12th Biology Subjective


Unit 15


Q.1      What is Homeostasis? How living organisms maintain their internal environment with the help of homeostasis?  

Q.2      Define the term osmoregulation. How osmoregulation occurs in plants and animals under different environmental conditions?                                                             

Q.3 Give the classification and characteristics of plants distributed in different habitats.                                                                                                                                            

Q.4      Differentiate between osmoconformers and osmoregulators. 

      Discuss osmoregulation in animals in different environments.                        (Board 2015)  12415004

Q.5      What is excretion? Describe the process of excretion in plants.             (Board 2013)   12415005

Q.6      Whathe t are the excretory products in the animals?                                                        

Q.7 Discuss nature of excretory products in relation to habitats.        (Board 2009)     12415007

Q.8 Describe the process of excretion in Hydra.                                                           12415008

Q.10    Describe the process of excretion in Earthworm.                                                        12415010

Q.11 Given an account the excretory system in cockroach.                 (Board 2016)      12415011

Q.12    What are the excretory organs in vertebrates?                                                           12415012

Ans:     Excretory Organs in Vertebrates:                                                                 

Q.13    What are the excretory products and organs in Human?                                           12415013

Q.14    Highlight the role of liver as excretory organ.                                                 12415014

Q.15    What do you know about Man's arrangement of urinary system? What is the           structure of kidney and Nephron?                                                       (Board 2014) 12415015

Q.16    Describe the functioning  of kidney.                                                                12415016

Q.17    Describe the hormonal effect on kidney function and concentration of excretory       products?                                                                                                              12415017

Q.18    Discuss some kidney problems with their cures.    do                                                      12415018

Q.19    Define the term thermoregulation. Which adaptations the plants show for     thermoregulation in their body to low and high temperature?                                  12415019

Q.20    What is the classification of animals on the basis of temperature regulation and source         of heat production?                                                                                                          12415020

Q.21    What are different adaptations in animals to exchange heat with environment? 12415021

Q.22    Describe thermoregulation in mammals particularly in human.                                 12415022

Q.23    (a) Explain thermostat function and feedback control in Human by hypothalamus.

(b) What is pyrexia and its significance?                     

Unit 16

Support And Movements



Q.l What do you know about the concept and need of support? How support is provided in plants?   

Q.2      How stem provides support in plants?       

Q.3      Name the tissues which provide support to the plants. Where are they located in the plants?    

Q.4      What is the s    econdary growth? What causes the secondary growth in plants? Describe the significance of the secondary growth.                           (Board 2015)        12416004

Q.5 Describe the different types of movements in plants.                                (Board 2014) 12416005

Q.7      What is skeleton? What are the different types of skeletons present in animals? Explain each.     

Q.8 What are the disadvantages of exoskeleton?        

Q. 9     (a) Explain some major functions of skeletal system.              (Board 2016)   

(b)  What is the composition of Endoskeleton?         

Q.10    Write the names of cranium and facial bones. Also draw and label human skull.  

Q.11    Write the arrangement of vertebrae in vertebral column?     

Q.12 Describe the arrangement of bones in appendicular skeleton.    (Board 2016)      12416013

Q.13    What is a joint? Give the classification of joints.                                                         12416014

Q.14    What are the different defects caused by skeleton?                                         12416015

Q.15    Write about the disc-slip, spondylosis, sciatica and arthritis?                         12416016

Q.16    Write note on the repair of bones.                                                                               12416017

Q.17    What are the different main types of muscles?                                                12416018

Q.18 Describe the structure of skeletal muscle.                                                                       12416019

Q.19    What is the mechanism of skeletal muscle contraction?                      Or                   12416020

 Give a detailed note of sliding filament model.                                                 (Board 2015) 12416021

Q.20    How energy is transferred for muscle contraction?                                        12416022

Q.21    What are muscle fatigue, tetany and cramp?                                                  12416023

Q.22    What is the arrangement of muscle for skeletal movement? Give example of elbow joint.                                                                                                                                    12416024

Q.23 Describe locomotion in invertebrates like Euglena, Paramecium, Amoeba, Jelly fish,     Earthworm, Cockroach, Snail and Star fish.                                                     12416025

Q.24    Describe locomotion in vertebrates.                                                                12416026

In vertebrates, skeletal muscles and skeleton help in locomotion

Q.25    Describe locomotion in vertebrates.             

