9th Biology Full Book












Q1.   Define Science?                                                                                                                                                                                                              09401001

Q2.   Why was the scientific knowledge classified into different branches?                                        09401002

Q3.   What was told by Dr. Abdul Salam about scientific knowledge?                                                         09401003

Q4.   What is biology? Describe major divisions of biology.                                                                                       09401004

Q5.   Define different branches of biology.                                                                                                  (Board-2014, 2016)            09401005

Q6    Define parasites?                                                                                                                                                                                                          09401006

Q7.   Enlist the major biological issues today?                                                                                                                               09401007

Q8.   Describe the relationship of biology to other sciences. / How is biology related to other sciences?                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Board – 2014)   09401008

Q9.   Briefly describe the careers in biology.                                                                                               (Board 2015)        09401009

Q10. Explain the Islamic concept about origin of life.            ( Board 2011)                                                                09401010

Q11. Describe the contribution of different Muslim scientists in the field of Biology.                         09401011

Q12. Describe separate and comparative description of all the levels of biological organization.      


Q13. Give comparison in cellular, colonial and multicellular organization.                                        09401013

Q.14: Define species?                                                                                                                                                                                                   09401014

Q.15: What is habitat?                                                                                                                                                                                                 09401015

Multiple Choice Questions


1.   Members of the same species living in the same place at the same time make a;            09401016

      (a)  Habitat                                     (b)        Biosphere

      (c)  Community                  (d)        Population

2.   If a scientist is studying the methods of inserting human insulin gene in bacteria, which branch of biology may this be? 09401017

      (a)  Anatomy                                  (b)        Physiology

      (c)  Biotechnology              (d) Pharmacology

3.   Which one will be the correct sequence of the levels of organization of life?                09401018

      (a)  Cell, organelle, molecule, organ,

            tissue, organ system, individual

      (b)  Molecule, tissue, organelle, cell, organ

            system, organ, individual

      (c)  Molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ,

            organ system, individual

      (d)  Organ system, organ, tissue, cell,

            molecule, organelle, individual

4.   Which of these major bioelements has the highest percentage in protoplasm?   09401019

      (a)  Carbon                                     (b)       Hydrogen        

      (c)  Oxygen                         (d)       Nitrogen

5.   Which of the following group include organisms all of which are absorptive in their nutrition?                                                                       09401020

      (a) Protists                         (b)        Animals          

      (c)  Bacteria                                   (d)        Fungi

6.   Similar cells organized into groups and performing same functions, are known as:

      (a)  Organelle                                 (b)        Tissue      09401021

      (c) Organ                                       (d)        Organ System

7.   Which of these tissues also makes the glandular tissue in animals?                            09401022

      (a) Epithelial tissue    (b) Muscular tissue

      (c) Connective tissue (d) Nervous tissue

8.   The level of organization that is less definite in plants is:                                                      09401023

      (a)  Tissue level

      (b)  Organ level

      (c)  Organ system level       

      (d)  Individual level

9.   What is true about Volvox?              09401024

      (a)  Unicellular prokaryote             

      (b)  Unicellular eukaryote

      (c)  Colonial eukaryote                              
      (d)  Multicellular eukaryote

10. When we study the feeding relations among different animal species of a forest, at what level of organization we are studying?                                                                                                                                             09401025

      (a)  Individual                                (b)        Population      

      (c)  Community                  (d)        Biosphere

11. Knowledge which is the common heritage of mankind;                                                                           09401026

      (a)  Scientific                                 (b)        Islamic

      (c)  Biological                                (d)        Mathematical

12. The example of colonial organism is;

      (a)  Amoeba                                   (b)        Volvox   09401027

      (c)  Paramecium                 (d)        Fungi

13. Example of micromolecule is;

      (a)  Starch                                      (b)        Protein    09401028

      (c)  Fats                                          (d)        Water

14. Microscopic study of tissues is called          ;

      (a)  Physiology       (Board 2016)        09401029

      (b)  Morphology 

      (c)  Histology                                 (d)        Anatomy

15. Major biological issues today is:      09401030

      (a)  Infectious diseases       

      (b)  Human population growth

      (c)  Addictive drugs and pollution

      (d)  All of these

16. Profession in which diagnosis and treatment of diseases occur is;                  09401031

      (a)  Medicine                                  (b)        Surgery

      (c)  Biotechnology (d)        Farming

17. Study of insects is called:                            09401032

      (a)  Immunology                (b)        Entomology

      (c)  Genetics                                   (d)        Ecology

18. Percentage of water in the protoplasm of living things is:                                                                  09401033

      (a)  30-40%                         (b)        40-50%           

      (c)  50-60%                         (d)        60-70%

19. The number of bioelements is;         09401034

      (a) 92                                                        (b)        6

      (c) 16                                                        (d) 10

20. Nitrogen which make body mass of a living organism is;                                                      09401035

      (a) 2%                                                       (b)        3%                  

      (c) 4%                                                       (d)        5%

21. Example of supporting tissues in animals is;                                                                                                          09401036

      (a) Nervous                                   (b)        Epithelial        

      (c) Muscular                                  (d)        Connective

22. The author of “Al-Qanun-fial-Tib” is:

      (a) Jabir Bin Hayan                                    09401037

      (b) Abdul Malik Asmai      

      (c) Bu Ali Sina      

      (d) Dr. Abdul Salam

23. All of the following are unicellular organisms EXCEPT;                                         09401038

      (a) Amoeba                                   (b)        Paramecium    

      (c) Frog                                         (d)        Euglena

24. Non-vegetative organs of plant are; 09401039

      (a) Roots                                       (b)        Stems    

      (c) Leaves                                     (d) Flowers

25. Scientific name of frog is:                             09401040

       (a) Rana tigrina

      (b) Rosa indica     

      (c) Rana tagrina   

      (d) Brassica campestris

26. Forest community is an example of:            

      (a) Simple community                                09401041

      (b) Complex community

      (c) Coordinated community                       

      (d) Biosphere

27. The study of internal structure of organisms is called:                                                           09401042

      (a) Anatomy                                   (b)        Histology    

      (c) Entomology                  (d)  Taxonomy

28. As a bioelement, the percentage of carbon is:                                                                                                   09401043

      (a) 18%                                         (b)        19%

      (c) 20%                                         (d)        21%

29. Biology is a word derived from:

      (a) Latin                                        (b)        Arabic    09401044

       (c) Greek                                       (d)        English

30. The reproductive part of plant is:

                                                                                                (Board 2015)  09401045

      (a) Stem                                        (b)        Leaves
      (c) Root                                         (d)        Flower

31. Stomach is an example of:                  09401046

      (a) Tissue level     

      (b) Organ level                  
      (c) Organ system level      

      (d) Cell level

32. As a bioelement, the percentage of calcium is:     (a)        01%                             (b)        02%     09401047

         (c)           03%                             (d)        04%

33. As a bioelement, the percentage of hydrogen is:                                                                      09401048

         (a)  5%                                        (b) 10%

         (c)  15%                                      (d) 20%

34. The study of plants is           called:                 09401049

         (a)  Biology                                 (b) Zoology

         (c)  Botany                                  (d) Microbiology

35. Particles of atom represent:                 09401050

         (a) Atomic Level (b)        Molecular Level

         (c) Cell Level                  (d)        Subatomic Level

36. The study of occurrence and distribution of different species of living organisms in different geographical regions of the world is called;                                                                 09401051

         (a) Histology                   (b) Microbiology

         (c) Biogeography (d)        Parasitology

37. Match anatomy with one of the following:

         (a) Physiology                                                     09401052

         (b) Morphology

         (c) Embryology

         (d) Genetics

38. The communal life is studied in:   09401053

         (a) Social Biology            (b)        Human Biology

         (c) Biotechnology            (d)        Parasitology

39. The most important process at individual

         level is:                                                                              09401054

         (a) Digestion                    (b)        Reproduction

         (c) Coordination              (d)        Excretion

40. Bu Ali Sina was a:                                                   09401055

         (a) Physician                              

         (b) Philosopher

         (c) Astronomer and poet

         (d) Mathematician

41. Biological organization means:        09401056

         (a) Study of different organisms

         (b) Study of different branches of


         (c)  Study of all the subjects of sciences

         (d) Study of biology at different levels

42. Bioelements are those elements which:        


         (a) Present in non-living organisms

         (b) Make 80% mass of living organism

         (c) Used in forming chemical                                                 compounds in the organisms

         (d) Only used in chemical laboratories

43. A prokaryotic cell;                                      09401058

         (a) Comprised of nucleus

         (b) Without nucleus and DNA

         (c) Only DNA

         (d) Membrane-bound organelles

44. In 2010, human population in Pakistan

         comprised:                                                                      09401059

         (a) 193.5 Million (b)        200 Million

         (c) 173.5 Million (d)        150 Million

45. “We made every living thing from water”.

         This verse is from which sura of Holy       Quran?                                                                         09401060

         (a) Al-Rehman                (b) Al-Mominoon

         (c) Ambia                        (d) Al-Noor

46. Paramecium is an example of:         09401061

         (a) Unicellular organism

         (b) Multicellular organism

         (c) Colonial organism

         (d) Prokaryote

47. The study in which observations are made, experiments are done and logical conclusions are drawn in order to understand the principles of nature is called:                                                                                 09401062

         (a) Biology                                  (b) Physics

         (c) Chemistry                  (d) Science

48. Biology is the scientific study of: 09401063

         (a) Earth              (b) Water

         (c) Life                            (d)        Non-living things

49. Division of biology deals with the study of plants is called:                                                    09401064

         (a)  Zoology                                (b)        Botany

         (c)  Microbiology (d) Anatomy

50. The branch which deals with the study of form and structure of living organisms is called:                                                                     09401065

         (a) Cell biology                (b) Physiology

         (c) Morphology               (d) Genetics

51. The branch which deals with the study of cell division is called:                                09401066

         (a) Physiology                 (b) Histology

         (c) Cell biology               (d) Entomology

52. The branch which deals with the study of the interactions between the organisms and their environment is called: 09401067

         (a)  Biotechnology

         (b) Molecular biology

         (c)  Entomology

         (d) Environmental biology

53. The number of elements that occur in nature are:                                                                                       09401068

         (a) 90                                          (b) 91

         (c) 92                                          (d)        93

54. The latest profession in the field of biology is:                                                                                                          09401069

         (a) Entomology               

         (b) Bioeconomics

         (c) Biotechnology           

         (d) Medicine

55. The study of genes and their roles in inheritance is called:                 (Board 2013) 09401070

         (a) Taxonomy                  (b) Pharmacology

         (c) Genetics                                 (d) Anatomy

56. Book which is known as the canon of medicine in the West:                                                 09401071

         (a) Al-Wahoosh

         (b) Al-Qanun-fial-Tib

         (c) Al-Abil

         (d) Al-Khail

57. Bu Ali Sina is famous in Europe as:                                                                                                                         09401072

         (a) Philosopher                (b)        Avicenna

         (c) Poet                                       (d)        Botanist

58. The element that makes 65% of the total mass of living organisms is;                         09401073

         (a) Hydrogen                   (b) Carbon

         (c) Oxygen                                  (d) Nitrogen

59. Major divisions of biology are;        09401074

         (a) 3                                                        (b)        2

         (c) 4                                                        (d)        5

60. Jabir Bin Hayan was born in;                                                               (Board-2014,16)                                 09401075

         (a) Iraq                                        (b)        Iran     

         (c) Pakistan                                 (d)        Syria

61. First Muslim scientist who studied animal in detail was;                                                                             09401076

         (a) Jabir Bin Hayan

         (b) Bu Ali Sina

         (c) Abdul Malik Asmai

         (d) Alrazi

62. The famous book “Al-Abil” is written by:                                                                      (Board-2014)       09401077

         (a) Jabir Bin Hayan

         (b) Abdul Malik Asmai

         (c) Bu Ali Sina

         (d) Darwin

63. Study of fossils is called: (Board–2014)

      (a) Immunology                                                     09401078

      (b) Pharmacology

      (c) Palaeontology

      (d) Parasitology

64. Amoeba is a/an;                                                      09401079

      (a) Autotroph                     (b)        Heterotroph

      (c) Protist                           (d)        Ectoparasite

65. Members of the same species living in the  same time make level: (Board 2015) 09401080

         (a) Population                    (b) Habitat

      (c) Ecosystem                    (d) Community

66. Bioelements present in the highest percentage in protoplasm is:(Board 2015) 09401081

      (a) Carbon                          (b) Hydrogen

      (c) Nitrogen            (d) Oxygen

67. Division of Biology is:                                09401082

      (a) Genetics                        (b) Cell biology

      (c) Botany                                      (d) Anatomy

68. Areas where living organisms interact with the non-living components of the environment:

            (a) Ecosystems             (b) Earth           09401083

            (c) Habitat                                            (d) Community

69. In order to get food and shelter parasites live on the body of:                                     09401084

            (a) Animals                              (b) Mosquito

            (c) Host                                    (d) Human

70. Scientific study of living organisms is called:            (Board 2016)     09401085

            (a) Biotechnology                     (b) Chemistry

            (c) Biology                               (d) Geology

71. The founder of medicine is: (Board 2016)


            (a) Jabir Bin Hayan       (b) Abdul Malik

            (c) Bu-Ali Sina             (d) Al-Beruni








Short Answers Questions

Q.1. Describe the profession of agriculture.                                                                                                             09401087

Q.2. Define anatomy.  (Board 2015)09401088

Q.3. What is animal husbandry?        09401089

Q.4.Define molecular biology or biochemistry.

                                                 (Board 2012, 2014)           09401090

Q.5.What do you know about bio-economics?


Q.6. What are bioelements?                09401092

Q.7. Define biogeography.                               09401093

Q.8. Define biology. What are its major divisions?                                                                                      09401094

Q.9. Define biomathematics.               09401095

Q.10. What do you mean by biomoleeules?                                                                 (Board 2016)     09401096

Q.11. Define biophysics.          (Board 2012)           09401097

Q.12. What is biotechnology? Elaborate its usefulness.                              (Board 2013, 14,16)               09401098

Q.13. Define botany and zoology. / Differentiate between zoology and botany.

         (Board 2013, 15)  09401099

Q.14. What is cell?                                                      09401100

Q.15.  Define cell biology.                                09401101

Q.16.  What do you mean by colony? Give an example. / What is colonial organization?                             (Board 2013)  09401102

Q.17.  What is community? Give an example.                                                 (Board 2011)          09401103

Q.18. Define embryology.                                09401104

Q.19. Define entomology.                                09401105

Q.20. Define environmental biology.                                                                                                                           09401106

Q.21. What do you know about farming?                                                                                                                   09401107

Q.22. What is fisheries?                                              09401108

Q.23. What is forestry?                                               09401109

Q.24. Define fossils.                                                     09401110

Q.25.  Define Genetics.                                    09401111

Q.26. Define histology.                                    09401112

Q.27. What do you know about horticulture?                         (Board 2013)       09401113

Q.28. Define Immunology.                              09401114

Q.29. Define is inheritance.                             09401115

Q.30. Define macromolecules. Give examples.            (Board – 2014)                           09401116

Q.31. Define microbiology.                              09401117

Q.32. Define micromolecules. Give examples.                                                                                     09401118


Q.33. What are microorganisms?       09401119

Q.34. What is morphology?    (Board 2015) /

Differentiate between morphology and anatomy.                                                                                    09401120

Q.35.  Define organ. Give examples.

         (Board – 2014)      09401121

Q.36.What is organ system? Give examples.

                                                            (Board – 2014)  09401122

Q.37. Define organelles with examples.                                                                                                                       09401123

Q.38. Define Palaeontology.                (Board 2011)                                                                                                                                       09401124

Q.39. What are Parasites? Give an example.                                                              (Board 2015)       09401125

Q.40. Define Parasitology.       (Board 2011)                                                                                                                                                                          09401126

Q.41. What do you know about Pharmacology?                                                                     09401127

Q.42. Define Physiology.                                             09401128

Q.43. Define Population. Give examples.                                                                                                                    09401129

Q.44. What are two basic types of cells?                                                                                                                         09401130

Q.45. Write the names of famous writings of Abdul Malik Asmai.                                         09401131

Q.46.  Define Science.                                      09401132

Q.47.  Define Socio-biology.                            09401133

Q.48.  Describe the process of Surgery.                                                                                                                       09401134

Q.49.  Define taxonomy.          (Board 2012)  09401135

Q.50.   Define Tissue. Give examples.                                                                                                                         09401136

Q.51.  What do you know about Volvox?                                                                                                                    09401137

Q.52 Name any four careers in biology.                                                                                  (Board 2013)            09401138

Q.53 Define habitat and species.         09401139

Q.54 What is biochemistry?              

         (Board  2014) 09401140

Q.55 Describe two scientific contributions of Bu Ali Sina.      (Board  2014,16)                 09401141

Q.56 What are the major biological issues today?                                                                                       09401142

Q.57 How does biotechnology help mankind?                                    (Board 2015)       09401143

Q.58.   What is the difference between colonial organization and multi cellular organization?                                                          09401144

Q.59. The Holy Quran supports the modern concept of classification. Justify with a verse.    OR

The Holy Quran gives us the concept of classification. Justify.                                               09401145

Q.60. How are anatomy and morphology different?                                                                                    09401146

Q.61. Give some benefits of Horticulture.


Q.62. What are “Interdisciplinary Sciences”?                                                                        09401148



Solving A Biological









Q.1.     Define biological method. Explain its various steps involved in this method.               09402001

Q.2. Explain biological method with an example of malaria.                                                                                                  09402002

Q.3. How does Plasmodium get into human body? Explain.                                                                                                    09402003

Q.4.     Explain the importance of data organization and data analysis in biological method.


Q.5.  Mathematics is an integral part of scientific process. Explain briefly.                                                    09402005


Multiple Choice Questions


1.   Which one of the following is correct sequence in biological method?     09402006

(a)  Observations, Hypothesis, Law, Theory

(b)  Hypothesis, Observations, Deduction,    Experimentation

(c)  Observations,   Hypothesis, Deduction, Experimentation

(d)  Law, Theory, Deduction,           Observation

2.   Which one of these is not a characteristic of a hypothesis?    (Board 2015)                   09402007

(a)  Must be consistent with all available      data     

(b)  Must be testable          

(c)  Must be correct           
(d)  Must make predictions

3.   At which point, is a biologist most likely to use reasoning?                                                   09402008

(a)  While taking observations        

(b)  During hypothesis formulation

(c)  During data organization                      

(d)  None of the above

4.   A hypothesis must be testable to be scientifically valid. Being testable means that:                                                                                   09402009

(a)  Some observations could prove that       hypothesis is incorrect             

(b)  Only a controlled experiment can           indicate whether the hypothesis is          correct or incorrect           

(c)  The hypothesis is proven wrong

(d)  The opposite of hypothesis is tested       and proven wrong

5.   What would be the best experimental design for testing a hypothesis that bean plants require sodium?                   09402010

(a)  Measure the amount of sodium in a        few bean plants

(b)  Grow bean plants with and without        sodium            

(c)  Look for sodium in leaf tissues

(d)  Analyze root contents for sodium

6.   A gardener sees a large snake nearby. He knows that generally snakes sting, so the gardener ran away. The gardener did which of the following?                         09402011

(a)  Used reasoning

(b)  Used observation

(c)  Constructed a theory                

(d)  Tested a hypothesis

7.   A scientific theory has which of the following properties?                                         09402012

(a)  It agrees with the available evidence     

(b)  It cannot be rejected     

(c)  It has been absolutely proven               

(d)  It does not need to be altered in the light of new evidence

8.   Experimentation is only a step of the scientific process but it is very important step because it always:                  09402013

(a)  Gives the biologist a correct result

(b)  Allows rejection of some alternative      hypotheses      

(c)  Ensures that hypothesis can be   confirmed with certainty

(d)  Gives scientists a chance to work in the laboratory

9.   You are testing a hypothesis; “students learn more if they drink tea before sitting for study”. Your 20 experimental students drink tea before study; you test their learning by giving question. Your 20 students of the control group should have all experimental conditions identical to the experimental group EXCEPT that; 09402014

(a)  They should take tea with more milk and sugar

(b)  They should take tea before as well as    during study

(c)  They should not take tea before study.

(d)  After taking tea, they should not sit for   study

10. A physician A. F. A. King listed 20 observations in;                                                 09402015

(a)  1882 A.D                     (b)        1883 A.D        

(c)  1884 A.D                     (d)        1885 A.D

11. The scientist who observed Plasmodium first time in human blood is:            09402016

      (a)  Aristotle                                   (b)        Bu-Ali-Sina    

(c)  Laveran                                   (d)        A.F.A. King

12. Mosquito which spread malaria in birds is:

      (a)  Anopheles                    (Board 2016)     09402017

(b)  Culex                                                                          

(c)  Anopheles & Culex      

(d)  Aedes

13.       Five senses are involved in:                   09402018

            (a)        Hypothesis                   (b)        Observations

            (c)        Deduction                                (d)        Experiment

14.       Logical consequence of hypothesis is:


            (a)        Experiment                   (b)        Deduction

            (c)        Observation                  (d)        Theory

15.       Quantitative observation describe:  

            (a)        Colour                                    (b)        Smell    09402020

            (c)        Beauty                         (d)        Height

16.       Symptom of malaria is:                         09402021

            (a)        Chills                                       (b)        Fevers

            (c)        Bleeding                                  (d)        Chills and fever

17.       Quinine is obtained from:                                  09402022

            (a)        Quina - quina               (b)        Deodar

            (c)        Cinchona                                  (d)        Shisham

18.       Bark of quina – quina was imported from:

            (a)        Europe                                     (b)        America 09402023

            (c)        Spain                                        (d)        India

19. Experiments on sparrow was performed by:                                                                                                                                   09402024

            (a)        Ross                                         (b)        A. F. A. King   

            (c)        Laveran                                    (d)        Aristotle

20.       Number of steps of biological method are:

            (a)  Seven                                             (b)        Six                   09402025

            (c)        Two                                         (d)        Eight (Board 2011)

21.       A scientific law is an irrefutable:  09402026

            (a)        Observation                  (b)        Theory

            (c)        Principle                                   (d)        Hypothesis

(board 2011)

22. The scientific method in which biological

            problems are solved is termed as;    09402027

(a)  Physical method

(b)  Biological method

(c)  Chemical method

(d)  Statistical method

23. Biologists learn which hypothesis is correct through.                                     09402028

(a)  Qualitative observations

(b)  Experiments

(c)  Deductions

(d)  Quantitative observations

24. Uniform or constant law of nature is.                                                                                                                  09402029

(a)  Theory                                           (b)        Scientific Law

(c)  Hypothesis             (d)        Deduction

25. Disease cured through Quinine from 17th to 20th century is:                                       09402030

(a)  Diarrhoea                           (b)        Malaria

(c)  Tuberculosis                      (d)        Dengue Fever

26. Deductions are drawn from:             09402031

(a)  Experiments                       (b)        Hypothesis

(c)  Theory                                     (d)        Law

27. Such hypotheses which are often tested but never rejected are called;                                     09402032

(a)  Theory                                     (b)        Law

(c)  Principle                                  (d)        Experiment

28. Ross found that the saliva of the infected

            mosquito contained;                                          09402033

(a)  Ameoba                                   (b)        Bacteria

(c)  Plasmodium                 (d)        Virus

29. Female mosquitoes need the blood of

            mammals or birds for;                                       09402034

(a)  Nutrition

(b)  Nourishment of Plasmodium

(c)  Getting protein

(d)  Maturation of eggs

30. In biological method the next step of

            hypothesis is called;                                          09402035

(a)  Deduction                                (b)        Observation

(c)  Result                                      (d)        Experiment

31. Following is supported by a great deal of evidence:                                                                          09402036

(a)  Theory                         (b)        Law

(c)  Principle                                   (d)        Hypothesis

32.       “Mosquitoes transmit Plasmodium and are

involved in spread of malaria” this hypothesis was suggested by:       09402037

(a)  Laveran                             (b)        Aristotle

(c)  Redi                                               (d)        A. F. A King

33. If Plasmodium is the cause of malaria, then all persons ill with malaria should have Plasmodium in their blood. The above statement is a:           (Board 2013)         09402038

