11th Math Objective + Short Questions


Unit 1








Q.1      Define rational and irrational numbers.                (Board 2014)       11901001

Q.2      Properties of Real Numbers     11901002

Example:2, 3 Î R Þ  2 + 3 = 5 Î R     11901003

Example:        2, 3, 4 Î R                   11901004

Q.3      Write any two properties of equality of real numbers.                             11901005

Q.4      Which of the following sets have closure property w.r.t addition and multiplication?                    11901006 (i)    {0}                      (ii)       {1}

      (iii)  {0, -1}                      (iv)       {1, -1}

Q.5      Define complex number and conjugate of a complex number.    11901007

Q.6      Simplify the following           11901008

(i)(-i)-19           11301097 (ii)(-1)        11901009

Q.7      Write in terms of i                 11901010 (i)b           11301100 (ii)           11901011

(iii)     11301102 (iv)        11901012

Q.8      Simplify the following (7, 9)+(3, -5)                                                           11901013

Q.9      Simplify (8, -5) - (-7, 4)       11901014

Q.10    Simplify (2, 6) . (3, 7)            11901015

Q.11    Simplify (5, -4) . (-3, -2)     11901016

Q.12    Simplify (0, 3) . (0, 5)            11901017

Q.13    Simplify (2, 6) ¸ (3, 7)           11901018


Q.14    (5, - 4) ¸( -3, - 8)                  11901019

Q.15    Prove that the sum as well as the product of any complex number and its conjugate is a real number.                11901020

Q.16    Find the multiplicative inverse of each of the following numbers:    11901021

(i)    (–4,7)  11901022       (ii)  11901023

(iii)  (1,0)    11901024

Q.17    Factorize the following 11901025

(i) a2 + 4b11901026     (ii) 9a2 + 16b2 11901027

(iii) 3x2 + 3y2                                                  11901028

Q.18    Separate into real and imaginary parts (write as a simple complex number): 11901029

(i)            11901030 (ii)     11901031

(iii)            11301132

Q.19    Define modulus of a complex number.                                           11901033


Q.20    Theorems:  " z, z1, z2Î C.    11901034

(i)   |-z|  =  |z|  =  ||  =  |-|    11901035

(ii)  = z          11301127 (iii)z = |z|2       11901036

(iv) =1 + 2                      11901037

(v)  = ,  z2¹ 0              11901038

(vi) |z1 . z2| = |z1| . |z2|              11901039

Q.21    Show that


Q.22    Express the complex number  in polar form.                                            11901041



Q.23    Find the multiplicative inverse of the following numbers:                                   11901042

            (i)         - 3i                              11901043

            (ii)  1 - 2i                                 11901044

      (iii)             -3 -5i                         11901045

      (iv)   (1, 2)                         11901046

Q.24    Simplify                                 

(i)   i101 (Board 2008)                       11901047

(ii)  (-ai)4, a Î R                                 11901048

(iii) i-3 (Board 2014)                                       11901049

(iv) i-10                                                                11901050

Q.25    Prove that  = z iff z is real 11901051

Q.26 Simplify by expressing in the form a+bi                                                        11901052

(i)    5 + 2                                    11901053

(ii)                    11901054

(iii)                                 11901055

(iv)                                   11901056


Q.27 (i)Show that " z Î C,Z2+is a       real number.                          11901057

(ii)  Show that (Z-)2 is a real number for all z Î C.                                           11901058




Multiple Choice Questions


1.         A number which cannot be written in the form , where p and q are relatively prime integers and q ¹ 0 is called the: 11901059

(a)  rational number    

(b)  irrational number

(c)  natural number                 

(d) whole number

2.         Division of a natural number by another natural number gives:     11901060

(a)  always a natural number  

(b) always an integer

(c) always a rational number

(d) always an irrational number

3.         Irrational numbers are:            11901061

        (a)   terminating decimals                       

        (b)   non- terminating decimals

        (c)   non- terminating , repeating decimals

        (d)   non- terminating , non-repeating


4.         Rational numbers are:              11901062

        (a)   repeating decimals              

        (b)   terminating decimals

        (c)   periodic decimals                

        (d)   all of these

5.         p, e are:                                       11901063 (a)        integers            (b)natural numbers

      (c)  rational numbers                    

      (d) irrational numbers

6.         π is defined as:                           11901064

(a)  ratio of diameter of a circle to its


(b) ratio of the circumference of a circle to its


(c) ratio of area of a circle to its


(d) ratio of the circumference of a circle to its


7.         Zero is:                                        11901065

(a)  a natural number        

(b)  a whole number

(c)  a positive integer        

(d) anegativeinteger

8.         Let x , y Î R, then x + iy is purely imaginary if:                                           11901066

(a)  x¹ 0, y = 0                   (b)     x = 0 , y = 0

(c)  x = 0 , y ¹ 0                 (d)    x ¹ 0, y ¹ 0

9.         If x, y Î R  and xy = 0, then:    11901067

(a)     x = 0             (b)     y = 0

(c)     x = 0 and y = 0     

(d)    x = 0 or y = 0

10.     If   = –z , then:                          11901068

(a)     z is purely real               

(b)     z is any complex number

(c)     z is purely imaginary     

(d)    real part of z=imaginary part of z

11.     Real part of is:                   11901069

(a)                                 (b)     1

(c)     0                            (d)    i

12.     Imaginary part of is:         11901070

(a)                                 (b)     1

(c)I                                 (d)    i

13.     Which of the following is correct: 11901071

(a)     2 + 7i> 10 +  i      

(b)     1 + i> 1 – i

(c)     4 + 3i> 1 + 3 i      

(d)    None of these.

14.     Product of a complex number and its conjugate is:                                      11901072

(a)     a real number

(b)     irrational number

(c)     a complex number

(d)    either real number or complex


15.     The ordered pairs (2, 5 ) and (5, 2) are:

(a) Not equal         (b)    Equal   11901073

(c) Disjoint            (d)    Empty

16.     Modulus of complex number Z =a+ib is the distance of a point from:    11901074

(a)   x - axis           (b)    y - axis

(c)     origin            (d)    infinity

17.     Modulus of complex number z = a+ib is:                                                                    11901075

(a)          (b)    


(d)    None of the above

18.Modulus of 15 i + 20 is:             11901076

(a)     20                         

(b)     15

(c)     25

(d)    None of the above

19.     Conjugate of complex number
(–a, –b) is:                                         

(a)     (–a, b)           (b)    (–a, –b)

(c)     (a, –b)           (d)    None of these

20.     Conjugate of a + i b is:              11901078

(a)   – a + i b          (b)    a + i b

(c)   – a  –i b          (d)    a – i b

21.     Conjugate of a – i b is:              11901079

(a)     b + ia            (b)    –a + ib

(c)  –a – ib             (d)      a + ib

22.     Conjugate of  –3 – 2 i is:            11901080

(a)     3 + 2i            (b)    – 3 + 2i

(c)     2 + 3i            (d)    – 2 + 3i

23.     i+ 1 =                                       11901081

(a)     -1                          (b)    0

(c)     i                             (d)    1

24.     If z = (a, b), z = (c, d) are two complex numbers , then which expression defines the sum of z and z .                   11901082

(a)  (a + c, b + d)   (b)  (a + b, c + d)

(c)  (a  + d , b + c) (d)  (b + d , a + c)

25.     If z = 4 i and z = 3–9 i ,then z + z =


 (a)    3 – 5 i           (b)    3 i- 5

(c)  7 - 9 i             (d)    3 + 5 i

26.      belongs to the set of:        11901084

(a)     real numbers

(b)     complex numbers

(c)     prime numbers

(d)    odd numbers

27.     The real part of the complex number

      a + bi is:                                             11901085

(a)     b                            (b)     –b       

(c)     a                            (d)    –a

28.     The imaginary part of the complex number a + bi is:                                   11901086

(a)     b                            (b)     bi        

(c)     a                            (d)    None of these

29.     Every real number is also a/an:  11901087

(a)     integer

(b)     rational number

(c)     irrational number 

(d)    complex number

30.     Factors of  9a+ 25b in complex number system are:                                 11901088

(a)     ( 3a – 5bi)( 3a + 5bi)

(b)     ( 3a – 5b)( 3a + 5b)

(c)     ( 3a – 5bi)( 3a + 5b)      

(d)    ( 3a – 5b)( 3a + 5bi)

31.     If a, b, c and d Î R. Then a = b,c = d Þ

(a)     a + c = b + d                   11901089

(b)     a + b = c + d

(c)     a – b = c – d

(d)    None of these

32.     If a, b, c Î R and a > b Þ ac <bc, then:

(a)     c> 0              (b)     c < 0 11901090

(c)     c³ 0              (d)    c £ 0

33.     a> b Þ  –a < –b Name of the property used in the above inequality is:      11901091

(a)     Additive property

(b)     Multiplicative property

(c)     Reflexive property        

(d)    Transitive property

34.     a> b Þ<, a ¹ 0 , b ¹ 0Name of the property used in the above in equation is:

(a)     additive property            11901092

(b)     multiplicative inverse property

(c)     additive property  

(d)    transitive property

35.For all x Î R, x = xWhat is above property called?                           11901093

(a)     Reflexive property        

(b)     Symmetric property

(c)     Transitive property       

(d)    Trichotomy property

36.     The set of negative integers is closed with respect to:                                    11901094

(a)     addition        (b)     multiplication

(c)     both (a) and (b)  (d)       subtraction

37.     The identity element with respect to addition is:                                           11901095

(a)        0                         (b)     1

(c)  – 1                            (d)    0 and 1

38.     The additive inverse of a real number a is:                                                                 11901096

(a)     0                            (b)    - a      

(c)     a                            (d)             

39.     The additive inverse of 3 is:                                                                              11901097

(a)      0                           (b)    1         

(c)– 3                              (d)   

40.     The multiplicative inverse of a non-zero real number a is:               11901098

(a)     0                            (b)    - a

(c)     a                            (d)   

41.     The multiplicative inverse of 3 is:


 (a)     0                           (b)    1

(c) – 3                             (d)   

42.     The multiplicative identity of real numbers is:                                                                                          11901100

(a)     0                            (b)                 1        

(c)     2                            (d)                – 1

43.     The additive identity of real numbers is:                                                                                                           11901101

(a)     0                            (b)        1      

(c)     2                            (d)     – 1

44.     For all x, y, z Î R  z + x = z + y     11901102

x = y what is above property called?

        (a)     Cancellation property w.r.t.            


(b)  Cancellation property w.r.t. Addition

(c)  Multiplicative property

(d) Additive property

45.     If x, y, z Î R, then name the property used in the equation given below?      11901103

x = z

(a)     Closure  property w.r.t.


(b)     Commutative property w.r.t.


(c)     Associative  property w.r.t. \


(d)    Trichotomy property

46.     If a, b Î R, where R is a set of real numbers, then the property used in the equation: a + b  =  b + a  is called:         11901104

(a)     Closure  property 

(b)    Associative  property

(c)     Commutative property

(d)    Trichotomy property

47.     If x, y Î R, where R is a set of real numbers, then the property used in the equation xy =  yx is called:                 11901105

(a)     Closure  property 

(b)    Trichotomy property

(c)     Commutative property  

(d)    Additive Inverse

48.     Name the property used in the equation: 2 + 3 = 3 + 2?                    11901106

(a)     Closure  property w.r.t.


(b)     Commutative property w.r.t.


(c)     Associative  property w.r.t.


(d)    Commutative Property w.r.t.


49.     If a, b, c Î R, where R is a set of real numbers, then the property used in the equation:

            a + = + c is called:           11901107

(a)     Closure  property          

(b)     Associative  property

(c)     Commutative property  

(d)    Additive inverse

50.     If x, y, z Î R, where  R is a set of real numbers, then the property used in the equation  x (yz) = (xy) z  is called:      11901108

(a)     Closure  property 

(b)    Associative  property

(c)     Commutative property  

(d)    Additive Inverse

51.     If a Î R, where R is a set of real numbers, then the property used in the equation a + 0 = 0 + a = a  is called:  11901109

(a)     Closure  property          

(b)    Trichotomy property 

(c)     Commutative property  

(d)    Additive Identity

52.     For any x, y Î R, where R is a set of real numbers, then the property used in the equation  x(y + z) = xy + xz  is called: 11901110

(a)     Closure  property          

(b)     Associative  property

(c)     Commutative property  

(d)    Distributive Property

53.     For any x, y Î R, where R is a of real numbers. Then either x < y or  x = y or x > y. The property used is called:     11901111

(a)     Trichotomy Property    

(b)     Archmidean Property

(c)     Transitive Property       

(d)    Multiplicative Property

54.     For any x, y, z Î R, where R is a set of real numbers. x < y and y < z Þ x < z  The property used is called:               11901112

(a)     Trichotomy Property    

(b)     Archmidean Property

(c)     Transitive Property       

(d)    Multiplicative Property

55.     The set of all rational numbers between 2 , 3 is:                                                        11901113

(a)     an empty set (b)     an infinite set

(c)     a finite set    (d)    a power set

56.     The reflexive property of equality of real numbers is:                                  11901114

(a)     a = a  "aÎ R (b)     a¹a"aÎ R

(c)     a»a"aÎ R    (d)    a³a"aÎ R

57.     The left distributive property of real numbers is:                                         11901115

(a)     (b + c) a = a + b + c " a, b, c Î R

(b)     (a + b) c = ac + bc" a, b, c Î R

(c)     a (b + c) = ab + ac " a, b, c Î R

(d)    (a + b) c = ab + c " a, b, c Î R

58.     The symmetric property of equality of real numbers is:                               11901116

(a)     a = b Þb = a  "a, b Î R

(b)     a = a Þ b = b " a Î R  

(c)     a = b Þb = a2"a, b Î R

(d)    a = b Þ a – b = 0  " a, b Î R   

59.     The transitive property of equality of real numbers is:                                11901117

(a)     a = b Ùb = c Þ b = -

         "a, b, c Î R

(b)     a = b Ùb = c Þ a = c     

         "a, b, c Î R

(c)     a = b Ùb = c Þ a = 1     

         "a, b, c Î R

(d)    a = b Ùb = c Þ a = b  

         "a, b, c Î R

60.     The multiplicative property of equality of real number is:                           11901118

(a)     a = b Þ ac = bc" a, b, c Î R    

(b)     a = b Þ ac = b" a, b, c Î R     

(c)     a = b Þ a= c" a, b, c Î R  

(d)    a = b Þ a = bc" a, b, c Î R     

61.     The cancellation property with respect to addition of equality of the real numbers is:                                                    11901119

(a)     a+c= b + c Þ a ¹ b" a, b,cÎ R

(b)     a + c = b + c Þ a = b"a,b,cÎ R

(c)     a + c = b + c Þ a = c"a,b,cÎ R

(d)    a + c = b + c Þc = b"a,b,cÎ R

62.     The cancellation property with respect to multiplication of equality of the real numbers is:                               11901120

(a)     ac = bcÞ a=c"a,b,cÎ R, c ¹ 0

(b)     ac = bcÞ b=c"a,b,cÎ R, c ¹ 0

(c)     ac = bcÞ a ¹ b"a,b,cÎR, c ¹ 0

(d)    ac = bcÞ a = b"a,b,cÎR,c¹ 0

63.     The transitive property of order of the real numbers is:                              11901121

 (a)    "a, b, c Î R, a>bÙb> c Þ a > c

 (b)    "a, b, c Î R, a>bÙb> c Þ a ³  c

 (c)    "a, b, c Î R, a>bÙb> c Þ a = c

 (d)   "a, b, c Î R, a>bÙb> c Þ a < c

64.     The additive property of order of the real numbers is:                                 11901122

(a)     "a,b,cÎ R, a<b Þa+c<b + c

(b)     "a,b,cÎ R, a<bÞ a + c = b + c

 (c)    "a,b,cÎ R, a<b Þ a + c > b + c

(d)    "a,b,cÎ R, a<b Þ a + c < b – c

65.     The additive property of order of the real numbers is:                                 11901123

(a)     "a,b,cÎ R, a>b Þ a + c = b + c

(b)     "a,b,cÎ R, a >bÞ a + c < b + c

(c)     "a,b,cÎ R, a>b Þ a + c > b + c

(d)    "a,b,cÎ R, a>b Þ a + c > b – c

66.     If z = x + i y = r , then modulus of z is:                                 11901124

(a)          (b)    cosq +sinq

(c)     r                             (d)   

67.     If z = x + i y = r , then arg z is:                                                          11901125

(a) tanq                           (b)  cosq + sinq

(c)  r                               (d)    q

68.      =                          11901126

(a)     2 (b)    2

(c)     2 (d)    3

69.     Polar form of  –3 i is:                 11901127

(a)     3

(b)    3

(c)     3

(d)    3

70.     cos+ is in  in Cartesian form is:

(a)     0                            (b)     i           11901128

(c)     –i                           (d)    1

71.     De Moivre’s theorem is:           11901129





72.      is:                                          11901130

(a)     integer          (b) rational number

(c)     irrational number 

(d)    natural number

73.     If n is not a perfect square, then is:

(a)     integer                            11901131

(b)    rational number

(c)     irrational number 

(d)    natural number


74.     Golden rule of fractions is that for
≠ 0, =                                            11901132

(a)                    (b)       

(c)                    (d)   

75.              z = (a, b), then z–1 =               11901133

(a)              (b)    (–a, –b)



76.              If z1 and z2 are complex numbers, then                           11901134

(a)                  (b)    

(c)                  (d)   

77.              If  are complex numbers, then  = __________,.         11901135

(a)                    (b)    

(c)                    (d)   

78.              = ____________. 11901136

(a)     0                  


(c)     1

(d)    None of  these

79.             Multiplicative inverse of  is:

(a)                                    11901137


(c)  1

(d) – 1








Unit 2



Sets, Functions and Groups  






Q.1 What is set and order of a set? 11902001

Q.2 Explain the ways describing a set. 11902002

Illustrative example:                                                 11902003

Q.3      What is the sub-set, proper sub-set and improper sub-set?                                             11902004

Q.4:     What is difference between equal sets and equivalent sets?                                             11902005

Q.5      Is there any set which has no proper sub set? If so name that set.                             11902007

Q.6      What is the difference between {a, b} and {{a, b}}?                                                                            11902008

Q.7      Which of the following sentences are true and which of them are false?           11902009

(i)   {1, 2} = {2, 1}11302231        (ii)        ÆÍ {{a}}11902010

(iii)       {a}  {{a}}11302233      (iv){a} Î {{a}}11902011

(v)  aÎ {{a}}    11302235 (vi)       ÆÎ {{a}}         11902012

Q.8      Define “union and intersection” of two sets and complement of a set? 11902013

Q.9      Under what conditions on A and B are the following statements true?         11902015

(i)   A È B = A 11902016 (ii)        A È B = B        11902017

(iii)       A - B = A       11902018 (iv)       A Ç B = B 11902019

(v)  n (A È B) = n (A) + n(B)                         11902020

(vi) n(A Ç B) = n(A)                                                   11902021

(vii)A - B = A 11902022 (viii)n(AÇB)=0 11902023

(ix) A È B = U 11902024 (x)        AÈB=BÈA 11902025

(xi) n(A Ç B) = n(B)                                                   11902026

(xii)      U - A = Æ                                                                  11902027

Q.10    Let      U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}

A = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10},     B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}and

C = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}                                                                   

      List the members of each of the following sets:                                                           11902028

(i)   Ac  11902029 (ii)Bc 11902030 (iii)AÈB 11902031

(iv) A- B                                                                                             11902032

(v)  A Ç C                   11902033             (vi)       AcÈCc    11902034

(vii) AcÈC                  11902035             (viii) Uc              11902036


Q.11    Taking any set, say A = {1,2,3,4, 5} verify the following:                                                  11902037

(i)   AÈÆ = A  11902038 (ii)        A È A = A  11902039

(iii)       A Ç A = A                                                                  11902040

Q.12    If U = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  …..20} and          

A={1,3,5,…..,19} verify the following: 11902041

(i)   AÈA¢ = U 11902042 (ii)        U=A          11902043

(iii)        AÇA¢ = Æ                                                                 11902044

Q.13    From suitable properties of union and intersection deduce the following results.                                                               11902045

(i)                 A Ç (A È B) = A È (A Ç B)             11902046

(ii) A È (A  Ç  B) = A Ç (A È B)   11902047


Q.14    Define sentence, statement, logic, inductive and deductive logic and compound statement.                                  11902048


