GEOMETRICAL OPTICS, Physics 10th, Unit 12

                                                   GEOMETRICAL OPTICS

Light is the main focus of this unit. We shall describe different phenomena of light such as reflection, refraction, and total internal reflection. We will learn how images are formed by mirrors and lenses and will discuss the working principles of compound microscopes and telescopes.


“When light traveling in a certain medium fall on the surface of another medium, a part of it turns back in the same medium.”

Reflection of light is shown in Fig. When a ray of light from air falls on a plane mirror M, it is reflected. The angle between the incident and normal N is called the angle of incidence represented by i. The angle between the normal and the reflected ray is called the angle of reflection represented by r.

Incident Ray: The ray of light coming from a source of light is known as the incident ray.

Reflected Ray: the light ray which is thrown back, when the incident rThe incident ray, the normal, and the reflected ray at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane

              The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection i.e., i = r.

Types of Reflection

The nature of reflection depends on the smoothness of the surface.

Regular reflection: The reflection of rays by smooth surfaces is called regular reflection. 

   For example, a smooth surface of silver reflects rays of light in one direction only.

Irregular reflection:  The rough surfaces reflect the rays of light in many directions. Such a type of reflection is called irregular reflection. Most of the objects in the everyday world are not smooth on the microscopic level.


A spherical mirror is a mirror that has the shape of a piece cut out of a spherical surface. There are two types of spherical mirrors: concave, and convex.

In a spherical mirror, one of the two curved surfaces is coated with a thin layer of silver followed by a coating of red lead oxide paint. Thus, one side of the spherical mirror is opaque and the other side is a highly polished reflecting surface. Depending upon the nature of the reflecting surface, there are two types of spherical mirrors.

Concave Mirror: A spherical mirror whose inner curved surface is reflected is called a concave mirror. In a concave mirror, the size of the image depends on the position of the object. Both virtual and real images can be formed by a concave mirror. Concave mirrors are also called converging mirrors., therefore, it is called the real focus.

Convex Mirror: A spherical mirror whose outer curved surface is reflecting is called a convex mirror. In a convex mirror, the size of the image is always smaller than the object. Only virtual and erect image is formed by a convex mirror. Convex mirrors are also called diverging mirrors.

“In mirrors images are formed through reflection”


Mirror Terminology

Pole: It is the midpoint of the curved surface of the spherical mirror. It is also called a vertex.

Centre of Curvature (C): A spherical mirror is a part of a sphere. The center of this sphere is called the center of curvature.

The radius of Curvature (R): It is the radius of the sphere of which the spherical mirror is a part.

Principal Axis: It is the line joining the center of curvature and pole of the spherical mirror.

Principal focus (F): After reflection from a concave mirror, rays of light parallel to the principal axis converge to a point F. This point is called “The Principal Focus” of the mirror.

Focal length ( f ): It is the distance from the pole to the principal focus measured along the principal axis. The focal length is related to the radius of curvature by f =R/2. This means that as the radius of curvature is reduced, so too is the focal length of the reflecting surface.


Characteristics of Focus of a Concave and a Convex Mirror

Convex Mirror

Concave Mirror

The Focus lies behind the mirror

The focus is on the front of the mirror

The Focus lies behind the mirror The focus is virtual as the rays of light after reflection appears to come from the focus.

The focus is real as the rays of light after reflection converge at the focus.








“Mirror formula is the relationship between object distance p, image distance q from the mirror and focal length f of the mirror.”

Thus, we can write the mirror formula as  

   1/f = 1/p + 1/q         _______ Eq 1

Eq 1 is true for both concave and convex mirrors. However, following sign conventions should be followed to apply this equation for solving problems related to mirrors.

Sign Conventions


When Positive (+ )

When Negative (– )

Object distance p

Image distance q

Focal length f

Real object

Real Image

Concave mirror

Virtual object

Virtual image

Convex mirror







“The process of bending of light as it passes from air into glass and vice versa is called refraction of light.”

Example 1:

If we dip one end of a pencil or some other object into the water at an angle to the surface, the submerged part looks bent as shown in Fig. Its image is displaced because the light coming from the underwater portion of the object changes direction as it leaves the water. This bending of light as it passes from one transparent medium into another is called refraction.