Unit 17



Q. 1      What is coordination? Why it is essential?                                                                  12417001

Q.2   Write a note on coordination in plants. How does it differ from that of animals? 12417002

Q. 3      Write note on the responses to environmental stresses in plants.                    12417003

Q.4      What do you know about defense against pathogens in plants?                                  12417004

Q. 5      What do you know about biological clocks and circadian rhythms?               12417005

Q. 6  What are Plant Hormones? What are their types? Describe their role in plant function.

Ans:     PLANT HORMONES                                              

Q.7      What are the different types of co-ordination in animals? How do animals bring about         nervous system?                          

Q. 8      a)         What are the elements of nervous system?                              (Board 2016

b)   What are receptors & what are their types?                                       12417009

Q.9 What is meant by modality of sensation? How is it that different nerve fibers transmit different modalities of sensation?                             

Q.10    (a)  Describe the working of sensory receptors with special reference to skin.   12417011

(b) What is the pathway of Nerve Impulse?                                                         12417012

Q.11    What are neurons and neuroglia? Name three types of neurons. Explain the structure of      a typical neuron.         

Q.12    Write a short note on Effectors.         

Q.13    a)         Explain the reflex arc and reflex action.              

b)   Explain the pain withdrawal reflex.                

Q.14    a) What is nerve impulse? How it is produced and what is its mechanism of conduction?

              OR     Define and explain the nerve impulse.                                 (Board 2014) 

b) Explain the concepts of resting membrane potential and active membrane potential.                                                     

Q.15    a) Define synapse. What is its advantage?                   Or                         

      How nerve impulse is passed from one neuron to another neuron? Explain.   

b) What are Neurotransmitters? Give examples.                                               

Q.16    Write a note on evolution of nervous system in animals.                                

Q.17    Explain nervous system in Hydra.                                                       (Board 2013)    

Q.18 The nervous system of planaria is better developed as compared with that of Hydra.    Discuss the statement by comparing both systems.                  (Board 2016)       12417024

Q.19    Give an outline of human nervous system.                                    

Q.20    a) What is CNS? How is it protected?                         

b) Explain the structure and function of human brain.                          

Q.21    What is the structure and function of Spinal Cord?                      

Q.22.   Write note on peripheral system (PNS) of man?                                          

Q.23    Describe some nervous disorders of human nervous system.                 

Q.24. a) What is an Endocrine System? What are Hormones?                                     

b)   What is the chemical nature of Hormones?              

Q.25    What are the main endocrine glands of man? Explain the role of Hypothalamus?                             

Q.26    Describe the role of pituitary gland.                                      

Q.27     Describe the role of thyroid and parathyroid gland.                             

Q.28    Describe the role of Islets of Langerhans (Pancreas).                 

Q.29    Write note on adrenal glands.                                                                 (Board 2015)           

Q.30    What hormones are produced by gut and gonads? Describe the role of their Hormone.             

Q.31    Define feedback mechanism. Explain it with examples.                      

Q.32    Compare the nervous coordination and chemical coordination.              

Q.33    What is behaviour? What are different types of behaviors?                       

Q.34    What is innate behaviour? What are its types?                                                         

Q.35    Explain the Instinct and Learning behaviour in animals.                             

Q.36    What is learing behaviour? What are the different types of learnings?                     

Unit 18



Q.l What is reproduction? What are the different types of reproduction?                  12418001

Q.2      a) How do plants reproduce asexually and sexually?                                      12418002

b) Give the graphical Life Cycles of a Bryophyte, a Gymnosperm and an Angiosperm.

Q.3.     Describe the following phenomena in plants:                                                  12418004

a) Parthenocarpy                          12418005

b) Seed Dormancy                         12418006

c) Fruit Set and Fruit Ripening.    12418007

Q. 4.     What is Photoperiodism? How this phenomenon was discovered? (Board 2005, 07) 12418008


Q.5      Classify the plants on the basis of Photoperiodic requirements for flowering.    12418009

Q.6      What are Phytochromes? Describe Some Phytochrome - controlled responses in plants.                                                                                            (Board 2005, 07)  12418010

Q.7   What are Phytochromes? What are their types? What is their role in flowering? 12418011

Q.8      Define Vernalisation. Explain the role of Vernalisation in Plants. (Board-2005) VERNALISATION:                                                                                                        12418012

Q.9      Describe Asexual reproduction in Animals.    (Board-2007)                                       12418013

Q. 10    A) Sexual Reproduction has advantages over asexual reproduction. Discuss it.                                                                                                                                                                                                     12418014

B) Explain the following terms.

