10th Computer Full book


UNIT 01           




Q.1: What do you mean by problem solving? Briefly describe the problem solving process.

                                                                        (Board 2010)               10501001

Q.2: What is debugging? How many types of errors can occur in a program? Describe
briefly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Board 2016)          10501002

Q.3: Define algorithm. Write the steps of an algorithm for making a telephone call to your friend.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      10501003

Q.4:     What are the advantages of flowchart? Discuss limitation of flowchart. (Board 2016)  10501004

Q.5: Draw a flowchart to find the largest of three numbers.                                                                                                       10501005

Q.6: Write an algorithm to calculate the area of a circle when the radius is given.       10501006

Q.7: What is algorithm? Describe strategy for developing algorithm.               (Board 2016)                   10501007

Q.8: Write an algorithm to bake a cake in your house.                                                                                                                10501008

Q.9: Write the algorithm to make tea in your house. Also write refinements in that algorithm.        

Ans:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        10501009


Q.10: What is flowchart? Which symbols are used in flowcharting? Also write guidelines for drawing a flowchart.                                                                                                                                                             (Board 2014, 15)              10501010

Q.11: Write a note on Documentation.                                                                                                                                                                   10501011


Q.1: List steps that should be followed to solve a problem.          (Board 2011)                                          10501012

Q.2: What is analysis? Describe its importance in solving a problem.

                                                                                                                (Board 2013) 10501013

Q.3: What method should be adopted to solve complex problems? Discuss briefly.

OR      Define Top-Down Design.                                                                                           (Board 2014, 2016)   10501014

Q.4: What do you mean by syntax of programming language? Is it necessary to know the syntax for solving a problem on Computer?                                                   (Board 2014)   10501015

Q.5: Differentiate runtime errors and logical errors?                  (Board 2014 & 2016)  10501016

Q.6: Why documentation is considered vital in problem solving process? Give reasons.                                                                    OR                              (Board 2016)

Describe the importance of program documentation.                                                      10501017

Q.7: Is it is necessary for an algorithm to solve a problem in finite number of steps?  If yes, why?                                                                           10501018

Q.8: Differentiate between bug and debugging.                                                    (Board 2014) 10501019

Q.9: What do we mean by Syntax errors?                                                                                                                         10501020

Q.10: What do we mean by Runtime errors?                                                                                     (Board 2010) 10501021

Q.11:   What do we mean by Logical errors?                                                             (Board 2016) 10501022

Q.12: What is algorithm? (Board 2016) 10501023

Q.13: What do we mean by flowchart?                                                                                          (Board 2010)                10501024

Q.14: Define problem solving.

                                                                                        (Board 2015) 10501025

Q.15: Why the identification of a problem is necessary?                                      (Board 2016)  10501026

Q.16: What do we mean by Specify requirement?                                                                                       10501027

Ans:    This stage demands to make clear the Q.17: What do we mean by Coding?                                                                                                             (Board 2010) 10501028

Q.18: State the purpose of testing a program.                                                         (Board 2014) 10501029

Q.19: What do we mean by Implementation?                                                                                     (Board 2014) 10501030

Q.20: What do we mean by maintenance and updating the program?                           10501031

Q.21: What is the use of diamond symbol in flow chart?                                                 (Board 2011)                10501032

Q.22: What is purpose of remark symbol in flow chart?                         (Board 2013 & 2014)                   10501033

Q.23:   Write an algorithm to find the sum of first 50 natural numbers?                       10501034

Q.24:Write an algorithm to find the factorial of a given number.                                (Board 2014)        10501035

Q.25: Draw a flow chart to find the sum of first 50 natural numbers?                           10501036

Q.26: Draw a flow chart to find the factorial of a number?                                                                                          10501037

Q.27: What is Desk Checking?(Board 2014)10501038

Q.28: Write an algorithm to calculate the distance covered by a car moving at an average speed of Vms-1 in Time t. The program should input average speed v and the Time t.                                                                                                               10501039

Q.29: What are the advantages of flowchart?                                                                                 (Board 2016)            10501040

Q.30: Write down two limitations of flowchart.                                                                                (Board 2015) 10501041

Q.31: Compare flowchart and algorithm.                                                                                                                 (Board 2014)                10501042

Q.32:State the purpose of refining algorithm.                                                                                           10501043

Q.33: Why is flow chart designed to solve a problem?                                                    (Board 2015)   10501044

Q.34: During the analyzing the problem what type of questions are asked to approach the right solution.                                    10501045

Q.35: What is the purpose of oval shape symbol in flowchart?            10501046

Q.36: What is the purpose of Input/ Output Symbol in flowchart?            10501047

Q.37: What is the purpose of Rectangle symbol flowchart?   10501048

Q.38: What is the purpose of diamond symbol flowchart?                                                         10501049

Q.39: What is the purpose of connector symbol flowchart?                                            10501050

Q.41 : What is the purpose of Pre-defined Process symbol in flowchart?  10501052

Q.42 : What is the purpose of Remarks symbol in flowchart?                10501053

Q.43 : What do you mean by deployment of the program?                                                         10501054

Q.44 : What do you mean by Requirements Document?                                                                          10501055

Q.45 What do you mean by Updating the program?                                                                                            10501056

Q.46: Which error occurs due to a wrong algorithm?                    (Board 2016)                 10501057



Choose the correct answer.  

1.      BASIC is a.                                                                      10501058

      (a)  High Level Language

(b)  Low Level Language

      (c)  Assembly language    

(d) Machine language

2.      How many possible solutions are there for a problem?                                                          10501059

      (a)  One                             (b)        Two               

(c)  Three                           (d)       Multiple

3.      Program upgradation refers to:  10501060

      (a)  Program enhancement           

(b)  Program identification

(c)  Program development

(d) Program Implementation

4.      Which of the following tasks are performed by most of the algorithms?

      (a)  Input                           (b)        Output             10501061

(c)  Processing                   (d)       All of these

5.      Typographical errors in BASIC statements are:                                                         10501062

      (a)  Runtime errors (b) Logical errors

      (c)  Syntax errors      (d) Execution errors

6.       The diamond symbol represents the:                                                                                                           10501063

      (a)  Input/Output   (b)        Decision making

      (c)  Processing       (d)       Remarks         

7.      Division by zero is:                                              10501064

(a)  Syntax error    (b)        Logical error

      (c)  Runtime error (d)        Not an error

8.      Which of the following documents describe various features of the software and the way it is used?                              10501065

(a) Software requirement

(b)  Problem description specification

      (c)  User manual                (d)       Algorithm

9.      Algorithm is a:                                                    10501066

      (a)  Requirement document

      (b)  Design document

      (c)  Text document           

      (d) user guide  

10.  The technique ‘Divide and conquer’ is used to solve:                                                             10501067

      (a)  Simple problems

(b)  Complex problems

(c)  Runtime error

(d) Complex and large problems      

11.  The process of carefully observing the working of an algorithm.                 10501068

      (a)  Desk checking                        (b)        Program          

(c)  Flowchart                                            (d)       None  

12.  A set of instructions given to the computer to solve a particular problem.


      (a)  Algorithm                                (b)        Program         

(c)  Flowchart                                (d)       None

13.  Writing the program is called. 10501070

      (a)  Debugging                  (b)        Coding

      (c)  Testing                                    (d)       Documentation

14.  The grammatical rules of a programming language to write programs are called.                                          10501071

      (a)  Syntax                                     (b)        Debugging     

      (c)  Testing                                                (d)       Desk checking

15.  The process of finding and removing errors in the program is called.            10501072

      (a)  Desk checking                        (b)        Syntax

      (c)  Debugging                              (d)       None

16.  Which error occurs when the program violates one or more grammatical rules of the programming language?  10501073

      (a)  Runtime errors            (b) Logical errors

      (c)  Syntax errors               (d)       none

17.  Which error occurs when program follows a wrong logic?                           10501074

      (a)  Runtime errors            (b)        Syntax errors

      (c)  Logical errors              (d)       none

18.  Which error occurs when the program directs the computer to perform an illegal operation?                                  10501075

      (a)  Syntax errors              

      (b) Runtime errors

      (c)  Logical errors             

      (d) none  

19.  A finite set of steps, which, if followed, accomplish a particular task.          10501076

      (a)  Flowchart                                (b)        Program

      (c)  Algorithm                               (d)       None

20.  The pictorial representation of an algorithm is.                                                                      10501077

      (a)  Program                                  (b)        Flowchart

      (c)  Debugging                  (d)       Testing

21. The software that provides the facility of documentation.                                         10501078

(a) Windows                                (b)        Multimedia

(c) Spread sheet               (d)       Word processor

22. The annotation symbol in flowchart     indicates:                                                                                10501079

(a) Process                                    (b)        Condition       

(c) Input                                        (d)       Remarks

23. A finite set of steps to solve a problem is called:                                                                                        10501080

(a) Algorithm                                (b)       Solution

(c) Syntax                                     (d)      Program

24. In which year BASIC Language is designed?                                                                          10501081

(a) 1970                                         (b)       1972

(c) 1976                                         (d)      1963

25.       Which error is caused due to the wrong use of a programming language?       10501082

(a) Syntax                                     (b)       Logical

(c) Run time                                  (d)      Execution

26. Which error involves incorrect punctuation, incorrect word sequence, undefined terms or misuse of term?  10501083

(a) Syntax                                     (b)       Logical

(c) Run time                                  (d)      Execution

27.  C = A+/B is a:                                                     10501084

(a) Syntax error                 (b)       Logical error

(c) Run time error             (d)      Execution error

28.  ___ errors arise due to the limitation of the computer.                                                                     10501085

(a) Syntax                                     (b)       Logical

(c)  Bugs                                       (d)       Execution

29.  ___ errors causes either the execution of the program of the program is held up or sometimes it gives absurd result.            10501086

(a) Syntax                                     (b)       Logical

(c)  Bugs                                       (d)       Execution

30.  _____ is a process of taking the program and placing it into operation.                                                                                                                             10501087

(a) Debugging                                           (b)       Testing

(c)  Implementation                       (d)       Execution

31. In which of the flowchart symbols, the statement “ IS A> B” is placed?      10501088

(a) Connector                                            (b)       Rectangular

(c)  Parallelogram                          (d)       Diamond




UNIT 02          

Data Types Assignment

And Input / Output Statements



Q.1. In how many modes GW BASIC can operate? Discuss briefly.                               (Board- 2012) 10502001

Q.2.  Describe Rules of naming variable in GW BASIC.                                                                                 (Board 2014, 16) 10502002

Q.3      What are type declaration characters? Explain their uses with examples. (B-2014)        10502003

Q.4. Briefly describe the uses of arithmetic, logical, and relational operators.   (Board 2016)               10502004

Q.5 What does it mean by type Conversion? Describe rules of type conversion in BASIC.

