11th Class Computer Science


First Year  Computer Science Book


Basics of Information Technology





Q.1      What is Data?                                                                                                            11501001

Q.2      Briefly describe the relationship between data, data processing, information and information system.                                                                                                                  11501002

Q.3      Define Information Technology. Has it made our world a global village? (Board 2007)


Q.4      What is Digital Convergence (union)? Describe its significance.                        11501004

Q.5      What do you know about modern scenario or impact of Information Technology?

                                                                                                                                                (Board 2007)       11501005

Q.6      What is Computer? Describe briefly.                                                                     11501006

Q.7      What are the four major elements of data processing system or computer system? What computer hardware carries out these functions?                                                                    11501007

Q.8      Discuss the major Hardware Devices.                                                                    11501008

Q.9      What is Software? Write down the names of the main types of software. Define Software. Describe two major types of software.                                                            (Board 2009) 11501009

Q.10    What are Input Devices?                                                                                          11501010

Q.11    What are the usages of Input Devices? List few of them                                      11501011

Q.12    Describe the enhanced keyboard. Also explain its different keys.                       11501012

Q.13    What are pointing devices? Also write the names of some pointing devices. Describe any three pointing devices.                                                                                      (Board 2014)     11501013

Q.14    Give a brief description of Mouse.                                                                          11501014

Q.15    Give a brief description of Trackball.                                                                     11501015

Q.16    Give a brief description of Pointing Stick.                                                             11501016

Q.17    Give a brief description of Joystick.                                                                        11501017

Q.18    Give a brief description of Touch pad/Trackpad.                                                 11501018

Q.19    Give a brief description of Touch Screen.                                                              11501019

Q.20    Give a brief description of Light Pen.                                                                    11501020

Q.21    Give a brief description of Digitizer / Graphic tablet.                                           11501021

Q.22    Give a brief description of Pen-Based Systems.                                                     11501022

Q.23    What are the source data-entry devices? Also write the names of these devices. 11501023

    (Board 2008)

      Briefly explain the different source data entry devices.                     (Board 2010)              

Q.24    Write a short note on Bar-code Reader.                                                                 11501024

Q.25    What are mark and character recognition devices? Discuss any three in detail. 11501025

(Board 2012)

Q.26    Write a short note on Fax Machine.                                                                       11501026

Q.27    Write a short note on Fax Modem.                                                                         11501027

Q.28    Write a short note on Imaging System or Image Scanner.                                   11501028

Q.29    What is an audio input? Describe briefly.                                                              11501029

Q.30    What is an Video Input? Describe briefly.                                                             11501030

Q.31    Write a short note on Digital Cameras.                                                                  11501031

Q.32    What is an Output and the functions of an Output Devices? List few of them. 11501032

Q.33    Define Display Screen. Describe various characteristics, properties and features of

Q. 34.  Describe two major types of display screens?                    (Board 2009, 10, 13)        11501034

Q.35    What are Printers? What are the two categories of Printers?                             11501035

Q.  What is Printer? Describe the difference between Impact and Non-Impact printer.                                                                                                                                   (Board 2008) 

Q.36    What are Impact Printers? Explain the types of Impact Printers.(Board 2011,12,13)   11501036

Q.37    What are Non-Impact Printers? Explain the types of Non-Impact Printers.       11501037

Q.38    Write a short note on Plotters.                                                                                 11501038

Q.39    Write a brief note on Sound Output.                                                                      11501039

Q.40    Briefly describe the basic units of Data Storage.                                                   11501040

Q.41    What is a System? Describe System Development Life Cycle System.                11501041

      Describe System Development Life Cycle                                                   

Short Question Answers


Q.1            Define Data.    (Board 2009) 11501042

Q.2            What is Data Processing or Computing?               (Board 2008) 11501043

Q.3            Why is Data processed?      11501044

Q.4            Define information.

(Board 2012) 11501045

Q.5            Differentiate between Data and Information.                                            11501046

Q.6            What is a System?                 11501047

Q.7            Define the term Information Technology (IT). (Board 2007, 10, 14) 11501048

Q.8            Write some uses or applications of Information Technology.                   11501049

Q.9            What does “Global Village” mean?                                                11501050

Q.10        Define the term Digital Convergence.                                 11501051

Q.11        How have digital convergence become possible?                                         11501052

Q.12        Name some fields of computer applications.                                              11501053

Q.13        What is computer animation?                                 (Board 2009) 11501054

Q.14        Differentiate between Hypermedia and Multimedia.                               11501055

Q.15        Define Software.                    11501056

Q.16        Why computer instructions are called software?                          11501057

Q.17        Define Hardware.                                                     (Board 2009)       11501058

Q.18        Write down some examples of Hardware components.                11501059

Q.19        Differentiate between Hardware and Software?                                       11501060

Q.20        Give reason why software is necessary for hardware.                  11501061

Q.21        Describe the relationship between Software and Hardware.                   11501062


Q.22        Define Computer.                                               (Board 2008)               11501063

Q.23        What are the four major characteristics of the computer?              11501064

Q.24        Describe major parts or components of a computer and their functions.             11501065

Q.25        What is the main function of secondary storage devices?             11501066

Q.26        Which part of the computer system executes instructions?                      11501067

Q.27        What is meant by CPU?      11501068

Q.28        What are the four major elements of data processing system or cycle?   11501069

Q.29        What is meant by main memory?                                                   11501070

Q.30        What is meant by secondary memory?                                           11501071

Q.31        Why is secondary memory required?                                             11501072

Q.32        What do you know about Programmer?        (Board 2010)     11501073

Q.33        Define System Software.            

