11th Biology Subjective


Unit 1





Q.1      (a)        Define Biology.                                                                                                                                                                                                    11401001

            (b)       What is life? Write down some characteristics of living things.

Q.2      What are the main branches of biology?                                                                                                                11401002

Q.3      (a) What are bioelements?                                                                                                                                                                 11401003

            (b)       Describe various levels of biological organization.

Q.4      Write a note on population and community organization.                                            11401004

Q.5      Write a note on distribution of organisms in space (on earth).                                              11401005

Q.6      Write a note on the origin of living organisms on this planet.                                       11401006

Q.7      What is phyletic lineage? Discuss briefly.                                                                                                              11401007

Q.8      What is biological problem? Describe what methods are used to solve a biological problem.                                                                                                                                                                                                       11401008

Q.9      Describe the role of biology in Food Production.                                                                                      11401009

Q.10    Describe the role of biology in  disease  control.                                                                                             11401010

Q. 11.  Describe the role of biology in protecting and conservation of environment.    11401011

Q.12   What is a clone? Write a note on cloning.                                                                                                              11401012

Unit 2






Q.1      What is biochemistry? What is its importance?                                                                           11402001

Q. 2   Compare the chemical composition of a typical bacterial and a mammalian cell. 11402002

Q.3   Define metabolism. How do catabolic and metabolic activities differ from each other?                                                                                                                                                                        11402003

Q.4   Discuss the importance of carbon for all living organisms (Life).                                      11402004

Q.5                  Explain the importance of water for Life.                                                                                           11402005

Q.6    Write a brief note on carbohydrates.                                                                                               11402006

Q.7   Give the classification of carbohydrates. Write a brief note on monosaccharide.


Q.8          Write a short note on oligosaccharides.                                                                                             11402008

Q.9          Write a note on polysaccharides.                                                                                                                                11402009

Q.10      What are Lipids? What are different groups of lipids? Write some functions of lipids.                                                                                                                                                                                                 11402010

Q.11 Explain the structure of glycerol. What are fatty acids? How do saturated and unsaturated fatty acids differ from each other?                                                                                                   11402011

Q.12  Write a note on the following:                                                                                   11402012

          1)         Waxes             2)         Phospholipids                        3)         Terpenoids                

Q.13 What are proteins? Discuss briefly the functions of proteins.                                   11402013

Q.14        Write a short note on Amino Acids.                                                                                             11402014

Q.15   Discuss in detail the levels of organization of proteins.                                                                    11402015

OR  Describe the structure of proteins in detail.

Q.16   Give the classification of proteins.                                                                                                   11402016

Q.17   Write a note on Nucleic acid.                                                                                                           11402017

Q.18- Write a note on DNA.                                                                                                                                                   11402018

Q.19   Describe briefly the contribution of the following scientists                                    11402019

1) Erwin Chargaff   

2) Wilkins and Franklin      

3) James D. Watson and Francis Crick

Q.20   Show that amount of DNA is fixed in particular species.                                    11402020

Q.21   What are different types of RNAs?                                                                                                              11402021

Q. 22  What are conjugated molecules and their importance?                                           11402022

Q.23   Differentiate between DNA & RNA.                                                                                  11402023 

 Unit 3






Q.1 (a) What are enzymes? What is their chemical composition and location? 11403001

(b) What do you know about the following?

i- Co-factors                                                                                             ii- Prosthetic group               iii- Co-enzyme  

iv- Apoenzyme                                                                     v- Holoenzyme                                                               

Q.2    Explain the characteristics of enzymes.                                                                         11403002

Q.3     Explain the mechanism of enzyme action. What are the different models of enzyme actions?                                                                                                                                                      11403003

Q.4           Discuss the different factors which affect the rate of enzyme action.   11403004

Q.5         Write a note on Inhibitors.                                                                                                                            11403005




Unit 4





Q.1      Define a cell.                                                                                                                                                   11404001

Q.2                  Describe the discovery of cell and emergence of cell theory.                             11404002

Q.3       Explain the magnification and importance of microscope.                                     11404003

Q.4                  Define cell theory. Who presented the cell theory? Write down its salient

            features.                                                                                                                                                                                      11404004

