12th Physics Subjective








Q.1. Define Electrostatics and Electric Force.                                                                                                                   12112001

Q.2 (a)  State and explain Coulomb’s law. Express the law in vector form.                             12112002

            (b)        What is the effect of the medium on Coulomb’s force?                                                                                        

Q.3 What do you know about fields of force?                                                                                                                                                          12112003

Q.4 What do you know about electric intensity or electric field intensity?                              12112004

Q. 5. Find electric field intensity at a point due to a point charge q placed at a distance r from it.

Q.6 What are electric field lines? Also write down their characteristics.                                                            12112006

Q.7 What is xerography? Write down construction and working of a photocopier.   12112007

Q.8 What is inkjet printer? How does it work?                                                                                                                 12112008

Q.9 Explain the term electric flux.                                                                                                                                                             12112009

Q.10    Find electric flux through a closed surface enclosing a point charge.                          12112010

Q.11    State and explain Gauss’s law.                                                                                                (Board 2015, 16)              12112011

Q.12    Find the Electric field intensity inside the hollow charge conductor.                           12112012

Q.13Find the Electric field intensity at a point very infinite sheet of charge.(Board 2014)12112013

Q.14    Find the field intensity between oppositely charged metal plates.                                            12112014

Q.15    What is meant by the term potential difference?                                                                                                  12112015

Q.16    Establish a relationship between electric potential and electric intensity.                          12112016


            Prove that       E =                                                                                                                                                                         

Q.17    (a)        Define electrical potential.                                                                                                                                                            12112017

      (b)  Determine electric potential at a point due to point charge.    (Board 2013, 14, 15)

Q.18    Define electron volt and relate it to joule.                                                                                                                                                                  12112018

Q.19    Make a comparison between electric and gravitational forces.                                                     12112019

Q.20    How did Millikan measure charge on an electron?     (Board 2013)                                           12112020

Q.21    What is meant by a capacitor and its capacitance? Find an expression for the

            capacitance of parallel plate capacitor.                                                                                                                                         12112021

Q.22    Explain electric polarization. How does it affect capacitance?                                                12112022

Q.23    How is energy stored in a capacitor? Derive an expression for energy.                                   12112023

Q.24    Describe charging and discharging of a capacitor.                                                                                    12112024

Charging a Capacitor:


Q.1 The potential is constant throughout a given region of space. Is the electrical field zero or non-zero in this region? Explain.                                                                                                                             12112025

Q.2 Suppose that you follow an electric field line due to a positive point charge.
Do electric field and the potential increase or decrease?
               (Board 2014,16)             12112026

Q.3 How can you identify that which plate of a capacitor is positively charged?

(Board 2013)       12112027

Q.4 Describe the force or forces on a positive point charge when placed between parallel plates.              (Board 2015,16) 12112028

(A) with similar and equal charges

(B) with opposite and equal charges




Q.5 Electric lines of force never cross. Why?                                      (Board 2010, 13, 15)       12112029

Q.6 If a point charge q of mass m is released in a non-uniform electric field. Will it make a rectilinear motion?

(Board 2014)12112030

Q.7      Is E necessarily zero inside a charge rubber balloon if balloon is spherical? Assume that charge is distributed uniformly over the surface.             (Board 2010, 14) 12112031

Q.8 Is it true that Gauss’s law states that the total number of lines of force crossing any closed surface in the outward direction is proportional to the net positive charge enclosed within surface?      12112032

Q.9 Do electrons tend to go to region of high potential or of low potential?

(Board 2013, 14, 16)  12112033



Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12112034

Charges  and  are located in xy-plane at positions  and  respectively. Where the distances are measured in metres. Calculate the force on . (Fig. 12.3)

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12112035             Two positive point charges q1 = 16.0 mC and q2 = 4.0 mC are separated by a distance of 3.0 m, as shown in Fig. 12.5. Find the spot on the line joining the two charges where electric field is zero.

Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12112036

      Two opposite point charges, each of magnitude q are separated by a distance 2d. What is the electric potential at a point P mid-way between them?

Example 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12112037

      A particle carrying a charge of 2e falls through a potential difference of 3.0V. Calculate the energy acquired by it.

Example 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12112038

      In Millikan oil drop experiment, an oil drop of mass 4.9´10-15kg is balanced and held stationary by the electric field between two parallel plates. If the potential difference between the plates is 750V and the spacing between them is 5.0mm, calculate the charge on the droplet.

Assume g = 9.8ms-2.

Example 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12112039

      The time constant of a series RC circuit is t = RC. Verify that an ohm times farad is equivalent to second.



Q.1 Compare magnitudes of electrical and gravitational force exerted on an object (mass = 10.0g, charge = 20.0mC) by an identical object that is placed 10.0cm from thefirst. (G = 6.67 ´ 10-11 Nm2 kg-2)

Ans.                                                                                                     12112040

Q.2 Calculate vectorially the net electrostatic force on q as shown in the fig.

Data:                                                                                                   12112041

Q.3 A point charge q = -8.0 ´ 10-8 C is paced at the origin. Calculate electric field at a point 2.0m from the origin on the z-axis.                                                                                                         12112042

Q.4 Determine the electric field at the position r =  caused by a point charge q = 5.0 ´ 10-6C placed at origin.

Data:                                                                                                   12112043

Q.5 Two point charges, q1 = -1.0 ´ 10-6C and q2 = +4.0 ´ 10-6C, are separated by a distance    of 3.0m. Find and justify the zero-field location.                                                        12112044

Q.6 Find the electric field strength required to hold suspended a particle of mass1.0 x 10-6 kg and charge 1mc between two plats 10.0cm apart.                                         12112045

Q.7 A particle having a charge of 20 electrons on it falls through a potential difference of 100 volts. Calculate the energy acquired by it in electron volts (eV).                                                                                                    12112046

Q.8 In Millikan’s experiment, oil droplets are introduced into the space between two flat horizontal plates, 500 mm apart. The plate voltage is adjusted to exactly 780V so that the droplet is held stationary. The plate voltage is switched off and the selected droplet is observed to fall a measured distance of 1.50 mm in 11.2 s. Given that the density of the oil used is 900kgm-3, and the viscosity of air at laboratory temperature is 1.80´10-5 Nm-2s, calculate:  

(a)  the mass, and                                                                     12112047

Q.9 A proton placed in uniform electric field of 5000 NC-1 directed to right is allowed to go a distance of 10.0 cm from A to B. Calculate:                                                                 12112048

(a)  Potential difference between the two points                                                                                                   

(b)  Work done by the field

(c)  The change in P.E. of proton        

(d)  The change in K.E. of the proton

(e)  Its velocity (mass of proton is       

0.67 ´ 10-27 kg)                                                12112049

Q.10    Using zero reference point at infinity, determine the amount by which a point           charge of 4.0 ´ 10-8 C alters the electric potential at a point 1.2 m away, when                                                                                             12112050

Q.11    In Bohr’s atomic model of hydrogen atom, the electron is in an orbit around the nuclear proton at a distance of 5.29 ´ 10-11 m with a speed of 2.18 ´ 106 ms-1. Find                                                                                                                                                                                 12112051

(a)  The electric potential that a proton exerts at this distance.

(b)  Total energy of the atom in eV.

(c)  The ionization energy for the atom in eV.


      r     =          5.29 ´ 10-11 m

      v    =          2.18 ´ 106 ms-1

      e    =          1.6 ´ 10-19 C

      m   =          9.1 ´ 10-31 kg

(a)  Electric potential=V=?

(b)  Total energy is eV=En=?

(c)  Ionization energy in eV=?

Q.12    The electronic flash attachment for a camera contains a capacitor for storing the energy used to produce the flash. In one such unit, the potential difference between the plates of a 750 mF capacitor is 330 V. Determine the energy that is used to produce the flash.         (Board 2015)     12112052

Q.13    A capacitor has a capacitance of 2.5 ´ 10-8 F. In the charging process, electrons are removed from one plate and placed on the other one. When the potential difference between the plates is 450 V, how many electrons have been transferred?

 (e=1.60 ´ 10-19 C)                                                        12112053











Q.1 (a) Define electric current and its unit. (b) Explain the term conventional current.                  12113001

Q.2 Describe current through metallic conductor.                                                                                                            12113002

Q.3 Explain the term drift velocity.                                                                                                                                                           12113003

Q.4      Describe different sources of current.                                                                                                                                     12113004

Q.5 Discuss different effects of current.                                                                                                                                                     12113005

Q.6 State and explain Ohm’s law.                                                                                                                                                              12113006

Q.7 Describe the Series and Parallel combination of Resistors.                       (Board 2010)       12113007

Q.8      What is resistivity? Describe effect of temperature upon resistivity.(Board  2009)  12113008

Q.9 Describe the colour code scheme for carbon resistances.                                                                    12113009

Q.10    What is a Rheostat? How does it work as                                                                                                                                12113010

(a) variable resistor                                                                                                          

(b) potential divider?        (Board 2014)                                        

Q.11    What is thermistors?                                                                                                                                                                                            12113011

Q.12    Determine electrical power of a source. How does power dissipate in resistors?

                        (Board 2010)12113012

Q.13    What is meant by electromotive force? Derive an expression for emf of a source. Also differentiate electromotive force and potential difference.                           (Board 2013, 14)   12113013

Q.14    Determine maximum power output delivered to the load resistance.                                  12113014

Q.15    Explain Kirchhoff’s rules.                                                                                                                                     (Board 2015)   12113015

Q.16    What is Wheatstone Bridge? Give its construction and derive balance condition by
applying Kirchhoff’s 2nd rule.                                                                                                                                 
(Board 2015)   12113016

Q.17    What is potentiometer? Give its construction, theory and uses.                      (Board 2015)  12113017


13.1     A potential difference is applied across the ends of a copper wire. What is the effect on the drift velocity of free electrons by                                                                            12113018

(i)   Increasing the potential difference.