Q.15    Construct truth tables of “Conjunction”, “Disjunction” and “Implication”.                 11902049

Q.16    Define “Tautology”, “Absurdity” and “Contingency”.                                                    11902050

Q.17:   Write the converse, inverse and contra positive of the following conditionals:  11902051

      (i)   ~ p ® q           11902052             (ii)        q ®11902053             (iii) ~p ® ~q   11902054 (iv)~ q ® ~ p 11902055

18. Construct truth tables for the following statements:                                                                                             11902056

(i)   (p ® ~p) Ú (p ® q)         11902057 (ii)       (p Ù ~ p) ® q 11902058 (iii)       ~(p ® q) « (p Ù ~q) 11902059

19. Show that each of the following statements is a tautology:                                                           11902060

(i)     (pÙq)®p 11902061 (ii)       p®(pÚq)        11902062 (iii)~(p®q)®p 11902063 (iv) ~qÙ(p®q)®~p 11902064

20. Determine whether each of the following is a tautology, a contingency or an absurdity:

      (i)   pÙ ~p              11902065                                 (ii)        p ® (q ® p)   11902066                         (iii) q Ú (~q Ú p)                  11902067


Q.21    What is “Relation”, “Domain” and “Range of a relation”?                                 11902068

B = . Examine which of the following are relations from A to B and from B to A.                                                                        11902069

(a)     11902070

(b)     11902071

(c)      11902072

Q.22    What is “Into function” and “On to function”?                                                                11902073


Q.23    What is “Injective function” and “bijective function”?                                                    11902074

Q.24    For A = {1,2,3,4}, find the following relations in A. State the domain and range of each relation. Also draw the graph of each.                                                                                         11902075

(i){(x, y)} | y = x}                                                        11902076

(ii){(x, y) | y+x=5}                                          11902077

(iii){(x, y) | x+y<5}                                         11902078

 (iv){(x,y) | x+y>5}                                         11902079


Q.25    Which of the following diagrams represent functions and of which type? 11902080

11902081                         Fig. (1)


11902082                 Fig. (2)

11902083                         Fig. (3)


11902084                 Fig. (4)

Q.26    Find the inverse of each of the following relations. Tell whether each relation and its inverse is a function or not:       11902085

(i)                 {(2,1), (3,2), (4,3), (5,4), (6,5)}           11902086

(ii)              {(1,3), (2,5), (3,7), (4,9), (5,11)}         11902087

(iii)            {(x, y) | y = 2x + 3, x Î R}                 11902088

(iv)             {(x, y) | y2 = 4ax, x ³ 0}                                  11902089

(v)               {(x, y) | x2 + y2 = 9, | x| £ 3, | y | £ 3}


Q.27    What is “Unary operation” and “Binary operation”?                                          11902091

Q.28    Explain existence of “Binary operation”?                                                              11902092

Q.29    Give the table for addition of elements of the set of residue classes modulo4.                                                                               11902093

Q.30    (i)In a set S having binary operation  “a left identity and right identity” are the same?                                                            11902094

(ii)In a set having associate binary operation  “left inverse of an element in equal to its right inverse”.                              11902095

Q.31    Show that the adjoining table is that of multiplication of the elements of the set of residue classes modulo 5.                         11902096




































Q.32 Prepare a table of addition of the elements of the set of residue classes modulo 4.          11902097

Q.33    Define groupoid, semi group, monoid.                                                                                      11902098

Q.34    What is “Group” and “Abelian Group”?                                      (Board 2014)                   11902099

Q.35Ifa,b G and G in a group, solve the equations:                                                                                     11902100

(i) ax = b,        11902101 (ii) xa = b                    11902102

Q.36    If a,b G and G in a group, then show that (ab)-1 = b-1 a-1.                                             11902103

Q.37    Operation Å performed on the two member set G = {0, 1} is shown in the adjoining table. Answer the questions:


(i)   Name the identity element if it exists?


(ii)  What is the inverse of 1?                        11902106

(iii)       Is the set G, under the given operation a group? Abelian or non-Abelian? 11902107










Q.38    Show that the set {1, w, w2}, when
w3 = 1 is an Abelian group w.r.t. ordinary multiplication.                                                      11902108

Q.39    If G is a group under the operation ø and a, b Î G, find the solutions of the equations:                                                               11902109

(i)   a ø x = b, 11902110 (ii)   x  a = b 11902111

Multiple Choice Questions


1.   A set is defined as:                                  11902112

      (a)  Collection of same objects.

      (b)  Well defined collection of same         objects.

      (c)  Well defined collection of distinct     objects.

      (d) None of these.

2.   Distinct objects means:                           11902113

      (a)  Identical objects(b)     Not identical

      (c)  Similar               (d)    None of these

3.   The objects in a set are called:   11902114

      (a)  Elements         (b)  Sub-sets

      (c)  Whole numbers    

      (d) Overlapping sets

4.   A set can be described by:                      11902115

      (a)  One way          (b)  Two ways

      (c)  Several ways   (d) Three ways

5.   If a set is described in words, the method is called:                                                     11902116

      (a)  Tabular form  

      (b)  Descriptive form

      (c)  Set builder notation   

      (d) Non-tabular method

6.   If a set is described by listing its elements within brackets is called:


      (a)  Set builder notation   

      (b)  Tabular form

      (c)  Descriptive method   

      (d) None of these

7.   If a set is described as

      { x | x N Ù x < 100} is the:                    11902118

      (a)  Set builder notation   

      (b)  Tabular form

      (c)  Descriptive method   

      (d) Non-set builder method

8.   aA means:                                             11902119

      (a)  a is an element of set A         

      (b)  a is subset of A

      (c)  a is a whole number   

      (d) a contains A

9.   Two sets A and B are said to be equivalent  if:                                    11902120

      (a)  n(A) = n(B)    

      (b)  n(A) ¹ n(B)

      (c)  A and B do not have same number of elements        

      (d) None of these

10. If set A = {1,2,3} and B = {2,1,3} then sets A and B are:                                                         11902121

      (a)  Not equal         (b)  Equal

      (c)  Disjoint           (d) Overlapping

11. The well defined collection of disjoint object is a:                                                       11902122

      (a)  Complex number 

      (b)  Rational number

      (c)  Whole numbers    

      (d) Set

12. A ÍB  (i.e., A Ì B and A = B) then:


(a)  A is improper subset of B

      (b)  A is proper subset of B

      (c)  B is improper subset of A

      (d) B is proper subset of A

13. If A Í B and B Í A then:                       11902122

      (a)  A = Æ              (b)  A = B

      (c)  B = Æ              (d) A  B = Æ

14. A Ê B means:                                           11902125

      (a)  A is super set of B

      (b)  B is supper set of A

      (c)  A is subset of B   

      (d) A is equivalent to B

15. If n(S) = 3 then n {P(S)} =                      11902126

      (a)  2                      (b)  4

      (c)  8                      (d) 16

16.The number of subsets of a set having three elements is:                                                        11902127

      (a)  2                      (b)  3

      (c)  4                      (d) 8

17. If A = {1, 2, 3, ...., 99}, B = {x | x Î N,

      0 < x < 100} then:                                                11902128

      (a) AÌ B               (b) A ¹ B

      (c) BÌ A               (d) A = B

18. The number of elements of the set

{x : xÎ N, x= 1}, where N is the set of all natural numbers, is:                         11902129

      (a) 0                      (b) 1

      (c) 2                      (d) infinite

19. A set having no element is called: 11902130

      (a) Null set            (b) Subset

      (c) Singleton         (d) Super set

20. The proper subset E of a set F is denoted by:                                                  11902131

      (a) F Ì E               (b) E Ì F

      (c) F Í E               (d) E~ F

21. An Improper subset of a set F is: 11902132

      (a) U                     (b)   X

      (c) F(d)none of these.

22. If A È B = Æ, and A = Æ then:  11902133

      (a) B = Æ              (b) B = {Æ}

      (c) B = A              (d) B ¹ A

23. If sets A and B are equal then:  11902134

      (a) A É B              (b) B É A

      (c) A = B              (d)       A ¹ B

24. If A and B are two sets such that

      A Ç B = A È B, then:                              11902135

      (a)  A and B are power sets          

      (b)  A and B are disjoint sets

      (c)  A and B are super sets

      (d) A and B are equal sets.

25. For any two sets A = B if and only if

      A È B =                                                    11902136

      (a) A¢                          (b)  B¢

      (c) A Ç B                   (d) B È A

26. Which is the commutative law? 11902137

      (a)  A Ç B¢ = B Ç A¢        

      (b)  A Ç B = B Ç A

      (c)  A Ç B = B¢Ç A          

      (d) A Ç B = B Ç A¢

27. If A Í B and B Í A, then:                      11902138

      (a)  A and B are power sets          

      (b)  A and B are disjoint sets

      (c)  A and B are super sets

      (d) A and B are equal sets.

28. If A Ì B, then A Ç B is equal to: 11902139

      (a)  A                     (b)  B

      (c)  Æ                     (d) A È B

29. If A Ì B, then A È B is equal to: 11902140

      (a)  A                     (b) 

      (c)  Æ                     (d) A Ç B

30. A – B is a subset of:                                11902141

      (a)  A                     (b)  B

      (c)  A Ç B             (d) A È B

31. B – A is a subset of:                                11902142

      (a)  A                     (b)  B

      (c)  A Ç B             (d) A È B

32. A ÇÆ =                                                     11902143

      (a)  A                     (b)  Æ

      (c)  A¢                    (d) Æ¢

33. A ÈÆ =                                                     11902144

      (a)  A                     (b)  Æ

      (c)  A¢                    (d) Æ¢

34. A ÇA=                                                   11902145

      (a) U                     (b) {0}

      (c) A                     (d) Æ

35. A È A=                                                  11902146

      (a) U                     (b) {0}

      (c) A                     (d) Æ

36. A È (B Ç C) =                                          11902147

      (a)  È    

      (b)  ( AÈ B) Ç ( A È C )

      (c)  ( AÇ B) È ( A È C )  

      (d) ( AÇ B) Ç ( A È C )

37. If A and B are two sets, then

      A È (A Ç B) is equal to:                         11902148

      (a)  B                     (b)  A

      (c)  Æ                     (d) none of these

38. If A and B are two sets, then

      A ÇA is equal to:                                     11902149

      (a)  A                     (b)  B

      (c)  Æ                     (d) A È B

39. The intersection of two sets A and B is represented by:                                                         11902150

      (a) A È B             (b) A ´ B

      (c) A – B              (d) A Ç B

40. The difference of two sets A and B is represented by:                                                            11902151

      (a) A È B             (b) A Ç B

      (c) A – B              (d) A ´ B

41. If A and B are both subsets of the same universal set X and AÈB =X ,AÇB =Æ then A and B are called:                         11902152

      (a) disjoint sets          

      (b) equal sets

      (c) complementary sets   

      (d) overlapping sets

42. A Ç (B – A) =                               11902153

      (a) A                     (b) {Æ}

      (c) B                     (d) Æ

43. If A ËB , B Ë A and A and B have at least one element common, they are called:                                11902154

      (a) equal sets              (b) null sets

      (c) overlapping sets    (d) subsets

44. A set containing finite numbers of elements is called:                                                11902155

      (a) null set            (b) super set

      (c) finite set          (d) infinite set

45. If A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {5, 6, 7} and

      A Ç B is:                                                   11902156

      (a) {1, 2, 3}          (b) {5, 6, 7}   

      (c) {4}                  (d)  Æ

46. If W= {0, 1, 2, 3, 4,….}, N={1, 2, 3, 4,....} then N – W = ?                                                        11902157

      (a)  W                    (b)  {O}

      (c)  Æ                    (d)  none of these

47. If A ={ 1, 2, 7, 9 }  , B = { 1, 4, 7, 11 } then A and B are called:                                   11902158

      (a) disjoint sets    

      (b) equal sets

      (c) overlapping sets   

      (d) complementary sets

48. The ordered pairs (4,5) and (5 , 4) are:

      (a) same                (b)       different 11902159

      (c) both a and b    (d)       N

49. { 0, ± 1, ± 2, ± 3, ± 4, ....... } is known as the set of:                                                       11902160

      (a) numbers           (b) positive numbers

      (c) integers            (d) rational numbers

50. { 2, 4, 6, 8,......} represents the set of:


      (a) Positive odd numbers

      (b) Natural numbers

      (c) Prime numbers           

      (d) Positive even numbers

51. If two sets have no element common, they are called:                                                11902162

      (a) disjoint            (b) over lapping

      (c) dissimilar         (d) exhaustive

52. If  P = {1, 3} and Q = , then:

      (a) P É Q              (b) Q É P                    11902163

      (c) P = Q               (d) P ¹ Q

53. If A = and B = , then:

      (a) A Í B              (b) B Í A                    11902164

      (c) A = B              (d) None

54. If  X = { 1 , 2 , 3 }, then P( X ) is: 11902165

      (a)  { Æ , {3} }     

      (b)  { Æ , {1}, {2}, {1,2,3} }

      (c)  { Æ , {1} , {2} , {3} , {1,2},{1,3},     {2,3} , {1,2,3} }

      (d) None of these.

55. If A = {{5}}, then P(A) is equal to:


      (a)  {{Æ , {5}}}    (b)  {Æ , {5}}

      (c)  {Æ , {{5}}}    (d) {{Æ} , {5}}

56. {0} È {1} is equal to:                               11902167

      (a)  {{0} , {1}}           (b)  {0 , 1}

      (c)  {Æ , {0} , {1}}     (d) {{0 , 1}}

57. If a relation is given by                                                                                                                                          R= then Range

      R is:                            11902168

      (a) { 0, 1, 3 }        (b) { 1, 2, 3 }             

      (c) { 2, 3, 4 }        (d) { 1, 2, 4 }

58. If  A= { 1 , –1 } then number of elements in A ´A are:                                                                             11902169

      (a)  2                      (b) 6

      (c)  4                      (d) 8

59. S = {1, –1, 2, –2} is a group under:


      (a)  multiplication  (b)  subtraction

      (c)  addition           (d) None of these.

60. S = {1 ,w , w} where w is a cube root of unity form an abelian group with respect to:                                      11902171

      (a)  multiplication  (b)  division

      (c)  addition           (d) subtraction

61. S = {1, – 1, i, – i} where i = form an abelian group with respect to:      11902172

      (a)  multiplication  (b)  division

      (c)  addition           (d) subtraction

62. The set S = {0 , 1} has closure property w.r.t.                                                  11902173

      (a)  +                      (b)  –

      (c)  ¸                      (d) ´

63. An element e Î S is said to be an identity element of S w.r.t  if
 e = e  a =                                         11902174

      (a)  1                      (b)  0

      (c)  a                      (d)  None of the above

64. An element b Î S is said to be an inverse of a Î S  w.r.t if a  b = ba = 11902175

      (a)  1                      (b)  e

      (c)  – 1                   (d) None of the above

65. The identity element in a group is:


      (a) unique             (b)  infinite

      (c)  both a and b    (d) not possible

66. In a group G, if b ø b=b, then b = 11902177

      (a)     1                   (b)    e

      (c)  – 1                   (d) { e }

67. Inverse of an element in a group is:


      (a)   infinite           (b)       finite

      (c)   unique            (d)       not possible

68. To draw general conclusions from a limited number of observations is called:                                                             11902179

      (a) logic                (b) proposition

      (c) induction         (d) deduction

69. To draw general conclusions from well-known facts is called:                                  11902180

      (a) logic                (b) proposition

      (c) induction         (d) deduction

70. A declarative statement which is either true or false but not both is called:


      (a) logic                (b) proposition

      (c) induction         (d) deduction

71. A biconditional is written in symbols as:

      (a)   p« q              (b) p Ú q                      11902181

      (c)  p® q               (d)  p Ù q

72. (p® q) Ù (q ® p) is logically equivalent to:                                                                 11902182

      (a)   p« q              (b)       q ® p

      (c)  p® q               (d)       ~p ®~q

73. Which is the converse of the sentence ~p ® q?                                                           11902183

      (a) q® p               (b) p ®~q      

      (c) q®~p              (d) ~q ® p     

74. If  ~p ® q be a given conditional, then its inverse is:                                                  11902184

      (a) ~p®~q            (b) q ® p

      (c) ~q®~p            (d) p ®~q

75. If q® p be a given conditional, then its inverse is:                                                      11902185

      (a) ~p®~q            (b) q ® p

      (c) ~q®~p            (d) p ®~q

76. If p ® q be a given conditional, then its contrapositive is:                                                     11902186

      (a) ~p®~q            (b) q ® p

      (c) ~q®~p            (d) p ®Øq

77. If ~p ®~ q be a given conditional, then its contrapositive is:                                    11902187

      (a) ~p®~q            (b) q ®  p

      (c) ~q®~p            (d) p ®~q

78. The conjunction of two statements p and q is denoted by:                                         11902188

      (a) p~ q                 (b) p ® q       

      (c) pÙ q                 (d) p Ú q         

79. The sentence pÙq is true if and only if:

      (a) p is false and q is true                         11902189

      (b) both p and q are false

      (c) p is true and q is false

      (d) both p and q are true  

80. The sentence p Ú q is false if and only if:

      (a) p is false and q is true                         11902190

      (b) both p and q are false

      (c) p is true and q is false

      (d) both p and q are true  

81. The disjunction of two statements p and q is denoted by:                                                      11902191

      (a) p~ q                 (b)  p ® q       

      (c) pÙ q                 (d) p Ú q         

82. Which sentence is always false? 11902192

      (a) pÚ~p                (b) q Ù~q       

      (c) pÚ~q               (d) q Ù~p        

83. If p « q is true, which sentence is also true?                                                   11902193

      (a) p® q               (b) p Ù q         

      (c) ~pÙ q               (d) p Ú q         

84. The proposition (p® q) Ù (q ® p) is shortly written as:                                            11902194

      (a) p = q                (b) p ¹ q

      (c) p ~ q                (d) p « q

85. Given the true statement: If the polygon is a rectangle, then it has four sides. Which statement must also be true?                11902195

      (a)  If the polygon has four sides, then it is not a rectangle.

      (b)  If the polygon does not have four       sides, then it is not a rectangle.

      (c)  If the polygon is not a rectangle, then it does not have four sides.

      (d) If the polygon has four sides, then itis a rectangle.

Hint:   A conditional and its contrapositive always have the same truth-values.

