Paper: 10th Physics (Full Book)


Subject: Physics(Full Book)      Class: X                                 Total Marks: 12

Name:_______________________                                                                                                          Date:_______________

1)      The time period of a simple pendulum can be calculated by:  

              (a)   T = 2p √l/g     (b)  T = 2p √g/l      (c)   T = 2p√m/k        (d)   T = 2p√k/m 

2)      The intensity level of the train siren is:            

             (a) 150 dB                 (b) 130 dB   (c)           100 dB                        (d) 120 dB

3)      The index of refraction depends on 

 (a)   the focal length  (b)   the speed of light (c)   the image distance  (d)   the object distance

4)      Two charged spheres are separated by 2 mm. Which of the following would produce the greatest attractive force? 

       (a)  +1q and +4q (b)  –1q and –4q     (c)  +2q and +2q          (d)  +2q and –2q

5)      What is the voltage across a 6 W resistor when 3 A of current passes through it?  

 (a)  2 V                 (b)  9 V        (c)  18 V             (d)  36 V

6)      Law of electromagnetic induction and electrolysis were presented by: 

  a) Simon Ohm         b) George Coulomb     c) Newton       d) Michael Faraday

7)      The direction of induced e.m.f. in a circuit is in accordance with conservation of:  

a) mass     b)charge         c) momentum                       d) energy

8)      If X = A.B, then X is 1 when:                   

  a) A and B are 1             b) A or B is 0             c) A is 0 and B is 1     d) A is 1 and B is 0

9)      1MB =                  

   a) 1022 KB                   b)1023 KB       c) 1024 KB       d)1025 KB

10)   What happens to the atomic number of an element that emits one alpha particle? 

 (a) increases by 1           (b) stay the same       (c) decreases by 2 (d) decreases by 1

11)  Which statement is true about the magnetic poles?          

a) unlike poles repel        b)   like poles attract      c)    magnetic poles do not affect each other    d) a single magnetic pole does not exist

12)  AND gate can be formed by using two:                     

 a) NOT gates             b) OR gates          c) NOR gates                          d) NAND gates


Subject: Physics 10TH                                       Class: X            Total Marks:12+ 48=60

2.      Answer any FIVE (5) of the following questions. (5×2=10)

a)      Define vibratory motion (oscillatory motion).

b)      What are audible frequency range for young children and old people?

c)      Define Endoscope. Also, write its types.                                           

d)      What is the principle to find the direction of the magnetic field? State it.   

e)      Explain NOR Gate with help of a truth table. 

f)       What is meant by background radiation?                  

3.      Answer briefly any five (5) parts of the following. (5×2=10)

a)      Explain the motion of the ball in the bowl and perform Simple Harmonic Motion. 

b)      Name and define the unit of the intensity level of sound.

c)      Define the power of the lens. Also, define the unit of power of the lens.          

d)      What is the principle to find the direction of the magnetic field? State it.           

e)      Which is more reliable floppy or a hard disk?

f)       Write the chemical equation for nuclear fusion.                                   

4.      Write short answers to any FIVE (5) of the following questions. (5×2=10)

a.      What are the important features of SHM?                                      

b.      What is meant by total internal reflection? Write its conditions.   

c.: Draw a ray diagram to illustrate reflection at a plane surface?   

d.      Describe the role of deflecting plates in cathode ray oscilloscope?

e.      Write names of four output devices of a computer.            

f.        Prove that: 1 kWh = 3.6 ´ 106 J                                        

Note: Attempt any Two ( 2 ) questions. (2×9=18)

1.      (a) The time period of a simple pendulum is 2s. What will be its length on Earth? What will be its length on the moon if gmge/6? Where ge = 10ms-2.                                

(b) What is meant by mutual induction? Describe an experiment.    

2.      (a) Define specific resistance (Resistivity).On which factor does resistance R of a conductor depend. Calculate its value.                                                                         

(b) Carbon-14 has a half-life of 5730 years. How long will it take for the quantity of carbon -14 in a sample to drop to one-eighth of the initial quantity?                 

3.      (a) Explain the uses of the Logic Gate.               

(b) What are the risks of ICT to society and the environment?       


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