(ii)  Decreasing the length and the temperature of the wire.                                 (Board 2016)


13.2     Do bends in a wire affect its electrical resistance? Explain.

(Board 2013, 14, 15, 16)        12113019

13.3     What are the resistances of the resistors given in the figures A & B? What is the tolerance of each? Explain what is meant by the tolerance?                                        12113020

13.4     Why does the resistance of a conductor rise with temperature?

(B 2010, 2013, 2016) 12113021

13.5     What are the difficulties in testing whether the filament of a lighted bulb obeys Ohm’s law? (Board 2014, 15, 16)  12113022

13.6     Is the filament resistance lower or higher in a 500 W, 220 V light bulb than in a 100 W,        220 bulb?      (Board 2013, 14)  12113023

13.7     Describe a circuit which will give a continuously varying potential.                     12113024

13.9     What is Wheatstone bridge? How can it be used to determine an unknown resistance?                           (Board 2015)     12113026



Solved Examples

Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12113027

1.0 ´ 107 electrons pass through a conductor in 1.0 ms. Find the current in ampere flowing through the conductor. Electronic charge is 1.6´10-19C.

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12113028

      0.75A current flows through an iron wire when a battery of 1.5V is connected across its ends. The length of the wire is 5.0m and its cross sectional area is 2.5´10-7m2. Compute the resistivity of iron.

Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12113029

      A platinum wire has resistance of 10W at 0oC and 20W at 273oC. Find the value of temperature coefficient of resistance of platinum.

Example 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12113030

      The potential difference between the terminals of a battery in open circuit is 2.2V. When it is connected across a resistance of 5.0W. The potential falls to 1.8V. Calculate the current and the internal resistance of the battery.

Example 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12113031

      Calculate the currents in the three resistances of the circuit shown in Fig.



13.1     How many electrons pass through an electric bulb in one minute if the 300 mA current is passing through it?

        (Board 2015)       12113032

13.2     A charge of 90 C passes through a wire in 1 hour and 15 minutes. What is the current in the wire?       (Board 2013, 14)   12113033

13.3     Find the equivalent resistance of the circuit, total current drawn from the source and the current through each resistor.                                                                                             12113034



            R1 = 6 W

            R2 = 6 W

            R3 = 3 W

            E =  6 Volt

            Re= ?

            I1= ?

            I2= ?

I3= ?

13.4     A rectangular bar of iron is 2.0 cm by 2.0 cm in cross section and 40 cm long. Calculate its resistance if the resistivity of iron is 11 ´ 10-8Wm.(Board2009, 13, 14)

Data:                                                                                                   12113035








A = 2 ´ 2 = 4 cm2 = 4 ´ 10-4 m2

L = 40 cm = 0.4m

r = 11 ´ 10-8W m

R =?

13.5     The resistance of an iron wire at 0oC is 1 ´104W. What is the resistance at
500o C if the temperature coefficient of resistance of iron is 5.2
´ 10-3 K-1?            12113036


Ro = 1 ´ 104W

Initial temperature ti = O° C = 273 K

Final temperature t2 = 500° C = 773 K

Increase in temperature t = t2 - ti = 773 - 273

= 500 K

a = 5.2 ´ 10-3 K-1

Rt =?

13.6Calculate terminal potential difference of each of cells in circuit of fig.                  12113037




                        E1 = 24V

                        E2 = 6V


                        r2 = 0.9W

                        R= 8.0W



13.7     Find the current which flows in all the resistances of the circuit of Fig.          12113038










E1 = 9.0 V

E2 = 6 V

R1 = 18 W

R2 = 12 W

Current through R1= ?

Current through R2= ?

13.8     Find the current and power dissipated in each resistance of the circuit, shown in fig.                                                                   12113039


R1 = 1W,           R2 = 18W,        

R3 = 1W,           R4 = 1W,R5 = 2W

      E1 = 6V,     E2 = 10V

Current through R1= ?

Current through R2= ?

Current through R3= ?

Current through R4= ?

Current through R5= ?

      Power dissipated in each resistor =  ?









Q.1      Explain the production of magnetic field due to current in a long straight wire

            (In a straight conductor).                                                                                                                                (Board 2014)     12114001

Q.2 Derive formula for a force acting on a current carrying conductor, placed inside uniform magnetic field.                                                                                                                                                                                                            12114002

Q.3 Define magnetic flux and magnetic flux density.                                                   (B 2013)                12114003

Q.4 State Ampere’s law. Using this law determine magnetic flux density at any point inside a current carrying solenoid.                                                                                                                            (Board 2015)      12114004

Q.5      Derive formula for the magnetic force on a moving electric charge in a magnetic field?

Ans:     Force on a moving charge in magnetic field:                           (Board 2015)                 12114005

Q.6 Discuss motion of charged particle inside electric and magnetic field.                        12114006

Q.7 Determine e/m of an electron.                                                       (Board 2016)                                                           12114007

Q.8 Write down construction working and uses of cathode ray oscilloscope.                   12114008

Q.9 Find torque in a current carrying coil.                                                                                                                                    12114009

Q.10  (a)Describe principle, construction & working of a moving coil galvanometer. 12114010

          (b)   Narrate the methods commonly used for observing the deflection.                         

          (c)  How can a galvanometer be made more sensitive?                                                              (Board 2010)

Q.11    What is an ammeter? How can a galvanometer be used as an ammeter?                          12114011

                                                                                                                                                                                          (Board 2013, 14)

Q.12    What is a voltmeter? How does a galvanometer converted into voltmeter?                      12114012

                                                                                                                                                                   (Board 2013)

Q.13    What is Avo-meter? Draw its block diagram and discuss its various functions. 12114013

Q.14    What is digital Multimeter.                                                                                                                                      12114014




14.1     A plane conducting loop is located in a uniform magnetic field that is directed along the x-axis. For what orientation of the loop is the flux maximum, for what orientation is the flux a minimum?   12114015

14.2     A current in a conductor produces a magnetic field which can be calculated using Ampere’s law. Since current is defined as the rate of flow of charge, what can you conclude about the magnetic field due to stationary charges, what about moving charges?                                                                   12114016

14.3     Describe the change in the magnetic field inside a solenoid carrying a steady current I, if length of solenoid is doubled but no. of turn remains the same. Similarly, if no. of turns are doubled but the length remain the same.                                 12114017

14.4     At a given instant, a proton moves in the positive X-direction in a region where there is magnetic field in the negative z direction. What is the direction of the magnetic force? Will the proton continue to move in the positive X-direction? Explain?                                                      12114018

14.5     Two charged particles are projected into a region. Where there is a magnetic field perpendicular to their velocities. If the charges are deflected in opposite directions, what can you say about them?                         (Board 2015) 12114019

14.6     Suppose that a charge q is moving in a uniform magnetic field with a velocity V. Why is there no work done by the magnetic force that acts on the charge q?


14.7     If a charge particle moves in straight line through some region of space, can you say that the magnetic filed in the region is zero?                                                                     12114021

14.8 Why does the picture on a TV screen become distorted when a magnet is brought near the screen?                     (Board 2010, 13, 15) 12114022

14.9     Is it possible to orient a current loop in a uniform magnetic field, such that the loop will not tend to rotate? Explain.

                                                (Board 2010, 16 )                12114023

14.10   How can a current loop be used to determine the presence of a magnetic field in a given region of space?(Board 2014, 16)


14.11   How can you use a magnetic field to separate isotopes of chemical element?

(Board 2013, 14, 15)          12114025

14.12   What should be the orientation of a current carrying coil in a magnetic field so that torque acting upon the coil is (a) maximum (b) minimum?         (Board 2014, 16)


14.13   A loop of wire is suspended between the poles of a magnet with its plane parallel to the pole faces. What happens if a direct current is put through the coil? What happens if an alternating current is used instead?                                                        12114027

14.14   Why the resistance of ammeter should be very small?

(Board2010,13, 15)    12114028

14.15   Why a voltmeter should have very high resistance?     (Board 2013, 15, 16)          12114029



Solved Examples

Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12114030

A 20.0cm wire carrying a current of 10.0A is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.30T. If the wire makes an angle of 40o with the direction of magnetic field, find the magnitude of the force acting on the wire.

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12114031

The magnetic field in a certain region is given by. How much flux passes through a 5.0cm2 area loop in this region if the loop lies flat in the xy-plane?

Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12114032

      A solenoid 15.0cm long has 300 turns of wire. A current of 5.0A flows through it. What is the magnitude of magnetic field inside the solenoid?

Example 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12114033

      Find the radius of an orbit of an electron moving at a rate of 2.0´107ms-1 in a uniform magnetic field of 1.20´10-3T.

Example 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12114034

      Alpha particles ranging in speed from 1000ms-1 to 2000ms-1 enter into a velocity selector where the electric intensity is 300Vm-1 and the magnetic induction 0.20T. Which particle will move undeviated through the field?

Example 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12114035

      What shunt resistance must be connected across a galvanometer of 50.0W resistance which gives full scale deflection with 2.0mA current, so as to convert it into an ammeter of range 10.0A?




14.1     Find the value of the magnetic field that will cause a maximum force of
´ 10-3 N on a 20.0cm straight wire carrying current of 10.0A?(Board 2014)

            F = 7.0 x 10-3 N                                     12114036

Data:   I = 10.0 A

            L = 20cm = 0.2m

            a = 90° (because force is maximum)

            B = ?

14.2     How fast must a proton move in a magnetic field 2.50 ´ 10-3 T such that the magnetic force is equal to its weight?

            B = 2.5 ´ 10-3                                                                                                       12114037

Data:   q = e = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C     

            m = 1.67 ´ 10-27 kg

            q = 90°

            v = ?

           F = W  (given)

14.3     A velocity selector has a magnetic field of 0.30T. If a perpendicular electric field of 10,000Vm-1 is applied, what will be the speed of the particle that will pass though the selector?                                            12114038

            B = 0.3T

Data:   E = 10,000 vm-1

            v =?

14.4     A coil of 0.1m´0.1m and of 200 turns carrying a current of 1.0 m A is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.1 T. Calculate the maximum torque that acts on the coil?      

Ans.     B = 0.1 T                                                                      12114039

Data:   A = 0.1 ´ 0.1 = 0.01m2

N = 200

I = 1.0 mA = 10-3 A

a = 0o

14.5     A power line 10.0m high carries a current 200A. Find the magnetic field of the wire at the ground.                                 12114040

Data:   I = 200 m

r = 10 m

mo = 4 10-7wb A-1 m-1

            B = ?

