11th Physics Objective








Multiple Choice Questions


1.            The particle have mass smaller of following is                                 11101035

         (a) Electron                    (b) Proton

         (c) Neutron                     (d) Quark

2.            Study of physics deals with     11101036

         (a) Laws of motion                   

         (b) The structure of space and time

         (c) Interaction between different particles

         (d) All of above

3.            Physics is a quantitative science based on primarily in                       11101037

         (a) Fundamental quantities

         (b) Definition

         (c) Experiment and measurement

         (d) Description of facts

4.            The branch of physics which deals with atomic nucleus is called   11101038

         (a) Particle physics(b) Nuclear physics

         (c) Plasma physics(d) Quantum physics

5.            The branch of physics which deals with structure and properties of solid is called                                    11101039

         (a) Solid state physics

         (b) Relativistic mechanics

         (c) Classical physics

         (d) Wave mechanics

6.            The products of Chips developed from the basics ideas of physics are11101040

         (a) Radio network                     

         (b) T.V Network 

         (c) Computer Network

         (d) None of these 

7.            Some concepts of static electricity were introduced by                   11101041

         (a) Chinese         (b) Plato

         (c) Thales           (d) Archimedes’s

8.            Thermometer and temperature scale were firstly developed by

         (a) Bernoulli       (b) Kelvin        11101042

         (c) Fahrenheit     (d) Rutherford

9.            The velocity of light was accurately determined by                         11101043

         (a) Newton         (b) Michelson

         (c) Young           (d) Fresnel

10.        Neutron was discovered by     11101044

(a) Curie             (b) Fermi        

         (c) Lawrence      (d) Chadwick

11.        Transistor was invented by     11101045

         (a) Edison           (b) Bardeen

         (c) Thomson       (d) Faraday

12.        Nobel prize was awarded to Pakistani scientist                                            11101046

         (a) Dr. Qadeer Khan

         (b) Dr. Rafi Mohammad

         (c) Prof. Abdus Salam

         (d) Prof. MujtabaKarim

13.        X-rays were discovered by;     11101047

         (a) J.J Thomson         (b) Crooks

         (c) Roentgen              (d) Lorentz

14.        Physical quantities are often divided into;                                        11101048

         (a) Two categories

         (b) Three categories

         (c) Four categories

         (d) Five categories

15.        The fundamental quantities which form the base for MKS system are11101049

(a) Mass, energy and time        

         (b) Mass, force and time

         (c) Mass, length and time

         (d) Force, length and time

16.        Supplementary SI units are    111010450

         (a) Two              (b) Three

         (c) Four              (d) Five

17.        SI unit for solid angle is           11101051

         (a) Degree          (b) Radian 

         (c) Steradian      (d) Candela

18.        An example of Base quantity  11101052

         (a) Area              (b) Volume

         (c) Length          (d) Velocity

19.        Light year is a unit of              11101053

         (a) Light             (b) Time

         (c) Velocity        (d) Distance

20.        Radius of proton                      11101054

         (a) 1.2 x 10-15m              (b) 3.4 x 10-14m

         (c) 4.5 x 10-14m              (d) 3 x 10-10 m

21.        SI unit of force                         11101055

         (a) Newton         (b) Dyne

         (c) Joule             (d) Watt

22.        SI unit of angular momentum are

         (a) kg ms-1          (b) kg m2s-1     11101056

         (c) kg ms2           (d) kg m2s-2

23.        SI unit of angular Velocity are

         (a) ms-1               (b) rad S-1        11101057

         (c) cm S-1           (d) cm S-2

24.        SI unit of electric current        11101058

         (a) Ampere         (b) Candela

         (c) Mole             (d) Microampere

25.        The unit of pressure in base unit is   

         (a) kg m-1 s-2       (b) kg m s-2       11101059

         (c) kg m-1 s2       (d) None of above

26.        Work is measured in Joule while energy is expressed                     11101060

         (a) Watt               (b) N-s

         (c) J.s                   (d) J

27.        One atto is equal to                  11101061

         (a) 10-18                 (b) 10-15

         (c) 1018               (d) 1012

28.        One nano  is equal to               11101062

         (a) 10-12              (b) 10-9

         (c) 10-6               (d) 109

29.        One centi is equal                     11101063

         (a) 10-3               (b) 10-2

         (c) 102                (d) 10-6

30.        One kilo mean                         11101064

         (a) 10-3               (b) 103

         (c) 102                (d) 104

31.        One exa mean                           11101065

         (a) 1015               (b) 1012

         (c) 1018               (d) 10+19

32.        The scientific notation of number 0.0023 is expressed                     11101066

         (a) 2.3 x 10-3      (b) 0.023x10-2

         (c) 2.3 x 10-4      (d) 0.23 x 103

33.        Significant figure in 8.70 x 104kg are

         (a) Two              (b) Three         11101067

         (c) Four              (d) Five

34.        Uncertainty may occurs due to11101068

         (a) Limitation of an instrument

         (b) Personal negligence

         (c) Natural variance of the object

         (d) All of the above

35.        The dimensions of acceleration are

         (a) [LT-2]            (b) [LT-3]         11101069

         (c) [LT2]             (d) [L-1T]

36.        The dimensions of weight are 11101070

         (a) [LT-1]            (b) [LT-2]

         (c) [MLT-2]        (d) [ML2T]

37.        The dimensions of angularmomentum are                             11101071

         (a) [MLT-2]        (b) [MLT-1]

         (c) [ML2T-1]       (d) [ML2T-2]

38.        The Dimension  of frequency is11101072

         (a) [LT]             (b) [T-1]          

         (c) [MLT]           (d) [LT-1]

39.        The Dimensions of moment of Inertia are                                         11101073

         (a) [ML2]            (b)  [ML-2]

         (c) [ML3]            (d) [ML]

40.        The dimension of power is:     11101074

         (a) [ML2T-2]       (b) [ML2T-3]

         (c) [ML2T-1]       (d)  [MLT-1]

41.        The value 56.8546 can be rounded off as                                           11101075

         (a) 56.9               (b) 56.8

         (c) 56.7               (d)  56.86

42.        The dimensionally correct equation of E is                                       11101076

         (a) mc                 (b)

         (c) mc2               (d) m2c2

43.        Dimensions of viscosity are     11101077

                                                (Board 2015)

         (a) [ML-1T]        (b) [ML2T-1]

         (c) [ML-1T-1]      (d)[ML-1T-2]

44.        When rounded off upto three significant figures the value 6.835 is written as                    11101078

         (a) 6.83               (b) 6.80

         (c) 6.84              (d) 6.85

45.        Relativistic mechanics is a branch of physics which deals with the bodies moving with velocity               11101079

         (a) More than c  (b) Approaching to c

         (c) Equal to c     (d) Much less than c

46.        Coulomb is defined as             11101080

         (a) As-1               (b) As

         (c) A-1 s              (d) A.m

47.        Which of the following is a derived unit in S.I. units?                     11101081

         (a) Mole             (b) Metre

         (c) Candela        (d) Joule

48.        The First man to write a book on physics was                                  11101082

         (a) Galileo          (b) Newton

         (c) Einstein         (d) Aristotle

49.        One mile is equal to                 11101083

         (a) 1.609 km       (b) 1.510km

         (c) 1.82 km         (d) 1.925km

50.        The unit of pressure is             11101084

         (a)Pascal             (b) Watt

         (c) Joule             (d) Coulomb

51.        A meter rod is used to measure the length the correct order of accuracyof the instrument is       11101085

         (a) 1cm               (b) 0.1cm

         (c) 0.01cm          (d) 1m

52.        The time taken by the light to reach from sun to earth is                11101086

         (a) 1min-20sec               (b)1min-40sec

         (c) 8min-20sec               (d)9min-20sec



53.        One light year is equal to in metres   


         (a) 9.5 x1015                   (b) 9.5x10-15

         (c) 3.1 x 107                   (d) 3.1x10-8

54.        The dimension of impulse is the same as dimension of:                   11101088

         (a) Force             (b) Momentum

         (c) Energy          (d) Power

55.    For total assessment of uncertainty in the final result obtained by multiplication and division:   11101089

(a) Absolute uncertainties are added

(b) Fractional uncertainties are added

(c) %age uncertainties are added

(d) Errors are added

56.    The sum of three numbers, 2.7543, 4.10 and 1.273, up-to correct decimal place is:                                    11101090

(a)8.12                            (b)8.13

(c)8.1273                        (d)8.127

57.    Which of the following is least multiple?                               11101091

(a)Pico                            (b)Femto

(c)Nano                          (d)Atto


Answers to Short Questions


Q1. Write dimension of pressure and force.                                                          11101092

Q2. Name any two units which are after the names of scientist and express theminterms of fundamental units.   11101093

Q3. What is Radian?                        11101094

Q4. What is steradian?                     11101095

Q5.Define Supplementary quantities. 11101096

Q6. Define Significant Figures.        11101097

Q7. Define Scientific notation.         11101098

Q8. Define the term unit.                  11101099

Q9. Define Physical quantities.        11101100

Q10.    What is the Principle of Homogeneity of dimensions?      11101101

Q11.What do you mean by dimension?


Q12.How many types of errors are there?


Q13. How second was defined in 1967?     


Q14. How weight of a body is measured?  


Q15. Define Particle Physics.           11101106

Q16. What is Random error and how it is removed?                                            11101107

Q17.What is systematic error and how it is removed?                                         11101108

Q18. What is error and how it occurs?                                                                   11101109

Q19. What is meant by Prefixes?    11101110

Q20.    Define the term meter.          11101111

Q21. What is light year?                  11101112

Q22. Convert the light year in meters.       


Q23. How many significant figures are in 8000kg and why?                               11101114

Q24. What is a Chip?                       11101115

Q25. Define the term kilogram.       11101116





Vectors and Equilibrium




Multiple Choice Questions


1.            A scalar is a physical quantity which is completely specified by    11102065

         (a) Number                                

         (b) Direction only

         (c) Number with proper unit

         (d) Number with direction

2.            Name the quantity which is a vector 

         (a) Density         (b) Power        11102066

         (c) Charge          (d) Impulse

3.            A vector which has magnitude one is called                                      11102067

         (a) Resultant vector        (b) Unit vector

         (c) Null vector    (d) Equal vector

4.            A vector having same magnitude as that but opposite in direction is called                                11102068

         (a) Unit vector   

         (b) Resultant vector

         (c) Negative of a vector A

         (d) Null vector

5.            When a certain vector A is multiplied by a number ‘n’ the magnitude of resultant vector is equal to   11102069

         (a) ½n + ½      (b) n½ ½

         (c)                   (d)  n +

6.            Two force of magnitude are F1 and F2 perpendicular to each other. The magnitude of their resultant will be   


(a)      (b)

         (c)           (d) Zero

7.            The Fx of force F of magnitude 30N making an angle of 60o with
x-axis, are                                 

         (a) 7N                 (b) 15N

         (c)  5N                (d) 10N

8.            The minimum number of forces of unequal magnitude whose vector sum can be zero is                          11102072

         (a) 1                    (b) 2

         (c) 3                    (d) 4

9.            If a force of 10N makes an angle of 30o with y-axis itsx-component is given by                               11102073

(a) 1.866N          (b) 88.6N

         (c) 5.0N              (d) 8.66N

10.        The forces F 1and F2 acting on a body at an angleq the magnitude of their resultant is given by               11102074





11.        If a force of 10N makes an angle of 30o with x-axis itsy-component is given by                               11102075

         (a)  8.66N           (b) 0N

         (c)  0.776N         (d) 5N

12.        Addition of vector  into a vector  is equivalent to                11102076

         (a)  Multiplication of A and B 

         (b)  Resolution of A and B

         (c)  Product of vector B and A

         (d)  Subtraction of B from A

13.        A vector A is making an angle ‘q’ with positive y-axis then its x-component is given by                                 11102077

         (a)  A sin q         (b)  Acosq

         (c)  A tan q         (d)None of these

14.        The scalar product of two vectors A and B is zero when                 11102078

         (a)They are perpendicular to each other

         (b) They are equal vector

         (c) They are in same direction

         (d) They are in opposite direction.

15.        A vector  and are parallel to each other then                           11102079

         (a)   = AB   (b)   = 1

         (c)        (d)   = -1

16.        For a vector A which oen of the following is correct                        11102080

         (a) = 0         (b)   = A2

         (c) = 1       (d)   = A2

17.              The vector product of two vectors A and B making an angle q is given by       

         (a)  AB sin q      (b)  AB sin q 11102081

         (c) AB cosq        (d) 

18.        If A . B =  o when vector A and B are parallel or anti parallel, then either A or B is a:                 11102082

         (a)Equal (b) Perpendicular

         (c) Null vector    (d) Not zero

19.        If A ´ B points along positive z-axis, then vector A and B must lie in11102083

(a)  y z-plane      (b)  x z-plane

         (c) x y-plane       (d)  x q-plane 

20.        The force F acting on charge particle ‘q’ moving with velocity V in a magnetic field B is given by11102084

         (a)  F = q ( . B) (b)  F = q ( ´ B) 

         (c) F = (d) F = V ´

21.        The cross product of vector A with itself is equal to                                    11102085

         (a)  1                   (b) A

         (c)  2A                (d)Null Vector

22.        If A = A and B = B , then       11102086

         (a)  A. B = A      (b)  A. B = 0

         (c)  A.B = A2     (d)  A.B = B

23.        The dot product . = . = . is:

         (a)  Zero                         (b)  1               11102087

         (c)  -1                 (d) None of these

24.        The cross product ´ is equal to

         (a)  Zero             (b)  1               11102088

         (c)                  (d)  -

25.        If three vector A1, A2 and A3 represented by three sides of triangle taken in order, then their resultant is

         (a)  R = A1 - (A2 + A3)               11102089

         (b)  R = 0           

         (c) R = 1

         (d)R = (A1 + A2) - A3

26.        If A ´ B = o then it is concluded that:


         (a)  A and B are ^ to each other

         (b) A and B are parallel to each other

         (c) A and B are position vectors

         (d) A and B are unit vectors

27.        Torque is a:                               11102091

         (a)  Scalar quantity

         (b)  Vector quantity

         (c) Quantity which produce angular                  acceleration

         (d) Both b & c

28.        The vector form of torque is represented by                         11102092

         (a)  rFcosq          (b)

         (c)  rx q            (d) 

29.        Torque has a maximum value if angle between r and F is 11102093

         (a)  0o                 (b)  30o

         (c)  60o               (d)  90o

30.        The dimensions of torque are 11102094

         (a)  [MLT-2]       (b) [ML2T-2]

         (c)  [ML2T2]       (d) [MLT-1]

31.        If the direction of force applied is reversed, then                             11102095

         (a)  The magnitude of torque remain constant and its direction remain same  

         (b)  The magnitude of torque remain same but its direction is reversed

         (c) The torque remain unchanged

         (d) Both magnitude and direction of the torque are changed

32.        A couple consist of                   11102096

         (a) Two equal and parallel force acting at a point in a body

         (b) Two equal and opposite forces acting at different points on a body

         (c) The point at which whole weight of its body acts

         (d) All of these

33.        Torque = force ´ ……             11102097

         (a) Speed           

         (b) Momentum

         (c) Moment arm

         (d) Arm of the weight

34.        The centre of gravity of the body is   

(a) The center of the body         11102098

         (b)  The point at which the mass of the body is concentrated 

         (c) The point at which whole of the weight of the body act

         (d) All of these.