Q.6 Write a program to read ten values specified in DATA statement, and display sum of these values on the screen.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              10502006

Q.7      Write a program to calculate the volume of a cylinder. The program should get the value of the height of the cylinder and radius of its base from the user through INPUT statement.

                        [Hint: volume = 3.14 ´ radius ´ radius ´ height]                                                                                                                              10502007

Q.8 Write a program to compute the square of a given number. The program should get the number form the user through INPUT statement.                                                                                                                          10502008

Q.9: Write a program to calculate and PRINT the sum and average of three numbers using LET statement.                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (Board 2014)          10502009

Q.10 Explain some important GW BASIC commands.                                                                                                                10502010

Q.11 What is a variable? Explain types of variable.                                                                                 (Board 2014)                 10502011

Q.12 What is constant? Explain its types in BASIC.                                                                    (Board 2014 & 2015)       10502012

Q.13 Differentiate between single - Precision and double - precision numeric constant           10502013

Q.14 Describe Arithmetic Assignment Statement. OR LET statement.                                                             10502014

Q.15 Describe the purpose of INPUT Statement.                                                                                                                                      10502015

Q.16 Describe the Purpose of READ / DATA Statement.                                                                        (Board 2010)       10502016

Q.17 What is the purpose of RESTORE Statement?                                                                                                                            10502017

Q.18 Write a note on PRINT and LPRINT Statement.                                                                                                                10502018

Q.19 Describe PRINT USING Statement.                                                                                                                                                              10502019



Short Questions

Q.1: Write the purpose of the function keys from F1 to F9 in GWBASIC.                   (Board 2016) 10502020

Q.2: What does IDE stand for, discus features of GW BASIC IDE.

                                                                (Board 2015 & 2016)     10502021

Q.3: Explain the term “Loading a program” why should a program be loaded before execution.                                (Board 2012)          10502022

Q.4: Differentiate BASIC commands and BASIC statement                               (Board 2013 & 2014)  10502023


Q.5: What is difference between CLEAR and CLS commands                     (Board 2016)       10502024


Q.6: Write down the purpose and syntax of the following commands.               (Board 2016)                   10502025

                         (a)       DELETE                                 (b)        KILL               (c)        FILES                         (d)            LIST                (e)        LOAD                                    

                         (f)       SYSTEM                                (g)        NAME            (h)        RENUM                     (i)            RUN               (j)         SAVE  

Q.7:     Briefly describe the structure of a Basic program?           Or List any three rules for writing programs in BASIC.                                                                                                                                        (Board 2016)  10502026



Q.9: Write a programme that ask for name, roll number, class, section and marks in different subjects of a student of class 10. The program should calculate and display total marks and percentage of the student [hint: use INPUT statements to get data from the user. Suppose total marks are 850].                                                                                                          10502028

Q.10:   Write a program to calculate the distance covered by car moving at an average speed of Vms--1 in time T. The program should input average speed and time. [Use input statement to get the values for V and t.]                                                                         10502029

Q.11:   Give an example to explain the use of comma (,) and semi colon (;) with PRINT statement.                                                                                            10502030

Q.12: Differentiate between direct and indirect mode.                             (Board 2014)          10502031

Q.13: Describe keyword of BASIC language.                                                        (Board 2013)          10502032

Q.14:   What is a purpose of AUTO command?    (Board 2016)                                10502033

Q.15:   What is a purpose of INPUT statement?                                                                            10502034

Q.16: Define LET statement.                        10502035

Q.17: Define READ / DATA statement.


Q.18:   Define RESTORE statement.                                                                                                          (Board 2010)       10502037

Q.19: Define PRINT statement        10502038

Q.20: Define LPRINT statement.    10502039

Q.21: What do you meant by execution of a program?                                                                                        10502040

Q.22: What is a string constant?     10502041

Q.23: Differentiate between LIST and

Q.24: Define END statement. (Board 2016)10502043

Q.25: Define REM statement. OR How can add Remarks in GW BASIC program?  

                                                                                    (Board 2015)       10502044

Q.26:   What is the Purpose of STOP statement?                                      (Board 2016)  10502045

Q.27: What is a variable? (Board 2015)   10502046

Q.28: What is a numeric variable?                                                                                                 (Board 2010 & 2014) 10502047

Q.29: Describe the use of string variables.                                                                                     (Board 2015)            10502048

Q.30: What is a constant?                            10502049

Q.31: What is numeric constant?    10502050

Q.32: What is string constant?                    10502051

Q.33: Describe Character set of BASIC language                                                (Board 2016)       10502052

Q.34: What is the purpose MOD operator?                                                                                   (Board 2012) 10502053

Q.35: What is Integral Division?    

                                                                                    (Board 2012)       10502054

Q.36:   How we save GW BASIC Programme?                                             (Board 2016) 10502055

Q.37:   How we load GW BASIC Programme?                                                                            10502056

Q.38:How we run GW BASIC Programme?                                                                                                                     10502057

Q.39:   Describe important features of BASIC language.                         (Board 2014)       10502058

Q.40: What are operators?                          10502059

Q.41: What is Concatenation operator?



Q.42:   What is Relational operator?                                                                                                                                               (Board 2015) 10502061

Q.43:   What do you mean by operator Precedence?                                            (Board 2016)                                                       10502062

Q.44:   What does GW – BASIC stands for?                                                                                                                                                          10502063

Q.45:   What is the difference between input and output statements?                                                                 10502064

Q.46: How we create the program in BASIC language?                                                                                                              10502065


            Choose the correct answer.             

1.      GW-BASIC can operate in                    10502066

(a)  One mode                                (b)        Two-mode      

(c)  Three-mode                 (d)       several modes

2.      The maximum length of a variable name in GW BASIC is:                         10502067

      (a)  31                                                        b)         32

      (c)  40                                                        (d)       45

3.      If two or more statements are written on a one line, they must be separated by    

      (a)  Colon                         (b)        Semicolon  10502068

      (c)  Comma                       (d)       Hyphen

4.      Which of the following is a type declaration character for integer variable                                                                  10502069

      (a)  !                                                          (b)        %                          

      (c)  #                                                         (d)       $

5.      Which of the following operators has the highest precedence?                                 10502070

      (a) ^                                                           (d) *

      (c) +                                                          (d)       = A variable

6.      A Variable name must be Start with a:

 (a) Alphabet         (b)        Underscore    10502071

(c)  Digit                (d) Alphabet or underscore

7.      Which of following is a Short key to run a program in GW BASIC?                       10502072

(a)  F4                                                        (b)        F3

(c)  F2                                                        (d)       F1

8.      When a floating-point value is converted to an Integer a fractional part:   10502073

      (a)  Truncated                               

      (b)  Round off       

(c)  May be truncated or round off           

(d) Conversion is Impossible.

9.      Which of the following statement temporarily Stops the execution of a program?                                                                   10502074

      (a)  Break                                       (b)        END

      (c)  PUSE                                      (d)       STOP

10.  Which of the following command continues the program whose execution was terminated temporarily?        10502075

      (a)  Continue                                 (b)        CONT

      (c)  RESTART                              (d)       START

11.  How many Types of variable?   10502076

      (a) 1                                                           (b)       2

      (c) 3                                                          (d)       4  

12.  Dollar sign is attached with variable:

(a)  Numeric                                  (b)       String    10502077    

      (c) Both                                        (d)       None  

13.  Every statement in BASIC must be started with:                                                                   10502078

      (a) Letter                           (b)       character

      (c) line number     (d)       special character

14.  Which is a valid variable name?  10502079

      (a) 32A                                         (b)        TTV3

(c) 97B                                         (d)       3$

15.  Which command generate automatic line Number?                                                   10502080

(a)  EDIT                                       (b)        AUTO

(c) DEL                                        (d)       RD

16.  Which command is used to delete programme lines or lines range?  10502081

      (a) EDIT                                       (b)       CLS

      (c) NEW                                       (d)       DELETE

17.  Which command is used to delete program from the disk?                           10502082

      (a) DEL                                         (b)       RD

      (c) NEW                                       (d)       KILL

18.  Which command is use to create subdirectory?                                                          10502083

      (a) RD                                           (b)        MKDIR          

(c)  RMDIR                                   (d)       NEW    

19.  Which key is used to load a GW BASIC Programme?                                                                 10502084

      (a)  F1                                                        (b)        F2

      (c) F3                                                        (d)       F4

20.  Which command is used to exit from GW BASIC Programme?                   10502085

      (a) QUIT                                       (b)       EXIT

      (c)  SYSTEM                                (d)       RUN

21.  Which command is used to clear computer memory?                                                10502086

      (a)  CLS                                         (b)       NEW

      (c)  KILL                                       (d)       F5

22.  Which statement is used to assign value to the variable, during the execution of the program?                                             10502087

      (a) READ/ DATA             (b)       INPUT

(c) LET                                         (d)       All of these

23.  Which is a non - executable statement?

(a) REM                                        (b)       INPUT  10502088    

(c) PRINT                                    (d)       LPRINT

24.  Which statement is used to send output to the monitor?                                                        10502089

      (a) PRINT                                                 (b)       LPRINT

      (c) READ                                     (d)       DATA

25.  Which statement sends output to the printer?                                                                              10502090

      (a) PRINT                                                 (b)       LPRINT

      (c) DATA                                     (d)       LIST

26.  A GW BASIC program line cannot have more than ___ characters.                       10502091

(a) 200                                                       (b)        300 

(c)  255                                          (d)       400

27.  There can be maximum _____ lines in GW BASIC program.                                   10502092

(a) 3456                                         (b)        65529

(c)  6000                                        (d)       9000

28.  The default extension of GW BASIC program is ________                                       10502093

(a) .doc                                          (b)        .bas

(c) .XLS                                        (d)       PP

29.       The result of “3 MOD 5” is:            10502094

(a) 3                                                           (b)        5         

(c) 0                                                           (d)       -6

30.       Which are the logical operators?         

(a) AND                                       (b)        OR                  10502095

(c) NOT                                       (d)       All of these

31. The character set of GW – BASIC comprises:                                                             10502096

(a) Alphabets                                (b) Numeric    

(c) Special characters                    (d) All of these

32. GW- BASIC and QBASIC are ____ of BASIC language.                                                                  10502097

(a) Versions                                   (b) shapes       

(c) Characters                                            (d) All of these

33. The BASIC language was developed by John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz in 1963 at:                                                                                                                  10502098

(a) Dartmouth College 

 (b) Punjab university

(c) BZU

(d) All of these

34.___ language was invented as an instructional tool to teach fundamental programming concepts to students.


