11th Class English Plays

                                 Play 1


Multiple Choice Questions


I.          Choose the correct synonym.  


1.      The drab interior of a bus station.      11616001

      A)  well-furnished             B)        dull     

C)  dark                                         D)        isolated

2.      The drab interior of a bus station along a deserted highway somewhere in the Midwest.                                                                      11616002

A)  fenced                                     B)        broad              

C)  busy                                         D)        solitary

3.      I saw the rear light burning.            (Board 2015)

      A)  back                                         B)        dim                 

C)  middle                                      D)        minor

4.      The room is lighted by an overhanging light with a dull green shade.                         

A)  sharp                                        B)        penetrating      

C) high                                                       D)        pendulous

5.      He moves to it and peers out the glass.      

      A)  bangs                                       B)        peeps   

C)  slides                                       D)        pushes

6.      He moves to the schedule on the wall and reads it.                                                                               11616006

      A)  fixture                                      B)        lesson             

C)  sheet                                        D)        timetable

7.      He picks up a discarded newspaper that lies on the seat beside him.                                              

      A)  fresh                                        B)        large                

C)  waste                                       D)        newly published

8.      He turns his attention once more to the paper and begins going through it.                        

      A)  reading                                     B)        completing                  

C)  retreating                                  D)        making for

9.      He begins to go through it casually. 11616009

      A)  minutely                                  B)        carelessly                    

C)  repeatedly                                D)        critically

10.   She is sobbing and is out of breath. 11616010

      A)  running                                     B)        stumbling                    

C)  crying                                     D)        screaming

11.   She is sobbing and is out of breath. 11616011

      A)  exhausted                                B)        untidy             

C)  disheveled                               D)        gasping

12.   She throws her body against the door, slamming it.                                                                        11616012

      A)  knocking                                  B)        banging                       

C)  bolting                                     D)        opening


13.   Her hair is disheveled.                              11616013

      A)  sleek                                        B)        curly               

C)  wet                                                       D)        untidy  

14.   Girl            (Hysterically). Thank God! You're here!                                                                                        11616014

      A)  frantically                                B)        stunningly       

C)  quietly                                     D)        calmly 

15.   You're in a terrible state.                            11616015

      A)  pleasant                                   B)        remarkable      

C)  very bad                                   D)        dangerous

16.   The light dims slowly.                                            11616016

      A)  twinkles                                   B)        gleams            

C)  fades                                        d)         brightens

17.   Now try to calm yourself.                          11616017

      A)  strain                                        B)        enjoy   

C)  provoke                                   D)        compose

18.   I must get hold of myself.                          11616018

      A)  control                                     B)        exasperate

      C)  persuade                                  D)        grab    

19.   She breaks off and glances at the door again.                                                                                                   11616019

      A)  gleans                                      B)        looks               

C)  stares                                       D)        knocks

20.   She trembles and glances at the door again.

      A)  sobs                                         B)        pauses  11616020

C)  shivers                                     D)        shrieks

21.   She shudders at her own thoughts. 11616021

      A)  trembles                                   B)        sneezes            

C)  snores                                     D)        giggles

22.   I'm scared.                                                             11616022

      A)  terrified                                    B)        bewildered      

C)  cherished                                 D)        encouraged

23. Maybe I screamed.                                                11616023

      A)  shuddered                                B)        dodged                        

C)  shrieked                                   D)        pulled up  

24.   I was going to faint.                                               11616024

      A)  rise                                           B)        swoon            

C)  weaken                                     D)        stammer  

25.   Nevertheless you've got to go to the police.

A)  more or less                 B)        still                   11616025

C)  probably                                  D)        although

26.   You couldn't think of something that might give them a lead.                                                        11616026

      A)  clue                                          B)        trial                 

C)  case                                        D)        name

27.   They'll probably ask you something like….

A)  perhaps                                    B)        essentially       

C)  invariably                                 D)        hardly   11616027

28.   Your flashlight – for instance.                    11616028

      A)  clue                                          B)        guidance                     

C)  immediacy                   D)        example

29.   Dry your eyes and fix yourself up.  11616029

A)  make yourself presentable      

B)  confine yourself                     

C)  protect yourself

D)  examine yourself

30.   You are too upset to even think anymore about it.                                                                               11616030

      A)  angry                                       B)        disturbed                     

C)  elevated                                   D)        cheated  

31.   There is a brilliant flash of lightning.

      A)  dim                                          B)        dull      11616031

C)  bright                                       D)        penetrating  

32.   There is a second flash of lightning illuminating the centre door.               11616032

      A)  darkening                                 B)        eliminating      

      C)  striking                                    D)        brightening

33.   The door rattles viciously.              11616033

      A)  clatters                                     B)        shuts   

C)  opens                                       D)        rings

34.   The door rattles viciously.                          11616034

      A)  gently                                       B)        inaudibly                    

C)  instantly                                   D)        badly

35.   What's the idea of locking this door?

      A)  reason                                     B)        result    11616035

C)  imagination                  D)        force

36.   He is a nondescript sort of person.            

                                                                                        (Board 2010)      11616036

A)  pretty                                       B)        intelligent        

C)  clever                                       D)        uninteresting

37.   The man puts his finger to his lip conveying silence.                                                                            11616037

A)  causing                                    B)        pretending                   

C)  keeping                                    D)        suggesting

38.   I wasn't conscious of lying about anything.

      A)  forgetful                                   B)        dazed   11616038

C)  guilty                                       D)        aware

39.   I guess I'm imagining things.                      11616039

      A)  visualizing                   B)        loading            

C)  understanding             D)        risking

40.   It's pretty late.                                                                    11616040

      A)  pleasantly                                 B)        seldom                        

C)  quite                                        D)        too  

41.   I'll bet she's smarter than you are.   11616041

      A)  cleverer                                    B)        weaker                        

C)  leaner                                       D)        more negligent  

42.   ….Noticing the Girl's nervousness. 11616042

      A)  sensitiveness                B)        Anxiety           

C)  briskness                                  D)        calm

43.   I'm in no particular hurry.                           11616043

      A)  objection                                  B)        situation                      

C)  haste                                        D)        lethargy  

44.   Has somebody been bothering you?

      A)  troubling                                  B)        urging   11616044

        C) signaling                     D)        following

45.   The light dims slowly and goes out. 11616045

      A)  dies                                          B)        closes              

C)  twinkles                                   D)        plays

46.   The girl lets out a muffled cry.                  

                                                          (Board 2008,10) 11616046

      A)  loud                                         B)        suppressed      

C)  sudden                                     D)        hysterical  

47.   Second Man strolls up toward the center door.                                                                                     11616047

A)  rattles                                       B)        peers   

C)  looks                                        D)        walks

48.   She moves away suspiciously.       11616048

      A)  doubtfully                                B)        stealthily                     

C)  angrily                                     D)        gently  

49.   I used to be afraid of it, when I was a kid, but I got over it.                                                            11616049

