CLASS 10th    12 MARKS

                                                                                                The time of the objective is 20min

(Encircle the right choice of the followings.) All questions carry equal marks


1. Which country sent its forces to Afghanistan in 1979?

(a) America                         (b) Russia                             (c) France                            (d) Britain


2. The permanent members of the UN security council are:

(a) 3                                       (b) 4                                       (c) 5                                        (d) 6


3. SAARC was established in:

(a) 1980                                (b) 1985                                (c) 1990                                 (d) 1995


4. The first meeting of OIC was held in 1969 in which city?

(a) Rabat                              (b) Karachi                           (c) Teherán                         (d) Jiddah


5. The organization was established in 1945:

(a) UNO                                (b) OIC                                  (c) ECO                                  (d) RCD


6. The Simla Pack was held between Pakistan and India in:

(a) 1971                                (b) 1965                                (c) 1972                                 (d) 1965


7. Economic development depends upon which followings:

(a) GDP                                 (b) foreign exchange      (c) per capita income      (d) All of these


8. How much agricultural land in Pakistan depends upon stream water:

(a) 60%                                 (b) 70%                                 (c) 80%                                  (d) 90%


9. The first dry port was built in:

(a) Lahore                            (b) Karachi                           (c) Faisalabad                     (d) Multan


10. The largest dam producing electricity is:

(a) Mangla                           (b) Tarbela                          (c) Warsak                           (d) None


11. Indus water treaty signed in:

(a) 1960                                (b) 1961                                (c) 1962                                 (d) 1959


12. The largest sector of Pakistan’s economy is:

(a) Agriculture                   (b) Industrial                      (c) Trade                              (d) Services                         

 SUBJECTIVE PAPER             

  CLASS 10th          38 MARKS

                                                                                                                Time: 1 hour 40 min

                                                            Short questions:

All questions carry equal marks. Attempt any 12 short questions.


1. What is meant by the Durand Line?

2. Write 3 responsibilities of the economic and social council?

3. Write 3 responsibilities of UNGA?

4. Write about the Kashmir issue in the security council?

5. Write 3 main objectives of SAARC?

6. What are the structure and responsibilities of the international court of justice?

7. Write the names of 10 members of OIC?

8. Write important features of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia relations?

9. Definition of Economic progress by Arthur Lewis?

10. What is a small-scale industry and give names of any 4?

11. Make 3 suggestions to solve Pakistan’s agriculture problem?

12. What is meant by import and export. Five examples of Pakistan’s imports and exports?

13. Write uses of Gypsum?

14. Write the names of 5 cities with dry ports?

15. What are the main reasons for poverty in Pakistan and give their solutions?

16. Write names of any 6 large-scale industries?


                                                            Long questions:

                                                        (Attempt any 2. Each question carries 7 marks.)


1. Describe Pakistan’s relationship with America?

2. Explain the main problems faced by the Agriculture sector?

3. Explain the Objectives of Pakistan’s foreign policy?



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