9th Pak Studies Full book


      UNIT 1






Q.1      Circle the correct answer.

1.      When did the Hindi Urdu controversy start?                                                                                            091101001

(a)  1861                                                          (b)  1863

      (c)  1865                                                    (d)  1867

2.      The first pillar of Islam is:                                 091101002

(a)  Toheed and Prophethood

(b)  Namaz                       

(c)  Keeping Fast   

(d)  Zakat

3.      When was the fight of freedom fought? (a)  1855                                                        (b)  1857   091101003

(c)  1859                                                          (d)  1861

4.      Who has supreme authority in Islam?  (a)  Allah Almighty                                                       091101004

(b)  Parliament

      (c)  President of the state 

      (d)  People 

5.      Who gave the presidential address in the Lahore Resolution (23rd March, 1940)?                                                                                           091101005

(a)  Quaid-e-Azam     

(b)  A.K. Fazl-ul-Haque                     

   (c)  Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar

   (dAllama Muhammad Iqbal

6.      Who gave the idea of a separate state for the Muslims in 1930?                               091101006

      (a)  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan                       (Board 2015)

      (b)  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali

      (c)  Sir Agha Khan

      (d)  Allama Muhammad Iqbal

7.      In which century did Pakistan come into being?                                                                     (Board 2015)   091101007

      (a)  Eighteenth                              (b)  Nineteenth

      (c)  Twentieth                               (d)  Twenty first

8.      State Bank of Pakistan was inaugurated on:                                                                                                         091101008

(a)  1st July, 1948       

(b)  5th May, 1948

(c)  14th August, 1949 

(d)  1st October, 1949

9.      The ideology of Pakistan is based on:                                                                                                      (Board 2015)          091101009

      (a)  Collective System

   (b)  Programme                

   (c)  Progressivism 

   (d)  Islamic ideology

10.  The word “Pakistan” was coined by:

      (a)  Allama Muhammad Iqbal                  091101010

      (b)  Sir Agha Khan                                                           (Board 2015)

      (c)  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali

      (d)  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

11.  When did Allama Iqbal address at Allahabad?                                                                                     091101011

(a)  1929                                                          (b)  1930   

(c)  1933                                                          (d)  1940

12.  The third pillar of Islam is:                                091101012

(a)  Namaz                                                                                          (Board 2015) 

(b)  Zakat

(c)  Keeping Fast                   

(d)  Hajj

 Additional MCQs


13.  The second pillar of Islam is:                 091101013

(a)  Prayer                                           (b)  Zakat

      (c)  Keeping Fast  (d)  Hajj

14.  The fourth pillar of Islam is:                  091101014

(a)  Zakat                                            (b)  Hajj                       (Board 2015)

(c)  Prayer                               (d)  Keeping Fast

15.  The fifth pillar of Islam is:                                 091101015

(a)  Keeping Fast        (b)  Prayer

(c)  Hajj                                   (d)  Zakat


16.  Lahore Resolution was passed on:

(a)  1929                                              (b)  1930                     091101016

(c)  1933                                  (d)  1940

17.  Collection of beliefs and action is called:

(a)  Nation                                     (b)  Fraternity 091101017

(c)  Equality                                  (d)  Ideology

18.  The word “Nazria” is used for ideology in:                                                                                                            091101018

(a)  Persian                              (b)  Urdu 

      (c)  Arabic                                     (d)  Sindhi

19.  Security is provided to the people by:  (a)  Ideology                          (b)  Laws                     091101019

(c)  Beliefs                                          (d)  Prayers

20.  Fraternity means:                                                                       091101020

(a)  Rule of Law                (b)  Brotherhood   

(c)  Justice                                     (d)  Sacrifice

21.  Urdu Hindi controversy started in:

(a)  Delhi                                       (b)  Lakhnow  091101021

(c)  Lahore                                    (d)  Banars

22.  Who gave the idea of Pakistan?

(a)  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali                                          091101022

(b)  Quaid-e-Azam     

      (c)  Liaquat Ali Khan       

      (d)  Allama Iqbal

23.  Lahore Resolution is also called:

(a)  Objectives Resolution                                          091101023

(b)  Pakistan Resolution      

      (c)  Industrial Resolution 

      (d)  Independence Resolution

24.  Quaid-e-Azam addressed the people of Dhaka on:                                                                                   091101024

      (a)  21st March, 1948                   

      (b)  14th August, 1948

      (c)  1st July, 1948 

      (d)  1st October, 1949

25.  Quaid-e-Azam addressed the government officers of Pakistan at:                                       091101025

      (a)  Lahore                                    (b)  Islamabad

      (c)  Mumbai                      (d)  Karachi

26.  The pamphlet “Now or Never” was published in:                                                                                  091101026

      (a)  1930                                        (b)  1933        

      (c)  1940                                        (d)  1947

27.  First time the Muslims were declared as a separate nation by:                                                091101027

      (a)  Allama Muhammad Iqbal                 

      (b)  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali      

      (c)  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan                      

      (d)  Quaid-e-Azam

28.  Two Nation Theory means, two major nations:                                                                                        091101028

(a)  Hindus and Muslims

(b)  Muslims and British      

      (c)  Hindus and British

      (d)  Hindus and Arabs

29.  Quaid-e-Azam said that he will protect the right of:                                                                             091101029

(a)  Majority                            (b)  Muslims   

(c)  Hindus                              (d)  Minorities

30.  How many pillars of Islam are there? 

      (a)  2                                                          (b)  3                                       091101030

      (c)  4                                              (d)  5

31.  A nation endangers its existence if it ignores its:                                                                                       091101031

      (a)  Heroes                                    (b)  History  

      (c)  Ideology         (d)  Creator

32.  Ideology of Pakistan is the name of creating a society based on the principles of:                                                                                091101032

(a)  Quran and Sunnah                        (b)  Brotherhood     

(c)  Equality                                        (d)  Justice

33.  Islamic state and society is based upon:                                                                                                                            



(a)  Priorities                                                     (b)  Consultation

(c)  Social values                                  (d)  Freedom

34.  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the first person who used the term “Two Nation Theory” in the year:                                                      091101034

(a)  1857                                               (b)  1867        

(c)  1930                                               (d)  1940

35.  Allama Iqbal gave the idea of a separate state to the Muslims in his address at:                                                                                                                                              091101035

(a)  Karachi                                          (b)  Sialkot

(c)  Lahore                                            (d)  Allahabad


Match the Column “A” with the Column “B”.


