11th Class English Lessons


                               Lesson # 01

 Multiple Choice Questions

I.     Choose the correct synonym.       


1.      A cube-shaped carton sealed with tape.     

      (A) two-sided                                 (B) six-sided 11601001

        (C) four-sided                                (D)       five-sided 

2.      Push-button unit fastened to a small wooden box.                                                                                          11601002

      (A) detached                                  (B)       pulled              

      (C) wrapped                                   (D)       attached

3.      She put the lamb chops in the broiler.                   

      (A) fleshy bone pieces (B)  steaks       11601003

      (C) minced meat                (D)       cutlets

4.      She put the lamb chops in the broiler.                   

      (A) icebox                                      (B)       grill          11601004

      (C) hotpot                                      (D)       cabinet

5.      The glass dome covered the button.  11601005

      (A) vaulting lid                   (B)       four-sided base

      (C) flat bottom                               (D)       base

6.      Mr. Steward will call on you.                         11601006

(A) persuade                                  (B) to return

      (C) visit                                         (D)       offer

7.      She put the button unit on the couch.

      (A) sofa                                         (B)       almirah    11601007

      (C) chair                                        (D)       table

8.      “Mrs. Lewis?” he inquired politely. 11601008

      (A) courteously                  (B)       curiously

      (C) urgently                                   (D)       persuasively

9.      Norma repressed a smile.                               11601009

      (A) maintained                               (B)       presented        

      (C) allowed                                    (D)       suppressed

10.   It was a sales pitch.                                                    11601010

      (A) sales measure               (B)       proposition

      (C) monetary gain              (D)       sales deal

11.   I am rather busy.                                                        11601011

      (A) somewhat                                (B)       not at all          

      (C) occasionally                 (D)       always

12.   Mr. Steward's tone had been offensive.

      (A) courteous                                 (B)       annoying  11601012

      (C) delightful                                 (D)       submissive

13.   “Monetarily?” she challenged.           11601013

      (A) presumed                                 (B)       contested

      (C) blurted                                     (D)       demanded       

14.   She didn't like his attitude.                 11601014

      (A) proposition                              (B)       embarrassment

      (C) sentiment                                 (D)         behavior

15.   He hesitated.                                                                      11601015

      (A) challenged                                (B)       insisted           

      (C) paused                                     (D)       hastened

16.   Norma stared at the small man.      11601016

      (A) glanced                                     (B)       ignored           

      (C) enlightened                              (D)       gazed

17.   The offer is completely genuine.    11601017

      (A) authentic                                  (B)       valuable          

      (C) fake                                         (D)       eccentric

18.   Mr. Steward looked embarrassed.  11601018

      (A) comfortable                 (B)       nervous           

      (C) disgusted                                  (D)       amused

19.   I am not at liberty to tell that.                     11601019

      (A) curious                                     (B)       limited

      (C) permitted                                 (D)       forbidden

20.   The organization is of international scope.

      (A) privilege                                   (B) research  11601020

      (C) range                                        (D)       demand

21.   Doesn't it intrigue you?                                11601021

      (A) interest                                     (B)       embarrass       

      (C) appall                                       (D)       challenge  

22.   It offends me.                                                                     11601022

      (A) allures                                      (B)       encourages      

      (C) suits                                         (D)       annoys

23.   Arthur shrugged.                                                    11601023

      (A) got shocked                

      (B) showed interest

      (C)  showed indifference  

      (D) reacted strongly

24.   Because it's immoral.                                             11601024

      (A) unethical                                  (B)       unusual           

      (C) ethical                                      (D)       risky

25.   Impulsively Norma picked up the card halves.                                                       11601025

      (A) fortunately                               (B)       probably         

      (C) knowingly                               (D) instinctively

26.   Norma almost hung up but restrained herself.                                                                                11601026

      (A) checked                                   (B)       pushed

      (C) urged                                       (D)       enjoyed

27.   I'm curious.                                                                        11601027

      (A) indifferent                               (B)       appalled          

      (C) inquisitive                                (D)       uninterested

28.   Norma swallowed.                                                 11601028

      (A) initiated                                    (B)       advanced        

      (C) idealized                                  (D)       hesitated

29.   She made a scoffing sound.                       11601029

      (A) mocking                                   (B)       pleasing          

      (C) coughing                                  (D)       appreciative

30.   That's crazy.                                                                       11601030

      (A) insane                                      (B)       smooth            

      (C) sane                                         (D)       inquisitive

31.   That is the proposition.                              11601031

      (A) offer                                       (B)       problem          

      (C) vision                                       (D)       investment

32.   Norma stiffened.                                                    11601032

      (A) relaxed                                     (B)       hardened         

      (C) proposed                                  (D)       disconnected

33.   She glared at the carton.                             11601033

      (A) gazed at                                   (B)       relied on          

      (C) picked up                                 (D) and looked for

34.   Norma looked disgusted.                            11601034

      (A) overjoyed                                 (B)       annoyed          

      (C) satisfied                                   (D)  curious

35.   Arthur looked astounded.                          11601035

      (A) shocked                                   (B)       flattered  

      (C) convinced                                (D)       casual

36.   If it's some old Chinese peasant.    11601036

      (A) representative              (B)       farmer             

      (C) businessman               (D)       native

37.   Norma broke in.                                                     11601037

      (A) interrupted                               (B)       enlightened

      (C) smashed                                   (D)       differed   

38.   Arthur stared at her, appalled.                    11601038

      (A) emaciated                                (B)       pleased

      (C) persuaded                                (D)       terrified

39.   She shuddered.                                                      11601039

      (A) trembled                                  (B)       envied             

      (C) paused                                     (D)       entrusted

40.   Norma looked offended.                            11601040

      (A) answerable                               (B)       perverted         

      (C) annoyed                                   (D)       challenged  

41.   She gestured vaguely.                                            11601041

      (A) motioned                                 (B)       maltreated       

      (C) moved                                      (D)       motivated

42.   She gestured vaguely.                                            11601042

      (A) viciously                                  (B)       harshly            

      (C) unclearly                                  (D)       impulsively

43.   His voice was guarded.                              11601043

      (A) loud                                         (B)       harsh   

      (C) careless                                    (D)       cautious

44.   He stared at her in dismay.                         11601044

      (A) disappointment            (B)       confusion

      (C) thrill                                         (D)       curiosity  

45.   See if there would be guilt.                         11601045

      (A) surprise                                    (B)       sense of sin

      (C) acceptance                               (D)       fascination

46.   See if there would be guilt, anxiety, whatever!                                                                               11601046

      (A) urgency                                    (B)       curiosity  

      (C) restlessness                  (D)       eccentricity  

47.   While she was stacking dishes, she turned abruptly.                                                                             11601047

      (A) arranging                                  (B)       pounding

      (C) washing                                   (D)       drying

48.   She turned abruptly.                                               11601048

      (A) carelessly                                 (B)       slowly             

      (C) casually                        (D)       suddenly

49.   Ridiculous, she thought.                             11601049

      (A) absurd                                      (B) marvelous

      (C) mysterious                               (D)       Incredible  

50.   All this furor over a meaningless button!                                                                                                        11601050

      (A) conjecture                                (B)       uproar             

      (C) calmness                                  (D)       ceremony

51.   She made a contemptuous sound. 11601051

      (A) shrill                                        (B)       abnormal        

      (C) scornful                                   (D)       inquisitive   

52.   She remembered Arthur’s life insurance policy with double indemnity for 11601052

      (A) compensation              (B)       prize

      (C) disadvantage                (D)       assurance

53.   She struggled to her feet and walked into the kitchen numbly.                                                       11601053

      (A) slowly                                      (B)       expressionlessly

      (C) hastily                                      (D)       steadily

54.   She began to smash it.                                            11601054

      (A) discover                                   (B)       fasten              

      (C) turn                                          (D)       break violently

55.   She began to smash it, pounding it harder and harder.                                                                          11601055

      (A) beating                                     (B)       binding

      (C) opening                                    (D)       fixing

56.   She began to smash it, pounding it harder and harder until the wood split. 11601056

      (A) banged                                     (B)       broke

      (C) rattled                                      (D)       hit

57.   Norma whirled with a gasp.                       11601057

      (A) turned around              (B)       responded       

      (C) numbed                                    (D)       yelled

58.   Norma whirled with a gasp.                       11601058

      (A) glass                                         (B)       gesture

      (C) movement                    (D)       pant

59.   Norma stumbled into the living room.                   

      (A) staggered                                  (B) stamped  

      (C) scurried                                    (D)       entered

60.   Arthur turned off the lamp. 'Good night' he said.                                                                (Board 2007) 11601060

      (A) moved away                 (B)       switched off    

      (C) broke                                      (D)       brightened



1.      Where did Norma put the lamb chops?                                                                       

      (A) in the oven                               (B)       in the broiler   

      (C) in the freezer                (D)       in the basket

2.      There was a small man                                           11601062

      (A) in the porch                  (B)       in the room

      (C) at door                               (D)       in the hallway

3.      Where was the key to the bell-unit dome? 

      (A) in the box                                                                     11601063

      (B) in the drawer   

      (C) in the sealed envelope             

      (D) in the pocket

4.      What was the reward for pushing the button?

(A) $25,000                                   (B)       $50,000 11601064

      (C) $5,000                                     (D)       $2,500

5.      What was the question of Norma that made Mr. Steward embarrassed?                            11601065

      (A) Where do you live?                             

      (B) How do you do?

      (C) What do you sell?                               

      (D) Who do you represent?

6.      What could have happened by pushing the button?                                                                              11601066

      (A) Somewhere in the world a bird would die

      (B) Someone would die in the neighborhood

      (C) Some songs would be heard

      (D) Somewhere in the world some unknown person would die

7.      Why didn't Arthur agree to the offer of Mr. Steward for pushing the button?         11601067

      (A) He considered it a practical joke

      (B) He didn't rely on him                          

      (C) He didn't believe him

      (D) He considered the death of some unknown person a murder

8.      Why was the offer of $50,000 attractive for Norma?                                                                            11601068

      (A) She had a plan to improve her life

      (B) She felt no harm in helping someone conduct psychological research

      (C) She wanted to purchase a set of jewelry

      (D) She wanted to buy crockery.   

9.      Who in Norma's opinion was the researcher?

      (A) a psychiatrist                                                    11601069

      (B) a doctor          

      (C) an eccentric millionaire                       

      (D) a murderer

10.   Why didn't Norma take the consent of her husband to comply with the instructions of Mr. Steward?                                                               11601070

            (A) Because he couldn't understand the idea

      (B) Because he would share the offer

      (C) He considered it a murder

      (D) He was short-tempered

11.   Norma thought that Mr. Steward was        

(A) a researcher                                                     11601071

(B) a salesperson  

      (C) an insurance agent                               

      (D) a psychiatrist

12.   The carton sealed with tape was______.   

      (A) double-shaped                                                 11601072

      (B) cube-shaped

      (C) rectangular-shaped                              

      (D) angular-shaped

13.   When Norma turned the unit over, what did she see?                                                                           11601073

      (A) an old piece of paper                           

      (B) a new piece of paper

      (C) a folded piece of paper           

      (D) a torn piece of paper

14.   As Norma opened the door, what did Mr. Steward do as a mark of respect?           11601074

      (A) removed his hat           

      (B) put off his coat

      (C) pointed his stick                                  

      (D) untied the knot of his tie

15.   Mr. Steward said that the button unit could prove:                                                                               11601075

      (A) valuable                                   (B)       worthless        

      (C) interesting                                (D)       curious

16.   Mr. Steward says the organization is of

(A) great credibility                                                11601076

      (B) international orientation          

      (C) International scope

      (D) national scope

17.   What did Arthur do with the card when Steward was gone?                                                           11601077

       (A) He tore it.                                (B) He saved it.

       (C) He discarded it.            (D) He burnt it.

18.   Who, according to Norma, maybe plays games with people?                                         11601078

      (A) an insurance personnel

      (B) a psychiatrist

      (C) an eccentric millionaire                       

      (D) an unknown person

19.   According to Norma, what kind of project was it?                                                                                11601079

      (A) research project                       

      (B) a project of international scope

      (C) a practical joke

      (D) an impossible proposition

20.   Norma thought they wanted to study the reaction of ______.                                                         11601080

      (A) average people            

      (B) rich people

      (C) normal people             

      (D) abnormal people

21.   Where did she throw the button unit dome and key?                                                                            11601081

      (A) into the alley               

      (B) into the wastebasket

      (C) into the Kitchen          

      (D) into the pool

22.   What did she feel as the voice informed her of the subway accident?                                 11601082

      (A) She felt real                 

      (B) She felt unsubstantial

      (C) She felt unreal 

      (D) She felt nervous

23.   What was the value of Arthur's life insurance policy with double indemnity?       

      (A) $30,000                                   (B)       $25,000    11601083

      (C) $35,000                                   (D)       $50,000

24.   What was inside the box?                              11601084

      (A) wires                                        (B)       tubes   

      (C) transistors                                (D)       nothing

25.   What covered the button unit?       


      (A) a piece of cloth            

      (B) a paper

      (C) a glass dome               

      (D) a metal dome

26.   Who, according to Mr. Steward, will die when the button is pushed?                                 11601086

      (A) an old Chinese peasant                                    

      (B) some unknown person

      (C) a diseased native of the Congo

      (D) no one

27.   What did Norma do with the button unit after hearing the news of her husband’s death?                                                                                 11601087

      (A) She threw it in the waste basket.

      (B) She stared at it for a long time.

      (C) She put it in the bottom cabinet.

      (D) She smashed it on the sink edge.


Q.1      Why did Norma consider the tone and attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?                                11601088

Q.2      Why did Arthur disagree with his wife?                                                                                                                                               11601089

Q.3      Why did Norma try to persuade her husband to agree with her?                                                                       11601090

Q.4      What were the reasons Norma gave to her husband to accept the offer?                                               11601091

Q.5      Why did Mr. Steward continue persuading Norma?                                                                                                     11601092

Q.6      What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?                                                                       11601093

Q.7      What is the significance of Arthur's life insurance policy?                                                                                           11601094

Q.8                  Did Norma remain normal upon hearing the news of the accident of her husband?                      11601095

Q.9      What is the theme of ‘Button, Button’?                                                                                                                                                            11601096

Q.10    Draw a character sketch of Arthur.                                                                                                                                                                   11601097

Q.11    Draw a character sketch of Norma.                                                                                                                                                                  11601098

Q.12    What was inside the button unit?                                                                                                                                                          11601099

Q.13    Why didn't Norma remain true to her husband?                                                                                                                       11601100

Q.14    What is the significance of the title “Button, Button”?                                                                                                 11601101

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601102

the package was lying by the front door a cube-shaped carton sealed with tape their name and address was printed by hand Mr. and Mrs. Arthur lewis 217e thirty-seventh street new york 10016

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601103

            Norma turned back Mr steward's tone had been offensive no I don't think so she replied it could prove very valuable he told her

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601104

if you push the button Mr steward told him somewhere in the world someone you don't know will die in return for which you will receive a payment of $ 50000

4)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601105

Mr steward looked embarrassed I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to tell you that he said however I assure you the organization is of international scope

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601106

exactly that he answered it could be anyone all we guarantee is that you don't know them and of course that you wouldn’t have to watch them die

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601107

all right suppose it is he looked incredulous what would you like to do get the button back and push it murder someone

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601108

the point is Norma broke in if its someone you’ve never seen in your life and never will see someone whose death you don't even have to know about you still wouldn't push the button

8)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601109

after dinner Arthur went into the living room before he left the table, he said id rather not discuss it anymore if you don't mind

9)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11601110

I'm saying that they are probably doing it for some research project she cut him off that they want to know what average people would do under such a circumstance

10)       Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

that they are just saying someone would die to study reactions to see if there would be guilt anxiety whatever you don’t really think they kill somebody do you 

                                   Lesson # 02

Multiple Choice Questions


1.      "This is the way, Jess," said my father pointing with his cane across the deep valley.                                                                                       11602001

      A)  leaning                                     B)        sharpening      

      C)  indicating                                 D)        bracing

2.      I wiped the streams of sweat from my face to keep them from stinging my eyes.  

      A)  possess                                    B)        prevent 11602002

      C)  have                                         D)        continue

3.      I wiped the streams of sweat from my face to keep them from stinging my eyes.   

      A)  soothing                                   B)        pricking 11602003

      C)  entering                                    D)        wetting 

4.      There were two slips on the road and I couldn't drive my car.                                             11602004

A)  landslides                                 B)        cuts     

C)  slippery surfaces          D)        cracks

5.      He had lived to raise a family of five children.                                                                               11602005

      A)  increase                                    B)        make               

      C)  bring up                                   D)        control

6.      I could not protest to him now.       11602006

      A)  follow                                      B)        oppose

      C)  listen to                                    D)        agree with

7.      When he made up his mind to do a thing, he would do it if he had to crawl.                       11602007

A)  move stealthily             B)        work very slowly C)     stagger                                     D) endeavor

8.      I followed him down the little path between the pasture and the meadow.              11602008

A)  steep slope                               B)        valley 

C)  grassland                                 D)        alfalfa 

9.      He took his pocket knife from his pocket and cut a wisp of alfalfa.                                   11602009

      A)  row                                                      B)        tuft

      C)  hay                                                      D)        leaf

10.   He took his pocket knife from his pocket and cut a wisp of alfalfa.                                   11602010

      A)  maize                                       B)        wheat

      C)  fodder                                      D)        grams

11.   "Look at this, Jess!" he bragged.    11602011

      A)  exclaimed                                B)        boasted

      C)  called                                       D)        uttered

12.   “It’s the best looking hay I’ve seen any place,” I said.                                                                    11602012

A)  patch                                        C)   stems                                

B)  slope                                       D)        fodder

13.   “And in October when the rabbits were ripe and the frosts had come…”                11602013

A)  full-grown                                B)        productive

C)  playful                                     D)        plentiful

14.   He looked at me with his pale blue eyes.

A)  light                             B)        winking            11602014

C)  yellow                          D)        shining

15.   He began to climb the second bluff.

A)  path                                         B)        cliff     11602015

C)   rim                                         D)        flat

16.   He began to climb the second bluff that lifted abruptly toward the sky.                  11602016

      A)  gradually                                  B)        gently

C)  windingly                                 D)        sharply

17.   The fingers of their long boughs were fondling the substance of a white cloud.

A)  lifting                                       B)        drooping  11602017

C)  caressing                                  D)  pruning

18.   I had never seen anything extraordinary upon this high point of rugged land. 

A) level                                          B) smooth   11602018

C)  rough                                       D) grassy

19.   Several paths circled around the slope gradually climbing the mountain.     11602019

      A)  abruptly                                   B)        steadily

      C)  occasionally                 D)        vastly

20.   It was too steep for my feet to hold unless I braced myself.                                                                  11602020

      A)  supported                                 B)        aroused           

      C)  urged                                       D)        resolved

21.   I managed to stand on the path by holding on to a little sapling.                                         11602021

      A)  fence                                       B)        young plant     

      C)  edge                                         D)        steep rock

22.   It was too steep for my feet to hold unless I braced myself.                                                                  11602022

      A)  sharp                                        B)        slippery

      C)  twisting                                    D)        rugged

23.   My curiosity was aroused.                        

                                                                        (Board 2007) 11602023

      A)  despair                                     B)        eagerness        

      C)  anger                                        D)        joy

24.   My curiosity was aroused.                         11602024

      A)  satisfied                                   B)        dulled

      C)  weakened                                D)        awakened       

25.   I thought he had found a new kind of grass or an unfamiliar herb.                                     11602025

A)  strange                                     B)        common

C)   uncultivated                D)        wild

26.   We reached the limbless trunks of these tall straight pines.                                                            11602026

      A)  branchless                                B)        huge    

      C)  stalwart                                    D)        slim

27.   I saw a clearing in the heart of this wilderness right on the mountain top.

A)  valley                                       B)        jungle      1602027

C)  patch                                       D)        rugged land

28.   “Stray cattle if they ever get out of the pasture,” he answered me curtly.    11602028

      A)  wandering                                B)        wild    

      C)  grazing                                     D)        domestic

29.   “Stray cattle if they ever get out of the pasture,” he answered me curtly.    11602029

      A)  level ground                 B)        rugged land     

      C)  fenced farm                 D)        grazing land

30.   “Stray cattle if they ever get out of the pasture,” he answered me curtly.    11602030

      A)  softly                                       B)        joyfully           

      C)  politely                                    D)        tersely

31.   He whiffed and whiffed the smell of this wild dirt into his nostrils.                                    11602031

A)  inhaled                                     B)        exhaled

C)  pricked                                    D)        Spread

32.   "I don't see a weed in this patch," I laughed.                                                                                                     11602032

A)  furrow                                     B)        wild plant                     C)       limbless trunk              D)        bush

33.   There was a rim of shadow over the rows of dark stalwart plants.                                      11602033

      A)  lot                                                        B)        square

      C)  mass                                        D)        circle

34.   There was a rim of shadow over the rows of dark stalwart plants.                                      11602034

      A)  strong                                       B)        Delicate

      C)  straight                                     D)        limbless

35.   “If the doctors have been right,” he said, winking at me, “I’ve cheated death many times!”                                                                                          11602035

A)  staring                                      B)        yelling 

C)  looking                                     D)        blinking

36.   He wiped the sweat from his red wrinkled face with his blue bandanna.                 11602036

      A)  large handkerchief       B)        hem                

      C)  headdress                                 D)        muffler

37.   "And something else, Jess," he said, motioning for me to follow him to the upper edge of the clearing.                                   11602037

      A) signaling                                     B)        moving

      C)  bragging                                   D)        bracing

38.   And when you live in that kind of time, then something goes back.                                               11602038

A)  expect                                      B)        relive

C)  remember                                D)        spend

39.   And we raised more than a barrel of corn to the shock.                                                                        11602039

      A)  grew                                         B)        thinned

      C) plowed                                      D)        prepared

40.   And we raised more than a barrel of corn to the shock.                                                                        11602040

      A)  a tin container              B)        a bundle                      

      C)  a basket                                   D)        a ton

41.   "And, Jess, "he bragged, "regardless of my threescore years and ten, I plowed it.”         


      A)  in addition to                B)  because of

      C)  irrespective of             D)        in view of

42.   “I brought my gun to the field and took home a mess of fox squirrels every evening.”                                                                         11602042

A)  a lot of                         B)        a small amount of       

C)   a handful of    D)        a new breed of

43.   Many of the trees were big enough to have sawed into lumber at the mill.                  11602043

A)  converted                     B)        cut

C)  used                             D)        raised

44.   Many of the trees were big enough to have sawed into lumber at the mill.              11602044

A)  stumps                         B)        timber     

C)  logs                              D)        firewood

45.   Many of the trees were sixty feet tall and the wild vines had matted their tops together.                                                                                                          11602045

A)  drooped                       B)        thinned

C)  separated                     D)        interwoven

46.   “I had to go back. I had to smell this rich loam again.”                                                                   11602046

A)  dilapidated                   B)        muddy                       

C)  natural                         D) fertile

47.   “I had to go back. I had to smell this rich loam again.”                                                                   11602047

A)  soil                                           B)        fodder 

C)   hay                              D)        wisp

48.   I had to smell it and sift it through my fingers again.                                                                                 11602048

A)  whiff                           B)        compact                     

C)   filter                            D)        saturate

49.   I had been over this point many times.      

      A)  dot                                           B)        spot                  11602049

      C)  mountain                     D)        valley

50.   I followed him down the path that wound this way and that.                                                          11602050

      A)  twisted                         B)        straightened

      C)  descended                    D)        climbed





1.      What did the old man want to show his son?

      A)  his farm                                   B)        his land  11602051

C)  a patch of clearing        D)        a river 

2.      When the old man wanted to take his son up the mountain the day was______.  11602052

      A)  hot                                                       B)        pleasant

      C)  rainy                                        D)        humid

3.      How many years ago did the doctor advise the old man to take a rest?                                  11602053

      A)  ten                                                       B)        twenty

      C)  thirty                                        D)        forty

4.      How many children does Jess's father have?                     

      A)  Three                                       B)        Eight    11602054

C)  Five                                         D)        One

5.      What did the old man cut with his pocket knife?                                                                                  11602055

      A)  a sapling                                  B)        green fodder

      C)  a wisp of alfalfa           D)        green grass

6.      In how many years did the old man improve the land?                                                                         11602056

      A)  three years                               B)        twenty years

      C)  thirty years                   D)        forty years

7.      Why did the old man hunt the squirrels?   

      A)  to sell                                                                           11602057

      B)  to save crops   

C)  for fun            

D)  for meal

8.      What type of special tree was found by the old man?                                              11602058

      A)  cherry                                      B)        apple                           

C)  coffee                                      D)        orange

9.      The clearing on the top was not more than ______.                                                                             11602059

      A)  two acres                                                                    

      B)  three acres

C)  four acres        

D)  three-fourth of an area

10.   The land was fenced by______.    11602060

      A)  the son                                    

B)  the mother

      C)  the father                    

D)  the old man and his wife

11.   Jess didn’t want to go with his father because ______.                                                      11602061

A)  He had already walked half a mile uphill.