14.6     You are asked to design a solenoid that will give a magnetic field of 0.10 T, yet the current must not exceed 10.0A. Find the number of turns per unit length that the solenoid should have?                           12114041

            B = 0.1 T

Data:   I = 10.0 A

mo = 4 10-7Wb A-1 m-1

n = ?

14.7     What current should pass through a solenoid that is 0.5 m long with 10,000 turns of copper wire so that it will have a magnetic field of 0.4T?  (Board 2013)     12114042

Data:   Length  =L=0.5m

            No. of turns      =10,000

            Magnetic field = B= 0.4T

            Current through solenoid = I = ?

14.8     A galvanometer having an internal resistance Rg = 15.0 W gives full-scale deflection with current Ig = 20.0mA. It is to be converted into an ammeter of range 10.0A. Find the value of shunt resistance Rs?                                                                                                                                               12114043

Data:   Rg = 15 W


Ig = 20mA

= 0.02A

I = 10A

Rs =?

14.9     The resistance of galvanometer is 50.0W and reads full-scale deflection with a current of 2.0mA. Show by a diagram how to convert this galvanometer into a voltmeter reading 200V full scale.   12114044

            Rg = 50 W

Data:   Ig = 2.0mA      = 0.002A

V = 200 Volts

Rh= ?

14.10   The resistance of galvanometer coil is 10.0Wand reads full scale with a current of 1.0 mA. What should be the values of resistance R1, R2, and R3 to convert this galvanometer into a multi-range ammeter of 100, 10.0 and 1.0A as shown in the fig?


Data:   Rg = 10 W

Ig = 1.0 mA  = 0.001 A

I1 = 100 A

I2 = 10 A

I3 = 1 A

R1= ?

            R2= ?

R3= ?   



Unit 15







Q.1 What do you mean by induced e.m.f. and induced current?                                                               12115001

Q.2 Narrate different methods used to produce an inducede.m.f.                                          12115002

Q.3 What is motional e.m.f.? Derive an expression for it.                                                                                                                  12115003

Q.4 State and explain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction.     (B. 2010, 2013)   12115004

Q.5 State and explain Lenz’s law.                                                                                                                                                              12115005

Q.6      Explain that Lenz’s law is also a statement of Law of conservation of energy.   12115006

Q.7 Explain the term mutual induction. Also give its unit.                                                                         12115007

Q.8 Define and explain self induction.                                                                                                                                           12115008

Q.9 Derive an expression for energy stored in an inductor. Also express the energy stored in term of magnetic induction.                                                                                                                          (Board 2013, 14)       12115009

Q.10    Describe the principle, construction and working of A.C generator. Also find            expression for induced e.m.f. and current.                                                                                                                                         12115010

Q.11    What is D.C generator? Describe its construction and working.                                 12115011

Q.12    What is a D.C motor? Describe its construction and working.                                                                12115012

Q.13    What do you mean by back e.m.f. in motors?                                                             (Board 2014, 16)      12115013

Q.14    (a)        What is a transformer? Describe its construction, principle and working.12115014

                        (b)        How power is lost in transformer?                                                                                                                                         




15.1     Does the induced emf in a circuit depend on the resistance of the circuit? Does the induced current depend on the resistance of the circuit?    (Board 2016) 12115015

15.2     A square loop of wire is moving through a uniform magnetic field. The normal to loop is oriented parallel to the magnetic field. Is emf induced in the loop? Give a reason for your answer.                 12115016

15.3:    A light metallic ring is released from above into a vertical bar magnet. Viewed for above does the current flow clock wise or anticlockwise in the ring?                                                                                                                                                                   12115017

15.4     What is the direction of the current through resistance R in fig. as switch ‘S’ is

(a) Closed                    (b) Opened                  12115018

15.5     Does the induced emf always act to decrease the magnetic flux through a circuit?                               (Board 2013, 14, 15)          12115019

15.6     When the switch in the circuit is closed a current is established in the coil and metal rings jumps upward. Why?

Describe what would happen to the ring if the battery polarity were reversed? 12115020

15.7     The Fig. shows a coil of wire in the xy-plane with a magnetic field directed along the y-axis. Around which of the three co-ordinate axes should the coil be rotated in order to generate an emf and a current in the coil?                                                        `               12115021

15.8     How would you position a flat loop of wire in a changing magnetic field so that there is no emf induced in the loop?

 (Board 2016)      12115022

15.9     In a certain region the earth’s magnetic field point vertically down. When a plane flies due north, which wingtip is positively charged?        

                                                                                (Board 2014, 15)12115023

15.10:  Show that e and  have the same units.                 (Board 2013, 15)             12115024

15.11   When an electric motor, such as an electric drill, is being used, does it also act as a generator? If so what is the consequence of this?                     (Board 2015)           12115025

15.12   Can a D.C motor be turned into a D.C generator? What changes are required to be done? (Board 2015,16)      12115026

15.13   Is it possible to change both the area of the loop and the magnetic field passing through the loop and still not have an induced emf in the loop?                                           12115027

15.14   Can an electric motor be used to drive an electric generator with the output from the generator being used to operate the motor?                                                                            12115028

15.15 A suspended magnet is oscillating freely in a horizontal plane. The oscillations are strongly damped when a metal plate is placed under the magnet. Explain why this occurs?

                                                            (Board 2010)       12115029

15.16   Four unmarked wires emerge from a transformer. What steps would you take to determine the turns ratio?

                                                            (Board 2013, 16) 12115030

15.17   (a)        Can a step-up transformer increase the power level?

(Board 2015, 16)         12115031

(b)  In a transformer, there is no transfer of charge from the primary to the secondary. How is, then the power transferred?

15.18   When the primary of a transformer is connected to a.c. mains the current in it.


(a)  Is very small if the secondary circuit is open, but                                                                                     

(b)  Increase when the secondary circuit is closed. Explain these facts.                      



Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12115033

A metal rod of length 25cm is moving at a speed of 0.5ms-1 in a direction perpendicular to a 0.25T magnetic field. Find the emf produced in the rod.

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12115034

      A loop of wire is placed in a uniform magnetic field that is perpendicular to the plane of the loop. The strength of the magnetic field is 0.6T. The area of the loop begins to shrink at a constant rate of . What is the magnitude of emf induced in the loop while it is shrinking?

Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12115035

      An emf of 5.6V is induced in a coil while the current in a nearby coil is decreased from 100A to 20A in 0.02s. What is the mutual inductance of the two coils? If the secondary has 200 turns, find the change in flux during this interval.

Example 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12115036

      The current in a coil of 1000 turns is changed from 5A to zero in 0.2s. If an average emf of 50V is induced during this interval, what is the self inductance of the coil? What is the flux through each turn of the coil when a current of 6A is flowing?

Example 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12115037

      A solenoid coil 10.0cm long has 40 turns per cm. When the switch is closed, the current rises from zero to its maximum value of 5.0 A in 0.01 s. Find the energy stored in the magnetic field if the area of cross-section of the solenoid be 28 cm2.

Example 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12115038

      An alternating current generator operating at 50 Hz has a coil of 200 turns. The coil has an area of 120 cm2. What should be the magnetic field in which the coil rotates in order to produce an emf of maximum value of 240 volts?

Example 7:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12115039

      A permanent magnet D.C motor is run by a battery of 24 volts. The coil of the motor has a resistance of 2 ohms. It develops a back emf of 22.5 volts when driving the load at normal speed. What is the current when motor just starts up? Also find the current when motor is running at normal speed.

Example 8:                                                                                                                                                                                                                        12115040

      The turns ratios of a step up transformer is 50. A current of 20 A is passed through its primary coil at 220 volts. Obtain the value of the voltage and current in the secondary coil assuming the transformer to be ideal one.



15.1     An emf of 0.45V is induced between the ends of a metal bar moving through a magnetic field of 0.22 T. What field strength would be needed to produce on emf of 1.5V between the ends of the bar, assuming that all other factors remain the same?                                                                                         12115041

Data.   e1 = 0.45V

e2 = 1.5 Volt

B1 = 0.22T

B2= ?

15.2     The flux density B in a region between the pole faces of a horse shoe magnet is 0.5 Wb/m2 directed vertically downwards. Find the emf induced in a straight wire 5.0cm long, perpendicular to B when it is moved in a direction at an angle of 60o with the horizontal with a speed of 100 cm/s.                                           12115042


            B = 0.5 Wb/m2

            L = 5.0 cm = 0.05m

            v = 100cm/sec = 1m/s

            Angle with horizontal = f = 60o

            Angle of v with B =q = 90o-60o = 30o

15.3     A coil of wire has 10 loops. Each loop has an area of 1.5 ´ 10-3 m2. A magnetic field is perpendicular to the surface of each loop at all times. If the magnetic field is charged from 0.05T to 0.06T in 0.1s, find the average emf induced in the coil during this time?               12115043


            N = 10

            A = 1.5 ´ 10-3m2

            q = 0o

B1 = 0.05T

B2 = 0.06T

rt = 0.1 sec

e = ?

15.4     A circular coil has 15 turns of radius 2 cm each. The plane of the coil is inclined at 400 to a uniform magnetic field of 0.2T. If the field is increased to 0.5T in 0.2 sec, find the magnitude of the induced emf.       12115044


L = 2cm = 0.02 m

N = 15

q = 90o – 40o = 50o (from fig)

B1 = 0.2T

B2 = 0.5T

rt = 0.2

e = ?    


15.5     Two coils are placed side by side. An emf of 0.8 V is observed in one coil when the current is changing at the rate of 200 As-1 in the other coil. What is the mutual inductance of the coils?

                                                                        (Board 2015)12115045


Vs = 0.8 Volt


M = ?

15.6     A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductance of 0.1H. If the current in the primary changes from 0 to 10A in 0.25s, what is the average induced emf in the secondary? What is the change in flux in it if the secondary has 500 turns?


Data:   M = 0.75 H

            I1 = 0

            I2 = 10A

                        rt = 0.025 sec

Change in flux   =  rФs = ?