Q2.      Match the correct answer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     091101036

Column “A”

Column “B”

Correct Answer

Inauguration of State Bank



Establishment of Pakistan

The religion of Islam


The Basis of the Ideology of Pakistan



Urdu Hindi Controversy



Lahore Resolution

Twentieth century



Fill in the blanks


Q3.      Fill in the blanks with correct answer.                                                                                                                                                                        

1.      The foundation of the ideology of Pakistan is _____________.                                                                                                                                091101037

2.      Ideology is the set of political and cultural principles on which the _________ of a nation or civilization are laid.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 091101038

3.      If a nation ignores its _________ it endangers its existence.                                                                                                                                                 091101039

4.      Ideology of Pakistan is the name of __________ society based on the principles of Quran and Sunnah.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        091101040

5.      Ideology of Pakistan is name of establishment of a state where the ___________of people is considered.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         091101041

6.      Islamic _____________ and society is based upon consultation.                                                                                                                                          091101042

7.      Sense to provide security to the _____________ was also included in the background of the demand for Pakistan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          091101043

8.      Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was the first person who used the term “Ideology of Pakistan” in the year _____________.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             091101044

9.      Allama Iqbal gave the idea of a separate ____________ to the Muslims in his address at Allahabad (1930).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        091101045

10.  Quaid-e-Azam was the staunch supporter of the _____________ Theory.                                                                                                   091101046




Q4.      Answer the Short Questions.

Q1.      What is meant by Touheed?            091101047

Q2.      Write the translation of:                  091101048          

            (Board 2015)      

Q3.      What do you mean by the faith in Prophethood?                                      (Board 2015)       091101049

Q4.      What is meant by the ideology of Pakistan?                                                          (Board 2015)             091101050

Q5.      While inaugurating the State Bank, what did Quaid-e-Azam say?                                 091101051

Q6.      What did Allama Iqbal say about the foundation of Muslim Millat?                 

                                                                                                (Board 2015)       091101052

Q7.      What is the saying of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) about brotherhood?   

                                                                                    (Board 2015)                      091101053

Q8.      What did Quaid-e-Azam say about nationalism?                                                                                            091101054

Q9.      What is meant by Two Nation Theory in the historical perspective of the

Q10.    What did Quaid-e-Azam say about the security of minorities?                                       091101056

Q11.    What did Allama Iqbal mention in his famous Allahabad address?

                                                                                    (Board 2015)                      091101057

Q12.    What is meant by ideology?                                                                                                                               (Board 2015)                   091101058

Q13.    When did Chaudhry Rehmat Ali propose the word “Pakistan”?                                  

                                                                                                (Board 2015)       091101059



Additional Short Questions

Q14.    What is the definition of ideology in World Encyclopedia?                                                               091101060

Q15.    What is ideology in the words of George Brass?                                                                                 091101061

Q16.    What is the base of freedom of other countries?                                                                                                         091101062

Q17.    What are the sources of ideology?                                                                                                                                                         091101063

Q18.    What is the significance of ideology?                                                                                                                                                                091101064

Q19.    Explain that Ideology of Islam is the ideology of Pakistan.                                                                091101065

Q20.    What is Eman?                                                                      091101066

Q21.    What is meant by sovereignty of God?                                                                                                                                                 091101067

Q22.    Write a brief note on Zakat. OR Write the importance of Zakat.              091101068

Q23.    What is the saying of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) about justice and equality?                                                                                                          091101069

Q24.    What did the Quaid say about promotion of democracy (Discussions and Consultation)?                                                                                    091101070

Q25.    What was the economic condition of the Muslims of Sub-continent after the War of Independence?                                                                            091101071

Q26.    What is the historical background of Two Nation Theory?                                                               091101072

Q27.    Who was the first person to use the term “Two Nation Theory”?                                  091101073

Q28.    What are the Basic prayers (Pillars) in Islam?                                                                                                            091101074

Q29.    What are the teaching of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W) about fraternity and Brotherhood?                                                                                      091101075

Q30.    What did Quaid-e-Azam say about Two Nation Theory?                                                                  091101076



Long Questions 

Q5.      Evaluate the values that are the basis of the ideology of Pakistan.                      (Board 2015)      091101077

Q6.    Elaborate the ideology of Pakistan in the light of the pronouncements of Quaid-e-Azam.


Q7.      Describe the ideology of Pakistan in the light of pronouncement of Allama Muhammad Iqbal.                                                                                    (Board 2015)                     

Q.8      Explain Two Nation Theory                                                                                                                                                     

Q9.      Write note on the following:                                                                                                                                                                 

(a)   The economic condition of the Muslims in India before partition.

(b)  Origin of Ideology and its Significance.













Q.1      Circle the correct answer.

1.  Who presented the Pakistan Resolution?

(a)  A.K Fazl ul Haq                                                                 091102001

(b)  Allama Iqbal

(c)  Moulana Muhammad Ali Johar

(d)  Sir Agha Khan

2. When did Sindh Muslim League pass the resolution in favour of partition?

(a)  1908                                               (b)  1918                     091102002

(c)  1928                                               (d)  1938

3. A mission of the British Government came to India in 1942 under the headship of                                                                                                                                 091102003

      (a)  Sir Pethic Lawrence

(b)  Mr. A.V. Alexander         

(c)  Sir Stafford Cripps

(d)  Lord Wavell

4. When did Quaid-e-Azam present his famous fourteen points?                                               091102004

      (a)  1909                            (b)  1919 

(c)  1929                                               (d)  1939

5. Who presided over the session of provincial as well as Central Legislatures elected on the ticket of Muslim League at Delhi in April 1946?                                                 091102005

      (a)  Liaquat Ali Khan       

(b)  Sardar Abdur Rab Nashtar           

(c)  Quaid-e-Azam 

(d)  Allama Muhammad Iqbal

6. When was the Lucknow Pact made between Muslim league and Congress?

                                                                                                (Board 2015)          091102006

      (a)  1916                            (b)  1926                                

(c)  1936                                   (d)  1946

7. How many ministers from Muslim League were included in the interim Government 1946?                                                   091102007

      (a)  Two                                                    (b)  Three

(c)  Four                                                                       (d)  Five

8. When was the Indian Independence Act approved?                                                                                   091102008

      (a)  14 August, 1947                     (b)  18 July, 1947   

(c)  24 October, 1948   (d)  3 June, 1948

9. In which Annual Session of All India Muslim League was The Pakistan Resolution passed?                 (Board 2015)       091102009

      (a)  1940                                        (b)  1929

(c)  1949                                                           (d)  1946

10. The year of Delhi-Muslim Proposals is:

      (a)  1926                                        (b)  1927                     091102010

(c)  1932                                               (d)  1929

11. The World War II broke out in:          

      (a)  1914                                        (b)  1919                     091102011

(c)  1939                                               (d)  1945

12. When was the Battle of Palasi fought?

                                                                                    (Board 2015)                          091102012

      (a)  1557                                        (b)  1657                    

      (c)  1757                                        (d)  1857

13. When did Quaid-e-Azam join Muslim League?                                              (Board 2015)            091102013

      (a)  1913                                        (b)  1915

(c)  1916                                               (d)  1919

14. How many Princely States were there in the sub-continent when the partition of India took place?                                                                  091102014