35.        A body will be in translational equilibrium if                                   11102099

(a)  S  = 0                     (b)  S P = 0

(c)  S  = 0                     (d)  S L = 0

36.        The second condition of equilibrium is satisfied if                           11102100

(a) The vector sum of all the forces acting on the body is zero

(b) The vector sum of all torques is zero

(c) Its linear acceleration is zero

(d)None of these

37.        The body moving with constant velocity is                            11102101

(a)  At static equilibrium

(b)  In dynamic equilibrium

(c) Changing its direction  

(d)  None of these

38.        If when a = b then the angle between  and  will be:11102102

(a) 0o                  (b) 30o

(c) 60                (d) 90o

39.        Body is said to be in complete equilibrium if                                    11102103

(a)  SF = 0 

(b) St = 0

(c) SF = 0 and St = 0    

(d) SF = 0 and St¹ 0

40.        Which of the following is a scalar quantity?                         11102104

(a)  Torque         (b)  Force

(c) Energy          (d) Acceleration

41.        A unit vector is generally represented by                                            11102105

         (a)                   (b) 

         (c)                   (d)

42.        A vector in space has               11102106

(a)  Two components

(b)  One component

(c) Three components

(d) Four components

43.        The reverse process of vector addition is                               11102107

(a)  Multiplication

(b)  Subtraction

(c) Division

(d) Resolution of a vector

44.        The dot product of  with itself is equal to                                      11102108

(a)  A2                (b)  2A

(c) Zero              (d) A

45.        The self cross product of unit vector is                                                          11102109

(a)  Null vector  

(b)  square of magnitude  

(c) Two Times   

(d)  Four Times

46.        Magnitude  of Torque is measured as                                                            11102110

(a)  rF                 (b)  rFsinq

(c) rF Cosq         (d) rF Tanq

47.        If the moment arm about the origin is zero, then torque is             11102111

(a)  Zero             (b)  Maximum

(c) Minimum      (d) Infinite

48.        A body will be in rotational equilibrium If                           11102112

(a)         (b) 

(c)          (d)

49.        The unit vector in the direction of vector  =  is                11102113

(a)  (b)

(c)  One                          (d)

50.        Which of the following is true?

(a)                         11102114




51.        The scalar product of two vectors will be maximum if they are:    11102115

(a) Perpendicular    

(b)  Anti parallel     

(c)  Parallel    

(d)All of these

52.    Resultant of two perpendicular vectors of equal magnitude (say, A) will be:                                  11102116

(a) A                               (b) 2A

(c)  A                        (d) A2

53.     is equal to:(Board 2015)11102117

(a)                               (b) 1

(c)                                (d) 0

54.    Position vector of a point P (a, b, c) in YZ-Plane is given by:                     11102118

(a)        (b)

(c)      (d)

55.    The resultant magnitude of 6N force acting at right angle to a 8N force is:                                                             11102119

(a) 2 N                            (b)14 N

(c)8 N                             (d)10 N

56.    The magnitudes of cross-product and dot product of two vectors are equal, the angle between the vectors is:


(a)Zero               (b) 90o

(c)180o               (d)45o

57.    The direction of vector in space is specified by:                               11102121

(a) 1-angle          (b) 2-angles

(c) 3- angles       (d) 4-angles






Answers to Short Questions


Q1. Define Vector quantities and give examples.                                       11102122

Q2.Define scalars and give examples.11102123

Q3. Define rectangular Components of a Vector.                                     11102124

Q4. What is meant by Resolution of a Vector?                                                      11102125

Q5. Define Unit Vector.                    11102126

Q6. What is Resultant Vector?        11102127

Q7. Define scalar product with example.                                                               11102128

Q8.      Define vector Product with examples.


Q9. Define Torque and give its units.


Q10.    What is moment arm?          11102131

Q11.    What is positive and negative torque?                    (Board 2008)11102132

Q12. What is the direction of torque?


Q13.Show that torque and work have same dimensions.                          11102134

Q14.What is the effect on torque If or  are reversed.                                     11102135

Q15. What is equilibrium?               11102136

Q16. What is static equilibrium?    11102137

Q17. What is dynamic equilibrium?11102138

Q18.What is rotational equilibrium?


Q19.State First Condition of equilibrium.                                      (Board 2015)11102140

Q20. State 2nd Condition of equilibrium.                                        (Board 2015)11102141

Q21.    Under what condition the resultant of two vectors is maximum?                        11102142

Q22.    Under what condition dot product of two vectors is zero? Explain.       11102143

Q23.What is rectangular coordinate system?                                            11102144

Q24.    Can a force directed north balance force directed west? Explain.          11102145

Q25.What is the significance of ? Explain.                                                  11102146

Q26.    Time is directed from Present to future. Is it a vector quantity?            11102147

Q27.    Is vector Product Commutative?   


Q28. What is neutral Equilibrium?             11102149

Q29. Can a body be in equilibrium by the action of single force? Explain.          11102150

Q30.What is meant by arm of couple?                                                                       11102151

Q31. What is couple?                            11102152

Q32. What are like Parallel forces?            11102153

Q33.    What are unlike parallel forces?                                                                     11102154

Q34.    What is effect on a vector when multiplied by a scalar quantity?               11102155

Q35. What is the magnitude of a vector = ? Can it be given somename?                                                           11102156









Multiple Choice Questions

1.                  The rate of change of displacement is defined as                          11103050

(a)  Speed

(b) Velocity

(c) Acceleration

(d) Uniform velocity

2.                  The dimension of velocity is 11103051

(a) [LT]                       (b) [LMT]

(c) [LMT-1]                 (d) [LT-1]

3.                  The change in velocity per unit time is called                                11103052

(a)  Acceleration         (b) Momentum

(c)  Torque                  (d) Impulse

4.                  The SI units of acceleration are


(a) kmsec-2                  (b) cmsec-2

(c) msec-2                    (d) msec2

5.                  When the total displacement is divided by the total time taken, we get                                      11103054

(a) Average distance

(b)  Average acceleration

(c) Average velocity

(d) Velocity

6.                   If the slope of the velocity-time graph is increasing with time at constant rate, it shows that the body has11103055

(a) Uniform negative acceleration

(b) Average acceleration

(c) Positive acceleration         

(d) Uniform retardation

7.                  If the slope of velocity time graph is decreasing with time, the body is said to have                             11103056

(a) Positive acceleration 

(b) Decreasing acceleration

(c) Uniform acceleration

(d) None of these

8.                  Acceleration in a body is always produced in the direction of11103057

(a) Force                      (b) Torque

(c) Momentum            (d) Velocity

9.                  2ndLaw of motion shows the relation between                   11103058

(a) Velocity and acceleration

(b) Mass and velocity 

(c) Mass and acceleration

(d) Distance and acceleration

10.               The dimensions of weight are


(a)  [LT-1]                    (b)  [LT-2]

(c) [ML-1T-2]               (d)  [MLT-2]

11.              Newton’s 2nd law of motion is also called as                                 11103060

(a)  Law of gravitation

(b)  Law of inertia

(c)  Law of acceleration

(d) Law of inertial frame 

12.              The 5kg mass is falling freely with uniform velocity, the force acting on it will be                   (Board 2015)11103061

(a)  5N                         (b)  9.8N

(c) 19.6N                     (d) zero

13.              A cricket ball is hit so that it travels straight up in air and it takes 3 seconds to reach the highest point. Its initial velocity is                11103062

(a)  10ms-1                   (b) 15ms-1

(c)  29.4ms-1                (d) 12.2ms-1

14.              When the climber reaches the top of the mountain                       11103063

(a) His mass is greater 

(b) His weight is greater

(c) His mass is slightly smaller 

(d) His weight is slightly smaller

15.              A mass of 5kg moves with an acceleration of 10ms-2. The force on it is                                      11103064

(a)  10N                       (b)  15N

(c)  50N                       (d) 2N

16.              The inertia of a body is measured in terms of its                           11103065

(a)  Mass                     (b)  Weight

(c) Force                      (d) Velocity

17.              Earth strictly speaking is     11103066

(a) Non-inertial frame

(b) Inertial frame

(c)  References axis frame

(d) Three dimensional frame of          reference

18.               When man jumps off the ground, the reaction force of ground is    11103067

(a)  Smaller than its weight

(b) Greater than its weight 

(c)Equal to the weight

(d) Zero

19.              The product of mass of particle and its velocity is called              11103068

(a)  K.E                       (b) P.E

(c) Linear momentum(d) Force

20.               The S.I unit of momentum is

                                                                (Board 2015)  11103069

(a)  kgms-2                   (b)  kgms-1

(c)  kgm2s                    (d)  kg2ms-1

21.              A particle of mass 6.5 gm moving along x-axis is located at x1 = 15m at t1 = 5 sec  and x2 = 33m at t2 = 13 sec. Its average velocity is      11103070

(a)  2.4ms-1                  (b) 6ms-1

(c)  4.45ms-1                (d)  2.25ms-1

22.              Neutrons are slowed down if the stationary targets are   11103071

(a)  b-rays                    (b)  Photons

(c)  Proton                   (d)  Electrons

23.              A body thrown upward making certain angle with the horizontal and moving freely under the action of gravity is called                  11103072

(a)  Satellite                 (b)  Rocket

(c) Space ship             (d) Projectile

24.              The trajectory of projectile is                                                          11103073

(a)  Straight line          (b)  Parabola

(c) Hyperbola              (d) Circle

25.              During the projectile motion the horizontal component of velocity

(a)  Changes with time            11103074

(b) Becomes zero

(c) Does not change

(d)Increase with time 

26.              When the projectile reaches the highest point of trajectory the vertical component of velocity is


(a)  Small                    (b) Maximum

(c) ViCosq                   (d) Zero

27.              Motion of projectile is           11103076

(a) One dimensional

(b) Three dimensional

(c) Two dimensional 

(d) None of the above

28.              The horizontal range of projectile is                                               11103077

(a)                 (b) 

(c)        (d)

29.              The maximum height attained by projectile is                              11103078

(a)                    (b)

(c)                 (d)

30.              The velocity of projectile is maximum                                11103079

(a)  At half of height 

(b) At highest point

(c) Just before striking the ground and at the point of projection

(d) At one fourth of maximum height

31.              TimeSpan of the long jump of an athlete given velocity depends upon

(a)  Mass of the jumper           11103080

(b)  Angle of jumper

(c) Height of jumper  

(d) Velocity of jumper

32.              If the slope of displacement time graph gradually decreases then the body is said to be moving with    

(a) +ve acceleration                11103081

(b) Uniform velocity

(c) decreasing velocity

(d) None of the above

33.              A snooker ball moving with velocity n collides head on with another snooker ball of same mass at rest. If collision is elastic, the velocity of the second ball is                                   11103082

(a) Zero                       (b)  Infinity

(c) n                            (d)  2n

34.              The horizontal component of velocity of projectile moving with initial velocity of 500ms-1 at angle of 60o with x-axis is equal to 11103083

(a)  Zero                      (b)  500ms-1

(c)  250ms-1                 (d) 1000ms-1

35.              A collision in which both K.E and momentum are conserved     11103084

(a)  Elastic collision 

(b)  Inelastic collision

(c) Both elastic and inelastic  

(d) None of these

36.              If Vi is the velocity of projection and q is the angle which the projectile makes with x-axis then the vertical component of velocity any time t is                                   11103085

(a)  vicosq                    (b) vi sin q

(c) vi sinq-gt                (d) vicosq-gt

37.              In projectile motion horizontal range depends upon                    11103086

38.              (a)  Angle of projection

(b) Initial velocity

(c)  Both initial velocity and angle of projection

(d)None of these

39.              Dimensions of impulse are similar to dimensions of                     11103087

(a)  Work                     (b) Torque

(c)  Force                     (d) Momentum

40.              The ballistic trajectory is the path followed by                             11103088

(a) Powered and unguided missile

(b)Unpowered and unguided missile

(c) Unpowered and guided missile

(d) Powered and guided missile

41.              Powered and guided missiles are used for                         11103089

(a)  Long range

(b)  Medium range  

(c) Short range

(d) Very short range 

42.              Before launch of any rocket the mass of fuel of the rocket is about       

(a)  60% of rocket mass          11103090

(b) 50% of rocket mass

(c) 40% of rocket mass

(d) 80% of rocket mass

43.              A same force ‘F’ is applied respectively on two different masses m1 and m2 moving with acceleration a1 and a2. Identify their mass acceleration ratio      11103091

(a)  =                 

(b)  =


(d) All of these

43.       The speed of earth revolving around the Sun is:               11103092

(a) 210,000 m/s          

(b) 1000 m/s

(c) 9800 m/s               

(d) 29600 m/s

44.       A bullet shot straight up returns to its starting point in 10 sec. Its initial speed was:                           11103093

(a) 9.8 ms-1                  (b) 24.5 ms-1

(c) 49 ms-1                   (d) 98 ms-1

45.       When a ball is thrown straight up, the acceleration at its highest point is:                                            11103094

(a) Upward                 (b) Downward

(c) Zero                       (d) Horizontal

46.       The range of projectile is directly proportional to:                       11103095

(a)                        (b)

(c)                         (d)

47.       The motion of a rocket is in accordance with law of conservation of:                                            11103096

(a)Linear momentum



(d)Angular momentum

48.       When the body moves with constant acceleration, the velocity time graph is:              11103097

(a) Parabola                 (b) Hyperbola

(c) Straight line           (d) Curve





Answers to Short Questions


Q1.      Differentiate between distance and displacement.                        (Board 2015) 11103098


Q2. What are the draw backs with average velocity?                                           11103099

Q3. What is the advantage of instantaneous velocity?                  11103100

Q4. How velocity may change?        11103101

Q5. What is uniform acceleration? 11103102

Q6. What are the uses of velocity time graph?                                          11103103

Q7. What information can be had from the area under velocity time graph?   11103104

Q8. Under what conditions, equations of motion are useful?                              11103105

Q9.What is the acceleration due to gravity?                                              11103106

Q10.What is the limitation with Newton’s laws of motion?                                  11103107

Q11. What is relativistic mechanics?