15.7     A solenoid has 250 turns and its self-inductance is 2.4 mH. What is the flux through each turn when the current is 2A? What is the induced emf when the current changes at 20As-1?                                                12115047

Data:   N = 250

            L = 2.4mH = 2.4 ´ 10-3H

I = 2A

= 20 As-1

 = ?

eL= ?

15.8     A solenoid of length 8.0 cm and cross sectional area 0.5 cm­­­­­­­2 has 520 turns. Find the self-inductance of the solenoid when the core is air. If the current in the solenoid increases through 1.5A in 0.2 sec, find the magnitude of induced emf in it.          


Data:    = 8cm = 0.08m

N = 520 turns

A = 0.5cm2 = 0.5 ´ 10-4m2

rI = 1.5A

rt = 0.2 sec

eL= ?

15.9     When current through a coil changes from 100 mA to 200 mA in 0.005s, an induced emf of 40 mV is produced in the coil.                                                                                              12115049

(a)  What is the self-inductance of the coil?

(b)       Find the increase in the energy stored in the coil.


I1 = 100mA      = 0.1A

I2 = 200mA      = 0.2A

rt = 0.005 sec

e = 40mV         = 40 ´ 10-3V

L = ?

rU = ?

15.10   Like any field, the Earth’s magnetic field stores energy. Find the magnetic energy stored in a space where strength of earth’s field is 7´10-5 T, if the space occupies an area of 10 ´ 108 m2 and has a height of 750 m.                                                                   12115050


h = 750m

B = 7 ´ 10-5T

A = 10 ´ 108m=  109m2

mo = 4 10-7Wb A-1m-1

U = ?

15.11     A square coil of side 16 cm has 200 turns and rotates in uniform magnetic field of magnitude 0.05 T. If the peak emf is 12V, what is the angular velocity of the coil?

Data:                                                                                                                                                   (Board 2014, 15)12115051

A = 16 ´ 16 = 256 cm2

A= 256 ´ 10-4 m2

B = 0.05T

eo = 12V

N = 200

w= ?

15.12     A generator has a rectangular coil consisting of 360 turns. The coil rotates at 420 rev per min in 0.14 T magnetic field. The peak value of emf produced by the generator is 50 V. If the coil is 5.0 cm wide, find the length of the side of the coil.



B = 0.14T

eo = 50 volt

b = 5.0 cm = 0.05m

w= 420 rev.min-1


1 rev = 2p rad

w =

w = 47 rad /sec


= ?

15.13   It is desired to make an A.C. generator that can produce an emf of 5 kV with 50 Hz frequency. A coil of area 1 m2 consisting of 200 turns is used as armature. What should be the magnitude of the magnetic field in which the coil rotates?                                                                                                  12115053


eo  =  5kV

     =   5000V

f    =   50Hz

A   =   1m2

N   =   200

B   =    ?

15.14   The back emf in a motor is 120 V when the motor is turning at 1680 rev per min. What is the back emf when the motor turns 3360 rev per min?                                                   12115054


e1 = 120 V

w1 = 1680 rev/min

w2 = 3360 rev/min

e2 = ?

15.15   A D.C motor operates at 240 V and has a resistance of 0.5 W. When the motor is running at normal speed, the armature current is 15 A. Find the back emf in the armature.                                                                              12115055


V = 240V

R = 0.5 W

I   = 15A

e = ?

15.16   A copper ring has radius of 4.0 cm and resistance of 1.0 m W. A magnetic field is applied over the ring, perpendicular to its plane. If the magnetic field increases from 0.2 T to 0.4 T in a time interval of 5 ´ 10-3 s, What is the current in the ring during?                                                                                         12115056


r  =     4.0 cm= 0.04m

R  =   1.0mW    = 10-3W

B1 =   0.2T

B2 =    0.4T

rt =   5 ´ 10-3sec

I   = ?

15.17   A coil of 10 turns and 35cm2area is a perpendicular magnetic field of 0.5 T. The coil is pulled out of the field in 1.0s. Find the induced emf in the coil as it is pulled out of the field.                                         12115057


A = 35 cm2= 35 ´ 10-4 m2

B1 = 0.5T

B2 = 1.0T

rt = 1.0S

N = 10

            e = ?

15.18 An ideal step down transformer is connected to main supply of 240 V. It is desired to operate a 12 V, 30 W lamp. Find the current in the primary and the transformation ratio.(Board 2010) 12115058


P    =    30W

VP   =   240V

VS   =   12V

IP    =    ?

   =    ?









Q.1 What is alternating current? Prove that output voltage of an A.C. generator varies sinusoidally with time.                                                                                                                                                                                                            12116001

Q.2 Define the following terms:                                                                                                                                                                             12116002

(i)   Instantaneous value                                                                                                                                                                                       

(ii)  Peak value                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

(iii) Peak to Peak value                                                                                                                                                                                         

1.      Q.3      What is meant by root mean square value of current and voltage and establish relations between r.m.s value and Peak value of alternating voltage and current.                               12116003

Q.4 Describe the following:                                                                                                                                                                                    12116004

(i)                 Phase of A.C                                                                                                                                                                                      

(ii)               Phase lag and phase lead                                                                                                                                

(iii)             Vector representation of alternating quantity.                                                                 

                                                              i.      Q.5      What do you mean by A.C. circuit? Describe A.C. through A resistor.                                  12116005

Q.6 Describe A.C. though capacitor.                                                                                                                                             12116006

Q.7 What is inductor? Describe passage of A.C. through an inductor.                                                12116007

Q.8 What do you mean by term impedance?                                                                                                                     12116008

Q.9      What is R-C circuit? Find impedance and phase difference between voltage and current.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       (Board 2013, 16) 12116009

Q.10 What is R-L series circuit? Find impedance of R-L and phase difference between voltage and current.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (Board 2013)                                                                  12116010

Q.11    Describe power loss in an A.C. circuit.                                                                                                                   12116011

Q.12    Explain RLC series circuit or series resonance circuit in detail. Also point out resonance and important characteristics.                                                                                     (Board 2015)12116012

Q.13    Explain RLC parallel circuit or parallel resonance circuit. Also point out important properties of the current.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              12116013

Q.14                         Discuss three phase A.C. supply? What are its advantages?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12116014

Q.15    Describe the principle of metal detectors.                                                                                                                         12116015

Q.16                                             What is a choke? What is its use?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2013, 16)                                                                                                                                                          12116016

Q.17                                            What are electromagnetic waves?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 12116017

Q.18    Describe principle of generation, transmission, and reception of electromagnetic waves.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   12116018

Q.19    What do you know about modulation?                                                                                                                                         12116019




16.1     A sinusoidal current has rms value of 10 A. What is the maximum or peak value?                                  (Board 2014, 16)                12116020

or         Io = 14.14A                                                      12116021

16.2     Name the device that will (a) permit flow of direct current but oppose the flow of alternating current (b) permit flow of alternating current but not the direct current.                                                         (Board 2013, 14)      12116022

16.3     How many times per second will an incandescent lamp reach maximum brilliance when connected to a 50 Hz source?             (Board2010, 2013, 16)      12116023

16.4     A circuit contains an iron-cored inductor, a switch and a D.C. source arranged in series. The switch is closed and after an interval re-opened. Explain why a spark jumps across the switch contacts?                                (Board 2015)     12116024

16.5     How does doubling the frequency affect the reactance of (a) an inductor (b) a capacitor?            (Board 2013, 14, 15, 16)  12116025

16.6     In a R-L circuit, will the current lag or lead the voltage? Illustrate your answer by a vector diagram.                                           12116026

16.7     A choke coil placed in series with an electric lamp in an A.C. circuit causes the lamp to become dim. Why is it so? A variable capacitor added in series in this circuit may be adjusted until the lamp glows with normal brilliance. Explain, how this is possible.                                                                                           12116027

16.8     Explain the conditions under which electromagnetic waves are produced from a source.                        (Board 2015)                 12116028

16.9     How the reception of a particular radio station is selected on your radio set?

(Board 2016)       12116029

16.10   What is meant by A.M. and F.M.?

                                                (Board 2013, 15, 16)       12116030



Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116031

An A.C. voltmeter reads 250 V. What is its peak and instantaneous values if the frequency of alternating voltage is 50 Hz?

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116032

A 100 mF capacitor is connected to an alternating voltage of 24V and frequency 50 Hz. Calculate                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2015)

(a) The reactance of the capacitor, and

(b) The current in the circuit

Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116033

When 10 V are applied to an A.C. circuit, the current flowing in it is 100 mA. Find its impedance.

Example 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116034

At what frequency will an inductor of 1.0 H have a reactance of 500 W?

Example 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116035

An iron core coil of 2.0 H and 50 W is placed in series with a resistance of 450 W. An A.C. supply of 100 V, 50 Hz is connected across the circuit. Find (i) the current flowing in the coil, (ii) phase angle between the current and voltage.

Example 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116036

A circuit consists of a capacitor of 2 mF and a resistance of 1000 W connected in series. An alternating voltage of 12 V and frequency 50 Hz is applied. Find (i) the current in the circuit, and (ii) the average power supplied.

Example 7:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12116037

Find the capacitance required to construct a resonance circuit of frequency 1000 kHz with an inductor of 5 mH.                                                                    (Board 2014, 16)




16.1     An alternating current is represented by the equation I = 20 sin 100  pt. Compute its frequency and the maximum and rms values of current.

Data:   I = Io sin100pt                                                  12116038

            f = ?

            Io = ?

            Irms= ?

16.2     A sinusoidal A.C. has a maximum value of 15 A. What are its rms values? If the time is recorded from the instant the current is zero and is becoming positive, what is the instantaneous value of the current after s, given the frequency is 50 Hz.                                                                                             12116039


Io = 15A,         

t =  sec,     

f = 50Hz

Irms= ?, 

I = ?    

16.3     Find the value of the current and inductive reactance when A.C. voltage of 220 V at 50 Hz is passed through an inductor of 10 H.                                              12116040

Data:   V = 220v

            L = 10H

            f = 50Hz

Irms= ?

XL =?