      (a)  605                                                      (b)  615

(c)  625                                                             (d)  635


 Additional MCQs

15. Pakistan Resolution is also called:

(a)  Objectives Resolution                             091102015

(b)  Lahore Resolution

(c)  French Resolution          

(d)  Industrial Resolution



16. Simla Conference was held in: 

(a)  1942                                            (b)  1943                     091102016

(c)  1944                                            (d)  1945

17. Rowlatt Act:                                                                                            091102017

(a)  1913                                            (b)  1916

(c)  1919                                            (d)  1923


18. Cripps Mission:                                                                           091102018

(a)  1939                                            (b)  1942

(c)  1945                                            (d)  1947

19. Cabinet Mission Plan:                                        091102019

(a)  1940                                            (b)  1942

(c)  1944                                            (d)  1946

20. Jinnah-Gandhi talks:                                                      091102020

(a)  1934                                            (b)  1936

(c)  1940                                            (d)  1944

21.Civil Disobedience movement was launched by:                                                                                        091102021

(a)  Gandhi                             (b)  Allama Iqbal

(c)  Raj Gopal                        (d)  Quaid-e-Azam

22. Quit India movement was launched by:

(a)  Kashmiris                                                                                    091102022

(b)  Quaid-e-Azam

(c)  Gandhi

(d)  Chaudhry Rehmat Ali

23. How many seats did Muslim League win in center in elections 1945-46?    091102023

(a)  30                                                (b)  40                        

(c)  50                                                (d)  60

24. How many seats did Muslim League win in Provincial Assemblies in elections 1945-46?                                                                                              091102024

(a)  424                                              (b)  426          

(c)  428                                              (d)  430

25. Who was the Viceroy at the time of      partition of sub-continent?                           091102025

(a)  Lord Mountbatten          

(b)  Lord Wavell

(c)  Lord Chelmsford            

(d)  Lord Minto

26. Direct Action Day was declared by:

(a)  Muslim League                                                   091102026

(b)  Congress

(c)  Gandhi                            

(d)  Kashmiri

27. Direct Action Day:                                                                      091102027

(a)  12 August, 1946  

(b)      14 August, 1946

(c)  16 August, 1946 

(d)      18 August, 1946

28. The head of boundary commission was:                                                                                                                                       091102028

(a)  Sir Sydney                                  (b)  Sir Radcliffe

(c)  Sir Stafford Crips            (d)  Sir Wavell

29. 3rd June Plan was presented by:

(a)  Lord Mountbatten                                                           091102029

(b)  Quaid-e-Azam

(c)  Gandhi                           

(d)  A.K. Fazl-ul-Haq

30. Round Table Conferences:                                091102030

(a)  1930-31                           (b)  1939-40   

(c)  1943-44                           (d)   1946-47

31. Day of Deliverance was declared by:


(a)  Gandhi                            (b)  Lord Wavell        

(c)  Allama Iqbal (d)  Quaid-e-Azam

32. Day of Deliverance:                                                                091102032

(a)  22 December, 1937        

(b)  22 December, 1938

(c)  22 December, 1939

(d)  22 December, 1940

33. Day of deliverance was declared as a mark of:                                                                                                     091102033

(a)  Cruelty                            (b)  Justice      

(c)  Unity                                           (d)  Relief

34. Quaid-e-Azam was born on:                  091102034

(a)  25 December 1874         

(b)  25 December 1876         

(c)  25 December 1878         

(d)  25 December 1872

35. Quaid-e-Azam died on:                                      091102035

(a)  11 September 1948

(b)  12 September 1948        

(c)  13 September 1948        

(d)  14 September 1948

36. Sultan Tipu was martyred in:                091102036

(a)  1745                                            (b)  1756

(c)  1787                                            (d)  1799

37. The European traders began to arrive in sub-continent in:                                                   091102037

(a)  15th century                     (b)  16th century         

(c)  17th century               (d)  18th century

38. District Sylhet is in:                                                        091102038

      (a)  Bengal                                    (b)  Pakistani Punjab

      (c)  Assam                                     (d)  Indian Punjab








Match the Column “A” with the Column “B”.


Q.2      Match the correct answer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     091102039

Column “A”

Column “B”


Simla Conference



Rowlatt Act



Cripps mission



Cabinet mission plan



Jinnah-Gandhi Talks




Fill in the blanks.

Q.3      Fill in the blanks with correct answer.      

1                      launched the “Civil Disobedience Movement” and “Quit India Movement”.                             091102040

2. The Muslim got                              seats in the Provincial Assembly elections in 1946.                                                        091102041

3. Cabinet Mission Plan consisted of                         British Ministers.                                                                                                                          091102042

4. When India was partitioned,                                   was the victory of India.                                                                                                               091102043

5. The Lahore Resolution was presented by                                       .                                                                                                                                                     091102044

6. Jinnah-Gandhi Talks begin in the year                                           .                                                                                                                                                                 091102045

7. The                          Mission proposed to make India a Union.                                                                                                                                                091102046

8. The Muslim League declared the day of 16 August,1946 as                                             .                                                                             091102047

9. The Head of boundary Commission for the partition of India was                                                .                                                     091102048

10. The Indian Independence Act was approved on                                       .                                                                                                                             091102049




Q.4      Answer the Short Questions:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Q1.      Which resolution was presented by the Chief Minister Bengal, Mr. Hussain Shaheed Suhrwardy in the convention of Assembly Members in 1946?                              091102050

Q2.      Narrate three proposals of Cripps Mission.                                                                                                                             091102051

Q3.      Write any two points of the Presidential address of Quaid-e-Azam in Pakistan Resolution 1940.                                          091102052

Q4.      What was the reply of Quaid-e-Azam in Jinnah-Gandhi Talks 1944?  

                                                                                                                (Board 2015)          091102053

Q5.      Many important personalities presented the opinion to partition India. Write the names of any five such personalities.                                                                                                    091102054

Q6.      How did the Provincial Groups form in the Cabinet Mission Plan?

                                                                                                                (Board 2015)          091102055

Q7.      Write any three points of Wavell Plan.                                                                                          (Board 2015)           091102056

Q8.      Describe the Manifestoes of the Muslim League and the Congress in the General Elections 1945-46.                                     091102057

Q9.    Write the text of Pakistan Resolution.  

                                   (Board 2015)       091102058

Q10.    Write the names of five ministers of the Muslim League included in the interim Government.                                                      (Board 2015)          091102059

Q11.    Write the names of members of Cabinet Mission plan 1946.                                           091102060

Q12.    Narrate the stand-point of Quaid-e-Azam in Rowlatt Act 1919.                                     091102061

Q13.    How did India occupy Kashmir?                                                                                                                                                                      091102062

Q14.    Describe the holdings of All Parties Conference under the 3rd June, 1947 Plan.                                                                                                                               (Board 2015)          091102063

Q15.    How did the Quaid-e-Azam get the title of “Ambassador of Peace”?                 091102064


Additional Short Questions

Q16.    What was the reaction of the Hindu leaders on Pakistan Resolution?                091102065

Q17.    What was the view point of the Hindu leaders about partition?                                            091102066

Q18.    What were the results of the elections 1945-46?                                                                                                          091102067

Q19.    What was the purpose of Cabinet Mission?                                                                                                                 091102068

Q20.    What was the reaction of Hindus Press on Lahore Resolution?   OR     091102069

            How was the Lahore Resolution named as Pakistan Resolution?