      A)  overcame                                 B)        climbed                       

C)  gave in to                                 D)        obtained  

50.   There is the hum of a motor.                      11616050

      A)  buzz                                         B)        loud noise                   

C)  horn                                         D)        announcement

51.   The girl looks stunned.                               11616051

      A)  beautiful                                  B)        dangerous       

C)  confused                                  D)        delighted  

52.   … Backing away from the Second Man.                                                                                                          11616052

      A)  following                                 B)        retreating

      C)  advancing                                D)        threatening

53.   The Second Man exits laughing.    11616053

      A)  departs                                     B)        pursues

      C)  ruminates                                 D)        enters

54.   He was making such a disturbance out there.                                                                                        11616054

      A)  dubiousness                 B)        inconvenience

      C)  speculation                   D)        drudgery  

55.   You'll have to get to the police immediately.                                                                                                    11616055

      A)  reluctantly                                B)        somehow

      C)  straightaway                 D)        ultimately  

56.   There'll be routine questions.                     11616056

      A)  further                                      B)        procedure        

C)  investigative                 D)        usual

57.   The girl stares at it as the lightning crashes again.                                                                                11616057

      A)  dims                                         B)        flashes            

C)  collapses                                  D)        extinguishes


58.   The piercing light of the flashlight is the only light.                                                                             11616058

      A)  perverted                                  B)        dreary            

C)  penetrating                               D)        emergency  

59.   The girl comes out to pat the dog.  11616059

      A)  punch                                       B)        stroke              

C)  turn                                          D)        strike

60.   I could hear the water splashing under his feet.                                                 

      A)  spattering                                 B)        trickling                      

C)  flowing                                    D)        gushing


II.   Choose the correct answer.


1.      The bus was late due to _____.      11616061

      A)  rush                            

B)  storm              

C)  accident                      

D) change in schedule

2.      The girl was coming from _____.  11616062

      A)  a party                                     B)        tour                 

C)  a hill station                 D)        a station

3.      The girl was afraid of _____.                     11616063

      A)  a policeman                 B)        a friend           

C)  a killer                                     D)        a person

4.      She thought of reaching the house but ____.

      A)  the car broke down                               11616064

B)  the brakes failed

      C)  the car ran out of gas               

D)  the road was blocked

5.      She saw a man dragging out of his car _____.                                                                                      11616065

A)  the corpse of a woman            

B)  a sack

      C)  a statue                                    

D)  a dog

6.      Why did she circle round and round into the woods?                                              (Board 2010)      11616066

      A)  to escape from the killer                      

B)  to reach a safe place

      C)  to cheat a man             

D)  to save herself

7.      "You couldn't think of something that might give them a lead" means _____.        11616067

A)  to find a culprit            B)        to find a treasure

      C)  to persecute                 D)        to get a clue

8.      She saw in the flash of lightning _____.

A)  a dog                                        B)        a bus    11616068

C)  a car                                         D)        a man's face

9.      The difference in the age of the two men is of _____.                                                                          11616069

      A)  ten years                                  B)        five years        

C)  two years                                 D)        one year

10.   If people were smart they wouldn't be out ___.                                                                                     11616070

      A)  on a day like this         

B)  on a holiday

      C)  on a tour                                  

D) on a night like this

11.   How many benches were there in the bus station?                                                                          11616071

      A)  one                                                      B)        two                 

C)  three                                        D)        four

12.   The bus schedule was hanging on the wall _____.                                                                               11616072

      (A) up left                                      (B)       up right-center

      (C) down left center           (D)       down right

13.   When the curtain rises the stage is _____.     

      A)  bare                                          B)        open     11616073

C)  dirty                                         D)        silent

14.   The girl’s hair is _____.                             11616074

      A)  in curls                                     B)        muddy            

C)  wet                                           D)        dishevelled

15.   The age of the girl is _____.                      11616075

      A)  21                                                        B)        22                   

C)  23                                                        D)        24

16.   The girl could have stayed all night with _____.                                                                                  11616076

A)  her family                                B)        other girls       

C)  her friends                                D)        colleagues

17.   The girl tells the first man that her home is _____.                                                                               11616077

      A)  five miles away            B)        six miles away

C)  seven miles away         D)        eight miles

18.   The girl locked the car and _____. 11616078

      A)  took her flashlight

B)  started running

      C)  ran to the bus-station   

D)  sat down

19.   On seeing the dead body the girl was going to _____.                                                                          11616079

      A)  faint                                         B)        improve          

C)  grow                                        D)        cramp

20.   The First Man advised the girl to see _____.


      A)  her family                                B)        her best friends 

      C)  the police                                 D)        the army          

21.   The face of the Second Man could be seen pressed against _____.                                     11616081

      A)  the window                  B)        the bus

      C)  the  centre  door           D)        wall

22.   The First Man looked to be the age of _____.                                                                                      11616082

      A)  25 years                                   B)        30 years          

C)  35 years                                   D)        40 years

23.   The Second Man looks to be of the age of _____.                                                                               11616083

      A)  25 years                                   B)        30 years          

C)  35 years                                   D)        40 years

24.   The Second Man moves straight to _____. 


      A)  the Girl                                    B)        the First Man

      C)  the bus schedule          D)        the bench

25.   The Second Man accuses the first man of __.

      A)  theft                                         B)        lying    11616085

C)  harassing the girl          D)        flirtation

26.   The First Man says he has _____.  11616086

      A)  early business in town             

B)  lived near the bus-station

      C)  no relation with the Girl                      

D)  nothing to do

27.   The Second Man tells the girl she will never get over being afraid of things if she won’t _____.                                                                                  11616087

A)  understand them          B)        face them

      C)  escape from them         D)        try them          

28.   The dog comes to the bus-station   _____.

      A)  to save itself from the storm     11616088

B)  to bite Second Man

      C)  in search of food                                                         

D)  chasing the killer

29.   The dog seizes the First Man with its _____.

      A)  paws                                        B)        legs      11616089

C)  nails                                         D)        teeth

30.   In which condition does the girl enter the bus station?                                (Board 2007)       11616090

      A)  crying                                      B)        sobbing                       

C)  making gestures           D)        running






Questions from Textbook

Q.1       Why couldn’t the Girl describe the killer?                                                                                                                                                                                11616091

Q.2      What were the circumstances that forced the Girl to leave her car?                                                                              11616092


Why could not the Girl continue her travel in her own car?                                         

Q.3      Why did the Girl ask for help from First Man?                                                                                                                                     11616093

Q.4.     What was the condition of the weather when the Girl entered the bus station?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11616094

Q.5      How did the Second Man accuse the First Man of lying?                                                                                                                                      11616095

Q.6      Does the Girl become suspicious of the First Man as the play progresses?                                            11616096

Q.7      What is the Girl’s impression about the Second Man?                                                                                                              11616097


Why did the Girl think ill of the Second Man?            

