Paper :Pakistan studies


Objective paper        

                                                                                                                     time: 15 min

Q#1  Choose the right MCQs of following

1.      Youm-e-Takbeer is celebrated on:

(a) 23rd March                  (b) 15th June               (c) 1st May                  (d) 28th May

2.      The total members of the National Assembly are:

 (a) 322                              (b) 342                        (c) 382                        (d) 442

3.      The biggest organ of the United Nations is:

(a) General Assembly                               (b) International Court of Justice

(c) Security Council                                  (d) Economic and Social Council

4.      In which country was the Second Islamic Heads Conference held in 1974,?

(a) Pakistan                       (b) Morocco                (c) Saudi Arabia          (d) Iran

5.      The first dry port was built in Pakistan in:

(a) Karachi                        (b) Lahore                   (c) Sialkot                   (d) Peshawar

6.      Who came into power in Pakistan in 1958?

(a) General Sikander Mirza                      (b) General Muhammad Ayub Khan

 (c) General Yahya khan                          (d) General Zia-ul-Haq

7.      The first diwan of Urdu ghazal was compiled by:

(a) Mirza Muhammad Rafi Sauda                        (b) Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutab Shah

(c) Mir Taqi Mir                                       (d) Khawaja Mir Dard

8.      In Qalat, Balochistan and its surrounding areas, which local language is spoken?

(a) Balochi                                    (b) Barahvi                  (c) Saraiki                    (d) Hindko

9.      When was the “Punjab Protection of Women against violence Act” passed?

(a) 5 March, 2016             (b) 24 Feb, 2016         (c) 10 April, 2016       (d) 16 June, 2016

10.  The diplomatic relations established between Pakistan and Afghanistan.

(a) in 1947                         (b) in 1948                  (c) in 1949                   (d) in 1950


Pakistan studies

Subjective paper                                                                                           time: 1hr 30 min

Q2 short answers

PART 1. Attempt any 6 out of 9

1.      Write two duties of the Union Council.

2.      Write two measures taken for women in the Musharraf government

3.      What was the limit of the agricultural land that Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto fixed for the individual holding?

4.      What is meant by Lahore Declaration?

5.      Agricultural reform by Bhutto

6.      What are the responsibilities of the Economic and Social Council?

7.      When was the Kashmir issue presented to the United Nations?

8.      Write the names of ten member countries of the Organization of the Islamic Conference.

9.      When was the border settlement made between Pakistan and Iran?

PART 2. Attempt any 6 out of 9

1.      Make 3 suggestions to solve agricultural problems in Pakistan.

2.      Which organization was established in 1975 for the development of economic resources?

3.      Narrate the uses of gypsum

4.      What is meant by exports and imports?

5.      What is meant by university education?

6.      Describe any five measures taken at the government level to resolve educational problems.

7.      What is the role of Rehman Baba in the development of the Pushto language?

8.      Define the term “gender’’

9.      . Give a few examples of violence against women in the society

Q3 long questions. Attempt any 2 out of 3

1.      Describe the important aspects of the 1973 Constitution

2.      Explain the relations between Pakistan and SAARC countries.

3.      Discuss the role of agriculture in the economy of Pakistan.



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