Paper: 9th BIOLOGY

                                                                        Objective Part  

1.      Bioelements present in the highest percentage in protoplasm is:

(a) Carbon             (b) Hydrogen               (c) Nitrogen                 (d) Oxygen

2.      The founder of medicine is:

(a) Jabir Bin Hayan            (b) Abdul Malik                      (c) Bu-Ali Sina              (d) Al-Beruni

3.      Dengue fever is transmitted by:

(a) Culex                 (b) Anopheles             (c) Aedes                     (d) Culex and Anopheles

4.      Viruses are assigned to the kingdom:

(a) Monera                        (b) Protista                  (c) Fungi                      (d) None of above

5.      74. Allium cepa is the scientific name of:

(a) Onion               (b) Potato                   (c) Tomato                   (d) Pea

6.      Xylem tissues consist of vessel elements and:

(a) Sieve tube                    (b) Tracheid                (c) Mesophyll              (d) Fibre cell

7.      The wall of prokaryotes is composed of:

(a) Lignin               (b) Cellulose                (c) Peptidoglycan        (d) Chitin

8.      Those cells which give rise to gametes are called;

(a) Somatic cells    (b) Spindle fibers         (c) Germ cells              (d) Synapsis

9.      Trypsin enzyme works in;

(a) Stomach                       (b) Large Intestine      (c) Small Intestine       (d) Heart

10.  Deficiency of which element causes the yellowing of leaves in plants:

(a) Zinc                              (b) Copper                   (c Magnesium             (d) Chlorine

11.  How much percentage of the light falling on the leaf surface is absorbed; 09407039

(a) 1%                                (b) 2%                          c) 3%                            (d) 4%

12. During embryonic development red blood cells are prepared in;

(a) Sternum                 (b) Spleen                   (c) Ribs                        (d) Vertebrae

                                                Subjective Part 

Q2.  Short questions, Attempt any five

1.      What is morphology?

2.      What is biotechnology? Elaborate on its usefulness.

3.      Give two examples of scientific law.

4.      What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis?

5.      Define biodiversity. Describe briefly the meaning of biodiversity.

6.      Enlist the effects of deforestation?

7.      Define Apoptosis.

8.      Define Mitosis.


Q3.  Short questions, Attempt any five

1.      What are Ribosomes?

2.      Define hypotonic and hypotonic.

3.      What is the difference between apical and lateral meristems?

4.      Define Catabolism?

5.      How does temperature affect the rate of enzyme action?

6.      Write down the characteristics of enzymes:

7.       Define aerobic respiration.

8.      Define Oxidation and Reduction reactions.

Q4.  Short questions, Attempt any five

1.      Define inorganic fertilizers.

2.      Give two functions of the large intestine.

3.      What are dietary fibers?

4.      What are unsaturated fatty acids?

5.      Define leucocytes or white blood cells.

6.      Define cohesion tension theory.

7.      Differentiate between the pericardium and pericardial fluid.

8.      What is Fibrinogen? Write down its function.


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