Example 2: 

Refraction of light can be explained with the help of Fig. incident ray of light traveling from air falls on the surface of a glass block. At the air-glass interface point O, the ray of light changes direction and bends towards the normal, and travels along the path inside the glass block. The ray OB is called the refracted ray respectively. The angle ‘i’ made by the incident ray with the normal is called the angle of incidence. The angle ‘r’ made by the refracted ray with the normal is called the angle of refraction.


        i.            The incident ray, the refracted ray, and the normal at the point of incidence all lie in the same plane.

      ii.            The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence ‘i’ to the sine of the angle of refraction ‘r’ is always equal to a constant i.e., sin i / sin r = constant = n

Snell's law: The ratio  Sin I / Sin r is known as the refractive index of the second medium for the first medium. So, we have

Sin I / Sin r = n

Speed of light in a medium:

Refraction of light is caused by the difference in speed of light in different media. For example, the speed of light approximately in

Air       = 3.0 × 108 m s-1

Water = 2.3×108 m s-1

Glass   = 2.0 × 108 m s-1

when light travels through a medium, such as water or glass, its speed decreases. To describe the change in the speed of light in a medium, we use the term index of refraction or refractive index.



When a ray of light traveling in a denser medium enters into a rarer medium, it bends away from the normal. If the angle of incidence ‘i’ increases, the angle of refraction ‘r’ also increases. For a particular value of the angle of incidence, the angle of refraction becomes 90o. The angle of incidence, that causes the refracted ray in the rarer medium to bend through 90o is called the critical angle. When the angle of incidence becomes larger than the critical angle, no refraction occurs. The entire light is reflected back into the denser medium. This is known as the total internal reflection of light.



Totally Internal Reflecting Prism

A prism having an angle of 900 between its two refracting surfaces and the other two angles each equal to 450, is called a total reflecting prism. The light incident normally on any of its faces, suffers total internal reflection inside the prism. Due to this behavior, a total reflecting prism is used for the following three actions.

(a) To deviate a ray of light through 900

(b) To deviate a ray of light through 1800, and

(c) To erect the inverted image without producing deviation in its path.

In the figure, it is an erecting prism that is used to erect the inverted image without producing deviation in its path.

2.            Optical Fibre:  

Total internal reflection is used in fiber optics which has several advantages in the telecommunication field. Fiber optics consists of hair-size threads of glass or plastic through which light can be traveled. The inner part of the fiber optics is called the core that carries the light and an outer concentric shell is called cladding. The core is made from glass or plastic with a relatively high index of refraction. The cladding is made of glass or plastic but of relatively low refractive index. Light entering from one end of the core strikes the core-cladding boundary at an angle of incidence greater than the critical angle and is reflected back into the core. In this way, light travels many kilometers with a small loss of energy.

In Pakistan, optical fiber is being used in telephone and advanced telecommunication systems. Now we can listen to thousands of phone calls without any disturbance.

3.      Light Pipe:

The light pipe is a bundle of thousands of optical fibers bonded together. They are used to illuminate inaccessible places by doctors or engineers. For example, doctors view the human body. They can also be used to transmit images from one place to another.


4.      Endoscope

“An endoscope is a medical instrument used for exploratory diagnostics, and surgical purposes”


“An endoscope is used to explore the interior organs of the body.”

Due to its small size, it can be inserted through the mouth and thus eliminates invasive surgery. The endoscopes used to examine the stomach, bladder, and throat are called Gastroscopes, Cystoscopes, and Bronchoscopes respectively. An endoscope uses two fiber-optic tubes through a pipe. A medical procedure using any type of endoscope is called endoscopy. The light shines on the organ of the patient to be examined by entering through one of the fiber tubes of the endoscope. Then the light is transmitted back to the physician’s viewing lens through the other fiber tube by total internal reflection. Flexible endoscopes have a tiny camera attached to the end. A doctor can see the view recorded by the camera on a computer screen.



A prism is a transparent object (made of optical glass) with at least two polished plane faces inclined towards each other from which light is refracted. In the case of a triangular prism, the emergent ray is not parallel to the incident ray. It is deviated by the prism from its original path. The incident ray PE makes an angle of incidence ‘i’ at point E and is refracted towards the normal N as EF. The refracted ray EF makes an angle ‘r’ inside the prism and travels to the other face of the prism. This ray emerges out from the prism at point F making an angle ‘e’. Hence the emerging ray FS is not parallel to the incident ray PE but is deviated by an angle D which is called the angle of deviation.