Q.8      Why did the Girl not accompany the Second Man?                                                                                                                                                  11616098


            Why did the Girl decline the Second Man’s offer to go with him on board the bus?

Additional Questions


Q.9      What is the scene of the play "Heat Lightning"?                                                                                                                                    11616099

Q.10    What did the Girl see when she reached near the car?                                                                                                               11616100

Q.11    What was the appearance of the Second Man?                                                                                                                                     11616101

Q.12    How did the girl recognize the First Man to be the murderer?                                                                                11616102

Q.13    What was the man dragging out of the car?                                                                                                                                                          11616103

Q.14    Why was the Girl afraid to tell the details of the incident?                                                                                                                        11616104

Q.15     Why did the Girl circle round and round in the woods?                                                                                                                            11616105

Q.16    What is the condition of the Girl when she enters the bus-station?                                                                   11616106

Q.17    What routine questions are expected from the police?                                                                                                  11616107

Q.18    What is the role of the dog in the play?                                                                                                                                                11616108

Q.19    Draw a character sketch of the First Man.                                                                                                                                                        11616109

Q.20    What is the significance of the Fourth of July?                                                                                                                                    11616110

Q.21    What does the Second Man suggest to overcome fear?                                                                                                11616111

Q.22    What is the significance of the storm in “Heat Lightning”?                                                                                                          


Play 2

Multiple Choice Questions


I.    Choose the correct synonym.  


1.      Then slowly a luminous object arcs into view.                                                       (Board 2007)    11617001

      A)  dark                             B)        flying  

C)  bright                                 D)        huge

2.      The room is balanced between the expensively decorated and the homely.


A) incredible                            B)        luxurious                    

C) lavish                                              D) ordinary

3.      He is middle-aged unctuous, resonant.

                                                            (Lahore 2010)           11617003

      A)  brave                                        B)        jolly                

C)  flattering                            D)        dull

4.      Roger Spelding is middle-aged, unctuous, resonant.                                                                             11617004 A) loud and clear                     B)  self-seeking           

C)  harsh                                              D)  inquisitive

5.      His wife, bored and vague, knits passively while he talks at his desk.

                (Board 2015)   11617005

      A)  absent-minded             B)        clever              

C)  pretty                                             D)        clear

6.      Two technicians are on hand, operating the equipment.                                                                 11617006

      A)  skillful                                     B)        nearby

C)  standing far                        D)        at work

7.      Ellen, a lively girl of twenty, fidgets as she listens.                                                                                                 11617007

      A)  buoyant                                   B)        lethargic                      

C)  youthful                             D)        inquisitive

8.      Ellen, a lively girl of twenty, fidgets as she listens.                                                                                                 11617008

      A)  turns abruptly               B)        moves nervously

C)  sits pensively                     D)        scowls

9.      The flying object has given rise to so much irresponsible conjecture.                                 11617009

A)  investigation                      B)        arrangement

C)  fears                                              D) speculation

10.  It is nothing more than a meteor. 11617010   

      A)  mass hysteria               B)        spaceship        

C)  secret weapon                    D)        shooting star

11.  It is not a spaceship as certain lunatic elements have suggested.                             11617011

      A)  speculative                               B)        mad                

C)  ill-informed                        D)        clever

12.  …which winds up another week of news.  

      A)  precedes                                   B)        concludes 11617012

C)  twists                                             D)        spends

13.  Saying good night from my old homestead in Silver Glen.                                                             11617013

      A)  farmhouse                                B)        city                 

C)  office                                             D)        company

14.  …his mechanical smile and heartiness suddenly gone.                                                                   11617014

      A)  frailty                                       B)        buoyancy

C)  unctuousness                     D)        concern

15.  …his mechanical smile suddenly gone.

      A)  broad                                       B)        lively   11617015

C)  artificial                             D)        magnetic

16.  I wonder what's keeping John.          11617016

      A)  avoiding                                   B)        stopping                      

C)  permitting                         D)        carrying

17.  He has every virtue except the most important one.                                                                                     11617017

      A)  manner                                     B)        quality

C)  ambition                             D)        habit

18.  He has every virtue except get-up-and-go.

A) imagination                         B) indifference

C)  curiosity                             D)        ambition  11617018

19.  I stand by the sentiment.                            11617019

      A)  statement                                 B)        decision                      

C)  feeling                                            D)        proposition

20.  The horror of it has always eluded me.      

      A)  chilled                                     B)        evaded 11617020

C)  discouraged                        D)        intrigued  

21.  You marry someone hardworking, ambitious.                                                                                                  11617021

      A)  aimless                                     B)        mannerly         

C)  aspiring                              D)        well off

22.  Shouldn't we go down to the cellar?

      A)  prison                                       B)        cabin    11617022

C)  drawing room                     D)        basement

23.  It is an optical illusion, mass hysteria.

      A)  tough subject                                                    11617023

B)  general madness    

C)  luminous object    

D)  collective wisdom

24.  (Ominously) If it's really a man and not a monster.                                                            11617024

      A)  forbiddingly                 B)        confidently                 

C)  sadly                                              D)        amazingly

25.  This is the wrong costume, isn't it?  11617025

      A)  way                                          B)        behaviour        

C)  dress                                              D)        view point  

26.  Well, it’s a trifle old fashioned.         11617026

      A)  absolutely                                B)        much   

C)  a lot                                               D)        a bit

27.  You are only in the initial stages.   11617027

      A)  preliminary                  B)        last                  

C)  advanced                           D)        critical

28.  I do hope, I don't sound patronizing.

      A)  appreciative                 B)        superior 11617028

C)  slow                                               D)        unctuous  

29.  That's one of your most endearing primitive traits.                                                                               11617029

      A)  strange                                     B)        friendly                       

C)  jolly                                               D)        loveable

30.  That's one of your most endearing primitive traits.                                                                                           11617030

A)  uncivilized                         B)        cultured

C)  hostile                                            D) fascinating

31.  That's one of your most endearing primitive traits.                                                                                           11617031

A)  characteristics                    B) assumptions

C) exchanges                           D)        attempts

32.  General Powers, a vigorous product of National Guard,...                                                 11617032

      A)  self-seeking                  B)        wicked

C)  robust                                             D)        feeble

33.  Roger, who is this joker?                           11617033

      A)  lunatic                                     B)        clown  

C)  alien                                               D)        robber

34.  Poor fragile butterflies, such brief little moments in the sun.                                  11617034

      A)  delicate                                    B)        colourful                     

C)  cute                                                D)        fantastic  

35.  Well, it’s elliptical with a fourteen foot diameter.  (BISE Lahore 2010 Group-I)      11617035

      A)  round                                       B)        square 

C)  oval                                               D)        flat

36.  Spelding leads Kreton and Powers into a handsomely furnished study.                  11617036

      A)  attractively                               B)        inadequately

C)  lavishly                              D)        thinly

37.  They must be advanced scientifically.                   


      A)  developed                                B)        submissive      

C)  modest                                          D)        inquisitive

38.  They are so comforting.                             11617038

      A)  soothing                                   B)        irritating                      

C)  suffering                            D)        normal

39.  If he's not an impostor.                               11617039

      A)  a pretender                               B)        an alien           

C)  a spy                                              D)        jester

40.  You're also forbidden to leave this house. 


      A)  ordered                                    B)        instructed

C)  permitted                           D)        disallowed

41.  Isn’t it exciting?                                                     11617041

      A)  interesting                                B)        happy 

C)  strange                                           D)        risky

42.  Are you deliberately trying to confuse me?                                                                                          11617042