                  (Board 2009)    11501074

Q.34        Give the names of any three system software.                                           11501075

Q.35        What is Application Software?      

                                 (Board 2008, 11)  11501076

Q.36        Differentiate between Application Software and System Software.            11501077

Q.37        Explain the relationship between application software and operating system.


Q.38        Define Operating System?      11501079

Q.39        Give some examples of operating system.               (Board 2012)       11501080

Q.40        What is meant by Utility Program?                                           11501081

Q.41        What is the use of Customized Software?                  (Board 2010)    11501082

Q.42        Define Packaged Software with examples?                        (Board 2011)    11501083

Q.43        Differentiate between Customized and Packaged Software.                    11501084

Q.44        Define Input.            (Board 2013) 11501085

Q.45        Write down the uses of Input Devices.                   (Board 2007, 08) 11501086

Q.46        Write down different categories of Input Devices.                                    11501087

Q.47        Write down some examples of commonly used Input Devices.    11501088

Q.48        What do you know about Keyboard?                                  (Board 2007) 11501089

Q.49        Write down important types of keys on keyboard.                                               11501090

Q.50        Write down the function of Keyboard.                                           11501091

Q.51        What is meant by Enhanced Keyboard?                                        11501092

Q.52        What do you mean by QWERTY?                                     (Board 2008, 09, 13)    11501093

Q.53        What is the function of the Escape key on the keyboard?                        11501094

Q.54        What is the function of the Caps Lock key on the keyboard?                 11501095

Q.55        Which key is used to delete a single character on the left of the cursor on the screen?                                                        11501096

Q.56        What is the difference between Del key and Backspace key?                  11501097

Q.57        What is the difference between PageUp and PageDown keys?    11501098

Q.58        Which keyboard keys are always used in combination with other keys?                                                                       11501099

Q.59        What are Function keys?     11501100

Q.60        Describe Pointing Device.    11501101

Q.61        Write down some examples of Pointing Devices.                           11501102

Q.62        Describe Mouse.                    11501103

Q.63        How does a mouse work?                                         (Board 2013)  11501104

Q.64        Identify two alternatives to a Mouse.                                              11501105

Q.65        Write down the names of common Input Devices.                                    11501106

Q.66        How the input of keyboard is different from input of Mouse?    11501107

Q.67        Describe Track ball?            11501108

Q.68        What is meant by Touch pad or Track pad?                                             11501109

Q.69        Differentiate between Track ball and Touchpad.                                     11501110

Q.70        What is Touch screen?        

                        (Board 2013)  11501111

Q.71        Describe Pointing Stick.       11501112

Q.72        Describe Graphics Tablet?  11501113

Q.73        Write down the application of Stylus.                                                         11501114

Q.74        What is meant by Pen-Based system?                                            11501115

Q.75        What is meant by Indirect Input?                                                   11501116

Q.76        What is Direct Input?           11501117

Q.77        What are Source-Data Entry Devices?                                           11501118

Q.78        Define Bar-code.                   11501119

Q.79        Describe Bar-code reader.   11501120

Q.80        What is UPC?                       11501121

Q.81        What is the use of mark and character recognition devices?       11501122

Q.82        Describe MICR.                   

                  (Board 2014)       11501123

Q.83        Describe OMR.                     11501124

Q.84        What is meant by OCR?      11501125

Q.85        Describe Magnetic Strip.                                         (Board 2010)  11501126

Q.86        What is meant by Smart Card?                                                      11501127

Q.87        State the use of Facsimile.                                                           11501128

Q.88        What is Digital Camera?                                   (Board 2011)     11501129

Q.89        Write down the method of storing images in Digital Camera.                 11501130

Q.90        What are the advantages of Digital Camera?                                            11501131

Q.91        What is meant by Audio Input?                                                      11501132

Q.92        What is meant by Video Input?                                                      11501133

Q.93        Define Raster Graphics.       11501134

Q.94        Define Output.                       11501135

Q.95        Differentiate between Soft copy and Hard copy output.                         11501136

Q.96        Define Pixel.   (Board 2013)      11501137

Q.97        Describe Output Devices.                                                            11501138

Q.98        Give examples of some important Output Devices?                                  11501139

Q.99        What are Display screens?   11501140

Q.100    Which feature differentiates one type of display screen from other?      11501141

Q.101    Why resolution is important for Display Screen?                         11501142

Q.102    Differentiate between Color Monitor and Monochrome Monitor.                      11501143

Q.103    Give examples of different types of Graphic Cards.                                 11501144

Q.104    Describe VGA.                      11501145

Q.105    Describe SVGA.                    11501146

Q.106    Describe XGA.                      11501147

Q.107    Identify the two types of Monitors.                                                 11501148

Q.108    Why Flat-screen monitors are becoming more popular than normal CRT monitors?                                                 11501149

Q.109    Describe CRT monitor.        11501150

Q.110    Enlist different technologies used in flat-panel display screens?