“A lens is any transparent material having two surfaces, of which at least one is curved.”

Lenses refract light in such a way that an image of the object is formed. Lenses of many different types are used in optical devices such as cameras, eyeglasses, microscopes, telescopes, and projectors. They also enable millions of people to see clearly and read comfortably.

Types of Lenses

There are different types of lenses. The lens which causes incident parallel rays to converge at a point is known as a convex or converging lens. This lens is thick at the center but thin at the edges. Another type of lens causes the parallel rays of light to diverge from a point. This is called a concave or diverging lens. This lens is thin at the center and thick at the edges.

Lens Terminology

Principal Axis: Each of the two surfaces of a spherical lens is a section of a sphere. The line passing through the two centers of curvatures of the lens is called the principal axis.

Optical Centre, C: A point on the principal axis at the center of the lens is called the optical center

Principal Focus, F: The light rays traveling parallel to the principal axis of a convex lens after refraction meets at a point on the principal axis, called principal focus or focal point F. Hence, a convex lens is also called a converging lens. For a concave lens, the parallel rays appear to come from a point behind the lens called principal focus F (Fig. 12.21). Hence concave lens is also called a diverging lens.

Focal Length, f :

This is the distance between the optical center and the principal focus.



Power of a Lens

“Power of a lens is defined as the reciprocal of its focal length in meters.”

Thus, the Power of a lens = P = 

The SI unit of power of a lens is “Dioptre”, denoted by a symbol D. If f is expressed in meters so that

1 D = 1 m-1

Thus, 1 Dioptre is the power of a lens whose focal length is 1 meter. Because the focal length of a convex lens is positive, therefore, its power is also positive. Whereas the power of a concave lens is negative, for it has a negative focal length.


In lenses, images are formed through refraction.

Image formation in convex lens with the help of three principal rays:

1.      The ray parallel to the principal axis passes through the focal point after refraction by the lens.

2.      The ray passing through the optical center passes straight through the lens and remains un-deviated.

3.      The ray passing through the focal point becomes parallel to the principal axis after refraction by the lens.


Image Formation in Convex Lens

Figure: Image Formation in Convex Lens

Sr. No

Object Position

Image Position

Nature of Image

Case I

At infinity

At F

real, inverted, and highly diminished

Case II

Object beyond 2F

The image is between F and 2F

real, inverted, and smaller than the object.

Case III

Object at 2F

The image is at 2F

real, inverted, and the same size as the object.

Case IV

The object between F and 2F

The image is beyond 2F

real, inverted, larger than the object.

Case V

Object at F

No image is formed because the refracted rays are parallel and never meet


Case VI

The object between the lens and F

The image is behind the object

virtual, erect, larger than the object.



Let an object OP is placed in front of a convex lens at a distance p. A ray PR parallel to the principal axis after refraction passes through focus F. Another ray PC meets the first ray at point P’ after passing through the optical center C. If this process is repeated for the other points of the object, a real and inverted image O’P’ is formed at a distance q from the lens.

p = Distance of object from the lens

q = Distance of image from the lens

f  = distance between the lens and principal focus



What is the size of the image formed in a lens for a particular distance of the object from the lens?

What is the nature of the image, i.e., whether the image is real or imaginary, erect or inverted?

Lens formula

Lens formula is a tool that we use to answer all such questions. We define lens as,

“The relation between the object and image distance from the lens in terms of the focal length of the lens is called lens formula.”

                                                            1/f = 1/p + 1/q         _______ Eq 1

The above Eq is valid for both concave and convex lenses. However, following sign conventions should be followed while using this equation to solve problems related to lenses.

Sign Conventions for Lenses

Focal length:       

· f is positive for a converging lens       

· f is negative for a diverging lens.

Object Distance:      

· p is positive if the object is towards the left side of the lens. It is called a real object.       

· p is negative if the object is on the right side of the lens. It is called a virtual object.

Image Distance:       

· q is positive for an actual image made on the right side of the lens by a real object.      

· q is negative for a virtual image made on the left side of the lens by a real object.