(a)  Hypothesis             (b)        Deduction

(c)  Theory                                           (d)        Law

34. Biological method has been playing an important role for the last; (Board 2013)           


(a)  400 years                           (b)        500 years

(c)  600 years                           (d)        1000 years

35. In man malarial parasite is transmitted by:


(a)  Culex                                             (b)        Anopheles

(c)  Aedes and Culex     (d)        Aedes

36. The most basic step of biological method is;                                                                                           09402041

(a)  Deduction                          (b)        Experimentation

(c)  Hypothesis             (d)        Law formulation

37. The hypothesis that stands the test of time is;                                                                                                      09402042

(a)  A scientific law      (b)        Deduction

(c)  Theory                                           (d)        Experimentation

38. Excellent medicine for treating malaria is:

(a)  Quina-quina bark                            09402043

(b)  Cinchona bark

(c)  Acacia bark

(d)  Eucalyptus bark

39. Part of mosquito’s body which prevents the blood from clotting in its food canal after drawing blood:                               09402044

(a)  Water

(b)  Saliva

(c)  Platelets

(d)  Digestive Glands

40. Many plants from America sent back to Europe to be used as medicines in the:                                                                                                                09402045

(a)  In the 17th century

(b)  In the 18th century

(c)  In the 19th century

(d)  In the 20th century

41. Physicians were familiar with malaria more than;                                                                  09402046

(a)  1000 years ago

(b)  2000 years ago

(c)  4000 years ago

(d)  5000 years ago

42. Dengue fever is transmitted by:  

(a)  Culex               (Board 2016)                 09402047

(b)  Anopheles

(c)  Aedes

(d)  Culex and Anopheles

43.  Which of the following joins two equal ratios by the signs of equality?          09402048

(a)  Data                                         (b)        Proportion

(c)  Ratio                                        (d)        Division

44. Ratio may be expressed by putting a sign;

(a)  ¸                                                          (b)        ::                      09402049

(c)  =                                                          (d)        ¹

45. Choose the heavier product:             09402050

(a)  A liter of water

(b)  A liter of ethanol

(c)  A liter of petrol

(d)  A liter of benzene

46. A relation between the two numbers is called;                                                                                         09402051

(a)  Ratio                                              (b)        Proportion

(c)  Addition                            (d)        Subtraction

47. The welts that appear after the mosquito leaves is a/an;                                                                     09402052

(a)  Reaction to the wound

(b)  Allergic reaction to the saliva

(c)  Clotting of blood

(d)  Bursting of blood vessels

48. Malaria is caused by;  (Board -2014)    09402053

(a)  Plasmodium     (b)        Entamoeba

(c)  Paramecium     (d)        E. coli

49. The branch of tree which was very suitable for curing malaria is: (Board  2015) 09402054

(a)  Cedrus                         (b)        Cinchona

(c)  Pinus                            (d)        Cactus


Short Answers Questions


Q1. Define Bioinformatics. (Board 2016)         


Q2. Define Biological Method. (Board 2012)         


Q3. Define Biological Problems.          09402057

Q4. What is the difference between control group and experimental group?  (Board 2013)


Q5. Define Deduction. (Board 2012)          09402059

Q6. Define Experiments and describe its types.                                                                                                          09402060

Q7. Define Hypothesis.            (Board - 2011)                                                                                                                                                                       09402061

Q8. Differentiate between Law and Theory. / Define theory and law. (Board 2014,15,16)        


Q9. Define observations. What are its types?                                                                                                  09402063

Q10. What is the association of Anopheles mosquito with humans?                                        09402064

Q11. Why is Cinchona bark important in biologist’s mind for treating malaria?                  


Q12. What is Plasmodium?                             09402066

Q13. Explain why Biologist report the result of their findings at National and International level.                                                    09402067

Q14. What is incubation period?        09402068

Q15. What are the characteristics of a good hypothesis? (Board – 2011, 12, 15,16)                 09402069

Q16. Why do welts appear after biting mosquito?                                          (Board 2013)       09402070

Q17. Write major observations about malaria.                                                                                               09402071

Q18. Define Science.                                                   09402072

Q19. What are the observations of A.F.A. King? / Write any two observations of A. F. A King.   (Board – 2014)                                               09402073

Q20. What is the role of control group in an experiment?       (Board 2014)                             09402074

Q21. Describe meanings of words “mala” and “aria”.            (Board 2014)                             09402075

Q22. How did Darwin form his theory of evolution?                                                                           09402076

Q23. Justify: “man has always been a biologist”.                                                                                            09402077

Q.24.   How does a female mosquito prevent the blood from clotting in her food canal?       


Q.25.   Give two examples of scientific law.                            (Board 2013)                                                                          09402079

Q.26.   How are quantitative observations better in biology?             (Board 2015)                          09402080

Q.27.   Which disease killed the people more than any other disease in ancient times?                                                                                                                                                                              09402081

Q.28.   While testing the hypothesis that plasmodium is the cause of malaria, what would be the control group?                        09402082

Q.29.   How a hypothesis is formed?

(Board 2016)       09402083












Q.1. What is biodiversity? Explain distribution and importance of biodiversity.                                09403001

Q.2. What is classification? Describe the aims and the basis of classification.                                     09403002

Q.3. What is taxonomic hierarchy?     / Describe taxa of taxonomy orderly. (Board 2015)                    09403003

Q.4. Define Species. Give two exceptions for the species concept.                                                                            09403004

Q.5. Describe the history of classification system.                                                                                                                               09403005

Q.6. Describe the two kingdom system of classification.                      (Board 2011)                                                                          09403006

Q.7. Describe the three Kingdom Classification System.                                                                                                         09403007

Q.8. Describe the five kingdom system of classification.                                                                                                          09403008

Q.9.What do you know about the status of viruses?                                        (Board -11, 2014)                    09403009

Q.10: Describe briefly about the prions and viroids.                                                                                                   09403010

Q.11.   What is meant by binomial nomenclature? Describe its rules and significance.          09403011

Q.12. Describe conservation of biodiversity. Also write down impact of human beings on biodiversity.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             09403012

Q.13. Give the effect of removal of species?                                                                                                                                                09403013

Q.14. Give What is the effect of introduction of species?                                                                                                   09403014

Q.15. Define deforestation. Describe its causes and effects.                                                                                              09403015

Q.16. What do you know about over hunting?                                                                                                                               09403016

Q.17. Define conservation. Explain conservation of biodiversity.                                                                       09403017

Q.18. Write a note on Endangered species in Pakistan.                                                                                                      09403018


Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  Genus of Pea is;                                                09403019

            (a)        Homo                                       (b)        Amanita

            (c)        Escherichia                  (d)        Pisum

2.      Three kingdom classification system was proposed in:                                                                      09403020

            (a)        1866                                        (b)        1867               

            (c)        1868                                        (d)        1869

3.                  One of the following is composed of only     protein?                                                                          09403021

            (a)        Viruses             (b)        Prions 

            (c)        Viroids             (d)        Bacteria

4.                  Important cause of species extinction is:

            (a)        Habitat loss                                                      094030222

            (b)        Deforestation  

            (c)        Over population

            (d)        Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

5.                  National bird of Pakistan is: (Board 2016)

            (a)        Pigeon                          (b)        Ostrich              09403023

            (c)        Crow                            (d)        Chakor

6.                  Cutting down of trees is known as: 09403024

            (a)        Habitat loss      (b)        Deforestation

            (c)        Extinction                    (d)        None of these

7.                  Example of acellular organism is:         

(Board 2016)                       09403025

            (a)        Bacteria                                   (b)        Fungi  

            (c)        Cyanobacteria              (d)        Viruses

8.                  Cell wall of fungi is made up of: 09403026

            (a)        Cellulose                      (b)        Amino acid

            (c)        Chitin                           (d)        Both ‘a’ and ‘b’

9.                  Basic unit of classification is:                09403027

            (a)        Genus                          (b)        Order (Board 2007)

            (c)        Family                         (d)        Species

10.  Classification means the grouping of organisms on the basis of:                                09403028

            (a)        How they feed             

            (b)        The features they have in common

            (c)        How they respire         

            (d)        How they can survive

11.              The kingdom protista includes:  09403029

                (a)           Unicellular and simple

                                multicellular         organisms with

                                prominent nucleus

            (b)        True multicellular organisms with

                        no prominent nucleus.

            (c)        True multicellular organisms with

                        prominent nucleus.

            (d)        Unicellular organisms with no

                        prominent nucleus.

12.  Viruses are not classified in any kingdom because:                                                                           09403030

            (a)        They are too poorly understood

            (b)        They are too small

            (c)        Their genetics cannot be determined     

            (d)        They are not considered organisms          

13.              Viruses are assigned to the kingdom:    

            (a)        Monera (Board 2013)                              09403031

            (b)        Protista

            (c)        Fungi

            (d)        None of above

14.              A related group of genera comprises:    

            (a)        An order                                                                      09403032

            (b)        A family         

            (c)        A class

            (d)        A phylum

15.  In which kingdom, would you classify unicellular eukaryotes?                                  09403033

            (a)        Fungi and plantae                                

            (b)        Fungi and Monera                   

            (c)        Only Protista               

            (d)        Only Fungi

16.  In binomial nomenclature, the first letter of the ___________ name is capitalized.

            (a)        Family                                     (b)        Class    09403034

            (c)        Species                        (d)        Genus

17.  Which one of the following sequences shows the correct hierarchy of classification, going from the smaller to the bigger group?                                                         09403035

            (a)        Kingdom, Phylum, Order, Class,

                        Family, Genus, Species            

            (b)        Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order,

                        Family, Genus, Species

            (c)        Genus, Species, Kingdom, Phylum,                               Order, Class, Family                

            (d)        Species, Genus, Family, Order,

                        Class    Phylum, Kingdom.

18.              Which of the following may be the correct way of writing the scientific name of an organism?                                                                                         09403036

            (a)        Canis lupus                  (b)        Saccharum      

            (c)        Grant’s gazelle (d)        E. Coli

19.              A certain organism is multicellular, adapted for photosynthesis and has multicellular sex organs. To which kingdom does it belong?                                                                       09403037

            (a)        Animalia                                  (b)        Fungi

            (c)        Plantae                                     (d)        Protista

20.              Species that are in same ________ are more closely related than species that are in the same ___________.                                                09403038

            (a)        Phylum….Class

            (b)        Family…..Order                      

            (c)        Class…..Order                        

            (d)        Family….Genus

21.              When the last member of a particular species dies, the species is said to be __.

                                                                                                (Board 2011)       09403039

            (a)        Established      (b)        Extinct    

            (c)        Threatened                   (d)        Endangered

22.              In which season does Houbara bustard migrate to Pakistan and settle here? 09403040

            (a)        Summer                       (b)        Spring 

            (c)        Autumn                       (d)        Winter

23.              Important work on plants classification was published by:                                                                       09403041

            (a)        John Ray                     

(b)  Andrea Caesalpino

            (c)        Tournefort                   

(d)  Agustus Rivinus

24.              Greatest threat to biodiversity on this     planet is:                                                                                  09403042

            (a)        Habitat loss                  (b)Deforestation

            (c)        Overpopulation (d)        Both b and c

25.              Living organisms into three       kingdom           classification system were divided by:


            (a)        Linnaeus                                  (b)        Aristotle          

            (c)        John Ray                                  (d)        Hackel

26.              Number of kinds of children born in each minute in        the world are more them:           09403044

            (a) 100                                                 (b) 150            

            (c) 180                                                 (d) 200

27.              Number of kinds of organisms inhabit the earth are:                                                                                           09403045

            (a)        1 million                                  (b)        5 million

            (c)        10 million                                (d)  10 billion

28.              Biodiversity means:                                          09403046

            (a)        Variety within a species           

            (b)        Variety among the species

            (c)        Variety within a species and among

                        the species                  

            (d)        None of these

29.              The biodiversity of any region depends on:

            (a)        Climate                                                            09403047

            (b)        Altitude           

            (c)        Soil and other species

            (d)        All of these

30.              Biodiversity is richer in:                        09403048

            (a)        Tropics                       

            (b)        Temperate regions       

            (c)        Polar regions                                       

            (d)        Desert

31.              Biodiversity is the source of:                 09403049

            (a)        Food                                        (b)        Fibres              

            (c)        Rubber and oil              (d)        All of these

32.              The kinds of animals found on Earth:    

            (a)        0.5 million                   (b)        1.0 million   09403050

            (c)        1.5 million                   (d)  2 million

33.              The kinds of plants found on Earth:


            (a)        0.1 million                   (b)        0.3 million      

            (c)        0.5 million                   (d)        1.0 million

34.              The branch of biology which deals with classification is:                                                            09403052

            (a)        Taxonomy                   (b)        Systematic      

            (c)        Botany                         (d)        Genetics

35.              Basis on which organisms have been classified by biologists are:                         09403053

            (a)        Similarities       (b)        Difference       

            (c)        both(a)and(b)   (d)        Randomly

36.              It is a group of related phyla:                 09403054

            (a)        Kingdom                      (b)        Class               

            (c)        Order                           (d)        Family

37.              It is a group of related classes:   09403055

            (a)        Phylum            (b)        Order              

            (c)        Family                         (d)        Species

38.              It is a group of related orders:                09403056

            (a)        Genus                          (b)        Family            

            (c)        Species            (d)        Class

39.              It is a group of related genera:   09403057

            (a)        Species            (b)        Family

            (c)        Order                           (d)        Class

40.              The lowest taxon of classification is:                                                                                                                                          09403058

            (a)        Genus                          (b)        Order              

            (c)        Species            (d)        Phylum

41.              The scientific name of human being is:

            (a)        Homo sapiens                                                  09403059

            (b)        Pisum sativum 

            (c)        Amanita muscaria                   

            (d)        E. coli

42.              The class of man is:                                          09403060

            (a)        Insecta                                     (b)        Mammalia       

            (c)        Magnoliopsida             (d)        Proteobacteria

43.              The kingdom of bacteria is:

(Board 2015)       09403061

            (a)        Fungi                                        (b)        Monera

            (c)        Protista                         (d)        Plantae

44.              The first system of classification of organisms was suggested by:(Board 2015) 09403062

            (a)        Al-Jahiz                                   (b)        Aristotle          

            (c)        John Ray                                  (d)        Averroes

45.              Ibn-Rushd translate the Aristotle’s book “de Anima” in:                                                09403063

             (a)       Ibrani                                       (b)        Arabic 

            (c)        Hindi                                       (d)        Persian 

46.              Taxon of ‘order’ in classification was     introduced by:                                                  09403064

            (a)        Caesalpino                               (b)        John Ray         

            (c)        Tournefort                                (d)        Rivinus

47.              Modern classification (binomial nomen- clature) is based on the work of: 09403065

            (a)        Caesalpino                              

            (b)        John Ray         

            (c)        Tournefort                   

            (d)        Carolus Linnaeus

48.              Kingdom protista was proposed by:                   (a)        Ernst Hackel                                                    09403066

            (b)        Robert Whittaker

            (c)        Margulis                      

            (d)        Schwartz

49.              The terms ”procariotique” and “eucarioti-que” were introduced by E. Chatton in:            

            (a)        1866                                        (b)        1937    09403067

            (c)        1988                                        (d)        1990

50.              Five kingdom classification system was first introduced by:                                                        09403068

            (a)        Margulis                                   (b)        Hackel            

            (c)        Whittaker                                 (d)        Linnaeus

51.              All prokaryotic organisms are included in kingdom:                                                                                           09403069

            (a)        Protista                         (b)        Monera

            (c)        Fungi                                       (d)        Plantae

52.              Which one is not related to protista?     

            (a)        Algae                                                                           09403070

            (b)        Protozoans      

            (c)        Bacteria          

            (d)        Fungi like organisms

53.              Following kingdom includes eukaryotic, multicellular and absorptive heterotrophs:

            (a)        Monera            (b)        Protista 09403071

            (c)        Fungi                           (d)        Plantae

54.              Following character is not related to Animalia:                                                                                       09403072

            (a)        Eukaryotic                   (b)        Multicellular   

            (c)        Heterotrophs    (d)        Autotrophs

55.              Following is without nuclear membrane;                                                                                                                        09403073

            (a)        Animalia                      (b)        Plantae

            (c)        Monera            (d)        Protista

56.              Cellular organization is absent in:09403074

            (a)        Viruses            (b)        Bacteria

            (c)        Algae                           (d)        Protozoans

57.              The body of which organism consists only of RNA:                                                                                           09403075

            (a)        Prions                          (b)        Viroids

            (c)        Viruses            (d)        Algae

58.              The species which will become extinct in future:                                                                                                09403076

            (a)        Threatened                   (b)        Endangered

            (c)        Extinct                         (d)        All of these

59.              Number of people living on earth today.


            (a)        100 million      (b)        300 million

            (c)        400 million      (d)        600 million

60.              It is the national animal of Pakistan.

            (a)        Dolphin                       (b)        Ibex     09403078

            (c)        Markhor                       (d)        Camel

61.              The bird that flies to Pakistan in winter from former Soviet territory is:    09403079

            (a)        Chakor             (b)        Houbara bustard

            (c)        Kiwi                 (d)        Ostrich

62.              Forests are the source of:                       09403080

            (a)        Drugs                           (b)        Fuel                            

            (c)        Timber                         (d)        All of these

63.              Deforestation results in.                        09403081

            (a)        Soil erosions               

            (b)        Increased water storage capacity of


            (c)        More humidity

            (d)        More clouds

64.              The lowest taxon among the following is:          (a)        Genera                         (b)        Class                09403082

            (c)        Order                           (d)        Families

65.              Euglena is included in kingdom: 09403083

            (a)        Monera            (b)        Protista

            (c)        Fungi                           (d)        Plantae

66.              A species is a group of natural population which can:                                                                                         09403084

            (a)        Interbreed and produce offspring

            (b)        Interbreed in nature and produce


(c)  Interbreed and produce fertile    offspring                     

            (d)        Interbreed in nature and produce

                        fertile offspring           

67.              The need of third kingdom protista raised due to:                                                                                                09403085

            (a)        Presence of certain unicellular


            (b)        Presence of plant-like character

            (c)        Presence of animal-like characters

            (d)        Presence of both animal and plant

                        like characters

68.              Fungi cannot be placed in plantae kingdom because:                                                                                          09403086

            (a)        Fungi lack cell wall      

            (b)        Fungi have root, stem and leaves          

            (c)        Fungi lack chlorophyll 

            (d)        Fungi do not store food

69.              Principle for the formation of five kingdom classification system selected by Robert Whittaker is:                                                            09403087

            (a)        Mode of locomotion                            

            (b)        Mode of nutrition                    

            (c)        Mode of reproduction              

            (d)        Mode of respiration

70.              The five kingdom classification system is not based on:                                                                          09403088

            (a)        Mode of nutrition                     (b)        Cytology         

            (c)        Genetics                                               (d)        Morphology

71.              It is at the risk of becoming extinct because few members are left:                       09403089

            (a)        Extinct species

            (b)        Threatened species

            (c)        Vulnerable species

            (d)        Endangered species

72.              Marco Polo sheep is found in:   09403090

            (a)        Khunjerab National Park 

            (b)        Plains                           (c)        India                                       

            (d)        Indus Valley

73. Members of the same species living in the same place is called:                                 (Board 2011)09403091

            (a)        Habitat                         (b)        Biosphere

            (c)        Community      (d)        Population

74.Allium cepa is the scientific name of:

                                                                                                (Board 2014)       09403092

            (a)        Onion                          (b)        Potato

            (c)        Tomato             (d)        Pea

75.A species that no longer lives in an ecosystem is called;                                                         09403093

            (a)        Endangered species                                                      (b)        Global Ecosystem

            (c)        Extinct species

            (d)        Population

76. A family is a group of related: (Board 2015)


            (a)        Genera                         (b)        Orders

            (c)        Species                       (d)        Classes

77. In the province Khyber PakhtunKhwa the closed canopy forests are shrinking approximately at which %age per year. 

            (a)        1                                              (b)        2                                  09403095

            (c)        3                                              (d)        4

78.  Number of people in developing countries rely on wood for heating and cooking is almost;                                                                                        09403096

            (a)        2 Billion                       (b)        3 Billion          

            (c)        4 Billion                       (d)        5 Billion








Short Answers Questions


Q.1. What is term acellular?               09403097

Q.2. Define class animalia.                              09403098

Q.3. Define Binomial nomenclature.  

(Board 2012)          09403099

Q.4. Define Class.                                                        09403100

Q.5. Define Classification.                               09403101

Q.6. Define Conservation.                               09403102

Q.7. What are Endangered Species?                                                                           (Board 2012)                       09403103

Q.8. Define Family.                                                     09403104

Q.9. Define Fauna.                                                      09403105

Q.10. Define Flora.                                                      09403106

Q.11. Define Fungi.                                                     09403107

Q.12. Define Genus.                                                    09403108

Q.13. What is IUCN?                                      09403109

Q.14. What do you know about HJP? 09403110

Q.15. Define Order.                                                    09403111

Q.16. Define Phylum   .                                               09403112

Q.17. Define Plantae.                                      09403113

Q.18.Define Prion.                                                      09403114

Q.19. Define Protista.                                      09403115


Q.20. What is soil erosion?                              09403116

Q.21. Define Systematics.                                09403117

Q.22. Define Taxon.                                                    09403118

Q.23. Define Taxonomic hierarchy.      09403119

Q.24. Define the term viroid.              09403120

Q.25. What is the origin of biodiversity?                                                                                                                                 09403121

Q.26. Define biodiversity. Describe briefly the meaning of biodiversity. / What do you know about biodiversity?                 (Board 2011,14)


Q.27. Give importance of biodiversity. / Write two points on the importance of biodiversity.             (Board 2015,16)             09403123

Q.28. Define taxonomy and systematics.        

            (Board 2014)     09403124

Q.29. Define Species.   (Board 2013)    09403125

Q.30. Is the interbreeding concept of species applicable to organism which    reproduce asexually?                                     09403126

Q.31.   What is the role of Ibn Rushd (Averroes) in classification?                            09403127

Q.32. What were the objections on three kingdom system?                                                                09403128

Q.33.What was the work of Robert Whittaker? Give his basis of classification.


Q.34. When is scientific name abbreviated? Give an example.                                                                                            09403130

Q.35. Given benefits of using binomial nomenclature?                                                                                          09403131

Q.36. How is biodiversity lost by over-hunting? / What is the role of over-hunting in extinction? (Board 2015)                                 09403132

Q.37. What is deforestation?                          09403133

Q.38. What is Northern Areas Conservation Project?                                                                                                                           09403134

Q.39.What is conservation of migratory birds in Chitral, NWFP?                                     09403135

Q.40. What are the reasons of decline of Houbara bustard?                                                                 09403136

Q.41. What factors do affect biodiversity of a region?                                                                                                                           09403137

Q.42. Why is Carolus Linnaeus famous?                                                                                                                                                                   09403138

Q.43. What are the aims of classification?

                                                (Board 2013, 2014)                            09403139

Q.44. What is the basis of classification?  


Q.45. What are Taxa? Give examples.                                                                                                                                                                                        09403141


Q.46. Name the largest and smallest taxa.                                                                                                                                                                 09403142

Q.47. Write the names of five kingdoms of organisms.                                                                                                          09403143

Q.48. Enlist the characteristics of kingdom Monera?                                                                                                                             09403144

Q.49. Give the types of protista.                    09403145

Q.50. Describe characteristics of simple multicellular organisms?                                    09403146

Q.51. Give examples of Protozoans. 09403147            

Q.52. How can you divide the five kingdoms into two groups on the basis of types of cells?                                                                                                                                      09403148

Q.53. Write the scientific names of piyaz, house crow and starfish.                                                   09403149

Q.54. What is an extinct species?  09403150

Q.55. Give a list of extinct animals in Pakistan.                                                                                                                        09403151

Q.56. Enlist the effects of deforestation?                                                                                    (Board 2016)                       09403152

Q.57. Give significance of forests. 09403153

Q.58. Name the two organizations working for conservation of biodiversity in Pakistan.