Q.5     Explain that cell is a structural and functional unit of all organisms.       11404005

Q.6      How was the structure of a generalized cell studied?                                                                        11404006

Q.7      Explain the structure of a typical cell.                                                                        11404007

Q.8      Describe the structure and function of cell membrane.                                        11404008

Q.9      Explain the structure and function of cell wall.                                                           11404009

Q.10     Describe the structure and functions of cytoplasm.                                           11404010

Q.11    Discuss the structure and functions of Endoplasmic Reticulum.                           11404011

Q.12    Write a note on ribosomes.                                                                                                            11404012

Q.13     Describe the structure and functions of Golgi body in cell.                            11404013

Q.14     Explain the structure and functions of Lysosome.                                                       11404014

Q.15   What are peroxisomes and their role in the cell?                                                                   11404015

Q.16   Explain the importance of Glyoxysome in the plants.                                                11404016

Q.17     Write a note on vacuoles present in a cell.                                                                        11404017

Q.18     Write a note on cytoskeleton.                                                                                                                     11404018

Q.19     What is the structure and function of centriole?                                                     11404019

Q.20      Describe the structure and functions of Mitochondria.                                                     11404020

Q.21   What are plastids? What are different types of plastids? Write a note on chloroplasts.                                                                                                                                                           11404021

Q.22    Discuss the structure and functions of nucleus.                                                                              11404022

Q.23   How do the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells differ from each other?    11404023


 Unit 5







Q.1            What is taxonomy? Describe classification, need of classification and basis of classification.                                                                                                                                                         11405001

Q.2 Give names and definitions of various taxonomic categories or units of classification.                                                                                                                                                                           11405002

Q.3      Give the biological classification of corn.                                                                     11405003

Q.4     Write a note on Binomial Nomenclature.                                                                     11405004

Q.5     Discuss various groups of classification.                                                                                                                          11405005

Q.6      Define virus. What is virology?                                                                                            11405006

Q.7     Describe the discovery of virus and bacteriophage.                                             11405007

Q.8      Give the characteristics of viruses.                                                                                      11405008

Q.9     Discuss the structure of viruses.                                                                                                                        11405009

Q.10      What are prions and viroid? Describe various shapes of viruses.           11405010

Q.11      Describe the structural form of bacteriophages.                                               11405011

Q.12   Describe the structure and life cycle of bacteriophage.                                          11405012

Q.13     Give the classification of viruses.                                                                                         11405013

Q.14      Discuss some important human viral diseases.                                                                 11405014

Q.15    Write a note on Retroviruses. What is AIDS? Discuss the life cycle of HIV.     11405015

Q.16      What is hepatitis? Describe different types of hepatitis.                                                    11405016


Unit 6





Q.1     What is meant by prokaryote? Differentiate between Archaeobacteria and Eubacteria.                                                                                                                                                                          11406001

Q.2   Discuss the discovery of bacteria.                                                                                              11406002

Q.3  Who formulated the germ theory of diseases?                                                                 11406003

      What are the postulates of germ theory of disease?                                     

Q. 4     Where do bacteria generally occur?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11406004

Q.5    What is the structure  and size of bacteria?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11406005

Q.6    Discuss the various shapes of bacteria?                                                                                                OR                                                                                                                                             11406006

                     Classify the bacteria on the basis of Shapes.                                     

Q.7    Discuss the following structures of bacteria in detail.                                                         11406007

(1) Flagella                                              (2) Pili                                                             (3) The Envelope

(4) Cell membrane                     (5) Cytoplasmic Matrix                    (6) Nucleoid

(7) Plasmid                                              (8) Ribosomes                                                (9) Mesosome

(10) Granules and storage bodies                                                                     (11) Spores and cysts

Q.8    Write an account of Nutrition in bacteria.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     11406008

Q. 9    Write a note on respiration in bacteria.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11406009

Q.10     Describe briefly about the growth and reproduction in bacteria.                                                11406010

Q.11    Discuss the importance of bacteria in detail.                                                                     11406011

Q.12    Describe different methods used for controlling bacteria.                                                                         11406012

Q.13   What are antibiotics? Discuss their uses and misuses.                                                                                                                                                             11406013