A simple camera consists of a light-proof box with a converging lens in the front and a light-sensitive plate or film at the back. The lens focuses images to be photographed onto the film. In a simple lens camera, the distance between lens and film is fixed which is equal to the focal length of the lens. In the camera, the object is placed beyond 2F. A real, inverted, and diminished image is formed in this way as shown in Fig.



The light source is placed at the center of the curvature of a converging or concave mirror. The concave mirror is used to reflect light back in fairly parallel rays. The condenser is made up of 2 converging lenses that refract the light so all parts of the slide are illuminated with parallel rays.

The projection or converging lens provides a real, large and inverted image. It must be real to be projected on a screen. The slide (object) must be placed between F and 2F of the projection lens to produce a real, large, and inverted image. Because the image is inverted, the slide must be placed upside down and laterally inverted so we can see the image properly.



In the case of the photograph enlarger object is placed at a distance of more than F but less than 2F. In this way, we get a real, inverted, and enlarged image as shown in Fig. The working principle of a photograph enlarger is basically the same as that of a slide projector. It uses a convex lens to produce a real, magnified, and inverted image of the film on photographic paper.



A magnifying glass is a convex lens that is used to produce magnified images of small objects. Hence, it is also called a simple microscope. The object is placed nearer to the lens than the principal focus such that an upright, virtual, and magnified image is seen clearly at 25cm from the normal eye.

Magnifying Power

Let be the angle subtended at the eye by a small object when it is placed at the near point of the eye (Fig-a). If the object is now moved nearer to the eye (Fig-b), the angle on the eye will increase and becomes, but the eye will not be able to see it clearly. To see the object clearly, we put a convex lens between the object and the eye, so that the lens makes a large virtual image of the object at a near point of the eye. In this way, the object appears magnified. The magnifying power, in this case, will be:

M = Î¸'/θ

M = 1 + d/f


 f = the focal length of the lens.

 d = near the point of the eye.

It is clear from this relation that a lens of a shorter focal length will have greater magnifying power.

Resolving Power

The resolving power of an instrument is its ability to distinguish between two closely placed objects or point sources.

To see objects that are close together, we use an instrument of high resolving power. For example, we use a high-resolution power microscope to see tiny organisms and a telescope to view distant stars.


A compound microscope has two converging lenses, the objective, and the eyepiece, and is used to investigate the structure of small objects.


some features of the compound microscope:

§ It gives greater magnification than a single lens.

§ The objective lens has a short focal length, Æ’o < 1 cm.

§ The eyepiece has a focal length, Æ’e of a few cm.

Magnification of the Compound Microscope

Magnification can be determined through the ray diagram as shown in Fig. 

The objective forms a small image inside I1 the focal point of the eyepiece. This image acts as an object for the eyepiece and the final larger image I2 is formed outside the focal point of the objective. The magnification of a compound microscope is given fo

M = L/fo ( 1+ d/fe  )         


L = the length of a compound microscope which is equal to the distance between the objective and eyepiece,

d = distance of the final image from the eye,

fo = the focal lengths of the objective

fe = the focal lengths eyepiece.

Uses of Compound Microscope

1.      A compound microscope is used to study bacteria and other micro-objects.

2.      It is also used for research in several fields of sciences like Microbiology, Botany, Geology, and Genetics.



“Telescope is an optical instrument used to observe distant objects using lenses or mirrors. A telescope that uses two converging lenses is called a refracting telescope.”

In refracting telescope, an objective lens forms a real image of the distant object, while an eyepiece forms a virtual image that is viewed by the eye.


The ray diagram of refracting telescope is shown in Fig. When parallel rays from a point on a distant object pass through an objective lens, a real image I1 is formed at the focus Fo of the objective lens. This image acts as an object for the o eyepiece. A large virtual image of I2 or I1 is formed by the eyepiece at a large distance from the objective lens. This virtual image makes an angle q at the eyepiece.


Magnification of Telescope

Magnification of a refracting telescope can be determined through the ray diagram in Fig. and is given by 

M  =  f/fe 

7.         THE HUMAN EYE

The image formation in the human eye is shown in Fig. Human eye acts like a camera. In place of the film, the retina records the picture. The eye has a refracting system containing a converging lens. The lens forms an image on the retina which is a light-sensitive layer at the back of the eye. In the camera, the distance of the lens from the film is adjusted for proper focus but in the eye, the lens changes focal length. Light enters the eye through a transparent membrane called the cornea. The iris is the colored portion of the eye and controls the amount of light reaching the retina. It has an opening at its center called the pupil. The iris controls the size of the pupil. In bright light, the iris contracts the size of the pupil while in dim light pupil is enlarged. The lens of the eye is flexible and accommodates objects over a wide range of distances.