            (Board 2011)       11501151

Q.111    Describe Liquid Crystal Display.                                               11501152

Q.112    What do you know about Electro Luminescent Display?        11501153

Q.113    What do you know about Gas Plasma Display?                       11501154

Q.114    What is meant by Printer?   11501155

Q.115    How is printer resolution measured?                     (Board 2014)    11501156

Q.116    List different types of Printer? Give example of each type. (Board 2008)    11501157

Q.117    How does an Impact Printer work?                                                11501158

Q.118    What are Non-impact Printers?                              (Board 2010)       11501159

Q.119    Write down examples of Non-impact Printers?                                        11501160

Q.120    Describe the working of Dot-Matrix printer.                                             11501161

Q.121    Give any two disadvantages of Dot-Matrix Printer.                                 11501162

Q.122    State the working of Laser printers.                       (Board 2007)    11501163

Q.123    Give any three characteristics of Laser printer.                            11501164

Q.124    Which type of Printer has best printing quality?                         11501165

Q.125    Describe the working of Inkjet Printer.                                         11501166

Q.126    Write the advantages of Non-Impact Printers over Impact Printers.     11501167

Q.127    Differentiate between Non-Impact Printer and Impact Printer.             11501168

Q.128    Define Plotter. (Board 2008)    11501169

Q.129    Write some uses of Plotter.   11501170

Q.130    Write down different types of Plotters.                                           11501171

Q.131    Describe Flatbed Plotter.      11501172

Q.132    Describe the working of Drum Plotter.                                           11501173

Q.133    Write two advantages of using Plotter over Printer. Also write one disadvantage of Plotter.             11501174

Q.134    Differentiate between Plotter and Printer.                                     11501175

Q.135    Define Terminal.                   11501176

Q.136    Describe Notebook computers?                                                       11501177

Q.137    Describe Audio Input.          11501178

Q.138    Describe Microphone.                                              (Board 2012)  11501179

Q.139    Why is l K not exactly 1,000?                                                          11501180

Q.140    Give basic units of data storage.                                                      11501181

Q.141    How many bits make one Byte?                                                      11501182

Q.142    Convert 1 gigabyte into bytes.        


Q.143    Differentiate between Bit and Byte.                        (Board 2007, 12)   11501184

Q.144    Write down some examples of important secondary storage devices. 11501185

Q.145    What is meant by Floppy disk?      


Q.146    Describe Hard Disk?                                                (Board 2011)       11501187

Q.147    Do all computers need a Processing Unit?                                                             11501188

Q.148    State the working of Central Processing Unit?                                 11501189

Q.149    Define System. List out its components.     (Board 2010, 11)             11501190

Q.150    Define SDLC. Write down its phases.                          (Board 2007)    11501191

Q.151    Describe Preliminary Investigation?                                              11501192

Q.152    Write down different activities performed in Preliminary Investigation.                                                                       11501193

Q.153    Describe Feasibility Study.     11501194

Q.154    Describe Preliminary Plan.    11501195


Q.155    Describe System Analysis.       11501196

Q.156    Write down different activities performed in System Analysis.      11501197

Q.157    What are Data Gathering techniques?                                              11501198

Q.158    Describe the importance of Written Documents.                                     11501199

Q.159    Describe the process of Interviewing.                                                 11501200

Q.160    What is the importance of Questionnaire?                                    11501201

Q.161    When is Sampling used to collect information?                                    11501202

Q.162    Describe Analysis Report?       11501203

Q.163    Describe System Design phase.                                                            11501204

Q.164    Describe the Logical Design of a system.                                            11501205

Q.165    Describe the Physical Design of a system.                                 11501206

Q.166    Describe the Coding phase of SDLC.                                         11501207

Q.167    How is a System tested?       11501208

Write down the importance of Testing a System before use.        11501209

Q.168    Describe Implementation stage.                                                      11501210

Q.169    Write down the different methods used to implement a system.             11501211

Q.170    Describe Direct Conversion or Direct Implementation or Big Bang Conversion.                                 11501212

Q.171    Describe Parallel Conversion or Parallel Implementation.                      11501213


Q.172    Describe Pilot Conversion or Pilot Implementation.              (Board 2011)   11501214

Q.173    Describe Phased Conversion or Phased Implementation.                    11501215

Q.174    Describe Maintenance phase.                                                     11501216





Multiple Choice Questions


Select a correct answer from the multiple choices

1.   A collection of raw facts and figures is
(Board 2007, 09, 12)          11501217

      (a)  Data                 (b) Information

      (c)  Processing       (d) None

2.   The processed data is called:          11501218

      (a)  Input               (b) Output      

      (c)  Information     (d) Either b or c

3.   A computer's main function is to: 11501219

      (a)  Convert information into storage

      (b)  Convert data into information

      (c)  Input data

      (d) Convert data into processing

4.   Multimedia includes:                      11501220

      (a)  Text                 (b) Animation

      (c)  Voice               (d) All of these

5.   Data processing is also known as: 11501221

      (a)  Input              (b) Computing

      (c)  Output             (d) Merging

6.   The modern revolution is also called:

      (a)  Computer revolution                   11501222

      (b)  Information revolution

      (c)  Communications revolution  

      (d) All of these

7.   Following term is made after combining          computing and communication       technologies:                        11501223