Q. 59.     Write the names of national animal and national bird of Pakistan.  

(Board 2013)           09403155

Q.60.      What is animal diversity of Northern areas in Pakistan?                                                                      09403156

Q.61.      How many migratory birds are killed every year while passing through Chitral?                                                                                                                        09403157

Q.62.      Give two reasons for the exclusion of Kingdom Fungi from Kingdom Plantae.


Q.63.      About how many peoples are added to world population in each day?             09403159

Q.64.      How many people in developing countries rely on wood for cooking & heating?                                                                                                                          09403160

Q.65.      Eucalyptus is harmful for other plants growing near it. Explain.       09403161

Q.66.      Write the biological classification of human.                                                                                                                            09403162

Q.67.      What were the objections on two kingdom system? or Why is two kingdom system unworkable?                                                          09403163

Q.68.      What are the reasons of decline of Indus dolphin?                                                                                                09403164

Q.69.      Write the biological classification of Pea Plant.                                                                                                       09403165

Q.70.      Why viruses are not included in five kingdom system.                          (Board 2016)       09403166

Q.71. What are effects of human being on biodiversity?                                       (Board 2016)       09403167





Cell Biology






Q.1. Define microscopy. What do you know about first microscope?                                                                   09404001

Q.2. Explain the important terms which are used in microscopy.                                                                          09404002

Q.3. Describe the types of microscopes.                                                                                                                                                                  09404003

Q.4. Describe the history of the formulation of cell theory.                                                                                                                                               09404004

Q.5. What do you know about sub-cellular particles or acellular particles?                                              09404005

Q.6. Construct a timeline that traces the history of formulation of the cell theory.                     09404006

Q.7. What do you know about eukaryotic cellular structures? / Differentiate between animal and plant cells with the help of suitable diagram. /     Draw an animal and plant cell.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Board 2011, 12, 14)                       09404007

Q.8. Write a note on cell wall.                                                                                                                                                                                                           09404008

Q.9. Write a note on cell membrane. / Explain the structure of cell membrane with diagram.

                                                                                                                                                                                                (Board 2015)      09404009

Q.10. Write a note on cytoplasm.                                                                                                                                                                                         09404010

Q.11. Write a note on cytoskeleton.                                                                                                                                                                                    09404011

Q.12. Write a note on Nucleus.                                             Board 2011, 2013)                                  09404012

Q.13. Write a note on Ribosomes. / Write down the structure and function of Ribosomes.                                                                                                                                           (Board 2015)      09404013

Q.14. Write a note on Mitochondria.                                                                                                                                                                                   09404014

Q.15. Write a note on Plastids.                                                                                                                                                                                                         09404015

Q.16. Write a note on endoplasmic reticulum.                                                                                                                                                        09404016

Q.17.   Write a note on Golgi Apparatus.                                                                                                                                                                 09404017

Q.18. Write a note on Lysosomes.                                                                                                                                        (Board 2013)        09404018

Q.19. Write a note on Centriole.                                                                                                                                                                                          09404019

Q.20. Write a note on vacuoles.                                                                                                                                                                                                       09404020

Q.21. Describe the differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. (Board 2011, 12,14)          09404021

Q.22. Describe the relationship between cell function and cell structure. (Board 2011)        09404022

Q.23. Describe the relationship between cell size, shape and surface area to volume ratio.


Q.24.   Describe passage of molecules into and out of cells.                                                                                                          09404024

Q.25. What are tissues and colony of cells?                                                                                                                                                 09404025

Q.26. What is the role of turgor?                                                                                                                                                                                          09404026

Q.27. How does the tonicity of solution affect the guard cells?                                                                                         09404027

Q.28. Describe the application of knowledge about semi-permeable membranes.                                  09404028

Q.29. Describe different types of animal tissues.                                                                                                                                         09404029

Q.30. Describe the different types of plant tissues.                                                                                                                         09404030

Multiple Choice Questions


1.      Which of these clues would tell you whether a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?                                                                09404031

(a)  The presence or absence of a cell wall.

(b)  Whether or not the cell is partitioned by internal membranes

(c)  The presence or absence of ribosomes

(d) Whether or not the cell contains DNA

2.      There are _____ micrometers (mm) in one millimeter (mm).                                                       09404032

      (a)  10                                                        (b)        100

      (c)  1000                                        (d)      

3.      The plasma membrane does all of these except:                                                                                09404033

(a)    Contains the hereditary material

(b)   Acts as a boundary or border for the cytoplasm

(c)   Regulates passage of material in and out of the cell

(d)   Functions in the recognition of cell

4.      Which of these materials is not a component of the plasma membrane?


      (a) Lipids                                      (b)       Carbohydrates  

      (c) Proteins                                     (d)        DNA

5.      Cell walls are found in these organisms, except for:                                                                          09404035

      (a)  Plants                                                  (b)       Animals          

      (c) Bacteria                                               (d)       Fungi

6.      The _______ is a major component of plant cell walls.                                                   09404036

      (a)  Chitin                                      (b)        Peptidoglycan

      (c) Cellulose                                  (d)       Cholesterol

7.      Plant cells have ______ and ____ which are not present in animal cells.            09404037

      (a)  Mitochondria, chloroplasts    

(b)  Cell membranes, cell walls

      (c)  Chloroplasts, nucleus             

(d) Chloroplasts, cell wall

8.      The ______ is the membrane-enclosed structure in eukaryotic cells that contains the DNA of the cell.                                          09404038

      (a)  Mitochondrion                        (b)       Chloroplast     

      (c)  Nucleolus                               (d) Nucleus

9.      Ribosomes are constructed in the:                                                                                                                              09404039

      (a)  Endoplasmic reticulum

(b) Nucleoid   

      (c) Nucleolus                   

      (d) Nuclear Pore

10.  Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where ______ are synthesized.


      (a)  Polysaccharides           (b)        Proteins 

      (c)  Lipids                                     (d)       DNA

11.  Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the area in a cell where ______are synthesized.


      (a)  Polysaccharides           (b)       Proteins

(c) Lipids                                      (d)       DNA

12.  The mitochondrion functions in;  09404042

      (a)  Lipid storage                                                   (Board 2015)

(b) Protein synthesis        

      (c) Photosynthesis

(d) Cellular respiration

13.  The thin extensions of the inner mitochondrial membrane are known as _____.                                                                              09404043

      (a)  Cristae                                     (b)        Matrix            

(c)  Thylakoids                              (d)       Stroma

14.  The chloroplast functions in:

(a)  ATP synthesis                                                 09404044

(b) Protein synthesis

      (c)  Photosynthesis

(d) DNA replication

15.  Which of these cellular organelles have their own DNA?           (Board 2015)                   09404045

      (a)  Chloroplast                  (b)       Golgi apparatus

      (c)  Mitochondrion            (d)       All of these

16.  Who described cells first? (Board 2013) 09404046

      (a) Robert Hooke             

(b) Leeuwenhoek

      (c) Robert Brown

(d) Schleiden & Schwann

17.  Sites of protein synthesis is:         (Board 2013)                                                                                                 09404047

      (a)  Nucleus                                  

(b) Mitochondria    

      (c) Endoplasmic reticulum 

(d) Ribosomes

18.  The smallest cells of bacteria are called: 

      (a)  Plasmodesmata                                               09404048

(b)  Plasma membrane

      (c)  Mycoplasmas              (d)       Plasmolysis

19.  Xylem and phloem tissues are:     09404049

      (a) Simple tissues            

(b) Compound tissues

      (c)  Meristematic tissues                          

     (d)  Permanent tissues

20.  Cellular eating is called:                           09404050

(a)  Pinocytosis                  (b)       Endocytosis   

      (c)  Phagocytosis               (d)       None of these

21.  Movement which requires energy in the form of ATP:                                                                09404051

      (a)  Diffusion                                                         (Board 2011)

      (b) Osmosis

(c) Active transport         

(d) Facilitated diffusion

22.  The example of bulkiest cells are:   09404052

      (a)  Bacteria                                   (b)       Bird’s eggs  

(c) Muscle cells                (d)       Nerve cells

23.  The example of long cells are:         09404053

      (a) Bird’s eggs                             

      (b) Muscle cells  

      (c) Nerve cells 

      (d) Muscle cells & nerve cells

24.  Types of cells which make human body:                                                                                                       09404054

      (a)  200                                                      (b)        300

(c)  400                                                      (d)       500

25.  “All animal tissues are also composed of individual cells”, it was stated by: 09404055

(a)  Robert Hooke                        (b)        Shleiden

(c)  Robert Brown                         (d)       Schwann

26.  Nucleus in the cell was discovered by:


      (a)  Robert Hooke                        (b)        Lamarck

(c)  Robert Brown                         (d)       Schwann

27.  Cell theory was proposed by:                   09404057

      (a)  Robert Hooke                        

      (b)  Schwann        

(c)  Schleiden                                     

(d) Both (b ) and (c)

28.  Concept of “Omnis cellula e cellula” was given by:                                                                          09404058

      (a)  Robert Hooke                          (b) Pasteur

(c)  Robert Brown                         (d)       Virchow

29.  The cells used for transmission of impulses are:                                                              09404059

      (a)  Muscle cells                (b)        Nerve cells     

(c)  Gland cells                  (d)       RBCs

30.  The cells used for secretion of hormones are:                                                                                                09404060

      (a)  Muscle cells                            (b)        Nerve cells

(c)  Gland cells                              (d)       RBCs

31.  The cells used for support in plants are:  

      (a)  Sclerenchyma cells                             09404061

(b)  Collenchyma cells                  

(c)  Parenchyma cells                                           

(d) Both (a) and (b)

32.  The tissues used for photosynthesis in plants are:                                                                              09404062

      (a)  Sclerenchyma tissues                         

(b)  Ground tissues

(c)  Phloem tissues           

(d) Compound tissues

33.  The cells used for storage in plants are:

      (a)  Sclerenchyma cells                             09404063

(b)  Vessel elements                     

(c)  Parenchyma cells                               

(d) Meristematic cells

34.  The cells which can divide in plants are: 

      (a)  Sclerenchyma cells                             09404064

(b)  Collenchyma cells                 

(c)  Parenchyma cells                               

(d) Meristematic cells

35.  The resolution of human eye is; 09404065

      (a)  1.0mm                                     (b)        2.0mm

(c)  0.1mm                                     (d)       0.2mm

36.  Magnification of electron microscope is:

      (a)  2500 X                                    (b)        25000 X  09404066

(c)  250,000 X                               (d)       250X

37.  The movement of molecules against the concentration gradient is called: 09404067

      (a)  Diffusion                                

(b)  Passive transport                   

(c)  Active transport         

(d) Endocytosis

38.  Cellulose is present in:                              09404068

      (a)  Primary wall    (b) Secondary wall

      (c) Middle lamella  (d) None of the above

39.  Lignin is present in:                                              09404069

      (a)  Primary wall    (b)       Secondary wall  

(c)  Middle lamella (d)      None of the above 

40.  Lysosomes were discovered by:   09404070

      (a)  Golgi                                       (b)        Antonie

(c)  De Duve                                  (d) Brown      

41.  The inner chamber of the mitochondria contains a fluid is called:                                  09404071

      (a)  Cristae                         (b)        Matrix

(c)  Stoma                         (d)       Cytoplasm

42.  Colourless structure which store starch, proteins and lipids is:                                        09404072

      (a)  Chloroplasts               (b) Chromoplasts

(c) Leucoplasts                  (d) None of these

43.  The stacked membranous structure in the chloroplast is;                                                             09404073

      (a)  Thylakoids                  (b)        Stroma

      (c)  Granum                                   (d)       Intergranum

44.  The membranous structure in the chloroplast is:                                                              09404074

      (a)  Thylakoids                  (b)        Stroma

      (c)  Granum                                   (d)      Intergranum

45.  The fluid within the chloroplast is:

      (a)  Thylakoids                  (b)        Stroma   09404075

      (c)  Granum                                   (d)       Intergranum

46.  The type of plastids present in fruits are:     


      (a)  Chloroplasts                (b)        Chromoplasts 

      (c)  Leucoplasts                 (d)       All of the above

47.   The type of plastids present in  roots are:

      (a)  Chloroplasts                                                    09404077

(b)  Chromoplasts 

      (c)  Leucoplasts      

      (d) All of the above

48.  The structure present in the prokaryotes is:


      (a)  Mitochondria      (b) Ribosomes

(c)  ER                                   (d) Golgi bodies

49. Responsibility of protein synthesis is:

                                                            (Board 2011)       09404079

      (a)  Plastids                                    (b)        Ribosomes

      (c)  Golgi apparatus           (d) Lysosomes

50. Polymer of amino acid and sugar is:

                                                                                (Board 2011)       09404080

(a) Peptidoglycan                          (b)        Glycolipids

(c)  Phospholipids                         (d)       Glycogen

51. Xylem tissues consist of vessel elements and:                                         (Board 2011)       09404081

      (a) Sieve tube                                            (b)        Tracheids

      (c)  Mesophyll                               (d)       Fibre cell

52. Primary cell wall of plants has a chemical:

                                                                                (Board 2011)          09404082

      (a)  Cellulose                                 (b)        Peptidoglycan

      (c)  Glycolipids                 (d)       Proteins

53. Which statement about the nuclear          envelope is not true?                                       09404083

      (a)  It has pores     

      (b) It is a double membrane structure

      (c)  Its inner membrane bears ribosomes

      (d) RNA and some proteins pass through it

54. Which statement about plastids is true?


      (a)  They are surrounded by a double membrane                                     

      (b)  They are the power house of cell

      (c)  They are found in all organisms

      (d) They contain DNA and ribosomes

55. Golgi was awarded Nobel prize for          physiology and medicine in:               09404085

      (a)  1806                                                    (b)        1906

      (c   1945                                                    (d)       1936

56. Animal tissues are found in lungs, heart and blood vessels are:                                      09404086

      (a)  Squamous epithelium

      (b)  Cuboidal epithelium

      (c)  Columnar epithelium

      (d) Ciliated columnar epithelium

57. Animal tissues found in linning of oesophagus, mouth and also in the skin are:                                                                                           09404087

      (a)  Stratified squamous epithelium

      (b)  Squamous epithelium

      (c)  Columnar epithelium

      (d) Ciliated columnar epithelium

58. Example of striated tissues are:    09404088

      a)   Skeletal muscles          (b)        Smooth Muscles

      (c)  Connective tissues      (d)       Cardiac Muscles

59. Granular fluid inside the nuclear envelope is called;                                                                         09404089

      (a)  Cytoplasm                               (b)        Nucleoplasm

      (c)  Chromosomes             (d)       Nucleolus

60. The very first microscope was developed by Zacharias Janssen in 1595 in;       09404090

      (a)  England                                   (b)        America

      (c)  Greek                                      (d)       Holland

61. All of the following are present in cell membrane EXCEPT:                                                      09404091

      (a)  Lipids                                      (b)        Carbohydrates

      (c)  Proteins                                   (d)       DNA

62. Stomata are the openings in the epidermis

      of ;                                                                                                 09404092

      (a)  Stem                                        (b)        Root

      (c)  Leaf                                         (d)       Branches
63. Strong digestive enzymes are present in;

                                                            (Board 2013)                   09404093

      (a)  Ribosomes                               (b)        Lysosomes

      (c)  Centrosomes               (d)       Nucleolus

64. The net movement of substances from an area of higher concentration to area of lower concentration is called;                    09404094

      (a)  Active transport

      (b)  Facilitated diffusion

      (c)  Diffusion                                 (d)       Osmosis

65. Solutions which have equal concentration of solutes are called as;                                 09404095

      (a)  Hypertonic solutions

      (b)  Hypotonic solutions

      (c)  Isotonic solutions  (d) Dilute solutions

66. The tissues which are made of single type           of cells are;                                                           09404096

      (a)  Simple tissues (b)        Compound tissue 

      (c)  Both (a) & (b)             (d)       None of these

67. Fluid mosaic model explains the structure           of:                                                                                            09404097

      (a)  Cell wall                                  (b)        Cell membrane

      (c)  Nucleus                                   (d)       Ribosomes

68. Types of electron microscopes are: 09404098

      (a)  2                                                          (b)        3

      (c)  4                                                          (d)       5

69. Tissues which have power of cell division are:                                                                                              09404099

      (a)  Xylem                                     (b)        Phloem

      (c)  Epidermal                                (d)       Meristematic

70. The cell wall in Fungi is made of:   09404100

      (a)  Cellulose         (b)        Peptidoglycan

      (c)  Chitin              (d)       Amino acids and Sugars

71. The walls in parenchyma cells are:  09404101

      (a)  Thick                                       (b)        Thin

      (c)  Strong                                     (d)       Weak

72. Walls of sclerenchyma tissues are impregnated  with:                                         09404102

      (a)  Protoplasm                  (b)        Lignin

      (c)  Water                                      (d)       Calcium

73. Permanent tissues originate from:   09404103

      (a)  Ground Tissue   

      (b)  Supporting Tissue

      (c)  Epidermal Tissue 

      (d) Meristematic Tissue

74. Which one is present between xylem and phloem tissue?                                                           09404104

      (a)  Vessel elements         

      (b)  Vascular cambium

      (c)  Tracheids

      (d) Cork Cambium

75. The resolution of light microscope  is:                                                                                               09404105

      (a)  1.0 mm                                     (b)        2.0 mm

      (c)  0.1 mm                                    (d)       0.2 mm

76. The intake of material by infolding of      cell membrane is called:                                 09404106

      (a)  Exocytosis

      (b)  Passive Transport

      (c)  Active transport

      (d) Endocytosis

77. Compounds which present in the cell       wall of bacteria are:                                        09404107

      (a)  Cellulose                                 (b)        Cutin

      (c)  Peptidoglycan             (d)       Chitin

78. Tissues form communication system       of         body are;         (Board 2014)                                       09404108

      (a)  Supporting tissues (b) Muscle tissues

      (c)  Simple tissues             (d)       Nerve tissues  

79.  The wall of prokaryotes is composed of:

                                                            (Board 2014)       09404109

      (a)  Lignin                                                  (b)        Cellulose        

      (c) Peptidoglycan                          (d)       Chitin

80. Who developed first microscope?

                                                                                (Board 2014)       09404110

      (a)  Robert Hooke (b) Louis Pasteur

      (c)  Robert Brown   (d)Zacharias Janssen

81. Prokaryotes have a cell wall composed of a chemical:     (Board 2014)                       09404111

      (a)  Plasmodesmata           (b)        Peptidoglycan

      (c)  Chromatin                               (d)       Stroma

82. In cell wall of plants the chemical present is:                                                        (Board 2013) 09404112

      (a)  Lignin                                      (b)        Cellulose

      (c)  Chitin                                      (d)       None of these

83. Example of hard connective tissue is:                 

      (a)  Cartilage                                  (b)        Blood   09404113

      (c)  Adipose tissue             (d)       Bones                         

84. The movement of molecule from lower concentration to higher concentration is called:                                                      (Board 2015)       09404114

      (a)  Active transport          (b)        Osmosis

      (c)  Diffusion                                 (d)       Filtration

85. The resolution of electron microscope is _____

      (a)  0.2mm                                     (b)        0.02m09404115

      (c)  0.2 nm                                     (d)       0.1 nm

86. The magnification of light microscope is.

      (a)  1500 X                       (b)        150,000 X         09404116

      (c)  150 X                          (d) 15000 X


Short Answers Questions

Q:1. Define Active Transport.         09404117

Q:2. Define Cell.                                                                    09404118

Q:3. What is Cell Membrane?                     09404119

Q:4. Write salient features of cell theory.                                                                           (Board 2013,16)                09404120

Q:5. Give the composition and functions of Cell Wall.                                                                                         09404121

Q:6. Define Centriole. (Board 2016)   09404122

Q:7. What is Chloroplast?                           09404123

Q:8. What is Chromoplast?                         09404124

Q:9. What is Connective tissue?      09404125

Q:10. What is Cytoplasm?                           09404126

Q:11. Define Diffusion. (Board 2013-16) 09404127

Q:12. What is Endoplasmic reticulum?                                                                                                                              09404128

Q:13. Define Epithelial tissue.                      09404129

Q:14. Define Facilitated Diffusion. 09404130

Q:15. What are Golgi apparatus?   09404131

Q:16. Define hypotonic  and hypotonic.                                                                             (Board 2013-16)  09404132

Q:17. Define Isotonic Solutions.                  09404133

Q.18.   Explain why it is not enough just to say that a solution is “hypertonic”. 09404134

Q:19. What are Leucoplasts ?                      09404135

Q:20. Define Lysosomes.      Give their function.

                        (Board 2015)                                           09404136

Q:21. What is Mitochondrion?                    09404137

Q:22. Describe the structure of Muscle Tissue?                                                                                        09404138

Q:23. Describe the structure of Nucleus?                                                                                                                           09404139

Q:24. Define an Organelle.                           09404140

Q:25.Define Osmosis.(Board 2013)      09404141

Q:26.Define Passive transport?                   09404142

Q:27. Define Phagocytosis and Pinocytosis.                                                                       (Board 2015)                   09404143

Q:28.   Show the effect of hypotonic solution on the animal and plant cell.                    09404144

Q:29. What is Plasmolysis?(Board 2015)09404145

Q:30. What are Plastids?(Board 2011)09404146

Q:31. What are Ribosomes?            (Board 2011,14)


Q:32. Define semi-permeable Membrane.                                                                                                                          09404148

Q:33. Define Tissue.                                                  09404149

Q:34. Define Turgor Pressure.                    09404150

Q:35. Define Vacuole.                                               09404151

Q:36. Define Microfilament and Microtubule.                                                                              09404152

Q:37. Cell work as an open system. Explain.                                                                                                                     09404153

Q.38. Define filtration. (Board 2014)       09404154

Q.39. Define reverse osmosis. (Board 2014)                                                                                                                                 09404155

Q.40. Define ribosomes.                                              09404156

Q.41.   Define nucleoid.                                               09404157

Q.42.   What does “LM 109X” indicate?                                                                                                                                09404158

Q.43.   Why can EM (electron microscope) not be used to study life processes?           09404159

Q.44.   Differentiate between plasma membrane and cell membrane.             09404160

Q.45.   Why is a colony of cell not always a tissue?                                                                                                     09404161


Q.46.   Differentiate between primary and secondary cell walls.                                                                    09404162

Q.47.   Enlist functions of xylem and phloem tissues.                                                                         (Board 2015)                        09404163

Q.48.   What is the difference between apical and lateral meristems? (Board 2015)          09404164

Q.49.   What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?                       (Board 2013)                          09404165

Q.50.   What is exocytosis?     (Board 2013) 09404166

Q.51.   Which type of microscope would you use to study the changes in shape of human white blood cells?                                                 09404167

Q.52.   Which type of microscope is used to study the surface texture of human hair?          