The variation of the focal length of the eye lens to form a sharp image on the retina is called accommodation.

Near Point of Human eye:

 “The near point of the eye is the minimum distance of an object from the eye at which it produces a sharp image on the retina.”

This distance is also called the least distance of distinct vision. An object closer to the eye than the near point appears blurred. For people in their early twenties with normal vision, the near point is located about 25 cm from the eye. It increases to about 50 cm at the age of 40 years and to roughly 500 cm at the of age 60 years.


Far Point of Human eye:

“The far point of the eye is the maximum distance of a distant object from the eye on which the fully relaxed eye can focus.”

A person with normal eyesight can see objects very far away, such as the planets and stars, and thus has a far point located at infinity. The majority of people do not have “normal eyes” in this sense!



“The inability of the eye to see the image of objects clearly is called defect of vision.”

The defects of vision arise when the eye lens is unable to accommodate effectively. The images formed are therefore blurred.

Nearsightedness (myopia)

Nearsightedness (myopia) is a common vision condition in which you can see objects near to you clearly, but objects farther away are blurry.

Solution: The nearsighted eye can be corrected with glass or contact lenses that use diverging lenses. Light rays from distant objects are now diverged by this lens before entering the eye. To the observer, these light rays appear to come from a far point and are therefore focused on the retina.

Farsightedness (hypermetropia)

When a farsighted eye tries to focus on a book held closer than the near point, it shortens its focal length as much as it can. However, even at its shortest, the focal length is longer than it should be. Therefore, the light rays from the book would form a blurred image behind the retina

Solution: This defect can be corrected with the aid of a suitable converging lens. The lens refracts the light rays and they converge to form an image on the retina. To an observer, these rays appear to come from a near point to form a sharp virtual image on the retina.




12.1. A man raises his left hand in a plane mirror, the image facing him is raising his right hand. Explain why.

Ans: A man raises his left hand in a plane mirror; the image facing him is raising his right hand. Because light rays are reflected in a mirror causing us to see an inverted image

12.2. In your own words, explain why light waves are refracted at a boundary between two materials.

Ans: Light waves are reflected at a boundary between two materials due to a change in the speed of light while traveling from one medium to another. This change in speed of light at the boundary is caused by the change in the refractive indices of two materials.

12.3. Explain why a fish underwater appears to be at a different depth below the surface than it actually is. Does it appear deeper or shallower?

Ans: A fish underwater appears to be shallower than it really is, because of apparent depth, as a virtual image is formed at I above O, where the image seems to be formed due to refraction of light.

12.4. Why or why not concave mirrors suitable for makeup?

Ans: Concave mirrors are suitable for makeup as they act as magnifiers to form large size erect images of objects. When a person stands between the principal focus and the pole of the mirror

12.5. Why is the driver's side mirror in many cars convex rather than plane or concave? 

Ans: The driver’s side mirror is convex as it gives an upright, erect although small image, it provides a       wider field of view as it is curved outwards.

12.6. When an optician's testing room is small, he uses a mirror to help him test the eyesight of his patients. Explain why.

Ans: To increase the distance of alphabets, from the patient, the optician uses a plane mirror if his testing room is small.

12.7. How does the thickness of a lens affect its focal length?

Ans: If the thickness of a lens is increased; the power of the lens is also increased. Hence the focal length of the lens is decreased.

12.8. Under what conditions will a converging lens form a virtual image?

Ans: Converging lens forms a virtual image when the object is placed between the optical center and its focal point. The image formed will be erect and larger than the object

12.9. Under what conditions will a converging lens form a real image that is the same size as the object?

Ans: When an object is placed at 2F from the converging lens it forms a real and inverted image that has the same size as the object.

12.10. Why do we use a refracting telescope with a large objective lens of large focal length?

Ans: In refracting telescope, we use an objective lens of a larger focal length to gather more light from weak distant sources. It not only makes them more visible but also increases the resolving power of the telescope.




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