16.4        A circuit has an inductance of H and resistance of 2000 W. A 50 Hz A.C. is supplied to it. Calculate the reactance and impedance offered by the circuit.     12116041


R = 2000W

L = H

f = 50Hz

            Z = ?

XL= ?

16.5     An inductor of pure inductance H is connected in series with a resistance of 40W. Find (i) the peak value of the current (ii) the rms value, and (iii) the phase difference between the current and the applied voltage V = 350 sin(100 pt). 12116042

Data:   L = H

R = 40W,     

V = 350 sin (100pt)

            Io= ?

Irms= ?

q= ?

16.6     A 10 mH, 20 W coil is connected across 240 V and Hz source. How much power does it dissipate?                   12116043


L = 10 mH = 10 ´ 10-3 = 0.01 H

R = 20 W

V = 240V        

f = Hz

P = ?

16.7     Find the value of the current flowing through a capacitance 0.5mF when connected to a source of 150V at 50 Hz.



      Vrms = 150V

C = 0.5mF   = 0.5 ´10-6 F

C  = 5 ´ 10-7F

f = 50HZ         


16.8     An alternating source emf 12 V and frequency 50 Hz is applied to a capacitor of capacitance 3mF in series with a resistor of resistance 1kW. Calculate the phase angle.                                                                                                   12116045


      R = 1kW = 1000W

C = 3 ´ 10-6 F

V = 12V          

f = 50Hz

q = ?

16.9     What is the resonant frequency of a circuit which includes a coil of inductance 2.5 H and a capacitance 40mF?                   

                                                                (Board 2013)     12116046


      L = 2.5H

C = 40mF

fr=  ?

16.10   An inductor of inductance 150mF is connected in parallel with a variable capacitor whose capacitance can be changed from 500 pF to 20 pF. Calculate the maximum frequency and minimum frequency for which the circuit can be tuned.                                                                                                          12116047


      L = 150mH

      L = 150 ´ 10-6H

      Cmax = 500pf = 500 ´ 10-12F

      Cmin  = 20pf = 20 ´ 10-12F

      fmax =?,      

fmin = ?









Q.1 How would you classify solids?                                                                                                                                                           12117001

Q.2      Define and explain the mechanical property of solids and deformation of material.12117002

Q.3      Define stress and strain. What are their SI units? Differentiate between tensile, compressive and shear modes of stress and strain.                                          (Board 2013, 14) 12117003

Q.4 What is meant by strain energy? How can it be determined from the force-extension graph?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      12117004

Q.5 Distinguish solids into conductor, insulator and semi-conductor on the basis of electrical behavior.                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12117005

Q.6 Describe the formation of energy bands in solids. Explain the difference amongst electrical behavior of conductors, insulators and semi-conductor in terms of energy band theory.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         12117006

Q.7      Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. How would you obtain
n-type and p-type material from pure silicon? Illustrate it by schematic diagram.

Ans:     Intrinsic and Extrinsic Semiconductors:                                                         (Board 2010, 15, 16)                          12117007

Q.8 Discuss the mechanism of electrical conduction by holes and electrons in a pure semiconductor element.       (Board 2013)                 12117008

Q.9 Write a note super conductor.                                                                                                                        (Board 2013)12117009

Q.10    What is meant by magnetic properties of solids? Explain para, dia and ferromagnetic substances. Give examples of each.                                                                                                                          (Board 2013)        12117010

Q.11       What is mean by hysteresis loop? How is it used in the construction of a transformer?

Hysteresis Loop:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12117011





17.1        Distinguish between crystalline, amorphous and polymeric solids.

(Board 2015,16)  12117012

17.2        Define stress and strain. What are their SI units? Differentiate between tensile, compressive and shear modes of stress and strain.                               (Board 2014)        12117013

17.3        Define modulus of elasticity. Show that the units of modulus of elasticity and stress are same. Also discuss its three kinds.                                                                        (Board 2014, 16)12117014

17.4        Draw a stress-strain curve for a ductile material and then define terms: Elastic limit, Yield point and ultimate tensile stress.                                                                                                     12117015

17.5        What is meant by strain energy? How can it be determined from force-extension graph?                    (Board 2016)                12117016

17.6        Describe the formation of energy bands in solids. Explain difference amongst electrical behavior of conductors, insulators and semiconductors in terms of energy band theory.                     (Board 2014)12117017

17.7        Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semi conductors. How would you obtain n-type and p-type material from pure silicon? Illustrate it by schematic diagram.                          (Board 2016)                                        12117018

17.8        Discuss the mechanism of electrical conduction by holes and electrons in a pure semiconductor element.                     12117019

17.9        Write a note on super conductors.


17.10     What is meant by Para, Dia and Ferromagnetic substances? Give examples for each.                             (Board 2014)                                12117021

17.11     What is meant by Hysteresis loss? How is it used in construction of a transformer?                                                                         (Board 2015,16)                  12117022

Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12117023

A steel wire 12 mm in diameter is fastened to a log and is then pulled by tractor. The length of steel wire between the log and the tractor is 11 m. A force of 10,000 N is required to pull the log. Calculate (a) the stress in the wire and (b) the strain in the wire. (c) How much does the wire stretch when the log is pulled? (E = 200 ´ 109 Nm-2)

Data:                           D = 12mm = 12 × 10-3m

                                    R =  = 6 × 10-3m

                                     = 11m

                                    F = 10,000 N

                                    Y = 200 × 109 Nm-2

                                    Stress = s= ?

                                    Strain = e= ?

                                    ∆ = ?






17.1        A 1.25 cm diameter cylinder is subjected to a load of 2500 kg. Calculate the stress on the bar in mega pascals?

                                                                                (Board 2013)                        12117024


                                d  = 1.25 cm  =    = 0.0125 m

                                g = 9.8 ms-2

                                m = 2500 kg

                                Stress = s= ?

17.2        A 1.0 m long copper wire is subjected to stretching force and its length increases by 20 cm. Calculate the tensile strain and the percent elongation which the wire undergoes. (Board 2015,16)           12117025


                                = 1.0 m

                                D = 20 cm = 0.2 m

                                Strain = E= ?

                                 % elongation = ?

17.3        A wire 2.5 m long and cross section area 10-5 m2 is stretched 1.5 mm by a force of 100 N in the elastic region. Calculate

                        (Board 2014)                        12117026

(i)            Strain                   

(ii)           Young’s Modulus.

(iii)          The energy stored in wire = U = ?


                                 = 2.5 m

                                A = 10-5 m2

                                D = 1.5 mm

                                F = 100 N.

17.4        What stress would cause a wire to increase in length by 0.01% if the Young’s modulus of the wire is 12 ´ 1010 Pa. What force would produce this stress if the diameter of wire is 0.56 mm?                  12117027

Data:     e= 0.01 ´= 10-4

                                Y = 12 ´ 1010 Pa

                                d = 0.56 mm = 0.56 ´ 10-3 m

                                Stress = s= ?

                                Force = F = ?

17.5        The length of a steel wire is 1.0 m and its cross-sectional area is 0.03x10-4 m2. Calculate the work done in stretching the wire when force of 100 N is applied with in the elastic region. Young’s modulus of steel is 3.0 x 1011 Nm-2.                                                                12117028


                                = 1.0 m

                                A = 0.03 ´ 10-4 m2

                                F = 100 N.

                                Y = 3.0 ´ 1011 Nm-3

                                W = ?

17.6        A cylindrical copper wire and a cylindrical steel wire each of length 1.5m and diameter 2.0 mm are joined one end to form a composite wire 3.0 m long. The wire is loaded until its length becomes 3.003 m. Calculate the strain in copper
and steel wires and the force applied to
the wire.  (Young’s Modulus of Copper is
´ 1011 Pa and for steel is 2.0 ´ 1011 Pa).



Length of copper wire =  = 1.5 m

Length of steel wire =  = 1.5 m

Total Length         = L =  + =  1.5 + 1.5 = 3 m

                d = 2.0 mm

                d = 2 ´ 10-3 m

                r = 1 ´ 10-3 m

                A = pr2 = 3.14 ´ 10-6 m2

                   = 3.003 m

                D =   -  = 3.003 - 3 = 0.003

Young’s Modulus of copper wire

=  Yc   = 1.2 ´ 1011 Pa

Young’s Modulus of steel wire

=  Ys = 2.0 ´ 1011 Pa

                Strain in copper wire  =ec = ?

                Strain in steel wire     = es= ?

                Force = F = ?











Q.1 What is P-N junction? What is “depletion region”?                                                                                        12118001

Q.2 What is meant by biasing? Discuss its different types.                                                                        12118002

Q.3 What is meant by rectification? Discuss half wave and full wave rectification (or

            rectifiers).                                                                                                                                                                                     (Board 2014)     12118003

Q.4 What are specially designed P-N junction? Discuss. Also give their uses.              12118004

Q.5 What is transistor? Discuss its different types, different parts and operations.

Ans:     Transistors:                                                                                                                                              (Board2010, 2013)       12118005

Q.6 How does current flow in a transistor? Also give current gain of a transistor.      12118006

Q.7 How does transistor work as an amplifier? Explain.

Ans:     Transistor As An Amplifier:                                                                                                   (Board 2010, 14)                  12118007

Q.8 How does transistor work as a switch?                                                                                                                                   12118008

Q.9 What is an operational amplifier? Discuss its different parts and characteristics.

OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER:                                                                                                                           (Board 2015)       12118009

Q.10    How does operational amplifier work as inverting amplifier? Also find output gain?

Ans:     Op-Amp as Inverting Amplifier:                                            (Board 2016)                                                                         12118010

Q.11    How does operational amplifier work as non-inverting amplifier? Also find output gain.                                                                                                                                                                                                        (Board 2015)                                                                       12118011

Q.12    How does operational amplifier is used as comparator?                                                                           12118012

And narrate how can comparator be used to design night switch.

Q.13    What is meant by digital system? Also discuss Boolean algebra.                                                                   12118013

Q.14         What are fundamental logic gates? Explain.                                                                                                              12118014

Q.15    What are logic gates other than fundamental logic gates?                                                                        12118015

Q.16    How gates are applied to monitor physical parameters? Explain.                                           12118016




18.1           How does the motion of an electron in an n-type substance differ from the motion of holes in p-type substance?