B)  He didn't like his company.

      C)  He didn't like mountains.        

D)  He was preoccupied.

12.   What was the temperature when the old man wanted his son to go with him up the mountain?                                                                        11602062

      A)  92 in the shade             B)        95 in the shade

C)  96 in the shade             D)        97 in the shade

13.   Jess’s father remembered sitting under ______.                                                                             11602003

      A)  pines                                        B)        oaks    

      C)  hickories                                  D)        cool shades

14.   The old man fenced the land against ______.

      A)  wild animals                B)        prowlers 11602064

C)  wanderers                                D)        stray cattle

15.   The old man climbed the mountain to raise ______.                                                                            11602065

      A)  potatoes, onions, and tomatoes

B)  potatoes, yams, and tomatoes

      C)  all kinds of vegetables 

D)  corn and alfalfa

16.   How old was Jess's father?                         11602066

      A)  sixty                                         B)        sixty-five

      C)  seventy                                     D)        eighty

17.   When they cleared this mountain, the mother of the boy was of ______.                                    11602067

      A)  17 years                                   B)        18 years          

C)  19 years                                   D)        20 years

18.   Where did the boy lose his little plow?   

            A)        In a furrow                                                                   11602068

      B)  In the field        

C)  In the bush                              

D)  In the mud

19.   When Jess's father made up his mind to do a thing, he would do it even if he had to ____.

            A)        suffer a loss                                                      

            B)        struggle a lot

      C)  crawl                                       

      D)  run                  

20.   Many of the trees were _____ and the wild vines had matted their tops together. 11602070

A)  forty feet tall                B)        fifty feet tall

      C)  sixty feet tall                D)        several feet

21.   From January until April, Jess's father had gone to _____ different doctors.              11602071

      A)  five                                                      B)        eight

      C)  twelve                                      D)        twenty

22.   According to Jess's father the morning wind was so good to breathe in __.                         11602072

      A)  January                                    B)        February

      C)  October                                    D)        August

23.   One of the doctors advised the old man______.                                                                 11602073

      A)  not to work in fields                            

B)  not to walk the length of a city block

      C)  not to go up the mountain       

D)  to rise early

24.   The writer had not seen anything _____ upon this high point of rugged land. 11602074

      A)  familiar                                    B)        extraordinary

      C)  valuable                                   D)        fertile

25.   While climbing the second steep bluff, how many times did the old man stop to wipe the sweat from his face?                                           11602075

A)  only once                                 B)        only twice

      C)  many times                              D)        never

26.   The writer could not drive his car because

      A)  he was too tired.                                               11602076

B)  the road was too steep

C)  there were two slips on the road

D)  the road was muddy

27.   When his father brought the boy to the field, the boy was______.                                     11602077

      A)  four years old               B)        five years old

      C)  six years old                 D)        seven years old

28.   The old man had made so many paths up the mountain______.                                                     11602078

      A)  to enjoy climbing

B)  to test his fitness

      C)  to facilitate climbers    

D)  for fun

29.   According to Jess's father, when you are past seventy ______.                                                     11602079

      A)  your health goes down

B)  your time is ripe

      C)  your time is borrowed

D)  you feel alone

30.   According to Jess's father, when you are past seventy, you ______.                                               11602080

      A)  spend time with your family

B)  take life easy

      C)  feel like plowing untried land

D)  love to go back to the places you knew and loved



Q.1      Why didn't the old man follow the advice of the doctors?                                                                                                                    11602081

Q.2      What had the doctors told the old man?                                                                                                                                                                                       11602082

Q.3      Where did the old man take his son?                                                                                                                                                               11602083

Q.4      Had the son ever been there before?                                                                                                                                                                11602084

Q.5      What were the names of the vegetables the old man grew on his farm?                                                             11602085

Q.6      Why did the old man take the steep path?                                                                                                                                                                                                       11602086

Q.7      Why did the son at the age of six cries?                                                                                                                                                           11602087

Q.8      What were the feelings of the old man at the age of seventy?                                                                                       11602088

Q.9      Why had the old man planted his secret garden?                                                                                                                                      11602089

Q.10    Why was the boy not willing to go with his father?                                                                                                                              11602090

Q.11    How many doctors had the old man visited from January until April?                                                              11602091

Q.12    What kind of man was Jess’s father?                                                                                                                                                               11602092

Q.13    How many years did the old man take to improve that piece of land?                                                               11602093

Q.14    Why did the old man remember the mountain?                                                                                                                                    11602094

Q.15    What did the old man remember about the mountain?                                                                                                              11602095

Q.16    Why was the curiosity of the son aroused?                                                                                                                                                       11602096

Q.17    What kind of tree had the old man once found in the woods?                                                                                       11602097

Q.18    Why had the old man fenced his farm on the top of the mountain?                                                                               11602098

Q.19    Why did the old man whiff the smell of wild dirt?                                                                                                                                11602099

Q.20    Why did the old man prefer to grow vegetables in the new land?                                                                                 11602100

Q.21    How old were Jess’s parents when they cleared the mountain slope?                                                               11602101

Q.22    What had the old man raised on the mountain slope in his youth?                                                                                11602102

Q.23    How much corn had the old man raised when he worked the soil together with his wife?

Q.24    Why did the old man have so many paths to the top of the mountain?                                                                                   11602104


1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602105

this is the way jess said my father pointing with his cane across the deep valley below us I want to show you something you've not seen for many years

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602106

isn't it too hot for you to do much walking I wiped the streams of sweat from my face to keep them from stinging my eyes

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602107

its the best-looking hay saw any place I said I've not seen better-looking alfalfa even in the little sandy river bottoms

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602108

now you're coming to something son he said as he pushed down the top wire so he could cross the fence this is something I want you to see

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602109

stray cattle if they ever get out of the pasture he answered me curtly I cleared this land and I fenced it

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602110

fertile he laughed as he reached down and picked up a double handful of leaf rot loam this is the land son this is it I've tried all kinds of land

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11602112

and jess he bragged regardless of my threescore years and ten I plowed it with a mule I have with just a little help do all the work

                                 Lesson # 03

Multiple Choice Questions


I.          Choose the correct synonym.


1.      Its lid gave a bulging pop.                          11603001

      A)  whizzing sound            B)        explosive sound

      C)  muffled sound             D)        musical sound

2.      The other passengers whirled away across the Martian meadow.                                       11603002

      A)  moved rapidly             B)        turned around  

C)  settled                                      d)         vanished

3.      The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight.                                                 11603003

      A)  dwindle                                    B)        shine               

C)  flap                                                      D)        stand

4.      …. as if he were standing at the center of a vacuum.                                                                            11603004

      A)  void                                         B)        steamy air

      C)  heaviness                                D)        bulging rock

5.      The children, small seeds, might at any instant be sown to all the Martian climes.

      A)  marshes                                   B)        lands    11603005

C)  hills                                          D)        climates

6.      The wind blew as if to flake away their identities.                                               11603006

      A)  destroy                                     B)        dislike            

C)  develop                                    D)        deny

7.      As marrow comes from a white bone.       


      A)  blood                                       B)        hollowness      

C)  splinters                                   D)        substance

8.      He felt submerged in a chemical.    11603008

      A)  flaked                                      B)        floated            

C)  drowned                                   D)        washed away

9.      That could dissolve his intellect and burn away his past.                                                                11603009

      A)  cleverness                                B)        mental power  

C)  aesthetic sense             D)        emotions  

10.   …Martian hills that time had worn with a crushing pressure of years.                    11603010

      A)  damaged                                  B)        flattened          

C)  created                                     D)        used

11.   Lying like children's delicate bones among the blowing lakes of grass.                              11603011

      A)  sharp                                        B)        strong              

C)  fragile                                      D)        naked

12.   The children hollered at the deep dome of the Martian sky.                                                                  11603012

      A)  shouted                                    B)        gazed              

c)   wondered                                 D)        aimed

13.   The racing hiss of wind through the stiff grass.                                                                                    11603013

      A)  noise                                        B)        excess            

C)  access                                      D)        whisper

14.   … a man standing on the edge of a sea, ready to wade in and be drowned.  11603014

A)  walk                                         B)        bathe               

C)  swim                                        D)        plunge

15.   …like a third unbidden partner at every midnight talk.                                                                               11603015

      A)  uninvited                                 B)        unprovoked    

C)  invited                                      D)        enlightened

16.   Safe and insane!                                                     11603016

      A)  sound                                       B)        sad                  

      C)  mad                                         D)        mute

17.   You haven't been prowling up in those ruins, have you?                                                    11603017

      A)  booming                                  B)        living              

      C)  roaming                                   D)        cursing

18.   Laura stumbled through the settlement, crying.                                                                                    11603018

      A)  staggered                                  B)        announced

      C)  glided                                       D)        envisaged

19.   She dashed blindly onto the porch. 11603019

      A)  prowled                                   B)        mumbled

C)  descended                                D)        rushed

20.   She sobbed. "A radio flash just came."      

      A)  news                                        B)        analysis 11603020

C)  view                                         D)        review

21.   We're stranded on Mars, forever and ever.                                                                                           11603021

      A)  settled                                       B)        deserted          

C)  crushed                                     D)        pledged

22.   He wanted to strike Laura, cry, "No, you're lying!                                                                                11603022

A)  console                        B)        warn               

C)  stroke                           D)        slap

23.   He was drenched in the hotness of his fear.                                                                             11603023

      A)  drowned                       B)        placed             

C)  relieved                        D)        gripped

24.   He stroked Laura's head against him.

      A)  rebuked                       B)        embraced          11603024

C)  caressed                       D)        hit

25.   He looked with dismay at their house.                                                                                        

      A)  gloom                          B)        relief               

C)  wonder                         D)        triumph

26.   The boards were all warped out of shape.  

      A)  twisted                         B)        flattened   11603026

C)  cleared                         D)        fixed

27.   The men were conversing with great leisure and ease.                                                                          11603027

      A)  exchanging                  B) quarreling 

C)  chatting                        D)        Listening 

28.   Harry, I got a whole load of metal and some blueprints.                                                                       11603028

A) drawings                      B)        blue paper       

C) worksheets                   D)        documents

29.   "Is that so, Harry?" Sam said, casually.

A) carelessly                     B)        curiously          11603029

C) anxiously                     D)        searchingly

30.   "Doesn't it scare you?"                                           11603030

A)  frighten                        B) change       

C)  urge                             D) astonish

31.   His wife appeared with his supper in a wicker basket.                                                                    11603031

A)  earthen                         B)        lunch              

C) big                                           D)        cane

32.   There were little, very dim flecks of new gold captured in the blue of his eyes.

      A)  shields                         B) shapes                      11603032

C)  spots                            D)        lids

33.   The sons played songs on ancient flutes and pipes, their laughter echoing in the marble villa.                                                                                      11603033

A)  sounding                      B)        resounding      

C)  giggling                        D)        murmuring

34.   In the empty Earth settlement, the painted houses flaked and peeled.                                 11603034

A)  uninhabited      B)        Abandoned      

C)  warped                         D)        stripped away

35.   Rubber tires hung suspended like stopped clock pendulums in the blazing air. 11603035

A)  racing                          

B) burning

C)  foggy                          

D) alien

36.   The daughter wove tapestries and the sons played songs on ancient flutes and pipes.        

      A)  gloves                          B)        clothes             11603036

C)  carpets                         D)        embroideries

37.   "They didn't know any better," his wife mused.                                                                              11603037

      A)  delivered                      B)        called              

C)  conveyed                     D)        thought

38.   They both looked at each other, startled by all they had just finished saying.          11603038

      A)  astonished                    B)        preached         

C)  destroyed                     D)        pleased  

39.   She was as golden and slender as his daughter.

      A)  innocent                       B)        punctual           11603039

C)  slim                              D)        childish

40.   Men leaped out of it, shouting.       11603040

      A)  jumped                         B)        peeped            

C)  mocked                        D)        hissed

41.   They found a flimsy rocket frame rusting in an empty shop.                                                          11603041

      A)  Modern                       

B)  unfinished

C)  fragile                         

D)  gigantic

42.   They found a flimsy rocket frame rusting in an empty shop.                                                          11603042

      A)  working                       B)        inclining

C)  steaming                      D)        decaying

43.   The captain established headquarters in an abandoned bar.                                                            11603043

      A)  frustrated                     B)        evacuated        

C)  destroyed                     D)        flourishing  

44.   They hadn’t the foggiest notion of what happened to this town or its people.

      A)  slightest                        B)        clearest            11603044

C)  oldest                          D)        oddest 

45.   They hadn't the foggiest notion of what happened to this town or its people.

      A)  idea                              B)        surprise            11603045

C)  craze                           D)        research

46.   They look surprisingly peaceful.    11603046

      A)  beautifully                   B)        astonishingly   

C)  romantically     D)        powerfully

47.   Chances are a plague did this town in, sir.

      A)  disease                         B)        disturbance 11603047     

C)  disaster                        D)        devil   

48.   I suppose this is one of those mysteries we'll never solve.                                                              11603048

      A)  findings                       B)        symphonies     

C)  challenges                    D)        puzzles

49.   Chances are a plague did this town in, sir.

      A)  explored                                                                       11603049

      B)  populated this town     

C)  sustained this town                  

D)  destroyed this town

II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.      The man felt his hair flutter and the tissues of his body draw tight as if he were  11603050

      A)  sick                                                     

      B)  happy  

      C)  feeling sad                                          

D)  standing at the center of a vacuum

2.      At any moment the Martian air might                    

      A)  bring relief                                                       11603051

B)  draw his soul from him

      C)  kill him                       

D)  become pleasant


3.      What did they see in Martian hills? 11603052

      A)  the old cities                

      B)  flower beds     

C)  stream of fresh water   

D)  deep valley

4.      What did they do after building a cottage?

      A)  decorated it                                                      11603053

B)  furnished it

      C)  ate good breakfasts

D)  arranged a feast

5.      What was the news Laura told her parents?

      A)  the war on Earth                                               11603054

B)  the death of the people

      C)  the arrival of a rocket                          

D)  the fall of a rocket

6.      Which one of the cities was attacked?                                                                                   

      A)  Texas                                       B)        Virginia          

C)  New York                                D)        New Jersey

7.      How did they feel on Mars after the attack on Earth?                                                                           11603056

      A)  drenched                                  B)        stranded          

C)  secluded                                   D)        surrendered

8.      What were the men doing in town on the shadowy step of the grocery store?

      A) quarreling 11603057

B)  conversing with great leisure and ease

      C)  playing                        

D)  buying the grocery

9.      How many dollars did he offer to sell the metal for?                                                                            11603058

      A)  two hundred                 B)        three hundred

C)  four hundred                D)        five hundred

10.  In which season did Mr. Bittering stand very golden-eyed?                                                                 11603059

      A)  winter                                      B)        summer           

C)  autumn                                     D)        spring

11.  Harry bought metal from Sam for_____ hundred dollars.                    11603060

      A)  300                                                      B)        400                 

C)  500                                                      D)        600

12.  What was the original color of Harry's eyes?                                                                  11603061

      A)  black                                        B)        brown             

C)  red                                                       D)        blue

13.  Sam said that if Harry worked alone he would be able to build a rocket in about   

      A)  five years                    B)        fifteen years   11603062

C)  twenty years    D)        thirty years

14.  What lay with Mr. and Mrs. Bittering as a third unbidden partner?                                     11603063

      A)  happiness                                 B)        fear                 

C)  dreams                                     D)        children

15.  According to Mr. Bittering, all dead cities have some kind of _____ in them.        11603064

      A)  dead bodies                  B)        ruins   

C)  ghosts                                      D)        aliens

16.  Who proposes to buy tickets for Earth?

      A)  Children                                   B)        Cora     11603065

C)  Harry                                       D)        Sam

17.  According to Harry, how many Earth people were there on Mars?                                     11603066

      A)  seven hundred             B)        eight hundred

      C)  nine hundred                D)        a thousand

18.  Harry looked with dismay at ____  11603067

      A)  Martian hills                B)        old cities

C)  his house                                 D)        his wife

19.  Who broke the news of war on Earth?       

      A)  Cora                                         B)        Laura   11603068

C)  Bittering                                   D)        the rocket men

20.  The climate they faced on Mars was _____.                                                                                                     11603069

      A)  familiar                                    B)        friendly           

C)  unfriendly                                D)        mild

21.  After how many years did men come to rescue Earth people on Mars?                   11603070

      A)  three years                               B)        four years

C)  five years                                 D)        six years

22.  Where did the captain establish his headquarters?                                                              11603071

      A)  in the metal shop

B)  in an abandoned bar

C)  in the Earth settlement

D)  in the marble ruins

23.  The captain thought that _____ had killed the Earth people on Mars.                                 11603072

A)  a plague                                  

B)  Martians

C)  hostile climate             

D)  natural disasters

24.  Harry felt submerged in a chemical that could _____ and burn away his past.

      A)  fill him with horror                                          11603073

B)  dissolve his intellect

C)  wash him in a mountain stream

D)  make him golden and slender


Q.1                  Why did Harry want to go back to Earth?                                                                                                                                                             11603074

Q.2                  Why did Harry want to stay?                                                                                                                                                                                        11603075

Q.3                  What climate did they face?                                                                                                                                                                                         11603076

Q.4      What was the condition of the Bittering family on hearing the news of the war on Earth?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11603077

Q.5                  What did they want to grow?                                                                                                                                                                                        11603078

Q.6                  What was the condition of their house?                                                                                                                                                            11603079

Q.7                  What was the advice Harry gave to the people?                                                                                                                                   11603080

Q.8      How dangerous can a Martian virus be?                                                                                                                                                                                   11603081

Q.9                  What kind of people did the rescue party come across?                                                                                                                        11603082

Q.10    What was the rescue party’s presumption about the missing Earth people?                                                                  11603083

Q.11    What was the captain's conclusion about the missing Earth people?                                                                 11603084

Q.12    What was summer like on Mars?                                                                                                                                                                                  11603085

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603086

he picked up the luggage in his cold hands here we go he said a man standing on the edge of a sea ready to wade in and be drowned

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603087

I feel like a salt crystal he said in a mountain stream being washed away we don't belong here were earth people this is marred it was meant for Martians for heaven's sake Cora lets buy tickets for home

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603088

mother father the war earth she sobbed a radio flash just came atom bombs hit new york all the space rockets blown up no more rockets to mars ever

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603089

what are you doing you fools he thought sitting here you ve heard the news we're stranded on this planet well move aren't you frightened arent you afraid what are you going to do

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603090

bittering wanted to cry you ve got to work with me if we stay here we'll all change the air don't you smell it something in the air a martian virus may be some seed or pollen listen to me.

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603091

I worked in a shop once when I was twenty I know metal once I get it started the others will help he said not looking at her laying out the blueprints

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603092

We'll go back to town maybe next year or the year after or the year after that he said calmly now I m warm how about taking a swim

8)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11603093

the towns empty but we found native life in the hills sir dark people yellow eyes Martians very friendly we talked a bit not much they learn English fast I m sure our relations will be most friendly with them sir 

                                 Lesson # 04

Multiple Choice Questions


I.          Choose the correct synonym.


1.   A boy ran up behind her and tried to snatch her purse.                                                                         11604001

      A)  grab                             B)        drab                

C)  slap                              D)        sling

2.   She still held him tightly.                           11604002

      A)  brightly                        B)        firmly              

C)  slightly                         D)        lightly

3.   She didn't release him.                                           11604003

      A)  frustrate                       B)        moderate         

C)  free                                         D)        subjugate

4.   "Was I bothering you, when I turned that corner?”                                                                         11604004

      A)  beating                         B)        cheating          

C)  meeting                        D)        disturbing

5.   Sweat popped out on the boy's face and he began to struggle.                                                             11604005

      A)  appeared                     

B)  cropped out

      C)  triggered                     

D)  vanished

6.   Mrs. Jones stopped, jerked him around in front of her.                                                                   11604006

      A)  crooked                       B)        shook              

C)  dragged                        D)        watched

7.   The water dripping from his face, the boy looked at her.                                                                11604007

      A)  appearing                     B)        drawing           

C)  trickling                       D)        raising

8.   He could make a dash for it down the hall.

      A)  push                             B)        pull                              11604008

C)  gush                             D)        rush

9.   Then he frowned not knowing he frowned.

      A)  scowled                       B)        giggled                 11604009

C)  poured                         D)        assured

10. You might run that comb through your hair so you will look presentable.             11604010

      A)  slim                             

      B)  clean and well dressed

C)  quick                          

D)  sharp

11. The woman didn't ask the boy anything that would embarrass him.                                                11604011

      A)  console                                    B)        investigate                   

C)  disconcert                                D)        intimidate        

12. And next time do not make the mistake of latching onto my pocketbook. 11604012

      A)  worrying about             B)        searching for   

C)  snatching                                 D)        glaring at  

13. Shoes got by devilish ways will burn your feet.                                                                                         11604013

      A)  decent                                     B)        risky                           

C)  evil                                          D)        fair

14. She carried the purse slung across her shoulder.                                                                             11604014

      A)  hung down                               B)        pulled             

C)  put                                                       D)        pushed

15. She shook him until his teeth rattled. 

      A)  chattered                                  B)        moved 11604015

C)  shone                                       D)        broke

16. Firmly gripped by his shirt front.   11604016

      A)  weakly                                     B)        fearfully          

C)  tightly                                      D)        boldly

17. Firmly gripped by his shirt front.   11604017

      A)  shaken                                     B)        caught             

C)  loosened                                  D)        seen

18. That is not going to last a while.     

A)  continue                                   B)        finalize 11604018

C)  refresh                                     D)        discontinue

19. If you think that contact is not going to last a while…                                                                           11604019

      A)  occasionally                B)        for hours         

C)  for some time               D)        for days

20. She dragged the boy inside.


      A)  beat                                          B)        left                  

C)  pulled                                      D)        deserted    

21. Whereupon she turned him loose.  11604021

      A)  at once                                     B)        before this       

C)  after a long time           D)        after that

22. The woman was sitting on the daybed.

A)  sofa                                         B)        cushion 11604022

C)  cot                                                       D)        easy chair

23. There was another long pause.                   11604023

      A)  pull                                          B)        discussion                     

C)  break                                        D)        talk

24. Behind the screen there was a gas plate.    

      A)  gas lamp                                  B)        oven     11604024

C)  lantern                                     D)        stove

25. …as he turned at the foot of the  barren stoop.                                                                                     11604025

      A)  empty doorway            B)        empty hall       

C)  lonely platform             D)  deserted lane



II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.   What was the woman carrying?      11604026

      A)  a rod                                        B)        a bag   

C)  a hammer                                 D)        a larger purse

2.   From where she was coming?                    11604027

      A)  hotel                                        B)        beauty shop     

C)  office                                       D)        college

3.   What happened to her?                                          11604028

      A)  A boy made a request for help.

B)  A boy tried to help her.

      C)  A boy begged for ten dollars.

D)  A boy tried to snatch her purse.