Q21.    Write the names of Muslim and Hindu members of boundary commission of Punjab and Bengal.                                                                  091102070

22. What was the background of Pakistan Resolution?                                                                                              091102071

Q23.    What did Quaid-e-Azam say before the elections of 1945-46?                                              091102072

Q24.    What slogans did the Muslims raise in elections 1945-46?                                                                             091102073

Q25.    How did Muslim League emerge as the only Representative Party of the Muslims?                                                                                                          091102074

Q26.    What is Colonialism?                       OR      091102075

      What was the purpose of Colonialism?

Q27.    Why did Muslim League announce Direct Action Day?                                                                    091102076

Q28.    What did Muslim League decide on the proposals of Cabinet Mission?            091102077

Q29.    What was the reaction of Congress on Cabinet Mission?                                                                   091102078



Long Questions

Q5.      Evaluate the main points of 3rd June, 1947 Plan.                                                                                                                                            091102079

Q6.      Describe the background of the Pakistan Resolution, its basic points and the reaction of Hindus at the approval of this Resolution.                                                                                                                                                                                                   091102080

Q7.      Why were the Elections of 1945-46 held? How did the results of these election benefit the Muslim?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

Q8.      Describe the role of Quaid-e-Azam in the creation of Pakistan?                         (Board 2015)      091102082

Q9.      Narrate the British Colonial System in India.                                                                                                                                                             091102083

Q10.    Write the salient features of the Cabinet Mission Plan, 1946.                             (Board 2015)             091102084








Q.1 Circle the correct answer.

31.  The highest peak of Kohistan-e-Hindukush is:                                                                        091103001

(a) Malika Parbat                    (b)  Tirich Mir

      (c) Nanga Parbat               (d)  Everest

32.  In the southern area of Pakistan, there is mountain range of:                                              091103002

(a) Himalayas

(b) Koh-e-Karakoram

(c) Koh-e-Kirthar

(d) Koh-e-Sufaid

33.  The total area of Pakistan is:                 091103003

      (a) 696095 Square km                                          (Board 2015)

      (b) 795095 Square km

      (c) 796096Square km

      (d) 896096 Square km

34.  To the south of Pakistan lies:                 091103004

      (a) Bay of Bengal

      (b) The Arabian Sea

      (c) The Persian Gulf        

      (d) Iran

35.  How much part of the total area of Pakistan is covered with forest?           

                                                            (Board 2015)                                          091103005

      (a) 0.5                                                        (b) 5                                       

      (c) 15                                                         (d) 25

36.  Along the border of Pakistan and China, there is mountain range of:

      (a) Himalayas                                (b) Siwalik                  091103006

      (c) Karakoram                   (d) Hindukush

37.  Shahrah-e-Resham connects Pakistan with China through:                                                  091103007

      (a) Khunjrab Pass

      (b) Khyber Pass   

      (c) Tochi Pass      

      (d) Gomal Pass

38.  The national animal of Pakistan is:

      (a) Chakor                                     (b) Markhor     091103008

      (c) Deer                                         (d) Lion


 Additional MCQs

39.  Durand Line is:                                                                           091103009

      (a) River                           

      (b) Glacier

      (c) Barrage                       

      (d) Pak Afghan Border

40.  Kareez is:                                                                                                 091103010

(a) Barrage     

(b) Underground water channel      

      (c) Glacier

      (d) Pak Afghan Border

41.  Biafo is a:                                                                                                 091103011

(a) River                                               (b) Barrage

(c) Pass                                          (d) Glacier

42.  In the East of Pakistan is:                                  091103012

(a) India                                                                                              (Board 2015)

(b) China

(c) Afghanistan

(d) Iran

43.  Kotri is a:                                                                                                 091103013

(a) Barrage                              (b) Glacier                  

(c) Pass                                                (d) River

44.  Pakistan is divided into how many climatic regions?                                                             091103014

(a) 6                                               (b) 5

(c) 4                                               (d) 3

45.  River Indus enters Pakistan at: 091103015

      (a) Gilgit                                       (b) Peshawar  

      (c) Quetta                                      (d) Sakardu    

46.  The plain area of Pakistan starts from Pothwar and stretches to:                            091103016

(a) Karachi                              (b) Panjnad    

      (c) Thatta                                      (d) Mithankot

47.  Desert is the area that receives rainfall less than:                                                                                     091103017

(a) 10 inches                           (b) 14 inches  

(c) 16 inches                           (d) 18 inches

48.  In which areas is the level of noise pollution higher?                                                              091103018

(a) Mountain areas     

(b) Desert areas

(c) Rural areas                        

(d) Urban areas

49.  In which mountain range is Shahrah-e-Resham situated?                                                     091103019

(a) Karakoram                         (b) Hindukush

(c) Himalayas              (d) Siwalak

50.  The desert of Kharan is in:                    091103020 (a) Sindh                                            (b) KPK     (Board 2015)

(c) Punjab                                            (d) Balochistan

51.  To the North of Pakistan lies:                091103021

(a) China                                             (b) Afghanistan

(c) India                                              (d) Iran

52.  To the East of Pakistan lies:                   091103022

      (a) Arabian Sea                 (b) India

      (c) Afghanistan                 (d) Iran

53.  To the West of Pakistan lies:                  091103023

(a) Bay of Bengal       

(b) The Arabian Sea   

(c) The Persian Gulf  

(d) Iran

54.  Pakistan is located between latitudes:

(a) 23o ½ and 39o N                                                    091103024

(b) 25o ½ and 39o

(c) 23o ½ and 37o

(d) 25o ½ and 37o N   

55.  Pakistan is located between longitude:

(a) 61o and 67o E                                                               091103025

(b) 61o and 77o

(c) 61o and 77o S                          

(d) 61o and 67o S

56.  In the north-west of Pakistan is situated:                                                                                                                              091103026

(a) Afghanistan                                   (b) China

(c) India                                                          (d) Iran           

57.  Sub-Himalayan Range is in the east of:


(a) River Attock                           

(b) River Neelam

(c) River Indus                             

(d) River Jhelum

58.  Sub Himalayan range is also called:

      (a) Waziristan hills                                                                        091103028

      (b) Chaghi hills

      (c) Makran hills                           

      (d) Siwalik hills

59.  Pubbi hills are the famous hills of:

(a) Karakoram range                                                   091103029

(b) Greater Himalayan range

(c) Salt range  

(d) Sub-Himalayan range

60.  Lesser Himalayan Range lies to the north of the:                                                                                091103030

