Electrostatics all Questions For School & College level


1.    Define Electrostatics.

2.    How is the charge produced on a body by rubbing? OR how can you show by simple experiments that there are two types of Electric Charges?

3.    Explain the phenomenon of electrostatic induction.

4.    Describe the method of charging bodies by electrostatic induction.

5.    What is a gold leaf electroscope? Discuss its working principle with a labeled diagram.

6.    With the help of an electroscope how can you find the presence of charge on a body.

7.    How would you charge the electroscope Positively?

8.    Describe how would you determine the nature of the charge on a body by using an electroscope.

9.    How can we identify the conductors and insulators with the help of Charged Electroscope?

10. Explain Coulomb's law of electrostatics and write its mathematical form.    

11. What is meant by an electric field and electric field intensity?

12. What are electric lines of forces or electric field lines? Explain.    

13. What do you mean by Electrostatic Potential? Explain.

14. What are capacitors? Describe its construction.       

15. How are capacitors connected in parallel? Describe the characteristic features of this combination.

16. How are capacitors connected in series? Describe the features of this combination. OR    derive the formula for the equivalent capacitance for a series combination of a number of capacitors.

17. What are capacitors? Describe their types OR discuss different types of capacitors.

18. Write the uses of capacitors.  (OR)  Write five uses of capacitors

19. Which capacitor is superior to the other? OR What are Ceramic Capacitors?        

20. What are the applications of electrostatics? Explain.

21. What are the hazards of static electricity?                                       

22. An electrified rod attracts pieces of paper. After a while, these pieces fly away. Why?                   

23. How much negative charge has been removed from a positively charged electroscope if it has a charge of

 7.5 ´ 10–11 C?

24. In what direction will a positively charged particle move in an electric field?

25. Does each capacitor carry an equal charge in a series combination? Explain.

26. Each capacitor in parallel combination has an equal potential difference between its two plates. Justify the statement.

27. Perhaps you have seen a gasoline truck trailing a metal chain beneath it. What purpose does the chain serve?

28. If a high-voltage power line fell across your car while you were in the car, why should you not come out of the car?

29. Explain why a glass rod can be charged by rubbing when held by hand but an iron rod cannot be charged by rubbing if held by hand?

30. What are the factors which affect the ability of a capacitor to store charge? 

31. Define static electricity, electrostatic induction, and what is an electroscope

32. Define electric field, electric Intensity, and write its unit, electric lines of force.

33. Define electric potential, potential difference, and what is meant by dielectric?

34. What is a capacitor? Define capacitance. State its SI unit. 

35. What is meant by point charge?

36. Write the formula for the parallel combination of capacitors.

37. Connect three capacitors in series and draw their circuit diagrams. What is the difference between capacitors and dielectrics? 

38. Write the names of different types of capacitors?

39. Static electricity is a major cause of fires and explosions in many places. Describe briefly.

40. What do you mean by electrolytic capacitor? What is a mica capacitor?

41. What is an electrostatic air cleaner? Define Farad.

42. What is the difference between gravitational potential and electric potential?

43. How can an electroscope be charged by conduction?

44. How many methods are there to charge a body?

45. Why are lightning conductors used in tall buildings?

46. Why is a metallic chain of a petrol supply tanker made to roll on the road?

47. On a dry day if we walk in a carpeted from and then touch some conductor we will get a small electric shock. Can you tell me why it happens?

48. What is "Faraday cage"? How does it work?

49. Rubber types get charged from friction with the road. What is the polarity of the charge?

50. Do you think the amount of positive charge on the glass rod after rubbing it with silk cloth, will be equal to the amount of negative charge on the silk? Explain.

51. What would happen if a neutral glass rod is brought near a positively charged glass rod?

52. What is the value of electrostatic force when two charges of one Coulomb are separated by one meter?

53. Define coulomb, the unit of charge.

54. How are potential energy and electric potential related to the electric field.

55. Who invented the first practical battery? OR Who invented the voltaic pile and when?

56. What is the range of energy of lightning?

57. What is the danger of static electricity and how can it be avoided?

58. Why do leaves of charged electroscopes diverge if you touch their disk with a metal rod but they do not diverge if you touch the disk with a rubber rod?

59. What is the amount of force required to pull back the positive and negative charge, which is separated by a pencil point?

60. If we double the distance between two charges, what will be the change in the force between the charges?

61. Are electric field lines physical entities? Justify your answer. Are voltage and potential differences considered the same quantity?

62. How does an aero-plane get charged and discharged? OR why is some conducting material used in the types of airplanes?

63. Is the equivalent capacitance of parallel capacitors larger or smaller than the capacitance of any individual capacitor in the combination?      

64. Is the equivalent capacitance of series capacitors larger or smaller than the capacitance of any individual capacitor in the combination?

65. Capacitors blocks D.C but allow A.C to pass through a circuit. How does this happen?


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