(a) COBOL                                   (b) Java          

(c) BASIC                                                (d) FORTRAN

35. Which language was developed to address the complexity issues of older language?                                                                                 10502100

(a) COBOL                                               (b) Java          

(c)  FORTRAN                                         (d) BASIC

36. GW – BASIC is an interpreter for: _____.                                                                                                            10502101

(a) BASIC                                    (b) Java          

(c)  FORTRAN                             (d) COBOL

37. ____ provides a menu – driven environment to write and execute BASIC programs.                                                       10502102

(a) QBASIC                                 (b) Java          

(c)  FORTRAN                             (d) COBOL

38. The maximum characters that a string constant may contain are:-


(a) 8                                                           (b) 32 

(c)  80                                                                    (d) 255

39. Equality operator is a:-                         10502104

(a) Logical operator         

(b) Functional operator                

(c)  Relational operator                                                                 (d) Arithmetical operator

40. To run a program press ____ key. 10502105

     (a) F1                                                         (b) F2 

(c)  F3                                                                    (d) F4






UNIT 03          


       Control Structure



Q.1: Define Control Structure? How many Control Structures are available in BASIC? Discuss briefly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (Board 2016)          10503001

Q 2: Define nested loop. Write the syntax of FOR … NEXT and WHILE … WEND loop and explain with example.                                                                                                                                                                                     (Board 2014)          10503002

Q.3: What does it mean by transfer of control? Briefly describe conditional and unconditional transfer of control in BASIC                                                                                                                                                              (Board 2016)          10503003

Q.4: Differentiate WHILE … WEND and FOR … NEXT Loop. Which one is better in a situation where you don’t know the number of iteration prior to the execution of the program?           

Q.5:     Write a program to calculate the area of triangle. The program should get the value for base and altitude of the triangle from the user, and display the result.

[Hint: area = ½ x base x altitude]                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2012)          10503005

Q.6: Write a program to calculate area and circumference of a circle. The program should get the radius of the circle from the user and display result.                                                                                (Board 2015)                10503006

[Hint area = 3.14 x radius x radius, and circumference = 2 x 3.14 x radius]                                                     

Q.7:Write a program to print first ten odd numbers using WHILE WEND loop.(Board 2015)10503007

Q.8: Write a Program that prints the sum of square of first five even numbers using FOR – NEXT loop?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    (Board 2010)            10503008

Q.9:  Write a program to find the larger of two numbers. The program should get the numbers from the user.                                                                                                                                                                                                                (Board 2014)       10503009 

Q.10: Write a program, which prints the table of a number and that, number should be taken from the user.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10503010

Q.11: Write a program that should accept obtained marks of a student in an examination. It should then calculate the percentage and assign a grade to the student. The grade should be assigned according to the following criteria.                                                                                                                                                            10503011

                        Percentage                                                                             Grade

>= 80                                                                                                   A1

      >=70, but < 80                                                                       A

                        >=60, but <70                                                                         B

                  >=50, but <60                                                                         C

                  >=40, but <50                                                                         D

                  <40                                                                                                      F

Q.12: Write a note on selection structure.                                                                                      (Board 2014 & 2016)                       10503012

Q.13: What is the use of logical operator? Explain with example.                                                                                  10503013

Q.14: Define Nested Loop. Explain nested loop by giving example.                                                                               10503014

Q.15:   Describe ON ERROR GOTO statement in BASIC with example.                      (Board 2016)10503015









Q.1: What is Control structure? Also write its types.                                                       (Board 2015)                 10503016
Q.2: What is unconditional transfer of control and which statement is used for it?
                                                                                    (Board 2015)  10503017
Q.3: Define GOTO statement? (Board 2016)  10503018
Q.4: What is conditional transfer of control?                                            (Board 2010 & 2014) 10503019

Q.5: What is the purpose of ON…. GOTO statement?                                        (Board 2013) 10503020

Q.6: What is the purpose of ON ERROR GOTO statement?                  (Board 2015)  10503021

Q.7: Write a short note on selection structure.                                                                                          10503022

Q.8: Define IF… THEN statement.            

                                                                        (Board 2014 & 2016) 10503023

Q.9: Define IF… THEN… ELSE statement.                                                                                  (Board 2016)                10503024

Q.10: What is loop?              (Board 2015) 10503025
Q.11: Define FOR … NEXT loop.                                                                                                              (Board 2014)  10503026

Q.12: Define WHILE … WEND Loop.                                                                                           (Board 2016) 10503027

Q.13: Define Nested Loop. (Board2016)  10503028
Q.14:   Which loop is better when iteration is not known in advance?                           10503029

Q.15: Write a program that print first 10 odd numbers.                                                                         10503030

Q.16: Write a program that prints first 10 even numbers.                                                                      10503031



Q.17:   Differentiate between GOTO statement and ON GOTO statement? (Board 2011) 10503032



Q.18:   Write a Program to display the table of any number using WHILE … WEND loop:                                                                                                  10503033

Q.19:   Write a program to print even numbers from 20 to 40                                        10503034
Q.20:   Write a program to display odd numbers from 1 to 100                                      10503035
Q.21:  Write a program to print even numbers from 20 to 40 using WHILE … WEND loop.                                                                        10503036

Q.22:   Write a program to display a table of any number using IF … THEN statement  

Q.23: What do you mean by ERR and ERL?                                                                                            10503038

Q.23: Differentiate between outer and inner loop.                                                                                                            10503039

Q.24: What is Iteration?       (Board 2015) 10503040

Q.25: Describe the use of loops.       (Board 2016)




Choose the correct answer.

1.      How many type of control structures in BASIC?                                                                         10503042

(a) 2                                                           (b)        3

(c)  4                                                          (d)       5

2.       Which one is not a control structures? 10503043

(a) Sequence                                 (b)       Selection        

(c) Loop                                        (d)       None of these

3.      In _____ structures instruction are executed according to the increasing order of line number                                 10503044

(a) Selection                                 (b)        Sequence

(c) Loop                                        (d)       None of these

4.      Into how many ways the control is transfer from one part of the program to another?                                                          10503045

(a) 2                                                          (b)        3

(c)  4                                                          (d)       5

5.      Which statement is used for unconditional transfer of control? 10503046

(a)  ON GOTO      (b)        ON ERROR GOTO 

(c)  GOTO                         (d)       All of these

6.      Which statement enables error-trapping feature?                                                                        10503047

(a) ON GOTO                                          (b)        IF.. THEN      

(c)  ON ERROR GOTO    (d)       GOTO

7.      Error code is assigned to a special variable is called                                                   10503048

(a) ERL                                         (b)        ERR

(c) Error                                        (d)       None of these

8.      Which special variable is used to assign the line number on which error occur?     

 (a) ERR                                        (b)        ERL    10503049

(c) ERRL                                      (d)       None of these

9.      Which one is a reserved word.  10503050

(a) ERL                                         (b)        Unique

(c)  BASIC                                    (d)       Loop.

10.  Which statement is not used to exit from error handling routine?                           10503051

(a) RESUME                    (b)        RESUME NEXT 

(c)  END                            (d)       STOP

11.  Which of the following is not a Conditional statement.                                  10503052

(a) IF……ELSE  

(b)  GOTO

(c)  ON GOTO     


12.  If the value of numeric variable is greater than 255 in ON GOTO statement, which type of error occurs?


(a) Syntax error                 (b)        Logical error     

(c) Runtime                                   (d) Its not an error

13.  FOR… NEXT loop is used to implement (a) Iteration               (b) Selection           10503054

(c) Sequence                     (d) All of these

14.  Which one is the example of selection structure?                                                                                    10503055

(a) GOTO                                      (b)        ON GOTO     

(c) IF……THEN              (d)       FOR … NEXT

15.  Which one is a control structure statement?                                                                10503056

(a) ON GOTO                               (b)        IF  THEN 

(c)  FOR NEXT                 (d)       All of these

16.  In ________ loop, we know in advance

that how many times this loop will execute.                                                                             10503057

(a) FOR NEXT                 (b)        WHILE-WEND 

(c)  GOTO RETURN        (d)       None of these  

17.  In FOR … NEXT loop default value of step is                                                                                          10503058

(a) 1                                                           (b)        2

(c)  3                                                          (d)       4

18.  In WHILE – WEND loop the loop control variable is declare ______ the body of the loop                                                     10503059

(a) Inside                                       (b) Outside 

(c) End                                                      (d) Start

19.  Which of the following is not a logical operator?                                                                          10503060

(a) AND                                        (b)        OR

(c) NOT                                        (d)       Neither

20.  Which one is a multiple branching statement?                                                                        10503061

(a) IF … ELSE                

(b) GOTO

(c) ON…GOTO  

(d) On error GoTo line number

21.  It is recommended to avoid the use of ______ statement.                                           10503062

(a) IF                                                        (b)       GOTO

(c) FOR                                        (d)       WEND

22.  GOTO statement provides ____ transfer point.                                                                                        10503063

(a) Multiple                                   (b)       Single

(c) Double                                     (d)       Three

23.  The WHILE… WEND loop transfers control based on a ______.                10503064

(a) Iteration                                   (b)       Condition

(c) Repetition                                (d)       None

24.  Maximum _____transfer points can be specified with ON GOTO statement.                                                                                                               10503065

(a) 10                                                        (b) 15

(c) 255                                          (d)       234

25.  In GW- BASIC, every error is assigned a _______ code.                                                       10503066

(a) Difficult                                   (b) Possible

(c) Unique                                     (d) None

26.  Which option is used after the IF statement.                                                                            10503067

(a) While                                       (b) THEN

(c) END                                        (d) STOP

27.  Which of the following control structure is used for decision in BASIC?    10503068

(a) LOOP                                      (b) Selection

(c) Condition                                (d) Sequence

28.  How many logical operators in BASIC

(a) 4                                                           (b) 5                10503069

(c) 3                                                           (d) 7

29.  Which option should be used after IF statement?                                                                   10503070

(a)   END IF                                                          (b) END         

(c)   THEN                                                            (d) ELSE











UNIT 04          






Q.1: What is meant by DIM statement? Explain with help of an examples.        (Board 2014) 10504001

Q.2: Describe the use of subscript variable in array?                                                                                           (Board 2012)  10504002

Q.3: How would you Fill and print the array?                                                                                          (Board 2011 & 2014)         10504003

Q.4: What is meant by manipulation of the array?                                                                                              (Board 2015)  10504004

Q.5: Differentiate between 1-D - Array and 2-D – Array.                                                (Board 2010 & 2014)                10504005

Q.6: Describe about printing of two-dimensional array with the help of an example.             10504006

Q.7: Write a program in BASIC to enter integer type data into an array and then to print the values in reverse order.                                                                                                                                                                                                (Board 2015)  10504007

Q.8:  Differentiate between simple and subscript variable.                                                                     (Board 2010) 10504008

Q:9 Draw a flowchart that read an array Z having 12 numbers given by the user then print the sum and average of all array elements.                                                                                                                                                                      10504009

Q.10: Write an algorithm to sum Array A elements and Array B elements.                                          10504010

Q.11:   Write a program to print a list of odd numbers for the given numbers

            6, 42, 4, 77, 32, 9, 21, 22, 8, 45, 15, 46                                                                                                                                                          10504011

Q.12: Write a program that reads an array N with 20 numbers and find the product of the elements of the array.                                                                                                                                                                                           (Board 2015)          10504012

Q: 13   Write a program that reads an array Z having 12 numbers given by the user then print the sum and average of all array elements.                                                                                                                                                   10504013

Q: 14: Find the errors in the following program segment if any.                                                                                    10504014

a)                                                                                                                     b)

10                    DIM N$(10)                                                   10                    FOR J = K TO 15

20                    FOR K = 4 TO 15                             20                    K(J) = J

30                    INPUT N$                                                      30                    PRINT K(J)

40                    NEXT I                                                                      40                    NEXT J

Q:15  Write a program to sort the list of 20 names in descending order.                                                           10504015


Q.1:     Define array.             (Board 2015) 10504016

Q.2:     What is index or subscript?