Q.53.   Which type of microscope would you use to study the detailed structure of mitochondrion in the cell of human liver?                                                                                                                           09404169

Q.54.   In diffusion and filtration, only small molecules can pass across  membrane. Which process would move the molecules faster?                                                                                       09404170

Q.55.   When you hear that epithelial tissue has a tightly packed structure. What functions do you expect?                         09404171

Q.56.   Define Intercalary meristems.                                                                                                                                     09404172

Q.57    Birds fly by flapping their wings. What do you think, is the type of muscle responsible for wings’ flapping?             09404173

Q.58    Differentiate between Chromosomes and chromatin.                                                             09404174

Q.59. When can parenchyma cells develop ability to divide and differentiate into other types of cells?                                                                                    09405175















Q.1. Define reproduction. Describe its importance in life.                                                                                                           09405001

Q.2. Define cell cycle. Describe its phases.                                                                                                 (Board 2011, 13)                09405002

Q.3. Define interphase. Explain the stages of interphase.                                                 (Board 2011,2014)                09405003

Q.4. Write a brief note on G0 Phase.                                                                                                                                                                                  09405004

Q.5. What do you know about M-Phase?                                                                                                                                                               09405005

Q.6.  What is mitosis? Describe its discovery and phases.                                                                                                            09405006

Q.7.     Describe the significance of mitosis.            (Board 2016)                                                                                                  09405007

Q.8. Which errors are associated with mitosis?                                                                                                                                         09405008

Q.9. Define meiosis and explain its phases in detail.                                                                                                                      09405009

Q.10. Describe significance of meiosis.        (Board – 2014)                                                                                                                      09405010

Q.11. Describe common errors of meiosis?                                                                                                                                                            09405011

Q.12. Compare mitosis and meiosis                                                                                                                 (Board 2012)                    09405012

Q.13.   What is apoptosis? What happens in it? Describe its importance.       (Board 2011)  09405013


                        Write a note on apoptosis (Board – 2014, 2016)

Q.14. Write a note on necrosis.                                                                                                        (Board 2011, 2012)                                                     09405014




1.       In which stage of the cell cycle each chromosome is duplicated and so it consists of two chromatids?        09405015

      (a) G1                                           (b)        S

      (c) M                                             (d)        G2

2.       During which phase of mitosis are spindles formed? / During which phase of cell cycle are  spindle fibre formed:                               09405016

(Board 2013,15)

      (a) G2                                          (b)        Interphase       

      (c)  Prophase                      (d)        Metaphase

3.       In which stage of the cell cycle is the cell preparing enzyme for chromosome replication?                                                            09405017

      (a) G1                                           (b)        G2

      (c) S                                              (d)        M

4.       Which of the following stage of cell division is very different for animal and plant cells?                                                              09405018

      (a) Telophase                    

(b) Metaphase      

(c) Anaphase                     

(d)  Cytokinesis

5.       Prior to cell division, each chromosome replicates or duplicates its genetic material, the products are connected by a centromere and are called:               09405019

      (a) Sister chromosomes     

      (b) Homologous chromosomes

      (c) Non-sister chromatids  

      (d) Sister chromatids

6.       The process of mitosis ensures that: 09405020

(a) Each new cell is genetically different     from its parent

      (b) Each new cell receives the proper          number of chromosomes

      (c) Cells will divide at the appropriate         time                

(d) Chromosomes duplicate without errors.

7.       Cytokinesis in a plant cell is characterized by:                                                                                                    09405021

      (a) The equal division of homologous          chromosomes

      (b) A pinching off of the cell membrane to divide the cell  

      (c) The formation of a cell plate in the         cytoplasm                   

      (d) The movement of the chromosomes       from the metaphase plate

8.       Which of the following is unique to mitosis and not a part of meiosis-I? 09405022

(a) Homologous chromosomes pair                                     forming bivalents.

(b) Homologous chromosomes cross over

      (c) Chromosome pairs are broken during     anaphase                     

      (d) Chromatids separate during anaphase

9.       Which event distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?                                                                             09405023

      (a) Condensation of chromosomes  

      (b) Loss of the nuclear membrane

      (c) Formation of metaphase plate

(d) Pairing of homologous chromosomes.

10.   In which stage of the cell cycle most cells spend their lives?                                                 09405024

      (a) Prophase                                 

(b) Metaphase      

      (c) Interphase                                

(d) Telophase

11.   Which of the following distinguishes meiosis from mitosis?                                      09405025

      (a) The chromosome number is reduced.

      (b)  Chromosomes undergo crossing over.

      (c) Daughter cells are genetically different from the parent cell

      (d) All of the above

12.   For mitosis, the chromosomes of the cells duplicated during interphase. When do the chromosomes duplicate for meiosis?

      (a) Before meiosis I                                                09405026

(b) Before meiosis II

      (c) During Meiosis-I

(d) Do not duplicate

13.   Find the correct statement.              09405027

      (a) Homologous chromosomes form pairs   during mitosis.

      (b) Chromosomes do not duplicate in the     interphase preceding meiosis-I.

      (c) Homologous chromosomes form pairs   during meiosis but not mitosis.

      (d) Spindles are not required during            meiosis.

14.   What reason would you suggest for the fact that the total DNA content of each daughter cell is reduced during meiosis?     

      (a) Chromosomes do not replicate during    the interphase before meiosis I. 09405028

      (b) Chromosomes do not duplicate between meiosis I and II.

      (c) Half of the chromosomes from each       gamete are broken.

      (d) Sister chromatids separate during           anaphase of meiosis I.

15.   If you observe a cell like this one, what phase of mitosis is it?                                               09405029

(a) Anaphase                                             

(b) Telophase

(c) Metaphase                                           

(d) Prophase

16. Specific enzymes are synthesized by: 

 (a) G0                                                                   (b) G2    09405030

(c) S phase                                     (d) G1

17. The phase which can exist for life is:

(a) G0                                                                    (b) G2    09405031

(c) S phase                                     (d) G1

18. Chromosomes become double during:

 (a) G2                                                 (b) G0     09405032

(c) G1                                                  (d) S phase

19.  The longest phase is:                                           09405033

(a) Mitotic phase                 (b)  Meiosis

(c) Cell cycle                                  (d)  Interphase

20. The point at which spindle fibre attaches the       chromosomes is called:                                   09405034

(a) Kinetochore             (b) Non-kinetochore

(c)Both a and b                   (d) Centromere

21. The chromosomes are attached in the      equator of spindle in:                                      09405035

 (a)  Prophase                                 (b) Telophase

(c) Anaphase                                  (d) Metaphase

22.  Chromatids get separated from each other          during:                                                                                     09405036

 (a) Telophase                                 (b) Prophase

(c) Anaphase                                  (d) Metaphase

23.  Chromatids are condensed during:  09405037

 (a) Anaphase                                 (b) Telophase

(c) Prophase                                   (d) Metaphase

24.       Uncoiling of chromosomes takes place          during:                                                                                     09405038

 (a) Prophase                                  (b) Telophase

(c) Anaphase                                  (d) Metaphase

25.  The division of nucleus is:                       09405039

 (a) Mitosis                         (b) Karyokinesis

(c) Cytokinesis                   (d) Meiosis

26. Chromosomes are not visible during: 09405040

 (a) Prophase                                  (b) Interphase

(c) Anaphase                                  (d) Metaphase

27. The condensation of chromosomes is       completed during:                                                       09405041

 (a) Telophase                                 (b) Prophase

(c) Anaphase                                  (d) Metaphase

28.  Cytokinesis in animals take place by;

(a) Furrow                                                                          09405042

(b) Phragmoplast

(c) Plate                             

(d) None of the above

29.  Structures which is absent           in animals;                                                                                                                               09405043

 (a) Spindle                                                 (b) Centrioles

(c) Chromatids                                (d) Phragmoplast

30. Cells which called cancer cells:    09405044

(a) Malignant tumor           

(b) Benign tumor

(c) Both a and b     

(d) None of the above

31.       Similar stages between mitosis meiosis are:                                                                                                               09405045

(a) Prophase                                   (b) Anaphase  

(c) Metaphase                   (d)  Telophase

32.The exchange of part of chromatids is:

(a) Chiasmata                                                         09405046

(b) Linkage

(c) Crossing over  

(d) None of the above

33.       The cell death due to tissue damage is:

(a)Apoptosis                       (b) Necrosis  09405047

(c) Metastasis                                (d)  Synapsis

34.       Necrosis is:                                                                  09405048

(a) Division of cells            

(b) Suicide of cells

(c) Cell death by tissue damage 

(d)  Weakness of cells

35.       Meiosis discovered in: (Board 2011)  09405049

            (a)        1876                                        (b)        1879

            (d)       1960                                        (d)       1850

36.       Hydra reproduces asexually by:            09405050

            (a) Cutting                               (b)        Grafting  (Board 2011)

            (c)        Budding                                  (d)       Binary fission

37.       Cell increases the number of its many organelles and grows in size during:  

            (a) G1                                                  (b)        S phase     09405051

            (c) G2                                                  (d) G0      (Board 2011)

38. Cells which remain in G0 for indefinite period;                                                                                       09405052

(a)  Neurons

(b)  Some cells of liver and kidneys

(c)  Epithelial cells

(d) Connective Cells

39. When Walther Flemming observed that in

a dividing cell, the nucleus passes through a series of changes which he called mitosis?                                                                             09405053

(a)  1980                            (b)        1880’s

(c)  1780                            (d)       1785

40.       Crossing over in Drosophila melanogaster

            in 1911 was observed by:                               09405054

(a)  Oscar Hertwing

(b)  Thomas Hunt Morgan

(c)  Walther Flemming

(d) Mendal

41. The non-apparent period of cell division:

(a)  Meiotic phase                                                  09405055

(b)  Mitotic phase

(c   Somatic phase

(d) Interphase

42. Preparation of essential proteins for mitosis occurs in:                                                    09405056

(a)  G0                                           (b)        G2

(c)  S Phase                        (d)       G1

43. Following is mismatched for mitosis:     

(a)  Cloning                                                                       09405057

(b)  Tissue culture

(c)  Gametes

(d) Regeneration

44. Localized tumor is:                                               09405058

(a)  Malignant

(b)  Benign

(c)  Malignant and benign

(d) Metastasis

45. Cells which continue to divide throughout           an organism’s life:                                          09405059

(a)  Some cells of liver                             

(b)  Kidneys

(c)  Epithelial cells

(d) Nerve Cells

46. It is the series of events from the time a

cell is produced until it completes mitosis and produces new cells is called:      09405060

(a)  Interphase                   (b)        Mitosis

(c)  Meiosis                        (d)       Cell cycle

47. Phases on which cell cycle consists of;   

(a)  2                                              (b)        3                                  09405061

(c   4                                              (d)       5

48. Phase which is a relatively short period of Cell cycle:                                                                 09405062

(a)  Interphase

(b)  Mitotic phase

(c)  Interphase and Mitotic phase

(d) G0

49. Following process occurs in S-phase:

(a)  Synthesis of lipids                                           09405063

(b)  Synthesis of organelles

(c)  No growth in size

(d) Duplication of chromosomes

50. Meiosis does not occur in:                        09405064

(a)  Eukaryotes

(b)  Prokaryotes

(c)  Germ line cells

(d) Sexually reproducing organisms

51. In Karyokinesis of Mitosis, the division of nucleus is further divided into how many phases?                                                                    09405065

(a)  2                                  (b)        3

(c)  4                                  (d)       5

52. Meiosis occurs only in:                             09405066

(a)  Prokaryotic cells

(b)  Eukaryotic cells

(c)  Monera

(d) Cyanobacteria

53. As long as, tumors remain in their original

            location, they are called:                                 09405067

(a)  Malignant                    (b)        Metastasis

(c)  Cancerous                   (d)       Benign

54. Some organisms produce genetically similar offspring through:                         09405068

(a)  Sexual reproduction

(b)  Asexual reproduction

(c)  Mutations

(d) Meiosis

55. The cells at the surface of Hydra undergo

            mitosis and form mass called:            09405069

(a)  Gamete                        (b)        Bud

(c)  Spore                           (d)       Both (a) & (c)

56. Cells that have temporarily or permanently

stopped dividing are said to have entered a state of quiescence, called:              09405070

(a)  G1                                           (b)        S-Phase

(c)  G0                                           (d)       G2

57. Spindle fibres formed by the aggregation of;                                                                                                 09405071

(a)  Actin                           (b)        Myosin

(c)  Tubulin                        (d)       Haemoglobin

58.       Cytokinesis is the division of:            09405072

(a)  Cytoplasm                   (b)        Nucleus

(c)  Ribosome                    (d)       Spindle

59. Vesicles are derived from:                        09405073

(a)  Mitochondria  (b)       Ribosomes

(c)  Endoplasmic Reticulum

(d) Golgi apparatus

60. Number of cells produced at the end of

            mitosis are:                                                                  09405074

(a)  2                                              (b)        3

            (c)        4                                              (d)       5

61. Number of cells produced at the end of

            meiosis are:                                                                 09405075

(a)  2                                              (b)        3

            (c)        4                                              (d)       5

62. In which of the following, the number of

chromosomes is reduced to half in daughter cells?                                                          09405076

(a)  Meiosis

(b)  Mitosis

(c)  Asexual reproduction

(d) Budding

63.       Errors in the control of mitosis may cause;

(a)  T.B                              (b)        Pneumonia   09405077

(c)  AIDS                          (d)       Cancer

64. Which one is the longest phase in

Meiosis-I?                                                                         09405078

(a)  Metaphase-I    (b)        Prophase-I

(c)  Anaphase-I      (d)       Telophase-I

65. Which of the following does not occur in

            Prophase-I?                                                                 09405079

(a)  Synapsis and chiasmata formation

(b)  Crossing over

(c)  Condensation of chromosome

(d) Separation of a homologous pair

66.       Mitosis consists of phases; (Board 14) 09405080

(a)  One                                         (b)        Two    

(c)  Three                                       (d)       Four

67. Those cells which give rise to gametes are

            called; (Board – 2014)                                   09405081

(a)  Somatic cells               (b)        Spindle fibers              (c)        Germ cells                               (d)            Synapsis

68. The division of cytoplasm is called: 09405082

(a)  Karyokinesis               (b)        Cytokinesis     (c)        Phragmoplast              (d)       Phagocytosis

69. Tumors are produced as a result of errors            in:                                                                                            09405083

(a)  Meiosis                                   (b)        Mitosis           

(c)  Binary Fission             (d)       Multiple Fission

70.   Meiosis does not occur in prokaryotes,  which reproduce asexually by:           09405084

(a)  Binary Fission             (b)        Regeneration

            (c)        Cell replacement         (d)       None of these

71.  Significance of meiosis for reproduction and inheritance was described by German  biologist ___________, in 1890.     09405085

(a)  Louis Pasteur              (b)        Emil fischer

            (c)        August Weisman        (d)       Rudolf Virchow

72.  If you observe a cell like this one, what phase of meiosis I is it?                                  09405086

(a)  Prophase II                 

(b)  Anaphase I

            (c)        Interphase II              

            (d)       Karyokinesis

73. Sea star regenerates its lost arm through_____.                                                               09405087

(a)  Meiosis                                   (b)        Cell replacement

            (c)        Binary fission             (d)       Mitosis

74.  After non-disjunction, if abnormal gamete fuses with a normal gamete, it results in abnormal chromosome number in next generation, ______ chromosomes in humans.

(a)  23 Paris                                   (b)        47       09405088

            (c)        42                                                        (d)       23




Short Answer Questions


Q.1. Describe Anaphase.                                          09405089

Q.2. Define Apoptosis. (Board 2011,15) 09405090

Q.3. Describe Benign.                       (Board 2011,2014)


Q.4. Explain G0 Phase.                                             09405092

Q.5. Define Budding.                                                 09405093

Q.6. Define Crossing Over.                          09405094

Q.7. What is G1 Phase?        (Board 2012, 13) 09405095

Q.8. Define G2 Phase.                                               09405096

Q.9. Define Homologous Chromosomes.                                                                                                                            09405097

Q.10. Explain Interphase as a major phase of cell.                                                                                               09405098

Q.11. Define Karyokinesis.                           09405099

Q.12. Define Mitosis.  (Board 2012, 2013) 09405100

Q.13. What is Kinetochore?                         09405101

Q.14. What is M-Phase?                                           09405102

Q.15. Define Malignant Tumors.                                                                                         (Board 2011,2014)                09405103

Q.16. What is Metaphase?                           09405104

Q.17. What is Metaphase plate?(Board 2015)


Q.18. What is Cell cycle? (Board 2015) 09405106

Q.19. What is Chiasmata?                            09405107

Q.20. Define Necrosis.                                               09405108

Q.21. State briefly the events / changes that take place during prophase.                      09405109

Q.22. Define Phragmoplast. / How

cytokinessis occurs in plant cells?   09405110

Q.23. What is S-Phase?                                            09405111

Q.24. What are Sister chromatids? 09405112

Q.25. Define Spindle.                                                09405113

Q.26. Define Synapsis.                                              09405114

Q.27. Define Tubulin.                                               09405115

Q.28. Define Tumor.                                                 09405116

Q.29. Define Metastasis.                                           09405117

Q.30. What are different phases of mitosis?


Q.31. What is Cytokinesis? (Board  2014)


Q.32. How does cytokinesis take place in animal cells?                (Board 2016)                 09405120

Q.33. How does cytokinesis take place in plant cell?                     (Board 2016)                             09405121

Q.34. What is meiosis?(Board 2012, 13)  09405122

Q.35. Write the significance of meiosis.


Q.36.   Illustrate germ line cells with one example.                                                                                               09405124

Q.37. Illustrate somatic cells with one example.                            (Board – 2014)               09405125

Q.38. Describe the significance of mitosis. 

            (Board – 2014)   09405126

Q.39. Why is the cell division in prokaryotes not called mitosis?            09405127

Q.40. Why does meiosis not occur in prokaryotes?                                                                                   09405128

Q.41. What are “blebs”? What are the other names of blebs. (Board 2016)         09405129

Q.42. Differentiate between diploid cells and haploid cells.                                                         09405130

Q.43. Who studied crossing over in fruit fly?                                                                                                        09405131

Q.44. What is the difference between somatic and germ line cells? / What is the difference between             somatic cells and gamete?                            (Board 2015)                 09405132

Q.45. Give two advantages of apoptosis.                                                                (Board 2015)                   09405133

Q.46.   How do the events of cell cycle occur?                                                                                                        09405134

Q.47.   What happens if there is no synthesis of protein during G-2 Phase?


Q.48.   Nucleus is visible only in interphase while chromosomes are only visible in cell division stage. Why?                                                  09405136

Q.49.   Define disjunction.                            09405137

Q.50.   Define non-disjunction.                    09405138

Q.51.   What is meant by the word meiosis?


Q.52.   Who discovered the process of meiosis?                                                                                         09405140

Q.53.   What do you know about the term Interkinesis?                                                                           09405141

Q.54.   Define Chiasmata.                             09405142

Q.55.   What do you know about the discovery of mitosis?                                              09405143

Q.56.   A nerve cell does not divide after its formation, in which phase of cell cycle it is?


Q.57.   Chromosomes are only visible during cell division and not visible during interphase. Why?                                                 09405145










Q.1. Describe metabolism and its types. What is the role of enzymes in metabolism?             09406001

Q.2. Define enzymes. Explain enzymatic action.                                                                                                                             09406002

Q.3. Describe characteristics of enzymes.                                                                                                             (Board 2013)                       09406003

Q.4   Describe uses of enzymes. Write uses of enzyme in food, brewing and paper industry.

                                                                                                                                            (Board 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015)                  09406004

Q.5. Describe the factors affecting the rate of enzyme action.                                                                                  09406005

Q.6. Describe the mechanism of enzyme action.                                         (Board 2015)                                                        09406006

Q.7. Describe the specificity of enzymes.                                                                 (Board 2012, 2013)                                 09406007




1.         What is TRUE about enzymes? 09406008

            (a)        They make biochemical reactions to

                        proceed spontaneously

            (b)        They lower the activation energy of a


            (c)        They are not very specific in their

                        choice of substrates

            (d)        They are needed in large quantities

2.   TO what category of molecules do enzymes belong? / Chemically enzymes are;                    (Board 2011, 13, 15, 16)   09406009

            (a)        Carbohydrates              (b)        Lipids             

            (c)        Nucleic acids               (d)        Proteins

3.         What is true about cofactors?                09406010

(a)  Break hydrogen bonds in proteins

(b)  Help facilitate enzyme activity

(c)  Increase activation energy

(d) Are composed of proteins

4.   Prosthetic groups are;                                              09406011

            (a)        Required by all enzymes

            (b)        Loosely attached with enzymes

            (c)        Proteins in nature         

            (d)        Tightly bound to enzyme

5.   When we add more substrate to an already occurring enzymatic reaction and there is no increase in the rate of reaction, what would you predict?                                         09406012

            (a)        All active sites have been occupied by

                        substrate molecules

            (b)        The enzyme molecules have denatured

            (c)        More substrate acted as inhibitor

(d) More substrate has disturbed the pH of

      the medium

6.   Which of these graphs correctly shows the effect of temperature on the rate of an enzyme-controlled reaction?       09406013

7.   The substance on which an enzyme acts is called:                                                                                   09406014

            (a)        Cofactor                       (b)        Inhibitor

            (c)        Coenzyme                    (d)        Substrate

8.         Non- protein part of enzymes are:    09406015

            (a)        Inhibitors                     (b)        Substrate         

            (c)        Cofactors                     (d)        Coenzymes

9.   Optimum temperature for enzymes of human body is:                                                           09406016

            (a)        86°C                            (b)        37°C

            (c)        38°C                            (d)        39°C

10. Activation energy is required to:      09406017

            (a)        Activate enzyme

            (b)        Start a reaction

            (c)        Speed up a reaction

            (d)        None of these

11. Lock and Key Model was proposed by:

            (a)        Emil Fischer     (b)        Meischer  09406018

            (c)        Koshland                     (d)        Saugeo

12. Induced Fit model was proposed by: 09406019

            (a)        Emil Fischer     (b)        Koshaland       

            (c)        Meischer                      (d)        Schleiden  

13. Enzyme which breaks the peptide bonds:

            (a)        Amylase                      (b)        Protease            09406020

            (c)        Lipase                          (d)        Pepsin

14. Which enzyme converts lipids into fatty acid and glycerol?                                                               09406021

            (a)        Lipase                          (b)        Amylase         

             (c)       Pepsin                          (d)        Trypsin

15. Number of discovered enzymes are more than;                                                                                         (Board 2011) 09406022

            (a)        200                              (b)        2000   

            (c)        3000                            (d)        3500

16. If you add more substrate to already occurring enzymatic reaction and it has no effect on the rate of reaction, result will be:                                                                                                                         09406023

            (a)        Saturation                     (b)        Denaturation

            (c)        Desaturation     (d)        Inhibition

17. The active site of an enzyme;                       09406024

            (a)        Never changes

            (b)        Forms no chemical bond with substrate

            (c         Determines by its structure the

                        specificity of the enzyme.

            (d)        Looks like a lump projecting from the

                        surface of an enzyme.