      (a)  Data sequencing

      (b)  Data routing

      (c)  Searching data

      (d) Data communication

8.   Differentiate between hardware and    software?                                               11501224

      (a)  Hardware is tangible but software is                          intangible

      (b)  Hardware is metal but software is                              plastic

      (c)  Hardware is permanent but software is                      temporary

      (d) Hardware is reliable but software is                           unreliable

9.   Hardware is best described as:  

      (a)  Physical parts                 (Board 2012) 11501225         (b)        Printed copy file

      (c)  A program      

      (d) Logic part

10. Computer is a combination of:

                                               (Board. 2008)  11501226

      (a)  Software          (b) Hardware

      (c)  Both a and b    (d) None of these

11. What is true of the computer?       11501227

      (a)  It is a machine

      (b)  It can be programmed

      (c)  It stores and processes data

      (d) All of these

12. Devices used to enter data or     information into a computer includes:

      (a)  Keyboard        (b) Mouse            11501228

      (c)  Microphone     (d) All of these

13. Which of the following is an example of           input device?                             11501229

      (a)  Keyboard        (b) Mouse       

      (c)  Trackball         (d) All of these

14. The piece of hardware that permanently stores data and programs is called:     

                                            (Board 2013)  11501230

      (a)  Primary storage

      (b)  CPU   

      (c)  Secondary storage

      (d) Output

15. The hardware that temporarily stores data and programs is called:               11501231

      (a)  Primary storage

      (b)  CPU   

      (c)  Secondary storage      

      (d) Output

16. The electronic circuit that executes      computer instructions is called a(n):

      (a)  Mouse            (b) Touchpad      11501232

      (c)  CPU                (d) Keyboard

17. Which of the following is not a secondary storage device?    (Board 2007)

      (a)  CD-ROM                                11501233

      (b) Hard disk

      (c)  DVD-ROM    

      (d) Central processing unit

18. CPU is an example of:                    11501234

      (a)  Software          (b) Program                 (c)        Hardware        (d) None of these

19. CPU stands for:                               11501235

      (a)  Central Processing Unit                      (b)        Central Promotion Unit

      (c)  Computing Program Unit      

      (d) Central Programming Unit

20. Additional data and programs not being         used by CPU are stored in:     11501236

      (a)  Secondary Storage     

      (b)  Processing Unit                      

      (c)  Input Unit       

      (d) CPU

21. Step by step instructions are called:

      (a)  Hardware        (b) Documents  11501237

      (c)  Calculation      (d) Software

22. Printers and monitors are common                  examples of:                               11501238

      (a)  Input unit       

      (b) Output unit

      (c)  Storage unit

      (d) Processing unit

23. Another name for main memory is:

      (a)  Primary memory  (Board 2009)    11501239

      (b)  Secondary memory    

      (c)  Permanent memory                

      (d) Cache

24. A major group of software is:      11501240

      (a)  Application software             

      (b)  System Software        

      (c)  Both a and b   

      (d) Software Design

25. Software that controls processing         resources is called:                    11501241

      (a)  Custom software        

      (b)  System software         

      (c)  Package software       

      (d) None of these

26. Which of the following is called system            software?                                               11501242

      (a)  Operating system       

      (b)  Utility program          

      (c)  Device drivers

      (d) All of these

27. Which of the following is an example of           system software?                                   11501243

      (a)  MS Word       

      (b)  Personal Oracle          

      (c)  MS Power Point         

      (d) MS Windows

28. Which software is used to solve                         everyday business problems?              11501244

      (a)  Operating system                   

      (b)  System software

      (c)  Application software             

      (d) Device Driver

29. All of these are application software     except:                                                    11501245

      (a) MS Word       

      (b)  MS Excel

      (c)  Personal Oracle          

      (d) MS Windows

30. Software that is developed for use in an          office is called:                                       11501246

      (a)  Custom software                    

      (b)  System software         

      (c)  Packaged Software                             (d)       Device Driver

31. Which of the following is an example of           packaged software?                  11501247

      (a)  MS Word                   

      (b)  Personal Oracle

      (c)  MS Excel       

      (d) All of these

32. The process of entering data in computer and providing information is     called:                                   11501248