Q.14    Explain the characteristics of Cyanobacteria.                                                                                                                                                                                                11406014

Q.15    Describe the economic importance of Cyanobacteria.                                                         11406015

Q.16   Discuss the structure and reproduction of Nostoc.                                                                                                                                                                                     11406016


Unit 7







Q.1      Discuss the important features of protists. Why are protists difficult to classify? Write their major groups.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    11407001

Q.2.             Discuss historical perspective of kingdom Protista.                                                                                                                                                                                                        11407002

Q.3      Why do most biologists regard protists as polyphyletic group of organisms? 11407003

Q.4         Summarize various groups of Protozoa, the animal like protists with the help of table.

Q.5    Describe briefly major groups of animal-like protists.                                                                   11407005

Q.6     Write a note on apicomplexans.                                                                                                                      11407006

Q.7   Discuss general characteristics of Algae.                                                                                    11407007

Q.8 Give classification of the photosynthetic protists (Algae)    OR                                               11407008

      Classify the Algae into phyla? Also give examples.                                                               

Q.9   Discuss briefly the different groups of algae.                                                                                                  11407009

Q.10    Green algae are considered ancestral organisms of green land plants. Discuss. 11407010

Q.11   Describe the importance of Algae.                                                                                                                           11407011

Q.12    Give an account of fungus-like protists.                                                                                           


Unit 8


FUNGI (The Kingdom of Recyclers)





Q.1         What types of organisms are included in kingdom fungi? Describe their taxonomic status.                                                                                                                                                                                                            OR                                                                                                                                                                              11408001

      What are fungi? Why are they placed in separate kingdom? What do you know about their habitat and resistance?

Q.2    Describe the body structure of fungi.                                                                                                                11408002

Q.3    Describe nutrition in fungi. Also mention their habitat.                                                          11408003

Q.4     Describe reproduction in fungi.                                                                                                                                     11408004

Q.5     Describe classification of fungi.                                                                                                                                     11408005

Q.6  Write the major features of Zygomycota?     OR                                                                                               11408006

      Draw and explain the life cycle of Rhizopus.                                       

Q.7     a) Write major features of ascomycota.                                                                                               11408007

           b) Write a note on yeasts.                                                                             

Q.8    Write the major features of Basidiomycota.                                                                                                     11408008

Q.9    Write note on Rust and Smut fungi.                                                                                                                  11408009

Q.10   a) Describe the important features of Deuteromycota.                                                                                                               11408010

    b) Write a note on Penicillium.                                                                                      

Q.11     Describe the various adaptations found in fungi for life on land.                                       11408011

Q.12    Discuss the importance of Fungi.                                                                                                                     11408012



Unit 9







Q. 1                 What is phylogenetic system of classification? What types of organisms are placed in                   Plantae?                                                                                                                                                                                       11409001

Q.2      Give classification of Kingdom Plantae.                                                                                                     11409002

Q.3.   Describe general characteristics of Bryophyta.                                                                                           11409003

Q.4.     What is alternation of generation? Give its significance.                                                       11409004

Q.5  Discuss the structural adaptations which have enabled the non-vascular plants to live on land.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        11409005

Q.6           Give the classification of division Bryophyta.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         11409006

Q.7           Describe the characteristics of sub-division Hepaticopsida.                                                                                    11409007

Q.8           Describe the characteristics of sub-division Bryopsida.                                                                                                      11409008

Q.9           Describe the characteristics of Sub-division Anthoceropsida.                                                                                 11409009

Q.10       What are Tracheophytes? What are their characters which enable the vascular in general and flowering plants in particular predominant flora of land?                                                                                                             11409010

Q.11    Give the classification of Division Tracheophyta.                                                                                                                                                                                                     11409011

What are the characteristics of sub-Division Psilopsida?