Q12. What do you mean by inertia? On what factor does it depends?   11103109

Q13.Does a moving object have impulse?                                                              11103110

Q14. What is inertial frame of reference? Give example.                                    11103111

Q15.    Under what conditions, 3rd law of Newton is valid?                                  11103112

Q16. Show that SI unit of linear momentum are Kg ms-1 and N s.         11103113

Q17. Give the general form of 2ndlaw of Newton.                                      11103114

Q18. What is force due to water flow?                                                                   11103115

Q19. What is isolated system?         11103116

Q20.Why the riffle recoils with only a fraction of the velocity of the bullet?


Q21.What is the principle of Rocket propulsion?                                     11103118

Q22. What is the fuel in a rocket?   11103119

Q23.How the problem of mass of fuel is overcomes?                                            11103120

Q24.Calculate the acceleration of rocket.  


Q25.Which one force is responsible for projectile motion?                                 11103122

Q26. What is Ballistic flight?           11103123

Q27. What is Ballistic Missile?        11103124

Q28. Discuss the motion of ballistic missile.                                                           11103125

Q29.What is the effect of friction on ballistic missile?                              11103126

Q30.Describe the trajectory of a projectile.                                                            11103127

Q31. Discuss the actual flights of missiles.                                                              11103128

Q32.Find the dimension formulas for   (i)  Impulse   (ii) Momentum.(Board 2008)11103129

Q33.What is horizontal range? Write its formula.            (Board 2008)                           11103130







 UNIT 4  




Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  When the force is parallel to the direction of motion of the body the work done is?                            11104037

(a) Maximum             (b)Minimum

(c) Infinity                   (d) Zero

2.                  A field in which the work done in moving a body along a closed path is zero is known as                 11104038

(a) Conservative field

(b) Nuclear field

(c) Magnetic field

(d) Electric field

3.                  Which of the following type of force can do no work on the particle on which it acts?                        11104039

(a)  Centripetal force 

(b) Gravitational force

(c) Frictional force 

(d) Restoring force

4.                  If a body of mass 2kg is raised vertically through 2m then the work done will be                    11104040

(a) 50J                         (b) 39.2J

(c) 40J                         (d) 35J

5.                  The rate of doing work is known as

(a) Power        (b)  Energy11104041

(c) Momentum(d) Impulse

6.                  Power is a                               11104042

(a) Fundamental quantity

(b) Vector quantity

(c) Scalar quantity

(d)Neither vector nor scalar quantity

7.                  The dimension of power is

                                                (Board 2015)            11104043

(a) [ML-1T-1]               (b)[ML2 T-3

(c) [ML2T-2]                (d)[ML-2T-4]

8.                  If an agent consumes a power of 1kW in one hour the work done is     

(a) One mega watt hour          11104044

(b) One watt hour

(c) One kilo watt hour

(d) None of these

9.                  K.E depends upon                 11104045

(a)  Acceleration

(b) Power       

(c)  Velocity of body 

(d) Displacement of body

10.              The units of energy are same as that of                              11104046

(a)  Work                     (b) Velocity  

(c)  Power                   (d)  Force

11.              One erg is equal to                11104047

(a)  10+7J                     (b)  10-8J

(c)  10-6J                      (d)  10-7

12.              The work done in lifting a body of mass m from surface of the earth to an infinite distance is            11104048

(a)  K.E           (b) Absolute P.E

(c) Elastic P.E  (d) None of these

13.              Absolute P.E of a body of mass “m” at a distance “r” from earth centre is                                           11104049

(a)  – G                  (b) – G

(c)  – GMe r                 (d)  –

14.              The consumption of energy by a 60 watt bulb in 2 seconds is      11104050

(a)  0.02J                     (b) 130J

(c)  160J                      (d)  120J

15.              Work done by a machine is known as its                                        11104051

(a)  Input                     (b) Efficiency  

(c)  Out put                 (d) Force

16.              Original source of energy for biomass is:                           11104052

(a)  Earth                     (b)  Moon

(c)  Sun                       (d)  Star

17.              The escape velocity on the earth surface is                                            11104053

(a) 11.2 x 103km/sec

(b)  11.2 x 10-3 m/sec

(c) 11.2  x 103 m/sec 

(d) 11.6 x 103(km) /sec

18.              The dimensions of the impulse are same as that                            11104054

(a)  Power                   (b)Momentum

(c) Energy                   (d) Work

19.              The tidal waves are produced due to variations of gravitational pull of

(a)  Stars          (b)  Sun           11104055

(c) Earth          (d) Moon

20.              The energy obtained by tapping the energy from the hot molten areas inside the Earth crust is known as

(a)  Geothermal energy           11104056

(b)  Magnetic energy

(c) Electrical energy

(d) Nuclear energy

21.              Every year the amount of energy from sun, absorbed by Earth is


(a)  5 x 1020kwh 

(b) 42 x 1017kwh 

(c)2 x 1019kwh           

(d) 3 x 1018kwh

22.              A gas filled balloon ascending upward possess                  11104058

(a)  Chemical energy 

(b)  K.E                      

(c) P.E

(d) Both of (b) and (c)

23.              How much energy is produced by burning 1 ton coal in joules?11104059

(a)  30 x 109                (b) 5 x 1028

(c) 1 x 1010                  (d)3 x 1012

24.              The energy released in the fission of an atom of uranium in joules is…..          


(a) 6 x 1022                  (b) 3.2 x 10-11

(c) 10 x 10-11               (d) 6 x 1010

25.              Oil in its natural form is       11104061

(a)  Usable      

(b)  Unusable 

(c) Refined     

(d) None of these

26.              Which of the following is non-conservative force?                        11104062

(a) Elastic spring force

(b)  Electric force

(c) Magnetic force

(d) Tension in string

27.              Work done on a body for increasing velocity results in:

(a) Change in K.E                   11104063

(b) Change in gravitational P.E

(c) Change in electric P.E

(d) All

28.              K.E can be written as           11104064

(a)  mv2                 (b) 

(c)                         (d) All

29.              A man carries a bucket of water of 1 kg for 10m then work done is


(a)  10J                                    (b)  15J

(c) 2.5J                                    (d) 0J

30.              Two bodies A and B of mass 1kg and 2kg respectively have same momentum. Which one has greater KE?                                       11104066

(a)  Cannot be determined

(b)  B

(c) Both have the same K.E

(d)  A

31.              A force acts on a body at an angle of 45° to the direction of motion then change occurs in:            11104067

(a)  Direction              

(b)  Speed

(c) Both aandb

(d) Both speed and direction remain same

32.              If the velocity of the body becomes doubled and mass becomes half then its K.E                                 11104068

(a)  Becomes double

(b)  Becomes four time

(c) Is halved

(d)Becomes eight time

33.              Escape velocity of mass 2kg is 11km/sec escape velocity of double of mass will be:                  11104069

(a)  22km/sec   (b)  5.5km/sec

(c) 11km/sec    (d)None of these

34.              Ratio of dimension of power and K.E                                            11104070

(a)  1:1                         (b)  T:1

(c) M:T                        (d)1:T

35.              All the food you eat in one day has about the same energy as of petrol in liters                                    11104071

(a)                          (b) 

(c)                         (d)

36.              Tides in sea are produced due to pull of                            11104072

(a)  Moon on the Earth

(b)  Sun on the Moon

(c) Sun on the Earth 

(d) Earth on the Moon

37.              Waves in ocean are produced due to                                              11104073

(a)  Tidal movement   (b)  Winds

(c) Both a and b          (d) Sunlight

38.              Value of solar constant         11104074

(a)  1kw/m2                 (b)  1.4kw/m2

(c) 1.4w/m2                 (d) 11 kw/m2

39.              A force of 10Nis required to overcome road friction and air resistance in propelling an automobile at 30m/sec. Power developed by the engine:          11104075

(a) 600W                     (b) 400W

(c) 300W                     (d) 500W

40.              Number of tides observed in 24 Hrsis (are):                                  11104076

(a)  One                       (b) Two

(c) Three                      (d)Four

41.              While passing through the atmosphere of earth solar energy reduced due to                    11104077

(a)  Scattering             (b)  Reflection

(c) Absorption             (d) All of these

42.              Escape velocity depends upon11104078

(a)  Mass of the body 

(b) Radius of the body

(c) Radius of the planet

(d) None of these

43.              Which of the pair always have same direction?                             11104079

(a)  Force, velocity

(b)  Displacement, impulse

(c) Force, displacement

(d) Acceleration, impulse

44.              A body of mass 0.2kg initially moving with velocity 10m/s comes to rest in 1m. How much retarding force acts on it?                11104080

(a)  10N           (b)  20N         

(c) 40N            (d) 200N

45.              Sun is behind all sources of energy except:                                    11104081

(a)  Biomass energy

(b)  Geothermal energy

(c) Hydroelectric energy 

(d) Wind energy

46.       A body of mass 1.0 kg drops from the top of a tower of height 50m, what will be its K.E., 10m below the top?                                               11104082

(a) 490 J                      (b) 19 J

(c) 98 J                                    (d) 980 J

47.       Power can be defined as the product of:                            11104083

(a)Force and displacement

(b)Force and velocity

(c)Force and time

(d)Force and mass

48.       The area under the force-displacement graph represents:                                           11104084

(a)Work done  (b)Power

(c)Torque         (d)None of these


Answers to Short Questions


Q1. Give the examples of Zero work.


Q2. How work is calculated graphically?                                                               11104086

Q3. Give the characteristics of work.


Q4. Give the examples of work done under variable force.                                 11104088

Q5. What is gravitational field? Also discuss the convention for the work done in gravitational field.                         11104089

Q6. What is a conservative field?    11104090

Q7. Discuss the frictional force as a non-conservative force.                               11104091

Q8. What is the commercial unit of electrical energy? Define it.      (Board 2015)11104092

Q9. What are the arbitrary position relative to which the gravitational potential energy is determined? OR what is zero reference level?                 11104093

Q10. What is elastic potential energy?                                                                   11104094

Q11. Define work-energy principle.11104095

Q12.Why the choice of zero point is arbitrary?                                        11104096

Q13. Absolute potential energy = Ug= what does negative sign signify?


Q14.What is the fate of all available energies?                                          11104098

Q15.What is the effect of pull of the moon?


Q16. Give different methods to obtain the solar energy.                                      11104100

Q17. How the solar energy can be stored?