      (a)  Processing                  

      (b)  Input/output 

      (c)  Storage/retrieval        

      (d) Input

33. Which device translates data into a                  form that the computer understands?

      (a)  Input                (b) Output           11501249

      (c)  Storage            (d) Process

34. Which of the following is an example of           input devices?                                        11501250

      (a)  Keyboard       

      (b)  Pointing devices         

      (c)  Source data-entry devices      

      (d) All of these

35. Which of the following is not an input device?                                                    11501251

      (a)  Laser printer    (b) MICR 

      (c)  OMR               (d) OCR

36. Which of the following is not an            output device?              (Board 2009)       11501252

      (a)  Printer             (b) Monitor    

      (c)  Speaker           (d) Scanner

37. The term that refers to all input, output,         and processing devices is called:   11501253

      (a)  Peripheral        (b) Central      

      (c)  Attached         (d) Network

38. Which is a correct link between            hardware device and component type?

      (a)  Mouse-processing                       11501254

      (b)  Keyboard-input

      (c)  Hard disk-output

      (d) CPU-storage

39. Which is a correct link between            hardware device and action?               11501255

      (a)  Scanner - output

      (b)  Keyboard - connectivity

      (c)  CD-ROM - processing           

      (d) CPU - data manipulation

40. Which is a correct link between            hardware device and component type?

      (a)  Memory - processing                 11501256

      (b)  Magnetic tape - processing

      (c)  Monitor - output                    

      (d) Stylus- storage

41. The most popular input device for        computers is:                                         11501257

      (a)  Scanner          

      (b) Keyboard        

      (c)  Graphics Tablet

      (d) Monitor

42. The keyboard format that is most                     commonly used is the: (Board 2007)

      (a)  QWERTY       (b) Dvorak          11501258

      (c)  TWRITER      (d) SPLITTER

43. Which key removes the character to the          right of the cursor?                   11501259

      (a)  Ctrl                  (b) Shift         

      (c)  Delete              (d) Backspace

44. Which key removes the character to the          left of the cursor? (Board 2007, 2011)

      (a)  Esc                  (b) Alt                 11501260

      (c)  Delete              (d) Backspace

45. Arrow keys are also called:            11501261

      (a)  Numeric keys

      (b)  Function keys

      (c)  Modifier keys

      (d) Cursor control keys

46. Caps Lock is a:                                11501262

      (a)  Toggle key     

      (b) Window key

      (c)  Numeric key  

      (d) Cursor control key

47. An insertion point is also called:           (a)        Cursor            (b) Pixel              11501263

      (c)  Puck                (d) Stylus

48. Which of the following keys is used to cancel an operation?                             11501264

      (a)  Scroll Lock     (b) Caps Lock

      (c)  Num Lock       (d) Esc

49. Another word for pointer:             11501265

      (a)  Monochrome   (b) Pixel         

      (c)  Cursor             (d) None of these

50. An example of a pointing device is:

      (a)  Touchpad        (b) Trackball       11501266

      (c)  Touch screen   (d) All of these

51. When the amount of working area is    limited, an alternative to mouse could be   a:                                                       11501267

      (a)  Trackball         (b) Plotter       

      (c)  Pointing stick (d) Both a and c

52. A tiny handle in the center of the                      keyboard is called:                    11501268

      (a)  Mouse             (b) Touch screen

      (c)  Pointing stick (d) Graphic tablet

53. An input device that has a ball on its                upper side is called:                   11501269

      (a)  Trackball         (b) Mouse       

      (c)  Touch screen   (d) Graphic tablet

54. An example of a pointing device used in          laptop computers is:                 11501270

      (a)  Touchpad        (b)        Pointing stick

      (c)  Trackball         (d) All of these

55. A graphics tablet is commonly used by:

      (a)  Finger              (b) Joystick         11501271

      (c)  Stylus              (d) Touchpad

56. A pointing device that consists of a                   vertical handle like a gearshift lever           mounted on a base is called:        11501272

      (a)  Pointing stick  (b) Touch pad

      (c)  Light pen         (d) Joystick

57. Which pointing device is commonly                 used for playing games?           11501273

      (a)  Stylus              (b) Pointing stick

      (c)  Light pen         (d) Joystick

58. A pen like component used to draw                 images on paper is called a:         11501274

      (a)  Pointing stick (b) Touch screen

      (c)  Joystick           (d) Stylus

59. A type of reader commonly used to read         UPC is called:                                        11501275

      (a)  Bar-code reader         

      (b)  Optical character reader

      (c)  Magnetic ink character reader

      (d) Both a and c

60. A device used for optical character                   recognition is a:                                     11501276

      (a)  Wand reader    (b) Cursor       

      (c)  Pen                  (d) MICR reader

61. The type of reader commonly used to              read bank cheques is a(n):       11501277

      (a)  Optical character reader         

      (b)  Magnetic ink character reader

      (c)  Bar-code reader         

      (d) None of these

62. The method of reading characters                    written in magnetized ink is:               11501278

      (a)  Bar-code reader

      (b) MICR 

      (c)  OMR

       (d) OCR

63. Which device uses light to determine the         location of pencil marks on sheets?

      (a)  Bar-code reader                          11501279

      (b)  Optical mark reader

      (c)  OCR               

      (d) Stylus

64. A common application of OCR is                      reading:                                                  11501280

      (a)  SAT marks

      (b) GRE marks

      (c)  Utility bills     

      (d) Magnetized characters

65. The technology of understanding          different characters on a printed page       so they can be stored and changed like text is called:                              11501281

      (a)  Bar-code recognition

      (b)  Optical character recognition

      (c)   Magnetic ink character recognition           

 (d) Optical mark recognition

66. Imaging system uses which device to                input data:                                 11501282

      (a)  Scanner          

      (b) Icon    

      (c)  Bar-code reader

      (d) Graphics Tablet

67. ATM card is an example of _______                 card.                                           11501283

      (a)  SIM                 (b) MICR       

      (c)  Smart card       (d) OCR

68. Printed image can be input into digital            form inside the computer using a: 11501284

      (a)  Mouse            

      (b) Keyboard        

      (c)  Scanner          

      (d) Magnetic stripe card

69. Which device is used to capture video using VCR?                               11501285

      (a)  Video capture card

      (b)  Digital camcorder      

      (c)  Image recorder

      (d) Voice digitizer

70. ___________ video card can convert    analog to digital signals at the rate of up    to 30 frames per second?        11501286