18. Enzymes have all the characters EXCEPT;

            (a)        They consist of proteins with or

                        without a non-protein part                     09406025

            (b)        They change the rate of catalyzed


            (c)        They are sensitive to heat

            (d)        They are non-specific in their action

19. The covalently bonded co-factors are:

            (a)        Activators                                                                    09406026

            (b)        Prosthetic group

            (c)        Co-enzyme

            (d)        Prosthetic group and coenzyme

20. Reaction can take place without enzyme but;                                                                                     09406027

            (a)        Reaction will be more fast

            (b)        At the same speed as that with enzyme

            (c)        More product will be formed

            (d)        Speed of the reaction will be slow

21. Active site;                                                             09406028

            (a)        Is the small catalytic region of enzyme               molecule

            (b)        Is non-charge bearing site

            (c)        Is non-catalytic region of enzyme


            (d)        Is not a part of an enzyme

22. Enzyme always react with a specific substrate because of;                                         09406029

            (a)        Specific shape and specific amino


            (b)        Specific prosthetic group

            (c)        Capability to form specific bonds

            (d)        Specific coenzyme

23. Emil Fischer proposed the Lock and Key Model in:                                                                           09406030

            (a)        1890                                        (b)        1800

            (c)        1894                                        (d)        1900

24. The concept of metabolism was first of all given by;                                                                         09406031

            (a)        Jabir bin Hayan (b)        Ibn-e-Nafees

            (c)        Bu Ali Sina                   (d)        Aristotle

25. All of the following are vitamins EXCEPT:                                                                          09406032

            (a)        Riboflavin                                (b)        Thiamine

            (c)        Folic Acid                                (d)        Heme

26. It helps in the transport of chemical groups from one enzyme to another?                   09406033

(a)        Cofactors                                 (b)        Coenzymes

(c)        Enzymes                                  (d)        Prosthetic group

27. Enzyme activity can also be regulated by;

            (a) Inhibitors                                                                09406034

            (b)        Activators

            (c)        Inhibitors and activators

            (d)        Temperature above 37OC

28. Cofactors are;                                                                     09406035

            (a)        Protein molecules

            (b)        Lipid molecules

            (c)        Non-protein molecules

            (d)        Starch molecules

29. Enzymes are used in;                                               09406036

            (a)        Food industry

            (b)        Brewing industry

            (c)        Paper industry

            (d)        All of the above

30. More acceptable model for enzymes is:       

            (a)        Induced Fit model                                 09406037

            (b)        Lock and Key model

            (c)        Induced Fit model and Lock and Key


            (d)        Enzyme substrate model

31. The example of co-enzyme is;          09406038

            (a)        Pyruvic acid    

            (b)        Thiamine

            (c)        Folic acid

            (d)        Folic acid and Thiamine

32. Enzymes may be;                                                    09406039

            (a)        Intracellular

            (b)        Extracellular

            (c)        Non-protein

            (d)        Intracellular and extra-celluar

33. Pepsin is active in?                                      09406040

            (a)        Acid                             (b)        Base

            (c)        Alkali                           (d)        Neutral medium

34. According to which model, active site is not a rigid structure rather it is moulded into the required shape to perform its function?                                                                                   09406041

(a)  Fluid Mosaic model                                         

(b)  Lock and Key model

(c)  Induced Fit model

(d)  Enzyme Substrate model

35. Lipase enzyme acts only on lipids and digests them into;                                                       09406042

            (a)        Fatty acids and glycerol

            (b)        Glycerol

            (c)        Fatty acids

            (d)        Amino acids

36. Both enzyme and substrate possess specific shapes that fit exactly into one another according to:                                        09406043

            (a)        Induced Fit model

            (b)        Lock and Key model

            (c)        Fluid Mosaic model

            (d)        Enzyme Substrate model

37. When ES complex breaks, it releases:         

            (a)        Enzyme                                                                       09406044

            (b)        Product

            (c)        Substrate

            (d)        Enzyme and product

38. Enzyme attaches with substrate to form:      

            (a)        Product            (b)        Reactant  09406045

            (c)        ES complex      (d)        Active site

39. All enzymes work at their maximum rate at a narrow range of pH, called;        09406046

            (a)        Optimum temperature

            (b)        Optimum pH

            (c)        Denaturation of enzyme

            (d)        Saturation of active sites

40. When the active sites of all enzymes are occupied, any more substrate molecules do not find free active sites. This state is called;        

            (a)        Denaturation of enzyme            09406047

            (b)        Saturation of active sites

            (c)        Optimum pH

            (d)        Optimum temperature

41. Example of globular proteins is:                              

            (a)        Hormones                    (b)        Enzymes  09406048

            (c)        Cofactors                     (d)        Prosthetic group

42. All biochemical catalysts are;                      09406049

            (a)        Lipids                                      (b)        Proteins

            (c)        Carbohydrates              (d)        Fats

43. Enzymes are usually very specific for the;

            (a)        Type of reaction                                               09406050

            (b)        For the nature of their substrate

            (c)        For the type of reaction and for the

                        nature of their substrates

            (d)        Rate of reaction

44. Only a small portion of enzyme molecule is directly involved in catalysis. This catalytic region is known is;          09406051

            (a)        Inactive site

            (b)        Active site

            (c)        Non-reactive site

            (d)        Active and inactive site

45. Nature of flavin as a cofactor is: 09406052

            (a)        Inorganic                                  (b)        Metal ions

            (c)        Organic                                    (d)        Metalloids

46. Nature of metal ion as a cofactor is:

            (a)        Inorganic                                                                     09406053

            (b)        Organic

            (c)        Organic and inorganic  

            (d)        Metalloids

47. Which of the following are not vitamins?


            (a)        Riboflavin                    (b)        Thiamine

            (c)        Folic acid                     (d)        Flavin and heme

48. Enzymes are used in the production of;

            (a)        White bread                                                     09406055

            (b)        Alcohol

            (c)        Buildings

            (d)        Alcohol and white bread

49. Enzymes are extensively used in different industries for;                                                                   09406056

            (a)        Fast chemical reactions

            (b)        Slow chemical reactions

            (c)        Medium chemical reactions

            (d)        Very slow chemical reactions

50. In paper making, starch is broken by enzyme to lower its:                                          09406057

            (a)        Density                        (b)        Viscosity

            (c)        Mass                            (d)        Weight

51. Enzymes are used in;                                               09406058

            (a)        Fermentation

            (b)        Production of alcohol

            (c)        Fermentation and production of


            (d)        Steel production

52. Some vitamins acts as;                                09406059

            (a)        Enzymes                      (b)        Inhibitors

            (c)        Coenzymes      (d)        Prosthetic group

53. Enzymes are very ___________ to the environment in which they work.        09406060

            (a)        Sensitive                      (b)        Not sensitive

            (c)        Sensitive and insensitive

            (d)        Crucial

54. Ionization of amino acids at the active site is affected by;                                                                  09406061

            (a)        Change in temperature

            (b)        Change in substrate concentration

            (c)        Change in pH

            (d)        Change in temperature and substrate


55. “The body and its parts are always undergoing change” it is stated by: 09406062

            (a)        Winhelm Kuhne           (b)        Daniel Koshland

            (c)        Emil Fischer                 (d)        Ibn-e-Nafees

56. Term which is derived from a Greek word meaning change:                                                  09406063

            (a)        Anabolism                    (b)        Catabolsim

            (c)        Metabolsim                  (d)        Enzymes

57. Set of biochemical reactions that occur in living organisms in order to maintain life is called;                                                                    09406064

            (a)        Catabolsim                   (b)        Anabolism

            (c)        Metabolism                  (d)        Mutualism

58. The biochemical reactions in which larger molecules are synthesized are called:

            (a)        Anabolism                                                                   09406065

            (b)        Metabolism

            (c)        Catabolism      

            (d)        Digestive reactions

59. The biochemical reactions in which larger molecules are broken down are called;                                                                                                             09406066

            (a)        Metabolism                  (b)        Catabolism

            (c)        Anabolism                               (d)        Mutualism

60.       Energy yielding process is;                    09406067

            (a)        Anabolism                    (b) Catabolism

            (c)        Metabolism                  (d)        None

61. Energy is consumed in:                    09406068

            (a)        Metabolism                  (b)        Anabolism

            (c)        Both (a) and (b) (d)        Catabolism

62. Enzymes act as;                                                      09406069

            (a)        Catalysts

            (b)        Biocatalysts

            (c)        Barrier to the beginning of reaction

            (d)        Barrier to fast reaction

63.In the presence of enzymes, reactions proceed at a;                                                                09406070

            (a)        Slower rate       (b)        Faster rate

            (c)        Medium rate     (d)        Very slow rate

64. Which of the following are not changed during the biochemical reactions? 09406071

            (a)        Substrates                    (b)        Products

            (c)        Enzymes                      (d)        ES complex

65. Enzymes convert the substrates into  different molecules called;                    09406072

            (a)        Reactants                     (b)        Products

            (c)        Inhibitors                     (d)        Biomolecules

66. Trypsin enzyme works in;                (Board 2014)


            (a)        Stomach                                   (b)        Large Intestine

            (c)        Small Intestine (d)        Heart

67. Starch is broken down by an enzyme

            called;                                      (Board 2014)     09406074

            (a) Lipase                                 (b)        Pepsin

            (c)        Amylase                      (d)        None of these

68. The term metabolism is derived form           which language;                                                           09406075

            (a) Latin                                   (b)        Greek

            (c)        German            (d)        Arabic




Short Answer Questions


Q:1. Define Activation energy. Write its role in enzyme action. (Board 2015)     09406076

Q:2. What is meant by active site? / What is meant by enzyme active site? Give its role in enzyme activity.   (Board 2015)                       09406077

Q:3. On what substrate does Amylase act?                                                                                                                 09406078

Q:4. Define Anabolism.(Board 2011,16) 09406079

Q:5. Define Biocatalysts?                                09406080

Q:6. Define Catabolism.(Board 2011, 14,16) 09406081

Q:7. Define Co-enzymes. Give their function.             (Board 2013, 15)                                     09406082

Q:8. Define Co-factors.                                               09406083


Q:9. What is denaturation of an enzyme?                                                                               (Board 2016) 09406084

Q:10. What is optimum pH? (Board 2014) 09406085

Q:11. What is Optimum Temperature? / What is meant by optimum temperature of enzyme?          (Board – 2014,16)                        09406086

Q:12.  Define Enzymes.                                               09406087

Q:13. What is Enzyme Substrate Complex?                                                                                                               09406088

Q:14. Give function of lipase?             09406089

Q:15. Describe Lock and Key model.                                                                                      (Board 2012)                09406090

Q:16. Define Metabolism. Who gave the concept of metabolism?       (Board 2013)09406091

Q:17. What do you know about the product of the reaction?                                                              09406092

Q:18. What do you mean by saturation of active sites?                                                                                   09406093

Q:19.  What are Substrates? (Board 2013, 14)


Q:20.  What is Prosthetic Group? / What do you mean by prosthetic group?(Board -2014)


Q:21.  Describe Induced Fit model.     09406096

Induced Fit model is more acceptable than Lock and Key model of enzyme action. Explain.

Q:22. What is optimum temperature for human enzymes?                             (Board -2014) 09406097

Q:23. How do enzymes lower the activation energy?                                                                                      09406098

Q:24. Define protease.                                     09406099

Q:25. What is the main use of enzymes in paper industry?     (Board 2013)                               09406100

Q:26.   Differentiate between intra-cellular and extra-cellular enzymes?                               09406101

Q.27.   Describe any two uses of enzymes.  / Name industries where enzymes are used.                                                         (Board – 2014, 16)                             09406102

Q.28.   Are all biochemical catalysts proteins?                                                                                               09406103

Q.29.   Who first used the term enzyme?                                                                                            (Board 2015)                09406104

Q.30.   Name only factors affecting the rate of enzyme action.           (Board 2015)                        09406105

Q.31.   How does temperature affect the rate of enzyme action?        (Board 2013)          09406106

Q. 32.  Explain briefly the term “metabolism”.                                                                      09406107

Q.33.   Birds have higher body temperature than mammals. What would happen to the activity of a bird’s enzyme if it is given temperature of 37°C?                                           09406108

Q.34.   Define Metabolism.                             09406109

Q.35.   What do you mean by specificity of enzymes?                                                                                    09406110

Q.36.   How do enzymes create metabolic pathways?                                                                         09406111

Q.37. Write down the characteristics of enzymes:                               (Board 2016)                  09406112










Q.1. What do you know about energy of living organisms? Give its forms.                                                     09407001

Q.2. Describe bioenergetics and the role of ATP.                                                                                                                                09407002

Q.3. (a) How would you define bioenergetics while relating it to the oxidation-reduction reactions in living systems?                                                                                                                                                                                                                        09407003

(b) How do electrons act as an energy source? How is energy released during oxidation and reduction reactions in living organism?    

Q4.(a)  Interpret that ATP is the chief energy currency of all cells.                                                                            09407004

(b)  Describe the molecular structure of ATP.

Q.5.  What do you know about energy values during the breaking of ATP?                                       09407005

Q.6. (a)  Define photosynthesis. Discuss it with its chemical equation.                                                            09407006

 (b)  How does the intake of water and CO2 take place for photosynthesis?                OR

                        Which phenomenon is involved in the intake of CO2 and water by plants?

Q.7. Describe the mechanism of photosynthesis in detail.                                                                                                       09407007

Q.8. Explain the role of chlorophyll and light in photosynthesis.   (Board 2015)                                            09407008

Q.9. Explain the limiting factors in photosynthesis.                                                                                            (Board 2011)                09407009

Q.10. Define respiration. Describe its types and importance.                                                                                                      09407010

Q.11. Describe mechanism of respiration.                                                                                     (Board 2014, 16)                                09407011

Q.12. Describe energy budget of respiration.                                                                                                                                                         09407012



1.   In which of the following steps of respiration is CO2 produced?                    09407013

            (a)        Glycolysis                   

            (b)        Krebs cycle     

            (c)        Electron transport chain                        

            (d) All of these

2.         Oxygen takes part in aerobic respiration in;

            (a)        Glycolysis                                                                    09407014

            (b)        Krebs cycle                

            (c)        Electron transport chain

            (d)        Both b & c

3.   When a plant was kept in darkness for many days, its leaves turned yellow. Why?

            (a)        Leaves could not get oxygen and so      

                        there was no photosynthesis      09407015

            (b)        Leaves could not get light and so there

                        was no respiration

            (c)        Leaves could not get oxygen and so

                        there was no respiration

            (d)        Leaves could not get light and so there               was no photosynthesis.

4.   From which bonds of ATP molecule is energy taken?                                                                       09407016

            (a)        P~P bonds                    (b)        C-H bonds

            (c)        C-N bonds                   (d)        C-O bonds

5.   In which component of the leaf cells, is chlorophyll present?                                     09407017

            (a)        Stroma                                                

(b)  Thylakoids      

            (c)        Plasma membrane                   

(d)  Cytoplasm

6.         Which of these can enter into Krebs cycle?

            (a)        Glucose                                                                       09407018

            (b)        Pyruvic acid    

            (c)        Citric acid       

            (d)  Acetyl Co – A

7.   When we work hard we suffer, from muscle fatigue because muscle cells;    

            (a)        Carry out aerobic respiration at faster                 rate and so are tired                              09407019

            (b)        Carry out anaerobic respiration and so               accumulate more CO2

            (c)        Carry out anaerobic respiration and so               accumulate lactic acid

            (d)        Carry out aerobic respiration at faster                 rate and so accumulate lactic acid

8.         How many molecules of CO2 are produced when Krebs cycle operates once?

            (a)        01                                            (b)        02        (Board 2015)09407020

            (c)        03                                            (d)   06

9.         The organisms which get the prepared   food are:                                                                                   09407021

             (a) Fungi                                  (b)        Bacteria                       

            (c)        Fungi and Photosynthetic bacteria                      (d)        Fungi and non-photosynthetic bacteria

10.       Example of reactions which is direct      source of energy:                                                          09407022

            (a)        Oxidation                     (b)        Redox 

            (c)        Reduction                    (d)        None

11.              Redox reactions involve exchange of:                (a)        Electrons                      (b)        Protons 09407023

            (c)        Neutrons                      (d)        Atoms

12.              In living organisms, redox reactions       involve the loss and gain of:                  09407024

            (a)        Oxygen             (b)        Carbon

            (c)        Nitrogen                       (d)        Hydrogen

13.              The major energy currency of all cells is:          

            (a)        ADP                             (b)        ATP                 09407025

            (c)        AMP                            (d)        P-bonds

14.              Number of carbon atoms attached to ribose        sugar;                                                                                       09407026

            (a)        Two                             (b)        Three              

            (c)        Five                             (d)        Ten

15.              Number of P-bonds in an ATP molecule.                                                                                               (Board 2011)     09407027

            (a)        Two                             (b)        Nine                
            (c)        Six                                           (d)        Four

16.              The breaking of one phosphate bond      from     ATP releases energy:                                        09407028

            (a)        7.9 Kcal                                   (b)        7.5 Kcal

            (c)        7.1 Kcal                                   (d)        7.3 Kcal

17.              Photosynthesis is an example of:               09407029

            (a)        Metabolic         process

            (b)        Catabolic process

            (c)        Anabolic process

            (d)        Chemical process

18.              Dark reactions take place in:                 09407030

             (a) Stroma                               (b)        Mitochondria  

            (c)        Nucleus                       (d) Thylakoids

19.              Example of co-enzyme is:                     09407031

            (a)        NAD+                           (b)        NADH            

            (c)        AMP                            (d)        None of these

20.              The raw materials in photosynthesis are;

            (a)        Water, Oxygen                                     09407032

            (b)        CO2, O2

            (c)        Water, CO2

            (d)        Glucose, Water

21.  The water from the soil enters into the root hairs by the process of     ;                                   09407033

            (a)        Photosynthesis (b)        Osmosis

            (c)        Diffusion                                 (d)        Respiration

22.              The air enters the leaf through:

            (a)        Pits                               (b)        Stomata            09407034

            (c)        Mesophyll                    (d)        Xylem vessels

23.  The light reactions of photosynthesis take place on the:                                                                    09407035

            (a)        Stroma            

(b)  Thylakoid membrane

            (c)        Lumen                                     (d)        Sacs

24.  The reactions which do not require light during photosynthesis are called:     09407036

            (a)        Chemical reaction         (b)        Redox reaction

            (c)        Dark reaction               (d)        Light reaction

25.              Electrons are passed to ETC to produce:

            (a)        AMP                                        (b)        ATP     09407037

            (c)        ADP                                         (d)        None of these

26.  The 6-carbon compounds during the dark reactions of photosynthesis split     into two ___ carbon compounds.                              09407038

            (a)        5                                                          (b)        3

            (c)        7                                                          (d)        4

27.              How much percentage of the light falling

      on the leaf surface is absorbed;    09407039

            (a) 1%                                     (b)       2%                   (Board – 2014)

            (c)        3%                                           (d)       4%

28.  Exchange of water vapours and gases occurs in leaf through;                             09407040

             (a) Stomata                             (b)       Epidermis       

             (c) Xylem                                           (d)       Phloem

29.  Any environmental factor, the absence or deficiency of which can decrease the            rate of a metabolic reactions is known as;      

            (a)  Unlimited factor                                       09407041

            (b)  Limiting factor

            (c)  Both a and b

            (d)  None of these

30.  Vessels, which transport water and salts to the plant are the components of:     09407042

            (a) Xylem                                            (b)       Phloem           

            (c)        Vascular tissues          (d)       All of these

31.              Photosynthesis takes place in:             09407043

            (a) Chloroplasts                      (b)       Cytoplasm

            (c)        Mitochondria              (d) All of these  

32.              Final products of anaerobic respiration are:

            (a) Lactic acid                         (b)       Ethanol 09407044

            (c)  CO2                                               (d)       All of these   

33.              Glycolysis occurs in:                                     09407045

             (a) Cytoplasm            (b)       Stroma

             (c) Nucleus                 (d)       All of these

34.              Fungi Aspergillus is used for making:

            (a) Yogurt                               (b)       Cheese             09407046

            (c) Soya Sauce            (d)       Baking

35.              Pyruvic acid is a      carbon compound.

            (a) 5                                         (b) 4                            09407047

            (c) 3                                         (d) 2

36. In which of the following metabolic process, oxidation as well as reduction of molecules occur?                                                  09407048

            (a)        Photosynthesis            (b)        Respiration

            (c)        Both a and b                (d)       None of these

37.       Chlorophyllous pigment absorbs        maximum light in wavelengths of:  09407049

            (a)        Green and blue                        (Board 2011)

            (b)        Green and red

            (b)        Green only                             

            (d)       Red and blue  

38. ATP was discovered by:       (Board 2011)

            (a) Schwann                (b) J. Purkinji     09407050

            (c) Darwin                               (d) Karl Lohmann

39. How many ATP molecules are formed

            during cellular respiration:     (Board–2014)

            (a) 40                                       (b) 38                09407051

            (c) 63                                       (d) 36

40. The covalent bond connecting two  09407052          phosphates is indicated by: (Board–2014)

            (a) Ratio                                  (b) Proportion  

            (c)        Colon                          (d) Tilde

41. All of the statements are true about ATP EXCEPT:                                                                    09407053

            (a)        It is used as an energy currency by all


            (b)        It is formed only under aerobic


            (c)        Some ATP is used to drive the

                        synthesis of storage compounds

            (d)       It provides the energy for many

                        different biochemical reactions

42.       In Glycolysis:                                                              09407054

            (a)        No ATP Produces

            (b)        Oxygen is involved in this step

            (c)        Takes place in the mitochondrion

            (d)       Reduces two molecules of NAD+ for

                        every glucose molecule processed

43.       The Krebs cycle:                                                         09407055

            (a)        Takes place in the mitochondrion

            (b)        Reduces two molecules of NAD + for                       every glucose molecule processed

            (c)        Is the same thing as fermentation

            (d)       Has no connection with the respiratory                      chain.

44. At much higher light intensity the rate of photosynthesis:                                                           09407056

            (a)        Increases                    

            (b)        Decreases

            (c)        Constant                     

            (d)       First increases then decreases

45.       The quantitative study of energy        relationships in the biological system is         called:                                                                                      09407057

            (a)        Biochemistry   (b)       Biotechnology

            (c)        Bioenergetics  (d)      Biophysics

46. Electrons can be an energy source. It depends upon their:                                               09407058

            (a)        Location in atoms

            (b)        Arrangement in atoms

            (c)        Location and arrangement in atoms

            (d)       Shape

47. ATP discovered by Karl Lohmann in:     

            (a)        1822                                        (b)        1929    09407059

            (c)        1900                                        (d)       1978

48.       Adenine is a:                                                               09407060

            (a)        Double ringed nitrogenous base

            (b)        Single ringed nitrogenous base

            (c)        Three ringed nitrogenous base

(d) Linear chain of hydrocarbons

49.       Light dependent reaction is:

            (a)        Dark reaction or Calvin cycle

            (b)        Light reaction                                                  09407061

            (c)        Kreb’s cycle

            (d)       Glycolysis

50. Which of the following is not a limiting factor in photosynthesis?                                 09407062

            (a)        Light intensity

            (b)        Temperature

            (c)        Oxygen

            (d)       Concentration of CO2

51. Soya sauce is produced by:

            (a)        Pencilium                                                                    09407063

            (b)        Aspergillus

            (c)        Mushroom

            (d)       Puccinia

52. Process of photosynthesis take place in:                                                                                                        09407064

            (a)        Chromoplast                (b)        Leucoplast

            (c         Chloroplast                  (d)       Mitochondria

53. The photosynthetic pigments are organized in the form of clusters are called;   09407065

            (a)        Chlorophyll a              (b)        Chlorophyll b

            (c         Photosystems              (d)       Carotenoids

54. ATP is the main energy source for all except;                                                                             09407066

            (a)        Synthesis of macromolecules

            (b)        Movement and transmission of nerve                         impulses

            (c         Exocytosis and endocytosis

            (d)       Diffusion

55.       Energy stored in chemical bonds is:  

            (a)        Potential energy                                              09407067

            (b)        Kinetic energy

            (c)        Light Energy

            (d)       Heat energy

56. After the entry of water in the inner cells of the root, it first reaches;                 09407068

            (a)        Stem

            (b)        Xylem cells of roots

            (c)        Phloem of roots

            (d)       Leaves

57. ATP is the main energy transfer molecule in the cell was proposed by:             09407069

            (a)        Karl Lohmann            

(b)  Fritz Lipmann

            (c         Calvin                                     

(d) Hans Krebs

58.       Accessory pigments include;              09407070

            (a)        Chlorophyll-a            

            (b)        Chlorophyll-b

            (c         Carotenoids                

            (d)       Chlorophyll-b and carotenoids

59.       Main photosynthetic pigment; (Board 2016)

            (a)        Chlorophyll-a                                                  09407071

            (b)        Chlorophyll-b

            (c)        Carotenoids

            (d)       Chlorophyll b and carotenoids

60. When a molecule gains hydrogen atom it is also called;                                                             09407072

            (a)        Oxidation

            (b)        Reduction

            (c)        Redox Reaction

            (d)       Oxidation and reduction reaction

61. When a molecule loses a hydrogen atom, it is called:                                                                        09407073

            (a)        Oxidation                               

            (b)        Reduction

            (c)        Redox Reaction

            (d)       Oxidation and reduction reaction

62.       A double – ringed nitrogenous base is:

            (a)        Cytosine                                  (b)        Uracil  09407074

            (c)        Adenine                                  (d)       Thymine

63. The covalent bond connecting two phosphates in ATP is indicated by; 09407075

            (a)        _______                                  (b)        …….