                                                (Board 2013, 2016)         12118017

18.2           What is the net charge on a n-type and p-type substances?     (Board 2014) 12118018

18.3           The anode of a diode is 0.2V positive with respect to its cathode. Is it forward biased?                                                                      12118019

18.4           Why charge carriers are not present in the depletion region? (Board . 2013) 12118020

18.5           What is effect of forward and reverse biasing of a diode on the width of depletion region?                (Board 2015)     12118021

18.6           Why ordinary silicon diode do not emit light?                         (Board 2014,16) 12118022

18.7           Why a photodiode is operated in reverse state?                                  (Board 2015,16) 12118023

18.8           Why is base current in a transistor very small?                      (Board 2013, 15,16)  12118024

18.9           What is biasing requirements of the junction of a transistor for its normal operation? Explain how these are met in common emitter amplifier?

(Board 2013)     12118025

18.10        What is principle of virtual ground? Apply it to find the gain of an inverting amplifier.                                                               12118026

18.11   The inputs of a gate are 1 and 0. Identify the gate if its output is (a) 0 (b) 1.


18.12:  Tick the correct answer.        

i.    A diode characteristic curve is a plot between:                                                                             12118028

a.         current and time                      

b.         voltage and time.

c.         voltage and current

d.         forward and reverse voltages.

ii.   The colour of light emitted by a LED depends on                                                             12118029

a.      Its forward bias

b.         It’s reverse bias.

c.         The amount of forward current

d.   the type of semi-conductor material used.

iii.  In a half-wave rectifier the diode conducts during:                                                           12118030

a.         Both halves of the input cycle

b.   a portion of the positive half of the input cycle

c.   a portion of the negative half of the input cycle

d.         one half of the input cycle.

iv.  In a bridge rectifier of fig. Q. 18.1 when Vi is positive at point B with respect to point A which diodes are ON.                               

a.   D2 and D4  

b.   D1 and D3

c.   D2 and D3              

d.   D1 and D4.




v.   The common emitter current amplification factor b is given by12118032

a.                                                     b.        

c.                                                     d.        

vi.  Truth table of logic function         12118033

a.         summarizes its output values.

b.         tabulates all its input conditions only

c.         display all its input/output


d.         is not based on logic algebra

vii. The output of a two inputs OR gate is 0 only when its                                                                   12118034

a.         both inputs are 0

b.         either input is 1

c.         both inputs are 1

d.         either input is 0

viii. A two inputs NAND gate with inputs A and B has an output 0 if              12118035

a.         A is 0

b.         B is 0

c.         both A and B are zero

d.         both A and B are 1

ix.  The truth table shown below is for gate.                                                                                       12118036


a.         XNOR

b.         OR

c.         AND               

d.         NAND

























Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12118037

In a certain circuit, the transistor has a collector current of 10 mA and a base current of 40 mA. What is the current gain of the transistor?

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12118038

Find the gain of the circuit as shown in Fig. 18.30.



18.1     The current flowing into the base of a transistor is 100 m A. Find its collector current IC, its emitter current IE and the ratio , if the value of current gain b is 100.

(Board 2013, 16)  12118039

Data:   IB = 100 mA  = 100 ´ 10-6A = 10-4A

            b = 100

            IC = ?

            IE = ?               

            = ?

18.2:    Figure shows a transistor which operates a relay as the switch S is closed. The relay is energized by a current of 10 mA. Calculate the value RB which will just make the relay operate. The current gain b of the transistor is 200. When the transistor conducts, its VBE can be assumed to be 0.6V.                                        12118040

Data:   IC = 10mA = 10 ´ 10-3A

            b = 200

            VBE  = 0.6 V

            VCC = 9 V

            RB= ?  

18.3     In circuit shown in Fig., there is negligible potential drop between B and E, where is β is 100, calculate:                     12118041

(i)   base current

(ii)  collector current

(iii) potential drop across RC

(iv) VCE


VCC = 9 Volt

RC = 1 k W = 1 ´ 1000 W

RB = 800 k W = 800 ´ 1000 W

            b  = 100

            VBE = 0

            IB  = ?

            IC  = ?

            VC= ?

            VCE= ?

18.4     Calculate the output of the op-amp circuit shown in Fig.                                                                           12118042


Data:   R1 = 10 kW = 10 ´ 103W

            R2=  4 kW = 4 ´ 103W

            R3 = 20 kW = 20 ´ 103 W

            Output voltage  = V0 = ?

18.5     Calculate the gain of non-inverting amplifier shown in fig.      (Board 2014)12118043

Data:   R = 10 k W = 10 ´ 103W

            R2 = 40 k W = 40 ´ 103W

            G = ?

















Q.1 What is relative motion? Explain.                                                                                                                                           12119001

Q.2 What is meant by frame of reference? Differentiate inertial and non-inertial       frame of reference?                                                                                                                                                                                             (Board 2010)     12119002

Q.3      What is special theory of relativity? Write down its postulates. Also summarize the results of special theory of relativity.                                                                                                                                                                                     12119003

Ans:     Special Theory of Relativity:                                                                                                        (Board 2014)

Q.4 What do you mean by NAVSTAR Navigation System.                                                                        12119004

Q.5      What is black body radiation? Explain intensity distribution diagram.  (Board 2014)

Ans:     BLACK BODY RADIATION:                                                                                                                                                                 12119005

Q.6 How does Planck’s explained black body radiation? Explain.                                                                        12119006

Q.7      Define photoelectric effect. Describe an experimental arrangement to produce photoelectrons and state the experimental results.                                                                                       12119007

Q.8 Explain photoelectric effect on the basic of Einstein’s quantum theory. Also derive Einstein’s equation.                                                                                                                                                                                                             12119008

Q.9 What is photocell? Write down its different uses.                                                                                           12119009

10. What is Compton effect? Calculate Compton wave shift too. Prove that it explains particle nature of light.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119010

Q.11    What is pair production? How does its occur? Explain.                                                                            12119011

Q.12    What do you mean by annihilation of matter? Explain.                                                                            12119012

Q.13    Explain wave nature of a particle.                                                                                                                                                12119013

Q.14    How Davisson and Germer proved wave nature of a particle experimentally?              12119014

Ans:     Davisson and Germer Experiment:                                                                                                                      (Board 2016)

Q.15    Write note on the wave particle duality.                                 (Board 2016)                                               12119015

 Q.16   What is electron microscope? Explain it.                                                                                                                          12119016

Q.17    Write a comprehensive note on uncertainty principle.                        (Board 2013)   12119017




19.1     What are the measurements on which two observers in relative motion will always agree upon?                                                 12119018

19.2     Does the dilation means that time really passes more slowly in moving system or that is only seems to pass more slowly?                                 (Board 2014, 16)                12119019

19.3     If you are moving in a spaceship at a very high speed relative to earth, would you notice a difference (a), in your pulse rate (b) in pulse rate of people on Earth?


19.4     If the speed of light were infinite, what would the equations of special theory of relativity reduce to?

                                                (Board 2015, 16)                12119021

19.5     Since mass is a form of energy, can we conclude that a compressed spring has more mass than the same spring when it is not compressed?                                                                                 12119022

19.6     As a solid is heated and begins to glow, why does it first appear red?

(Board 2013)       12119023

19.7 What happens to total radiation from a black body if its absolutetemperature is doubled?                                                                                      12119024

19.8     A beam of red light and a beam of blue light have exactly the same energy. Which beam contains the greater number of photons?                                      (Board 2010)       12119025

19.9     Which photon, red, green, or blue carries the most (a) energy and momentum?                           (Board 2013, 15)                  12119026

19.10   Which has the lower energy quanta? Radio waves or x-rays.(Board 2015)


19.11   Does the brightness of a beam of light primarily depend on the frequency of photons or on the number of photon?              


19.12   When ultraviolet light falls on certain dyes, visible light is emitted. Why does this not happen when infra-red light falls on these dyes?                                                    12119029

19.13   Will bright light eject more electrons from a metal surface than dimmer light of the same colour?            12119030

19.14   Will smaller frequency light eject greater number of electrons than low frequency light?                                                              12119031

19.15   When light shines on a surface, is momentum transferred to the metal surface?                                                                                                                            12119032

19.16   Why can red light be used in a photographic dark room when developing films, blue or white light cannot?           12119033

19.17   Photon A has twice the energy of photon B. what is the ratio of the momentum of A to that of B?           

                                                            (Board 2013, 14)            12119034

19.18   Why don’t we observe a Compton effect with visible light?

(Board 2015, 16)                        12119035

19.19   Can pair production take place in vacuum? Explain.      (Board 2014, 16) 12119036

19.20   Is it possible to create a single electron from energy? Explain.

(Board 2013, 16)                        12119037

19.21   If electrons behave only like particles, what pattern would you expect on the screen after the electrons passes through the double slit?                                                       12119038

19.22   If an electron and a proton have the same de Broglie wavelength, which particle has greater speed?

                                                                        (Board 2015) 12119039

19.23   We do not notice the de Broglie wavelength for a pitched cricket ball. Explainwhy?                                                                    12119040

19.24   If the following particles all have the same energy, which has the shortest wavelength? Electron, alpha particle, neutron, proton.                                                              12119041

19.25   When does light behave as a wave? When does it behave as a particle?          12119042

19.26   What advantages an electron microscope has over an optical microscope?

                                                            (Board 2010, 14)12119043

19.27   If measurements show a precise position for an electron, can those measurements show precise momentum also? Explain.                                                                                          12119044



Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119045

      The period of a pendulum is measured to be 3.0 s in the inertial reference frame of the pendulum. What is its period measured by an observer moving at a speed of 0.95 c with respect to the pendulum?


Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119046

      A bar 1.0 m in length and located along x-axis moves with a speed of 0.75 c with respect to a stationary observer. What is the length of the bar as measured by the stationary observer?

Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119047

      Find the mass m of a moving object with speed 0.8 c.

Example 4:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119048

Assuming you radiate as does a blackbody at your body temperature about 37oC, at what wavelength do you emit the most energy?

