)  H2O2                                       (d) H2SO4

18. Ozone is present in the form of layer in   the stratosphere and surrounds the     globe at a distance of:             12216065

      (a)  25 – 28 km                  (b) 50 – 60 km

      (c)  10 – 15 km                  (d) 15 –20 km

19. Which of the following is not a pesticide?                                                                                12216066

      (a)  herbicide

      (b) insecticide

      (c)  fungicide                                            

      (d) peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN)

20. All of the following metals are     pollutants of chemical industries        except:                                                                                                 12216067

      (a)  Cd                                           (b) Pb                         

      (c)  Hg                                           (d) Mg

21. The major sources of hydrocarbon           emission are:                                                               12216068

      (a)  Trees and plants         

      (b) Paddy fields

      (c)  Automobiles               

      (d) Smog

22. The pollutants present in municipal         solid waste include:                                        12216069

      (a)  Methane                                             

      (b)  Acetic acid and various fatty acids

      (c)  Hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen        

      (d) Toluene and dichloromethane

23. A substance which is commonly present in car exhaust fumes and does not pollute the atmosphere is:      12216070

      (a)  SO2                 (b) NO2

      (c)  N2                                (d) CO

24. Which of the following substances           causes acid rain?                                                                12216071

      (a)  Hydrocarbons            

      (b)  Chlorofluorocarbons

      (c)  SO3                                                       (d)       O3

25. The combination of smoke and fog is      called:                                                                                12216072

      (a)  Smog                                       (b)        Coagulant

      (c)  Primary Pollutant                   

      (d) Secondary pollutant

26. The acidification of soil and rocks can     leach the metals like Al, Hg, Pb and Ca which causes:                                             12216073

      (a)  damaging of leaves                            

      (b)  Accumulation of these metals in                                            fishes

      (c)  Damaging of the building materials   

      (d) All of the above

27. The heavy toxic metal ions such as Pb,       Cd and Hg mix into water from            sediments         due to:                                     12216074

      (a)  Detergent contents of waste water

      (b)  Pesticides       

      (c)  Live stock waste                     (d)       Lubricants

28. Chlorine treatment of water is effective   in killing pathogens but it has harmful           effects, due to the reaction of HOCl        disinfecting agent with:                                  12216075

      (a)  NO2 to form HNO3

      (b)  CO2 to form H2CO3

      (c)  Ammonia to form chloramines

      (d) SO2 to form H2SO4

29. The water having dissolved O2 less than____ is polluted:                                   12216076

      (a)  2 ppm                          (b) 4 ppm

      (c)  5 ppm                          (d) 10 ppm

30. Herbicides are the pesticides which:


      (a)  Kill herbs                                           

      (b)  Kill plants

      (c)  Kill insects                             

      (d) Control the growth of fungus

31. How many times the newspaper can be   recycled again and again?  (Board 2014)

                                    (Board 2010, 11, 14,15, 16)      12216078

      (a)  3                                  (b) 5

      (c)  4                                  (d) 2

32. Which one of the following factors is      not used to determine the quality of   water?                                                             12216079

      (a)  Available chlorine                              

      (b)  Chemical oxygen demand     

      (c)  Biochemical oxygen demand            

      (d) Dissolved oxygen

33. The yellowish colour in photochemical   smog is due to the presence of:          12216080

      (a)  SO2                             (b) CO2

      (c)  NO2                             (d) NO

34. Aeration of polluted water            12216081

      (a)  Improves O2 level      

      (b)  Oxidize Fe+2 to Fe+3

      (c)  Remove foul smell gases                   

      (d) All of the above

35. Atmosphere contains CO2:   

                                    (Board  2007)          12216082

      (a)  0.0%                            (b) 0.02%       

      (c)  0.03%                          (d) 0.04%

36. Which gas is not a pollutant?   

                                    (Board 2008)           12216083

      (a)  SO2                                       (b) CO

      (c)  CO2                             (d) NO2

37. The thickness of atmosphere is:

                                    (Board  2009)        12216084

      (a)  1500 km                      (b) 1000 km

      (c)  500 km                        (d) 100 km     

38. The residual ash after incineration of   industrial waste is disposed off in a            landfill, which is lined with:  12216085