            (c         ~                                                          (d)       ,

64. Calvin was awarded Nobel Prize in 1961 for his work on the details of;            09407076

            (a)        Respiration                  (b)        Transpiration

            (c)        Photosynthesis            (d)       Digestion

65.       Pigments are the substances that absorb;.

            (a)        Invisible light                                                  09407077

            (b)        Visible light

            (c)        Invisible and visible light

            (d)       Vapours

66. The most common fuel used by cell to get energy by cellular respiration is;      09407078

            (a)        Starch                          (b)        Lipids

            (c)        Glucose                       (d)       Proteins

67. The cellular respiration occurring in the presence of oxygen is called;               09407079

            (a)        Redox Reaction

            (b)        Anaerobic respiration

            (c)        Aerobic respiration

            (d)       Oxidation Reduction Reaction

68. The cellular respiration that occurs in the absence of oxygen is called;             09407080

            (a)        Anaerobic respiration

            (b)        Oxidation reduction reaction

            (c)        Aerobic respiration

            (d)       Redox reactions

69.       A glucose is a molecule of;                09407081

            (a)        3 – C                                       (b)       6 – C

            (c)        5 – C                                       (d)       4 – 7 C

70.       The example of 3 – C molecule is; 09407082

            (a)        Glucose                                   (b)        Ribose

            (c)        Pyruvic acid                (d)       Starch

71.       Alcoholic fermentation occurs in;      09407083

            (a)        Bacteria                      

(b)  Yeast

            (c)        Man                             (d)       Bacteria and yeast

72.       Lactic acid fermentation occurs in; 09407084

            (a)        Protozoans

            (b)        Skeletal Muscles of humans

            (c)        Aerobes

            (d)       Yeasts

73. The organisms which get energy from anaerobic respiration are called;             09407085

            (a)        Aerobes                                              

            (b)        Anaerobes

            (c)        Aerobes and anaerobes

            (d)       None of the above

74. In alcoholic fermentation, pyruvic acid is broken down into;                                          09407086

            (a)        C2H5OH

            (b)        CO2

            (c)        C2H6O3

            (d)       C2H5OH and CO2

75. In lactic acid fermentation, pyruvic acid is converted into;                                                         09407087

            (a)        C2H5OH                     (b)        C3H6O3

            (c)        CO2                                      (d)       C2H5OH and CO2

76.       Fermentation in yeasts is used in;       09407088

            (a)        Brewing                     

            (b)        Baking

            (c)        Making cheese

            (d)       Brewing and Baking

77. In cellular respiration, food is oxidized to CO2, while O2 is reduced into;          09407089

            (a)        C2H12O6

            (b)        H2O

            (c)        C3H4O3

            (d)       C2H6O3

78. When life evolved on the earth, early organisms respired;                                              09407090

            (a)        Aerobically

            (b)        Anaerobically

            (c)        Anaerobically and aerobically

            (d)       By diffusion

79. Final step of cellular respiration is: 09407091

            (a)        Electron Transport chain

            (b)        Krebs cycle

            (c)        Glycolysis

            (d)       Lactic acid fermentation

80. The NADH generated in glycolysis gives:                                                                                                     09407092

            (a)        2 ATP                          (b)        3ATP  

            (c)        4 ATP                          (d)       5 ATP

81. Each NADH produces how many ATP molecules in Electron transport chain?

            (a)        2                                              (b)        3                                  09407093

            (c)        4                                              (d)       5

82.       Each FADH2 produces ATP molecules;

            (a)        2                                              (b)        3                                  09407094

            (c)        6                                              (d)       32

83. How many molecules are spent to transport NADH of glycolysis across the mitochondrial membrane?                   09407095

            (a)        1                                              (b)        2

            (c)        3                                              (d)       4

84.       Hans Krebs was a British:                  09407096

            (a)        Chemist                       (b)        Biochemist

            (c)        Biologist                     (d)       Physicist

85. Before entering Krebs cycle, pyruvic acid is changed into a 2 – carbon compound called;                                                                                      09407097

(a)  Coenzyme – A            (b)        Acetyl CoA

(c)  CO2                                      (d)       Glucose

86. 6 NADH of Krebs cycle produces ATP molecules:                                                                           09407098

            (a)        4                                              (b)        6

            (c         18                                            (d)       36

87. 2 FADH2 of Krebs cycle produces ATP molecules:                                                                    09407099

(a)  2                                              (b)        6

(c   4                                              (d)       18

88. During anaerobic oxidation of glucose molecule how many molecules of ATP are gained as the net profit?                               09407100

            (a)        2                                              (b)        4

            (c)        6                                              (d)       8

89. Anaerobic respiration is important because it is a source of;                                                       09407101

            (a)        Energy for anaerobic organisms

            (b)        Source of energy for aerobic organisms

                        in large supply of O2

            (c)        Complete oxidation of glucose

            (d)       Maximum release of energy

90.       Site of occurrence for aerobic respiration is;

            (a)        Cytoplasm                                                                   09407102

            (b)        Mitochondria

            (c)        Cytoplasm and mitochondria 

            (d)       Golgi apparatus

91.       Final products of aerobic respiration are;

            (a)        H2O                                                                             09407103

            (b)        Lactic acid and CO2

            (c)        Ethanol and CO2

            (d)       CO2 and H2O

92. Organisms not capable of photosynthesis are;                                                                                                09407104

            (a)        Some bacteria             (b)        All algae

            (c)        All plants                                 (d)       All animals

93.       Chloroplasts are the site of occurrence for;

            (a)        Respiration                                                      09407105

            (b)        Photosynthesis

            (c)        Evaporation

            (d)       Transpiration

94.       Respiration takes place;                                  09407106

            (a)        In daytime only

            (b)        All the time

            (c)        In presence of light

            (d)       In presence of darkness

95.       Photosynthesis is a;                                         09407107

            (a)        Process in which bond energy

            transformed into chemical energy of                          ATP

            (b)        Process of investment of light energy

            to store it in the form of bond energy

            (c)        Process of catabolism

            (d)       Process which occurs all the time

96.       The example of catabolism is;            09407108

            (a)        Photosynthesis                        (b)        Respiration

            (c)        Transpiration                           (d)       Diffusion

97. In which process of aerobic respiration does oxygen take part?                          09407109

            (a)        Glycolysis                                          

            (b)        Krebs cycle

            (c)        Mid phase of glycolysis and Krebs    cycle

            (d)       Electron Transport Chain

98.       Energy stored in chemical bond is:

            (a)        Potential energy          (Board 2013)       09407110

            (b)        Kinetic energy

            (c)        Elastic energy

            (d)       Both (a) & (b)

99. The process of glycolysis occurs in:

(a)  Mitochondria              (Board 2015) 09407111      

(b)  Cytoplasm

(c)  Endoplasmic reticulum

(d) Nucleus

100. Muscle fatigue is caused by:       09407112

(a)  Pyruvic acid    (b)        Lactic acid

(c)  Alcohol                       (d)       Carbon dioxide

101. Respiration process advantageous for life is:                                                                                               09407113

(a)        Aerobic

(b)  Anaerobic                        

(c)        Fermentation

(d)       All above

102. ATP is an example of: (Board 2016)

(a)        Amino acid                             09407114

(b)        Fatty acid

(c)        Nucleic acid

(d)       Nucleotide


Short Answers Questions

Q.1. What is acetyl Co-A?                               09407115

Q.2. Describe structure of adenine. 09407116

Q.3. What is ADP?                                                   09407117

Q.4. Define aerobic respiration.                   09407118

(Board 2011, 13, 15, 16)  

Q.5. What is Alcoholic fermentation?                                                                                 (Board 2011)                                          09407119

Q.6. What is AMP?                                                   09407120

Q.7. Define anaerobic respiration (Fermentation).           (Board 2015, 16)               09407121

Q.8.What is ATP?     (Board 2011)                          09407122

Q.9.     What is the difference between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. (Board 2015)  09407123

Q.10. Define bioenergetics.                              09407124

Q.11. What is Calvin cycle?                         09407125

Q.12. What is Chlorophyll?                            09407126

Q.13. Define Coenzyme –A.                            09407127

Q.14. Define Electron Transport Chain (ETC).                                                          (Board 2012)       09407128

Q.15. What is FAD?                                                 09407129

Q.16. What is glycolysis?                              09407130

Q.17. What is Krebs cycle?  (Board 2015) 09407131

Q.18. What is Lactic acid Fermentation?


Q.19. Define light-dependent reactions, or light reactions.      (Board 2014)                          09407133

Q.20. What are limiting factors?     09407134

Q.21. NADPH stands for what?                      09407136

Q.22. Define Oxidation and Reduction reactions.                               (Board 2014)                                09407137

Q.23. Define photolysis.(Board 2016)    09407138

Q.24. Define photosynthesis.                                                                                                                                                   (Board 2011, 13) 09407139

Q.25. Define photosystems.                             09407140

Q.26. Define Pigments Explain its types.                                                                                                                            09407141

Q.27. What is pyruvic acid?                             09407142

Q.28. What is respiration / cellular respiration?                                             (Board 2014)       09407143

Q.29. Why it is said that all life depends on photosynthesis?                  (Board 2013)     09407144

Q.30. What do you mean by Z-scheme?                                                                                                                                  09407145

Q.31. What is Light Independent Reaction (Dark Reaction)?             (Board 2014)       09407146

Q.32. What are redox reactions?                                                                                                        (Board 2013)  09407147

Q.33. Who discovered ATP and who proposed it as energy-transfer molecule in the living cell?                                                                    09407148

Q.34. Enlist the functions which are performed / carried out due to ATP?09407149

Q.35. How much is energy released when one phosphate bond breaks in an ATP molecule?                                                                          09407150

Q.36. What is the major energy currency in all living cells?                                                               09407151

Q.37. What are the conversion equations for ATP to AMP?                                                   09407152

Q.38. Write the general equation for photosynthesis.                                                                                                                          09407153

Q.39. What are the raw materials for photosynthesis?                                                             09407154

Q.40. Define Osmosis.                                     09407155

Q.41. How much is the leaf surface covered by stomata?                                                                                09407156

Q.42. What are the locations for the occurrence of light and dark reactions?


Q.43. ATP, ADP and AMP stands for what?              (Board 2014)                                                       09407158

Q.44. What are Vascular tissues?    09407159

Q.45. What is (NAD+)?                                             09407160

Q.46. Define anaerobes.                                09407161

Q.47.   Can all organisms do the process of photosynthesis?                                                                    09407162

Q.48.   What do you know about Hans Krebs?                                                                              09407163

Q.49    Why is it incorrect to say that the energy releasing step of respiration is electron transport chain?                        09407164




Q.50    Differentiate between respiration and photosynthesis.                                                                             09407165








Q.1. Define nutrition and nutrients.                                                                                                                                                                            09408001

Q.2. Describe types of organisms on the basis of nutrition.                                                                   (Board 2013)       09408002

Q.3. How do plants get their food? Explain briefly.                                                                                                                                                                                09408003

Q.4. Define macronutrients and micronutrients. Explain mineral requirements of plants in detail?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Board 2011, 2012, 2013)                                          09408004

Q.5. What is the role of nitrogen and magnesium in plant growth?                                                   (Board 2011)          09408005

Q.6. How are inorganic and organic fertilizers important in agriculture? / Describe the importance of fertilizers. (Board 2016)                                                                                                                                                                                                                      09408006

Q.7. Discuss the hazards of environment related to fertilizers’ use.                                                                                                   09408007

Q.8. Describe the sources, energy values and functions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in detail.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    09408008

Q.9. What are minerals? Discuss their roles in human body.                                                                                      09408009

Q.10. Describe the role of calcium and iron in our diet. / Describe the role of calcium & iron in human growth.                                                                                                                                                (Board 2014, 15, 16)                                                        09408010

Q.11. Define vitamins. Describe different types of vitamins.                                                                                                                                 09408011

Q.12. Why are water and dietary fibres considered important in our diets?  (Board 2012, 13)


Q.13. What is balanced diet? How would you relate it with age, sex and activity?                             09408013

Q.14.  Define malnutrition. Describe its importance and forms.                                                                                                                         09408014

Q.15. Describe effects of malnutrition. (Board -2014)                                                                                                                                   09408015

Q.16. Describe famine as the major cause of malnutrition.                                                                                                     09408016

Q.17. What is the importance of digestion? / Why is there need of digestion in humans?        09408017

Q.18. Describe digestion and its phases.                                                                                                                                                                      09408018

Q.19. Explain various parts of digestive system and process of digestion and absorption in detail.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        09408019

Q.20. Describe the structure and functions of liver.                  09408020

Q.21. Briefly give the signs and symptoms, causes, treatments and preventions of diarrhoea, constipation and ulcer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      09408021





1.   What is the primary nutrient that provides quick useable energy for the body?

(Board 2015) 09408022

            (a)        Carbohydrates              (b)        Proteins

            (c)        Lipids                                      (d)        Nucleic acids

2.   The wavelike movement of muscle that pushes food through the digestive system is called;                                                                      09408023

            (a)        Churning                                  (b)        Emulsification 

            (c)        Absorption                   (d)        Peristalsis

3.         Micronutrients of plants are;      09408024

            (a)        Available in the soil in small amounts

            (b)        Required by plants in small amounts

            (c)        Small molecules required by plants

            (d)        Useful, but not required by plants

4.   Which of the following does not occur in the oral cavity?                                                     09408025

            (a)        Lubrication of the food             

            (b)        Beginning of protein digestion

(c)  Breaking the food into small fragments

(d) All of the above do occur in the oral cavity

5.         Where are the villi found?                                 09408026

            (a)        Esophagus                                                       (Board 2015)

            (b)        Stomach          

            (c)        Small intestine 
            (d)        Large intestine

6.         Ulcers occur in the;                                           09408027

            (a)        Stomach                       (b)        Duodenum      

            (c)        Esophagus                   (d)        All of these

7.   Which group of enzymes breaks up starches and other carbohydrates?

            (a)        Proteases                      (b)        Lipases 09408028

            (c)        Amylases                     (d)        Duodenum

8.   The pancreas produces digestive enzymes and releases them into the;                                09408029

            (a)        Colon                           (b)        Gallbladder

            (c)        Liver                            (d)        Duodenum

9.   In the stomach, pepsinogen is converted into;                                                                                         09408030

            (a)        Pepsin                          (b)        Bicarbonate

            (c)        HCI                              (d)        Gastrin

10. The hepatic portal vein carries blood            from the _________to the           .

            (a)        Small intestines, liver                           09408031

            (b)        Small intestines, heart

            (c)        Liver, heart                             

            (d)        Small intestines, colon

11. Which of the following is not a function of the liver?                                                                        09408032

            (a)        Converts glucose to glycogen   

            (b)        Converts glycogen to glucose

            (c)        Detoxifies poisonous substances

            (d)        Produces digestives enzymes

12. The diseases of Kwashiorkor and marasmus may be due to;                          09408033

            (a)        Mineral deficiency

            (b)        Over-intake of nutrients

            (c)        Protein-energy malnutrition      
            (d)        Ulcer

13. Which food group is our body’s best source of energy?                                                         09408034

            (a)        Meat Group                             
            (b)        Fats, oils and sweets

            (c)        Breads and cereals                               
            (d)        Milk and cheese

14. What may be the reason that children need more calcium and iron?                           09408035

            (a)        Both calcium and iron for bones

            (b)        Both calcium and iron for blood

      (c)  Calcium for blood and iron for   bones

            (d)        Calcium for bones and iron for blood

15. The process of breaking down large droplets of fat into small droplets of fat is called:                                                                              09408036

            (a)        Emulsification              (b)        Absorption

            (c)        Peristalsis                                 (d)        Digestion

16. Macronutrient is the part of chlorophyll:                                                                                                  09408037

            (a)        Calcium                                   (b)        Magnesium

            (c)        Sulphur                        (d)        Iron     

17. Following is not a macronutrient     : 09408038

            (a)        Nitrogen                                   (b)        Oxygen

            (c)        Carbon                                     (d)        Nickel

18. Nature of chemically synthesized urea is:


      (a) Organic                        

(b)  Inorganic        

            (c)        Both a and b                

(d)  None of these

19. Good calcium along with low salt and high potassium intake prevents from:  09408040

            (a)        Hypertension                (b)        Kidney stone

            (c) Both a and   b                      (d)        None of these

20. According to (UNICEF), number of children of underage five died by malnutrition are:                                                   09408041

            (a)        4 million                                  (b)        5 million

            (c)        6 million                                  (d)        None of these  

21. In adult human, the length of esophagus is about;                                                                                   09408042

            (a)        25 cm                                       (b)        25 mm

            (c)        25 m                                        (d)        25 ft

22. Name of compound that converts inactive pepsinogen into pepsin is: (Board 2015)        

      (a) H2SO4                                      (b)        HCl      09408043

            (c)        Mucus                                      (d)        Lipase

23. Many bacteria in colon produce vitamin necessary for coagulation of blood.

            (a)        A                                                         (b)        K                     09408044

            (c)        C                                                          (d)        D

24.       The secretion of liver is:                         09408045

            (a)        Pepsin                                      (b)        Bile

            (c)        Renin                                       (d)        Lipase

25. Caecum, colon and rectum are the parts of:                                                                                                  09408046

            (a)        Stomach                                  (b)        Small intestine

            (c)        Large intestine (d) None of these

26.       Following are not fat-soluble vitamins.

            (a)        A and D                                  (b) E and K   09408047

            (c)        B and C                                    (d)        D and E

27. Rickets develops due to deficiency of vitamin; (Board 2011)                       09408048

            (a)        B                                                          (b)        A

            (c)        D                                                         (d)        C

28.       Saliva is alkaline and contains an enzyme:


            (a)        Pepsin                                                  (b) Ptyalin

            (d) Salivary Amylase                (d) Both b & c

29.       Nitrogen is present in:                           09408050

            (a)        Carbohydrates                          (b) Proteins

            (c)        Nucleic acid                             (d) Both b & c

30.       Mg is present in:            

            (a)        Chlorophyll                                                      09408051

            (b) Cytochrome

            (c)        Haemoglobin                                                   

            (d) None of the above


31.       Following is not the      product of the digestion;                                                                                     09408052

            (a)        Simple sugars

            (b) Polysaccharides

            (c)        Amino acids  

            (d) Fatty acid and glycerol

32.       Digestion takes place due to:   

            (a)        Animals need food particles in the

                        form of smaller molecules         09408053

            (b) The large food molecule cannot pass

                        through cell membrane

            (c)        The small food molecules increase

                        their efficiency

            (d)        None of the above

33. The function of the mucous of the    salivary gland is to:                                           09408054

            (a)        Digest the food

            (b) Make the food chew efficient          

            (c)        Transport the food       

            (d)   Break the food

34. Following is not the function of saliva:                                                                                                              09408055

            (a)        Digestion of food

            (b) Lubrication of food
            (c)        Stabilization of pH      

            (d)  Absorption of food

35.       The Amylase acts on:                                       09408056

            (a)        Protein                                     (b)        Starch

            (c)        Glucose                                                (d)        Lipids

36.       Which of the following steps does not    take place during act of swallowing?

            (a)        Moving of tongue up and down

            (b)  Upward movement of the larynx

            (c)        Opening of the glottis                           09408057

            (d)  The movement of epiglottis in

                        horizontal direction

37.       The function of the pepsin to convert     the protein into:                                                09408058

            (a)        Amino acids

            (b) Polypeptides  

            (c)        Shorter peptide chains

(d) Both b and c

38. Which is true about gastrin?             09408059

            (a)        It is an enzyme of gastric juice

            (b) It is a part of the stomach    

            (c)        It stimulate the secretion of gastric        


            (d)  It promotes the digestion of proteins

39.       Rush of Saliva after an episode of          regurgitation is one of the symptoms of:

            (a) Constipation                                                09408060

            (b) Ulcer          
            (c) Diarrhoea               

            (d) All of above

40. Following enzymes act on fats:        09408061

            (a)        Amylase                                   (b) Lipase        

            (c)        Trypsin                        (d) None of these

41.       Most of the fatty acids are absorbed by;

            (a)        Epithelium of the villi               09408062

            (b)        Lacteal of the villi       

            (c)        Blood capillaries of the villi

            (d) None of these

42.       Most of the water is absorbed by:   09408063

            (a)        Oral cavity                               (b) Stomach    

            (c)        Small intestine (d) Large intestine

43.       The largest gland of human body is: 09408064

            (a)        Pancreas                      (b) Thyroid  (Board 2011) (c)        Liver                           (d) Parathyroid

44.       Bread contains amount of carbohydrates:

            (Board 2011)       09408065

            (a)        40%                                         (b) 30%
            (c)        52%                                        (d) 70%

45. The structure in the mouth that prevents food from entering the nasal cavities is;

            (a)        Epiglottis                                  (b) Soft palate
            (c)        Pharynx                                   (d) Tongue       09408066

46.       Citrus fruits contain:                                         09408067

            (a)        Vitamin A                                (b)        Vitamin C

            (c)        Vitamin D                                (d)        Vitamin K

47. % of lipid is present in milk is:  

                                                                                                                (Board 2014)          09408068

            (a)        10%                                         (b)        12%

            (c)        0.9%                                        (d)        4%

48.       Fat soluble vitamins are:           (B – 2014) 09408069

            (a)        A, B,C,D                                  (b)        A, D, E, K

            (c)A, C, E, K                             (d)        B,C,E,D

49.       Trypsin is present in:                                        09408070

            (a)        Bile                                          (b)        Gastric juice

            (c)        Pancreatic juice            (d)        None of these

50.       Proteins are composed of;                                 09408071

            (a)        Fatty acids                    (b)        Acetic acid

            (c)        Amino acids                 (d)        Minerals

51.       The amount of proteins in rice is; 09408072

            (a)        09%                                         (b)        2.2%

            (c)        02%                                         (d)        13%

52.       Which of the following major minerals in           our diet is not involved in maintaining   fluid balance in the human body?  09408073

            (a)        Sodium

            (b)        Potassium

            (c)        Chloride

            (d)        Magnesium and phosphorous

53.       Example of a macronutrient:

            (a)        Manganese                   (b)        Zinc     09408074

            (c)        Molybdenum                (d)        Sodium

54.       Nutrition is a process which involves;

            (a)        Selection of different types of food

            (b)        Analysis of different types of food

            (c)        Intake and utilization of food   09408075

            (d)        Breakdown of food during respiration

55.       Which of the following macronutrient in            plants is a component of ATP, nucleic   acids and coenzymes, necessary for seed         germination, photosynthesis, protein      formation etc;                                                               09408076

            (a)        Potassium                                 (b)        Sulphur

            (c)        Phosphorus                 (d)        Calcium

56. Following micronutrient is a component of several enzymes:                                                09408077

            (a)        Boron                                      (b)        Copper

            (c)        Fluoride                                   (d)        Nickel

57. Deficiency of nitrogen:                                09408078

            (a)        Increases yield

            (b)        Causes yellowing of leaves

            (c)        Causes rapid growth of leaves

            (d)        Causes delay in fruit formation

58. Deficiency of magnesium causes; 09408079

            (a)        Yellowing and wilting of leaves

            (b)        Germination of seeds

            (c)        Delay flowering

            (d)        Delay fruiting

59. Following helps in insulin action:     09408080

            (a)        Iron                              (b)        Zinc

            (c)        Copper                         (d)        Chromium

60. Vitamin A was identified in:

            (a)        1914                            (b)        1913                09408081

            (c)        1813                            (d)        1920   

61. Muscle and joint pain, swollen and bleeding gums, slow wounds healing and dry skin are symptoms of;                09408082

            (a)        Anaemia                      (b)        Arthritis

            (c)        Scurvy                         (d)        Osteomalacia


62. Amount of water in adult human body is:                                                                                               09408083

            (a)        70%                             (b)        60%

            (c)        80%                             (d)        50%

63. The amount of carbohydrates in chicken is:                                                                                                                               09408084

            (a)        11%                             (b)        20%

            (c)        5%                                           (d)        0.0%

64. Conversion or incorporation of absorbed simple food into complex substances constituting the body is called;      09408085

            (a)        Defecation        (b)        Digestion

            (c)        Ingestion                      (d)        Assimilation

65. Polysaccharides are digested into; 09408086

            (a)        Simple sugars

            (b)        Amino acids

            (c)        Fatty acids and glycerol

            (d)        Nucleotides

66. Pairs of salivary glands present in human are:                                                                                         09408087