86. Which of the following sentences is equivalent to ~(p Ú q)?                           11902196

      (a) ~pÚ~q             (b) ~p Ù~q

      (c) ~p® q             (d) ~p Ú q

87. Additive inverse of    is:                        11902197

      (a)                    (b) 

      (c)                    (d) 0

88. If R = A ´ B then R is an onto function if:                                                       11902198

      (a) Dom R =B ,  Range of R = A

      (b) Dom R =A ,  Range of R = B

      (c) Dom R =A ,  Range of R = A

      (d) Dom R =B ,  Range of R = B

89. R is a relation from A to B if and only if R Í                                                  11902199

      (a) B´ A               (b) A´ A

      (c) B´ B                (d) A ´ B

90. The phrase, “For all x in S”, is abbreviated as:                                                           11902200

      (a) $xÎ S              (b) x Î S

      (c) "xÎ S             (d) " x Ï S

91. The phrase, “There exist an x in S”, is abbreviated as:                                                          11902201

      (a) $xÎ S              (b) x Î S

      (c) "xÎ S             (d) " x Ï S

92. If two sets P and Q are equivalent, they are denoted by:                                                       11902202

      (a) P Î Q              (b) P « Q

      (c) P ~ Q               (d) P = Q

93.If A Ì B, then A – B =                             11902203

      (a) A                     (b) Æ

      (c) B                     (d) {Æ}

94. Set A is proper subset of B is denoted by:                                                        11902204

      (a) BÌ A               (b)A Ì B                   

      (c) A Í B              (d) A Ë B

95. If (x – 2, 2) = (3, 2) , then:                       11902205

      (a) x= 5                 (b)  x = 2

      (c) x =-5               (d) x = 3

96. An element b Î S is said to be an inverse of a ÎS  w. r. t * if:                                                11902206
(a) a * b  = b * a = e   

      (b) a * b  = b * a = 0

      (c) a * b  = b * a = 1        

      (d) a * b  = b * a = a

97. In a binary relation, the set consisting of all the first elements of the ordered pairs is called:                                                 11902207

      (a) function           (b) range

      (c) domain            (d) antecedent

98. In a binary relation, the set consisting of all the second elements of the ordered pairs is called:                                            11902208

      (a) function           (b) range

      (c) domain            (d)conclusion

99. In the conditional p ® q, p is called:


      (a) antecedent       (b) consequent

      (c) domain            (d) range

100.  In the conditional p ® q, q is called:


      (a) antecedent       (b) consequent                       

      (c) domain            (d) range

101.  A statement which is true for all possible values of the variables involved in it, is called a:                                     11902211

      (a) tautology         (b) conditional

      (c) implication      (d) absurdity

102.  A compound statement of the form “if p then q” is called an:                                11902212

      (a) tautology         (b) conditional

      (c) consequent      (d) absurdity

103.  A groupoid (S) is called ------------ if it is associative in S.                                        11902213

      (a) group               (b) abelian-group

      (c) semi-group     

      (d) associative -group

104.  The inverse of the linear function {(x, y): y = mx + c} is:                                         11902214

      (a)  {(x, y): x = my + c}   

      (b) {(x, y): y = mx + c}

      (c)  {(x, y): y = mx – c}   

      (d) {(x, y): y = mx + d}   

105.  The graph of the quadratic function is a:             11902215

      (a)  straight line     (b) line segment

      (c)  parabola           (d) circle

106.  Q = {x | x =  where p, q  Z Ù q ¹ 0} is a set of:                                                    11902216

      (a)  Rational numbers       

      (b)  Irrational numbers

      (c)  Set of natural numbers           

      (d) Set of integers

107.  is called converse of:  11902217





108. If  then complement of A in B is:


      (a)  A – B             

      (b)  B – A                   









 Unit 3







Q. 1 Define a matrix                                                    11903001

Examples:                                                                               11903002



Q. 2. What do you mean by order of a matrix?           (Board 2014)                                           11903003

Q. 3. What is row matrix?                               11903004

Examples:                                                                               11903005

, ,  

Q. 4. What is Column Matrix?            11903006

Examples: ,           11903007

Q.5 What is a diagonal Matrix?          11903008

(Board 2014)

Q.6 What is a scalar matrix?              11903009

Examples:                                                                               11903010


Q. 7 What is a unit matrix?                             11903011

Examples: I = ,                                  11903012


Q. 8 What is a null matrix?                             11903013

,                               11903014

Q.9.What is determinant of a matrix? 11903015

Q. 10. What is a singular matrix?       11903016

Q. 11. What is non singular matrix? 11903017

Q. 12. What is inverse of 2 x 2 matrix?          


Q. 13. If  A =    , show that  A=I.



Q. 14. Find x and y if                                                 11903020

+ 2 =

Q. 15. If A =  and A = ,  find the values of a and b. (Board 2014) 11903021

Q. 16. If  A =   and  A2 = , find the values of a and b.                    11903022

Q. 17. Find the matrix X if;                 11903023

(i)         X   =            11903024

(ii)        X =      11903025


(ii)  X =                                11903026

Q. 18. Show that                                                       11903027


  = rI3

Q.19. Find the inverse of the following matrix                                                                                    11903028

Q. 20.                                                            11903029

Q.21.   Solve the following system of linear equations.                                    11903030

Q.22. If A and B are square matrices of the same order, then explain why in general;


(i)        (A + B)¹ A+ 2AB + B        11903032

(ii)        (A – B) ¹ A– 2AB + B       11903033

(iii)       (A + B) (A – B) ¹ A– B        11903034

  (A – B) ¹ A– 2AB + B

 (iii)      (A + B) (A – B) ¹ A– B

Q. 23. Solve the following matrix equations for A:                                                                                    11903035

(i)   A –   =   


(ii)  A   –     =              11903037

(ii)  A 11903038

Q. 24. What is the minor of element of a matrix                                                                                                   11903039

Q. 25. What is co-factor of an element of a matrix?                                                                            11903040

Q. 26. If any row (or column) of a determinant is multiplied by a non-zero number k, the value of the new determinant is equal to k time the value of the original determinant.                                                              11903041

Q. 27. If any row (or column) of a determinant is multiplied by a non-zero number k and the result is added to the corresponding entries of another row (or column), the value of the determinant does not change.                                                                 11903042

Q. 28. What do you mean by Adjoint and Inverse of a Square Matrix of Order 3: 11903043

Inverse of square matrix of order 3:

Q. 29.Inverse of a Square Matrix of Order 3:


Q. 30. Evaluate the following determinants. , 11903045

Q. 31    Show that = 4 abc          


Q. 32. Show that = 9

(Board 2008)   11903047




Q.33.   Show that                                                        11903048

Q. 35. Show that=r 11903050

Q. 36. If  A =  then find

      A , A  , A and                    11903051

Q. 37. Without expansion verify that 11903052

(i)   = 0        (Bord 2014) 11903053

 (ii) = 0                              11903054

 (iii)      = 0                                   11903055

 (iv)      = 0                  11903056

 (v) =  0                                             11903057



Q. 38. Find values of x if        11903060 

(i)   = –30              11903061

 (ii) = 0     (Board 2014)                   11903062

Q.  39. If A is a square matrix of order 3, then show that |kA| = k3 |A|.                                   11903053

Q. 40. Find the values of l if A is singular.

      A  =                                         11903074

Q. 41. Find whether the given matrix is singular or non-singular        11903075

Q. 42. Verify that (AB)-1 = B-1 A-1 if

A = , B =                                     11903076

Q. 43. Verify that (AB)t = BtAt and if

A = and  B =    11903077

Q.44. If A = verify that

(A-1)t = (At)-1                                                               11903078

Q. 45. What is upper triangular matrix?


Q. 46. What is lower triangular matrix?


Q. 47. What is triangular matrix?       11903081

Q. 48.  What is Symmetric matrix?     11903082

Q. 49.  What is Skew Symmetric matrix?


Q. 51. What is Conjugate of matrix? 11903084

Q.52. What is Hermitian matrix?       11903085

Q.53.What is Skew Hermitian matrix?


Q.54. What is echelon form of a matrix?11903087

Q. 56. What is the rank of a matrix? 11903088

Q.57. If the matrices A and B are symmetric and AB = BA, show that AB is symmetric.                                        (Board 2008)          11903089

Q.58 Show that AAt and AtA are symmetric for any matrix of order 2´3.                              11903090

 (ii) A – ()  is skew Hermitian.                      11903093

Q.60 If A is symmetric or skew symmetric show that A2 is symmetric.                       11903094

Q.61    If A =   ,  find A ()       11903095

Q. 62.  What are homogeneous linear equations?                                                                    11903096

Q. 63. What are non-homogeneous linear equations?                                                                         11903097

Q.64. What is trivial solution of homogeneous linear equations?                    11903098

Q. 65. What is consistent and in consistent system of linear equations?                      11903099




q  Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1      The order of a matrix is shown by:


   (a) number of columns ´ noumber of rows

  (b) number of columns + number of rows

  (c) number of rows ´ number of columns

  (d) number of columns – number of rows

Q.2   The order of the matrix  is:


         (a)  3 ´ 3                  (b) 3 ´ 2

         (c)  2 ´ 1                  (d) 2 ´ 3

Q.3        A matrix of order m´1 is called?           11903102

         (a)  Row matrix      (b) Column matrix

         (c) Identity matrix   (d) Scalar matrix

Q.4          is a:                                                 11903103

         (a)  Row matrix     (b)Column matrix

         (c)  Identity matrix   (d)Scalar matrix

Q.5      If A and B are two square matrices of same order, (A + B)=                            11903104

         (a)  A+ 2AB + B   

         (b)  A+ 2BA + B

         (c)  A+ AB + BA + B

         (d) A+ B

Q.6        If A and B are two square matrices of same order and (A+B)=A+2AB+B, then:                                                                   11903105

         (a)  A = B                (b) AB = BA

         (c)  A = – B              (d)   A = B

Q.7      If A is a matrix of order m ´ n such that m ¹ n, then A is called:           11903106

         (a)  A rectangular matrix

         (b)  A square matrix

         (c)  A null matrix         

         (d)  An identity matrix

Q.8      If A is a matrix of order m ´ n such that m = n, then what is A called?


         (a)  A rectangular matrix

         (b)  A square matrix

         (c)  A null matrix         

         (d)  An identity matrix

Q.9        If A is a matrix of order m ´ n, then the number of elements in each row of A is:  (Board 2009)                                                   11903108

         (a)  m                       (b) n

         (c)  m + n                 (d)   m - n

Q.10    If A and B are two matrices, then:

         (a)  A B = O             (b) AB = BA

         (c)  AB = I                                               11903109

         (d) AB may not be defined

Q.11   A matrix in which each element is 0 is called:                                                                                        11903110

         (a)  Square matrix      (b) Null matrix

         (c)  Identity matrix  

         (d) Rectangular matrix

Q.12    If A= , then matrix A is singular if:                                                        11903111

         (a)  ab – cd = 0         (b) ac – bd = 0

          (c) ad – bc = 1         (d) ad – bc = 0

Q.13    If A =  , then:                 11903112

         (a)  A=  A   (b) A= – Adj. A

         (c)  A= A  (d)  none of these

Q.14    If A = , B = we can find:

         (a)  A + B                 (b)             11903113

         (c)  BA                    (d) AB

Q.15    If A = , B = then BA is:


      (a) null matrix    (b)  rectangular matrix 

      (c) unit matrix    (d)     diagonal matrix

Q.16    The matrix   is……… 11903115

         (a) null  matrix    (b) diagonal matrix

         (c) scalar matrix  (d) identity matrix

Q.17      is …..                 11903116

      (a) scalar matrix        (b) null matrix

      (c) diagonal matrix   (d) identity matrix

Q.18    The matrix is:             11903117

         (a)  singular              (b) non-singular

         (c)  rectangular        (d) null

Q.19    The matrix is:                        11903118

         (a)  scalar matrix  (b) diagonal matrix

         (c)  lower triangular matrix         

         (d) upper triangular matrix

Q.20    The matrix is:                        11903119

         (a)  scalar matrix         

         (b)  diagonal matrix

         (c)  lower triangular matrix         

         (d) upper triangular matrix

Q.21    The matrix is:            11903120

         (a)  scalar matrix         

         (b)  diagonal matrix

         (c)  triangular matrix

         (d) none of these

Q.22  An element  a of a square matrix

A = is said to be a diagonal element if:                                                            11903121

         (a)  i = j                    (b) i < j

         (c)  i > j                    (d)   i ¹ j

Q.23  An element  a of a square matrix      A = is said to be above the diagonal if :                                    11903122

         (a)  i = j                    (b) i < j

         (c)  i > j                    (d)   i ¹ j

Q.24    If Iis the identity matrix of order n, then rank of Iis:                                                           11903123

         (a)  equal to n           (b) less than n

         (c)  greater than n     (d)does not exist 

Q.25    If A  = and B =    then A + B =                                                  11903124

         (a)                 (b)

         (c)                (d) None of these

Q.26    If AB=BA=I, then A and B are: 11903125

     (a) equal to each other.

     (b) multiplicative inverse of each other.

     (c) additive inverse of each other.

     (d) both singular.

Q.27    If two rows (or two columns) in  a square matrix are identical
(i.e. corresponding elements are equal), the value of the determinant is:

         (a)    0                     (b)     1                   11903126

         (c)   – 1                    (d)  ± 1

Q.28    If each element in any row or each element in any column of a square matrix is zero, then value of the determinant is:                                       11903127

         (a)     0                     (b) 1

         (c)  – 1                     (d) none of these.

Q.29    If any two rows of a square matrix are interchanged, the determinant of the resulting matrix:                                            11903128

         (a)  is zero.

            (b)   is multiplicative inverse of the determinant of the original matrix.

         (c)  is additive inverse of the determinant the original matrix.

         (d)  none of these.

Q.30    If a matrix A is symmetric as well as skew symmetric, then:                             11903129

         (a)  A is null matrix 

         (b)  A is unit matrix

         (c)  A is triangular matrix

         (d) A is diagonal matrix

Q.31   If for a matrix A, |A| ¹  0 then we say matrix A is:                                                                                11903130

         (a)  zero                   (b) non-singular

         (c)  singular             (d) none of these.

Q.32  If A and B are non-singular matrices, then  =                                                    11903131

         (a)  BA           (b)  AB

         (c)               (d) none of these

Q.33    If P = and Q = are two matrices of same order p ´ q, then order of P + Q is:                                                         11903132

         (a)  p – q                  (b) p ´ q

         (c)  p + q                   (d) none of these.

Q.34  If A = and B = are two matrices of same order r ´ s, then order of  A – B is:                                                      11903133

         (a)  r – s                   (b)  r ´ s

         (c)  r + s                   (d) none of these.

Q.35  The matrix A is Hermitian if      =

         (a)    A                     (b) – A         11903134

         (c)  – A                    (d)       

Q.36  The matrix A is skew  Hermitian if   =                                           11903135

         (a)     A                    (b) – A

         (c)  – A                    (d)       

Q.37   In a diagonal matrix, all elements except those of the diagonal are ………… .                                             11903136

         (a)  equal                 (b) not equal

         (c)  one                    (d) zero

Q.38  Let  be a square matrix. Then the cofactor of a denoted  by A is defined as:                                  11903137

         (a)  M       (b) M

         (c)  M       (d) M

Q.39    Minors and co-factors of the elements in a determinant are equal in magnitude but they may differ in :


         (a)  order                 (b) position

         (c)  sign                   (d) symmetry

Q.40    Two matrices X and Y are equal if and only if:                                                 11903139

         (a)  X and Y are of same order

         (b)  Their corresponding

               elements are equal

         (c)  Both a and b          

         (d)  none of these.

Q.41    If A = , then A is:       11903140

         (a)  scalar matrix  (b) diagonal matrix

         (c)  symmetric matrix  

         (d) skew symmetric matrix

Q.42    If A is a non-singular matrix, then   =                                                 11903141

         (a)  A                  (b) A

         (c)                         (d)   A

Q.43    If A is a square matrix, then:     11903142

         (a)  = A             (b) = –A

         (c)  =            (d) A = A

Q.44    For a square matrix A, equals: 11903143

         (a)     A                   (b)

         (c)  -                 (d)   - A  

Q.45    If A is a square matrix, then A+A is:

         (a)  null matrix                                         11903144

         (b)  unit null matrix

         (c)  symmetric matrix  

         (d) skew symmetric matrix

Q.46    If A is a square matrix, then A-A is:

         (a)  null matrix                                        11903145

         (b)  unit null matrix

         (c)  symmetric matrix  

         (d) skew symmetric matrix

Q.47    If matrix A is non-singular, then:


         (a)  A=          

         (b)  A =

         (c)  A =    

         (d) A =

Q.48   If each element of a 3 ´ 3 matrix A is multiplied by 3, then the determinant of the resulting matrix is:                            11903147

         (a)                      (b) 27

         (c)  3                   (d)   9

Q.49    If A is a square matrix of order 3 ´ 3, then |kA| equals:                                                 11903148

         (a)  k |A|                   (b) k2 |A|

         (c)  k3 |A|                  (d)   k4 |A|

Q.50    The solution set of a first degree equation in two variables has: 11903149

         (a) one element       (b)   two elements

         (c) no element

         (d) infinite number of elements

Q.51  = …………        11903150

         (a)  – tany              (b) tany

         (c)  1 – tany           (d)   None of these.

Q.52  = …………                          11903151

         (a)        (b) 

         (c)        (d)   

Q.53    If A =   ,  then |A| = ? 11903152

         (a)  1                            (b)    – A

         (c)  0                            (d)   A

Q.54  = ……….             11903153

         (a)  0                        (b) 1

         (c)  a + b + c             (d)   a + b + c + d

Q.55  The value of is:    11903154

         (a)  0                        (b) 1

         (c)  ab + bc + ac       (d)   a + b + c

Q.56  Rank of  the matrix is:

         (a)  1                        (b) 2             11903155

         (c)  3                        (d)   4

Q.57  The value of is: 11903156

         (a)  ah + bg + cm     (b) ab + c d +  fgh

         (c)  a b c d                (d)   a + b + c + d

Q.58    If A = ,  then:  

         a A + a A + a A =          11903157

         (a)  0                       (b)

         (c)               (d)  none of these.

Q.59  If D =then: 11903158

         (a)  D = 0                 (b) D = 10

         (c)  D = – 1               (d)   D = 3

Q.60   If = 5, then = ………           11903159

         (a)  25                      (b) 20

         (c)  40                      (d) 2a + 2b + 2c

Q.61    If  = 5, then = ……… 11903160

         (a)  10                      (b) 5

         (c)  0                        (d) a + b + c

Q.62  If  = 5,   then =………                  11903161

         (a)  10                      (b) – 5

         (c)  5                       (d)   0

Q.63  Matrix form of the equations     11903161

               ax + by + c = 0

               ax + by + c = 0

               ax + by + c = 0  is:

         (a)   =

         (b) +   =

         (c) =

         (d)   =

Q.64  In the homogeneous system of linear equations                                     11903161

         a x+ a x+ a x=0

         a x+ a x+ a x=0

         a x+ a x+ a x=0

     if = 0

         then the system has:

         (a)  no solution       

         (b)  infinitely many solutions

         (c)  only trivial solution (0, 0, 0)

         (d) one trivial and one non-trivial solution

Q.65  In the homogeneous system of linear equations                                     11903162

         a x+ a x+ a x=0

         a x+ a x+ a x=0

         a x+ a x+ a x=0


      If ¹ 0     

         then the system has:

(a)  no solution                

(b)  infinitely many solutions

(c)     only trivial solution (0, 0, 0)

(d)    one trivial and one non-trivial solution

Q.66 If A is square matrix of order 2 then  equals:                    (Board 2014)                               11903163





Q.67  If  then order of  is:


(a)                                    (b)       

(c)                                   (d)       

Q.68  If , then  is equal to:

(Board 2014) 11903165

(a)        5                                              (b)                    20

(c)        14                                            (d)                    6





Unit 4







Q.1. What is a quadratic equation? 11904001

Example:  (i)   x2 + 5x + 6    = 0                       11904002

(ii)  ax2  + bx + c = 0, a  0                              11904003

Q. 2. What is the standard form of the quadratic equation?                                                   11904004

Q. 3. What is quadratic formula?       11904005

Q. 4. Solve  x2 - x = 2                          11904006

      Hence solution set is {2, -1}.

Q. 5. Solve x(x + 7) = (2x – 1) (x + 4) 11904007

(Board 2014)

Q. 6. Solve   + = ;

x ¹ – 1,–2,– 5                                          11904008

Q. 7. Solve + = a + b ;

    x ¹ ,                                                11904009


Q.8. Solve the following equation by completing the square: x – 2x – 899 = 0


Q. 9. Solve by completing square

         2x2 + 12x - 110 = 0                                             11904011

Q.10. Solve by quadratic formula?

15x + 2axa = 0                          11904012

Q.11. Solve the equation


Q.12. What is an exponential equation? 



Q.13. Solve the equation   



Q.14. What is a reciprocal equation?  11904016

Q.15.  Solve the equation  x – 10 = 3x


Q.16. Solve the equation x + 8 = 6 x



Q.17. Solve the equation = 24                               11904019

Q. 18. Solve the equation 4×2–9×2+1=0


Q. 19. Solve the equation                     11904021

           – 3 – 4 = 0

Q.20. What is a radical equation?       11904022

Q.22. Find the three cube roots of unity


Q.23. Prove that the sum of three cube   roots of unity is zero i.e.  1+ w+ w2 = 0


Q.24. Prove that:                                                         11904025


Q.25. Prove that:                                             11904026


Q.26.  Find four fourth roots of unity:  


Q. 27.           Evaluate:           11904028

 (ii)       Evaluate: w28 + w29 + 1 11904029

 (iii)        Evaluate:                                                                   11904030


Q.28. Show that:                                                                     11904031

      x- y=

 (ii) Show that: ….. 2n factors = 1                                  11904032

Q.29. If w is a cube root of unity, form an equation whose roots are 2w and 2w.


Q. 30. Solve the given equations:         11904034

x+x+x+1 = 0

Q.31.What is a polynomial function? 11904035

Q. 32. Sate and prove Remainder Theorem

(Board 2014) 11904036

Q. 33. State and prove Factor Theorem


Q. 34. Use factor theorem to determine if the first polynomial is a factor of the second polynomial.

a)   w+ 2 , 2w3 + w2 - 4w + 7                11904038

b) x - a, xn - an where n is a positive integer.                                                                                      11904039

Q.35. When x4 + 2x3 + kx2 + 3 is divided by x-2, the remainder is 1. Find the value of k.