4.   The boy washed his face in the direction of _____.                                                                                         11604029

      A)  a police officer             B)        his father

      C)  the woman                               D)        his uncle

5.   The boy was in his _____.                         11604030

      A)  teens                                        B)        twenties          

C)  jeans                                        D)         thirties

6.   What was the name of the woman?

      A)  Luella                                                                          11604031

      B)  Bates

      C)  Washington Jones                               

D)  Luella Bates Washington Jones

7.   The boy was dragged into a_____. 11604032

      A)  living room                 

B)  kitchenette-furnished room

      C)  hall                                         

D)  dining room

8.   What did she suggest to the boy, to look presentable?                                                                    11604033

      A)  to wash his face                                  

B)  to dress properly

      C)  to polish his shoes                                           

D)  to comb his hair

9.   The woman cooked the food and asked the boy _____.                              (Board 2007)            11604034

      A)  to serve                                    B)        to help  

C)  to set the table              D)        to eat

10. What did the boy want to say to the woman?

      A)  Goodbye                                                                      11604035

      B)  Thankful to you

      C)  Thank you M'am         

D)  Something other than, "Thank you  


11. What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the woman’s purse?                                 11604036

      A)  11:00 p.m.                               B)        10:00 p.m.

C)  09:00 p.m.                               D)        08:00 p.m.      

12. The woman caught the boy by his _____. 


      A)  neck                                         B)        shirt front        

C)  wrist                                         D)        arm

13. How many dollars did the woman give the boy?                                                                                  11604038

      A)  ten                                            B)        fifteen             

C)  twenty                                     D)        thirty

14. What did the woman cook to eat?  11604039

      A)  mashed potatoes         

B)  boiled rice and pulse

      C)  lima beans and beef                            

D)  chops and steaks

15. What kind of shoes did the boy want?


      A)  suede                                       B)        leather            

C)  tennis                                       D)        canvas

16. The woman wanted to teach the boy _____.

      A)  tidiness                                                                                 11604041

B)  something to earn money

      C)  right from wrong

D)  dancing

17. What did the boy ask the woman to do?    

      A)  give him suede shoes                               11604042

B)  hand him to police

      C)  turn him loose                                     

D)  help him

18. The boy could hear the other roomers _____.

      A)  laughing and talking                             11604043

B)  singing and dancing

      C)  chatting noisily                       

D)  sitting and ogling

19. What did the woman look like?      11604044

      A)  large                                         B)        bony and slender

C)  short and bulky             D)        pleasant

20. What was the boy wearing?                        11604045

      A)  suede shoes

B)  blue jeans and suede shoes

C)  tennis shoes    

D)  blue jeans and tennis shoes

21. Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?                                                                               11604046

      A)  to eat his dinner          

B)  to appear in a court

      C)  to beg her pardon                    

D)  to look presentable

22. The woman lived in a _____.                     11604047

      A)  a small apartment

B)  a small rooming house

C)  a large rooming house 

D)  a hostel

23. The boy tried to snatch the woman’s purse because he wanted to _____.               11604048

      A)  buy something to eat

B)  buy a pair of suede shoes

C)  be a criminal

D)  rob the woman

24. What did the woman have in her heart for the boy?                                                                              11604049

      A)  cruelty                                     B)        kindness         

C)  ill will                                      D)        conspiracy

25. Who was at the house of the boy?  11604050

      A)  father                                       B)        mother            

C)  brother                                     D)        nobody


Q.1                  What was the time when the boy tried to snatch the purse of the woman?                                            11604051

Q.2                  What happened to the boy when he tried to snatch the purse?                                                                          11604052

Q.3                  What was the reaction of the woman?                                                                                                                                                  11604053


How did the woman react when a boy tried to snatch her purse?         

Q.4                  What was the conduct of the people who saw the incident?                                                                              11604054

Q.5                  How did the boy look physically?                                                                                                                                                                    11604055

Q.6                  What was the condition of the boy when the woman gave him a few jerks?                             11604056

Q.7                  Why did the woman ask the boy to wash his face?                                                                                                                   11604057

Q.8                  Why didn't the boy run from the house of the woman?                                                                                                 11604058

Q.9                  Why didn't the woman watch the boy while preparing a dish?                                                                          11604059

Q.10    What was the nature of the woman's job?                                                                                                                                             11604060


Q.11    What change did the woman's conduct bring in the boy?                                                                                              11604061

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11604062

lady i am sorry whispered the boy um hum your face is dirty i got a great mind to wash your face for you are not you got nobody home to tell you to wash your face

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11604063

but you put yourself in contact with me said the woman if you think that that contact is not going to last awhile you got another thought coming when i get through with you sir you are going to remember Mrs luella bates Washington jones.

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11604064

then roger you go to that sink and wash your face said the woman whereupon she turned him loose at last roger looked at the door and went to the sink

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11604065

not with that face i would not take you nowhere said the woman here i am trying to get home to cook me a bite to eat and you snatch my pocketbook may be you are not been to your supper either late as it behave you

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11604066

then we will eat said the woman i believe you are hungry or been hungry to try to snatch my pocketbook

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11604067

well you did not need to snatch my pocketbook to get some suede shoes said mrs luella bates Washington joneses you could have asked me

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11604068

do not believe i do say the woman unless you just want sweet milk yourself i was going to make cocoa out of this canned milk I got here

8)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11604069

                        let the water run until it gets warm she said here is a clean towel

                                Lesson # 05

Multiple Choice Questions


I.         Choose the correct synonym.


1.      At the end of market day, people came with gigs.                                                                                 11605001

      A)  maids                           B)        two-horse carts

C)  trucks                           D)        one-horse carts

2.      All the people gathered at a big hall.

      A)  stopped                         B)        looked             11605002

C)  slept                            D)        assembled

3.      All the people brought their vehicles.

      A)  cycles                          B)        motor-bikes 11605003

C)  dumpcarts                   D)        carriages

4.      There was an appetizing odour of roast beef.                                                                                      11605004

      A)  inviting                        B)        repulsive         

C)  bland                           D)        nauseating

5.      There was an appetizing odour of roast beef.

      A)  demand                        B)        colour              11605005

C)  gravy                           D)        smell

6.      The odour of the meal increased the appetite of the people.                                       11605006

      A)  profit                           B)        expense          

C)  repulsion                      D)        hunger

7.      Leaf and gravy dripping over the browned skin made everybody's mouth water. 11605007

A)  absorbing                     B)        baking             

C)  cooking                        D)        trickling

8.      The weather was favourable for the green things.                                                                                11605008

      A)  helpful                         B)        critical             

C)  unhelpful                     D)        hostile

9.      After the drum beat had ceased, the drumbeater called out to the people.              

A)  stopped                        B)        started              11605009

C)  resumed                       D)        lowered

10.   The drumbeater called out to the people.  

      A)  appreciated      B)        addressed         11605010

C)  abused                         D)        ordered           

11.   "It is hereby made known to the inhabitants of this place that ...                                                  11605011

A)  dealers                         B)        visitors            

C)  shopkeepers     D)        residents

12.   Mr. Hubert looked at the mayor, astounded. A)     overjoyed                    B)        disappointed   

C)  exasperated      D)        stunned               11605012

13.   The Mayor was a stout, serious man.

      A)  ugly                             B)        handsome   11605013

C)  sturdy                          D)        thin

14.   Mr. Hubert was terrified by the suspicion resting on him.                                                  11605014

      A)  curiosity                       B)        trust                

C)  doubt                           D)        responsibility

15.   Mr. Hubert, the old man, remembered, understood and flushed with anger.

A)  spat                              B)        disturbed          11605015

C)  flustered                      D)        reddened

16.   Manana was a man of worthy credence.   

      A)  dishonesty                    B)        doubt               11605016

C)  mistrust                        D)        trust

17.   Manana mistook the cord.                         11605017

      A)  mismanaged     B)        misheard         

C)  trusted                          D)        misjudged

18.   Manana mistook the cord.                         11605018

      A)  pocket knife     B)        duty                

C)  card                              D)        string

19.   Mr. Hubert was a peasant.                         11605019

      A)  master                         B)        farmer             

C)  barber                          D)        caretaker

20.   Mr. Hubert furiously lifted his hand.

      A)  angrily                         B)        pleasantly         11605020

C)  foolishly                      D)        tactfully

21.   He spat to attest his honour.                      11605021

      A)  devalue                        B)        blemish           

C)  affirm                          D)        reject

22.   He talked in exasperating tone.     11605022

(Board 2010)   

      A)  melodious                    B)        agreeable                    

C)  pleasing                       D)        annoying

23.   I repeat it on my soul and my salvation.   

      A)  slavery                         B)        curse                11605023

C)  redemption       D)        damnation

24.   Hubert was choked with anger.      11605024

      A)  pleased                         B)        stuffed            

C)  stifled                          D)        senseless

25.   He was choked with indignation. 11605025

      A)  blame                           B)        incredulity                   

C)  honour                         D)        anger

26.   He gave his presentation to his friends.   


      A)  justification      B)        indignation

C)  salvation                      D)        soul                 

27.   People called Mr. Hubert 'old rascal'.       


      A)  peasant                                     B)        leader              

C)  rogue                                       D)        master

28.   Hubert told everyone about his adventure.

      A)  expedition                                B)        findings  11605028

C)  theft                                         D)        wrath              

29.   Hubert met with incredulity.                    

                                                                        (Board 2010)            11605029

      A)  distrust                                     B)        trust                

C)  fame                                        D)        punishment

30.   He returned the pocket-book with all its contents.                                                                         11605030

      A)  curses                                       B)        fame               

C)  respect                                     D)        articles

31.   Hubert felt shame to his self-esteem. 11605031

A)  suspicion                                 B)        self-satisfaction

C)  guilt                                         D)        self-respect       

32.   Finally, Mr. Hubert was in triumph. 11605032

      A)  defeat                                      B)        victory            

C)  guilt                                         D)        disbelief

33.   Hubert consumed his heart.                      11605033

      A)  solaced his heart          B)        became ill

      C)  protested angrily          D)        softened

34.   …who had been on a campaign.    11605034

      A)  boycott                             B)  playground        

C)  military exercise  D) military expedition

35.   He continued claiming his innocence in the delirium of his death struggles.          11605035

      A)  delight                                      B)        feverishness    

C)  anger                                        D)        splendour

36.   Hubert reiterated his innocence.   11605036

      A)  repeated                       B)        rejected           

C)  discarded                     D)        blamed

37.   A flood in its wrath carried away the people.                                                                                11605037

      A)  anger                            B)        delight            

C)  innocence                    D)        success

38.   Hubert's grave withstood the havocs of flood.                                                                                     11605038

      A)  endured                       B)        stood by                      

C)  fell victim to    D)        took in

39.   Hubert's grave withstood the havocs of flood.                                                                                      11605039

      A)  sustenance       B)        destruction      

C)  cause                           D)        proof

40.   There was no use in Hubert's protesting.  

      A)  innocence                    B)        presenting        11605040

C)  reiterating                    D)        complaining

41.   People questioned him with serious curiosity.                                                                               11605041

      A)  incredulity                   B)        fury     

C)  demand                        D)        interest

42.   He gave the book to his employer. 11605042

A)  uncle                            B)        teacher            

C)  father                           D)        master

43.   It was engraved on his tombstone, years after his death.                                          11605043

      A)  written                         B)        typed              

C)  inscribed                      D)        signed



II.        Choose the correct answer.


1.   The rich people gathered at the big hall _____.                                                                                    11605044

      A)  to watch a show          

      B)  for a discussion

      C)  to hear a lecture           

      D)  for a great meal

2.   What was the public statement made by the drumbeater?                                                               11605045

A)  loss of a black leather pocketbook

      containing money and business papers

      B)  open invitation for dinner

      C)  to enjoy a concert

      D)  sale of a building

3.   The police officer asked Hubert to accompany him to_____.                                                                                        11605046

      A)  the police station 

      B) the mayor's office

      C)  the court                           

      D) the airport

4.   "By my word of honour I never heard of it" means _____.                                                             11605047

      A)  that he never saw it                 

      B)  that he saw it

      C)  he never heard of it

      D)  being an honourable man he did not pick

up the lost pocketbook

5.   What did Hubert say in the most exasperating tone?                                                          11605048

      A)  he never stole the pocket-book

      B)  he picked up a piece of string

C)  it is nevertheless, truth of the good God, the sacred truth                                 

D)  "O him! Yes! He saw me pick up this string here"

6.   On the recovery of the lost pocket-book, Hubert felt _____.                                               11605049

      A)  disgusted                                 

      B)  triumphant      

C)  indifferent                              

D)  concerned

7.   "But he only met with incredulity" means that _____.                                                                          11605050

      A)  nobody believed him                           

B)  everyone laughed at him

      C)  only his friends trusted his innocence 

D)  he could not prove his innocence

8.   What did the people say behind his back? 

      A)  those are lying excuses                        11605051

B)  he is innocent    

C)  he is unreliable            

D)  a man of loose character

9.   What did Hubert feel on being accused of picking up the lost pocketbook?           11605052

      A)  extreme loneliness

B)  shame and disgrace to his self-esteem and character

      C)  utter helplessness        

D)  incredulity

10. What were the last words of Hubert?


A)  "A piece of string! A piece of string! By my word of honour I did not lie

      B)  By my word of honour I did not lie

      C)  I handed over the pocket-book to its     owner                                                                         

      D)  I picked up a pocket-book

11. What were the contents of the lost pocketbook?                                                                11605054

A)  five hundred gold coins and business papers   

B)  twenty shillings and some business papers

C)  five hundred shillings and some business papers                                                         

D)  five hundred and twenty shillings

12. What is the moral of the story 'The Piece of String'?                                                                                         11605055

      A)  Pride hath a fall.                      

B)  Tit for tat.

      C)  Time heals all wounds 

D)  Truth triumphs

13. Where did people gather at the end of market day?                                                            11605056

      A)  at bus station               

B)  at marketplace

      C)  the village compound 

D)  at a great hall

14. How much money was there in the pocket book?                                                   (Board 2010)        11605057

      A)  500 shillings     B)        400 shillings    

C)  300 shillings     D)        200 shillings

15. What was the reward for returning the lost pocket-book?                                                               11605058

      A)  10 shillings                   B)        20 shillings      

C)  30 shillings                   D)        40 shillings

16. Who was the caretaker of the public hall? 


      A)  Mr. George      B)        Mr. Jones   

C)  Mr. Manana     D)        Mr. James

17. People made fun of Hubert's innocence to _____.                                                                                11605060

      A)  exasperate him 

B)  amuse themselves

      C)  support Mr. Manana

D)  warn others

18. Who returned the pocketbook to its owner?

      A)  James                           B)        George             11605061

C)  Manana                        D)        Hubert

19. Who believed Hubert's statement    11605062

      A)  his friends                   

B)  the police chief

C)  the Mayor                   

D)  nobody           

20. What did Mr. Hubert do to attest his honour?

      A)  showed a piece of string                       11605063

B)  knelt and sought justice from God

      C)  abused Mr. Manana    

D)  furiously lifted his hand spat at one side

21. What proved Mr. Hubert’s innocence?                 

      A)  his death                                                                      11605064

      B)  his illness        

C)  a flood                                    

D)  nothing

22. What made Hubert shameful?                    11605065

      A)  being called a liar        

B)  his illness        

C) the story of a string

D)  havocs of the flood

23. Who was Mr. Manana?                                          11605066

      A)  the public prosecutor

B)  a peasant                                 

C)  a shopkeeper

D)  a harness man

24. Who came on the scene after the meal?     

      A)  the police chief                                                11605067

      B)  Mr. James       

      C)  Mr. Manana                

      D)  the Mayor



25. What kind of man was the Mayor? 11605068

      A)  dutiful and considerate    

B)  innocent and trusting   

C)  stout and serious         

D)  lean and lanky

26. Who was the owner of the lost pocketbook?

      A)  the Mayor                                                                    11605069

B)  Mr. James       

C)  the public prosecutor  

D)  Mr. George

27. What had Hubert picked up from the road?

      A)  nothing                                                                         11605070

      B)  20 shillings

C)  the lost pocketbook  

D)  a piece of string

28. What withstood the havoc of flood?


      A)  the people and their belongings

B)  the public hall                                                 

C)  the entire village          

D)  Hubert's grave

29. Who is the author of “The Piece of String”?

      A)  Langston Hughes                                             11605072

B)  Guy De Maupassant

C)  Jerome K. Jerome

D)  William Carlos Williams



Questions from Textbook


Q.1      Why did Manana accuse Hubert of picking the lost pocket-book?                                                                 11605073

Q.2      What did the people think of Mr. Hubert when they heard of the return of the pocket-book by some other person?                                                                                                                                                                                                 11605074

Q.3                  Why did George give the pocket-book to his employer?                                                                                          11605075

Q.4                  What made Mr. Hubert shameful?                                                                                                                                                               11605076

Q.5                  How did the people make fun of Hubert’s innocence?                                                                                                         11605077

Q.6                  Why did Hubert keep claiming his innocence before his death?                                                                  11605078

Additional Questions


Q.7                  What was engraved on the grave of Mr. Hubert?                                                                                                                11605079

Q.8                  Draw a short character sketch of Mr. Hubert.                                                                                                                                 11605080

Q.9                  What effect did the feelings of shame and disgrace have on Mr. Hubert?                                      11605081

Q.10    Why did the Mayor not believe Mr. Hubert?                                                                                                                                   11605082

Q.11    What was the mentality of the people who did not believe Hubert?                                                            11605083

Q.12    What warning did the Mayor give to Mr. Hubert?                                                                                                              11605084

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605085

i was seen with the pocketbook who saw me mr manana the harness man saw you pick up the pocketbook

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605086

o him yes he saw me pick up this string here and as he said so he drew out the little piece of string from his pocket

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605087

but the mayor shook his head and said you will not make me believe that mr manana who is a man of worthy credence mistook the cord for a pocket book

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605088

mr hubert the peasant furiously lifted his hand spat at one side to attest his honour and said in most exasperating tone it is nevertheless truth of the good god the sacred truth i repeat it

on my soul and my salvation

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605089

mr hubert went along stopping his friends giving them his statement and presentation turning his pocket inside out to prove that he had nothing all they said was you old rascal get out of here

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605090

it was engraved on his tombstone years after his death here lies a man who told nothing but truth here lies a man who would not prove his innocence but the flood proved it

7)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605091

why me me me picked up the pocketbook yes you yourself by my word of honor i never heard of it

8)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11605091

whatever reasons he gave people were not willing to believe those are lying excuses they said behind his back


                            Lesson # 06

Multiple Choice Questions


I.          Choose the correct synonym.


1.      Our talk at the club was of opportunity and determination.                                     (Board 2007)            11606001

      A)  hard work                    B)        chance   

C)  test                                           D)        interest

2.      Our talk at the club was of opportunity and determination.                                                             11606002

      A)  honesty                         B)        diligence                     

C)  resolution                     D)        clarity


3.      …so long as he sticks to it.                         11606003

      A)  adheres to                    B)        remembers

C)  abandons                     D)        tests

4.      His parents probably used to say the very things that we have been saying now.

A)  occasionally     B)        perhaps            11606004

C)  always                         D)        seldom

5.      But, whatever his motive was, he hit on a most extraordinary ambition.                 11606005

      A)  strategy                        B)        plan                

C)  business                       D)        purpose

6.      But, whatever his motive was, he hit on a most extraordinary ambition.                 11606006

      A)  usual                            B)        unusual           

C)  common                      D)        expensive

7.      He hit on a most extraordinary ambition.   

      A)  came by                       B)        rejected            11606007

C)  stuck to                        D)        advocated

8.      It was nothing less than to be appointed court acrobat.                                                                   11606008

      A)  clown                                      

B)  prime courtier

C)  gymnast entertainer     

D)  circus employee

9.      And as a matter of fact its customs weren't so silly as you suppose.                                   11606009

      A)  habits                           B)        legislations      

C)  functions                     D)        traditions

10.   He told them how the glory of their country would be increased.                                       11606010

      A)  greatness          B)        army               

C)  masses                         D)        value

11.   The glory of their country and its ancient throne would be increased.                     11606011

      A)  scene                            B)        royal seat                    

C)  legislature                    D)        power

12.   He wore down opposing arguments.

      A)  accepted                      B)        overcame         11606012

C)  explained                     D)        presented

13.   He wore down opposing arguments.

      A)  conflicting                   B)        cogent             11606013

C)  friendly                        D)        political

14.   He wore down opposing arguments.

      A)  appeals                         B)        calls                 11606014

C)  arrangements   D)        objections

15.   He had power enough to preach his ambition openly.                                                        11606015

      A)  anonymity                  B)        frailty              

C)  influence                     D)        motivation

16.   He had power enough to preach his ambition openly.                                                         11606016

      A)  advocate                       B)        confound                    

C)  follow                          D)        conceal

17.   …a young athlete at Court, exhibiting perfect physical fitness …                           11606017

A)  quitting                        B)        acquiring                     

C)  demanding                   D)        displaying

18.   How such an example would strengthen their soldiers.                                                                   11606018

      A)  lower                           B)        diminish                      

C)  entrust                         D)        reinforce

19.   …and enable them finally to win the just rights of the nation.                                            11606019

      A)  local                             B)        recent              

C)  fair                                           D)        royal

20.   …and enable them finally to win the just rights of the nation in victorious battle.  