      (a)  portland cement                                  (Board 2011)       

      (b)  clay and plastic

      (c)  methyl silicone

      (d) stone ware

39. Following is better to disinfect water:

                                    (Board 2011)                           12216086

      (a) Cl2                                           (b) O2

      (c)  O3                                            (d) KMnO4

40. The element whose inorganic minerals            are not much abundant in earth crust:

                                    (Board 2011)                                           12216087

      (a)  Li                                             (b) N  

      (c)  Na                                           (d) O

41. The range of dissolved oxygen in a quality water is:                                                                       12216088

      (a)  2–4 ppm                      (b) 3–5 ppm   

      (c)  4–8 ppm                      (d) 7 ppm

42. Ozone is mostly produced in:      12216089

      (a)  North polar region

      (b) Tropical region

      (c)  South polar region

      (d) Thermosphere zone of atmosphere






Q. 1.    What types of water resources are included in hydrosphere?                                                 12216090

Q. 2.    Write the names of three most abundant elements in the earth crust.  


Q. 3.    What are the secondary pollutants present in the atmosphere?(Board 2014) 12216092

Q. 4.    How formation of smog affects the life on earth?                                                                                                    12216093

Q. 5.    Why carbon monoxide present in the air is poisonous to human beings?12216094

Q. 6.    What are the hazardous effects of acid rain on earth?                                                                             12216095

Q. 7. What is meant by ozone hole? 12216096

Q. 8.    How pesticides contaminate the soil?                                                                                                        12216097

Q. 9.    What are the factors that affect the quality of water?                                                                                         12216098

Q. 10.  Explain purification of water by use of coagulating agent.  (Board 2016)               12216099

Q. 11.  What are the harmful effects of chlorination of water?                                                             12216100

Q. 12.  What is meant by solid waste management?                                                                                            12216101

Q. 13.  What are various steps of water treatment?                                                                                                     12216102

Q. 14.  How water is polluted by petroleum?                                                                                                 12216103

Q. 15.  What are aerosols? How they affect the human body?                                                                      12216104

Q. 16.  Why incineration of solid waste is not a good process?                                                                     12216105

Q. 17.  What is the role of chlorofluoro carbons (CFCS) in destroying ozone?

                                                                                 (Board 2008, 09, 16) 12216106

Q. 18.  What are the sources of methane which is an air pollutant?                                          12216107

Q. 19.  What are the main sources of carbon monoxide gas?                                                         12216108

Q. 20.  What is the importance of dissolved oxygen in water?                                                           12216109

Q. 21.  Carbon monoxide is considered as Primary Pollutant. How it affects human beings?                                                       (Board 2006)          12216110

Q. 22.  What is lithosphere? (Board 2007,2014)


Q. 23.  What is the unit used to measure the amount of ozone in the atmosphere and give its normal amount? (Board 2007)


Q. 24.  What is the acid rain and how does it affect humans and birds?(Board 2009 10)  12216113

Q. 25.  Why detergents are threat to aquatic life?                                     (Board 2009, 2010)  12216114

Q. 26.  What are Primary Pollutants? Give their names.                                                 (Board 2009)        12216115

Q. 27.  What is smog?           (Board 2010)           12216116

Q. 28.  How the gases in the atmosphere absorb? (Board 2014)                                                           12216117

Q. 29.  What is chemical oxygen demand?                                                                                     (Board 2016)        12216118

Q.30    What is effect of aeration on quality of raw water?         

Q.31    What is meant by recycling of solid waste?                                                                                                      12216120

Q.32    What is depolymerization?  

(Board 2016)         12216121

Q.33    Discuss livestock waste as water pollutant.                                                                                          12216122

Q.34    What is meant by coagulation?      











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