Q. 36. When the polynomial x3+2x2+kx+4 is divided by x - 2, the remainder is 14. Find the value of k.                                                                11904041

Q.37. Find the Relations between the roots and the coefficients of a quadratic equation. 11904042

Q.38.   Form an equation whose roots are a and b                                                                           11904043

Q.39. If a, b are the roots of  

x – px – p – c = 0,                                11904044

      Prove that  (1 + a)(1 + b) = 1 – c

Q. 40. If the roots of the equation x– px +q=0 differ by unity, prove that p=4q+ 1. 11904045

Q.41. If the roots of px+ qx + q = 0 are a and b then prove that                                           11904046

      + + = 0

Q. 42. If a , b are the roots of

5xx – 2 = 0, form the equation whose roots are and .                                         11904047

Q. 43.  If a and b are the roots of

x– 3x + 5 = 0, form the equation whose roots are and .                            11904048


Q.44. Discuss the nature of the roots of a quadratic equation                                     11904049

Q.45.   For what values of m will the equation (m+1)x2 + 2(m+3)x + 2m+3  =  0    have equal roots?                               11904050

Q.46. Show that the roots of the given equation will be real:                                       11904051

      x – 2 x + 3 = 0 ; m ¹ 0



Q.47. Show that the roots of the given equations will be rational:                   11904052

(p + q)x – px – q = 0                                       (Board 2008)

Q. 48. For what values of m will the roots of the given equations be equal?    11904053

(m + 1)x + 2(m + 3)x + m + 8 = 0

Q. 49. Show that the roots of x + (mx + c)      = a will be equal, if c = a (1 + m).           11904054

Q. 50. Show that the roots of

= 4ax will be equal, if c =  ; m ¹ 0 11904055

Q.51. What is system of simultaneous equations?                                                       11904056


q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1       The polynomial ax+ bx + c = 0 is quadratic if:                                                            11904057

             (a)       a ¹ 0                             (b)        a ¹ 0, b ¹ 0

             (c)       a > 0                             (d)        a  <  0

Q.2             If one root of the equation
x+ b x + c = 0 be reciprocal of other, then:                                                11904058

             (a)       a = 0 , c ¹ 0       (b)        b = c

             (c)       a ¹ 0 , c ¹ 0       (d)        a = c

Q.3             Only one of the roots of
a x2 + b x + c = 0, a
¹ 0, is zero if :


             (a)       c = 0                             (b)        b = 0 , c = 0

             (c)       b = 0 , c ¹ 0      (d)        b ¹ 0 , c = 0

Q.4             Both the roots of the equation

a x2+ b x + c = 0, are zero if          :  11904060

             (a)       a = 0 and b = 0 

(b)        a = 0 and c = 0

             (c)       b = 0 and c = 0 

(d)        a = b = c = 0

Q.5             If P(x) is a polynomial of degree m and Q(x) is a polynomial of degree n, the product  P(x) × Q(x) will be a polynomial of degree:             11904061

             (a)       m × n                             (b)        m - n

             (c)       m ¸ n                            (d)        m + n

Q.6             If P(x) is a polynomial of degree m and Q(x) is a polynomial of degree n, the quotient P(x) ¸ Q(x) will produce a polynomial of degree:                     11904062

             (a)       m × n, plus a quotient    

(b)        m - n, plus a remainder

             (c)       m ¸ n, plus a factor      

(d)        m + n, plus a remainder

Q.7             Zeros of a function ¦(x) means the values of x which make:               11904063

             (a)       ¦(x) < 0            (b)        ¦(x) > 0

             (c)       ¦(x) = 0            (d)        ¦(x) ¹ 0

Q.8              (ax - b) is a factor of the polynomial ¦(x), if and only if:                                11904064

             (a)       ¦ = 0                      (b)        ¦ = 0

             (c)       ¦ = 0                      (d)        ¦ ¹ 0

Q.9             The roots of the quadratic equation a x+ b x + c = 0 are:                    11904065





Q.10         Synthetic division is a process of:

             (a)       subtraction                   (b)        addition   11904066

             (c)       multiplication   (d)        division

Q.11         The roots of the equation

x+ x + 1 = 0 are:                                      11904067

             (a)       complex                       (b)   irrational

             (c)       rational             (d)  none of these.

Q.12         If the Discriminant of a quadratic equation is a perfect square, then roots are:                                                                      11904068

             (a)       real and equal   (b)        complex

             (c)       rational                         (d)        irrational

Q.13         A quadratic equation with 1 and 2 as roots is:                                                            11904069

             (a)       x2+ 3x – 2 = 0  (b) x2 – 3x + 2 = 0

             (c)       x2+ 3x + 2 = 0  (d) none of these.

Q.14         Complex roots of real quadratic equation always occur in:    11904070

             (a)       conjugate pair    (b) ordered pair

             (c)       reciprocal pair    (d) none of these.

Q.15         If w is one of complex cube roots of unity, then conjugate of w is: 11904071

             (a)       – w                              (b)        – w

             (c)            i                               (d)            w

Q.16         Solution set of the equation:  11904072
– 3x + 2 = 0 is

             (a)                             (b)       

             (c)              (d)       

Q.17         Equations having a common solution are called:                                                        11904073

             (a)       linear                           (b)        quadratic

             (c)       homogeneous              

(d)        simultaneous

Q.18         Solution set of the simultaneous equations: x + y = 1, x - y = 1 is        : 11904074

             (a)                   (b)       

             (c)                                (d)       

Q.19         A quadratic equation with 1 and –5 as roots is:                                                          11904075

             (a)       x+ 4x – 5 = 0

(b)        x– 4x – 5 = 0

             (c)       x+ 4x + 5 = 0

             (d)       4x+ x – 5 = 0

Q.20        The real quadratic equation whose one root is 2 – is:                                               11904076

             (a)       x+ 4x – 1 = 0   (b) x– 4x–1 = 0

             (c)       x– 4x + 1 = 0   (d) none of these.

Q.21         If w is the cube root of unity, then a quadratic equation whose roots are 2w and 2wis:                                           11904077

                (a) x– 2x + 4 = 0  (b)           x+ 2x + 4 = 0

                (c)x+  x + 4 = 0      (d)        x+ 2x – 4 = 0

Q.22         How many complex cube roots of unity are there:                                         11904078

             (a)       0                                              (b)1

(c)  2                                        (d)        3

Q.23         One of the roots of the equation        3x2+ 2x + k = 0 is the reciprocal of the other, then k = ---------            11904079

             (a)       1            (b) 2     (c)  3              (d)        4

Q.24         If the sum of the roots of the equation kx–2x + 2k = 0 is equal to their product, then the value of k is:

             (a)       1             (b) 2      (c)  3 (d)        4 11904080

Q.25         For what value of k, the roots of the equation x+ x + 2 = 0 are equal:

             (a)       1               (b) 2    (c)  4 (d)        8 11904081

Q.26         For what value of k, the sum of the roots of the equation x+ kx + 4 = 0 is equal to the product of its roots:

             (a)       ± 1           (b) 4    (c) ± 4  (d) –4 11904082

Q.27         If  a , b be the roots of a x2+b x+c= 0 where a ¹ 0 , c ¹ 0 then roots of         cx+ bx + a = 0 are:                                 11904083

             (a)       ,                              (b)        – a , – b

             (c)       ,                              (d)        none of these

Q.28         If the roots of x – bx + c = 0 are two consecutive integers, then:
– 4c = ---------                                              11904084

             (a)       0          (b)        – 1         (c)       2          (d)          1

Q.29         If the sum of the roots of
x + = 0 is 2, then the product of the roots is:  11904085

             (a)       1          (b)        2          (c)        3                                  (d)        4

Q.30         If  –1 is a root of x3– 5x+7x+13 = 0 the depressed equation is:           11904086

(a)        – 5x+ 7x + 13 = 0      

(b)        x– 6x + 12 = 0

(c)        x– 6x + 13 = 0           

(d)        5x+ 6x + 13 = 0

Q.31         If a , b are non-real cube roots of unity, then which one of the following is incorrect:            11904087

             (a)       a = b                           (b)        b = a

             (c)       a =                            (d)        a b = 1

Q.32         If  a , b  are complex cube roots of unity, then 1 + a + b = ------ where n is a positive integer divisible by 3.                                                                                 11904088

             (a)    1             (b)        2                      (c)        3                      (d)        4

Q.33         If  a , b  are the roots of

3x2 - 2x + 4 = 0, then the equation whose roots are 2a, 2b is: (Board 2009)                           11904089

(a)        2x2 + 6x + 8 = 0                                     

(b)        4x2 - 2x + 3 = 0

(c)        3x2 - 4x + 16 = 0         

(d)        3x2 + 16x - 4 = 0

Q.34         The cube roots of unity are 1, w, w where w = ---------                                  11904090

             (a)                  (b)     

             (c)                 (d)     

Q.35         ax+by+c = 0  where a , b ¹ 0 is a:

             (a) Linear equation                               11904091

             (b) Quadratic equation

             (c) Cubic equation      

             (d) Radical equation

Q.36         If 4x = 2, then x equals:   (Board 2009)

             (a)        2                                  (b)        -                    11904093

             (c)                                         (d)          1

Q.37         Sum of all three cube roots of unity is:                                               (Board 2014)                   11904094

(a)  1                                  (b)        – 1

(c)  3                                  (d)  0

Q.38                     If  and  perfect square the roots are:                   (Board 2014)       11904095

(a)       Rational           (b)        Irrational

(c) Equal                      (d)  Complex

Q.39 If a polynomial P(x) = x3 + 4x2 – 2x + 5 is divided by x – 1, then the reminder is:

(Board 2014) 11904096

(a)        4                                  (b)        – 2

(c)  5                            (d)        8







 Unit 5


q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1      The quotient of two polynomials  where Q(x) ¹ 0, with no common factors, is called a:            11905015

         (a)   Irrational fraction

         (b)   Polynomial

         (c)   Rational fraction    

         (d)   None of these.

Q.2      When a rational fraction is separated into partial fractions, the result is: 11905016

         (a)   an equation

         (b)   an identity

         (c)   an inequation         

         (d)   none of these.

Q.3      The conditional equation = 3 holds if x = ------                                              11905017

         (a)                     (b) 

         (c)                     (d) none of these.

Q.4      If degree of P(x) = 3 and degree of Q(x) = 4, then will be:          11905018

         (a)   Proper rational fraction     

         (b)   Improper rational fraction

         (c)   Polynomial 

         (d)   Conditional equation

Q.5      If degree of P(x) = 4 and degree of Q(x) = 3, then will be:         11905019

         (a)   Proper rational fraction     

         (b)   Improper rational fraction

         (c)   Polynomial      

         (d)   Conditional equation

Q.6      The rational fraction  where Q(x) ¹ 0 is proper rational fraction if:11905020

         (a)   Degree of P(x) = Degree of Q(x)

         (b)   Degree of P(x) < Degree of Q(x)

         (c)   Degree of P(x) > Degree of Q(x)

         (d)   None of these.

Q.7       will be improper rational fraction if:                                             11905021

         (a)   Degree of Q(x) = 2

         (b)   Degree of Q(x) = 3

         (c)   Degree of Q(x) = 4

         (d)   None of these.

Q.8       will be proper rational fraction if:                                                 11905022

         (a)   Degree of Q(x) = 1

         (b)   Degree of Q(x) = 2

         (c)   Degree of Q(x) = 3

         (d)   None of these.

Q.9      The rational fraction is:

         (a)   Proper               (b)  Improper 11905023

         (c)   both                   (d) None of these.

Q.10  The rational fraction is:  11905024

         (a)   Proper               (b)  Improper

         (c)   both                   (d) None of these.

Q.11  The rational fraction is:                                                      11905025

         (a)   Proper              (b) Improper

         (c)   both                  (d) None of these

Q.12  The rational fraction is:                        11905026

         (a)   Proper               (b)  Improper

         (c)   both                   (d) None of these.

Q.13  The rational fraction  is:                                                       11905027

         (a)   Proper         (b)  Improper

         (c)   both             (d) None of these.

Q.14  Partial fractions of will be of the from:                                              11905028

         (a)   +   

         (b)     + 

         (c)     +  

         (d)   +

Q.15  Partial fractions of will be of the from:                            11905029

         (a)      +    + 

         (b)      +    + 

         (c)      +    + 

         (d)      +    + 

Q.16  If = + + , then A is:                             11905030

         (a)     (b) 

         (c)     (d) None of these.

Q.17  If   =   +  , then B is:

         (a)                     (b)  –              11905031

         (c)                     (d) None of these.

Q.18     Partial fractions of  are of the form:          (Board 2014)         11905032          

(a)    (b)       

(c)          (d)       

Q.19   Partial fractions of  are of the form:                       (Board 2014)       11905033














Q.1      What is an open sentence?   11905001

Q.2      What is conditional equation and identity?                                                11905002

Q.3      What is the rational fraction? 11905003

Note:Any improper rational fraction can be reduced by division to a mixed form, consisting of the sum of a polynomial and a proper rational fraction.

Q.4      Resolve   into Partial Fractions. [L.B. 2008 (G-II) Short]           11905004

Q.5      Resolve in to partial fractions                                               11905005

Q.6 Resolve  into partial fractions                             11905006

Q.7      Resolve   into partial fractions.                                11905007

Q.8 Define irreducible quadratic factor.


Q.9.  Resolve into partial fractions.                                    11905008

Q.10    Resolve into partial fraction.                                             11905009

Q.11    Write identity equation of                           11905010

Q.12    Write identity equation of


Q.13    Convert into mixed form.


Q.14    Write the identity equation of                            11905013

Q.15    Write the identity equation of                 11905014




Unit 6






q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1      Sequences are also called:        11906074

         (a)  series            (b) progressions

         (c)  means           (d)  convergence

Q.2      A function  whose domain is the set of natural numbers is called the: 11906075        

         (a)  series            (b)  sequence

         (c)  means           (d) convergent

Q.3      A sequence is denoted by:       11906076

         (a)             (b) 

         (c)  an                  (d) a1 + (n - 1)d

Q.4      What is called the arrangement of numbers formed according to some definite rule?                                           11906077

         (a)  arithmetic sequence

         (b) geometric sequence

         (c)  sequence      

         (d)  none of these.

Q.5      In the standard form of an A.P. a, a+d, a + 2d, a + 3d, ……., where a is the first term and d is the common difference, its general term “an” is written as:                                          11906078

         (a)  an = a1 + (n – 1)d

         (b)  an = a1 + nd

         (c) an = a2 + nd  

         (d)  an = a1 + (n – 2)d

Q.6      If  are in A.P., then                                                 11906079

         (a)       (b)

         (c)      (d)

Q.7      The sum of n A.Ms between a and b is:

         (a)        (b)   11906080

         (c)          (d)

Q.8      Which number cannot be a term of a geometric sequence?                        11906081

         (a) 1                    (b)  -1

         (c) r                    (d)   0

Q.9      What is called the difference between two consecutive terms of an arithmetic sequence?                                           11906082

         (a)  common ratio   

         (b)  common difference

         (c) common element

         (d) none of these.

Q.10  If “a1” is the first term and “d” is the common difference of an A.P., then sum upto n terms of the series is:






Q.11  The nth term of the sequence is , , , … is :                       11906084

         (a)           (b)  

         (c)           (d)      

Q.12  Which is not an example of arithmetic sequence?                                        11906085

         (a)  1, 2, 3, 4, ……

         (b)  1 + 1, 2 + 2, 3 + 3, 4 + 4, ………

         (c)  1 + r, 2 + r, 3 + r, 4 + r, ……..

         (d)  12, 22, 32, 42,  ……

Q.13  A sequence of numbers whose reciprocal form an arithmetic sequence, is known as:           11906086

         (a)  arithmetic sequence

         (b)  geometric sequence

         (c)  harmonic sequence 

         (d) none of these.

Q.14  If a1 is the first term and d is the common difference of an A.P. then its (2m + 1)th  term is:            11906087

         (a)  a1 + 2md       (b)  a1 + m

         (c)  a1 + m + 1    (d) none of these.

Q.15  If A, G, H are the A.M., G.M. and H.M. between two distinct positive real numbers, then:             11906088

         (a)  A  <  G  >  H  (b)  A  >  G  >  H

         (c)  A  >  G  <  H  (d)  A  <  G  <  H

Q.16  If A, G and H are the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means between a and b respectively, then

G2 =                                      11906089

         (a)  G                  (b) HG

         (c)                   (d)  AH

Q.17  Three numbers  , a, ar  are in:        

         (a)  A.P.              (b) G.P.           11906090

         (c)  H.P.              (d) none

Q.18  If a = (n + 1) a ,  a = 1, second term of the sequence is:       11906091

         (a)  1                   (b)        2

         (c)  3                   (d)       4

Q.19  If the standard form of an A.P. a1,     a1  +  d, a1  +  2d, a1  +  3d, ……., where a1 is the first term and d is the common difference, then its general term an is written as:                        11906092

         (a)  a = a1  –  (n + 1)d

         (b)  a = a1+ (n + 1) d

         (c)  a = a1 +  (n – d)

         (d)  a = a1 +  (n – 1)d

Q.20  , , , …… is a/an:             11906093

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.

         (c)  H.P.              (d)  none

Q.21  Reciprocals of the terms of the geometric sequence form: 11906094

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.

         (c)  H.P.              (d)  none

Q.22  What is the general term of the sequence 2, 4, 6, 8, ……….?          11906095

         (a) 2n                 (b)   n + 1

         (c)  2n              (d)  none of these.

Q.23  What is the general term of the          geometric sequence  –1, 1, –1, 1,     ……..?                                                   11906096

         (a)  (–1)            (b)  (1)

         (c)  (–1)       (d) none of these.

Q.24  What is the next term in the sequence 10, 7, 4, 1 ……..?                             11906097

         (a)    2                 (b) –2

         (c)  –3                 (d) none of these.

Q.25  Fifth term of the sequence 2, 6, 11, 17, …… is:                                            11906098

         (a)  24                 (b) 41

         (c)  32                

         (d) none of the foregoing numbers.

Q.26  What is the common difference of the sequence 11, 5, – 1 , ……?  11906099

         (a) 6                   (b)  –6


         (d) none of the foregoing numbers.

Q.27  The series 3 + 33 + 333 + ..… is: 11906100

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.

         (c)  H.P.              (d) none of these.


Q.28  The series r + (1 + k) r+ (1 + k + k) r+ …… is                                      11906101

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.

         (c)  H.P.              (d) none of these.

Q.29  The series 2 + (1 – i) + + …… is:

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.           11906102

         (c)  H.P.              (d) none of these.

Q.30  If a = (n + 1) a , a = 1, third term of the sequence is:                                    11906103

         (a)  3                   (b)  60

         (c)  12                

         (d) none of the foregoing numbers.

Q.31  If a1 = 3, r = 2, then the general term of G.P. is:                                           11906104

         (a)             (b)

      (c)                (d)

Q.32  The sum of first n natural numbers is:

         (a)  n                   (b)  (n + 1)    11906105

         (c)  (n - 1)       (d)

Q.33  The sum of n terms of a series is , the series is in:           11906106

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.

         (c)  H.P.              (d) none of these.

Q.34   If a , b , c are in A.P., then  , , are in:

         (a)  A.P.              (b)  G.P.           11906107

         (c)  H.P.              (d) none of these.

Q.35  The series y = 1 + + + ××××is convergent in the interval:            11906108

         (a) – 2 <  x < 2  

         (b) – 3 <  x < 3

         (c)  – 4 <  x < 4  

         (d)  none of these.



Q.36  If x = 1 + y + y+ y + ......... ¥, then y: = -------------                                                11906109

         (a)               (b) 

         (c)  1 + y             (d) none of these.

Q.37  The nth term of the series 1+ + + ........ is:                       11906110

         (a)  n (n + 1)       (b)  (n + 1)

         (c)      0               (d) none of these.