  1. U nisexual Organisms

2.       Hermaphrodite

3.       Fertilization

4.       Internal Fertilization

5.       External Fertilization

6.       Oviparous Animals

7.       Viviparous Animals

8.       Ovoviviparous

Q.11    Describe the male reproductive system of Human.                                         12418015

Q.12.   Describe the female reproductive system in human.                (Board 2015)      12418016

Q.13 Describe the human female reproductive cycle? (Board 2005, 06, 07)                 12418017

Q.14    Explain the process of birth in Human. (Board-2006)                                     12418018

Q.15    What are test tube babies?                                                                  (Board 2016)     12418019

Q.16    Describe about some sexual transmitted diseases (STD) in human.                 12418020






Q.l What is Development?                                                                                          12419001

Q.2      Explain the growth and Development in plants.                                                          12419002

Q.3 What are the types of Growth and its phases?                  (Board 2007,14)                 12419003

Q. 4      What are the Factors which affect the growth rates in plants.             (Board 2006, 07) 12419004               The growth rate is influenced by number of factors both external and internal.

  • External factors are temperature, light, oxygen, carbon dioxide, water and nutrition.
  • Internal factors are hormones, vitamins.

Q.5      What is differentiation in plants?                                                                                12419005

Q.6.     What is growth Correlation Explain with Examples.                                      12419006

Q.7      Describe the growth and development in animals.                                          12419007

Q.8      Describe development of chick.                                                           (Board-2008)       12419008

Q.9 Describe the mechanism of development.                                                             12419009

Q.10    Describe the role of cytoplasm and nucleus in development.                           12419010

Q.11    Describe experiments of Spemann to explain concept of differentiation.         12419011

Q.12 Define and explain Aging. (Board 2005)                                    OR                                          12419012

        What is Aging? Describe its causes and symptoms.                                 (Board 2015,16) 12419013

Q.13    Define and explain Regeneration.                               OR                  (Board 2016)      12419014

      What is regeneration? Explain the process of regeneration in animals.    (Board 2013)


Q.14    Define and explain abnormal development. (Board 2006)                            OR                          12419016

      Define abnormal development. Explain different factors causing abnormalities.   12419017

                                                                                                                        (Board 2013,14)  






Q.1      Explain all about the Chromosomes.                                                               12420001

Q.2      How can this long DNA fibre coil so tightly?                                                   12420002

Q.3      Explain the chromosomal theory of Inheritance.                                                        12420003

Q.4      Explain that the DNA is the Hereditary material with Examples.  (Board 2007, 14) 12420004

Q.5.     How did Hershey and Chase determine which component of bacterial viruses contain the hereditary informations?                                                                   (Board 2013)  12420005

Q.6      Explain the chemical nature of DNA.                                                              12420006

Q.7 Explain the different models of DNA Replication.                                                12420007

Q8. How did Meselson and Stahl prove the semi-conservative method of DNA replication?  

                                                                                                (Board 2007, 14, 15)          12420008

Q. 9      Describe the process of DNA replication.                                            (Board 2016)   12420009

Q.10 Describe one-gene one-polypeptide hypothesis considering the work of             12420010

Q.11    How DNA encodes protein structure?                                                            12420011

Q.12 How does cell use RNA to make protein?                                                                       12420012

Q.13    Define and explain transcription in detail.                              (Board 2005, 08)  12420013

Q.14    What is genetic code? Describe its characteristics. OR                       (Board 2005)       12420014

      Write a note on genetic code.                                                        (Board 2014)       12420015

Q.15    Define and explain Translation.                                                                                  12420016

Q.16    What is mutation? Describe briefly different types of mutations.                    12420017







Q. 1      What is Cell cycle? Describe its phases.                                                                      12421001