      (a)  Frame grabber (b) Full motion                       (c)        XGA               (d) VGA

71. Output can be:                                11501287

      (a)  Printed out

      (b)  Displayed on screen

      (c)  Heard through speaker           

      (d) All of these

72. Softcopy refers to:                           11501288

      (a)  Screen output 

      (b)  Peripheral devices      

      (c)  OCR               

      (d) None of these

73. What type of device translates data into          a form that we can understand?   11501289

      (a)  Input                (b) Output      

      (c)  Storage            (d) Processing

74. Devices commonly used to receive data            and information from computer     includes:                                           11501290

      (a)  Speaker           (b) Printer

      (c)  Monitor           (d) All of these

75. Two types of display devices are           ________ displays.                    11501291

      (a)  Inkjet and dot matrix

      (b)  Flat panel and CRT

      (c)  Impact and non impact          

      (d) None of these

76. Monitors differ in:                          11501292

      (a)  Size                

      (b) Resolution      

      (c)  Video display card

      (d) All of these

77. The dots that make image of a digital   photograph are called:                         11501293

      (a)  Dot matrix       (b) Resolution points

      (c)  Pixels               (d) Cursor points

78. The name for screen clarity:          11501294

      (a)  Pixel                (b) Resolution            

      (c)  Density            (d) Picture quality

79. The quality of a monitor depends on:

      (a)  Number of pixels that can be displayed

      (b)  Number of bits representing a pixel

      (c)  Dot pitch of the monitor             11501295         (d)       All of these

80. How many types of graphic cards                     normally exist in market?        11501296

      (a)  2                      (b) 4

      (c)  3                      (d) 7

81. The circuit board that connects the      monitor to computer is called:     11501297

      (a)  Video adapter card   

      (b)  Monitor link   

      (c)  Monitor adapter

      (d) None of these

82. Which of the following is determined by          video display adapters?                        11501298

      (a)  Resolution      

      (b)  Number of colors

      (c)  Speed with which image appear on                            screen

      (d) All of these

83. The lowest resolution for color graphics          display is:                                   11501299

      (a)  XVGA            (b) VESA

      (c)  XGA               (d) VGA

84. VGA uses 16 colors at:                   11501300

      (a)  640´980 pixels           

      (b)  320´200 pixels

      (c)  800´600 pixels           

      (d) 1024´768 pixels

85. VGA uses 256 colors at:                 11501301

      (a)  640´480 pixels           

      (b)  320´400 pixels

      (c)  800´600 pixels           

      (d) 1024´768 pixels

86. SVGA resolution is:                        11501302

      (a)  640 ´ 480        (b) 640 ´ 400 

      (c)  800 ´ 600        (d) 1024 ´ 768

87. The advantage of high resolution over low resolution is:                       11501303

      (a)  Best picture quality

      (b)  Greater cost savings

      (c)  Fewer storage requirements

      (d) Faster processing speed

88. The higher the resolution:             11501304

      (a)  The more the number of pixels           (b)        The larger the pixel size

      (c)  The more accurate the voice                                       recognition

      (d) The bigger the picture

89. The individual images that make up a video are called:                                    11501305

      (a)  Frames            (b) Pixels        

      (c)  Digits              (d) Numbers

90. Pixel is short form of:                     11501306

      (a)  Page enter       (b) Place enter

      (c)  Picture enters (d) Picture element

91. A pixel might be displayed as:       11501307

      (a)  Black               (b) White

      (c)  Color               (d) All of these

92. Which of the following device is used to           get softcopy output?                 11501308

      (a)  Printer             (b) Scanner     

      (c)  Monitor           (d) None of these

93. XGA supports up to: (Board 2010) 11501309

      (a)  16 colors        

      (b) 64 colors

      (c)  16.7 million colors

      (d) 4 color

94. Which type of flat panel computer                   screen gives the highest quality display?

      (a)  LCD                (b) EL                  11501310

      (c)  Gas plasma      (d) None of these

95. Which of the following methods is used           in flat panel display screens?               11501311

      (a)  LCD                (b) EL

      (c)  Gas plasma      (d) All of these

96. As compared to the CRT, the Flat Panel          Displays:                                                 11501312

      (a)  Are much thinner                   

      (b)  Are lighter

      (c)  Consume less power              

      (d) All of these

97. The advantage of an LCD monitor is               that it is:                                                 11501313

      (a)  Lighter            (b) Costly       

      (c)  More compact (d) Both a and c

98. Display facilities are described in terms           of all of the following EXCEPT:  11501314

      (a)  Color               (b) Speed        

      (c)  Resolution       (d) Size

99. A printer is required to:                 11501315

      (a)  Produce hardcopies of document        (b)        Load educational software

      (c)  Install document file

      (d) None of these

100. Laser printer is an example of:

                                    (Board 2013)       11501316

      (a)  Non Impact     (b) Inkjet        

      (c)  Impact             (d) Dot Matrix

101. The output of printer is called:                                                            (Board 2012)            11501317