 (Board 2016)  10504017

Q.3:     What is subscripted variable?                                                                                 (Board 2014)                10504018

Q.4:     Why do we use DIM statement?                                                                                          (Board 2016)     10504019

            OR      Describe the method of declare an array of big size in BASIC.   (Board 2015)

Q.5:     What is Two Dimensional Array?                                                                          (Board 2014, 16)            10504020

Q.6:     What is one dimensional array or 1-D array?                                                       (Board 2016)10504021

Q.7:     What is simple variable or Un-subscripted Variable?                                          10504022

Q.8: What is double – subscripted array?                                                                                           10504023

Q.9:     Define array filling.(Board 2016)  10504024

Q.10:   Describe the use of array.

                                                                                    (Board 2015) 10504025

Q.11:   Define array declaration.

(Board 2015) 10504026





Choose the correct answer.

1.      The DIM statements is optional if the names of memory location is less than _____________ locations                   10504027

      (a)  20                                                        (b)       10

(c)  11                                                        (d)       9

2.      Two dimensional array is also known as

(a) 4-D                                          (b)       1-D       10504028

      (c) Table                                       (d)       None

3.      Re arranging the list of an array is called _____________                                                          10504029

      (a)  Sum                                         (b)        Average

(c)  Sorting                                    (d)       Comparison

4.      In two dimensional array the subscripts are separated by                                                                  10504030

      (a)  Comma                                    (b)        Semicolon

      (c)  Colon                                     (d)       All

5.      The minimum value for subscripts in always assumed of the ________     10504031

      (a)  1                                                          (b)        Zero

      (c)  -1                                                        (d)       None

6.      Z (2,2) is an example of dimension array                                                                                                      10504032

      (a)  One                                         (b)        Two    

      (c)  Three                                       (d)       Four

7.      A string array is declared by using its name, preceded by ______ sign       10504033

      (a)  #                                                         (b)        !

      (c)  $                                                         (d)       None

8.      A collection of subscripted variable with same variable name is.                                      10504034

      (a)  Variable                                  (b)        Array 

      (c)  Both a and b               (d)       None 

9.      The values given in the parenthesis in an array are called ________.                 10504035

      (a)  Index                                      (b)        Subscript 

      (c)  Both a and b               (d)       None

10.  There are __________ types of array.


(a)  1                                                         (b)        2                    

(c)  0                                                         (d)       None

11.  The statement x(30) will reserve ___________ memory locations.           10504037

(a)  1                                                         (b)        30

(c)  31                                                       (d)       None

12.  In two dimensions array when dimension is not mentioned, the array should not have more than _______ elements.   10504038

      (a)  10                                                       (b)        100

      (c)  110                                         (d)       121

13.  Which of the following statement is used to find the largest value from an array?                                                                                                                 10504039

      (a)  Input                                      (b)        Read...Data

      (c)  On error go to            (d)       None          

14.  Which of the following is not a valid subscript?                                                                          10504040

      (a)  Num                                        (b)        A(2)

      (c)  B(u)                                         (d)       A(-2)

15.  An element of array is mentioned by its                                                                                                            10504041

      (a)  Subscript                    (b)        Array                    

      (c)  Object                        (d)       Name of element

16.  Dimension statement uses the keyword _______                                                                        10504042

      (a)  DMS                                      (b)        AS

      (c)  DIM                                       (d)       DM

17.  Maximum Number of elements per dimension is:                                                                       10504043

      (a)  10                                                       (b)        255

      (c)  32767                                     (d)       None

18.  The double subscripted variable P(2,3) specifies the data element present in.                                                                                                                      10504044

      (a)  Column3 and Row2                                

(b)  Colum3 and Column2           

      (c)  Row3 and Row2

      (d) Column2 and Row 3  


19.  The statement DIM C (30, 50) would reserves.                                                                           10504045

      (a)  80 locations    

(b)  1500 locations

      (c)  1800 locations           

      (d) 150 locations

20.     DIM is a                                                                          10504046

        (a) Reserved word          

        (b) Dimension Statement

        (c) Declare if values greater than 11      

        (d) All

21.     One dimension array is also called:                                                                                                                         10504047

        (a) List                                         (b)        table

        (c) Matrix                                    (d)       None  

22.     DIM P(4,3) statement reserved the memory spaces:                                                       10504048

        (a) 11                                                       (b)        12

        (c) 13                                                       (d)       None  

23.     In programming list or table is called                                                                                                          10504049

        (a) Function                                 (b)        Loop          

        (c) Array                                      (d)       None  

24.     Array manipulates the operations:                                                                                                                           10504050

        (a) Sorting                                   (b)        Find largest

        (c) Rearranging               (d)       All 

25.     ____________ has been used to enter data into 2-D Array.                                           10504051

        (a) FOR-NEXT               (b)        WHILE-WEND

        (c) Nested loop                (d)       None    

26.     Array can be divided in _________ major categories                                                                    10504052

        (a)   One                                       (b)        Two

        (c)   Three                                     (d)  Four

27.     Two dimension array consists of     10504053

        (a)  Rows only                             (b)        Column only

        (c)  Rows and Column    (d)       None  

28.     Subscript / Index can be.                            10504054

        (a) Less than zero            (b) Negative number

        (c) Positive number         (d) None         

29.     Subscripted variable may be                   10504055

        (a) String                                     (b)        Numeric

        (c) Both a and b               (d)       None

30.     N$(5) can store values                            10504056

        (a)  4                                                        (b)        5

         (c) 6                                                         (d)       3

31.  A Subscript or index is used to __________ the position of a particular element.                                                                            10504057

      (a)  Hide                                                   (b)        Identify

      (c)  Remove                                               (d)       All

32.  Arrays are used to process ___________ amount of data of same type.             10504058

      (a)  Small                                      (b)        Large

      (c)  Zero                                        (d)       None

33.  An array is a collection of variables that can store data of.                                                          10504059

      (a)  Different type             (b)        Same type  

(c)  Both a and b               (d)       None

34.  Each array is given a name and the elements of array are accessed with reference to their                                                  10504060

      (a)  Position                      (b)        Location

     (c)  Both a and b                (d)       None

35. The statement DIM A(15) will reserve, how many memory locations:              10504061

(a)  14                                                       (b)        15

     (c) 16                                                         (d)       17

36. A variable that stores a similar type of data.

(a)  Index                                      (b)        Array   10504062

     (c) Data type                                  (d)       Scalar value







UNIT 05          

 Sub-Program and File Handling




Q.1:  What is the difference between users-define functions and built –in functions?                           

Q.2: Differentiate between sub – routine and function.                                                                            (Board -2011)  10505002

Q.3: Describe the use of GOSUB … RETURN statement.                                                                       (Board 2014)10505003

Q.4: What is difference between sequential and random files?                                                   (Board 2014) 10505004

Q:5   Describe the way of opening, closing, reading and writing to a sequential file.                10505005

Q.6: Write down the purposes of the following functions:                                                                                                           10505006

                        (1)       ABS ()                         (2)        INT ()                          (3)        SQR ()                                    (4)        SIN ()                          (5)        TAB ()

Q.7: Write a program to get full name of any person and return the number of characters in his first name.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  10505007

Q: 8 Write a program that print ASCII characters from 1 to 255                                                                                  10505008

Q.9: Write a program that is used for conversion of temperature from Celsius scale to Fahrenheit scale with the help of DEF FN function.                                                                                                                          10505009

Q.10:   Write a program to calculate and print following formula by using user define function combination  = n! /k! (n-k)!                                                                                                                                                                                                              10505010

Q.11: Write a program to implement telephone directory using sequential access files your program should be capable of writing the name, telephone number and address of your friends to a sequential file.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                10505011

Q.12: Describe the DEF FN statement with example?                                                                              (Board 2015) 10505012

Q.13: Explain the process of file handling in Basic.                                                                                  (Board 2016)                 10505013

Q.14: What is meant by file handling? Describe some brief concepts about file handling.

                                                                                                                                                                        (Board 2012)           10505014

Short Questions

Q.1: What is a subprogram?  OR What is a module.                                                        (Board 2015) 10505016

Q.2: What are built-in functions?  

                                                                                    (Board 2016) 10505017

Q.3: What are numeric functions and string functions.                                                                                       10505018

Q.4: Write benefits of subprograms. 10505019

Q.5: What is function subprogram? Or What is a function?                                                       10505020

Q.6: What are user-defined functions?     

                                                                                    (Board 2013) 10505021

Q.7: What do you mean by DEF FN statement?                                                                           10505022

Q.8: What is a subroutine subprogram?                                                                                        (Board 2012) 10505023

Q.9: What do you mean by GOSUB statement?                                                                            10505024

Q.10: What do you mean by RETURN statement?                                                                                   10505025

Q.11:   Differentiate between GOTO and GOSUB-RETURN statement.                       10505026

Q.12:   Write the purpose of ABS function with Syntax and example.                           10505027

Q.13:   Write the purpose of INT function with Syntax and example?                           10505028

Q.14:   Write the purpose of SQR function with Syntax and example.(Board 2014)           10505029

Q.15:   Write the purpose of SIN function with Syntax and example.(Board 2014) 10505030

Q.16:   Write the purpose of COS function with Syntax and example.                           10505031

Q.17:   Write the purpose of TAN function with Syntax and example.                           10505032

Q.18:   Write the purpose of FIX function with Syntax and example. (Board 2014) 10505033

Q.19:   Write the purpose of RND function with Syntax and example.                           10505034

Q.20:   Write the purpose of TAB function with Syntax and example.                           10505035

Q.21:   Write the purpose of LOG function with Syntax and example   

(Board 2016) 10505036

Q.22:   Write the purpose of SPC function with Syntax and example.                            10505037

Q.23:   Write the purpose of BEEP function with Syntax and example.(Board 2014)        10505038

Q.24:   Write the purpose of DATE$ function with Syntax and example.                     