      A)  intentionally                 B)        playfully         

      C)  really                                       D)        dilatorily

43.  In another dimension. I think that's the word you use.                                                                          11617043

      A)  way                                          B)        pain                

C)  area                                                D)        road

44.  You have come here as a tourist.    11617044

      A)  visitor                                      B)        hobbyist                      

C)  spy                                                 D)        secret agent

45.  It is my job to guard the security of this country.                                                                           11617045

      A)  enhance                                   B)        relax   

C)  protect                                           D)        plan

46.  You are a spy, sent here by an alien race.  


      A)  an alien                                    B)        a hobbyist         

C)  a secret agent                     D)        an imposter  

47.  You are a spy, sent here by an alien race preparatory to invasion.                          11617047

      A)  prior to                                   

B)  in consequence of

      C)  during                        

D)  interested in  

48.  You have been sent for the express purpose of reconnoitering prior to invasion. 11617048

      A)  inquest                                    B)        liberation        

C)  investigation                      D)        occupation 

49.  My people wouldn’t dream of invading you.                                                                                                    11617049

      A)  attacking                                  B)        deceiving                    

C)  destroying                          D)        understanding

50.  I love to gad about.                                    11617050

      A)  wander                                     B)        stay                 

C)  feast                                               D)        race

51.  We are seldom noticed on our trips.

      A)  invisibly                                   B)        often    11617051

C)  constantly                         D)        rarely  

52.  I slipped up, coming in the way.    11617052

      A)  decided on                               B)        stayed up        

C)  strayed up                          D)        steered up

53.  This visit was all rather impromptu. 11617053

      A)  unprepared                              B)        perverse                      

C)  preplanned                         D)        disinterested

54.  I am a creature of impulse.                         11617054

      A)  whim                                       B)        drama 

C)  hobby                                            D)        hysterical

55.  I'll hold him here.                                                   11617055

      A)  rebuke                                     B)        interrogate                   

C)  detain                                             D)        observe

56.  Your language is still not familiar to me.   


A)  challenging                         B)        enjoyable        

C)  unknown                           D)        well known

57.  There is some kind of wall around it, an invisible wall.                                                                  11617057

      A)  hidden                                     B)        visible             

C)  huge                                               D)        unexpected

58.  I don't mind curiosity.                                            11617058

      A)  interest                                     B)        doubt  

C)  interference                       D)        clarity

59.  I can't permit them to wreck my poor ship.

      A)  rob                                                       B)        use                   11617059

C)  destroy                                           D)        search

60.  I'm sure you'll get tired of having a visitor under foot all the time.                          11617060

      A)  nearby                                    

      B)  under observation       

C)  under control        

D)  under occupation

61.  And daddy will be deliriously happy.


A)  hysterically                         B)        certainly                      

C)  strangely                            D)        unexpectedly

62.  Trying to blow up my little force field...   


      A)  penetrate                                  B)        destroy            

C)  break                                             D)        fly up

63.  You'll just plough up Mrs. Spelding's garden.

      A)  cultivate                                   B)        dig out  11617063

C)  encroach                            D)        land in

64.  Power snarls and goes into study. 

      A)  snores                                      (Board 2007) 11617064         

B)  makes an angry sound       

      C)  talks persuasively                   

D)  sneezes

65.  It makes me a bit giddy.                             11617065

      A)  depressed                                 B)        dizzy   

C)  lazy                                                D)        greedy

66.  How awful, you can tell everything we think.                                                                                      11617066

      A)  meaningful                              B)        hysterical                    

C)  dreadful                             D)        clever

67.  …with the wonderful rawness of your emotions.                                                                           11617067

      A)  reversal                                    B)        immaturity      

C)  intensity                             D)        variety

68.  I've never felt so sordid.                             11617068

      A)  materialistic                 B)        serious            

C)  bad                                                 D)        jubilant

69.  This is unsupportable.                                11617069

      A)  helpless                                    B)        unacceptable   

C)  undisputed                         D)        unexpected

70.  My people are not remotely hostile. 11617070

      A)  shockingly                               B)        exceptionally  

C)  slightly                                           D)        greatly

71.  My people are not remotely hostile.

      A)  unruly                                      B)        adverse 11617071

C)  immoral                             D)        impatient

72.  My friends think me perverse.                   11617072

      A)  sullen                                       B)        abnormal                    

C)  primitive                            D)        helpless

73.  You have been sent for the express purpose of reconnoitering prior to invasion. 11617073

A)  surveying                           B)        gadding                       

C)  dominating                         D)        staying

74.  You have been sent for the express purpose of reconnoitering prior to invasion.  11617074

A)  remote                                           B)        undefined       

C)  hostile                                            D)        specific

75.  You deny your people intend to make trouble for us?                                                                     11617075

      A)  detest                                       B)        plan                

C)  refuse                                            D)        expect

76.  That is something peculiar to your social level.                                                                                    11617076

      A)  characteristic of           B)        prior to            

C)  contrary to                         D)        negligent of

77.  I approve of everything you do.     11617077

      A)  appreciate                                B)        condemn                     

C)  analyze                                          D)        disparage

78.  That is peculiar only to your social level. Which I am not criticizing.                     11617078

      A)  exaggerating                B)        denouncing     

C)  thinking                             D)        exempting

79.  This is ridiculous.                                                  11617079

      A)  controversial                B)        unremarkable

      C)  absurd                                      D)        repetitious

80.  (Gaily) wait and see.                                              11617080

      A)  happily                                     B)        amazingly       

C)  reluctantly                          D)        sadly

81.  Powers asked AIDE to grab him.   11617081

      A)  search                                      B)        spank  

C)  arrest                                              D)        beat

82.  Such savage thoughts. My head is vibrating like a drum.                                                               11617082

      A)  serious                                     B)        stupid              

C)  wild                                               D)        unexpected

83.  And now, good night, dear, wicked children.

      A)  antagonistic                  B)        primitive 11617083

C)  bad                                                D)        pertinent

84.  Well, trying to dominate the earth. 11617084

      A)  antagonize                               B)        investigate                   

C)  devastate                            D)        control

85.  Mr. Spelding nods wearily.

        (Board 2015) 11617085

      A)  angrily                                     B)        exhaustedly

C)  hastily                                            D)        excitedly




II.   Choose the correct answer.


1.      Who is Roger Spelding?                             11617086

      A)  a general                                  B)        a soldier          

      C)  a newscaster                 D)        a technician

2.      John is a _____.                                                     11617087

      A)  merchant                                 B)        farm owner     

C)  pilot                                               D)        professor

3.      Where did the spaceship land?                   11617088

      A)  on the roof of a building       (Board 2007)