            (a)        Two                             (b)        Three

            (c)        Four                             (d)        Five

67. J-shaped dilated part of the alimentary canal is called;                                                                       09408088

            (a)        Small intestine              (b)        Stomach

            (c)        Pharynx                                   (d)        Oesophagus

68. In an adult human, weight of liver is;

            (a)        2.5 kg                           (b)        1.5 kg               09408089

            (c)        3 kg                              (d)        2 kg

69. Abdominal burning after meals and abdominal pain are the symptoms of:

            (a)        Ulcer                            (b)Diarrhoea    09408090

            (c)        Constipation     (d)        Indigestion

70. For treatment of constipation it is used:                                                                                                              09408091

            (a)        Laxative                                   (b)        paraffin

            (c)        Laxative and paraffin

            (d)        Vitamin

71. Parts of large intestine forms T-junction with small intestine is:                                 09408092

            (a)        Colon                           (b)        Rectum

            (c)        Caecum                       (d)        Duodenum

72. Person’s cholesterol level can be increased by;                                                                                                   09408093

            (a)        Saturated fatty acids    

            (b)        Unsaturated fatty acids

            (c)        Saturated and unsaturated fatty acids

            (d)        Proteins

73. The process of taking in food in body is called;                                                                                 09408094

            (a)        Digestion                      (b)        Ingestion

            (c)        Absorption       (d)        Assimilation

74. Following is not the function of oral cavity;                                                                                      09408095

            (a)        Mastication

            (b)        Selection of food

            (c)        Lubrication and chemical digestion

            (d)        Absorption

75. Many bacteria live in colon and produces vitamin necessary for the coagulation of blood:                                                                                     09408096

            (a)        A                                             (b)        B

            (c)        C                                              (d)        K

76.       Faeces are temporarily stored in;            09408097

            (a)        Caecum                        (b)        Colon

            (c)        Rectum            (d)        Jejunum

77. More carbohydrates are present in:              

            (a)        Bread                           (b)        Rice                 09408098

            (c)        Potato                           (d)        Apple

78. More proteins are present in:

            (a)        Chicken                       (b)        Eggs                 09408099

            (c)        Bread                           (d)        Milk

79. More lipids are present in:

            (a) Chicken                  (b)        Butter               09408100

            (c)        Eggs                             (d)        Bread

80. Which one of the following is not the common form of malnutrition? 09408101

            (a)        PEM                             (b)        MDD

            (c)        OIN                             (d)        Vitamin deficiency

81. The walls of villus are only;             09408102

            (a)        Two cell thick

            (b)        Three cell thick

            (c)        Single cell thick

            (d)        Many cell thick

82. Humans get vitamin A from;            09408103

            (a)        Leafy vegetables           (b)        Beef

            (c)        Citrus fruits                  (d)        Skin

83. Water soluble vitamins are;             09408104

            (a)        A and D                                   (b)        E and K

            (c)        B and C                                    (d)        K and A

84. Deficiency of vitamin A is the leading cause of;                                                                    09408105

            (a)        Night blindness

            (b)        Colour blindness

            (c)        Blindness in children

            (d)        Muscles and joints pain

85. Deficiency of Vitamin A does not cause;


            (a)        Poor growth                 (b)        Blindness

            (c)        Dry skin                                   (d)        Osteomalacia

86. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes; 09408107

            (a)        Fatigue

            (b)        Fatigue and Poor healing

            (c)        Fast wound healing

            (d)        Blindness

87. Deficiency of Vitamin D causes;      09408108

            (a)        Rickets

            (b)        Osteomalacia

            (c)        Rickets and Osteomalacia

            (d)        Scurvy

88. The estimated water requirement of an average adult per day is;                                 09408109

            (a)        3 litres                          (b)        2 litres

            (c)        4 litres                          (d)        5 litres

89. The term anemia literally means;     09408110

            (a)        Lack of blood

            (b)        Excess of blood

            (c)        Normal amount of blood

            (d)        Lack of minerals

90. Elimination of undigested food from the body is called:         (Board 2014)     09408111

            (a)        Ingestion

            (b)        Absorption

            (c)        Digestion

            (d)        None of these

91. Gastrin stimulates gastric glands to secrete more:                                                                                   09408112

            (a)        Bile

            (b)        Gastric Juice

            (c)        Pancreatic juice

            (d)        Intestinal juice

92. Gland which is not associated with alimentary canal is;                                             09408113

            (a)        Liver

            (b)        Pancreas

            (c)        Three pairs of salivary glands

            (d)        Thyroid gland

93. The length of duodenum is:              09408114

            (a)        2.4 meters                                (b)        25cm

            (c)        3.5 meters                                (d)        20 cm

94. Length of Jejunum is;                                              09408115

            (a)        2.4 meters                                (b)        10 inches

            (c)        3.5 meters                               

(d)  25 cm

95.       Space behind the mouth is called; 09408116

            (a)        Pharynx

            (b)        Oesophagus

            (c)        Oral Cavity

            (d)        Stomach

96. After digestion, the diffusible molecules from the digestive system reach body cells through;                                                                    09408117

            (a)        Tissue fluid                  (b)        Blood

            (c)        Lymph                                     (d)        Water

97. Products of digestion are;                             09408118

            (a)        Proteins

            (b)        Glycogen

            (c)        Simple sugars, amino acids, fatty acids

                        and glycerol

            (d)        Lipids

98. The colour of Gallbladder is;                       09408119

            (a)        Dark reddish     (b)        Greenish yellow

            (c)        Pink                             (d)        Reddish brown

99. Which one is not present in gastric juice?

            (a)        Trypsin            (b)        Pepsinogen  09408120

            (c)        HCl                              (d)        Mucous

100.The main cause of diarrhoea includes;

            (a)        Viral infections of large intestine

            (b)        Bacterial infections of large intestine

            (c)        Lack of adequate safe water      09408121

            (d)        All of the above

101. Function of liver is:                                               09408122

            (a)        Converts lipids into carbohydrates and


            (b)        Deamination

            (c)        Destroys the old red blood cells

            (d)        Deamination and destruction of old red

                        blood cells

102. Nitrogen is not a major component of;

            (a)        Proteins                                                                        09408123

            (b)        Hormones and Chlorophyll

            (c)        Vitamins and enzymes for plant life

            (d)        Lipids

103. Organic fertilizers are derived from;

            (a)        Plant materials                                      09408124

            (b)        Animal materials

            (c)        Rock Phosphate

            (d)        Plant and animal materials.

104. It helps in blood clotting; (Board 2013)09408125

            (a)        Calcium                       (b)        Phosphorus

            (c)        Nitrogen                       (d)        Sodium

105. One gram of lipids contains energy (kilocalories);   (Board 2013)                                  09408126

            (a)        04                                            (b)        09

            (c)        06                                            (d)        07

106. Sphincter present between stomach and oesophagus is:                                                                    09408127

            (a)        Cardiac sphincter

            (b)        Pyloric sphincter

            (c)        Bucal sphincter

            (d)        Ileocolic sphincter

107. Energy present in one gram of        carbohydrates is:                       (Board 2015)       09408128

            (a)        4 kilo calories

            (b)        3 kilo calories

            (c         2 kilo calories

            (d)        5 kilo calories

108. Deficiency of which element causes the      yellowing of leaves in plants:   

(Board 2013)       09408129

            (a)        Zinc                             (b)        Copper

            (c         Magnesium      (d)        Chlorine

109. Following is part of digestive system?                                                                                                  09408130

            (a)        Lungs                           (b)        Oral cavity

            (c)        Kidneys                       (d)        Heart

110. Micronutrient involved in osmosis of water is:                                                                                09408131

            (a) Zinc                        (b)        Chlorine

            (c) Nickel                                 (d)        None of these

111. Micronutrient required for nitrogen metabolism is:                                                              09408132

            (a)        Zinc                             (b) Chlorine

            (c)        Nickel                          (d)        All of these

 112. In apple percentage of protein is:

            (a)        12.8%                          (b)        0.5%                09408133

            (c)        0.3%                            (d)        0.4%

113. In eggs percentage of lipids is:

            (a)        0.7%                            (b)        12%                 09408134

            (c)        13%                             (d)        14%

114. In butter percentage of protein is:

            (a)        0.4%                            (b)        0.5%                09408135

            (c)        0.6%                            (d)        0.7%

115. Scurvy is caused due to deficiency of ____ in body:            (Board 2016)                  09408136

            (a)        Protein             (b)        Vitamin C                   

            (c)        Vitamin D                    (d)        Lipids

116. Deficiency of iodine causes: (Board 2016)

            (a)        Goiter                           (b)        Anemia            09408137

            (c)        Scurvy                         (d)        Obesity


Short Answers Questions

Q.1. What is amylase?                                     09408138

Q.2. Describe anaemia?                                              09408139

Q.3. What is appendix?                                               09408140

Q.4. What is assimilation?                              09408141

Q.5. Define balanced diet?

                                                                        (Board 2011, 16) 09408142

Q.6. Differentiate between bolus and chyme.                                                  (Board 2015)       09408143

Q.7. What is cardiac sphincter?                      09408144

Q.8. Enlist sources of vitamin D?                                                                                                                    (Board 2015) 09408145

Q.9. What do you know about colon?                                                                                                                         09408146

Q.10. What is constipation?                (Board 2015)


Q.11. What is Diarrhoea? Write its two causes.                      (Board 2015)                                                    09408148

Q.12. What are dietary fibres?                                                                                                (Board 2011, 2014, 2015) 09408149

Q.13. Define Digestion. (Board 2013, 15) 09408150

Q.14. Describe the structure of duodenum?                                                                                                            09408151

Q.15. What is emulsification?             09408152

1.             Q.16. Define epiglottis and glottis?          09408153

Q.17. What is Famine?                                    09408154

Q.18. What are Fat – soluble vitamins?                                                                                                                      09408155

Q.19. What are fertilizers?                              09408156

Q.20. Write composition of gastric juice. Where is it secreted?                                                           09408157

Q.21. What is gastrin?                                    09408158

Q.22. What is Goiter?                                     09408159

Q.23. What is ileum?                                                   09408160

Q.24. Define inorganic fertilizers.                  

                                                (Board 2013, 2014)            09408161

Q.25. What do you know about intestinal juice?                                                                                                      09408162

Q.26. What is Jejunum?                                             09408163

Q.27. What is Kwashiorkor?

                                (Board 2011) 09408164

Q.28. What is lacteal?                                     09408165

Q.29. What is Lipase?                                     09408166

Q.30. What do you know about liver? Give its two functions.                                                             09408167

Q.31. What is malnutrition? How can you compare it from starvation?                          09408168

Q.32. What is marasmus?(Board 2012)          09408169

Q.33. What is mineral deficiency?               09408170

Q.34. What do you know about nutrition?                                                                                                               09408171

Q.35. What is Oesophagus?                            09408172

Q.36. What is oral cavity?                               09408173

Q.37. Define organic fertilizers.         

                                                                        (Board 2013)09408174

Q.38. What do you know about over intake of nutrients?                                                                                                     09408175

Q.39. What is Pancreas?                                 09408176

Q.40. What is pancreatic juice?                      09408177

Q.41. What is pepsin?                                     09408178

Q.42. What is Pepsinogen?                              09408179

Q.43. What is peristalsis?                                09408180

Q.44. Where is pharynx located?        09408181

Q.45. What is Protein-energy malnutrition (PEM)?                                       (Board 2011)       09408182

Q.46. What is pyloric sphincter?         09408183

Q.47. What is rectum? Give its function.       


Q.48. What is Saliva? Give its function.                                                                                                                      09408185

Q.49. What is Starvation?                               09408186

Q.50. What is stomach?                                              09408187

Q.51. What are trace minerals?                    09408188

Q.52. What are villi?                                                   09408189

Q.53. What are laxatives?                               09408190

Q.54. What is swallowing?                              09408191

Q.55. What is Trypsin?                                               09408192

Q.56. What are Vitamins?       (Board 2016)09408193

Q.57. What are water-soluble vitamins?                                                                                                                     09408194

Q.58. Why is meat not a good source of vitamin C?                            (Board 2011)       09408195

Q.59. Give two functions of large intestine.                                                                 (Board 2013)       09408196

Q.60. Define micronutrient with examples.                                                                    (Board – 2014)    09408197

Q.61. What are unsaturated fatty acids?                                                                                 (Board – 2014)            09408198

Q.62. Write two reasons of stomach ulcer.                                                                  (Board – 2014)    09408199

Q.63. Write main food sources of proteins in human diet.       (Board -2014, 16)        09408200

Q.64. Write names of diseases due to deficiency of Vitamin D. (Board 2014)        09408201

Q.65. Why have carnivorous plants evolved mechanism for trapping and digesting small animals?                                                                           09408202

Q.66. What is the most common source of energy for body?                                                               09408203

Q.67. What is the cause of increased cholesterol and what are its effects? 09408204

Q.68. What do you know about WFP?                                                                                                                        09408205

Q.69. What are bile pigments?            09408206

Q.70. What is appendix? What happens in case of inflammation of appendix? 09408207

Q.71. What are the harmful effects of carbonated soft drinks?                                               09408208

Q.72. Name three parts of large intestine.

            (Board 2015) 09408209

Q.73. Explain with example that distinction between organic and inorganic fertilizers is not always clear cut?        

(Board 2013) 09408210

Q.74. What are macronutrients? Give an example.                                                     (Board 2013)  09408211

Q.75. How is water important in our diet?

            (Board 2015)  09408212

Q.76. What is the function of iron and calcium in our diet?                 (Board 2015) 09408213

Q.77. Why does every organism need food.


Q.78. If we supply inorganic and organic fertilizers to a plant, which one would be first available to the plant for uptake?


Q.79. How many children (under age five) die each year due to malnutrition? 09408216

Q.80. How do vomiting result? 09408217

Q.81. Pepsin is a powerful protein digesting enzyme. Why does it not digest the stomach walls, which are mostly proteins?                                                                                             09408218

Q.82. Which vitamin is produced in colon? Write its function.                                                           09408219

Q.83. Write the importance of organic fertilizers.                                                                                        09408220

Q.84. What is Eutrophication?   09408221


Q.85. Write two Environmental Hazards related to fertilizers' use.                            09408222

Q.86. Write about major minerals. 09408223

Q.87. What is scurvy? Write also its symptoms.                                                                                  09408224

Q.88. What are soluble and insoluble dietry fibres?                                                                            09408225

Q.89. Balanced diet differs with age and gender. Explain.                                                                  09408226

Q.90. Write about gall bladder.   09408227

Q.91. What is Drought?                                  09408228

92.    Enlist the causes of ulcer?          09408229

93. Write the causes of constipation.


Q.94. Enlist the signs and symptoms of ulcer?                                                                        09408231

Q.95.   Enlist the role of Nitrogen in plants.


Q.96. Describe role of Magnesium in plants.                                                                                                   09408233

Q.97.   What is the role of calcium?


Q.98. What are the sources of calcium?


Q.99.   Write the effects of deficiency of calcium.                                                                                       09408236

Q.100. Enlist the functions of iron in body.


Q.101. Give sources of iron.                           09408238

Q.102. Write the effects of deficiency of iron.                                                                                             09408239

Q.103. Write the importance of Proteins in the body.                                                                                            09408240

Q.104. What is the function of vitamin C in body?                                          (Board 2016)                   09408141

105. Write the weight and size of liver in an adult human.                              (Board 2016)      09408142

106. Write down two names of diseases caused by mineral deficiency. (Board 2016)













2.                   Q.1. Why is transport necessary? How does it take place in living organisms?                                       09409001

i.Q.2.  Describe briefly transport in plants.                                                                                                                                                                                              09409002

3.                   Q.3. Describe how water and ion uptake occur in plants.                                                                       (Board 2014)     09409003

Q.4. What is transpiration? Describe transpiration and factors affecting the rate of transpiration.                                                                                                                                                                                       (Board 2013)     09409004

Q.5: Describe the opening and closing of stomata.                              (Board 2016)                                                     09409005

Opening and closing of stomata

i.Q.6. Describe the significance of transpiration.                                                                                     (Board 2011, 13)                                                09409006

ii.Q.7. How does transport of water in plants take place?                                                  (Board 2014)                                                        09409007

iii.Q.8. How does transport of food in plants take place?                                                               (Board 2013)                                                 09409008

Q.9. What do you know about transportation in human? Write briefly.        


iv.Q.10. Write a note on composition of blood.                                                                                                                                                                             09409010

Q.11. Explain different disorders of blood.                                                                                                                                                     09409011

 Q.12 Describe in detail blood group systems.                                                                                                                                     09409012

Q.13. Describe blood transfusions in ABO blood group system.                                                                                             09409013

Q. 14. What do you mean by Rh Blood group system? Explain blood transfusions in Rh Blood group system?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            09409014

Q.15. Describe the structure and function of human heart.    (Board 2016)                                                     09409015

Q. 16. Define pulmonary circulation and systemic circulation.                                                                                               09409016

Q. 17.  Describe cardiac cycle and heartbeat.                                                                                                                                                  09409017

Q.18. Write a note on different types of blood vessels.                                                                                                            09409018

Q.19. Explain general plan of human blood circulatory system.         Or Describe Human Arterial and Venous System in detail.                                                                                                                                                                                              09409019

Q.20. Write a note on cardiovascular disorders.                                                                                                                                             09409020




1.       In most plants, the food is transported in the form of;                                                             09409021

            (a)        Glucose                                   (b)        Sucrose

            (c)        Starch                                      (d)        Proteins

2.                   Stomata close when the guard cells;      

            (a)        Lose water                                                                   09409022

            (b)        Gain chloride ions

            (c)        Become turgid             

            (d)        Gain potassium ions

3.       Trace the pathway of water from the            soil through the plant to the atmosphere.09409023

            (a)        Endodermis, cortex, epidermis, xylem,               intercellular spaces in mesophyll,


            (b)        Epidermis, endodermis, phloem, cortex              of leaf, intercellular spaces of   

                        mesophyll, stomata

            (c)        Root hairs, epidermis, cortex, xylem,                         endodermis, intercellular spaces         in            

                        mesophyll, stomata

            (d)       Root hairs, cortex, endodermis, xylem,                      intercellular spaces in mesophyll,


4.       When fibrinogen makes blood clot, it separates from blood and the    remainder         is called;                                                     (Board 2015)       09409024

            (a)        Plasma                                     (b)        Lymph

            (c)        Serum                                      (d)        Pus

5.       What is correct about human red blood cells?                                                                                         09409025

            (a)        Have limited life span                          

            (b)        Are capable of phagocytosis

            (c)        Produce antibodies

            (d)        Are multinucleate

6.                   Which of the following tissue layer is     found in all blood vessels?                    09409026

            (a)        Smooth muscle (b)        Endothelium

            (c)        Skeletal muscle    (d)Connective tissue

7.                   When do the atria contract?                   09409027

            (a)        Before diastole (b)        After systole

            (c)        During diastole (d)        During systole

8.       Which of following contains deoxygenated blood in an adult human?                         09409028

            (a)        Left atrium         (b) Pulmonary artery

            (c)        Pulmonary vein (d) All of these

9.       Which of the following chambers has the thickest walls in human heart?        09409029

             (a)       Right atrium                 (b)        Left atrium

             (c)       Left ventricle                (d)        Right ventricle

10.   Which of these statements is correct             about the circulatory system?                            09409030

             (a)       It transports hormones

                 (b)          Capillaries have thicker walls than                                  veins

(c) Systemic circulation carries blood to        and from the lungs

(d) All are true

11.   The exchange of materials between the blood and the surrounding tissues occurs in;                                                                                             09409031

            (a)        Arteries            (b)        Veins

             (c)       Capillaries                    (d)        All of these

12.   Which of the following is a type of leukocyte?                                                                                 09409032

            (a)        Lymphocytes               (b)        Eosinophil

            (c)        Monocyte                                (d)        All of these

13.   Which of the following is a function of human blood?                                                                      09409033

            (a)        It regulates body temperature   

            (b)        It transports wastes

(c) It provides defense                               

(d) All of these

14.   Valves to prevent the backflow of blood are found in;                                                                       09409034

            (a)        Arteries            (b)        Veins  

            (c)        Capillaries                    (d)        All of the above

15.   Plasma is made up of water and ____________.                                                       09409035

            (a)        Metabolites and wastes            

            (b)        Salts and ions

            (c)        Proteins                       

            (d)        All of the above

16.   Which of these are responsible for blood clotting?                                                                            09409036

            (a)        Platelets                                   (b)        Erythrocytes

            (c)        Neutrophils                  (d)        Basophils

17.               Find the correct path of blood circulation;


                (a)           Left atrium, left ventricle, lungs,      right                       atrium, right ventricle, body

            (b)        Right atrium, right ventricle, lungs,                           left atrium, left ventricle, body

(c)    Left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium, right ventricle, lungs, body

(d)    Right atrium, lungs, right ventricle, left atrium, body, left ventricle

18.   A patient with blood group A can be            given the blood of donor who has;                     09409038

            (a)        Blood group A or AB              

            (b)        Blood group A or O

            (c)        Blood group A only                             

            (d)        Blood group O only

19.               The death of the heart tissue is called;

(a)  Arteriosclerosis                                                 09409039
(b)  Atherosclerosis

(c)  Myocardial infarction              

(d)  Thalassaemia

20.   What happens when a mismatched blood group is injected in recipient?                     09409040

(a)  Antibodies of the recipient’s blood                    destroy donor’s RBCs

(b)  Antibodies of the donor’s blood                         breakdown recipient’s RBCs

(c)    Both of these can happen

(d)    None of these happens and such transfusion can be safe

21. Following is not true about the opening and closing of stomata;                                        09409041

            (a)        Light helps in the opening and                                       closing of stomata                               

            (b)        K+ ions are responsible for the                                       opening and closing of stomata

            (c)        The osmosis of water is responsible                               for the opening and closing of stomata

            (d)        None of these

22. The rate of transpiration is increased when:                                                                                      09409042

(a)        Light is low                 
(b)        Temperature decreases

(c)        Humidity increases                              
(d)  None of these

23. Area for the supply of food in plants is;       

            (a)        Leaf                                         (b)        Stem    09409043
            (c)        Fruit                                         (d) All of these

24. There is separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood in birds and mammals

            because:                                                                                   09409044

             (a)       The ventricles are completely                                        divided

             (b)       The ventral aorta is divided into aortic               and pulmonary trunk.

            (c)        The aortic arch is divided into two                                 systemic arches.