                                                                                    (Board  2014) 10505039

Q.25:   Write the purpose of LEN function with Syntax and example.  (Board 2014)  10505040

Q.26:   Write the purpose of VAL function with Syntax and example.                           10505041

Q.27:   Write the purpose of SPACE$ function with Syntax and example.        10505042

Q.28:   Write the purpose of CHR$ function with Syntax and example.(Board 2014) 10505043

Q.29:   Write the purpose of RIGHT$ function with Syntax and example.        10505044

Q.30:   Write the purpose of LEFT$ function with Syntax and example.           10505045

Q.31:   Write the purpose of MID$ function with Syntax and example.                         10505046

Q.32:   What is meant by file handling?                                                                                                        10505047

Q.33:   What is meant by character?                     

                                                                                    (Board 2012)10505048

Q.34:   What is meant by Data field?                     

                                                                                                                (Board 2012) 10505049

Q.35:   What is meant by Record?  

                                                                                    (Board 2011)  10505050

Q.36:   What is meant by Program file?    

                                                                                    (Board 2010) 10505051

Q.37:   What is meant by Data file?                       

                                                                                                                (Board 2012)10505052

Q.38:   What is meant by sequential file?  

                                                                                    (Board 2014) 10505053

Q.39:   What is meant by random file?                                                                                                      (Board 2012)  10505054

Q.40:   What is meant by OPEN statement?                                                                                                                       10505055

Q.41:   What is meant by buffer?    10505056

Q.42:   What is meant by INPUT mode in BASIC?                                                                                              10505057

Q.43:   What is meant by OUTPUT mode in BASIC?                                                                                          10505058

Q.44:   What is meant by APPEND mode in BASIC?                                                                                           10505059

Q.45:   What is meant by CLOSE statement?                                                                                10505060

Q.46:   What are the advantages of writing subroutine?                                                                          10505061

Q.47:   Define EOF() function.                     10505062

Q.48: Differentiate between data file and program file.                          (Board 2016)        10505063

Q.49: What do you know about intrinsic functions?                                                                         10505064

Q.50: What is the purpose of SGN function?                                                                                      10505065

Q.51: What is Argument?                            10505066

Q.52: What happen if function has highest priority in a statement?                                           10505067

Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer.

1.      How many types of subprograms in GW BASIC.                                                                         10505068

(a)  1                                                          (b)        2

(c)  3                                                          (d)       4

2.      Large program is divided into small parts are called.                                                            10505069

(a) Subprogram                 (b)        File division

(c)  File handling               (d)       None of these

3.      By using the subprogram or modular approach, the program can be easily.                                                                                                                10505070

(a) Designed                                 (b)        Debugged

(c)  Modified                                 (d)       All of these

4.      Which subprogram returns a single value as output?                                                            10505071

(a)  Function                                  (b)        Subroutines 

(c)  File handling               (d)       None of these

5.      Argument given to the function subprogram may be a.                                 10505072

(a) Constant value            (b)        Variable

(c)  Expression                  (d)       All of these

6.      Function is called for executing with the reference of its.                                                       10505073

(a)  Expression                  (b)        Argument

(c)  Name                                       (d)       None of these.

7.      Small program that have been written by the developer of programming language is called ___ function.   10505074

(a)  Built in                         (b) Standard

(c)  System defined           (d)       All of these

8.      In BASIC user defined functions are referred to as.                                                   10505075

(a) Control structure         (b)       Procedures     

(c)  File handling               (d)       All of these

9.      Which one is not a numeric function?  (a)       ABS(x)                        (b)        INT(x)   10505076        

(c)  SQR(x)                                    (d)       CHR$(x)

10.  Which one is not a string function?


(a) Left$(x$, 2)                 (b)        Right$(x$, 2)  

(c) Mid$(x$, m, n)            (d)       Fix(x)

11.  Which statement is used to define a user-defined function?                          10505078

(a)  DEF FN                      (b)        GOSUB/RETURN

(c)  ON GOSUB    (d)       All of these


12.  ________ Statement is not allowed in the direct mode.                                                          10505079

(a)  PRINT                                                 (b)        AUTO

(c)  DEF FN                                              (d)       LIST

13.  Which statement is used to declare a subroutine?                                                                  10505080

(a)  DEF FN                      (b)        GOSUB/ RETURN

(c)ON GOTO                    (d)       ON ERROR GOTO

14.  Output of ABS (-12.45) is.                      10505081

(a)  12                                                        (b)        -12.45

(c)  12.45                                       (d)       13

15.  Output of INT (-12.85) is.                       10505082

(a)  -12                                           (b)        -13

(c)  12                                                        (d)       13

16.  Trigonometric ratios are calculated in                                                                                                                   10505083

(a)  Integer                                     (b)        Single precision

(c)  Double precision         (d)       String         

17.  Angle for trigonometric ratios are measured in.                                                                     10505084

(a)  Degree                                     (b)        Radian

(c)  Both a & b                  (d)       None of these

18.  Output of FIX (-15.75) is                        10505085

(a)  16                                                        (b)        15

(c)  -15                                                       (d)       -16

19.  In BASIC, date files can be divided into __________ types.                                       10505086

(a)  2                                                          (b)        3

(c)  4                                                          (d)       5

20.  The group of related characters that form a unit of information is called.


(a) Date file                                   (b)        Program file

(c) Data fields                               (d)       Records

21.  A group of related fields is called  10505088

(a)  Program file                (b)       Data file

(c)  Records                                   (d)       None of these

22.  When data file is opened the file pointer move at the ___ of the data file.       10505089

(a) Beginning                                (b)        Middle    

(c)  End                                          (d)       None of these

23.  How many modes are available to open data file?                                                                        10505090

(a)  2                                                          (b)        3

(c)  4                                                          (d)       5


24.  The reserved area of main memory where data file is opened is called. 10505091

(a)  Register                                   (b)        Buffer

(c)  Hard disk                                (d)       RAM

25.  In which mode, data can only be read?  (a)       Input                                        (b)        Output  10505092     

(c)  Append                                   (d)       All of these

26.  To store data into a data file, the file must open with_______ mode.            10505093

(a)  Input                                       (b)        Output

(c)  Direct                                      (d)       Indirect

27.  Which statement is used to write data into data file?                                                             10505094

(a)  Input                                        (b)        READ / DATA

(c)  LET                                         (d) WRITE #

28.  Which statement is used to read data from the data file?                                          10505095

(a)  READ                                    (b)        WRITE

(c)  INPUT                                    (d)       INPUT #

29.  Which function is used to check the end of file?                                                                                        10505096

(a)  SQR ()                                     (b)        RND ()           

(c)  FIX ()                                      (d) EOF ()

30.  Which statement is used to close the data file?                                                                              10505097

(a)  END                                        (b)        STOP

(c)  CLOSE                                   (d)       EOF

31.  Which statement is used to open the data file?                                                                              10505098

(a)  START                                   (b)        OPEN

(c)  LIST                                        (d)       None of these 

32.  Which statement is used to disconnect the connection between the data file and BASIC program?                                          10505099

(a)  END                                        (b)        CLOSE

(c)  STOP                                      (d) EOF

33.  Which function is used to find the length of data item or records?   10505100

(a)  LEN ()                                     (b)        COUNT ()

(c)  SUM ()                                    (d)       EOF ()

34.  Which statement is used to read records from random file?                                     10505101

(a)  INPUT#                                  (b)        READ

(c)  PRINT                                    (d)       GET #

35.  A subroutine itself is a __________ program.                                                                          10505102

(a) Small                                      (b) large

(c) Medium                                 (d) None of these 

36.  A function is used to calculate and return a ____ value.                                            10505103

(a) Single                                      (b)       Double

(c) Multiple                                   (d)       None of these

37.      GOSUB and GOTO statement are_______                                                                                       10505104

(a) Different                                  (b)       Same  

(c) Medium                                   (d)       All of these

38.  A GOSUB is used to invoke a ______.                                                                                                        10505105

(a) Subroutine                               (b)       large   

(c) Program                                   (d)       function

39.  User define function may be numeric or________                                                                10505106

(a) String                                      (b)        digits              

(c) Fractional part             (d)       none of these

40.  GOSUB statement must be ended with _____ statement.                                                       10505107

(a) RETURN                     (b)        END   

(c) Resume                                    (d)       GOTO

41.  The RND function is referred to as a number generate.                                             10505108

(a) Random                                   (b)       Sequence        

(c) both                                         (d)       None of these

42.  INT(7.6) = ______                                               10505109

(a) 7                                              (b)       –7  

(c) 4                                              (d)       6

43.  ________ is a collection of field to provide information about an entity in a file.                                                                                  10505110

(a) Record                                     (b)       File            

(c) Information                 (d)       Data

44.  LEFT$ (“Pakistan”,3)                            10505111

(a) Pak                                           (b)       pa  

(c) kis                                                        (d)       None of these 

45.  The output of a function INT(-5.7)


(a)  –5                                            (b)       – 6  

(c) –4                                                        (d)       5

46.  The __ function is used to convert ASCII codes to its character equivalent.


(a) CHAR$()                                            (b)       CHR ()

(c) CHAR                                                 (d)       CHR$()

47.  The output of SGN(-4) is:                       10505114

(a) - Sign                           (b)       + sign

(c) 0                                               (d)       None of these

48.  A file is activated with one of the statement before its use.                            10505115

(a) WRITE                                   (b)       READ

(c) PRINT                                    (d)       None of these

49. A group of related record is called:

 (a)             Character                     (b)       Field      10505116

(c) File                                          (d)       Record

50. Which one is addressable?                    10505117

(a) Sequential file             (b)       Program file

           (c)        Random file                (d)       Record

51. The last statement of subroutine is normally:                                                                                   10505118

(a) RETURN                               (b)        GOTO

(c) GOSUB                                   (d)       SUB

52. A file is stored in:                                                10505119

(a) Hard disk                                             (b)        RAM              

(c) ROM                                                  (d)       PROM

53. Which one is a type of numeric function?                                                                                            10505120

(a) CHR$                                                  (b)        LEFT$ 

(c) ABS                                                    (d)       ABC

54. PRINT INT (3.5) =?                                            10505121

(a) 4                                                                       (b)        3                     

(c) 2                                                                      (d)       6

55. Another name of built – in function is:


(a) Library function                      (b)        Subprogram

(c) Loop                                                   (d)       array

56. Tan(x) is equal to:                                               10505123

(a)   Cot(x)                                                                  (b)          

(c)                                                      (d)         

57. A Subroutine itself is a program. 10505124

(a) small                                                    (b)        Lengthy

(c) Loop                                                   (d)       array

58. User define function may be numeric or _____.                                                                                              10505125

(a) String                                                   (b)        Binary

(c) Decimal                                              (d)       numeric

59. A user defines function is started with a keyword:                                                                                         10505126

(a) FN                                                                   (b)        GOSUB

(c) DEF FN                                              (d)       PRINT

60. The function will always return a value to the _____ module.                                                           10505127

(a) Calling                                                 (b)        sample

(c) Within                                                 (d)       outside

61. An argument is passed to the:   10505128

(a) Function                                              (b)        sample

(c) Within                                                 (d)       outside

62. Library functions are divided into ____ categories.                                                                            10505129

(a) two                                                                  (b)        three

(c) four                                                     (d)       five

63. in user defined function, if a type is specified in function name and the argument type does not match a ___ error occurs.                                                                                        10505130

(a) Illegal                                       (b)        type Mismatch

(c) Syntax                                    (d)       Logical

64. Which function is used to set or retrieve the current date?                                                               10505131

(a) DATE                                      (b)        DATE$          

(c) $DATE                                    (d)      $DATE$       

65. The output of M1D$ (“Hello world”1,5) is:                                                                                                                  10505132

(a) Hello                                                    (b) H world

 (c) Hell                                                     (d) World



UNIT 06          

Graphics in Basic




Q.1: Define graphics. Give the names of graphics mode.                                                             (Board 2016) 10506001

Q.2:     What are the coordinates of text mode, medium resolution and higher resolution mode?     