B)  in the fields                       

C)  on a hill                 

D)  in the lawn of the house of Mrs. Spelding

4.      Ellen listened to the broadcast of___.11617089

      A)  her daddy                                 B)        her fiancé                    

C)  her mothers                        D)        Mr. Kreton

5.      The visitor was dressed in the fashion of _____.                                                                            11617090

      A)  1960                                       B)        1860   

C)  1850                                              D)        1900

6.      What is the impression of Kreton on seeing the inside of the house?                                  11617091

      A)  disgusted                                  B)        delightful        

C)  callous                                           D)        sorrowful

7.      "I do hope I don't sound patronizing” means I am _____.                                                              11617092

      A)  not praising                  B)        not encouraging

C)  not discouraging    D)        not appreciating

8.      How many years are required to tell the story of Kreton's travel?                           11617093

      A)  one thousand               B)        two hundred

      C)  five hundred                D)        seven hundred

9.      The house of the Speldings comes under _____.                                                                                  11617094

      A)  civil law                                   B)        criminal law   

      C)  company law               D)        martial law

10.   General Powers was thinking about _____.

      A)  his promotion                                                  11617095

B)  security of the country

      C)  arrest of Kreton                       

D)  murder of the visitor

11.   John grows _____.                                                 11617096

      A)  French walnuts             B)        French peanuts

      C)  English walnuts            D)        German Peanuts

12.   General Powers believes the falling object is nothing but a _____.                                     11617097

      A)  spaceship                                 B)        meteor

      C)  bomb                                       D)        threat

13.   Mr. Spelding lives in _____.                      11617098

      A)  Silver Glen, Maryland

B)  Silver Glen, Miami

      C)  Silver Glen, New York            

D)  Silver Glen, Texas

14.   Mr. Spelding thinks John has every virtue except _____.                                                               11617099

      A)  get-up-and-go              B)        etiquette

      C)  sense of humour           D)        respect

15.   Spelding believes there is nothing wrong with marrying a _____.                                      11617100

      A)  healthy man                 B)        businessman

      C)  wealthy man                D)        faithful man

16.   Kreton says that Englishmen have a bad _____.                                                                                   11617101

      A)  reputation                                 B)        taste for food 

      C)  accent                                     D)        hobby 

17.   Ellen asks Kreton if he has come from _____.                                                                                     11617102

      A)  Jupiter                                     B)        Venus            

C)  Mars                                              D)        Earth

18.   Kreton’s dress looks quite handsome to _____.                                                                                   11617103

      A)  Mr. Spelding                B)        Mrs. Spelding 

      C)  Ellen                                        D)        John      

19.   Mr. Spelding's house is surrounded by _____.                                                                               11617104

      A)  television crew             B)        troops  

C)  police                                             D)        aliens

20.   Spelding and General Powers think the man from outer space is a _____.              11617105

      A)  demon                                      B)        monster           

C)  ghost                                              D)        friend

21.   Men used to wear metal uniforms in the wars some _____.                                                            11617106

      A)  two hundred years ago            

B)  three hundred years ago

      C)  four hundred years ago           

D)  five hundred years ago

22.   The shape of Kreton’s ship is_____. 11617107

      A)  rectangular                   B)        square

C)  triangular                           D)        elliptical

23.   Powers thinks Kreton is a _____.   11617108

      A)  spy                                          

B)  hostile alien

      C)  hobbyist                                  

D)  spy or a hostile alien

24.   Mrs. Spelding is worried about the damage to her _____.                                                              11617109

      A)  lawn                                         B)        rose garden     

C)  house                                             D)        cellar

25.   Mrs. Spelding says Kreton's whiskers are so very _____.                                                               11617110

      A)  graceful                                    B)        catching          

C)  comforting                                     D)        frightening

26.   Ellen hopes Kreton will give them a _____.


      A)  spaceship                                 B)        space car         

C)  ride                                                D)        surprise

27.   Kreton wants to go up to his room for a little _____.                                                                                       11617112

      A)  fun                                           B)        reconnoitering

      C)  publicity stunt             D)        lie-down

28.   Powers alleges that Kreton has come to study them prior to _____.                                   11617113

      A)  reconnoitering             B)        invasion          

C)  observation                        D)        warning

29.   Kreton can tell what is inside one's _____.                                                                                                       11617114

      A)  civilization                              B)        force field

      C)  mind                                        D)        country

30.   Mr. Kreton does not read minds but _____.


      A)  searches them              B)        checks them

      C)  watches them               D)        hears them

31.   Kreton has come to intoxicate himself with their _____ minds.                                                      11617116

      A)  primitive                                  B)        suspicious       

C)  hostile                                            D)        self-seeking

32.   Spelding wants to be the first journalist to interview _____.                                                          11617117

      A)  General Powers           

B)  the President of U.S.A.

      C)  Kreton                                                

D)  the Chief of Staff

33.   Human beings live under the primitive assumption that all strangers are _____.

      A)  spies                                         B)        hostile 11617118

C)  friends                                           D)        violent

34.   Powers asks Kreton if his people are interested in establishing _____ with Earth people.                                                                                 11617119

      A)  relationship                  B)        factories          

C)  communication      D)        colleges

35.   How does Kreton feel when he reads human brain?                                                                       (Board 2010)  11617120

      A)  interested                                 B)        giddy              

C)  sad                                                 D)        happy

Questions from Textbook

Q.1      How does Kreton prove his extraordinary powers? Write five sentences.                                                         11617121

Q.2       What is the purpose of the visit of Kreton?                                                                                                                                                                      11617122

Q.3       How much more advanced is the civilization of Kreton than that of the Earth people?


Q.4      Can the people of the earth compete with the people of Kreton?                                                                                                              11617124

Q.5      How much damaging is violence in life? Write five sentences.                                                                                    11617125

Q.6      What type of life do you foresee in the year 5000?                                                                                                                                               11617126

Q.7      How much impressive are the morals of Kreton?                                                                                                                                                 11617127


Write down a character-sketch of Kreton.                                                 

Q.8      What is the role of General Powers in the play?                                                                                                                                   11617128

Q.9      What is the theme of the study of Kreton?                                                                                                                                                            11617129

Q.10    How does Kreton impress General Powers?                                                                                                                                                    11617130

Additional Questions

Q.11    What was the impression of Kreton on seeing the inside of the Spelding house?                                  11617131

Q.12    How does General Powers accuse Kreton?                                                                                                                                               11617132

Q.13    Why was Mrs. Spelding worried about her rose garden?                                                                                                          11617133

Q.14    Draw a character sketch of Mr. Spelding.                                                                                                                                                         11617134

Q.15    Draw a character sketch of Mrs. Spelding.                                                                                                                                                       11617135