Q.38  The sum up to n terms of the series  + + + + ....... is: 11906111

         (a)  n (n + 1)       (b) 

         (c)          (d)

Hint:      + + + + .... + a= =

Q.39  For any two numbers a and b is:


(a)  A.M                    (b)  G.M

(c)  H.M                   (d)  None

Q.40  5,  is:    (Board 2014) 11906113

(a)  Series                  (b)  A.P

(c)  G.P                     (d) H.P

Q.41The sum of an infinite geometric        series exists if:                       (Board 2014) 11906114

      (a)                (b) 

      (c)                (d)                    








Q.1 What is Sequence?            11906001

Q.2 What is real sequence?                 11906002

Q.3      What is complex sequence? 11906003

Q.4      What is finite sequence?       11906004

Q.5      What is infinite sequence?   11906005

Q.6 Write the first four terms of the sequence a = (–1)n.                             11906006

Q.7      Write the first four terms of the sequence a = naa = 1.    11906007

Q.8      Write the first four terms of the sequence a = 3n – 5                              11906008

Q.9      Find the indicated terms of the sequence 2, 6, 11, 17, ….,a7                                   11906009

Q.10    Find the indicated term of the sequence 1, 3, 12, 60, …….,a6                                11906010

Q.11    Find the indicated term of the sequence 1,1, -3, 5, -7, ……, a8                           11906011

Q.12    Find the indicated terms of the sequence 1, -3, 5, -7, 9, -11, …..a8 (Board 2014)           11906012

Q.13    Find the next two terms of the sequence.7, 9, 12, 16, ……                       11906013

Q.14    Find the next two terms of the sequence  -1, 2, 12, 40, …….                     11906014

Q.15    Define A.P and common difference(d).                               11906015

Q.16    Find rule for the nth term of an A.P.


Q.17    If an-2 = 3n - 11, find the nth term of the sequence.                                              11906017



an-2 = 3n - 11    …..(1)


Q.18    If a = 2n – 5, find the nth term of the sequence.                                11906018

Q.19    Find the 13th term of the sequence x, 1, 2 – x, 3 – 2x, ...                            11906019

Q.20    Which term of the A.P. 5,2,–1,…is– 85?                 (Board 2014)       11906020

Q.21    Which term of the A.P.–2,4,10,…is 148?                                                    11906021

Q.22    How many terms are there in A.P. in which a = 11, a = 68, d = 3?            11906022

Q.23 If the nth term of an A.P is 3n – 1, find the A.P.                              11906023

Q.24    Determine whether 2 is the term of A.P. 17, 13, 9, … or not        11906024

Q.25    Find the nth term of the sequence, , , , …                 11906025

Q.26    If  , and are in A.P. , Show that b =                                                11906026

Q.27.   If  , and are in A.P. Show that the common difference is            11906027

Q.28    Define arithmetic mean (A.M)


Q.29.      Derive the formula to find A.M between a and b.                                                          11906029

Q.30.   Write the general formula to find A.M between an-1 and an+1                  11906030

Q.31.   If there are n A.Ms between a and b. Then find common difference.     11906031

Q.32    Find A.M between 3  and 5


Q.33    Find A.M between x – 3 and x + 5


Q.34    Find A.M between 1–x + x and

1+x + x                                             11906034

Q.35    If 5 , 8 are two A.Ms between a and b, find a and b.                                 11906035

Q.36    What is series?                       11906036

Q.37    What is finite series?             11906037

Q.38    What is infinite series?         11906038

Q.39    Write the formulae to find sum of first n terms of an arithmetic series. 11906039

Q.40    Find the sum of all the integral multiples of 3 between 4 and 97.  11906040

Q.41 Sum the series–3+(–1)+1+3+5+ ×××+ a


Q.42    How many terms of the series

  – 7 + (–5) + (–3) + … amount to 65? 11906042

Q.43    How many terms of the series

   –7 + (–4)  + (–1)  + … amount to 114?


Q.44    A man deposits in a bank Rs.10 in the first month; Rs.15 in the second month; Rs.20 in the third month and so on. Find how much he will have deposited in the bank by the 9th month.          11906044

Q.45    A clock strikes once when its hour hand is at one, twice when it is at two and so on. How many times does the clock strike in twelve hours?                11906045

= 6 (13) = 78

Q.46    The sum of interior angles of polygons having sides 3, 4, 5, … etc. form an A.P. Find the sum of the interior angles for a 16 sides polygon.                     11906046

Q.47    Define geometric progression (G.P) and common ratio (r).                     11906047

Q.48    Derive the formula for nth term of a G.P.                                                 11906048

Q.49    Find the 5th term of the G.P., 3, 6, 12, ¼                                         11906049

Q.50    If  and are in G.P. Show that the common ratio is ±             11906050

Q.51    Define geometric means between two numbers a and b.                          11906051

Q.52    Derive the formula to find geometric means between two numbers a and b.


Q.53    Find the geometric mean between 4 and 16.                                                           11906053

Q.54 Find G.M. between –2i and 811906054

Q.55 Insert two G.Ms. between 1 and 8 11906055

Q.56 Insert two G.Ms. between 2 and 16


Q.57. Find sum of n terms of G. Series.


Q.58    Find the sum of the infinite G.P.

2, , 1, ¼                                                    11906058

Q.59    Find the sum of the infinite geometric series + + + ×××    11906059

Q.60    Find the sum of the infinite geometric series + + + ……           11906060

Q.61    Find the sum of the infinite geometric series + + 1 +   + …. 11906061

Q.62    Find the sum of the infinite geometric series 2 + 1 + 0.5 +  ….         11906062

Q.63    Find a vulgar fraction equivalent to the recurring decimal 0.               11906063

Q.64    If  y = 1 + 2x + 4x + 8x +  ×××× Show that  x  =                                   11906064

Q.65    If  y = 1 + 2x + 4x + 8x +  ×××× Find the interval in which the series is convergent.                                    11906065


Q.66    A man deposits in a bank Rs. 8 in the first year, Rs.24 in the second year; Rs.72 in the third year and so on. Find the amount he will have deposited in the bank by the fifth year.                     11906066

Q.67    The population of a certain village is 62500. What will be its population after 3 years if it increases geometrically at the rate of 4% annually?                               11906067

Q.68    A singular cholera bacteria produces two complete bacteria in   hours. If we start with a colony of A bacteria, how many bacteria will we have in n hours?   11906068

Q.69. Define Harmonic progression (H.P).


Q.70    Write the general form of harmonic sequence.                                          11906061

Q.71    Define harmonic mean.        11906062

Q.72    Derive the formula to find harmonic mean between two number a and b.  11906063

Q.73        Find the 9th term of the harmonic sequence  , , ,   … (L.B. 2014)       11906064

Q.74    Find the 9th term of the harmonic sequence-, -, -1,……                       11906065

Q.75    Find the 12th term of the following harmonic sequence  ,,,   …          11906066

Q.76    Find the 12th term of the following harmonic sequences   ,, , …        11906067

Q.77    If  5 is the harmonic mean between 2 and  b,  find  b.  (L.B. 2014)              11906068

Q.78    If the numbers  , and are in harmonic sequence, find k. 11906069

Q.79    If A, G and H  are the arithmetic, geometric and harmonic means between a  and b  respectively, show that  G =  A H.


Q.80    Find A, G, H and verify that

A > G >  , if a  =  2,  b  =  8


Q.81    Write three formulas for the sums of series.                                                          11906072

Q.82    Sum the series upto n terms. 1´1 + 2´4 + 3´7 + ………                           11906073






Unit 7





q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.


Q.1   n! stands for:                                11907065

        (a) product of first n natural numbers

        (b) sum of first n natural numbers

        (c) product of first n integers

        (d) None of these.

Q.2   = -------------         11907066

        (a)         (b) 

        (c)         (d)

Q.3   If n is a positive integer, then n! =   11907067

        (a) n(n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 3)…3.2.1

        (b) n(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3)…3.2.1

        (c) n(n + 1)(n + 2)(n + 3)…

        (d) n(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3)…

Q.4   For a positive integer n:                11907068

        (a) (n + 1)! = (n + 1)n!                   

        (b) (n + 1)! = (n + 1)(n – 1)!

        (c) n! = n(n + 1)! 

        (d) (n + 1)! = (n)(n - 1)!

Q.5   Number of permutations of n different things taken r at a time is denoted by:


        (a) C                  (b)  P

        (c)   n!                   (d) none of these.

Q.6   How many arrangements of the letters of the word pakistan can be made, taken all together?                                   11907070

        (a) 21160              (b)  20160

        (c) 20170              (d) 20016.

Q.7   How many arrangements of the letters of the word pakpattan can be made, taken all together?          11907071

        (a) 15130              (b)  1512

        (c) 15120              (d) none of these.

Q.8   How many necklaces can be made from 6 beads of different colours?            11907072

        (a) 120                  (b)  60

        (c) 36                    (d) 70

Q.9   The number of handshakes that can be exchanged among a party of 10 students if every student shakes hands once with every student is:           11907073

        (a) P                (b)  P

        (c) C – 10       (d) C

Q.10        How many diagonals can be formed by joining the vertices of the polygon having 5 sides?                                       11907074

        (a) 10                    (b)  15

        (c) 5                      (d) 51

Q.11        How many diagonals can be formed by joining the vertices of the polygon having 12 sides?                                       11907075

        (a) 70                    (b)  54

        (c) 72                    (d) 73

Q.12        How many triangles can be formed by joining the vertices of the polygon having 5 sides?                                         11907076

        (a) 20                    (b)  15

        (c) 10                    (d) none of these.

Q.13        How many triangles can be formed by joining the vertices of the polygon having 12 sides?                                       11907077

        (a) 202                  (b)  220

        (c) 110                  (d) none of these.

Q.14        The number of diagonals of a polygon with n sides are:   11907078

        (a)           (b) 

        (c)           (d) none of these.

Q.15        How many different numbers can be formed by taking 4 out of the six digits 1,2,3,4,5,6:                                           11907079

        (a) 360                  (b)  120

        (c) 366                  (d) None of these.

Q.16        Numbers are formed by using all the digits 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 no digit being repeated, then the numbers which are divisible by 5 are:                                    11907080

        (a) 110                  (b)  120

        (c) 122                  (d) 124

Q.17        How may numbers of six digits can be formed from the digits  4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9, no digit being repeated?            11907081

        (a) 750                  (b)  720

        (c) 740                  (d) 710

Q.18        If we denote the set of all outcomes, favourable to an event by E, the set of all equally possible outcomes by S and the probability of an event happening by P(E), then P(E) is:              11907082

        (a)                (b)

        (c)  1 – P(E)         (d) none of these

Q.19        If A and B are overlapping  two events, then:                                            11907083

(a)  P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B )

(b)  P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) + P( A Ç B )

(c)  P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) – P( A Ç B )

(d) P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) + P( A È B )

Q.20        For two mutually exclusive events A and B:                                                11907084

(a)  P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) + P( A Ç B )

(b)  P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) – P( A È B )

(c)  P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B ) – P( A Ç B )

(d) P( A È B ) = P( A ) + P( B )

Q.21        Tickets numbered 1 to 20 are mixed up and then a ticket is drawn at random. What is the probability that the ticket drawn bears a number which is a multiple of 3?                           11907085

        (a)                    (b)    

        (c)                      (d) none of these.

Q.22        A dice is thrown. What is the probability to get an odd number?

        (a)   1                   (b)                 11907086

        (c)                      (d)  none of these.

Q.23        A dice is thrown. What is the probability to get an even number?

        (a)   1                   (b)                 11907087

        (c)                      (d)  none of these.

Q.24        The probability that an egg will be broken during delivery from a farm to a supermarket is . How many broken eggs would there be in 2400 eggs?                                              11907088

        (a)   4                   (b)  6

        (c)   8                   (d)  10

Q.25        How many arrangements can be made of 4 letters a , b , c , d taken 2 at a time?                                                   11907089

        (a) 8                      (b)  10

        (c) 12                    (d) 14

Q.26        The number of ways in which five persons can sit at a round table is:

        (a) 4!                     (b)  5!               11907090

        (c)                      (d) none of these.

Q.27        Probability of an impossible event is:

        (a) 0                      (b)  1                  11907091

        (c) – 1                   (d) ¥

Q.28        In a simultaneous throw of two dice, what is the probability of getting a total of 10 or 11?                                   11907092

        (a)                    (b)  

        (c)                      (d) none of these

Q.29        A dice is rolled, the probability that it does not show an even number is:   11907093

        (a) 1 , 3 , 5            (b)  2 , 4 , 6

        (c)                       (d) none of these.

Q.30        What is the probability that a number selected from the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, …..,  16 is a prime number is?              11907094

        (a)                    (b)      

        (c)                      (d) 

Q.31        In a simultaneous throw of two coins, the probability of getting at least one  head is:                       11907095

        (a)                     (b) 

        (c)                     (d) 

Q.32        One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is a king?                                       11907096

        (a)                    (b)      

        (c)                    (d) none of these.

Q.33        In a simultaneous throw of two dice, what is the probability of getting a total of 7?                       11907097

        (a)                      (b)  

        (c)                    (d)

Q.34        A dice is rolled, the probability of getting a number which is even or greater than 4 is:                 11907098

        (a)                       (b) 

        (c)                       (d) none of these.

Q.35        One card is drawn at random from a pack of 52 cards. What is the probability that the card drawn is either a diamond card or a king? 11907099

        (a)                    (b)       

        (c)                    (d) 

Q.36 Number of ways of arranging 5 keys in a circular ring is:  (Board 2014) 11907100

        (a)   24                  (b)  12

        (c)  6                    (d)  5              

Q.37  The value of 5C2 is:   (Board 2014) 11907101

        (a)   1                    (b)  10

        (c)  20                  (d)  30

Q.38    If A and B are independent events and  and  then  is:               (Board 2014) 11907102

        (a)                     (b) 

        (c)                     (d)

Q.39     is equal to:    (Board 2014)  11907103

        (a)                   (b) 

        (c)          (d)













Q. 1  What is Permutation?                             11907001

Q. 3 How many signals can be made with 4-different flags when any number of them are to be used at a time?                              11907003

Q.4  In how many ways can be letters of the word MISSISSIPPI be arranged when all the letters are to be used?                              11907004

Q. 5 In how many ways can a necklace of 8 beads of different colours be made? 11907005

Q. 6 What is Combination.                              11907006

Q. 7 Prove That  nCr  =         11907007

Q.8 nCr  = nCn-r                         (Board 2014)              11907008

Q. 9 Find the number of the diagonals of a 6-sided figure.                                                                  11907009


Q.10    What is “Sample space” and an event?                                                                                                     11907010

Q. 11 What is Probability?                              11907011


Q.12 What are mutually exclusive events?  


Example:                                                                                             11907013

Q. 13 What are equally Likely Events?  


Q.14 A die is rolled. What is the probability that the dots on the top are greater than 4?

Q. 15 A die is thrown. Find the probability that the dots on the top are prime numbers or odd numbers.                                                            11907016

Q. 16 The probabilities that a man and his wife will be alive in the next 20 years are 0.8 and 0.75 respectively. Find the probability that both of them will be alive in the next 20 years.                                                                                                    11907017

Q. 17 Write n(n – 1)(n – 2) …. (n – r + 1) in factorial form.                                                                11907018

Q. 18  Evaluate  P                                                     11907019

Q. 19 Find the value of n when:                       11907020

(i)     nP2 = 30 11907021 (ii) = 11.10.9   11907022

Q.20 How many signals can be given by 5 flags of different colours, using 3 flags at a time?                                                                                11907023

Q. 21 How many signals can be given by 6 flags of different colours, when any number of them are used at a time?                                                               (Board 2008)                           11907024

Q. 22 How many words can be formed from the letters of the following words using all letters when no letter is to be repeated?


(i)                 PLANE                                                                       11907026

(ii)               OBJECT                                                                     11907027

(iii)             FASTING                                                                   11907028

Q. 23 Find the numbers greater than 23000 that can be formed from the digits 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 without repeating the digit.                      11907029

Q.24 How many arrangements of the letters of the following words, taken all together, can be made?                                                            11907030


Q.25 How many arrangements of the letters of the following words, taken all together, can be made?  pakistan                  11907031

Q. 26 How many arrangements of the letters of the following words, taken all together, can be made? mathematics             11907032


Q.27 How many arrangements of the letters of the following words, taken all together, can be made?                                         11907033


Q. 28 In how many ways can 4 keys be arranged on a circular key ring?       11907034

Q. 29 How many necklaces can be made from 6 beads of different colours?   11907035

Q. 30 Find the value of n, when                       11907036

(i) nC5 = nC4                                                                              11907037  

(ii) nC10 =                                                         11907038

Q. 31 Find the values of n and r when


(i)   nCr = 35      , nPr = 210       

Q. 32 In how many ways can a hockey team of 11 players be selected out of 15 players? How many of them will include a particular player?                                                                                            11907040

Q. 33 Pakistan and India play a cricket match. Find probability of events happening:                                                                 11907041

Q. 34    A fair coin is tossed three times.          Find probability when events are.


One tail                                                                             11907043

At least one head                                       11907044

Q. 35   A die is rolled. Find probability when events are.                                                                   11907045

3 or 4 dots                                                                         11907046

dots less than 5                                          11907047

Q. 36 A coin is tossed four times.  Find probability when top shows               11907048

(i)                 All heads                                                                     11907049

(ii)               2 heads and 2 tails                               11907050

Q. 37 A box contains 10 red, 30 white and 20 black marbles.  A marble is drawn at random. Find the probability that it is either red or white.                                                    11907051

Q. 38 A natural number is chosen out of the first fifty natural numbers. What is the probability that the chosen numbers is a multiple of 3 or of 5?                                                 11907052

Þ         n(A Ç B) =  3


Q. 39 A card is drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards.  What is the probability that it is a diamond card or an ace?                   11907053

Q. 40 A die is thrown twice. What is the probability that the sum of the number of dots shown is 3 or 11?                                                11907054

Q. 41 Two dice are thrown.  What is the probability that the sum of the number of dots appearing on them is 4 or 6 11907055

Q. 42 A die is rolled twice: Event E is the appearance of even number of dots and event E is the appearance of more than 4 dots. Prove that:                                                                    11907056

P (EÇ E) = P (E) . P (E)

Q. 43 Determine the probability of getting 2 heads in two successive tosses of a balanced coin.                                                                                             11907057

Q. 44 Two coins are tossed twice each. Find the probability that the head appears on the first toss and the        same faces appear in the two tosses.                                                                                               11907058


Q. 45 When cards are drawn from a deck of 52 playing cards. If one card is drawn and replaced before drawing the second card, find the probability that both the cards are aces.                                                                                                      11907059

Q. 46 Two cards from a deck of 52 playing cards are drawn in such a way that the card is replaced after the first draw.  Find the probabilities in the following cases: 11907060

(i)   First card is king and second is queen.

(ii)               both the cards are faced cards i.e. king, queen, jack.                          11907062

Q. 47 Two dice are thrown twice what is probability that sum of the dots shown in the first throw is 7 and      that of the second throw is 11?                                                                                            11907063

Q. 48 Find the probability that the sum of dots appearing in two successive throws of two dice is every time 7.                                          11907064






Unit 8





q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1      If a statement P(n) is true for n = 1 and the truth of P(n) for n = k implies the truth of P(n) for n = k + 1, then P(n) is true for all:                                     11908036

         (a) integers n 

         (b)  real numbers n

         (c) positive real numbers n       

         (d)   positive integers n

Q.2      If n is any positive integer, then
a1 + (a1 + d) + (a1 + 2d)  +  …  + 
=  -----------------11908037





Q.3      If n is any positive integer, then
r + r
+ r + … + r = -----------11908038

(a)    ; (r ¹ 1)    (b) ; (r ¹ 1)

(c)     ; (r ¹ 1)  (d)   ; (r ¹1)

Q.4      If n is a positive integer, then
+ + + … +   =


         (a)        (b)           

         (c)          (d)

Q.5      If n is a positive integer, then 
+ + +..…+ =   11908040

         (a)              (b)   

         (c)              (d)                

Q.6      The  expansion of   where n is a positive integer, is:                       11908031

(a)     a + a b + a b + ....

+ C a b + ...+ a b +  b

(b)     a + C a  + C a  + ....

+ C a  + ...+ C a + Cb

(c)     a + n a b + C a b + ....

+ C a b + ...+ n a b + b

(d)    None of these.