Example 5:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12119049

What is the energy of a photon in a beam of infrared radiation of wavelength 1240 nm?

Example 6:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12119050

A sodium suface is illuminated with light of wavelength 300 nm. The work function of sodium metal is 2.46 eV.

(a) Find the maximum K.E. of the ejected electron.

(b) Determine the cut off wavelength for sodium.

Example 7:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119051

A 50 keV photon is Compton scattered by a quasi-free electron. If the scattered photon comes off at 45o, what is its wave length?

Example 8:      (Board 2016)                                                                                                                                                                                               12119052

A particle of mass 5.0 mg moves with speed of 8.0 ms-1. Calculate its de Broglie wavelength.

Example 9:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12119053

An electron is accelerated through a Potential Difference of 50 V. Calculate its de Broglie wavelength.

Example 10:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              12119054

The life time of an electron in an excited state is about 10-8 s. What is its uncertainty in energy during this time?

Example 11:

An electron is to be confined to a box of the size of the nucleus (1.0 ´ 10-14 m). What would the speed of the electron  be if it were so confined?                        (Board 2015)                       12119055








Q.1 A particle called the pion lives on the average only about 2.6 ´ 10-8 s when at rest in the laboratory. It then changes to another form. How long would such a particle live when shooting through the space at 0.95?                                                                      12119056

Data:   v          =          0.95 c

            to          =          2.6 ´ 10-8 s

            t           =          ?

Q.2 What is the mass of a 70 kg man in a space rocket traveling at 0.8 c from us as measured from Earth?                                 12119057

Data:   mo        =          75 kg

            v          =          0.8c    

            m         =          ?

Q.3  Find the energy of photon in:      12119058

(a)  Radio wave of wavelength 100 m

(b)  Green light of wavelength 550 nm

(c)  X-ray with wavelength 0.2 nm


Wavelength of radio wave =  = 100 m

Wavelength of green light = = 550 nm

                                                                        = 550 ´ 10-9 m

Wavelength of X-ray    =  = 0.2 nm

                                                                        = 0.2 ´ 10-9 m

(a)  Energy in photon in radio wave=E1= ?

(b)  Energy in photon in green light=E2=?

(c)  Energy in photon in X-ray = E3= ?

Q.4 Yellow light of 577 nm wavelength is incident on a cesium surface. The stopping voltage is found to be 0.25 V. Find                                                                                                           12119059

(a)  The maximum K.E. of the photo-electrons.

(b)  The work function of cesium


            =577 nm

= 577 ´ 109 m

            Vo=0.25 V

            h=6.63 ´ 10-34 J.s

(a)  Max. K.E. of photo electron = (K.E)max = ?

(b)  Work function = f= ?


Q.5 X-rays of wavelength 22 pm are scattered from carbon target. The scattered radiation are being viewed at 85o to the incident beam. What is Compton shift?                                                                                                                                 12119060

Data:    =22 pm= 22 ´ 10-12 m


Compton shift = D=?

Q.6 A 90 keV X-ray photon is fired at a carbon target and Compton scattering occurs. Find the wavelength of the incident photon and the wavelength of the scattered photon for scattering angle of (a) 30o (b) 60o.                                                                                                     12119061

Data:   E=90 keV= 90 ´ 103eV

            =90 ´ 103´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 J

            =144 ´ 10-16 J

(a)                                        Wavelength of incident photon = = ?

(b)                                        Wavelength of scattered photon

=  = ?    (at=30o)

(c)                                        Wavelength of scattered photon

=  = ?   (at=60o)

Q.7 What is the maximum wavelength of the two photons produced when a positron annihilates an electron? The rest mass energy of each is 0.51 MeV.       12119062


Rest Mass energy of each photon

                        =E = 0.51 MeV

                        = 0.51 ´106eV

                        = 0.51 ´ 106 x 1.6 ´ 10-19 J

E = 8.16 ´ 10-14 J

                        = ? (For each photon)

Q.8 Calculate the wavelength of:12119063

(a)  a 140 ball moving at 40 ms-1

(b)  a proton moving at the same speed

(c)  an electron moving at the same speed


            M= 140 g=0.14 kg

            v=40 m/s


            Mass of electron=9.1´10­-31kg

            Mass of proton= 1.67´10-27kg

Q.9 What is de Broglie wavelength of an electron whose kinetic energy is 120 eV?                                                           (Board 2014) 12119064


K.E. = 120 eV

            = 120 ´ 1.6 ´ 10-19 J

            K.E =192 ´ 10-19J

            Mass of electron m = 9.1´10-31kg


Q.10 An electron is placed in a box about the size of an atom that is about 1.0´10-10m. What is the velocity of the electrons?

Data:                                                                                                   12119065

Size of box       L = 1.0 ´ 10-10m

                                    m=9.1 ´ 10-31kg

                                    h= 6.62 ´ 10-34 J s

Velocity of electrons     v = ?








Q.1 What is spectroscopy? Write the names of its types.                                             (Board 2013)     12120001

Q.2      What is atomic spectrum? How can it be obtained? Discuss different series in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum.                                                                                                                  12120002

Q.3 State basic postulates of Bohr’s atomic model. How did de-Broglie deduce Bohr’s 2nd postulate?                                                                                                                                                                        (Board 2013, 15, 16)                   12120003

Q.4 Derive expression for radii of quantized orbit.                                                       (Board 2013, 16)                12120004

Q.5 Derive an expression for the quantized energy of the orbit.                                                                                     12120005

Q.6 Derive an expression for hydrogen spectrum, using 3rd postulate of Bohr’s theory.

                                                                                                                                                OR                                                                                                            12120006

            Explain hydrogen emission spectrum.            

Q.7      How does the inner shell transitions of electron produce characteristics X-rays?

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2015)     12120007

Q.8 What is continuous X-rays spectrum? How is it produced?                                                                                     12120008

Q.9 Write down properties and uses of X-rays.                                                                                                                 12120009

Q.10    What is CAT Scanner?                                                                                                                                                                                              (Board 2016)       12120010

Q.11    What is uncertainty within the atom regarding position of electrons?                                12120011

Q.12    What is laser? Explain its working.                                                                                        (Board 2014)        12120012

Q.13    What is helium-neon laser? Explain.                                                                                                                                                                           12120013

Q14.    Describe different uses of laser in medicine and industry.                                                             12120014

a.               SHORT QUESTIONS


20.1          Bohr’s theory of hydrogen atom is based upon several assumptions. Do any of these assumptions contradict classical physics?                                                                                            12120015

20.2           What is meant by a line spectrum? Explain, how line spectrum can be used for the identification of elements?

(Board 2014, 16)                    12120016

20.3           Can the electron in the ground state of hydrogen absorb a photon of energy 13.6 eV and greater than 13.6 eV?

(Board 2014)           12120017

20.4           How can the spectrum of hydrogen contain so many lines when hydrogen contains one electron?                                         12120018

20.5           Is energy conserved when an atoms emits photon of light?(Board 2013, 15)12120019

20.6           Explain why a glowing gas gives only certain wavelengths of light and why that gas is capable of absorbing the same wavelengths? Give a reason why it is transparent to other wavelengths?     12120020

20.7           What do you mean when we say that the atom is excited?(Board 2013)12120021

20.8           Can X-rays be reflected, refracted diffracted and polarized just like any other waves? Explain.                    (Board 2014)     12120022

20.9           What are the advantages of lasers over ordinary light?          (Board 2013, 16) 12120023

20.10        Explain why laser action could not occur without population inversion between atomic levels?

                                                (Board 2014, 15, 16)                          12120024



Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12120025

Find the speed of the electron in the first Bohr orbit.                                      (Board 2015)





20.1     A hydrogen atom is in its ground state (n = 1). Using Bohr’s theory, calculate (a) the radius of the orbit, (b) the linear momentum of the electron, (c) the angular momentum of the electron, (d) the kinetic energy, (e) the potential energy, and (f) the total energy.                                      12120026

Data:   n = 1   

            e = 1.6 ´ 10-19C

h = 6.63 ´ 10-34Js

            k =

= 9 ´ 109 Nm2C-2         

m = 9.1 ´ 10-31 kg

            r1= ?

            p = ?

            L = ?   

K.E = ?

            P.E = ?

            Total Energy = E = ?

20.2     What are the energies in eV of quanta of wavelength? l = 400, 500 and 700 nm.                                                                                                    12120027

Data:   la = 400 nm  = 400 ´ 10-9 m

lb = 500 nm  = 500 ´ 10-9 m

lc = 700 nm  = 700 ´ 10-9 m

c = 3 ´ 108 m/sec

Ea= ?

Eb= ?

Ec= ?


20.3     An electron jumps from a level Ei= - 3.5 ´ 10-19J to Ef = - 1.20 ´ 10-18 J. What is the wavelength of the emitted light?

        (Board 2010, 14)12120028

Data:   Ei=  -3.5 ´ 10-19 J

            Ef=  -1.20 ´ 10-18 J

            h = 6.62 ´ 10-34Js

            c = 3 ´ 108 m/sec

            l = ?

20.4     Find the wavelength of the spectral line corresponding to the transition in hydrogen from n = 6 state to n = 3 state.                                                                            (Board 2013)       12120029

Data:   n = 6                

p= 3    

            RH = 1.097 ´ 107m-1

            l = ?

20.5     Compute the shortest wavelength radiation in the Balmer series? What value of n must be used? (Board 2015, 16)     12120030

Data:   RH = 1.097 ´ 10-7m-1

                        lmin (in Balmer series) = ? 

            p= 2 ,   

n = ¥   

20.6     Calculate the longest wavelength of radiation for the Paschen series. 12120031

Data:   RH = 1.097 ´ 107 m-1

                        n = 4     

            p= 3

            lmax = ?

20.7     Electron in an X-ray tube are accelerated through a potential difference of 3000 V. If these electrons were slowed down in a target, what will be the minimum wavelength of X-rays produced?