Q.16    Draw a character sketch of John.                                                                                                                                                                                 11617136

Q.17          Compare the characters of General Powers and Kreton.                                                                                                                             

Play 3

Multiple Choice Questions


I.    Choose the correct synonym.  


1.      It's an old fashioned shop, crowded with stuff.                                                                                    11618001

      A)  people                                      B)        things              

C)  shells                                             D)        kit

2.      It's crowded with stuff not usually found in barber shops... Harry himself, for instance.                                                                                               11618002

A)  however                             B)        all the same     

C)  as a matter of fact  D)        for example

3.      …as if putting on these various hats somewhat expressed the quality of his soul.                                                                                             11618003

      A)  spirit                                        B)        intention                     

C)  body                                              D)        emotion

4.      …as if putting on these various hats somewhat expressed the quality of his soul, or suggested the range of it.                  11618004

      A)  tone                                         B)        scope              

C)  power                                            D)        warmth

5.      There are many odds and ends, some apparently washed up by the sea.      11618005

A)  habitually                           B)        usually

C) obviously                            D)        secretly

6.      On the walls, on shelves, are many odds and ends.                                                                               11618006

      A)  varied articles               B)        books              

C)  maps                                              D)        vases

7.      On the other hand you may turn out to be the one man.                                                                  11618007

      A)  prove                                       B)        leave   

C)  try                                                  D)        decide

8.      One man hidden away in the junk of the world.                                                                                    11618008

      A)  bustle                                       B)        affairs 

C)  trash                                               D)        trial

9.      … the one man who will bring merriment to the tired old human heart.                 11618009

      A)  matrimony                               B)        happiness        

C)  grief                                               D)        sadness

10.  Compose a symphony, paint a picture, write a book, invent a philosophy.             11618010

      A)  musical composition    (Board 2010)

B)  elegy                                             

C)  poem                                                        

D)  sonnet

11.  That sounds pretty good.                            11618011

      A)  works                                       B)        hears               

C)  seems                                             D)        voices

12.  That sounds pretty good.                            11618012

      A)  seemingly                                B)        partially

      C)  quite                                        D)        somewhat

13.  He sold me the shop and threw in the haircut.                                                                                      11618013

      A)  charged                                    B)        excluded                     

C)  imposed                             D)        gave for free

14.  That's a couplet.                                                     11618014

      A)  sonnet                                      B)        pair                 

C)  rhymed verse                    D)        paragraph

15.  You give me haircut free of charge. That's fair and square.                                                 11618015

      A)  just                                                       B)        beautiful                     

C)  neat and clean                    D)        favourable

16.  Wait a minute. Let me get this straight.     

      A)  proclaim it                                B)        manage it 11618016

C) correct it                              D)        understand it

17.  All he said was, enough's enough.  11618017

      A)  that’s the real thing      

B)  that’s the end of the matter            

C)  that will be sufficient        

D)  that’s what is desirable

18.  Your fishing tackle's in the closet safe and sound.                                                                                11618018

      A)  kit                                                        B)        plan                

C)  line                                                 D)        bait

19.  Your fishing tackle's in the closet safe and sound.                                                                                11618019

      A)  cellar                                        B)        beach              

C)  cupboard                           D)        house

20.  Your fishing tackle's in the closet safe and sound.                                                                                11618020

      A)  strong and clear            B)        unharmed

      C)  audible                                     D)        very useful

21.  Let bygones be bygones.                            11618021

      A)  Let’s forget the present.                      

B)  Let’s remember the bygone days.

      C)  Let’s forget the bitter past.                  

D)  Let’s forget the future.

22.  Harry takes off the derby, lathers his face.

      A)  adorns                                      B)        covers with foam

      C)  dries                                         D)        washes 11618022

23.  She closes her colorful parasol.      11618023

      A)  sunshade                                  B)        fishing tackle  

C)  swimming suit                   D)        satchel

24.  She has long blonde hair.                           11618024

      A)  black                                        B)        curly               

C)  golden                                            D)        dark

25.  One week at the school has knocked me for a loop.                                                                                          11618025

A)  shocked me           

B)  enlightened me      

C)  transferred excited me                   

D)  adjusted me

26.  As a matter of fact, I want to quit.  11618026

      A)  stay                                          B)        resume            

C)  keep quiet                          D)        resign

27.  On top of that, almost all of them are unruly.

A)  in addition to that                                       11618027

B)  so far                    

C)  consequently         

D)  as a matter of fact

28.  On top of that, almost all of them are unruly.                                                                                                    11618028

      A)  well-behaved               B)        uncontrollable

      C)  submissive                               D)        non-serious

29.  Nobody seems to have any sensible ambition.

      A)  education                                 B)        aim                 11618029

C)  apparatus                           D)        case

30.  Nobody seems to have any sensible ambition.                                                                                                    11618030

      A)  unusual                                    B)        sensitive                      

C)  high                                               D)        reasonable

31.  The answer is, go back while the going's good.                                                                                    11618031

      A)  things are favourable              

B)  persistence is required

      C)  things are remote                               

D)  there is no excitement

32.  Youth and intelligence need excitement.   


      A)  ambition                                  B)        satisfaction     

C)  serenity                              D)        thrill

33.  There isn't an eligible bachelor in town.    


      A)  youthful                                   B)        remarkable      

C)  willing                                            D)        suitable

34.  In my sleep, in a nightmare, I would not cut your hair.                                                                         11618034

      A)  dreadful dream             B)        nice dream      

C)  darkness                            D)        nocturnal view

35.  Now, Mr. Van Dusen, the shears please.   

      A)  oyster                                       B)        haircut 11618035

C)  scissors                              D)        works

36.  She gives him an angry glance.      11618036

      A)  frown                                       B)        look                

C)  gaze                                              D)        smile

37.  I won't forget this rudeness.                       11618037

      A)  behaviour                                B)        cruelty

C)  discourtesy                         D)        immaturity      

38.  Clark has scarcely noticed her.                   11618038

      A)  hardly                                     B)        slowly             

C)  merely                                           D)        gradually

39.  I thought I might run into Clay here.

A)  help                                               B)        punish  11618039

C)  rely on                                           D)        come across

40.  It is across the street now at the gasoline station.                                                                            11618040

      A)  fire-station                               B)        petrol-station   

      C)  railway-station            D)        bus-station

41.  Oh, I can't kick.                                                     11618041

      A)  explain                                     B)        rejoice             

C)  strike                                              D)        complain

42.  A man of forty or so, well dressed, rather swift, comes in.                                                 11618042

      A)  slow                                         B)        quick              

C)  plump                                            D)        straightforward

43.  Clark hands Harry three ten-dollar bills.

A)  invoices                             B)        notes    11618043

C)  cheques                             D)        payments

44.  It’s imitation stuff mainly.                         11618044

      A)  fake                                         B)        real                 

C)  mechanical                         D)        magnetic

45.  Or if he was a poet, a sonnet.                     11618045

      A)  quatrain                                    B)        12-line poem   

      C)  14-line poem                D)        16-line poem

46.  Fenton Lockhart gets out the weekly paper.

A)  edits                                               B)        writes   11618046