      A)  successful                    B)        horrible            11606020

C)  furious                         D)        abortive  

21.   …and enable them finally to win the just rights of the nation in victorious battle against their accursed neighbours.              11606021

      A)  damned                        B)        greedy             

C)  mean                            D)        brave

22.   He had only to stick for a few more days to that wild idea of his.                                       11606022

      A)  cruel                            B)        great                

C)  common                       D)        unusual

23.   It only remained then to inaugurate him.   

      A)  announce                     B)        promote           11606023

C)  induct                          D)        nominate

24.   The post of court acrobat was duly created.  

      A)  initially                        B)        timely              11606024

C)  lately                            D)        properly

25.   They let me see the great ceremony.

      A)  battle                            B)        custom            11606025

C)  trial                              D)        function

26.   And very magnificent clothing it was.

      A)  splendid                        B)       expensive          11606026

C)  tight-fitting                   D)       rare

27.   A tight-fitting suit of red velvet, all gay with gold buttons.                                                                   11606027

      A)  colourful                      B)        bright              

C)  red                                           D)        yellow

28.   …. shining with lines of gold lace that wound and twisted about it.                        11606028

      A)  latched                         B)        stitched           

C)  curled                          D)        sound

29.   The great throne room was turned into a kind of gymnasium.                                             11606029

      A)  exercise hall    

B)  dining hall       

C)  shopping hall  

D)  trial room

30.   A raised platform at one end.                     11606030

      A)  roof                              B)        wall                 

C)  stage                            D)        chair

31.   Great curtains of red and gold were hung along the walls.                                                  11606031

      A)  decorated                     B)        placed             

C)  lifted                            D)        suspended

32.   The high swings of acrobats hung down with gilded ropes from the ceilings.                     11606032

      A)  decorated                     B)        hard                

C)  golden                          D)        thin

33.   Lights glittered, a band in pale green played softly.                                                                                          11606033

      A)  glimmered                    B)        drooped             

C)  dimmed                       D)        darkened

34.   A band in pale green and gold played softly.                                                                                                    11606034

      A)  natural                          B)        bright              

C)  yellow                         D)        dull

35.   It was indeed a splendid scene.      11606035

      A)  magnificent      B)        worthy            

C)  gloomy                        D)        precious

36.   Everything there was utterly put in the shade.                                                                                     11606036

      A)  incidentally      B)        completely      

      C)  abruptly                       D)        partiality

37.   Everything there was utterly put in the shade.                                                                                     11606037

      A)  focused                        B)        highlighted                  

      C)  concealed                    D)        outshone

38.   The old man appeared for the crowning of his life's work.                                                                                 11606038

      A)  rejection                       B)        listening          

C)  rewarding                     D)        understanding

39.   His thin figure was made all the more melancholy by the tight-fitting uniform.     

      A)  sad                                B)       uncanny            11606039

C)  wonderful                     D)       beautiful

40.   As though tired by his long patience and the work of a lifetime…                                      11606040

      A)  transition                      B)        expedition       

C)  tolerance                      D)        experience

41.   He walked slowly and leaned on a gilded stick.                                                                                    11606041

      A)  pointed                        B)        stumbled

      C)  bent                             D)        climbed

42.   And Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh, so clearly mourning over some lost ambition.    


      A)  lamenting                     B)        remembering

C)  questioning      D)        answering

43.   Royal smiles were directed towards him, and gentle applause broke out from every hand.                                           (Board 2010)                    11606043

      A)  abuse                           B)        clapping          

C)  appreciation     D)        noise

44.   He looked up for a moment with a slightly sad expression.                                                             11606044

      A)  very                             B)        great               

C)  sheer                            D)        a little

45.   Gentle applause broke out from every hand.                                                                                                     11606045

      A)  smashed                       B)        lauded            

C)  started                         D)        received

46.   And so having made his bows, he was led to a seat.                                                                                         11606046

      A)  mind                            B)        heart               

C)  service                         D)        compliments

47.   And Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh.     11606047

      A)  stopped                        B)        heaved            

C)  retained                        D)        resisted

48.   And Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh.    11606048

      A)  word                            B)        noise               

C)  lamentation      D)        exclamation


II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.      Jorkens said that a man who wanted to succeed had to be _____.                           11606049

      A)  an athlete                     B)        a determined person  

      C)  a lucky man     D) a hardworking person

2.      The man who keeps on wins____. 11606050

      A)  the reward                                B)        the race           

C)  the shield                                 D)        the trophy

3.      He'd be skating champion if he really gave  _____.                                                                                          11606051

      A)  some money                 B)        his passion      

C)  all his time to it            D)        his energies

4.      He hit on a most extraordinary ambition, to be appointed_____.                                        11606052

      A)  an inspector                  B)        a magistrate     

C)  a clerk                                      D)        a Court acrobat

5.      At the age of sixteen he won the _____.    

      A)  high jump                                                                    11606053

B)  the hurdles

      C)  the hundred yards race            

D)  high jump, the hurdles and the hundred yards                                                             

6.      Gorgios probably wanted to _____. 11606054

      A)  make his country powerful                  

B)  prove his parents wrong

      C)  wear a splendid uniform                      

D)  create a post of Court acrobat

7.      When Gorgios was inaugurated, the people applauded because he _____.             11606055

      A)  had achieved his ambition                               

B)  looked splendid in his uniform

      C)  performed on the hurdles and swings  

D)  defeated his enemies

8.      The great throne-room had been turned into a kind of _____.                                                        11606056

      A)  royal court                               B)        gymnasium     

C)  skating-rink                  D)        race track

9.      Terbut _____.                                                                    11606057

A)  asked Jorkens what his own ambition was

B)  believed Jorkens' story

      C)  disagreed with Jorkens                                    

D)  improved Jorkens' story

10.   Gorgios achieved his ambition by_____.

      A)  building a skating-rink                         11606058

B)  going into politics

      C)  getting an opportunity             

D)  winning the hundred yards

11.   Jorkens believed that _____ was required for success.                                                                    11606059

      A)  financial resources                   B)        opportunity

C)  courage                                                D) determination

12.   Gorgios’ uniform was a tight-fitting suit of _____.                                                                              11606060

      A)  gold velvet                               B)        blue velvet

C)  red velvet                                 D)        green velvet

13.   The subject discussed at the club was_____.

      A)  courage and determination                   11606061

B)  opportunity and determination

C)  politics                        

D)  royal courts

14.   Gorgios’ thin figure was worn by _____.

      A)  age                               B)        fatigue              11606062

C)  hard work                    D)        worries

15.   Gorgios’ thin figure was made all the more _____ by the tight-fitting uniform.     

      A)  robust                          B)        cheerful           11606063

C)  exhausted                    D)        melancholy

16.   Jorkens uttered a quiet sigh, mourning over _____.                                                                                          11606064

      A)  some misadventure                             

B)  some lost ambition

C)  unfulfilled desires

D)  some unsuccessful business

17.   Gorgios achieved his ambition in almost _____.                                                                                  11606065

      A)  forty years                   B)        fifty years       

C)  sixty years                   D)        seventy years

18.   Gorgios      told his people that a young athlete at Court would _____.                 11606066

A)  be appointed soon

B)  fight their wicked neighbours

C)  strengthen their soldiers

D)  intimidate other nations

19.   When Gorgios hit upon the ambition of becoming Court acrobat, he was about ­___.

                (Board 2015)            11606067

A)  16                                            B)        17                   

C)  18                                            D)        19

20.   When Gorgios was appointed Court acrobat, his parents were _____.                                11606068

      A)  happy                          B)        dead

C)  proud                           D)        surprised

21.   Gorgios said that a man would be skating champion of the Sahara if he really _____.       

      A)  made enough money                            11606069

B)  practised hard

C)  gave all his time to it

D)  performed well

22.   When Gorgios came by his ambition, he was _____.                                                                                       11606070

      A)  a member of royal court

B)  new in politics

C)  a young soldier     

D)  a young athlete

23.   It took Gorgios some years to____. 11606071

      A)  preach his ambitions openly                

B)  be a sportsman

      C)  prepare the country for war                 

D)  be an acrobat

24.   As the years went by Gorgios_____. 11606072

      A)  gained popularity                                

B)  lost popularity

      C)  wore down opposition             

D)  faced more opposition

25.   Gorgios looked up for a moment with a slightly _____ expression towards the royal platform.                                                                        11606073

      A)  jubilant                                   

      B)  triumphant

      C)  sad                                                      

      D)  tense


Questions from Textbook

Q.1                  What was the subject discussed at the club in “The Reward”?                                                                                          1606074

Q.2                  What did Terbut think of Jorkens's argument?                                                                                                                                     11606075

Q.3                  How does Jorkens convince that a man can become a skating champion of the Sahara?                      


Q.4                  How did Gorgios persuade his people to make his country strong?                                                                                   11606077

Q.5                  What was the view point of Gorgios’ parents?                                                                                                                                         11606089

Q.6                  What were the arrangements for Gorgios’ inaugural ceremony?                                                                                  11606080


Describe the scene of Gorgios’ inauguration. Write five sentences.                                         

Q.7                  How did Gorgios feel on the eve of his inauguration?                                                                                                              11606081

Q.8                  Did Gorgios use any short-cut to achieve his ambition?                                                                                                                       11606082

Q.9                  For how long did Gorgios struggle to achieve his ambition?                                                                                        11606083

Additional Questions

Q.10    Was there already a post of Court acrobat in the country?                                                                                                        11606078

Q.11    How was the idea of an acrobat accepted?                                                                                                                                                       11606079

Q.12    Why was no actual activity expected of Gorgios?                                                                                                                                11606084

Q.13    What lesson does the story "The Reward" teach?                                                                                                                                 11606085

Q.14     How old was Gorgios when he won the competition at school and when did he achieve his ambition?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11606086

Q.15    How was the post of court acrobat created?                                                                                                                                         11606087

Q.16    What lesson did Gorgios learn very late in his life?                                                                                                                  11606088

Q.17    What was the main objective of Gorgios?                                                                                                                                                        11606090


What was Gorgios’ ambition?                                                                                                                                                       

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11606091

anything jorkens replied so long as he sticks to it and sticks to it hard enough and long enough anything whatever

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11606092

life is like a race jorkens went on in which they tire after a while and sit down or get interested in something else instead the man who keeps on wins the race

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11606093

and suppose a man wanted to be skating champion of the sahara said terbut and could not afford the money to get there

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11606094

hed make the money said jorkens and hed build a skating rink in the sahara and organize a competition there hed be skating champion all right if he really gave all his time to it

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11606095

but wait a moment said jorkens you dont remain an athlete all your life and he still had to get the post created

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11606096

and jorkens uttered a quiet sigh so clearly mourning over some lost ambition that he himself had given up that not even terbut asked him what it was 

                         Lesson # 07

Multiple Choice Questions


I.          Choose the correct synonym.


1.      I was met by the mother, a big startled looking woman.                                                     11607001

      A)  regretful                                   B)        frightened                   

C)  curious                                     D)        good

2.      She was a big, startled looking woman, very clean and apologetic.                                                 11607002

      A)  regretful                                   B)        pious   

C)  bulky                                       D)        active

3.      She merely said, “Is this the doctor?”

      A)  truly                                         B)        nearly  11607003

C)  only                                         D)        utterly

4.      It is very damp here sometimes.     11607004

      A)  sultry                                       B)        moist               

C)  stifling                                    D)        cloudy

5.      I motioned for him not to bother.   11607005

      a)   suggested                                 B)        called              

c)   signalled                                  D)        moved

6.      I motioned for him not to bother.   11607006

      A)  stir                                                       B)        angry              

C)  trouble himself            

D)  accommodate himself

7.      They were eyeing me up and down distrustfully.                                                               11607007

      A)  catching me                  B)        seeing me        

C)  stopping me                 D)        persuading me

8.      They were eyeing me up and down distrustfully.                                                                11607008

      A)  suspiciously                 B)        respectfully     

C)  affectionately             D)        normally

9.      The child was fairly eating me up with her cold, steady eyes.                                                         11607009

      A)  flushed                                    B)        fixed               

C)  slow-moving                D)        unfriendly

10.   The child was fairly eating me up with her cold eyes.                                                                          11607010

      A)  friendly                                    B)        unmindful       

C)  unkind                                    D)        casual

11.   She did not move and seemed, inwardly, quiet.                                                                                    11607011

A)  flushed                                     B)        disturbed

C) speechless                                D)        calm

12.   She was looking as strong as a heifer.                   

      A)  a cow                                       B)        an ox    11607012

C)  a young cow                 D)        a young goat

13.   So we tho't you had better look her over and tell us what is the matter.                               11607013

      A)  thought                                     B)        substance        

C)  ailment                                     D)        consequence

14.   She reduced it to splinters before I could get it out again.                                                               11607014

      A)  ends                                         B)        bits                  

C)  measures                                  D)        molars

15.   She was truly furious.                                            11607015

      A)  sensible                                    B)        defensive                    

C)  angry                                       D)        excited

16.   She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion.                                                                              11607016

      A)  tangled                                    B)        silky                

C)  wavy                                        D)        splendid                      

17.   She had magnificent blonde hair, in profusion.                                                                              11607017

      A)  fashion                                     B)        abundance                  

C)  curls                                         D)        tangles

18.   One of those picture children often reproduced in advertising leaflets.       11607018

      A)  indicated                     

      B)  covered                       

C)  printed                        

D)  mentioned repeatedly

19.   Her face was flushed.                                             11607019

      A)  red                                                       B)        innocent          

C)  lovely                                      D)        angry

20.   One of those picture children often reproduced in leaflets.                                     11607020

      A)  slots                                         B)        billboards

      C)  pictures                                   D)   brochures

21.   I took a trial shot.                                                   11607021

      A)  made a wild guess       

B)  reminded myself         

C)  ignored at first

D)  accepted readily  

22.   “Come on,” I coaxed.                                            11607022

      A)  demanded                                B)        called              

C)  persuaded                                D)        objected

23.   Then the girl shrieked.                               11607023

      A)  spoke                                       B)        screamed                    

C)  hissed                                       D)        blurted  

24.   She shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically.      


      A)  emotionally                  B) continuously

C)  horrifyingly                  D)        inaudibly


25.   She shrieked terrifyingly, hysterically.                  


      A)  uncontrollably              B)        softly  

C)  normally                                  D)        infrequently  

26.   With one catlike movement both her hands clawed instinctively for my eyes.  11607026

A)  coveted                                     B)        attacked                      

C)  resisted                                    D)        yielded

27.   With one catlike movement both her hands clawed instinctively for my eyes. 11607027

A)  slowly                                      B)        consciously       

C)  stealthily                                  D)        impulsively

28.   "If you don't do what the doctor says you'll have to go to the hospital," the mother admonished her severely.                             11607028

A) warned                                     B)        called              

C) persuaded                                D)        shook

29.   "If you don't do what the doctor says you'll have to go to the hospital," the mother admonished her severely.                              11607029

A) quietly                                     B)        inaudibly         

C) harshly                                     D)        gently

30.   Then I grasped the child's head with my left hand.                                                                               11607030

      A)  touched                                    B)        gripped           

C)  moved                                     D)        struck

31.   She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately.                                                                     11607031

      A)  chattered                                  B)        closed             

C)  back                                         D)        opened

32.   She fought, with clenched teeth, desperately.                                                                                                    11607032

      A)  recklessly                                 B)        unfairly                       

C)  verbally                                   D)        instinctively  

33.   I approached the child again.                      11607033

      A)  moved towards             B)        called out        

C)  asked for                                  D)        inquired about

34.   I ground my teeth in disgust.                      11607034

      A)  happiness                                 B)        sadness (Board  2010)

C)  hatred                                      D)        gloom




II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.      Who is the 'I' in “The Use of Force”?                                                                                                                           11607035

            A)        the father                                 B)        the doctor       

C)  the mother                               D)        the sick child

2.      The parents were nervous because _____.

A)  they did ot want to tell the doctor anything                                                                   11607036

            B)        they did not know what to say

C)  they wanted the doctor to tell them everything

            D)        the child did not tell anything _____.

3.      The doctor was impressed by                     11607037

            A)        the beauty of the child             

B)  by the patience of the child

            C)        by the patience of the parents  

D)  by the pictures of the child he had seen in Sunday's paper

4.      The doctor took a 'trial shot of it' means_____.                                                                  11607038

            A)        he made a wild guess to begin with     

B)  he gave her a shot                                           

            C)        he took parents to task             

D)  he examined the girl carefully

5.      The doctor feared that the child might be suffering from diphtheria_____. 11607039

            A)        from the appearance of the child         

B)  the parents told him so

            C)        from the examination of the child        

D)  because there had been such cases in a local school

6.      The child did not respond to the doctor's instructions because _____.                    11607040

            A)        she was afraid of the doctor                             

B)  she was a stubborn child

C)  her parents had tried to open her mouth

D)  she was angry

7.      The doctor ground his teeth in anger because _____.                                                                                       11607041

            A)        the child did not respond                     

B)  the mother told the girl, "He would not hurt you."

C)  the parents did not let him handle the child

            D)        the child had knocked his glasses

8.      The doctor had almost succeeded in opening the mouth of the girl but failed to see because _____.                                                                 11607042

            A)        the child resisted strongly                    

B)  the mother stopped him

            C)        the rough handling hurt the child         

D)  the spoon broke

9.      How did the sick girl react when they held her by the wrists?                     (Board 2010)            11607043

            A)        she moaned                  B)        she wept          

C)  she screamed              D)        she laughed

10.   How many children had the doctor seen lying dead in bed of neglect____. 11607044

            A)        ten children                  B)        two children

C)  one child                                  D)        no child

11.   The sick child had been hiding her sore throat for _____.                                                      11607045

            A)        three days                                B)        one day

C)  seven days                               D)        ten days

12.   How many dollars were they spending on the doctor?                                                                          11607046

            A)        ten dollars                                B)        five dollars      

C)  three dollars                 D)        six dollars

13.   The sick girl looked as strong as a_____.  

            A)        wrestler                                    B)        heifer   11607047

C)  fighter                                      D)        bull

14.   The doctor forbade the sick child’s parents to call him_____.                                                        11607048

            A)        a nice man                               

            B)        a happy man   

C)  a physiotherapist         

D)  a spiritual healer

15.   The parents of the sick child were eyeing  the doctor up and down _____.             11607049

            A)        curiously                                  B)        trustingly

C)  distrustfully                 D)        indignantly

16.   When the doctor arrived he was met by_____.      

            A)        the child’s mother                                            11607050

B)  the child’s father

C)  the child’s parents       

D)  the child

17.   The sick girl's mother was a big startled looking woman, very _____.                   11607051

            A)        clean and apologetic    

B)  nervous and distrustful

C)  curious and concerned

D)  caring and cooperative

18.   The sick child’s father told the doctor that she had a fever for _____.                                11607052

            A)        ten days                                   B)        nine days        

C)  two days                                  D)        three days

19.   The doctor thought that the girl might be suffering from _____.                                        11607053

            A)        pneumonia                               B)        diphtheria       

C)  a high fever                  D)        a sore throat

20.   The girl’s face was _____ and she was breathing rapidly.                                                  11607054

            A)        pale                                          B)        expressionless

C)  flushed                                    D)        stern

21.   When the girl saw the doctor, she did not move and seemed inwardly _____. 11607055

A)  quiet                                        B)        furious

c)   frightened                                D)        healthy



22.   "As doctors often do, I took a trial shot at it_____.”                                                                             11607056

            A)        to cut a long story short

B)  to get things straight

C)  to conclude the matter

D)  as a point of departure

23.   In the final _____ assault I overpowered the child’s neck and jaws.                                               11607057

            A)        well-planned                B)        reasoning

C)  unreasoning                 D)        coaxing

24.   The child was fully dressed and sitting on her father's lap near the _____.             11607058

            A)        bed                                           B)        T.V. lounge     

C)  kitchen table                D)        sofa

25.   The parents kept the child in the kitchen where it was _____.                                           11607059

            A)        damp                                       B)        humid

C)  cool                                         D)        warm


Questions from Textbook


Q.1      What was the condition of the parents on the arrival of the doctor?                                                                       11607060

Q.2                  What was the behaviour of the child with the doctor?                                                                                                              11607061

Q.3      She had a fever for three days, hadn't she?                                                                                                                                                       11607062

Q.4                  Did the girl change her expression when the doctor said, "Does your throat hurt you?"                                           11607063

Q.5                  Why did the doctor call the sick girl by her first name?                                                                                                                        11607064

Q.6                  Did the sick girl promptly respond to the instructions of the doctor?                                                                11607065

Q.7                  Why did the parents rebuke the child?                                                                                                                                                                                  11607066

Q.8                  What was the threat of the doctor to the child for not showing her throat?                                                        11607067

Q.9                  Why did the child break the wooden blade?                                                                                                                                         11607068

Q.10    What was the condition of the tonsils of the sick girl?                                                                                                       11607068-A

Additional Questions


Q.11    Why did the parents keep the sick child in the kitchen?                                                                                                            11607069

Q.12    What is the significance of the title “The Use of Force”?                                                                                                         11607070

Q.13    Under what circumstances can the use of force be justified?                                                                                        11607071

Punctuation Exercises

1)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607072

shes had a fever for three days began the father and we dont know what it comes from my wife has given her things you know like people do but it doesnt do any good

2)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607073

does your throat hurt you added the mother to the child but the little girls expression didnt change nor did she move her eyes from my face

3)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607073

well i said suppose we take a look at the throat first i smiled in my best professional manner and asking for the childs first name i said come on Mathilda open your mouth and lets take a look at your throat

4)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607074

aw come on i coaxed just open your mouth wide and let me take a look look i said opening both hands wide i havent anything in my hands just open up and let me see

5)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607075

such a nice man put in the mother look how kind he is to you come on do what he tells you to he wont hurt you

6)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607076

Both the mother and father almost turned themselves inside out in embarrassment and apology you bad girl said the mother taking her and shaking her by one arm look what youve done the nice man

7)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607077

but as soon as he did the child let out a scream don't youre hurting me let go of my hands let them go i tell you then she shrieked terrifyingly hysterically stop it youre killing me

7)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11607078

she said is this the doctor and let me in she added you must excuse us doctor we have her in the kitchen where it is warm


                             Lesson # 08

Multiple Choice Questions


I.                   Choose the correct synonym.


1.      He speaks to all nations, and is perpetually modern.                                                                             11608001

      A) often                                        B)        rarely  

C)  faithfully                      D)        eternally

2.      English scholars used Sadi's translated parable in their divine books.                     11608002

      A)  moral story                   B)        anecdote         

C)  fiction                                     D)        novelette

3.      English scholars used Sadi's translated parable in their divine books.                     11608003

A)  holy                                        B)        literary            

C)  culinary                                   D)        historical

4.      Edwin Arnold has aptly described the Gulistan in culinary terms.                          11608004

      A)  trustworthily               

B)  wrongly                      

C)  incredibly                                

D)  appropriately

5.      Edwin Arnold has aptly described the Gulistan in culinary terms.              11608005

      A)  cooking                                    B)        literary            

C)  incredible                                 D)        common

6.      Edwin Arnold has described the Gulistan as "an intellectual pilaf".                                                11608006

      A)  appetizing                                B)        reasonable

      C)  imaginative                  D)        scholarly 

7.      Edwin Arnold has described the Gulistan as "a kebab of a versatile genius".          11608007

A)  multifaceted                 B)   unilateral  

C)  conventional                D)        uninspiring

8.      The slave had never experienced any calamity.                                          (Board 2010,15) 11608008

      A)  disaster                                    B)        great fortune  

C)    voyage                                    D)        smooth sailing

9.      The boat started tossing.                             11608009

      A)  running                                    B)        steering           

C)  sinking                                     D)        shaking

10.   It was very inconvenient for the passengers.                                                                                                     11608010

      A)  impossible                               B)        troublesome

      C)  encouraging                 D)        inexperienced

11.   He was trembling with fear.                       11608011

      A)  moaning                                   B)        shaking           

C)  murmuring                   D)        pacifying

12.   The others tried to pacify him with kindness.                                                                                                   11608012

      A)  agitate                                     B)   appease    

C)  rebuke                                     D)        provoke

13.   When the uneasiness lasted longer the king also became displeased.                                  11608013

      A)  bothered                                  B)        receded           

C)  continued                                 D)        concluded

14.   May I quieten him?                                                11608014

      A)  silence                                     B)        excite  

C)  please                                      D)        embarrass

15.   He clung to the stern with his both hands.

      A)  stuck to                                    B)        chased  11608015

C)  looked for                                D)        moved toward

16.   He clung to the stern with his both hands.  

      A)  back of boat                 B)        front of boat    

C)  oars                                          D)        sails     11608016

17.   The king could not comprehend the wisdom in the action taken by the sergeant. 11608017

      A)  communicate               B)        understand      

C)  explain                                     D)        suppress

18.   A man does not realize the worth of safety from the misfortune until he has tasted it.

      A)  value                                        B)        timeliness 11608018

C)  violence                                   D)        strategy  

19.   A man does not realize the worth of safety from the misfortune until he has tasted it.                                                                                                               11608019

      A)  excitement                               B)        oppression

C)  disaster                                    D)        poverty

20.   "Pay for the salt lest it should become a custom and the village be ruined."

      A)  tradition                                   B)        law       11608020

C)  inconvenience             D)        exception

21.   "Pay for the salt lest it should become a custom and the village be ruined." 11608021

      A)  revived                                     B)        reached           

C)  cultivated                                 D)        destroyed

22.   What harm could arise from such a trifling demand?                                                                           11608022

      A)  unimportant                 B)        terrible

      C)  edible                                       D)        remarkable

23.   The foundation of oppression was small in this world.                                                                         11608023

      A)  value                                        B)        offshoot                      

C)  base                                         D)        reality

24.   The foundation of oppression was small in this world.                                                                         11608024

      A)  injustice                                   B)        calamity          

C)  fair play                                   D)        enmity

25.   "Whoever enlarged it so that it reached its present magnitude is at fault.”              11608025

      A)  reduced                                    B)        expanded        

C)  introduced                               D)        followed

26.   "Whoever enlarged it so that it reached its present magnitude is at fault.”              11608026

      A)  size                                                      B)   significance

      C)  worth                                       D)        quality

27.   A tyrant does not remain in the world.                  

      A)  leader                                       B)        monarch 11608027

C)  qazi                                          D)        oppressor

28.   But the curse on him abides forever. 11608028

      A)  decree                                      B)        abuse              

C)  misfortune                               D)        dependence

29.   But the curse on him abides forever.                            

                  (Board 2007)           11608029

      A)  remains                                    B)        releases           

C)  vanishes                                   D)        realizes

30.   A king fell seriously ill and all hopes of his recovery vanished.                                         11608030

      A)  disappeared                 B)        popped up                   

C)  concealed                                 D)        dwindled

31.   At last the physicians agreed that this disease could not be cured.              11608031

      A)  aggravated                               B)        tolerated          

C)  discovered                              D)        treated

32.   This disease could not be cured except by means of bile of a person endued with certain qualities.                                          11608032

      A)  discovered                               B)        deprived         

C)  searched                                  D)        endowed         

33.   The king summoned the father and mother of the boy.                                                                         11608033

      A)  sent for                                    B)        requested                    

C)  persuaded                                D)        compelled

34.   The Qazi issued a decree to shed the blood of a person for the health of the king.                                                                                                                    11608034

      A)  suggestion                                B)        message          

C)  judgement                                D)        allusion

35.   The executioner was directed to slaughter the boy.                                                                        11608035

      A)  find                                          B)        persuade         

C) slay                                          D)   interrogate 

36.   I see no other refuge besides God Almighty.

A)  shelter                                      B)        reason 11608036

C)  judgment                                  D)        plan

37.   Whom shall I complain against your brutality?                                                                              11608037

      A)  decree                                      B)        bravery    

C) cruelty                                      D)        insolence  

38.   A son looks to the affection of his parents.

      A)  anxiety                                     B)        cruelty    11608038

C)  hatred                                      D)        kind feeling

39.   The king felt disturbed.                              11608039

      A)  upset                                        B)        comfortable

C)  pacified                                    D)        distracted


II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.      The slave had never experienced any _____.