OR      What do you mean by Graphics? Also explain the graphic modes.                    (Board 2014) 10506002

Q.3: Describe SCREEN statement.                                                                                                                                                 (Board 2010) 10506003

Q: 4: Write the syntax of CIRCLE statement also give example for explanation.                                 10506004

Q.5:  Compare and differentiate LINE and DRAW statement.                                       (Board 2016)   10506005

Q.6:  Find out the errors in the following if any?                                                                                                                          10506006

a) LINE (140,100) – (300-100), 2,BF, 4

b)         10                    SCREEN 2                                                                 

20              COLOR 1, 2

            30                    DRAW  “U10 R10 D10 L10”

c)         10                    SCREEN 2                                                                 

20             A = 20

            30                    DRAW “U = A R = A, D = A L = A”

Q.7: What will be the output of the following program?                                                              (Board 2010)  10506007



Q.8:     Write a program to draw a star.                                                                                                                                                                 10506008

Q.9:     Define COLOR statement. How many COLOR backgrounds are available with COLOR statement.                                                                                                                                                                                                      (Board 2015)  10506009

Q.10: Define the PALETTE statement.  OR write a note on PALETTE statement.

Q: 11   Briefly discuss the PIXEL.                                                                                                                                                   (Board 2010)  10506011

Q.12:  Write a program to produce five concentric circles of different radii.    (Board 2010)  10506012

Q.13:   Write a program to draw a parallelogram by using DRAW statement.  (Board 2013)  10506013

Q.14:   Define and explain the PSET statement with its syntax and examples.                                                  10506014

Short Questions

Q.1:     What do you mean by the term “Graphics” in the BASIC language?   

                                                                                    (Board  2015) 10506015

Q.3:     What do you mean by the term resolution in graphics?                                       10506017

Q.4:     What is mean by graphics modes?                                                              (Board 2007) 10506018

Q.5:     What do you mean by the term “Coordinate” in the graphics?              10506019

Q.6:     How many types of modes in BASIC?                                                                                            10506020

Q.7:     What do you mean by text mode?

                                                                                    (Board 2016)  10506021

Q.8:     What do you mean by Medium-resolution graphic mode?                                  10506022

Q.9:What do you mean by the term High Reso-lution Graphic Mode? (Board 2007,2014) 10506023

Q.10:   What do you mean by SCREEN statement?                      (Board 2014 & 2015)  10506024

Q.11:   What do you know about the COLOR statement?                                                           10506025

Q.12:   What is PALETTE statement?                                                                                                        (Board 2016) 10506026

Q.13:   Why we use PSET statement in the BASIC language?     (Board 2014, 2016)  10506027

Q.14:   What is the purpose of the LINE statement in the BASIC language?   

                                                                                                                (Board 2016) 10506028

Q.15: What is the purpose of the CIRCLE statement, with its syntax & example?                                                                                                                 (Board 2014 & 2015)  10506029

Q.16:   What is the purpose of the DRAW statement in the BASIC language?            

                                                                                                                (Board 2016) 10506030

Multiple Choice Questions     

Choose the correct answer.

1. Our Computer screen is made up of hundreds of:                                                                                10506031

      (a)  Elements                                 (b)        Pixels

      (c)  Parts                                        (d)       Colors modes

2. The number of pixels horizontally and vertically determines the _____ of the monitor.                                                                                          10506032

      (a)  Resolution                   (b)        Screen Modes 

      (c)  No. of lines                  (d)       Size

3. In BASIC, normally there are ______ screen graphics modes.                                                10506033

      (a)  5                                                          (b)        9    

      (c)  13                                                        (d)       15

4. A______ can be determined by counting the numbers of pixels down & no. of pixels to the right.                                                                                     10506034

      (a)  Pixel                                        (b)        Size of monitor 

      (c)  Line                                         (d)       Coordinate

5. In text mode the whole screen is divided into:                                                                                                   10506035

      (a)  20 columns & 25 rows

      (b)  50 columns & 30 rows

      (c)  80 columns & 25 rows

      (d) 128 columns & 50 rows

6. Number of colors in text mode.   10506036

      (a) 8                                                           (b)        16

     (c)  32                                                        (d)       64

7. Normally the resolution of medium-resolution graphic mode is:                                10506037

      (a)  320 x 200                                (b)        350 x 200       

      (c)  350 x 250                                (d)       640 x 200

8. Normally the resolution of high-resolution Graphic mode is:             10506038

      (a)  320 x 200                                (b)        350 x 200

      (c)  350 x 250                                (d)       640 x 200

9. The statement used to select a screen mode is:                                                                                      10506039

      (a)  MODE                        (b)        SCREEN

      (c)  COLOR                      (d)       SCREEN MODE

10. The default Screen mode of the BASIC language is:                                                                          10506040

      (a)  Text mode          

      (b) Medium resolution 

      (c)  High-resolution

      (d) All of these

11. The Statement used to select display colors is:                                                                                                10506041

      (a)  MODE                                               

      (b)  SCREEN      

      (c)  COLOR                                             

      (d) COLORS

12. In the BASIC language, a border color can be selected in the mode:                        10506042

      (a)  SCREEN 0                             

      (b)  SCREEN 1

      (c)  SCREEN 2                             

      (d) SCREEN 3

13. The statement used to display a point or pixel at specified place on the screen is:                                                                                                                                         10506043

      (a)  PIXEL                                                 (b)        SET         

      (c)  PSET                                                   (d)       COLOR

14. In the Basic language, we can draw the lines & boxes on the screen by using the statement.                                                                                10506044

      (a)  PSET                                       (b)        LINE   

      (c)  DRAW                                    (d)       b & c

15. We can draw a circle in the BASIC language by using the statement.          10506045

      (a)  PSET                                       (b)        CIRCLE

      (c)  DRAW                                    (d)       ELLIPSE

16. We can draw an ellipse on the screen by using the statement.                                                           10506046

      (a)  PSET                                       (b)        CIRCLE 

      (c)  DRAW                                    (d)       ELLIPSE

17. Which of the following is not a valid graphic mode command?                                10506047

      (a)  LINE                                       (b)        PSET

      (c)  COLOR                                  (d)       None of them

18. The number of background colors available in BASIC is:                                         10506048

            (a)        4                                                          (b)        8                     

            (c)        12                                                        (d)       16

19. Which function changes the way of displaying output in BASIC?                10506049

(a)  SCREEN                                (b)        PRINT

(c)  LEFT$                                     (d)       ABS

20. On color monitors, SCREEN modes are of:                                                                                                                10506050

            (a)        2 types                                     (b)        3 types     

            (c)        4 types                                     (d)       5 types

21. When we ON the BASIC language then the computer monitor screen is in:              10506051

            (a)        Graphic Mode             (b)       Text Mode

            (c)        Both a and b                (d)       None of them

22. Which statement is used to activate the high resolution mode?                                            10506052

(a)  SCREEN 1                  (b)        SCREEN 0

(c)  SCREEN 2                 (d)       None of them

23. The prefix “B” in DRAW statement is used for:                                                                                             10506053

(a)  Draw a block  

(b) Move with black mark 

(c)  Both a & b

(d) Move with blue mark

24. The set of colors RED, GREEN and BROWN is given in:                                                     10506054

            (a)        Palette 0                                  (b)        Palette 1

            (c)        Both a & b                              (d)       None of them

25. The CIRCLE statement can also be used to draw a/an:                                                         10506055

(a)  LINE                                       (b)        BOX

(c)  ELLIPSE                                (d)       PSET

26. In medium resolution screen mode colors for foreground are:                                 10506056

            (a)        1                                                          (b)        2                     

            (c)        4                                                          (d)       16

27. Which statement is used for high resolution graphics mode”                                    10506057

(a)  SCREEN 2                  (b) SCREEN 1

(c)  SCREEN 0                  (d)       None

28. In the text mode characters are displayed on the screen in______ column multiplied ________ rows.                                    10506058

(a) 80,25                                       (b)       45,25

(c) 100                                          (d)       200

29. A string consists of double characters command followed by prefix that controls the size direction in____ statement. 10506059

(a) DRAW                                    (b)       LINE

(c) CIRCLE                                  (d)       PSET

30. The color of mode 3 belonging to plate 0 is____________.                                                                 10506060

(a)  Brown                                     (b)        SCREEN 1

(c)  Red                                          (d)       Blue

31. A picture is composed of fine dots called _______.                                                                                         10506061

(a) pixels                                       (b)       dots    

(c) points                                      (d)       none

32. The palettes are numbered ______ and ________ each with four colors.         10506062

(a) 0,1                                                        (b)       2,9      

(c) 16,8                                         (d)       20,5

33. COLOR statement will not function in _____ resolution graphics mode.    10506063

(a) Medium                                   (b)       High

(c) Text                                         (d)       None

34. Color of code -2 in Palette – 1 is:  10506064

            (a) Red                                                (b)       Green             

            (c) White                                             (d)      Magenta

35. A blinking version of each color can be selected by adding _______ to the color number.                                                                                    10506065

            a)         16                                                        b)         17

            c)         19                                                        d)         18

36.  In screen mode 0 the legal integer range for foreground is ________.                                 10506066

            a)         0 – 31                                      b)         0 – 32

            c)         0 – 33                                      d)         0 – 34

37.  No effect. An "illegal function call" error message occurs it color is used in _______mode.                                                                    10506067

            a)         Screen 0                                  b)         Screen 1

            c)         Screen 2                                  d)         Screen 7 – 10

38.  In ______ mode, no border color can be specified.                                                                                        10506068

            a)         Screen 7 - 10               b)         Screen 0

            c)         Screen 1                                  d)         Screen 2

39.  ______ is the correct syntax for PALETTE statement.                                             10506069

            a)         PALETTEE [attribute, color]                        

            b)         PALETTE [color, attribute]

            c)         PALETTE [foreground, border]                                 d)         none of these

40. The value of palette may be either:

            a)         0                                                          b)         1                      10506070

            c)         2                                                          d)         a & b both

41. In PSET statement values outsides the integer range (–32768 to) cause an "overflow" error.                                                      10506071

            a)         32767                                      b)         32769

            c)         32766                                      d)         32765

42. ____ is an art to design and produce pictorial representation of information.

            a)         Graphics                                  b)         Drawing 10506072

            c)         Coloring                                  d)         Programming

43. BASIC provides modes of displaying data:                                                                                                      10506073

            a)         6                                                          b)         3

            c)         7                                                          d)         9

44 In SCREEN 0 the border color is an integer expression in the range:   10506074

            a)         0 - 16                                       b)         0 - 31

            c)         0 - 5                                         d)         0 – 15

45: In SCREEN 0 the blinking colors is not _______.                                                                                           10506075

            a)         Permitted                                b)         change

            c)         Modified                                 d)         None of these







UNIT 07           

       Microsoft Word





Q.1: What is meant by Title bar?    (Board 2016)                                                                                                                                                                                                          10507001

Q.2: Describe the use of clipboard in MS word.                                                                                                                                        10507002

Q.3:  How would you customize your toolbar?      (Board 2014)                                                                                                       10507003

Q.4: What is meant by Drop cap?                                                                       (Board 2010) 10507004

Q.5: Differentiate between formatting toolbar and standard toolbar.                            (Board 2011)   10507005

Q.6:  Define the different views of the document.             (Board 2016)                                                                                           10507006

Q.7: How can you run the spell checker of MS WORD?            