             (d)       None of above

25. Following blood vessels has oxygenated blood:                                                                                      09409045

            (a)        Pulmonary artery

            (b) Pulmonary vein      

            (c)        Superior vena cava

            (d)         Inferior vena cava

26. The amount of plasma in blood is: 09409046

            (a)        35%                                         (b)        45%                   

            (c)        55%                                         (d)        65%

27. The percentage of inorganic salts and ions in the plasma is;                                                   09409047

             (a)       0.6%                                        (b)        0.7%        

             (c)       0.8       %                                             (d)        0.9%

28. The normal pH of the human blood is;

            (a)        6.4                                                       (b)        7.4                  09409048

            (c)        8.4                                                       (d)        9.4

29. The percentage of the plasma protein in the blood is;                                                             09409049

             (a)       4 – 5                                         (b)        5 – 6        

             (c)       7 – 8                                         (d)        7 – 9

30. Following proteins is not present in the plasma of the blood:                                     09409050

            (a)        Immunoglobulin or antibodies

            (b)        Albumin

            (c)        Haemoglobin               

            (d)        Fibrinogen

31. Following cells is most abundant in the blood:                                                                                       09409051

            (a)        Red blood cells                        
            (b)        White blood cells

            (c)        Platelets          

            (d)        None of these

32. A cubic millimeter blood of male contains RBCs;                                                                                   09409052

            (a)        5 – 5 .5 million

            (b)        4 – 4.5 million

            (c)        3 – 4 million         

            (d)        2 – 3 million

33.       Following is not granulocytes?  09409053

             (a)       Neutrophils                  (b)        Eosinophils

             (c)       Monocytes                               (d)        Basophils

34.       Average life span of red blood cell is;


             (a)       50 days                        (b)        120 days

             (c)       Months to years (d)        12 days

35. Following structures are not cells; 09409055

             (a)       Lymphocytes               (b)        Eosinophils

             (c)       Monocytes                               (d)        Platelets

36. Following is not the function of blood;                                                                                                               09409056

            (a)        It transports gases in the body

(b)    It transports reproductive cells in the      body

(c)    It transports food within the body

(d)    It transports waste material in body

37.       Leukaemia is a / an;                                          09409057

            (a)        Uncontrolled production of RBC

            (b)        Uncontrolled production of WBC

(c)    Uncontrolled production of Platelets

(d)    All of the above

38.       Thalassaemia is an abnormality of;  09409058

(a)  RBC                                         (b)        WBC

(c)  Platelets                                   (d)        None of these

39.       The valve present between right atrium and right ventricle is called;                  09409059

            (a)        Tricuspid valve

(b)  Bicuspid valve

            (c)        Semilunar valve

            (d)        None of these

40.       The valve present between left atrium    and left ventricle is called;                    09409060

            (a)        Tricuspid valve

(b)  Bicuspid valve

            (c)        Semilunar valve

(d)  None of these

41. The valve present at the base of aorta is called;                                                                                       09409061

            (a)        Tricuspid valve

(b)  Bicuspid valve

            (c)        Aortic semilunar valve 
            (d)        Pulmonary semilunar valve 

42.       Arteries which supply blood to legs;                                                                                                                                          09409062

             (a)       Femoral artery

             (b)       Renal artery

 (c) Coronary artery
 (d) Pulmonary artery

43. Veins which collect blood from the digestive system and supply blood to   liver:                                                                                      09409063

(a)  Hepatic vein                                        
(b)  Hepatic portal vein

(c)  Renal veins                                         
(d)  None of these

44.       The voice of lubb is produced during the            contraction of heart when;                     09409064

(a)  Tricuspid valve is closed

(b)  Bicuspid valve is closed

(c)  Both tricuspid and bicuspid valves are   closed 

(d)  Semilunar valves are closed

45. The voice of dubb is produced during the contraction of heart when:             09409065

(a)  Tricuspid valve is closed

(b)  Bicuspid valve is closed

            (c)        Both tricuspid and bicuspid are closed

            (d)        Semilunar valves are closed

46. Name of layers present in the arteries;         

(a)  Elastic tissues                                       09409066

(b)    Smooth muscles

(c)    Connective tissues

(d)    All of these

47.       Atherosclerosis is:                                             09409067

            (a)        The breaking of the wall of the artery

(b)    The narrowness of the wall of the          artery

(c)    The deposition of fats in the wall of the artery

(d)    None of these

48. Following is the characteristic of

            Capillary:                                                                                 09409068

            (a)        It has three layers of endothelium

(b)    It has one layer of endothelium

(c)    It has one layer of connective tissues

(d)    It has one layer of elastic tissues

49. Following is the main function of capillaries:                                                                                   09409069

(a)  Supply blood to tissues            
(b)  Exchange of materials

(c) Bring blood from tissues           
(d)  Transport of materials

50. Layers of vein has less smooth muscles and elastic tissue as compared to artery;       

(a)  Outer layer  (b) Middle layer 09409070

(a)    Inner most layer   (d) All of these

51. Following blood vessels has high blood pressure:                                                                             09409071

             (a)       Artery                          (b)        Vein

             (c)       Capillary                      (d)        None of these

52. Pulse is felt in:                                                                    09409072

            (a)        Artery                          (b)        Vein

            (c)        Capillary                      (d)        None of these

53.       The cause of hypertension is:                 09409073

            (a)        Low blood pressure

            (b)        High blood pressure

            (c)        Cholesterol level                                 

            (d)        All of these

54.       Thrombus is called:  

            (a)        A blockage of blood vessel       09409074
            (b)        A clot in the vessel

(c)    A moving clot in vessel            

(d)    None of these

55.       Embolus is called:

(a) A blockage of blood vessel       09409075

(b)  A clot in the vessel

(c)  A moving clot in vessel            

(d)  None of these

56. Condition which is helpful in the prevention of heart attack:

            (a)        Avoid too much fatty food rich in                                  cholesterol.                                                     09409076

            (b)        Maintain normal body weight

            (c)        Control the blood pressure by                                        regular walk and exercises.      

            (d)        All of these

57.       Tricuspid valve contains no. of flaps;

            (a) Four                                                (b)        Five   09409077

            (c)        Three                                       (d)        Two (Board 2011)

58. Cardiac muscle can be distinguished from other muscle fibers because cardiac muscles are;                                                         09409078

            (a) Involuntary in action                                                            (b)        Voluntary in action

            (c)        Lacks regular arrangement of


(d)  Has many nuclei

59. According to pressure flow theory it serves as sink?                                                                         09409079

(a)  Leaves (b)        Stems

(c)  Roots               (d)        Leaves, stem and roots

60. The outermost layer of root is;          09409080

(a)  Epithelium                   (b)        Cortex

(c)  Endodermis      (d)        Epidermis

61. The cortex is bounded on the outside by a single layer of;                                                                  09409081

(a)  Pericycle                      (b)        Epidermal cells

(c)  Endodermis      (d)        Root hairs

62. In Pressure flow mechanism, the food is moved from;                                                                       09409082

(a)  Sinks to sources

(b)  Sources to sinks

(c)  Sinks to sinks

(d)  Sources to sources

63. Weight percentage of dissolved substances in blood plasma is;                                              09409083

(a)  90 – 92 %                     (b)        8 – 10 %

(c) 0.9 %                           (d)        70 – 90 %

64. Following granulocytes prevent blood clotting:                                                                                09409084

(a)  Neutrophils      (b)        Eosinophils

(c)  Basophils                     (d)        Monocytes

65. It produces macrophages which engulf        germs:                                                                                      09409085

(a)  Lymphocytes

(b)  Monocytes

(c)  Lymphocytes and monocytes

(d)  Basophils

66.Thalasaemia is also called;                           09409086

(a)  Blood cancer

(b)  Haemophilia

(c)  Cooley’s Anaemia

(d)  Sickel cell anaemia

67.In one heartbeat, diastole lasts about seconds;                                                (Board 2014)        09409087

            (a)        0.6                                                       (b)        0.4

            (c)        0.3                                                       (d)        0.2

68. These are formed by the division of arterioles:                                                                                  09409088

(a)  Arteries (b)        Capillaries

(c)  Veins        (d)    Lymph capillaries

69. In a tissue, capillaries join to form; 09409089

(a)  Veins                                       (b)        Capillaries

(c)  Venules                                   (d)        Arterioles

70. Hepatic artery supplies blood to the;            

(a)  Kidneys                                   (b)        Liver    09409090

(c)  Digestive tract              (d)        Heart

71. Superior vena cava and inferior vena cava carry the deoxygenated blood from rest of the body and empty into;                               09409091

(a)  Left atrium                   (b)        Right atrium

(c)  Right ventricle              (d)        Left ventricle

72. External iliac artery gives blood to; 09409092

(a)  Arms                                        (b)        Knee

(c)  Shank and thigh

(d)  Shank, Thigh, Knee

73. World Heart Day is celebrated on:

(a)  6 September     (b)        8 September

(c)  28 September   (d)        21 May 09409093

74. People commonly measure their pulse in;                                                                                               09409094

(a)  Head                            (b)        Wrist

(c)  Groin                           (d)        Top of the foot

75. Karl Landsteiner discovered the Rh-blood group system in:                                                  09409095

(a)  1920’s                         (b)        1930’s

(c)  1940’s                         (d)        1950’s

76. Following blood group individuals are called universal recipients:

(a)  A                                             (b)        B                                  09409096

(c)  AB                                           (d)        O

77. Cancerous mutation in bone marrow or lymph tissue cells causes;                  09409097

(a)  Cooley’s anaemia

(b)  Leukaemia

(c)  Blood cancer

(d)  Leukaemia or Blood Cancer

78. The number of thrombocytes in man are;

(a)  2500 per mm3                                                                                                     09409098

(b)  25000 per mm3

(c)  250000 per mm3

(d)  5000 per mm3

79. Number of leukocytes in man are; 09409099

(a)  750 per mm3

(b)  7000 – 8000 per mm3

(c)  75000 per mm3

(d)  5000 per mm3

80. Blood without blood cells is called; 09409100

(a)  Lymph                                     (b)        Tissue fluid

(c)  Plasma                                     (d)        Serum

81.       In anemia blood does not;                                 09409101

(a)  Agglutinate

(b)  Clump

(c)  Coagulate

(d)  Contain sufficient red blood cells

82. The Hepatic portal veins carry blood from;

(a)  Mouth                                                                          09409102

(b)  Oesophagus

(c)  Intestines and stomach

(d)  Kidneys

83. Antibodies are produced by:             09409103

(a)  Platelets                                   (b)        Lymphocytes

(c)  Basophils                                 (d)        Erythrocytes

84. Pressure flow mechanism is about; 09409104

(a)  Translocation of food

(b)  Transport of water

(c)  Opening of stomata

(d)  Transpiration

85. 80 mmHg is a _____ pressure absorbed in the arteries;                                                                      09409105

(a)  Diastole

(b)  Systole

(c)  Atrial systole

(d)  Ventricular and atrial systole

86.       Average life span of leukocytes is; 09409106

(a)  One month                               (b)        One year

(c)  Months to years (d)        One day

87. The +ve or –ve blood group is due to;

(a) Antigen Rh                                (b)        Rh Antibody

(c)  AB Antigens                (d)Antigen A 09409107

88. The thickest part of heart is;             09409108

(a)  Right atrium                 (b)        Left atrium

(c)  Right ventricle              (d)        Left ventricle

89. The movement of water into the cell produces ______ in the cell.                  09409109

(a)  Turgor                                      (b)        Flaccid state

(c)  Evaporation                 (d)        Osmosis

90. The period of ventricular contraction is called;                                                                                        09409110

(a)  Diastole                       (b)        Systole

(c)  Atrial systole    (d)        Venticular systole

91. The normal blood pressure of a young healthy man in mm Hg is;                   09409111

(a)  180 / 200                      (b)        80 / 120

(c)  120 / 80                        (d)        60 / 80

92. The universal recipient has antigens;

(a)  A                                             (b)        B                                  09409112

(c)  Rh                                            (d)        A & B

93. Platelets are formed by;                               09409113

(a)  Blood cells

(b)  Bone marrow

(c)  Megakaryocytes

(d)  Plasma

94. It is not the component of human circulatory system:                                                 09409114

(a)  Heart                                        (b)        Blood

(c)  Blood vessels               (d)        Bones

95. Highest blood pressure is present in:                                                                                                       09409115

(a)  Right ventricle

(b)  Left ventricle

(c)  Right atrium

(d)  Left atrium

96. The function of platelets is;              09409116

(a)  To produce antibodies

(b)  To phagocytes the bacteria

(c)  To form platelet plug or clot

(d)  To carry gases

97. Xylem consists of vessel elements and;

(a)  Companion cells                                               09409117

(b) Sieve tubes

(c)  Tracheids

(d)  Sieve plates

98. Extensions of epidermal cells are called:                                                                                                 09409118

(a)  Stomata                                    (b)        Root hairs

(c)  Lenticels                                  (d)        Pericycle

99. Xylem and Phloem are;                               09409119

(a)  Supporting tissues

(b)  Photosynthetic Tissues

(c)  Conducting tissues

(d)  Ground tissues

100. Roughly 90% of the water that enters a plant is lost via;                                                      09409120

(a)  Respiration                 

(b)  Transpiration

(c)  Evaporation                

(d)  Guttation

101.Some plants open their stomata during night when overall water stress is; 09409121

(a)  High                                         (b)        Medium

(c)  Low                                         (d)        Very high

102. Following theory explains the process by which water is raised to considerable heights in plants:                                                 09409122

(a)  Transpiration pull

(b)  Cohesion tension theory

(c)  Pressure flow mechanism

(d)  Adhesion

103.The reason for the creation of transpiration pull is.                                       09409123

(a)  Cohesion

(b)  Adhesion

(c)  Large diameter of xylem tube

(d)  Cohesion and adhesion

104.The currently accepted hypothesis that explains the transport of food is;        09409124

(a)  Pressure flow mechanism

(b)  Cohesion tension theory

(c)  Fluid Mosaic model

(d)  Transpiration pull

105. Following is a one way street from roots to leaves for water and salts:

(a)  Phloem                                                            09409125

(b)  Xylem

(c)  Phloem and Xylem

(d)  Ground tissue

106. Following is a two way street for food;                                                                                                             09409126

(a)  Xylem

(b)  Phloem

(c)  Xylem and phloem

(d)  Epidermal tissues

107. The task of the transport of different materials in human body is performed by;

(a)  Blood circulatory system                      09409127

(b)  Lymphatic system

(c)  Blood circulatory & lymphatic systems

(d)  Transpiration

108. Erythrocytes are;                                       09409128

(a)  RBCs                                       (b)        WBCs

(c)  Platelets                                   (d)        Leukocytes

109. Leukocytes are;                                                     09409129

(a)  WBCs                                      (b)        RBCs

(c)  Platelets                                   (d)        Erythrocytes

110. Example of blood disorder:                        09409130

(a)  Leukaemia                               (b)        Blood cancer

(c)  Rickets

(d)  Blood cancer and leukaemia

111. Human blood group systems are now recognized by the International Society of Blood transfusion (ISBT) are:                  09409131

(a)  29                                            (b)        39

(c)  49                                            (d)        59

112. Infectious disease which can pass from the affected blood donor to recipient:                                                                                                                  09409132

(a)  AIDS                           (b)        Hepatitis B

(c)  Hepatitis A

(d)  Hepatitis B and AIDS

113. Biconcave disc shaped cells are: 09409133

(a)  WBCs                          (b)        Platelets

(c   RBCs                           (d)        Leukocytes

114. A molecule that can stimulate an immune response is called;                                                           09409134

(a)  Antibody                      (b)        Antigen

(c   Monocyte                    (d)        Platelets

115.“Lubb dubb” can be heard with the help      of;                                            (Board 2014)                               09409135

(a)  Stethoscope      (b)        Telescope

(c)  Microscope      (d)        Sound Box

116.During embryonic development red blood cells are prepared in; (Board 2013)  09409136

(a)  Sternum                       (b)        Spleen

(c)  Ribs                             (d)        Vertebrae

117.Transport of water and soluble materials from roots to aerial parts is done by;

(a)  Phloem Tissues                                    09409137

(b)  Xylem Tissues

(c)  Stomatal Tissues                                 

(d)  Both a & b

118.In normal adult human, the weight of heart is;                      (Board 2015, 16)   09409138

(a)  200 – 250 grams                      

(b)  150 – 200 grams

(c)  250 – 350 grams                                  

(d)  100 – 200 grams

119. This blood group is known as universal

        donor:                   (Board 2016)                 09409139

(a)  A                                             (b)        B

(c   AB                                           (d)        O










Short Answers Questions


Q.1. How do we classify blood groups in terms of ABO Blood group system?

(Board 2015)       09409140

Q.2. Define agglutination.                               09409141

Q.3. Describe agranulocytes?              09409142

Q.4. Give the role of albumin.             09409143

Q.5. What is angina pectoris?                                    

                                                                        (Board 2011)           09409144

Q.6. Differentiate between anti-A antibodies and anti-B antibodies.   09409145

Q.7. What are antigens? Write about antigen A & B.             (Board 2013)        09409146

Q.8. Give the role of anti-Rh antibody.                                                                                                                                               09409147

Q.9. Differentiate between aorta and aortic arch.                                                                                                       09409148

Q.10. Define artery. Which blood does it carry?                                                                                                         09409149

Q.11. What are atherosclerosis and arteriosclerosis?              (Board 2013)       09409150

Q.12. Define atrial systole. (Board 2016)09409151

Q.13. What is an atrium?                                09409152

Q.14. Define Basophils.                                               09409153

Q.15. Differentiate between tricuspid and bicuspid valves.                                                                 09409154


Q.16. Define blood group systems.                                                                                          (Board 2011)                       09409155

Q.17. Define capillary. Give its functions.       / Write the role of capillaries in human circulatory system.  (Board 2014)                 09409156

Q.18. Define cardiac cycle and heartbeat.                                                                                                                               09409157

Q.19. Describe cardiovascular system.                                                                                                                                    09409158

Q.20. Define cohesion tension theory.                                                                         (Board 2012, 15)                 09409159

Q.21. Describe the process of is coronary circulation?                                                                        09409160

Q.22. Describe structure of Cortex.    09409161

Q.23. Define Diastole. (Board 2016)        09409162

Q.24. What is Dorsal aorta?                            09409163

Q.25. Define endodermis and pericycle.                                                                                                                                  09409164

Q.26. What are thrombus and embolus?        


Q.27.   Describe the structure of red blood cells (RBCs) or erythrocytes.                   09409166

Q.28. Describe the composition and function of Fibrin.                                                          09409167

Q.29. Enlist proteins present in plasma and their role.                                                                                               09409168

Q.30. Describe structure of granulocytes.      


Q.31. What are guard cells?                                                                                                                            (Board 2012)       09409170

Q.32. Explain function of Haemoglobin.        


Q.33. What are heart rate and pulse rate?                              (Board 2014)                                                                   09409172

Q.34. Give the location of lenticels. 09409173

Q.35. Define leucocytes or white blood cells.                                       (Board 2013)                               09409174

Q.36. What is leukaemia (blood cancer)?                                                                                (Board 2011)                09409175

Q.37. Define lymphocytes.                               09409176

Q.38.   Define megakaryocytes.                      09409177

Q.39.   Define monocytes.                               09409178

Q.40.   Define neutrophils.                              09409179

Q.41.   What is myocardial infarction?                                              (Board 2015)                                                                   09409180

Q.42. What is pericardium?    / Differentiate between pericardium and pericardial fluid.

                                                (Board 2014, 15)               09409181

Q.43. Describe vascular tissues.                         09409182

Q.44. Describe the composition of platelets or thrombocytes.                                                             09409183

Q.45. Describe the composition of plasma.                                                                                                                              09409184

Q.46. Define pulmonary arteries.        09409185

Q.47. Explain pulmonary pathway or circuit.                                                                                     09409186

Q.48. Define pulmonary veins.            09409187

Q.49. Define pulse.                                                      09409188

Q.50. What is Rh Blood group system? Who discovered it?                                                    09409189

Q.51. What is the importance of root hairs? / What role do root hairs play in life of plants?                                     (Board 2015)                   09409190

Q.52. Describe types of semilunar valves. 


Q.53. What is stoma? (Board 2011)                             09409192

Q.54. What is systemic circulation? 

(Board  2014)    09409193

Q.55. Define transpiration. How does it take place?                                                    (Board 2012)     09409194

Q.56. What is Thalassaemia? Who discovered it?                                                                               09409195

Q.57. Define transpirational pull.        09409196

Q.58. Define veins. What blood do they carry?                                                                                                           09409197

Q.59. Differentiate between superior and inferior vena cava.                                                 09409198

Q.60. Define ventricles.                                               09409199

Q.61. Differentiate between atrial and ventricular systole.                                                     09409200

Q.62. Define venule.                                                    09409201

Q.63. What do you know about wilting?                                                                                                                                 09409202

b.                                          Q.64. Give the importance of water for plants.                                                                                                          09409203

Q.65. Enlist the functions of root?       09409204

Q.66.  Describe the opening and closing of stomata.                                                                                        09409205

Q.67. Give the role of K+ in opening of stomata.                                                                                             09409206

Q.68. Describe the affect of transpiration.                                                                                                                              09409207

Q.69. Give the effect of humidity on transpiration.                                                                             09409208

Q.70. Give the harmful and beneficial aspects of transpiration. (Board 2013)    09409209

Q.71. Differentiate between source and sink.                                                                                      09409210

Q.72. Define blood.     (Board 2011)                          09409211

Q.73. Enlist salts present in plasma.                                                                                                                                        09409212

Q.74. Enlist nitrogenous wastes present in plasma.                                                                                         09409213

Q.75. Where are RBCs formed and destroyed?                                                                                  09409214

Q.76. Enlist three functions of blood.09409215

Q.77. What is the treatment of thalassaemia?                                                             09409216

Q.78. Differentiate between blood groups AB and O.                                                                          09409217

Q.79. Explain the process of cross matching.                                                                          09409218

Q.80. What are universal donors and universal recipients? / Why are O blood group individuals called universal donors?

                                    (Board 2014, 15)                                    09409219

Q.81. Describe structure human heart.                                                                                                                                               09409220

Q.82. How does heart work as double pump?                                                                                     09409221

Q.83. How is sound produced during heartbeat?                                                                                09409222

Q.84. Enlist layers present in the artery?                                                                                                                                09409223

Q.85. Which scientists played the role in the discovery of blood circulation in blood vessels?                                                                                                                   09409224

Q.86. What is hepatic portal system? 09409225

Q.87.   What is Fibrinogen? Write down its function.                        (Board 2013)                       09409226

Q88.    What are Angioplasty and Bypass surgery?                            (Board 2013)                       09409227

Q.89.   Write blood groups of human blood.

(Board 2014)                   09409228

Q.90.   Define stomatal transpiration.

(Board 2014)     09409229

Q.91.   How is water transported in plants?

(Board 2014)     09409230

Q.92.   Give the effect of water stress in plants.                                                                                              09409231

Q.93.   How is plasma separated from blood?                                                                                                09409232

Q.94.   What happens in dengue fever? / Patients bleed from nose, gums and under the skin in dengue fever. Give reason.           

                                                (Board 2015)       09409233

Q.95.   How many patients of thalassaemia are reported in world and in Pakistan?


Q.96.   Which diseases can pass from affected blood donor?                                      09409235

Q.97.   Why is heart felt to be on left side of our body?                                                                                              09409236

Q.98.   Walls of left ventricle are thickest. Why?                                                                                                       09409237

Q.99.   What is the mass of heart of human adults?                                                                                       09409238

Q.100. How many times does the human heart beat?                                                                         09409239

Q.101. What is vascular surgery?       09409240

Q.102. What are the causes of cardiovascular diseases? (Board 2015) 09409241

Q.103. What is pus? How is it formed?                     

            (Board 2015) 09409242

Q.104. What factors affect the rate of transpiration?                         (Board 2015)          09409243

Q.105. Why are cells regarded as the units of life?                                                                                                     09409244

Q.106. How does water move in plants?



Q.107. How much water is lost via transpiration?                                                                  09409246

Q.108. How are soil bacteria and fungi beneficial for plants?                                                09409247

Q.109. Why do some plants open their stomata during night?                                    09409248

Q.110. According to the pressure flow mechanism what is the actual force behind the movement of food in the phloem? 09409249

Q.111. How many RBCs are formed and destroyed every second in a normal person?


Q.112. When does world celebrate the International Thalassaemia Day? What is its purpose?                                                                                 09409251

Q.113. How many human blood group systems are recognized by ISBT?      09409252

Q.114. Give composition of cardiac muscles.                                                                                                              09409253

Q.115. Why is the blood in pulmonary circulation at lower pressure than the blood in systemic circulation?             09409254

Q.116. When does our heart take rest? During sleep, during sitting or never?                                                                                                                                               09409255

Q.117. How do RBCs pass through very small capillaries?                                                                09409256

Q.118. What is silent heart attack?  09409257

Q.119. Give the objective of World Heart Day:                                                                                                                                             09409258

Q.120. Enlist most common cause of cardiovascular disorders in Pakistan. 09409259

Q.121. How many people are obese and patients of hypertension and diabetes?


Q.122. Differentiate between anti A,B/O antibodies and anti-rh antibodies. 09409261

Q 123. What is the role of Pericycle in plant roots?                                                                           09409262

Q 124. Describe the role of transpirational pull in plants.                                                                              09409263

Q125.  Give reason why does the RBCs count is different in males and females.






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