Q18. Give uses of solar cells.            11104102

Q19. What are the sources of geothermal energy?                                                11104103

Q20.    What methods are involved in the extraction of geothermal energy?     11104104

Q21. What is a Geyser?                    11104105

Q22. What are the methods for conversion of biomass into fuels?                      11104106

Q23. When arrow is shot from bow, it has kinetic energy from where does it get the Kinetic energy?       (Board 2008)       11104107






Circular Motion





Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  In two revolutions along a circle of radius r, a point P covers a distance of                                  11105051

(a) 4pr                         (b) 3pr

(c) 2pr                         (d) pr

2.                  If arc distance is equal to radius then angle traced is                   11105052

(a) 300                         (b) 450

(c) 1rad                        (d) 2rad

3.                  If q is the angle traced by an arc of length S then radius r will be         

(a)                (b)                11105053

(c)              (d) None of these

4.                  The relation between arc length and radius is.                              11105054

(a) S = rq         (b)  r = Sq

(c) q = Sr         (d) None of these

5.                  In one revolution the angular displacement covered is     11105055

(a) 60o                         (b) 90o

(c) 180o                       (d) 360o

6.                  The time rate of change of angular displacement is called:          11105056

(a) Linear velocity                 

(b) Linear Acceleration

(c) Angular Acceleration

(d) Angular velocity

7.                  Supplementary S.I. unit of angular Acceleration is:                     11105057

(a) deg/sec2                 (b) rad/sec2

(c) revsec2                   (d) cm/sec2

8.                  S.I. unit of angular Momentum is


(a) Js                            (b) kgmsec3

(c) kgm3s-1                  (d) kgms-2



9.                  The direction of motion of a particle moving in a circle is along the                                           11105059

(a)  Normal                

(b)  Tangent  

(c) Away from centre

(d)  Towards the centre

10.              For a particle moving in a circle of radius ‘r’ with linear acceleration ‘a’ and angular acceleration a the relation is                                 11105060

(a)  a =        (b)  a =        

(c) a = ra         (d) None of these

11.              In angular motion (2 aq) is equal to                                               11105061

(a)       (b) 

(c)        (d)

12.              The force needed to bend the normally straight path of the particle into circle is:         11105062

(a) Gravitational         

(b) Frictional


(d) Centripetal

13.              The work done by the centripetal force is                             11105063

(a)  Minimum             

(b) Zero

(c) Maximum 

(d) Negative work

14.              The mud flies off the tyre of a moving bicycle which is along                                                      11105064

(a)  Tangent                

(b)  Normal

(c) To the centre

(d) None of above


15.              When a ball is rotating in a circular path at the end of string is released, it will move                         11105065

(a)  To the centre

(b)  Away from the centre

(c) Opposite to the motion 

(d) Along the tangent 

16.              The relation for centripetal force is                                                            11105066

(a)  mrw                       (b)  mr2w

(c) mrw2                      (d) mvr

17.              If a mass “m” is placed at a distance “r” from a line then its moment of inertia about the line           


(a)  mrw                       (b)  mr2w        

(c) mr                          (d) mr2

18.              The moment of inertia of a solid disc is                                          11105068

(a)  mr2                     (b) mr2

(c)mr2                       (d) mr2

19.              The moment of inertia of a hoop of mass “m” and radius “r” about its centre is                                  11105069

(a)  mr2                        (b) mr2

(c) mr2                      (d) mr2

20.              The angular momentum is given by                                               11105070

(a)            (b) 

(c)              (d) None of these

21.              The moment of inertia of a solid sphere of radius r about its centre is


(a)  mr2                     (b) mr2

(c) mr2                      (d) mr2

22.              Rotational K.E is given by: 11105072

(a)  I  w2                   (b) I2w

(c) I w                       (d)

23.              The relation for Torque is11105073

(a)                     (b)

(c)                      (d)

24.              Rotational K.E for a hoop is11105074

(a)  mv2                    (b)mv2

(c) mv2                     (d)None of these

25.              Rotational K.E for a disc is  11105075

(a)  mv2                    (b) mv2

(c)mv2                      d) None of these

26.              The value of ‘g’ at the centre of earth is                                     11105076

(a)  Zero                      (b)  Double

(c) Infinite                   (d) Half

27.              The critical velocity of satellite orbiting close to earth is: 11105077

(a)  5.9 km/sec            (b)  6.9 km/sec

(c) 7.9 km/sec             (d) 8.9 km/sec

28.              Two bodies each of mass 4000kg at a separation of 2m, the force between them is                   11105078

(a)  3.34 x10-5 N

(b)  2.7 x 10–4 N

(c) 3.34 x 10-8

(d) None of these

29.              Value of ‘g’ on the surface of moon is                                                         11105079

(a)  0.98 m/sec2

(b)  1.65 m/sec2

(c) 9.8 m/sec2

(d) None of these

30.              The weight of a body at the centre of earth is                                11105080

(a)  Infinite                  (b) Double

(c) Half                        (d) Zero

31.              The value of ‘g’ is maximum at the                                                 11105081

(a)  Equator     (b) Poles

(c) Centre        (d) None of these


32.              Below the surface of Earth towards its centre the value of ‘g’     11105082

(a)  Decreases            

(b)  Increases

(c) Remains constant 

(d) None of these

33.              The weight of a man in an elevator moving down with an acceleration 9.8 m/s2 will be                       11105083

(a)  Negative              (b)  Double

(c) Half                        (d) Zero

34.              Artificial gravity is provided to the satellite by                             11105084

(a)  Velocity

(b)  Weight

(c) Acceleration         

(d) Rotating around a vertical axis

35.              To create artificial gravity, the critical frequency of space station about its vertical axis is            11105085

(a)                (b) 

(c) 2p                (d) 2p

36.              A satellite moving around the Earth constitute:                            11105086

(a)  Non-Inertial frame 

(b)  Inertial frame

(c)  Inertial and non-Inertial  

(d) None of these

37.              Angle of 30o will be in radian

(a)                            (b)    11105087

(c)                             (d) p

38.              A wheel 2m in diameter makes 15rev/min the linear speed of the point on its rim in m/sec is            11105088

(a)  2p                         (b) p

(c)                            (d)

39.              A body can have constant velocity when it follows                            11105089

(a)  Circular path

(b)  Linear path

(c) Trajectory of projectile

(d) Elliptical path

40.              When a body moves in circle the angle between its linear velocity and angular velocity is always:


(a)  Zero                      (b)  45°

(c) 90°                         (d) 120°

41.              A disc rolls down a hill and its speed at the bottom is found to be 11.4m/sec. Height of the hill in metres is nearly:                    11105091

(a)  10m                       (b)  12m

(c) 13m                        (d) 15m

42.              Moment of inertia depends upon

(a)  Mass                                 11105092

(b)  Selection of axis of rotation

(c) Both (a) &(b)

(d) Speed of the body

43.              When the wheel rolls on the slope on inclined plane it has          11105093

(a)  Rotational K.E

(b)  Translational K.E.

(c) Both (a) &(b)

(d) Vibrational energy

44.              Law of conservation of angular momentum is important in11105094

(a)  Diving       (b)  Gymnastics

(c) Ice Skating(d) All of these

45.              Rotational analogue of force is


(a)  Velocity                (b)  Torque

(c) Mass and weight   (d) Momentum

46.              When lift moves downward with acceleration ‘a’ then the apparent value of ‘g’ inside the lift changes to


(a)  g + a                      (b)  g - a

(c) g - 2a                      (d) g + 2a

47.              Net fore acting on a 100 kg man standing in an elevator accelerating downward witha = 9.8m sec-2 comes out to be:                  11105097

(a)  980N                     (b) 580N

(c) 1380N                    (d)Zero

48.       International Telecommunication Satellite Organization operates at microwave frequencies of:11105098

(a) 4,6,8 and 10 Hz

(b) 4,6,11 and 14 GHz

(c) 4,6,8 and 12 Hz

(d) 4,8,11 and 16 GHz

49.       When a body is whirled in a horizontal circle by means of a string, the centripetal force is supplied by:                               11105099

(a) Mass of a body

(b) Velocity of a body

(c) Tension in the string

(d) Centripetal acceleration

50.       If a car moves with a uniform speed of 2m / sec in a circle of radius 0.4m, its angular speed is            11105100

(a) 4 rad/sec                (b) 5 rad/sec

(c) 1.6 rad/sec             (d) 2.8 rad/sec

51.       Weight of a 60kg man in moving elevator (downward) with constant acceleration of g where             11105101

(g = 10 ms-2):

(a) Zero                       (b) 300 N

(c) 600 N                     (d) 200 N

52.       A 1000kg truck is turning round a corner of radius 100m with speed 72km/h, centripetal force is ______N.                                11105102

(a) 4                             (b) 40

(c) 400                         (d) 4000

53.       One Geo-stationary satellite covers a longitude of:                       11105103

(a) 270o                       (b) 120o

(c) 90o                         (d) 360o

54.       The minimum velocity required to put a satellite into orbit is:11105104

(a)5.9 kms–1                 (b)6.9 kms–1

(c)7.9 kms–1                (d)8.9 kms–1

55.       One radian is equal to

                                                (Board 2015)11105105

(a)57.30                           (b)56.30

(c) 360                                (d)58.30

56.       The centripetal acceleration is also called:                                     11105106

(a)Tangential               (b)Radial

(c)Rotational                        (d)Angular

57.       1 rev/min is equal to:     11105107

(a)                  (b)

(c)                       (d)

58.       The dimension of angular velocity are:                                          11105108

(a)                       (b)

(c)                            (d)

59.              The ratio between orbitand escape velocity is:                              11105109

(a)                         (b) 

(c)  2                            (d) 





Answers to Short Questions


Q1. Define moment of inertia.          11105110

Q2. Define Radian.                               11105111

Q3. What is geostationary satellite?11105112

Q4. How much work is done by centripetal force?                                                               11105113

Q5. How linear velocity is related with angular velocity?                                        11105114

Q6. What are supplementary S.I. units and dimensions of angular acceleration?11105115

Q7. What is angular displacement?11105116

Q8. Describe law of conservation of angular momentum.                                    11105117

Q9.What is the relation between radian and degrees?                                         11105118

Q10. You are in an elevator in a high rise building. State when will be your (apparent) weight different from real weight?                                          11105119

Q11. What is torque in terms of moment of inertia?                                             11105120

Q12.What is angular momentum? 11105121

Q13. What do you know about orbital speed?                                           11105122

Q14. What is the frequency of spaceship for artificial gravity?             11105123

Q15. What is the radius for geostationary satellite?                                             11105124

Q16.    Describe the working capacity of INTELSAT VI.                                    11105125

Q17. From the theories presented by Newton and Einstein which one is better and why?                                          11105126

Q18. What is the weight of a body in freely falling lift?                                       11105127

Q19.    What is the minimum time for a low flying satellite to complete one rotation around the earth?                                    11105128

Q20. Explain the relation for rotational Kinetic energy?                                     11105129

Q21. What is the centripetal force in vectorial form?                              11105130















































Multiple Choice Questions

1.                  The drag force increases as the speed of object:                11106034

(a) Decreases  (b) Increases 

(c) Has no effect (d) None of these

2.                   An object moving in a fluid experiences a retarding force called

(a) Drag force                         11106035

(b) Gravitational force

(c) Horizontal force

(d) Centripetal force

3.                  Law of conservation of energy is on the basis of                           11106036

(a) Bernoulli’s theorem

(b) Venture relation

(c) Stoke's Law

(d) Equation of continuity

4.                  Law of conservation of mass gives us the equation of                   11106037

(a) Rate of flow          (b) Continuity

(c) Terminal velocity  (d) Drag force

5.                  The force required to slide one layer over other layer of liquid is measured by                                            11106038

(a) Velocity     (b)  Acceleration

(c) Viscosity    (d) Momentum 

6.                  The drag force F on a sphere of radius r moving slowly with speed v through a fluid of viscosity h is given by                              11106039

(a) 2 phrv                    (b) 3phrv

(c) 4 phrv                    (d) 6p rhv

7.                  Terminal velocity of water droplet of radius 10-4m falling through air of viscosity 19 x 10-6 kg m-1 s-1is:


(a) 4.1 m s-1                 (b) 3.1 m s-1

(c) 6.1 m s-1                 (d) 1.1 m s-1

8.                  Maximum and constant velocity of an object falling vertically downward in a fluid is                             11106041

(a) Vt = (b) Vt =

(c) Vt = (d) Both (a)  and (b)

9.                  An incompressible fluid having no viscosity is called                    11106042

(a) Ideal fluid             

(b) Viscous 

(c) Real

(d) None of these

10.              Terminal velocity of water droplet of radius 10.0cm and density 500kgm3of descending through air of viscosity = 19x10-6 kg m-1 s-1  is:


(a)  0.67 m s-1              (b)  0.57 m s-1

(c) 0.47 m s-1                   (d) 0.37 m s-1

11.              Frictional effect between different layers of fluid is                      11106044

(a)  Velocity   

(b) Viscosity

(c) Acceleration   

(d) Displacement 

12.              Retarding force experienced when speed of object becomes double moving through fluid is            11106045

(a)  Doubled               

(b)  Halved                 

(c) Three times

(d) Four times

13.              The viscosity of air in N s m-2is:


(a) 0.019                      (b) 1.000

(c) 6.29                        (d) 0.19

14.              Pressure of 2 torr in S.I is:    11106047

(a) 286.9N m-2             (b) 200 N m-2

(c) 266.6N m-2                 (d) 133.3 Nm-2

15.              The unsteady flow of fluid is called


(a)  Turbulent              (b) Regular

(c) Streamline             (d) Fast

16.              Pressure will be low where speed of fluid is                                               11106049

(a)  Low                      (b)  High

(c) Constant                (d) Zero

17.              Speed of fluid flow is measured by 

(a)  Galvanometer                   11106050

(b)  Voltmeter

(c) Barometer

(d) Venturi meter  

18.              For an incompressible fluid in steady flow, the equation of continuity is:   




(c) A1v1 = A2v2          

(d)  =

19.              Bernoulli’s equation is written as

(a)  P + rgh = constant           11106052

(b)  P - rv2 + rgh = 0

(c) P + rv2 + rgh = constant

(d) All of above

20.              The product of cross sectional area of the pipe and the fluid speed at any point is                               11106053

(a)  Negative               (b) Zero

(c)  Variable                (d) Constant

21.              The blood pressure is measured by

(a)  Galvanometer                   11106054

(b)  Venturimeter

(c)  Barometer

(d) Sphygmomanometer

22.              When weight and drag force become equal then velocity of the body is                         11106055

(a) Minimum   (b) Terminal  

(c) Variable     (d) All of above 

23.              The effect of decrease in pressure with increase in speed of fluid is       

(a)  Venturi effect                   11106056

(b)  Torricelli effect

(c) Photoelectric effect

(d) Bernoulli’s effect

24.              The fundamental equation in fluid dynamics that relates to pressure, speed and height is                  11106057