Q.7      Binomial coefficients in the expansion of  are:                                                       11908042





























Q.8      The T in the binomial expansion of   is:                                                                  11908043

         (a)  C x  (b)  C x

         (c)  Cx        (d)  C x

Q.9      The middle term in the expansion of is:                                                                11908044

         (a)  10th  term   (b)  11th term

         (c)  12th  term   (d) 13th term

Q.10  If the middle term in the expansion of  (a+b)is th term, then n is:          


         (a)  even          (b)  odd

         (c)  prime        (d)  any integer

Q.11  In the expansion of (x – y) , the terms are alternatively positive and ----------


         (a)  Negative    (b) Undefined

         (c)  Absurd      (d) None of these

Q.12  The expansion of   is valid if:                                                                                                                       11908047

         (a)  < 1        (b)  > 1

         (c)  >         (d) <

Q.13  The middle term of (x– y) is :  11908048

         (a)  9th             (b)  10th

         (c)  11th           (d) None of these

Q.14  The sum of the series 1+ + +   + … ¥ is:                                                                         11908049

         (a)              (b) 

                  (c)              (d)

Q.15  Number of terms in the expansion of (a + b)  is:                                                                 11908050

         (a)  n                (b)  n + 1

         (c)  n – 1          (d)          None of these

Q.16  The middle terms of (x +  y)are:


         (a)  10 and 11 (b)  11 and 12

         (c) 12 and 13 (d)  None of these

Q.17    In the expansion of (1 + x), the sum of the coefficients of odd powers of x is:    

         (a) 0                (b)  249                                    11908052

         (c)  250             (d) 251

Q.18  Number of terms in the expansion of (x + y)   is:                                                                11908053

         (a)  6                      (b)    2

         (c)  7                      (d)    8

Q.19  If n is a positive integer, then the binomial co-efficients equidistant from the beginning and the end in the expansion of  are:                    11908054

         (a)  equal               

         (b)  not equal

         (c)  additive inverse of each other

         (d) multiplicative inverse of each other.

Q.20  If –1 < x < 1, then

1 – x + x2 – x3 + … = _________.      11908055

         (a)           (b)

         (c)           (d) none of these

Q.21  The expansion of  is valid if:

 (Board 2014) 11908056

(a)               (b)                       

(c)               (d)         

Q.22  If n is any positive integer then  + n3 equals: 11908057

(Board 2014)

(a)                  (b)            

(c)              (d)   

Q.23 In the expansion of  middle term is:          (Board 2014)          11908058

         (a)                      (b) 

         (c)                      (d)           

Q.24  The number of terms in the expansion of  is:                      (Board 2014)          11908059

         (a)                       (b)    

         (c)                  (d)      









Q.1 What is principle of mathematical induction?                                                                              11908001

Q.2 What is principle of extended mathematical induction?                           11908002

Q.3 Use mathematical induction to prove the following formula for every positive integer n 1 + 3 + 5 + + (2n – 1) = n


Q.4 Use mathematical induction to prove the following formula for every positive integer a = a + d when a , a+ d , a + 2 d, … form an A.P.                                   11908004

Q.5 Use mathematical induction prove the given formula for every positive integer n a = ar   when a , a r , ar, … form a  G.P.                                                                                                         11908005

Q.6  Prove the following for n = 1, 2 11908006

      i.    n+ n is divisible by 2              11908007

      ii.   5 – 2   is divisible by 3                       11908008

      iii.  5 – 1 is divisible by 4.             11908009

Q.7  Prove that x – y is a factor of 

x– y ; for n = 1, 2                             11908010

Q.8  Prove that x + y  is a factor of  11908011

         x +  y; for n = 1, 2

Q.9  What is binomial theorem?         11908012

Q.10 Evaluate (9.9)5.                                       11908013

Q.11 Using binomial theorem to expand the following:                                            11908014

Q.12 Calculate by means of binomial theorem.                                                                                         11908015

(i)   (0.97)                                                                                                                         11908016

(ii)  (2.02)                                                                                           11908017

Q.13 Expand and simplify the following:


Q.14 Find 6th term in the expansion of                                                                                     11908019

Q.15    Expand (1-2x)1/3 to four terms and apply it to evaluate (.8)1/3 correct to three places of decimal.                                                  11908020

Q.16 Evaluate  correct to three places of decimal.                                                                       11908021

Q.17 Expand the following up to 4 terms, taking the values of x such that the expansion in each case is valid.         11908022

i.    (4 – 3x),   11908023   ii. (8 – 2x)   11908024

Q.18 Using Binomial theorem to find the value of the following upto three places of decimals.                                                                             11908025

i.                11908026                 ii.                           11908027

iii. 11908028                 iv.                         11908029

Q.19 If x is so small that its square and higher powers can be neglected, then show that                                                                                                  11908030

i.    »1 – x                                                          11908031

ii.»1+ x                                                         11908032

Q.20 If x is very small nearly equal to 1 then prove that pxp – qxq »(p – q)xp+q                       


Q.21 Use binomial theorem to show that

1 + + +   + …¥ =                        11908034

Q.22 If 2y = + +  + ×××, prove that  4y+ 4y – 1 = 0                                   11908035



Unit 9




q    Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1      The distance between the points  and  is:           11909034





Q.2      If the initial side of an angle is the positive x-axis and the vertex is at the origin, the angle is said to be in the

         (a)  initial position      

         (b)  final position

         (c)  normal position       

         (d) standard position

Q.3      The area of a sector of a circular region of radius r with length of the arc of the sector equal to s is ---- 11909036

         (a)  r s                  (b)  r q

         (c)  r s                  (d) r s

Q.4      The system of measurement in which the angle is measured in degrees, and its sub-units, minutes and seconds is called the:                                                        11909037

         (a)  circular system     

         (b)  sexagesimal system

         (c)  decimal system    

         (d) degree system

Q.5      In a circle of radius r, an arc of length k r will subtend an angle of -------- radians at the center.                                    11909038

         (a)  s                       (b)  k

         (c)  r                       (d) q

Q.6      In circular system the angle is measured in:                                                 11909039

         (a)  radians                   (b) degrees

         (c)  degrees, minutes   (d) degrees, seconds

Q.7      To convert any angle in degrees into radians, we multiply the measure by:

         (a)                    (b)                       11909040

         (c)                    (d)

Q.8      To convert any angle in radians into degrees, we multiply the measure by:

         (a)                    (b)                       11909041

         (c)                    (d)

Q.9      1 radian is equal to:                             11909042

         (a)                (b) 

         (c)  180°                 (d) none of these.

Q.10  1° is equal to:                                                                                                                                  11909043

         (a)  radian       (b)  radian

         (c)  radian  (d)   radian

Q.11  180° = -------------                                   11909044

         (a)  radian       (b)  radian

         (c)  radian       (d)  p radian

Q.12  The direction of an angle q is determined by its:                                         11909045

         (a)  value                (b)  magnitude

         (c)  ratio                 (d) sign

Q.13  The quadrant of an angle q is determined by its:                                                                                   11909046

         (a)  sign                  (b)  value

         (c)  ratio                 (d)  magnitude

Q.14  If q = 60° Then:                                    11909047

         (a)  q =                 (b) sec q = 2

         (c)  sin q =           (d)  tan q =

Q.15   p can represent:                                   11909048

         (a)  the ratio of the circumference to the radius of a circle

         (b)  an angle whose cosine is zero

         (c)  a right angle

         (d) half a revolution

Q.16  If sine of an angle is times its cosine, then angle q is:                             11909049

         (a)  30°                   (b)  45°

         (c)  60°                   (d) 75°

Hint:      By given condition

               sin q                                     cos q = 1

Þ  tan q = Þ q = 60°

Q.17  If sin2q = then tan2q = ……….11909050

         (a)                       (b)

         (c)                       (d)

Q.18  The expression can be written in the simplified form as:


         (a) sin a                (b) cos a

         (c) sec a                (d) tan a

Q.19   tan2a  is equal to:                                11909052

         (a) coseca – 1    (b) cosa – 1

         (c) cota – 1        (d) seca – 1

Q.20  cosec2a  – 1  is equal to:                       11909053

         (a) cosa              (b) cota

         (c) tana              (d)  seca

Q.21  is equal to:                               11909054

         (a)  sin a                (b)  cos a

         (c)  tan a                (d) sec a

Q.22  is equal to:                                   11909055

         (a)  sin a                (b)  cos a

         (c)  tan a                (d) sec a

Q.23  +   is equal to: 11909056

         (a)     0                   (b) 1

         (c)   – 1                  (d) None of these.

Q.24  If tan q > 0 and sin q < 0 then terminal arm of the angle lies in quadrant:


         (a)  I                       (b)  II

         (c)  III                    (d) IV

Q.25  If cosec q > 0 and cot q < 0, then terminal arm of the angle lies in:

         (a)  First quadrant                                   11909058

         (b)  Second quadrant

         (c)  Third quadrant     

         (d) Fourth quadrant

Q.26  If sin a < 0 and cos a > 0, then a lies in:                                                                    11909059

         (a)  First quadrant                                  

         (b)  Second quadrant

         (c)  Third quadrant     

         (d) Fourth quadrant

Q.27  In a triangle, the side opposite to 90 is called:                                                         11909060

         (a)  Base                (b)  Perpendicular

         (c)  Hypotenuse     (d) None of these.

Q.28  In a right angled triangle, the side adjacent to angle is called:                   11909061

         (a)  Base                        

         (b)  Perpendicular

         (c)  Hypotenuse 

         (d) None of these.

Q.29  If q lies in third quadrant, then Sinq + cos q is:                                                       11909062

         (a)  Negative               

         (b)  Positive

          (c) Zero                         

         (d) Negative or positive

Q.30  An angle q is such that tan q = 1 and cos q is negative, then:                                  11909063

         (a)  cosec q is positive

         (b)  cot q-1      

         (c)  sin q =      

         (d) sec q-

Q.31  If tan q = x and q is acute, cosec q =

         (a)           (b)              11909064

         (c)           (d)

Q.32  If sinq = x and q is acute, tanq =  11909065

         (a)           (b) 

         (c)           (d)

Q.33  If cos q = x and q is acute, cot q =11909066

         (a)           (b) 

         (c)           (d)

Q.34  If sec q = x and q is acute, sin q =11909067

         (a)           (b) 

         (c)           (d)

Q.35  If tan q = , then sin q = ----------where 0 < q < :                                                   11909068

         (a)          (b) 

         (c)          (d)

Q.36  cosec q = , for all q Î R except:


         (a) q = np , n Î z  (b) q ¹ np , n Î z

         (c) q ¹ n , n Î z

         (d) q ¹ (2n + 1) , n Î z

Q.37  cot q = , for all q Î R but:  11909070

         (a) q = np , n Î z  (b) q ¹ np , n Î z

         (c) q ¹ n , n Î z

         (d) q ¹ (2n + 1) , n Î z

Q.38  sec q = , for all q Î R but: 11909071

         (a) q ¹ np , n Î z       

         (b) q ¹ (2n + 1) , n Î z

         (c) q ¹ (2n) , n Î z    

         (d)  none of these.

Q.39  tan q = , for all q Î R but:  11909072

         (a) q ¹ np , n Î z       

         (b)   q ¹ (2n + 1) , n Î z

         (c)  q ¹ (2n) , n Î z    

         (d)  none of these.

Q.40  1 + tanq = secq, for all q Î R but:

         (a) q ¹ np , n Î z                                   11909073

         (b) q ¹ (2n + 1) , n Î z

         (c)  q ¹ (2n) , n Î z    

         (d)  none of these.

Q.41  1 + cotq = cscq , for all q Î R but:

         (a) q = np , n Î z                                   11909074

         (b)  q ¹ np , n Î z

         (c)  q ¹ n , n Î z      

         (d) q ¹ (2n + 1) , n Î z

Q.42  sinq + cosq = 1 ,  for all q Î R but:

         (a) q = np , n Î z                                   11909075

         (b) q ¹ np , n Î z

         (c) q ¹ n , n Î z      

         (d)  none of these.

Q.43  Which one is a quadrantal angle?

         (a)  60°                  (b)  30°                      11909076

         (c) 120°                 (d) 180°


Q.44  Which one is not a quadrantal angle?

         (a)  0°                    (b) 90°                      11909077

         (c) 270°                 (d) 280°

Q.45  (1 – tan q) + (1 + tan q) is equal to:

         (a) 2 tanq           (b)  2 tan q    11909078

         (c) 2 secq           (d) 2 sec q

Q.46    is equal to:                   11909079

         (a)  cot A cot B      (b)  tan A tan B

         (c)  tan A + tan B  (d) cot A + cot B

Q.47  =                                           11909080

         (a)  sin 2q              (b)  cos 2q

         (c)  tan 2q              (d) sec 2q

Q.48  cosq – sinq =                                    11909081

         (a)  sin 2q              (b)  cos 2q

         (c)  tan 2q              (d) sec 2q

Q.49  sin q (cosec q – sin q) =                        11909082

         (a)  cosq              (b)  sinq

         (c)  tanq              (d) cosecq

Q.50   (1 – sinq) (1 + tanq) =                    11909083

         (a)  0                      (b)  1

         (c)  – 1                   (d) q

Q.51   (1 – cosq) ( 1 + cotq) =                   11909084

         (a)  tanq              (b)  0

         (c)  1                      (d) – 1

Q.52    is equal to:                    11909085

         (a)  cot A tan B     (b)  tan A cot B

         (c)  sec A cosec B (d) tan A tan B

Q.53  In the triangle with sides as shown in the figure, cos A equals to:              11909086





Q.54  In DABC with measures as shown, cosA is equal to:                                                     11909087





Q.55  The area A of the sector AOP of radius r is given by

         A = ---------, with q in radians. 11909088

(a)         r q

(b)        rq

(c)     rq

(d)    r q

Q.56  From given figure sin q = -------11909089





Q.57  From given figure cos q = --------11909090





Q.58  From given figure tan q = --------11909091





Q.59  From given figure cosec q = -----11909092





Q.60  From given figure sec q = --------11909093






Q.61  From given figure cot q = --------11909094





Q.62  The angle between 0° and 360°  and  co-terminal with - 620° is:   11909095

         (a)  100°                 (b)  200°

         (c)  300°                 (d) 320°

Q.63  If s denotes the length of the arc intercepted on a circle of radius r by a central angle of a radians, then: 11909096

         (a)  s = r + a          (b)  s = r a

         (c)  s =                 (d) none of these.

Q.64  The number of radians in the angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the center =                                                        11909097

         (a)               (b)  radius ´ arc

         (c)                (d) radius - arc

Q.65  The values of trigonometric-ratios for the angles (n ´ 360° + q) where n Î Z, will be the same as those for:              11909098

         (a)  n ´ q                (b)  k ´ q

         (c)  - q                   (d) q

Q.66  If x = a sec q and y = b tan q, then the value of    is:                                               11909099

         (a)  1                      (b)   – 1

         (c)   a + b               (d)    a + b

Q.67  If sin q + cosec q = 2, then sinq + cosecq =                                                           11909100

         (a)  0                      (b)  2

         (c)  4                      (d) 8

Q.68  = -------------                                     11909101

         (a)  of a clockwise revolution.

         (b)  of a counterclockwise


         (c)  of a clockwise revolution.

         (d) of a counterclockwise revolution.



Q.69  – 72 = -------------                                  11909102

(a)     of a clockwise revolution

(b)     of a counterclockwise revolution

(c)     of a counterclockwise revolution

(d)    None of these.

Q.70  = -------------                                      11909103

(a)     of a counterclockwise revolution

(b)     of a counterclockwise revolution

(c)     of a clockwise revolution

(d)    of a counterclockwise revolution

Q.71  1440 = -------------                                 11909104

         (a)  4 counterclockwise revolutions

         (b)  5 counterclockwise revolutions

         (c)  6 counterclockwise revolutions

         (d) 7 counterclockwise revolutions 






Fundamental of Trigonometry   




Q. 1 What is sexagesimal system? 11909001

Q. 2 What is circular system?             11909002

Q. 3 What is a degree?                                                11909003

Q. 4 What is a radian?                                                11909004

Q. 5 Find a relation between degree and radian.                                                                                       11909005

Q. 6 Prove that  = rq                                    11909006

Q.7 An arc subtends an angle of 70° at the center of a circle and its length is 132 m.m. Find the radius of the circle.                  11909007

Q.8 Find the length of the equatorial arc subtending an angle of 1o at the centre of the earth, taking the radius of the earth as 6400 km.                                                                                            11909008

Q.9 Convert radians into degrees. 11909009

Q. 10 What is the circular measure of the angle between the hands of a watch at 4 O’clock?                                                                               11909010

Q. 11 Find l, when: q = 65°20¢, r=18 mm.

(i)                 Sol: r = 18 mm                                                 11909011

Q.12 What is the length of the arc intercepted on a circle of radius 14 cm by the arms of a central angle of 45°?         11909012

Q.13 A railway train is running on a circular track of radius 500 meters at the rate of 30 km per hour. Through what angle will it turn in 10 sec.                            11909013

Q. 14 Show that the area of a sector of a circular region of radius r is rq, where q is the circular measure of the central angle of the sector.                                                            11909014

Q. 15 Two cities A and B lie on the equator such that their longitudes are 45°E and 25°W respectively. Find the distance between the two cities, taking radius of the earth as 6400 kms.                                                    11909015

Q.16 What is angle in standard position?


Q.17 If cosec q = and    , find the values of the remaining trigonometric ratios.        11909017


Q.18 If tan q = and the terminal arm of the angle is not in the III quadrant, find the value of                   11909018

Q. 19 If cot q = and the terminal arm of the angle is in the I quadrant, find the value of      (Board 2008)               11909019

Q.20 Prove that:                                                         11909020

sin :sin :sin :sin = 1:2:3:4


Q. 21 Find x, if tan45°–cos60°=x sin 45° cos 45° tan 60°                                                       11909021

Q. 22 Find the values of the trigonometric functions of the following quadrantal angles:                                                                                     11909022

(i)   – 2430° ;                                                                            11909023

(ii)  π ;                                                                                           11909024

(iii) π                                                                                             11909025

Q.23 Prove that cos4q - sin4q

         = cos2q - sin2q for all q Î R        11909026

Q.24 Prove that  = sec q - tan q,

where q is not an odd multiple of . 11909027

Q.25 sec - cosec = tan - cot 11909028

Q.26 2cosq - 1 = 1 - 2sinq             11909029

Q.27 + cot q = cosec q                       11909030

Q.28  =  (Board 2014) 11909031

      Q.29  tan q + sec q         11909032

(Board 2008)

Q.30    + = 2sec q 11909033

(Board 2014)




Unit 10



q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it

Q.1       sin ( a + b ) =                                          11910107

         (a)  sin a sin b + csc a cos b     

         (b)  sin a sin b + cos a cos b

         (c)  sin a cos b – cos a sin b     

         (d) sin a cos b + cos a sin b

Q.2      cos ( a + b ) =                                        11910108

         (a)  cos a cos b – sin a sin b     

         (b)  cos a sin b + sin a cos b

         (c)  cos a sin b – sin a cos b     

         (d) cos a cos b + sin a sin b

Q.3      sin ( ab ) =                                         11910109

         (a)  sin a cos b + cos a sin b    

         (b)  sin a cos b – cos a sin b

         (c)  cos a cos b – sin a sin b     

         (d) cos a cos b + sin a sin b

Q.4      cos ( ab ) =                                        11910110

         (a)  cos a cos b + sin a sin b    

         (b)  cos a cos b – sin a sin b

         (c)  sin a cos b + cos a sin b    

         (d) sin a cos b – cos a sin b

Q.5      2 sin a cos b =      (Board 2009)       11910111

         (a)  sin (a + b ) – sin (ab)     

         (b)  cos (a + b ) + cos (ab)

         (c)  sin (a + b ) + sin (ab)     

         (d) cos (a + b ) – cos (ab)

Q.6      2 cos a sin b =                                       11910112

         (a)  cos (a + b) + cos (ab)    

         (b)  sin (a + b) + sin (ab)

         (c)  sin (a + b) – sin (ab)      

         (d) cos (a + b) – cos (ab)

Q.7      – 2 sin a sin b =                                    11910113

         (a)  sin (a + b) + sin (ab)      

         (b)  cos (ab) – cos (a + b)

         (c)  cos (a + b) - cos (ab)    

         (d) sin (a + b) – sin (ab)


Q.8      2 cos a cos b =                                      11910114

         (a)  sin (a + b) – sin (ab)      

         (b)  cos (a + b) – cos (ab)

         (c)  cos (a + b) + cos (ab)    

         (d) sin (a + b) + sin (ab )

Q.9      2 sin 12° sin 46° =     (Board 2009)  11910115

         (a)  cos 34° + cos 58°    

         (b)  sin 34° - sin 58°

         (c)  sin 34° + sin 58°     

         (d) cos 34° - cos 58°

Q.10 tan ( ab ) =                                       11910116

         (a)  (b)

         (c)  (d)

Q.11 tan ( a + b ) =                                      11910117

         (a)  (b)

         (c)  (d)

Q.12  cos q + cos f =                                       11910118

         (a)   2 sin sin            

         (b) 2 cos cos

         (c) – 2 sin sin          

         (d) 2 cos sin

Q.13  cos q – cos f =                                       11910119

         (a) 2 cos cos

         (b) 2 cos sin  

         (c) – 2 sin sin  

         (d) 2 sin cos

Q.14  sin q + sin f =                                        11910120

         (a) 2 cos cos  

         (b) – 2 sin sin

         (c) 2 cos sin

         (d) 2 sin cos

Q.15  sin q –  sin f =                                       11910121

         (a) – 2 sin sin  

         (b) 2 cos sin  

         (c) 2 sin cos            

         (d) 2 cos cos  

Q.16  sin 2q  =                                                 11910122

         (a)          (b) 

         (c)          (d)

Q.17  cos 2q =                                                 11910123

         (a)          (b) 

         (c)          (d)

Q.18  sin 3q =                                                  11910124

         (a)  3 sin q – 4 cosq   

         (b)  4 cosq – 3 sin q

         (c)  4 sinq – 3 sin q   

         (d) 3 sin q – 4 sinq

Q.19  cos 3q =                                                 11910125

         (a)  4 cosq – 3 cos q

         (b)  4 sinq – 3 cos q

         (c)  3 sin q – 4 cosq

         (d) 3 sin q – 4 sinq

Q.20  tan 3q =                                                 11910126





Q.21  sin =                                                  11910126

         ( a )1 + cos q         ( b )   1 – cos q

         ( c )         ( d )  

Q.22  cos2  =                                                 11910127

         ( a ) 1 + cos q        ( b )   1 – cos q

         ( c )         ( d )

Q.23  sin =                                                     11910128

         ( a ) ±    ( b ) ±

         ( c )           ( d ) 

Q.24  cos =                                                    11910129

         ( a ) ±    ( b ) ±

         ( c )           ( d )  

Q.25  tan =                                                  11910130

         ( a ) ±     ( b )

         ( c )±      ( d )

Q.26  tan =                                                   11910131

         ( a )         ( b )  

         ( c )         ( d ) None of these.