      A)  pleasure                                                                       11608040

      B)  calamity          

      C)  rule                                                     

      D)  war                 

2.      The boat started tossing means that the boat _____.                                                                                         11608041

      A)  remained peaceful                  

      B)  started flying

      C)  started shaking                        

      D)  was drowned

3.      The slave began to cry and tremble _____.

      A)  in joy of getting a reward                     11608042

B)  in fear of being drowned

      C)  by seeing others crying

D)  by the punishment inflicted by the king.

4.      The slave was thrown in water _____.                  

A)  to catch a fish                                                  11608043

B)  to drink water

      C)  to experience the true danger of life

D)  to swim

5.      Who was Nushirvan?                                             11608044

      A)  a slave                                    

B)  a sergeant        

C)  an accountant              

D)  a king of Persia

6.      The king was famous for his____. 11608045

      A)  cruelty                                     

      B)  justice    

C)  injustice                                  

D)  wickedness

7.      "The foundation of oppression was small in the world" means _____.                               11608046

A)  The condition of being ruled unjustly was found in the world.

B)  The foundation of the building was small.

      C)  The oppression was not deep rooted.

      D)  There was little cruelty in the world.

8.      The king fell seriously ill and all hopes of his recovery_____.                                                       11608047

      A)  enlightened     

B)  went out of existence

      C)  were expected

      D)  remained evident

9.      For what purpose did the parents give consent to kill their son?                             11608048

      A)  for reputation              

B)  for money

      C)  to get rid of the naughty boy       

D)  to escape from the duty of bringing up the boy

10.   On hearing the words of the boy the king could not control his _____.                        11608049

      A)  army                                        B)        people 

C)  rule                                                      D)        tears

11.   The boy saved his life by praying to _____. 


      A)  Qazi                                         B)        King    

C)  parents                                     D)        God Almighty

12.   Sheikh Sa’di was a great _____.    11608051

      A)  novelist                                    B)        story teller

      C)  mystic                                      D)        saint

13.   “Sa’di speaks to all nations and is perpetually modern,” said _____.            11608052

      A)  Edwin Arnold              B)        Emerson

      C)  English scholars           D)        A.R. Luther

14.   Emerson thought of the Gulistan as_____.

      A)  a kebab of a versatile genius     11608053

B)  food for thought

      C)  the most widely translated book                      

D)  one of the bibles of the world

15.   Emerson found in the Gulistan       _____.     

      A)  a universal parable                                           11608054

B)  cultural alienation

      C)  the universality of moral law               

D)  food for thought

16.   In what terms did Edwin Arnold describe Gulistan?                                                                             11608055

      A)  culinary                                   B)        monetary

C)  military                                    D)        literary

17.   English scholars used Sa’di's translated parables in their _____.                                    11608056

      A)  anecdotes                                 B)        divine books

C)  story books                              D)        travelogues

18.   The slave had never been at sea, and experienced any _____.                                11608057

      A)  journey                                    B)        calamity

C)  voyage                                     D)        oppression

19.   The other passengers tried to pacify the slave _____.                                                                                 11608058

      A)  by throwing him into water

B)  by pulling him back to the boat

C)  with wisdom and sagacity

D) with kindness and affection

20.   Who pacified the slave?                             11608059

      A)  other passengers           B)        a sergeant

C)  the king                                    D)        two persons



Questions from Textbook

Q.1                  What was the advice given by Nushirvan to his people?                                                                                                          11608060

Q.2.     What was the remedy suggested by the physicians for the disease of the king?                                     11608061

Q.3.     Why did the boy look to the sky and smile?                                                                                                                                         11608062

Q.4.     What should be the role of a Qazi?                                                                                                                                                                               11608063

Q.5.     Why did the king weep?                                                                                                                                                                                                          11608064

Q.6.     How did the diseased king recover?                                                                                                                                                                 11608065

Additional Questions

Q.7.     Why did the slave begin to cry and tremble?                                                                                                                                                        11608066

Q.8.     Why did the sergeant order the slave to be thrown into water?                                                                                     11608067

Q.9.     Why does the curse on a tyrant remain forever?                                                                                                                                   11608068

Q.10.   Why did the Qazi issue a decree to shed the blood of a boy?                                                                                                            11608069

Q.11.   What does Emerson think of the Gulistan?                                                                                                                                                       11608070

Q.12.   What should be the role of a king?                                                                                                                                                                               11608071

Q.13.   What moral lesson do you get from the first tale in “The Gulistan of Sa’di”?                                       11608072

Q.14.   What moral lesson do you get from the second tale in “The Gulistan of Sa’di”?                                   11608073

Q.15.   What do you learn from the third tale in “The Gulistan of Sa’di”?                                                                                11608074

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608075

sheikh sadi was a great story teller he speaks to all nations and is perpetually modern  said emerson he thought of the gulistan as one of the bibles of the world for he found in it the universality of moral law

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608076

            in that boat there happened to be a sergeant who said with your permission may i quieten him

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608077

before he had experienced the danger of being drowned he knew not the safety of the boat a man does not realise the worth of safety from the misfortune until he has tasted it

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608078

it is related that while a deer was being roasted for nushirvan a king of persia famous for his justice no salt could be found a boy was sent to village to being some salt

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608079

whoever enlarged it so that it reached its present magnitude is at fault if the king eats one apple from the garden of a subject his salves will pull him up the tree from the roots

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608080

if they fail they are expected to bring the case before the qazi to seek justice but in the present case, the parents have agreed to get my blood shed for the trash of this world.

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608081

it is better for me to die than to shed the blood of an innocent boy he kissed the head and eyes of the boy and presented him with a lot of wealth it is said that the king also recovered within a week

8)                     Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11608082

pay for the salt said the king lest it should become a custom and the village be ruined


                     Lesson # 09

Multiple Choice Questions


I.     Choose the correct synonym.       


1.      Some travellers stayed to rest under a clump of trees.                                                                           11609001

      A)  shadow                        B)        group              

C)  shade                           D)        bough

2.      It was then easily swallowed.                     11609002

      A)  chewed                        B)        vomited           

C)  smashed                       D)        gulped

3.      He shouldered his bundle, and went to the next village.                                                                  11609003

      A)  tied                              B)   picked                  

C)  bought                          D)        unpacked

4.      He pretended that he was a doctor. 11609004

      A)  denied                          B)        tried    

C)  thought                        D)        feigned

5.      "I can cure goitre," answered the quack.    

      A)  a disease of liver                                              11609005

      B)  a disease of thyroid gland

      C)  a disease of mouth       D)       a disease of knee

6.      An old woman’s throat was swollen to a frightful size.                                                                                   11609006

      A)  hoarse                          B)        infected           

C)  inflamed                      D)        injured

7.      An old woman’s throat was swollen to a frightful size.                                                                   11609007

      A)  horrible                                    B)        small               

C)  negligible                                 D)        normal

8.      Bring me a blanket and a good-sized mallet.

      A)  iron band                                                                     11609008

B)  iron rod    

.     C)  wooden blade              

D)  wooden hammer

9.      The poor old creature instantly expired.    


      A)  shortly                                     B)    accidently 

C)  immediately                 D)        gradually

10.   The poor old creature instantly expired.    

      A)  fell                                                       B)        died     11609010

C)  exclaimed                                D)        survived

11.   This fellow is a villain.                                           11609011

      A)  hero                                         B)        thief                

C)  rascal                                       D)        quack

12.   So they seized him.                                                11609012

      A)  brought                                    B)   captured               

C)  compelled                                D)        inflicted

13.   Let us therefore compel the wretch to dig her grave.                                                                                        11609013

      A)  ask                                           B)        punish             

C)  force                                        D)        implore

14.   Let us therefore compel the wretch to dig her grave.                                                                                                          11609014

      A)  physician                                 B)        pretender         

C)  scoundrel                                 D)        simpleton

15.   Thus exhorted, the unfortunate man laboured away with all his might.                               11609015

A) inspired                                     B) urged                      

C) inflicted                                    D) stricken

16.   …and buried the victim of his mistaken treatment.                                                                               11609016

      A)  wrong                                      B)        brutal              

C)  accidental                                 D)        instant

17.   When he had overtaken them, he cried.     


      A)  consulted                                 B)   reached    

      C)  understood                               D)        followed

18.   These animals are camels of prodigious size and strength.                                                              11609018

      A)  enormous                                 B)        flimsy             

C)  long                                         D)        healthy

19.   How was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet?                                                          11609019

      A)  diseased                                   B)        robust              

C)  weak                                        D)        poor

20.   How was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet?                                                          11609020

      A)  bear                                          B)        change            

C)  absorb                                      D)        face

21.   How was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet?                                                          11609021

      A)  cut                                                       B)        injury              

C)  effect                                       D)        hit

22.   He lifted a heavy stick, bound with iron rings.                                                                                                    11609022

      A)  tied                                          B)        thinned           

C)  straightened                 D)        polished

23.   The stolid creature, scarcely felt the blow.

      A)  prodigiously                 B)        instantly 11609023

C)  seriously                                  D)        hardly

24.   The stolid creature merely moved a step or two forward.                                                                       11609024

      A)  excitable                                  B)        prodigious                   

C)  dull                                                      D)        weak

25.   The stolid creature merely moved a step or two forward.                                                               11609025

      A)  rarely                                       B)        simply             

C)  abruptly                                   D)        sometimes

26.   He then struck the man himself a similar blow, which felled him to the earth like a log.                                                                                   11609026

      A)  knocked down             B)        stooped           

C)  fixed                                        D)        rubbed

27.   Never, never again shall I set myself up for a doctor.                                                                                       11609027

      A)  present myself as         B)        deny               

C)  qualify as                                 D)        train for

28.   "Ah!" said the wretched man.                    11609028

      A)  miserable                                 B)        bewildered      

C)  weak                                        D)        brave 

29.   Do you not perceive?                                             11609029

      A)  understand                               B)        pretend            

C)  differentiate                 D)        identify

30.   Why, sir, this cruel usage?                                 11609030

      A)  instance                                   B)        cure                 

C)  blow                                        D)        treatment

31.   The bewildered victim inquired.    11609031

      A)  stunned                                    B)        mistaken                     

C)  beaten                                      D)        frightened

32.   When consciousness returned.                         11609032

      A)  sleep                                        B)        senses             

C)  curiosity                                   D)        excitement

II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.         Where did the travellers stay?              11609033

            A)        in an inn                                  

B)  in a jungle

C)  in a haveli       

D)  under a clump of trees

2.         Why did the camel fall ill?                               11609034

            A)        by heat stroke             

            B)        by infection

C)  when a melon stuck in its throat

D)  by poison

3.         What did the quack claim to cure?       11609035

            A)        fever                            B)        goitre 

C)  headache                     D)        injury

4.   What had happened to the throat of the old woman?                                                          (B 2010)  11609036

            A)        injured                         B)        infectious

            C)        swollen                        D)        wounded

5.   What punishment did the villagers propose on the death of the old woman?           11609037

            A)        to pay the damages                                          

B)  to be persecuted          

C)  to dig the grave

D)  to be imprisoned

6.   How was the quack treated when he had dug the grave?                                                                      11609038

            A)        honoured                     B)        rewarded

C)  beaten well                   D)        fined

7.   What was the effect of punishment on the quack?                                                                               11609039

            A)        uninfluenced              

B)  influenced

C)  left the profession

D)  returned disgusted

8.   What was the condition of the quack suggested before treating an old man?

            A)        to lay the old man on the bed  

B)  not to be compelled to dig the grave

C)  not to be made responsible for the death of the man                                                                 11609040

D)  to have the fee first

9.   Why did the quack return to the camel men instead of continuing his profession?

            A)        to befool them                                                 11609041

B)  to inquire the cause of death of an old woman

C)  to blame them             

D)  to get his luggage

10.       Who was proved stupid?                                  11609042

            A)        the camel-man             B)        the old woman

C)  the quack                                 D)        a villager

11. What did the travellers do with their camels?

            A)        set them to plough         B)       set them to work

            C)        set them to graze          D)        slaughtered them

12. The quack demanded a good-sized mallet and _____.                                                                          11609044

            A)        a hammer                                 B)        a screw driver 

C)  a pillow                                    D)        a blanket

13.       The people called the quack a _____. 11609045

            A)        stranger                                    B)        great healer

C)  villain                                      D)        pretender

14. The quack made slow progress in digging the grave because _____.                                  11609046

            A)        he was too exhausted

B)  he was afraid of being hanged

C)  the digging tool did not work well

D)  the ground was stiff and hard

15. When the camel man struck the quack, he fell to the earth like a _____.                11609047

A)  log                                                       B)        dead body

C)  heavy stone                  D)        stone

16. What was the effect on the camel when the camel man struck it with a heavy stick?         

A)  It ran away                                                                   11609048

B)  It fell to earth like a log

C)  It stood stunned

D)  It moved a step or two forward

17. “If you do not dig it,” said they, “before the king you shall go, and then you will be ___.”


A)  hanged                                     B)        punished  

C)  imprisoned                               D)        persecuted

18. The quack struck the old woman’s throat with so much force that she _____ expired.

            A)        ultimately                     B)        instantly           11609050

C)  slowly                          D)        scarcely

19. The villagers didn’t let the quack cure the old man because _____.                                   11609051

            A)        they couldn’t pay his fee

B)  they didn't trust him

C)  they wanted to cure the patient themselves

D)  the old man didn’t need the treatment

20. The throat of the old woman was swollen because of _____.                                                         11609052

            A)        goitre                           B)        anger   

C)  allergy                          D)        disease






Questions from Textbook


Q.1                  What is a clump of trees?                                                                                                                                                                                                         11609053

Q.2                  What was stuck in the camel's throat?                                                                                                                                                              11609054

Q.3                  What did the quack pretend to cure?                                                                                                                                                                11609055

Q.4                  What did the quack do with the old woman?                                                                                                                                            11609056


How did the quack try to cure the old woman?                                                                                                      

Q.5                  What was the result of the cure?                                                                                                                                                                                  11609057

Q.6                  What was the punishment inflicted upon the quack by the villagers?                                                                                                                                11609058

Q.7                  For whom did the quack dig the grave?                                                                                                                                                            11609059

Q.8                  What did the quack do in the next village?                                                                                                                                                           11609060

Q.9                  Why did the villagers not let the quack cure the old man?                                                                                                        11609061

Q.10    Why did the quack come back to the camel-men?                                                                                                                                     11609062

Additional Questions

Q.11    How did the camel-man cure his camel?                                                                                                                                                                      11609064

Q.12    How did the quack come to realize his error?                                                                                                                                                                       11609065

Q.13    What lesson does the story “The Foolish Quack” teach?                                                                                                          11609066

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11609067

i can cure goitre answered the quack an old woman whose throat was swollen to a frightful size exclaimed o my son if you would only cure my goitre i would bless you for evermore

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11609068

this time it was an old man who offered himself for treatment but the pretended doctor said look here good people i shall do my best to cure this case but remember if i am so unfortunate as to kill him i am not to be compelled to dig the mans grave

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11609069

a pretty sort of doctor you must be cried they before you begin your treatment you are talking of digging the patients grave away with you we shall have nothing to do with you

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11609070

it is not we who are stupid answered the camel men but you we are not stupid at all these animals are camels of prodigious size and strength how was a feeble old woman to stand the blow of a mallet no it is you and you only who are stupid          

            5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11609071

one of the men now stepped forward saying to his friend you remain quiet and leave this fellow to me then addressing himself to the newcomer he cried hear you sir these men do not understand the matter at all

            6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11609072

do you not perceive answered the camel man i wished to show you that what is good for camels is not good for poor old men and women


                                            Lesson # 10

Multiple Choice Questions


I.     Choose the correct synonym.       


1.   They all stood and gazed.                           11610001

      A)  wondered                                 B)        stared  

C)  waited                                      D)        thought

2.   Over the rocky levels of the mountain was a streak of rust-coloured air.                            11610002

      A)  heights                                     B)        plains              

C)  passes                                      D)        slopes

3.   Over the rocky levels of the mountain was a streak of rust-coloured air.                            11610003

      A)  mass                                        B)        cloud              

C)  sign                                          D)        strip

4.   Over the rocky levels of the mountain was a streak of rust-coloured air.                11610004

      A)  reddish brown                          B)        pitch black      

C)  yellow-coloured           D)        clear blue

5.   Old Stephen yelled at the houseboy.

      A)  sneered                                    B)        ordered 11610005

C)  shouted                                    D)        gazed

6.   The cook boy ran to beat the old ploughshare.                                                                   11610006

      A)  plough blade                B)        tin can             

C)  iron rod                                    D)        metal plate

7.   The old ploughshare was used to summon the labourers.                                                               11610007

      A)  suppose                                   B)        call      

C)  direct                                       D)        pour out

8.   The old ploughshare was used to summon the labourers at moments of crisis. 11610008

A)  cultivation                                B)        harvest            

C)  war                                                      D)        emergency

9.   The farm was ringing with the clamour of the gong.                                                                             11610009

      A)  resounding                               B)        sinking            

C)  pouring                                    D)        receding


10. The farm was ringing with the clamour of the gong.                                                                             11610010

      A)  intensity                       B)        ploughshare    

C)  clang                            D)        hollowness

11. The farm was ringing with the clamour of the gong.                                                                             11610011

      A)  swarm                          B)        call                  

C)  locusts                         D)        alarm                          

12. They could see the labourers come pouring out.                                                                                   11610012

      A)  pretending                    B)        streaming out  

C)  yelling loudly   D)        withdrawing

13. They could see the labourers come pouring out of the compound.                                                  11610013

      A)  area                              B)        courtyard                    

C)  farmland                      D)        countryside

14. Piles of wood and grass had been prepared there.                                                                                 11610014

      A)  branches                      B)        trunks                         

C)  pillars                           D)        heaps

15. There were seven patches of bared soil.    

      A)  pieces                          B)        particles           11610015

C)  clumps                         D)        measures

16. There were seven patches of bared soil.    

      A)  brown                          B)        cleared             11610016

C)  mangled                       D)        blotted

17. … where the mealies were just showing.   

      A)  insects                          B)        flowers        11610017

C)  ears of corn      D)        mushrooms

18. And around each drifted up thick clouds of smoke.                                                                                          11610018

      A)  diminished                   B)        cleared                        

C)  floated                         D)        thinned

19. They were throwing wet leaves on to the fires to make it acrid.                                          11610019

      A)  pleasant                        B)        pungent           

C)  hot                                           D)        heavy

20. Now there was a long low cloud advancing.

      A)  adding up                                                                     11610020

B)  going back                  

C)    moving forward         

D)  leaving   

21. The long low cloud was swelling forward.

      A)  slowing                        B)        stumbling  11610021

C)  spreading                     D)        retreating

22. Every farmer hoped the locusts would overlook his farm.                                                  11610022

      A)  snap off                       B)        wipe out                      

C)  pass over                      D)        cover

23. The smoke was rising from myriads of fires.

      A)  lots                                           B)        piles                 11610023

C)  blackness                     D)        sprinkling

24. A strange darkness, for the sun was blazing.

      A)  rising                            B)        burning             11610024

C)  setting                          D)        blinking

25. It was like the darkness of a veldt fire.                  

      A)  burning                        B)        myriad             11610025

      C)  perverted                     D)        grassland

26. The sun-light comes down distorted.  

        (Board 2010, 2015)   11610026

      A)  clearly                          B)        difficult                      

C)  dangerously     D)        twisted

27. Oppressive it was, too, with the heaviness of a storm.                                                                          11610027

      A)  unbearable                   B)        distorted          

      C)  sudden                         D)        clotted

28. The reddish veils in front were the advance guards of the swarm.                                      11610028

      a)    covers                         B)        hues                

C)  insects                          D)        light

29. The reddish veils in front were the advance guards of the swarm.                                      11610029

      A)  mealies                        B)        group              

C)  cloud                           D)        menfolk

30. The main swarm showed in dense black cloud.                                                                                    11610030

      A)  thin                                          B)        advancing                   

C)  dark                             D)        thick

31. It's thirsty work, this.                                              11610031

      A)  easy                             B)        interesting                   

C)  painstaking                  D)        lengthy


32. All the trees were queer and still.    11610032

A)  strange                                     B)        familiar                       

C)  quiet                                        D)        old

33. All the trees were queer and still.   11610033

      A)  leaning                                     B)        yet                  

C)  motionless                               D)        heavy

34. All the trees were clotted with insects.

      A)  clear                                         B)        loaded  11610034

C)  bent                                         D)        whizzing

35. Locusts crawling everywhere.                    11610035

      A)  swelling                                   B)        creeping          

C)  hopping                                   D)        advancing

36. Toward the mountains it was like looking into driving rain.                                                           11610036

      A)  light                                         B)        dark    

C)  falling                                      D)        stopping

37. The sun was blotted out with a fresh onrush of them.                                                                           11610037

      A)  exposed                                   B)        darkened                     

C)  clotted                                      D)        blazing

38. The sun was blotted out with a fresh onrush of them.                                                                           11610038

      A)  crawling                                   B)        withdrawal                  

C)  blackness                                 D)        flood

39. It was a half-night, a perverted blackness.

      A)  unnatural                                 B)        pure     11610039

C)  nocturnal                                  D)        reddish

40. A branch had snapped off.             11610040

      A)  grown up                                 B)        broken down   

C)  bent down                                D)        shown off

41. A tree down the slope leaned over. 11610041

      A)  broke away     

B)  bent down                   

C)  rolled down    

D)  straightened up

42. Through the hail of insects a man came running.                                                                            11610042

      A)  storm                                       B)        veil

C)  streak                                       D)        settlement

43. They are looking for a place to settle.11610043

      A)  searching for                B)        appearing from

C)  gazing at                                  D)        heading towards

44. He picked a stray locust off his shirt.                     

      A)  wandering                                b)   staying     11610044

C)  flying                                       D)        heavy

45. You ever saw a hopper swarm on the march?

      A)  declining                                  B)        fielding     11610045

C)  moving                                    D)        buzzing

46. And the old man said emphatically. 11610046

      A)  tearfully                                   B)        enquiringly

C)  fearfully                                   D)        forcefully

47. This swarm may pass over.                        11610047

      A)  die                                           B)        move ahead    

C)  multiply                                   D)        eat up

48. …with a pattern of insects whizzing this way and that.                                                                   11610048

      A)  crawling                                   B)        buzzing                       

C)  settling                                     D)        laying

49. Everything was gone under the moving brown masses.                                                      11610049

      A)  ground                                     B)   branches  

C)  locusts                                     D)        leaves

50. But Margaret preferred not even to think of them.                                                                                11610050

      A)  worried                                    B)  managed   

C)  protested                                  D)        thought better

51. They hoped it would rain to spring some new grass.                                                                             11610051

      A)  jump                                        B)        grow   

C)  separate                                   D)        wet

52. She was trying to get used to the idea of three or four years of locusts.                  11610052

      A)  averse                                      B)        accustomed     

C)  experienced                 D)        prone

53. Locusts were going to be like bad weather, from now on, always imminent.          11610053

      A)  well-known                  B)        devastating

C)  dangerous                                D)        threatening

54. She felt like a survivor after war.   11610054

      A)  wounded person          B)        saved one

C)  conqueror                                D)        loser

55. If this devastated and mangled countryside was not ruin,...                                                            11610055

      A)  dangerous                                B)        large    

C)  disturbed                                  D)        destroyed

56. If this devastated and mangled countryside was not a ruin,…                                                         11610056

      A)  mixed                                      B)        replanted         

C)  damaged                                  D)        blotted

57. The men ate their supper with good appetites.                                                                                11610057

      A)  appearance                              B)        intention          

      C)  desire for food             D)        manner


II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.   Why did the cook boy run?                        11610058

      A)  to kill the insects                     

B)  to summon the labourers

      C)  to inform the landlady 

D)  to see the locusts

2.   Why did the houseboy run off to the store?

      A)  to shut the door                                                            11610059

B)  to cover the store

      C)  to collect any bit of metal        

D)  to burn fire


3.   Why did they throw wet leaves on to the fire?                                                                                      11610060

      A)  to make the smoke acrid and black      

B)  to extinguish the fire

      C)  to burn the leaves                    

D)  to burn the insects

4.   "And they neither went bankrupt nor got very rich" means that they were: 11610061

      A)  hand to mouth                                                 

B)  just pulling on their lives

      C)  enjoying a moderate living      

D)  penniless


5.   How did the locusts attack the crops?                    

      A)  one by one                   B)        in groups          11610062

      C)  in swarms                    D)        in formations

6.   Why did the people beat the tin cans?                   

      A)  to let the insects enjoy music    11610063

B)  to keep the insects away                      

      C)  to kill the insects                     

D)  to fill the cans with insects

7.   What did the farmers do at the time of attack?                                                                                      11610064

      A)  They ran away from the place.