C)  publishes                           D)        sells

47.  Roxanna with an assortment of shells.                   

      A)  kind                                         B)        piece    11618047

C)  part                                                D)        collection

48.  I got to poking around and I found this oyster.                                                                                     11618048

      A)  started                                      B)        obtained                      

C)  resumed                             D)        tried

49.  I got to poking around and I found this oyster.                                                                                     11618049

      A)  diving                                      B)        searching        

C)  digging                                           D)        swimming

50.  Truth is supposed to set us free, not imprison us.                                                               11618050

      A)  confine                                    B)        confound        

C)  liberate                                           D)        importune

51.  So that entitled him to be called Judge Applegarth.                                                            11618051

      A)  named                                      B)        called              

C)  disallowed                         D)        qualified

52.  To illustrate what I mean that's water you have in that bottle.                                                         11618052

      A)  conceal                                     B)        insist               

C)  explain                                           D)        imagine

53.  How am I ever going to teach them the principle of truth with an influence like yours to fight against?                                    11618053

      A)  assistance                                 B)        ideology                      

C)  impact                                            D)        burden

54.  Come back half dead of home sickness.

      A)  longing for home                                             11618054

B)  serious Illness       

C)  domestic business             

D)  private life

55.  As a matter of fact, his father is the man who stepped in here just as you were leaving.                                                                        11618055

      A)    however                      

B)  actually                       

C)  in any case            

D)  on the other hand

56.  Clay believes there's a pearl in this oyster for the same reason you and I believe whatever we believe to keep us going.

A)  to trust each other                                      11618056

B)  understand things              

C)  to keep us busy            

D) to keep us alive

57.  We play a trick on Clay, in order to carry out your mumbo Jumbo ideas.               11618057

      A)  thwart                                      B)        fulfill              

C)  correct                                            D)        understand 

58.  We play a trick on Clay, in order to carry out your mumbo Jumbo ideas.               11618058

      A)  common                                  B)        charismatic     

C)  philosophical               D) confusing

59.  I know Wozzeck's got a few pretty good sized cultivated pearls.                            11618059

      A)  lustrous                                    B)        pure                

C)  artificial                             D)        expensive

60.  Truth favours the probability that this is not millionth oyster.                                                         11618060

      A)  likelihood                                B)        belief              

C)  opportunity                        D)        falsehood

61.  I know Wozzeck's got a few pretty good-sized cultivated pearls.                                        11618061

      A)  heavy                                       B)        frail                 

C)  large                                               D)        smart

62.  You plan to have Wozzeck pretend he has found a pearl.                                                               11618062

      A)  expand                                     B)        depend            

C)  prove                                             D)  feign

63.  Judge Applegarth, may I present Miss McCutcheon?                                                                     11618063

A)  introduce                           B)        impress

C)  foresee                                           D)        assist

64.  She won't last a month.                              11618064

A)  end                                                 B)        stay                 

C)  miss                                               D)        plan

65.  Our school needs an old battle axe.

      A)  shrew                                                                           11618065

B) committed teacher

C)  professional          

D)  experienced teacher

66.  Well, one oyster doesn't make a stew.

      A)  meal                                         B)        pearl    11618066

C)  aquarium                           D)        steak

67.  He then sits down on a wicker chair in the corner.                                                                               11618067

      A)  rocking                                     B)        cane    

C)  reclining                             D)        straight-back

68.  They have got a gadget in New York.

      A)  button-unit                               B)        package   11618068

C)  clipper                                D)        device

69.  Question of effectiveness.                         11618069

      A)  inventiveness               B)        affordability   

      C)  results                                      D)        originality

70.  Well, it's been nice talking to you (getting up lazily).                                                                                       11618070

      A)  slowly                                     B)        sadly               

C)  abruptly                             D)        convulsively

71.  Wozzeck is carrying a satchel.                   11618071

      A)  bag                                                       B)        gadget             

C)  assortment                         D)        fishing tackle

72.  The writer hands Clay the money. 11618072

      A)  gives                                        B)        receives                       

C)  offers                                             D)        sends

73.  The children go out. Wozzeck is bewildered. 

(Board 2010)            11618073

      A)  afraid                                       B)        happy             

C)  astonished                          D)        honest

74.  You might have done me the courtesy of waiting.                                                                          11618074

      A)  diligence                                  B)        curiosity          

C)  favour                                            D)        insolence

75.  He always puts on a homburg.                   11618075

      A)  tears                                         B)        wears              

C)  likes                                               D)        repairs

76.  There were rocks and pieces of driftwood.


      A)  hard wood                                B)        soft wood        

C)  firewood                            D)        floating wood




II.   Choose the correct answer.


1.      How many people live in O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                                       (Board 2007)        11618077

A)  900                                                B)        905                 

C)  909                                                D)        990

2.      O.K. by the Sea is in the state of _____.   

A)  California                          B)        Texas   11618078

C)  Virginia                              D)        New York

3.      What is the age of Clay Larrabee?  11618079

A)  Six or seven                       B)        Eight or nine

C)  Nine or ten                         D)        Ten or eleven

4.      How much money did Harry have when he came to O.K.-by-the-Sea?                               11618080

A)  Seventy dollars                 

B)  Eighty dollars

C)  Ninety dollars                   

D)  Ninety-nine dollars

5.      For how much did Harry buy the barber shop?                                                                                     11618081

      A)  Sixty-five dollars        

B)  Seventy dollars

C)  Seventy-five dollars  

D) Eighty-dollars

6.      In which year did Harry come to O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                                              11618082

A)  1919                                              B)        1929   

C)  1939                                              D)        1949

7.      In which year does the action take place?  

A)  1933                                              B)        1943    11618083

C)  1953                                              D)        1963

8.      What did Shakespeare use at the end of a scene in his plays?                                                         11618084

A)  a sonnet                             B)        a song             

C)  a couplet                            D)        a ballad

9.      Which city does Miss McCutcheon come from?                                                                                                11618085

A)  Los Angles                         B)        New York       

C)  Louisiana                           D)        San Francisco

10.   What is Miss McCutcheon looking for?    

      A)  a husband                                                                    11618086

B)  a chance to teach

      C)  truth                            

D)  an oyster   

11.   The children of O.K.-by-the-Sea are interested in _____.                                       11618087

      A)  games                                      B)        the sea            

C)  games and the sea D)        fishing


12.   What is the name of Clay's mother?     

      A)  Roxanna                                  B)        Clara    11618088

C)  Fay                                                D)        Suzanne

13.   After quarrelling with his wife Clark Larrabee went to                                                       11618089

      A)  O.K.-by-the-Sea           B)        Salinas                        

C)  San Francisco                    D)        Hollywood

14.   How much money does Clark give for Clay?                                                                                                   11618090