      (a)  Hard copy       (b) Graphics   

      (c)  Multimedia     (d) Soft copy

102. DPI stands for:      (Board 2011)   11501318

      (a)  Dots per inch    (b) Decimals per inch

      (c)  Digits per inch (d) Data per inch

103. The cheapest form of printer available            is called:                                               11501319

      (a)  Dot Matrix      (b) Laser

      (c)  Inkjet               (d) Thermal

104. What type of printer forms images one          character at a time as print head moves     across the paper?                      11501320

      (a)  Inkjet printers (b) Laser Printers       

      (c)  Dot Matrix       (d) Thermal Printers

105. Which of the following is faster                         printer?                                                11501321

      (a)  Laser               (b) Inkjet        

      (c)  Dot Matrix      (d) Daisy wheel

106. Which of the following is a non-impact            printer?                                                11501322

      (a)  Line printer    

      (b)  Laser printer

      (c)  Dot matrix printer

      (d) Active matrix printer

107. The printer which can print one                       complete line at a single time is called:

      (a)  Inkjet printer   (b) Daisy wheel printer           (c)        Laser printer    (d) Line printer 11501323

108. Which printer should be used on                    mainframes for high speed report printing?                                          11501324

      (a)  Line printer    

      (b)  Daisy Wheel printer

      (c)  Dot matrix printer

      (d) None of these

109. An ink jet printer is an example of     a(n):                (Board 2013)       11501325

      (a)  Laser printer                           

      (b)  Impact printer

      (c)  COM printer   

      (d) Non impact printer

110. Which type of printer works like a                   photocopy machine?                           11501326

      (a)  Line printer    

      (b)  Ink jet printer

      (c)  Dot matrix printer      

      (d) Laser printer

111. The laser printer can produce high                  quality images of text and graphics                        ranging from:                                  11501327

      (a)  200 dpi to 1000 dpi                

      (b)  300 dpi to 1200 dpi

      (c)  250 dpi to 1100 dpi                

      (d) 500 dpi to 1500 dpi

112. For use with microcomputers, the                    speed of a laser printer is usually from     4 to ______ text-only pages.       11501328

      (a)  20                    (b) 40             

      (c)  32                    (d) 30

113. For use with mainframes, the speed of            a laser printer is usually up to ______       pages.                                    11501329

      (a)  250                  (b) 150           

      (c)  200                  (d) 300

114. The resolution of ink jet printers is                  _______ dpi.                             11501330

      (a)  300-720           (b) 300-700    

      (c)  200-720           (d) 300-500

115. Which of the following is an impact                  printer?                                                11501331

      (a)  Dot matrix printer      

      (b)  Daisy Wheel printer

      (c)  Line printer    

      (d) All of these

116. The speed of laser printers is measured           in:                                             11501332

      (a)  Characters per second (cps)   

      (b)  Paragraphs per minute (ppm)

      (c)  Lines per minute (lpm)          

      (d) Pages per minute (ppm)

117.Which printer is characterized by                    melting wax based ink onto ordinary                     paper?                                              11501333

      (a)  Dot matrix       (b) Inkjet        

      (c)  Laser               (d) Thermal

118. Printers and monitors are common                 forms of:                           (Board 2010) 11501334

      (a)  Input unit        (b) Output unit           

      (c)  Storage unit     (d) Processing unit

119. Which of the following is not an output          device:                       (Board 2009)            11501335

      (a)  Printer             (b) Monitor

      (c)  Speaker           (d) Scanner

120. Maps are special output of:         11501336

      (a)  Line printer     (b) Impact printer

      (c)  Plotters            (d) None of these

121. The microphone converts the sound                 into:              (Board 2013)         11501337

      (a)  Mechanical signals     

      (b)  Electrical signal         

      (c)  Computer file 

      (d) Software

122. A gigabyte is equal to:                  11501338

      (a)  One thousand kilobytes

      (b)  1024 megabytes

      (c)  1024 ´ 1024 megabytes         

      (d) One million kilobytes

123. Which of the following is the largest                 unit of data?                                        11501339

      (a)  Bit                   (b) Byte          

      (c)  Word               (d) Nibble

124. The smallest unit of information in the            computer is:                                         11501340

      (a)  Nibble            (b) Word        

      (c)  Bit                   (d) Byte

125. A bit can represent how many                           different values?                      11501341

      (a)  0                      (b) l    

      (c)  2                      (d) 8

126. The meaning of the value of a bit is:

      (a)  On or off         (b) One or zero   11501342

      (c)  Yes or no         (d) All of these

127. A binary signal can be sent using:

      (a)  One bit            (b) Two bits        11501343

      (c)  Three bits        (d) Four bits

128. How many bits are in one byte? 11501344

      (a)  1                      (b) 2 (Board 2008, 10, 11)