B)  They took precautionary measures to keep the locusts away.

      C)  They covered their crops.

      D)  They shut themselves in their house.

8.   Locusts attack in the area of                       11610065

      A)  one kilometer              

B)  ten kilometers 

C)  fifty kilometers   

D)  a hundred kilometers

9.   What made the boughs of trees weighed to the ground?                                                                 11610066

      A)  fruits                            B)        locusts            

C)  birds                            D)        wind storm

10. How did the land look after the locusts had landed?                                                                                         11610067

A)  all green                       B)        barren

C)  beautiful                      D)        devastated landscape

11. The old ploughshare was used to summon labourer at the moments of _____. 11610068

      A)  attack                           B)        harvest            

C)  rejoicings                     D)        crisis

12. "We are finished, Margaret, finished", said: _____.                                                                                         11610069

      A)  Old Smith                    B)        Margaret         

C)  Old Stephen     D)        Richard

13. How many patches of bared soil did the farmers prepare?                                                  11610070

      A)  seven                           B)        eight

C)  nine                             D)        ten

14. The man split down the stray locust with his_____.                                                                             11610071

      A)  pocketknife     B)        a cutting tool

C)  thumbnail                    D)        a ploughshare

15. Margaret was trying to get used to the idea of _____.                                                                          11610072

      A)  a devastated landscape

B)  locusts crawling everywhere

      C)  four or five years of locusts

D)  three or four years of locusts

16. The earth seemed to be moving because _____.                                                                                   11610073

      A)  the hoppers were on the march

B)  locusts were crawling everywhere

      C)  locusts were laying eggs                      

D)  thick clouds of smoke were drifting     about

17. Everywhere, fifty miles of countryside, the smoke was rising from _____.            11610074

      A)  myriads of fires

B)  a perverted blackness

      C)  seven patches of bared soil

D)  a film of bright green

18. The reddish veils in front were       ____. 11610075

      A)  the main swarm of locusts

B)  hoppers

      C)  a fresh onrush of locusts

D)  the advance guards of locusts

19. The main swarm of locusts showed in

      A)  dense black clouds _____.                   11610076

B)  reddish veils    

C)  a film of bright green

D)  a veldt fire

20. Once locusts have started coming, they might go on for _____.                                         11610077

      A)  two or three years

B)  five or six years

      C)  six or seven years

D)  seven or eight years

21. Locusts were going to be like bad weather, from now on, always _____.               11610078

      A)  swarming                    

      B)  imminent

      C)  eminent                       

      D)  multiplying

22. After the locusts had devastated the farmlands, the farmers hoped it would ___.

      A)  rain soon                                                                      11610079

B)  be clear           

      C)  end the locusts forever

D)  be better for crops

23. The men ate their supper with good appetites, thinking that _____.                        11610080

      A)  it was a thirsty work

B)  it could have been much worse

      C)  it would rain soon

D)  everything was to be replanted

24. Even after locusts had settled, the men continued with precautionary measures because _____.                                                          11610081

      A)  they had lost their good sense

b)  the advance guards were not settling

      C)  they sun was blotted out

D)  because the main swarm was not settling

25. The author of “A Mild Attack of Locusts” is _____.                                                                                        11610082

      A)  Doris Lessing              

B)  O Henry

      C)  Guy De Maupassant    

D)  Richard Matheso


Questions from Textbook

Q.1                  What are locusts?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11610083

Q.2                  Why did the farmers throw wet leaves on fire?                                                                                                                                    11610084

Q.3.     What was the desire of every farmer?                                                                                                                                                             11610085


What did every farmer hope when locusts were approaching the fields?                                                     11610092

Q.4                  Did Margaret know what to do to keep the locusts away?                                                                                           

Q.5                  What was the condition of the trees?                                                                                                                                                                11610086

Q.6                  How did old Stephen treat the stray locust which he found on his shirt?                                                           11610087

Q.7                  Are hoppers different from locusts?                                                                                                                                                                 11610088

Q.8                  Did Margaret lose heart on the loss of crops?                                                                                                                                       11610089

Q.9                  Why are locusts compared to bad weather?                                                                                                                                                      11610090

Q.10    Why did the men eat their supper with good appetites?                                                                                                            11610091

Additional Questions

 Q.11   Who were giving orders to the labourers and what for?                                                                                                                        11610093

Q.12    Describe the settling down of the locusts?                                                                                                                                                        11610094

Q.13    How did the farmers try to fight the locusts?                                                                                                                                        11610095

Q.14    What was the scene in the evening amid Locusts?                                                                                                                                11610096

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11610098

look look there they are out ran margaret to join them looking at the hills out came the servants from the kitchen they all stood and gazed

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11610099

margaret was wondering what she could do to help she did not know then up came old stephen from the lands were finished margaret finished

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11610100

and it is only early afternoon if we can make enough smoke make enough noise till the sun goes down theyll settle somewhere else perhaps and then get the kettle going its thirsty work this

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11610101

all the crops finished nothing left he said but the gongs were still beating the men still shouting and margaret asked why do you go on with it then

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11610102

is it very bad asked margaret fearfully and the old man said emphatically we re finished this swarm may pass over but once they've started theyll be coming down from the north now one after another

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11610103

            for the lords sake said margaret angrily still half crying whats here is bad enough isnt it

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11610104

for although the evening air was no longer back and thick but a clear blue with a pattern of insects whizzing this way and that across it everything else-trees buildings bushes earth was gone under the moving brown masses

Lesson # 11

Multiple Choice Questions


I.     Choose the correct synonym.       


1.      I am not unmindful that some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.                                                                                             11611001

A)  displeased                                B)        unaware          

C)  unaffected                               D)        unharmed

2.      Some of you have come here out of great trials and tribulations.                            11611002

A)  redemption                              B)        imprisonment  

C)  criminal charges           D)        hardships

3.      Your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution.                              11611003

      A)  interest                                     B)        determination  

C)  search                                      D)        liking

4.      Your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution.                              11611004

      A)  badly punished             B)        hopeless          

C)  encouraged                              D)        discriminated

5.      Your quest for freedom left you battered by the storms of persecution.                              11611005

      A)  struggle                                    B)        cruelty            

C)  hindrance                                 D)        complaints

6.      Your quest for freedom left you staggered by the winds of police brutality.           11611006

A)  calmed                                     B)        stumbled                     

C)  balanced                                  D)        urged

7.      Your quest for freedom left you staggered by the winds of police brutality.           11611007

A)  investigation                B)        clemency  

C)  noncooperation             D)        atrocity

8.      You have been the veterans of creative suffering.                                                                          11611008

      A)  inexperienced fellows 

B)  retired officials           

C)  experienced soldiers

D)  wise men

9.      Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive.     

      A)  undeserved                              B)        justified  11611009

C)  effortless                                 D)        free

10.   Continue to work with the faith that unearned suffering is redemptive. (Board 2010) 11611010

      A)  retaliating                                 B)        liberating         

C)  painful                                     D)        unjust

11.   Go back to the slums and ghettos of our northern cities.                                                                 11611011

      A)  posh areas                                B)        rural areas                   

C)  poor areas                                D)        urban areas

12.   Go back to the slums and ghettos of our cities.                                                                                     11611012

      A)  privileged areas           

B)  criminal areas 

C)  posh localities             

D)  discriminated areas

13.   Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.                                                                         (Board 2010)      11611013

      A)  frolic                                        B)        stagger            

C)  live                                                      D)        stay


14.   Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.

      A)  oppression                               B)        injustice  11611014

C)  hopelessness                D)        deprivation

15.   In spite of the difficulties and frustrations of the moment I still have a dream.             11611015

      A)  disappointments           B)        triumph           

      C)  hardships                                D)        problems

16.   One day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.             11611016

      A)  renounce                                  B)        demonstrate

      C)  get rid of                                  D)        understand

17.   One day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed.             11611017

      A)  being                                        B)        presence                     

      C)  quest                                        D)        belief

18.   We hold these truths to be self-evident.    

      A)  hidden                                     B)        final     11611018

C)  very clear                                 D)        decisive

19.   We hold these truths to be self-evident.    

      A)  deny                                        B)        occupy 11611019

C)  catch                                        D)        consider

20.   The sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit together.                                                                              11611020

A)  peasant                                    B)        present            

C)  earlier                                      D)        oppressed

21.   Mississippi, a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression...

      A)  blazing                                     B)        bearing   11611021

C)  shining                                     D)        stagnating

22.   Mississippi, a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression... 11611022

      A)  imprisonment               B)        nullification

C)  disregard                                  D)        cruelty

23.   Mississippi will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.                     11611023

      A)  chartered                                  B)        changed          

C)  expanded                                 D)        covered

24.   Mississippi will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice                                              11611024

A)  state                                         B)        nation             

C)  creed                                        D)        sanctum

25.   My four little children will be judged by the content of their character.                              11611025

      A)  oddity                                      B)        simplicity        

C)  contentment                 D)        substance

26.   The governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of nullification and interposition.                                                                11611026

      A)  lately                                        B)        currently         

C)  shortly                                      D)        actually 

27.   The governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of nullification and interposition.                                                                11611027

      A)  oozing                                      B)        closing            

C)  drying                                      D)        moving

28.   The governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification.                                                                11611028

      A)  hatred                                      B)        confirmation   

      C)  interruption                  D)        opposition

29.   The governor's lips are presently dripping with the words of interposition and nullification.                                                                11611029

      A)  glorification                 B)        self-praise       

      C)  rejection                                   D)        confession

30.   One day, every valley shall be exalted.     

A)  elevated                                   B)        demolished11611030

      C)  dumped                                   D)        evacuated

31.   The crooked places will be made straight. 

      A)  cracked                                    B)        broken 11611031

C)  twisted                                     D)        smooth

32.   The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together.              11611032

      A)  mankind                                  B)        white Americans

      C)  negroes                                    D)        slaves

33.   With this faith we will be able to stand up for freedom together.                                                     11611033

(a) wallow                                      (b) dream of    

(c) defend                                      (d)  ring

34.   We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony of brotherhood.                              11611034

      A)  mutual                                     B)        conflicting      

C)  peaceful                                   D)        usual

35.   We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a symphony.

      A)  opinions                                   B)        conflicts 11611035

C)  distractions                              D)        trials

36.   We will be able to transform the jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony.                                                                            11611036

      A)  poem                                       B)        essay               

      C)  harmony                                 D)        poetry

37.   Land of the pilgrims’ pride.                       11611037

      A)  saints                                       B)        visitors            

      C)  pioneers                                   D)        ancestors

38.   Let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.             11611038

      A)  echo                                         B)        buzz                

C)  transform                                 D)        trickle

39.   Let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire.             11611039

      A)  polished                                   B)        shining

      C)  wonderful                                D)        huge

40.   Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California.                                                            11611040

      A)  straight                                     B)        enormous        

      C)  winding                                    D)        towering

41.   Let freedom ring from the curvaceous peaks of California.                                                            11611041

      A)  valleys                                     B)        ranges             

      C)  mountains                                D)        caves

42.   Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi.                                11611042

      A)  sandbank                                 B)        valley  

      C)  dale                                          D)        hillock

43.   Let it ring from every village and hamlet.  

      A)  a city                                        B)        capital  11611043

      C)  small settlement           D)        town

44.   All of us will be able to sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual.                                  11611044

      A)  hymn                                       B)        saint    

      C)  pilgrim                                     D)        ballad


II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.      "You have come here out of great trials and tribulations" means that you have come here after _____.                                                            11611045

A)  attending a fair            

B)  facing great persecution and grief

      C)  great honours              

D)  great travels

2.      "You have been the veterans of creative suffering" means that you have been the __.

A)  experienced soldiers of intellectual suffering                                                                11611046

B)  assets of a nation

      C)  vanguard of a country                         

D)  army personnel

3.      “This nation will live out the true meaning of its creed” means _____.                              11611047

      A)  Negroes will leave the country

       B)  They will come up to the level of others

      C)  They will prove their worth

      D)  They will remain a minority

4.      What is Martin Luther’s dream?    11611048

A)  equality of high and low          

B)  rule of the blacks         

      C)  negation of whites                   

D)  the practice of brotherhood

5.      Which one is the desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression? 11611049

      A)  Georgia                        B)        Mississippi      

C)  Alabama                      D)        Virginia

6.      What does the governor of Alabama do?   

      A)  creates interferences                            11611050

B)  makes interruptions

      C)  uses sweet words        

      D)  helps the blacks

7.      What will be exalted?                                            11611051

A)  hill                                           B)        mountain   

C)  valley                           D)        river

8.      “Every hill and mountain shall be made low” means _____.                                              11611052

      A)  all high and low will become equal        

B)  hills and mountains will be levelled

      C)  there will be no distinction of classes 

D)  the low classes will rise up


9.      The glory of whom shall be revealed?                   

      A)  President                                                                      11611053

      B)  Governor        

C)  God                            

D)  Mayor

10.   What is the beautiful symphony of brotherhood?                                                               11611054

      A)  a violin                       

B)  a guitar

      C)  the beautiful song of brotherhood

      D)  musical composition of brotherhood

11.   What left the Negroes battered and staggered?                                                                               11611055

      A)  former slave owners

B)  racial discrimination   

      C)  police brutality            

D)  the governor's interposition

12.   Let us not wallow in _____.                       11611056

      A)  the valley of despair

B)  the mountain of despair

C)  the heat of injustice and oppression

D)  slums and ghettos of Northern cities

13.   Of which city the slums and ghettos have been mentioned by Martin Luther? 11611057

      A)  Eastern cities                B)        Northern cities

      C)  Southern cities             D)        Western cities

14.   Martin Luther King Jr. refers to the red hills of _____.                                                                        11611058

      A)  Louisiana                                 B)        South Carolina  

C)  Georgia                                    D)        Alabama

15.   Martin Luther King dreams that one day his four little children will be judged by _____.

      A)  the colour of their skin                         11611059

B)  their past history

C)  the content of their character   

D)  their social standing

16.    “We hold these truths to be self-evident; that all men _____.”                                          11611060

      A)  have their differences

B)  are created equal

C)  experience creative suffering

D)  are not equal

17.   With this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair, _____                     11611061

      A)  old Negro Spiritual

B)  the true meaning of our creed

C)  a symphony of brotherhood

D)  a stone of hope

18.   All black men and white men will be able to sing in the words of _____.                          11611062

      A)  former slave owners

B)  American dream

C)  symphony of brotherhood

D)  old Negro spiritual

19.   The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and _____ shall see it together.                            11611063

      A)  all Americans  

      B)  sons of former slaves

C)  all flesh                       

D)  black men

20.   Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of _____.                                           11611064

      A)  Pennsylvania                           B)        Georgia

C)  New York                                            D)        Tennessee



Questions from Textbook

Q.1                  What was the cause of Negroes' discontentment?                                                                                                                     11611065

Q.2                  What are the qualities of the veterans of creative suffering?                                                                             11611066

Q.3                  What is the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.?                                                                                                                         11611067

Q.4                  What should be the faith of Negroes?                                                                                                                                                   11611068

Q.5                  What was the necessity of pleading the case of Negroes' freedom?                                                                  11611069

Q.6      What should be the criterion of judgement for a person?                                                                                        11611070

Q.7                  Do the Negroes enjoy liberty in all parts of their country?                                                                                            11611071

Q.8                  From which part of the country did the Negroes gather there?                                                                          11611072

Q.9                  Write down the song in your own words?                                                                                                                                            11611073

Q.10    What is the effect of the repetition of words in the speech of Martin Luther King Jr.?  11611074

Additional Questions

Q.11    What according to Martin Luther King can speed up the freedom of Negroes?                         11611075

Q.12    What was the condition of Negroes in the days of Martin Luther King Jr.?                              11611076


                        What kind of oppression were the Negroes subjected to?                                                                                             11611077

Q.13    Write a few lines on racial discrimination.                                                                                                                                           11611078

Q.14    What measures would you take to ensure justice to all sections of society?                                          11611079

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11611080

            i have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its

            creed we hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created equal

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11611081

i have a dream that one day even the state of mississippi a desert state sweltering with the heat of injustice and oppression will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11611082

this is our hope this is the faith with which i return to the south with this faith we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11611083

let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of new york let freedom ring from the heightening alleghenies of pennsylvania

Lesson #12

Multiple Choice Questions


I.     Choose the correct synonym.       


1.      She put it on her head again nervously and quickly.                                                                             11612001

            A)        anxiously                                 B)        joyfully                                    C)        stylishly                                   D)        calmly

2.      If a king had lived in a same house with all his riches….                                                                11612002

            A)        souvenirs                                 B)        royal servants               C)        wealthy courtiers          D)            wealth 

3.      She put on her old brown coat.         11612003

            A)        removed                                   B)        wore                           

C)  shelved                                    D)        hung

4.      Hair articles of all kinds.                            11612004

            A)        things                                       B)        machines                    

C)  sprays                                      D)        creams

5.      Mrs. Safronie, large, too white, cold-eyed, looked at her.                                                               11612005

            A)        unassuming                  B)        cool and calm               C)        keen                                         D)            unfriendly

6.      Oh and the next two hours seemed to fly.  

            A)        moved slowly              B)        hung heavily

C)  passed swiftly              D)        went up 11612006

7.      Because it was so plain and simple, you knew that it was very valuable.    11612007

A)  beautified                                B)        smooth            

C)  unadorned                               D)        flat

8.      Jim and Chain both had quietness and value.                                                                                                    11612008

            A)        discreetness                 B)        silence                       

C)  secrecy                                    D)        attractiveness

9.      Because it was so plain and simple, you knew that it was very valuable.    11612009

            A)        ordinary                                   B)        respectable                  

            C)        simple                                      D)        precious

10.   Her mind quietened a little.                        11612010

            A)        stayed                                      B)        relaxed

            C)        thought                                    D)        puzzled

11.   She began to think more reasonably. 11612011

            A)        proudly                                    B)        speedily          

            C)        rationally                                 D)        sentimentally 

12.   Love and large-hearted giving when added together, can leave deep marks.           11612012

            A)        generous                                  B)        heart-felt         

C)  prompt                                     D)        unlimited

13.   Please God, make him think I am still pretty.                                                                                       11612013

            A)        fashionable                  B)        attractive

C)  passionate                                D)        slender 

14.   Della's face lost colour.                              11612014

            A)        scowled                                   B)        blushed

            C)        grew pale                                 D)        flushed

15.   There was an expression in them.   11612015

A)  air                                                        B)        urgency                       

C)  inclination                                D)        expectation

16.   He looked at her with the strange expression on his face.                                       11612016

            A)        unfamiliar                                B)        strong                          

C)  loving                                      D)        shocked

17.   He seemed to labour to understand what had happened.                                                                 11612017

            A)        think                                        B)        relax                           

C)  pretend                                    D)        endeavour

18.   I hunted all over town to find it.     11612018

            A)        preyed                                     B)        searched                     

C)  frequented                               D)        pried               

19.   The gold seemed to shine softly as if with her own warm and loving spirit.            11612019

            A)        shiny                                        B)        indignant                     

C)  agitated                                    D)        sincere

20.   Their gifts were doubtless wise ones.


            A)        certainly                                   B)        controversially

C)  suspiciously                 D)        worthless

21.   She had looked at them without the least hope of owning them.                                         11612021

            A)        most                                         B)        thorough                     

C)  slightest                                   D)        greatest  

22.   She had looked at them without the least hope of owning them.                                         11612022

            A)        presenting                                B)        possessing                    C)        admiring                                  D)        wearing

23.   No one could ever count my regard for you.                                                                                                     11612023

            A)        indifference                 B)        spontaneity     

C)  attitude                                     D)        care

24.   Let’s put our Christmas gifts away and keep them awhile.                                                             11612024

            A)        for a short time             B)        for a long time            C)        permanently                 D)            covered

II.         Choose the correct answer.


1.      James Dillingham Youngs had two valuable things, _____.                                                                 11612025

            A)        a house and a car                                 

B)  a necklace and a clock

            C)        Jim's gold watch and Della's hair         

D)  furniture and a villa

2.      Della's hair was more beautiful than any __.

            A)        painting                                                                        11612026

B)  palace                  

C)  queen's Jewels and gifts          

D)  scene

3.      Della's hair reached below her_____.                   

            A)        neck                                         B)        back     11612027

C)  feet                                          D)        knee

4.      "Down fell the brown waterfall” means __.

A)  the stream flowed down                       11612028

B)  the brown waterfall fell down

            C)        Della's hair fell down              

D)  the brown water fell down

5.      What did she buy for Jim?                          11612029

            A)        a gold watch    

B)  a gold watch chain

            C)        a necktie                     

D)  a brown hat


6.      What was common to Jim and the watch chain?                                                                                   11612030

            A)        simplicity                                

B)  quietness         

C)  value and preciousness           

D)  quietness and value

7.      With her short hair, Della looked wonderfully like a _____.                                   11612031

            A)        young girl                                B)        school boy      

C)  dame                                        D)        woman

8.      What did Della pray?                                             11612032

            A)        may he think her still pretty                 

B)  may she live long

            C)        may she have long hair again  

D)  may she remain pretty

9.      No one can count Della's _____.    11612033

            A)        feelings                       

B)  love                 

C)  hair                                         

D)  Jewels

10.   What did Jim buy as a gift for Della?

            A)        hair articles of all kinds                        11612034

B)  a gold watch chain      

C)  flowers                        

D)  combs


11.   How much money had Della put aside?     

            A)        eighty-seven cents                                            11612035

B)  one dollar and eighty-seven cents

            C)        one dollar and twenty-seven cents                   

            D)        twenty dollars

12.   Della sold her hair for _____.                    11612036

            A)        twenty dollars                         

B)  twenty five dollars

            C)        thirty dollars                           

D)  thirty five dollars

13.   How many times did Della count her savings?                                                                               11612037

            A)        three times                               B)        four times       

C)  five times                                 D)        six times

14.   Jim and Della could not live through Christmas without _____.                             11612038

            A)        some money                

B)  a lot of shopping

            C)        giving each other gifts

D)  partying

15.   When was Jim's dinner ready?                   11612039

            A)        at seven                                    B)        at eight                        

C)  at nine                                      D)        at ten

16.   How old was Jim?                                                  11612040

            A)        21 years                                   B)        22 years          

C)  23 years                                   D)        24 years

17.   Della paid_____ dollars for the gift.             

                                                        (Board 2010)         11612041

            A)        20                                                        B)        21                   

C)  22                                                        D)        23

18.   Della hurried home with the chain and ___.

A)  eighty seven cents                                            11612042

B)  eighty eight cents

            C)        eighty nine cents                     

D)  ninety cents

19.   What can leave deep marks?                      11612043

            A)        beauty and attractiveness

B)  love and large-hearted giving

            C)        gifts and jewels

D)  riches and power

20.   Love and large-hearted giving can leave _____.                                                                                  11612044

            A)        deep marks                              B)        Christmas gifts

            C)        sacrifice                                   D)        nothing behind

21.   Della had looked at the combs without the least hope of _____.                                         11612045

            A)        wearing them               B)        owning them

            C)        liking them                              D)        leaving them

22.   The gold watch chain was _____.  11612046

            A)        simply made                B)        well-decorated

C)  expensive                                 D)        cheap

23.   When Della arrived home her mind _____ a little.                                                                                11612047

            A)        quietened                                 B)        was agitated

            C)        hurt                                          D)        panicked

24.   The chain seemed to shine softly as if with_____.                                                                         11612048

            A)        its rich and pure material                     

B)  Della’s warm and loving spirit

            C)        Christmas joy

D)  the spirit of the magi

25.   Della’s long hair almost made itself into a _____ for her.                                                              11612049

            A)        treasure                                    B)        gift

            C)        skirt                                         D)        dress

Questions from Textbook

Q.1                  How much did Della save for Christmas?                                                                                                                                                         11612050

Q.2                  Why did Della feel proud of the beauty of her hair?                                                                                                                 11612051

Q.3                  Why did Della sell her hair?                                                                                                                                                                                         11612052

Q.4                  Why did Jim sell his gold watch?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11612053

Q.5                  Why did they want to present the gifts?                                                                                                                                                            11612054


                        How did Jim and Della want to celebrate their Christmas?      