Q.12    Explain the evolution of leaf in vascular plants.                                                                                        11409012

Q.13    Describe characteristic features of Lycopsida.                                                                                          11409013

Q.14    Describe the characteristics of sub- division Sphenopsida.                                                          11409014

Q.15    Give classification of Pteropsida. What are the features of class filicineae?       11409015

Q.16    Describe the life cycle of Adiantum in detail.                      (Board –2009)                                 11409016

Q.17    What are spermatophytes? When did and how seed evolve in vascular plants? 11409017

Q.18       What are gymnosperms? Give the characteristics of Gymnosperms.                                 11409018

Q. 19. Describe the life cycle of Pinus in detail.                                                                                              11409019

Q.20       What are Angiosperms? Describe the life cycle of Angiosperm in detail.                         11409020

Q.21    Give the classification of class angiospermae.                                                                                            11409021

Q.22    Give the general characters and economic importance of Family Rosaceae.     11409022

Q.23    Give the general characters and economic importance of family solanaceae.    11409023

Q.24    Give the general characters and economic importance of Family Fabaceae.     11409024

Q.25    Give the general characters and economic importance of Family Caesalpiniaceae.     


Q.26       Give the general characters and economic importance of Family Mimosaceae.


Q.27    Give the general characters and economic importance of family Poaceae.              



Unit 10







Q.1         a)   What is kingdom animalia? What types of organisms are placed in this kingdom?                 b)   What is the possibility of evolution of animals from Protoctista?                          11410001

Q.2      Discuss the development of complexity in animals.                                                                                         11410002

Q.3        a) Differentiate between the series Proterostomia and Deuteromia.                                   11410003

b) What do you understand by Spiral/Determinate cleavage and Radial / Indeterminate cleavage?       

Q.4      Write a note on diploblastic and triploblastic organization.                                                        11410004

Q.5      Write a note on acoelomates, pseudocoelomates and coelomates.                                            11410005

Q.6      Give a detailed account of Parazoa.                                                                                                                       11410006

Q.7  Give a detailed account of grade radiata with special reference to phylum Cnidaria       (Coelenterata).                                                                                                                                                                                         11410007

Q.8      Write a note on coral reefs.                                                                                                                                      11410008

Q.9      Describe the general characteristics of phylum platyhelminthes.                                                11410009

Q.10    How do Platyhelminthes adapt themselves to Parasitic mode of life?                 11410010

Q.11       Explain the terms infestation and disinfestations with special reference to tapeworm.


Q.12   Give a detailed account of Pseudocoelomates. OR Describe the general characteristics and importance of Aschelminthes.                                                                                                                                  11410012

Q.13    Describe the general characteristics of phylum annelida.                                                                  11410013

Q.14    Classify the phylum annelida.                                                                                                                                              11410014

Q.15   Write the general characteristics of phylum arthropoda.                                                    11410015


Q.16   Classify the phylum arthropoda.                                                                                                                             11410016

Q.17    Discuss general organization of Arthropods.                                                                                       11410017

Q.18    Describe the economic importance of insects.                                                                                            11410018

Q.19    Describe the general characteristics of Molluscus.                                                                                    11410019

Q.20    Classify the phylum Mollusca.                                                                                                                                            11410020

Q.21 Give economic importance of mollusca.                                                                                                                    11410021

Q.22 Write the general characteristics of phylum echinodermata.                                                         11410022

Q.23    Describe the affinities of echinoderms with other groups of animals.                                      11410023

Q.24    What are Hemichordates? List their general characters.                                                             11410024

Q.25 Characterize and classify the phylum chordata.                                                                                     11410025

Q.26    Characterize and classify the superclass Pisces.                                                                                   11410026

Q.27    What different adaptations are found in fishes for aquatic mode of Life?                     11410027

Q.28  a) What are the differences between water and land habitats?                                            11410028

          b) Explain transition from aquatic to land environment.                                                  

Q.29 What are first land vertebrates? What changes do occur in these animals during their transition from water to land?                          OR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11410029

Amphibians are on the border line between aquatic and true terrestrial animals. Discuss.

Q.30 What are tetrapods? What are their classes? Write the main characters of amphibians.