(a)  Bernoulli’s equation        

(b)  Continuity equation

(c) Energy equation

(d) Force equation

25.              The viscosity of liquid with rise in temperature                                    11106058

(a)  Increases               (b) Decreases

(c) Remains same(d) None of these

26.              The smooth or steady flow of fluid is called                                   11106059

(a)  Turbulent flow (b) Simple flow

(c) Laminar     (d)Irregular flow

27.              The S.I unit of viscosity is    11106060

(a)  kg m-1s-2               (b) kg m-1s-1

(c) kg m s-1                  (d) kg m-2s-1

28.              The equation F = 6phrv is called

(a)  Newton’s law                   11106061

(b) Drag force

(c) continuity equation

(d) Stokes’ law

29.              The diastolic pressure is equal to about                                         11106062

(a)  115 torr                 (b)  120torr

(c) 80 torr                    (d) 130torr

30.              Which liquid can flow easily?11106063

(a)  Ether                     (b)  Tar

(c) Honey

(d) All flow with same rate

31.              The density of blood is          11106064

(a) Equal to water

(b) Less than water

(c) Greater than water

(d) None of these

32.              Human blood pressure is measured in                                           11106065

(a) N m-2                     (b)  mm of Hg

(c) Pascal                    (d) cm

33.              Body is moving through air in upward direction the net force (F) acting on the body is:

(a)  F = W                               11106066

(b)  F = W - FD

(c) F = FD - W

(d) F = FD + W

34.              The viscosity of the gas with increase in temperature

(a)  increase                             11106067

(b) decrease

(c) remain same

(d) some times increases and


35.              The speed of efflux is measured by the relation                             11106068

(a)                       (b)

(c)                      (d)

36.              The S.I. unit “pascal” is the unit of                                                 11106069

(a)  Viscosity               (b) Pressure

(c) Surface tension      (d) Velocity

37.              The S.I. unit of flow rate is  

                                                    (Board 2015)     11106070

(a)  m3s-1                     (b) m3s-2

(c) m2s-1                      (d) m2s-2

38.              Fog droplet fall down with an acceleration at terminal velocity                                                 11106071

(a) Less than g

(b) Greater than g

(c) Equal to g

(d) Equal to zero

39.              The stokes’ law holds for     11106072

(a)  Motion in free space

(b)  Motion in viscous medium

(c) Motion on horizontal surface

(d) Motion of all types

40.              A flowing liquid has              11106073

(a)  Kinetic energy 

(b)  Potential energy

(c) Pressure

(d) All of above

41.              The word fluid means           11106074

(a) To flow                  (b)  To fall

(c) To rise                   (d) To oppose

42.              1 torr:                                     11106075

(a)  133.3 Nm–2

(b) 13.3 Pa

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these

43.              The term  is                  11106076

(a)  Dynamic pressure

(b)  Stress

(c) Static pressure

(d) All of these

44.              The blood is a fluid which is11106077

(a)  Incompressible                

(b)  Compressible

(c) Non-viscous

(d) All of above

45.              The term rgh in fluid dynamics is known as                                 11106078

(a)  Static pressure      

(b)  Dynamic pressure

(c) rate of flow           

(d) Drag force

46.              A person standing near a fast moving train can fall                     11106079

(a)  Towards train

(b)  Away

(c) No effect

(d)  None of these

47.              The pressure of liquid is high where its speed is                            11106080

(a)  High                     

(b) Low

(c) Constant               

(d) Infinite

48.              When velocity of falling body is zero then acceleration is:           11106081

(a)  Zero                     

(b)  Maximum

(c) Minimum              

(d) Equal to g

49.              For which position the maximum blood pressure is smallest in value     

(a)  Standing                           11106082

(b)  Sitting

(c) Lying

(d) One’s heads

50.              When a fog droplet falls downwith an acceleration then net force acting on it is                                  11106083

(a)  mg = FD                (b)  mg – FD

(c) FD - mg                  (d) Zero

51.       The lower reading of blood pressure is called:                  11106084

(a) Systolic pressure

(b) Diastolic pressure

(c) Normal pressure

(d) Non-normal pressure

52.       The pressure exerted by a column of mercury 76cm high and at 0oC is called:                                     11106085

(a) 1 atmp        (b) 1 Nm-2

(c) 1 pascal             (d) None of these

53.       The maximum drag force on falling sphere is 9.8 N, its weight is:11106086

(a)1 N                          (b)9.8 N

(c)19.8 N                     (d)4.9  N


54.       The mathematical relation,  is known as:          11106087

(a)Equation of continuity

(b)Bernoulli’s equation

(c)Torricelli’s theorem













Answers to Short Questions


Q1.Distinguish between fluid and ideal fluid.                                                        11106088

Q2. What is viscosity?                      11106089

            Q3. What is the effect of viscosity? 11106090

            Q4. What is coefficient of viscosity?11106091

            Q5. What is Stokes’ law?                 11106092

            Q6. What is steady flow condition? 11106093

            Q7. What is ideal fluid?                   11106094

Q8. What do you understand by flow rate of a flow of fluid?                              11106095

Q9. Define equation of continuity.  11106096

Q10. Define Bernoulli’s equation.   11106097

            Q11. What is the relation between speed and pressure of the fluid?                   11106098

Q12. Give few characteristics of human blood.                                                     11106099

Q13.Why blood pressure is measured in torr?                                                      11106100











Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  The wave form of S.H Motion is

(a)  Sine wave                         11107036

(b) Square wave

(c) Pulse

(d) None of these

2.                  Motion of mass spring system is

(a) Angular                              11107037

(b) Circular

(c) Orbital

(d) Simple harmonic

3.                  The motion of a pendulum of a wall clock is                                  11107038

(a)   Angular    (b) Circular

c)   Orbital       (d) S.H. Motion

4.                  In S.H. Motion the acceleration is directly proportional to:        11107039

(a) Displacement

(b)Restoring force

(c) Applied force

(d) Amplitude

5.                  In S.H. Motion the acceleration is always directed                               11107040

(a) Away from mean position 

(b) To the mean position

(c) Along the tangent

(d) None of these

6.                  In SHM the acceleration of object

(a) Remain Constant               11107041

(b) Always decreases

(c) Always increases

(d) None of these

7.                  A mass spring system has maximum possible P.E of 100 J. Its maximum K.E will be 11107042

(a) 100 J                      (b) 50J

(c) 200 J                      (d) 1000 J

8.                  Any type of oscillatory motion is called…                                  11107043

(a) Angular motion

(b) SHM

(c) Orbital motion

(d) None of these

9.                  In an oscillatory motion infriction less medium                                11107044

(a) K.E is constant

(b) P.E is constant 

(c) Total momentum is constant

(d) Total energy remains constant

10.              The body oscillates due to a11107045

(a)  Gravitational force          

(b)  Inertia

(c) Restoring force

(d) Both ‘b’ and ‘c’

11.              Restoring force is always directed  

(a)  To the mean position        11107046

(b)  Away from the mean position

(c) Along the tangent

(d) All of above

12.              What is the length of simple pendulum whose time period is 2 sec at place where g = 9.8m sec2?                                                            11107047

(a)  0.15m                    (b) nearly 1m

(c) 0.35m                     (d) 0.45 m

13.              To and fro motion of a body about its mean position is called     11107048

(a)  Orbital motion                 

(b)  Oscillatory motion

(c) Angular motion

(d) Circular motion 

14.              The force that brings the body to its mean position is called       11107049

(a)  Gravitational force

(b) Frictional force

(c)  Restoring force

(d) None of these

15.              The motion which repeats itself in equal intervals of time is       11107050

(a)  Periodic motion

(b)Orbital motion

(c) Circular motion

(d) Translatory motion


16.              The bob of a simple pendulum when displaced from its mean position and released it executes                  11107051

(a)  Orbital motion                 

(b)  Oscillatory motion

(c) Vertical motion

(d) Circular motion

17.              The frequency and time period are related as                               11107052

(a)  f =                      (b)  f =

(c)f=                   (d) f = T

18.              Time taken to complete one oscillation is called                11107053

(a)  Revolution    (b) Time period 

(c) Amplitude   (d) Frequency 

19.              The number of oscillations per second is called                 11107054

(a)  Revolution (b)  Time period

(c)  Amplitude  (d) Frequency

20.              At the mean position the acceleration of a particle executing S.H.M. is                         11107055

(a)  Maximum             (b)  Minimum

(c) Zero                       (d) Infinite

21.              For a particle executing simple harmonic motion, the displacement at the mean position is            11107056

(a) Maximum              (b) Zero

(c) Negative                (d) Positive

22.              At the extreme position the velocity of the particle is                   11107057

(a) Maximum (b)  Minimum

(c) Zero           (d) None of these

23.              For S.H.M, the maximum displacement from the mean position is                                    11107058

(a)  Amplitude  

(b)  Time period  

(c) Frequency  

(d) Angular displacement

24.              The velocity of a particle executing S.H. M. is v =                         11107059

(a)  xocoswt                 (b)  wxocosw

(c) coswt                     (d) wcoswt

25.              The displacement of a particle executing S.H. M. is                      11107060

(a)  xo sin wt                (b)  xow sin wt  

(c)   sinwt                    (d)  coswt

26.              The time period of projection of a particle moving in a circle is11107061

(a)  T=                    (b)  T=

(c)   T=                   (d)  T=

27.              The S.I. unit of frequency is 11107062

(a)  Radian                  (b)  Hertz

(c) rad/sec                   (d) m/sec

28.              The angular frequency of a body executing S.H. M. is                 11107063

(a)                          (b) 

(c) 2 f                        (d) both a & c

29.              The time period of a simple pendulum is independent of11107064

(a)  Length                  (b) Mass

(c) g                             (d) None of these

30.              The value of sinq is equal to q when q is                                         11107065

(a) Small                     (b) Very large

(c) Large                     (d) Very small

31.              Velocity of a projection executing S.H.M   is:                                           11107066

(a)              (b)

(c)             (d)

32.              The acceleration of mass spring system is equal to:                      11107067

(a)  x                        (b)  - x

(c)                        (d) mkx

33.              In mass spring system, acceleration is proportional to                 11107068

(a)  displacement                    

(b)  spring constant

(c) mass                      

(d) All of these


34.              The vibrational time period of spring mass system is       11107069

(a)  2p           (b)

(c) 2p               (d)

35.              The quantity which indicates the state and direction of motion is                                                           11107070

(a)  Phase                    (b)  Frequency

(c)  Amplitude             (d) Time period

36.              The length of second pendulum is at the surface of moon            11107071

(a) 0.25m                     (b)  0.35m

(c)  0.6m                      (d)  0.16 m

37.              When pendulum is at extreme position, then acceleration is11107072

(a)  Maximum             (b)  Zero

(c)  Minimum              (d)  Negative

38.              If mass of the bob of a pendulum is halved, the time period will be


(a)  Halved                  (b) Double  

(c) One fourth             (d) Unchanged

39.              The time period of a simple pendulum depends upon length and


(a)  Mass         (b)  Velocity

(c) g                 (d) All   of above

40.              The frequency of second’s pendulum is                             11107075

(a)  0.5Hz                    (b) 1Hz

(c) 2Hz                        (d) 4Hz

41.              If length of simple pendulum becomes one fourth then its time period                                      11107076

(a)  Half                       (b)  Twice

(c)  Four Times            (d)  Six times

42.              A system experiencinglarge damping, will have                                11107077

(a) Less sharpness

(b) More sharpness

(c) Same sharpness

(d) None of these


43.              If mass of pendulum decreases then its time period                      11107078

(a)  Decreases            

(b)  Increases

(c)  Unchanged

(d) None of these

44.              The amplitude of lead bob is much greater than that of              11107079

(a)  Rubber bob of small size

(b) Pith ball of small size

(c) Copper bob of small size

(d) None of these 

45.              The K.E of mass is maximum when P.E of the spring is               11107080

(a)  Maximum             (b)  Zero

(c) Positive                  (d) Negative

46.              The oscillation in which amplitude decreases with time is           11107081

(a)  Damped                           

(b) Undamped

(c) Forced 

(d) Simple oscillation

47.              When pendulum is at extreme position then its K.E.                    11107082

(a)  Maximum            

(b) Zero

(c) Negative

(d)None of these

48.              If mass of bob of simple pendulum increases then its time period

(a)  Decreases                         11107083

(b) Increases 

(c) Remains constant 

(d) None

49.              Time period of simple pendulum is directly proportional to       11107084

(a)                 (b) 

(c)              (d)

50.       The frequency of waves produced in microwave oven is: 11107085

(a) 1435 Hz                 (b) 2450 MHz

(c) 1860 MHz             (d) 2850 Hz

51.       If amplitude of a simple pendulum is increased by 4 times, the time period will be:                11107086

(a) Four times (b) Half

(c) Same                 (d) Two times

52.       Which of the following is true:


(a)            (b)

(c)                  (d) all of these

53.       The tension in the string of the pendulum is maximum at:          11107088

(a) Extreme position

(b) Mean position

(c)  Midway extreme and mean


            (d) None of them

54.       Initial phase angle of oscillator when it displacement at  is                                   11107089

(a) 300                         (b) 600

(c)450                          (d)900

55.       The timeperiod of second's pendulum when the mass of bob is doubled.                                   11107090

(a)2sec                         (b)1sec

(c)           (d)

56.       Oscillations of pendulum vibrating in air                                      11107091

(a)free oscillations

(b)Heavily damped oscillations

(c) Forced oscillations

(d) Lightly damped oscillation









Answers to Short Questions


Q1. What is periodic motion?           11107092

Q2. What is restoring force?             11107093

Q3. What is phase?                            11107094

Q4. What is angular frequency?      11107095

Q5. What is K.E of a vibrating mass attached to a spring?                         11107096

Q6. What is resonance?                     11107097

Q7. What is the frequency of second pendulum?                (Board 2009)           11107098

Q8. What happens to time period if mass, in spring mass system, is increased?    11107099

Q9. What is the length of 2nd pendulum?                                                                 11107100

Q10. What will be the effect on time period if mass of bob of pendulum is halved?    













Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  The compressions and elongations are formed in                         11108044

(a)  Mechanical waves

(b) Longitudinal waves

(c) Stationary waves

(d) Transverse waves

2.                  Crests and troughs are formed in

(a) Stationary waves               11108045

(b) Matter waves

(c) Mechemical waves

(d) Transverse waves

3.                  A surface passing through all the points having the same phase at a given instant is called            11108046

(a)  Crest         (b) Trough

(c)  Wave front  (d) Wave length

4.                  Portion of the waves above the mean position is                     11108047

(a) Crest          (b) Trough

(c) Amplitude (d) Wave length

5.                  A one meter long string establishes two loops, waves length of the wave is_____.                                           11108048

(a) 1 m                         (b) 0.5 m

(c) 0.25 m                    (d) 2 m

6.                  The ripple tank is used to study various features of                     11108049

(a) Particle                  (b) Wave

(c) Light                      (d) Sound

7.                  The wave is used to transmit


(a) Mass                      (b) Weight

(c) Energy                   (d) Frequency

8.                  In transverse waves, the particles vibrate                         11108051

(a) Parallel                 

(b) Perpendicular

(c) Opposite   

(d) None

9.                  Transverse waves can’t be produced in                             11108052

(a) metals                    (b) solids

(c) fluids                     (d) gas

10.              Transverse and longitudinal waves are kinds of                           11108053

(a)  E.M waves 

(b)  Mechanical waves

(c) Progressive waves 

(d)  Matter waves

11.              Waves produced over strings are

(a)  E.M wave                         11108054

(b)  Mechanical

(c) Standing waves 

(d) Sound waves

12.              The waves propagated due to oscillation of material particles are         

(a) Sound                                11108055

(b) Mechanical

(c) Electromagnetic

(d)  Partied waves

13.              If amplitude of wave is doubled the energy becomes                    11108056

(a)  Four times            (b) Twice

(c) Half                        (d) Six times

14.              The distance between two consecutive troughs is  11108057

(a)  Frequency

(b) Wave front

(c) Speed

(d) Wave length

15.              The portion of wave below the mean position is called     11108058

(a)  Crest

(b)  Trough

(c) Frequency

(d) Wave length

16.              When a transverse wave is travelling through a denser medium, the phase shift of ______ radian takes place after reflection from rarer medium.               11108059

(a) 0o                           (b) 90o

(c) 180o                       (d) 360o

17.              The mechanical wave in the following is                            11108060

(a)  Sound                   (b)  Light

(c) Heat                       (d)E.M

18.              The nature of water wave is 

(a)  Longitudinal                     11108061

(b)  Electromagnetic

(c) Matter                   

(d) Transverse

19.              The particles of medium in longitudinal wave vibrate11108062

(a)  Along       

(b)  Perpendicular

(c) Upward

(d) Inward

20.              The nature of sound wave in air is 


(a)  Transverse        (b)Longitudinal 

(c) E.M                   (d) Matter

21.              The waves in which vibration of medium particlesis along the direction of propagation are 


(a)  Transverse (b) Sound waves

(c) Water waves(d) Light waves

22.              The ripples produced in still water are example of                       11108065

(a)  E.M waves

(b)  Travelling waves

(c) Sound waves

(d) Heat waves

23.              High frequency radio waves used in radars travel _____ in water11108066

(a)  Few meters

(b)  Few kilometers

(c)  Few centimeters

(d)  No distance

24.              The waves produced due to oscillation of electric and magneticfields are                                 11108067

(a)  E.M waves           

(b)  Mechanical waves

(c) Sound waves 

(d) Light waves

25.              The beats are result of:        11108068

(a) Interference

(b)  Destructive interference

(c) Constructive and destructive interference 

(d) None of above

26.              The path difference is an odd integral multiple of half wavelength is for                                              11108069

(a)  Constructive interference

(b)  Destructive interference

(c) Both

(d) None of above

27.              The path difference is an integral multiple of wavelength in11108070

(a) Constructive interference

(b) Constructive and destructive interference

(c) Destructive interference

(d) None of above

28.              A tuning fork is a source of 11108071

(a)  Light                     (b) Heat

(c) Sound                    (d) Wave

29.              The velocity of sound in vacuum is

(a) 340m/sec                           11108072

(b) 332m/sec

(c) 345m/sec  

(d) 0 m/sec

30.              The sound of frequency lower than 20 hertz is called                   11108073

(a)  Super sonic

(b)  Infrasonic

(c) Ultrasonic

(d) Laser

31.              Audible frequency range for dog is:

(a) 15 – 15,000 Hz                  11108074

(b) 50 – 50,000 Hz

(c) 15 – 50,000 Hz

(d) 150 – 150,000 Hz

32.              Normalhuman ear can listen sound between frequency               11108075

(a)  20-20000Hz         

(b) 15-15000Hz

(c) 20-15000Hz          


33.              The interference in which two waves cancel each other is            11108076

(a)  Constructive (b) Destructive

(c) Both           (d) None of these

34.              At the closed end of an air column  thereexist:                              11108077

(a)  Node                     (b)  Anti node

(c) Crest                      (d) Trough

35.              The distance between two consecutive antinodes is           11108078

(a) l                            (b) 2l

(c)                            (d)

36.              The number of nodes between two consecutive antinodes are:11108079

(a) Two                       (b)  Three

(c) Four                       (d) One

37.              The point of maximum displacement on stationary wave is                        11108080

(a)  Anti node             (b)Node

(c) Trough                   (d) Crest

38.              When a spring under tension is plucked at one end the wave generated is                                11108081

(a)  Longitudinal  

(b)  Transverse

(c) Square

(d) Compressional

39.              The wavelength in terms of frequency and speed is 11108082

(a)  l =         (b)  l =

(c) l =         (d)l = vf

40.              A person moves with a speed half of speed of sound away from stationary source of sound. Then the frequency of sound waves heard by the person will                11108083

(a)  Remain same                   

(b)  Become double

(c) Become half

(d) Become one fourth

41.              As an empty test tube is filled with water, frequency of air column       

(a)  Decreases                         11108084

(b)  Remains same

(c) Increases

(d) Decreases to zero

42.              In which case Doppler’s effect is used                                                    11108085

(a)  Radar  

(b)  Sonar

(c) Speed of stars

(d) All of these

43.              Ratio of the fundamental frequency of an open end and closed end organ pipe of same length is:


(a)  2:1                         (b)  1:2

(c) 1:1                          (d) 4:1

44.              A vibrating string under certain tension produces 100vib/sec when Tension increase 4 times, the number of vibrations per second will become:                                      11108087

(a)  400                        (b)  300

(c) 250                         (d) 200

45.              Energy is not carried by       11108088

(a)  Transverse wave

(b)  Longitudinal wave

(c) Progressive wave

(d)Stationary wave

46.              The minimum length of an open end organ pipe to set up stationary waves is:                         11108089

(a)                          (b) 

(c)                            (d) 2vf

47.              In the formula for finding the speed of transverse wave in the string, the unit of m in SI is            11108090

(a) kg                           (b) kgm

(c) kg m-1                    (d) m kg-1

48.              The wave motion set up in any medium depends upon    11108091

(a)  Elasticity               (b) Inertia

(c) Density                  (d)All of these

49.              Sound waves cannot propagate through                            11108092

(a)  Wall                      (b)  Glass

(c) Wood                     (d)  Vacuum

50.       A set of frequencies which are multiples of the fundamental frequency are called                   11108093

(a) Doppler effect

(b) Nodal frequencies

(c) Beat frequencies

(d) Harmonics

51.       The pitch of sound depends upon: 

(a) Intensity of sound              11108094

(b) Loudness of sound

(c) Amplitude of sound

(d) Frequency of sound

52.       If a string is fixed at both ends vibrates in “n” loops, then wave-length in term of length ‘ ’ of string, is given by:                 11108095

(a)                          (b)

(c)                          (d)

53.       In order to produce beat, the two sound waves should have:      11108096

(a) The same amplitude

(b) Slightly different amplitude

(c) The same frequency

(d) Slightly different frequencies

54.       Which one of the following media can transmit both transverse and longitudinal waves?                  11108097

(a)Solid                       (b)Liquid

(c)Gas                          (d)Plasma

55.       Longitudinal waves do not exhibit:                                                             11108098

(a)Reflection               (b)Refraction

(c)Diffraction              (d)Polarization

56.       The value of  for diatomic gas is:                                                            11108099

(a)1.67             (b)1.40

(c)1.29             (d)Infinity

57.       The oscillations in which amplitude decreased steadily with time are called:                                        11108100

(a)Natural Oscillations

(b)Free Oscillations

(c)Damped Oscillations

(d)Forced Oscillations

58.       Beats can be heard when difference of frequency is not more than:      


(a) 8Hz                        b) 10Hz

(c)  4Hxz                               (d)  6Hz

59.       If number of nodes in open end organs pipes are 'N' then the number of antinodes are             11108102

(a) N                (b) N-1

(c)  N+1          (d) N-2



Answers to Short Questions


Q1. Define electromagnetic waves? 11108103

Q2. What are the mechanical waves?


Q3. What is intensity of wave?        11108105

Q4. What is node?                             11108106

Q5. What is anti node?                     11108107

Q6. What is effect of pressure on speed of sound?                                                11108108

Q7. What is effect of temperature on speed of sound?                                         11108109

Q8. What is effect of density on speed of sound?                                      11108110

Q9. What is condition of path difference for constructive interference?            11108111

Q10. What is condition of path difference for destructive interference?            11108112

Q11. What are the uses of beats?     11108113

Q12. How wave is reflected from denser medium?                                               11108114

Q13. How wave is reflected from rare medium?



Q14. In stationary waves upon what factor does number of loops depend?      11108116

Q15. What is difference between open and closed organ pipe?                           11108117








Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  Wave theory of light was proposed by                                            11109040

(a) Newton                 

(b) Thomas Young

(c) Maxwell               

(d) Huygen

2.                  Light is a source which         11109041

(a) Create energy

(b) Destroy energy

(c) Carry energy

(d) All of these

3.                  Sun emits                               11109042

(a) Infrared light 

(b) Visible light

(c) Ultraviolet light

(d) All of these

4.                  Huygen’s principle is used to explain the                           11109043

(a) Speed of light 

(b) Dispersion of light

(c) Propagation of light

(d) Reflection of light

5.                  What is the frequency of light whose wavelength is 5 ´ 10-7 m?

(a) 5 ´ 10-7 cps                        11109044

(b)  3 ´ 108 cps

(c) 6 ´ 10-4 cps

(d)6 ´ 1014 cps

6.                  The direction in which light energy is carried is called a             11109045

(a) Wave front           


(c) Ray

(d) None of these

7.                  Interference effects of light were detected by                                11109046

(a) Thomas Young 

(b) Newton

(c) Bragg

(d) Maxwell

8.                  The light spread from the point source in the form of                  11109047

(a)  Plane wave front

(b)  Cylindrical wave front

(c) Elliptical wave front

(d) Spherical wave front

9.                  Electromagnetic waves transport

(a)  Energy only                      11109048

(b) Momentum only

(c) Both momentum and energy

(d) Momentum and disturbance

10.              The velocity of light in air or vacuum is:                            11109049

(a)  5 ´ 108 m s-1

(b)  3 ´ 108 cm s-1

(c) 3 ´ 108 ms-1

(d) 3 ´ 1010 ms-1

11.              `Light reaches the earth from sun in nearly                                  11109050

(a)  15 min 

(b)  10 min 20 sec

(c)  8 min 10 sec

(d) 8 min 20 sec

12.              Longitudinal waves do not exhibit


(a)  Reflection        (b) Refraction

(c) Diffraction        (d) Polarization

13.              The distance between two adjacent bright fringes in young experiment depends upon on                  11109052

(a)  Slits separation                

(b)Distance between slits and   screen

(c) Wave length

(d) All of these

14.              One angstrom is equal to     11109053

(a)  10-8 cm                  (b) 10-6

(c) 10-10 m                   (d) 10-8 nm

15.              Diffraction is a special type of11109054

(a)  Polarization                     

(b)  Interference 

(c)  Reflection

(d) None of these

16.              Young’s double slit experiment proves                              11109055

(a)  Wave nature of light

(b)  Particle nature of light

(c) Dual nature of light 

(d) None of these

17.              Two light waves which are not coherent cannot                11109056

(a)  Interference

(b)  Be diffracted

(c) Be polarized in the same plane   

(d) None of these

18.              Which of the following rays cannot be polarized?                         11109057

(a)  Sound waves

(b)  Light waves

(c) X-Rays     

(d) Infrared rays

19.              Huygens’s principle is used to


(a)  Explain polarization        

(b) Locate the wave front

(c) Find the speed of light  

(d) Find the Index of refraction

20.              At a very large distance from a point source we get                     11109059

(a)  An elliptical wave front 

(b)  A cylindrical wave front

(c)  A spherical wave front  

(d) A plane wave front

21.              In Young’s double slit experiment the condition for destructive interference is;                      11109060

(a)  d sinq = (m +  ) l

(b)  dsinq = ml

(c) d sinq = (m -  ) l

(d) 2d sinq = ml

22.              In Young’s double slit experiment the fringe spacing (or fringe width) is equal to                               11109061

(a)                         (b) 

(c)                          (d)

23.              In Young’s double slit experiment, the positions of the bright fringes are given by                             11109062

(a)  ym = (m + 1) l L/d

(b)  ym = m

(c) ym = (m + ½)l

(d) ym =   (m + )

