Paper: 10th BIOLOGY

                                                                Objective Part 

 Q1. MCQs, choose the correct option of following                                         (12)

1. Exchange of gases occurs through lenticels in:           

            (a)        Woody stems                          

            (b)        Mature roots

            (c)        Woody stems and mature roots

            (d)        Young stems

2. The blood glucose level remains about _______ per liter despite eating a meal rich in carbohydrates:

            (a)        2gm                             (b)        1gm

            (c)        3gm                             (d)        4gm

3. This is not a part of the hindbrain:

      (a)        Pons                            (b)        Medulla oblongata

      (c)        Cerebrum                    (d)       Cerebellum

4. Which hormone is secreted in case of an emergency situation:

      (a)        Oxytocin                     (b)        Thyroxin

            (c)        Adrenaline                   (d)        Calcitonin

5. How many bones make our skull?

            (a)        14                                (b)       22    

            (c)        24                                (d)        26

6. After ripening, the ovary changes into:

            (a)        Seed                            (b)       Fruit

            (c)        Flower                         (d)        Nectar

7. Asexual reproduction in yeast takes place by:

            (a)        Budding                      (b)       Fragmentation

            (c)         Binary fission             (d)       Spore formation

8. The alternate forms of a gene are called:

            (a)        Genome                       (b)        Genotype

            (c)        Alleles                         (d)       None of these

9. True breeding means:

            (a)        Homozygous  

            (b)        Heterozygous

            (c)        Both homozygous and heterozygous   

(d)       None

10. A symbiotic interaction in which both     partners get benefits:

            (a)        Mutualism       (b) Commensalism  

            (c)        Parasitism       (d) Predation

11. An enzyme produced by genetically modified organisms used to break up blood clots is called:

            (a)        Lipase              (b)        Amylase

            (c)        Urokinase        (d)       Peptidase

12. Aspirin belongs to a group that is:

            (a)        Obtained from animals

            (b)        Obtained from plants

            (c)        Synthetic drugs

            (d)       Obtained from bacteria




                                                        Subjective part:

 Short questions. There are three parts to short questions.


Q2. Attempt any 5 out of 8 from the following:                                                                           (10).

1.      How will you differentiate between stomata and lenticels?

2.      What is asthma? Write its symptoms

3.      What are Hydrophytes? Give an examples

4.      What is homeostasis? Give an example

5.      What is the difference between osmoregulation and thermoregulation?

6.      Define coordination. Also, write its two types.

7.      What are Meninges? Write two functions also.

8.      What are the causes of diseases of hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism? Write symptoms of each.


Q3. Attempt any 5 out of 8 from the following:                                                                           (10)

1.      What is a Bone? Write its function   

2.      Describe briefly osteoporosis

3.      What is an embryo? Write its parts.

4.      What is the difference between bulbs and corms?

5.      How multiple fission in Amoeba takes place?

6.      What is anti-evolution or the theory of special creation?

7.      Differentiate between genotype and phenotype.

8.      Define the Law of Segregation.


Q4. Attempt any 5 out of 8 from the following:                                                                           (10)

1.      What is meant by ecosystem? Give two examples of the natural ecosystem.

2.      What is meant by denitrification?

3.      What is a fermenter and write down its types.

4.      Write down basic steps in genetic engineering.  

5.      What are the applications of fermentation in biotechnology?     

6.      Define vaccine. Write two names of commonly used vaccines.

7.      Differentiate between analgesic and antibiotic.

8.      Define sedatives and give examples.


Long questions. There are 3 questions, attempt any 2 of them.                                       (18)


Q5. (a) How do plants remove extra carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water?                                  (5)

       (b) Explain the disorders of the eye.                                                                                      (4)


Q6. (a) Define joints and write down the types of joints.                                                        (5)

       (b) Write causes of AIDS and ways of prevention.                                                         (4)


Q7. (a) Explain components of an ecosystem.                                                                       (5)

       (b) What are the applications of fermentation in biotechnology?                                         (4)



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