Q.2      Define mitosis. Explain in detail the Karyokinesis and Cytokinesis. Write the importance of mitosis.                                                                         (Board 2007)  12421002

Q. 3     What do you know about Cancer, its types and spreading?                           12421003

Q. 4      Explain about meiosis and its importance.                                          (Board 2014)   12421004

Q.5      What is Meiotic Error? Explain with examples.                                                         12421005

Q. 6      Explain about Necrosis and Apoptosis.                                                                       12421006



Variation and Genetics




Q.1      Why did Mendel choose the pea plant?                                                                       12422001

Q.2      Explain Mendel’s law of segregation.                          (Board 2005, 06,16)           12422002

Q.3      What is test cross and its importance?                                                            12422003

Q.4      Describe Law of independent assortment. OR Dihybrid cross (Mendel’s II law)?                                                                                                                        (Board 2006, 08) 12422004

Q.5      Explain the dominance relationships and its different types.                          12422005

Q.6      Write note on multiple alleles.                                     (Board 2005, 08, 14)          12422006

Q.7      Explain Rh Blood group System.                                                                                12422007

Q.8 Explain the phenomenon of epistasis and pleiotropy with examples. (Board 2005) EPISTASIS                                                                                               (Board 2013)     12422008

Q.9      Explain the polygenic inheritance or continuous varying traits.                                 12422009

Q.10    Write note on gene linkage.                                                                                         12422010

Q.11.   Define and explain crossing over.                                                        (Board 2014)  12422011

Q.No.12. Give an account of sex determination in animals.                                         12422012

Q.13    Give an account of different patterns of sex determination in animals.       (Board 2014)  

DIFFERENT PATTERNS OF SEX DETERMINATION:                                         12422013

Q.14    Give an account of sex determination in plants.                                                          12422014

Q.15    Give an account of sex linkage in Drosophila.                                                 12422015

Q.16    Give an account of sex linkage in Human.                                                                   12422016

Q.17    Discuss genetics of colour blindness.                                       (Board 2014,16)

Q.18    Explain            (i) X-linked dominant trait                                                                  12422017

(ii) Y-linked inheritance                                                                      12422018

(iii) Sex limited trait                                                                            12422019

(iv) Sex influenced trait                                                                       12422020

Q.18    What is Diabetes mellitus its types and its genetic basis?                                            12422021







Q.1     What is biotechnology? Write a note on biotechnology.                                                            12423001

Q.2      Write down methods of recombinant DNA technology for Gene cloning. (B-07) CLONING OF A GENE                                                                                                                                                                                                            12423002

Q.3      What is a genomic library, and how would you locate a gene of interest in the library?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Board 2006, 07) 12423003

Q.4      What is the polymerase chain reaction, and how is it carried out to produce multiple of copies of a DNA segment?   (Board 2006)                                                                                                                                                                               12423004

Q.5      Explain the steps involved in DNA finger printing. How this method is helpful in detecting many cases?       (Board 2006)                                                                                                                                                                                                               12423005

Q.6      Define and explain gene sequencing. (B-2006-08)                                                                                                  12423006

Q.7 Write down about human genome project.                                                                                                                            12423007

Q.No.8.            What are biotechnology products?                                                                                                                        12423008

Q.No.9. How transgenic bacteria are used for biotechnology products? (B-2008) TRANSGENIC BACTERIA:                                                                                                                                                                                    12423009

Q.No.10.          Write note on transgenic plants.                                                                                                                                       12423010

Q.11 Write note on transgenic animals? How transgenic animals are cloned?                                    12423011

Q.12    What is gene therapy? Describe its methods and uses.               (Board 2006)                                       12423012

Q.No.13.          What is tissue culture? Describe different methods of culturing plant tissues.