(a) Sub-Himalayan range       

(b) Greater Himalayan range 

(c) Karakoram range              

(d) Salt range

61.  The highest mountain in the Lesser Himalayan range is:                                                      091103031

      (a) Tirich Mir                                (b) Nanga Parbat

      (c) K-2                                                      (d) Pir Panjal

62.  Murree, Ayubia and Nathiagali are: resort places of                                                             091103032

      (a) Lesser Himalayan range

      (b) Greater Himalayan range       

      (c) Salt range                    

      (d) Sub-Himalayan range

63.  Karakoram range is along the borders of:                                                                                                             091103033

(a) Afghanistan                       (b) India

(c) China                                             (d) Iran

64.  Karakoram range is in the north of:

      (a) Himalayas                                                                                091103034

      (b) Kirthar mountains


      (d) Balochistan plateau

65.  The second highest peak in the world is located in:                                                                                  091103035

      (a) Himalayas                                (b) Hindukush

      (c) Karakoram                   (d) Central mountains

66.  The second highest peak in the world is:

(a) Nanga Parbat         (b) Tirich Mir  091103036

(c) Chitral                                            (d) K-2

67.  Mt. Godwin Austin is also called:

      (a)Tirich Mir                                 (b) K-2                        091103037

      (c) Nanga Parbat               (d) Biafo

68.  Shahrah-e-Resham passes through:

      (a)Hindukush                                (b) Himalayas  091103038

      (c) Karakoram                   (d) Central mountains

69.  In the North-West of Pakistan is located:                                                                                                                             091103039


(b) Hindukush

(c) Himalayas                         

      (d) Central mountains

70.  Most of the Hindukush mountains are located in:                                                                                    091103040

      (a) India                                        (b) Iran           

      (c) China                                       (d) Afghanistan

71.  Lowari Pass is in:                                                                        091103041

(a)The Greater Himalayas mountains 

(b) Mountains of Sawat & Chitral                  

(c) The Hindukush mountains

(d) The Karakoram mountains

72.  Lowari Pass connects:                                        091103042

(a) Kashmir and Pakistan       

(b) Chitral and Kashmir         

(c) Attock and Murree

(d) Chitral and Peshawar

73.  Traffic between Chitral and Peshawar runs through:                                                                        091103043

(a) LawariTunnel                   

(b) Chitral Tunnel

(c) Peshawar Tunnel 

(d) Sawat Tunnel

74.  Sawat river, Panjkora river and Chitral river flow between:                                                091103044

(a) The Karakoram mountains     

(b) The Hindukush mountains                 

(c) Mountains of  Sawat & Chitral          

(d) The Greater Himalayas mountains

75.  Salt Range, Sulaiman Mountain Range and Kirthar Mountains are in:      091103045

(a) Central Mountain Range                    

(b) The Hindukush Mountains                 

(c) The Karakoram Mountain Range

(d) The Greater Himalayas mountains

76.  Salt Range is located:                                                      091103046

(a) In the East of Pothwar Plateau     

(b) In the West of Pothwar Plateau    

(c) In the north of Pothwar Plateau 

(d) In the south of Pothwar Plateau

77.  The beautiful place of Salt Range is:

(a) Sakardu                                               (b) Gilgit         091103047

(c) Sakesar                                                (d) Murree

78.  The Sulaiman mountain range stretches from:                                                                                                     091103048

(a) North to South            

(b) South to North

(c) East to West                           

(d) West to East

79.  The Sulaiman mountain range starts from River Gomal and reaches to the:         

(a) East of Pakistan                                                                       091103049

(b) South of Pakistan       

(c) West of Pakistan         

(d) Center of Pakistan

80.  Takht-e-Sulaiman is the highest peak of:

(a) Kirthar Mountains                                                       091103050

(b) Sulaiman Mountains

(c) Salt Range

(d) Hindukush Mountains

81.  Kirthar Mountains are located to the south of:                                                                                         091103051

(a) Sulaiman Mountains         

(b) Hindukush Mountains

(c) Salt Range

(d) Karakoram mountains

82.  To the west of River Indus stretches the range of:                                                                                    091103052

(a)Hindukush Mountains       

      (b)Karakoram mountains

      (c)Sulaiman Mountains

      (d) Kirthar Mountains

83.  Hub River and Lyari River flow from:

      (a)Kirthar Mountains                                                        091103053

      (b) Karakoram mountains

      (c)Sulaiman Mountains

      (d) Hindukush Mountains

84.  Koh-e-Sufaid stretches from east to west in the south of:                                                                  091103054

      (a) River Gomal                            (b) Hub River

      (c) Lyari River                              (d) River Kabul

85.  In the north of Koh-e-Sufaid lies:                                                                                                                                                                091103055

      (a) Kabul Pass                               (b) Gomal Pass

      (c) Tochi Pass                               (d)  Khyber Pass

86.  In the south of Koh-e-Sufaid lies:

      (a) Tochi Pass                                                                               091103056

      (b) Khyber Pass

       (c) Kabul Pass     

      (d) River Kurram

87.  Waziristan hills stretch in the south of the:                                                                                                           091103057

      (a) River Gomal                           

      (b) River Kurram

      (c) Lyari River                             

      (d) Hub River       

88.  Along the Afghan border, Chaghi hills lie to the west of:                                                      091103058

(a) Pakistan                                         (b) Afghanistan

(c) China                                                         (d) Iran           

89.  RasKoh Hills are situated in the south of:                                                                                                             091103059

      (a) Chaghi hills                             (b) Saihan hills

(c) Makran hills                                  (d)Waziristan hills

Match the Column “A” with the Column “B”.

Q.2 Match the correct answer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      091103060

Column “A”

Column “B”


Durand Line










Pak-Afghan Border



Underground water Channels


Fill in the blanks

Q.3 Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

11.  To the south of Pakistan lies                                 .                                                                                                                                                                                         091103061

12.  Northern mountain ranges make the northern                  of Pakistan secured a great extend.    091103062

13.  Pakistan is divided into                            climatic regions.                                                                                                                                        091103063

14.  River Indus enters Pakistan at                              .                                                                                                                                                                             091103064

15.  The plain area of Pakistan starts from Pothwar and stretches to                          .                                         091103065

16.  Desert is the area that receives less than                          inches of rainfall.                                                                          091103066

17.  Forests cover                     % of the total area of Pakistan.                                                                                                                                         091103067

18.  The level of noise pollution is much higher in                             areas.                                                                                             091103068

19.  Shahrah-e-Resham is situated in                          province.                                                                                                                           091103069

10. Quaid-e-Azam was the staunch supporter of the                          Theory.                                                                              091103070




Q4. Answer the Short Questions:

Q1. Write five reasons of decreasing forests.


Q2. Describe the location of Pakistan.                   


Q3. State five causes of soil pollution.                                                                                                                                                               091103073

Q4. In which mountain range are Tochi Pass and Gomal Pass situated?          