Q.31    Describe the characteristic features of class reptilia.                                                                    11410031

Q.32    Write a note on Evolution of Birds.                                                                                                      11410032


Q.33    Describe the general characters of class aves (Birds).                                                                  11410033

Q.34    Write a note on evolution of mammals.                                                                                                11410034

Q.35   Describe the general characters of mammals.                                                                                      11410035

Q.36    Classify the mammals. Write salient features of each sub-class.                                    



Unit 11







Q.1   What is meant by bioenergetics? What is the source of energy? Discuss the role of photosynthesis and respiration in bioenergetics.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11411001

Q.2                     Define photosynthesis? Discuss the reactants and products of photosynthesis with special reference to compensation point?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11411002

Q.3      Write the importance of water in the photosynthesis.                                                              11411003

Q.4                     Explain the structure and function of chloroplasts as sites of photosynthesis in plants.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11411004

Q.5          a)  What do you know about spectrometer and absorption spectrum?                            11411005

            b)  Give a detailed account of photosynthetic pigments.                                                      

Q.6                  Discuss the role of light as driving energy in photosynthesis.                                           11411006

Q.7      Describe the role of carbon dioxide as a photosynthetic reactant.                                               11411007

Q.8 Describe the reactions of photosynthesis.                                                                                                           11411008

Q.9      Give a detailed account of light dependent reactions.                                                                                                   11411009

Q. 10.  Describe the non-cyclic phosphorylation.                                                                                                   11411010

Q.11.   Describe the cyclic phosphorylation in detail.                                                                                      11411011

Q.12.   Explain the process of Chemiosmosis.                                                                                                              11411012

Q.13       Give a detailed account of light independent reactions (Dark reactions). OR How is CO2 fixed and reduced to sugar? OR Describe the Calvin cycle.                                                                                                                     11411013

Q.14       What is respiration? What is meant by external respiration? Also differentiate between Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                11411014

Q.15.   Define fermentation. Explain its types.                                                                OR                                                                                                                                                                        11411015

How does anaerobic respiration result in the production of Alcohol or Lactic acid?

Q.16    a) Explain the role of mitochondria in respiration.                                                                                                                                                                                                     11411016

b)  What is adenosine triphosphate? What is its importance?

c)   Write a short note on biological oxidation.                                                    

Q.17    What are various steps or phases of cellular respiration?                                                                                      11411017

Q.18    Give a detailed account of Glycolysis.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   11411018

Q.19       Describe the Krebs cycle or citric acid cycle in detail.                                                                                                              11411019

Q.20       Write a note on respiratory Chain.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


Unit 12






Q.1          What is nutrition and its types?                                                                                                                    11412001

Q.2          Explain the different types of nutrition & its effect on Plant.                                            11412002

Q.3         Explain different types of nutrition in animals.                                                                                11412003

Q.4      What is Digestion? Why is it necessary?                                                                                                         11412004

Q.5         Explain the processes of Holozoic nutrition.                                                                                                 11412005

Q.6        Explain the Digestion in Amoeba.                                                                                                                   11412006

Q.7         Explain Digestion in Hydra.                                                                                                                            11412007

Q.8        Explain Digestion in Planaria.                                                                                                                                     11412008

Q.9      Explain Digestion in Cockroach.                                                                                                                                   11412009

Q.10    What is the pathway of digestive system, and digestive glands in man?             11412010

Q.11    Explain the Digestion in Oral or Buccal Cavity of Man.              OR                              11412011

     Write down the structure and function of oral cavity in Man.

Q.12    What do you know about peristalsis, antiperistalsis and hunger pang?             11412012

Q.13    Explain the digestion in stomach in man.                                                                                             11412013

Q.14  Explain the digestion and absorption in small intestine.                                                          11412014

Q.15    Explain the absorption in small intestine.                                                                                            11412015

Q.16  Explain portions and role of large intestine.                                                                                                      11412016

Q.17   Explain some common diseases due to Nutrition.                                                                    11412017



Unit 13


Gaseous Exchange





Q.1           Why is respiratory gas exchange needed?                                                                                                  11413001

Q.2        What are the advantages and disadvantages of gas exchange in air and in water?    


Q.3          Describe gaseous exchange in plants.                                                                                                                  11413003

Q.4          Define photorespiration. What are its consequences?                                                       11413004

Q.5      What are the properties of a respiratory surface?                                                                                         11413005

Q.6      Describe the process of respiration in Hydra.          OR

How does gaseous exchange occur in Hydra?                                                                                                 11413006

Q.7 Describe the process of respiration in earthworm.                                                   OR                       

How does gaseous exchange occur in earthworm?                                                                                        11413007

Q.8         Explain process of respiration in cockroach.     OR

Describe breathing in cockroach.                                                                                                                                11413008

Q.9           Describe respiration in fish.       OR                                                                        

Discuss the role of gills in exchange of gases.                                                                                                               11413009

Q.10   Discuss briefly the process of respiration in frog.   OR                                                                                                             11413010

   Describe briefly the respiratory system of frog.

