Paper: 9th Physics (Full Book Mcqs)


Objective Part

Subject: Physics (Full Book)               Class: IX                                         Total Marks: 12

Name:_______________________                                                                           Date:_______________

(1.) Which one of the following units is not a derived unit?                   

        (a) pascal                       (b) kilogram       (c) newton                                 (d) watt

 ( 2 ) A measuring cylinder is used to measure.   

        (a) mass                                     (b) area        (c) volume     (d) level of liquid

( 3 ) A ball is thrown vertically upward. Its velocity at the highest point is: 

           (a)  -10 ms-1                        (b)  zero      (c)  10 ms-2           (d)  none of them

(4 )  Inertia depends upon:          

        (a)  force               (b)  net force                 (c)  mass       (d) velocity

(5)  Racing cars are made stable by:     

        (a) increasing their speed       (b) decreasing their mass      (c) lowering their center of gravity       (d) decreasing their width

(6 ) Earth’s gravitational force of attraction vanishes at:    

            (a)       6400km         (b)      infinity    (c)  42300 km                 (d)      1000 km

(7)  Which one of the following converts light energy into electrical energy? 

(a) Electric bulb             (b)      Electric generator  (c)      Photocell    (d)         Electric cell

(8)   What should be the approximate  length  of a glass tube to construct a water barometer? 

  (a)  0.5 m                      (b)       1 m  (c)          2.5 m                         (d)       11m

(9)  SI unit of pressure is pascal, which is equal to:

            (a)  104 Nm-2 (b)       1 Nm -2  ( c)  102 Nm-2  (d) 103 Nm-2

(10 The relation between co-efficient of linear expansion and volume expansion is

(a)  a  = 3b    (b)  b  = 3a   (c)  a  =      (d)  b =

(11 Rooms are heated using gas heaters by: 

(a)  Conduction only  (b)  Convection and radiation (c)  Radiation only (d)Convection only

( 12) The example of bad conductor is:     

                        (a)       Wool              (b)  Copper      (c)    gold    (d)  iron        



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