                                                            (Board 2015)                      091103074

Q5. What are the types of pollution?          091103075

Q6. Write the names of five glaciers located in Pakistan.                         (Board 2015)                          091103076

Q7. What are the hazards to our environment now-a-days?(Board 2015) 091103077

Q8. Describe five steps taken by the government to decrease the industrial pollution.                               (Board 2015)                          091103078

Q9. Which is the famous peak in the Greater Himalayans range?                                             091103079

Q10.    Write the names of five natural regions of Pakistan.                                                        091103080

Q11.    What is the importance of Afghanistan and the countries of Central Asia for Pakistan?                                                              091103081

Q12.    What steps are being taken by the Government to improve forests?                  091103082

Q13.    Where is Toba Kakar mountain range situated?                                                                                            091103083

Additional Short Questions

Q14.    Name the main mountain ranges of Pakistan.                                                                                                 091103084

Q15.    Which mountain ranges are include in the Northern mountain ranges?                       091103085

Q16. Name the mountain ranges of Central Mountain Ranges.                                                              091103086

Q17.    Name the mountain ranges of Western Mountain Ranges.                                              091103087

Q18.    Name the climatic regions of Pakistan.                                                                                                                                     091103088

Q19.    What do you mean by Glacier?                                                                                                       (Board 2015)                                   091103089

Q20.    How is the climate of Sub-Tropical Continental Plateau?                                                            091103090

Q21.    What kind of climate is found in Sub-Tropical Continental Lowland?              091103091

Q22.    Write any four causes of continuous decrease in growth of wild life.                 091103092

Q23.    What is a plateau?                                                    091103093

Q24.    What is Upper Indus Plain?            091103094

Q25.    What is Lower Indus Plain?            091103095

Q26.    Write the Course of the River Indus.                                                                                                                                        091103096

Q27.    Write the names of Tributaries of the River Indus.                                                                                        091103097

Q28.    What is the importance of Plain regions of Pakistan?                                                      091103098

Q29.    What are the types of forests?             091103099

Q30.    What is Doaba?                                                                     091103100

Q31.    What is environment?                                              091103101

Q32.    What is meant by Water logging and Salinity?                                                                                               091103102

Q33.    What are the causes of Water logging and Salinity?                                                                                       091103103

Q34.    What steps is Government taking for the removal of Water logging and Salinity?                                                                                                                                     091103104

Q35.    What are the causes of deforestation?                                                                                                                                      091103105

Q36.    What problems we can face due to deforestation?                                                                              091103106

Q37.    What are the causes of Air Pollution?

Ans.                                                                                                                                        091103107

Q38.    What is meant by desertification? What are the reasons of desertification?     


Q39.    What are the effects of Air Pollution?                                                                                                                                      091103109

Q40.    What are the causes of Water Pollution?                                                                                             091103110

Q41.    What are the effects of water pollution?                                                                                               091103111

Q42.    What are causes of soil pollution?  


Q43.    What are the effects of Soil Pollution?


Q44.    What are the causes of Noise Pollution?                                                                                               091103114

Q45.    What are the effects of Noise Pollution?                                                                                               091103115

Q46.    Write a note on Monsoon Rain in Summer.                                                                                                     091103116

Q47.    Write a note on Winter rain.                                                                                                                                                                             091103117

Q48.    Write a note on desert region.                                                                                                                                                                           091103118

Q49.    Write about the coastal region of Pakistan.                                                                                                     091103119

Q50.    What is humid and semi-humid mountain region?                                                                       091103120

Q51.    Write a note on dry and semi dry mountain region.                                                                     091103121








Q5. Evaluate the significance of the location of Pakistan.                                                                                                                  091103122

Q6. Give an account of the mountain ranges in Pakistan.                                                                        (Board 2015)                           091103123

Q7. Write a note on the following:                                                                                                                                                                                                        091103124

        a) Plateau                 b) Plain

Q8. Into how many climatic regions is Pakistan divided? Write the detail of each region.     


Q9. Elaborate “How does climate affect the human life?”                                                                                                                 091103126

Q10.    What is meant by drainage system? Write in detail.                                                                           (Board 2015)            091103127

Q11.  Describe the importance of plain region of Pakistan.                                                                          091103128


Q12.    Describe the significance o forests.                                                                                                                                                                                091103129

Q13.  Write about the Wildlife found in Pakistan and threats to it.                                                        091103130

Q14.    What are the environmental hazards to our country? Write a note on types of pollution.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              (Board 2015)        091103131

Q15.    Explain in how many temperature regions Pakistan is divided.                                                        091103132

Q16.    Indicate the hurdles in protecting water, soil, vegetation and wildlife.                                       091103133








Q.1 Circle the correct answer.

1.  The Objectives Resolution was passed in:

(a)1930                                                                         (b) 1940          091104001

(c)         1946                                                                (d) 1949

2. What percentage was the population of East Pakistan of the total population of Pakistan?                                            (Board 2015)        091104002

(a) 54                                                                            (b) 56 

(c) 58                                                                            (d) 60

3. Six point formula was presented by:

(a) Mujeeb-ur-Rehamn                                                 091104003

(b) Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto

(c) Bhashani

(d) Yahya Khan

4. The East Pakistan emerged as an independent state on the map of the world in:                                                                                   091104004

(a) 1969                                                                        (b) 1970         

(c) 1971                                                                        (d) 1972

5. According to LFO, the number of National Assembly seats was                     091104005

(a) 310                                                              (b) 313

(c) 316                                                              (d) 420

6. Which language was declared the national language after the establishment of Pakistan?                               (Board 2015)        091104006

(a) Bengali                                           (b) Punjabi     

(c) English                                                        (d) Urdu

7. Which party won the majority seats in West Pakistan in the General Elections of 1970?                                                                                               091104007

(a) NAP           

(b) Jamiat-ul-Ulema-i-Islam  (Hazarvi Group)

(c) Pakistan Peoples’ Party

(d) Awami League

8. General Muhammad Yahya Khan took over the Government on:                             091104008

(a) March 1969            (b) April 1970

(c) December 1971      (d) June 1972

9. President General Muhammad Ayub Khan introduced Land Reforms in:

 (a) 1958                                               (b)1959                        091104009          

(c) 1960                                                            (d) 1972

10. The duration of 2nd Five Year Plan       is:       

                                                                                                                (Board 2015)          091104010

(a) 1950-55                                           (b) 1955-60                

(c) 1960-65                                           (d) 1965-70

11. Indus Water Treaty was brokered by:

 (a) Trusteeship Council                                               091104011

(b) Security Council  

(c) The International Court  

(d) The World Bank

12. The Constitution of 1956 remained enforced for a period of:                                                091104012

(a) 2 Years 3 Months  

(b) 2 Years 5 Months  

(c) 2 Years 7 Months  

(d) 2 Years 9 Months  

13. The growth of an economy from backward to advanced economy is known as:                                                                                     091104013