        (Board 2007)       12423013

Q.14    How genes of plants can be altered by Hybridization and Genetic engineering? 12423014

Q.15    Give an account of agricultural plants with improved traits.                                                                12423015

Q.16    What are the products produced by transgenic plants?                                                                            12423016






Q.1  What is evolution and role of darwin?                                                                                                 12424001

Q. 2 Explain the concept of evolution and special creation theory.                                               12424002

Q.3  Explain the evolution of eukaryotes from prokaryotes.                                                      (Board 2014,16)  12424003

Q. 4  Explain the Lamarck’s theory of evolution and ideas about origin of life.  

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2015)                 12424004

Q.5  Explain the darwinism and theory of natural selection.                                                                     12424005  


Analyze the drawin's theory of natural selection as mechanism of evelution.(Board 2015) 12424006

Q.6  Explain the modern evolution synthesis theory.                                                                                                           12424007

Q.7    Explain the evidences in favour of evolution.                                                                                                 12424008

Q. 8  Explain gene pool allele and genotype frequencies.                                                                                                                      12424009

Q.9   Explain the hardy weinberg law and gene frequency.                                                                       12424010

Q.10  Explain the different factors which affect the gene frequency.                                           12424011

Q.11  Explain the endanger species in pakistan.                                                                                                                  12424012






Q. 1  Who interoduced term ecology? Define the following terms.                                               12425001

              1) ecosystem                                                                                                                                   

              2)  Population                                                                                                                                              

              3) Levels of ecosystem                                                                                                                  

Q. 2 What are biomes? Write names of major terrestrial biomes.                                                12425002

Q.3  Write note on the followings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12425003

                                       1) Biosphere                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

                                       2) Habitat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

                                       3) Niche                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Q.4  Differentiate between Autecology and Synecology.                                                                                         12425004

Q.5  Describe the components of ecosystem.                                                                                                                         12425005

Q. 6 Define and explain food chain and food web.                                                                                                               12425006

Q.7   Define succession. Discuss major forms of succession on Land.                                           12425007

Q.8  Write note on                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12425008

                           1) Predation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

                           2) Parasitism                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

                                                                   3)  Symbiosis.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Q.9  Write a note on Grazing.                                                                                                                                                (Board 2014)                                                                                                                         12425009

Q.10. What are biogeochemical cycles? Describe Nitrogen cycle. What is nitrogen depletion and its remedies?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            12425010

Q. 11  Write a note on energy flow in an ecosystem.                                                                                                12425011


Some Major Ecosystems




Q.1  Differentiate between climate and weather.                                                                                                                 12426001

Q.2   What is aquatic or hydrospheric ecosystem? Describe its common features. 12426002

Q.3   Describe life in fresh water lakes.                                                                                                                     (Board 2014)         12426003

Q.4  Describe the intervention of man in aquatic ecosystem.                                                                     12426004

Q.5  What is Terrestrial ecosystem? Describe its characteristics and adaptations and name its major divisions.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              12426005

Q.6  Give characteristics of temperate deciduous forest in Pakistan.                                           12426006

Q.7  Describe coniferous alpine and Boreal Forests.                                                                                                12426007

Q.8  Describe the characteristics of grassland ecosystem.                                                                          12426008

Q.9 Describe the characteristics of desert ecosystem.                                                                                              12426009

Q.10  Describe the characteristics of tundra ecosystem.                                                                                           12426010

Q.11  Write a note on Humans and Ecosystems.                                                                                                                  12426011


Man and His Environment




Q.1  How man is dependent on his environment?                                                                                                                12427001

Q.2. What are different sources of environment?                                                                                                                12427002

Q.3  What is nutrient cycle? Why environmental resources be used wisely?                             12427003

Q.4   What are renewable resources? Explain different types of renewable resources.

Renewable resources                                                                                                              12427004

Q.5. Write a note on wild life.                                                                                                              12427005

Q.6  What do you know about energy resources? Discuss major energy resources.    12427006

Q.7   Describe degradation and depletion of resources.                                                                                          12427007

Q.8  Write note on modification of environment                                                                                                                  12427008

Q. 9  Describe man’s impact on environment.                                                                                                                      12427009

Q.10  What do you mean by deforestation, re-forestation and aforestation?(Board 2014,16) 12427010

Q.11  What is pollution? Name different types of pollutions?                                                                   12427011

Q.12   What is air or atmospheric pollution? Explain the followings.                                          12427012

1) Ozone layer depletion and its effects                                                                                                    

 2) Greenhouse effect 

3)Acid rain 

Q.13  What is water pollution. What are the main sources of water pollution?             12427016   

      Define  pollution. Describe the causes and effects of water pollution.        (Board 2015)        

Q.14  Differentiate between health and disease. Give a chart of classification and causes of diseases.          




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