      A)  seventy dollars             B)        thirty dollars   

      C)  forty dollars                 D)        fifty dollars

15.   What is the age of the writer?                     11618091

      A)  30 years                                   B)        40 years          

      C)  50 years                                   D)        60 years

16.   Where is the man heading for?       11618092

      A)  Texas                                       B)        New York       

C)  Hollywood                         D)        California

17.   How far is Hollywood from O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                                                     11618093

      A)  400 miles                                 B)        300 miles        

C)  100 miles                           D)        200 miles

18.   What kind of jewellery does Wozzeck sell?

      A)  gold                                         B)        silver    11618094

C)  real                                                D)        imitation

19.   Who brings out the local paper?     11618095

      A)  Fenton Lockhart          

      B)  Wozzeck         

C)  Harry Van Dusen  

D)  the writer

20.   What does Roxanna bring from the sea?   

A)  an assortment of shells                               11618096

B)  an oyster                           

C)  stones                                            D)        sea water

21.   What does Greeley bring from the sea?     

      A)  an oyster                                                                       11618097

B)  a bottle of sea water             

C)  an assortment of shells      

D)  driftwood

22.   What is the approximate price of the oyster?                                                                                                    11618098

      A)  200 dollars                               B)        300 dollars      

C)  400 dollars                         D)        500 dollars

23.   How many children does Clark have?

      A)  one                                           B)        two      11618099

C)  three                                              D)        four

24.   Judge Applegarth thinks Ms. McCutcheon would not stay more than a _____.  11618100

      A)  day                                           B)        week               

C)  month                                            D)        year

25.   When the play opens, Harry is_____. 11618101

      A)  working          

B)  reading the local paper      

C)  giving a haircut                 

D) getting a haircut

26.   What did Harry invent?      (Board 2010)   11618102

      A)  a gadget                                   B)        a symphony    

C)  a philosophy                      D)        a story

27.   Miss. McCutcheon wants others to understand they are not living in the _____.


      A)  Dark Ages                                B)        Middle Ages

      C)  Modern Age                 D)        Stone Age

28.   Judge Applegarth thinks Miss McCutcheon won’t last as a teacher because she is ____.

      A)  not qualified                 B)        too clever 11618104

C)  too pretty                           D) too innocent

29.   How many years back had Harry bought the barber shop?                                                             11618105

      A)  20 years                                   B)        24 years          

C)  30 years                             D)        34 years

30.   What does Miss McCutcheon want clay to face?                                                                                 11618106

      A)  hardships                                 B)        his family        

C)  studies                                           D)        truth





Questions from Textbook

Q.1      Where does the play “The Oyster and the Pearl” take place?                                                                                        11618107

Q.2      Why is Harry sitting in the barber's chair?                                                                                                                                                                            11618108

Q.3      According to Harry, how does one bring merriment to the tired old human heart?                                11618109

Q.4      What is Harry's philosophy?                                                                                                                                                                                                    11618110

Q.5      How much did Harry pay for his barber shop?                                                                                                                                     11618111

Q.6      How many barbers are there in O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                                                                                                11618112

Q.7      How much does Harry charge for a haircut?                                                                                                                                         11618113

Q.8      Where is Clay going?                                                                                                                                                                                                               11618114

Q.9      Why does Clay need money?                                                                                                                                                                                               11618115

Q.10    What has happened to Clay's father?                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11618116

Q.11    What does Clay want to put in the local newspaper?                                                                                                                                                    11618117

Q.12    Who is Miss McCutcheon? How does she feel about her job?                                                                                                               11618118

Q.13    What is Miss McCutcheon looking for? How does she feel about the children of the town?    


Q.14    What does Harry advise Miss McCutcheon to do?                                                                                                                                11618120

Q.15    What kind of haircut does Miss McCutcheon want?                                                                                                                                                     11618121

Q.16    Can Harry give a poodle haircut?                                                                                                                                                                                 11618122

Q.17    What does Miss McCutcheon think that a poodle haircut will do for her appearance?


Q.18    Where has Clark Larrabee been? How did he get to O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                            11618124

Q.19    What does Clark give Harry? For what purpose?                                                                                                                                 11618125

Q.20    How far is it to Hollywood from O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                                                                                              11618126

Q.21    What work does the Man do?                                                                                                                                                                                       11618127

Q.22    What did Clay find near Black Rock?                                                                                                                                                              11618128

Q.23    What does Clay believe is in the oyster? How much is it worth?                                                                                  11618129

Q.24    Does Miss McCutcheon believe that there is a pearl in the oyster?                                                                               11618130

Q.25    Why does Miss McCutcheon have a chair with three legs?                                                                                                       11618131

Q.26    What kind of judge is Judge Applegarth?                                                                                                                                                         11618132

Q.27    What year is it? When does the action of the play take place?                                                                                      11618133

Q.28    What does Greeley have in a bottle?                                                                                                                                                                11618134

Q.29    Who suggests that they should open the oyster?                                                                                                                                   11618135

Q.30    Why does Harry want Wozzeck to come?                                                                                                                                                        11618136

Q.31    How does Harry describe the inhabitants of O.K.-by-the-Sea?                                                                                                                 11618137

Q.32    How does Miss McCutcheon view Harry's thinking about the pearl in the oyster?                                11618138

Q.33    Why does the Judge think that Miss McCutcheon will not last as a teacher? What kind of teacher does he think is needed?                                                                                                                                                                                                           11618139

Q.34    What is Applegarth’s complaint about the sea?                                                                                                                                    11618140

Q.35    What kind of gadget does the writer describe?                                                                                                                                     11618141

Q.36    Who buys the oyster? How much does he pay?   (Board 2007)                                                                                                                         11618142

Q.37    Does the writer open the oyster? If not, why?     (Board 2007)                                                                                                                                          11618143

Q.38    Why does Clark Larrabee return?         (Board 2010)                                                                                                                                                                                            11618144

Q.39    What does the writer do with the oyster?                                                                                                                                                          11618145

Additional Questions

Q.40    Why did Clay's father leave home?                                                                                                                                                                                              11618146

Q.41    Draw a character sketch of Judge Applegarth.                                                                                                                                     11618147

Q.42    Draw a character sketch of the writer in O.K.-by-the-Sea.                                                                                                        11618148

Q.43    Draw a character sketch of Clay.                                                                                                                                                                                  11618149

Q.44    Draw a character sketch of Clark.                                                                                                                                                                                11618150

Q.45    Draw a character sketch of Miss McCutcheon.                                                                                                                                     11618151

Q.46    Who is Wozzeck?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11618152

Q.47    Draw a character sketch of Fenton Lockhart.                                                                                                                                       11618153

Q.48    What do you know of the Middle Ages?                                                                                                                                                          11618154

Q.49     What is the conflict between Clay’s father and mother?                                                                                                               11618149


            Why do Clay’s father and mother fight?


            Why are Clay’s father and mother not getting along?








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