Physics Class 9th, Ch# 01 Complete paper


Physics 9th, Ch# 01 Complete                                                                                   Total Marks: 20

Q. No: 1 Encircle the correct answer from the given choices:

1)      5000 g =

(a)          5 µ g                      (b)          5 K g                      (c)           5 n g                  (d)         5 M g

2)      2000 000 W =

(a)        2 µ W                    (b)          2 K W                    (c)           2 n W                    (d)         2 M W

3)      The number of base units in SI are:              

(a) 3                            (b)          6                             (c)           7                              (d)          9

4)      Which one of the following units is not a derived unit?

(a)     pascal                                (b)          kilogramme                        (c)           newton                                (d)          watt

5)      Amount of a substance in terms of numbers is measured in:

(a)     gram                      (b)     kilogramme           (c)           newton            (d)          mole

6)      An interval of 200 µs is equivalent to          

(a) 0.2 s             (b) 0.02 s              (c)           2x10-4 s                                 (d) 2x10-6 s

7)      Which one of the following is the smallest quantity?           

(a)     0.01 g          (b)          2 mg          (c)           100 µ g                 (d) 5000 ng

8)      Which instrument is most suitable to measure the internal diameter of a test tube?

(a) metre rule          (b)     Vernier Calipers       (c)      measuring tap        (d)          screw gauge

9)      6400 km =

(a)     6.4x10-3 km         (b)  6.4x10-5 km  (c)   6.4x10-2 km             (d)          6.4x10-1 km

10)  A measuring cylinder is used to measure:                  

(a) mass                     (b) area        (c)           volume                  (d) level of a liquid 2; Your hair grows at the rate of 1 mm per day. Find their growth rate in nm s-1 (5) 3; A chocolate wrapper is 6.7 cm long and 5.4 cm wide. Calculate its area up to a reasonable number of significant figures. (5)





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