Q.8: What are the methods for changing the margins in a document?                                                               10507008

Q.9:     Differentiate between Alignment and Indent in MS word                                                                                   10507009

Q.10: What is a word processor? Describe MS – Word with its characteristics.                                   10507010

Q.11: Describe the screen layout of MS-Word.                                                                                                                                         10507011

Q.12: What is meant by editing a document? Explain the processes involved in editing a Word’s documents.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       10507012

Q.13:   What is meant by paragraph spacing?  Explain different options.                                                         10507013

Q.14: Describe some automatic features of MS Word.                                                                                                                 10507014

Q.15: Write down the steps to selecting text in MS word.                                                                                                            10507015

Q.16: Write down the steps to deleting text and undo and redo command in MS word.  10507016

Q.17: Write down the procedure for applying font, font size, font style and effects in MS Word.

Q.18 Write down the procedure for applying Alignment, Increase/ Decrease indent and Line spacing.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    10507018

Q.19 Write down the steps to Cutting, copying and pasting. 10507019
Q: 20 Write down the steps to creating Bulleted and Numbered list.                                                     10507020
Q: 21 How would you find and replace text within a document?                                                                        10507021
Q: 22  How would you set margin using page setup command?                                                                          10507022
Q: 23 How would you set paper size, width and height and page orientation of a document?
Q: 24  How would you create header and footer and  insert page number in a document? 10507024
Q: 25 How would Change the Case of text within a document?                                                                                10507025

Q: 26 Describe print preview and printing documents in Ms Word                                                                   10507026


Short Questions

Q.1: Define the word processing.                            

(Board 2015)          10507027

Q.2: What is Microsoft word?         (Board 2016)


Q.3:     How would you start MS word?

Ans:                                                                                                                                     10507029

Q: 4:   Write down the components name of screen layout window.      (Board 2016)       10507030

Q: 5  What is title bar?             (Board 2012)  10507031

Q: 6  What is Menu bar in MS – Word?   

                                                                                                                (Board 2014)          10507032

Q: 7  What is toolbar?          (Board 2009)          10507033

Q: 8 What do you know about Drop Down menu?                                                                                                           10507034

Q.9: What do you know about Shortcut menu?                                                                                                    10507035

Q.10: What is the purpose of document window?                                                                                     10507036

Q.11:  What is the purpose of status bar? 

                                                                        (Board 2015 & 2016) 10507037

Q.12: Write the use of scroll bar in Word.                                                                                     (Board 2015) 10507038

Q.13: What is meant by editing a document?                                                                                10507039

Q.14:   What is a ruler? And how we display ruler?                                                                                                         10507040

Q.15: What do you mean by typing and inserting text?                                                               10507041

Q.16: What do you mean by undo and redo commands?            (Board 2015 & 2016)         10507042

Q.17:   How to create a new document in MS – Word?                (Board 2016)                               10507043

Q.18:   How we save a document in MS word?                                                                                                      10507044

Q.19:   How we Save As a document in MS word?                                                                                                            10507045

Q.20:How we open a document in MS word?                                                                                                       10507046

Q.21: What is difference between Save and Save as command?             (Board 2015) 10507047

Q.22: What is I-beam?                                             10507048

Q.23:  What is an insertion point?  10507049

Q.24: How we rename a document?

                                                                                    (Board 2015) 10507050

Q.25: What is an End mark?                       10507051

Q.26: What do you know about Line spacing? How we set line spacing?

 (Board 2016)   10507052

Q.27:   How we print the MS Word document?                                         (Board 2014)          10507053

Q.28:   How we get print preview of MS Word document?                                  (Board 2016)       10507054

Q.29: How we Copy the selected text?                   

                                                                                    (Board 2014)       10507055

Q.30:   How we cut the selected text?                     

                                                                                                                (Board 2014)       10507056

Q.31: How we paste the text?

(Board 2016) 10507057

Q.32: What is Font? How we change font (typeface) of text?                                                      10507058

Q.33: How would change the case of text?


Q.34:   How would you add bullets and numbers to a list? Or What is the use of bullet and numbering?            (Board 2015) 10507060

Q.35:  How would you find and replace text in a Word document?          (Board 2014)  10507061

Q.36:   What is Thesaurus?                          10507062

Q.37:   What do you know about Automatic spelling and grammar feature?                10507063

Q.38:   Write down the steps to apply auto correct feature?                                                (Board 2015) 10507064

Q.39:  How would you insert page number in a document?                                (Board 2015)  10507065

Q.40:   How we change font size of text?


Q.41:   How we change Page orientation, paper size?                                                                               10507067

Q.42:   Define Synonyms.                             10507068

Q.43:  What do you know about space after and space before.                                                               10507069

Q.44:  How we set margin of a document?

Ans:                                                                                                    10507070

Q.45:   How we close a Document?                                                                                                              (Board 2014)     10507071

Q.46:   How you can make the selected text bold?                                                             (Board 2014)  10507072

Q.47:   What is Header/Footer?                  

                                                                                    (Board 2012) 10507073

Q.48:   What are Non-printing Characters?                                                                                                                      10507074

Q.49:   Differentiate between Cut and Copy.                     (Board 2016)                                                           10507075

Q.50:   What is meant by page size?   10507076

Q.51:   What is clipboard in MS word?                                                                                                                                          10507077

Q.52:   What is Auto Correct?   

                                                                                                                (Board-2014) 10507078

Q.53:   What is hanging indent?   

                                                                                    (Board 2014) 10507079

Q.54:   How can justify text in MS – Word?   

                                                                                    (Board 2014) 10507080

Q.55: How can align left text in MS – Word?                                                                                           10507081

Q.56:   How can align right text in MS – Word?                                                                                                  10507082

Q.57: How can align centered text in MS Word?                                                                                                10507083

Q: 58 Name different views of document.


Q.59:   How do you italic the selected text?                                                                                                (Board 2015) 10507085

Q.60: What is the use of print preview?    


Q.61: What is the use of Standard Toolbar?


Q.62: What is the use of Formatting Toolbar?                                                                                          10507088

Q.63: Write shortcuts to move cursor when moving through the text.                           10507089

Q.64: What do you know about Serif Font and Sans Serf Font?                                                 10507090

Q.65: What is the difference between Portrait and Landscape orientation? 10507091

Q.66: What is meant by drop cap?

 (Board 2016)                                                                                                                        10507092





Multiple Choice Questions

Choose the correct answer.

1.      ___________ is an application that is used to write documents.                    10507093

            (a)        Spreadsheet                 (b)       Word processor

            (c)        Database                                 (d)      GW – BASIC

2.      __________ is a powerful word processing software.                                     10507094

            (a)        MS-Excel                                (b)        MS-Power point 

            (c)        MS-Word                               (d)       MS-Access

3.      ____________ is one of the most widely used word processing software.     10507095

            (a)        Notepad                                  (b)        Word pad

            (c)        Word Star                                (d)       MS-Word

4.      The very top of Word’s application window is called                                                 10507096

            (a)        Title bar                       (b)        Toolbar           

            (c)        Menu bar                     (d)       Document window

5.      ___________ are used to give instruction to the software.                                                     10507097

            (a)        Title bar                                               (b)        Toolbar

            (c)        Application Window  (d)       Menus

6.      MS-Word provide more than _________ toolbars.                                                                       10507098

            (a)        16                                                                    (b)        18

            (c)        20                                                                    (d)       30

7.      There are _________ preset styles made for heading in MS-word.               10507099

            (a)        One                                         (b)        Two

            (c)        Three                                                   (d)       Four

8.                  Times New Roman is an example of

            (a)        Style                                                    (b)        Font 10507100

            (c)        Formatting                                          (d)       Font size

9.      A font size of ___________ is best for paragraph of text.                                           10507101

            (a)        8 or 10                                                 (b)        10 or 12          

            (c)        12 or 14                                               (d)       12 or 16

10.  The Blinking vertical bar in Word document is called                                               10507102

            (a)        Insertion point                         (b)       End mark   

            (c)        I-Beam                                                            (d)       Bar

11.  __________ is thick horizontal line specifies end of document.                     10507103

            (a)        Insertion point            

(b)  End mark       

            (c)        I-Beam                                               

(d) End point

12.  The mouse pointer becomes a I – shaped object in word and is called.                    10507104

            (a)        Insertion point             (b)        End mark   

            (c)        I-Beam                                                (d)       I - Pointer

13.  The _________ bar is at the very bottom of the screen.                                                                10507105

            (a)        Menu bar                                 (b)        Status bar  

            (c)        Tool bar                                   (d)       Title bar

14.  The status bar provides information such as                                                                           10507106

            (a)        Current page               (b)        Current line 

            (c)        Current section            (d)       All of these

15.  The bars  at the right edge of the document window is called                        10507107

            (a)        Vertical scroll bar

            (b)        Horizontal scroll bar  

            (c)        Status bar                                (d)       None

16.  __________ are used to move the document from left to right and form top to bottom.                                              10507108

            (a)        Status bar                                (b)        Title bar  

            (c) Scroll bar                           (d)       Tool bar

17.  __________ is used to change the format of your document quickly.                       10507109

            (a)        Ruler                           (b)        I-Beam              

            (c)        Scroll bar                     (d)       Formatting Toolbar

18.  Word XP offers _________ different views for your document                     10507110

            (a)        2                                                          (b)        3                     

            (c)        3                                                          (d)       5

19.  ____________ view is best used for typing, editing and formatting. 10507111

            (a)        Normal                                    (b)        Web layout  

            (c)        Outline                                                (d)       Print layout

20.  ___________ view is used to show the document as an a web page. 10507112

            (a)        Normal                                    (b)        Web layout  

            (c)        Outline                                                (d)       Full screen