Q.27  tan =                                                   11910132

         ( a )       ( b ) 

         ( c )        ( d ) None of these.

Q.28  If A + B = 45°, then tan (A+B+C) =  


         (a)           (b) 

         (c)           (d)

Q.29  tan 40° = …………                                            11910134





Q.30  sin40° = …………                               11910135

         (a)        (b) 

         (c)        (d)

Q.31  tan =                                     11910136

         (a)           (b) 

         (c)          (d)

Q.32  tan = …………                     11910137

         (a)           (b) 

         (c)          (d)

Q.33  The angles 90 ± q, 180 ± q, 270 ± q, 360 ± q  are the:                                                   11910138

         (a)  composite angles

         (b)  half angles

         (c)  quadrantal angles

         (d) allied angles

Q.34  A reference angle q is always: 11910139

         (a)  0 < q <         (b)  <  q <  p

         (c)  p < q <       (d) <  q <  2p

Q.35  sin , where q is a basic angle, will have terminal side in:  11910140

  (a)        quad. I                         (b)        quad. II

      (c)  quad. III           (d) quad. IV

Q.36  tan , where q is a basic angle, will have terminal side in:              11910141

         (a)  quad. I             (b)  quad. II

         (c)  quad. III          (d) quad. IV

Q.37  cos = …………                                   11910142

         (a)     cos q             (b)  sin q

         (c)  – cos q             (d) None of these.

Q.38  tan = …………                                   11910143

         (a)  – cot q             (b)  – tan q

         (c)     tan q             (d) None of these



Q.39  sin = …………               11910144

         (a)  cos q                (b)  cos

         (c)  sin        (d) sin

Q.40  sin equals: (Board 2009) 11910145

         (a)  cos q                (b)  sin q

         (c)  -cos q              (d) -sin q

Q.41  csc , where q is a basic angle, will have terminal side in:               11910146

         (a)  quad. I             (b)  quad. II

         (c)  quad. III          (d) quad. IV

Q.42  sec , where q is a basic angle, will have terminal side in:               11910147

         (a)  quad. I             (b)  quad. II

         (c)  quad. III          (d) quad. IV

Q.43  tan (–135°)  =                                        11910148

         (a) 0                      (b)   1

         (c)                    (d)         

Q.44  =                11910149

         (a) cos 0                (b) cos

         (c) cos p                (d) cos 2p    

Q.45  If an angle a is allied to an angle b, then a ± b = -------------                        11910150

         (a) 90                          

         (b) multiple of 90

         (c) 180                

         (d) multiple of 180      

Q.46   is equal:                                    11910151

(a)                      (Board 2014)





Q.47   is equal to:        (Board 2014)

      (a)                                   11910152








(Board 2008)  11310140







Q.1      State fundamental law of trigonometry.     11910001

Q.2      Find the value of   cos.     11910002

Q.3      Define Allied Angles                         11910002

Q.4      Without using the tables, write down the values of                                                                             11910003

(i) cos 315° 11910004     (ii) sin 540° 11910005

(iii) tan(-135°)11910006 (iv) sec(- 1300°) 11910007

Q.5      Simplify                                                                      11910008

Q.6     Without using the tables, find the values of:                                                                      11910009

(i) sin                                                                       11910010

(ii) cot                                                                     11910011

(iii) cosec 2040°                                                                      11910012

(iv) sec                                                                    11910013

(v) tan 1110°                                                                          11910014

(vi) sin                                                                    11910015

      Q.7            Prove  sin 780° sin 480°+cos 120° sin30° =                                                                                        11910016

Q.8      Prove that  cos 306° + cos 234° + cos162°+ cos 18° = 0                                         11910017

Q.9   Prove that cos 330° sin 600°+cos 120° sin150° = –1                                                                   11910018

Q.10    Prove that                                                                  11910019

Q.11  = – 1

Sol:                                                                                                      11910020

Q.12    If a , b , g are the angles of a triangle ABC, then prove that                    11910021

(i)  sin(a+b) = sin γ                            11910022

(ii)  cos= sin                      11910023

(iii) cos (a + b) = - cos              11910024


Q.13  Prove that                                                                                         11910026

sin(a+b)sin(a-b)= sin2a-sin2b= cos2b-cos2a

From (i) and (ii) hence proved sin(a + b) sin(a-b) = sin2a-sin2b = cos2b-cos2a

Q.14  Without using tables, find the values of all trigonometric functions of 75°. 11910027


Q.15 Prove that:=  tan 56°.                                                                                 11910028

Q.16  If a, b, g are the angles of DABC, prove that                                                                       11910029

Q.17    Express:  3 sinq + 4 cosq in the form r sin(q + f), where the terminal side of the angle of measure f is in the I quadrant.


Q.18    Prove that tan = cotq


Q.19    Find the value                                                11910032

(i)sin 15°                     11910033                 (ii) cos 15° 11910034

(iii) tan 15°     11910035             (iv) sin 105°11910036

(v)cos 105°     11910037                 (vi) tan105°11910038

(vii) sec 15°     11910038 (viii) sec 105°  11910039

Q.20    Prove that:                                         11910040

(i) sin = 11910041

(ii) cos= 11910042

 = R.H.S.

Q.21    Prove that                                                                             

(i)tantan= 1      11910043

(ii) tan+ tan = 0      11910044

(iii)       sin+ cos= cosq 11910045

(iv) = tan                        11910046

(v)  =     11910047

Q.22  Show that:                                                        11910048

coscos= cosa – sinb=cosb – sina

Q.23    Show that:                                                     11910049

= tan a

Q.24    Show that:                                                      11910050

(i)   cot=                    11910051

(ii)  cot=                    11910052

(iii)       =              11910053

Q.25 Prove that = tan37°


Q.26 Express the following in the form r sin  or r sin,where terminal sides of the angles of measures q and f are in the first quadrant:                                                                  11910055

(i) 12 sin q + 5 cosq                                                    11910056

(ii) 3 sin q–4 cosq                                                                   11910057

(iii) sinq – cosq                                                                       11910058

(iv)5 sin q – 4 cosq                                                     11910059

(v) c sin q + cosq                                                                    11910060

(vi)3sin q – 5cosq                                                                   11910061

 (iv)      5 sin q – 4 cosq

Q.27    Prove that                                          11910062

(i)   11910063

(ii)      11910064

Q.28    Prove that:                                                     11910065

(i) sin 3a  =  3 sin a- 4 sin3a     11910066

(ii) cos 3a  =  4 cos3a- 3 cosa 11910067

(iii) tan 3a  =  11910068


Q.29              Prove that    (Board 2014) 


Q.30              Show that                                                                                              11910070

(i) sin 2q  =                                                  11910071

(ii)  cos2q  =                                               11910072

Q.31    Reduce cos4q to an expression involving only function of multiples of q, raised to the first power.                              11910073

Q.32    Find the values of                  11910074

(i) sin2a          11910075             (ii) cos2a        11910076

(iii)tan2a when:                                                                     11910077

sina =  when         0 < a <        

Q.33 Prove the identity cota –tana=2cot 2a.


Q.34 Prove the identity=tan a


Q.35.  Prove the identity =tan


Q.36    Prove the identity

= sec 2a – tan 2a        11910081


Q.37    Prove the identity


Q.38  Prove the identity                                 11910083

= cot

Q.39    Prove the identity

1 + tan atan 2a = sec 2a                        11910084

Q.40  Prove the identity

= tan  2q tan q       11910085

Q.41Prove the identity=2


Q.42    Prove theidentity

+ = 4cos 2q                              11910087

Q.43  Prove the identity= sec q


Q.44  Prove the identity

+ = 2cot 2q                          11910089

Q.45 Reduce sin4q to an expression involving only function of multiples of q, raised to the first power.                                          11910090

Q.46    Express 2 sin 7qcos 3q as a sum or difference.                                                                              11910091

Q.47              Prove without using tables, that

sin19°cos 11°+ sin 71° sin 11° =    11910092

Q.48  Express sin 5x+sin7x as a product.

 (Board 2014) 11910093

Q.49    Express cos A + cos 3A + cos 5A + cos 7A as a product.                                                   11910094

Q.50   Express the following products as sums or differences:                               11910095

(i) cossin                11910096

(ii) coscos11910097

(iii) sinsin       11910098

Q.51    Express the following sums or differences as products:               11910099

sin + sin

Q.52    Prove the following identities: 11910100

(i)= cot 2x                             11910101

(ii) = tan 5x                          11910102

(iii) = 11910103


Q.53    Prove that:                                                     11910104

(i) cos 20° + cos100° + cos 140° = 0  11910105

(Board 2008)

(ii) sinsin= cos 2q  11910106



q    Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1       Graphs of trigonometric function within their domains are:                                  11911020

         (a)   line segments

         (b)   sharp corners

         (c)   broken lines

         (d)   smooth curves

Q.2       Period of a trigonometric function is:

         (a)   any real number                              11911021

         (b)   any  negative real number

         (c)   any  integer

         (d)   a least positive number

Q.3       The graph of sin q compared with graph of cos q is:                                             11911022

         (a)   same                     (b)   inverted

         (c)   90° to the right    

         (d)   90° to the left

Q.4       To solve graphically the equation  x cot x = 2, we can draw on the same axes the graphs:                                 11911023

         (a)   y = cot x and y = 2x

         (b)   y = cot x and y =

         (c)   y = cot x and y =

         (d)   y = tan x and y =

Q.5        A function of x with amplitude 2 and period p could have as its rule f(x) =11911024

         (a)   cos                  (b)  2 cos 2x      

         (c)   2 cos                  (d) cos 2x.

Q.6       Amplitude of sin x is:                  11911025

         (a)   R                       (b) [ – 1, 1]

         (c)   0                        (d) 1

Q.7       For y = a sin nx:                                      11911026

         (a)   Amplitude = a , period =

         (b)   Amplitude = a , period = 2n p

         (c)   Amplitude = a , period =

         (d)   Amplitude = n , period =

Q.8      A function ¦ (x) is said to be the periodic function if, for all x in the domain of ¦, there exists a smallest positive number p such that 

¦ (x + p) = -----------             11911027

         (a)   ¦ (p)                  (b) x +  p

         (c)  0                        (d) ¦(x)

Q.9       If, for all x in the domain of ¦, there exists a smallest positive number p such that ¦ (x+p) = ¦(x), then p is the: 11911028

         (a)  period of ¦        (b) period of 2¦

         (c)   period of 3 ¦     (d) period of 4 ¦

Q.10   The amplitude and period of 3 sin x are:                                                  11911029

         (a)   3, p                   (b) 3, 2p   

         (c)  3, 3p                 (d)  2,

Q.11   The period of cos is:        11911030

         (a)  p                       (b) 2p       

         (c)  3p                     (d)  

Q.12   The period of tan x is:                             11911031

         (a)    p                     (b) 2p       

         (c)  3p                     (d) 

Q.13   The period of sec x is:                             11911032

         (a)    p                     (b) 2p       

         (c)  3p                     (d) 

Q.14   The period of cot x is:                             11911033

         (a)   p                      (b) 2p

         (c)   3p                     (d) 

Q.15   The period of sin 2x is:              11911034

         (a) p     (b) 2p       (c)  3p     (d)  

Q.16   The period of 2 sin 2t:               11911035

         (a)  p     (b)  2p      (c)  3p     (d) 

Q.17   The period of tan 2x is:              11911036

         (a)  p     (b)  2p      (c) 3p     (d) 

Q.18   The period of cot 2x is :             11911037

         (a)  p     (b) 2p      (c) 3p     (d) 

Q.19   The period of sec 2x is :             11911038

         (a)  p     (b) 2p      (c)  3p    (d) 

Q.20   The period of cos 2x is:         11911039

         (a)   p    (b) 2p      (c)  3p     (d) 

Q.21   The period of 2 - sin 3x is:        11911040

         (a)  p     (b) 2p      (c)  3p     (d)

Q.22   The period of 2 + cos 3x is    :     11911041

         (a)  p     (b) 2p      (c)  3p    (d) 

Q.23   The period of tan 3x is :             11911042

         (a)  p     (b)         (c)         (d)

Q.24   The period of cot 3x is :             11911043

         (a)  p     (b)        (c)         (d)

Q.25   The period of sec 3x is :             11911044

         (a)  p     (b)        (c)         (d) 

Q.26   The period of cosec 3x is:           11911045

         (a)  p     (b)         (c)         (d)

Q.27   The period of tan is:                11911046

         (a)    p  (b)  2p      (c) 3p     (d) 4p

Q.28   The period of cot is :                11911047

         (a)    p  (b)  2p      (c)  3p     (d)  4p

Q.29   The period of sec  is:          11911048

         (a)  p     (b)  2p      (c)  4p     (d)  6p

Q.30   The period of  3 sin x is:           11911049

         (a) p      (b)  2p      (c)  4p     (d) 6p

Q.31   The period of   is: 11911050

         (a)  p     (b) 2p      (c)  4p     (d)  6p

Q.32   The period of  5 tan is:            11911051

         (a)  p     (b)  2p      (c)  3p     (d) 4p

Q.33   The period of  5 cot is:            11911052

         (a)  p     (b)  2p      (c)  3p     (d) 4p

Q.34   The period of  7 sec  is:             11911053

         (a)    p                     (b)  2p      

         (c)  4p                     (d)  6p      

Q.35   The period of y = 5 + sin is: 


         (a)    p                     (b)  2p      

         (c)  4p                     (d)  5p      

Q.36   The period of 5 cos    is:            11911055

         (a)    5p                   (b)  10p    

         (c)  15p                   (d)  20p    

Q.37   The period of cosec is:              11911056

         (a)   2p                     (b)  4p

         (c)  8p                     (d)  p

Q.38   The period of 5 + sin  x is:      11911057

         (a)  15p                   (b)  30p    

         (c)  40p                   (d)  60p    




Q.39          The graph of y = csc x from  – 2p to 2p is:                                                                                                                               11911058






























Q.40          The following graph represents:                                                                                                                                               11911059

             (a)       sin x  from  – 2p to 2p            (b)        csc x  from  – 2p to 2p

             (c)       sec x  from  – 2p to 2p            (d)       cot x  from  – 2p to 2p

Q.41          The following graph represents:                                                                                                                                                           11911060

             (a)       sin x  from  – 2p to 2p            (b)        csc x  from  – 2p to 2p

             (c)       sec x  from  – 2p to 2p            (d)       cot x  from  – 2p to 2p

Q.42          The following graph represents:                                                                                                                                                           11911061

             (a)       sin x  from  – 2p to 2p            (b)        csc x  from  – 2p to 2p

             (c)       sec x  from  – 2p to 2p            (d)       cot x  from  – 2p to 2p

Q.43          The following graph represents:                                                                                                                                                           11911062

             (a)       tan  x  from  – 2p to 2p           (b)        cos x  from  – 2p to 2p

             (c)       sec x  from  – 2p to 2p            (d)       cot x  from  – 2p to 2p


Q.44          Period of  equals:                                                                                                                                                                                   11911063

(a)                           (b)                         (c)                          (d)                                                                                                                                                                        


















Q.1      Write domain and range of                                                11911001


Q.2   What is Periodicity and period?


Q.3   Prove that sine is periodic and its period is .                              11911003

Q.4   Prove that tangent is a periodic function and its period is .        11911003

Q.5   Find the periods of the following functions:                                                              11911004

(i)        sin 3x                                                                                                         11911005

(ii)     cos 2x                                                                             11911006

(iii)    tan 4x                                                                             11911007

(iv)    cot                                                                                            11911008

(v)     sin                                                                                            11911009

(vi)      cosec                                                                                                        11911010

(vii)   sin                    (Board 2014)                                           11911011

(viii)  Cos                                                                               11911012

(ix)    tan                                                                                            11911013

(x)     cot 8x                                                                             11911014

(xi)      sec 9x                                                                                                         11911015

Sol:   Since sec 9x  = sec

 (xii)   cosec 10x                                                                                  11911016

(xiii)  3 Sin x                                                                            11911017

(xiv)  2 cos x                                                                            11911018

(xv)   3 cos                                         (Board 2008)       11911019




q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.47         If  a, b, g are the angles of a oblique triangle, then:                                                       11912034

        (a) a = 90°               (b)  b = 90°

        (c) g = 90°                (d) none of these.

Q.48         In a right isosceles triangle, one acute angle is:                                                  11912035

        (a) 30°                      (b)  45°

        (c) 60°                      (d) 75°

Q.49         In triangle ABC, if a = 90° then: 11912036

        (a) a= b+ c       (b)  b= c+ a

        (c) c= a+ b       (d) none of these.

Q.50         In triangle ABC, if b = 90°  then: 11912037

        (a) a= b+ c       (b)  b= c+ a

        (c) c= a+ b       (d) none of these.

Q.51         In triangle ABC, if g = 90°  then: 11912038

        (a) a= b+ c       (b)  b= c+ a

        (c) c= a+ b       (d) b = c + a

Q.52         In a triangle ABC, (s - a)(s - b) = s(s - c), then the angle g =                                                    11912039

        (a)                          (b) 

        (c)                          (d)

Hint:   tan = = 1

Þ  tan = 1  Þ  =   Þ  g

Q.53         In any triangle ABC, law of sines is:


        (a) cos a 

        (b) a c sin b

        (c) = =

        (d) = =

Q.54         In any triangle ABC, law of cosines is:

        (a) cos a =                                        11912041

        (b) a c sin b

        (c) = =

        (d) = =

Q.55         In any triangle ABC, law of tangents is:

        (a)                              11912042

        (b) =

        (c) =    

(d)   All of these.