Q.6                  Why did Della feel sad on losing her hair?                                                                                                                                                       11612055

Q.7                  Why didn't Jim welcome her when he stepped in?        (Lahore Board 2007 Group-II)                                                                 11612056

Q.8                  What did Jim bring out of his coat?                                                                                                                                                                  11612057

Q.9                  How beautiful was the gold watch chain?                                                                                                                                                        11612058

Q.10    What was the wisdom in selling the most valuable things?                                                                                           11612059


What is the message of the story “The Gift of the Magi”?                                                                         

Additional Questions

Q.11    Why did Jim and Della sell their most valuable things?                                                                                                            11612060

Q.12    What was Mrs. Safronie like?                                                                                                                                                                                      11612061

Q.13    How much did Mrs. Safronie offer Della for her hair?                                                                                                             11612062

Q.14    What little prayer did Della say before Jim came home?                                                                                                          11612063

Q.15    How proud was Jim of his gold watch?                                                                                                                                                                        11612064

Q.16    Why does the author call Jim and Della the Magi?                                                                                                                               11612065

Q.17    What according to O Henry can leave deep marks on human life?                                                                               11612066

Punctuation Exercises

1)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612067

if jim doesnt like me she said to herself before he looks at me a second time he ll say i look like a girl who works for money but could i do oh what could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents

2)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612068

jim dear she cried dont look at me like that i had my hair cut off and sold it i couldnt live through christmas without giving you a gift my hair will grow again you wont care will you

3)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612069

            cut it off and sold it said della dont you like me now im me jim im the same without my hair

4)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612070

you dont have to look for it said della its sold i tell you sold and gone too its the night before christmas boy be good to me because i sold it for you

5)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612071

i want you to understand me dell he said nothing like a haircut could make me careless for you but if you ll open that you may know what i felt when i came in

6)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612072

isnt it perfect jim i hunted all over town to find it youll have to look at your watch a hundred times a day now give me your watch i want to see how they look together

7)         Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11612073

della said he lets put our christmas gifts away and keep them awhile they're too nice to use now i sold the watch to get the money to buy the combs and now i think we should have our dinner

 Lesson # 13

Multiple Choice Questions


I.       Choose the correct synonym.         


1.      Before his marriage, Maulvi Abul used to live in comfort, even pomp.                         11613001

A)   splendour                                          B)            destitution          C)          bitterness                                           D)         seclusion

2.      For his hair, he used fragrant oil.    11613002

            A)        rare                                          B)        glossy                         

C)  sweet-smelling             D)        repugnant

3.      Maulvi Abul had slightly bulging eyes.         

                A)           swelling                                               B)            big                          11613003

C)    staring                                                  D)           small

4.      After his sermon, he distributed 40 to 50 rupees among the needy and the poor of the village.                                                                                             11613004

                A)           ablution                                               B)            speech                                

C)    prayer                                                  D)           charity

5.      Remember the Benevolent Almighty Allah.

                A)           strong                                                   B)            kind       11613005

C)    respected                                           D)           lovable

6.      I have everything one can desire.  11613006

            A)        wish                                         B)        need                

C)  get                                                       D)        wonder

7.      At night he consulted his wife.         11613007

            A)        discussed with              B)        referred to                   

C)  requested                                 D)        objected

8.      Seeing those dainty feet, Maulvi Abul burst into tears.                                                                                                11613008

                A)           small                                                     B)            delicate                               

C)    rough                                                    D)           bare

9.      Had it been someone else, I could easily have wangled ten rupees.                                              11613009

                A)           saved                                                    B)            obtained             

                C)            distributed                                          D)           spent

10.   Maulvi Abul vowed never to use the powdered tobacco that he loved.       11613010

                A)           promised                                             B)            tried                                     

C)    hated                                                    D)           wished 

11.   But Chaudhry Fateh Dad's censure was purely religious.                                                                     11613011

                A)           concern                                               B)            offering                              

C)    criticism                                              D)           gratitude

12.   He was very regular in his offering. 11613012

            A)        gift                                           B)        proposition                   C)        advice                                      D)        collaboration 

13.   Conscious of the ever increasing responsibilities of her husband...                11613013

                A)           proud                                                   B)            negligent                            

C)    aware                                                   D)           curious 

14.   A tailoring shop would spring up.    11613014

            A)        start                                          B)        rise                  

            C)        set up                                       D)        shut

15.   Maulvi Abul was caught in the whirl of life.

            A)        routine                                     B)        problems 11613015

C)  troubles                                    D)        pleasures         

16.   But his voice remained resonant.    11613016

            A)        resounding                               B)        loud                            

C)  high-pitched                 D)        shrill 

17.   Sometimes that too quivered.                          11613017

            A)        resounded                                B)        trembled                      

C)  shrilled                                     D)        paused 

18.   The Chaudhry had carefully considered the eligibility.                                                                                          11613018

                A)           reliability                                            B)            superiority        

C)    suitability                                            D)           background

19.   Ultimately Maulvi Abul's and Zaibunnisa's prayers bore fruit.                                                                          11613019

                A)           fortunately                                        B)            occasionally

                C)            initially                                                  D)           eventually          

20.   Ultimately Maulvi Abul's and Zaibunnisa's prayers bore fruit.                                                          11613020

                A)           accepted                                             B)            succeeded                         

C)    prolonged                                           D)           wavered

21.   He then begged Maulvi Abul to inaugurate his shop.                                                                                                    11613021

                A)           pardoned                                            B)            urged                                   

C)    offered                                                 D)           requested

22.   In order not to disappoint his erstwhile disciple, Maulvi Abul took a momentous decision.                                                                                                       11613022

                A)           former                                                 B)            beloved                              

C)    obedient                                             D)           present

23.   In order not to disappoint his erstwhile disciple, Maulvi Abul took a momentous decision.                                                                                                       11613023

                A)           mentor                                                                B)            relative                               

C)    businessman                     D)           pupil

24.   Maulvi Abul took a momentous decision.  

                A)           ignoble                                                B)            significant

C)    hasty                                                     D)           timely  11613024

25.   My purchase in front of the entire village, may impress them.                                                         11613025

                A)           inspire                                                  B)            terrify                                  

C)    appease                                               D)           convince

26.   I will feel as light as a feather.          11613026

            A)        weak                                        B)        low                             

C)  relaxed                                     D)        calm

27.   They lingered to gaze with wistful longing at the colourful display.                                               11613027

                A)           stayed                                                  B)            desired                               

C)    stumbled                                            D)           leaned

28.   They lingered to gaze with wistful longing at the colourful display.                                               11613028

                A)           understand                                        B)            watch                                   

C)    overlook                                             D)           glance

29.   They lingered to gaze with wistful longing at the colourful display.                                               11613029

                A)           casual                                                    B)            curious                                

C)    sad                                                                        D)           jubilant

30.   They lingered to gaze with wistful longing at the colourful display.                                               11613030

                A)           curiosity                                               B)            innocence                          

C)    yearning                                              D)           indifference

31.   They lingered to gaze with wistful longing at the colourful display.                                                               11613031

                A)           show                                                     B)            congregation                     C)            fabric                                                    D)           embroidery

32.   He almost seemed to be offering it as a gift. 

                A)           tribute                                                  B)            present 11613032

C)    ransom                                                D)           pay

33.   I consider it a good omen.                                                  11613033

            A)        division                                    B)        suggestion                   

C)  sign                                          D)        expression


34.   He heard a familiar voice.                  11613034

            A)        similar                                     B)        harsh                           

C)  hushed                                     D)        acquainted

35.   It was dark and usually used for offering special prayers in solitude.                             11613035

                A)           humility                                               B)            punctuality                        C)            congregation                    D)                privacy

36.   He put a match to a dry twig.                            11613036

            A)        root                                          B)        match                          

C)  branchlet                                  D)        stump  

37.   To encourage the youth he patted his back. 

                A)           stroked                                                B)            punched 11613037

C)    turned                                                  D)           struck

38.   They looked dazed.                                                                11613038

            A)        stunned                                    B)        frustrated                    

C)  flushed                                     D)        encouraged 

39.   They had all clustered around.         11613039

                A)           bent                                                      B)            huddled                              

C)    scattered                                            D)           jumped

40.   Their faces immediately lit up with joy.      

                A)           glowed                                                 B)            dwindled 11613040

                C)            faded                                                    D)           scowled

41.   Gratified and almost dazed, Maulvi Abul went back to his wife.                                                      11613041

                A)           jumbled                                               B)            infuriated                          

C)    pleased                                                D)           honoured

42.   Mehrunnisa was put in seclusion in a separate room till the auspicious day.11613042

A)   incredible                                            B)            departure          

C)    fortunate                                            D)           wedding

43.   Mehrunnisa was put in seclusion in a separate room till the auspicious day. 11613043

A)   solitude                                                B)            ceremony                           C)            conviction                                           D)                prosperity

44.   The gay songs that usually accompany wedding ceremonies were not sung.

A)   traditional                                          B)            sad         11613044

C)    happy                                                   D)           cultural 

45.   They also sang sweet songs of the excitement of union and the pangs of separation.                                                                                  11613045

                A)           consequences                  B)            occasions                           

C)    pain                                                       D)           cries

46.   Some secretly believed that the Maulvi had a special amulet.                                                                          11613046

A)   talisman                                             

B)    hidden treasure              

C)    wedding gift                     

D)   profane object

47.   In the crowd, there was also a loudmouthed old hag.                                                                                                   11613047

A)   shrew                                                  B)            lady                                                       C)            relative                                                D)           soul

48.   But the jewellery? It was incredible! 11613048  

A)   unremarkable                   B)            unbelievable    

C)    worthless                                            D)           horrified

49.   "Even the bracelets and the gold nose-ring are hers," she added with conviction.

                A)           annoyance                                          B)            astonishment

C)    curiosity                                               D)           certainty 11613049

50.   As two sturdy villagers carried it away, Maulvi Abul walked a few steps with it.     

A)   frail                                                        B)            illiterate 11613050

C)    hired                                                     D)           strong

51.   Oblivious of his surroundings, Maulvi Abul's mind was racing elsewhere.   11613051

                A)           conscious                                            B)            unmindful                         

C)    confident                                            D)           sick

52.   At the same time he looked at peace.                         

A)   confident                                            B)            unarmed 11613052

C)    calm                                                      D)           dazed

53.   Maulvi Abul had two main sources of inspiration, in which he had implicit faith.   

                A)           dubious                                               B)            newfound  11613053

C)    innocent                                              D)           unquestioning

54.   Maulvi Abul had two main sources of inspiration.                                                                                  11613054

                A)           encouragement                               B)            conviction                         

C)    curiosity                                              D)           reference

55.   He found a crowd assembled to watch the proceedings.                                    (Board 2014)            11613055

                A)           came                                                    

                B)            invited 

C)    awaited                                                               

D)   gathered



II.            Choose the correct answer.


1.      Maulvi Abul had slightly _____eyes.

                A)           slanting                                B)            bulging                 11613056

C)    drooping                             D)           attractive

2.      On his fingers Maulvi Abul wore _____ rings with large stones.                                                       11613057

                A)           gold                                       B)            silver                    

C)    platinum                             D)           copper

3.      How much money did Maulvi Abul collect from the devotees?                                                        11613058

                A)           100         to 150 rupees 

B)    150 to 200 rupees

C)    250 to 300 rupees

D)   40 to 50 rupees

4.      What was the name of Maulvi Abul’s first born child?                                                                                          11613059

                A)           Mehr-un-Nisa                   B)            Zaib-un-Nisa     

C)    Lutuf-un-Nisa                    D)           Shamsun

5.      Ch. Fateh Dad was member of the _____.                                                                                                                                                          11613060

A)   District  Council                 B)            District Board   

C)    District  Bar                                         D)           District  Bureau

6.      Shamim Ahmad was the _____ son of a Hafiz.                                                                                                                 11613061

                A)           eldest                                                   B)            youngest            

C)    only                                                       D)           weakest

7.      Maulvi Abul had saved _____.                         11613062

                A)           33 rupees                                           B)            43 rupees

C)    42 rupees                                           D)           63 rupees

8.      A few months after Mehr-un-Nisa's marriage, a _____ opened in the village.          

                A)           secondary school                                                             11613063

B)    middle school                  

C)    primary school

D)   higher secondary school

9.      All those years Maulvi Abul had _____ sources of inspiration.                                                           11613064

                A)           one                                                                        B)            two                                                        C)            three                                                     D)           four

10.   Before his marriage, Maulvi Abul used to live in comfort, even _____.                        11613065

                A)           in grief                                 B)            in misery            

C)    pomp                                                    D)           in poverty

11.   Maulvi Abul's wife would arrange two baskets to store _____.                                                      11613066

                A)           raw sugar

B)    bread smeared with ghee          

C)    sweets for children

D)   morsels of home-baked bread

12.   How much money did Maulvi Abul distribute among the poor and needy of the village?                                                                                            11613067

                A)           50 to 60 rupees

B)    60 to 70 rupees

C)    40 to 50 rupees

D)   30 to 40 rupees

13.   How much did Abul pay for the shoes of his first-born child?                                                                           11613068

                A)           two rupees                                        B)            one rupee

C)    three rupees                     D)           five rupees

14.   How much did Maulvi Abul pay for Mehrun’s suit?                                                                                               11613069

                A)           43 rupees                                           B)            44 rupees

C)    42 rupees                                           D)           41 rupees

15.   Where did Maulvi Abul keep the bonus money?                                                                                                     11613070

                A)           in a tin box                         B)            in a box                               

C)    in a locker                                           D)           in a bank

16.   How often did Ch. Fatehdad present new clothes to Maulvi Abul?                                                 11613071

A)   twice a year                       B)            three times a year

                C)            four times a year             D)           once a year

17.   After the ceremonies were over, Mehrun was made to sit                                                                                 11613072

                A)           in a separate room         B)            in a dark room

                C)            in a palanquin                   D)           on a matted bed

18.   What were Maulvi Abul’s two sources of inspiration?                                                                                          11613073

                A)           Zaib-un-Nisa and Chaudhry Fatehdad  

B)    Allah Almighty and Chaudhry Fatehdad

C)    Mehrunnisa and Shamim Ahmad

D)   Shamim Ahmad and Chaudhry Fatehdad

19.   Chaudhry Fatehdad’s gift for Mehrun’s wedding was a pair of gold pendants wrapped in a _____.                                                      11613074

                A)           fifty-rupee note

B)    a golden kerchief

C)    twenty-rupee note

D)   hundred-rupee note

20.   Chaudhry Fatehdad considered the daily gift of meal to Maulvi Abul _____.                            11613075

                A)           an official duty

B)    a part of his daily worship

                C)            a social obligation

D)   a part of his charity

21.   What was the day when each of the girls brought a small portion of sugar on bread? 

A)   Monday                                               B)            Tuesday 11613076

C)    Thursday                                             D)           Friday

22.   What kind of treat did Abul promise to give his children?                                                                                   11613077

                A)           Honey with bread                          

B)    sugar with bread

                C)            milk with bread                               

D)   Jam with bread

23.   How old was Shamim Ahmad when he went away to city?                                                                                 11613078

                A)           15 years                                              B)            18 years              

C)    16 years                                               D)           19 years

24.   Maulvi Abul inaugurated Shamim Ahmad’s shop by reciting verses from the Holy Quran and by _____.                                                                            11613079

A)   becoming his first customer

B)    blessing his shop

C)    unveiling the colourful display

D)   praying for his success 

25.   What was Chaudhry Fatehdad’s daily gift to Maulvi Abul?                                                                                  11613080

                A)           a little raw sugar with bread     

B)    a little raw sugar and home-baked bread smeared with ghee

C)    home-baked bread smeared with ghee and a bowl of dal                          

D)   a basket containing morsels of home-baked bread

26.   What was the length of the cloth Shamim Ahmed measured?                                                                          11613081

                A)           six yards                                              B)            seven yards      

C)    five yards                                            D)           eight yards

27.   When Mehrun reached the age of _____, Maulvi Abul’s prayers became intense and prolonged.                                                                                          11613082

                A)           16                                                                           B)            14                          

C)    15                                                                           D)           18

28.   But Chaudhry Fatehdad's censure was _____.                                                                                                                 11613083

                A)           slightly religious              

B)    religious

                C)            purely religious                

D)   almost religious

29.   Maulvi Abul vowed with Allah as his witness never to use the _____ that he loved.

                A)           fragrant oil                         B)            tobacco               11613084

                C)            comforts                              D)           powdered tobacco

30.   How much was Abul asked to pay for the shoes of his youngest child?                        11613085

                A)           eight rupees                      B)            ten rupees         

C)    seven rupees                    D)           six rupees

31.   How much did Abul pay to the shoemaker to buy shoes?                                                                                           11613086

                A)           six rupees                                                          

B)    twelve annas    

                C)            five rupees and twelve annas                   

D)   one rupee

32.   Maulvi Abul selected a piece of _____.


A)  yellow cloth with flowers amidst pink dots

B)    blue cloth with flowers amidst yellow dots

C)    pink cloth with flowers amidst blue dots

D)   pink cloth with flowers amidst yellow dots

33.   Women lingered to gaze with _____ at the colourful display.                                                                           11613088

                A)           serious curiosity               B)            wistful longing

                C)            incredulity                                           D)           impatience


Questions from Textbook

Q.1                         What was alias Abul's full name?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            11613089

Q.2                         What was Maulvi Abul’s turban known as and where did it originally come from?         11613090

Q.3                         What did he always carry with him?                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11613091

Q.4                         Describe Maulvi Abul's appearance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11613092

Q.5                         How much did the Maulvi collect on Eid?                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613093

Q.6                         How much was distributed among the needy and the poor?                                                                                                                     11613094

Q.7                         What was the name of Maulvi Abul’s eldest daughter?                                                                                                                                                                11613095

Q.8                         What was the name of the member of the District Board where the Maulvi lived?        11613096

Q.9                         What was the name of his wife?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11613097

Q.10       Write down the names of Maulvi Abul's daughters.                                                                                                                                                      11613098

Additional Questions

Q.11       Why were Maulvi Abul's prayers becoming intense and prolonged?                                                                                     11613099

Q.12       What was Chaudhry Fatehdad's daily offering to the Maulvi?                                                                                                                   11613100

Q.13       How did the Maulvi inaugurate Shamim Ahmad’s shop?                                                                                                                                             11613101

Q.14       What gift did Chaudhry Fatehdad bring for Mehrunnisa’s marriage?                                                                                     11613102

Q.15       What kind of songs did the village girls sing for Mehrun’s marriage?                                                                                     11613103

Q.16       How did Shamim Ahmad celebrate his marriage?                                                                                                                                                                            11613104


                                How did Shamim Ahmad come to marry Mehrun?                        

Q.17       What were the two main sources of inspiration for the Maulvi?                                                                                                              11613105

Q.18       What momentous decision did Maulvi Abul take?                                                                                                                                                                          11613106

Q.19       What was the reaction of the old woman on seeing Mehrun's dowry?                                                                                11613107

Q.20       Draw a character sketch of Shamim Ahmad.                                                                                                                                                                                     11613108


Who was Shamim Ahmad?

Q.21       What was the reaction of the villagers when Fatehdad talked of Mehrun's marriage?     


Q.22       What kind of life did Maulvi Abul live after his marriage?                                                                                                                                            11613110

Punctuation Exercises


1)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613111

as she opened it her eyes suddenly became bright with unshed tears just then mehrun walked in then she turned back with a smile almost as if she was thinking i know the secret of abbas readiness to inaugurate shamim ahmad s shop

2)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613112

maulvi abul counted his savings there were 43 rupees he put the money in his pocket

stoodup slowly and said if somehow mehrun can be married all my wories will disappear i will feel light as a feather at least for some years to come

3)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613113

how much should i pay maulvi abul asked out of respect shamim ahmad hesitated for a moment rubbed his palms cleared his throat and replied at the rate of six rupees per yard it will be 42 rupees sir

4)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613114

thank you sir shamim said flushing with happiness you have graciously become my first customer i consider it a good omen that is why i have not considered (offered) you any concession today but i am your humble servant sir

5)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613115

dont cry zaibun he said softly he rarely addressed her that way but today was a special day god did listen to our prayers let us bow our heads to him

6)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613116

wait let me see he went to the door and opened it chaudhry fatehdad was standing there wrapped in a shawl he warmly caught maulvi abuls hand and embraced him congratulations sir at last my efforts proved fruitful he said a low vioce

7)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613117

shamim is a good boy sir please take a decision without delay who knows what may happen saying that he brought out a cotton bag from under his shawl and handed it to maulvi abul this is humble gift

8)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613118

she held his hand and burst into tears look at this house she said sobbing without mehrun doesnt it look like a graveyard

9)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11613119

maulvi abul smiled and consoled her dont be silly zaibun has mehrun taken zabda also with her what about shamsun suddenly he remembered something arifs mother where is zabda he asked in a whisper inside crying she replied


Lesson # 14

Multiple Choice Questions


I.             Choose the correct synonym.  


1.      A well-groomed young man having walked up Davis Road turned to the Mall.         11614001

                A)           unctuous                                             B)            westernized   

C)    well off                                D)           well-dressed

2.      The young man's hair was sleek and shining.

                A)           thin                                                        B)            thick      11614002

C)    grey                                                       D)           smooth

3.      He wore the hat at a rakish angle.  11614003

            A)        straight                                     B)        stylish                         

C)  vertical                                     D)        critical

4.      He twirled his cane jauntily.                               11614004

                A)           playfully                                               B)            abruptly                             

C)    reluctantly                                          D)           impatiently

5.      He twirled his cane jauntily.                               11614005

                A)           threw                                                   B)            spun                                     

C)    waved                                                  D)           lifted

6.      The sharp icy gusts of wind struck like steel.

                A)           manners                                              B)            chills     11614006

C)    whirls                                                   D)           blasts

7.      The young man seemed to be immune to the sharp icy gusts of wind.                                         11614007

A)   sensitive to                        B)            lost in                                  

C)    prone to                                              D)           unaffected by

8.      The young man was ambling along.

                A)           strolling                                               B)            running 11614008

C)    staggering                                          D)           standing

9.      He was enjoying his promenade in the bitter cold.                                                                                                         11614009

                A)           inducement                      

                B)            scramble                            

C)    stroll                                                    

D)   idleness 

10.   He looked such dandy that tonga-wallas raced towards him.                                                            11614010

A)   elegant                                                B)            modern                              

C)    educated                                            D)           fashionable

11.   As the evening advanced, the cold became more intense.                                                                                 11614011

                A)           bleak                                                     B)            acute                                   

C)    mild                                                       D)           tempting

12.   It was a cold that induced people to seek comfort in pleasure.                                                        11614012

A)   encouraged                       B)            discouraged

C)    confined                                              D)           allowed

13.   It was a cold that induced people to seek comfort in pleasure.                                                        11614013