(a) Backwardness                    

(b) Employment          

(c) Economic Development

(d) Balance of Payment

14. With the efforts of The United Nations, a ceasefire took place in the war of 1965 on:

      (a) 12 September 1965                              091104014

      (b) 15 September 1965   

      (c)  20 September 1965

      (d) 23 September 1965    

15. The total number of members of Basic Democracies was:                 (Board 2015)        091104015

(a) 60 thousand             (b) 70 thousand

(c) 80 thousand             (d) 90 thousand

 Additional MCQs


16. The death of Liaqat Ali Khan:  091104016

(a) 1950                                                (b) 1951                                             

(c) 1956                                                (d) 1958

17. Second constitution of Pakistan:

(a) 1956                                                (b) 1958                                              091104017

(c) 1962                                                (d)1965

18. End of One Unit in East Pakistan:

(a) 1960                                                (b) 1965                                              091104018

(c) 1968                                                (d) 1970

19. Ayub Khan’s Martial Law:                               091104019

(a) 1956                                                (b) 1958                                 

(c) 1962                                                (d) 1965

20. Molvi Tameez-ud-Din was the first:

(a) Speaker                                                                                                       091104020

(d) President    

(c) Prime Minister       

(d) Chief Justice          

21. Because of unjust division by Redcliffe, India succeeded in getting land access to:

     (a) Chawinda                                                                                             091104021

(b) Qasoor                                           

(c) Ferozepur               

(d) Jammu and Kashmir

22.Quaid-e-Azam conducted First Educational Conference in the year:

(a) 1951                                                (b) 1949                                              091104022

(c) 1948                                                (d) 1947

23. The first Constitution of Pakistan was implemented in the country on:

(a) 23 March 1956                                                                   091104023

(b)14 August 1956                  

(c) 6 September 1956

(d) 25 December 1956

24.General Ayub Khan promulgated Muslim Family Law Ordinance in:        

(a) 1958                                                (b) 1959                                              091104024

(c) 1961                                                (d) 1965

25. In 1961, Ayub Khan promulgated:

(a) Basic Democracies                                                  091104025

(b) Family Law Ordinance     

(c) Land Reforms                    

(d) Martial Law

26. In 1959, Ayub Khan introduced a new system of:                                                                                   091104026

(a) Marshal Law                      

(b) Family Law Ordinance

(c) Elections    

(d) Basic Democracies

27. Ayub Khan introduced a new system of democracies in        :                                                                091104027

(a) 1959                                                (b) 1960

(c) 1961                                                (d) 1962

28. Which treaty was signed between India and Pakistan in 1960?                                            091104028

(a) Kashmir Treaty

(b) Indus Water Treaty            

(c) No War Treaty

(d) Treaty of States

29. Indus Water Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan in the year:    091104029

(a) 1954                                                (b) 1956                                             

(c) 1958                                                (d) 1960

30. Liaquat Ali Khan joined Pakistan Muslim League in the year:                    091104030

(a) 1906                                                (b) 1913                                 

(c) 1923                                                (d) 1930

31. Quaid-e-Azam was elected as President of Pakistan on:                                                                         091104031

(a) 11 August 1947     

(b) 12 August 1947     

(c) 13 August 1947

(d) 14 August 1947     

32. Who took oath from Quaid-e-Azam as President?                                                                                   091104032

(a) Liaquat Ali Khan

(b) Molvi Tameezud Din

(C) Sir Abdur Rasheed

(d) Allama Iqbal          

33. Just after the creation of Pakistan, which constitution was adopted after modifications?                                                                  091104033

(a) Indian Act 1933     

(b) Indian Act 1935     

(c) Pakistani Act 1937

(d) Pakistani Act 1939

34. At the time of partition, how much amount was deposited in Reserve Bank of India?                                                                                                091104034

(a) 200 billion                           (b) 300 billion            

(c) 400 billion                           (d) 500 billion

35. The share of Pakistan, in the deposited            amount in Reserve Bank of India was:                                                                                                                                     091104035

(a) Rs 500 million         (b) Rs 650 million      

(c) Rs 700 million         (d) Rs 750 million


36. How much amount is still to be paid to Pakistan by India?                                                   091104036

 (a) Rs 50 million                      (b) Rs 60 million

 (c) Rs 70 million                      (d) Rs 80 million

37. Which percentage of army assets was decided to be paid to Pakistan?

(a) 50%                                                 (b) 46%                                   091104037

(c) 40%                                                 (d) 36%

38. What amount was decided to be paid to Pakistan to set up an ordinance factory?                                                                                                                                           091104038

(a) Rs 30 million                                   (b) Rs 40 million

(c) Rs 50 million                                   (d) Rs 60 million

39. Quaid-e-Azam worked as Governor General for the period of?                                   091104039

(a) 12 months                                       (b) 13 months

(c) 14 months                                       (d) 15 months

40. Quaid-e-Azam died on:                                      091104040

(a) 6 September 1948  

(b) 9 September 1948  

(c)11 September 1948 

(d) 13 September 1948

41. Liaquat Ali Khan was born in:  091104041

(a) 1866                                                            (b) 1876                                 

(c) 1886                                                            (d) 1896

42. Liaquat Ali Khan became the General Secretary of the All Pakistan Muslim League in   :                                                                                        091104042

(a) 1923                                                            (b) 1926                                             

(c) 1933                                                            (d) 1936

43. Liaquat Ali Khan became the first Prime Minister of Pakistan on:  091104043

(a) 14 August 1947     

(b) 15 August 1947     

(c) 16 August 1947     

(d) 17 August 1947

44. Liaquat Ali Khan was assassinated on:

 (a) October 16, 1948                                                   091104044

(b) October 16, 1949

(c)         October 16, 1950                  

(d) October 16 1951    

45. Quaid-e-Millat is the title of:                 091104045

(a) Quaid-e-Azam       

(b) Allama Iqbal          

(c) Liaquat Ali Khan   

(d) Sir Syed Ahmed Khan

46. Liaquat-Nehru Pact was signed in:

(a) 1949                                                (b) 1950                                              091104046

(c) 1951                                                (d) 1952

47. Malakand Division was formed in:

(a) 1969                                                (b) 1970                                              091104047

(c) 1971                                                (d) 1972

48. One Unit was established in West Pakistan on:                                                                                        091104048

(a) 14 July1955

(b) 14 August 1955                 

(c) 14 October 1955    

(d) 14 November 1955

49. Who was the candidate for president in election against Ayub Khan?                    091104049

(a) Yahya Khan           

(b) Mujeeb-ur-Rehman            

(c) Fatima Jinnah                      (d) Liaquat Ali Khan

50. How many seats were reserved for women in the Constitution of 1956?

(a) 5                                                                  (b) 7                                        091104050