Q.56         If in a triangle ABC, = = , then the triangle is:             11912043

        (a) right angled        (b)  equilateral

        (c) isosceles             (d) obtuse angled

Q.57         When two sides and included angle is given, then area of triangle is given by:

        (a) a b sin g           (b)  a c sin b  11912044

        (c) b c sin a          (d) All of  these

Q.58         If 2s = a + b + c, where a, b, c are the sides of a triangle ABC, then area of triangle ABC is given by:         11912045





Q.59         The circum-radius R of a triangle is given by:                                                   11912046

        (a)                     (b) 



Q.60         The in-radius r of a triangle is given by :                                                           11912047

        (a)                         (b) 

        (c)                (d) b c sin a

Q.61         r rrr=                                           11912048

        (a)   D                    (b)  D

        (c)                       (d) abc 

Q.62         If 2s = a + b + c, then in any triangle ABC:                                                       11912049

        (a) cos =  

        (b) cos =

        (c) cos =  

        (d) All  of  these

Q.63         If 2s = a + b + c, then in any triangle ABC:                                                       11912050

        (a) sin =

        (b)sin =

        (c) sin =

        (d) All of above

Q.64         If  2s = a + b + c, then in any triangle ABC:                                                      11912051

        (a) tan =

        (b) tan =

        (c) tan =

        (d) All of above

Q.65         e-radius corresponding to ÐA is:

        (a) r=              (b) r =    11912052

        (c) r =             (d) r =

Q.66         e-radius corresponding to ÐB is:

        (a)  r                      (b) r                        11912053

        (c) r                        (d) r

Q.67         e-radius corresponding to ÐC is:

        (a)                   (b)                     11912054

        (c)                    (d)   

Q.68         r =                                          11912055

        (a)                   (b)        

        (c)                    (d)

Q.69         r  =                                         11912056

        (a)                   (b)        

        (c)                     (d)

Q.70         r  =                                         11912057

        (a)                   (b)        

        (c)                    (d)

Q.71         The lengths of the sides of a triangle are proportional to the sines of the opposite angles to the sides. This is known as:                                     11912058

        (a) The law of sines

        (b)The law of cosines

        (c) The law of tangents

        (d) The fundamental law

Q.72         In any triangle ABC, =

        (a)                   (b)                     11912059

        (c)                    (d)

Hint:   By law of sines:

Þ  = Þ =

Q.73         The circum-radius R of a triangle is given by:                                                   11912060

        (a)                (b) 

        (c)                (d) All of the above

Q.74         A circle which touches one side of a triangle externally and the other two produced sides internally is known as:


        (a) in-circle              (b)  escribed-circle

        (c) circum-circle       (d) None of these.

Q.75         A circle drawn inside a triangle and touching its sides is known as:       11912062

        (a) circum-circle       (b)  in-circle

        (c) escribed-circle    (d) None of these.

Q.76         A circle passing through the vertices of a triangle is known as:              11912063

        (a) in-circle              (b)  escribed-circle

        (c) circum-circle       (d) None of these.

Q.77         When two angles and included side is given, then area of a triangle ABC is given by:                                             11912064

        (a)    (b) 

        (c)    (d) All of above

Q.78         With usual notations for triangle R equals:        (Board 2009)         11912065

        (a)                 (b) 

        (c)                  (d)












Q. 1 Find the unknown angles and sides of the following triangles.                             11912001

 (i) b = 90a = 45,  a = 4              11912002

(ii)  a = 60°b = 90° , b = 12                           11912003

(iii) b = 90°  ,  b = 5 , c = 10                              11912004

(iv) = 90°a = 40°,  a = 8                            11912005

(v)  a = 56°g = 90°,  c = 15                            11912006

(vi) g = 90,  a = 8,  b = 8                                           11912007

Q. 2 Solve the right triangle ABC , in which  g=90     a  = 3720¢,  a = 243                        11912008

Q. 3  Define angle of elevation and angle of depression                                                                             11912009

Q. 4 What is right triangle and sum of angles of a triangle?                                                   11912010

Q. 5 1 A vertical pole is 8 m high and the length of its shadow is 6 m. What is the angle of elevation of the Sun at that moment?                                                      11912011

Q. 6     At the top of a cliff 80 m high, the angle of depression of a boat is 12°. How far is the boat from the cliff?                              11912012

Q. 7      A ladder leaning against a vertical wall makes an angle of 24° with the wall. Its foot is 5 m from the wall. Find the length.

Sol:                                                      (Board 2014)                   11912013

Q. 8      Prove that a2 = b2 + c22bc cos a

Let side  of triangle ABC be along the positive direction of the x-axis With vertex A as origin, then ÐBAC will be in the standard position.                                      11912014

Proof: Q         = c and  mÐBAC = a

Q. 9 State and prove law of sines

In any triangle ABC, prove that: where a, b, g are the measure of the angles opposite to the sides of lengths a, b, c respectively.            11912015

Q. 10  Write laws of tangents.             11912016

Q. 11 State half angles formulas of sine in terms of sides                                                                     11912017

Q. 12  Solve the triangle ABC, if b=60°, g =15° ,  b =                                                          11912018


Q. 13 Find the smallest angle of the triangle ABC ,when a = 37.34 , b = 3.24, c = 35.06


Q.14 Find the measure of the greatest angle, if side of the triangle are 16,20,33       11912020

Q. 15 The sides of a triangle are x+  x + 1, 2x + 1 and x– 1. Prove that the greatest angle of triangle is 120                                          11912021

Q. 16 Prove that Area of triangle               ABC = bc sin a = ca sin b = ab sing


Q. 17 prove that                                            11912023

Area of triangle           =

= =

Q. 18 prove that                                            11912024

Area of triangle =

Q. 19 State circum-circle and circum-radius.                                                                                            11912025

Q. 20 Prove that:                                                         11912026

R =  =  =  ,  with usual notations.

Q. 21  Prove that R =                                11912027

Q. 22 Prove that: r =   with usual notations                                                                                     11912028

Q. 23 Prove that:                                                         11912029

    r1 = ,  with usual notations

    r2 = ,  with usual notations

 and   r3 =  ,  with usual notations

Q. 24 r = s tan                                                         11912030

Q. 25 Prove that r r r r = D2                                 11912031

Q. 26 Prove that          r r r = r s               11912032

Q. 27 Show that                                                                       11912033

abc (sin a+sin b+sin g) = 4Ds



q     Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1   If x is positive or zero, then the principal value of any inverse function of x, if it exist, lies in the interval:


        (a)  [0 ,  1]              (b) 

        (c)             (d)

Q.2   Inverse sine function is written as:


        (a)  (sin x)          (b)  sin x

        (c)  arc sin x           (d) arc sinx

Q.3   The graph of x = sin y is obtained by reflecting the graph of y = sin x about the line:                                                      11913017

        (a)  x-axis               (b)  y-axis

        (c)  y = x                (d) y = - x

Q.4   y = sinx  if and only if x = sin y, where:                                                       11913018

        (a)  - 1 £ x £ 1 and  – p £ y £ p

        (b)  - 1 £ x £ 1 and - £ y £

        (c)  - 1 £ x £ 1 and 0 £ y £ p

        (d) - 1 £ y £ 1 and - £ x £

Q.5    The domain of principal sine function is:                                                                      11913019

        (a)            (b) 

        (c)               (d)

Q.6    The range of principal sine function is:

        (a)               (b)  11913020

        (c)            (d)

Q.7   The domain of y = sinx is: (Board 2014)


(a)   [- p , p]                 (b) 

(c)                  (d)


Q.8   The range of y = sinx  is:                   11913022

        (a)            (b) 

        (c)               (d)

Q.9   The graph of y = cosx is obtained by reflecting the graph of y = cos x about:

        (a)  x-axis               (b)  y-axis                   11913023

        (c)  y = x                (d) y = - x

Q.10           y = cosÛ  x = cos y, where:

        (a)  - 1 £ x £ 1 and 0 £ y £ p                   11913024

        (b)  - 1 £ y £ 1 and 0 £ x £ p

        (c)  - 1 £ x £ 1 and - £ y £

        (d) - 1 £ y £ 1 and - £ x £

Q.11            The domain of principal cosine function is:                                                             11913025

        (a)               (b) 

        (c)            (d)

Q.12            The range of principal cosine function is:                                                    11913026

        (a)            (b) 

        (c)               (d)

Q.13           The domain of  y = cosx function is:                                                                  11913027

        (a)            (b) 

        (c)               (d)


Q.14           The range of  y = cosx function is:

        (a)           (b)        11913028

        (c)            (d)

Q.15           The graph of inverse tangent function y = tanx is obtained by reflecting the the graph of y = tan x  about:                                             11913029

        (a)  x-axis               (b)  y-axis

        (c)  y = x                (d) y = - x

Q.16           y = tanx if and only if x = tan y, where:                                                             11913030

        (a)  - 1 < x < 1 and  – p < y < p

        (b)  - ¥ < y < ¥ and - < x <

        (c)  - 1 < x < 1 and - < y <

        (d) - ¥ < x < ¥ and - < y <

Q.17            The domain of principal tangent function is:                                                          11913031

        (a)  ]0 , p[              (b) 

        (c)  ] -1 , 1[           (d) ] - ¥ , ¥[

Q.18      The range of principal tangent function is:                                                    11913032

        (a)  ]0 , p[              (b) 

        (c)  ] -1 , 1[           (d) ] - ¥ , ¥[

Q.19     Domain of the function y=tanx is:

        (a)  ]0 , p[              (b)  11913033

        (c)  ] -1 , 1[           (d) ] - ¥ , ¥[

Q.20     Range of the function y=tanx is:

        (a)  ]0 , p[              (b)  11913034

        (c)  ] -1 , 1[           (d) ] - ¥ , ¥[

Q.21  The principal value of sin-1 is:

        (a)                        (b)  –                        11913035

        (c)                     (d)    

Q.22  The principal value of sin-1 is:

        (a)                       (b)                          11913036

        (c)  –                    (d)

Q.23  The principal value of sin-1 is:

        (a)                      (b)                            11913037

        (c)                        (d)

Q.24  The principal value of sin-1 is:

        (a)                        (b)                          11913038

        (c)                      (d) –

Q.25           If ¦(x) = arccos x, then:                   11913039

        (a)  - 1 £ ¦(x) £ 1  (b)  ¦(x) =

        (c)  ¦(0) = 1           (d) ¦(x) = arcsec

Q.26           sin =                                            11913040

        (a)  sin x                (b)  cosec

        (c)  cosec x            (d) cosec x

Q.27           cos =                                            11913041

        (a)  secx             (b)  cos x

        (c)  sec             (d) sec x

Hint:     cos = q Þ cos q =  

Þ x = sec q  Þ  q = secx

Q.28           tan =                                           11913042

        (a)  cot             (b)  cotx

        (c)  tan x                (d) cot x

Q.29           sin(– x) =                                       11913043

        (a)  – sinx          (b)  sinx

        (c)  p + cos x     (d)     – cosx

Q.30           cos(– x) =                                      11913044

        (a)  p + cos x     (b)  p – cosx

        (c)  p + sinx       (d)  p – sinx

Q.31           tan(– x) =                                      11913045

        (a)  tanx             (b)  cotx

        (c)  – tanx         (d) – cotx

Q.32           If  sin = – x, then x = 11913046

        (a)  0                      (b) 

        (c)                        (d) + x

Hint:     sin – x 

Þ  = sin  

Þ   = cos x  Þ x = 

Q.33     If  cos = – sinx, then x =

        (a)                     (b)                         11913047

        (c)                    (d)    

Q.34           If sin-1 a =  - cos-1 b, then:

        (a)  a =  + b       (b)  a =  – b   11913048

        (c)  a = b         (d) a = b

Hint:     sina = – cosb

Þ a = sin

Þ a = cos = b

Q.35           cos ( p – sinx ) =                           11913049

        (a)            (b)    –

        (c)  p    (d) p +

Q.36           cos ( 2 sinx ) =                              11913050

        (a)  1 – 2x           (b)  1 + 2x

        (c)  2x– 1            (d) 1 – x

Q.37           tan ( p + tanx ) =                          11913051

        (a)  x                      (b)  p + x

        (c)  p – x                (d) None of these.

Q.38           tan ( p + cotx ) =                          11913052

        (a)                       (b)  p

        (c)  p +                 (d) –

Q.39           cos (tan¥) =                                  11913053

        (a)  0                      (b)  ¥

        (c)  1                      (d)

Q.40           tan=                               11913054

        (a)  –                    (b)   

        (c)  – 4 p                (d) 4 p

Q.41           tanA – tanB =                          11913055

        (a)  tan    (b)  tan

        (c)  tan (d) tan

Q.42           tanA + tanB =                         11913056

        (a)  tan  (b) tan

        (c)  tan  (d)tan

Q.43           sinA + sinB =                           11913057


        (b)  sin-1

        (c)  sin-1

        (d) sin-1

Q.44           sinA – sinB =                           11913058

        (a)  sin

        (b)  sin

        (c)  sin

        (d) sin

Q.45           cosA + cosB =                          11913059

   (a)  cos

   (b)  cos

   (c)  cos

   (d)  cos


Q.46           cosA – cosB =                          11913060




(d) cos

Q.47           tan(- ) is:                                  11913061

        (a)                        (b)    

        (c)  -                    (d) -

Q.48           If x = tan , y = tan,  then x + y will be:                                                            11913062

        (a)  tan-1               (b)  tan-1 1

        (c)  tan-1               (d) tan-1

Q.49           tan =                                11913063

        (a)                     (b) 

        (c)  0                      (d)    












Q.1 Define Principal sine Function. 11913001

Principal sine Function

Q.2 Define  inverse principal sine function                                                                                          11913002

Q.3  Define inverse cosine function.  11913003

Q.4 Define inverse tangent function. 11913004

Q.5  Show that cos–1 11913005

Q.6      2 cos  = sin                  11913006

Q.7       sin                                       11913007

Q.8 Prove that:                                                11913008

      sin–1 A + sin–1 B

= sin–1

Q.9 tan = 2 cos                  11913009

Q.10    sin   – sin  = cos   11913010

Q.11    tan-1 + tan-1 - tan-1 =   


Q.12    2tan  + tan =               11913012

Q.13    Show that                                                        11913013

      sin (–x) = – sinx         

Q.14    Show that tan (sinx) =  



Each question has four possible answers. Select the correct answer and encircle it.

Q.1    Reference angles is always in    11914014

        (a)  IQ                     (b)  IIQ

        (c)  IIIQ                  (d) IVQ

Q.2    General angles of inverse trigonometric functions are written by using their          

        (a)  Domain             (b)  Range     11914015

        (c)  Periodicity        (d) Quadrants

Q.3     Trigonometric equation has __________ solutions.                                        11914016

        (a) unique               (b) finite

        (c) no                      (d) infinite

Q.4    For solving a trigonometric equation, first find the solution over the interval whose length is equal to its ____.  

        (a) domain              (b) range                   11914017

        (c) period                (d) none of these

Q.5    The general solution of sin x = cos x is ____________.                                                 11914018

        (a) nπ                      (b) 2nπ

        (c)            (d)

Q.6    If sin x + cos x=0, then x=____      11914019

        (a)               (b)

        (c)             (d) none of these

Q.7    The solutions of  in the interval [0, π] are ________.   11914020

        a)               (b)

        (c)        (d) none of these

Q.8    If , then x = ______.  11914021

        (a)               (b)

        (c)                  (d) none of these

Q.9    The general solution of 1 + cos x = 0 is ________.                                                        11914022

        (a)        (b)

        (c)          (d)

Q.10           The solution set of  in the interval  is ________.                                        11914023

        (a)              (b)

        (c)                         (d) none of these

Q.11           The solution set of  is _________.                                                   11914024

        (a) finite set            (b) infinite set

        (c)                         (d) none of these

Q.12           The solution set of  in  is _________.                                     11914025

        (a) 0                       


        (c) solution does not exists

        (d) all of these

Q.13           Solutions of  in [0, 2π] are                                                          11914026

        (a)               (b)

        (c)               (d)

Q.14           There is a solution of the equation
2 sin q + 1 = 0  in the quadrants:        11914027

        (a)  1 and 2              (b)    1 and 3

        (c)  2 and 4              (d)   3 and 4

Q.15           The number of solutions to the equation: sin q cos q = 1 (0 £ q £ 2p) is

        (a)  0                        (b)    1                      11914028

        (c)  2                        (d)   3

Hint:     sin q cos q = 1 Þ 2sin q cos q = 2  Þ sin 2q = 2  > 1, so there is no solution.

Q.16           The number of solutions to the equation: sin q + cos q = 0 (0 £ q £ 2p) is                                           11914029

        (a)  0                        (b)    1

        (c)  2                        (d)   3

Q.17            The number of solutions to the equation: sin q cos q = 0 (0 £ q £ 2p) is

        (a)  0                        (b)    1                      11914030

        (c)  3                        (d)   5

Hint:     Solutions are 0° , 90°, 180°, 270° , 360°

Q.18            Principal solution of sin q is

        (a)  -                     (b)                          11914031

        (c)                         (d)

Q.19            Secondary solution of sin q is

        (a)  -                     (b)                           11914032

        (c)                         (d)

Q.20            Principal solution of sin q = - is

        (a)  -                     (b)                           11914033

        (c)                         (d)

Q.21            Principal solution of cos q is

        (a)                         (b)                           11914034

        (c)                         (d)

Q.22            Principal solution of cos q = -  is

        (a)                         (b)                           11914035

        (c)                         (d)

Q.23            Principal solution of                11914036

      tan q =  is

        (a)                         (b)   

        (c)  -                     (d)  

Q.24            Principal solution of                11914036

      tan q = -  is

        (a)                         (b) 

        (c)  -                     (d)  

Q.25            Which  trigonometric equation has secondary solution?                                               11914037

        (a)  sin q = 1            (b)  cos q = 1

        (c)  sec q = 0           (d) tan q = 1

Hint:     Principal solution of

tan q = 1 is and

secondary solution is .

Q.26            The general solution of the equation sin x = 0 is                                                           11914038

 (Board 2009)

        (a)  x =  , nÎZ    (b)  x = np, n Î Z

        (c)  x = 2np , nÎZ   (d) x ¹ np , n Î Z

Q.27            The general solution of the equation cos x = 0 is                                                          11914039

        (a)  n , n Î Z       (b) (2n+1) ,nÎZ

        (c)  2np , n Î Z       (d) np , n Î Z

Q.28            The general solution of the equation tan q = 0 is                                                           11914040

        (a)  q = , n Î Z   (b)  q=2np , nÎZ

        (c)  q ¹ np , n Î Z   (d) q = np , n Î Z

Q.29            The general solution of the equation sin x = 1 is                                                           11914041

        (a)  + n , n Î Z    (b) + np , n Î Z

        (c)  + 2np , n Î Z (d)   np , n Î Z

Q.30           The general solution of the equation cos q = 1 is                                                    11914042

        (a)  q ¹ 2np , n Î Z   (b) q=2np , nÎZ

        (c)  q = , n Î Z     (d) q=np , nÎZ

Q.31           The general solution of the equation cos q = - 1 is                                                          11914043

        (a)  q ¹ (2n + 1)p , n Î Z

        (b)  q = (2n + 1)p , n Î Z

        (c)  q = 2np, n Î Z

        (d) q = np , n Î Z

Q.32            Given tan q = 1                       11914044

        (a)  q lies in quadrants 1 and 4    

        (b)  cos q =

        (c)  the general solution is np ±

        (d) the first quadrant solution is q =

Q.33            The general solution of the equation tan x = – 1 is                                                        11914045

        (a)  + np , n Î Z      (b) + 2np , n Î Z

        (c)  + np , n Î Z   (d)  + np , n Î Z

Q.34            The general solution of the equation tan x =  is                                                       11914046

        (a)  + np , n Î Z     (b) + 2np , n Î Z

        (c)  + np , n Î Z    (d)  + np , n Î Z

Q.35           The general solution of the equation cos 2x =   is                                                        11914047

        (a)  È , n Î Z

        (b)  È , n Î Z

        (c)  È , n Î R

        (d) None of these.

Q.36     Solution set of the equation

       cos2x + sin x = 1  is                      11914048

        (a)  È , n Î Z

        (b)  È , n Î Z

        (c)  È , n Î R

        (d) È , n Î Z

Q.37.  If  then  equals:  (Board 2014)

          (a)                                  11914049










Q.1 Define trigonometric equations 11914001

Q.2      What is the Solution of trigonometric equation?                           11914002

For example sin x  =                                               11914003

QQ.3   What is the Solution set of trigonometric equation?                                             11914004

Q.4      Solve the equation sin x =   11914005

Q.5           Solve the equation: 1+cosx=0

Solution:  1 + cos x = 0                                  11914006

Q.6.     Find the solution set of:                    11914007

Q.7           Find the solutions of the equation

sin x = –  which lie in [0, 2p]                11914008

Q.8      Find the solutions of the equation

cot q = which lie in [0, 2p]                      11914009

Q.9      Find the values of q satisfying the equation 2 sin q + cosq – 1 = 0                     11914010

Q.10        Find the values of q satisfying the equation 2 sinq – sin q= 0          11914011

Q.11    What is the reference angle of tan q= -?                                                                                        11914012

Q.12    The solution of cos x = - lies in which quadrants.                                                             11914013




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