24.              The velocity of light was determined accurately by          11109063

(a) Newton                  (b)  Michelson

(c) Huygen                  (d) Young

25.              Soap film in sunlight appears coloured due to                         11109064

(a)  Dispersion of light 

(b)  Diffraction of light

(c) Scattering of light  

(d) interference of light

26.              A white light beam when passed through a prism is                     11109065

(a)  Deviated               (b)  Diffracted

(c) Dispersed               (d) Polarized

27.              The appearance of colours in thin films is due to             11109066

(a)  Diffraction  (b) Dispersion

(c) Interference (d)  Polarization

28.              When a ray of light enters glass from air                           11109067

(a)  Its wave length increases  

(b)  Its wave length decreases

(c) Its frequency increases     

(d) Its frequency decreases

29.              The blue of the sky is due to11109068

(a)  Diffraction of light          

(b)  Interference of light

(c) Polarization of light

(d) Scattering of light

30.              Newton’s rings are formed due to  


(a)  Diffraction of light 

(b)  Interference of light

(c) Polarization of light

(d) Reflection of light

31.              The phase change of 180o is equal to the path difference of         11109070

(a)  l                           (b)  l/2 

(c) 2l                          (d) 3l

32.              The equation for Michelson’s interferometer is                11109071

(a)  L = 2ml           (b) L = ml

(c) lL = 2m            (d) lL = m

33.              Newton rings are the result of

(a)  Diffraction                        11109072

(b)  Destructive interference

(c) Constructive interference  

(d)  Constructive and destructive interference

34.              Diffraction effect is               11109073

(a)  More for a round edge

(b)  Less for a round edge

(c) More for a sharp edge

(d)  Less for a cylindrical shape

35.              We get light inside a room in a day time due to                             11109074

(a)  Interference          (b)Polarization

(c) Refraction             (d) Diffraction

36.              The wave length of x-rays is of the order of                                           11109075

(a)  10                      (b)  1000

(c) 1                         (d) 100

37.              If 5000 lines per cm are ruled on a diffraction grating then the slit spacing will be                  11109076

(a)  5 ´ 10-3             (b)  0.02m

(c) 2 ´ 10-4             (d) 2 ´ 104

38.              Polarization of light shows that light is                                           11109077

(a)  Corpuscular in nature 

(b)  Of extremely short waves 

(c) Longitudinal waves  

(d) Transverse waves

39.              A Polaroid is                         11109078

(a)  A device used in polarimeter

(b)  A light filter 

(c)A device used to analyze polarized light

(d) All of these

40.              light on passing through a Polaroid is                                                          11109079

(a)  Plane polarized

(b)  Unpolarized

(c)  Circularly polarized

(d) Elliptically polarized

41.              A typical diffraction grating has about 400 to 5000 lines per:11109080

(a)  Meter                    (b)  Millimeter

(c) Nanometer             (d) Centimeter

42.              Electromagnetic waves are produced by                                     11109081

(a)  Accelerated bodies 

(b)  Charges at rest

(c) Accelerated charges

(d) Charges in uniform motion

43.              For getting more order of spectra by diffraction grating 11109082

(a)  Number of lines are increased

(b) Number of lines are decreased

(c) Using polychromatic light

(d) All of these

44.              The path difference “Ds” for constructive interference should be


(a)  Ds=                 (b)Ds = 3

(c) Ds = 5              (d) Ds = ml

where m = 0,+ 1, + 2, +3,……….

45.              Interference produced by the reflected light is destructive if the thickness of the thin film is11109084

(a)  Very small                       

(b) Approximately zero

(c) l


46.              The direction of propagation of light ray is                                   11109085

(a) Parallel to the spherical wave front

(b)  Parallel to the plane wave front

(c) Perpendicular to the wave front

(d) Independent of the plane of the wave front

47.              The conditions for different orders of minima on either side of centre of diffraction pattern of narrow slit are given by                               11109086

(a)  d sinq = 2ml(b)  d sinq = ml

(c) sinq = dml (d) d sinq = m/l

48.              Light can be polarized by    11109087

(a)  Selective Absorption

(b) Reflection

(c) Scattering 

(d) All of these

49.              Polarization of an electromagnetic wave is determined with       11109088

(a)  Electric field vector

(b) Magnetic field vector

(c) Both a & b

(d) Nuclear field vector

50.              We can polarize the light by passing it through                11109089

(a)  Glass                     (b) Polaroid

(c) Prism                      (d) Water

51.              Polarized sun glasses decrease glare on sunny day because they11109090

(a)  Completely absorb the light

(b) Have a special colour.

(c) Refract the light

(d)  Block a portion of light

52.              An unpolarized beam of transverse wave is that whose vibrations


(a)  Are confined to a single plane

(b) Takes place in all direction

(c) Takes place in direction perpendicular to their direction of propogation

(d) Take place in direction parallel to the direction of propogation.

53.              The Bragg’s equation for the diffraction of x-rays through crystals is:                                  11109092

(a) 2d sin q = nl      (b) l sinq = nd

(c) d sinq = 2nl       (d) d sinq = nl

54.              Two sources are said to be coherent if they have                          11109093

(a)  Same amplitude

(b)Same wave length

(c) Definite phase relation with each other

(d) No phase relationship with each other

55.              Light waves are                     11109094

(a)  Transverse waves

(b) Longitudinal  waves

(c) Compressinal waves

(d) Similar to sound waves

56.                              Wave length of red colour is ______ to that of violet colour is:                   11109095

(a)  Equal          (b) Smaller   

(c) Greater        (d)Very much greater

57.              Precision of Michelson interferometer is                  11109096

(a)  100 nm      (b) 10-4 mm

(c) 10-6 m        (d) Both (a)and(b)

58.              1,55,3163.5 wavelengths of red cadmium light is equal to            11109097

(a)  1mm                      (b) 1nm

(c) 1mm                       (d) 1m

59.              In Michelson interferometer if the moveable mirror is moved by  then the path difference between two waves will be               11109098

(a)  l                           (b)

(c)                            (d)

60.              Optically active crystals are11109099

(a) Quartz                               

(b) Sodium Chlorate

(c) NaCl

(d) Both(a) and (b)

61.       When one mirror of a Michelson interferometer is moved a distance of 0.5mm, 2000 fringes are observed. The wave length of light used is                                                     11109100

(a) 5000m                    (b) 5000

(c) 500cm                    (d) 2000

62.       The process of confining the beam of light to vibrate in one plane is called:                                          11109101

(a) Interference

(b) Diffraction

(c) Polarization

(d) Total internal reflection

63.       Bending of light around the edges of an obstacle is called:           11109102

(a) Refraction

(b)  Polarization

(c)  Interference

(d)  Diffraction






Answers to Short Questions


Q1. What are the optically active crystals? 


Q2. Why central spot of Newton Rings is dark?                                                   11109104

Q3.What is the advantage of using diffraction grating?                           11109105

Q4. Give the uses of X-ray diffraction by crystal.                                                 11109106

Q5. 4000 lines/cm has been ruled on a diffraction grating find its grating element.


Q6. Name three processes which confirms the wave theory of light.                  11109108

Q7.When interference of light takes place in thin film the path difference depends upon two factors, what are those?       11109109

Q8. What is the function of polarizer and analyzer?                                                11109110

Q9. What do you mean by Polaroid?

                                    (Board 2008)           11109111


Q.10    What are the two differences between interference and diffraction?(Board 2008)11109112          







































Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  Power of any lens would be exactly one diopter when its focal length is

(a) 0.1m           (b) 0.1cm         11110036

(c) 1.0 cm        (d) 1.0m

2.                  The diameter of a lens is called       

(a)Focal length                        11110037

(b) Principle axis

(c) Optical centre

(d) Aperture

3.                  Least distance of distinct vision for normal human eye is                        11110038

(a) 25m                        (b) 25cm

(c) 25mm                    (d) Infinity

4.                  The resolving power of diffraction grating of “N” number of rulings is expressed as                          11110039

(a)  R = N+m         (b) R=

(c) R = Nm            (d) None of these

5.                  The unit of power of a lens is

(a) Metre         (b)  Watt         11110040

(c) Newton      (d) Diopter

6.                  Michelson’s equation for speed of light is                                      11110041

(a) c = 16 fd                (b) c = 

(c) c = fd/16                (d) c = fl

7.                  Which of the following cannot produce real image                       11110042

(a) Concave lens(b) Convex lens

(c) both           (d) None of these

8.                  The focal length of a convex lens is            

(a) Negative                            11110043

(b)  Positive

(c) Either positive or negative 

(d)  Neither positive nor negative

9.                  Ratio of focal length of objective to the focal length of eye-piece is equal to magnification of:                        11110044

(a) Telescope               (b) Microscope

(c) Spectrometer         (d) None

10.              Image formed by a Concave Lens is


(a)  Virtual, erect and equal in size to the object

(b)  Virtual, erect and small in size to the object

(c) Real, inverted and diminished

(d) Real, inverted and magnified

11.              Diameter of multimode graded index fiber is                                11110046

(a)  50-1000mm        (b) 50mm

(c) 5mm                    (d) None of these

12.              If Magnifying power of lens is 3 then, its focal length                   11110047

(a)  25cm                     (b)  12.5cm

(c) 5cm                        (d) 3cm

13.              1.33 is the refractive index of11110048

(a)  Air                        (b) Water

(c) Vacuum                 (d) Glass

14.              When object is, in between convex lens and its focus, the image formed is                                            11110049

(a)  Always real and erect image

(b)Always virtual and inverted image

(c) Always real and inverted image

(d) Virtual and erect.

15.              If Focal length of a lens is 5cm then power of lens in dipoter is11110050

(a)  5                (b)  10

(c) 15               (d) 20

16.              Linear magnification is given by the ratio of                                 11110051

(a)Size of the object/size of the   image

(b)Size of the image/Size of the object

(c) Size of the object / focal length

(d) Size of the image / focal length

17.              If a single convex lens is placed close to eye, then it is being used as                                                       11110052

(a) Telescope              (b) Microscope            (c)Magnifying glass

(d) None of these

18.              The magnifying power of a simple microscope (magnifying glass) is


(a)  M = 10 + f/d         (b)  M = 1-f/d

(c) M = 1+d/f              (d) fo / fe

19.              The length of anAstronomical telescope is given by                             11110054

(a)  fo + fe                   (b)  fo - fe

(c) 1/fo - 1/fe                (d) 1/fo+1/fe

20.              In Astronomical telescope, eye– piece is a                          11110055

(a)  Convex lens  

(b) Concave lens

(c) Concave mirror   

(d)Plano-concave lens

21.              In terrestrial telescope, the number of lenses are used                 11110056

(a)  2                            (b)  4

(c) 3                             (d) 1

22.              A spectrometer is used to study

(a)  Spectrum                          11110057

(b)  Crystal

(c) Refractive index of a medium   

(d) Both (a) and (c)

23.              In single mode step index fibre, light used is                                  11110058

(a)  White

(b)  Monochromatic

(c) Blue

(d) Red & Blue

24.              A spectrometer is used to find


(a)  Wave length of light        

(b)  Refractive index of the prism 

(c)Wave length of different colours

(d) All of these 

25.              In spectrometer the collimator is used to                           11110060

(a) Convert divergent ray into parallel rays

(b)  Disperse the beam

(c)Reflect the beam  

(d) None of these

26.              What is the value of angle traversed by octagonal mirror during the time in which reflected ray make one round trip?                       11110061

(a)                  (b) 

(c)                  (d)

27.              Snell’s law is given as           11110062

(a)  n12 =                  

(b)  n12 =

(c) n1 sinq1 = n2 sinq2

(d) All of these

28.              The resolving power is expressed by a formula                             11110063

(a) R = 1.22 (b)  R= 1.22 

(c) R = 1.22 (d) R

29.              In case of diffraction grating the resolving power R is given as11110064

(a)  R =      (b)  R =

(c) R =       (d) R =

30.              In compound microscope the focal length of objective is             11110065

(a)  Small

(b)  Large

(c) Very large

(d) Both (a) and (b)

31.              The scientist who made first attempt to measure the speed of light was                        11110066

(a)  Huygen                 (b)  Galileo

(c)  Young                   (d) Newton

32.              Speed of light in vacuum or in air is

(a)  3 ´ 109 ms-1                      11110067

(b) 3´108ms-1

(c) 3 ´ 1010 ms-1         

(d) 3 ´ 107ms-1

33.              An optical fibre with its protective case may be typically 11110068

(a)  6.0 cm                   (b)  6 mm

(c) 7.62 cm                  (d) 7 mm

34.              Totally confined light in optical fiber is obtained by       


(a)  Total internal reflection 

(b)  continuousrefraction

(c) Both (a) and (b) 

(d) None of these

35.              For glass-air boundry, the value of critical angle qC                           11110070

(a)  41.5o                     (b)  41o

(c) 41.8o                      (d) 41.2o

36.              How many types of optical fibres are?                                           11110071

(a)  Two types             (b)  Three types

(c) Four types              (d)  Onetype

37.              Types of optical fibres are    11110072

(a)  Single mode graded index

(b)  Multi mode step index

(c)Multi mode graded index  

(d) All of these

38.              The diameter of single mode step fibre core is                               11110073

(a)  10mm                    (b)  30mm

(c) 5mm                       (d) 100mm

39.              How many TV channels can be carried by single mode step index fibre                                                11110074

(a)  10                          (b)  12

(c) 14                           (d) 16

40.              The light emitted from LED has a wave length       (Board 2015)11110075

(a)  1.3mm                   (b)  1.2mm

(c) 1.4mm                    (d) 1.5mm

41.              Digital modulation is expressed as

(a)  Megabits                           11110076

(b)  Bits

(c) Tera bits

(d) Both (a) and (b)

42.              The unit of magnifying power is

(a)  J                                        11110077


(c) Watt                      

(d)Has no unit

43.              Light entering glass will not suffer change in                                11110078

(a)  Frequency (b) Wave length

(c)  Velocity    (d) Direction

44.              Which of the following gives erect image?                         11110079

(a)  Simple microscope

(b) Galilean telescope 

(c) Terrestrial telescope

(d)  All of these

45.              Which of the following is the optical instrument?                         11110080

(a)  Sphygmomanometer

(b)  Telescope

(c) Venturimeter

(d) None of these

46.              Chromatic aberration is found in

(a)  Mirror only                       11110081

(b)  Lenses only

(c) Both in mirror and lenses  

(d) None of these

47.              The focal length ‘f’ and radius of curvature are related by         11110082

(a)  f = 2R       (b) R = 2f

(c) R = f          (d) None of these

48.              If we know refractive index of glass, the speed “v” of light in the glass can be found by                           11110083