(c) 10                                                                (d) 12

51. The constitution of 1962 was promulgated in the country on:           091104051

(a) 23 March                             (b) 8 June                               

(c) 14 August                           (d) 6 September

52. The War of 1965 lasted for:                   091104052

(a) 17 days                               (b) 19 days

(c) 21 days                               (d)23 days

53. In 1965, India attacked Pakistan on     :                                                                                                                                                     091104053

(a) 2 September                       

(b) 4 September                       

(c) 6 September                       

(d) 8 September

54. In the War of 1965, the ceasefire took place on:                                                                                                   091104054

(a) 23 September                      (b) 25 September                   

(c) 27 September                      (d) 29 September

55. How many seats in National Assembly did Awami League win in elections 1970?                                                                                                      091104055

(a) 150                                                  (b) 157

(c) 160                                                  (d) 167

56. How many seats in National Assembly did Peoples’ Party win in elections 1970?                                                                                                       091104056

(a) 88                                                                (b) 98

(c) 108                                                  (d) 118

57. When did Sheikh Mujeeb-ur-Rehman hoist the flag of Bangladesh at his residence?                                                                                     091104057

(a) 23 March 1971       (b) 23 March 1972

(c) 23 March 1974       (d) 23 March 1975

58. Bangladesh became a separate country on:                                                                                                                      091104058

(a) 16 December 1970

(b) 16 December 1971            

(c) 16 December 1972

(d) 16 December 1973

59. Who was the Governor of East Pakistan at the time of its separation?

(a) General Yaqoob Ali                                               091104059

(b) General Yahya Khan

(c) General Ayub Khan           

(d) General Tikka Khan

60. The articles in the constitution of 1956 were:                                                              (Board 2015)     091104060

(a) 234                          (b) 250

(c) 334                          (d) 360









Match the Column “A” with the Column “B”

Q2. Match the correct answer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                          091104061

Column “A”

Column “B”


The death of Liaquat Ali Khan



The Objectives Resolution



Second Constitution of Pakistan



End of One Unit in West Pakistan



Ayub Khan’s Martial Law



Fill in the blanks

Q3. Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

1.      Molvi Tameez-ud-Din was the                 of the first Constitution Assembly of Pakistan.                      091104062

2.      Because of unjust division of Redcliffe, India succeeded in getting land access to                    .


3.      Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah conducted First Educational Conference in the year                 .                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        091104064

4.      Liaquat Ali Khan got the Objectives Resolution passed from the assembly in the year ____.


5.      The first constitution of Pakistan was implemented in the country in                             .                                         091104066

6.      General Ayub Khan promulgated Muslim Family Law Ordinance in     ____    .                                   091104067

7.      President Ayub Khan introduced a new system of                                  in 1959.                                                                                        091104068

8.      In 1960,                             Treaty was signed between India and Pakistan.                                                                                      091104069

9.      Liaquat-Nehru Pact was made in                          .                                                                                                                                                                             091104070

10.   Liaquat Ali Khan joined Pakistan Muslim League in the year    _______          .                                                     091104071


Q4. Give Short Answers:

Q1. How was the first constitution assembly formed?                                          (Board 2015)                   091104072

Q2. Describe any five points of the Land Reforms introduced by Ayub Khan. 091104073

Q3. Write five Islamic provisions of the Constitution of 1956.                                                    091104074

Q4. What were the targets of 2nd Five Year Development Plan?                                                 091104075

Q5. What was the role of Pakistan Navy in the War of 1965?                                                                 091104076

Q6. Write any five points of Muslim Family Law Ordinance.                             (Board 2015)        091104077

Q7. Describe two causes of the War of 1965.                                                                                 (Board 2015)      091104078

Q8. What are the points for the future policies described in the Legal Framework Order?                                              (Board 2015)                   091104079

Q9. What is meant by Union Council and Union Committee?                            (Board 2015)       091104080

Q10.    How was the constitution of 1956 abrogated?                                                       (Board 2015) 091104081

Q11.    What is meant by Single Citizenship?                                                                                                                                      091104082

Q12.    Which areas of Muslim majority India got as a result of unjust division by Radcliffe?                                                                                                     091104083

Q13.    How was the Malakand Division formed?                                                 (Board 2015)          091104084

Q14.    What do you mean by Economic Development?                                                                           091104085

Q15.    Mention five targets of 3rd Five Year Development Plan.                         (Board 2015)        


Q16.    What is meant by per capita income?                                                                                                                                       091104087

Q17.    What is meant by “One Unit”?                                                                                                                              

Q18.    What benefit did India get through inclusion of Gurdaspur by unjust division?


Q19.    How was the distribution of assets made between India and Pakistan at the time of partition?                                                                  091104090

Q20.    How was the division of army made between India and Pakistan at the time of partition?                                                                                               091104091

Q21.    What is Indus Water Treaty?          091104092

Q22.    Name the tiers (Institutions) of Basic Democracies.                                                                                        091104093

Q23.    What is meant by Tehsil Council or Thana Council?                                                                         091104094

Q24.    Briefly write about Liaquat Ali Khan.                                                                                                                                     091104095

Q25.    What is the importance of Objectives Resolution?                                                                                          091104096

Q26.    What is meant by Presidential form of Government and Parliamentary form of Government?                                                                                          091104097

Q27.    What was the role of Islamic Advisory Council?                                                                                            091104098

Q28.    What is the difference between direct democracy and indirect democracy?                                                                                                           (Board 2015)                          091104099

Q29.    Describe four salient features of constitution of 1956.                  (Board 2015)          091104100

Q30.    What were the effects of the elections of 1965?                                                                                                           091104101

Q31.    What was the role of Pakistan Air Force in the War of 1965?                                        091104102

Q32.    What were the effects of the War of 1965?                                                                                                      091104103

Q33.    What kind of unity and solidarity was seen among Pakistani people during the War of 1965?                                                                                          091104104

Q34.    Write a note on the results of the elections of 1970.                                                                      091104105

Q35.    Which conspiracy did India adopt to disconnect aerial communication of Pakistan?                                                                                            091104106

Q36.    What do you mean by terrorism?


Q5. Describe early problems of Pakistan.                                                                                                                                                                                091104107

Q6. Elaborate important points of Objectives Resolution.                                                                                                                 091104108

Q7. Write down the salient features of the Constitution of 1962.                                                                                          091104109

Q8. Describe the causes of the separation of East Pakistan.                                                                                                              091104110

Q9. Explain salient features of Legal Framework Order.                                                                                                                  091104111

Q10.    Narrate events of the Indo-Pak War 1965.                                                                                                                                                      091104112

Q11.    Explain the role of Quaid-e-Azam as first Governor General of Pakistan.                                091104113

Q12.    Describe different steps of Basic Democracies System.                                                                                               091104114

Q13.    Elaborate the role of Liaquat Ali Khan as the First Prime Minister of Pakistan.            091104115

Q.14    Describe four salient features of constitution of 1956.                                                                  (Board 2015)                    



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