21.  ___________ View is used to show the document, as it will look like when it is printed.                                                                      10507113

            (a)        Normal                                   

(b)  Web layout  

            (c)        Print layout                

(d) Outline

22.  _________ view only shows the heading in a document.                                                         10507114

            (a)        Normal                                    (b)        Web layout 

            (c)        Print layout                 (d)       Outline

23.  The process of adding, inserting, changing and deleting text in a word document is called.                                        10507115

            (a)        Text formatting           (b)        Graphics editing 

            (c)        Text editing                 (d)       Text printing

24.  __________ command is used to reverse changes in Word document.                                          10507116

            (a)        Reverse                                   (b)        Undo

            (c)        Redo                                       (d)       Both b & c

25.  To Change any attributes of text it must be _________                                                                10507117

            (a)        Deleted                                   (b)        Formatted

            (c)        Highlighted                 (d)       None of these

26.  __________ key delete text to the left of the cursor.                                                                10507118

            (a)        Delete                                      (b)        End

            (c)        Backspace                               (d)       Spacebar

27.  __________ key delete text to the right of the cursor.                                                             10507119

            (a)        Delete                                      (b)        End

            (c)        Backspace                               (d)       Spacebar

28.  __________ allow you to copy up to twelve pieces of text or pictures.    10507120

            (a)        Clip Art                                   (b)        Clip board

            (c)        Clip player                              (d)       Clip

29.              Fonts are also referred to as            10507121

            (a)        Font type                                 (b)        Font size

            (c)        Type face                                (d)       Layout

30.              Font size is measured in                               10507122

            (a)        Centimeters                 (b)        Inches

            (c)        Spaces                                     (d)       Points

31.              A point is about ______of an inch 10507123

            (a)        1/63                                         (b)        1/69

            (c)        1/72                                         (d)       1/74

32.  To insert page numbers or headings on every page.                                                               10507124

            (a)        Heading                                   (b)        Bullets 

            (c)        Header / Footer           (d)       Table

33.  __________ a large letter that begins a paragraph and drop through several lines of text.                                                                 10507125

            (a)        Caps                                        (b)        Capital   

            (c)        Drop                                        (d)       Drop Cap


34.              Letter page has a page size of:         10507126

            (a)        8 by 11 inches             (b)        8.27 by 10.5 inches

            (c)        8.5 by 11 inches          (d)       8.5 by 14 inches.

35.              Legal page has a page size of           10507127

            (a)        8 by 11 inches

            (b)        8.27 by 10.5 inches

            (c)        8.5 by 11 inches

            (d)       8.5 by 14 inches.

36.              A 4 page has a page size                               10507128

            (a)        8 by 11 inches

      (b)  8.27 by 10.5 inches

            (c)        8.5 by 11 inches

            (d)       8.5 by 14 inches.

37.  A red wavy line indicate ________ in a word document                                                         10507129

            (a)        Spelling mistake         

            (b)        Grammatical error     

            (c) Both a & b

            (d)       None of these

38.  A green wavy line indicate _________ in a word document                                       10507130

            (a)        Spelling mistake

(b)  Grammatical error

            (c)        Both a & b     

            (d)       None of these

39.  Automatically correct commonly misspelled text                                                        10507131

            (a)        Automatic spell check 

            (b)        Auto Correct 

            (c)        Auto Text                   

            (d)       Auto complete

40.  _________ entries can be used to quickly assemble a document.                               10507132

            (a)        AutoCorrect    (b)        AutoComplete   

            (c)        Auto Text                    (d)       All of these


41.  ______ enables you to insert entries item such as dates and auto text entries.


            (a)        AutoCorrect    (b)        AutoComplete

            (c)        Auto Text                    (d)       All of these

42.  __________ is used for finding a good synonym for a word.                                      10507134

            (a)        Find & Replace          

(b)  Auto Text 

            (c)        Thesaurus                               

(d) None of these

43.  Which keyboard shortcut is used for double underline?                                            10507135

            (a)        Ctrl + Shift + D           (b)        Ctrl + J           

            (c)        Ctrl + Shift + M          (d)       Shift + F3

44.              MS word is a ________ based program.

            (a)        Window                                  (b)        System 10507136      

            (c)        DOS                                        (d)       None of these

45.  Which of bar provide the information about application software?             10507137

            (a)        Menu bar                                 (b)        Tool bar

            (c)        Status bar                                (d)       Scroll bar

46.              Press Ctrl + 2 Keys for _____ spacing.                     (a)        Single                                      (b)            Double  10507138   

            (c)        Triple                                       (d)       One and a half

47.  Clicking on the print icon ________ prints the document                                          10507139

            (a)        Manually                                 (b)        Automatically

            (c)        A & B                                     (d)       None of these

48.              Ctrl + Y is used for:                                      10507140

            (a)        Undo                                       (b)        Find   

            (c)        Page Bread                  (d)       Redo

49.              Which one option is not in Edit menu?                     (a)        Undo                                       (b)        Redo              10507141    

            (c)        Find                                         (d)       Font

50.  Which Keyboard shortcut is used to make the selected word bold? 10507142

            (a)        Ctrl + Shift + B           (b)        Shift + B

            (c)        Alt + B                                    (d)       Ctrl + B

51.  ________ allow you use different word commands quickly.                                      10507143

            (a)        Drop down menu        (b)        Toolbar            

            (c)        Shortcut menu             (d)       Buttons

52.  ________ shortcuts is used to find the desired text (Word)                                        10507144

            (a)        Ctrl + O                                   (b)        Ctrl + C

            (c)        Ctrl + F                                   (d)       Ctrl + S

53.              Press _______ to open a file.                        10507145

            (a)        Ctrl + O                                   (b)        Ctrl + F

            (c)        Ctrl + S                                   (d)       Ctrl + N

54.              Press ________ to print a file.          10507146

            (a)        Ctrl + X                                   (b)        Ctrl + A  

            (c)        Alt + F4                                   (d)       Ctrl + P

55.              To create a new file press _____  10507147

            (a)        Ctrl + N                                  

(b)  Alt + N  

      (c)  Shift + N                                

(d) Ctrl + C

56.  For automatic spelling and grammar check press.                                                                 10507148

            (a)        F3                                                        (b)        F5       

            (c)        F7                                                        (d)       F12

57.              To make a web hyperlink press_____.                                                                                                                                10507149

            (a)        Ctrl + A                                               (b)        Ctrl + S      

            (c)        Ctrl + *                                                (d)       Ctrl + K

58.              To go to the beginning of line, press ___                                                                                                                10507150

            (a)        Home key                                (b)        End key     

            (c)        Page up key                 (d)       Page down key

59.              To select the entire document, press___     (a)        Ctrl + S                                   (b)        Ctrl + A  10507151    

            (c)        Ctrl + Shift + F3         (d)       Alt + F4

60.  To reverse the changes in documents, press_________                                                          10507152

            (a)        Ctrl + Y                                   (b)        Ctrl + Shift + R  

            (c)        Shift + R                                 (d)       Ctrl + Z

61.  Paper size 8.5 x 11 inches is called ________ size.                                                       10507153

            (a) Letter                                             (b) Legal        

            (c) A4                                                  (d)       None of these

62.              Font is also called:                                         10507154

            (a)        Typeface                                 (b)       size

            (c)        Appearance                 (d)       All of these

63.  The keyboard shortcut to save a document in MS word is:               10507155

            (a) Ctrl + S                              (b)       Ctrl +N

            (c) Alt +F4                              (d)       Ctrl+a

64.              In Ms word s default font size is ______                                                                                                                 10507156

            (a) 12                                                   (b)       14              

            (c) 16                                                   (d)       20

65.              Ctrl + C is used for:                                      10507157

            (a) Copy                                              (b) Paste         

            (c) Cut                                                 (d) None of these

66.  The Thesaurus can be used to look up synonyms and ________.                  10507158

            (a)        Antonyms                               (b)        Spelling

            (c)        Grammar                                 (d)       All of these

67.  There are _______ items on the menu bar of MS word.                                                         10507159

(a) 9                                               (b)       16

            (c) 20                                                   (d)       18

68.              Start button is on the ___ bar.         10507160

            (a) Menu                                             (b)       Taskbar           

            (c) Toolbar                              (d)       None of these

69.              Shortcut command used for printing is:                                                                                                                10507161

            (a) Ctrl +p                               (b) Ctrl +s                  

            (c) Ctrl +z                               (d) Alt +p

70.  The office assistance is _______ by default.                                                                             10507162

            (a) Display                              (b)       Ctrl + S

            (c) Ctrl +z                               (d)       Alt +p

71.              Short key for save as is _____          10507163

            (a)  F1                                     (b)        F2

            (c)  F12                                   (d)       None of these

72.  Which of the following is used to select paragraph?                                                               10507164

            (a) Single click            (b)        Double click   

            (c) Right click             (d)       None of them

73.              Ctrl + y is used for:                                       10507165

            (a) Undo                                 (b) Redo

            (c) Find                                   (d) Page break

74.              Press Ctrl + 5 keys for _____ spacing.                    (a) Single                               (b)       Double  10507166      

            (c) 1.5 lines                 (d)       None of these

75.              Press Ctrl + 1 keys for ____ spacing.


            (a) Single                                 (b)        Double           

            (c) Triple                                 (d)       None of these

76. The option of UNDO/REDO is available          on:                                                                                                       10507168

(a) Formatting Toolbar                            

(b) Standard Toolbar        

(c) Ruler                            (d)       Clipboard

77. The non printing characters in a document are:                                                                     10507169

(a) TABS                                      (b)       Space bar                    

(c) Red wavy lines            (d)      All of these

78. Shortcut key of spelling and grammar check is:                                                                                             10507170

(a) F2                                                        (b)        F7       

(c) F3                                                        (d)       F5

79.  Which option in File menu is used to close a file in MS – Word?                             10507171

(a) New                                         (b)       Quit    

(c) Close                                       (d)       Exit

80. Menu included which items:      10507172

(a) Buttons                                    (b)       Commands     

(c) Title                                         (d)      Symbols

81. Which key is used to cut the text in MS – Word?                                                                                           10507173

(a) Ctrl + A                                  (b)        Ctrl + C          

(c) Ctrl + X                                  (d) Ctrl + V


82 Clipboard stores:                                                  10507174

(a) Deleted text                 (b)       Copied text

(c) Type text                                 (d) Formatted text

83. Double space in the selected paragraph:


            (a) CTRL + 1                          (b)                   CTRL + 2

            (c) CTRL + 3                          (d)      CTRL + 4

84. What is the shortcut key of creating a new document in MS – Word?                     10507176

            (a) CTRL + Z                          (b)                   CTRL + O

            (c) CTRL + N                         (d)      CTRL + C

85. How many views are in MS – Word to view a document?                                                     10507177

            (a)          2                                                        (b)                   3

            (c)   4                                                   (d)      5





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