Paper: 10th Physics (Full Book)


Physics 10th                  Objective Part               Total Marks: 12           

  Name: _______________________

1.    The relation between v, f, and l of a wave is:     
(a)    vf =λ               (b)     v =λf          (c)   f =λv             (d)  v =λ/f 

2.    Which of the following characteristics of a wave is independent of the others?   
(a)   speed          (b)      frequency      (c)   amplitude        (d)   wavelength      

3.    Waves transfer:
(a)   energy                  (b)  frequency         (c)   wavelength       (d)   velocity

4. What is an example of a longitudinal wave?

(a)  Sound wave           (b) Lightwave         (c) Radio wave         (d) Water wave

5. Which form of energy is sound?

        (a)        Electrical       (b) Mechanical         (c)     Thermal        (d) Chemical

6. For a normal person audible frequency range for sound waves lies B/W :
(a)10Hz and 10kHz        (b)20Hz and 20kH   (c) 25H and 25kHz (d) 30Hz and 30kHz

7.    Which of the following quantities is not change during the refraction of light?

(a)   its direction (b)   its speed          (c)   its frequency  (d)   its wavelength

8.    The index of refraction depends on:
(a)   focal length         (b)   speed of light     (c)   image distance (d)    object distance

9. Capacitance is defined as:

(a)  VC                       (b)      Q/V                (c)  QV                 (d)      V/Q

10. In SI the unit of charge is:

(a)  Joule                    (b)  Volt                  (c)  Coulomb           (d)  Watt

11. Turn ratio of the transformer is 10. It means:

(a) Is =10 Ip              (b) Ns = Np /10            ( c) Ns =10 Np          ( d) Vs = Vp /10

 AND gate can be formed by using two ______________  gates:

(a) NOT                  b) NOR                     ( c) OR                    ( d) NAND

                      Physics 10th             Subjective Part                      Total Marks: 48

Q.2 Attempt any (15) questions. (2×15=30)

              i.        There are two types of electric charges, justify this statement.

             ii.         Describe a Capacitor as an energy store device.

            iii.        Find electric intensity due to a point charge q.

            iv.        Define Ohm’s law, Give its limitations.

             v.         Give an idea of energy dissipation in a resistor for example.

            vi.         Write any four differences b /w A.C and D.C

          vii.        State that a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field experiences a torque.

         viii.        What is an electric motor? Write the working principle of the D.C. motor.

            ix.         How does an induced e.m.f relate to the conservation of energy.?

             x.        Give an idea of mutual induction. Define the SI unit of mutual inductance.

            xi.         What do you understand by digital and analog quantities.?

           xii.        Describe the process of thermionic emission in C.R.O  

         xiii.        Define the power of the lens. Also, define the unit of power of the lens.

         xiv.        How can we measure the speed of sound by the Echo method?

           xv.        What are audible frequency ranges for young children and old people?

         xvi.        Discuss two applications of static electricity.

        xvii.        What is the use of ultrasound in the medical field?

       xviii.        Define Critical Angle:              

          xix.        Define light pipe and Write medical use of the light pipe.

           xx.        What are the hazards of static electricity?            

          xxi.        Derive the formula for the equivalent capacitance for a series combination.

        xxii.        What are electric lines of force? Explain with diagram

       xxiii.        Enlist 4 uses of capacitors.       

Q.3 Attempt any Two (2) questions. (2×9=18)

1 (a); Describe four different types of Capacitors and their uses.

b); q1 = 10 µC and q2 = 5 µC are placed 150 cm apart. Find the coulomb’s force and its direction.

2 (a); Draw a labeled diagram to illustrate the construction and working of the A.C. generator.

b); A step-down transformer has a turn ratio of 1:100, primary voltage is 170 V and current is

1.0 mA. Find the current in secondary.?

3. (a); Write a truth table and Draw a diagram of NOT, NAND, and NOR Gates.

b); Find resistance if 1 m copper wire has a 2 mm diameter.


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