Q.11   Explain the respiratory system of birds.      OR                                                                                         11413011

Describe respiration in birds.

Q.12    What are the components of respiratory system of Man?                                                                                             11413012

Describe the role of various respiratory organs.    OR                                                                      

Give a detailed account of air passage ways.

Q.13  Describe mechanics of voluntary and involuntary regulation of breathing in man.                OR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              11413013

  Define breathing. Explain mechanism of breathing in man.

Q.14   Write a brief note on respiratory distress syndrome.                                                                                        11413014

Q.15  What factors do affect gaseous exchange in lungs?                                                                                             11413015

Q.16 Explain the transport of oxygen in man. OR Describe the role of haemoglobin in transport of oxygen in man.                                                                                                                                                            11413016

Q.17   Explain the transport of carbon dioxide in man.                                                                          11413017

Q.18  a) What is the concentration of carbon dioxide in arterial and venous blood?    11413018

   b)          How does a scuba diver breathe in sea?

   c)           How does reduce partial pressure of oxygen play a role in shock?

Q.19  Explain the following respiratory disorders:                                                                                                      11413019

  (a)          Cancer            (b)       Tuberculosis  (c) Asthma     (d) Emphysema                  

Q.20 Explain the following:                                                                                                                                                             11413020

 a) Role of respiratory pigments               b)     Diving reflex  c)         Lung Capacities


Unit 14







Q.1   Define transport. What is its need in organisms?                                                                                11414001

Q.2   How are water and minerals transported in plants?                                                                           11414002

Q.3   Define and explain water potential, osmotic Potential and Pressure potential. 11414003

What is the relationship between plasmolysis and pressure potential?

Q.4   What is meant by ascent of sap? Discuss different theories involved in ascent of sap.


Q.5   Define transpiration. What are different types of transpiration?                                                                                                                                                         11414005

Q.6   Explain the mechanism of opening and closing of stomata.                                                                                11414006

Q.7   Discuss the different factors which affect the rate of transpiration.                                                   11414007

Q.8   Why is transpiration considered as necessary evil?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             11414008

Q.9   Describe transport of food materials from leaves to other parts of plants.                               11414009


Describe translocation of organic solutes in plant.                                                                                                           

Q.10 How does transportation occur in unicellular animals.                                                                                                    11414010

Q.11 Describe transportation of material in Hydra.                                                                                     11414011

Q.12 Describe transportation of material in Planaria.                                                                                 11414012

Q.13 Define the open and closed circulatory systems. Compare circulatory system of Grasshopper with Earthworm.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      11414013

Q.14 What are the major components of vertebrate blood circulatory system?                                11414014

Q.15 Describe the evolution of vertebrate heart.                                                                                          11414015

Q.16 Give a detailed account of composition and functions of human blood.                       11414016

Q.17 Discuss some disorders relating to blood.                                                                                            11414017

Q.18 Describe the structure of human Heart or pumping organ of man. Explain the arterial and venous pathway of blood.                                                                                                                                          11414018

Q.19 Describe different phases of cardiac cycle.                                                                                          11414019

Q.20 Write a note on the following:                                                                                                                              11414020

1)        Mechanism of heart excitation and contraction.

2)        Electrocardiogram    3)         Artificial Pacemaker             4)         Blue Babies

Q.21 Give a detailed account of blood vessels such as Arteries, Veins and capillaries. 11414021

Q.22 Write a note on the followings:                                                                                                                            11414022

A) Atherosclerosis

B) Rate of Blood Flow and Blood Pressure

C) Hypertension

D) Thrombus Formation and Hypertension

E) Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)

F) Stroke (Cerebral infarction)

G) Hemorrhage

Q.23 Write a note on the Lymphatic system of man.                                                                                         11414023

Q.24   Write a note on Immunity and its types.                                                                                            11414024



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