(a)  v = nc                    (b) v =

(c) v =                      (d) v = c + n 

49.              A ray of light passing from a denser to rarer medium                  11110084

(a)  Bends towards normal

(b) Bends away from a normal

(c) Suffers no change in direction

(d) None of these

50.              When a ray of light enters from a medium of high refractive index to that of lower refractive index, speed of light                          11110085

(a)  Decreases             

(b) Increases

(c) Is not effected

(d) None of these

51.              Material having high refractive index has                         11110086

(a)  Low density

(b) High density

(c) Zero density

(d) Very low density

52.              In optical fibre ______ waves acts as transmission carrier waves                                                           11110087

(a)  Light                     (b) Sound

(c) Mechanical            (d) Heat

53.              We know that q2 = 90° when
q1 = qc, then Snell’s law takes the form                                          11110088

(a)  Sin qc =

(b) Sin qc = n1 n2

(c) Sinqc

(d) None of above

54.              High energy x-rays and radio waves differ in                                11110089

(a) Speed                    

(b) Frequency

(c) Wave length

(d) Both (b) & (c)

55.       The optical fiber is covered for protection by a                 11110090

(a) Glass Jacket

(b) Plastic Jacket

(c) Copper Jacket

(d) Aluminum Jacket

56.       If magnifying power of magnifying glass is 3, then focal length will be:

(a) 25 cm                                 11110091

(b) 12.5 cm                  (c) 5 cm          

(d) 3 cm

57.       Inthe newer systems of fiber optics, signals are regenerated by placing repeaters, which may be separated by as much as:                 11110092

(a)30 km                      (b)50 km

(c)100 km                    (d)500 km

58.       The final image formed by simple microscope is:             11110093

(a)Virtual and inverted

(b)Virtual and erect

(c)Real and erect

(d)Real and inverted

59.       The refractive index of water is 1.33. The speed of light in water is:


(a)   (b)

(c) (d)Zero

60.       A layer over the central core of the fiber is called:                        11110095

(a)Jacket                      (b)Plastic

(c)Cladding                 (d)Rubber

61.       Magnifying power of telescope is:  


(a)                         (b)

(c)             (d)





Answers to Short Questions


Q1. Certain optical fibre has core and cladding. Which part has lower refractive index?                                                       11110097

Q2. What is the condition for the source of light to become visible in Michelson rotating mirror method?                        11110098

Q3. What is the repeater? Why is it necessary in the optical fibre communication system?                                               11110099

Q4. What are major components of optical fibre communication system?        11110100

Q5. Mention two points of preference of light waves over radio wave for carrying the communication signal.             11110101

Q6. What change is useful for increasing the efficiency of telescope?                 11110102

Q7.What is spectrometer? Give its two uses.                                 (Board 2015)     11110103

Q8. Audio signal is modulated and after passing an optical fibre it is decoded.What is meant by this?                                     11110104

Q9. Define refractive index. (Board 2008)11110105

Q10. What is Snell’s law?(Board 2008)11110106

Q11. Why objective of short focal length is preferred for Microscope?(Board 2008)11110107



























Multiple Choice Questions


1.                  According to kinetic theory of gases, a finite volume of a gas consists of very:              11111053

(a) Large number of molecules

(b) Small number of molecules

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

2.                  According to kinetic theory of gases, the size of the molecule is        11111054

(a) Much smaller than the separation between molecules 

(b) Much larger than the separation between molecules

(c) Both (a) and (b)    

(d) None

3.                  The gas molecules are in      11111055

(a) Linear motion 

(b) Random motion

(c) Brownian motion

(d) Circulatory motion

4.                  Collision between gas molecules are perfectly                               11111056

(a)Inelastic                  (b) Elastic

(c) Neither elastic nor inelastic          

(d) All of these

5.                  The expression for the pressure exerted by a gas is                      11111057

(a)<½ mv2>

(b)  No<½ mv2>

(c) No<½ mv2>

(d) No R <½ mv2>

6.                  Pressure of a gas is directly proportional to average        11111058

(a) Potential energy 

(b) Rotational energy

(c) Translational K.E

(d) Compressed P.E

7.                  The expression for ideal gas law is 

(a) PV = nRT                          11111059

(b)   = nR

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None of these

8.                  “R” is called                                   11111060

(a) Universal constant

(b) Universal per molecule constant

(c) Universal gas constant

(d) All of the above

9.                  The value of “R” is                11111061

(a) 8.314 J.mol-1K-1   

(b) 8314J (kmol)-1(K)-1

(c) Both (a) and (b)    

(d)  None of these

10.              k = , Where k in called    11111062

(a)  Rydsburg constant

(b)  Boltzman constant

(c) Stefan constant 

(d) Planck’s constant

11.              The value of Boltzman constant is  

(a)  1.38 x 1023 J.K-1                    11111063

(b)  1.8 x 10-21 J.K-1

(c) 1.38 x10-23 J.K-1

(d) 1.38 x 10-25 J.K-1

12.              The expression for absolute temperature of a gas is         11111064

(a)  <½ mv2>(b)k<½ mv2>

(c) <½ mv2>(d)<½ mv2>

13.              Boyle’s law states that “the volume of a given mass of a gas is_____.”


(a)  Directly proportional to temperature

(b)  Inversely proportional to temperature

(c) Directly proportional to density

(d) Inversely proportion to pressure

14.              The expression for Boyle’s law is

(a)  V µT                                11111066

(b) P.V= constant

(c) Both (a) and (b)

(d) None

15.              Charles’ law states that the volume of a given mass of a gas       11111067

(a)  Directly proportional to pressure 

(b) Directly proportional to temperature

(c) Proportional to density 

(d) Inversely proportional to temperature 

16.              The expression for Charles’ law is

(a)  V µ T                               11111068

(b)   = constant 

(c)= constant

(d) both(a)&(b)

17.              Temperature of human body on Kelvin scale is                11111069

(a) 273 K                     (b) 373 K

(c) 310 K                     (d) 326 K

18.              Hotness or coldness of an object is expressed in the terms of      11111070

(a)  Heat                                             

(b)  Temperature

(c) Thermal energy

(d) Chemical energy

19.              Something which flows from a hot body to cold body is known as

(a)  Specific heat                     11111071

(b)  Internal energy

(c) Temperature

(d) Heat

20.              In all natural processes where heat flows from one system to another, there is always a net increase in                                                         11111072

(a)  Pressure                (b)  Volume

(c) Entropy                  (d) Work

21.              The efficiency of carnot engine is always                                       11111073

(a)  Greater than real engine 

(b) Less than real engine

(c) Equal to the real engine    

(d) None of these

22.              Mercury thermometer was invented by                                            11111074

(a)  Rutherford            (b)  Joule

(c) Lord Kelvin           (d) Faraday

23.              Efficiency of diesel engine is:                                                           11111075

(a)  35% to 40%          (b)25% to 30%

(c) 40% to 50%           (d)50% to 60%

24.              In temperature scales, one hundred centigrade degrees are equal to    

(a)  373 K                                11111076

(b)  273 K                   (c) 180oF

(d) 100oF

25.              A gas molecule ‘x’ moving with speed 100 m/s suffers elastic collision with another molecule ‘y’ of the same gas which is moving with the speed 150m/s, than after collision.                                 11111077

(a)  speed of both molecules will be 125 m/s

(b) speed of ‘y’ will be 125 m/s

(c)speed of ‘x’ molecule will be 125 m/s

(d) speed of ‘x’ molecule will be 150 m/s

26.              Which one is not an isothermal change                              11111078

(a) melting of solid

(b)  boiling of liquid

(c) bursting of bicycle tyre

(d) Slow of expansion of gas

27.              The kinetic molecular theory of gas suggests that average K.E. per molecular is:                                11111079

(a)                     (b)  kT

(c)                     (d) 2kT

28.              The efficiency of carnot engine depends upon                   11111080

(a)  Sink temperature 

(b) Source temperature

(c) both a & b             

(d) The working substance

29.              400J of heat causes the change in internal energy equal to 300J, Then work done is                           11111081

(a)  100J                      (b) 200J

(c) 300J                       (d) 400J

30.              The temperature of normal human body is 98.6oF. The temperature on degree centigrade scale is            11111082

(a)  0oC                       (b) 37oC

(c) 57oC                       (d) 30oC

31.              The sum of all forms of molecular energies of substance is termed as   

(a) Kinetic energy                   11111083

(b) Potential energy

(c) Internal energy

(d) None

32.              Internal energy of a substance, is directly proportional to           11111084

(a) Temperature          (b)  Heat

(c) Pressure                 (d) Volume

33.              Internal energy is similar to the

(a)  Elastic P.E                        11111085

(b) Gravitational P.E

(c) K.E 

(d) All of these

34.              If amount of heat enters into the system, the internal energy11111086

(a) Increases               

(b) Decreases 

(c) Remains the same

(d) None of these

35.              Work done by the system is taken as                                                          11111087

(a)  Positive

(b)  Negative

(c) Remains constant

(d) None of these

36.              What can be calculated from the curve under PV graph?           11111088

(a)  Heat 

(b)  Temperatures

(c) Work done

(d) Force

37.               The expression Q = (u + W)  is the mathematical representation of


(a)  1stlaw of thermodynamics

(b)  2ndLaw of thermodynamics 

(c) Internal energy 

(d) Zero law of thermodynamics


38.              The process which is carried out at constant temperature is called

(a)  Adiabatic process                         11111090

(b)  Isothermal process

(c) Isochoric process

(d) Isobaric process

39.              The expression of 1st lawof thermodynamic for isothermal process is                            11111091

(a)  Q = Du      (b)  Du = W

(c) Q = W        (d)None of these

40.              The process in which no heat enters or leaves the system is known as  

(a)  Isothermal process            11111092

(b)  Adiabatic process

(c) Isochoric process  

(d) Isobaric process

41.              The expression of Ist Law of Thermodynamics for adiabatic process is                                  11111093

(a)  Q = Du + w          

(b)  W = - Du

(c) Q = W                   

(d) Q = Du

42.              Adiabatic change occurs when the gas expands or compressed11111094

(a)  Slowly                  (b)  Rapidly

(c) Gradually               (d) Moderately

43.              g  is the ratio of the molar specific heat capacities of the gas and is equal to                              11111095

(a)                          (b) 

(c) (cpcv)                      (d) R

44.              The curve representing an adiabatic process is called      11111096

(a)  Isotherm  

(b)  Adiabat

(c) Both of these  

(d) None of these

45.              What will be efficiency of Carnot engine when it is operated between 47°C and 127°C?                    11111097

(a)  20%                      (b)  50%

(c) 60%                       (d) 75%

46.              The unknown temperature T on the thermodynamic scale in Kelvin is given by the formulae            11111098

(a)  T = 273.16

(b)  T = 273.16

(c) T = 100

(d) All of these

47.              No entropy change is associated with                                                            11111099

(a)  Isothermal process

(b)  Adiabatic process

(c) Isobaric process

(d) Isochoric process

48.              The process in which entropy remain constant is              11111100

(a)  Reversible cycle process

(b)  Irreversible cycle process

(c) Both a & b

(d) None of these

49.              Change in entropy is maximum when temperature of source is _______ that of sink                   11111101

(a)  Greater than          (b)  Less than

(c) Equal to                 (d) Zero

50.              cp – cv and  are respectively equal to                             11111102

(a)              (b) 

(c) (R, g)                      (d) (R, g-1)

51.       A system does 600J of work and at the same time has its internal energy increased by 320J. How much heat has been supplied?

                                                (Board 2015)  11111103

(a) 280 J                      (b) 920 J

(c) 600 J                      (d) 200 J

52.       Which is/are true for adiabatic process:                             11111104

(a) = constant

(b) = constant

(c) PV = constant        (d) both a & b

53.       Working cycle of a typical petrol engine consists of:                    11111105

(a)Two strokes           

(b)Four strokes

(c)Six strokes             

(d)Eight strokes

54.       The value of triple point of water is:                                                           11111106

(a) 373.16 K                (b)273.16 K

(c)212 K                      (d)100 K

55.       The efficiency of a petrol engine is about:                                      11111107

(a)25 – 30%                (b)30 – 35%

(c)35 – 40%                (d)40 – 45%

56.       Which is not example of adiabatic process?                                   11111108

(a)Rapid escape of air from burst tyre

(b)Rapid expansion of air

(c)Conversion of water into ice in      refrigerator

(d)Cloud formation in the atmosphere

57.       Carnot cycle is:                      11111109

(a)Reversible   (b)Irreversible

(c)Both            (d)None of these

58.       Number of spark plugs needed in the diesel engine is:              11111110

(a) 0                             (b) 1

(c) 2                             (d) 3



Answers to Short Questions


Q1. There is a huge reservoir of energy in ocean but we cannot use it. Explain.


Q2. Give four examples of a natural process that involve an increase in entropy.                                            11111112

Q3. What is difference between universal gas constant and Boltzman constant?


Q4. Is heat energy is a state variable? Explain.                                         11111114

Q5. Why must more work be done when gas is heated at constant pressure than constant volume?                         11111115

Q6. What is the effect on efficiency of carnot engine, if temperature of the sink only is decreased?                           11111116

h = 1 -  =

Q7. What is the triple point of water? Define the unit Kelvin on this base.   

                                                (Board 2015)           11111117

Q8. What is the limitation of 1st law of Thermodynamic which is covered by II law?                                                                   11111118

Q9. What is net change in the Entropy of a system when a Carnot cycle is completed?


Q10. What is meant by metabolism? Apply 1st law of thermodynamic to explain it.                                                                11111120

Q11. Why does the temperature drop in expansion?                                                11111121



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