      (c)  4                      (d) 8

129. The cell of memory are logically                       organized into group of: (Board 2011)

      (a)  8 bits              (b) 5 bits              11501345

      (c)  12 bits             (d) 4 bits

130. A group of bits can represent:   11501346

      (a)  Characters       (b) Colors       

      (c)  Sounds            (d) All of these

131. A kilobyte is exactly:                    11501347

      (a)  1 bytes             (b) 1000 bytes

      (c)  256 bytes         (d) 1024 bytes

132. One MB is exactly:                        11501348

      (a)  1 k                   (b) 1000 KB   

      (c)  1024 bytes       (d) 1024 KB

133. TB is exactly:                                 11501349

      (a)  1,000 KB         (b) 1000 MB

      (c)  1024 GB         (d) Both b and c

134. GB is exactly                                  11501350

      (a)  1,000 KB         (b) 1024 MB

      (c)  1000 TB          (d) Both b and c

135. Which of the following is ranked from             smallest to largest?                 11501351

      (a)  KB, MB, TB, GB       

      (b)  MB, TB, GB, KB

      (c)  GB, KB, MB,TB        

      (d) KB, MB, GB, TB

136. The number of bits a computer can                  process at one time is sometimes                 called:                                               11501352

      (a)  Bit strength     (b) Character size       

      (c)  Bit size            (d) Word size

137. The most widely used secondary                       storage is:                                 11501353

      (a)  Diskettes        

      (b)  Hard disks     

      (c)  Random Access Memory

      (d) Both a and b

138. An organized set of related                                 components is called:(Board 2012)

      (a)  SDLC              (b) Network        11501354

      (c)  Processing       (d) System

139. The process of studying an existing    system to determine how it works is           called:                                              11501355

      (a)  Computer programming            

      (b)  Systems testing

      (c)  Systems analysis                    

      (d) User requirements testing

140. Which of the following is the first                     phase of SDLC?           (Board 2009)    11501356

      (a)  Design                                                 (b)        Coding

      (c)  Preliminary investigation      

      (d) Analysis

141. Which of the following task is related             to preliminary investigation?      11501357

      (a)  System specifications

      (b)  System scope

      (c)  Feasibility study

      (d) All of these

142. Which of the following tasks is not part           of the systems analyst role?               11501358

      (a)  Programming

      (b)  Designing       

      (c)  Communication         

      (d) Planning

143. Setting the limit or scope of the                         problem is done during:         11501359

      (a)  Preliminary investigation      

      (b)  Systems analysis

      (c)  Systems design

      (d) System testing

144. Detailed data gathering is done during:

      (a)  Preliminary investigation            11501360

      (b)  System Analysis                                 (c)        Design            

      (d) Testing

145. Which type of diagram shows how                   information flows through a system?

      (a)  Decision trees                             11501361

      (b)  Gantt chart

      (c)  DFD               

      (d) Decision table

146. System requirements are created                      during:                     (Board 2008)            11501362

      (a)  Preliminary investigation

      (b)  Analysis         

      (c)  Design            

      (d) Development

147. What comes after the analysis phase in           SDLC?                      (Board 2008)            11501363

      (a)  Implementation          

      (b)  Testing                      

      (c) Design

      (d) Coding

148. Specifications on how the system will               satisfy its requirements are created                        during:                                             11501364

      (a)  Analysis          (b) Design      

      (c)  Development   (d) Testing

149. A common type of diagram in most                  project management software is: 11501365

      (a)  Gantt chart     

      (b) CASE tool

      (c)  System flowchart

      (d) Decision table

150. Testing a part of program is called:

      (a)  Pilot testing                                 11501366

      (b)  Isolation testing         

      (c)  System testing            

      (d) Unit testing

151. Which method is used to collect                        information from many people in an 0       office?                                              11501367

      (a)  Questionnaires           

      (b)  Observation    

      (c)  Sampling        

      (d) Interview

152. Which of the following methods is used           in data gathering step of system                  analysis?                                               11501368

      (a)  Interview        

      (b)  Questionnaires           

      (c)  Sampling        

      (d) All of these

153. Testing all program components                        together is called:                   11501369

      (a)  Unit testing    

      (b)  Group testing

      (c)  System testing            

      (d) Component testing

154. The process of training persons to use              the new system is done during:  11501370

      (a)  Analysis          (b) Design

      (c)  Testing            (d) Implementation

155. The type of conversion in which a       number of users use the new system           while others continue to use the old one         until the new system is tested, is called:

      (a)  Direct              (b) Pilot               11501371

      (c)  Phased             (d) Parallel

156. The type of conversion in which individual components of the new system are used one after another is called:  11501372

      (a)  Direct              (b) Pilot

      (c)  Phased             (d) Parallel

157. The type of conversion in which both new and old systems use together for some period of time is:                                  11501373

      (a)  Direct              (b) Pilot          

      (c)  Phased             (d) Parallel conversion.

158. System analysis produces which of the following results?                                11501374

      (a)  Review of existing system     

      (b)  Design constraints

      (c)  Requirements definition        

      (d) All of these

159. The process of modifying information            system to meet changing requirements is   called:                                               11501375

      (a)  System maintenance  

      (b)  System modification

      (c)  System upkeep           

      (d) System management

160. What comes after the analysis phase in          the SDLC?                                 11501376

      (a)  Implementation

      (b) Design

      (c)  Testing              

      (d) Coding














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