A)   enhance                                              B)            renounce           

C)    give up                                                 D)           look for

14.   In such times, it was not only the profligate who ranged abroad, but…                                        11614014

                A)           idlers                                                    B)            immoral persons 

                C)            wasteful                                              D)           fashionable

15.   In such times, it was not only the profligate who ranged abroad, but                                            11614015

                A)           came out                                             B)            sought comfort               

                C)            converged                                          D)           felt amused

16.   Even those who were usually content to live with their loneliness emerged from their hide-outs.                                                                                                         11614016

A)   indifferent                                          B)            wiling                   

C)    dissatisfied                                         D)           satisfied

17.   People emerged from their hide-outs to join in the gaiety of the streets.                                   11614017

                A)           appeared                                            B)            hid                                                         

C)    ran away                                             D)           submerged

18.   People emerged from their hide-outs to join in the gaiety of the streets.                                   11614018

A)   shelters                                               B)            secrecy                               

C)    passivity                                              D)           enthusiasm

19.   To join in the gaiety of streets.         11614019

            A)        gloom                                      B)        desolation                   

C)  bustle                                       D)        profligacy

20.   People converged on the Mall.                         11614020

A)   departed                            

B)    enjoyed themselves

C)    strolled                                

D)   gathered

21.   They amused themselves, each according to his means.                                                                                             11614021

A)   income                                                B)            temperament  

C)    desire                                                   D)           comfort


22.   The pavement thronged with pedestrians.

                (Board 2015)            11614022

                A)           hotel                                                     B)            footpath

                C)            shop                                                      D)           ground

23.   The lapels were stiff and the sleeves were well creased.                                                                                     11614023

                A)           folded                                                   B)            maintained                       

                C)            tailored                                               D)           crumpled

24.   Poor little mite.                                                                        11614024

A)   very small thing                B)            stray cat              

C)    cute pet                                               D)           faithful animal

25.   He examined the guitar with the air of a connoisseur.                                                                                          11614025

A)   manner                                                                B)            atmosphere

C)    knowledge                                         D)           utterance

26.   He examined the guitar with the air of a connoisseur.                                          (Board 2015)            11614026

                A)           customer                                             B)            critic                                      

C)    layman                                                 D)           profligate

27.   "No, thank you," the young man said with an air of indifference.                                                   11614027

                A)           selfishness                                         B)            unconcern                         

C)    pride                                                     D)           contempt 

28.   He slipped the list into his pocket and resumed his promenade.                                     11614028

                A)           stopped                                                               B)            restarted                            

C)    stayed                                                  D)           hastened

29.   "You have to select it, sir," said the carpet dealer amiably.                                                                                11614029

                A)           sternly                                                 B)            decisively                           

C)    cordially                                              D)           bitterly

30.   A cream colour rose adorned the lapel of the young man’s overcoat.                                           11614030

A)   embellished                       B)            stiffened                             C)            creased                                                                D)                marked

31.   He adjusted it with a peculiar smile of satisfaction.                                                                                               11614031

                A)           pretentious                       B)            special                                                  c)  graceful                                         D)                generous

32.   At this part, the crowd of pedestrians had thinned down.                                                                  11614032

                A)           become less                      B)            become more                   C)            disappeared                       D)                grown larger

33.   The young man tried to spin his cane around one finger.                                                                                            11614033

A)   twirl                                                       B)            put                                                                         C)            fixed                                                      D)           felt


34.   The girl wore a floppy shalwar.        11614034

            A)        loose                                        B)        long                                         C)        tight                                         D)        striped

35.   She was short and bulky.                                     11614035

A)  skinny                                      B)        slender                                     C)        fashionable                        D)        heavy

36.   The young man was delighted to watch this spectacle.                                                                                                11614036

A)   place                                                     B)            loveliness                                            C)            scene                                                    D)           gaiety

37.   He had been, perhaps, too deeply engrossed in himself.                                                                                             11614037

A)   cheerful                                               B)            absorbed                                             C)            immune                                               D)           excited

38.   He followed them closely hoping to get a glimpse of their faces.                                                    11614038

                A)           gaze                                                     

                B)            shape                                                  

                C)            glance                                                 

                D)           sketch


39.   There was a lot of blood about and he was in a very precarious state.                                         11614039

A)   unconscious                       B)            critical                                                   C)            bleeding                                              D)                 painful

40.   The assistant surgeon and the two nurses had their faces concealed behind masks. 11614040

A)   groomed                                             B)            revealed                                              C)            protected                                            D)           hidden

41.   "All togged up for Saturday night, poor chap!"                                                                                                                 11614041

                A)           worked up                                          B)            spruced up        

                C)            ended up                                            D)           engrossed in

42.   The strong scented oil still gave out a faint odour.                                                                                                          11614042

A)   blackness                                            B)            smoothness      

C)    luster                                                    D)           smell

43.   Where the flesh showed through the holes it was grimed with dirt.                                                              11614043

A)   exposed                                              B)            rubbed                                

C)    concealed                                           D)           soiled


II.            Choose the correct answer.


1.      What was the colour of the overcoat of the young man?                                                                                    11614044

                A)           red                                                         B)            brown                 

C)    green                                    D)           black

2.      What happened when the evening advanced?

                A)           The weather became pleasant.                11614045

B)    The pleasant air began to blow.

C)    The sky was covered with clouds and it               started raining.

D)   The cold became more intense.

3.      What was the condition of the overcoat the young man was wearing?                                        11614046
A)   It was old.                          

B)    It was new.                       

C)    It was ragged.  

D)   It was full of dust.

4.      When the young man visited the music shop what did he find?                                                                       11614047

                A)           musical instruments      B)            many people  

C)    nothing                                                                D)           books

5.      When the young man died in the hospital what amount of money was discovered on him?                                                                                                                     11614048

                A)           200 rupees                                        

B)    51 rupees          

C)    six annas and few pies

D)   six annas  

6.      What were the names of the Nurses on duty in hospital?                                                                                           11614049

                A)           Nasreen and Jamila

B)    Shehnaz and Gill

                C)            Gill and Jamila     

D)  Shehnaz and Jamila

7.      What was the owner of the shop wearning on his head?                                                                                    11614050

                A)           a cap                                                    

                B)            a silk turban     

C)    nothing                                               

D)   a green kerchief

8.      After the accident when the driver sped away what were the words of the passers-by?                                                                                                                             11614051

                A)           Catch him!                                          B)            Stop him!

C)    Kill him!                                               D)           Follow him!

9.      What was the condition of the young man after the accident?                                                                         11614052

                A)           He was in a very precarious condition.

B)    He was in a stable condition.

C)    He was in a normal condition.

D)   He bled profusely.

10.   What was the first thing removed from the body of the young man after the accident?

                A)           overcoat                                                                                             11614053

B)    shoes and socks                              

C)    white silk scarf   

D)   old cotton sweater

11.   The young man’s shoes were old but _____.

                A)           well polished                     B)            cheap   11614054

C)    expensive                                           D)           worn out

12.   What time of the year was it when the young man was strolling on the Mall?

A)   mid summer                      B)            autumn 11614055

C)    mid winter                                         D)           spring

13.   What could be heard playing in one of the restaurants?                                                                                      11614056

                A)           a Spanish guitar               B)            an orchestra     

C)    a German piano               D)           a flute

14.   What was lost at the time of the accident?

                A)           the cane                                                                                              11614057

B)    the black comb               

C)    a half-smoked cigarette              

D)   a diary

15.   The young man’s hair was sleek and shining and he wore _____.                                                   11614058

                A)           silver rings                                          B)            sideburns           

C)    white gloves                      D)           a brown hat

16.   The young man examined the guitar with the air of a _____.                                                                                   11614059

                A)           hobbyist                                              B)            guitarist

C)    rambler                                                                D)           connoisseur

17.   The cold weather induced people to emerge from their hideouts and _____.                          11614060

                A)           to enjoy the latest hit songs

B)    join the crowd outside a restaurant

C)    join in the gaiety of the streets

D)   to enjoy the orchestra in a restaurant

18.   A few yards further on, a large _____ carpet attracted the young man’s attention.                              

                A)           Persian                                                 B)            Indian   11614061

C)    Pakistani                                             D)           Oriental

19.   The young man followed the couple hoping to get a glimpse of their faces and _____.

                A)           to hear more of their talk.                          11614062

B)    to overtake them.

C)    to spot them out in the crowd.

D)   to observe them closely.

20.   After the accident the young man was loaded into a _____ and taken to the nearby hospital.                                                                                                 11614063

                A)           car                                                                          B)            truck

C)    rickshaw                                              D)           police van

21.   What was hanging on the wall in the western music shop?                                                                                        11614064

A)   gramophone records

B)    Indian guitar     

                C)            Spanish guitar

D)   German piano  

22.   What was the price of the carpet?

                A)           two hundred rupees                                      11614065

B)    five hundred and thirty two rupees

                C)            fourteen hundred and two rupees        

D)   fourteen hundred and thirty two rupees

23.   What adorned the lapel of the young man‘s overcoat?                                                                                                11614066

                A)           a red rose                          

B)    a cream coloured rose

                C)            large, shiny buttons of horn

D)   a gold lace

24.   The young man’s thin moustache seemed to have been _____.                                                                     11614067

                A)           trimmed neatly               

B)    drawn with a pencil

C)    smoothed with a fragrant oil

D)   drawn stylishly

25.   The sharp icy gusts of wind struck like steel but the young man seemed to be _____ them.                                                                                                                     11614068

                A)           feeling                                                  B)            waiting for

C)    sensitive to                                        D)           immune to


Questions from Textbook

Q.1                         What was the colour of the overcoat of the young man?                                                                                                                                            11614069

Q.2                         What was the appearance of the young man?                                                                                                                                                                                  11614070

Q.3                         Why did the people come out on the Mall?                                                                                                                                                                                                        11614071

Q.4                         What were the people wearing?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11614072

Q.5                         Why was the cat shivering?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11614073

Q.6                         Why did the driver of the truck speed away after the accident?                                                                                                                               11614074

Q.7                         Who took the young man to the hospital?                                                                                                                                                                                                          11614075


How was the young man transported to hospital?                                                                                                                                 

Q.8                         What kind of music was played in one of the restaurants?                                                                                                                                         11614076

Additional Questions

Q.9                         Describe the overcoat worn by the young man?                                                                                                                                                                              11614077

Q.10       What were the weather conditions when the young man was enjoying his promenade on the Mall?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11614078

Q.11       How did the people amuse themselves on the Mall?                                                                                                                                                     11614079

Q.12       What was the attitude of the people to the music outside one of the restaurants?                                        11614080

Q.13       What was there at the large western music shop?                                                                                                                                                                         11614081

Q.14       What was the reaction of passers-by at the accident?                                                                                                                                                  11614082

Q.15       Who were on duty in the casualty department?                                                                                                                                                                              11614083

Q.16       What was the young man wearing underneath his overcoat?                                                                                                                   11614084

Q.17       Give the list of the articles which were found from the coat of the young man.                                              11614085

Punctuation Exercises

1)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11614086

                if you dont trust me sir you can come with me anyway what do you want to buy

                never mind..... here i have found one anna now give me a good cigarette and be off with you

h you."

2)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11614087

you have only to select sir said the carpet dealer amiably and we will reduce the price to the minimum

3)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11614088

thank you so much the young man said approvingly a fine carpet indeed i ll come again some time and he walked away

4)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11614089

he was now walking along the pavement near the high courts he had been roaming about for quite a long time but his spirits were still high he was neither tired nor bored

5)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11614090

two or three passersby who had witnessed the accident shouted stop him take the number but the truck was no more to be seen

6)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11614091

seems quite well to do nurse shehnaz said to nurse gill to which she replied in a lower tone all togged up for saturday night poor chap

                "All togged up for Saturday night, poor chap."


Lesson # 15

Multiple Choice Questions


I.       Choose the correct synonym.         


1.      I had a vexing dream.                                                            11615001

            A)        puzzling                       B)        pleasing                      

C)  destroying                    D)        vague 

2.      It was about a fortnight after Christmas.    

                A)           two weeks                          B)            four weeks  11615002

C)    two nights                          D)           four nights 

3.      A little less virtue and I might have lived longer.                                                                                                             11615003

                A)           goodness                                            B)            cunning                               

C)    allowance                                           D)           practice 

4.      I have been a bit too good.                                                11615004

            A)        beautiful                                  B)        handsome                   

C)  pious                                        D)        famous

5.      The last I saw of London was a long line of electric lamps bordering the Embankment.

                A)           lining                                                     B)            ascending 11615005

C)    descending                        D)           twinkling 

6.      Later nothing remained but a faint luminosity buried beneath darkness.

                A)           glowing                                                B)            dazzling  11615006

C)    strange                                                 D)           dim

7.      Later nothing remained but a faint luminosity buried beneath darkness.

                A)           dreaminess                                        B)            flow       11615007

C)    brightness                                          D)           dimness 

8.      I heard behind me the slow, throbbing sound of wings.                                                                       11615008

                A)           fluttering                                            B)            chirping                              

C)    whispering                                         D)           whistling

9.      He had a weary look.                                                            11615009

            A)        fresh                                        B)        tired                            

C)  excited                                     D)        afraid

10.   I judged him to be tired.                                      11615010

            A)        asked                                       B)        presumed 

            C)        answered                                 D)        told

11.   I judged him to be tired.                                      11615011

            A)        depressed                                 B)        astonished                   

C)  exhausted                                D)        fresh

12.   "Yes," he acknowledged, "it is a trying period for me, your Christmas time."

                A)           grumbled                                            B)            admitted  11615012

C)    answered                                            D)           realized

13.    "Its a trying period for me."                              11615013

            A)        easy                                         B)        delightful                    

C)  preliminary                  D)        difficult

14.   The wonder to me is how you get through it.                                                                                                                                   11615014

                A)           acquire                                                B)            cross                                    

C)    complete                                             D)           renounce

15.   It’s really a delightful sensation.      11615015

A)   occasion                                              B)            feeling                 

C)    arrangement                     D)           act 

16.   You are to be envied.                                                            11615016

            A)        enhanced                                 B)        disparaged       

C)  admired                                    D)        relaxed 

17.   …the sweet child giving Bovril to the shivering street arab.                                                                11615017

                A)           suffering                                             B)            shoveling                           

C)    trembling                                            D)           wandering 

18.   The good old red-faced squire shoveling out plum pudding to the crowd.                 11615018

                A)           preparing                                            B)            distributing                        C)            selling                                                   D)           emitting  

19.   …the sweet child giving Bovril with her own dear little hand.                                                           11615019

                A)           clothes                                                 B)            charity                                 

C)    soup                                                      D)           cake

20.   It makes me yearn to borrow a collecting box.                                                                                                                 11615020

                A)           desire                                                   B)            feel

                C)            manage                                               D)           fail

21.   All we men and women become generous quite suddenly.                                                                               11615021

                A)           happy                                                   B)            stingy                                  

C)    well off                                                D)           magnanimous

22.   Why noting them down must be a comfort to you.                                                                                                                        11615022

                A)           giving                                                    B)            watching                            

C)    celebrating                                         D)           writing

23.   I have often thought of keeping a diary jotting them down each day.                           11615023

                A)           jumbling                                              B)            writing                

C)    remembering                   D)           arranging 

24.   It was a bulky looking volume.         11615024

            A)        old                                                      B)        fresh                                       C)        light                                         D)        heavy

25.   It was a bulky looking volume.         11615025

A)   size                                                                        B)            book                                     

C)    brochure                                              D)           writing

26.   “I did not really doubt his care.”      11615026

            A)        suspect                                     B)        imagine                                    C)        see                                                       D)        trust 

27.   “I did not really doubt his care and conscientiousness.”                                                       11615027

A)   watchfulness                     B)            generosity                         

C)    delight                                                  D)           honesty

28.   My subscription to the Daily Telegraph’s Sixpenny Fund for the Unemployed…”  

A)   contribution                                                                       11615028

B)    performance    

C) purchase                               

D)   arrangement

29.   I forget what the particular charity was about.                                                                                                                11615029

                A)           need                                                     B)            explanation                       C)            fund                                                      D)           dinner

30.   He interrupted me with the assurance that my attendance had been noted.                            11615030

                A)           presence                                            

                B)            indifference                      

                C)            innocence                                          

                D)           magnificence

31.   "And, of course, you remember my performance in aid of the Fund for Poor Curates," I went on.                                                         11615031

A)   workers                                               B)            orphans                                               C)            countrymen                       D)                priests

32.   But I fancy they rather liked my Talbot Champneys.                                                                                              11615032

                A)           insist                                                     B)            think                                                      C)            measure                                              D)           claim 

33.   Expenses, when you come to add refreshments, mount up.                                              11615033

A)   dwindle                                                B)            increase                              

C)    emerge                                                D)           show up

34.   I also reminded him of the four balcony seats I had taken for the monster show.  

A) huge                                                        B)            exciting    11615034

C) charitable                                               D)           luxuriant

35.   …the four balcony seats I had taken for the monster show in aid of the Fund for the Destitute British in Johannesburg.

A)   charitable                                            B)            affluent 11615035

C)    overseas                                              D)           extremely poor

36.   Not all the celebrated actors and actresses announced on the posters had appeared.        


A)   modern                                                               

B)    award-winning 

C)    eminent                                              

D)   rejoicing 


37.    “…and all the celebrities one had never heard of - had turned up to a man.”

A)   arrived                                                  B)            left                         11615037 C)            declined                                               D)                ascended

38.   “…and all the celebrities one had never heard of – had turned up to a man.” 11615038

A)   except one                                        

B)    without exception         

C)    continuously     

D)   individually

39.   There was nothing to grumble at.  

            A)        wink                                        B)        stare     11615039             C)        laud                                          D)        complain 

40.   I could not remember them at a time in their entirety.                                                                                                11615040

                A)           totality                                                                 B)            sequence                           

C)    truth                                                     D)           partiality 

41.   But I did remember the rummage sale to which I sent all my clothes.                          11615041

                A)           common sale                   

B)    expensive stalls               

C)    sale of antiques

                D)           sale of secondhand items

42.   And also the raffle I had joined for motor car.                                                                                                                  11615042

                A)           prize                                                      B)            queue                                  

C)    struggle                                                D)           lottery

43.   The Angel said I really need not be alarmed.

A)   unmindful                                           B)            boastful 11615043

C)    informed                                             D)           worried


II.            Choose the correct answer.


1.      The author had a _____ dream.      

                A)           horrible                               B)            pleasant              11615044

C)    vexing                                   D)           unusual

2.      The author had a vexing dream about a _____ after Christmas.                                                       11615045

                A)           week                                     B)            fortnight

                C)            month                                  D)           day

3.      The author dreamt that he flew out of the window in his _____.                                                   11615046

                A)           sensation                                           

B)    luminosity

                C)            nightshirt

D)   old coat he could have worn again


4.      The last the author saw of London was _____ bordering along the Embankment. 

                A)           a long line of electric lamps        11615047

                B)            crowd of grateful villagers

                C)            faint luminosity

D)   people with collecting boxes

5.      What did the author hear behind him when he was flying?                                                                                       11615048

                A)           a throbbing sound         

B)    buzzing sound

                C)            a melodious sound

D)   whistling sound

6.      The author judged the Recording Angel to be _____.                                                                                                   11615049

                A)           happy                                                   B)            envious                               

C)    tired                                                      D)           busy

7.      What the author likes about Christmas is that it makes everybody _____.                                 11615050

                A)           weary                                                   B)            happy  

C)    excited                                                 D)           good

8.      How much had the author contributed to the Daily Telegraph’s Six Penny Fund for the unemployed?                                                                                11615051

A)   ten shillings                        B)            twenty shillings

C)    six pennies                                         D)           ten pounds

9.      How many charity dinners had the author attended?                                                                                                   11615052

                A)           four                                                       B)            two                       

C)    six                                                                          D)           five

10.   How man signed photographs of himself did the author send to a charity bazaar?

                A)           six                                                                           B)            eight      11615053

C)    ten                                                                         D)           twelve

11.   The author sent a dozen photographs of himself, signed, to _____.                                              11615054

                A)           a charity bazaar

B)    a rummage sale

C)    the monster show

D)   six-penny fund

12.   The monster show at His Majesty’s was arranged in aid of _____.                                 11615055

                A)           the unemployed

B)    poor curates     

                C)            homeless people            

D)   the destitute British in Johannesburg

13.   The author sent all his old clothes to _____.

                A)           the destitute British in Johannesburg

B)    poor curates                                                                      11615056

                C)            a charity bazaar

D)   a rummage sale

14.   What did the author send to a rummage sale?  A)  old furniture                      (Board 2015)   11615057

B)    old clothes

                C)            old shoes

D)   old books

15.   What was the child giving to shivering street Arab?                                                                                                                       11615058

                A)           plum pudding                    B)            Bovril

                C)            a Christmas gift                D)           cake

16.   What did the author feel while going up?  

                A)           curious                                                 B)            vexed    11615059

C)    horrified                                              D)           glad

17.   The author asked the angel if he had read the notice in _____.                                                                       11615060

                A)           The Daily Telegraph

B)    The Morning Post

C)    The Times

D)   The Tribune

18.   The author thinks he could have lived longer by _____.                                                                                              11615061

                A)           being less virtuous

B)    doing good deeds

C)    jotting his good deeds in a diary

D)   keeping off the whirl of life

19.   The author had joined a raffle for _____.  

A)   fun                                                                                                                         11615062

                B)            charity

C)    a motor car                                       

D)   Christmas

20.   The good old red-faced squire was shoveling out _____ to a crowd of villagers.     11615063

                A)           meat broth                                        

                B)            plum pudding

C)    Bovril                                                    

D)   Christmas cake





Questions from Textbook

Q.1         At what point of the journey in his dream did the author hear the throbbing sound of wings?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11615064

Q.2                         What time of the year was it when the writer had a vexing dream?                                                                                                      11615065

Q.3                         What does the author like about Christmas?                                                                                                                                                                                   11615066


What change does Christmas bring in people?                                                                                                                                        

Q.4                         Write down the good deeds the author has admitted are a great joy on Christmas.                                      11615067

Q.5                         Why are noble deeds always a great joy for the author?                                                                                                                                             11615068

Additional Questions

Q.6                        What kind of dream did the author have?                                                                                                                                                                                                          11615069


What did the author see in his dream?                                                                                                                                                                                                        

Q.7                         What did the author see below when he was flying upward?                                                                                                                    11615070

Q.8                         Why is Christmas time a trying period for the Recording Angel?                                                                                                              11615071


Why does the Recording Angel remain busy during Christmas time?                                                                   

Q.9                         Write down the good deeds the author remembered.                                                                                                                                                                 11615072

Q.10       Why did the author often think of keeping a diary?                                                                                                                                                                       11615073

Q.11       Why did the author stay with the angel for so long?                                                                                                                                                      11615074

Q.12       How much did the author contribute to the fund for the unemployed?                                                                                               11615075

Q.13       Why did the author buy four balcony seats?                                                                                                                                                                                     11615076

Q.14       Why did the author specially remember the monster show held in aid of the fund for destitute British in Johannesburg?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11615077

Q.15       Why had the author joined a raffle?                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11615078

Q.16       What is the theme of the story "The Angel and the Author - and Others"?                                                                         11615079

Q.17       Who is the author of the story "The Angel and the Author - and Others"?                                                                          11615080

Punctuation Exercises

1)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615081

i am sure it must be i returned the wonder to me is how you get through it all you see at christmas time i went on all we men and women become generous quite suddenly

2)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615082

they are to all of us i said i love to think of all the good deeds i myself have done i have often thought of keeping a diary-jotting them down each day it would be so nice for ones children

3)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615083

that book of yours i said i suppose now it contains all the good actions that we men and women have been doing during the last six weeks it was a bulky looking volume

4)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615084

as a matter of fact now i come to think of it i added it was ten shillings altogether they spelt my name wrong the first time

5)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615085

then i have been to four charity dinners i reminded him i forget what the particular charity was about

6)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615086

and of course you remember my performance of talbot champneys in our boys the week before last in aid of the fund for poor curates i went on

7)            Unsolved:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           11615087

and also the raffle i had joined for a motor car the angel said i really need not be alarmed that everything had been noted together with other matters i may be had forgotten






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