Data:   V = 3000 volt

            c = 3 ´ 108ms-1

            h = 6.62 ´ 10-34 Js

            lmin = ?

            e = 1.6 ´ 10-19

20.8     The wavelength of K-X-ray from copper is 1.377 ´ 10-10 m. What is the energy difference between the two levels from which this transition results?  12120033

Data:   l = 1.377 ´ 10-10 m

            h  = 6.62 ´ 10-34Js

            c = 3 ´ 108 m/s

            DE = ?

20.9     A tungsten target is struck by electrons that have been accelerated from rest through 40KV potential difference. Find the shortest wavelength of the bremsstrahlung radiation emitted.12120034

Data:   V = 40 KV

= 40 ´ 103 V

            h = 6.62 ´ 10-34Js

            c = 3 ´ 108 ms-1

                        e = 1.6 ´ 10-19C

            l = ?

20.10   The orbital electron of a hydrogen atom moves with a speed of
´ 105 ms-1. (a) find the value of the quantum number ‘n’ associated with this electron, (b) calculate the radius of this orbit, and (c) Find the energy of the electron in this orbit.                                             12120035

Data:   vn = 5.456 ´ 105 ms-1

                        h  = 6.62 ´ 10-34Js

            k =  = 9 ´ 109 Nm2C-2

            e = 1.6 ´ 10-19 C

            m = 9.1 ´ 10-31 kg 

            n = ?

rn = ?

En =?








Q.1 What is atomic Nucleus? Define its mass number and charge numbers?                  12121001

Q.2 What are isotopes?            (Board 2016)                                                                                                                                   12121002

Q.3      How isotopes are detected with a mass spectrograph? Describe construction and working of Mass spectrograph.                                                                                                  (Board 2015, 16)             12121003

Q.4 Explain the term “mass defect” and binding energy” with the help of examples. 12121004

                                                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2013)

Q.5 What is meant by the term radioactivity? Give an account of the radiations emitted by radioactive substance.                                                                                                                                                                                                            12121005

Q.6 What is phenomenon of nuclear transmutation or radioactive decay? Explain.  12121006

Q. 7.    How b-particle comes from nucleus?                                                                                                                                12121007

Q.8      What is meant by half-life of a radioactive element? How can half-life of radioactive element be determined from radioactive decay?                                                                                                         12121008

Q.9 Write a brief account of interaction of a-particle with matter?                                                                      12121009

Q.10          Write brief account of interaction of b-particles with matter?                                                        12121010

Q.11    Give a brief account of interaction of g-rays with matter.                                                             12121011

Q.12    Give brief account of interaction of neutrons with matter.                                                                               12121012

Q.13    What is radiation detectors? Discuss the principle, construction and working            Wilson cloud chamber for detecting nuclear radiation.                                                                                                                    12121013

Q.14    Describe the principle, construction and working of Geiger Muller counter.  12121014

Q.15    Describe Construction, working of solid state detector.                                                                            12121015

Q.16    What are nuclear reaction? Explain.                                                                                                                                12121016

Q.17    What do you understand by nuclear fission?                                                                                                        12121017

Q.18    What is fission chain reaction? Describe controlled fission chain reaction and           uncontrolled fission chain reaction.                                                                                                                                                12121018

Q.19    What is meant by critical mass? What role does it play in fission chain reaction?     


Q.20    Describe the principle, construction and working of nuclear reactor with the help of diagram.                                                                                                                                                                                                         (Board 2014)     12121020

Q.21    Describe types of reactor.                                                                                                                                                             12121021

Ans:     Types of Reactors:

Q.22    State and explain nuclear fusion reaction.                                                                                                            12121022

Ans:     Nuclear Fusion

Q.23    Describe nuclear reaction taking place in the sun.                                                                                     12121023

Q.24    Write comprehensive note on radiation exposure and it damages.                                                       12121024

Q.25    What are the biological effects of radiation?                                                                                                      12121025

Q.26    What are the tracer techniques? Explain what is their use in agriculture diagnosis and therapy.                                                                                                                                                                                                                               12121026

Q.27    What is meant by radiography? Explain                                                                                                              12121027

Q.28    What are basic forces of nature? Discuss their unification.                                                                              12121028

Q.29    Explain building blocks of matter.                                                                                                                                    12121029



21.1     What are isotopes? What do they have in common and what are their differences?                                                         12121030

21.2     Why are heavy nuclei un-stable?

                                                (Board 2010, 15)12121031

21.3     If a nucleus has a half-life of 1 year, does this mean that it will be completely decayed after 2 years? Explain.

                                                (Board 2015)      12121032

21.4     What fraction of a radioactive sample decays after two half-lives have elapsed?                                                                                                 12121033

21.5     The radioactive element Ra has a half-life of 1.6 ´ 103 years. Since the Earth is about 5 billion years old, how can you explain why we still can find this element in nature?                                                12121034

21.6     Describe a brief account of interaction of various types of radiations with matter.                                                           12121035

21.7     Explain how a-and b-particles may ionize an atom without directly hitting the electrons? What is the difference in the action of the two particles for producing ionization?                                                                        12121036

21.8     A particle which produces more ionization is less penetrating, why?

                                (Board 2014, 15)12121037

21.9     What information is revealed by the length and shape of the tracks of an incident particle in Wilson cloud chamber?                                                                                            12121038

21.10   Why must a Geiger muller tube for detecting a-particles have a very thin end window? Why does a Geiger Muller tube for detecting g-rays not need a window at all?                                                                                         12121039

21.11   Describe the principle of operation of a solid state detector of ionizing radiation in terms of generation and detection of charge carriers.                      12121040

21.12   What do we mean by the term critical mass? (Board 2013, 14)   12121041

21.13   Discuss the advantages and dis-advantages of nuclear power compared to the use of fossil fuel generated power.


21.14   What factors make a fusion reaction difficult to achieve?      

                                    (Board 2013, 14)12121043

21.15   Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of fusion power from the point of safety, pollution and resources.

Ans.                                         (Board 2015)     12121044

21.16   What do you understand by “background radiation”? State two sources of this radiation.          (Board 2013, 14, 16)   12121045

21.17   If someone swallowed an α and a b-source, which would be the more dangerous to you? Explain why?      

                                    (Board 2013)12121046

21.18   Which radiation dose would deposit more energy to the body (a) 10 mGy to the hand, or (b) 1mGy dose to your entire body.                                                                                                      12121047

21.19   What is a radioactive tracer? Describe one application each in medicine, agriculture and industry.                12121048

21.20   How can radioactivity help in the treatment of cancer? (Board 2014, 16)  12121049




Solved Examples


Example 1:                                                                                                                                                                                                (Board 2016)     12121050

Find the mass defect and binding energy of the deuteron nucleus. The experimental mass of deuteron is 3.3435 ´ 10-27kg.

Example 2:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                12121051

Iodine-131 is an artificial radioactive isotope. It is used for the treatment of human thyroid gland. Its half-life is 8 days. In the drug store of a hospital 20 mg of iodine-131 is present. It was received from the laboratory 48 days ago. Find the quantity of iodine-131 in the hospital after this period.


Example 3:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    12121052

How much energy is absorbed by a man of mass 80 kg who receives a lethal whole body equivalent dose of 400 rem in the form of low energy neutrons for which RBE factor is 10?


21.1     Find the mass defect and the binding energy for tritium, if the atomic mass of tritium is 3.016049u.

                                                            (Board 2013)       12121053


mass of tritium nucleus=m=3.016049 u

Mass of proton             =mp = 1.007276u

Mass of neutron                        =mn = 1.008665u

a)   Mass defect                        =m=?

b)   Binding energy       =B.E=  ?

21.2     The half-life of is 9.70 hours. Find its decay constant.     (Board 2013)12121054


            = 9.70 hour = 4920s


21.3     The element is unstable and decays by b-ray emission with a half- life 6.66 hours. State the nuclear reaction and the daughter nuclei.                                                  12121055


            Half-life = T1/2  =          6.66 ´ 60 ´ 60 

                                    =          23976 sec.       

            Nuclear reaction           =          ?

            Daughter Nucleus         =          ?

21.4     Find the energy associated with the following reaction:(Mass of  = 1.007844)


            N + +

What does negative sign indicate?


Mass of N    =          14.0031u

Mass of       =                      4.00264u

Mass of     =          16.991u

Mass of        =          1.0073u

Energy associated = Q   =          ?

21.5     Determine the energy associated with the following reaction:

(Mass of = 14.00774)                                          12121057



            Mass of  = 14.003918u

            Mass of    =          14.0067u

            Mass of      =          0.000548u

Energy associated = Q =            ?

21.6     If decays twice by a-emission, what is the resulting isotope?

(Board 2014, 15)12121058

21.7     Calculate the energy (in MeV) released in the following fusion reaction:



Mass of =  2.014102u

Mass of =  3.01605u

Mass of =  4.00263u

Mass of  = 1.008665u

Energy released = Q = ?

21.8     A Sheet of lead 5.0 mm thick reduces the intensity of a beam of g-rays by a factor 0.4. Find half value thickness of lead sheet which will reduce the intensity to half of its initial value.                                   12121060


Thickness of the sheet = x1 = 5mm

= 5  10-3m

Initial intensity of g-rays beam   = I1 = 0.4 I 0

final intensity of g-rays beamI2  = 0.5 I 0

thickness of the sheet =             x2= ?

21.9     Radiation from a point source obeys the inverse square law. If the count rate at a distance of 1.0m from Geiger counter is 360 counts per minute, what will be its count rate at 3.0m from the source?    



The initial count rate = I1 = 360 counts / min

Initial distance of source from GM. Counter = r1 = 1.0m

Final distance of source from GM. Counter = r2 = 3.0m

Final count rate = I2=?

21.10   A 75kg person receives a whole body radiation dose of 24 m rad, delivered by a-particles for which RBE factor is 12. Calculate (a) the absorbed energy in joules, and (b) the equivalent dose in rem.



Mass of the body = m = 75kg

Absorbed dose = D = 24m rad  

= 24  10-3 rad

as   1 rad = 0.01 Gy

\   D = 24 ´ 10-3´ 0.01

= 24 ´ 10-5Gy

RBE factor of radiation = 12

a)   Energy absorbed in joules = E = ?

b)   Equivalent dose De in rem   = ?



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